lunedì 4 agosto 2008

Aiuti, Suggerimenti, Sfoghi e quant'altro. EDIT!

Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.

Quindi riassumendo per ogni singolo forum: <------ Chiuso <----- E' Diventato un Blog <------ Chiuso <--- Chiuso Da tempo <---- Prima chiuse le iscrizioni e poi chiuso il forum <---- Prima chiuso per manutenzione, le ultime news rivelano che é tutto finito dopo l'affare di Colombo-Bt Questi i piu' famosi, vediamo invece quelli rimasti:

Download Zone <---- Quello con piu' utenti anche se fatto poco seriamente. <---- Secondo per ordine di utenti ma presente nella scena da molto tempo, in ogni caso la solita grafichetta delle balle lo rende piccolo e insignificante per la scena. <------ Uno degli ultimi forum nati che dopo la conferma del sequestro di downrevolution ha tolto la sezione dei film al cinema e non solo, ha pure chiuso le iscrizioni (se volete i miei dati di login sarò felice di condividerli con voi). <------- Appena scoperto, molto piccolo e copiato da altri, rimane comunque un'alternativa- <-------- Il forum con piu' utenti in assoluto, c'é da chiedersi come ancora stiano sotto netsons, che é rischioso in fatto di sicurezza e rischioso penalmente, le release di film fanno ridere davvero gli ultimi ad avere le cose a vedere i topic.

Detto questo ragazzi, postate ogni cosa qui vi passa per la testa, ma ricordate, L'impero del warez non avrà fine, ora piu' che mai. POSTATE QUI: Suggerimenti, idee e aiuti per un eventuale nuovo portale o altri siti warez non mensionati.

243 commenti:

1 – 200 di 243   Nuovi›   Più recenti»
Aluren ha detto...
Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
zalf ha detto...

su b4ck ti sbagli...è di nuovo online

Satyr ha detto...

Innanzitutto su non mi sembra ci sia nulla di online in ogni caso mi é stato confermata la decisione dall'admin. Per aluren credo che ci siano molte cose da fare, iniziando dallo spostare il server altrove ed evitare cose meno italiane possibili, inoltre beh, nella scena warez italiana, di nuovo, ci vorrebbe un team, qualcuno in grado di mandarla avanti non necessariamente con un forum suo ma presente su ogni forum. Chiunque abbia altri suggerimenti li posti qui, questo é l'unico ponte di incontro per tutti, neutro e libero.

zalf ha detto...

Aluren ha detto...

zalf ma devo ridere?

fatti una analisi whois e vedi che cazzo di merda è questa!!!

zalf ha detto...

il dominio è olandese,quindi?

Satyr ha detto...

zalf ma non ti vergogni a postare certe cose?? Come infangare la memoria di un forum con un link.

zalf ha detto...


non voglio infangare nessuno b4ck era uno dei miei forum preferiti e quando dal blog di myopera\b4ck ho visto questo link ho SPERATO che fosse tornato..

quindi,per quale motivo mi sto sbagliando? scusate se sono niubbo ma invece di sparare cazzate sul mio conto potreste spiegare qualcosa!!!

Satyr ha detto...

Zalf é molto semplice, qualcuno sta cercando di fottere il piu' utenti possibile alla chiusura di b4ck.

Blackcult77 ha detto...

AnyOne Can STOP Italian WAREZ...

forse volevi scrivere can't... XD

P.S. per caso sei il "Conte"?? :D

Satyr ha detto...

E' sempre bello vedere che c'é qualcuno che ascolta musica vera. Comunque la situazione é disastrosa.

anabasis ha detto...
Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
zalf ha detto...

ma ad non ci si puo' piu' iscrivere??

poi nella sezione forum chiusi avete dimenticato downloadtime\animereup

Aluren ha detto...
Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
zalf ha detto...

non downloadzone...downloadtime! (poi divenuto animereup)

Satyr ha detto...

Bene, effettivamente é ora di aggiornare il post.

Anonimo ha detto...

il sito di quello che si spacciava per b4ck e stato gia' chiuso dalla'è possibile?

Anonimo ha detto...

leggete qua:

a quanto pare il falso b4ck si è messo da solo l'immagine della finanza,ce n'è di gente strana in giro...

Satyr ha detto...

Mamma mia, non c'é limite al peggio. Ma poi avete visto quel coglione? Compagnia di Torino, tribunale ordinario di Lodi :D In ogni caso ho aggiornato il post e ho permesso i commenti ai non registrati, ripeto chiunque avesse suggerimenti, e voglia di nuove comunità commenti.

zalf ha detto...

a me interesserebbe parecchio visitare italyfastshare...come si puo' fare?

Anonimo ha detto...

x satyr

come é possibile entrare in italyfastshare ?

Anonimo ha detto...

Volevo solo dire che scaricolibero è ancora attivo a questo, ma ormai è diventato una community chiusa nel senso che non accettano più iscrizioni.Hanno trasferito il server principale in malesia, le release però sono tantisssime e sempre molto puntuali

Anonimo ha detto...

Anonimo ha detto...

ecco la gente che fa chiudere colombo,piratebay o i siti/forum/blog di download diretto

date un'occhiate alle varie discussioni e capirete...

spero che qualcuno "che ci sappia fare" faccia qualcosa al piu presto...

Anonimo ha detto...

Sistemerei la frase "in ogni caso la solita grafichetta delle balle lo rende piccolo e insignificante per la scena" su visto che adesso si può scegliere fra diverse skin che non sono niente male^^


Anonimo ha detto...

vi ricordiamo che sulla piazza sta facendo furore

Anonimo ha detto...

io conosco:

Lucas ha detto...

volevo chiederti, io sono molto interessato ad entrare su italyfastshare, mi hanno detto ke c'è tanta roba... mi sapresti dire perchè è chiuso???
ho letto ke potresti prestarci il tuo login...
fammi sapere per favore.

Anonimo ha detto...

Ma perchè non ne fai uno tu invece di lamentarti con i siti/forum esistenti rimasti?

Anonimo ha detto...

Esiste anche un nuovo portale Warez: che non pare affatto male, anzi depone bene, inviterei chiunque ad iscriversi....

Anonimo ha detto...

qualcuno sa come fare per iscriversi a e ad P.S. downloadtime tornerà prima o poi?

Anonimo ha detto...

Ragazzi visitate questo sito: - è stato aperto da poco ma ha già moltissimi contenuti...

Anonimo ha detto...

IFS è rinato è più bello e veloce di prima !!! ^_^

Anonimo ha detto...

ragazzi...son disperato...c'è qualcuno che può condividere il suo account su
sarò debitore!!!
fatemi sapere e buonagiornata!!!

Anonimo ha detto...

non è ancora possibile iscriversi a E' tornato ma non permette la creazione di un nuovo account

Anonimo ha detto...

ragazzi, ciao a tutti, volevo chiedere: ma questo?
cosa ne pensate?

Anonimo ha detto...

Buongiorno a tutto il blog!
Sono Italyfastshare ;)
Il presente messaggio per tranquillizzare la rete che siamo ancora la'..
Invito chiunque voglia a fare un salto!!

p.s. Satyr se ti va sistema il post, credo meritiamo un pizzico in piu'.

Anonimo ha detto...

non ci si può registrare come nuovo utente Italyfastshare

$am0vaR ha detto...

Satyr,mi manderesti i tuoi dati di IFS

Anonimo ha detto...

Ma ha problemi di accesso o mi sbaglio? non accetta username e password di utente regolarmente registrato. Capita anche a voi?

Anonimo ha detto...

l'admin di ha cancellato gli utenti non partecipativi il 15 novembre. Probabilmente eri uno di quelli

Anonimo ha detto...

Sono l'admin di se vi va venite a visitarlo è molto fornito è bisognoso di Releaser e utenti!

P. ha detto...

riguardo a andate a controllare l'ultimo utente registrato
nel profilo è riportata come data di registrazione " Iscritto il:
mer 19 nov 2008, 22:18"

dunque non sono chiuse le registrazioni..

Unknown ha detto...

anche a me scaricolibero da problemi di accesso ed anche ad un mio abbiamo partecipato tutti e due...

Anonimo ha detto...

idem stesso problema con scaricolibero
ero utente attivissimo e sono stato bannato, non ne so il motivo.
domenica sera funzionava, sono 3 giorni che sono fuori senza avviso.
non credo sia un problema di manutenzione perche ho notato che nella lista utenti stanno scrivendo con date odirne di post.
se qualcuno sa qualcosa ci faccia sapere.

Anonimo ha detto...

ciao sei gentilissimo a condividere il tuo account italyfastshare... potresti mandarmi i dati a
appena riaprono le registrazioni userò i dati nuovi..
ciao e grazie

Anonimo ha detto...

animedb è proprio ridicolo,addirittura fanno dei raduni nelle principali citta' italiani,
sono pazzi!!!

p.s. scaricolibero funziona perfettamente

Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero funziona perfettamente se hai un accont registrato.
prova a registrarne uno nuovo e vediamo se funziona.
la pagina per falro e' disabilitata.
A molti utenti hanno tolto account e non si capisce la ragione precisa perche' non c'e' stata nessuna segnalazione e da parte mia ho sempre ringraziato prima di scaricare e ero prtesente spesso quindi per me e' un mistero.

Anonimo ha detto...

la nuova legge su scaricolibero è che bisogna aprire almeno un posto con link nuovi altrimenti ti bannano

Anonimo ha detto...

Ti ringrazio non sapevo questa nuova legge su scarico libero.
Pensavo ci fossero uploader che avevano questa funzione.
Non l'ho proprio letto da nessuna parte sul forum.
Adesso le iscrizioni al forum sono chiuse proprio.
Sono un padre di famiglia e a me interessano cartoni animati per i piu piccoli .
Come posso contattare Admin per chiarire l'accaduto?

Anonimo ha detto...

la mail di admin purtroppo non la conosco,pero' ho questa che è comunque di un moderatore

Anonimo ha detto...

nell'home page cmq dice questo:

Iscrizioni chiuse, manteniamo l'anonimato
Tutti gli iscritti sono pregati di non divulgare in rete l'indirizzo del forum
chiunque condividerà o pubblicherà i propri dati d'accesso al forum verrà bannato.
26/11/2008 Sfoltimento utenti quasi terminato
E' quasi terminata la pulizia degli utenti "fannulloni", chi ancora non avesse provveduto a farlo si affretti ad aprire un proprio topic con dei link originali, una volta eliminato l'account non c'è più possibilità di reiscrizione.

Aluren ha detto...

Che cazzo di senso ha fare un forum se poi non ci fai registrare la gente?? Patetica la qualità dei forum warez italiani....

Anonimo ha detto...

una volt ci si poteva registrare ,ora per ragioni di sicurezza non piu',
sono rimasti 900 utenti.

Aluren ha detto...

ragioni di sicurezza cosa?

Anonimo ha detto...

Sinceramente se avevo letto per tempo (26/11/2008 Sfoltimento utenti quasi terminato
E' quasi terminata la pulizia degli utenti "fannulloni", chi ancora non avesse provveduto a farlo si affretti ad aprire un proprio topic con dei link originali, una volta eliminato l'account non c'è più possibilità di reiscrizione.) avrei sicuramente aperto un link o anche due ma non l'ho neppure notata questa scritta.
Mi sembrava piu' onesto dare un ultimatum valido per tutto prima del ban, insomma sono fuori inconsapevolmente.
scusate ma non mi sembra molto onesto. In una comunita' si cerca di essere leali e uniti e in fatto di lealta' non sono mai mancato.

Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero mi dice, anzi mi diceva : prima di postare controlla se esiste gia' un post. se esiste non postare. poi mi tira fuori perche non posto link. ma che significa? non è detto che uno debba avere per forza qualche link misterioso che altri non hanno.

Anonimo ha detto...

Si, anch'io mi trovo fuori per lo stesso motivo.
mi verrebbe vogli di . . . .

Anonimo ha detto...

Io ho conosciuto questo -->

Massimiliano ha detto...
Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
Anonimo ha detto...

Qualcuno ha qualche link di forum decenti?
Potete postarmeli qui


Anonimo ha detto...

mi raccomando diteli tutti i link dei forum...così chiudono tutti domani ...che DEFICENTI CELEBRO LESI !!!!!!!!!!!11

Aluren ha detto...

Prima di tutto acros si dice cerebroleso, e poi perchè dovrebbero chiudere? Illuminaci!!!

Anonimo ha detto...

amministratore puoi cortesemente cancellare il messaggio con la mail di enzomaxxtro ?


Anonimo ha detto...

avete una passw x scaricolibero o sapete come reperirne una.

Anonimo ha detto...

che fine ha fatto

...era uno dei migliori!!!!


Anonimo ha detto...

Secondo te, per chiederli i link, come avrei dovuto fare?

Ero un utente attivo documentabile di

che ora hanno chiuso.
Se qualcuno ha qualche dritta gliene sarei grato.


Aluren ha detto...

Ma scusa ddlfantasy e dowloadzoneforum sono solo in manutenzione, sono sicuro che appena avranno sistema riaprono. Oppure ci sono notizie di cui non sono a conoscenza?

Anonimo ha detto...

Secondo me Download Zone ormai è andato. è chiuso da troppo tempo per essere in manutenzione. Secondo me tirava una brutta aria e hanno chiuso prima di fare la fine di colombo-bt

Anonimo ha detto...

Anche secondo me sono andati...

Anonimo ha detto...

...non è per contraddirvi ma ddlfantasy è da MOLTO,MOLTO più tempo che è chiuso....DWZ sono solo pochi giorni...

Anonimo ha detto...

Sei sicuro su ddlfantasy?
Perchè ha chiuso per "manutenzione" giusto qualche giorno prima di DWZ.
Altrimenti stiamo parlando di due forum diversi...

Anonimo ha detto...

Da ieri,se cerco di entrae in Scaricolibero, mi dice "......can't access this site"
Credete che sia stato bannato anche io?

Anonimo ha detto...

Da ieri, se cerco di entrare in Scaricolibero, mi dice ".........can't access this website". Credete che sia stato bannato, oppure altri hanno lo stesso problema da ieri?

Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero è stato chiuso definitivamente in seguito ad un avviso di garanzia.

Aluren ha detto...

Ragazzi ormai il governo chiude tutto!!! XD

Anonimo ha detto...

Ora eva davvero scaricolibero è chiuso definitivamente?? e NO DAI!!!!!! PERCHèèè

Anonimo ha detto...

Scaricolibero non ha chiuso un bel niente, hanno bannato tantissimi utenti dopo aver chiuso le registrazioni, sono rimasti in pochi e continuano a fare quello che hanno sempre fatto.
Non potete accedere perche' siete stati bannati.

Anonimo ha detto...

si ha chiuso , l'amministratore ha inviato una mail ai moderatori e agli utenti più partecipi del sito dove si diceva che chiudeva definitivamente.

Anonimo ha detto...

Ma insomma, c'è ancora qualcuno che riesce ad entrare in Scaricolibero, o no?

Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero ha chiuso !
l'amministratore dopo essere stato indagato e ha chiuso immediatamente l'accesso.

Anonimo ha detto...

Non ha chiuso un cazzo, inutile che mettete in giro false voci.

Anonimo ha detto...

ma ha chiuso si o no? porca eva

Gel ha detto...
Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
Gel ha detto...

Io ero un uploader di scaricolibero, vi confermo che è stato chiuso, e non si sa perchè.

Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero ha chiuso i battenti.
game over !

Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero ha cessato ogni attività.

Anonimo ha detto...

ha riaperto ddlfantasy!!!

Anonimo ha detto...

Meno male! almeno una notizia buona in questo mare di disastri...

Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero ha chiuso, ci sonsoliamo con quelli che sono rimasti aperti e che apriranno prossimamente

Anonimo ha detto...

No diavolo!!! Voglio sapere perchè cacchio ha chiuso scarico libero, lo volgio sapereeeee.

Anonimo ha detto...

l'amministratore di scaricolibero ha avuto dei problemi è ha chiuso tutto.

Anonimo ha detto...

Non ci credo è una bufala, nessuno poteva risalire all'admin.

Anonimo ha detto...

Allora facciamo chiarezza, scaricolibero esiste ancora, se voi mettete user e pass all indirizzo della loro homapage che ormai e' ridotta solo per scrivere user e pass, appunto, vedrete che vi dira che non potete accedere al sito.
Questo perche', dopo aver eliminato diversi utenti che non postavano file, si sono tenuti solo quelli che rilasciano release e tutti gli altri a casa.
In ogni caso il sito continua in una stretta cerchia, e non ha chiuso un bel niente.
Freghiamocene, perche' di gente del genere non ne abbiamo bisogno.

Anonimo ha detto...

Ma allora DDLFANTASY é di nuovo online o no? Riesco ad aprire la pagina iniziale per pochi secondi ma dopo mi da un errore DNS - IMPOSSIBILE TROVARE IL SERVER. E' colpa mia o succede anche a voi? Sarebbe bello ritrovare una comunity così valida in rete. Grazie per chiarimenti.

Anonimo ha detto...

DDL Fanatsy è ritornato, ma il server nuovo non è poi così potente come avevano detto, ed ha problemi di sovraccarico...

Anonimo ha detto...

e non finisce qui..anche downloadzone riaprirà tra 1 settimana! andate a controllare...

Anonimo ha detto...

Comunque la faccenda di scaricolibero non mi convince molto: è scomparso anche, che faceva parte del sito (anche se era un'altro sito esterno)che non aveva nemmeno la registrazione... Chiunque poteva accedere. Secondo me l'hanno chiuso.

Anonimo ha detto...

Che stron** che sono allora, ma come allora finiranno per rimanere in 3 utenti, beh che se la rivedano tra loro. Ma guarda un pò.

Anonimo ha detto...

a quanto ne so io, e a quanto ho potuto leggere su diversi forum, è stato chiuso definitavemente...

Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero ha cessato di esistere

Anonimo ha detto...

Raga anche ddlfantasy è morto!

Anonimo ha detto...

Ciao a tutti
sono, ero ..... non lo sò un utente d DDlfantasy e devo dire che non sò se sia o no morto , fatto stà che nonsi riesce più a contattare il server e potrebbe essere solo colpa di una riorganizzazione. Posso anche dire che era tornato online 2 giorni fà , ma poi niente. E' da dire che il giorno 12/12/2008 ho anche ricevuto una news litter e quindi penso ci stiano solo lavorando. Un altra cosa il gemello pornFantasy è stato rimesso a nuovo perche ha avuto un serio problema di spamming , non vorrei che fosse successo la stessa cosa a ddlFantasy. Ad ogni modo spero che continui nella sua opera a dispetto di tutti e tutto. Ciao

Anonimo ha detto...

Ciao a tutti
DDlFantasy è attivo , oggi sono riuscito a collegarmi per 3 ore , il problema è che continuano ad avere attacchi dos al server che creano traffico inesistente finchè lo fanno saltare. Spero proprio che riescano a rispedire al mittente , con gli interessi questi attacchi. Ciao

Anonimo ha detto...

provato questo?

Non è ai livelli di scaricolibero e downloadzoze perchè sta nascendo ora e credo che col tempo migliorerà tanto.

Anonimo ha detto...

appena scoperto..molto fornito e bella grafica. server all'estero. ditemi cosa ne pensate

Anonimo ha detto...

Cercavo un'altra cosa e mi sono imbattuto in questa discussione. Per scaricolibero io continuo a entrarci, ha cambiato indirizzo e gli amministratori raccomandano di non divulgarlo. Comunque io ve lo dico
Invece io ho problemi con downloadzone, non riesco ad aprire nessuna pagina.

Anonimo ha detto...

Per Scaricolibero é impossibile entrare anche dal nuovo indirizzo. Comunque grazie.

Anonimo ha detto...

Grazie per MondoWarez, sembra molto ben fornito... (occhio a chi non partecipa, perchè sarà cancellato)

Anonimo ha detto...

è tutta una balla... scaricolibero ha chiuso tutto e non esiste più purtroppo.
L'admin pare sia stato assunto da una grande ditta di tecnologia e non ha più tempo e voglia di combattere con tutto. Perciò ci sono solo pagine nulle senza contenuti in giro... sempre se ci sono realmente queste pagine.... boooo

Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero è chiuso da tempo, confermo.

Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero è chiuso da un pezzo... e se qualcuno dice il contrario, che almeno ce lo dimostri

Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero è + che vivo....nei miei ricordi :(

Anonimo ha detto...

sono admin di scaricolibero... cortesemente smettetela di divulgare notizie false su di me e sul mio forum. Il forum è stato chiuso per motivi personali, nessun avviso di garanzia od altro. Chi era iscritto, e non è stato bannato, sarà contattato via mail qualora si decidesse di ricostituire la community.

Anonimo ha detto...

non è vero... scaricolibero funziona ancora... ecco il sito attuale
il nome è stao mascherato per non permettervi di accedere... cliccate sul pulsante login in alto a destra (è nascosto all' interno del testo del racconto) ed inserite come dati user: pincopanco password:trallallero saret reindirizzati sul forum attuale

Anonimo ha detto...

l'avevo sentita la storia che l'admin è stato assunto e non ha più tempo ma pensavo fosse una bufala.
anche un amico admin di un famoso forum mi ha confermato che è proprio così


Anonimo ha detto...

dite che e' aperto?ma dove'? ero uno dei piu attivi nel forum sia come uploader che come mod e conosco l'admin molto bene..secondo voi mi hanno bannato? e semplicemente chiuso cari ragazzi, e stato davvero un bel forum dei migliori sicuramente speriamo ne aprino ancora di altri siti,forum ormai c'e ne sono molto pochi e hanno quasi sempre problemi, altrimenti la vedo dura scaricare ancora..

Anonimo ha detto...

Tutto falso io sapevo che scarico aveva cambiato indirizzo adesso è dovete digitare UBALDO in maiuscolo e vi esce la schermata per fare il login ahaha ma per favore lo sanno tutti quelli del giro che fine ha fatto quel forum ma smettetela .

Anonimo ha detto...
questo è il nuovo scaricolibero fatelo crescere

Anonimo ha detto...

si anche io uso mondowarez da quando scaricolibero ha chiuso :)

Anonimo ha detto...

e vabbè che scarico libero ha chiuso ma non facciamone un dramma. Io ero utente gold e mi dispiace ma ce ne sono altri... alcuni nuovi molto belli.

Anonimo ha detto...

vaffanculo alle major!!!!!!!!!

Anonimo ha detto...

Amen fratello!

Anonimo ha detto...

ragazzi ma anzicchè tenerveli x voi questi siti...facciamo una bella lista! su al momento uso solo mondowarez xkè mi sembra il + fornito ma se ne conoscete altri fatavi avanti.

Anonimo ha detto...

A me picerebbe entrare in .. c'è veramente parecchio, quasi 1000 dvd5/9, + tutto il resto, ma le iscrizioni sono chiuse e non si trovano dati per fare il login...

.:: Lucamw ::. ha detto...

ciao Satyr, a me interesserebbero i dati di login per entrare su italyf.astshare... mandami una mail! grazie!

.:: Lucamw ::. ha detto...

Ciao Satyr, a me interesserebbero i dati di login per accedere a italyfas.tshare! mandami una mail! grazie :)

Anonimo ha detto...

ecco l'indirizzo di scaricolibero :

mancano nome utente e pwd

Anonimo ha detto...

scusa non potresti darci anche nome utente e password, così riusciamo ad entrare?


Anonimo ha detto...

caro Roberto , se li avessi , li avrei certamente postati .

Anonimo ha detto...

ecco la novità assoluta

Anonimo ha detto...

state scrivendo un sacco di balle e ingolfando tutto

Anonimo ha detto...

ma se forse li tu avessi e ti dessi il mio indirizzo mail me li passeresti nome utente e password?


Anonimo ha detto...

ma perchè non li scrivete i nomi utente e pasw, non fate le cose a metà, avete detto i link ( e vi ringrazio tanto) scrivete anche qualche nome utente e pasw così che tutti ne possono usufruire e li andiamo in barba!!!!

Anonimo ha detto...

Одна из областей применения технологии пиринговых сетей — это обмен файлами. Выглядит это так: пользователи сети выкладывают какие-либо файлы в «расшаренную» (англ. share, делиться) папку, т. е. папку, файлы из которой доступны для скачивания другим клиентам. Какой-нибудь другой пользователь сети посылает запрос на поиск какого-либо файла. Программа ищет у клиентов сети файлы, соответствующие запросу, и показывает результат. После этого пользователь может скачать файлы у найденных источников. Современные файлообменные сети позволяют скачивать один файл сразу с нескольких источников (так быстрее и надёжнее). Чтобы убедиться, что этот файл у всех источников одинаковый, производится сравнение не обязательно по названию файла, а и по контрольным суммам или хэшам типа MD4, TTH, SHA-1. Во время скачивания файла пользователем (и после его окончания) этот файл у него могут скачивать и другие клиенты сети, в результате чего особенно популярные файлы могут в итоге быть доступными для скачивания с многих источников одновременно.

Обычно в таких сетях обмениваются фильмами и музыкой, что является извечной головной болью видеоиздательских и звукозаписывающих компаний, которым такое положение дел очень не по душе. Проблем им добавляет тот факт, что пресечь распространение файла в децентрализованной пиринговой сети технически невозможно — для этого потребуется физически отключить от сети все машины, на которых лежит этот файл, а таких машин (см. выше) может быть очень и очень много — в зависимости от популярности файла их число может достигать сотен тысяч. В последнее время видеоиздатели и звукозаписывающие компании начали подавать в суд на отдельных пользователей таких сетей, обвиняя их в незаконном распространении музыки и видео.
Одна из областей применения технологии пиринговых сетей — это обмен файлами. Выглядит это так: пользователи сети выкладывают какие-либо файлы в «расшаренную» (англ. share, делиться) папку, т. е. папку, файлы из которой доступны для скачивания другим клиентам. Какой-нибудь другой пользователь сети посылает запрос на поиск какого-либо файла. Программа ищет у клиентов сети файлы, соответствующие запросу, и показывает результат. После этого пользователь может скачать файлы у найденных источников. Современные файлообменные сети позволяют скачивать один файл сразу с нескольких источников (так быстрее и надёжнее). Чтобы убедиться, что этот файл у всех источников одинаковый, производится сравнение не обязательно по названию файла, а и по контрольным суммам или хэшам типа MD4, TTH, SHA-1. Во время скачивания файла пользователем (и после его окончания) этот файл у него могут скачивать и другие клиенты сети, в результате чего особенно популярные файлы могут в итоге быть доступными для скачивания с многих источников одновременно.

Обычно в таких сетях обмениваются фильмами и музыкой, что является извечной головной болью видеоиздательских и звукозаписывающих компаний, которым такое положение дел очень не по душе. Проблем им добавляет тот факт, что пресечь распространение файла в децентрализованной пиринговой сети технически невозможно — для этого потребуется физически отключить от сети все машины, на которых лежит этот файл, а таких машин (см. выше) может быть очень и очень много — в зависимости от популярности файла их число может достигать сотен тысяч. В последнее время видеоиздатели и звукозаписывающие компании начали подавать в суд на отдельных пользователей таких сетей, обвиняя их в незаконном распространении музыки и видео.
Одна из областей применения технологии пиринговых сетей — это обмен файлами. Выглядит это так: пользователи сети выкладывают какие-либо файлы в «расшаренную» (англ. share, делиться) папку, т. е. папку, файлы из которой доступны для скачивания другим клиентам. Какой-нибудь другой пользователь сети посылает запрос на поиск какого-либо файла. Программа ищет у клиентов сети файлы, соответствующие запросу, и показывает результат. После этого пользователь может скачать файлы у найденных источников. Современные файлообменные сети позволяют скачивать один файл сразу с нескольких источников (так быстрее и надёжнее). Чтобы убедиться, что этот файл у всех источников одинаковый, производится сравнение не обязательно по названию файла, а и по контрольным суммам или хэшам типа MD4, TTH, SHA-1. Во время скачивания файла пользователем (и после его окончания) этот файл у него могут скачивать и другие клиенты сети, в результате чего особенно популярные файлы могут в итоге быть доступными для скачивания с многих источников одновременно.

Обычно в таких сетях обмениваются фильмами и музыкой, что является извечной головной болью видеоиздательских и звукозаписывающих компаний, которым такое положение дел очень не по душе. Проблем им добавляет тот факт, что пресечь распространение файла в децентрализованной пиринговой сети технически невозможно — для этого потребуется физически отключить от сети все машины, на которых лежит этот файл, а таких машин (см. выше) может быть очень и очень много — в зависимости от популярности файла их число может достигать сотен тысяч. В последнее время видеоиздатели и звукозаписывающие компании начали подавать в суд на отдельных пользователей таких сетей, обвиняя их в незаконном распространении музыки и видео.
Одна из областей применения технологии пиринговых сетей — это обмен файлами. Выглядит это так: пользователи сети выкладывают какие-либо файлы в «расшаренную» (англ. share, делиться) папку, т. е. папку, файлы из которой доступны для скачивания другим клиентам. Какой-нибудь другой пользователь сети посылает запрос на поиск какого-либо файла. Программа ищет у клиентов сети файлы, соответствующие запросу, и показывает результат. После этого пользователь может скачать файлы у найденных источников. Современные файлообменные сети позволяют скачивать один файл сразу с нескольких источников (так быстрее и надёжнее). Чтобы убедиться, что этот файл у всех источников одинаковый, производится сравнение не обязательно по названию файла, а и по контрольным суммам или хэшам типа MD4, TTH, SHA-1. Во время скачивания файла пользователем (и после его окончания) этот файл у него могут скачивать и другие клиенты сети, в результате чего особенно популярные файлы могут в итоге быть доступными для скачивания с многих источников одновременно.

Обычно в таких сетях обмениваются фильмами и музыкой, что является извечной головной болью видеоиздательских и звукозаписывающих компаний, которым такое положение дел очень не по душе. Проблем им добавляет тот факт, что пресечь распространение файла в децентрализованной пиринговой сети технически невозможно — для этого потребуется физически отключить от сети все машины, на которых лежит этот файл, а таких машин (см. выше) может быть очень и очень много — в зависимости от популярности файла их число может достигать сотен тысяч. В последнее время видеоиздатели и звукозаписывающие компании начали подавать в суд на отдельных пользователей таких сетей, обвиняя их в незаконном распространении музыки и видео.

Anonimo ha detto...

«راهگزین» که در پارسی بیشتر واژه «سوئیچ» برای آن بکار برده می‌شود، وسیله‌ای است که قسمت‌های شبکه را به یکدیگر متصل می‌کند. راهگزین‌های معمولی شبکه تقریباً ظاهری شبیه به «هاب» دارند، ولی یک راهگزین در مقایسه با هاب از هوشمندی بیشتری (و همچنین قیمت بیشتری) برخوردار است. راهگزین‌های شبکه این توانمندی را دارند که محتویات بسته‌های داده‌ای که دریافت می‌کنند را بررسی کرده، دستگاه فرستنده و گیرنده بسته را شناسایی کنند، و سپس آن بسته را به شکلی مناسب ارسال نمایند. با ارسال هر پیام فقط به دستگاه متصلی که پیام به هدف آن ارسال شده، راهگزین «پهنای باند» شبکه را به شکل بهینه‌تری استفاده می‌کند و عموماً عملکرد بهتری نسبت به یک هاب دارد.
از نظر فنی می‌توان گفت که راهگزین در «لایه پیوند داده» از «مدل مرجع OSI» عمل کنند. ولی بعضی انواع راهگزین قادرند تا در لایه‌های بالاتر نیز به بررسی محتویات بسته بپردازند و از اطلاعات بدست آمده برای تعیین مسیر مناسب ارسال بسته استفاده کنند. به این راه گزین‌ها به اصطلاح «راهگزین‌های چندلایه»
«راهگزین» که در پارسی بیشتر واژه «سوئیچ» برای آن بکار برده می‌شود، وسیله‌ای است که قسمت‌های شبکه را به یکدیگر متصل می‌کند. راهگزین‌های معمولی شبکه تقریباً ظاهری شبیه به «هاب» دارند، ولی یک راهگزین در مقایسه با هاب از هوشمندی بیشتری (و همچنین قیمت بیشتری) برخوردار است. راهگزین‌های شبکه این توانمندی را دارند که محتویات بسته‌های داده‌ای که دریافت می‌کنند را بررسی کرده، دستگاه فرستنده و گیرنده بسته را شناسایی کنند، و سپس آن بسته را به شکلی مناسب ارسال نمایند. با ارسال هر پیام فقط به دستگاه متصلی که پیام به هدف آن ارسال شده، راهگزین «پهنای باند» شبکه را به شکل بهینه‌تری استفاده می‌کند و عموماً عملکرد بهتری نسبت به یک هاب دارد.
از نظر فنی می‌توان گفت که راهگزین در «لایه پیوند داده» از «مدل مرجع OSI» عمل کنند. ولی بعضی انواع راهگزین قادرند تا در لایه‌های بالاتر نیز به بررسی محتویات بسته بپردازند و از اطلاعات بدست آمده برای تعیین مسیر مناسب ارسال بسته استفاده کنند. به این راه گزین‌ها به اصطلاح «راهگزین‌های چندلایه»
«راهگزین» که در پارسی بیشتر واژه «سوئیچ» برای آن بکار برده می‌شود، وسیله‌ای است که قسمت‌های شبکه را به یکدیگر متصل می‌کند. راهگزین‌های معمولی شبکه تقریباً ظاهری شبیه به «هاب» دارند، ولی یک راهگزین در مقایسه با هاب از هوشمندی بیشتری (و همچنین قیمت بیشتری) برخوردار است. راهگزین‌های شبکه این توانمندی را دارند که محتویات بسته‌های داده‌ای که دریافت می‌کنند را بررسی کرده، دستگاه فرستنده و گیرنده بسته را شناسایی کنند، و سپس آن بسته را به شکلی مناسب ارسال نمایند. با ارسال هر پیام فقط به دستگاه متصلی که پیام به هدف آن ارسال شده، راهگزین «پهنای باند» شبکه را به شکل بهینه‌تری استفاده می‌کند و عموماً عملکرد بهتری نسبت به یک هاب دارد.
از نظر فنی می‌توان گفت که راهگزین در «لایه پیوند داده» از «مدل مرجع OSI» عمل کنند. ولی بعضی انواع راهگزین قادرند تا در لایه‌های بالاتر نیز به بررسی محتویات بسته بپردازند و از اطلاعات بدست آمده برای تعیین مسیر مناسب ارسال بسته استفاده کنند. به این راه گزین‌ها به اصطلاح «راهگزین‌های چندلایه»

Anonimo ha detto...

パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




Anonimo ha detto...

Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.

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of the word "warez" is from the Middle English term "wares", which refers to any type of manufactured or farm-grown goods. Before the Internet was available ... - 81k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Sony BMG's hypocrisy: company busted for using warez
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Sony BMG's hypocrisy: company busted for using warez. By David Chartier | Published: March 31, 2008 - 02:12PM CT ... - 25k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Ferret Warez where all Ferrets love to shop!
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Line of Hand Made ferret products. We sell quality at a competitive price. Shop our online store for your ferret's Bedding, Toys & Accessories. - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Interview with a Warez Scene Releaser | TorrentFreak
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16 May 2007 ... These “invite only torrent” sites belong just as little to the scene as other warez sites. They make money with the fact and bring the ... - 84k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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WWW.PROMODDL.COM - Download the latest Apps, Games, Movies, Cracks, Serials, MP3's. - 58k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What are Warez? Software piracy a risk to business?
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30 Oct 2005 ... DavisLogic provides information technology, business continuity, web site development, and Y2K cost recovery (sue and labor) information and ... - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
cowsay and cowthink
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23 Mar 2002 ... Cows are a big part of my computing life. They're also pretty funny. (Especially when they have firearms, or when they are used for covert ... - 4k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
PPCWarez • Index page
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20 Nov 2008 ... Talk about anything here as long as it is not against the rules. Topics here should be non-PPC related. Do not post warez here. ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
SSRN-Warez Trading and Criminal Copyright Infringement by Eric Goldman
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14 Feb 2007 ... The article also describes the prosecutions of warez trading, including a comprehensive chart of all warez trading convictions. ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
di E GOLDMAN - Citato da 1 - Tutte e 21 le versioni
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Warez for a low price. If you don't have enough money to buy needed software or ... Order any warez you need for a low price. Before ordering any software, ... - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Sandy Warez Discography at Discogs
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Manage your Sandy Warez collection and wantlist. Buy rare Sandy Warez and hard to find music on vinyl records and used CD. - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Free Software Downloads and Reviews -
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Find the software you're looking for at, the most comprehensive source for free software downloads on the Web. Includes audio programs, utilities, ... - 157k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
A Comment on "Warez D00dz" Culture
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A comment on "Warez D00dz" culture in response to the claims made by Eric S Raymond in "Homesteading the Noosphere" - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
InternetNews Realtime IT News - Feds Bag Warez Convictions
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Key leaders of piracy rings face prison sentences of 5 to 10 years. - 145k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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The term Warez is generally used online to describe pirated content. Most commonly, warez applies to hacked software that can be downloaded for free. - 381k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Warez Forums - Powered by FreshWap
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21 Dec 2008 ... FreshWap Forums, Warez Forums, Rapidshare Forums. ... Rapidshare Warez Forums. Welcome to the Rapidshare Warez Forums. ... - 83k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Glossario informatico :: Definizione warez
Termine utilizzato dai cracker per denotare le versioni craccate di software com ... warez, glossario internet, glossario informatica, glossario informatico, ... - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Downloading Files from IRC
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using IRC to download songs, movies, games, warez, etc. - 4k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez - Wiktionary
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8 Oct 2007 ... Hey dude, I've got some cool new warez! Retrieved from " /wiki/warez". Categories: English nouns | Internet slang | ... - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
49. Warez Forum :: Index
- [ Traduci questa pagina ] Warez Forum is one of the friendliest warez forum on the net. We offer quality warez as well as community. Relax, Smile and Have Fun! - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Search IRC, search term: warez ftp list
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Displaying results 1 - 15 (of 2374) matching warez ftp list. .... Rules: do not use the !list, !find !search trigger in #warez-request, log into the ftp's ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Warez P2P Client is a spyware-free new generation P2P filesharing program, a piece of software like none other. - 30k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
CyprusWarez - The First Cypriot Warez Forum!
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Forum, Topics, Replies, Last Post Info. Redirect, Εγγραφείτε Τώρα! Εγγραφείτε Τώρα και Κατεβάστε αμέτρητα πράγματα! --, --, Redirected Hits: 10083 ... - 151k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LizZarD-WareZ’s Music Profile – Users at
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LizZarD-WareZ’s top artists: Enrique Iglesias, Enya, Rammstein. Favourite tags are alternative, alternative rock, new age. Get your own music profile at ... - 239k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Hacking & Warez
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Warez Wars For the Inner Circle, cracking software is a challenge. For the wannabe underground, ... By Neal Stephenson. More on Hacking & Warez >> ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez .com Free Download
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Warez .com Free Download,Warez .com Software Collection Download. - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez | - social bookmarks
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Are you interested in warez, cfw, ddl, download, downloads, ebooks, firefox: bookmarks, forum, free, iso, kurdo, psp, software, torrent, wii? - 55k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez / Le Technique on
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Warez always brings the goods laced with funk and a smile. Defying easy categorization, he moves deftly between styles, mixing glitch, dance, pop, R & B , ... - 32k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Leader Sentenced to 46 Months (May 17, 2002)
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In addition to dismantling DrinkOrDie, Operation Buccaneer also netted members from a broad cross-section of leading online piracy groups (aka warez groups ... - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez – Dictionary Definition of warez | FREE ...
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Definition Of warez – Our online dictionary has warez Information from A Dictionary of the Internet dictionary. English, Psychology, ... - 71k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Feds convict warez pirate - CNET News
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28 Dec 2004 ... An Iowa man pleads guilty to piracy charges in first US conviction from Operation Fastlink, an international law enforcement push. - 67k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What is IU policy on "warez" and software piracy? - Knowledge Base
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11 Nov 2008 ... What is IU policy on "warez" and software piracy? The term "warez" commonly refers to computer software distributions that violate copyright ... - 10k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Software - Warez P2P Speed Up Pro, Warez P2P Manager, Warez ...
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Warez Software Listing. Warez P2P Speed Up Pro is a download-accelerator add-on for Warez. Warez P2P Manager is a new application for Warez P2P users. - 56k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Free Full Download - Powered by BlitzWarez
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17 Dec 2008 ... Rapidshare Free Full Download Games, Movies, Music, Software, etc. - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download Cracked Software - TissueOnline.Com
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EXE dot COM - Great warez blog - all cracked software download links ... We like warez: Every day you can download freshest software from our Collection. ... - 64k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez P2P Acceleration Patch
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Warez P2P Acceleration Patch is a useful add-on for Warez P2P Client. Latest technology implemented boost downloads speed, increase number of download ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
WarezRaid • Index page
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Haven't found the movie/TV Show you were looking for in the warez downloads or a link to watch it online? Request it here. ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Kitty Baby Doll T's - The Shirt for The Girls - Warez T ...
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Warez Kitty Baby Doll T's is the perfect fit for the geek girls of the 'Net. Sport this cute warez kitty on this very slimming baby doll t' professionally ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez e cracking
Astalavista, Il maggiore motore di ricerca warez, dal quale ricercare direttamente crack-software, serial-numbers ed altro dai singoli motori di ricerca del ... - 4k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
FullFileAccess - Full Version Warez Downloads
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FullFileAccess provides 24/7 instant access to all the latest Movies, Applications, Games, TV Shows, Music, E-Books and Adult files. ... - 37k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
DMCA Counter-Notification from -- Chilling Effects ...
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Re: Re: Mistaken Removal DMCA Counter Notification Dear Google, Inc.; .... DMCA Counter-Notification from, Neoteric Ltd, April 5, 2008 ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
WebSupergoo - cracks, warez and serial numbers
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WebSupergoo - cracks, warez and serial numbers. ... Cracked software goes under many names - serialz, cracks, crackz, wares, warez, keys. ... - 8k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Definition of Warez Sites - Business Software Alliance
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Warez (pronounced "wares") is a term used on the Internet to refer to pirated software. The term began being used when free download Web sites were popular. ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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"Warez" is a corruption of the word "wares." This happened in the late 80's/ early 90's and has become a sub-culture in its own right. ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez | FlashMint Blog
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10 Apr 2008 ... Warez trading, aka non-commercial hobby of collecting and trading copyrighted works, has been determined as a major cause of online piracy. ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Software - Definition of Warez Software at Your Dictionary
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Definition of Warez Software from Webster's New World Dictionary. Meaning of Warez Software. Warez Software synonyms. Warez Software pronunciation and usage ... - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez P2P Manager free download. Warez P2P Manager is a new ...
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1 Sep 2006 ... Warez P2P Manager is a new application for Warez P2P users. Warez P2P Manager handle and organize files (for writing to CD/DVD or moving to ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
78. Official Online Store
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Warez Logo Clothing Get your official Warez Logo Clothing here! ... Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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The "warez" scene is tightly knit with the other anarchy elements that deal ... Therefore, you often see warez together with porn and MP3; file archives ... - 6k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Man Charged in 'warez' Piracy Sentenced to Probation - PC World
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A Florida man was sentenced to three years probation Thursday for helping run a server used for illegally sharing computer... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Exefind contains 7 products regarding warez. ... Warez P2P Speed Up Pro is a download-accelerator add-on application for Warez P2P that saves your precious ... - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
InformIT: Warez Trading and Criminal Copyright Infringement, Part ...
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Warez trading has been singled out as a major cause of online piracy. In the late 1990s, an industry group claimed that warez trading caused one third of ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Evan Summers's Blog: Plumber's Hack 2: Blog o' warez
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6 Sep 2006 ... So i wrote this warez to parse my articles in "poor text format" and generate my desired output, eg. HTML for my weblog, ... - 19k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Soft-Best.Net - free download soft, warez, music, wallpapers ...
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download, utilities, windows, mac,internet, macintosh, software, application, shareware, freeware, demo, windows, file, files, downloads, zip, icq, crack, ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Q&A: Eleven questions for a warez site owner
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30 Nov 2007 ... What goes on in the mind of the folks who run software sites that operate along the lines of the notorious Casbah? - 119k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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31 Dec 2006 ... LOL VISTA EXPL0IT WAREZ LOL. This message : [ Message body ] [ More options ]; Related messages : [ Next message ] [ Previous message ] ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
Uniblue DriverScanner 2009 V2 | Soft Warez rapidshare megaupload ...
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18 Sep 2008 ... Unless you update your drivers regularly the odds are that your PC will be slower or more likely to crash, or will have problems connecting ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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COM has nothing to do with "warez" or other illegal sites. We are operational since 2000, and we are well-known worldwide as one of the best sources of ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
NSIT: Safe Computing - Disable Warez P2P
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16 Jan 2008 ... Safe Computing > Disabling Peer-to-Peer Filesharing > Warez P2P ... How to Disable Warez P2P. Select Preferences from the Main menu. ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez-BB Collector #1 Grimezy T-shirt from
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18 May 2008 ... Buy this premium quality Warez-BB Collector #1 Grimezy T-shirt. Select from various styles, colors and sizes or create your own. - 142k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Technology & Marketing Law Blog: Warez Trading Presentation at Fordham
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26 Apr 2006 ... The principal class of non-commercial infringer is called a "warez trader." Warez traders aggregate and distribute copyrighted works as a ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez / Hacking
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I Warez/Hacking I Adultos/Entretenimiento I Guía de Servicios de San Martín de los Andes I Información General I Alojamiento I Camping I Cambio de $ I ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
The flash warez | Play funny games online!
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Tons of online flash games. All for free. Only high quality games. - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez 2.0 - Daily updated software
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ElseWheres. Download warez · Free Portable Software · Designed by Wolfgang Bartelme · Designed by Wolfgang Bartelme. © 2006 - 2008 Warez 2.0 - Daily updated ... - 36k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez P2P Acceleration Patch software download - Windows ...
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Find Warez P2P Acceleration Patch downloads, reviews, and updates for Windows including commercial software, shareware and freeware on - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
96. Topdownloads
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Warez. Our brand new cutting-edge DHT network technology shows no limits and ... Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Replay Media Catcher warez - Get it Free
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Replay Media Catcher warez - Get it Free with TrialPay. Don't risk viruses (or worse) from cracks, patches, keygens or illegal serial codes. - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
VIPWarez - Best Warez For You
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The site is devoted to an audience of people which take a great interest and I work with the software.Сайт посвящен аудитории людей которые увлекаются и ... - 65k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Internet Archive Search: mediatype:movies AND subject:"Warez"
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Keywords: hack; warez; pirate; TV; spoof; parody; show. Downloads: 399 ... Keywords: hack; piracy; warez; spoof; scene; parody; TV; show. Downloads: 1065 ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ShareFlux -Full version cracked warez downloads
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Full Version Downloads! Games, Apps, Movies, Cracks, Serials, KeyGens, Torrents, Mp3 Albums, Hacks, XXX! - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro

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Risultati 1 - 100 su circa 63.600.000 per warez. (0,27 secondi)
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Risultati di ricerca

1. - Latest Warez, Software, Downloads and Videos
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Build your profile; Communicate with your friends; Unlimited email ... Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. - 47k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez - Wikipedia
In lingua inglese, warez è utilizzato come sostantivo o come verbo. Le persone che producono o distribuiscono warez sono indicati come pirati informatici. ... - 20k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
3. :: Index
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A forum to discuss and stay updated about Wadio, the official Warez-BB radio. Tune in @! Moderators: Super Moderators, Moderators ... - 71k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
4. :: Log in
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Now playing on Wadio: Dido - White Flag., Come as guests, stay as family. Lilium v0.93, integrates Firefox with Warez-BB. Download it now! ... - 12k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Altri risultati in »
5. - Home of Warez 3
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Copyright © 1994-2006 Neoteric Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Siti warez - Club CDFreaks - Knowledge is Power
ciao ragazzi sono nuovo del forum.... mi chiedevo se qualcuno di vuoi era così gentire da indicarmi siti warez da coi poter scaricare software in ... - 62k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Situazione siti warez....cosa ne pensate? - Club CDFreaks ...
13 post
in questi giorni mi sono buttato alla ricerca di warez da scaricare...non è che mi sia trovato tanto bene, nel senso che c'è TROPPA confusione...scarichi un ... - 62k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Altri risultati in »
MAMBRO - free download network
Notizie giornalerie dal mondo dell’informatica. Programmi gratuiti da scaricare, trucchi e hack. Strumenti per webdesign e webmaster con articoli su ... - 65k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
PI: Warez, tre anni di libertà limitata
4 set 2008 ... A 58 anni Robert Hardick dovrà passare i primi sei mesi in casa. La sua colpa? Associazione a delinquere per diffondere software pirata. - 44k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
PI: aPC, in carcere il pirata del warez
22 set 2008 ... Un membro della celebre crew viene fatto gentilmente accomodare in una prigione federale degli States. Ci rimarrà per 18 mesi. - 47k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Altri risultati in »
Katz Downloads
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App, WinRAR 3.80, Today, 1ND-Warez. App, AV Voice Changer Diamond Edition 6.0.10 , Today. App, Easy Screen Capture, Today ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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of the word "warez" is from the Middle English term "wares", which refers to any type of manufactured or farm-grown goods. Before the Internet was available ... - 81k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
List of warez groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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This is an incomplete list of warez groups. Such groups typically tag their releases with NFO files. Due to the nature of the Warez scene, not much is known ... - 61k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Altri risultati in »
Tutto per internet - software crack hacker warez hacking - Ideato ...
E' un sito di link a siti sull'hacking, cracking, iti warez, phreacking, mp3 e risorse gratuite in Rete. Descrizione dell'hacker, cracker, phreacker. ... - 41k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
- [ Traduci questa pagina ]
4 May 2007 ... WWW.APPZPLANET.COM - WAREZ FULL APPZ TORRENTS CRACKZ SERIALZ SOFT RAPIDSHARE. - 98k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download Warez P2P italiano gratis, Scarica Warez P2P gratis Freeware
28 ott 2007 ... NUOVO Download! Scarica gratis Warez P2P in italiano, Warez P2P download. - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
WarezNET.NET :: Warez Download Community
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WarezNET has all things you could want from an underground warez forum: fast downloads (ftps, stros, rapidshare, torrents, etc), pirate radio, ... - 12k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
18. - Your #1 Spot for Full Version Warez Downloads!
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We provide direct downloads to games, software, movies, mp3, tv shows, and many more downloads for free. - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Flmsdown Free Full Downloads, Rapidshare, Warez Download ...
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Flmsdown.Net Full Downloads - Full Version Downloads, Rapidshare Links. - 114k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Oracle - The Ultimate Warez Site - For All Your Warez Needs
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For All Your Warez Needs Warez Oracle now has a new home at Be sure to check it out, your missing a lot ;) - Warez Oracle Team. - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What is warez? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer ...
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22 Jan 2003 ... This page describes the term warez and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. - 60k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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warez: /weirz/, n. Widely used in cracker subcultures to denote cracked version of commercial software, ... See warez d00dz, courier, leech, elite. ... - 3k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez ftp sites
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cat$ ftp Connected to 220 warez FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Tue Aug 8 15:50:43 CDT 1995) ready. ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What is warez? - a definition from - see also: wares ...
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14 May 2002 ... Warez (pronounced as though spelled. ... (Use of warez software is also illegal and may result in a jail sentence.) ...,,sid183_gci213338,00.html - 55k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Brass Lantern Warez Abandonware and the Software Industry
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In the battles over computer software there are many sides, including warez users, abandonware proponents, and the software companies themselves. - 7k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez - Download
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26 Jun 2007 ... Warez free download. Review, screenshots, testing and recommendations about Warez. - 55k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Full RapidShare Downloads
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PC Game Script E-Book All In One Rom Technology News · - Free Download Center. Username:. Password:. Password. Register · Forgot my password? ... - 60k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Good Warez Blog
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Good Warez Blog :). The Most Actual Programs .... Best Full Warez · Kingsoft Office 2009 Pro v6301733 Portable · Portable Diskeeper Pro Premier 2009 v13. ... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
About Warez
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Warez Community Forums Closed... We had to close our community forums because ... Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Etichetta Warez - Widget di Netvibes
full version, download, warez, crack, serial, keygen, patch. Aggiungi a Netvibes ... WarezLinkers, High Quality Warez, Fast Downloads, Full Games and More! ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Sony BMG's hypocrisy: company busted for using warez
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Sony BMG's hypocrisy: company busted for using warez. By David Chartier | Published: March 31, 2008 - 02:12PM CT ... - 25k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Ferret Warez where all Ferrets love to shop!
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Line of Hand Made ferret products. We sell quality at a competitive price. Shop our online store for your ferret's Bedding, Toys & Accessories. - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Interview with a Warez Scene Releaser | TorrentFreak
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16 May 2007 ... These “invite only torrent” sites belong just as little to the scene as other warez sites. They make money with the fact and bring the ... - 84k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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WWW.PROMODDL.COM - Download the latest Apps, Games, Movies, Cracks, Serials, MP3's. - 58k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What are Warez? Software piracy a risk to business?
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30 Oct 2005 ... DavisLogic provides information technology, business continuity, web site development, and Y2K cost recovery (sue and labor) information and ... - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
cowsay and cowthink
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23 Mar 2002 ... Cows are a big part of my computing life. They're also pretty funny. (Especially when they have firearms, or when they are used for covert ... - 4k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
PPCWarez • Index page
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20 Nov 2008 ... Talk about anything here as long as it is not against the rules. Topics here should be non-PPC related. Do not post warez here. ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
SSRN-Warez Trading and Criminal Copyright Infringement by Eric Goldman
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14 Feb 2007 ... The article also describes the prosecutions of warez trading, including a comprehensive chart of all warez trading convictions. ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
di E GOLDMAN - Citato da 1 - Tutte e 21 le versioni
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Warez for a low price. If you don't have enough money to buy needed software or ... Order any warez you need for a low price. Before ordering any software, ... - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Sandy Warez Discography at Discogs
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Manage your Sandy Warez collection and wantlist. Buy rare Sandy Warez and hard to find music on vinyl records and used CD. - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Free Software Downloads and Reviews -
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Find the software you're looking for at, the most comprehensive source for free software downloads on the Web. Includes audio programs, utilities, ... - 157k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
A Comment on "Warez D00dz" Culture
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A comment on "Warez D00dz" culture in response to the claims made by Eric S Raymond in "Homesteading the Noosphere" - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
InternetNews Realtime IT News - Feds Bag Warez Convictions
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Key leaders of piracy rings face prison sentences of 5 to 10 years. - 145k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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The term Warez is generally used online to describe pirated content. Most commonly, warez applies to hacked software that can be downloaded for free. - 381k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Warez Forums - Powered by FreshWap
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21 Dec 2008 ... FreshWap Forums, Warez Forums, Rapidshare Forums. ... Rapidshare Warez Forums. Welcome to the Rapidshare Warez Forums. ... - 83k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Glossario informatico :: Definizione warez
Termine utilizzato dai cracker per denotare le versioni craccate di software com ... warez, glossario internet, glossario informatica, glossario informatico, ... - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Downloading Files from IRC
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using IRC to download songs, movies, games, warez, etc. - 4k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez - Wiktionary
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8 Oct 2007 ... Hey dude, I've got some cool new warez! Retrieved from " /wiki/warez". Categories: English nouns | Internet slang | ... - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
49. Warez Forum :: Index
- [ Traduci questa pagina ] Warez Forum is one of the friendliest warez forum on the net. We offer quality warez as well as community. Relax, Smile and Have Fun! - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Search IRC, search term: warez ftp list
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Displaying results 1 - 15 (of 2374) matching warez ftp list. .... Rules: do not use the !list, !find !search trigger in #warez-request, log into the ftp's ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Warez P2P Client is a spyware-free new generation P2P filesharing program, a piece of software like none other. - 30k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
CyprusWarez - The First Cypriot Warez Forum!
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Forum, Topics, Replies, Last Post Info. Redirect, Εγγραφείτε Τώρα! Εγγραφείτε Τώρα και Κατεβάστε αμέτρητα πράγματα! --, --, Redirected Hits: 10083 ... - 151k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LizZarD-WareZ’s Music Profile – Users at
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LizZarD-WareZ’s top artists: Enrique Iglesias, Enya, Rammstein. Favourite tags are alternative, alternative rock, new age. Get your own music profile at ... - 239k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Hacking & Warez
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Warez Wars For the Inner Circle, cracking software is a challenge. For the wannabe underground, ... By Neal Stephenson. More on Hacking & Warez >> ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez .com Free Download
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Warez .com Free Download,Warez .com Software Collection Download. - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez | - social bookmarks
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Are you interested in warez, cfw, ddl, download, downloads, ebooks, firefox: bookmarks, forum, free, iso, kurdo, psp, software, torrent, wii? - 55k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez / Le Technique on
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Warez always brings the goods laced with funk and a smile. Defying easy categorization, he moves deftly between styles, mixing glitch, dance, pop, R & B , ... - 32k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Leader Sentenced to 46 Months (May 17, 2002)
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In addition to dismantling DrinkOrDie, Operation Buccaneer also netted members from a broad cross-section of leading online piracy groups (aka warez groups ... - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez – Dictionary Definition of warez | FREE ...
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Definition Of warez – Our online dictionary has warez Information from A Dictionary of the Internet dictionary. English, Psychology, ... - 71k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Feds convict warez pirate - CNET News
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28 Dec 2004 ... An Iowa man pleads guilty to piracy charges in first US conviction from Operation Fastlink, an international law enforcement push. - 67k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What is IU policy on "warez" and software piracy? - Knowledge Base
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11 Nov 2008 ... What is IU policy on "warez" and software piracy? The term "warez" commonly refers to computer software distributions that violate copyright ... - 10k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Software - Warez P2P Speed Up Pro, Warez P2P Manager, Warez ...
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Warez Software Listing. Warez P2P Speed Up Pro is a download-accelerator add-on for Warez. Warez P2P Manager is a new application for Warez P2P users. - 56k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Free Full Download - Powered by BlitzWarez
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17 Dec 2008 ... Rapidshare Free Full Download Games, Movies, Music, Software, etc. - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download Cracked Software - TissueOnline.Com
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EXE dot COM - Great warez blog - all cracked software download links ... We like warez: Every day you can download freshest software from our Collection. ... - 64k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez P2P Acceleration Patch
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Warez P2P Acceleration Patch is a useful add-on for Warez P2P Client. Latest technology implemented boost downloads speed, increase number of download ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
WarezRaid • Index page
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Haven't found the movie/TV Show you were looking for in the warez downloads or a link to watch it online? Request it here. ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Kitty Baby Doll T's - The Shirt for The Girls - Warez T ...
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Warez Kitty Baby Doll T's is the perfect fit for the geek girls of the 'Net. Sport this cute warez kitty on this very slimming baby doll t' professionally ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez e cracking
Astalavista, Il maggiore motore di ricerca warez, dal quale ricercare direttamente crack-software, serial-numbers ed altro dai singoli motori di ricerca del ... - 4k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
FullFileAccess - Full Version Warez Downloads
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FullFileAccess provides 24/7 instant access to all the latest Movies, Applications, Games, TV Shows, Music, E-Books and Adult files. ... - 37k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
DMCA Counter-Notification from -- Chilling Effects ...
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Re: Re: Mistaken Removal DMCA Counter Notification Dear Google, Inc.; .... DMCA Counter-Notification from, Neoteric Ltd, April 5, 2008 ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
WebSupergoo - cracks, warez and serial numbers
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WebSupergoo - cracks, warez and serial numbers. ... Cracked software goes under many names - serialz, cracks, crackz, wares, warez, keys. ... - 8k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Definition of Warez Sites - Business Software Alliance
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Warez (pronounced "wares") is a term used on the Internet to refer to pirated software. The term began being used when free download Web sites were popular. ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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"Warez" is a corruption of the word "wares." This happened in the late 80's/ early 90's and has become a sub-culture in its own right. ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez | FlashMint Blog
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10 Apr 2008 ... Warez trading, aka non-commercial hobby of collecting and trading copyrighted works, has been determined as a major cause of online piracy. ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Software - Definition of Warez Software at Your Dictionary
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Definition of Warez Software from Webster's New World Dictionary. Meaning of Warez Software. Warez Software synonyms. Warez Software pronunciation and usage ... - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez P2P Manager free download. Warez P2P Manager is a new ...
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1 Sep 2006 ... Warez P2P Manager is a new application for Warez P2P users. Warez P2P Manager handle and organize files (for writing to CD/DVD or moving to ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
78. Official Online Store
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Warez Logo Clothing Get your official Warez Logo Clothing here! ... Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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The "warez" scene is tightly knit with the other anarchy elements that deal ... Therefore, you often see warez together with porn and MP3; file archives ... - 6k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Man Charged in 'warez' Piracy Sentenced to Probation - PC World
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A Florida man was sentenced to three years probation Thursday for helping run a server used for illegally sharing computer... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Exefind contains 7 products regarding warez. ... Warez P2P Speed Up Pro is a download-accelerator add-on application for Warez P2P that saves your precious ... - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
InformIT: Warez Trading and Criminal Copyright Infringement, Part ...
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Warez trading has been singled out as a major cause of online piracy. In the late 1990s, an industry group claimed that warez trading caused one third of ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Evan Summers's Blog: Plumber's Hack 2: Blog o' warez
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6 Sep 2006 ... So i wrote this warez to parse my articles in "poor text format" and generate my desired output, eg. HTML for my weblog, ... - 19k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Soft-Best.Net - free download soft, warez, music, wallpapers ...
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download, utilities, windows, mac,internet, macintosh, software, application, shareware, freeware, demo, windows, file, files, downloads, zip, icq, crack, ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Q&A: Eleven questions for a warez site owner
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30 Nov 2007 ... What goes on in the mind of the folks who run software sites that operate along the lines of the notorious Casbah? - 119k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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31 Dec 2006 ... LOL VISTA EXPL0IT WAREZ LOL. This message : [ Message body ] [ More options ]; Related messages : [ Next message ] [ Previous message ] ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
Uniblue DriverScanner 2009 V2 | Soft Warez rapidshare megaupload ...
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18 Sep 2008 ... Unless you update your drivers regularly the odds are that your PC will be slower or more likely to crash, or will have problems connecting ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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COM has nothing to do with "warez" or other illegal sites. We are operational since 2000, and we are well-known worldwide as one of the best sources of ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
NSIT: Safe Computing - Disable Warez P2P
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16 Jan 2008 ... Safe Computing > Disabling Peer-to-Peer Filesharing > Warez P2P ... How to Disable Warez P2P. Select Preferences from the Main menu. ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez-BB Collector #1 Grimezy T-shirt from
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18 May 2008 ... Buy this premium quality Warez-BB Collector #1 Grimezy T-shirt. Select from various styles, colors and sizes or create your own. - 142k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Technology & Marketing Law Blog: Warez Trading Presentation at Fordham
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26 Apr 2006 ... The principal class of non-commercial infringer is called a "warez trader." Warez traders aggregate and distribute copyrighted works as a ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez / Hacking
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I Warez/Hacking I Adultos/Entretenimiento I Guía de Servicios de San Martín de los Andes I Información General I Alojamiento I Camping I Cambio de $ I ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
The flash warez | Play funny games online!
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Tons of online flash games. All for free. Only high quality games. - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez 2.0 - Daily updated software
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ElseWheres. Download warez · Free Portable Software · Designed by Wolfgang Bartelme · Designed by Wolfgang Bartelme. © 2006 - 2008 Warez 2.0 - Daily updated ... - 36k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez P2P Acceleration Patch software download - Windows ...
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Find Warez P2P Acceleration Patch downloads, reviews, and updates for Windows including commercial software, shareware and freeware on - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
96. Topdownloads
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Warez. Our brand new cutting-edge DHT network technology shows no limits and ... Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Replay Media Catcher warez - Get it Free
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Replay Media Catcher warez - Get it Free with TrialPay. Don't risk viruses (or worse) from cracks, patches, keygens or illegal serial codes. - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
VIPWarez - Best Warez For You
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The site is devoted to an audience of people which take a great interest and I work with the software.Сайт посвящен аудитории людей которые увлекаются и ... - 65k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Internet Archive Search: mediatype:movies AND subject:"Warez"
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Keywords: hack; warez; pirate; TV; spoof; parody; show. Downloads: 399 ... Keywords: hack; piracy; warez; spoof; scene; parody; TV; show. Downloads: 1065 ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ShareFlux -Full version cracked warez downloads
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Full Version Downloads! Games, Apps, Movies, Cracks, Serials, KeyGens, Torrents, Mp3 Albums, Hacks, XXX! - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro

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Links utili. Siti Italiani. Associazioni:. Associazione Italiana Famiglie ADHD ( Disturbo da Deficit di Attenzione Iperattività): ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LINKS by - rivista e magazine di cinema, teatro e ...
Rivista e magazine di cinema diretto da Giovanni Spagnoletti. Recensioni, forum, blog, news, gossip, speciali. Una rivista giovane e dinamica sempre in ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Culturanuova: links
scheda di rilettura su links; ... di materiale filosofico: in inglese ovviamente , e con taglio logico-analitico. Dienneti: Portale di links filosofici. ... - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Saint Augustine
Saint Augustine Home > English - Works and Links. LANGUAGE: Castellano, English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Others ... - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
normativa italiana ed europea sui rifiuti, download di documenti ...
normativa italiana · circolari albo gestori · delibere albo gestori · giurisprudenza sui rifiuti · normativa europea · link · download · incoterms ... Links ... - 120k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Raccoglie i link alle risorse classificate per tipo di malattia; all'interno di ogni categoria i link riguardano i siti che offrono informazioni generali ... - 99k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ANAI - Associazione Nazionale Archivistica Italiana
ANAI - Selezione di links di interresse archivistico ... Archivi di Stato · Organizzazioni · Istituti culturali · Altri links nel web ... - 7k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Early Music Informational Files & Links · Early Music Institute (Indiana University School of Early Music) · Early Music Minnesota · Early Music Network ... - 181k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Centrale Palace Hotel Palermo Sicilia - Angala Hotels Sicilia - Links
Centrale Palace Hotel Palermo Sicilia Links. ... Centrale Palace Hotel Palermo Sicilia - Angala Hotels Sicilia - Links ... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Webdirectory con scambio link gratuito - Pagerank, link popularity ...
Webdirectory con scambio link gratuito per migliorare il proprio pagerank e la link popularity grazie allo scambio link o links exchange di - 25k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links on Psychotherapy. ABA Associazione per lo studio e la ricerca sull' anoressia, ... Mental Health Info Link, with resources arranged by Topic ... - 10k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Logo ASPHI. Links. Links > Links Associazioni Italiane dei disabili > Links utili in Italiano > Links utili in Inglese .... < Indice dei Links ... - 48k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Lo Shopping ed i Viaggi… cerca il Computer e la Finanza
Se ti diverti a fare Shopping, o cerchi le offerte per i Viaggi, o vuoi comprare un nuovo Computer… o semplicemente vorresti consultare la Finanza on-line: ... - 23k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links - Official Site Galleria Barberini Borghese Corsini Spada
Sito con testi critici, immagini e links (in inglese). ... Qui troverete infatti , suddivisi per artista, links a una quantità enorme di opere d'arte sparse ... - 25k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
indice links
La lista di link e' un esperimento di monitoraggio di Internet sul tema della Donna, e pertanto non vuole essere ne' esaustivo ne' per forza utile. ... - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links. Ho suddiviso questa pagina in tre parti. Una comprende i SITI AMICI ( che abbiano attinenza con la Grande Guerra o la montagna) con i quali si hanno ... - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scambio Link - Aumentare PageRank
Scambio link - aumentare con lo scambio di link gli utenti e la popolarità del tuo sito o blog e scalare posizioni in Google e nei motori di ricerca. - Pagine simili - Filtro
Storia di Venezia - Links
Sito generale della Biblioteca, con catalogo in linea, e abbondanti accessi a Opac, repertori, links utili italiani e stranieri. ... - 87k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links internet i migliori link del web ... Attenzione è necessario copiare e digitare a mano l'indirizzo e.mail, non c'è il link diretto ... - 22k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Typographic Links
Il giovane graphic-designer inglese Dan Collier è l’ideatore del progetto “ Typographic Links”, una pubblicazione “fatta a mano” che rileva link e ... - 63k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Università degli Studi di Firenze DIPARTIMENTO DI FARMACOLOGIA PRECLINICA E CLINICA. LINKS. CITTÀ DI FIRENZE - RETE CIVICA · CINECA Supercomputing Center ... - 20k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
JAZZIT » Jazz Links
JAZZIT è un bimestrale di musica jazz che nasce dall'esperienza maturata attorno alla pubblicazione de Il Gezzitaliano, rivista interamente dedicata al jazz ... - 93k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Città di Palermo - Links
Comune-Archivio-Servizi Sociali-Guida alla Città-Urp-Immagini-Ricerca-Links- Webmaster-Meteo · Città di Palermo - Home Page ... - 29k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Web Directory - Seo Tools - Web Links
Directory web, Seo Tools, Web Directory, Aggiungi un sito, Aumentare Page Rank, Strumenti Motori di Ricerca. Webtarget: La Webdirectory! - 92k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Pagina links di
Federico secondo, un uomo geniale, links, monarca, Meridione d'Italia, unificare la Penisola, culturale, ... pagina links del sito ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LIDAP - Links utili
31 mag 2008 ... In questa pagina, la LIDAP ONLUS fornisce links o riferimenti ad altri siti, ma non s'assume alcuna responsabilità per i loro contenuti (che ... - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Text Links E Google: Che Rischi Si Corrono A Vendere Text Links ...
17 ago 2007 ... Text Links E Google: Che Rischi Si Corrono A Vendere Text Links Sul Proprio ... Ciò che non sapevo al tempo è che non tutti i text link ad ... - 74k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cielo e Terra - Links
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook - grande sito con testi e links sulla storia antica, di Paul Halsall, Fordham University. ... - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Help:Links/it - MediaWiki
Per aggiungere un link interno, racchiudi il titolo della pagina tra due parentesi quadre. Quando salvi la pagina, vedrai il link alla pagina. ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Istoreto -Torino : links
E' attiva anche una collana di quaderni, denominata "Pesaro città e contà // Link", dedicata alla monografia e al saggio breve. ... - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
71. - Links
ARMI E LINKS - La più ampia raccolta di links in materia di armi e balistica - Italian language) - 85k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Selected Links of Geoscience Interest
Selected Links of Geoscience Interest. Societies and Institutions ... Links to lists of Institutions ... Links of scientific interest ... - 21k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Biblioteca Italiana per i Ciechi - Links
Per segnalare delle risorse interessanti, eventuali errori o links non più attivi, potete scrivere al Centro di Documentazione Tiflologica. ... - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
GiorgiaCosplay [ links ]
links ad altri siti di cosplay e cosplayer. ... ...e non poteva mancare una nutrita sezione di links relativi al mondo del cosplay ed alcuni altri siti ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I LINKS di Base Cinque - Appunti di Matematica ricreativa
Matematica ricreativa, Storia della matematica, Pagine personali. G4G4 e la sua sezione Recreational Math · Mathpuzzle di Ed Pegg Jr. ... - 16k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links - Studi per la Pace - diritto internazionale, diritti umani ...
Studi per la Pace è un centro per lo studio e la ricerca di temi diritto e politica internazionale, che presta particolare attenzione alle aree di crisi ... - 130k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links - FAI - Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano
Links e preferiti - FAI - Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano. - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Section dedicated to Other Links
Navigation path. Home Page | Other Links. Section dedicated to Other Links. CULTURE. Archivio di Stato di Venezia Official website of Venice Record Office ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Associazione Italiana Celiachia - Links
Attenzione: tutti i links di questa sezione sono esterni, le informazioni contenute in questi siti vanno attentamente valutate, l'A.I.C. non ha alcuna ... - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links Sicilia
Sicily WEB: La SICILIA on line - Cultura, turismo, arte, istituzioni, province - Palermo, Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Catania, Enna, Messina, Ragusa, ... - 29k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
HTML/Links - Wikibooks, manuali e libri di testo liberi
I links o àncore sono l'elemento principale di un sito web. I link permettono di passare da un documento ad un altro in maniera molto semplice: cliccando su ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Francesco Costa » links for 2008-12-16
C'ha ragione Achille, c'ha ragione. Sullo stesso tema:. links for 2008-11-10. 17 December 2008, 7.02 am. Nessun commento ». (per ora!) ... - 18k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Fisica - A. Righi - Links
Sito della biblioteca del dipartimento di fisica A.Righi, Bologna. - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I nostri Links
Questi sono alcuni dei links che vi consigliamo. La lista verrà aggiornata nel tempo. Se volete potete segnalare siti interessanti da aggiungere alla lista. ... - 22k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Associazione Italiana Familiari e Vittime della Strada onlus - Links
Links. Se trovi un collegamento interrotto in questa pagina per favore segnalalo al ... Link Amici. Spiegare Chiudi. Gruppo eventi. Questo sito è dedicato ... - 98k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
86. - LINKS
Personality Psychology Workshop, Università di Torino. Risorse di psicologia della personalità. Libri. - 167k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Vedi per la storia contemporanea italiana anche l'ulteriore raccolta di links offerta dallo. Istituto piemontese per la storia della Resistenza e della ... - 26k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
SICP - Società Italiana di Cure Palliative - Links
SICP - LINKS - Organizzazioni No Profit italiane, TORNA SU ... SICP - LINKS - Riviste specializzate del settore no profit, TORNA SU ... - 35k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
89. - Sceneggiature, sceneggiatori, sceneggiatura ...
LINKS E RISORSE DI RETE PER SCENEGGIATORI. I NUOVI LINKS. Aggiornamento di Luglio - Agosto 2007 (questi link saranno catalogati nell'apposite sezioni al ... - 16k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Guida Fogli di Stile CSS | I Links
I links Abbiamo visto come i CSS siano in grado di cambiare attributi al testo, ... Anche i Link possono essere dichiarati in una pagina o in un foglio di ... - 18k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
links - CCD images & Galaxy Atlas
EUROPIXEL: I nostri Links, Interesting websites cured by the italian representative of Hi-SIS ccd cameras, Siti web interessanti a cura del rappresentante ... - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links da
Tutti i blog di [Tutti i blog...] Links. Links ... Links e riferimenti di alberghi, agriturismi, bed & breakfast e altre risorse turistiche . ... - 75k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Collegamenti a siti di fotografia - PHOTO LINKS -
Links a siti dedicati al mondo della fotografia, link fotografici. - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Carta della Terra -indice dei links
Indice dei links tematici"Carta della Terra" edizione italiana - Natura, ambiente, sviluppo sostenibile. - 41k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LIBRI Biblioteca Telematica, LIBRARIA Libri publicati in Italia. Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera · CILEA Consorzio Universitario Lombardo per ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links ad istituzioni archivistiche di altre nazioni. Si segnala l'indirizzo del sito Internet dell'Università dell'Idaho attraverso il quale è possibile ... - 8k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
97. - Links
PAGINA LINKS websolutions non si assume nessuna responsabilità sul contenuto dei siti indicati nel nostro programma scambio links. ... - 131k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scambio Links del settore Vino -
Hai un sito e vuoi effettuare uno scambio link con ? ... Link a siti italiani su vino e cucina, altri portali di informazione ... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Agices Equo Links
EQUO LINKS CENTRALI DI IMPORTAZIONE ALTRAQUALITA' (Chiesuol del Fosso FE) · COMMERCIO ALTERNATIVO (Ferrara) · CTM ALTROMERCATO (Bolzano) ... - 9k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
links for 2008-12-13 - Macchianera
14 dic 2008 ... GNeri quando metti questi link mi sento tuo fratello spirituale. Posso invitarti un pomeriggio, dopo i compiti, per giocare a casa mia col ... - 66k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro

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Links Management & Technology S.p.A. | Consulenza ICT
Soluzioni di Information Technology per le Banche, la Pubblica Amministrazione e le Imprese. - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links - Wikipedia
Links è un browser open source testuale da riga di comando. Dispone di una semplice interfaccia grafica da terminale, e può visualizzare pagine complesse ... - 41k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
.:::::Calabria Links::::::
Calabria motore di ricerca dei siti calabresi. - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LINKS Rivista di letteratura e cultura tedesca. Zeitschrift für deutsche Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft Fabrizio Serra · Editore, Pisa - Roma ... - 21k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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E&S© - Links
Aggiungi il tuo sito ai LINKS di E&S. Altri LINKS (in ordine alfabetico). 2001 Colleges, Universities and Scholarships · ABCtel - La scuola telematica ... - 42k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Anpi - Link
Sito dell'Associazione Nazionale Partigiani d'Italia - ANPI. - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links for mineralogist · Links of interest in mineralogy · Mineral Database · Il Portale italiano per la Mineralogia · Offshore S.r.l. - Bologna ... - 10k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LINKS GRAFICA L'emozione di creare
Studio grafico specializzato nella realizzazione di siti web statici e dinamici, cataloghi, dvd, CD-rom, ritocchi fotografici, archiviazioni documenti su ... - 4k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RM Links
Scambi di links. Reti Medievali aderisce a:. La Storia. Consorzio italiano per le discipline storiche ... Reti Medievali scambia il proprio link con: ... - 19k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Wittgenstein Links
Washington Post. Senate Abandons Automaker Bailout Bid. New York Times « Post precedenti. Wittgenstein Links usa il tema RockinNewspaper su Wordpress. - 23k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
100 Links Al Mese
Raccoglie e recensisce siti italiani e internazionali, iscrivendosi alla mailing list si ricevono i migliori link per i temi scelti. - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links Utili .it
Links Utili .it - La raccolta dei siti più utilizzati dagli italiani. - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Eruzione 2002/03, immagini, link, ordinanze, webcam, articoli, bibliografie. - 6k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Wu Ming Foundation - Links - Enlaces - Brothers and sisters to us!
Miscellaneous weblogs. aGENbiTe oF iNWIT - castellano a typesetter's day - italiano babsi jones - italiano blogdado - italiano buoni presagi - italiano ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megachip - Democrazia nella comunicazione - Web Links
Invitiamo i nostri lettori ad inviarci link a filmati già on line. Li visioneremo ed eventualmente ... Ci sono 213 Links e 13 Categorie nel nostro database ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scambio Links - aumentare PageRank - aumenta PR
Scambio Links: aumentare il PageRank PR e migliorare il posizionamento del tuo sito sui motori di ricerca, con lo scambio link e lo scambio pagine ... - 53k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ARCHEOLOGIA SUBACQUEA - Archaeogate, il portale italiano di ...
... Università · Musei e Collezioni · Enti e Associazioni · Soprintendenze · Case Editrici · Links · Contatti · Cerca. Cerca in Archaeogate Cerca nel sito: ... - 18k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links scettici
Questa pagina raccoglie un po' di links su tematiche scettiche. ... Un po' di link ad associazioni dedicate all'investigazione dei fenomeni paranormali. ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
linux links page, a page full of linux links, una pagina piena zeppa di links per linux. - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
CALCIO - Il Calcio In Rete!
Notizie e foto sul calcio italiano, dalla serie A alla C, e sui campionati esteri. - 3k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Spin - InternetWorking | Antispam | Spam Links
Spam Links. Altri siti antispam in italiano. Lista di links su Open Directory · Pagina Antispam in italiano (di Leonardo Collinelli) · EuroCAUCE in italiano ... - 26k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
La Scultura Italiana - Links
LINKS. I GRANDI MUSEI NEL MONDO:. Il Louvre - Parigi Comprende dal 1791 tutte le collezioni dei re di Francia, arricchite da lasciti e acquisizioni ... - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Legal Links by Maurizio Lupoi - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Directory e Webchat, link e risorse al gratis del web - Web Links
Directory Linkmar, link e risorse al gratis del web. Linkmar contiene links e risorse selezionate in continua espansione sul gratis della rete. - 64k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Mountain Bike Italian Links
Queste pagine costituiscono una raccolta ragionata di links legati al mondo della mountain bike in Italia, con un occhio di riguardo agli itinerari che per ... - 12k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
SCONTIEOFFERTE - Il Tuo Centro Commerciale On Line
Opportunità | Guadagnare online | Shopping | Cellulari | TV LCD | Notebook | Abbigliamento | Miglior prezzo | Last minute | Ecommerce | E-commerce. - 214k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Archeologia Italiana Links
Il motore di ricerca per l'archeologia e il mondo classico in rete. - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I links della biblioteca musicale virtuale
Non copiate tutti i link che abbiamo pazientemente cercato nella rete. Se ritenete utile questo sito mettete un link a noi e segnalatelo: sarà molto gradito ... - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Snap Links :: Componenti aggiuntivi per Firefox
Snap Links allows users to easily open multiple links in new tabs by drawing a box around them. Links can also be opened in new windows, new tabs on a new ... - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
31. - Links e motore di ricerca evangelico
I siti aggiunti recentemente. Per aiuto o ulteriori informazioni, o per modificare un indirizzo o descrizione, scrivi a ... - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Indirizzi utili per saperne di più sul telelavoro
Linkmaster: telecomputing: Link a risorse su telelavoro, insegnamento a distanza e ... Working at Multiple Sites: Ottima raccolta di link sul 'Lavoro in più ... - 20k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Sistema Bibliotecario del Politecnico di Torino
HOME | NEWS | INDIRIZZI | COME ARRIVARE | LINK UTILI ... Links di Architettura · Archiworld · Adam - Architecture · Rudi - Urban Design ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Doglinks - Guida alla cinofilia on line - links alle pagine ...
Non saranno assolutamente presi in considerazione links a pagine di cosiddetti " puppymills" o di venditori e importatori di cani senza scrupoli. doglinks si ... - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
NOTIZIARIO - Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone - Related Links
Periodico semestrale del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 'Notiziario - Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone' in stampa dal 1996. - 20k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
All Rugby Link's - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Stiamo cercando un responsabile che si occupi di mantenere questa raccolta di links e rispondere alle richieste di inserimento. ... - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
38. Links
Quotidiano online diretto da Mauro Spagnolo, con news e approfondimenti sulle fonti rinnovabili di energia: fotovoltaico, solare termico, eolico, biomassa, ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ARTE.GO - Links
Arte.Go: dal 1994 arte e cultura on-line, esposizioni temporanee e permanenti di artisti, mostre, eventi, rassegne, performances, musei virtuali. - 26k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Associazione Italiana Dislessia: Links utili
Links utili. Siti Italiani. Associazioni:. Associazione Italiana Famiglie ADHD ( Disturbo da Deficit di Attenzione Iperattività): ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LINKS by - rivista e magazine di cinema, teatro e ...
Rivista e magazine di cinema diretto da Giovanni Spagnoletti. Recensioni, forum, blog, news, gossip, speciali. Una rivista giovane e dinamica sempre in ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Culturanuova: links
scheda di rilettura su links; ... di materiale filosofico: in inglese ovviamente , e con taglio logico-analitico. Dienneti: Portale di links filosofici. ... - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Saint Augustine
Saint Augustine Home > English - Works and Links. LANGUAGE: Castellano, English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Others ... - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
normativa italiana ed europea sui rifiuti, download di documenti ...
normativa italiana · circolari albo gestori · delibere albo gestori · giurisprudenza sui rifiuti · normativa europea · link · download · incoterms ... Links ... - 120k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Raccoglie i link alle risorse classificate per tipo di malattia; all'interno di ogni categoria i link riguardano i siti che offrono informazioni generali ... - 99k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ANAI - Associazione Nazionale Archivistica Italiana
ANAI - Selezione di links di interresse archivistico ... Archivi di Stato · Organizzazioni · Istituti culturali · Altri links nel web ... - 7k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Early Music Informational Files & Links · Early Music Institute (Indiana University School of Early Music) · Early Music Minnesota · Early Music Network ... - 181k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Centrale Palace Hotel Palermo Sicilia - Angala Hotels Sicilia - Links
Centrale Palace Hotel Palermo Sicilia Links. ... Centrale Palace Hotel Palermo Sicilia - Angala Hotels Sicilia - Links ... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Webdirectory con scambio link gratuito - Pagerank, link popularity ...
Webdirectory con scambio link gratuito per migliorare il proprio pagerank e la link popularity grazie allo scambio link o links exchange di - 25k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links on Psychotherapy. ABA Associazione per lo studio e la ricerca sull' anoressia, ... Mental Health Info Link, with resources arranged by Topic ... - 10k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Logo ASPHI. Links. Links > Links Associazioni Italiane dei disabili > Links utili in Italiano > Links utili in Inglese .... < Indice dei Links ... - 48k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Lo Shopping ed i Viaggi… cerca il Computer e la Finanza
Se ti diverti a fare Shopping, o cerchi le offerte per i Viaggi, o vuoi comprare un nuovo Computer… o semplicemente vorresti consultare la Finanza on-line: ... - 23k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links - Official Site Galleria Barberini Borghese Corsini Spada
Sito con testi critici, immagini e links (in inglese). ... Qui troverete infatti , suddivisi per artista, links a una quantità enorme di opere d'arte sparse ... - 25k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
indice links
La lista di link e' un esperimento di monitoraggio di Internet sul tema della Donna, e pertanto non vuole essere ne' esaustivo ne' per forza utile. ... - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links. Ho suddiviso questa pagina in tre parti. Una comprende i SITI AMICI ( che abbiano attinenza con la Grande Guerra o la montagna) con i quali si hanno ... - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scambio Link - Aumentare PageRank
Scambio link - aumentare con lo scambio di link gli utenti e la popolarità del tuo sito o blog e scalare posizioni in Google e nei motori di ricerca. - Pagine simili - Filtro
Storia di Venezia - Links
Sito generale della Biblioteca, con catalogo in linea, e abbondanti accessi a Opac, repertori, links utili italiani e stranieri. ... - 87k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links internet i migliori link del web ... Attenzione è necessario copiare e digitare a mano l'indirizzo e.mail, non c'è il link diretto ... - 22k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Typographic Links
Il giovane graphic-designer inglese Dan Collier è l’ideatore del progetto “ Typographic Links”, una pubblicazione “fatta a mano” che rileva link e ... - 63k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Università degli Studi di Firenze DIPARTIMENTO DI FARMACOLOGIA PRECLINICA E CLINICA. LINKS. CITTÀ DI FIRENZE - RETE CIVICA · CINECA Supercomputing Center ... - 20k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
JAZZIT » Jazz Links
JAZZIT è un bimestrale di musica jazz che nasce dall'esperienza maturata attorno alla pubblicazione de Il Gezzitaliano, rivista interamente dedicata al jazz ... - 93k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Città di Palermo - Links
Comune-Archivio-Servizi Sociali-Guida alla Città-Urp-Immagini-Ricerca-Links- Webmaster-Meteo · Città di Palermo - Home Page ... - 29k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Web Directory - Seo Tools - Web Links
Directory web, Seo Tools, Web Directory, Aggiungi un sito, Aumentare Page Rank, Strumenti Motori di Ricerca. Webtarget: La Webdirectory! - 92k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Pagina links di
Federico secondo, un uomo geniale, links, monarca, Meridione d'Italia, unificare la Penisola, culturale, ... pagina links del sito ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LIDAP - Links utili
31 mag 2008 ... In questa pagina, la LIDAP ONLUS fornisce links o riferimenti ad altri siti, ma non s'assume alcuna responsabilità per i loro contenuti (che ... - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Text Links E Google: Che Rischi Si Corrono A Vendere Text Links ...
17 ago 2007 ... Text Links E Google: Che Rischi Si Corrono A Vendere Text Links Sul Proprio ... Ciò che non sapevo al tempo è che non tutti i text link ad ... - 74k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cielo e Terra - Links
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook - grande sito con testi e links sulla storia antica, di Paul Halsall, Fordham University. ... - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Help:Links/it - MediaWiki
Per aggiungere un link interno, racchiudi il titolo della pagina tra due parentesi quadre. Quando salvi la pagina, vedrai il link alla pagina. ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Istoreto -Torino : links
E' attiva anche una collana di quaderni, denominata "Pesaro città e contà // Link", dedicata alla monografia e al saggio breve. ... - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
71. - Links
ARMI E LINKS - La più ampia raccolta di links in materia di armi e balistica - Italian language) - 85k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Selected Links of Geoscience Interest
Selected Links of Geoscience Interest. Societies and Institutions ... Links to lists of Institutions ... Links of scientific interest ... - 21k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Biblioteca Italiana per i Ciechi - Links
Per segnalare delle risorse interessanti, eventuali errori o links non più attivi, potete scrivere al Centro di Documentazione Tiflologica. ... - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
GiorgiaCosplay [ links ]
links ad altri siti di cosplay e cosplayer. ... ...e non poteva mancare una nutrita sezione di links relativi al mondo del cosplay ed alcuni altri siti ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I LINKS di Base Cinque - Appunti di Matematica ricreativa
Matematica ricreativa, Storia della matematica, Pagine personali. G4G4 e la sua sezione Recreational Math · Mathpuzzle di Ed Pegg Jr. ... - 16k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links - Studi per la Pace - diritto internazionale, diritti umani ...
Studi per la Pace è un centro per lo studio e la ricerca di temi diritto e politica internazionale, che presta particolare attenzione alle aree di crisi ... - 130k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links - FAI - Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano
Links e preferiti - FAI - Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano. - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Section dedicated to Other Links
Navigation path. Home Page | Other Links. Section dedicated to Other Links. CULTURE. Archivio di Stato di Venezia Official website of Venice Record Office ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Associazione Italiana Celiachia - Links
Attenzione: tutti i links di questa sezione sono esterni, le informazioni contenute in questi siti vanno attentamente valutate, l'A.I.C. non ha alcuna ... - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links Sicilia
Sicily WEB: La SICILIA on line - Cultura, turismo, arte, istituzioni, province - Palermo, Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Catania, Enna, Messina, Ragusa, ... - 29k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
HTML/Links - Wikibooks, manuali e libri di testo liberi
I links o àncore sono l'elemento principale di un sito web. I link permettono di passare da un documento ad un altro in maniera molto semplice: cliccando su ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Francesco Costa » links for 2008-12-16
C'ha ragione Achille, c'ha ragione. Sullo stesso tema:. links for 2008-11-10. 17 December 2008, 7.02 am. Nessun commento ». (per ora!) ... - 18k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Fisica - A. Righi - Links
Sito della biblioteca del dipartimento di fisica A.Righi, Bologna. - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I nostri Links
Questi sono alcuni dei links che vi consigliamo. La lista verrà aggiornata nel tempo. Se volete potete segnalare siti interessanti da aggiungere alla lista. ... - 22k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Associazione Italiana Familiari e Vittime della Strada onlus - Links
Links. Se trovi un collegamento interrotto in questa pagina per favore segnalalo al ... Link Amici. Spiegare Chiudi. Gruppo eventi. Questo sito è dedicato ... - 98k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
86. - LINKS
Personality Psychology Workshop, Università di Torino. Risorse di psicologia della personalità. Libri. - 167k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Vedi per la storia contemporanea italiana anche l'ulteriore raccolta di links offerta dallo. Istituto piemontese per la storia della Resistenza e della ... - 26k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
SICP - Società Italiana di Cure Palliative - Links
SICP - LINKS - Organizzazioni No Profit italiane, TORNA SU ... SICP - LINKS - Riviste specializzate del settore no profit, TORNA SU ... - 35k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
89. - Sceneggiature, sceneggiatori, sceneggiatura ...
LINKS E RISORSE DI RETE PER SCENEGGIATORI. I NUOVI LINKS. Aggiornamento di Luglio - Agosto 2007 (questi link saranno catalogati nell'apposite sezioni al ... - 16k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Guida Fogli di Stile CSS | I Links
I links Abbiamo visto come i CSS siano in grado di cambiare attributi al testo, ... Anche i Link possono essere dichiarati in una pagina o in un foglio di ... - 18k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
links - CCD images & Galaxy Atlas
EUROPIXEL: I nostri Links, Interesting websites cured by the italian representative of Hi-SIS ccd cameras, Siti web interessanti a cura del rappresentante ... - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links da
Tutti i blog di [Tutti i blog...] Links. Links ... Links e riferimenti di alberghi, agriturismi, bed & breakfast e altre risorse turistiche . ... - 75k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Collegamenti a siti di fotografia - PHOTO LINKS -
Links a siti dedicati al mondo della fotografia, link fotografici. - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Carta della Terra -indice dei links
Indice dei links tematici"Carta della Terra" edizione italiana - Natura, ambiente, sviluppo sostenibile. - 41k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LIBRI Biblioteca Telematica, LIBRARIA Libri publicati in Italia. Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera · CILEA Consorzio Universitario Lombardo per ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links ad istituzioni archivistiche di altre nazioni. Si segnala l'indirizzo del sito Internet dell'Università dell'Idaho attraverso il quale è possibile ... - 8k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
97. - Links
PAGINA LINKS websolutions non si assume nessuna responsabilità sul contenuto dei siti indicati nel nostro programma scambio links. ... - 131k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scambio Links del settore Vino -
Hai un sito e vuoi effettuare uno scambio link con ? ... Link a siti italiani su vino e cucina, altri portali di informazione ... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Agices Equo Links
EQUO LINKS CENTRALI DI IMPORTAZIONE ALTRAQUALITA' (Chiesuol del Fosso FE) · COMMERCIO ALTERNATIVO (Ferrara) · CTM ALTROMERCATO (Bolzano) ... - 9k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
links for 2008-12-13 - Macchianera
14 dic 2008 ... GNeri quando metti questi link mi sento tuo fratello spirituale. Posso invitarti un pomeriggio, dopo i compiti, per giocare a casa mia col ... - 66k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro

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Risultati di ricerca

RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
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Users can upload up to 100 meg files for sharing. Provides downloads of 100 megs per hour on the free service. Premium service also available. - 9k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
The LinkList feature is part of the free services of RapidShare. As the contents of LinkLists are not checked, RapidShare is not taking any responsibility ... - 86k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare Webhosting + Webspace
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PREMIUM-Downloads PREMIUM-Zone · FAQ Imprint · Forgot Premium-password? WARNING OF PHISHING! Multi-Upload. Please check our upload rules and service ... - 5k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
maestroalberto » Più di 100 motori di ricerca per RapidShare
Tutto RapidShare: 26 motori di ricerca e 16 generatori di account premium ... Sta cosa degli account premium gratis per rapidshare o megaupload mi sa tanto ... - 74k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
maestroalberto » Tutto RapidShare: 26 motori di ricerca e 16 ...
-26 sistemi di ricerca per scaricare file da RapidShare, molti dei quali .... maestroalberto » RapidSearch: motore di ricerca per RapidShare e siti similion ... - 131k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Scaricare Gratis da RapidShare
19 ago 2008 ... Dopo avervi consigliato i migliori motori di ricerca per Rapidshare che vi permettono di trovare in maniera facile i file che volete ... - 135k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
99 motori di ricerca Rapidshare | ILaRia Lab
19 lug 2008 ... Rapidshare per chi non lo sapesse è un sito che offre un servizio di upload per file di grandi dimensioni. Dal 2 Luglio ha rimosso il limite ... - 72k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
8. Forums-viewtopic-RapidShare richiamato all ordine
Roma - Rapidshare dovrà rimuovere i contenuti che violano il diritto d'autore, dovrà vigilare preventivamente sui contenuti caricati dagli utenti. ... - 42k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links utili per sfruttare meglio (e gratis) RapidShare |
8 set 2008 ... Di recente ci siamo trovati a fare uso massiccio di RapidShare, di sicuro uno dei migliori siti di file sharing in circolazione e, ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Siti e community rapidshare per scaricare ! | Tecno blog: web ...
3 apr 2008 ... Ho creato un elenco dei migliori siti per scaricare da rapidshare e megaupload, le community più attive e più varie! Film, giochi, serie tv ... - 84k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scaricare da Rapidshare senza limiti | Edit - Il blog di
Vivo in Spagna e uso rapidshare da tempo (pago circa 8 euro al mese e scarico ... Ho cercato per esempio in Google direttamente “Il Ciclone Rapidshare ... - 69k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I Migliori 15 Motori di Ricerca per RapidShare
RapidShare è il più famoso servizio di file sharing web presente oramai da tantissimi anni sul web. Il file sharing è possibile grazie all'hosting di file ... - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare - Wikipedia
Rapidshare è un servizio internet tedesco, sia gratis che a pagamento, che permette di caricare i propri files su internet. ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
PI: RapidShare: no al monitoraggio
Non è praticabile il controllo preventivo sui contenuti el espulsione degli indirizzi IP recidivi nel violare il diritto d autore. RapidShare rassicura gli ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
PI: Germania, RapidShare al controllo preventivo
3 ott 2008 ... La decisione di un giudice tedesco: il servizio di hosting deve prevenire le violazioni del diritto d autore e filtrare i contenuti prima di ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
16. .... Blogroll. P2p Zone · · P2p Forum. Copyright © Design by Weebs. - 32k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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RapidShare is a German owned one-click hosting pay- and free-service (with certain restrictions & limitations) website that operates from Switzerland and is ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare - By Brembo
Secondo me, come tanti altri siti similari, sarà la nuova frontiera del P2P , è un sito che permette l'upload e download di vari files ... - 86k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scaricare Da RapidShare con download in coda e account premium ...
Mentre per Rapidshare le soluzioni sono tante, per MegaUpload l'impresa è ardua e rimane aggiornato l'articolo di come scaricare da Megaupload più file ... - 92k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Automatizziamo il processo di download da RapidShare. - Geekissimo
22 ago 2008 ... Generatori di link premium per RapidShare e MegaUpload ... Rapidshare è senza dubbio uno dei migliore servizi di file sharing e hosting ... - 130k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Raptor, interessante download manager per RapidShare - Geekissimo
16 dic 2008 ... Generatori di link premium per RapidShare e MegaUpload ... Automatizziamo il processo di download da RapidShare. ... - 132k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
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RapidShare Manager · RapidUploader · RapidShare Checker · Support · FAQ · Support Contact · Abuse Contact · Security advice · RapidShare AG ... - 7k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Come scaricare con Rapidshare
Chiudere Internet Explorer (o il browser che usate) dopo aver eliminato i cookies (se non riuscite a distinguere i cookies di Rapidshare, eliminateli tutti) ... - 110k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ilcatanese: Rapidshare
10 nov 2008 ... Rapidshare è un servizio di upload file di grandi dimensioni (file sharing web), sia gratuito che a pagamento. Consente pure il download dei ... - 76k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapGet: Software per scaricare da RapidShare « SMaNEttONi
22 apr 2008 ... Con Rapidshare non funziona affatto. Con Megaupload fino a 30 download e con Filefactory è morto. Ho installato OpenSSl e tutto, ... - 42k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Motore di ricerca per RapidShare | Matteo Dini
23 ott 2008 ... Ottimo motore di ricerca aggiornatissimo che permette di effettuare ricerche di file sul famoso servizio di file sharing RapidShare. - 58k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare senza attese. | Il Bloggatore
RapidShare senza attese. - Gli utenti Premium di Rapidshare, e che quindi pagano per scaricare e caricare file senza limitazioni, non hanno problemi nel ... - 74k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
29. - Find files on rapidshare
- [ Traduci questa pagina ] - Find any file on rapidshare. - 19k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
80+ Motori di Ricerca per file su Rapidshare | 3 sul Blog - Tech ...
FileSearch - Rapidshare and megaupload file search engine ... Search4File - Free file search on RapidShare, Youtube and more ... - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Levysoft » Come scaricare da Rapidshare da riga di comando con ...
5 dic 2008 ... Wget Rapidshare Alle volte può sembrare che, quando vengono proposte soluzioni a riga di comando, ci si voglia complicare le cose nonostante ... - 56k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare | Blogs |
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Search Sean Fennessey. RapidShare. Breaking it down, one single at a time. RSS Subscribe to the RapidShare RSS Feed · Live: Lil Wayne Rocks Out, ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Tag rapidshare
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Rapidshare più automaticamente una coda di download di file di ...
RapidShare è uno dei più utilizzati popolare on-line la condivisione di file hosting milioni di file per il download, caricati dagli utenti di tutto il ... - 32k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare: Notizie, Foto e Video in Liquida dai Blog italiani
321 articoli, 17 immagini, 30 video su rapidshare, con guide, curiosità e suggerimenti dai migliori blog italiani (tag correlati: rapidshare, rapidshare) - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cercare su Megaupload, Rapidshare & Co. « NUOVO INDIRIZZO WWW ...
I più famosi sono comunque Rapidshare, Megaupload, Sexuploader & Co. che, per nostra sfortuna, non contengono un motore di ricerca interno. ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Search Engine -
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Rapidshare search engine, search rapidshare files, free unlimited rapidshare download and search. - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Motori di ricerca rapidshare, gli ultimi e sempre aggiornati ...
Di motore di ricerca ce n´è solo uno , giusto per questo ho fatto un bookmarklet che usa per cercare in file rapidshare, il suo utilizzo è ... - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Software gratis per scaricare da Rapidshare, Megaupload e simili ...
Scaricate RapGet per gestire il download simultaneo dei file di Rapidshare, Megaupload e degli altri siti di file hosting. - 77k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
TuttoVolume: RapidShare senza attese.
16 dic 2008 ... Gli utenti Premium di Rapidshare, e che quindi pagano per scaricare e caricare file senza limitazioni, non hanno problemi nel trovare un ... - 95k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
41. - Download free and unlimited MP3s and movies ...
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Download Free Music Now. Search & Find MP3, Movies, Software & More. Unlimited Downloads, Burn CDs & DVDs. - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
WASALive ! Film rapidshare
File che vengono condivisi grazie all’uso di siti di file hosting come MegaUpload e RapidShare e che quindi per essere scaricati non necessitano. ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download manager per Rapidshare | Giornale blog Wordpress
Per chi è alla ricerca di un download manager per Rapidshare vi presento Raptor ... Il programma download manager per Rapidshare funziona in maniera molto ... - 21k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Booster | Nothing2Hide
Rapidshare Booster is a Greasemonkey script which makes Rapidshare much more usable by adding the following powerful features: ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
Journal of the blogger Wordpress Blog // Recent Blog Entries ...
Happy go lucky - La felicità porta fortuna [Film/Rapidshare] ... Condividi Tags: Amore che vieni amore che vai, Film, rapidshare, streaming, trailer, trama, ... - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
In: Programma per scaricare da megaupload e rapidshare ... the.italian. rapidshare have 12 posts, 8 topics, 185 members, 5.566 total visits, 330 visits this ... - 26k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
10 utili Motori di Ricerca per RapidShare »
11 ago 2008 ... Rapidshare è il più grande e popolare sito di condivisione file, con milioni di file sul suo server. Ma ha un grosso punto debole, ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Germania: RapidShare vigilerà sugli utenti |oneP2P
6 ott 2008 ... Germania: RapidShare vigilerà sugli utenti - La corte di Amburgo ha stabilito che il motore di ricerca RapidShare dovrà rimuovere dal ... - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Bollino verde con RapidShare Tool |
Come tutti sapete RapidShare è uno dei servizi più utilizzati per condividere i file online. In alcuni casi servizi come questo sono utilizzati in. - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare Plus: come scaricare in modo semplice da RapidShare ...
Per tutti coloro che non dispongono di un account Premium per scaricare da RapidShare e sono stufi di dover aspettare i tempi di attesa imposti per gli ... - 71k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Ultime Notizie RapidShare News
inTopic Tecnologia - RapidShare notizie aggiornate da centinaia di fonti. - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Plus: ottimizzare i downloads da RapidShare | myTechnology
27 ott 2008 ... RapidShare Plus è un programmino che non richiede nemmeno l’installazione, e che in pratica ci permette di automatizzare i downloads da ... - 84k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cercare file su rapidshare
Ecco a voi,come promesso,il metodo di ricerca di file su rapidshare,sprovvisto di un motore di ricerca interno.Dopo questa agghiacciante notizia(come ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare notizie, consigli e hack.
Okay, so you’ve been looking for free Rapidshare Premium Logins and Passwords for ... Okay, hai cercato di libera Rapidshare Premium Login e Password per il ... - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Free Rapidshare Downloader
21 ott 2008 ... Rapidshare never stops teasing free users. Rapidshare si ferma mai eccitante gratuitamente gli utenti. From download wait timers to cat ... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Free Premium Rapidshare
2 Days Rapidshare Premium Account 2 Referrals. 30 Days Rapidshare Premium Account 5 Referrals. 90 Days Rapidshare Premium Account 15 Referrals ... - 5k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
» Lista Siti Rapidshare Premium Genius Magazine
Lista Siti Rapidshare Premium - Genius Magazine - il web 2.0 diventa realtà. - 65k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
password rapidshare - P2P Forum Italia
2 post - Ultimo post: 10 dic
password rapidshare Internet, web e servizi on line. - 61k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What's Rapidshare? How to Use Rapidshare?
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How to use Rapidshare and How to get everything you ever wanted.If you don’t already know what Rapidshare is, prepare to be blown away. - 18k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download ILLIMITATI da RapidShare e Megaupload | Area3000
Scaricare da rapidshare e megaupload senza limiti e gratis! - 37k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Acrilico » rapidshare
qui il video 2 sulla WI-FI sempre rapidshare ho inserito i video in modo da .... i file sono su rapidshare e si possono scaricare gratuitamente bisogna ... - 54k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Hack Rapidshare per bypass messaggi | Simo Blog
Tags : bypass, hack, metodo, new, nuovo, proxy, rapidshare ... Tramite questo hack attuale e funzionante è possibile bypassare i messaggi di Rapidshare: ... - 68k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Films | Movies - Home
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Rapidshare Films - Rapidshare Movies, Rapidshare Films, Tv Shows, ... Rapidshare Films == Visit the Movies/TV Shows Section for the Latest Releases! == ... - 47k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Premium links maker » Italia SW
Buone News per gli utilizzatori del servizio di Download RapidShare. Quest'oggi ho scoperto l'esistenza di un sito per generare dei links premium per il ... - 43k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I migliori motori di ricerca per RapidShare (e non solo) - MAMBRO ...
In questa lista troverete i migliori e più usati motori di ricerca per RapidShare, il servizio che offre gratuitamente di fare download e upload di files di ... - 59k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Come non Aspettare per Scaricare da Rapidshare | Tip and Tricks di ...
16 nov 2008 ... Questo è uno script per greasemonkey dunque necessita di firefox la cui funzione è evitare di aspettare per fare il download da rapidshare, ... - 35k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
La lista dei migliori siti per ricercare file su RapidShare ...
Chi non conosce il famosissimo servizio di upload, storaggio e file sharing gratuito di RapidShare o Megaupload?. Penso che siano rimasti davvero pochi… ... - 71k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RDown - Rapidshare Downloader :: Componenti aggiuntivi per Firefox
However, if rapidshare going to keep changing certain settings. Perhaps implement a small site which posts the latest config, then all the addon has to do ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download per rapidshare Saw V-Ultimatum alla terra -Twilight ...
17 dic 2008 ... Internet-Video-Calcio-Tutto Msn Messenger-News- Streaming Live tutto e sempre Gratis!! - 55k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Etichetta rapidshare - Widget di Netvibes
rapidshare / recipes / media / bbq / new world order - the revolution begins here with the best in music, movies, podcasts, BBQ, and whatever I want to fill ... - 35k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Raptor, piccolo download manager per Rapidshare
Ci sono diversi buoni download manager disponibili per i membri del servizio Premium di Rapidshare, ma non è lo stesso per gli utenti base. ... - 26k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare | Advanced-Techno
Tecnologia, informatica, computer, internet, programmazione, IM, SEO, web mastering, tip and trick e molto altro. - 81k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
[Rapidshare] Traduzione Italiana di Need for Speed Carbon » Pizzo ...
23 ago 2008 ... Ho uppato su rapidshare la traduzione in italiano di Need for Speed Carbon, ... Ecco i link delle parti scaricabili da rapidshare: ... - 37k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare timer hack - Exploit
Rapidshare è uno dei tanti servizi online che consente, senza alcun costo, di ospitare file sui propri server. Alla fine dell'upload vengono rilasciati due ... - 75k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I’m a Rapidshare Premium User: Pro e Contro - Uploads Blog
27 gen 2008 ... Utilizzavo già per il download di archivi poichè sui siti warez il n°1 è proprio lui, che assente da rivali, offre un ottimo ... - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Adjunta di Search Engine di Rapidshare per firefox | Browser ...
Diriga le lime di Rapidshare con gli attrezzi di RSE per firefox. Ciò è un' adjunta libera del firefox da lavorare alle lime del rapidshare e fornisce tutti ... - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
103 Motori di ricerca per RapidShare, Megaupload, Easyshare e ...
18 dic 2008 ... 103 Tra i Migliori Motori di ricerca Rapidshare, per scaricare file. La ricerca avviene anche Su Megaupload, Easy-share, DepositFile, ... - 90k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
rapidshare: Notizie, Articoli, Immagini e Video in dal Web Italiano su rapidshare. - 67k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Search Engine
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RapidShare Search Engine - Search Everything on and ! Find Everything You Are Looking For! Movies, Games, Software, Music, ... - 30k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare | KinG FeLiX | Guide, Linux, Windows, Hack, Msn ...
rapidshare - Blog attivo dal novembre 2007 che si occupa principalmente di web 2.0, hi-tech, hacking, trucchi, msn, crack, videogames, emoticon, cms, ... - 56k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Come cercare file su RapidShare « Gennaro Varriale »
16 set 2007 ... è un sito di file sharing che permette agli utenti di inserire i propri file e condividerli con gli altri. ... - 55k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Divx ita rapidshare - Rapidshare Search Files
I.Migliori.200.Gol.Della.Storia.Del.Calcio.ITA.DivX.part01.rar http://rapidshare .com/files/.../divx ita rapidshare download. Fileshunt Rapidshare Search engine. - 57k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Jdownloader - download manager per Rapidshare e molti altri siti ...
Ora Rapidshare ha addirittura eliminato il controllo del captcha per gli utenti free, per cui il compito di Jdownloader sarà ancora più semplice. ... - 54k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare King
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Rapidshare King © 2007 | Rapidshare King is unique, user-friendly website providing direct download links for latest movies and TV shows at ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
JDownloader: download manager per Rapidshare, YouTube e MegaUpload
JDownloader è un download manager soprattutto per Rapidshare, ma anche per i ... jdownloader download rapidshare youtube megaupload jdownloader download ... - 53k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare | Rvsdi's Corner come filehosting solo consente di caricare una dimensione massima di 200 MB, se vi è più la dimensione dei file che consentono di suddividere ... - 43k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Desktop Manager 4.6 - non ufficiale da Rapidshare BBWorld - BBWorld
12 giu 2008 ... Credo che ultimamente vada di moda mettere versioni beta di firmware e programmi vari per BlackBerry su Rapidshare. La domanda che mi pongo ... - 35k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scarica gratuitamente un account Premium Rapidshare II
Come volete la possibilità di ottenere una libera RapidShare Premium account senza stringhe ... 10 Responses to "Get A Free RapidShare Premium account II" ... - 57k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare - News dal Web
Notizie, Video e Foto di Rapidshare dal Web. ... Tag: Rapidshare. Ecco l'elenco di tutti i media e articoli taggati con la parola rapidshare. ... - 30k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
5 Rapidshare Search Engines
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Rapidshare is a goldmine if you know how to search it properly. There are basically two ways to do that. First, you can use Google search parameters to ... - 63k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
91. : Opinioni e recensioni Leggi su Ciao 4 opinioni su Compara i prezzi per Spazio Web e approfitta delle incredibili offerte. - 59k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
92. » Vedere subito i link rapidshare non più validi! ma anche ...
Quante volte ci ritroviamo a dover scaricare qualcosa che è stato caricato sul famoso portale di file sharing!! e troppe volte ci ritroviamo ... - 129k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
DIGITALife » Download Links - RapidShare, MegaUpload
Stanchi di Emule e Torrent? comincia l'era di RapidShare! ... ciao a tutti…. vuoi scaricare link di megaupload e rapidshare con mac osx? ... - 54k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
rapidshare - GRATIS LINKS Forum
12 post - Ultimo post: 6 dic
rapidshare - Ciao A tutti.. ancora una volta sono qui.. non per fare il ruffiano , ma questo forum è il migliore.. è frequentato da gente che ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Free Plus Rapidshare Downloader |
RapidShare è uno dei più popolari e la condivisione di file on-line del sito che ci ospita. La maggior parte degli utenti sta utilizzando la Free Rapidshare ... - 41k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Problemi con rapidshare? - Yahoo! Answers
Risposte alla domanda Problemi con rapidshare? nella categoria Computer - Altro di Yahoo! Answers. - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download file da MegaUpload e RapidShare
jDownloader e’ un download manager Open Source multi piattaforma specializzato nel download da siti come RapidShare, MegaUpload ed altri … ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
JDownloader: download manager per Rapidshare: Stealth Impostazioni
20 nov 2008 ... Il vantaggio principale di questa applicazione, è gestire il download del più noto sito di "file hosting" Rapidshare. ... - 32k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ZioBudda Italian Linux Portal - Rapidshare - Consulenza ...
29 gen 2008 ... Rapidshare il famoso servizio di condivisione di file, potrebbe essere costretto a chiudere. A seguito della sentenza di un tribunale ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scaricare Con Rapidshare Senza Attesa Con Il Programma Raptor ...
17 dic 2008 ... Ti piacerebbe scaricare da Rapidshare senza attendere? Ora lo puoi fare grazie a Raptor un programma che gestisce i download da Rapidshare ... - 32k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro

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Risultati di ricerca

MEGAUPLOAD - Servizio di archiviazione online e di consegna dei ...
Condividi i tuoi file in modo veloce, facile e sicuro. Megaupload offre uno spazio web gratuito per i tuoi documenti, immagini, musica e filmati. - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
- [ Traduci questa pagina ]
Share your files quickly, securely, and easily. Megaupload provides free web space for your documents, pictures, music and movies. We host the Internet! - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Altri risultati in »
Blog Gabriele: Come scaricare file da MegaUpload
scusa gabriele, come faccio ad avere un login e pass per scaricare film da megaupload, per favore contattami oppure dammi un tuo contatto msn dove potermi ... - 67k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scaricare file da MegaUpload: account premium, piu file insieme ...
Megaupload è il sito sul quale vengono caricati la maggior parte dei file anche illegali e soprattutto usato per postare i film in prima visione. ... - 100k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scaricare Da RapidShare con download in coda e account premium ...
Mentre per Rapidshare le soluzioni sono tante, per MegaUpload l'impresa è ardua e rimane aggiornato l'articolo di come scaricare da Megaupload più file ... - 92k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download illimitati con megaupload « Red Skull 92 Official Site
Chi usa megaupload sa benissimo che dopo un determinato tot di mega scaricati, megaupload non fa scaricare piu e costringe a comprare un account premium per ... - 59k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Generatori di link premium per RapidShare e MegaUpload - Geekissimo
Avete presente i servizi come RapidShare o MegaUpload? Sono dei servizi di file hosting, ovvero servizi dove ognugno può caricare i propri file e ... - 141k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
maestroalberto » megaupload
Inoltre non contiene pubblicità, né tempi di attesa per il download ( contrariamente ai servizi più blasonati come MegaUpload e RapidShare). ... - 57k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
maestroalberto » Shufs: motore di ricerca per RapidShare ...
Tags: download, filesharing, hosting, mediafire, megaupload, motori di ricerca, online, rapidshare, ricerca, search, sharing, tools, web service ... - 47k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Altri risultati in »
Sito MegaUpload
Sito MegaUpload - Servizio gratuito che permette di inviare files utilizzando internet, senza trasformarli in allegati di messaggi di posta. - 39k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
11. - and search engine
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Search files language:. Česky · Deutsch · English · Français · Polski. menu:. All rights reserved. Icons by Tango. - 5k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload SX.3.2 :: Componenti aggiuntivi per Firefox
Free slots from Megaupload for other countries else United States. ... Turn it on to click in a megaupload link and turn it off later the download has ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload Integration :: Componenti aggiuntivi per Firefox
Riprova tra qualche ora o installa la Megaupload Toolbar per l'accesso immeditato – con la toolbar installata non sussistono limitazioni di slot." ... - 29k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Altri risultati in »
14. Mega Upload Progress Bar
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Get Mega Upload Progress Bar at Fast, secure and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory. - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
[Guida-Utility] Scaricare file da MegaUpload
[Guida-Utility] Scaricare file da MegaUpload. « Older topic | Newer topic » ... e come si fanno a cercare i file su megaupload? P_MSG · P_EMAIL · P_MSN, Top ... - 83k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Software gratis per scaricare da Rapidshare, Megaupload e simili ...
Scaricate RapGet per gestire il download simultaneo dei file di Rapidshare, Megaupload e degli altri siti di file hosting. - 77k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Megaupload is an international one-click hosting website driven by Megaupload Limited, Hong Kong, available in 18 languages. ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload — Blogs, Immagini, e altro in Wordpress
eragonix wrote 1 day ago : Via via che appariranno in tv, le metterò su Megaupload per essere scaricate. Tutte le puntate son … more → ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
La lista dei migliori siti per ricercare file su RapidShare ...
Chi non conosce il famosissimo servizio di upload, storaggio e file sharing gratuito di RapidShare o Megaupload?. Penso che siano rimasti davvero pochi… ... - 71k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload | Il Bloggatore
Il servizio permette di effettuare una ricerca customizzata grazie a Google nel web per trovare file nei servizi su RapidShare, MegaUpload, Badongo, ... - 86k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download file da MegaUpload e RapidShare
jDownloader e’ un download manager Open Source multi piattaforma specializzato nel download da siti come RapidShare, MegaUpload ed altri … ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download ILLIMITATI da RapidShare e Megaupload | Area3000
Scaricare da rapidshare e megaupload senza limiti e gratis! - 37k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cercare file su Megaupload - 4megaupload | Monolite's Weblog
5 dic 2008 ... Uno tra i servizi di direct-link più conosciuti o di store dei dati su di un proprio spazio messo a disposizione è sicuramente ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload - MANUELITOS
E' arrivato l'album scaricabile da rapidshare e megaupload! ... Cesare Cremonini - Il primo bacio sulla luna megaupload. Sunday, 12. October 2008, 18:30:17 ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Uso Fuoco Estensione Megaupload SX.3.2 verso Ottenere MegaUpload e ...
MegaUpload e SexUploader operatore chi sei non da Unito Condizione-condotto Maggio essere frequantemente incontrare un accesso negato messaggio quello dice ... - 75k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Free Image Hosting at - Upload Images for MySpace ...
- [ Traduci questa pagina ] Mega Uploaded can help you. To upload an image, click "Browse.. .", select an image, click OK/Open, and then click "Upload Image". ... - 7k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
megaupload - NNTP.IT
mi indicate qualche sito o forum x megaupload grazie. - 36k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cercare su Megaupload, Rapidshare & Co. « NUOVO INDIRIZZO WWW ...
I più famosi sono comunque Rapidshare, Megaupload, Sexuploader & Co. che, per nostra sfortuna, non contengono un motore di ricerca interno. ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare megaupload: Notizie, Foto e Video in Liquida dai Blog ...
89 articoli, 4 immagini, 1 video su rapidshare megaupload, con guide, curiosità e suggerimenti dai migliori blog italiani (tag correlati: rapidshare ... - 62k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Mega Upload :: File Upload with Progress bar (PHP, perl and JSP)
- [ Traduci questa pagina ]
Within six weeks from the date of it's first release megaupload became a top 1% project at sourceforge. Though the ratings dropped after a period of ... - 6k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scaricare illimitatamente da megaupload con Fastweb!!! HEEEELP ...
16 dic 2008 ... Risposte alla domanda Scaricare illimitatamente da megaupload con Fastweb!!! HEEEELP? nella categoria Internet - Altro di Yahoo! Answers. - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
» Rapidshare Megaupload Genius Magazine
Rapidshare Megaupload - Genius Magazine - il web 2.0 diventa realtà. - 68k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
JDownloader: download manager per Rapidshare, YouTube e MegaUpload
JDownloader è un download manager soprattutto per Rapidshare, ma anche per i video di YouTube e per i file di altri servizi come MegaUpload. ... - 53k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Tag megaupload
Megaupload è uno dei migliori e più utilizzati siti di file sharing dove si possono scaricare e condividere file di tutti i tipi. Il servizio di ... - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare, Megashare, Megaupload. Link checker, Cavern Links ...
Se anche voi come me cercate regolarmente su Internet files da scaricare da Rapishare, Megaupload, Megashare o altri, allora non potrete fare a meno di ... - 62k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cerca file su RapidShare, Megaupload, MegaShares e altri con Woonz
Woonz permette di cercare file di qualunque genere su RapidShare, Megaupload, MegaShares e molti altri siti di File Sharing. - 45k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
megaupload: Notizie, Articoli, Immagini e Video in dal Web Italiano su megaupload. - 65k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Non Riesco A Scaricare Da Megaupload
10 post - Ultimo post: 12 dic
Non riesci a scaricare file solo da Megaupload ? ... esatto non riesco a scaricare solo da megaupload, la guida l'ho già letta ma non ... - 45k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
[XBOX 360] PES 2009 [italiano] [rapidshare] [torrent] [megaupload ...
PES 2009 Genere : Calcio Language(s) : ITA Uscita: 14/08/2008 Versione: Strange Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 Quando parlo dei due rappresentanti del calcio ... - 41k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Vabbe fattostà che mi sono messo a guardare un film in streaming da Megaupload , dopo 72 minuti di film scena clue … si blocca tutto … esce una scritta… hai ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Link megaupload e rapidshare - ITALIA DVD Forum
42 post - Ultimo post: 13 feb
ciao , volevo chiedervi se esistono dei link dove poter scaricare film attuali( nn xxx quelli si trovano da tutte le parti)in italiano io li ... - 177k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload | Tecknologica
14 mag 2008 ... I siti su cui il servizio genera link sono: Badongo, Sendspace, Megaupload, Rapidshare, DepositFiles e Zshare. ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
103 Motori di ricerca per RapidShare, Megaupload, Easyshare e ...
18 dic 2008 ... 103 Tra i Migliori Motori di ricerca Rapidshare, per scaricare file. La ricerca avviene anche Su Megaupload, Easy-share, DepositFile, ... - 90k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare e MegaUpload Premium Links Maker - News » Italia SW
Interessanti News per gli utilizzatori di RapidShare e MegaUpload: sono disponibili due nuovi servizi per il download tramite links premium. - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Come Scaricare Senza limiti da Rapidshare Megaupload Mediafire
9 dic 2008 ... Il vantaggio di scaricare file direttamente da siti come Rapdishare o Megaupload è quello di non aspettare mai nessun tipo di fila o coda, ... - 69k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
DIGITALife » Download Links - RapidShare, MegaUpload
ciao a tutti…. vuoi scaricare link di megaupload e rapidshare con mac osx???’ utilizate jdownloader…. gratis, veloce, multifunzionale…. ciaoooo ... - 54k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Aumentare gli slots di megaupload | Advanced-Techno
Tecnologia, informatica, computer, internet, programmazione, IM, SEO, web mastering, tip and trick e molto altro. - 74k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Guide eBay - Scaricare da Megaupload senza installare la toolbar
5 giu 2007 ... Ecco una maniera su come poter scaricare da Megaupload senza il bisogno di installare quella inutile toolbar -Disabilitare l'accettazione ... - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Gianluca megaupload com - Megaupload Search
Megaupload File Search Results: 1-25 of 40509 for "gianluca megaupload com" ... 1.08 MB, Megaupload Com Premium Link Gene rar download ... - 60k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapGet: scaricare da MegaUpload e RapidShare non è mai stato così ...
Cari utenti di DualpC, penso sia capitato anche a voi di scaricare a volte qualcosa da siti come MegaUpload, RapidShare o simili, e ritrovarvi nella. - 74k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
MegaDownload: Ricerca su RapidShare e MegaUpload - Uploads Blog
30 ott 2007 ... Simone aveva già parlato dei tantissimi servizi per ricerca in file hosting quali RapidShare e MegaUpload ed io avevo invece steso una ... - 39k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Trova risultati per megaupload - KML, KMZ, Google Earth e i luoghi ...
Also lets you search other services like MegaUpload. ... Great new website that lets you search file hosting sites like RapidShare and Megaupload. ... - 35k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare o megaUpload: come scaricare gratis? -
4 post
Ciao a Tutti, mi sapete dire se esiste la possibilità di scaricare gratis da questi due siti? Esiste una pass. - 43k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Come scaricare da MegaUpload
Questa è una semplicissima guida per coloro che non riescono a scaricare dai siti Megaupload, sempre presenti in questo forum. MEGAUPLOAD 1) Inserite il ... - 22k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
METIN2 RUNUP (megaupload) 91mt2
10 post - Ultimo post: 21 set
(21/09/2008 09:11 AM)marco1994 Ha scritto: Spero di fare una cosa gentile postando il nuovo lonju su megaupload: ... - 70k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload | KinG FeLiX | Guide, Linux, Windows, Hack, Msn ...
megaupload - Blog attivo dal novembre 2007 che si occupa principalmente di web 2.0, hi-tech, hacking, trucchi, msn, crack, videogames, emoticon, cms, ... - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload Download
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megaupload-dl (Megaupload Download) is a program which helps downloading files from Megaupload using a Premium Account. The files to download can be ... - 9k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
DaleYa: cercare files in Rapidshare, Megaupload e altri siti di ...
Ottimo motore di ricerca (in lingua spagnola) di files che si trovano sui più famosi siti di Web Hosting gratuito. Effettuando una ricerca su Daleya. - 64k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload, file in download & upload (video & mp3 alla massima ...
Se vuoi comprendere fino in fondo il funzionamento di MegaUpload, forse può esserti di aiuto leggere una semplice guida che ho scritto su Rapidshare ... - 43k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Gundam Universe Blog » Blog Archive » Newtype Magazine gennaio 09 ...
Newtype Magazine gennaio 09- Megaupload ... Abbiamo immesso i numeri di Newtype di gennaio 09 ed novembre 08 segnalati in precedenza su un file Megaupload ... - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
[Guida]: Come usare Megavideo-Megaupload | Link Streaming
Per quanti di noi (e penso parecchi) si sono sempre lamentati, della qualità di uno dei più noti e utilizzati siti di video hosting, e sicuramente. - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload search engine
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Megaupload searcher search engine :Search and find any kind of files that are hosted in megaupload .. videos,movies,zips,rars,softwares and more. - 47k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload, spazio per i file - Tutto Gratis
Megaupload, spazio per i file. Non hai più spazio sul tuo disco fisso? ... La soluzione si chiama Megaupload. Un sito che permette di ospitare file di ogni ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Search Files on Rapidshare, Search Megaupload, SendSpace, ZShare ...
- [ Traduci questa pagina ]
Using you can search Rapidshare, Megaupload and many other uploading sites and file hosting services. Search any files with an easy to use ... - 30k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Nuovo generatore link premium per Megaupload | Tecno blog: web ...
10 mar 2008 ... Getmu genera link premium per scaricare simultaneamente file da Megaupload. Funziona alla grande e ovviamente è gratuito. - 73k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RedSend » Blog Archive » Ricerca su rapidshare, megaupload, ecc.
Ricerca su rapidshare, megaupload, ecc. 1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars ( No Ratings Yet). Loading ... Posted by raphe | Filed under Motori di ricerca ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
megaupload /
Also lets you search other services like MegaUpload. continua... » Commenta Aggiungi questo link a... Stronca Aggiungi a: aggiungi 'Rapidshare Search Site ... - 41k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
.:: Blog - Massimo Rabbi ::. » MegaUpload Premium ...
Megaupload è un altro sito che come Rapidshare consente il download di file. Questi tipi di servizi sono diventati in ... - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload | Giovy's Blog
Archivio per la tag 'megaupload' ... dei files per permetterne ad altri il download; i più noti sono Rapidshare, Filefactory, Megaupload, DivShare… ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Anna Tatangelo Official Forum • Leggi argomento - megaupload
sarahtaty ha scritto: apre la pag di megaupload, svolgo la procedura ...cioè scrivo le 3 lettere nel rettangolino poi ... - 37k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
72. - Forum italiano dedicato a Michael Jackson • RapGet ...
Sappiamo tutti che è una palla scaricare con Megaupload in quanto bisogna ogni ... Nel senso che non entra e fa "tamarrate" nei confronti di Megaupload, ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cercare files in Rapidshare, Megaupload, Badongo, MediaFire ...
Cercare files in Rapidshare, Megaupload, Badongo, MediaFire, FileFront, FileFactory, Megashares, Turboupload e Sendspace con DaleYa. - 56k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Guida e trucchi:Rapidshare e Megaupload - Upnews
Come Scaricare da Rapidshare e MegaUpload? Ecco una guida completa per tutti coloro che non hanno ancora dimestichezza con ta... - 22k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ZioBudda Italian Linux Portal - Megaupload - Consulenza ...
7 nov 2008 ... Tutto su Linux, kubuntu, consulenza, sysadm, drupal, kernel, italia. - 29k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Bloginmano: 18 opzioni per cercare file in rapidshare, megaupload ...
Il forum, inoltre, in questo periodo mette a disposizione Accounts Premium Rapidshare o Megaupload se si contribuisce inserendo delle release. ... - 133k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Come usare Megaupload | Giornale blog Wordpress
Ecco una breve ma utile guida su come usare Megaupload per vedere online ... Andando su Megaupload, su cui siete stati indirizzati cliccando il link del ... - 22k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
scaricare da megaupload : Cosmo Blu's World
... ricerca per scaricare qualsiasi tipo di materiale uppato sui server che offrono host gratuito come rapidshare e megaupload ( ... - 44k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload - Forum Italiano Tennis Tavolo
5 post - Ultimo post: 15 set
Megaupload Informatica e Tecnologia. ... Buongiorno a tutti, vi volevo chiedere una cosa su megaupload: io fino ad ora ho scaricato le ... - 54k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cosa è Megaupload? - P2P Forum Italia
Cosa è Megaupload? Internet, web e servizi on line. - 77k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
megaupload | If there is a song...
Come funziona Megaupload (una volta per tutte): cliccate sul link: vi si aprirà una nuova finestra, nella quale (in alto a destra) troverete un codice di ... - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
82. » megaupload
Qualche giorno fa ho pubblicato un truccheto per evitare di installare la toolbar di megaupload, quando si vuole scaricare un file. ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload |
Rapidshare, Megaupload e simili, per farvi scaricare gratuitamente alcuni file guardano sempre il vostro IP oltre che ai cookies, che purtroppo, ... - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
5 post - Ultimo post: 10 giu 2007
MEGAUPLOAD TOOLBAR Tutorial - Ho scoperto un modo per... - 54k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
megaupload »
Il più famoso sicuramente è Rapidshare, ma tra i più utilizzati ci sono anche MegaUpload e tanti altri. FreeDrive però è diverso dagli altri siti per lo ... - 43k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
megaupload - rapidshare - GRATIS LINKS Forum
8 post - Ultimo post: 20 giu
megaupload - rapidshare - ciao qualcuno mi sa dire dove trovare siti forum con gli indrizzi per scaricare da megaupload? - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Notizia JDownloader: Download manager per Rapidshare e MegaUpload
17 nov 2008 ... jdownloader ਠun download manager per rapidshare e megaupload semplicissimo da usare e molto comodo 2 voti ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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5 post
download manager freeware per megaupload e siti simili Newsgroup it-alt.comp. software.gratuito. - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
MELUG • Leggi argomento - Megaupload
5 post
Molti utenti sapranno che oramai MegaUpload (celebre sito di file-uploading) sta ormai da tempo applicando svariate restrizioni, facendo crescere di giorno ... - 20k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload | Script PHP Upload di file |
Script Megaupload del canale PHP. ... Megaupload è uno script php che permette di visualizzare, in una finestra pop-up, una progress bar per l'upload dei ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Non riesco a caricare i video con megaupload - TechForum
4 post - Ultimo post: 8 ago
Non riesco a caricare i video con megaupload Help for Dummies. - 43k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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download manager megaupload e rapidshare. ... Personalmente mi trovo benissimo con Mega Manager per Megaupload e. Rapidshare Manager per il secondo. ... - 18k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Problema megaupload - Forum di Tom's Hardware Italia
2 nov 2008 ... Ciao ragazzi! Stamattina stavo cercando di scaricare un file da megaupload con il free download, solo che mi diceva che il mio indirizzo IP ... - 97k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Premium Megaupload Gratis - Stilegames
10 mar 2008 ... Get Mu è un applicazione online che ci permette di scaricare dal famoso sito megaupload come se fossimo degli utenti premium. ... - 42k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Tutorial Megaupload - Istruzioni all'uso
Megaupload e' definito dalla rete uno dei servizi di hosting più affidabili ... Ricorda: Su Megaupload i file uppati da utenti non registrati vengono ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
» » Come scaricare da Rapidshare e Megaupload senza aspettare ...
Cryptload Software che amministra e gestisce le scariche di Rapidshare e MegaUpload. Ha moltissime opzioni di configurazione e soprattutto automatizz. - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cliffhanger (1993) (DVDRip) [MegaUpload]
TRAMA Impari ma vittoriosa lotta di un montanaro, membro di una squadra di soccorso, oppresso da un forte senso di colpa per la morte di una ragazza, ... - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
JDownloader, come scaricare da rapidshare, megaupload e altri su ...
Ecco a voi JDownloader il miglior programma per scaricare file da siti come Rapidshare e Megaupload (ma anche TUTTI gli altri). ... - 43k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
MegaUpload Search - MegaUpload Search Engine ...
- [ Traduci questa pagina ], one of the best search engines for megaupload. We offers search files from, file type including: appz, mtv, mp3, ... - 9k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro

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Anonimo ha detto...

Radio Radicale Fai Notizia Solo Video Elezioni 2008

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Il nostro network vi augura a tutti buon natale e vi regala 2 bellissimi software
23/12/2008 - 15:36

Auguri di buon natale. Vi regaliamo 2 bellissimi e utilissimi software :

1 - Mini Explorer 6.00
Un browser molto innovativo.

2 - Pc Speed Extreme
Potenziate al massimo il vostro computer e rendetelo veloce ed ottimizzato

Per voi e per natale tutto GRATIS !!! Buon natale a tutti
L'originale su
L'intervista del blog: Simone Maria Navarra
23/12/2008 - 14:32

Sono stato intervistato su questo blog!
L'originale su
Ashley Greene torna nel ruolo di Alice in New Moon
23/12/2008 - 14:14

Ashley Greene ha anche detto che le piacerebbe molto se le lasciassero guidare la Porsche gialla che Alice possiede nel secondo romanzo.
L'originale su
Una proposta a sostegno dell'economia
23/12/2008 - 13:45

Da diverse fonti si apprende che la crisi economica verrà aggravata dalla rinuncia ad acquistare da parte dei consumatori, con effetti negativi per aziende ed occupazione.
crisi economica
Anagrafe pubblica delle attività degli eletti
23/12/2008 - 12:00

dal blog di Radicali Lucani
L'originale su
Sexy Auguri di Natale
23/12/2008 - 11:56

Gli auguri con i bigliettini tradizionali non vanno più di moda. A prendere il loro posto ci sono e-mail, SMS e MMS anche un po’ piccanti. Sempre più auguri virtuali, specie tra noi giovani, sono sempre accompagnati da foto abbastanza hot.
L'originale su
L'Iran festeggia il 2008 e mette il bavaglio a Shirin Ebadi
23/12/2008 - 11:44
3 voti - 1 commento

L'ennesimo colpo ai diritti umani in Iran
L'originale su
23/12/2008 - 11:29

Scegliere un hardware da regalare per Natale a chi vogliamo bene, quest'anno -come al solito- non èuna cosa semplicissima; troppe cose tute utili benlle e 'favolose' Un telefonino?
L'originale su
L'uomo propone e Dio dispone
23/12/2008 - 11:08
"Il Caso De Magistris"

da Il Resto, 20 dicembre 2008

di Maurizio Bolognetti
Chieco, Corruzione, De Magistris, Marinagri, Partitocrazia, Toghe lucane
Buon Natale, Bel Paese
23/12/2008 - 10:36
1 commento

Soru e "L'Unità", Di Pietro, Alitalia: Buon Natale, Italia.
L'originale su

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Anonimo ha detto...

Il tuo commento è stato salvato.
La visualizzazione del commento sul sito all'indirizzo il post originale può richiedere un po' di tempo.
Posta un commento su: AnyOne Can STOP Italian WAREZ
"Aiuti, Suggerimenti, Sfoghi e quant'altro. EDIT!"
146 commenti - Mostra post originale Comprimi i commenti

Blogger Aluren ha detto...

volevo chiederti cosa secondo te dovrebbero fare i forum che hai segnalati come rimasti, per migliorare e cosa ci vorrebbe invece di nuovo nella scena warez.

5 agosto 2008 2.37
Blogger zalf ha detto...

su b4ck ti sbagli...è di nuovo online

5 agosto 2008 4.46
Blogger Satyr ha detto...

Innanzitutto su non mi sembra ci sia nulla di online in ogni caso mi é stato confermata la decisione dall'admin. Per aluren credo che ci siano molte cose da fare, iniziando dallo spostare il server altrove ed evitare cose meno italiane possibili, inoltre beh, nella scena warez italiana, di nuovo, ci vorrebbe un team, qualcuno in grado di mandarla avanti non necessariamente con un forum suo ma presente su ogni forum. Chiunque abbia altri suggerimenti li posti qui, questo é l'unico ponte di incontro per tutti, neutro e libero.

5 agosto 2008 5.38
Blogger zalf ha detto...

5 agosto 2008 8.08
Blogger Aluren ha detto...

zalf ma devo ridere?

fatti una analisi whois e vedi che cazzo di merda è questa!!!

5 agosto 2008 8.20
Blogger zalf ha detto...

il dominio è olandese,quindi?

5 agosto 2008 8.57
Blogger Satyr ha detto...

zalf ma non ti vergogni a postare certe cose?? Come infangare la memoria di un forum con un link.

5 agosto 2008 9.26
Blogger zalf ha detto...


non voglio infangare nessuno b4ck era uno dei miei forum preferiti e quando dal blog di myopera\b4ck ho visto questo link ho SPERATO che fosse tornato..

quindi,per quale motivo mi sto sbagliando? scusate se sono niubbo ma invece di sparare cazzate sul mio conto potreste spiegare qualcosa!!!

5 agosto 2008 9.48
Blogger Satyr ha detto...

Zalf é molto semplice, qualcuno sta cercando di fottere il piu' utenti possibile alla chiusura di b4ck.

5 agosto 2008 15.18
Blogger Blackcult77 ha detto...

AnyOne Can STOP Italian WAREZ...

forse volevi scrivere can't... XD

P.S. per caso sei il "Conte"?? :D

6 agosto 2008 3.43
Blogger Satyr ha detto...

E' sempre bello vedere che c'é qualcuno che ascolta musica vera. Comunque la situazione é disastrosa.

6 agosto 2008 7.48
Blogger LerkeR ha detto...

esiste acnhe

6 agosto 2008 11.39
Blogger zalf ha detto...

ma ad non ci si puo' piu' iscrivere??

poi nella sezione forum chiusi avete dimenticato downloadtime\animereup

7 agosto 2008 15.07
Blogger Aluren ha detto...


se digiti

hai la risposta....

per animereup hai ragione, mentre downloadzone dovrebbe essere questo:

7 agosto 2008 16.28
Blogger zalf ha detto...

non downloadzone...downloadtime! (poi divenuto animereup)

8 agosto 2008 1.03
Blogger Satyr ha detto...

Bene, effettivamente é ora di aggiornare il post.

8 agosto 2008 9.46
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

il sito di quello che si spacciava per b4ck e stato gia' chiuso dalla'è possibile?

8 agosto 2008 9.56
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

leggete qua:

a quanto pare il falso b4ck si è messo da solo l'immagine della finanza,ce n'è di gente strana in giro...

8 agosto 2008 9.59
Blogger Satyr ha detto...

Mamma mia, non c'é limite al peggio. Ma poi avete visto quel coglione? Compagnia di Torino, tribunale ordinario di Lodi :D In ogni caso ho aggiornato il post e ho permesso i commenti ai non registrati, ripeto chiunque avesse suggerimenti, e voglia di nuove comunità commenti.

8 agosto 2008 10.57
Blogger zalf ha detto...

a me interesserebbe parecchio visitare italyfastshare...come si puo' fare?

8 agosto 2008 14.20
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

x satyr

come é possibile entrare in italyfastshare ?

13 agosto 2008 11.56
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Volevo solo dire che scaricolibero è ancora attivo a questo, ma ormai è diventato una community chiusa nel senso che non accettano più iscrizioni.Hanno trasferito il server principale in malesia, le release però sono tantisssime e sempre molto puntuali

17 agosto 2008 3.16
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

18 agosto 2008 8.24
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

ecco la gente che fa chiudere colombo,piratebay o i siti/forum/blog di download diretto

date un'occhiate alle varie discussioni e capirete...

spero che qualcuno "che ci sappia fare" faccia qualcosa al piu presto...

21 agosto 2008 4.23
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Sistemerei la frase "in ogni caso la solita grafichetta delle balle lo rende piccolo e insignificante per la scena" su visto che adesso si può scegliere fra diverse skin che non sono niente male^^


3 settembre 2008 15.44
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

vi ricordiamo che sulla piazza sta facendo furore

4 settembre 2008 21.02
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

io conosco:

12 settembre 2008 9.11
Blogger Lucas ha detto...

volevo chiederti, io sono molto interessato ad entrare su italyfastshare, mi hanno detto ke c'è tanta roba... mi sapresti dire perchè è chiuso???
ho letto ke potresti prestarci il tuo login...
fammi sapere per favore.

18 settembre 2008 9.59
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Ma perchè non ne fai uno tu invece di lamentarti con i siti/forum esistenti rimasti?

20 settembre 2008 2.34
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Esiste anche un nuovo portale Warez: che non pare affatto male, anzi depone bene, inviterei chiunque ad iscriversi....

21 settembre 2008 11.02
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

qualcuno sa come fare per iscriversi a e ad P.S. downloadtime tornerà prima o poi?

5 ottobre 2008 9.23
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Ragazzi visitate questo sito: - è stato aperto da poco ma ha già moltissimi contenuti...

10 ottobre 2008 11.14
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

IFS è rinato è più bello e veloce di prima !!! ^_^

12 ottobre 2008 3.23
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

ragazzi...son disperato...c'è qualcuno che può condividere il suo account su
sarò debitore!!!
fatemi sapere e buonagiornata!!!

15 ottobre 2008 8.59
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

non è ancora possibile iscriversi a E' tornato ma non permette la creazione di un nuovo account

19 ottobre 2008 9.19
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

ragazzi, ciao a tutti, volevo chiedere: ma questo?
cosa ne pensate?

20 ottobre 2008 23.45
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Buongiorno a tutto il blog!
Sono Italyfastshare ;)
Il presente messaggio per tranquillizzare la rete che siamo ancora la'..
Invito chiunque voglia a fare un salto!!

p.s. Satyr se ti va sistema il post, credo meritiamo un pizzico in piu'.

26 ottobre 2008 1.25
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

non ci si può registrare come nuovo utente Italyfastshare

30 ottobre 2008 10.19
Blogger Massimiliano ha detto...

Satyr,mi manderesti i tuoi dati di IFS

16 novembre 2008 3.33
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Ma ha problemi di accesso o mi sbaglio? non accetta username e password di utente regolarmente registrato. Capita anche a voi?

17 novembre 2008 10.13
Anonimo crackdown ha detto...

l'admin di ha cancellato gli utenti non partecipativi il 15 novembre. Probabilmente eri uno di quelli

20 novembre 2008 3.06
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Sono l'admin di se vi va venite a visitarlo è molto fornito è bisognoso di Releaser e utenti!

23 novembre 2008 14.36
Blogger P. ha detto...

riguardo a andate a controllare l'ultimo utente registrato
nel profilo è riportata come data di registrazione " Iscritto il:
mer 19 nov 2008, 22:18"

dunque non sono chiuse le registrazioni..

25 novembre 2008 10.42
Blogger pinty ha detto...

anche a me scaricolibero da problemi di accesso ed anche ad un mio abbiamo partecipato tutti e due...

26 novembre 2008 3.33
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

idem stesso problema con scaricolibero
ero utente attivissimo e sono stato bannato, non ne so il motivo.
domenica sera funzionava, sono 3 giorni che sono fuori senza avviso.
non credo sia un problema di manutenzione perche ho notato che nella lista utenti stanno scrivendo con date odirne di post.
se qualcuno sa qualcosa ci faccia sapere.

26 novembre 2008 8.28
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

ciao sei gentilissimo a condividere il tuo account italyfastshare... potresti mandarmi i dati a
appena riaprono le registrazioni userò i dati nuovi..
ciao e grazie

27 novembre 2008 5.09
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

animedb è proprio ridicolo,addirittura fanno dei raduni nelle principali citta' italiani,
sono pazzi!!!

p.s. scaricolibero funziona perfettamente

27 novembre 2008 5.48
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero funziona perfettamente se hai un accont registrato.
prova a registrarne uno nuovo e vediamo se funziona.
la pagina per falro e' disabilitata.
A molti utenti hanno tolto account e non si capisce la ragione precisa perche' non c'e' stata nessuna segnalazione e da parte mia ho sempre ringraziato prima di scaricare e ero prtesente spesso quindi per me e' un mistero.

27 novembre 2008 9.33
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

la nuova legge su scaricolibero è che bisogna aprire almeno un posto con link nuovi altrimenti ti bannano

27 novembre 2008 12.18
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Ti ringrazio non sapevo questa nuova legge su scarico libero.
Pensavo ci fossero uploader che avevano questa funzione.
Non l'ho proprio letto da nessuna parte sul forum.
Adesso le iscrizioni al forum sono chiuse proprio.
Sono un padre di famiglia e a me interessano cartoni animati per i piu piccoli .
Come posso contattare Admin per chiarire l'accaduto?

27 novembre 2008 23.45
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

la mail di admin purtroppo non la conosco,pero' ho questa che è comunque di un moderatore

28 novembre 2008 4.27
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

nell'home page cmq dice questo:

Iscrizioni chiuse, manteniamo l'anonimato
Tutti gli iscritti sono pregati di non divulgare in rete l'indirizzo del forum
chiunque condividerà o pubblicherà i propri dati d'accesso al forum verrà bannato.
26/11/2008 Sfoltimento utenti quasi terminato
E' quasi terminata la pulizia degli utenti "fannulloni", chi ancora non avesse provveduto a farlo si affretti ad aprire un proprio topic con dei link originali, una volta eliminato l'account non c'è più possibilità di reiscrizione.

28 novembre 2008 4.28
Blogger Aluren ha detto...

Che cazzo di senso ha fare un forum se poi non ci fai registrare la gente?? Patetica la qualità dei forum warez italiani....

28 novembre 2008 4.34
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

una volt ci si poteva registrare ,ora per ragioni di sicurezza non piu',
sono rimasti 900 utenti.

28 novembre 2008 5.58
Blogger Aluren ha detto...

ragioni di sicurezza cosa?

28 novembre 2008 6.46
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Sinceramente se avevo letto per tempo (26/11/2008 Sfoltimento utenti quasi terminato
E' quasi terminata la pulizia degli utenti "fannulloni", chi ancora non avesse provveduto a farlo si affretti ad aprire un proprio topic con dei link originali, una volta eliminato l'account non c'è più possibilità di reiscrizione.) avrei sicuramente aperto un link o anche due ma non l'ho neppure notata questa scritta.
Mi sembrava piu' onesto dare un ultimatum valido per tutto prima del ban, insomma sono fuori inconsapevolmente.
scusate ma non mi sembra molto onesto. In una comunita' si cerca di essere leali e uniti e in fatto di lealta' non sono mai mancato.

28 novembre 2008 13.14
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero mi dice, anzi mi diceva : prima di postare controlla se esiste gia' un post. se esiste non postare. poi mi tira fuori perche non posto link. ma che significa? non è detto che uno debba avere per forza qualche link misterioso che altri non hanno.

29 novembre 2008 9.46
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Si, anch'io mi trovo fuori per lo stesso motivo.
mi verrebbe vogli di . . . .

30 novembre 2008 8.04
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Io ho conosciuto questo -->

30 novembre 2008 10.27
Commento eliminato

Questo post è stato eliminato dall'autore.

1 dicembre 2008 0.45
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Qualcuno ha qualche link di forum decenti?
Potete postarmeli qui


1 dicembre 2008 1.16
Anonimo acros ha detto...

mi raccomando diteli tutti i link dei forum...così chiudono tutti domani ...che DEFICENTI CELEBRO LESI !!!!!!!!!!!11

1 dicembre 2008 9.53
Blogger Aluren ha detto...

Prima di tutto acros si dice cerebroleso, e poi perchè dovrebbero chiudere? Illuminaci!!!

1 dicembre 2008 10.04
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

amministratore puoi cortesemente cancellare il messaggio con la mail di enzomaxxtro ?


1 dicembre 2008 11.11
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

avete una passw x scaricolibero o sapete come reperirne una.

2 dicembre 2008 2.07
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

che fine ha fatto

...era uno dei migliori!!!!


2 dicembre 2008 2.46
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Secondo te, per chiederli i link, come avrei dovuto fare?

Ero un utente attivo documentabile di

che ora hanno chiuso.
Se qualcuno ha qualche dritta gliene sarei grato.


2 dicembre 2008 3.44
Blogger Aluren ha detto...

Ma scusa ddlfantasy e dowloadzoneforum sono solo in manutenzione, sono sicuro che appena avranno sistema riaprono. Oppure ci sono notizie di cui non sono a conoscenza?

2 dicembre 2008 3.49
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Secondo me Download Zone ormai è andato. è chiuso da troppo tempo per essere in manutenzione. Secondo me tirava una brutta aria e hanno chiuso prima di fare la fine di colombo-bt

2 dicembre 2008 4.05
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Anche secondo me sono andati...

2 dicembre 2008 5.26
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

...non è per contraddirvi ma ddlfantasy è da MOLTO,MOLTO più tempo che è chiuso....DWZ sono solo pochi giorni...

2 dicembre 2008 6.12
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Sei sicuro su ddlfantasy?
Perchè ha chiuso per "manutenzione" giusto qualche giorno prima di DWZ.
Altrimenti stiamo parlando di due forum diversi...

2 dicembre 2008 7.16
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Da ieri,se cerco di entrae in Scaricolibero, mi dice "......can't access this site"
Credete che sia stato bannato anche io?

2 dicembre 2008 9.27
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Da ieri, se cerco di entrare in Scaricolibero, mi dice ".........can't access this website". Credete che sia stato bannato, oppure altri hanno lo stesso problema da ieri?

2 dicembre 2008 9.29
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero è stato chiuso definitivamente in seguito ad un avviso di garanzia.

2 dicembre 2008 11.48
Blogger Aluren ha detto...

Ragazzi ormai il governo chiude tutto!!! XD

2 dicembre 2008 11.53
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Ora eva davvero scaricolibero è chiuso definitivamente?? e NO DAI!!!!!! PERCHèèè

2 dicembre 2008 12.27
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Scaricolibero non ha chiuso un bel niente, hanno bannato tantissimi utenti dopo aver chiuso le registrazioni, sono rimasti in pochi e continuano a fare quello che hanno sempre fatto.
Non potete accedere perche' siete stati bannati.

2 dicembre 2008 13.29
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

si ha chiuso , l'amministratore ha inviato una mail ai moderatori e agli utenti più partecipi del sito dove si diceva che chiudeva definitivamente.

2 dicembre 2008 15.27
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Ma insomma, c'è ancora qualcuno che riesce ad entrare in Scaricolibero, o no?

2 dicembre 2008 15.38
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero ha chiuso !
l'amministratore dopo essere stato indagato e ha chiuso immediatamente l'accesso.

2 dicembre 2008 16.19
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Non ha chiuso un cazzo, inutile che mettete in giro false voci.

3 dicembre 2008 0.23
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

ma ha chiuso si o no? porca eva

3 dicembre 2008 9.09
Commento eliminato

Questo post è stato eliminato dall'autore.

3 dicembre 2008 10.29
Blogger Gel ha detto...

Io ero un uploader di scaricolibero, vi confermo che è stato chiuso, e non si sa perchè.

3 dicembre 2008 10.30
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero ha chiuso i battenti.
game over !

3 dicembre 2008 10.56
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero ha cessato ogni attività.

3 dicembre 2008 11.23
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

ha riaperto ddlfantasy!!!

3 dicembre 2008 13.00
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Meno male! almeno una notizia buona in questo mare di disastri...

3 dicembre 2008 15.14
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero ha chiuso, ci sonsoliamo con quelli che sono rimasti aperti e che apriranno prossimamente

4 dicembre 2008 3.49
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

No diavolo!!! Voglio sapere perchè cacchio ha chiuso scarico libero, lo volgio sapereeeee.

4 dicembre 2008 12.58
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

l'amministratore di scaricolibero ha avuto dei problemi è ha chiuso tutto.

5 dicembre 2008 4.46
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Non ci credo è una bufala, nessuno poteva risalire all'admin.

5 dicembre 2008 10.05
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Allora facciamo chiarezza, scaricolibero esiste ancora, se voi mettete user e pass all indirizzo della loro homapage che ormai e' ridotta solo per scrivere user e pass, appunto, vedrete che vi dira che non potete accedere al sito.
Questo perche', dopo aver eliminato diversi utenti che non postavano file, si sono tenuti solo quelli che rilasciano release e tutti gli altri a casa.
In ogni caso il sito continua in una stretta cerchia, e non ha chiuso un bel niente.
Freghiamocene, perche' di gente del genere non ne abbiamo bisogno.

5 dicembre 2008 11.40
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Ma allora DDLFANTASY é di nuovo online o no? Riesco ad aprire la pagina iniziale per pochi secondi ma dopo mi da un errore DNS - IMPOSSIBILE TROVARE IL SERVER. E' colpa mia o succede anche a voi? Sarebbe bello ritrovare una comunity così valida in rete. Grazie per chiarimenti.

6 dicembre 2008 1.47
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

DDL Fanatsy è ritornato, ma il server nuovo non è poi così potente come avevano detto, ed ha problemi di sovraccarico...

6 dicembre 2008 12.13
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

e non finisce qui..anche downloadzone riaprirà tra 1 settimana! andate a controllare...

8 dicembre 2008 2.36
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Comunque la faccenda di scaricolibero non mi convince molto: è scomparso anche, che faceva parte del sito (anche se era un'altro sito esterno)che non aveva nemmeno la registrazione... Chiunque poteva accedere. Secondo me l'hanno chiuso.

8 dicembre 2008 9.09
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Che stron** che sono allora, ma come allora finiranno per rimanere in 3 utenti, beh che se la rivedano tra loro. Ma guarda un pò.

9 dicembre 2008 5.01
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

a quanto ne so io, e a quanto ho potuto leggere su diversi forum, è stato chiuso definitavemente...

9 dicembre 2008 9.15
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero ha cessato di esistere

9 dicembre 2008 9.20
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Raga anche ddlfantasy è morto!

14 dicembre 2008 10.42
Anonimo GioDemaggio ha detto...

Ciao a tutti
sono, ero ..... non lo sò un utente d DDlfantasy e devo dire che non sò se sia o no morto , fatto stà che nonsi riesce più a contattare il server e potrebbe essere solo colpa di una riorganizzazione. Posso anche dire che era tornato online 2 giorni fà , ma poi niente. E' da dire che il giorno 12/12/2008 ho anche ricevuto una news litter e quindi penso ci stiano solo lavorando. Un altra cosa il gemello pornFantasy è stato rimesso a nuovo perche ha avuto un serio problema di spamming , non vorrei che fosse successo la stessa cosa a ddlFantasy. Ad ogni modo spero che continui nella sua opera a dispetto di tutti e tutto. Ciao

14 dicembre 2008 15.04
Anonimo GioDemaggio ha detto...

Ciao a tutti
DDlFantasy è attivo , oggi sono riuscito a collegarmi per 3 ore , il problema è che continuano ad avere attacchi dos al server che creano traffico inesistente finchè lo fanno saltare. Spero proprio che riescano a rispedire al mittente , con gli interessi questi attacchi. Ciao

15 dicembre 2008 10.37
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

provato questo?

Non è ai livelli di scaricolibero e downloadzoze perchè sta nascendo ora e credo che col tempo migliorerà tanto.

15 dicembre 2008 11.27
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

appena scoperto..molto fornito e bella grafica. server all'estero. ditemi cosa ne pensate

16 dicembre 2008 3.28
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Cercavo un'altra cosa e mi sono imbattuto in questa discussione. Per scaricolibero io continuo a entrarci, ha cambiato indirizzo e gli amministratori raccomandano di non divulgarlo. Comunque io ve lo dico
Invece io ho problemi con downloadzone, non riesco ad aprire nessuna pagina.

16 dicembre 2008 12.11
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Per Scaricolibero é impossibile entrare anche dal nuovo indirizzo. Comunque grazie.

16 dicembre 2008 23.21
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Grazie per MondoWarez, sembra molto ben fornito... (occhio a chi non partecipa, perchè sarà cancellato)

17 dicembre 2008 0.37
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

è tutta una balla... scaricolibero ha chiuso tutto e non esiste più purtroppo.
L'admin pare sia stato assunto da una grande ditta di tecnologia e non ha più tempo e voglia di combattere con tutto. Perciò ci sono solo pagine nulle senza contenuti in giro... sempre se ci sono realmente queste pagine.... boooo

17 dicembre 2008 6.21
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero è chiuso da tempo, confermo.

17 dicembre 2008 6.26
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero è chiuso da un pezzo... e se qualcuno dice il contrario, che almeno ce lo dimostri

17 dicembre 2008 6.33
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

scaricolibero è + che vivo....nei miei ricordi :(

17 dicembre 2008 6.37
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

sono admin di scaricolibero... cortesemente smettetela di divulgare notizie false su di me e sul mio forum. Il forum è stato chiuso per motivi personali, nessun avviso di garanzia od altro. Chi era iscritto, e non è stato bannato, sarà contattato via mail qualora si decidesse di ricostituire la community.

17 dicembre 2008 6.37
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

non è vero... scaricolibero funziona ancora... ecco il sito attuale
il nome è stao mascherato per non permettervi di accedere... cliccate sul pulsante login in alto a destra (è nascosto all' interno del testo del racconto) ed inserite come dati user: pincopanco password:trallallero saret reindirizzati sul forum attuale

17 dicembre 2008 6.56
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

l'avevo sentita la storia che l'admin è stato assunto e non ha più tempo ma pensavo fosse una bufala.
anche un amico admin di un famoso forum mi ha confermato che è proprio così


17 dicembre 2008 7.01
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

dite che e' aperto?ma dove'? ero uno dei piu attivi nel forum sia come uploader che come mod e conosco l'admin molto bene..secondo voi mi hanno bannato? e semplicemente chiuso cari ragazzi, e stato davvero un bel forum dei migliori sicuramente speriamo ne aprino ancora di altri siti,forum ormai c'e ne sono molto pochi e hanno quasi sempre problemi, altrimenti la vedo dura scaricare ancora..

17 dicembre 2008 13.00
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Tutto falso io sapevo che scarico aveva cambiato indirizzo adesso è dovete digitare UBALDO in maiuscolo e vi esce la schermata per fare il login ahaha ma per favore lo sanno tutti quelli del giro che fine ha fatto quel forum ma smettetela .

17 dicembre 2008 14.09
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...
questo è il nuovo scaricolibero fatelo crescere

18 dicembre 2008 7.02
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

si anche io uso mondowarez da quando scaricolibero ha chiuso :)

18 dicembre 2008 7.30
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

e vabbè che scarico libero ha chiuso ma non facciamone un dramma. Io ero utente gold e mi dispiace ma ce ne sono altri... alcuni nuovi molto belli.

18 dicembre 2008 9.05
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

vaffanculo alle major!!!!!!!!!

18 dicembre 2008 9.58
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Amen fratello!

19 dicembre 2008 13.19
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

ragazzi ma anzicchè tenerveli x voi questi siti...facciamo una bella lista! su al momento uso solo mondowarez xkè mi sembra il + fornito ma se ne conoscete altri fatavi avanti.

20 dicembre 2008 6.21
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

A me picerebbe entrare in .. c'è veramente parecchio, quasi 1000 dvd5/9, + tutto il resto, ma le iscrizioni sono chiuse e non si trovano dati per fare il login...

20 dicembre 2008 16.00
Blogger .:: Lucamw ::. ha detto...

ciao Satyr, a me interesserebbero i dati di login per entrare su italyf.astshare... mandami una mail! grazie!

22 dicembre 2008 4.06
Blogger .:: Lucamw ::. ha detto...

Ciao Satyr, a me interesserebbero i dati di login per accedere a italyfas.tshare! mandami una mail! grazie :)

22 dicembre 2008 4.07
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

ecco l'indirizzo di scaricolibero :

mancano nome utente e pwd

22 dicembre 2008 11.31
Anonimo roberto ha detto...

scusa non potresti darci anche nome utente e password, così riusciamo ad entrare?


23 dicembre 2008 1.23
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

caro Roberto , se li avessi , li avrei certamente postati .

23 dicembre 2008 4.11
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

ecco la novità assoluta

23 dicembre 2008 4.48
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

state scrivendo un sacco di balle e ingolfando tutto

23 dicembre 2008 4.49
Anonimo roberto ha detto...

ma se forse li tu avessi e ti dessi il mio indirizzo mail me li passeresti nome utente e password?


23 dicembre 2008 5.04
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

ma perchè non li scrivete i nomi utente e pasw, non fate le cose a metà, avete detto i link ( e vi ringrazio tanto) scrivete anche qualche nome utente e pasw così che tutti ne possono usufruire e li andiamo in barba!!!!

23 dicembre 2008 5.17
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Одна из областей применения технологии пиринговых сетей — это обмен файлами. Выглядит это так: пользователи сети выкладывают какие-либо файлы в «расшаренную» (англ. share, делиться) папку, т. е. папку, файлы из которой доступны для скачивания другим клиентам. Какой-нибудь другой пользователь сети посылает запрос на поиск какого-либо файла. Программа ищет у клиентов сети файлы, соответствующие запросу, и показывает результат. После этого пользователь может скачать файлы у найденных источников. Современные файлообменные сети позволяют скачивать один файл сразу с нескольких источников (так быстрее и надёжнее). Чтобы убедиться, что этот файл у всех источников одинаковый, производится сравнение не обязательно по названию файла, а и по контрольным суммам или хэшам типа MD4, TTH, SHA-1. Во время скачивания файла пользователем (и после его окончания) этот файл у него могут скачивать и другие клиенты сети, в результате чего особенно популярные файлы могут в итоге быть доступными для скачивания с многих источников одновременно.

Обычно в таких сетях обмениваются фильмами и музыкой, что является извечной головной болью видеоиздательских и звукозаписывающих компаний, которым такое положение дел очень не по душе. Проблем им добавляет тот факт, что пресечь распространение файла в децентрализованной пиринговой сети технически невозможно — для этого потребуется физически отключить от сети все машины, на которых лежит этот файл, а таких машин (см. выше) может быть очень и очень много — в зависимости от популярности файла их число может достигать сотен тысяч. В последнее время видеоиздатели и звукозаписывающие компании начали подавать в суд на отдельных пользователей таких сетей, обвиняя их в незаконном распространении музыки и видео.
Одна из областей применения технологии пиринговых сетей — это обмен файлами. Выглядит это так: пользователи сети выкладывают какие-либо файлы в «расшаренную» (англ. share, делиться) папку, т. е. папку, файлы из которой доступны для скачивания другим клиентам. Какой-нибудь другой пользователь сети посылает запрос на поиск какого-либо файла. Программа ищет у клиентов сети файлы, соответствующие запросу, и показывает результат. После этого пользователь может скачать файлы у найденных источников. Современные файлообменные сети позволяют скачивать один файл сразу с нескольких источников (так быстрее и надёжнее). Чтобы убедиться, что этот файл у всех источников одинаковый, производится сравнение не обязательно по названию файла, а и по контрольным суммам или хэшам типа MD4, TTH, SHA-1. Во время скачивания файла пользователем (и после его окончания) этот файл у него могут скачивать и другие клиенты сети, в результате чего особенно популярные файлы могут в итоге быть доступными для скачивания с многих источников одновременно.

Обычно в таких сетях обмениваются фильмами и музыкой, что является извечной головной болью видеоиздательских и звукозаписывающих компаний, которым такое положение дел очень не по душе. Проблем им добавляет тот факт, что пресечь распространение файла в децентрализованной пиринговой сети технически невозможно — для этого потребуется физически отключить от сети все машины, на которых лежит этот файл, а таких машин (см. выше) может быть очень и очень много — в зависимости от популярности файла их число может достигать сотен тысяч. В последнее время видеоиздатели и звукозаписывающие компании начали подавать в суд на отдельных пользователей таких сетей, обвиняя их в незаконном распространении музыки и видео.
Одна из областей применения технологии пиринговых сетей — это обмен файлами. Выглядит это так: пользователи сети выкладывают какие-либо файлы в «расшаренную» (англ. share, делиться) папку, т. е. папку, файлы из которой доступны для скачивания другим клиентам. Какой-нибудь другой пользователь сети посылает запрос на поиск какого-либо файла. Программа ищет у клиентов сети файлы, соответствующие запросу, и показывает результат. После этого пользователь может скачать файлы у найденных источников. Современные файлообменные сети позволяют скачивать один файл сразу с нескольких источников (так быстрее и надёжнее). Чтобы убедиться, что этот файл у всех источников одинаковый, производится сравнение не обязательно по названию файла, а и по контрольным суммам или хэшам типа MD4, TTH, SHA-1. Во время скачивания файла пользователем (и после его окончания) этот файл у него могут скачивать и другие клиенты сети, в результате чего особенно популярные файлы могут в итоге быть доступными для скачивания с многих источников одновременно.

Обычно в таких сетях обмениваются фильмами и музыкой, что является извечной головной болью видеоиздательских и звукозаписывающих компаний, которым такое положение дел очень не по душе. Проблем им добавляет тот факт, что пресечь распространение файла в децентрализованной пиринговой сети технически невозможно — для этого потребуется физически отключить от сети все машины, на которых лежит этот файл, а таких машин (см. выше) может быть очень и очень много — в зависимости от популярности файла их число может достигать сотен тысяч. В последнее время видеоиздатели и звукозаписывающие компании начали подавать в суд на отдельных пользователей таких сетей, обвиняя их в незаконном распространении музыки и видео.
Одна из областей применения технологии пиринговых сетей — это обмен файлами. Выглядит это так: пользователи сети выкладывают какие-либо файлы в «расшаренную» (англ. share, делиться) папку, т. е. папку, файлы из которой доступны для скачивания другим клиентам. Какой-нибудь другой пользователь сети посылает запрос на поиск какого-либо файла. Программа ищет у клиентов сети файлы, соответствующие запросу, и показывает результат. После этого пользователь может скачать файлы у найденных источников. Современные файлообменные сети позволяют скачивать один файл сразу с нескольких источников (так быстрее и надёжнее). Чтобы убедиться, что этот файл у всех источников одинаковый, производится сравнение не обязательно по названию файла, а и по контрольным суммам или хэшам типа MD4, TTH, SHA-1. Во время скачивания файла пользователем (и после его окончания) этот файл у него могут скачивать и другие клиенты сети, в результате чего особенно популярные файлы могут в итоге быть доступными для скачивания с многих источников одновременно.

Обычно в таких сетях обмениваются фильмами и музыкой, что является извечной головной болью видеоиздательских и звукозаписывающих компаний, которым такое положение дел очень не по душе. Проблем им добавляет тот факт, что пресечь распространение файла в децентрализованной пиринговой сети технически невозможно — для этого потребуется физически отключить от сети все машины, на которых лежит этот файл, а таких машин (см. выше) может быть очень и очень много — в зависимости от популярности файла их число может достигать сотен тысяч. В последнее время видеоиздатели и звукозаписывающие компании начали подавать в суд на отдельных пользователей таких сетей, обвиняя их в незаконном распространении музыки и видео.

23 dicembre 2008 7.28
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

«راهگزین» که در پارسی بیشتر واژه «سوئیچ» برای آن بکار برده می‌شود، وسیله‌ای است که قسمت‌های شبکه را به یکدیگر متصل می‌کند. راهگزین‌های معمولی شبکه تقریباً ظاهری شبیه به «هاب» دارند، ولی یک راهگزین در مقایسه با هاب از هوشمندی بیشتری (و همچنین قیمت بیشتری) برخوردار است. راهگزین‌های شبکه این توانمندی را دارند که محتویات بسته‌های داده‌ای که دریافت می‌کنند را بررسی کرده، دستگاه فرستنده و گیرنده بسته را شناسایی کنند، و سپس آن بسته را به شکلی مناسب ارسال نمایند. با ارسال هر پیام فقط به دستگاه متصلی که پیام به هدف آن ارسال شده، راهگزین «پهنای باند» شبکه را به شکل بهینه‌تری استفاده می‌کند و عموماً عملکرد بهتری نسبت به یک هاب دارد.
از نظر فنی می‌توان گفت که راهگزین در «لایه پیوند داده» از «مدل مرجع OSI» عمل کنند. ولی بعضی انواع راهگزین قادرند تا در لایه‌های بالاتر نیز به بررسی محتویات بسته بپردازند و از اطلاعات بدست آمده برای تعیین مسیر مناسب ارسال بسته استفاده کنند. به این راه گزین‌ها به اصطلاح «راهگزین‌های چندلایه»
«راهگزین» که در پارسی بیشتر واژه «سوئیچ» برای آن بکار برده می‌شود، وسیله‌ای است که قسمت‌های شبکه را به یکدیگر متصل می‌کند. راهگزین‌های معمولی شبکه تقریباً ظاهری شبیه به «هاب» دارند، ولی یک راهگزین در مقایسه با هاب از هوشمندی بیشتری (و همچنین قیمت بیشتری) برخوردار است. راهگزین‌های شبکه این توانمندی را دارند که محتویات بسته‌های داده‌ای که دریافت می‌کنند را بررسی کرده، دستگاه فرستنده و گیرنده بسته را شناسایی کنند، و سپس آن بسته را به شکلی مناسب ارسال نمایند. با ارسال هر پیام فقط به دستگاه متصلی که پیام به هدف آن ارسال شده، راهگزین «پهنای باند» شبکه را به شکل بهینه‌تری استفاده می‌کند و عموماً عملکرد بهتری نسبت به یک هاب دارد.
از نظر فنی می‌توان گفت که راهگزین در «لایه پیوند داده» از «مدل مرجع OSI» عمل کنند. ولی بعضی انواع راهگزین قادرند تا در لایه‌های بالاتر نیز به بررسی محتویات بسته بپردازند و از اطلاعات بدست آمده برای تعیین مسیر مناسب ارسال بسته استفاده کنند. به این راه گزین‌ها به اصطلاح «راهگزین‌های چندلایه»
«راهگزین» که در پارسی بیشتر واژه «سوئیچ» برای آن بکار برده می‌شود، وسیله‌ای است که قسمت‌های شبکه را به یکدیگر متصل می‌کند. راهگزین‌های معمولی شبکه تقریباً ظاهری شبیه به «هاب» دارند، ولی یک راهگزین در مقایسه با هاب از هوشمندی بیشتری (و همچنین قیمت بیشتری) برخوردار است. راهگزین‌های شبکه این توانمندی را دارند که محتویات بسته‌های داده‌ای که دریافت می‌کنند را بررسی کرده، دستگاه فرستنده و گیرنده بسته را شناسایی کنند، و سپس آن بسته را به شکلی مناسب ارسال نمایند. با ارسال هر پیام فقط به دستگاه متصلی که پیام به هدف آن ارسال شده، راهگزین «پهنای باند» شبکه را به شکل بهینه‌تری استفاده می‌کند و عموماً عملکرد بهتری نسبت به یک هاب دارد.
از نظر فنی می‌توان گفت که راهگزین در «لایه پیوند داده» از «مدل مرجع OSI» عمل کنند. ولی بعضی انواع راهگزین قادرند تا در لایه‌های بالاتر نیز به بررسی محتویات بسته بپردازند و از اطلاعات بدست آمده برای تعیین مسیر مناسب ارسال بسته استفاده کنند. به این راه گزین‌ها به اصطلاح «راهگزین‌های چندلایه»

23 dicembre 2008 7.31
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




パッケージとして複数のアプリケーションが同梱されたものをアプリケーションスイート (application suite) と呼ぶことがある。Microsoft Office と はどちらも、ワードプロセッサ、表計算ソフト、その他のアプリケーションを同梱した例である。スイート内の個々のアプリケーションはユーザインタフェースに一種の共通性を有することが多く、使い方を学習しやすくなっている。また、相互にやりとりできることが多く、それによって新たな価値が生じる。例えば、表計算ソフトで作成したスプレッドシートをワードプロセッサの文書内に埋め込むといったことが可能である。




23 dicembre 2008 7.33
Anonimo Anonimo ha detto...

Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.
Тъй като неутрона няма електрически заряд, той не йонизира веществата през които преминава и не губи енергия в електрически и магнитни полета.

При ядрените реакции за да взаимодействат заредени частици (ядра на атоми), те могат да се доближат само при много високи температури (скорости), тъй като трябва да преодолеят кулоновата сила на отблъскване.

Неутрона достига ядрата свободно и поради това реакциите от тип неутрон+ядро протичат при произволна температура и имат важно практическо значение.

При сблъсък с ядро неутрона може да бъде отразен еластично, да се слее с ядрото или в резултат на сблъсъка да се получат няколко нови ядра или частици.

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Risultati di ricerca

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Build your profile; Communicate with your friends; Unlimited email ... Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. - 47k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez - Wikipedia
In lingua inglese, warez è utilizzato come sostantivo o come verbo. Le persone che producono o distribuiscono warez sono indicati come pirati informatici. ... - 20k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
3. :: Index
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A forum to discuss and stay updated about Wadio, the official Warez-BB radio. Tune in @! Moderators: Super Moderators, Moderators ... - 71k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Now playing on Wadio: Dido - White Flag., Come as guests, stay as family. Lilium v0.93, integrates Firefox with Warez-BB. Download it now! ... - 12k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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5. - Home of Warez 3
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Copyright © 1994-2006 Neoteric Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Siti warez - Club CDFreaks - Knowledge is Power
ciao ragazzi sono nuovo del forum.... mi chiedevo se qualcuno di vuoi era così gentire da indicarmi siti warez da coi poter scaricare software in ... - 62k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Situazione siti warez....cosa ne pensate? - Club CDFreaks ...
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PI: Warez, tre anni di libertà limitata
4 set 2008 ... A 58 anni Robert Hardick dovrà passare i primi sei mesi in casa. La sua colpa? Associazione a delinquere per diffondere software pirata. - 44k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
PI: aPC, in carcere il pirata del warez
22 set 2008 ... Un membro della celebre crew viene fatto gentilmente accomodare in una prigione federale degli States. Ci rimarrà per 18 mesi. - 47k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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App, WinRAR 3.80, Today, 1ND-Warez. App, AV Voice Changer Diamond Edition 6.0.10 , Today. App, Easy Screen Capture, Today ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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of the word "warez" is from the Middle English term "wares", which refers to any type of manufactured or farm-grown goods. Before the Internet was available ... - 81k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
List of warez groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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This is an incomplete list of warez groups. Such groups typically tag their releases with NFO files. Due to the nature of the Warez scene, not much is known ... - 61k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Tutto per internet - software crack hacker warez hacking - Ideato ...
E' un sito di link a siti sull'hacking, cracking, iti warez, phreacking, mp3 e risorse gratuite in Rete. Descrizione dell'hacker, cracker, phreacker. ... - 41k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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WarezNET has all things you could want from an underground warez forum: fast downloads (ftps, stros, rapidshare, torrents, etc), pirate radio, ... - 12k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
18. - Your #1 Spot for Full Version Warez Downloads!
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We provide direct downloads to games, software, movies, mp3, tv shows, and many more downloads for free. - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Flmsdown Free Full Downloads, Rapidshare, Warez Download ...
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Flmsdown.Net Full Downloads - Full Version Downloads, Rapidshare Links. - 114k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Oracle - The Ultimate Warez Site - For All Your Warez Needs
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For All Your Warez Needs Warez Oracle now has a new home at Be sure to check it out, your missing a lot ;) - Warez Oracle Team. - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What is warez? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer ...
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22 Jan 2003 ... This page describes the term warez and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. - 60k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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warez: /weirz/, n. Widely used in cracker subcultures to denote cracked version of commercial software, ... See warez d00dz, courier, leech, elite. ... - 3k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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cat$ ftp Connected to 220 warez FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Tue Aug 8 15:50:43 CDT 1995) ready. ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What is warez? - a definition from - see also: wares ...
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14 May 2002 ... Warez (pronounced as though spelled. ... (Use of warez software is also illegal and may result in a jail sentence.) ...,,sid183_gci213338,00.html - 55k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Brass Lantern Warez Abandonware and the Software Industry
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In the battles over computer software there are many sides, including warez users, abandonware proponents, and the software companies themselves. - 7k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez - Download
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26 Jun 2007 ... Warez free download. Review, screenshots, testing and recommendations about Warez. - 55k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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PC Game Script E-Book All In One Rom Technology News · - Free Download Center. Username:. Password:. Password. Register · Forgot my password? ... - 60k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Good Warez Blog :). The Most Actual Programs .... Best Full Warez · Kingsoft Office 2009 Pro v6301733 Portable · Portable Diskeeper Pro Premier 2009 v13. ... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
About Warez
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Warez Community Forums Closed... We had to close our community forums because ... Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Etichetta Warez - Widget di Netvibes
full version, download, warez, crack, serial, keygen, patch. Aggiungi a Netvibes ... WarezLinkers, High Quality Warez, Fast Downloads, Full Games and More! ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Sony BMG's hypocrisy: company busted for using warez
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Sony BMG's hypocrisy: company busted for using warez. By David Chartier | Published: March 31, 2008 - 02:12PM CT ... - 25k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Ferret Warez where all Ferrets love to shop!
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Line of Hand Made ferret products. We sell quality at a competitive price. Shop our online store for your ferret's Bedding, Toys & Accessories. - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Interview with a Warez Scene Releaser | TorrentFreak
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16 May 2007 ... These “invite only torrent” sites belong just as little to the scene as other warez sites. They make money with the fact and bring the ... - 84k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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WWW.PROMODDL.COM - Download the latest Apps, Games, Movies, Cracks, Serials, MP3's. - 58k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What are Warez? Software piracy a risk to business?
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30 Oct 2005 ... DavisLogic provides information technology, business continuity, web site development, and Y2K cost recovery (sue and labor) information and ... - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
cowsay and cowthink
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23 Mar 2002 ... Cows are a big part of my computing life. They're also pretty funny. (Especially when they have firearms, or when they are used for covert ... - 4k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
PPCWarez • Index page
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20 Nov 2008 ... Talk about anything here as long as it is not against the rules. Topics here should be non-PPC related. Do not post warez here. ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
SSRN-Warez Trading and Criminal Copyright Infringement by Eric Goldman
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14 Feb 2007 ... The article also describes the prosecutions of warez trading, including a comprehensive chart of all warez trading convictions. ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
di E GOLDMAN - Citato da 1 - Tutte e 21 le versioni
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Warez for a low price. If you don't have enough money to buy needed software or ... Order any warez you need for a low price. Before ordering any software, ... - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Sandy Warez Discography at Discogs
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Manage your Sandy Warez collection and wantlist. Buy rare Sandy Warez and hard to find music on vinyl records and used CD. - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Free Software Downloads and Reviews -
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Find the software you're looking for at, the most comprehensive source for free software downloads on the Web. Includes audio programs, utilities, ... - 157k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
A Comment on "Warez D00dz" Culture
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A comment on "Warez D00dz" culture in response to the claims made by Eric S Raymond in "Homesteading the Noosphere" - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
InternetNews Realtime IT News - Feds Bag Warez Convictions
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Key leaders of piracy rings face prison sentences of 5 to 10 years. - 145k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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The term Warez is generally used online to describe pirated content. Most commonly, warez applies to hacked software that can be downloaded for free. - 381k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Warez Forums - Powered by FreshWap
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21 Dec 2008 ... FreshWap Forums, Warez Forums, Rapidshare Forums. ... Rapidshare Warez Forums. Welcome to the Rapidshare Warez Forums. ... - 83k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Glossario informatico :: Definizione warez
Termine utilizzato dai cracker per denotare le versioni craccate di software com ... warez, glossario internet, glossario informatica, glossario informatico, ... - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Downloading Files from IRC
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using IRC to download songs, movies, games, warez, etc. - 4k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez - Wiktionary
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8 Oct 2007 ... Hey dude, I've got some cool new warez! Retrieved from " /wiki/warez". Categories: English nouns | Internet slang | ... - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
49. Warez Forum :: Index
- [ Traduci questa pagina ] Warez Forum is one of the friendliest warez forum on the net. We offer quality warez as well as community. Relax, Smile and Have Fun! - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Search IRC, search term: warez ftp list
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Displaying results 1 - 15 (of 2374) matching warez ftp list. .... Rules: do not use the !list, !find !search trigger in #warez-request, log into the ftp's ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Warez P2P Client is a spyware-free new generation P2P filesharing program, a piece of software like none other. - 30k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
CyprusWarez - The First Cypriot Warez Forum!
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Forum, Topics, Replies, Last Post Info. Redirect, Εγγραφείτε Τώρα! Εγγραφείτε Τώρα και Κατεβάστε αμέτρητα πράγματα! --, --, Redirected Hits: 10083 ... - 151k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LizZarD-WareZ’s Music Profile – Users at
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LizZarD-WareZ’s top artists: Enrique Iglesias, Enya, Rammstein. Favourite tags are alternative, alternative rock, new age. Get your own music profile at ... - 239k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Hacking & Warez
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Warez Wars For the Inner Circle, cracking software is a challenge. For the wannabe underground, ... By Neal Stephenson. More on Hacking & Warez >> ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez .com Free Download
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Warez .com Free Download,Warez .com Software Collection Download. - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez | - social bookmarks
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Are you interested in warez, cfw, ddl, download, downloads, ebooks, firefox: bookmarks, forum, free, iso, kurdo, psp, software, torrent, wii? - 55k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez / Le Technique on
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Warez always brings the goods laced with funk and a smile. Defying easy categorization, he moves deftly between styles, mixing glitch, dance, pop, R & B , ... - 32k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Leader Sentenced to 46 Months (May 17, 2002)
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In addition to dismantling DrinkOrDie, Operation Buccaneer also netted members from a broad cross-section of leading online piracy groups (aka warez groups ... - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez – Dictionary Definition of warez | FREE ...
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Definition Of warez – Our online dictionary has warez Information from A Dictionary of the Internet dictionary. English, Psychology, ... - 71k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Feds convict warez pirate - CNET News
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28 Dec 2004 ... An Iowa man pleads guilty to piracy charges in first US conviction from Operation Fastlink, an international law enforcement push. - 67k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What is IU policy on "warez" and software piracy? - Knowledge Base
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11 Nov 2008 ... What is IU policy on "warez" and software piracy? The term "warez" commonly refers to computer software distributions that violate copyright ... - 10k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Software - Warez P2P Speed Up Pro, Warez P2P Manager, Warez ...
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Warez Software Listing. Warez P2P Speed Up Pro is a download-accelerator add-on for Warez. Warez P2P Manager is a new application for Warez P2P users. - 56k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Free Full Download - Powered by BlitzWarez
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17 Dec 2008 ... Rapidshare Free Full Download Games, Movies, Music, Software, etc. - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download Cracked Software - TissueOnline.Com
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EXE dot COM - Great warez blog - all cracked software download links ... We like warez: Every day you can download freshest software from our Collection. ... - 64k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez P2P Acceleration Patch
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Warez P2P Acceleration Patch is a useful add-on for Warez P2P Client. Latest technology implemented boost downloads speed, increase number of download ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
WarezRaid • Index page
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Haven't found the movie/TV Show you were looking for in the warez downloads or a link to watch it online? Request it here. ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Kitty Baby Doll T's - The Shirt for The Girls - Warez T ...
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Warez Kitty Baby Doll T's is the perfect fit for the geek girls of the 'Net. Sport this cute warez kitty on this very slimming baby doll t' professionally ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez e cracking
Astalavista, Il maggiore motore di ricerca warez, dal quale ricercare direttamente crack-software, serial-numbers ed altro dai singoli motori di ricerca del ... - 4k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
FullFileAccess - Full Version Warez Downloads
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FullFileAccess provides 24/7 instant access to all the latest Movies, Applications, Games, TV Shows, Music, E-Books and Adult files. ... - 37k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
DMCA Counter-Notification from -- Chilling Effects ...
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Re: Re: Mistaken Removal DMCA Counter Notification Dear Google, Inc.; .... DMCA Counter-Notification from, Neoteric Ltd, April 5, 2008 ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
WebSupergoo - cracks, warez and serial numbers
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WebSupergoo - cracks, warez and serial numbers. ... Cracked software goes under many names - serialz, cracks, crackz, wares, warez, keys. ... - 8k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Definition of Warez Sites - Business Software Alliance
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Warez (pronounced "wares") is a term used on the Internet to refer to pirated software. The term began being used when free download Web sites were popular. ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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"Warez" is a corruption of the word "wares." This happened in the late 80's/ early 90's and has become a sub-culture in its own right. ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez | FlashMint Blog
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10 Apr 2008 ... Warez trading, aka non-commercial hobby of collecting and trading copyrighted works, has been determined as a major cause of online piracy. ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Software - Definition of Warez Software at Your Dictionary
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Definition of Warez Software from Webster's New World Dictionary. Meaning of Warez Software. Warez Software synonyms. Warez Software pronunciation and usage ... - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez P2P Manager free download. Warez P2P Manager is a new ...
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1 Sep 2006 ... Warez P2P Manager is a new application for Warez P2P users. Warez P2P Manager handle and organize files (for writing to CD/DVD or moving to ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
78. Official Online Store
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Warez Logo Clothing Get your official Warez Logo Clothing here! ... Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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The "warez" scene is tightly knit with the other anarchy elements that deal ... Therefore, you often see warez together with porn and MP3; file archives ... - 6k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Man Charged in 'warez' Piracy Sentenced to Probation - PC World
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A Florida man was sentenced to three years probation Thursday for helping run a server used for illegally sharing computer... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Exefind contains 7 products regarding warez. ... Warez P2P Speed Up Pro is a download-accelerator add-on application for Warez P2P that saves your precious ... - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
InformIT: Warez Trading and Criminal Copyright Infringement, Part ...
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Warez trading has been singled out as a major cause of online piracy. In the late 1990s, an industry group claimed that warez trading caused one third of ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Evan Summers's Blog: Plumber's Hack 2: Blog o' warez
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6 Sep 2006 ... So i wrote this warez to parse my articles in "poor text format" and generate my desired output, eg. HTML for my weblog, ... - 19k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Soft-Best.Net - free download soft, warez, music, wallpapers ...
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download, utilities, windows, mac,internet, macintosh, software, application, shareware, freeware, demo, windows, file, files, downloads, zip, icq, crack, ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Q&A: Eleven questions for a warez site owner
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30 Nov 2007 ... What goes on in the mind of the folks who run software sites that operate along the lines of the notorious Casbah? - 119k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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31 Dec 2006 ... LOL VISTA EXPL0IT WAREZ LOL. This message : [ Message body ] [ More options ]; Related messages : [ Next message ] [ Previous message ] ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
Uniblue DriverScanner 2009 V2 | Soft Warez rapidshare megaupload ...
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18 Sep 2008 ... Unless you update your drivers regularly the odds are that your PC will be slower or more likely to crash, or will have problems connecting ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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COM has nothing to do with "warez" or other illegal sites. We are operational since 2000, and we are well-known worldwide as one of the best sources of ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
NSIT: Safe Computing - Disable Warez P2P
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16 Jan 2008 ... Safe Computing > Disabling Peer-to-Peer Filesharing > Warez P2P ... How to Disable Warez P2P. Select Preferences from the Main menu. ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez-BB Collector #1 Grimezy T-shirt from
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18 May 2008 ... Buy this premium quality Warez-BB Collector #1 Grimezy T-shirt. Select from various styles, colors and sizes or create your own. - 142k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Technology & Marketing Law Blog: Warez Trading Presentation at Fordham
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26 Apr 2006 ... The principal class of non-commercial infringer is called a "warez trader." Warez traders aggregate and distribute copyrighted works as a ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez / Hacking
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I Warez/Hacking I Adultos/Entretenimiento I Guía de Servicios de San Martín de los Andes I Información General I Alojamiento I Camping I Cambio de $ I ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
The flash warez | Play funny games online!
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Tons of online flash games. All for free. Only high quality games. - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez 2.0 - Daily updated software
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ElseWheres. Download warez · Free Portable Software · Designed by Wolfgang Bartelme · Designed by Wolfgang Bartelme. © 2006 - 2008 Warez 2.0 - Daily updated ... - 36k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez P2P Acceleration Patch software download - Windows ...
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Find Warez P2P Acceleration Patch downloads, reviews, and updates for Windows including commercial software, shareware and freeware on - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
96. Topdownloads
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Warez. Our brand new cutting-edge DHT network technology shows no limits and ... Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Replay Media Catcher warez - Get it Free
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Replay Media Catcher warez - Get it Free with TrialPay. Don't risk viruses (or worse) from cracks, patches, keygens or illegal serial codes. - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
VIPWarez - Best Warez For You
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The site is devoted to an audience of people which take a great interest and I work with the software.Сайт посвящен аудитории людей которые увлекаются и ... - 65k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Internet Archive Search: mediatype:movies AND subject:"Warez"
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Keywords: hack; warez; pirate; TV; spoof; parody; show. Downloads: 399 ... Keywords: hack; piracy; warez; spoof; scene; parody; TV; show. Downloads: 1065 ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ShareFlux -Full version cracked warez downloads
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Full Version Downloads! Games, Apps, Movies, Cracks, Serials, KeyGens, Torrents, Mp3 Albums, Hacks, XXX! - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro

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Cerca: nel Web pagine in Italiano pagine provenienti da: Italia

Risultati 1 - 100 su circa 63.600.000 per warez. (0,27 secondi)
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Risultati di ricerca

1. - Latest Warez, Software, Downloads and Videos
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Build your profile; Communicate with your friends; Unlimited email ... Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. - 47k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez - Wikipedia
In lingua inglese, warez è utilizzato come sostantivo o come verbo. Le persone che producono o distribuiscono warez sono indicati come pirati informatici. ... - 20k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
3. :: Index
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A forum to discuss and stay updated about Wadio, the official Warez-BB radio. Tune in @! Moderators: Super Moderators, Moderators ... - 71k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
4. :: Log in
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Now playing on Wadio: Dido - White Flag., Come as guests, stay as family. Lilium v0.93, integrates Firefox with Warez-BB. Download it now! ... - 12k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Altri risultati in »
5. - Home of Warez 3
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Copyright © 1994-2006 Neoteric Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Siti warez - Club CDFreaks - Knowledge is Power
ciao ragazzi sono nuovo del forum.... mi chiedevo se qualcuno di vuoi era così gentire da indicarmi siti warez da coi poter scaricare software in ... - 62k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Situazione siti warez....cosa ne pensate? - Club CDFreaks ...
13 post
in questi giorni mi sono buttato alla ricerca di warez da scaricare...non è che mi sia trovato tanto bene, nel senso che c'è TROPPA confusione...scarichi un ... - 62k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Altri risultati in »
MAMBRO - free download network
Notizie giornalerie dal mondo dell’informatica. Programmi gratuiti da scaricare, trucchi e hack. Strumenti per webdesign e webmaster con articoli su ... - 65k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
PI: Warez, tre anni di libertà limitata
4 set 2008 ... A 58 anni Robert Hardick dovrà passare i primi sei mesi in casa. La sua colpa? Associazione a delinquere per diffondere software pirata. - 44k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
PI: aPC, in carcere il pirata del warez
22 set 2008 ... Un membro della celebre crew viene fatto gentilmente accomodare in una prigione federale degli States. Ci rimarrà per 18 mesi. - 47k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Altri risultati in »
Katz Downloads
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App, WinRAR 3.80, Today, 1ND-Warez. App, AV Voice Changer Diamond Edition 6.0.10 , Today. App, Easy Screen Capture, Today ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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of the word "warez" is from the Middle English term "wares", which refers to any type of manufactured or farm-grown goods. Before the Internet was available ... - 81k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
List of warez groups - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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This is an incomplete list of warez groups. Such groups typically tag their releases with NFO files. Due to the nature of the Warez scene, not much is known ... - 61k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Altri risultati in »
Tutto per internet - software crack hacker warez hacking - Ideato ...
E' un sito di link a siti sull'hacking, cracking, iti warez, phreacking, mp3 e risorse gratuite in Rete. Descrizione dell'hacker, cracker, phreacker. ... - 41k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
- [ Traduci questa pagina ]
4 May 2007 ... WWW.APPZPLANET.COM - WAREZ FULL APPZ TORRENTS CRACKZ SERIALZ SOFT RAPIDSHARE. - 98k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download Warez P2P italiano gratis, Scarica Warez P2P gratis Freeware
28 ott 2007 ... NUOVO Download! Scarica gratis Warez P2P in italiano, Warez P2P download. - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
WarezNET.NET :: Warez Download Community
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WarezNET has all things you could want from an underground warez forum: fast downloads (ftps, stros, rapidshare, torrents, etc), pirate radio, ... - 12k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
18. - Your #1 Spot for Full Version Warez Downloads!
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We provide direct downloads to games, software, movies, mp3, tv shows, and many more downloads for free. - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Flmsdown Free Full Downloads, Rapidshare, Warez Download ...
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Flmsdown.Net Full Downloads - Full Version Downloads, Rapidshare Links. - 114k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Oracle - The Ultimate Warez Site - For All Your Warez Needs
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For All Your Warez Needs Warez Oracle now has a new home at Be sure to check it out, your missing a lot ;) - Warez Oracle Team. - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What is warez? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer ...
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22 Jan 2003 ... This page describes the term warez and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information. - 60k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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warez: /weirz/, n. Widely used in cracker subcultures to denote cracked version of commercial software, ... See warez d00dz, courier, leech, elite. ... - 3k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez ftp sites
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cat$ ftp Connected to 220 warez FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Tue Aug 8 15:50:43 CDT 1995) ready. ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What is warez? - a definition from - see also: wares ...
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14 May 2002 ... Warez (pronounced as though spelled. ... (Use of warez software is also illegal and may result in a jail sentence.) ...,,sid183_gci213338,00.html - 55k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Brass Lantern Warez Abandonware and the Software Industry
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In the battles over computer software there are many sides, including warez users, abandonware proponents, and the software companies themselves. - 7k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez - Download
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26 Jun 2007 ... Warez free download. Review, screenshots, testing and recommendations about Warez. - 55k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Full RapidShare Downloads
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PC Game Script E-Book All In One Rom Technology News · - Free Download Center. Username:. Password:. Password. Register · Forgot my password? ... - 60k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Good Warez Blog
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Good Warez Blog :). The Most Actual Programs .... Best Full Warez · Kingsoft Office 2009 Pro v6301733 Portable · Portable Diskeeper Pro Premier 2009 v13. ... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
About Warez
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Warez Community Forums Closed... We had to close our community forums because ... Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Etichetta Warez - Widget di Netvibes
full version, download, warez, crack, serial, keygen, patch. Aggiungi a Netvibes ... WarezLinkers, High Quality Warez, Fast Downloads, Full Games and More! ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Sony BMG's hypocrisy: company busted for using warez
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Sony BMG's hypocrisy: company busted for using warez. By David Chartier | Published: March 31, 2008 - 02:12PM CT ... - 25k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Ferret Warez where all Ferrets love to shop!
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Line of Hand Made ferret products. We sell quality at a competitive price. Shop our online store for your ferret's Bedding, Toys & Accessories. - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Interview with a Warez Scene Releaser | TorrentFreak
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16 May 2007 ... These “invite only torrent” sites belong just as little to the scene as other warez sites. They make money with the fact and bring the ... - 84k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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WWW.PROMODDL.COM - Download the latest Apps, Games, Movies, Cracks, Serials, MP3's. - 58k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What are Warez? Software piracy a risk to business?
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30 Oct 2005 ... DavisLogic provides information technology, business continuity, web site development, and Y2K cost recovery (sue and labor) information and ... - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
cowsay and cowthink
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23 Mar 2002 ... Cows are a big part of my computing life. They're also pretty funny. (Especially when they have firearms, or when they are used for covert ... - 4k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
PPCWarez • Index page
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20 Nov 2008 ... Talk about anything here as long as it is not against the rules. Topics here should be non-PPC related. Do not post warez here. ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
SSRN-Warez Trading and Criminal Copyright Infringement by Eric Goldman
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14 Feb 2007 ... The article also describes the prosecutions of warez trading, including a comprehensive chart of all warez trading convictions. ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
di E GOLDMAN - Citato da 1 - Tutte e 21 le versioni
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Warez for a low price. If you don't have enough money to buy needed software or ... Order any warez you need for a low price. Before ordering any software, ... - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Sandy Warez Discography at Discogs
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Manage your Sandy Warez collection and wantlist. Buy rare Sandy Warez and hard to find music on vinyl records and used CD. - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Free Software Downloads and Reviews -
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Find the software you're looking for at, the most comprehensive source for free software downloads on the Web. Includes audio programs, utilities, ... - 157k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
A Comment on "Warez D00dz" Culture
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A comment on "Warez D00dz" culture in response to the claims made by Eric S Raymond in "Homesteading the Noosphere" - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
InternetNews Realtime IT News - Feds Bag Warez Convictions
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Key leaders of piracy rings face prison sentences of 5 to 10 years. - 145k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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The term Warez is generally used online to describe pirated content. Most commonly, warez applies to hacked software that can be downloaded for free. - 381k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Warez Forums - Powered by FreshWap
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21 Dec 2008 ... FreshWap Forums, Warez Forums, Rapidshare Forums. ... Rapidshare Warez Forums. Welcome to the Rapidshare Warez Forums. ... - 83k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Glossario informatico :: Definizione warez
Termine utilizzato dai cracker per denotare le versioni craccate di software com ... warez, glossario internet, glossario informatica, glossario informatico, ... - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Downloading Files from IRC
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using IRC to download songs, movies, games, warez, etc. - 4k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez - Wiktionary
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8 Oct 2007 ... Hey dude, I've got some cool new warez! Retrieved from " /wiki/warez". Categories: English nouns | Internet slang | ... - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
49. Warez Forum :: Index
- [ Traduci questa pagina ] Warez Forum is one of the friendliest warez forum on the net. We offer quality warez as well as community. Relax, Smile and Have Fun! - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Search IRC, search term: warez ftp list
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Displaying results 1 - 15 (of 2374) matching warez ftp list. .... Rules: do not use the !list, !find !search trigger in #warez-request, log into the ftp's ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Warez P2P Client is a spyware-free new generation P2P filesharing program, a piece of software like none other. - 30k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
CyprusWarez - The First Cypriot Warez Forum!
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Forum, Topics, Replies, Last Post Info. Redirect, Εγγραφείτε Τώρα! Εγγραφείτε Τώρα και Κατεβάστε αμέτρητα πράγματα! --, --, Redirected Hits: 10083 ... - 151k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LizZarD-WareZ’s Music Profile – Users at
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LizZarD-WareZ’s top artists: Enrique Iglesias, Enya, Rammstein. Favourite tags are alternative, alternative rock, new age. Get your own music profile at ... - 239k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Hacking & Warez
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Warez Wars For the Inner Circle, cracking software is a challenge. For the wannabe underground, ... By Neal Stephenson. More on Hacking & Warez >> ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez .com Free Download
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Warez .com Free Download,Warez .com Software Collection Download. - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez | - social bookmarks
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Are you interested in warez, cfw, ddl, download, downloads, ebooks, firefox: bookmarks, forum, free, iso, kurdo, psp, software, torrent, wii? - 55k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez / Le Technique on
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Warez always brings the goods laced with funk and a smile. Defying easy categorization, he moves deftly between styles, mixing glitch, dance, pop, R & B , ... - 32k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Leader Sentenced to 46 Months (May 17, 2002)
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In addition to dismantling DrinkOrDie, Operation Buccaneer also netted members from a broad cross-section of leading online piracy groups (aka warez groups ... - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez – Dictionary Definition of warez | FREE ...
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Definition Of warez – Our online dictionary has warez Information from A Dictionary of the Internet dictionary. English, Psychology, ... - 71k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Feds convict warez pirate - CNET News
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28 Dec 2004 ... An Iowa man pleads guilty to piracy charges in first US conviction from Operation Fastlink, an international law enforcement push. - 67k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What is IU policy on "warez" and software piracy? - Knowledge Base
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11 Nov 2008 ... What is IU policy on "warez" and software piracy? The term "warez" commonly refers to computer software distributions that violate copyright ... - 10k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Software - Warez P2P Speed Up Pro, Warez P2P Manager, Warez ...
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Warez Software Listing. Warez P2P Speed Up Pro is a download-accelerator add-on for Warez. Warez P2P Manager is a new application for Warez P2P users. - 56k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Free Full Download - Powered by BlitzWarez
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17 Dec 2008 ... Rapidshare Free Full Download Games, Movies, Music, Software, etc. - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download Cracked Software - TissueOnline.Com
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EXE dot COM - Great warez blog - all cracked software download links ... We like warez: Every day you can download freshest software from our Collection. ... - 64k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez P2P Acceleration Patch
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Warez P2P Acceleration Patch is a useful add-on for Warez P2P Client. Latest technology implemented boost downloads speed, increase number of download ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
WarezRaid • Index page
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Haven't found the movie/TV Show you were looking for in the warez downloads or a link to watch it online? Request it here. ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Kitty Baby Doll T's - The Shirt for The Girls - Warez T ...
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Warez Kitty Baby Doll T's is the perfect fit for the geek girls of the 'Net. Sport this cute warez kitty on this very slimming baby doll t' professionally ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
warez e cracking
Astalavista, Il maggiore motore di ricerca warez, dal quale ricercare direttamente crack-software, serial-numbers ed altro dai singoli motori di ricerca del ... - 4k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
FullFileAccess - Full Version Warez Downloads
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FullFileAccess provides 24/7 instant access to all the latest Movies, Applications, Games, TV Shows, Music, E-Books and Adult files. ... - 37k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
DMCA Counter-Notification from -- Chilling Effects ...
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Re: Re: Mistaken Removal DMCA Counter Notification Dear Google, Inc.; .... DMCA Counter-Notification from, Neoteric Ltd, April 5, 2008 ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
WebSupergoo - cracks, warez and serial numbers
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WebSupergoo - cracks, warez and serial numbers. ... Cracked software goes under many names - serialz, cracks, crackz, wares, warez, keys. ... - 8k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Definition of Warez Sites - Business Software Alliance
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Warez (pronounced "wares") is a term used on the Internet to refer to pirated software. The term began being used when free download Web sites were popular. ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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"Warez" is a corruption of the word "wares." This happened in the late 80's/ early 90's and has become a sub-culture in its own right. ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez | FlashMint Blog
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10 Apr 2008 ... Warez trading, aka non-commercial hobby of collecting and trading copyrighted works, has been determined as a major cause of online piracy. ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez Software - Definition of Warez Software at Your Dictionary
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Definition of Warez Software from Webster's New World Dictionary. Meaning of Warez Software. Warez Software synonyms. Warez Software pronunciation and usage ... - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez P2P Manager free download. Warez P2P Manager is a new ...
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1 Sep 2006 ... Warez P2P Manager is a new application for Warez P2P users. Warez P2P Manager handle and organize files (for writing to CD/DVD or moving to ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
78. Official Online Store
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Warez Logo Clothing Get your official Warez Logo Clothing here! ... Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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The "warez" scene is tightly knit with the other anarchy elements that deal ... Therefore, you often see warez together with porn and MP3; file archives ... - 6k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Man Charged in 'warez' Piracy Sentenced to Probation - PC World
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A Florida man was sentenced to three years probation Thursday for helping run a server used for illegally sharing computer... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Exefind contains 7 products regarding warez. ... Warez P2P Speed Up Pro is a download-accelerator add-on application for Warez P2P that saves your precious ... - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
InformIT: Warez Trading and Criminal Copyright Infringement, Part ...
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Warez trading has been singled out as a major cause of online piracy. In the late 1990s, an industry group claimed that warez trading caused one third of ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Evan Summers's Blog: Plumber's Hack 2: Blog o' warez
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6 Sep 2006 ... So i wrote this warez to parse my articles in "poor text format" and generate my desired output, eg. HTML for my weblog, ... - 19k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Soft-Best.Net - free download soft, warez, music, wallpapers ...
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download, utilities, windows, mac,internet, macintosh, software, application, shareware, freeware, demo, windows, file, files, downloads, zip, icq, crack, ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Q&A: Eleven questions for a warez site owner
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30 Nov 2007 ... What goes on in the mind of the folks who run software sites that operate along the lines of the notorious Casbah? - 119k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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31 Dec 2006 ... LOL VISTA EXPL0IT WAREZ LOL. This message : [ Message body ] [ More options ]; Related messages : [ Next message ] [ Previous message ] ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
Uniblue DriverScanner 2009 V2 | Soft Warez rapidshare megaupload ...
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18 Sep 2008 ... Unless you update your drivers regularly the odds are that your PC will be slower or more likely to crash, or will have problems connecting ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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COM has nothing to do with "warez" or other illegal sites. We are operational since 2000, and we are well-known worldwide as one of the best sources of ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
NSIT: Safe Computing - Disable Warez P2P
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16 Jan 2008 ... Safe Computing > Disabling Peer-to-Peer Filesharing > Warez P2P ... How to Disable Warez P2P. Select Preferences from the Main menu. ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez-BB Collector #1 Grimezy T-shirt from
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18 May 2008 ... Buy this premium quality Warez-BB Collector #1 Grimezy T-shirt. Select from various styles, colors and sizes or create your own. - 142k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Technology & Marketing Law Blog: Warez Trading Presentation at Fordham
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26 Apr 2006 ... The principal class of non-commercial infringer is called a "warez trader." Warez traders aggregate and distribute copyrighted works as a ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez / Hacking
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I Warez/Hacking I Adultos/Entretenimiento I Guía de Servicios de San Martín de los Andes I Información General I Alojamiento I Camping I Cambio de $ I ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
The flash warez | Play funny games online!
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Tons of online flash games. All for free. Only high quality games. - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez 2.0 - Daily updated software
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ElseWheres. Download warez · Free Portable Software · Designed by Wolfgang Bartelme · Designed by Wolfgang Bartelme. © 2006 - 2008 Warez 2.0 - Daily updated ... - 36k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Warez P2P Acceleration Patch software download - Windows ...
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Find Warez P2P Acceleration Patch downloads, reviews, and updates for Windows including commercial software, shareware and freeware on - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
96. Topdownloads
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Warez. Our brand new cutting-edge DHT network technology shows no limits and ... Warez, Warez P2P, Warez PRO and the "W" Symbol are trademarks of Neoteric Ltd. - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Replay Media Catcher warez - Get it Free
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Replay Media Catcher warez - Get it Free with TrialPay. Don't risk viruses (or worse) from cracks, patches, keygens or illegal serial codes. - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
VIPWarez - Best Warez For You
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The site is devoted to an audience of people which take a great interest and I work with the software.Сайт посвящен аудитории людей которые увлекаются и ... - 65k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Internet Archive Search: mediatype:movies AND subject:"Warez"
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Keywords: hack; warez; pirate; TV; spoof; parody; show. Downloads: 399 ... Keywords: hack; piracy; warez; spoof; scene; parody; TV; show. Downloads: 1065 ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ShareFlux -Full version cracked warez downloads
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Full Version Downloads! Games, Apps, Movies, Cracks, Serials, KeyGens, Torrents, Mp3 Albums, Hacks, XXX! - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro

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Links on Psychotherapy. ABA Associazione per lo studio e la ricerca sull' anoressia, ... Mental Health Info Link, with resources arranged by Topic ... - 10k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Logo ASPHI. Links. Links > Links Associazioni Italiane dei disabili > Links utili in Italiano > Links utili in Inglese .... < Indice dei Links ... - 48k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Lo Shopping ed i Viaggi… cerca il Computer e la Finanza
Se ti diverti a fare Shopping, o cerchi le offerte per i Viaggi, o vuoi comprare un nuovo Computer… o semplicemente vorresti consultare la Finanza on-line: ... - 23k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links - Official Site Galleria Barberini Borghese Corsini Spada
Sito con testi critici, immagini e links (in inglese). ... Qui troverete infatti , suddivisi per artista, links a una quantità enorme di opere d'arte sparse ... - 25k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
indice links
La lista di link e' un esperimento di monitoraggio di Internet sul tema della Donna, e pertanto non vuole essere ne' esaustivo ne' per forza utile. ... - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links. Ho suddiviso questa pagina in tre parti. Una comprende i SITI AMICI ( che abbiano attinenza con la Grande Guerra o la montagna) con i quali si hanno ... - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scambio Link - Aumentare PageRank
Scambio link - aumentare con lo scambio di link gli utenti e la popolarità del tuo sito o blog e scalare posizioni in Google e nei motori di ricerca. - Pagine simili - Filtro
Storia di Venezia - Links
Sito generale della Biblioteca, con catalogo in linea, e abbondanti accessi a Opac, repertori, links utili italiani e stranieri. ... - 87k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links internet i migliori link del web ... Attenzione è necessario copiare e digitare a mano l'indirizzo e.mail, non c'è il link diretto ... - 22k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Typographic Links
Il giovane graphic-designer inglese Dan Collier è l’ideatore del progetto “ Typographic Links”, una pubblicazione “fatta a mano” che rileva link e ... - 63k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Università degli Studi di Firenze DIPARTIMENTO DI FARMACOLOGIA PRECLINICA E CLINICA. LINKS. CITTÀ DI FIRENZE - RETE CIVICA · CINECA Supercomputing Center ... - 20k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
JAZZIT » Jazz Links
JAZZIT è un bimestrale di musica jazz che nasce dall'esperienza maturata attorno alla pubblicazione de Il Gezzitaliano, rivista interamente dedicata al jazz ... - 93k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Città di Palermo - Links
Comune-Archivio-Servizi Sociali-Guida alla Città-Urp-Immagini-Ricerca-Links- Webmaster-Meteo · Città di Palermo - Home Page ... - 29k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Web Directory - Seo Tools - Web Links
Directory web, Seo Tools, Web Directory, Aggiungi un sito, Aumentare Page Rank, Strumenti Motori di Ricerca. Webtarget: La Webdirectory! - 92k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Pagina links di
Federico secondo, un uomo geniale, links, monarca, Meridione d'Italia, unificare la Penisola, culturale, ... pagina links del sito ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LIDAP - Links utili
31 mag 2008 ... In questa pagina, la LIDAP ONLUS fornisce links o riferimenti ad altri siti, ma non s'assume alcuna responsabilità per i loro contenuti (che ... - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Text Links E Google: Che Rischi Si Corrono A Vendere Text Links ...
17 ago 2007 ... Text Links E Google: Che Rischi Si Corrono A Vendere Text Links Sul Proprio ... Ciò che non sapevo al tempo è che non tutti i text link ad ... - 74k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cielo e Terra - Links
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook - grande sito con testi e links sulla storia antica, di Paul Halsall, Fordham University. ... - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Help:Links/it - MediaWiki
Per aggiungere un link interno, racchiudi il titolo della pagina tra due parentesi quadre. Quando salvi la pagina, vedrai il link alla pagina. ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Istoreto -Torino : links
E' attiva anche una collana di quaderni, denominata "Pesaro città e contà // Link", dedicata alla monografia e al saggio breve. ... - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
71. - Links
ARMI E LINKS - La più ampia raccolta di links in materia di armi e balistica - Italian language) - 85k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Selected Links of Geoscience Interest
Selected Links of Geoscience Interest. Societies and Institutions ... Links to lists of Institutions ... Links of scientific interest ... - 21k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Biblioteca Italiana per i Ciechi - Links
Per segnalare delle risorse interessanti, eventuali errori o links non più attivi, potete scrivere al Centro di Documentazione Tiflologica. ... - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
GiorgiaCosplay [ links ]
links ad altri siti di cosplay e cosplayer. ... ...e non poteva mancare una nutrita sezione di links relativi al mondo del cosplay ed alcuni altri siti ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I LINKS di Base Cinque - Appunti di Matematica ricreativa
Matematica ricreativa, Storia della matematica, Pagine personali. G4G4 e la sua sezione Recreational Math · Mathpuzzle di Ed Pegg Jr. ... - 16k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links - Studi per la Pace - diritto internazionale, diritti umani ...
Studi per la Pace è un centro per lo studio e la ricerca di temi diritto e politica internazionale, che presta particolare attenzione alle aree di crisi ... - 130k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links - FAI - Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano
Links e preferiti - FAI - Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano. - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Section dedicated to Other Links
Navigation path. Home Page | Other Links. Section dedicated to Other Links. CULTURE. Archivio di Stato di Venezia Official website of Venice Record Office ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Associazione Italiana Celiachia - Links
Attenzione: tutti i links di questa sezione sono esterni, le informazioni contenute in questi siti vanno attentamente valutate, l'A.I.C. non ha alcuna ... - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links Sicilia
Sicily WEB: La SICILIA on line - Cultura, turismo, arte, istituzioni, province - Palermo, Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Catania, Enna, Messina, Ragusa, ... - 29k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
HTML/Links - Wikibooks, manuali e libri di testo liberi
I links o àncore sono l'elemento principale di un sito web. I link permettono di passare da un documento ad un altro in maniera molto semplice: cliccando su ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Francesco Costa » links for 2008-12-16
C'ha ragione Achille, c'ha ragione. Sullo stesso tema:. links for 2008-11-10. 17 December 2008, 7.02 am. Nessun commento ». (per ora!) ... - 18k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Fisica - A. Righi - Links
Sito della biblioteca del dipartimento di fisica A.Righi, Bologna. - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I nostri Links
Questi sono alcuni dei links che vi consigliamo. La lista verrà aggiornata nel tempo. Se volete potete segnalare siti interessanti da aggiungere alla lista. ... - 22k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Associazione Italiana Familiari e Vittime della Strada onlus - Links
Links. Se trovi un collegamento interrotto in questa pagina per favore segnalalo al ... Link Amici. Spiegare Chiudi. Gruppo eventi. Questo sito è dedicato ... - 98k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
86. - LINKS
Personality Psychology Workshop, Università di Torino. Risorse di psicologia della personalità. Libri. - 167k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Vedi per la storia contemporanea italiana anche l'ulteriore raccolta di links offerta dallo. Istituto piemontese per la storia della Resistenza e della ... - 26k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
SICP - Società Italiana di Cure Palliative - Links
SICP - LINKS - Organizzazioni No Profit italiane, TORNA SU ... SICP - LINKS - Riviste specializzate del settore no profit, TORNA SU ... - 35k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
89. - Sceneggiature, sceneggiatori, sceneggiatura ...
LINKS E RISORSE DI RETE PER SCENEGGIATORI. I NUOVI LINKS. Aggiornamento di Luglio - Agosto 2007 (questi link saranno catalogati nell'apposite sezioni al ... - 16k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Guida Fogli di Stile CSS | I Links
I links Abbiamo visto come i CSS siano in grado di cambiare attributi al testo, ... Anche i Link possono essere dichiarati in una pagina o in un foglio di ... - 18k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
links - CCD images & Galaxy Atlas
EUROPIXEL: I nostri Links, Interesting websites cured by the italian representative of Hi-SIS ccd cameras, Siti web interessanti a cura del rappresentante ... - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links da
Tutti i blog di [Tutti i blog...] Links. Links ... Links e riferimenti di alberghi, agriturismi, bed & breakfast e altre risorse turistiche . ... - 75k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Collegamenti a siti di fotografia - PHOTO LINKS -
Links a siti dedicati al mondo della fotografia, link fotografici. - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Carta della Terra -indice dei links
Indice dei links tematici"Carta della Terra" edizione italiana - Natura, ambiente, sviluppo sostenibile. - 41k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LIBRI Biblioteca Telematica, LIBRARIA Libri publicati in Italia. Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera · CILEA Consorzio Universitario Lombardo per ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links ad istituzioni archivistiche di altre nazioni. Si segnala l'indirizzo del sito Internet dell'Università dell'Idaho attraverso il quale è possibile ... - 8k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
97. - Links
PAGINA LINKS websolutions non si assume nessuna responsabilità sul contenuto dei siti indicati nel nostro programma scambio links. ... - 131k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scambio Links del settore Vino -
Hai un sito e vuoi effettuare uno scambio link con ? ... Link a siti italiani su vino e cucina, altri portali di informazione ... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Agices Equo Links
EQUO LINKS CENTRALI DI IMPORTAZIONE ALTRAQUALITA' (Chiesuol del Fosso FE) · COMMERCIO ALTERNATIVO (Ferrara) · CTM ALTROMERCATO (Bolzano) ... - 9k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
links for 2008-12-13 - Macchianera
14 dic 2008 ... GNeri quando metti questi link mi sento tuo fratello spirituale. Posso invitarti un pomeriggio, dopo i compiti, per giocare a casa mia col ... - 66k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro

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Links Management & Technology S.p.A. | Consulenza ICT
Soluzioni di Information Technology per le Banche, la Pubblica Amministrazione e le Imprese. - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links - Wikipedia
Links è un browser open source testuale da riga di comando. Dispone di una semplice interfaccia grafica da terminale, e può visualizzare pagine complesse ... - 41k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
.:::::Calabria Links::::::
Calabria motore di ricerca dei siti calabresi. - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LINKS Rivista di letteratura e cultura tedesca. Zeitschrift für deutsche Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft Fabrizio Serra · Editore, Pisa - Roma ... - 21k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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E&S© - Links
Aggiungi il tuo sito ai LINKS di E&S. Altri LINKS (in ordine alfabetico). 2001 Colleges, Universities and Scholarships · ABCtel - La scuola telematica ... - 42k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Anpi - Link
Sito dell'Associazione Nazionale Partigiani d'Italia - ANPI. - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links for mineralogist · Links of interest in mineralogy · Mineral Database · Il Portale italiano per la Mineralogia · Offshore S.r.l. - Bologna ... - 10k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LINKS GRAFICA L'emozione di creare
Studio grafico specializzato nella realizzazione di siti web statici e dinamici, cataloghi, dvd, CD-rom, ritocchi fotografici, archiviazioni documenti su ... - 4k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RM Links
Scambi di links. Reti Medievali aderisce a:. La Storia. Consorzio italiano per le discipline storiche ... Reti Medievali scambia il proprio link con: ... - 19k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Wittgenstein Links
Washington Post. Senate Abandons Automaker Bailout Bid. New York Times « Post precedenti. Wittgenstein Links usa il tema RockinNewspaper su Wordpress. - 23k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
100 Links Al Mese
Raccoglie e recensisce siti italiani e internazionali, iscrivendosi alla mailing list si ricevono i migliori link per i temi scelti. - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links Utili .it
Links Utili .it - La raccolta dei siti più utilizzati dagli italiani. - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Eruzione 2002/03, immagini, link, ordinanze, webcam, articoli, bibliografie. - 6k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Wu Ming Foundation - Links - Enlaces - Brothers and sisters to us!
Miscellaneous weblogs. aGENbiTe oF iNWIT - castellano a typesetter's day - italiano babsi jones - italiano blogdado - italiano buoni presagi - italiano ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megachip - Democrazia nella comunicazione - Web Links
Invitiamo i nostri lettori ad inviarci link a filmati già on line. Li visioneremo ed eventualmente ... Ci sono 213 Links e 13 Categorie nel nostro database ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scambio Links - aumentare PageRank - aumenta PR
Scambio Links: aumentare il PageRank PR e migliorare il posizionamento del tuo sito sui motori di ricerca, con lo scambio link e lo scambio pagine ... - 53k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ARCHEOLOGIA SUBACQUEA - Archaeogate, il portale italiano di ...
... Università · Musei e Collezioni · Enti e Associazioni · Soprintendenze · Case Editrici · Links · Contatti · Cerca. Cerca in Archaeogate Cerca nel sito: ... - 18k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links scettici
Questa pagina raccoglie un po' di links su tematiche scettiche. ... Un po' di link ad associazioni dedicate all'investigazione dei fenomeni paranormali. ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
linux links page, a page full of linux links, una pagina piena zeppa di links per linux. - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
CALCIO - Il Calcio In Rete!
Notizie e foto sul calcio italiano, dalla serie A alla C, e sui campionati esteri. - 3k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Spin - InternetWorking | Antispam | Spam Links
Spam Links. Altri siti antispam in italiano. Lista di links su Open Directory · Pagina Antispam in italiano (di Leonardo Collinelli) · EuroCAUCE in italiano ... - 26k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
La Scultura Italiana - Links
LINKS. I GRANDI MUSEI NEL MONDO:. Il Louvre - Parigi Comprende dal 1791 tutte le collezioni dei re di Francia, arricchite da lasciti e acquisizioni ... - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Legal Links by Maurizio Lupoi - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Directory e Webchat, link e risorse al gratis del web - Web Links
Directory Linkmar, link e risorse al gratis del web. Linkmar contiene links e risorse selezionate in continua espansione sul gratis della rete. - 64k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Mountain Bike Italian Links
Queste pagine costituiscono una raccolta ragionata di links legati al mondo della mountain bike in Italia, con un occhio di riguardo agli itinerari che per ... - 12k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
SCONTIEOFFERTE - Il Tuo Centro Commerciale On Line
Opportunità | Guadagnare online | Shopping | Cellulari | TV LCD | Notebook | Abbigliamento | Miglior prezzo | Last minute | Ecommerce | E-commerce. - 214k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Archeologia Italiana Links
Il motore di ricerca per l'archeologia e il mondo classico in rete. - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I links della biblioteca musicale virtuale
Non copiate tutti i link che abbiamo pazientemente cercato nella rete. Se ritenete utile questo sito mettete un link a noi e segnalatelo: sarà molto gradito ... - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Snap Links :: Componenti aggiuntivi per Firefox
Snap Links allows users to easily open multiple links in new tabs by drawing a box around them. Links can also be opened in new windows, new tabs on a new ... - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
31. - Links e motore di ricerca evangelico
I siti aggiunti recentemente. Per aiuto o ulteriori informazioni, o per modificare un indirizzo o descrizione, scrivi a ... - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Indirizzi utili per saperne di più sul telelavoro
Linkmaster: telecomputing: Link a risorse su telelavoro, insegnamento a distanza e ... Working at Multiple Sites: Ottima raccolta di link sul 'Lavoro in più ... - 20k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Sistema Bibliotecario del Politecnico di Torino
HOME | NEWS | INDIRIZZI | COME ARRIVARE | LINK UTILI ... Links di Architettura · Archiworld · Adam - Architecture · Rudi - Urban Design ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Doglinks - Guida alla cinofilia on line - links alle pagine ...
Non saranno assolutamente presi in considerazione links a pagine di cosiddetti " puppymills" o di venditori e importatori di cani senza scrupoli. doglinks si ... - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
NOTIZIARIO - Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone - Related Links
Periodico semestrale del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 'Notiziario - Neutroni e Luce di Sincrotrone' in stampa dal 1996. - 20k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
All Rugby Link's - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Stiamo cercando un responsabile che si occupi di mantenere questa raccolta di links e rispondere alle richieste di inserimento. ... - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
38. Links
Quotidiano online diretto da Mauro Spagnolo, con news e approfondimenti sulle fonti rinnovabili di energia: fotovoltaico, solare termico, eolico, biomassa, ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ARTE.GO - Links
Arte.Go: dal 1994 arte e cultura on-line, esposizioni temporanee e permanenti di artisti, mostre, eventi, rassegne, performances, musei virtuali. - 26k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Associazione Italiana Dislessia: Links utili
Links utili. Siti Italiani. Associazioni:. Associazione Italiana Famiglie ADHD ( Disturbo da Deficit di Attenzione Iperattività): ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LINKS by - rivista e magazine di cinema, teatro e ...
Rivista e magazine di cinema diretto da Giovanni Spagnoletti. Recensioni, forum, blog, news, gossip, speciali. Una rivista giovane e dinamica sempre in ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Culturanuova: links
scheda di rilettura su links; ... di materiale filosofico: in inglese ovviamente , e con taglio logico-analitico. Dienneti: Portale di links filosofici. ... - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Saint Augustine
Saint Augustine Home > English - Works and Links. LANGUAGE: Castellano, English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Others ... - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
normativa italiana ed europea sui rifiuti, download di documenti ...
normativa italiana · circolari albo gestori · delibere albo gestori · giurisprudenza sui rifiuti · normativa europea · link · download · incoterms ... Links ... - 120k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Raccoglie i link alle risorse classificate per tipo di malattia; all'interno di ogni categoria i link riguardano i siti che offrono informazioni generali ... - 99k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ANAI - Associazione Nazionale Archivistica Italiana
ANAI - Selezione di links di interresse archivistico ... Archivi di Stato · Organizzazioni · Istituti culturali · Altri links nel web ... - 7k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Early Music Informational Files & Links · Early Music Institute (Indiana University School of Early Music) · Early Music Minnesota · Early Music Network ... - 181k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Centrale Palace Hotel Palermo Sicilia - Angala Hotels Sicilia - Links
Centrale Palace Hotel Palermo Sicilia Links. ... Centrale Palace Hotel Palermo Sicilia - Angala Hotels Sicilia - Links ... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Webdirectory con scambio link gratuito - Pagerank, link popularity ...
Webdirectory con scambio link gratuito per migliorare il proprio pagerank e la link popularity grazie allo scambio link o links exchange di - 25k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links on Psychotherapy. ABA Associazione per lo studio e la ricerca sull' anoressia, ... Mental Health Info Link, with resources arranged by Topic ... - 10k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Logo ASPHI. Links. Links > Links Associazioni Italiane dei disabili > Links utili in Italiano > Links utili in Inglese .... < Indice dei Links ... - 48k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Lo Shopping ed i Viaggi… cerca il Computer e la Finanza
Se ti diverti a fare Shopping, o cerchi le offerte per i Viaggi, o vuoi comprare un nuovo Computer… o semplicemente vorresti consultare la Finanza on-line: ... - 23k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links - Official Site Galleria Barberini Borghese Corsini Spada
Sito con testi critici, immagini e links (in inglese). ... Qui troverete infatti , suddivisi per artista, links a una quantità enorme di opere d'arte sparse ... - 25k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
indice links
La lista di link e' un esperimento di monitoraggio di Internet sul tema della Donna, e pertanto non vuole essere ne' esaustivo ne' per forza utile. ... - 2k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links. Ho suddiviso questa pagina in tre parti. Una comprende i SITI AMICI ( che abbiano attinenza con la Grande Guerra o la montagna) con i quali si hanno ... - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scambio Link - Aumentare PageRank
Scambio link - aumentare con lo scambio di link gli utenti e la popolarità del tuo sito o blog e scalare posizioni in Google e nei motori di ricerca. - Pagine simili - Filtro
Storia di Venezia - Links
Sito generale della Biblioteca, con catalogo in linea, e abbondanti accessi a Opac, repertori, links utili italiani e stranieri. ... - 87k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links internet i migliori link del web ... Attenzione è necessario copiare e digitare a mano l'indirizzo e.mail, non c'è il link diretto ... - 22k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Typographic Links
Il giovane graphic-designer inglese Dan Collier è l’ideatore del progetto “ Typographic Links”, una pubblicazione “fatta a mano” che rileva link e ... - 63k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Università degli Studi di Firenze DIPARTIMENTO DI FARMACOLOGIA PRECLINICA E CLINICA. LINKS. CITTÀ DI FIRENZE - RETE CIVICA · CINECA Supercomputing Center ... - 20k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
JAZZIT » Jazz Links
JAZZIT è un bimestrale di musica jazz che nasce dall'esperienza maturata attorno alla pubblicazione de Il Gezzitaliano, rivista interamente dedicata al jazz ... - 93k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Città di Palermo - Links
Comune-Archivio-Servizi Sociali-Guida alla Città-Urp-Immagini-Ricerca-Links- Webmaster-Meteo · Città di Palermo - Home Page ... - 29k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Web Directory - Seo Tools - Web Links
Directory web, Seo Tools, Web Directory, Aggiungi un sito, Aumentare Page Rank, Strumenti Motori di Ricerca. Webtarget: La Webdirectory! - 92k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Pagina links di
Federico secondo, un uomo geniale, links, monarca, Meridione d'Italia, unificare la Penisola, culturale, ... pagina links del sito ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LIDAP - Links utili
31 mag 2008 ... In questa pagina, la LIDAP ONLUS fornisce links o riferimenti ad altri siti, ma non s'assume alcuna responsabilità per i loro contenuti (che ... - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Text Links E Google: Che Rischi Si Corrono A Vendere Text Links ...
17 ago 2007 ... Text Links E Google: Che Rischi Si Corrono A Vendere Text Links Sul Proprio ... Ciò che non sapevo al tempo è che non tutti i text link ad ... - 74k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cielo e Terra - Links
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook - grande sito con testi e links sulla storia antica, di Paul Halsall, Fordham University. ... - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Help:Links/it - MediaWiki
Per aggiungere un link interno, racchiudi il titolo della pagina tra due parentesi quadre. Quando salvi la pagina, vedrai il link alla pagina. ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Istoreto -Torino : links
E' attiva anche una collana di quaderni, denominata "Pesaro città e contà // Link", dedicata alla monografia e al saggio breve. ... - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
71. - Links
ARMI E LINKS - La più ampia raccolta di links in materia di armi e balistica - Italian language) - 85k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Selected Links of Geoscience Interest
Selected Links of Geoscience Interest. Societies and Institutions ... Links to lists of Institutions ... Links of scientific interest ... - 21k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Biblioteca Italiana per i Ciechi - Links
Per segnalare delle risorse interessanti, eventuali errori o links non più attivi, potete scrivere al Centro di Documentazione Tiflologica. ... - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
GiorgiaCosplay [ links ]
links ad altri siti di cosplay e cosplayer. ... ...e non poteva mancare una nutrita sezione di links relativi al mondo del cosplay ed alcuni altri siti ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I LINKS di Base Cinque - Appunti di Matematica ricreativa
Matematica ricreativa, Storia della matematica, Pagine personali. G4G4 e la sua sezione Recreational Math · Mathpuzzle di Ed Pegg Jr. ... - 16k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links - Studi per la Pace - diritto internazionale, diritti umani ...
Studi per la Pace è un centro per lo studio e la ricerca di temi diritto e politica internazionale, che presta particolare attenzione alle aree di crisi ... - 130k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links - FAI - Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano
Links e preferiti - FAI - Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano. - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Section dedicated to Other Links
Navigation path. Home Page | Other Links. Section dedicated to Other Links. CULTURE. Archivio di Stato di Venezia Official website of Venice Record Office ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Associazione Italiana Celiachia - Links
Attenzione: tutti i links di questa sezione sono esterni, le informazioni contenute in questi siti vanno attentamente valutate, l'A.I.C. non ha alcuna ... - 15k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links Sicilia
Sicily WEB: La SICILIA on line - Cultura, turismo, arte, istituzioni, province - Palermo, Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Catania, Enna, Messina, Ragusa, ... - 29k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
HTML/Links - Wikibooks, manuali e libri di testo liberi
I links o àncore sono l'elemento principale di un sito web. I link permettono di passare da un documento ad un altro in maniera molto semplice: cliccando su ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Francesco Costa » links for 2008-12-16
C'ha ragione Achille, c'ha ragione. Sullo stesso tema:. links for 2008-11-10. 17 December 2008, 7.02 am. Nessun commento ». (per ora!) ... - 18k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Fisica - A. Righi - Links
Sito della biblioteca del dipartimento di fisica A.Righi, Bologna. - 14k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I nostri Links
Questi sono alcuni dei links che vi consigliamo. La lista verrà aggiornata nel tempo. Se volete potete segnalare siti interessanti da aggiungere alla lista. ... - 22k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Associazione Italiana Familiari e Vittime della Strada onlus - Links
Links. Se trovi un collegamento interrotto in questa pagina per favore segnalalo al ... Link Amici. Spiegare Chiudi. Gruppo eventi. Questo sito è dedicato ... - 98k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
86. - LINKS
Personality Psychology Workshop, Università di Torino. Risorse di psicologia della personalità. Libri. - 167k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Vedi per la storia contemporanea italiana anche l'ulteriore raccolta di links offerta dallo. Istituto piemontese per la storia della Resistenza e della ... - 26k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
SICP - Società Italiana di Cure Palliative - Links
SICP - LINKS - Organizzazioni No Profit italiane, TORNA SU ... SICP - LINKS - Riviste specializzate del settore no profit, TORNA SU ... - 35k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
89. - Sceneggiature, sceneggiatori, sceneggiatura ...
LINKS E RISORSE DI RETE PER SCENEGGIATORI. I NUOVI LINKS. Aggiornamento di Luglio - Agosto 2007 (questi link saranno catalogati nell'apposite sezioni al ... - 16k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Guida Fogli di Stile CSS | I Links
I links Abbiamo visto come i CSS siano in grado di cambiare attributi al testo, ... Anche i Link possono essere dichiarati in una pagina o in un foglio di ... - 18k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
links - CCD images & Galaxy Atlas
EUROPIXEL: I nostri Links, Interesting websites cured by the italian representative of Hi-SIS ccd cameras, Siti web interessanti a cura del rappresentante ... - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links da
Tutti i blog di [Tutti i blog...] Links. Links ... Links e riferimenti di alberghi, agriturismi, bed & breakfast e altre risorse turistiche . ... - 75k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Collegamenti a siti di fotografia - PHOTO LINKS -
Links a siti dedicati al mondo della fotografia, link fotografici. - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Carta della Terra -indice dei links
Indice dei links tematici"Carta della Terra" edizione italiana - Natura, ambiente, sviluppo sostenibile. - 41k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
LIBRI Biblioteca Telematica, LIBRARIA Libri publicati in Italia. Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera · CILEA Consorzio Universitario Lombardo per ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links ad istituzioni archivistiche di altre nazioni. Si segnala l'indirizzo del sito Internet dell'Università dell'Idaho attraverso il quale è possibile ... - 8k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
97. - Links
PAGINA LINKS websolutions non si assume nessuna responsabilità sul contenuto dei siti indicati nel nostro programma scambio links. ... - 131k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scambio Links del settore Vino -
Hai un sito e vuoi effettuare uno scambio link con ? ... Link a siti italiani su vino e cucina, altri portali di informazione ... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Agices Equo Links
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links for 2008-12-13 - Macchianera
14 dic 2008 ... GNeri quando metti questi link mi sento tuo fratello spirituale. Posso invitarti un pomeriggio, dopo i compiti, per giocare a casa mia col ... - 66k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro

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Risultati di ricerca

RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
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Users can upload up to 100 meg files for sharing. Provides downloads of 100 megs per hour on the free service. Premium service also available. - 9k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
The LinkList feature is part of the free services of RapidShare. As the contents of LinkLists are not checked, RapidShare is not taking any responsibility ... - 86k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare Webhosting + Webspace
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PREMIUM-Downloads PREMIUM-Zone · FAQ Imprint · Forgot Premium-password? WARNING OF PHISHING! Multi-Upload. Please check our upload rules and service ... - 5k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
maestroalberto » Più di 100 motori di ricerca per RapidShare
Tutto RapidShare: 26 motori di ricerca e 16 generatori di account premium ... Sta cosa degli account premium gratis per rapidshare o megaupload mi sa tanto ... - 74k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
maestroalberto » Tutto RapidShare: 26 motori di ricerca e 16 ...
-26 sistemi di ricerca per scaricare file da RapidShare, molti dei quali .... maestroalberto » RapidSearch: motore di ricerca per RapidShare e siti similion ... - 131k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Scaricare Gratis da RapidShare
19 ago 2008 ... Dopo avervi consigliato i migliori motori di ricerca per Rapidshare che vi permettono di trovare in maniera facile i file che volete ... - 135k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
99 motori di ricerca Rapidshare | ILaRia Lab
19 lug 2008 ... Rapidshare per chi non lo sapesse è un sito che offre un servizio di upload per file di grandi dimensioni. Dal 2 Luglio ha rimosso il limite ... - 72k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
8. Forums-viewtopic-RapidShare richiamato all ordine
Roma - Rapidshare dovrà rimuovere i contenuti che violano il diritto d'autore, dovrà vigilare preventivamente sui contenuti caricati dagli utenti. ... - 42k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Links utili per sfruttare meglio (e gratis) RapidShare |
8 set 2008 ... Di recente ci siamo trovati a fare uso massiccio di RapidShare, di sicuro uno dei migliori siti di file sharing in circolazione e, ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Siti e community rapidshare per scaricare ! | Tecno blog: web ...
3 apr 2008 ... Ho creato un elenco dei migliori siti per scaricare da rapidshare e megaupload, le community più attive e più varie! Film, giochi, serie tv ... - 84k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scaricare da Rapidshare senza limiti | Edit - Il blog di
Vivo in Spagna e uso rapidshare da tempo (pago circa 8 euro al mese e scarico ... Ho cercato per esempio in Google direttamente “Il Ciclone Rapidshare ... - 69k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I Migliori 15 Motori di Ricerca per RapidShare
RapidShare è il più famoso servizio di file sharing web presente oramai da tantissimi anni sul web. Il file sharing è possibile grazie all'hosting di file ... - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare - Wikipedia
Rapidshare è un servizio internet tedesco, sia gratis che a pagamento, che permette di caricare i propri files su internet. ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
PI: RapidShare: no al monitoraggio
Non è praticabile il controllo preventivo sui contenuti el espulsione degli indirizzi IP recidivi nel violare il diritto d autore. RapidShare rassicura gli ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
PI: Germania, RapidShare al controllo preventivo
3 ott 2008 ... La decisione di un giudice tedesco: il servizio di hosting deve prevenire le violazioni del diritto d autore e filtrare i contenuti prima di ... - 51k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
16. .... Blogroll. P2p Zone · · P2p Forum. Copyright © Design by Weebs. - 32k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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RapidShare is a German owned one-click hosting pay- and free-service (with certain restrictions & limitations) website that operates from Switzerland and is ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare - By Brembo
Secondo me, come tanti altri siti similari, sarà la nuova frontiera del P2P , è un sito che permette l'upload e download di vari files ... - 86k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scaricare Da RapidShare con download in coda e account premium ...
Mentre per Rapidshare le soluzioni sono tante, per MegaUpload l'impresa è ardua e rimane aggiornato l'articolo di come scaricare da Megaupload più file ... - 92k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Automatizziamo il processo di download da RapidShare. - Geekissimo
22 ago 2008 ... Generatori di link premium per RapidShare e MegaUpload ... Rapidshare è senza dubbio uno dei migliore servizi di file sharing e hosting ... - 130k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Raptor, interessante download manager per RapidShare - Geekissimo
16 dic 2008 ... Generatori di link premium per RapidShare e MegaUpload ... Automatizziamo il processo di download da RapidShare. ... - 132k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
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Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
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RapidShare Manager · RapidUploader · RapidShare Checker · Support · FAQ · Support Contact · Abuse Contact · Security advice · RapidShare AG ... - 7k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Come scaricare con Rapidshare
Chiudere Internet Explorer (o il browser che usate) dopo aver eliminato i cookies (se non riuscite a distinguere i cookies di Rapidshare, eliminateli tutti) ... - 110k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ilcatanese: Rapidshare
10 nov 2008 ... Rapidshare è un servizio di upload file di grandi dimensioni (file sharing web), sia gratuito che a pagamento. Consente pure il download dei ... - 76k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapGet: Software per scaricare da RapidShare « SMaNEttONi
22 apr 2008 ... Con Rapidshare non funziona affatto. Con Megaupload fino a 30 download e con Filefactory è morto. Ho installato OpenSSl e tutto, ... - 42k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Motore di ricerca per RapidShare | Matteo Dini
23 ott 2008 ... Ottimo motore di ricerca aggiornatissimo che permette di effettuare ricerche di file sul famoso servizio di file sharing RapidShare. - 58k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare senza attese. | Il Bloggatore
RapidShare senza attese. - Gli utenti Premium di Rapidshare, e che quindi pagano per scaricare e caricare file senza limitazioni, non hanno problemi nel ... - 74k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
29. - Find files on rapidshare
- [ Traduci questa pagina ] - Find any file on rapidshare. - 19k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
80+ Motori di Ricerca per file su Rapidshare | 3 sul Blog - Tech ...
FileSearch - Rapidshare and megaupload file search engine ... Search4File - Free file search on RapidShare, Youtube and more ... - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Levysoft » Come scaricare da Rapidshare da riga di comando con ...
5 dic 2008 ... Wget Rapidshare Alle volte può sembrare che, quando vengono proposte soluzioni a riga di comando, ci si voglia complicare le cose nonostante ... - 56k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare | Blogs |
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Search Sean Fennessey. RapidShare. Breaking it down, one single at a time. RSS Subscribe to the RapidShare RSS Feed · Live: Lil Wayne Rocks Out, ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Tag rapidshare
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Rapidshare più automaticamente una coda di download di file di ...
RapidShare è uno dei più utilizzati popolare on-line la condivisione di file hosting milioni di file per il download, caricati dagli utenti di tutto il ... - 32k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare: Notizie, Foto e Video in Liquida dai Blog italiani
321 articoli, 17 immagini, 30 video su rapidshare, con guide, curiosità e suggerimenti dai migliori blog italiani (tag correlati: rapidshare, rapidshare) - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cercare su Megaupload, Rapidshare & Co. « NUOVO INDIRIZZO WWW ...
I più famosi sono comunque Rapidshare, Megaupload, Sexuploader & Co. che, per nostra sfortuna, non contengono un motore di ricerca interno. ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Search Engine -
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Rapidshare search engine, search rapidshare files, free unlimited rapidshare download and search. - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Motori di ricerca rapidshare, gli ultimi e sempre aggiornati ...
Di motore di ricerca ce n´è solo uno , giusto per questo ho fatto un bookmarklet che usa per cercare in file rapidshare, il suo utilizzo è ... - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Software gratis per scaricare da Rapidshare, Megaupload e simili ...
Scaricate RapGet per gestire il download simultaneo dei file di Rapidshare, Megaupload e degli altri siti di file hosting. - 77k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
TuttoVolume: RapidShare senza attese.
16 dic 2008 ... Gli utenti Premium di Rapidshare, e che quindi pagano per scaricare e caricare file senza limitazioni, non hanno problemi nel trovare un ... - 95k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
41. - Download free and unlimited MP3s and movies ...
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Download Free Music Now. Search & Find MP3, Movies, Software & More. Unlimited Downloads, Burn CDs & DVDs. - 13k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
WASALive ! Film rapidshare
File che vengono condivisi grazie all’uso di siti di file hosting come MegaUpload e RapidShare e che quindi per essere scaricati non necessitano. ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download manager per Rapidshare | Giornale blog Wordpress
Per chi è alla ricerca di un download manager per Rapidshare vi presento Raptor ... Il programma download manager per Rapidshare funziona in maniera molto ... - 21k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Booster | Nothing2Hide
Rapidshare Booster is a Greasemonkey script which makes Rapidshare much more usable by adding the following powerful features: ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
Journal of the blogger Wordpress Blog // Recent Blog Entries ...
Happy go lucky - La felicità porta fortuna [Film/Rapidshare] ... Condividi Tags: Amore che vieni amore che vai, Film, rapidshare, streaming, trailer, trama, ... - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
In: Programma per scaricare da megaupload e rapidshare ... the.italian. rapidshare have 12 posts, 8 topics, 185 members, 5.566 total visits, 330 visits this ... - 26k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
10 utili Motori di Ricerca per RapidShare »
11 ago 2008 ... Rapidshare è il più grande e popolare sito di condivisione file, con milioni di file sul suo server. Ma ha un grosso punto debole, ... - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Germania: RapidShare vigilerà sugli utenti |oneP2P
6 ott 2008 ... Germania: RapidShare vigilerà sugli utenti - La corte di Amburgo ha stabilito che il motore di ricerca RapidShare dovrà rimuovere dal ... - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Bollino verde con RapidShare Tool |
Come tutti sapete RapidShare è uno dei servizi più utilizzati per condividere i file online. In alcuni casi servizi come questo sono utilizzati in. - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare Plus: come scaricare in modo semplice da RapidShare ...
Per tutti coloro che non dispongono di un account Premium per scaricare da RapidShare e sono stufi di dover aspettare i tempi di attesa imposti per gli ... - 71k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Ultime Notizie RapidShare News
inTopic Tecnologia - RapidShare notizie aggiornate da centinaia di fonti. - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Plus: ottimizzare i downloads da RapidShare | myTechnology
27 ott 2008 ... RapidShare Plus è un programmino che non richiede nemmeno l’installazione, e che in pratica ci permette di automatizzare i downloads da ... - 84k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cercare file su rapidshare
Ecco a voi,come promesso,il metodo di ricerca di file su rapidshare,sprovvisto di un motore di ricerca interno.Dopo questa agghiacciante notizia(come ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare notizie, consigli e hack.
Okay, so you’ve been looking for free Rapidshare Premium Logins and Passwords for ... Okay, hai cercato di libera Rapidshare Premium Login e Password per il ... - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Free Rapidshare Downloader
21 ott 2008 ... Rapidshare never stops teasing free users. Rapidshare si ferma mai eccitante gratuitamente gli utenti. From download wait timers to cat ... - 46k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Free Premium Rapidshare
2 Days Rapidshare Premium Account 2 Referrals. 30 Days Rapidshare Premium Account 5 Referrals. 90 Days Rapidshare Premium Account 15 Referrals ... - 5k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
» Lista Siti Rapidshare Premium Genius Magazine
Lista Siti Rapidshare Premium - Genius Magazine - il web 2.0 diventa realtà. - 65k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
password rapidshare - P2P Forum Italia
2 post - Ultimo post: 10 dic
password rapidshare Internet, web e servizi on line. - 61k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
What's Rapidshare? How to Use Rapidshare?
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How to use Rapidshare and How to get everything you ever wanted.If you don’t already know what Rapidshare is, prepare to be blown away. - 18k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download ILLIMITATI da RapidShare e Megaupload | Area3000
Scaricare da rapidshare e megaupload senza limiti e gratis! - 37k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Acrilico » rapidshare
qui il video 2 sulla WI-FI sempre rapidshare ho inserito i video in modo da .... i file sono su rapidshare e si possono scaricare gratuitamente bisogna ... - 54k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Hack Rapidshare per bypass messaggi | Simo Blog
Tags : bypass, hack, metodo, new, nuovo, proxy, rapidshare ... Tramite questo hack attuale e funzionante è possibile bypassare i messaggi di Rapidshare: ... - 68k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Films | Movies - Home
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Rapidshare Films - Rapidshare Movies, Rapidshare Films, Tv Shows, ... Rapidshare Films == Visit the Movies/TV Shows Section for the Latest Releases! == ... - 47k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Premium links maker » Italia SW
Buone News per gli utilizzatori del servizio di Download RapidShare. Quest'oggi ho scoperto l'esistenza di un sito per generare dei links premium per il ... - 43k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I migliori motori di ricerca per RapidShare (e non solo) - MAMBRO ...
In questa lista troverete i migliori e più usati motori di ricerca per RapidShare, il servizio che offre gratuitamente di fare download e upload di files di ... - 59k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Come non Aspettare per Scaricare da Rapidshare | Tip and Tricks di ...
16 nov 2008 ... Questo è uno script per greasemonkey dunque necessita di firefox la cui funzione è evitare di aspettare per fare il download da rapidshare, ... - 35k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
La lista dei migliori siti per ricercare file su RapidShare ...
Chi non conosce il famosissimo servizio di upload, storaggio e file sharing gratuito di RapidShare o Megaupload?. Penso che siano rimasti davvero pochi… ... - 71k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RDown - Rapidshare Downloader :: Componenti aggiuntivi per Firefox
However, if rapidshare going to keep changing certain settings. Perhaps implement a small site which posts the latest config, then all the addon has to do ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download per rapidshare Saw V-Ultimatum alla terra -Twilight ...
17 dic 2008 ... Internet-Video-Calcio-Tutto Msn Messenger-News- Streaming Live tutto e sempre Gratis!! - 55k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Etichetta rapidshare - Widget di Netvibes
rapidshare / recipes / media / bbq / new world order - the revolution begins here with the best in music, movies, podcasts, BBQ, and whatever I want to fill ... - 35k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Raptor, piccolo download manager per Rapidshare
Ci sono diversi buoni download manager disponibili per i membri del servizio Premium di Rapidshare, ma non è lo stesso per gli utenti base. ... - 26k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare | Advanced-Techno
Tecnologia, informatica, computer, internet, programmazione, IM, SEO, web mastering, tip and trick e molto altro. - 81k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
[Rapidshare] Traduzione Italiana di Need for Speed Carbon » Pizzo ...
23 ago 2008 ... Ho uppato su rapidshare la traduzione in italiano di Need for Speed Carbon, ... Ecco i link delle parti scaricabili da rapidshare: ... - 37k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare timer hack - Exploit
Rapidshare è uno dei tanti servizi online che consente, senza alcun costo, di ospitare file sui propri server. Alla fine dell'upload vengono rilasciati due ... - 75k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
I’m a Rapidshare Premium User: Pro e Contro - Uploads Blog
27 gen 2008 ... Utilizzavo già per il download di archivi poichè sui siti warez il n°1 è proprio lui, che assente da rivali, offre un ottimo ... - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Adjunta di Search Engine di Rapidshare per firefox | Browser ...
Diriga le lime di Rapidshare con gli attrezzi di RSE per firefox. Ciò è un' adjunta libera del firefox da lavorare alle lime del rapidshare e fornisce tutti ... - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
103 Motori di ricerca per RapidShare, Megaupload, Easyshare e ...
18 dic 2008 ... 103 Tra i Migliori Motori di ricerca Rapidshare, per scaricare file. La ricerca avviene anche Su Megaupload, Easy-share, DepositFile, ... - 90k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
rapidshare: Notizie, Articoli, Immagini e Video in dal Web Italiano su rapidshare. - 67k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare Search Engine
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RapidShare Search Engine - Search Everything on and ! Find Everything You Are Looking For! Movies, Games, Software, Music, ... - 30k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare | KinG FeLiX | Guide, Linux, Windows, Hack, Msn ...
rapidshare - Blog attivo dal novembre 2007 che si occupa principalmente di web 2.0, hi-tech, hacking, trucchi, msn, crack, videogames, emoticon, cms, ... - 56k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Come cercare file su RapidShare « Gennaro Varriale »
16 set 2007 ... è un sito di file sharing che permette agli utenti di inserire i propri file e condividerli con gli altri. ... - 55k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Divx ita rapidshare - Rapidshare Search Files
I.Migliori.200.Gol.Della.Storia.Del.Calcio.ITA.DivX.part01.rar http://rapidshare .com/files/.../divx ita rapidshare download. Fileshunt Rapidshare Search engine. - 57k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Jdownloader - download manager per Rapidshare e molti altri siti ...
Ora Rapidshare ha addirittura eliminato il controllo del captcha per gli utenti free, per cui il compito di Jdownloader sarà ancora più semplice. ... - 54k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare King
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Rapidshare King © 2007 | Rapidshare King is unique, user-friendly website providing direct download links for latest movies and TV shows at ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
JDownloader: download manager per Rapidshare, YouTube e MegaUpload
JDownloader è un download manager soprattutto per Rapidshare, ma anche per i ... jdownloader download rapidshare youtube megaupload jdownloader download ... - 53k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare | Rvsdi's Corner come filehosting solo consente di caricare una dimensione massima di 200 MB, se vi è più la dimensione dei file che consentono di suddividere ... - 43k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Desktop Manager 4.6 - non ufficiale da Rapidshare BBWorld - BBWorld
12 giu 2008 ... Credo che ultimamente vada di moda mettere versioni beta di firmware e programmi vari per BlackBerry su Rapidshare. La domanda che mi pongo ... - 35k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scarica gratuitamente un account Premium Rapidshare II
Come volete la possibilità di ottenere una libera RapidShare Premium account senza stringhe ... 10 Responses to "Get A Free RapidShare Premium account II" ... - 57k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare - News dal Web
Notizie, Video e Foto di Rapidshare dal Web. ... Tag: Rapidshare. Ecco l'elenco di tutti i media e articoli taggati con la parola rapidshare. ... - 30k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
5 Rapidshare Search Engines
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Rapidshare is a goldmine if you know how to search it properly. There are basically two ways to do that. First, you can use Google search parameters to ... - 63k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
91. : Opinioni e recensioni Leggi su Ciao 4 opinioni su Compara i prezzi per Spazio Web e approfitta delle incredibili offerte. - 59k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
92. » Vedere subito i link rapidshare non più validi! ma anche ...
Quante volte ci ritroviamo a dover scaricare qualcosa che è stato caricato sul famoso portale di file sharing!! e troppe volte ci ritroviamo ... - 129k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
DIGITALife » Download Links - RapidShare, MegaUpload
Stanchi di Emule e Torrent? comincia l'era di RapidShare! ... ciao a tutti…. vuoi scaricare link di megaupload e rapidshare con mac osx? ... - 54k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
rapidshare - GRATIS LINKS Forum
12 post - Ultimo post: 6 dic
rapidshare - Ciao A tutti.. ancora una volta sono qui.. non per fare il ruffiano , ma questo forum è il migliore.. è frequentato da gente che ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Free Plus Rapidshare Downloader |
RapidShare è uno dei più popolari e la condivisione di file on-line del sito che ci ospita. La maggior parte degli utenti sta utilizzando la Free Rapidshare ... - 41k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Problemi con rapidshare? - Yahoo! Answers
Risposte alla domanda Problemi con rapidshare? nella categoria Computer - Altro di Yahoo! Answers. - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download file da MegaUpload e RapidShare
jDownloader e’ un download manager Open Source multi piattaforma specializzato nel download da siti come RapidShare, MegaUpload ed altri … ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
JDownloader: download manager per Rapidshare: Stealth Impostazioni
20 nov 2008 ... Il vantaggio principale di questa applicazione, è gestire il download del più noto sito di "file hosting" Rapidshare. ... - 32k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
ZioBudda Italian Linux Portal - Rapidshare - Consulenza ...
29 gen 2008 ... Rapidshare il famoso servizio di condivisione di file, potrebbe essere costretto a chiudere. A seguito della sentenza di un tribunale ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scaricare Con Rapidshare Senza Attesa Con Il Programma Raptor ...
17 dic 2008 ... Ti piacerebbe scaricare da Rapidshare senza attendere? Ora lo puoi fare grazie a Raptor un programma che gestisce i download da Rapidshare ... - 32k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro

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Ricerca avanzata
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Risultati 1 - 100 su circa 48.300.000 per megaupload. (0,21 secondi)
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Risultati di ricerca

MEGAUPLOAD - Servizio di archiviazione online e di consegna dei ...
Condividi i tuoi file in modo veloce, facile e sicuro. Megaupload offre uno spazio web gratuito per i tuoi documenti, immagini, musica e filmati. - 50k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
- [ Traduci questa pagina ]
Share your files quickly, securely, and easily. Megaupload provides free web space for your documents, pictures, music and movies. We host the Internet! - 49k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Altri risultati in »
Blog Gabriele: Come scaricare file da MegaUpload
scusa gabriele, come faccio ad avere un login e pass per scaricare film da megaupload, per favore contattami oppure dammi un tuo contatto msn dove potermi ... - 67k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scaricare file da MegaUpload: account premium, piu file insieme ...
Megaupload è il sito sul quale vengono caricati la maggior parte dei file anche illegali e soprattutto usato per postare i film in prima visione. ... - 100k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scaricare Da RapidShare con download in coda e account premium ...
Mentre per Rapidshare le soluzioni sono tante, per MegaUpload l'impresa è ardua e rimane aggiornato l'articolo di come scaricare da Megaupload più file ... - 92k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download illimitati con megaupload « Red Skull 92 Official Site
Chi usa megaupload sa benissimo che dopo un determinato tot di mega scaricati, megaupload non fa scaricare piu e costringe a comprare un account premium per ... - 59k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Generatori di link premium per RapidShare e MegaUpload - Geekissimo
Avete presente i servizi come RapidShare o MegaUpload? Sono dei servizi di file hosting, ovvero servizi dove ognugno può caricare i propri file e ... - 141k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
maestroalberto » megaupload
Inoltre non contiene pubblicità, né tempi di attesa per il download ( contrariamente ai servizi più blasonati come MegaUpload e RapidShare). ... - 57k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
maestroalberto » Shufs: motore di ricerca per RapidShare ...
Tags: download, filesharing, hosting, mediafire, megaupload, motori di ricerca, online, rapidshare, ricerca, search, sharing, tools, web service ... - 47k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Altri risultati in »
Sito MegaUpload
Sito MegaUpload - Servizio gratuito che permette di inviare files utilizzando internet, senza trasformarli in allegati di messaggi di posta. - 39k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
11. - and search engine
- [ Traduci questa pagina ]
Search files language:. Česky · Deutsch · English · Français · Polski. menu:. All rights reserved. Icons by Tango. - 5k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload SX.3.2 :: Componenti aggiuntivi per Firefox
Free slots from Megaupload for other countries else United States. ... Turn it on to click in a megaupload link and turn it off later the download has ... - 28k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload Integration :: Componenti aggiuntivi per Firefox
Riprova tra qualche ora o installa la Megaupload Toolbar per l'accesso immeditato – con la toolbar installata non sussistono limitazioni di slot." ... - 29k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Altri risultati in »
14. Mega Upload Progress Bar
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Get Mega Upload Progress Bar at Fast, secure and free downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory. - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
[Guida-Utility] Scaricare file da MegaUpload
[Guida-Utility] Scaricare file da MegaUpload. « Older topic | Newer topic » ... e come si fanno a cercare i file su megaupload? P_MSG · P_EMAIL · P_MSN, Top ... - 83k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Software gratis per scaricare da Rapidshare, Megaupload e simili ...
Scaricate RapGet per gestire il download simultaneo dei file di Rapidshare, Megaupload e degli altri siti di file hosting. - 77k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- [ Traduci questa pagina ]
Megaupload is an international one-click hosting website driven by Megaupload Limited, Hong Kong, available in 18 languages. ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload — Blogs, Immagini, e altro in Wordpress
eragonix wrote 1 day ago : Via via che appariranno in tv, le metterò su Megaupload per essere scaricate. Tutte le puntate son … more → ... - Pagine simili - Filtro
La lista dei migliori siti per ricercare file su RapidShare ...
Chi non conosce il famosissimo servizio di upload, storaggio e file sharing gratuito di RapidShare o Megaupload?. Penso che siano rimasti davvero pochi… ... - 71k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload | Il Bloggatore
Il servizio permette di effettuare una ricerca customizzata grazie a Google nel web per trovare file nei servizi su RapidShare, MegaUpload, Badongo, ... - 86k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download file da MegaUpload e RapidShare
jDownloader e’ un download manager Open Source multi piattaforma specializzato nel download da siti come RapidShare, MegaUpload ed altri … ... - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download ILLIMITATI da RapidShare e Megaupload | Area3000
Scaricare da rapidshare e megaupload senza limiti e gratis! - 37k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cercare file su Megaupload - 4megaupload | Monolite's Weblog
5 dic 2008 ... Uno tra i servizi di direct-link più conosciuti o di store dei dati su di un proprio spazio messo a disposizione è sicuramente ... - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload - MANUELITOS
E' arrivato l'album scaricabile da rapidshare e megaupload! ... Cesare Cremonini - Il primo bacio sulla luna megaupload. Sunday, 12. October 2008, 18:30:17 ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Uso Fuoco Estensione Megaupload SX.3.2 verso Ottenere MegaUpload e ...
MegaUpload e SexUploader operatore chi sei non da Unito Condizione-condotto Maggio essere frequantemente incontrare un accesso negato messaggio quello dice ... - 75k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Free Image Hosting at - Upload Images for MySpace ...
- [ Traduci questa pagina ] Mega Uploaded can help you. To upload an image, click "Browse.. .", select an image, click OK/Open, and then click "Upload Image". ... - 7k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
megaupload - NNTP.IT
mi indicate qualche sito o forum x megaupload grazie. - 36k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cercare su Megaupload, Rapidshare & Co. « NUOVO INDIRIZZO WWW ...
I più famosi sono comunque Rapidshare, Megaupload, Sexuploader & Co. che, per nostra sfortuna, non contengono un motore di ricerca interno. ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare megaupload: Notizie, Foto e Video in Liquida dai Blog ...
89 articoli, 4 immagini, 1 video su rapidshare megaupload, con guide, curiosità e suggerimenti dai migliori blog italiani (tag correlati: rapidshare ... - 62k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Mega Upload :: File Upload with Progress bar (PHP, perl and JSP)
- [ Traduci questa pagina ]
Within six weeks from the date of it's first release megaupload became a top 1% project at sourceforge. Though the ratings dropped after a period of ... - 6k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Scaricare illimitatamente da megaupload con Fastweb!!! HEEEELP ...
16 dic 2008 ... Risposte alla domanda Scaricare illimitatamente da megaupload con Fastweb!!! HEEEELP? nella categoria Internet - Altro di Yahoo! Answers. - 24k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
» Rapidshare Megaupload Genius Magazine
Rapidshare Megaupload - Genius Magazine - il web 2.0 diventa realtà. - 68k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
JDownloader: download manager per Rapidshare, YouTube e MegaUpload
JDownloader è un download manager soprattutto per Rapidshare, ma anche per i video di YouTube e per i file di altri servizi come MegaUpload. ... - 53k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Tag megaupload
Megaupload è uno dei migliori e più utilizzati siti di file sharing dove si possono scaricare e condividere file di tutti i tipi. Il servizio di ... - 17k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Rapidshare, Megashare, Megaupload. Link checker, Cavern Links ...
Se anche voi come me cercate regolarmente su Internet files da scaricare da Rapishare, Megaupload, Megashare o altri, allora non potrete fare a meno di ... - 62k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cerca file su RapidShare, Megaupload, MegaShares e altri con Woonz
Woonz permette di cercare file di qualunque genere su RapidShare, Megaupload, MegaShares e molti altri siti di File Sharing. - 45k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
megaupload: Notizie, Articoli, Immagini e Video in dal Web Italiano su megaupload. - 65k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Non Riesco A Scaricare Da Megaupload
10 post - Ultimo post: 12 dic
Non riesci a scaricare file solo da Megaupload ? ... esatto non riesco a scaricare solo da megaupload, la guida l'ho già letta ma non ... - 45k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
[XBOX 360] PES 2009 [italiano] [rapidshare] [torrent] [megaupload ...
PES 2009 Genere : Calcio Language(s) : ITA Uscita: 14/08/2008 Versione: Strange Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 Quando parlo dei due rappresentanti del calcio ... - 41k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Vabbe fattostà che mi sono messo a guardare un film in streaming da Megaupload , dopo 72 minuti di film scena clue … si blocca tutto … esce una scritta… hai ... - 11k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Link megaupload e rapidshare - ITALIA DVD Forum
42 post - Ultimo post: 13 feb
ciao , volevo chiedervi se esistono dei link dove poter scaricare film attuali( nn xxx quelli si trovano da tutte le parti)in italiano io li ... - 177k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload | Tecknologica
14 mag 2008 ... I siti su cui il servizio genera link sono: Badongo, Sendspace, Megaupload, Rapidshare, DepositFiles e Zshare. ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
103 Motori di ricerca per RapidShare, Megaupload, Easyshare e ...
18 dic 2008 ... 103 Tra i Migliori Motori di ricerca Rapidshare, per scaricare file. La ricerca avviene anche Su Megaupload, Easy-share, DepositFile, ... - 90k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare e MegaUpload Premium Links Maker - News » Italia SW
Interessanti News per gli utilizzatori di RapidShare e MegaUpload: sono disponibili due nuovi servizi per il download tramite links premium. - 38k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Come Scaricare Senza limiti da Rapidshare Megaupload Mediafire
9 dic 2008 ... Il vantaggio di scaricare file direttamente da siti come Rapdishare o Megaupload è quello di non aspettare mai nessun tipo di fila o coda, ... - 69k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
DIGITALife » Download Links - RapidShare, MegaUpload
ciao a tutti…. vuoi scaricare link di megaupload e rapidshare con mac osx???’ utilizate jdownloader…. gratis, veloce, multifunzionale…. ciaoooo ... - 54k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Aumentare gli slots di megaupload | Advanced-Techno
Tecnologia, informatica, computer, internet, programmazione, IM, SEO, web mastering, tip and trick e molto altro. - 74k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Guide eBay - Scaricare da Megaupload senza installare la toolbar
5 giu 2007 ... Ecco una maniera su come poter scaricare da Megaupload senza il bisogno di installare quella inutile toolbar -Disabilitare l'accettazione ... - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Gianluca megaupload com - Megaupload Search
Megaupload File Search Results: 1-25 of 40509 for "gianluca megaupload com" ... 1.08 MB, Megaupload Com Premium Link Gene rar download ... - 60k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapGet: scaricare da MegaUpload e RapidShare non è mai stato così ...
Cari utenti di DualpC, penso sia capitato anche a voi di scaricare a volte qualcosa da siti come MegaUpload, RapidShare o simili, e ritrovarvi nella. - 74k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
MegaDownload: Ricerca su RapidShare e MegaUpload - Uploads Blog
30 ott 2007 ... Simone aveva già parlato dei tantissimi servizi per ricerca in file hosting quali RapidShare e MegaUpload ed io avevo invece steso una ... - 39k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Trova risultati per megaupload - KML, KMZ, Google Earth e i luoghi ...
Also lets you search other services like MegaUpload. ... Great new website that lets you search file hosting sites like RapidShare and Megaupload. ... - 35k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RapidShare o megaUpload: come scaricare gratis? -
4 post
Ciao a Tutti, mi sapete dire se esiste la possibilità di scaricare gratis da questi due siti? Esiste una pass. - 43k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Come scaricare da MegaUpload
Questa è una semplicissima guida per coloro che non riescono a scaricare dai siti Megaupload, sempre presenti in questo forum. MEGAUPLOAD 1) Inserite il ... - 22k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
METIN2 RUNUP (megaupload) 91mt2
10 post - Ultimo post: 21 set
(21/09/2008 09:11 AM)marco1994 Ha scritto: Spero di fare una cosa gentile postando il nuovo lonju su megaupload: ... - 70k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload | KinG FeLiX | Guide, Linux, Windows, Hack, Msn ...
megaupload - Blog attivo dal novembre 2007 che si occupa principalmente di web 2.0, hi-tech, hacking, trucchi, msn, crack, videogames, emoticon, cms, ... - 52k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload Download
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megaupload-dl (Megaupload Download) is a program which helps downloading files from Megaupload using a Premium Account. The files to download can be ... - 9k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
DaleYa: cercare files in Rapidshare, Megaupload e altri siti di ...
Ottimo motore di ricerca (in lingua spagnola) di files che si trovano sui più famosi siti di Web Hosting gratuito. Effettuando una ricerca su Daleya. - 64k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload, file in download & upload (video & mp3 alla massima ...
Se vuoi comprendere fino in fondo il funzionamento di MegaUpload, forse può esserti di aiuto leggere una semplice guida che ho scritto su Rapidshare ... - 43k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Gundam Universe Blog » Blog Archive » Newtype Magazine gennaio 09 ...
Newtype Magazine gennaio 09- Megaupload ... Abbiamo immesso i numeri di Newtype di gennaio 09 ed novembre 08 segnalati in precedenza su un file Megaupload ... - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
[Guida]: Come usare Megavideo-Megaupload | Link Streaming
Per quanti di noi (e penso parecchi) si sono sempre lamentati, della qualità di uno dei più noti e utilizzati siti di video hosting, e sicuramente. - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload search engine
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Megaupload searcher search engine :Search and find any kind of files that are hosted in megaupload .. videos,movies,zips,rars,softwares and more. - 47k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload, spazio per i file - Tutto Gratis
Megaupload, spazio per i file. Non hai più spazio sul tuo disco fisso? ... La soluzione si chiama Megaupload. Un sito che permette di ospitare file di ogni ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Search Files on Rapidshare, Search Megaupload, SendSpace, ZShare ...
- [ Traduci questa pagina ]
Using you can search Rapidshare, Megaupload and many other uploading sites and file hosting services. Search any files with an easy to use ... - 30k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Nuovo generatore link premium per Megaupload | Tecno blog: web ...
10 mar 2008 ... Getmu genera link premium per scaricare simultaneamente file da Megaupload. Funziona alla grande e ovviamente è gratuito. - 73k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
RedSend » Blog Archive » Ricerca su rapidshare, megaupload, ecc.
Ricerca su rapidshare, megaupload, ecc. 1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars ( No Ratings Yet). Loading ... Posted by raphe | Filed under Motori di ricerca ... - 40k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
megaupload /
Also lets you search other services like MegaUpload. continua... » Commenta Aggiungi questo link a... Stronca Aggiungi a: aggiungi 'Rapidshare Search Site ... - 41k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
.:: Blog - Massimo Rabbi ::. » MegaUpload Premium ...
Megaupload è un altro sito che come Rapidshare consente il download di file. Questi tipi di servizi sono diventati in ... - 31k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Megaupload | Giovy's Blog
Archivio per la tag 'megaupload' ... dei files per permetterne ad altri il download; i più noti sono Rapidshare, Filefactory, Megaupload, DivShare… ... - 33k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Download megaupload
Download gratuito megaupload - jDownloader 0.3.668: Scarica comodamente da RapidShare o Megauploads, e tanti altri download. - 27k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Anna Tatangelo Official Forum • Leggi argomento - megaupload
sarahtaty ha scritto: apre la pag di megaupload, svolgo la procedura ...cioè scrivo le 3 lettere nel rettangolino poi ... - 37k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
72. - Forum italiano dedicato a Michael Jackson • RapGet ...
Sappiamo tutti che è una palla scaricare con Megaupload in quanto bisogna ogni ... Nel senso che non entra e fa "tamarrate" nei confronti di Megaupload, ... - 34k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Cercare files in Rapidshare, Megaupload, Badongo, MediaFire ...
Cercare files in Rapidshare, Megaupload, Badongo, MediaFire, FileFront, FileFactory, Megashares, Turboupload e Sendspace con DaleYa. - 56k - Copia cache - Pagine simili - Filtro
Guida e trucchi:Rapidshare e Megaupload - Upnews
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23 dicembre 2008 7.42
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Radio Radicale Fai Notizia Solo Video Elezioni 2008

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Il nostro network vi augura a tutti buon natale e vi regala 2 bellissimi software
23/12/2008 - 15:36

Auguri di buon natale. Vi regaliamo 2 bellissimi e utilissimi software :

1 - Mini Explorer 6.00
Un browser molto innovativo.

2 - Pc Speed Extreme
Potenziate al massimo il vostro computer e rendetelo veloce ed ottimizzato

Per voi e per natale tutto GRATIS !!! Buon natale a tutti
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L'intervista del blog: Simone Maria Navarra
23/12/2008 - 14:32

Sono stato intervistato su questo blog!
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Ashley Greene torna nel ruolo di Alice in New Moon
23/12/2008 - 14:14

Ashley Greene ha anche detto che le piacerebbe molto se le lasciassero guidare la Porsche gialla che Alice possiede nel secondo romanzo.
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Una proposta a sostegno dell'economia
23/12/2008 - 13:45

Da diverse fonti si apprende che la crisi economica verrà aggravata dalla rinuncia ad acquistare da parte dei consumatori, con effetti negativi per aziende ed occupazione.
crisi economica
Anagrafe pubblica delle attività degli eletti
23/12/2008 - 12:00

dal blog di Radicali Lucani
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Sexy Auguri di Natale
23/12/2008 - 11:56

Gli auguri con i bigliettini tradizionali non vanno più di moda. A prendere il loro posto ci sono e-mail, SMS e MMS anche un po’ piccanti. Sempre più auguri virtuali, specie tra noi giovani, sono sempre accompagnati da foto abbastanza hot.
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L'Iran festeggia il 2008 e mette il bavaglio a Shirin Ebadi
23/12/2008 - 11:44
3 voti - 1 commento

L'ennesimo colpo ai diritti umani in Iran
L'originale su
23/12/2008 - 11:29

Scegliere un hardware da regalare per Natale a chi vogliamo bene, quest'anno -come al solito- non èuna cosa semplicissima; troppe cose tute utili benlle e 'favolose' Un telefonino?
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L'uomo propone e Dio dispone
23/12/2008 - 11:08
"Il Caso De Magistris"

da Il Resto, 20 dicembre 2008

di Maurizio Bolognetti
Chieco, Corruzione, De Magistris, Marinagri, Partitocrazia, Toghe lucane
Buon Natale, Bel Paese
23/12/2008 - 10:36
1 commento

Soru e "L'Unità", Di Pietro, Alitalia: Buon Natale, Italia.
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23 dicembre 2008 8.03

Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.

Quindi riassumendo per ogni singolo forum: <------ Chiuso <----- E' Diventato un Blog <------ Chiuso <--- Chiuso Da tempo <---- Prima chiuse le iscrizioni e poi chiuso il forum <---- Prima chiuso per manutenzione, le ultime news rivelano che é tutto finito dopo l'affare di Colombo-Bt Questi i piu' famosi, vediamo invece quelli rimasti:

Download Zone <---- Quello con piu' utenti anche se fatto poco seriamente. <---- Secondo per ordine di utenti ma presente nella scena da molto tempo, in ogni caso la solita grafichetta delle balle lo rende piccolo e insignificante per la scena. <------ Uno degli ultimi forum nati che dopo la conferma del sequestro di downrevolution ha tolto la sezione dei film al cinema e non solo, ha pure chiuso le iscrizioni (se volete i miei dati di login sarò felice di condividerli con voi). <------- Appena scoperto, molto piccolo e copiato da altri, rimane comunque un'alternativa- <-------- Il forum con piu' utenti in assoluto, c'é da chiedersi come ancora stiano sotto netsons, che é rischioso in fatto di sicurezza e rischioso penalmente, le release di film fanno ridere davvero gli ultimi ad avere le cose a vedere i topic.

Detto questo ragazzi, postate ogni cosa qui vi passa per la testa, ma ricordate, L'impero del warez non avrà fine, ora piu' che mai. POSTATE QUI: Suggerimenti, idee e aiuti per un eventuale nuovo portale o altri siti warez non mensionati.

postato da Satyr alle 12.46 il 4-ago-2008
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ABCItaly Tutti i siti d'italia suddivisi in categorie.
Abraham Search Motore di ricerca italiano e mondiale.
Aho Motore di ricerca multidialettale, anziché scegliere la lingua straniera scegli il gergo dialettale e tutto il sito ti parla nel dialetto scelto. portale con tutto il miglior web italiano, motori di ricerca, chat , forum, siti finanziari italiani, chat, newgroups, informazioni turistiche per viaggiare in Italia, per scommettere informati, animali domestici, hobby di casa, ciclismo amatoriale, musica spettacolo, stampa, libri link dei migliori siti italiani, omaggio agli emigranti italiani.
Altavista Motore di ricerca.
Arianna Motore di ricerca.
Aristotele Motore di ricerca Italiano.
Atlaszone Catalogo con cui puoi cercare e trovare i siti internet o gli indirizzi e-mail suddivisi per aree geografiche. Non il solito motore di ricerca in cui non trovi mai quello che cerchi.
B24 La nuova web directory italiana, l'indispensabile per la navigazione in internet.
BananaSplit Il motore di ricerca dove trovi tutto e subito.
Barretta Un buon punto di rifermento alla navigazione in Internet. Scambio banner, free Internet, spazio Web, Email, Top categorie, invio cartoline musicali, invio SmS, servizi utili per chi viaggia, Spazio Web Gratis, Free Internet, web directory e molto altro.
Bassavista motore di ricerca italiano.
Bismark Notizie sulla sicurezza informatica. Per tenervi informati e per adottare le necessarie contromisure.
Bloo E' una directory suddivisa in 20 macrocategorie e 200 sottocategorie, corredata di motore di ricerca.
Blues Pages Il motore di ricerca interattivo - Le tue pagine web interattive - La giusta soluzione per la tua azienda.
BwGroup Motore di ricerca per le aziende italiane.
Cavarzano Motore di ricerca.
Cerca in Italia Un elenco di risorse territoriali organizzato in categorie e sottocategorie. Offre l'utility di ricerca per regione. Motori di ricerca All-in-One Web, Usenet, Meta-motori, Software, Persone. Servizi di utilita' . Catalogo siti. Catalogo motori di ricerca.
Cercain Directory italiana per effettuare ricerche anche territorialmente cerca sito il sito per cercare facilmente qualunque sito.
CercaWeb Motore di ricerca italiano con opzioni di ricerca avanzata.
Ciaoweb Portale e motore di ricerca.
Clarence La prima comunità virtuale italiana. Free Homepages, free e-mail, chat, forum. Il punto di partenza per le tue esplorazioni in Rete. Infomazioni, recensioni, link, guide sulle curiosità e sugli avvenimenti del Web.

Diabolos SearchEngine, il motore di ricerca per te! Nuovo motore di ricerca medico italiano.
Dymmy Il motore di ricerca delle imprese che puoi chiamare gratis!
Domini Italiani DOMINITALIANI è l'archivio e il motore di ricerca dei siti italiani con Dominio.
eFind Molto piu' di una semplice directory di siti gratuiti: puoi trovare l'invio cartoline, loghi sms e suonerie, la bacheca di annunci gratuiti e inoltre la sezione webmaster!
Eurekazur il motore di ricerca post & find.
Exite Motore di ricerca.
FreeStreet Motore di ricerca.
Gepooz Il primo motore di ricerca al mondo webmaster friendly, annunci lavoro, offerte lavoro, annunci immobiliari, news, gossip, promozione siti, filmati, musica, audio, immagini, video, directory, servizi aziende
Giava Giochi Il mMotore di Ricerca dei Giochi Gratis
Gloo è il portale italiano dove puoi trovare le notizie aggiornate sugli argomenti che ti interessano, puoi da qualsiasi parte del mondo controllare la tua posta elettronica e consultare le previsioni del tempo o l'oroscopo. Puoi inviare messaggi sms agli amici o consultare le mappe dei luoghi che hai in previsione di visitare. Parti con Gloo a ogni collegamento in Internet e vedrai la rete in modo nuovo. Gloo è il delfino giallo e come tutti i delfini è forte, intelligente e fedele. Fidati di Gloo e tuffati con lui nel mare di Internet.
Gnomiz Motore di Ricerca con Migliaia di Links selezionati e Distinti in categorie.
Ggoal Motore di ricerca umano basato esclusivamente sulla segnalazione di link commentati e parole chiave associate, che vengono dagli utenti.
Godado Godado, il motore di ricerca con una marcia in piu'. Visibilita' garantita e risultati selezionati.
Godere il portale per chi desidera navigare con piacere!
Goldenweb free tools, html, webmasters, motori di ricerca, internet providers, notizie, meteo, promuovi il tuo sito, lavoro, guadagni, links interessanti, mp3, midi, free software, banner exchange, segnala un sito, aste on line, casino, giochi, affiliate programs, classifiche top 100, e tanto altro ancora...
Google Versione italiana del noto motore di ricerca. l'evoluzione della specie. Search and funny!!!
Harrrdito Portale dedicato al mondo dell hardware e del software con particolare riguardo agli OS Win e Linux. Moltissime FAQ, recensioni, news, free Download, free Script, Web Directory, guide, corsi, Foto e Video.
Hotbot Motore di ricerca.
Iasse Iasse riunisce e valorizza tutti i siti amatoriali Italiani dando la giusta evidenza alla creatività, bravura e professionalità di ognuno di noi!!!
Il Motore Meta motore italiano.
Il Trovatore Motore di ricerca. Il motore di ricerca gratuito che fa il punto della rete. Puoi iscriverti inserendo molte informazioni, tutto gratis.
IlTuoSito Dove il protagonista sei tu!
InfonetFree Directory italiana per la segnalazione gratuita di siti amatoriali e professionali.
InItalia Network il primo network di portali locali.

Interfree Il portale della comunità tecnologica.
Inter-Ware La InterWare è un consulente globale nel campo informatico, si prefigge di offrire servizi di assistenza, consulenza e progettazione software; La InterWare sviluppa siti web interattivi: e-Commerce ed e-Publishing comprendendo offerte dedicate di hosting e housing.
Intruso Il motore di ricerca dove si cliccano gli affari.
In Wind Motore di ricerca.
Italia Mia la tua guida ai migliori siti sull’Italia e i suoi prodotti. Motore di Ricerca.
ItalianLinks Motori di ricerca italiani per categoria.
Italian Web Space Motore di ricerca.
ItaliaPuntoNet Pagina iniziale per il browser. Raccolta di link.
Italia Seek Italian search engine, multilanguage search engine, Italy, Italian, Italia Seek is a Multilanguage search engine about Italian resources. The search can be made freely or by categories or by region. Italian news, shopping, food, sports and much more.
ItalyMedia Il Portale dell'Informazione Nazionale - Migliaia di link in Italia e nel Mondo! Varie produzioni: Siti V.I.P. , Localitalia, Sito uff. Arnoldo Foà, Sito uff. F.I.D., VetrinaCinema, Italy, Radio Roma, ...
Italyseek Italy Seek il nuovo motore di ricerca italiano. Cerca!
Janet La tua guida ragionata ad Internet. Ricerca per categorie, i maggiori motori di ricerca italiani ed internazionali.
Kratia Il Primo Motore Di Ricerca Democratico
Jumpy Portale Italiano.
La Ragnatela Il meglio della rete italiana a portata di click.
LaLunaBlu La Luna Blu: i siti più belli, interessanti, utili, divertenti ed originali di Internet.
Lo Zibaldone Guida rapida ai servizi della Rete.
LuxHomePage Lux Home Page - Se cerchi qualcosa qui la trovi!
Lycos Motore di ricerca.
Made In Italy NetWork Portale dedicato al Made in Italy, aziende, links e altro ancora.
MarioRossi Promuovi il tuo sito gratis, aumenta le tue visite.
MediaSan MediaSan il Motore di Ricerca Italiano.
Metacom Metacom® - Motore di Ricerca.
Migliorsito I migliori siti web italiani: la guida italiana ai siti di qualitá. Uno dei piú popolari award italiani in Rete.
Miss777 Vari servizi gratuiti a disposizione degli utenti: messenger, chat, area di discussione, cartoline flash e java, download di software, giochi e file divertenti, immagini e foto, annunci, rubriche gay e lesbiche, statistiche, redirect, risorse per webmaster, notizie... Offre l'accesso a servizi di hosting e realizzazione pagine web, spazi pubblicitari e una vetrina aziendale nell'area shopping.

MSN Motore di ricerca.
NetCompass motore di ricerca - Motore di orientamento in Puglia e nel Salento
Net Sonar Netsonar motore di ricerca e directory completamente gratuito contenente numerosi link.
Ok Cerca - Aggiungi il tuo Sito nella nostra WebDirectory & Cerca nel Web.
OutSeek Visita potrai trovare icone, gif animate, sfondi, consigli per il giardinaggio un motore di ricerca per chat e tantissimi link.
Pagine Gialle paginegialle, servizi, aziende, pmi, mercato, b2c, prodotti, offerte speciali, mappe, mappe interattive, multilingua, e-commerce, negozi virtuali.
PartiDaQui Servizi gratis, migliori siti, casa, lavoro, turismo, gratis.
Pippo Cerca trova tutto quello che cerchi in internet.
Portale IT Portale con: data ora esatta meteo fasi lunari fusi orari borsa economia conversione misure viaggi costo telefono feste ricerche.
Portalissimo Il Motore di ricerca. Motore di ricerca con ricerche avanzate sull'elenco telefonico.
Publiweb Il contenitore web Italiano.
Rafnet Fai esplodere le visite al tuo sito, fallo fruttare grazie ai nostri consigli, pubblicizzalo gratis iscrivendolo al nostro motore di ricerca e alla top100,partecipa al nostro forum di discussione.
Scandaglio La tua guida per esplorare il web.
Scarpettina Scarpettina, scarpetta, guida internet, stranezze, foto buffe, video, storielle, newsletter, mailing list Motore di ricerca, Recensioni dei siti, Top 10 dei siti segnalati.
Search Engines Site Motori di ricerca
Sharelook Catalogo Sharelook. Motore di ricerca.
Shinyseek Motore di ricerca.
Sicania La Sicilia... Progetto Vivi il Paese. il motore di ricerca con le aziende italiane di tutte le categorie merceologiche.
Ske-net Il primo motore di ricerca specialistico del mondo dello spettacolo, diviso in quattro categorie: musica, cinema, teatro e danza.
SitoPreferito Il Portale della tua zona, Mentana, Monterotondo, Guidonia, informazioni, aiuti, rimedi, totocalcio, totogol, lotto, superenalotto, un forum e bacheca, annunci gratuiti, pubblicità banner e creazione siti.
SmartCluster Realizza ricerche simultanee su Google, MSN, Yahoo ed ancora altri motori
Smemorando è: Risorse per webmaster, ricerche nel web, software, forum, chat, scambio banner, script, trucchi e altro ancora.

SoloDomini SOLO DOMINI.IT il sito italiano per la registrazione dei domini italiani e internazionali.
Spiritual Search motore di ricerca spirituale - informazioni e indirizzi di aziende e professionisti che operano nei settori spirituali della società, nell'alimentazione naturale, nella medicina alternativa e nell'ambiente. Cerchi qualcosa su internet? Trovalo!
SuperEva Motore di ricerca italiano, directory, Internet gratis, servizi, comunità, instant messaging.
Superjk il portale Italiano.
Sussidiario Portale di informazione Scientifico-Culturale. vacanze in italia, classifica album, Località Italiane e del Mondo, Informazioni Utili per Viaggiare Tranquilli, Cinema, Anteprime Cinematografich,sex,sesso artistico,film prima visione, viaggiere in treno,mari tropicali,attori famosi,attrici famose,nudo artistico discografia italiana, calendari delle dive.
Sygol Motore di ricerca e annunci gratuiti
The Spider Motore di ricerca italiano. Servizi offerti: annunci, aste online, cartoline virtuali, chat, elenco telefonico, e-mail, newsletter, meta tags, scambio banner, sondaggi, sms, webmail.
Tiscali Search Sezione specializzata per la ricerca delle immagini effettuata mediante digitazione di chiavi di ricerca.
TrovaTuttoPoint Il modo migliore per non perdersi in rete.
Tutto Gratis - Giochi, Software, Musica, Immagini, Video, Gratis!
TuttoIlWeb Motore di Ricerca.
TuttoNet Indice e classifica dei siti italiani.
Vento d'estate Portale per italiani nel mondo e stranieri in Italia. Ampio spazio per giovani pittori con sezioni dedicate alla cucina italiana ed estera, mezzi di trasporto, viaggi e altre info.
Virgilio La guida italiana a internet.
Walhello - Motore di ricerca. il nuovo motore di ricerca che compara i risultati di google msn yahoo offrendo i risultati più attinenti.
webtracer Motore di ricerca italiano per siti di qualità.
Yahoo Directory Italiana.
Xerco il motore di ricerca fatto apposta per te. Guida rapida ai servizi della Rete. La comunità online dei tecnici professionisti dello spettacolo.
..:::::::: Motori di Ricerca News ::::::::..

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Motori di Ricerca nel Mondo
Motori di Ricerca italiani
- Elenco dei Motori di Ricerca italiani con links e descrizioni - Motori di Ricerca italiani per ordine alfabetico -
Abacho il potente motore di ricerca.
ABCItaly Tutti i siti d'italia suddivisi in categorie.
Abraham Search Motore di ricerca italiano e mondiale.
Aho Motore di ricerca multidialettale, anziché scegliere la lingua straniera scegli il gergo dialettale e tutto il sito ti parla nel dialetto scelto. portale con tutto il miglior web italiano, motori di ricerca, chat , forum, siti finanziari italiani, chat, newgroups, informazioni turistiche per viaggiare in Italia, per scommettere informati, animali domestici, hobby di casa, ciclismo amatoriale, musica spettacolo, stampa, libri link dei migliori siti italiani, omaggio agli emigranti italiani.
Altavista Motore di ricerca.
Arianna Motore di ricerca.
Aristotele Motore di ricerca Italiano.
Atlaszone Catalogo con cui puoi cercare e trovare i siti internet o gli indirizzi e-mail suddivisi per aree geografiche. Non il solito motore di ricerca in cui non trovi mai quello che cerchi.
B24 La nuova web directory italiana, l'indispensabile per la navigazione in internet.
BananaSplit Il motore di ricerca dove trovi tutto e subito.
Barretta Un buon punto di rifermento alla navigazione in Internet. Scambio banner, free Internet, spazio Web, Email, Top categorie, invio cartoline musicali, invio SmS, servizi utili per chi viaggia, Spazio Web Gratis, Free Internet, web directory e molto altro.
Bassavista motore di ricerca italiano.
Bismark Notizie sulla sicurezza informatica. Per tenervi informati e per adottare le necessarie contromisure.
Bloo E' una directory suddivisa in 20 macrocategorie e 200 sottocategorie, corredata di motore di ricerca.
Blues Pages Il motore di ricerca interattivo - Le tue pagine web interattive - La giusta soluzione per la tua azienda.
BwGroup Motore di ricerca per le aziende italiane.
Cavarzano Motore di ricerca.
Cerca in Italia Un elenco di risorse territoriali organizzato in categorie e sottocategorie. Offre l'utility di ricerca per regione. Motori di ricerca All-in-One Web, Usenet, Meta-motori, Software, Persone. Servizi di utilita' . Catalogo siti. Catalogo motori di ricerca.
Cercain Directory italiana per effettuare ricerche anche territorialmente cerca sito il sito per cercare facilmente qualunque sito.
CercaWeb Motore di ricerca italiano con opzioni di ricerca avanzata.
Ciaoweb Portale e motore di ricerca.
Clarence La prima comunità virtuale italiana. Free Homepages, free e-mail, chat, forum. Il punto di partenza per le tue esplorazioni in Rete. Infomazioni, recensioni, link, guide sulle curiosità e sugli avvenimenti del Web.

Diabolos SearchEngine, il motore di ricerca per te! Nuovo motore di ricerca medico italiano.
Dymmy Il motore di ricerca delle imprese che puoi chiamare gratis!
Domini Italiani DOMINITALIANI è l'archivio e il motore di ricerca dei siti italiani con Dominio.
eFind Molto piu' di una semplice directory di siti gratuiti: puoi trovare l'invio cartoline, loghi sms e suonerie, la bacheca di annunci gratuiti e inoltre la sezione webmaster!
Eurekazur il motore di ricerca post & find.
Exite Motore di ricerca.
FreeStreet Motore di ricerca.
Gepooz Il primo motore di ricerca al mondo webmaster friendly, annunci lavoro, offerte lavoro, annunci immobiliari, news, gossip, promozione siti, filmati, musica, audio, immagini, video, directory, servizi aziende
Giava Giochi Il mMotore di Ricerca dei Giochi Gratis
Gloo è il portale italiano dove puoi trovare le notizie aggiornate sugli argomenti che ti interessano, puoi da qualsiasi parte del mondo controllare la tua posta elettronica e consultare le previsioni del tempo o l'oroscopo. Puoi inviare messaggi sms agli amici o consultare le mappe dei luoghi che hai in previsione di visitare. Parti con Gloo a ogni collegamento in Internet e vedrai la rete in modo nuovo. Gloo è il delfino giallo e come tutti i delfini è forte, intelligente e fedele. Fidati di Gloo e tuffati con lui nel mare di Internet.
Gnomiz Motore di Ricerca con Migliaia di Links selezionati e Distinti in categorie.
Ggoal Motore di ricerca umano basato esclusivamente sulla segnalazione di link commentati e parole chiave associate, che vengono dagli utenti.
Godado Godado, il motore di ricerca con una marcia in piu'. Visibilita' garantita e risultati selezionati.
Godere il portale per chi desidera navigare con piacere!
Goldenweb free tools, html, webmasters, motori di ricerca, internet providers, notizie, meteo, promuovi il tuo sito, lavoro, guadagni, links interessanti, mp3, midi, free software, banner exchange, segnala un sito, aste on line, casino, giochi, affiliate programs, classifiche top 100, e tanto altro ancora...
Google Versione italiana del noto motore di ricerca. l'evoluzione della specie. Search and funny!!!
Harrrdito Portale dedicato al mondo dell hardware e del software con particolare riguardo agli OS Win e Linux. Moltissime FAQ, recensioni, news, free Download, free Script, Web Directory, guide, corsi, Foto e Video.
Hotbot Motore di ricerca.
Iasse Iasse riunisce e valorizza tutti i siti amatoriali Italiani dando la giusta evidenza alla creatività, bravura e professionalità di ognuno di noi!!!
Il Motore Meta motore italiano.
Il Trovatore Motore di ricerca. Il motore di ricerca gratuito che fa il punto della rete. Puoi iscriverti inserendo molte informazioni, tutto gratis.
IlTuoSito Dove il protagonista sei tu!
InfonetFree Directory italiana per la segnalazione gratuita di siti amatoriali e professionali.
InItalia Network il primo network di portali locali.

Interfree Il portale della comunità tecnologica.
Inter-Ware La InterWare è un consulente globale nel campo informatico, si prefigge di offrire servizi di assistenza, consulenza e progettazione software; La InterWare sviluppa siti web interattivi: e-Commerce ed e-Publishing comprendendo offerte dedicate di hosting e housing.
Intruso Il motore di ricerca dove si cliccano gli affari.
In Wind Motore di ricerca.
Italia Mia la tua guida ai migliori siti sull’Italia e i suoi prodotti. Motore di Ricerca.
ItalianLinks Motori di ricerca italiani per categoria.
Italian Web Space Motore di ricerca.
ItaliaPuntoNet Pagina iniziale per il browser. Raccolta di link.
Italia Seek Italian search engine, multilanguage search engine, Italy, Italian, Italia Seek is a Multilanguage search engine about Italian resources. The search can be made freely or by categories or by region. Italian news, shopping, food, sports and much more.
ItalyMedia Il Portale dell'Informazione Nazionale - Migliaia di link in Italia e nel Mondo! Varie produzioni: Siti V.I.P. , Localitalia, Sito uff. Arnoldo Foà, Sito uff. F.I.D., VetrinaCinema, Italy, Radio Roma, ...
Italyseek Italy Seek il nuovo motore di ricerca italiano. Cerca!
Janet La tua guida ragionata ad Internet. Ricerca per categorie, i maggiori motori di ricerca italiani ed internazionali.
Kratia Il Primo Motore Di Ricerca Democratico
Jumpy Portale Italiano.
La Ragnatela Il meglio della rete italiana a portata di click.
LaLunaBlu La Luna Blu: i siti più belli, interessanti, utili, divertenti ed originali di Internet.
Lo Zibaldone Guida rapida ai servizi della Rete.
LuxHomePage Lux Home Page - Se cerchi qualcosa qui la trovi!
Lycos Motore di ricerca.
Made In Italy NetWork Portale dedicato al Made in Italy, aziende, links e altro ancora.
MarioRossi Promuovi il tuo sito gratis, aumenta le tue visite.
MediaSan MediaSan il Motore di Ricerca Italiano.
Metacom Metacom® - Motore di Ricerca.
Migliorsito I migliori siti web italiani: la guida italiana ai siti di qualitá. Uno dei piú popolari award italiani in Rete.
Miss777 Vari servizi gratuiti a disposizione degli utenti: messenger, chat, area di discussione, cartoline flash e java, download di software, giochi e file divertenti, immagini e foto, annunci, rubriche gay e lesbiche, statistiche, redirect, risorse per webmaster, notizie... Offre l'accesso a servizi di hosting e realizzazione pagine web, spazi pubblicitari e una vetrina aziendale nell'area shopping.

MSN Motore di ricerca.
NetCompass motore di ricerca - Motore di orientamento in Puglia e nel Salento
Net Sonar Netsonar motore di ricerca e directory completamente gratuito contenente numerosi link.
Ok Cerca - Aggiungi il tuo Sito nella nostra WebDirectory & Cerca nel Web.
OutSeek Visita potrai trovare icone, gif animate, sfondi, consigli per il giardinaggio un motore di ricerca per chat e tantissimi link.
Pagine Gialle paginegialle, servizi, aziende, pmi, mercato, b2c, prodotti, offerte speciali, mappe, mappe interattive, multilingua, e-commerce, negozi virtuali.
PartiDaQui Servizi gratis, migliori siti, casa, lavoro, turismo, gratis.
Pippo Cerca trova tutto quello che cerchi in internet.
Portale IT Portale con: data ora esatta meteo fasi lunari fusi orari borsa economia conversione misure viaggi costo telefono feste ricerche.
Portalissimo Il Motore di ricerca. Motore di ricerca con ricerche avanzate sull'elenco telefonico.
Publiweb Il contenitore web Italiano.
Rafnet Fai esplodere le visite al tuo sito, fallo fruttare grazie ai nostri consigli, pubblicizzalo gratis iscrivendolo al nostro motore di ricerca e alla top100,partecipa al nostro forum di discussione.
Scandaglio La tua guida per esplorare il web.
Scarpettina Scarpettina, scarpetta, guida internet, stranezze, foto buffe, video, storielle, newsletter, mailing list Motore di ricerca, Recensioni dei siti, Top 10 dei siti segnalati.
Search Engines Site Motori di ricerca
Sharelook Catalogo Sharelook. Motore di ricerca.
Shinyseek Motore di ricerca.
Sicania La Sicilia... Progetto Vivi il Paese. il motore di ricerca con le aziende italiane di tutte le categorie merceologiche.
Ske-net Il primo motore di ricerca specialistico del mondo dello spettacolo, diviso in quattro categorie: musica, cinema, teatro e danza.
SitoPreferito Il Portale della tua zona, Mentana, Monterotondo, Guidonia, informazioni, aiuti, rimedi, totocalcio, totogol, lotto, superenalotto, un forum e bacheca, annunci gratuiti, pubblicità banner e creazione siti.
SmartCluster Realizza ricerche simultanee su Google, MSN, Yahoo ed ancora altri motori
Smemorando è: Risorse per webmaster, ricerche nel web, software, forum, chat, scambio banner, script, trucchi e altro ancora.

SoloDomini SOLO DOMINI.IT il sito italiano per la registrazione dei domini italiani e internazionali.
Spiritual Search motore di ricerca spirituale - informazioni e indirizzi di aziende e professionisti che operano nei settori spirituali della società, nell'alimentazione naturale, nella medicina alternativa e nell'ambiente. Cerchi qualcosa su internet? Trovalo!
SuperEva Motore di ricerca italiano, directory, Internet gratis, servizi, comunità, instant messaging.
Superjk il portale Italiano.
Sussidiario Portale di informazione Scientifico-Culturale. vacanze in italia, classifica album, Località Italiane e del Mondo, Informazioni Utili per Viaggiare Tranquilli, Cinema, Anteprime Cinematografich,sex,sesso artistico,film prima visione, viaggiere in treno,mari tropicali,attori famosi,attrici famose,nudo artistico discografia italiana, calendari delle dive.
Sygol Motore di ricerca e annunci gratuiti
The Spider Motore di ricerca italiano. Servizi offerti: annunci, aste online, cartoline virtuali, chat, elenco telefonico, e-mail, newsletter, meta tags, scambio banner, sondaggi, sms, webmail.
Tiscali Search Sezione specializzata per la ricerca delle immagini effettuata mediante digitazione di chiavi di ricerca.
TrovaTuttoPoint Il modo migliore per non perdersi in rete.
Tutto Gratis - Giochi, Software, Musica, Immagini, Video, Gratis!
TuttoIlWeb Motore di Ricerca.
TuttoNet Indice e classifica dei siti italiani.
Vento d'estate Portale per italiani nel mondo e stranieri in Italia. Ampio spazio per giovani pittori con sezioni dedicate alla cucina italiana ed estera, mezzi di trasporto, viaggi e altre info.
Virgilio La guida italiana a internet.
Walhello - Motore di ricerca. il nuovo motore di ricerca che compara i risultati di google msn yahoo offrendo i risultati più attinenti.
webtracer Motore di ricerca italiano per siti di qualità.
Yahoo Directory Italiana.
Xerco il motore di ricerca fatto apposta per te. Guida rapida ai servizi della Rete. La comunità online dei tecnici professionisti dello spettacolo.
..:::::::: Motori di Ricerca News ::::::::..

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Motori di Ricerca nel Mondo
Motori di Ricerca italiani
- Elenco dei Motori di Ricerca italiani con links e descrizioni - Motori di Ricerca italiani per ordine alfabetico -
Abacho il potente motore di ricerca.
ABCItaly Tutti i siti d'italia suddivisi in categorie.
Abraham Search Motore di ricerca italiano e mondiale.
Aho Motore di ricerca multidialettale, anziché scegliere la lingua straniera scegli il gergo dialettale e tutto il sito ti parla nel dialetto scelto. portale con tutto il miglior web italiano, motori di ricerca, chat , forum, siti finanziari italiani, chat, newgroups, informazioni turistiche per viaggiare in Italia, per scommettere informati, animali domestici, hobby di casa, ciclismo amatoriale, musica spettacolo, stampa, libri link dei migliori siti italiani, omaggio agli emigranti italiani.
Altavista Motore di ricerca.
Arianna Motore di ricerca.
Aristotele Motore di ricerca Italiano.
Atlaszone Catalogo con cui puoi cercare e trovare i siti internet o gli indirizzi e-mail suddivisi per aree geografiche. Non il solito motore di ricerca in cui non trovi mai quello che cerchi.
B24 La nuova web directory italiana, l'indispensabile per la navigazione in internet.
BananaSplit Il motore di ricerca dove trovi tutto e subito.
Barretta Un buon punto di rifermento alla navigazione in Internet. Scambio banner, free Internet, spazio Web, Email, Top categorie, invio cartoline musicali, invio SmS, servizi utili per chi viaggia, Spazio Web Gratis, Free Internet, web directory e molto altro.
Bassavista motore di ricerca italiano.
Bismark Notizie sulla sicurezza informatica. Per tenervi informati e per adottare le necessarie contromisure.
Bloo E' una directory suddivisa in 20 macrocategorie e 200 sottocategorie, corredata di motore di ricerca.
Blues Pages Il motore di ricerca interattivo - Le tue pagine web interattive - La giusta soluzione per la tua azienda.
BwGroup Motore di ricerca per le aziende italiane.
Cavarzano Motore di ricerca.
Cerca in Italia Un elenco di risorse territoriali organizzato in categorie e sottocategorie. Offre l'utility di ricerca per regione. Motori di ricerca All-in-One Web, Usenet, Meta-motori, Software, Persone. Servizi di utilita' . Catalogo siti. Catalogo motori di ricerca.
Cercain Directory italiana per effettuare ricerche anche territorialmente cerca sito il sito per cercare facilmente qualunque sito.
CercaWeb Motore di ricerca italiano con opzioni di ricerca avanzata.
Ciaoweb Portale e motore di ricerca.
Clarence La prima comunità virtuale italiana. Free Homepages, free e-mail, chat, forum. Il punto di partenza per le tue esplorazioni in Rete. Infomazioni, recensioni, link, guide sulle curiosità e sugli avvenimenti del Web.

Diabolos SearchEngine, il motore di ricerca per te! Nuovo motore di ricerca medico italiano.
Dymmy Il motore di ricerca delle imprese che puoi chiamare gratis!
Domini Italiani DOMINITALIANI è l'archivio e il motore di ricerca dei siti italiani con Dominio.
eFind Molto piu' di una semplice directory di siti gratuiti: puoi trovare l'invio cartoline, loghi sms e suonerie, la bacheca di annunci gratuiti e inoltre la sezione webmaster!
Eurekazur il motore di ricerca post & find.
Exite Motore di ricerca.
FreeStreet Motore di ricerca.
Gepooz Il primo motore di ricerca al mondo webmaster friendly, annunci lavoro, offerte lavoro, annunci immobiliari, news, gossip, promozione siti, filmati, musica, audio, immagini, video, directory, servizi aziende
Giava Giochi Il mMotore di Ricerca dei Giochi Gratis
Gloo è il portale italiano dove puoi trovare le notizie aggiornate sugli argomenti che ti interessano, puoi da qualsiasi parte del mondo controllare la tua posta elettronica e consultare le previsioni del tempo o l'oroscopo. Puoi inviare messaggi sms agli amici o consultare le mappe dei luoghi che hai in previsione di visitare. Parti con Gloo a ogni collegamento in Internet e vedrai la rete in modo nuovo. Gloo è il delfino giallo e come tutti i delfini è forte, intelligente e fedele. Fidati di Gloo e tuffati con lui nel mare di Internet.
Gnomiz Motore di Ricerca con Migliaia di Links selezionati e Distinti in categorie.
Ggoal Motore di ricerca umano basato esclusivamente sulla segnalazione di link commentati e parole chiave associate, che vengono dagli utenti.
Godado Godado, il motore di ricerca con una marcia in piu'. Visibilita' garantita e risultati selezionati.
Godere il portale per chi desidera navigare con piacere!
Goldenweb free tools, html, webmasters, motori di ricerca, internet providers, notizie, meteo, promuovi il tuo sito, lavoro, guadagni, links interessanti, mp3, midi, free software, banner exchange, segnala un sito, aste on line, casino, giochi, affiliate programs, classifiche top 100, e tanto altro ancora...
Google Versione italiana del noto motore di ricerca. l'evoluzione della specie. Search and funny!!!
Harrrdito Portale dedicato al mondo dell hardware e del software con particolare riguardo agli OS Win e Linux. Moltissime FAQ, recensioni, news, free Download, free Script, Web Directory, guide, corsi, Foto e Video.
Hotbot Motore di ricerca.
Iasse Iasse riunisce e valorizza tutti i siti amatoriali Italiani dando la giusta evidenza alla creatività, bravura e professionalità di ognuno di noi!!!
Il Motore Meta motore italiano.
Il Trovatore Motore di ricerca. Il motore di ricerca gratuito che fa il punto della rete. Puoi iscriverti inserendo molte informazioni, tutto gratis.
IlTuoSito Dove il protagonista sei tu!
InfonetFree Directory italiana per la segnalazione gratuita di siti amatoriali e professionali.
InItalia Network il primo network di portali locali.

Interfree Il portale della comunità tecnologica.
Inter-Ware La InterWare è un consulente globale nel campo informatico, si prefigge di offrire servizi di assistenza, consulenza e progettazione software; La InterWare sviluppa siti web interattivi: e-Commerce ed e-Publishing comprendendo offerte dedicate di hosting e housing.
Intruso Il motore di ricerca dove si cliccano gli affari.
In Wind Motore di ricerca.
Italia Mia la tua guida ai migliori siti sull’Italia e i suoi prodotti. Motore di Ricerca.
ItalianLinks Motori di ricerca italiani per categoria.
Italian Web Space Motore di ricerca.
ItaliaPuntoNet Pagina iniziale per il browser. Raccolta di link.
Italia Seek Italian search engine, multilanguage search engine, Italy, Italian, Italia Seek is a Multilanguage search engine about Italian resources. The search can be made freely or by categories or by region. Italian news, shopping, food, sports and much more.
ItalyMedia Il Portale dell'Informazione Nazionale - Migliaia di link in Italia e nel Mondo! Varie produzioni: Siti V.I.P. , Localitalia, Sito uff. Arnoldo Foà, Sito uff. F.I.D., VetrinaCinema, Italy, Radio Roma, ...
Italyseek Italy Seek il nuovo motore di ricerca italiano. Cerca!
Janet La tua guida ragionata ad Internet. Ricerca per categorie, i maggiori motori di ricerca italiani ed internazionali.
Kratia Il Primo Motore Di Ricerca Democratico
Jumpy Portale Italiano.
La Ragnatela Il meglio della rete italiana a portata di click.
LaLunaBlu La Luna Blu: i siti più belli, interessanti, utili, divertenti ed originali di Internet.
Lo Zibaldone Guida rapida ai servizi della Rete.
LuxHomePage Lux Home Page - Se cerchi qualcosa qui la trovi!
Lycos Motore di ricerca.
Made In Italy NetWork Portale dedicato al Made in Italy, aziende, links e altro ancora.
MarioRossi Promuovi il tuo sito gratis, aumenta le tue visite.
MediaSan MediaSan il Motore di Ricerca Italiano.
Metacom Metacom® - Motore di Ricerca.
Migliorsito I migliori siti web italiani: la guida italiana ai siti di qualitá. Uno dei piú popolari award italiani in Rete.
Miss777 Vari servizi gratuiti a disposizione degli utenti: messenger, chat, area di discussione, cartoline flash e java, download di software, giochi e file divertenti, immagini e foto, annunci, rubriche gay e lesbiche, statistiche, redirect, risorse per webmaster, notizie... Offre l'accesso a servizi di hosting e realizzazione pagine web, spazi pubblicitari e una vetrina aziendale nell'area shopping.

MSN Motore di ricerca.
NetCompass motore di ricerca - Motore di orientamento in Puglia e nel Salento
Net Sonar Netsonar motore di ricerca e directory completamente gratuito contenente numerosi link.
Ok Cerca - Aggiungi il tuo Sito nella nostra WebDirectory & Cerca nel Web.
OutSeek Visita potrai trovare icone, gif animate, sfondi, consigli per il giardinaggio un motore di ricerca per chat e tantissimi link.
Pagine Gialle paginegialle, servizi, aziende, pmi, mercato, b2c, prodotti, offerte speciali, mappe, mappe interattive, multilingua, e-commerce, negozi virtuali.
PartiDaQui Servizi gratis, migliori siti, casa, lavoro, turismo, gratis.
Pippo Cerca trova tutto quello che cerchi in internet.
Portale IT Portale con: data ora esatta meteo fasi lunari fusi orari borsa economia conversione misure viaggi costo telefono feste ricerche.
Portalissimo Il Motore di ricerca. Motore di ricerca con ricerche avanzate sull'elenco telefonico.
Publiweb Il contenitore web Italiano.
Rafnet Fai esplodere le visite al tuo sito, fallo fruttare grazie ai nostri consigli, pubblicizzalo gratis iscrivendolo al nostro motore di ricerca e alla top100,partecipa al nostro forum di discussione.
Scandaglio La tua guida per esplorare il web.
Scarpettina Scarpettina, scarpetta, guida internet, stranezze, foto buffe, video, storielle, newsletter, mailing list Motore di ricerca, Recensioni dei siti, Top 10 dei siti segnalati.
Search Engines Site Motori di ricerca
Sharelook Catalogo Sharelook. Motore di ricerca.
Shinyseek Motore di ricerca.
Sicania La Sicilia... Progetto Vivi il Paese. il motore di ricerca con le aziende italiane di tutte le categorie merceologiche.
Ske-net Il primo motore di ricerca specialistico del mondo dello spettacolo, diviso in quattro categorie: musica, cinema, teatro e danza.
SitoPreferito Il Portale della tua zona, Mentana, Monterotondo, Guidonia, informazioni, aiuti, rimedi, totocalcio, totogol, lotto, superenalotto, un forum e bacheca, annunci gratuiti, pubblicità banner e creazione siti.
SmartCluster Realizza ricerche simultanee su Google, MSN, Yahoo ed ancora altri motori
Smemorando è: Risorse per webmaster, ricerche nel web, software, forum, chat, scambio banner, script, trucchi e altro ancora.

SoloDomini SOLO DOMINI.IT il sito italiano per la registrazione dei domini italiani e internazionali.
Spiritual Search motore di ricerca spirituale - informazioni e indirizzi di aziende e professionisti che operano nei settori spirituali della società, nell'alimentazione naturale, nella medicina alternativa e nell'ambiente. Cerchi qualcosa su internet? Trovalo!
SuperEva Motore di ricerca italiano, directory, Internet gratis, servizi, comunità, instant messaging.
Superjk il portale Italiano.
Sussidiario Portale di informazione Scientifico-Culturale. vacanze in italia, classifica album, Località Italiane e del Mondo, Informazioni Utili per Viaggiare Tranquilli, Cinema, Anteprime Cinematografich,sex,sesso artistico,film prima visione, viaggiere in treno,mari tropicali,attori famosi,attrici famose,nudo artistico discografia italiana, calendari delle dive.
Sygol Motore di ricerca e annunci gratuiti
The Spider Motore di ricerca italiano. Servizi offerti: annunci, aste online, cartoline virtuali, chat, elenco telefonico, e-mail, newsletter, meta tags, scambio banner, sondaggi, sms, webmail.
Tiscali Search Sezione specializzata per la ricerca delle immagini effettuata mediante digitazione di chiavi di ricerca.
TrovaTuttoPoint Il modo migliore per non perdersi in rete.
Tutto Gratis - Giochi, Software, Musica, Immagini, Video, Gratis!
TuttoIlWeb Motore di Ricerca.
TuttoNet Indice e classifica dei siti italiani.
Vento d'estate Portale per italiani nel mondo e stranieri in Italia. Ampio spazio per giovani pittori con sezioni dedicate alla cucina italiana ed estera, mezzi di trasporto, viaggi e altre info.
Virgilio La guida italiana a internet.
Walhello - Motore di ricerca. il nuovo motore di ricerca che compara i risultati di google msn yahoo offrendo i risultati più attinenti.
webtracer Motore di ricerca italiano per siti di qualità.
Yahoo Directory Italiana.
Xerco il motore di ricerca fatto apposta per te. Guida rapida ai servizi della Rete. La comunità online dei tecnici professionisti dello spettacolo.
..:::::::: Motori di Ricerca News ::::::::..

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Box office 2007 · Letteratura anti-Tom · Contratto di servizio Rai
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Japan Cup da en:Japan Cup / ja:ジャパンカップ
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San Giorgio su Legnano (San Giorgiu in dialetto sangiorgese) è un comune italiano di 6661 abitanti della provincia di Milano in Lombardia. Si trova nella pianura padana a nord-ovest di Milano, da cui dista 30 km circa, in prossimità dell'avvallamento in cui scorre il fiume Olona. Situato altimetricamente in posizione leggermente più elevata della confinante Legnano (di qui la preposizione "su" nel nome) è uno dei Comuni più piccoli della provincia di Milano.

Le testimonianze archeologiche più antiche rinvenute a San Giorgio su Legnano sono costituite da necropoli romane, la cui datazione corrisponde alla prima età imperiale (I sec. a.C. - I sec. d.C.). Il primo accenno documentato che nomina la comunità sangiorgese si riferisce ad un'iscrizione scolpita su alcuni mattoni datati 1393 su cui è impressa il nome "Sotena" (o "Sotera").

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Carmine Crocco

Carmine Crocco, detto Donatelli (Rionero in Vulture, 1830 – Portoferraio, 1905), è stato un brigante italiano, tra i più noti e rappresentativi del fenomeno. Era il capo indiscusso delle bande del Vulture-Melfese, sebbene il suo controllo si estendesse anche ad alcune dell'Avellinese e del Subappennino Dauno. Nel giro di pochi anni, da umile bracciante divenne comandante di un esercito di oltre mille uomini, guadagnandosi così l'appellativo di "Generale dei Briganti", combattendo prima nelle file di Giuseppe Garibaldi, poi con la resistenza borbonica e infine per se stesso. In circa quattro anni di latitanza, Crocco fu uno dei più temuti e ricercati briganti del periodo post-unitario e su di lui pendeva una taglia di 20.000 lire. Tuttora al centro di pareri discordanti, è considerato un bandito e carnefice per alcuni e un eroe popolare per altri, specie nella sua natia Rionero e la Basilicata in genere

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Gli uomini sono la città, non le mura né le navi vuote di uomini.
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Guinea: colpo di stato alla morte di Lansana Conté · Italia: elezioni regionali in Abruzzo, vittoria al PdL · Romania: Emil Boc è il nuovo primo ministro · Israele: liberati 227 detenuti
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La fortificazione Kastellet a Copenaghen, Danimarca.
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Wikipedia è gestita da Wikimedia, fondazione senza fini di lucro, su cui si basano diversi altri wiki progetti dal contenuto aperto e multilingue:
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Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, scrittore italiano
Giuseppe Tomasi
di Lampedusa

Nati il giorno 23 dicembre...
Alessandro I di Russia (1777)
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa (1896)
Aldo Capitini (1899)

e morti ...
Thomas Malthus (1834)
Hideki Tojo (1948)
Lavrentij Beria (1953)

In questo giorno accadde ...
179 a.C. - Il censore Marco Emilio Lepido scioglie il voto fatto durante la guerra contro i Liguri e dedica il tempio di Giunone Regina nel Campo Marzio a Roma.
619 - Elezione di papa Bonifacio V.
1947 - Prima dimostrazione del transistor ai Bell Laboratories.
1984 - Strage del Rapido 904: il rapido 904 Napoli - Milano, carico di passeggeri viene devastato dall'esplosione di una bomba.
Oggi ricorre: la Chiesa cattolica onora la memoria di san Dagoberto II, san Giovanni da Kety e santa Marie-Marguerite d'Youville; la Religione romana celebra i Larentalia e il settimo e ultimo giorno dei Saturnali.
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Wikipedia è un'enciclopedia libera e multilingue. Il progetto in italiano ha preso avvio alla fine del 2001. Qui di seguito sono elencate le versioni con più voci e le cosiddette sorelle minori legate a

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updated 11:04 a.m. EST, Tue December 23, 2008
JonBenet: After 12 years, still a mystery
updated 23 minutes ago
JonBenet: After 12 years, still a mystery
It is one of the most notorious unsolved cases in recent memory: A 6-year-old child beauty queen found dead in the basement of her home the day after Christmas 1996. The strangulation of JonBenet Ramsey is also among the coldest of cases. Twelve years have passed, but there are no solid leads. and Nancy Grace are bringing fresh eyes to cold cases. full story

* Nancy Grace's Cold Case Files

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Maryland water rescue

Tot mom's Ex-fiance speaks out 5:31

Central Park skaters

Drivers shot on Dallas roads :59

Dangerous water rescue 2:00

Toy for Tots closes 1:30

Michelle O. vs Jackie O. 4:03

Egg donors on the rise 3:50

Fort Dix defendants found guilty 2:15
LIVE: Joe the plumber talks about his new book

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updated 1 hour, 21 minutes ago
Injured Fabregas ruled out for four months
Injured Fabregas ruled out for four months
Arsenal suffer a major setback with the news that captain Cesc Fabregas (right) is ruled out for four months with a knee injury -- prompting manager Arsene Wenger to hint he might sign a replacement in the January transfer window. full story

* Norwegian Hansen stripped of Olympic bronze
* Croatian Kostelic claims slalom victory
* Diarra - I could not turn down Real Madrid
* Owen to delay Newcastle contract decision


* Injured Fabregas ruled out for four months
* Sanchez appointed new coach of Almeria
* Celtic to sign Zaluska at end of season
* Terry sent off as Chelsea draw at Everton


* Sterne takes South African title in playoff
* Ballesteros begins course of chemotherapy
* Tiger carpets caddie over Mickelson jibe
* Harrington lands another major golf award

U.S. Sports

* Cavs move up to No. 2 in Power Rankings
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* The biggest one-season NFL turnarounds
* Bears ice Packers in overtime

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Football First XI
Players' nicknames
Players' nicknames
Good, bad and downright bizarre, football has thrown up plenty of memorable nicknames. Tell us your favorites.
Super-yacht exclusive
Photo gallery
Photo gallery
Few people get the chance to visit super-yacht shows, so we've put together a photo gallery to take you behind the scenes.

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Is Annika Sorenstam the best female golfer ever?
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South Africa 2010South Africa 2010 Lewis HamiltonLewis Hamilton
Football Fan ZoneFootball Fan Zone Living GolfLiving Golf
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Taking a pounding
Taking a pounding
The falling value of the pound against the euro is causing headaches for the English Premier League as the January transfer window nears. full story

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* Justin's blog: Sorenstam will be back

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1. World SportDaily: 0430 | 0730 | 1130 | 1630 | 2130 GMT
2. MainSailJan 15: 1930 CET | 2200 HK
3. Living GolfJan 1: 1930 CET | 2200 HK

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updated 12 minutes ago
Kidman epic a 'mammoth task'
Kidman epic a 'mammoth task'
Famed for her opulent theatrical style in films like "Strictly Ballroom" and "Moulin Rouge!," production designer Catherine Martin is probably the last person you might expect to find in the remote Outback of Australia knocking up a film set. full story
Videos in Entertainment
Economy and entertainmentEconomy and entertainment video 4:34
Red carpet reportRed carpet report video 3:02
Michelle O. vs Jackie O.Michelle O. vs Jackie O. video 4:03
all video in Entertainment »
Top Entertainment Stories

* Blog: A favorite holiday song
* Gallery: 'Hills' women looking good
* Music star gives back to community
* Actors union delays strike vote
* EW: Best and worst books of '08
* Soderbergh on 'Che'Video (9:07)
* King of Pop 'in fine health,' spokesman says

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The Onion reportsThe Onion reports
Historians trace genealogy of Wu-Tang Clan

* Parody your favorite movie

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Global movie news and reviewsSCREENING ROOM »Global movie news and reviews
The coolest cities with the coolest starsMY CITY_MY LIFE »The coolest cities with the coolest stars

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The spirit of
Queen for the YouTube generation
Queen for the YouTube generation
Queen Rania of Jordan is hip, beautiful and dedicated to helping young people.
Talk Asia
Box office cricket
Box office cricket
Sanath Jayasuriya transformed the one-day game and remains one of cricket's finest on-field performers.
Quick Vote
Whose movie do you want to see most this holiday season?
Brad Pitt
Jennifer Aniston
Tom Cruise
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o The Hills Finale: Heidi & Spencer Not ...
o Britney's Dad Gets a Raise for Looking ...
o INSIDE STORY: Former UFC Fighter Justin...
o Heidi & Seal's 'Sweet' P.D.A.-Filled ...


o 'The Hills' finale: Trite wedding
o Holiday TV's saddest moment?
o Style: Best & worst of 2008

Best movies of 2008
Best movies of 2008
From box office behemoth, "The Dark Knight" to Israeli animated documentary, "Waltz with Bashir" we pick out this year's celluloid champions. In pictures
Blogs & Humor

* EW: Popwatch -- 'Hills' finale
* People: TVWatch -- 'The City' sneak peek
* TIME: Tuned In -- Person of the year
* AOL Black Voices: Those Jackson rumors

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1. Larry King LiveDaily: 1100 CET; Fri & Sat 0300 CET
2. The Daily ShowSat 2230 HK, 2130 CET
3. The Screening Room Myleene Klass hosts; Dec 24: 1930 CET | 2230 HK

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updated 12 minutes ago
Kidman epic a 'mammoth task'
Kidman epic a 'mammoth task'
Famed for her opulent theatrical style in films like "Strictly Ballroom" and "Moulin Rouge!," production designer Catherine Martin is probably the last person you might expect to find in the remote Outback of Australia knocking up a film set. full story
Videos in Entertainment
Economy and entertainmentEconomy and entertainment video 4:34
Red carpet reportRed carpet report video 3:02
Michelle O. vs Jackie O.Michelle O. vs Jackie O. video 4:03
all video in Entertainment »
Top Entertainment Stories

* Blog: A favorite holiday song
* Gallery: 'Hills' women looking good
* Music star gives back to community
* Actors union delays strike vote
* EW: Best and worst books of '08
* Soderbergh on 'Che'Video (9:07)
* King of Pop 'in fine health,' spokesman says

more Entertainment stories »
Funny News
The Onion reportsThe Onion reports
Historians trace genealogy of Wu-Tang Clan

* Parody your favorite movie

Special Coverage
Global movie news and reviewsSCREENING ROOM »Global movie news and reviews
The coolest cities with the coolest starsMY CITY_MY LIFE »The coolest cities with the coolest stars

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* My City_My Life
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More Entertainment News About...
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explore all entertainment topics »
The spirit of
Queen for the YouTube generation
Queen for the YouTube generation
Queen Rania of Jordan is hip, beautiful and dedicated to helping young people.
Talk Asia
Box office cricket
Box office cricket
Sanath Jayasuriya transformed the one-day game and remains one of cricket's finest on-field performers.
Quick Vote
Whose movie do you want to see most this holiday season?
Brad Pitt
Jennifer Aniston
Tom Cruise
or see results
email your comments

o The Hills Finale: Heidi & Spencer Not ...
o Britney's Dad Gets a Raise for Looking ...
o INSIDE STORY: Former UFC Fighter Justin...
o Heidi & Seal's 'Sweet' P.D.A.-Filled ...


o 'The Hills' finale: Trite wedding
o Holiday TV's saddest moment?
o Style: Best & worst of 2008

Best movies of 2008
Best movies of 2008
From box office behemoth, "The Dark Knight" to Israeli animated documentary, "Waltz with Bashir" we pick out this year's celluloid champions. In pictures
Blogs & Humor

* EW: Popwatch -- 'Hills' finale
* People: TVWatch -- 'The City' sneak peek
* TIME: Tuned In -- Person of the year
* AOL Black Voices: Those Jackson rumors

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1. Larry King LiveDaily: 1100 CET; Fri & Sat 0300 CET
2. The Daily ShowSat 2230 HK, 2130 CET
3. The Screening Room Myleene Klass hosts; Dec 24: 1930 CET | 2230 HK

see full schedule »
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updated 12 minutes ago
Kidman epic a 'mammoth task'
Kidman epic a 'mammoth task'
Famed for her opulent theatrical style in films like "Strictly Ballroom" and "Moulin Rouge!," production designer Catherine Martin is probably the last person you might expect to find in the remote Outback of Australia knocking up a film set. full story
Videos in Entertainment
Economy and entertainmentEconomy and entertainment video 4:34
Red carpet reportRed carpet report video 3:02
Michelle O. vs Jackie O.Michelle O. vs Jackie O. video 4:03
all video in Entertainment »
Top Entertainment Stories

* Blog: A favorite holiday song
* Gallery: 'Hills' women looking good
* Music star gives back to community
* Actors union delays strike vote
* EW: Best and worst books of '08
* Soderbergh on 'Che'Video (9:07)
* King of Pop 'in fine health,' spokesman says

more Entertainment stories »
Funny News
The Onion reportsThe Onion reports
Historians trace genealogy of Wu-Tang Clan

* Parody your favorite movie

Special Coverage
Global movie news and reviewsSCREENING ROOM »Global movie news and reviews
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Money woes hits world's richest football league

* Story Highlights
* Falling value of pound will hit British club's buying power in transfer window
* Deals made in installments and in euros are rising in cost to British clubs
* Moneybags Manchester City hold the key to kickstarting transfer market
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Neale Graham
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LONDON, England (CNN) -- The falling value of the pound against the euro might be good for British exporters, but for the country's football clubs it's a kick in the teeth.
England boss Fabio Capello has taken a hit on his salary as the pound falls against the euro.

England boss Fabio Capello has taken a hit on his salary as the pound falls against the euro.

January's transfer window is eagerly awaited by fans and managers alike, seeking to add that bit of extra quality the last few months have shown their team to be missing.

In the past, buying from mainland Europe has proved cheaper than buying from within the British Isles, which goes some way to explaining why there are so many overseas players in the Premier League and the Scottish Premier League.

Now, though, clubs must deal with a pound worth somewhere a little over a euro -- in 2001 £1 ($1.4) was worth just shy of €1.8 ($1.5).

To put that in context, Manchester United paid Lazio £28.1m or €50.6m for Juan Sebastian Veron in the summer of 2001, roughly equivalent to $39m.

If the European champions bought the Argentine midfielder today it would cost them a world-record-threatening £45m ($63m).

Tottenham's purchases of Croatia midfielder Luka Modric and Roman Pavlyuchenko, the Russia striker, were both completed and announced to the London Stock Exchange in euros. Have your say on this issue

The transfer fees are being paid in installments, meaning the total amount the club pays for the duo fluctuates.

Right now the €21m ($29.3m) agreed with Dinamo Zagreb for Modric and the €17m ($23.8m) agreed with Spartak Moscow for Pavlyuchenko are getting more expensive by the day.

So could the economic downturn spell the end of the Premier League's reign as unofficial top dog?

"Obviously the falling value of the pounds is going to give English clubs food for thought in the transfer window, but also that also applies to the selling club in Europe too," said Dan Jones, partner in the sports business group of leading auditors Deloitte.

"It might just make English clubs look closer to home for their purchases. But as the history of the last few transfer windows suggests, I don't think they're about to be overtaken.
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"The gap between clubs outside the elite in England and their European counterparts in terms of revenue is huge, so it's not going to be game-changing."

Manchester City's buyout in August by the cash-rich Abu Dhabi United Group Investment and Development Limited gives the club a pronounced advantage when it comes to buying power, irrespective of the strength of the euro.
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And Jones believes the transfer market in January hinges on what they decide to do.

He added: "The catalyst in the market will be Manchester City -- if they spend big and early in the window, then the knock-on effects would mean the market is reinvigorated.

"If they don't, then it will probably be quiet. I'm expecting January to be slow all round."

It's not just the clubs feeling the pinch.

The UK's Sun newspaper reported in November that England head coach Fabio Capello has lost the equivalent of £1m ($1.5m) on his salary due to the fall in the value of sterling.

His four-year contract, worth a reputed £6m ($9m), was signed last year and is paid in pounds. But because he does his banking in Italy he has lost around €1.2m ($1.7m) on the deal.

No Premier League club would confirm whether any of their players are paid in euros but there may be some. And if there are, they are laughing.

A salary paid in euros buys significantly more in the UK than it has done at any point since the currency's introduction in 1999 and would see the club shelling out higher wages for the same player in comparative terms.

So when the January transfer window opens, don't be surprised if your club is not as active as you were hoping they might be. That prolific Spanish striker the scouts have had their eye on might now be priced out of the market.

And the flip side to a weak pound makes shopping in England more attractive for European clubs. Expect more gossip linking Cristiano Ronaldo to Real Madrid, although whether the Spanish giants put their money where their mouth is remains to be seen.

Money's tight, even in the richest league in the world.
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Sound Off: Your opinions and comments
Red dragon
updated December 22, 2008

Be afraid! I come from China ! !

Be afraid! I come from China ! ! less
lanre omikunle
updated December 19, 2008

its high time for the English hyprocates to know that immigrant are not parasite but also contribute to the growth of economy... because there has been complaints of immigrants footballer over the years and that it is ...more

its high time for the English hyprocates to know that immigrant are not parasite but also contribute to the growth of economy... because there has been complaints of immigrants footballer over the years and that it is not good for the country why still want immigrants footballers even when the economy is down-sizing? they make fantastic entertainment right? lets have a rethink and be more open minded... the wolrd can be Good when there is dynamic love among us. less
updated December 19, 2008

I agree with the others. Who is the person that said pay these people so much money to run up and down the field. If they had a real job, get up at 6, travel to work, work all day,, return home. They would underst ...more

I agree with the others. Who is the person that said pay these people so much money to run up and down the field. If they had a real job, get up at 6, travel to work, work all day,, return home. They would understand what a real job looks like. No one is worth 5m to 6m dollars per year. Look at what a doctor does vs. his pay. They need to get a real job or get laid off to see how it feels. I DON'T FEEL SORRY FOR THEM AT ALL. less
updated December 19, 2008

I have a hard time feeling bad for millionares when most peple I know are looking for work.

I have a hard time feeling bad for millionares when most peple I know are looking for work. less
updated December 19, 2008

I really don't see how any big club chairman can be making money from football? There are only afew streams of revenue, and the players wages and transfer fees are so high, they must be hemeraging money!

I really don't see how any big club chairman can be making money from football? There are only afew streams of revenue, and the players wages and transfer fees are so high, they must be hemeraging money! less
updated December 19, 2008

I have a hard time worrying about the travails of millionaires and sports organizations as my fellow laid-off workers and I look for new jobs.

I have a hard time worrying about the travails of millionaires and sports organizations as my fellow laid-off workers and I look for new jobs. less
updated December 19, 2008

The discussion regarding fluctuating value of the pound versus the euro does not mention the revenue available to the clubs. English clubs earn pounds from spectators, European clubs earn euros. Advertisers in the Uk ...more

The discussion regarding fluctuating value of the pound versus the euro does not mention the revenue available to the clubs. English clubs earn pounds from spectators, European clubs earn euros. Advertisers in the Uk pay in pounds, in Europe in euros. And the clubs pay for their costs in their local currency, also.

So the issue is how long the devaluation will last. If it is a short term phenomena, it is possible that English clubs will do very well out of the situation. They can offload a lot of mediocre players for huge sums of pounds, far more than they paid to buy and develop the players in England, and reinvest this cash into their local infrastructure. When the market readjusts, their infrastructure will be worth a great deal.

If the devaluation is long term, then it might appear that Europe is the winner. Sure. But how can it be long term? The euro is so expensive now that european exports must suffer. I mean, we have a global downturn in demand for exports, AND a very expensive euro. I do not think is is reasonable to predict that this combination of factors can sustain itself over time.

Therefore English clubs could represent a useful investment opportunity, whilst the pound is weak. Remember that football is an export industry based on training and leadership. I see no reason why the premier league will fail to lead in this industry for years to come. The fundamentals that support the industry are strong in England, and weak in Europe. less
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Regia di
Mark Steven Johnson

Scritto da
David Diamond (written by) &
David Weissman (written by)


Kristen Bell ... Beth Harper

Will Arnett

Josh Duhamel ... Nick Beamon

Danny DeVito

Don Johnson

Jon Heder

Alexis Dziena ... Joan

Anjelica Huston

Dax Shepard

Keir O'Donnell ... Father Dino

Peter Donald Badalamenti II ... Ace Frehley

Alexa Havins ... Lacey

Bobby Moynihan ... Puck

Denise Vasi ... Gala Hostess

Geoffrey Cantor ... Dr. Moscowitz

Kate Micucci ... Stacy Harper

Nico Toffoli ... Wedding's Guest

Luca Calvani ... Umberto

Dat Phan ... Quan

Quisha Saunders ... Kim

Maria Diaz ... Mom

Kamuela Kim ... Skate Boarder
Angelina Aucello ... ESPN Party Guest

Sebastian Saraceno ... Gene Simmons

Pasquale Esposito ... Policeman
Eric Zuckerman ... Hansom Cab Driver
Zach Woods ... Drunk Guy

Tommaso Matelli ... Wedding Guest #2

Courtney S. Bunbury ... Sports Celebrity

Russ Spiegel ... Guitarist / Bandmember
Autumn Anderson ... Art Connoisseur
Charlie Sanders ... Poker Player #2
Eugene Cordero ... Poker Player #3
Stephen Jutras ... Paul Stanley
J.T. Arbogast ... ESPN Executive #2
Dave Allen ... Shirtless Male Model
Dave Allen ... Shirtless Male Model

Dennis Albanese ... Hot Dog Vendor (uncredited)
George Aloi ... Wedding Guest (uncredited)

Shaun B'Laurent ... Party guest (uncredited)

Alana Cadiz ... Girl in Cafe (uncredited)

Ryan Curtis ... Bike Messenger (uncredited)

Fabrizia Dal Farra ... Restaurant Customer (uncredited)

John Farrer ... Patron - Guggenheim 'Circle of Gold' (uncredited)

Massi Furlan ... Waiter (uncredited)

Cassidy Gard ... Circle of Gold guest (uncredited)
Richard Graves ... Party Member (uncredited)
Benjamin Ickies ... Accordionist / Bandmember (uncredited)

Edward M. Kelahan ... Park Pedestrian (uncredited)
Channing McKindra ... Guggenheim Party Guest (uncredited)
Loukas Papas ... Groomsman (uncredited)

Thomas Place ... Pizza Delivery Guy (uncredited)

Dawn Ressy ... Wedding guest / Mother (uncredited)

Darren Ross ... Museum Party Guest (uncredited)
Annamarie Russo ... Party Girl (uncredited)
Ginamarie Russo ... Party Girl (uncredited)

Jay Spadaro ... Waiter (uncredited)

Tamara Torres ... Wedding Guest (uncredited)

Jessica Tsunis ... Museum Party Goer (uncredited)

Jennifer Wiener ... Circle of Gold Patron (uncredited)
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Prodotto da
Rikki Lea Bestall .... producer
Gary Foster .... producer
Joseph E. Iberti .... associate producer
Andrew Panay .... producer
Enzo Sisti .... co-producer: Italy
Ezra Swerdlow .... producer
Kim H. Winther .... co-producer

Fotografia di
John Bailey

Responsabile casting
Kathleen Chopin

Scenografie di
Kirk M. Petruccelli

John Kasarda

Raffaella Giovannetti
Diane Lederman

Costumi di
Sarah Edwards

Stephen Kelley .... prosthetic effects designer
Stacey Panepinto .... makeup artist: Angelica Huston

Direttore di produzione
Andrea Alunni .... unit manager: Italy
Milena Bono .... assistant unit manager: Italy
Vito Colazzo .... production supervisor: Italy
Federico Foti .... production manager: second unit, Italy
Mads Hansen .... production supervisor: second unit
Joseph E. Iberti .... unit production manager

Aiuto regista
Noreen R. Cheleden .... second assistant director
Michael DeCasper .... first assistant director
Mark Robert Ellis .... second unit director
Filippo Fassetta .... first assistant director: Italy
David Fischer .... second second assistant director
John Hockridge .... first assistant director: second unit
Luca Padrini .... second assistant director: Italy
Kim H. Winther .... first assistant director
Heather Wusterbarth .... second assistant director: Italy

Art Department
Pastor Alvarado III .... assistant property master
Jonathan Arkin .... assistant art director
Deirdre Brennan .... buyer
Wendy Brown .... set decoration production assistant
Gary Cergol .... graphic artist
Jerry DeRogatis .... props
Sandro Erdolini .... painter
Joan Finley .... set dresser
Peter Hackman .... scenic charge
Rumiko Ishii .... model maker
Heather Danielle Kane .... property master
Nora Kasarda .... art department coordinator
Diane J. Laurienzo .... painter
David Meade .... construction manager
David Meade .... construction shop manager
Sebastiano Murer .... property master
Lisa Nilsson .... assistant set decorator
Joseph S. Patire .... head carpenter
Ronnie Petagna .... construction coordinator
Edward Pisoni .... assistant art director
Helen Ripple .... set dresser
Daniel Rosenfeld .... scenic shop person
Jennifer Santucci .... props
Ari David Schwartz .... on-set dresser
Ari David Schwartz .... set dresser
Francesco Sciarrone .... painter
Ilya Sheval .... painter
Michelle Stella .... art department production assistant
Bruce Swanson .... set dresser
Reid Thompson .... painter
Dick Tice .... leadman

Alberto Amato .... sound mixer: second unit
Marko A. Costanzo .... foley artist
George A. Lara .... foley mixer
David Pastecchi .... boom operator
James Sabat .... sound mixer
James J. Sabat Jr. .... sound recordist

Effetti speciali
Stefano Corridori .... special effects
Dennis Dion .... special effects coordinator: second unit

Visual Effects
Daniel Abramovich .... digital compositor
Glenn Allen .... visual effects producer: Brainstorm Digital
Richard Friedlander .... visual effects producer: Brainstorm Digital
Noel Hooper .... digital compositor
Evan Jacobs .... visual effects supervisor: second unit
Haydn Masuda .... digital compositor
Anthony Meschi .... digital artist
Eric J. Robertson .... visual effects supervisor
Bryan Wengroff .... visual effects coordinator: Brainstorm Digital
Chris 'Pinkus' Wesselman .... digital compositor: Brainstorm Digital
Jun Zhang .... digital compositor

Scott Burik .... utility stunts
Blaise Corrigan .... stunts
Peter Epstein .... stunts
John R. Favre .... stunts
Jeffrey Lee Gibson .... stunt coordinator
Cort Hessler .... stunt driver
Tina Mckissick .... stunt double: Kristen Bell
Thomas Place .... stunt performer
David Shumbris .... stunt double
Jay Spadaro .... stunt performer
Jay Spadaro .... stunts
Massimiliano Ubaldi .... stunt driver
Aaron Vexler .... stunts
Anthony Vincent .... stunt double: Will Arnett

Camera and Electrical Department
Myles Aronowitz .... still photographer
Manuel Billeter .... camera operator
Manuel Billeter .... cinematographer: second unit
James Boniece .... key rigging grip
Ethan Borsuk .... assistant camera
Ethan Borsuk .... second assistant camera
Chuck Cohen .... director of photography: second unit
Stephen Consentino .... camera operator
Jon Delgado .... additional camera operator
McCord Fitzsimmons .... video assist operator
Jeff Flohr .... digital imaging technician
Max Frankston .... 24 frame video operator
Ingo Gardner .... balloon light technician
Christopher F. Graneto .... grip
Philip Kathrens .... lamp operator
Mitchell Andrew Lillian .... key grip
Patrick Lowry .... rigging grip
Marcostavros Maggi .... additional assistant camera: Rome
Marcostavros Maggi .... additional second assistant camera: Italy
Derek J. Manganelli .... assistant camera
Derek J. Manganelli .... camera loader
Rick Marroquin .... dolly grip
Michael A. McFadden .... rigging grip best boy
Tim Metivier .... assistant camera
Jerad Molkenthin .... electrician
Maritza Norr .... additional camera loader
Mark Pickens .... dolly grip: second unit
Chris Reynolds .... first assistant camera: "b" camera
Ray Richards .... lighting technician
Lowell Schulman .... best boy rigging gaffer
Pierson Silver .... camera operator: "a" camera
Joshua Solson .... lighting technician
Alberto Torrecilla .... first assistant camera: "b" camera, Italy
Michael Tsimperopoulos .... Steadicam operator: Rome
Michael Tsimperopoulos .... camera operator: "b" camera, Rome

Casting Department
Sara Conte .... extras casting assistant
Anne Davison .... casting associate
Robb Fitzgerald .... extras casting assistant
David H. Kramer .... adr voice casting
Christine Nelson .... extras casting
Lucy Pho .... extras casting assistant

Costume and Wardrobe Department
Pam Aaron .... set costumer
Amy Andrews .... costume supervisor
Clare Cardoni .... costume assistant
Kate Edwards .... wardrobe supervisor
Emily Gunshor .... assistant costume designer
Lauren Miller .... costume coordinator
David Michael Moore .... wardrobe assistant
Chuck ReCar .... costume ager/dyer

Editorial Department
Sarah Dorman .... post-production assistant
Chris Gennarelli .... colorist: high definition dailies

Music Department
Luigi Pulcini .... score coordinator

Transportation Department
Daniele Abeille .... transportation coordinator
Edoardo Moracci .... transportation captain
Christopher Weippert .... driver

Altro personale
Jaclyn Bashoff .... assistant: Anjelica Huston
Jack Bavaro .... first assistant production accountant
Scott Bowers .... production assistant
Oliver Brooks .... additional production assistant
Nicholas Bryan .... assistant to producer
Sara Carelli .... staff assistant
Krista Carpenter .... assistant: Gary Foster
Marcy DaRocha .... production assistant
Leonardo de Angelis .... assistant locations
Mark Robert Ellis .... sports coordinator
Jason Farrar .... assistant location manager
Scott Fernandez .... assistant: Gary Foster
Frances Fiore .... unit publicist
Gianluca Gamberini .... set production assistant: Rome
Timothy Goldberg .... location assistant
Billy Gooch .... production assistant
Kenneth Hunter .... location manager: second unit: L.A.
Michelle Israel .... production assistant
Christina N. Jin .... set production assistant (as Christina Jin)
Adam Keleman .... set production assistant: second unit
Adam King .... additional production assistant: New York
Rachel Konstantin .... stand-in
Katie Kramer .... production assistant
Eric Krugley .... production assistant
Brendan C. Lynch .... staff production assistant
Dominick Mancino .... stand in: Dr. Moskowitz
Norma Marie Mascia .... production coordinator: italy
Talia Mayer .... production secretary
John F. McCarthy .... production assistant
Aimee McDaniel .... assistant football coordinator
Claiborne Michael McDonald .... office production assistant
Amy Meisner .... production assistant
Cariddi Nardulli .... assistant: Enzo Sisti
Leda Nornang .... production coordinator
Lauren A. Oliver .... clearance
Erik Paoletti .... location manager: Rome
Evan Perazzo .... location manager
Carla Maria Perrina .... payroll accountant
Antonio Ragona .... production assistant
Rob Roy .... location coordinator
Cristiano Sebastianelli .... first assistant production accountant
Massimiliano Sisti .... assistant accountant
Monetti Stefania .... assistant: cast
Marisa Vrooman .... location scout
Judith Babcock .... technical supervisor: dailies (uncredited)
Jonathan McDevitt .... production assistant (uncredited)

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IMDb > Live Free or Die Hard (2007) > Full cast and crew
Live Free or Die Hard

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Regia di
Len Wiseman

Scritto da
John Carlin (article "A Farewell to Arms")

Roderick Thorp (certain original characters)

Mark Bomback (story) and
David Marconi (story)

Mark Bomback (screenplay)

Cast (in ordine dei titoli) Completo e verificato

Bruce Willis ... John McClane

Timothy Olyphant ... Thomas Gabriel

Justin Long ... Matt Farrell

Maggie Q ... Mai

Cliff Curtis ... Bowman
Jonathan Sadowski ... Trey

Andrew Friedman ... Casper
Kevin Smith ... Warlock

Yorgo Constantine ... Russo
Cyril Raffaelli ... Rand

Chris Palermo ... Del (as Christopher Palermo)

Mary Elizabeth Winstead ... Lucy

Sung Kang ... Raj
Zeljko Ivanek ... Molina
Christina Chang ... Taylor

Jake McDorman ... Jim

Rosemary Knower ... Mrs. Kaludis

Gerald Downey ... Hoover Agent

Allen Maldonado ... Goatee

Jim Cantafio ... Deli Owner

Chris Ellis ... Scalvino (as Chris Ellis Jr.)
Regina McKee Redwing ... Nearby Agent

Tony Colitti ... Chief Hazmat Agent
Tim De Zarn ... Police Sergeant (as Tim deZarn)

Kurt David Anderson ... Miller

Matt O'Leary ... Clay

Nadine Ellis ... Teller
Ethan Flower ... Trader

Nick Jaine ... Phone Guy

Tim Russ ... Chuck Summer

Joe Gerety ... Jack Parry

Edward James Gage ... On Duty PP Operator

David Walrod ... Deli Customer
Edoardo Costa ... Emerson
John Reha ... Slacker Kid
Yancey Arias ... Agent Johnson

Rick Cramer ... MP Rodriguez
Vito Pietanza ... D.C. Cop

Dennis Depew ... D.C. Cop

Howard Tyrone Ferguson ... D.C. Cop

John Lacy ... EMT

Diana Gettinger ... FBI Dispatcher
Melissa Knowles ... Freeway Reporter
resto del cast in ordine alfabetico:
Bruce Allen Dawson ... Angry Civilian (uncredited)
John Doty ... Angry Civilian (uncredited)

Timothy 'TJ' James Driscoll ... SWAT member with walkie (uncredited)

Aaron Michael Lacey ... Civilian (uncredited)

Michael Molthen ... F.B.I. Tech (uncredited)

Chris O'Brocki ... Angry Civilian (uncredited)

Manny Oliverez ... Civilian (uncredited)

Norman Outlaw ... Office Worker (uncredited)

Christopher Phillips ... Street Pedestrian (uncredited)

Patrick Michael Strange ... Protestor (uncredited)

Tom Townsend ... Angry Civillian (uncredited)
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Prodotto da
Stephen J. Eads .... co-producer (as Stephen James Eads)
Michael Fottrell .... producer
Arnold Rifkin .... executive producer
William Wisher Jr. .... executive producer (as William Wisher)

Musiche originali di
Marco Beltrami

Fotografia di
Simon Duggan (director of photography)

Montaggio di
Nicolas De Toth

Responsabile casting
Deborah Aquila
Mary Tricia Wood (as Tricia Wood)

Scenografie di
Patrick Tatopoulos

Beat Frutiger
James Hegedus
Troy Sizemore (supervising art director)

Robert Gould

Costumi di
Denise Wingate

Scott Cameron .... key hair stylist
Zoltan Elek .... makeup artist
Edouard F. Henriques .... makeup department head: second unit (as Ed Henriques)
Janice Kinigopoulos .... key hair stylist: Baltimore
Sandra Linn Koepper .... key makeup artist: Baltimore
Lori McCoy-Bell .... hair department head: second unit (as Lori McCoy Bell)
Gerald Quist .... makeup department head
Toni-Ann Walker .... hair department head (as Toni Walker)

Direttore di produzione
Vincent Agostino .... unit production manager: second unit
Steve Barnett .... post production supervisor
Mitchell E. Dauterive .... production supervisor (as Mitchell Dauterive)
Michael Fottrell .... unit production manager

Aiuto regista
Brad Arnold .... second second assistant director: second unit
Timothy Blockburger .... second second assistant director: Baltimore (as Tim Blockburger)
Dieter 'Dietman' Busch .... second assistant director (as Dieter Busch)
Mark Cotone .... first assistant director
Mathew Dunne .... first assistant director: second unit
Larry D. Katz .... second second assistant director: second unit (as Larry Katz)
Brandon Lambdin .... second assistant director: second unit
Gregory J. Pawlik Jr. .... key second assistant director: second unit (as Greg Pawlik)
Brian Smrz .... second unit director
Yumiko Takeya .... second second assistant director
Ken Twohy .... assistant director
Allan Monteiro Fortes .... dga trainee (uncredited)
Joe Incaprera .... first assistant director: Washington D.C. (uncredited)
Paula Janos .... second assistant director: additional photography (uncredited)
David Mendoza .... dayplayer second second assistant director (uncredited)
Eric A. Pot .... first assistant director: additional photography (uncredited)
Xan Valan .... second assistant director: Washington D.C. (uncredited)

Art Department
Palma Bellardoni .... art department coordinator
Giovanni Bianchini .... set dresser
Erik Boring .... set dresser: Baltimore
Mark Boucher .... painter
Aaron Kaleo Carter .... set dresser (as Aaron Carter)
Jeremy Conner .... carpenter
Brendon Crigler .... set dresser
Dana Curt .... construction medic
Michael Davis .... construction coordinator
Sam Dean .... welding gangboss
Guillaume DeLouche .... property master: second unit
Darrin Denlinger .... storyboard artist
Megan L. Diaz .... set decorating coordinator (as Megan Diaz)
Bruce Di Valerio .... construction coordinator
James Doh .... storyboard artist
David Dunn .... set dresser
Patrick T. Eagan .... set dresser
Timothy M. Earls .... senior lead set designer (as Timothy Earls)
Patricio M. Farrell .... assistant art director (as Patricio Farrell)
Rachel Flores .... assistant property master
Glenn Forbes .... assistant property master
Penelope Franco .... set decorator production assistant
Halina Gebarowicz .... art director: Baltimore
Scott Getzinger .... property master: second unit
Cheryl Gould .... leadman
Chris Grantz .... on-set dresser
Jeff Hay .... set dresser
George Hess .... set dresser
Gregory S. Hooper .... set designer (as Greg Hooper)
Geoff Hubbard .... set designer
Mark Kelly .... assistant property master: second unit
Charles Kern .... camera scenic: second unit
Jane Kilkenny .... prop shop
Allison Klein .... assistant to production designer
Steven Ladish .... set dresser
William J. Law III .... senior lead set designer (as Bill Law)
Scott Maginnis .... property master
Todd McKibben .... propmaker foreman
Robert McKinnon .... illustrator
James P. Meehan .... assistant property master: second unit
Tory Mell .... art department production assistant
John Millard .... set decorator: second unit
Desma Murphy .... assistant art director
Ed Natividad .... conceptual artist (as Edwin Natividad)
Dawson Nolley .... art department coordinator: Baltimore
Jeff Ozimek .... senior lead set designer
Edward V. Pannozzo .... construction estimator
Ron D. Peake .... welder gangboss
Lisa Penaranda .... set decoration buyer (as Lisa Montesanto)
William H. Phen Jr. .... welder
Anshuman Prasad .... set designer
Sonia Randazzo .... set decorating coordinator
Eric Rood .... on-set dresser
Michael Sabo .... property master
Steve Salazar .... welder
Chris Samp .... stand-by painter
Jason Sweers .... assistant art director
Brooks Vallerand .... painter
Alexandra Ward .... art department assistant
Erick Garibay .... assistant props (uncredited)

Petra Bach .... supervising adr editor
Anna Behlmer .... re-recording sound mixer
David Betancourt .... foley mixer
James Bolt .... additional sound mixer
David V. Butler .... supervising dialogue editor
Derek Casari .... adr engineer
Blake R. Cornett .... sound recordist (as Blake Cornett)
Jessica A. Dickson .... dialogue editor (as Jessica Dickson)
John P. Fasal .... sound effects recordist (as John Paul Fasal)
Tammy Fearing .... adr editor
Dawn Fintor .... foley artist
Cameron Frankley .... sound designer
Cameron Frankley .... supervising sound editor
Lee Gilmore .... assistant sound editor
Thomas Giordano .... boom operator: Los Angeles, re-shoots
Craig Heath .... recordist (as Craig 'Pup' Heath)
Jason W. Jennings .... sound designer
Ryan Juggler .... supervising foley editor (as Ryan B. Juggler)
Randy Kelley .... sound effects editor (as Randall Kelley)
Jonathan Klein .... foley editor
Tom Lalley .... re-recording engineer
Ai-Ling Lee .... sound designer
Ai-Ling Lee .... sound effects editor
David Lucarelli .... adr recordist
Jon Michaels .... first assistant sound editor
Michael W. Mitchell .... sound effects editor
Andy Nelson .... re-recording sound mixer
Steve Nelson .... production sound mixer
Charleen Richards .... adr mixer (as Charleen Steeves)
Cameron Steenhagen .... dialogue editor
Alicia Stevenson .... foley artist
Roger V. Stevenson .... boom operator
Peter Gleaves .... adr mixer (uncredited)

Effetti speciali
William Aldridge .... special effects second unit foreman (as Bill Aldridge)
Ryan Arndt .... special effects technician
Hank Atterbury .... pyrotechnician
James Bomalick .... special effects technician
Chris Brenczewski .... pyrotechnician
James Camomile .... special effects technician
William Curtis .... special effects on-set foreman (as Greg Curtis)
Lenny Dalrymple .... special effects technician
Matt Downey .... special effects technician
Ante Dugandzic .... special effects technician
Dale Ettema .... special effects technician
John W. Fisher .... special effects technician (as John Fisher)
Ronald D. Goldstein .... special effects technician (as Ron Goldstein)
Don Gray .... special effects hydraulics technician
Joe Heffernan .... special effects technician
Robert S. Henderson .... special effects technician (as Robert Henderson)
Nicholas Hiegel .... model maker
Patrick Huggins .... special effects technician
Clark James .... special effects technician
Chris Jones .... special effects crew
Steve King .... special effects technician (as Steven King)
Steven D. Kline .... special effects technician (as Steve Kline)
Bruce Y. Kuroyama .... pyrotechnician (as Bruce Kuroyama)
James Lorimer .... special effects technician
Garth Majors .... special effects technician
Eric A. Martin .... special effects technician
Michael Meinardus .... special effects director
David Mesloh .... special effects technician
Donald Myers .... special effects shop foreman
José Páramo .... special effects technician
Doug Passarelli .... special effects technician
Joe D. Ramsey .... special effects foreman (as Joe Ramsey)
Alan Rifkin .... special effects technician
Mike Rifkin .... special effects technician
Mike Sasgen .... special effects buyer
Arthur G. Schlosser .... snow effects technician
Anthony Simonaitis .... special effects general foreman
Mark Yuricich .... special effects technician
Richard Zarro .... pyrotechnician (as Ric Zarro)
Ronald Zarro .... special effects technician (as Ron Zarro)
Douglas D. Ziegler .... special effects technician (as Douglas Ziegler)

Visual Effects
Victor Abbene .... visual effects gaffer
Julie Adrianson-Neary .... compositor: The Orphanage
Eric Almeras .... digital compositor
Enrico Altmann .... model maker
David Andrews .... animation supervisor: The Orphanage
Michael Angelo .... Inferno artist: R!OT
Will Anielewicz .... effects artist: The Orphanage
Darryl Anka .... model maker
Joel Ashman .... Inferno compositor: R!ot
Jennifer Avery .... visual effects production assistant: R!OT
Graeme Baitz .... roto lead: Rainmaker
Joseph Bell .... visual effects production manager: Digital Dimension
Melissa Best .... 2D compositor: The Orphanage
Scott Beverly .... model crew chief: New Deal Studios
Michael Boggs .... scanning manager
Jason Bond .... junior compositor: Digital Dimension
Scott Bonnenfant .... texture artist: The Orphanage
E.M. Bowen .... visual effects coordinator: New Deal Studios Inc
Tatjana Bozinovski .... compositor: Digital Dimension
Erik Bruhwiler .... digital compositing supervisor: Digital Dimension
Nathan Brunskill .... Inferno assistant: Rhythm & Hues
Chad Buehler .... digital compositor
Shannan Burkley .... matte painter
Lindsay Burnett .... visual effects executive producer: R!OT
Jeremy Burns .... digital compositor: Digital Dimension
Daniela Calafatello .... rigger: The Orphanage
Owen Calouro .... matchmover: The Orphanage
Josh Cardenas .... lighting artist: The Orphanage
Todd Carson .... junior compositor: Digital Dimension
John P. Cazin .... miniature effects crew: New Deal Studios (as John Cazin)
Can Chang .... compositor: The Orphanage
Steve Cho .... compositing supervisor: The Orphanage
Webster Colcord .... animator: The Orphanage
Josh Cole .... compositing supervisor: The Orphanage
Daniel Aristoteles Collins .... systems/operations: Rhythm & Hues
Joseph B. Conmy IV .... visual effects producer
Stéphane Cros .... rigger: The Orphanage
Seth Curlin .... model crew: New Deal Studios
Tony Cutrono .... visual effects director of photography
Bruce Dahl .... animator: The Orphanage
Joe C. D'Amato .... support and resource admin: The Orphanage
Andy Davis .... digital compositor: R!OT
Chris Del Conte .... visual effects producer: Digital Dimension
Stephen DeLuca .... compositing supervisor: The Orphanage (as Steve DeLuca)
Brian DeMetz .... digital effects artist
Sean Devereaux .... Inferno artist: Hydraulx
Ross DeYoung .... effects artist: The Orphanage
Raffael Dickreuter .... previs artist: Pixel Liberation Front
Mark Dillon .... miniature effects: Cinema Production Services
Victor DiMichina .... digital imaging supervisor
Tim Dobbert .... matchmove supervisor: The Orphanage
Matthew Doll .... compositor: The Orphanage
Roy L. Downey .... special effects: Cinema Production Services, Inc.
Tim Drnec .... Spydercam coordinator
Giovanni Dulay .... model maker: Cinema Production Services, Inc.
Greg Dunn .... systems engineer: The Orphanage
Yannick 'Botex' Dusseault .... matte painter: The Orphanage
Rony Edde .... effects artist: The Orphanage
Mark Edwards .... digital trailer effects producer
Thomas Elder-Groebe .... visual effects coordinator
Arlend Engar .... computer graphics lighting supervisor: The Orphanage
David Espinoza .... digital artist
Trina Espinoza .... assistant visual effects coordinator: The Orphanage
Nathan Fariss .... computer graphics modeling supervisor: The Orphanage
Siggy Ferstl .... digital intermediate colorist
Arin Finger .... digital effects producer: The Orphanage
Forest Fischer .... model crew: New Deal Studios (as Forest P. Fischer)
Brian Fisher .... digital compositor
Dustin Foster .... visual effects coordinator
Jenny Foster .... visual effects producer: LOOK Effects
Ron Frankel .... previsualization supervisor: Proof Inc.
Shannon Blake Gans .... visual effects executive producer: New Deal Studios Inc
Mitch Gates .... visual effects technical director: Digital Dimension
Adam Gelbart .... model crew: New Deal Studios
George Gervan .... rotoscope and paint artist: Digital Dimension (as George Gervan Jr.)
Richard Gervan .... rotoscope and paint artist: Digital Dimension
Kevin Gillen .... lead effects artist: The Orphanage
Benoit Girard .... visual effects executive producer: Digital Dimension
Joanna Goldfarb .... post production supervisor: The Orphanage
Roy Goode .... miniature effects crew: New Deal Studios
Jim Gorman .... digital compositor
Rich Grande .... roto/paint artist: The Orphanage
Richard Grandy .... roto/paint artist: The Orphanage
Jonathan Green .... matte painter: The Orphanage
Jon Green .... matte painter: The Orphanage
Dave Groseclose .... visual effects intern
Jamie Hallett .... visual effects supervisor: R!OT
Michael Hall .... effects artist: The Orphanage
Jonathan Harman .... sequence supervisor: The Orphanage
David Heinz .... visual effects editor
Matthew Hendershot .... visual effects supervisor: The Orphanage
Steven Hensley .... digital effects artist: Digital Dimension
Martin Hilke .... compositor: Digital Dimension
Willie Holifield .... miniature effects: Cinema Production Services (as Sgt. Willie Holifield)
Kevin Hong .... effects artist: The Orphanage (as Kevin I. Hong)
Chris Hopkins .... digital artist
Karen Huang .... assistant visual effects coordinator: The Orphanage
Stephen Humphrey .... miniature effects: Cinema Production Services
Ian Hunter .... visual effects supervisor: New Deal Studios Inc
Bob Hurrie .... miniature effects producer: Cinema Production Services, Inc.
Michael Janov .... effects artist: The Orphanage
Colleen Jenkinson .... visual effects coordinator: The Orphanage
Amiee Johnson .... effects artist: The Orphanage
Christopher Johnson .... model maker: Cinema Production Services, Inc.
Justin Jones .... junior compositor
John Joyce .... model shop coordinator: Cinema Production Services
Michael Joyce .... miniature effects supervisor: Cinema Production Services, Inc.
Vanessa Joyce .... visual effects assistant coordinator
Virginia Joyce .... miniature effects: Cinema Production Services
Bonnie Kanner .... visual effects executive producer: Pixel Magic
Evan Kantor .... visual effects coordinator: R!OT
Michelle Kater .... roto/paint artist: The Orphanage
Jason Kaufman .... model maker: Cinema Production Services, Inc.
Karen Kelly .... visual effects coordinator: The Orphanage
Michael Kennen .... compositor: The Orphanage
Chris J. Kenny .... rotoscope artist
Val Kharitonashvili .... technical director
Khi Kim .... effects artist: The Orphanage
Anthony Kramer .... junior compositor: Digital Dimension
Heath Kraynak .... compositor: The Orphanage
Michal Kriukow .... modeler: The Orphanage
Daniel Kruse .... tracker
Wing Kwok .... digital compositor
Ivan Landau .... visual effects editor: The Orphanage
Linus Lau .... assistant modeler: Cinema Production Services, Inc.
Kurt Lawson .... digital compositor
Demetrius Leal .... sequence supervisor: The Orphanage
Danny Lee .... compositor: The Orphanage
Diana K. Lee .... visual effects coordinator: The Orphanage
Matthew Lee .... digital effects artist: Digital Dimension
Sam Lee .... compositor: The Orphanage
Michael Lester .... compositor: The Orphanage
P. Alex Lim .... effects artist: The Orphanage
Michael Liv .... digital compositor: Baked Goods
Bob Lloyd .... digital compositor
Laurence Lok .... compositor: The Orphanage
Daniel J. Lombardo .... visual effects executive producer: Digital Dimension (as Daniel Lombardo)
Juliana Loomer .... matte painter: The Orphanage
Sean Looper .... pipeline architect: Digital Dimension
Ryan Lorie .... match mover
Ryan Lorie .... visual effects supervisor
George Loucas .... compositing supervisor: Baked Goods
Michael MacGillivray .... visual effects coordinator
Douglas R. MacMillan .... effects artist: The Orphanage
Bruce MacRae .... miniature effects: Cinema Production Services
Kevin Mains .... modeler: The Orphanage
Joe Margetson .... visual effects coordinator
Brian Maris .... video assistant
Pat McClung .... visual effects supervisor (as Patrick McClung)
John R. McConnell .... 2D Compositor: Pixel Magic
Kyle McCulloch .... compositing supervisor
Michael McGrale .... visual effects
Tom McHattie .... compositor
Dennis McHugh .... director of photography: effects unit
Ray McIntyre Jr. .... visual effects supervisor: Pixel Magic
Erika A. McKee .... visual effects producer
Landon Medeiros .... roto/paint artist: Digital Dimension
Landon Medeiros .... visual effects production assistant: Digital Dimension
Yvette Memory .... digital effects producer: The Orphanage
Joel Román Mendías .... visual effects producer: The Orphanage (as Joel Mendias)
David B. Menkes .... lighting artist: The Orphanage (as David Menkes)
David B. Menkes .... technical director: The Orphanage (as David Menkes)
Michael Meyers .... previsualization designer: Proof Inc.
Neil Michka .... animator: The Orphanage
Sarah Mihalec .... production coordinator: Digital Dimension
Stephen Misek .... lighting artist: The Orphanage
Justin Mitchell .... digital effects artist
Roger Mocenigo .... digital compositor: Amalgamated Pixels
Michael Morreale .... executive producer: Amalgamated Pixels
Betsy Mueller .... lighting artist: The Orphanage
Patrick Neary .... compositor: The Orphanage
Steve Newburn .... model crew: staff lead
Vinh Nguyen .... digital compositor
Jeff Olm .... visual effects: R!ot
Michael Oregon .... technical support: The Orphanage
Molly Pabian .... visual effects production assistant: Digital Dimension
Phillip Palousek .... visual effects coordinator: Amalgamated Pixels, Inc.
Stephen Parsey .... visual effects production assistant
Reid Paul .... senior digital effects supervisor
Reid Paul .... visual effects producer
Russell Pearsall .... character technical director
Benoit Pelchat .... matte painter: The Orphanage
Christine Peterson .... roto/paint artist: The Orphanage
David Quirus .... effects artist: The Orphanage
Chris Radcliffe .... digital artist
Rebecca Ramsey .... visual effects executive producer: Look Effects
Aaron Rhodes .... paint supervisor: The Orphanage
Aaron Rhodes .... rotoscope supervisor: The Orphanage
Chad Ridgeway .... roto/paint artist: Digital Dimension
Rick Rische .... matte painter: The Orphanage
Andy Roberts .... computer graphics supervisor: Digital Dimension (as Andrew Roberts)
Shane Roberts .... matte painting supervisor: The Orphanage
Kyle Robinson .... post-viz artist
Karl Rogovin .... visual effects coordinator: Hydraulx
Corey Rosen .... creature supervisor: The Orphanage
Tracey Roulhac .... production accountant
Craig Rowe .... compositor: The Orphanage
Charles Roxburgh .... roto artist
Daniel Rubin .... digital compositor: Rainmaker
Salvador Ruiz .... animator: The Orphanage (as Sal Ruiz)
Jesse Russell .... compositor: The Orphanage
Matt Russell .... assistant visual effects coordinator (as Matthew Dean Russell)
Migs Rustia .... visual effects editor
Evan Ryan .... resource technical assistant: The Orphanage
Marc Sadeghi .... visual effects executive producer: The Orphanage
David Sanger .... visual effects producer: New Deal Studios
Marcelo M. Santos .... model maker
Scott Schneider .... miniature construction supervisor
Kent Schoberle .... visual effects coordinator: The Orphanage
Charles Schwartz .... matchmove artist: The Orphanage
Parker Sellers .... previsualization artist: Proof
Todd Semmes .... Spydercam coordinator/rigging
Dong Yeop Shin .... computer graphics supervisor: The Orphanage
Richard King Slifka .... model maker: Cinema Production Services, Inc. (as Richad K. Slifka)
Brian Smallwood .... compositor
Brad Smith .... render I/O administrator
R. Matt Smith .... digital compositor
Ryan T. Smolarek .... lead compositor (as Ryan Smolarek)
Robert Snyder .... visual effects plate coordinator
Rony Soussan .... compositor
Michael Spaw .... effects artist: The Orphanage
Robert Spurlock .... miniature effects crew: New Deal Studios
Robert Spurlock .... visual effects
John K. Stirber .... special effects: Cinema Production Services, Inc.
Ken Stranahan .... compositor: Digital Dimension
Dan Sukiennik .... modeler: The Orphanage (as Dani Sukiennik)
Richard Sur .... computer graphics supervisor: The Orphanage
Tammy Sutton .... 2D supervisor: Digital Dimension
Ken Swenson .... model supervisor: Cinema Production Services
Hirofumi Takeda .... digital compositor
Robert Tatum .... digital compositor
Cecile Tecson .... digital compositor
Eric Texier .... effects artist: The Orphanage
Patrick Thompson .... compositor: The Orphanage
Clint Thorne .... modeler: The Orphanage
Brian Tolle .... matchmover: The Orphanage
Shigeharu Tomotoshi .... CG artist
Phi Tran .... digital effects artist: Digital Dimension
Tommy Tran .... digital compositor
Tong Tran .... digital effects artist: Digital Dimension
Greg Tse .... matchmover: The Orphanage
Jerry Tung .... lighting artist: The Orphanage
Jeff Varga .... digital artist
Norie Varga .... digital effects artist
Brent Veal .... digital compositor: The Orphanage
Brent Veal .... roto/paint artist
Noah Vice .... lighting artist: The Orphanage
Dan Walker .... roto and rig removal
Adam Walls .... model maker: Cinema Production Services, Inc.
Alex Wang .... computer graphics lighting supervisor: The Orphanage
Jon Warren .... miniature effects crew: New Deal Studios
Chris Wells .... CG supervisor
Michael D. Werckle .... previsualization designer: Proof Inc.
Colie Wertz .... lighting artist: The Orphanage
Jason Williams .... lighting artist: The Orphanage
Jason Williams .... lighting technical director
Wayne Williams .... modeler: The Orphanage
Tiffany Wu .... visual effects coordinator: The Orphanage
Yoshiya Yamada .... visual effects artist
Johan Yang .... motion pass render technical director: Rainmaker
Momo Yang .... matchmover
Travis Yohnke .... digital effects artist
Bethany Young .... visual effects coordinator: The Orphanage
Robert Young .... compositor: The Orphanage
Dustin Zachary .... visual effects
Jessica Alcorn .... compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Daphne Apellanes-Ackerson .... roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Robert Barker .... systems engineer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Dana Basinger .... technical assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Bob Bennett .... effects artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Laurie Blavin .... recruiter: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Laurie Blavin .... senior recruiter: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Kirstin Bradfield .... compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Diane Caliva .... post production supervisor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Jerry Castro .... post production supervisor (uncredited)
David Chen .... roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
YouJin Choung .... compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
James Citron .... lighting artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Sean Coonce .... compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Matthew Daw .... effects artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Rama Dunayevich .... publicist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Nino Ellington .... resource technical assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Greg Gibson .... technical support: The Orphanage (uncredited)
David Gladstein .... software development: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Daniel Gloates .... senior staff: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Monique Gougeon .... human resources manager: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Martin Hall .... compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Amy Hollywood Wixson .... senior visual effects producer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Sunghwan Hong .... roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Michael Larry Hutchinson .... visual effects assistant editor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Andreas Jablonka .... compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Jin Yong Kim .... matchmover: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Kwang Jib Kim .... visual effects production: Digitrove, Inc (uncredited)
Jessica Lai .... matchmover: The Orphanage (uncredited)
David Huynh Lam .... resource technical assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Soyoun Lee .... roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Woei Lee .... compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Jimmy Lillard .... visual effects assistant editor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Stuart T. Maschwitz .... senior staff: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Kent Matheson .... matte painter: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Dan McNamara .... senior staff: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Shelly Morrow .... compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Luke O'Byrne .... visual effects executive producer: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Alex Orzulak .... resource technical assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Vasho Pekar .... roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Ralph Procida .... compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Dav Rauch .... compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Nathan Reidt .... lighting artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Alan Rosenfeld .... lighting artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Jonathan Rothbart .... visual effects supervising consultant: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Vicki Silva .... compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Nick Sinnott .... matchmover: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Carsten Sørensen .... senior staff: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Scott Charles Stewart .... senior staff: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Bee Jin Tan .... roto/paint artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Tim Teramoto .... effects artist: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Yimi Tong .... recruiting: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Brent Villalobos .... software development: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Jonathan Wank .... compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Chris Winters .... compositor: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Heungmo Yang .... matchmover: The Orphanage (uncredited)
Dana Young .... visual effects production assistant: The Orphanage (uncredited)

Keith Adams .... stunts
Michael Ahl .... precision driver
Robert Alonzo .... stunts
Hank Amos .... stunt rigger
Hank Amos .... utility stunts
Matthew R. Anderson .... stunts (as Matt Anderson)
Christopher 'Critter' Antonucci .... stunts (as Chris Antonucci)
Alexis Archer .... precision driver
Daniel Arrias .... stunt double
Daniel Arrias .... stunts
Dean Bailey .... stunts
Ted Barba .... stunts
Gregory J. Barnett .... stunts
Johnny Becker .... stunt driver
Gianni Biasetti .... skydiving supervisor
Gianni Biasetti .... stunt safety
Joey Box .... stunts
John Branagan .... stunt coordinator: second unit
Nick Brandon .... stunt rigger
Joe Bucaro III .... stunt driver
Joe Bucaro III .... stunts (as Joey Bucaro)
Richard Burden .... stunt driver
Richard Burden .... stunts
Damon Caro .... stunt double: Justin Long
Damon Caro .... stunts
Richard Cetrone .... stunts
Mark Chadwick .... stunt performer
Mark Chadwick .... stunts
James M. Churchman .... stunt rigger
Gilbert B. Combs .... stunts (as Gil Combs)
Tim Connolly .... stunt double
Tim Connolly .... stunts
Scott Cosgrove .... stunts
Charles Croughwell .... stunts
Shawn Crowder .... stunt rigger
Shawn Crowder .... stunts
Clay Cullen .... stunts
Chris Daniels .... stunts
Danny Downey .... stunt double: Andrew Freidman
Danny Downey .... stunts
Andy Dylan .... stunts
Jared S. Eddo .... stunt rigger (as Jared Eddo)
Kofi Elam .... stunts (as Kofi W. Elam)
Paul Eliopoulos .... stunts
Richard Epper .... stunts
Peter Epstein .... stunts
Tom Erickson .... stunts
Dane Farwell .... stunt double: Bruce Willis
Jeremy Fitzgerald .... stunt rigger
Jeremy Fitzgerald .... stunts
Cory Fleming .... stunt double
Colin Follenweider .... stunt double
Colin Follenweider .... stunts
Clay Donahue Fontenot .... stunts
Kevin Foster .... stunts
Louie Franco .... stunts
Bryan Friday .... stunts
Mickey Giacomazzi .... stunts
Jeffrey Lee Gibson .... stunts
Jeffrey Lee Gibson .... utility stunts
Mark Ginther .... stunts
Jessie Graff .... stunt double
Jessie Graff .... stunts
Sean Graham .... stunt driver
Sean Graham .... stunts
Terra Grant .... precision driver
Tad Griffith .... stunts
Charles Grisham .... stunts (as Charlie Grisham)
Michael Groneman .... stunt driver
Gary Guercio .... stunt double
Gary Guercio .... stunts
Mike Gunther .... stunt performer
Mike Gunther .... stunts
Jeff Habberstad .... stunts
Adam Hart .... stunt double
Adam Hart .... stunts
Jim Hart .... stunt rigger (as Jimmy Hart)
Rosine 'Ace' Hatem .... stunts (as Rosine Ace Hatem)
Craigory Glen Hunter .... stunts
Terry Jackson .... stunts
Keii Johnston .... stunt pilot
Ross A. Jordan .... stunts
Mike Justus .... stunts
Rick Kain .... stunts
Rick Kain .... utility stunts
Shawn Kautz .... stunts
Dennis Keiffer .... stunts
Ralf Koch .... stunts
Gregg Kovan .... stunts
Tony Lazzara .... stunt driver
Paul Leonard .... stunt rigger
Brock Little .... stunts
Ming Liu .... stunts (as Ming Qiu)
Jake Lombard .... stunts
Billy D. Lucas .... stunts (as Billy Lucas)
Brian Machleit .... stunts
Mike Majesky .... stunts
Dovile Mark .... precision driver
Brad Martin .... stunt coordinator
Johnny Martin .... stunt double
Johnny Martin .... stunts
Mike Massa .... stunts
Mike Massa .... utility stunts
Dennis McCarthy .... stunts
Matt McColm .... stunts
Tom McComas .... stunts
John Meier .... stunts (as John C. Meier)
Billy Morts .... stunts
Mike Mukatis .... stunts
Stephen Neely .... stunts
Carol Neilson .... stunts (as Carol Neilson Smrz)
Chris Nielsen .... stunt driver
Chris Nielsen .... stunts
Katherine M. Oneill .... stunt double
Michael Owen .... stunts
Allan Padelford .... stunts
Chris Palermo .... stunt driver
Carl Paoli .... stunt driver
Carl Paoli .... stunts
Michael Papajohn .... stunts
Chad Parker .... stunts
Pee Wee Piemonte .... stunts (as Peewee Piemonte)
Denney Pierce .... stunts
Rex Reddick .... stunts (as Rex J. Reddick)
Mark Riccardi .... stunts
Tim Rigby .... assistant stunt coordinator
Larry Rippenkroeger .... stunt double: Bruce Willis
Larry Rippenkroeger .... stunts
Scott Rogers .... stunts
Michael Runyard .... stunts
Marc Schaffer .... stunts (as Marc Shaffer)
Todd Schneider .... stunts
Myke Schwartz .... stunts
Myke Schwartz .... utility stunts
Kevin Scott .... stunt rigger
Brandon Sebek .... stunt driver
Brandon Sebek .... stunts
Keith Shindoll .... stunts
Lincoln Simonds .... stunts
Gunter Simon .... additional stunt double: Bruce Willis
Gunter Simon .... stunts
Brian Simpson .... stunts
Brian Simpson .... utility stunts
Brian Smrz .... stunt coordinator: second unit
Colton Lucas Smrz .... stunts
Gregg Smrz .... stunts
Gregg Smrz .... utility stunts
Brian Smyj .... stunts
Russell Solberg .... stunts
Scott Sproule .... stunts
Erik Stabenau .... stunts
Chad Stahelski .... stunts
Patrick J. Statham .... stunts
Mark Stefanich .... stunts
Patrick Michael Strange .... precision driver
Ronn Surels .... stunts
R.C. Thompson .... stunts
Jon Valera .... stunts
Schuster Vance .... precision driver
Mark Vanselow .... stunt driver
Mark Vanselow .... stunts
Sabine Varnes .... stunt performer
Sabine Varnes .... stunts
Kym Washington .... stunt performer
Kym Washington .... stunts
Peter Weireter .... stunts (as Peter D. Weireter)
Michael Weis .... stunt rigger
Michael Weis .... utility stunts
Bryon Weiss .... stunts
T.J. White .... stunt driver
T.J. White .... stunts
Lee Whittaker .... stunts
Stuart F. Wilson .... stunt double: Bruce Willis
Stuart F. Wilson .... stunts
Keith Woulard .... stunts
Boni Yanagisawa .... stunts
Merritt Yohnka .... stunts
Chad Knorr .... precision driver (uncredited)

Camera and Electrical Department
Tyler Allison .... assistant camera
Dominic Aluisi .... additional first assistant camera
Michael Anderson .... key grip
Audie Aragon .... dolly grip
Kristiona Arnds .... second assistant camera: "b" camera
David August .... playback graphics assistant coordinator
Ian Axilrod .... additional second assistant camera
Ted Ayd .... best electric: Baltimore
Rocky Babcock .... libra head operator
Greg Baldi .... camera operator: second unit
Thomas Bango .... first assistant camera: second unit
John C. Barber .... dolly grip
Craig Bauer .... camera loader: insert unit
Hans Bjerno .... aerial director of photography
Sarah Brandes .... film loader: Baltimore/Washington DC unit
Arlene 'PinkGrip' Brown .... grip
Thomas Burns .... additional rigging electrician
Gary Capo .... director of photography: second unit
A. Anthony Cappello .... first assistant camera: "a" camera
Andrew Chojnacki .... grip: second unit
Joseph V. Cicio .... camera operator
Cheli Clayton .... first assistant camera: insert unit
Loren Corl .... key grip: second unit
Chris Cotterman .... grip
John Crimins .... additional lighting console programmer
Steven Cueva .... second assistant camera
Tony Cutrono .... director of photography: visual effects miniature photography
Louie DeMarco .... first assistant camera: second unit
David E. Diano .... camera operator: second unit
Mitch Dubin .... camera operator: "a" camera
Phaedra Eason .... rigging grip: Baltimore
Ted Erne .... crane operator: SuperTechno 30
Michael FitzMaurice .... camera operator: second unit
Erik Folsom .... electrician
Steven L. Franklin .... grip
Nick Gardner .... camera operator: "c" camera, Washington DC/Baltimore
Michael Gearhart .... grip
Sean Ginn .... electrician
Raymond Gonzales .... best boy electric
Scotty Goudreau .... generator operator: second unit
Russell Griffith .... gaffer: splinter unit
Gene Hara .... key dimmer board operator
James Hatridge .... electrician
Tim Hennessy .... second assistant camera: Baltimore/Washington D.C.
Chris Hill .... video playback operator
John Holmes .... first assistant camera
John Holmes .... first assistant camera: Steadicam
Colin Hudson .... Steadicam operator
Colin Hudson .... camera operator: "b" camera
William T. Iversen .... grip: Washington DC/Baltimore
Simon Jayes .... camera operator: "c" camera
Tom Jedrzejcyk .... grip
Rob Koch .... assistant camera: Washington DC
Damon Liebowitz .... electrician
Dennis A. Livesey .... camera operator
Dennis J. Lootens .... rigging gaffer
Dave Lujan .... electrician
Lee Majors .... electrician
Damon Marcellino .... set lighting technician: second unit
Frank Masi .... still photographer
Jesse Mather .... best boy electric
David J. McGraw .... computer and video playback operator
David McGrory .... additional electrician
Johnny Medeiros .... video assist
Jeff Murrell .... chief lighting technician
David B. Nowell .... aerial director of photography (as David Nowells)
Haydn Pazanti .... film loader
Robert Petrin .... Lev head/Ultimate arm technician
Michael Pinkey .... additional cinematographer
Brennan L. Price .... lighting technician
Raman Rao .... gaffer: second unit
James H Razo .... G3 gyro head technician
Steve Reinhardt .... assistant chief lighting technician
Dan Riffel .... gaffer: second unit
Michael Sapienza .... grip
David Schmalz .... additional video assist operator: second unit
Don Selsor .... key rigging grip
Jason Selsor .... best boy rigging grip
Mike Shaheen .... video playback coordinator
Rick Strodel .... grip
Jonathan Taylor .... director of photography: second unit
N. Owen Taylor Jr. .... additional video assist operator
Tommy Tieche .... second assistant camera: insert unit
Dempsey Tillman .... digital video assist operator
Wade Tyree .... electrician
Mike Visencio .... rigging lighting electrician
Chuck Whelan .... additional assistant camera
Scott Whitbread .... second assistant camera: "b" camera, second unit
Omer Ganai .... director of photography: additional photography (uncredited)
David Insley .... director of photography: second unit, Washington DC (uncredited)
Craig Ormiston .... company grip (uncredited)
Peter Stone .... still photographer: second unit (uncredited)

Casting Department
Jennifer Bender .... extras casting
Donna DeSeta .... casting: New York
Samantha Finkler .... casting associate
Mariann H.W. Lee .... extras casting
Mandy Sprinkel .... extras casting: Baltimore
Erin Toner .... casting associate
Chad Tyler .... casting assistant
Karen Wood .... extras casting

Costume and Wardrobe Department
John Casey .... costume supervisor
Linda S. Cormany .... costumer
Grant Denton .... set costumer
Brenda Donoho .... set costumer
Phillip Howard .... key set costumer
Mara Majorowicz .... costume supervisor: Baltimore
Joe McCloskey .... key costumer
Shoshana Rubin .... key costumer
Lori Stilson .... costumer: Mr. Willis
Derek Sullivan .... key costumer: Baltimore
Maipa Vang .... costume production assistant

Editorial Department
Gary Burritt .... negative cutter
Des Carey .... digital intermediate producer
Christine Carr .... digital intermediate producer
Adam M. Duthie .... assistant editor (as Adam Duthie)
Siggy Ferstl .... digital film colorist
Jerimiah Morey .... assistant colorist
Harry Muller .... color timer
Cedric Nairn-Smith .... assistant editor
Eric Putz .... telecine colorist: dailies
Mathieu Reid .... assistant lab color timer (as Matt Reid)
Alex Romano .... digital conformation: Company 3
Andrew Schiel .... post-production assistant
Marilyn Sommer .... negative preparation (as Marilyn S. Sommer)
Ken Terry .... first assistant editor
Jorge Tanaka .... digital intermediate assistant (uncredited)

Music Department
Pete Anthony .... conductor: score
Pete Anthony .... orchestrator
Marco Beltrami .... conductor
William Boston .... orchestrator (as Bill Boston)
Mary Finsterer .... orchestrator
Rossano Galante .... orchestrator
Alex Gibson .... supervising music editor
Kevin Globerman .... digital score recordist
Jim Honeyman .... orchestrator
Michael Kamen .... composer: original themes
Jon Kull .... orchestrator
John Kurlander .... music recording engineer
John Kurlander .... score mixer
John Kurlander .... score recordist
Dana Niu .... orchestrator
Tim Perrine .... score orchestrator
Gianluca Piersanti .... composer: additional music
Joe E. Rand .... music editor
John Roome .... score music
Peter Rotter .... orchestra contractor
Jason Ruder .... assistant music editor
Buck Sanders .... score co-producer
Jim Schultz .... music editor
Ceiri Torjussen .... composer: additional music
Ceiri Torjussen .... orchestrator
Marcus Trumpp .... composer: additional music
Marcus Trumpp .... orchestrator
Mark Graham .... music librarian (uncredited)
Brandon Roberts .... music preparation (uncredited)

Transportation Department
Matt Antunez .... mechanic
Michael Antunez .... transportation coordinator (as Mike Antunez)
John Armstrong .... picture car coordinator
William Ballard .... transportation captain (as Bill Ballard)
Karen Bathalter .... transportation production assistant
Billy Bonifield .... transportation office coordinator: Baltimore
Mark Brown .... production van operator
Richard Colarossi .... mechanic
Philip John Coppola .... driver: camera car
Daniel Davis .... transportation co-captain: second unit
William M. DeLuca .... mechanic (as Bill De Luca)
Ken Dewitt .... mechanic
Michael Luckeroth .... transportation captain: Baltimore
Dennis Marchant .... mechanic
Dennis McCarthy .... driver: high speed insert car
Kenny Moore .... driver captain (as Ken Moore)
Ken Owen .... picture car captain
Graham Ready .... transportation office liaison
Ted Schambers .... driver: Mr Willis
Brett Stach .... mechanic
Stephen Sweeney .... dispatcher (as Steve Sweeney)
Randy Tenhaeff .... driver
Gerald Titus .... driver
Kenny Youngblood .... transportation captain: second unit

Altro personale
Coleen Aiello .... first assistant accountant (as Coleen 'Co-Co' Aiello)
Kirsten Anderson .... key first assistant accountant
Mighty Joe Anderson .... production assistant
Cheryl Andryco .... set production assistant
Charley Armstrong .... location manager: Baltimore
Wayne Arnold .... additional first assistant
Eric Bannat .... location assistant
Fred Baron .... production executive
Vanessa Bendetti .... stock footage researcher
Bruce Benson .... aerial ground coordinator
Kim Berner .... script supervisor
Cody Birdwell .... set production assistant
Steve Blazewick .... video/computer playback engineer
Steven W. Blumenfeld .... video/computer playback engineer (as Steve Blumenfield)
Rich Bokides .... production assistant
John Bonaccorse .... production assistant
Zoely Borges .... production assistant
David Brauns .... production assistant
Chris Bunker .... production assistant
Jennifer Burdick-Baklarov .... additional production assistant
Trisha Burton .... script supervisor: insert unit
Christopher Campbell .... key assistant location manager (as Chris Campbell)
Kevin A. Canamar .... supervising set medic
Benjamin Cantler .... production assistant
Deborah J. Chesebro .... assistant post-production accountant (as Debbie Chesebro)
Brian M. Chilcoat .... production assistant
Alicia Cho .... set production assistant: re-shoots
Casey B. Collins .... assistant location manager (as Casey Collins)
Curtis Collins .... location manager
Michael DeChant .... set production assistant
Gabriel DellaVecchia .... assistant accountant: Baltimore
Jonathan DeMuth .... production assistant
Victor DiMichina .... technical production supervisor
Srdjan Dobic .... set production assistant
Mikey Eberle .... set production assistant
Jay Ellison .... scorpio head technician
Richie Elson .... set production assistant
Caprice Ericson .... assistant location manager: Baltimore
Louis Farah .... construction medic
Andrea Fellers .... stand-in
Christopher Fernandez .... additional location assistant
Ritchie Steven Filippi .... additional set production assistant
Ross Flader .... set production assistant
Vincent Joseph Flaherty .... armorer (as Vincent Flaherty)
Cliff Fleming .... aerial coordinator
Cliff Fleming .... pilot
Cory Fleming .... helicopter pilot
Tim Fleming .... aerial ground coordinator
Colin Galloway .... payroll assistant
Jillian Giacomini .... script supervisor: second unit
Veloz Gomez .... production assistant
Johnny Graham .... chef: Mr Willis
Marc Graiser .... additional set production assistant
Martine Granby .... production assistant
Sophia Green .... production assistant
Jonathan Hanrahan .... production assistant
Todd Havern .... set production assistant
Thomas J. Healy IV .... key assistant location manager (as Thomas Healy)
Mike Hedge .... production assistant
Thomas C. Hessenauer .... production assistant: Baltimore
Nancy Honeycutt .... production coordinator
Craig Hosking .... pilot
Lindsay Hudson .... medic
Jason Inman .... set medic: second unit
Gregor Joackim .... stand-in: Bruce Willis
Jeff Johnson .... set medic
Octavius Lee Johnson .... location assistant (as Christopher Johnson)
Keii Johnston .... helicopter pilot (as Keii Johnson)
Douglas M. Jones .... set production assistant: Baltimore
Ruba Kharuf .... accounting office clerk
Chris Kieffer .... video graphic
Tina H. Kim .... production assistant
Michael Klein .... production assistant
Danielle Koch .... production assistant: Baltimore
Tim Kossa .... location assistant: Washington D.C.
Paula Kucharski .... assistant: Mr. Wiseman
Christian Labarta .... co-key set production assistant: second unit
Steven Lafferty .... key set production assistant: Baltimore
Roxann Langlois .... travel coordinator
David Clarke Lawson Jr. .... production assistant
Kyle Leonard .... production assistant
Matt Lombardo .... set production assistant: re-shoots
Michael David Lynch .... production assistant
Clayton Lyons .... production assistant
Mark Mallorca .... production assistant
Natalie Mathes .... post-production accountant
Dylan Matlock .... set production assistant
Kathy Mattes .... second assistant accountant
Matthew McArdle .... set production assistant: second unit
Rachel McIntyre .... production assistant: second unit
Stephanie McKinnon .... production secretary
Tory Mell .... office production assistant
Vanessa Mendoza .... office production assistant
Leslie Merlin .... set production assistant
John Montgomery .... payroll accountant
Elena Moscatt .... craft services: Washington DC
Shauna Moss .... assistant production office coordinator
Naomi Motohashi .... key assistant location manager
Jerry Moushey .... production assistant
Niamh Murphy .... textile artist
Heidi Brook Myers .... adr loop group
Tamra Natisin .... set production assistant: second unit
Dillon Neaman .... additional set production assistant
Trey Neely .... office production assistant
Elizabeth J. Nevin .... production office coordinator
Nicholas Ozog .... set production assistant: second unit
Amy Panzer .... key craft services: Baltimore
Michael Papac .... armorer (as Mike Papac)
Daniel A. Parker .... production secretary
Erik Payne .... set production assistant
Gerson Paz .... set production assistant: second unit
Cynthia Quan .... production accountant (as Cindy Quan)
Dan Rappazzo .... production assistant
Claire Raskind .... unit publicist (as Claire Raskind Cooper)
Marisela Rivas .... production assistant
Robert Rizzolo .... set production assistant (as Bob Rizzolo)
Brett Robinson .... key set production assistant: second unit
Nathan Robinson .... title designer: main titles
Kevin Roy .... additional production assistant
Jane Sakowski .... craft service assistant
Lee J. Santillan .... second assistant accountant (as L.J. Santillan)
Chris Saunders .... helicopter pilot
John T. Scanlon .... helicopter pilot
Janine Schiro .... second assistant accountant
Corey Schuler .... production assistant
Rick Shuster .... helicopter pilot
Marc Siegel .... office production assistant
Christopher Sileo .... security: Mr. Willis, Baltimore
Josh Slates .... location assistant
Christopher Kelley Snow .... assistant location manager (as D. Christopher Johnson III)
Jeff Snyder .... additional 24 frame operator
Ailene Staples .... production secretary: Baltimore
Charline St. Charles .... research consultant
Erin Stern .... set production assistant
David Szymanski .... production assistant
May Tam .... additional location assistant
Jack Tate .... key assistant location manager
Donna Tegan .... set production assistant
Kim Thio .... paramedic: construction/rigging
Robert Tobin .... stand-in
Greg Tonner .... production assistant
Tara Tovarek .... assistant: Mr. Fottrell
Chad Tyler .... stand-in
Benton Ward .... second unit rf technician
Jennifer Webb .... production coordinator: second unit
Louise Weber .... assistant: Mr. Willis
Teddy Wenger III .... production assistant
Phononzell Williams .... production assistant
Robin Williams .... second assistant accountant
Chris Winn .... craft service
Jeff Winn .... key craft service
Michael D. Witman .... production assistant
Michele Wright .... second assistant accountant
Sandra L. Yeary .... first assistant accountant
Jessica Yingling .... assistant: Mr. Rifkin
Ryan Young .... production assistant
Kristen Boulé .... additional set production assistant (uncredited)
Christy Busby .... set production assistant (uncredited)
Giovanni Cotto .... set production assistant: additional second unit (uncredited)
Wendy Geary .... production assistant (uncredited)
Marc C. Geschwind .... extras coordinator (uncredited)
Lorin Moore .... production assistant (uncredited)
Dina Zugec .... production assistant (uncredited)

Hannah Byron .... thanks
Jack Gerbes .... thanks
Amy Lemish .... thanks
Yoni Tabac .... thanks

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IMDb > Planet Terror (2007) > Full cast and crew
Planet Terror

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Regia di
Robert Rodriguez

Scritto da
Robert Rodriguez (written by)

Cast (in ordine dei titoli) Completo e verificato

Rose McGowan ... Cherry

Freddy Rodríguez ... Wray (as Freddy Rodriguez)

Josh Brolin ... Block
Marley Shelton ... Dakota
Jeff Fahey ... J.T.

Michael Biehn ... Sheriff Hague
Rebel Rodriguez ... Tony

Bruce Willis ... Muldoon

Naveen Andrews ... Abby
Julio Oscar Mechoso ... Romy

Stacy Ferguson ... Tammy

Nicky Katt ... Joe
Hung Nguyen ... Dr. Crane
Cecilia Conti ... Paramedic #1
Tommy Nix ... Paramedic #2
Tom Savini ... Deputy Tolo

Carlos Gallardo ... Deputy Carlos
Skip Reissig ... Skip

Electra Avellan ... Babysitter Twin #1 (as Electra Avellán)
Elise Avellan ... Babysitter Twin #2 (as Elise Avellán)

Quentin Tarantino ... Rapist #1 / Zombie eating road kill
Greg Kelly ... Rapist #2

Troy Robinson ... Soldier #1
Derek Southers ... Soldier #2

Jason Douglas ... Lewis
Michael Parks ... Earl McGraw
Jerili Romeo ... Ramona McGraw
Felix Sabates ... Dr. Felix

Doran Ingram ... Patient (as Doran Ingrham)
Johnny Reno ... Sax Survivor

Danny Trejo ... Machete

Cheech Marin ... Priest

Corey Burton ... Additional Narrator (voice)
resto del cast in ordine alfabetico:

Cathy Baron ... Hot pedestrian (uncredited)

Zoe Bell ... Sicko Eating Paramedic #2 (uncredited)
Leroy Castanon ... Sicko (uncredited)
D.J. Castillo ... Zombie (uncredited)
Jake Garber ... Gas pump zombie (uncredited)
Sammy Harte ... Infected Girl (uncredited)

Andrea Lee ... Sicko (uncredited)

Malosi Leonard ... Sicko Burn Victim (uncredited)
John McLean ... Sicko Coach (uncredited)

Dana Reed ... Sicko / Soldier (uncredited)

Emmy Robbin ... Hot Female Deputy (uncredited)

Robert Rodriguez ... Man (uncredited)
Christine Rose ... Sicko (uncredited)

Ava Santana ... Sicko (uncredited)
Create a character page for: ?

Prodotto da
Elizabeth Avellan .... producer (as Elizabeth Avellán)
Sandra Condito .... executive producer
Tom Proper .... associate producer
Robert Rodriguez .... producer
Luz María Rojas .... line producer: Mexico (as Luz Maria Rojas Magnón)
Bill Scott .... line producer
Quentin Tarantino .... producer
Bob Weinstein .... executive producer
Harvey Weinstein .... executive producer
Erica Steinberg .... producer (uncredited)

Musiche originali di
Robert Rodriguez

Fotografia di
Robert Rodriguez (director of photography)

Montaggio di
Ethan Maniquis
Robert Rodriguez

Responsabile casting
Mary Vernieu

Scenografie di
Steve Joyner

Caylah Eddleblute

Jeanette Scott

Costumi di
Nina Proctor

Jaremy Aiello .... special makeup effects sculptor: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Chad Atkinson .... special makeup effects mechanics: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Howard Berger .... special makeup effects designer
Mark Boley .... special makeup effects crew: hair department, K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Chris Cera .... special makeup effects mold maker: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Barry Crane .... special makeup effects mold maker: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Gino Crognale .... on-set special makeup effects artist: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Jeff L. Deist .... special makeup effects mold maker: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc. (as Jeff Diest)
Alex Diaz .... special makeup effects sculptor: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Becki Drake .... makeup artist
Jeff Edwards .... special makeup effects mechanics: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Eric Fiedler .... special makeup effects mechanics: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Robert Freitas .... special makeup effects mold maker: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc. (as Rob Frietas)
Jake Garber .... on-set special makeup effects artist: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Brian Goehring .... special makeup effects mold maker: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Steve Hartman .... special makeup effects art department: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Beth Hathaway .... special makeup effects fabrication department: K.N.B. EFX Group
Jeff Himmel .... special makeup effects fabrication department: K.N.B. EFX Group
Grady Holder .... special makeup effects mold maker: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Akihito Ikeda .... special makeup effects sculptor: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc. (as Akithito Ikeda)
Garrett Immel .... on-set special makeup effects artist: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Derek Krout .... special makeup effects foam running: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Jim Leonard .... special makeup effects mold maker: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Mike McCarty .... special makeup effects art department: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Bruce D. Mitchell .... special makeup effects fabrication department: K.N.B. EFX Group
Clare Mulroy .... on-set special makeup effects artist: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc. (as Claire Mulroy)
Darylin Nagy .... key makeup artist
Gregory Nicotero .... special makeup effects designer
Ermahn Ospina .... department head makeup
Scott Patton .... special makeup effects designer: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Scott Patton .... special makeup effects sculptor: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Jason Pinsker .... special makeup effects art department: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Ron Pipes .... on-set special makeup effects artist: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Charmaine Richards .... hair stylist
Ben Rittenhouse .... special makeup effects foam running: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Joe Rivera .... department head hair
Dirk Rogers .... special makeup effects art department: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Andy Schoneberg .... special makeup effects sculptor: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Shannon Shea .... special makeup effects shop foreman: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Lino Stavole .... special makeup effects mold maker: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Katherine Sulley .... special makeup effects art department: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Wayne Toth .... special makeup effects mechanics: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Khanh Trance .... special makeup effects crew: hair department, K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc. (as Khanh Tran)
Patricia Urias .... special makeup effects foam running: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
A.J. Venuto .... special makeup effects mold maker: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Kevin Wasner .... on-set special makeup effects artist: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc.
Brendan Whynaucht .... special makeup effects mold maker: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc. (as Brandon Whynaucht)
David Wogh .... special makeup effects mechanics: K.N.B. EFX Group, Inc. (as Dave Wogh)

Direttore di produzione
Adriana Aimo .... unit manager: Mexico
Tim Clawson .... executive in charge of physical production
Shannon McIntosh .... executive vice president in charge of post-production
Shannon McIntosh .... executive vice president in charge of production
Luz María Rojas .... unit production manager: Mexico (as Luz Maria Rojas Magnón)
Richard Saperstein .... executive in charge of production
Bill Scott .... unit production manager

Aiuto regista
Brian Bettwy .... first assistant director
Susan Jasso .... second second assistant director (as Susana Jasso)
David Rimer .... second assistant director
Diego Sandoval .... assistant director: Mexico
Diego Sandoval .... assistant director: Mexico

Art Department
David Michael Ableman .... painter (as Michael Abelman)
Jeff B. Adams Jr. .... set designer (as Jeff B. Adams)
Marc Baird .... digital storyboard artist
J.P. Barrow .... welder
Randy Bilski .... construction medic
Edward J. Borasch Jr. .... property master (as Ed Borasch Jr.)
Bart Brown .... gang boss
Jennifer Brown .... buyer
Rodney Brown .... general foreman
Marcia Bruscato-Poss .... buyer
Bart Bryant .... prop fabricator
Lee Calaway .... prop fabricator
Kit Casati .... prop fabricator
Tom Christopher .... set dresser
Dirk Clark .... propmaker
Chris Clayton .... set dresser
Debbie Cortez Haber .... art department coordinator (as Debbie Haber)
Travis Dean .... prop fabricator
Tim Dingle .... scenic painter
Tommy Dippel .... prop fabricator
Michael Dudash .... painter
Bill Dunagin .... propmaker (as Bill Dunagan)
Mary Duque .... art department assistant
Sheila M. Eitson .... scenic foreman
Troy Engel .... prop fabricator
Karen Foster .... painter
Steve Gallien .... welder
Ken Gaston-Kilgore .... set dresser
Jammie S. Goodman .... painter (as Jimmie S. Goodman)
John B. Goodman .... painter
Juliet Guimont .... scenic painter
Mark Gutierrez .... utility technician
David Hack .... leadman
Erika Jeanne Hagler .... property department production assistant
Eric Henshaw .... greens foreman
Edwin Glen Hill .... paint laborer
Robyn Jacobs .... painter
Thomas Karl Jr. .... lead scenic
Jerry Kilber .... propmaker
Garry Kirks .... propmaker
Marcus LaPorte .... prop fabricator (as Marcus Laporte)
Melody Lloyd .... construction medic
Timothy W. Lobdell .... propmaker (as Tim Lobdell)
Garcia L. Sonia .... scenic painter (as Sonia Garcia)
David MacDonald .... on-set greensman
Christopher Martin .... propmaker
Brian T. McCarty .... prop fabricator (as Brian McCarty)
Brian T. McCarty .... welder (as Brian McCarty)
Andy McCauley .... propmaker
Joe McCusker .... construction coordinator
Kyle Melgaard .... prop fabricator
Leslie Milligan .... prop fabricator
Richard M. Moore .... propmaker (as Richard Moore)
Forest Myers .... propmaker
Dustin C. Newcomb .... prop fabricator (as Dustin Newcomb)
Ivan Page .... prop fabricator
Darren Patnode .... on-set dresser
Rob Perkins .... propmaker
Ronald Perkins .... construction foreman
Jeff Poss .... head prop fabricator
Felix Rosales III .... utility technician
Molly Scott .... property department production assistant
Charles Seale .... propmaker
Mike Semon .... assistant property master
Alan R. Serotta .... construction foreman (as Alan Serotta)
Rob Simons .... set designer
John C. Smith Jr. .... painter
Tyler Smith .... property assistant
Paul Steele .... prop fabricator (as Paul Steel)
Christopher Stull .... set dresser
Kara Sutherlin .... stand-by painter
James Toole .... propmaker
Kurt Volk .... graphic designer: Troublemaker
Mike Walker .... painter
Tom Ward .... prop fabricator
Hap Weaver .... greensman

Ethan Andrus .... production sound mixer
Joaquin Gonzalo Avellán .... foley editor (as Joaquin Avellán)
David Bach .... adr editor
Steve Baine .... foley artist
Thadd Day .... sound utility
Brad Engleking .... re-recording stage engineer
Paula Fairfield .... sound design editor
Paula Fairfield .... sound effects editor
Alan Freedman .... adr recordist
Gina Gyles .... foley assistant (as Gina Wark)
William Jacobs .... sound design editor
William Jacobs .... sound effects editor
Bob Kellough .... sound supervising assistant (as Robert Kellough)
Charles Maynes .... sound design editor
Charles Maynes .... sound effects editor
Carla Murray .... sound design editor
Carla Murray .... sound effects editor
Angelo Palazzo .... sound design editor
Angelo Palazzo .... sound effects editor
Peter Persaud .... foley recordist
John Pritchett .... production sound mixer
Tim Rakoczy .... supervising sound editor
Sergio Reyes .... re-recording mixer
David M. Roberts .... boom operator (as David Roberts)
Robert Rodriguez .... re-recording mixer
Charles Ewing Smith .... dialogue editor
Tom Sturgis .... boom operator
Michael Swanner .... sound utility

Effetti speciali
Jim Cavalucci .... special effects tech (as James Cavalucci)
Robbie Clot .... special effects tech (as Robert Clot)
Kyle Collingsworth .... special effects tech
Sean Cone .... special effects shop medic
Guy C. Feldman .... special effects tech (as Guy Feldman)
Nick Karas .... special effects tech
Wes Mattox .... special effects tech
Marc McCord .... special effects tech (as Mark McCord)
James W. McCormick .... special effects tech (as J.W. McCormick)
John McLeod .... special effects coordinator
Brian Montgomery .... special effects tech
Mike Reedy .... special effects tech (as Michael Reedy)
Romy Stevenson .... special effects shop medic
Frank W. Tarantino .... special effects foreman (as Frank Tarantino)
Dick Wood .... special effects shop foreman (as Richard Wood)
Daniel Yates .... special effects tech (as Dan Yates)

Visual Effects
Jeffrey Acord .... information technology (as Jeff Acord)
Toader Alex .... visual effects concept art lead (as Alex Toader)
Jonathan Alvord .... visual effects assistant (as Jon Alvord)
Ken Ashe .... president: Matchframe
Renee Binkowski .... digital artist: The Orphanage, Inc.
Chris Blankenship .... senior composite editor: Matchframe
Brendan Bolles .... compositor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Kirstin Bradfield .... compositing lead: The Orphanage, Inc.
Rodney Brunet .... visual effects previsualization lead
Aaron Burns .... 2D artist
Kris Bushover .... information technology (as Kristopher Bushover)
Daniela Calafatello .... modeler: The Orphanage, Inc.
Owen Calouro .... matchmove artist: The Orphanage, Inc.
Josh Cardenas .... digital artist: The Orphanage, Inc.
Can Chang .... compositor: The Orphanage, Inc. (as Can Chan)
Patrick Clancey .... fire artist (as Pat Clancey)
Webster Colcord .... animator: The Orphanage, Inc.
Dianna Colton .... executive producer: Matchframe
Michael Cordova .... compositor
Joe C. D'Amato .... support and resource admin: The Orphanage, Inc. (as Joe D'Amato)
Emily Davis .... visual effects coordinator
Andrew Dela Cruz .... 2D lead
Peter Demarest .... compositor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Michael Dillon .... digital intermediate assistant producer
Tim Dobbert .... matchmove supervisor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Jim Eberle .... Flame artist
Arlend Engar .... digital artist: The Orphanage, Inc.
Jud Estes .... Flame artist
Arin Finger .... visual effects producer: The Orphanage
Michael Hall .... digital artist: The Orphanage, Inc.
Youngwook Ham .... modeler: The Orphanage, Inc.
Heather Han .... rotoscope artist: The Orphanage, Inc.
Jonathan Harman .... digital artist: The Orphanage, Inc. (as Jon Harman)
Jon Herman .... information technology
Sunghwan Hong .... rotoscope artist: The Orphanage, Inc.
Jessica Hsieh .... compositor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Karen Huang .... visual effects production assistant: The Orphanage, Inc.
Michael Larry Hutchinson .... visual effects assistant editor: The Orphanage, Inc. (as Michael L. Hutchinson)
Chris Jack .... production assistant: Troublemaker Digital Studios
Mike Janov .... computer graphics supervisor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Christian Kaestner .... film damage compositor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Michelle Kater .... rotoscope artist: The Orphanage, Inc.
Jason Key .... digital artist: The Orphanage, Inc.
Jin Yong Kim .... matchmove artist: The Orphanage, Inc. (as Jesse Kim)
Amber Kirsch .... visual effects producer
Michal Kriukow .... modeler: The Orphanage, Inc.
Jessica Lai .... matchmove artist: The Orphanage, Inc.
Danny Lee .... compositor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Sam Lee .... compositor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Soyoun Lee .... rotoscope artist: The Orphanage, Inc.
Woei Lee .... compositor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Joel LeLièvre .... digital artist: The Orphanage, Inc. (as Joel Lelievre)
Douglas R. MacMillan .... digital artist: The Orphanage, Inc. (as Doug MacMillan)
Kevin Mains .... modeler: The Orphanage, Inc.
Ian McCamey .... visual effects editor: The Orphanage
Kyle McCulloch .... compositor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Timothy Mueller .... compositing lead: The Orphanage, Inc. (as Tim Mueller)
Natalie Nolan .... film damage compositor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Luke O'Byrne .... visual effects executive producer: The Orphanage, Inc.
Chris Olivia .... visual effects lead
Michael Oregon .... support: The Orphanage, Inc.
Alex Patanjo .... digital artist: The Orphanage, Inc.
Alexander Pouchkarev .... modeler: The Orphanage, Inc.
Dav Rauch .... film damage compositing supervisor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Aaron Rhodes .... rotoscope supervisor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Carlos Rincones .... visual effects production assistant
Shane Roberts .... matte painter: The Orphanage, Inc.
Robert Rodriguez .... digital effects executive producer: Troublemaker Digital
Robert Rodriguez .... visual effects supervisor
Corey Rosen .... creature supervisor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Salvador Ruiz .... animator: The Orphanage, Inc. (as Sal Ruiz)
Evan Ryan .... resource technical assistant: The Orphanage, Inc.
Marc Sadeghi .... visual effects executive producer: The Orphanage, Inc.
Charles Schwartz .... matchmove artist: The Orphanage, Inc. (as Charlie Schwartz)
Misty Segura .... compositor: The Orphanage, Inc. (as Misty Barbour)
Emmanuel Shiu .... matte painting supervisor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Bongkee Sohn .... rigger: The Orphanage, Inc.
James Sweeney .... matchmove artist: The Orphanage, Inc.
Mike Terpstra .... compositor: The Orphanage, Inc.
Brian Tolle .... matchmove artist: The Orphanage, Inc.
Ryan Tudhope .... visual effects supervisor: The Orphanage, Inc.
David Valentin .... visual effects coordinator: The Orphanage, Inc.
Kristi Valk .... matte painter: The Orphanage, Inc.
Alex Wang .... lead digital artist: The Orphanage, Inc.
Gordon T. Wittmann .... visual effects digital production manager: The Orphanage, Inc. (as Gordon Wittmann)
Tiffany Wu .... visual effects coordinator: The Orphanage, Inc.
Kwang Jib Kim .... visual effects production (uncredited)

Christopher 'Critter' Antonucci .... stunts (as Chris Antonucci)
Matt Baker .... stunts
Zoe Bell .... stunts (as Zoë Bell)
Jennifer Caputo .... stunts
Jeffrey J. Dashnaw .... stunt coordinator (as Jeff Dashnaw)
Jeffrey J. Dashnaw .... stunts (as J.J. Dashnaw)
Steve M. Davison .... stunts (as Steve Davison)
Jeremy Fitzgerald .... stunts
Ryan Fitzgerald .... stunts
Lance Gilbert .... stunts
Dick Hancock .... stunts (as Richard Hancock)
Buddy Joe Hooker .... stunts
Norman Howell .... stunts
Jeff Imada .... stunts
Tracy Keehn-Dashnaw .... stunts (as Tracy Keehn Dashnaw)
Josh Kemble .... stunts
Oakley Lehman .... stunts
Malosi Leonard .... stunts
Billy D. Lucas .... stunts
Dana Reed .... stunts
Darryl Reeves .... stunts
Jimmy N. Roberts .... stunts (as Jimmy N. Roberts III)
Troy Robinson .... stunts
James Ryan .... stunts
Jeff Schwan .... stunts
Tim Trella .... stunts
Garrett Warren .... stunts
Tracy Keehn-Dashnaw .... stunt driver (uncredited)
Malosi Leonard .... stunt double: Quentin Tarantino (uncredited)
Dana Reed .... stunt double: Rose McGowan/Twins (uncredited)

Camera and Electrical Department
Kelly Bogdan .... second assistant camera: "b" camera
Jorge Bonilla Tapia .... grip: Mexico (as Jorge Bonilla)
Juan Gabriel Brito .... grip: Mexico
Scott Conn .... company electrician
John Eschberger .... company electrician
Matt Fliehler .... company electrician
Dale Hunter .... digital imaging engineer
Chip Huntington .... company grip
Robert Janecka .... company electrician
Kurt Kornemann .... best boy grip
Jon H. Lewis .... rigging gaffer (as John H. Lewis)
Jimmy Lindsey .... camera operator
Jimmy Lindsey .... director of photography: second unit
Sean Maxwell .... dolly grip
Raul Mello .... company electrician
Orlando Javier Mora .... rigging electrician (as Orlando Mora)
P.K. Munson .... first assistant camera: "b" camera
Jeff Peterson .... company electrician
Paul Pryor .... camera production assistant
Robert Rendon .... second assistant camera: "a" camera
Phillip Renke .... best boy rigging grip
Pedro Reyes .... crane operator: Mexico
Donis Rhoden .... company grip
Robert Rodriguez .... camera operator
Arturo Rojas .... crane operator: Mexico
John 'Fest' Sandau .... chief lighting technician (as John Sandau)
Mike Sheeren .... dolly grip
Ferrell A. Shinnick .... key grip (as Ferrell Shinnick)
Tom Shinn .... best boy rigging electrician
Todd Smiley .... assistant chief lighting technician (as Todd E. Smiley)
Pete Stockton .... key rigging grip
Stefan Tarzan .... camera operator: "b" camera
Rico Torres .... still photographer
Timothy Travis .... company grip
Joe Vasquez .... company grip
Sebastian Vega .... first assistant camera: "a" camera

Casting Department
J.C. Cantu .... casting associate
Lindsay Graham .... casting assistant
Beth Sepko .... extras casting
Beth Sepko .... local casting
Daniel Srbovan .... casting assistant
Sheila Steele .... extras casting assistant
Sheila Steele .... local casting assistant

Costume and Wardrobe Department
Brenda J. Chambers .... set costumer (as Brenda Chambers)
Betty Chlystek .... costume cutter
Betty Chlystek .... costume draper
Marcia Evers .... costume shop supervisor
Janice Janacek .... set costumer (as Janice Janecek)
Esther Marquis .... stitcher
Vanessa Nirode .... key set costumer
Erin Randall .... costumer
A. Clare Capper Wasserman .... costume production assistant (as A. Clare Wasserman)

Editorial Department
Emily Davis .... post-production coordinator
Dan Jimenez .... editorial assistant
Michael Kennedy .... digital intermediate producer (as Mike Kennedy)
Natasha Leonnet .... digital intermediate colorist
Curtis Lindersmith .... digital intermediate editor
Jay Mahavier .... first assistant editor
Matthew McGinn .... high definition services assistant (as Matt McGinn)
Jim Passon .... color timer
Tom Reiser .... digital intermediate color assistant
Travis Smith .... apprentice editor

Music Department
Mark Curry .... music mixing engineer
Alan Howarth .... composer: additional music
Rachel Levy .... executive in charge of music
Jill Meyers .... music business affairs
George Oldziey .... composer: additional music
Graeme Revell .... composer: additional music
Robert Rodriguez .... music producer
David E. Russo .... music programmer (as David Russo)
David E. Russo .... musician: guitars (as David Russo)
Carl Thiel .... composer: additional music
Carl Thiel .... music mixer
Carl Thiel .... music producer

Transportation Department
Lino Alba Jr. .... driver
Wilbert Canto .... driver: line producer/unit production manager, Mexico
Billy L. Chambers .... driver (as Billy Chambers)
Gary Chambers .... driver
Ronnie D. Chambers .... transportation captain (as Ron Chambers)
Rusty Chambers .... driver
Mark Cice .... driver
Charles Coulter .... driver
Sam Craytor .... driver
Tracy Craytor .... driver
Mark Crosby .... driver
Billy Cude .... driver
Rolando De Hoyos .... driver
Jim Dicuffa .... driver (as Jim DiCuffa)
Joe Dye .... driver
Angel Espinoza .... driver: USA crew, Mexico
Cecil D. Evans .... transportation coordinator
Joe Gallien .... driver
Steve Gallien .... driver
Peggy Grounds .... driver
Dwayne Haevischer .... transportation captain
Mike Hitch .... driver
Tim Holt .... driver
Joe Llanes .... driver
Andrea Longan .... driver
David McAree .... driver
Lonnie Nelson .... driver
Ronald L. Paschall .... driver (as Ronald Paschall)
Jennifer Ramirez .... driver
Pablo Ramos .... driver: utility van, Mexico
Armando Rodriguez .... driver
Hector G. Rodriguez .... driver (as Hector Rodriguez)
Charles D. Russell .... driver (as Charles Russell)
Zenon Sanchez .... mechanic: Mexico
Bobby Sconci .... driver
Bobby Sconci Jr. .... driver
Russell Scott .... driver
Hari Sin .... driver: director, Mexico
Daniel Stewart .... driver
Jesus F. Tellez .... driver (as Jessie Tellez)
Tim Thompson .... driver
Alvaro Viteri .... driver: SpaceCam crew, Mexico
Mary D. Ward .... driver
Gary Wier .... driver
Darwin Witte .... driver

Altro personale
Gisela Aburto .... caterer: Mexico
David Ackerman .... assistant chef
Mariana Acuña Acosta .... key set production assistant: Mexico (as Mariana Acuña)
Adam Alfter .... assistant chef
Eleonora Avellan .... operations: Troublemaker Studios (as Eleonora Avellán)
Ken Beggs .... animal coordinator
Megan Bertrang .... post-production accounting clerk
Debbie Bilski .... craft service
Randy Bilski .... set medic
Garrett Bjorkman .... assistant chef
Kenneth Q. Brown .... assistant: Ms. Avellán
Darwin Carabeo .... representative: INAH Tulum, Mexico
Luis Carrillo .... insurance: Mexico
Travis Carr .... key set production assistant
Will Casey .... unit publicist (as William Casey)
Tai-San Choo .... accounting clerk
Linda Lee Clark .... craft service assistant (as Linda Clark)
Jacqueline Cole .... local production assistant: Mexico
Bobbi Colorado .... animal coordinator
Cecilia Conti .... assistant: Mr. Rodriguez
Logan Cooper .... location manager
Amanda Curry .... first assistant accountant
Scott Duncan .... chef
Diana Durán .... accounting: Mexico
Angela Farmer .... assistant: Ms. McGowan
Joe Fiske .... craft service
Joe Forlini .... craft service assistant
Robbie Friedmann .... location manager
Pam Fuller .... script supervisor
Mike Gillespie .... craft service
Wyman Gilliam .... assistant chef
Jeffrey Gladu .... payroll accountant (as Jeff Gladu)
Victor Manuel Gomez .... pilot: Mexico (as Cap. Victor Manuel Gomez)
Todd Green .... assistant production coordinator
Tony Griffin .... key set production assistant
Matthew K. Grigsby .... production accountant
Elsa Hermoso .... accounting: Mexico
Dan Hill .... facilities maintenance: Troublemaker Studios
Sarah Jordan .... office production assistant
Joshua Kersey .... accounting: Troublemaker Studios
Margo Kornemann .... second assistant accountant
Andrew Kramer .... executive in charge of business and legal affairs
Gerardo Leal .... local production assistant: Mexico
Kim LeBlanc .... production assistant
Jody LeHeup .... location assistant (as Jody Leheup)
Melody Lloyd .... set medic
David Long .... caterer
Aaron Lee Lopez .... set production assistant (as Aaron Lopez)
Santiago Martinez .... facilities manager: Troublemaker Studios
Marc McCord .... armorer (as Mark McCord)
Julie McLean .... assistant: Mr. Tarantino
Yhara Mejia .... production coordinator: Mexico (as Yhara Mejía)
Whitney J. Miller .... post-production accountant (as Whitney Miller)
Lumumba Mosquera .... executive in charge of business and legal affairs
Monica Munoz .... office production assistant
Mario Olivares .... security: Mr. Rodriguez, Mexico
Monika Petrillo .... script supervisor
Mariah Rehmet .... assistant chef
Dawn Robinette .... payroll accountant
Robert Rodriguez .... chef: Mr. Rodriguez
Saul Sanchez .... craft service assistant
Pilar Savone .... assistant: Mr. Tarantino
Jimmy Schwertner .... assistant location manager
Jessica Sloan .... production assistant
Damon Speidel .... craft service assistant
Frances Stafford .... set production assistant
Cynthia Streit .... production coordinator
David Thibodeaux .... security: Troublemaker Studios
Vanessa Thomas .... travel assistant
Adriana Velázquez .... representative: INAH Quintana Roo, Mexico
Reyes Villareal .... facilities maintenance: Troublemaker Studios
Kurt Volk .... title designer

Clifford Antone .... special thanks (as Clifford Antone RIP)
Susan Antone .... special thanks
Louis Black .... special thanks: The Austin Chronicle
Charlie Boswell .... special thanks: AMD
John Carpenter .... special thanks
Rana Joy Glickman .... special thanks
Holly Hershfelt .... special thanks
Karrie League .... special thanks: The Alamo Drafthouse
Tim League .... special thanks: The Alamo Drafthouse (as Tim)
Lety Ledezma .... special thanks
Linda Lopez .... special thanks
Brewster McCracken .... special thanks (as Councilman Brewster McCracken)
Margarita Perez .... special thanks
Anita Perry .... special thanks (as First Lady Anita Perry)
Rick Perry .... special thanks (as The Honorable Rick Perry Governor of Texas)
Rosy Reyes .... special thanks
Racer Rodriguez .... special thanks (as Maximiliano)
Rebel Rodriguez .... special thanks (as Antonio)
Rhiannon Rodriguez .... special thanks (as Rhiannon)
Rocket Rodriguez .... special thanks (as Valentino)
Rogue Rodriguez .... special thanks (as Joaquin Cecilio)
Hector Ruiz .... special thanks: AMD
Gloria Villafuerte .... special thanks
Will Wynn .... special thanks (as Mayor Will Wynn)

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"The Simpsons"

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Series Directed by
Mark Kirkland (59 episodes, 1990-2008)
Steven Dean Moore (39 episodes, 1995-2008)
Jim Reardon (35 episodes, 1990-2004)
Bob Anderson (30 episodes, 1993-2008)
Wesley Archer (26 episodes, 1990-1996)
Mike B. Anderson (25 episodes, 1996-2008)
David Silverman (23 episodes, 1989-2006)
Nancy Kruse (21 episodes, 1999-2008)
Matthew Nastuk (20 episodes, 1998-2008)
Rich Moore (17 episodes, 1990-1993)
Michael Polcino (13 episodes, 2000-2008)
Jeffrey Lynch (12 episodes, 1991-1996)
Susie Dietter (12 episodes, 1994-2007)
Pete Michels (11 episodes, 1997-2003)
Lance Kramer (11 episodes, 2000-2008)
Carlos Baeza (9 episodes, 1991-1994)
Dominic Polcino (8 episodes, 1995-2001)
Chuck Sheetz (8 episodes, 1997-2008)
Raymond S. Persi (8 episodes, 2005-2008)
Swinton O. Scott III (7 episodes, 1995-1999)
Neil Affleck (7 episodes, 1997-2000)
Michael Marcantel (7 episodes, 2000-2006)
Lauren MacMullan (7 episodes, 2001-2004)
Mark Ervin (3 episodes, 1998-1999)
Jen Kamerman (3 episodes, 2000-2001)
Chris Clements (3 episodes, 2003-2008)
Matthew Faughnan (3 episodes, 2006-2008)
Milton Gray (2 episodes, 1990-1998)
Brad Bird (2 episodes, 1990-1991)
Kent Butterworth (2 episodes, 1990)
Ralph Sosa (2 episodes, 2006-2008)
Rob Oliver (2 episodes, 2007)

Series Writing credits
James L. Brooks (428 episodes, 1989-2008)
Matt Groening (428 episodes, 1989-2008)
Sam Simon (428 episodes, 1989-2008)
John Swartzwelder (60 episodes, 1990-2003)
Dan Greaney (37 episodes, 1995-2004)
David X. Cohen (35 episodes, 1993-1998)
Richard Appel (32 episodes, 1994-1998)
Jennifer Crittenden (28 episodes, 1994-1997)
Matt Selman (24 episodes, 1997-2008)
Jon Vitti (23 episodes, 1990-2004)
Bill Canterbury (22 episodes, 1993-1994)
Al Jean (17 episodes, 1990-2001)
Ian Maxtone-Graham (15 episodes, 1996-2008)
Tim Long (14 episodes, 1999-2008)
Don Payne (14 episodes, 2000-2008)
Josh Weinstein (13 episodes, 1992-1996)
John Frink (13 episodes, 2000-2008)
Bill Oakley (12 episodes, 1992-1995)
Mike Scully (12 episodes, 1994-2002)
Joel H. Cohen (11 episodes, 2001-2008)
George Meyer (10 episodes, 1990-2000)
Mike Reiss (10 episodes, 1990-1997)
Jay Kogen (10 episodes, 1990-1993)
Jeff Martin (10 episodes, 1990-1993)
Wallace Wolodarsky (10 episodes, 1990-1993)
Carolyn Omine (10 episodes, 2000-2008)
David M. Stern (8 episodes, 1990-1999)
Greg Daniels (8 episodes, 1993-1996)
Ron Hauge (7 episodes, 1997-2000)
Donick Cary (7 episodes, 1997-1999)
Larry Doyle (7 episodes, 1998-2001)
Matt Warburton (7 episodes, 2002-2008)
Michael Price (7 episodes, 2003-2008)
J. Stewart Burns (7 episodes, 2003-2007)
Jonathan Collier (6 episodes, 1994-1996)
Ken Keeler (6 episodes, 1995-1997)
Dana Gould (6 episodes, 2001-2007)
Kevin Curran (6 episodes, 2002-2008)
Marc Wilmore (6 episodes, 2002-2008)
Daniel Chun (5 episodes, 2005-2008)
Conan O'Brien (4 episodes, 1992-1993)
Dan McGrath (4 episodes, 1993-1994)
Steve Tompkins (4 episodes, 1995-1997)
Brent Forrester (4 episodes, 1995-1996)
Dan Castellaneta (4 episodes, 2000-2006)
Deb Lacusta (4 episodes, 2000-2006)
Bill Odenkirk (4 episodes, 2004-2008)
Frank Mula (3 episodes, 1993-2000)
Brian Scully (3 episodes, 1998-1999)
Tom Martin (3 episodes, 1999-2001)
Brian Kelley (3 episodes, 2002-2004)
Jeff Westbrook (3 episodes, 2006-2008)
Billy Kimball (3 episodes, 2007-2008)
Valentina Garza (3 episodes, 2008)
David Isaacs (2 episodes, 1990-1991)
Ken Levine (2 episodes, 1990-1991)
Gary Apple (2 episodes, 1992-1997)
Bob Kushell (2 episodes, 1994-1996)
Penny Wise (2 episodes, 1994-1995)
Joshua Sternin (2 episodes, 1995-1998)
Jeffrey Ventimilia (2 episodes, 1995-1998)
Rachel Pulido (2 episodes, 1996-1997)
Reid Harrison (2 episodes, 1997-2008)
Ned Goldreyer (2 episodes, 1997-1998)
Steve O'Donnell (2 episodes, 1998)
Julie Thacker (2 episodes, 2000-2001)
Rob LaZebnik (2 episodes, 2000)
Bob Bendetson (2 episodes, 2001-2002)
Andrew Kreisberg (2 episodes, 2002-2003)
Allen Glazier (2 episodes, 2003-2004)
Stephanie Gillis (2 episodes, 2007-2008)

Series Cast

Dan Castellaneta ... Homer Simpson / ... (427 episodes, 1989-2008)
Julie Kavner ... Marge Simpson / ... (427 episodes, 1989-2008)

Nancy Cartwright ... Bart Simpson / ... (427 episodes, 1989-2008)

Yeardley Smith ... Lisa Simpson / ... (427 episodes, 1989-2008)

Harry Shearer ... Ned Flanders / ... (427 episodes, 1989-2008)

Hank Azaria ... Chief Wiggum / ... (418 episodes, 1989-2008)
Pamela Hayden ... Milhouse Van Houten / ... (351 episodes, 1989-2008)
Tress MacNeille ... Agnes Skinner / ... (301 episodes, 1990-2008)
Karl Wiedergott ... Additional Voices / ... (186 episodes, 1998-2008)
Maggie Roswell ... Maude Flanders / ... (161 episodes, 1990-2008)

Marcia Wallace ... Edna Krabappel / ... (146 episodes, 1990-2008)
Russi Taylor ... Martin Prince / ... (135 episodes, 1990-2008)

Phil Hartman ... Troy McClure / ... (53 episodes, 1991-1998)
Doris Grau ... Lunchlady Doris / ... (24 episodes, 1989-1997)

Joe Mantegna ... Fat Tony (22 episodes, 1991-2008)

Frank Welker ... Santa's Little Helper / ... (19 episodes, 1991-2002)
Jo Ann Harris ... Additional Voices / ... (11 episodes, 1989-1992)
Marcia Mitzman Gaven ... Maude Flanders / ... (11 episodes, 1999-2002)

Maurice LaMarche ... Various / ... (11 episodes, 1995-2008)

Kelsey Grammer ... Sideshow Bob (10 episodes, 1990-2007)

Jon Lovitz ... Artie Ziff / ... (9 episodes, 1991-2007)
Greg Berg ... Additional voices / ... (8 episodes, 1990-1997)
Jan Hooks ... Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon (7 episodes, 1997-2002)

Jane Kaczmarek ... Judge Constance Harm (7 episodes, 2001-2007)

Albert Brooks ... Jacques / ... (5 episodes, 1990-2005)
Michael Carrington ... Comedian / ... (4 episodes, 1993-2006)

Alex Rocco ... Roger Meyers Jr. / ... (4 episodes, 1990-1997)
Sally Stevens ... 'People' Singer / ... (4 episodes, 1996-2006)
Charles Napier ... Warden / ... (4 episodes, 2001-2005)

Lona Williams ... Amber Dempsey / ... (3 episodes, 1991-1992)

James Earl Jones ... Narrator / ... (3 episodes, 1990-1998)
Joan Kenley ... Woman on Phone (3 episodes, 1995-1997)
Chris Latta ... Mr. Burns / ... (3 episodes, 1989-1990)
Sab Shimono ... Additional Voices / ... (3 episodes, 1991-2007)
Pamela Reed ... Ruth Powers (3 episodes, 1992-2003)
Stacy Keach ... Howard Duff / ... (3 episodes, 2001-2006)

Eric Idle ... Declan Desmond (3 episodes, 2003-2007)
Stephen Hawking ... Himself (3 episodes, 1999-2007)

Dana Gould ... Additional Voices / ... (3 episodes, 2002-2007)

George Takei ... Akira / ... (3 episodes, 1991-2001)

Glenn Close ... Mother Simpson / ... (3 episodes, 1995-2008)

Julia Louis-Dreyfus ... Gloria (3 episodes, 2001-2008)
Terry Greene ... Julio (3 episodes, 2003-2005)
Susan Blu ... Boy #2 / ... (2 episodes, 1990)

Beverly D'Angelo ... Lurleen Lumpkin (2 episodes, 1992-2008)

David Crosby ... Himself (2 episodes, 1993)

Tito Puente ... Himself (2 episodes, 1995)
Sam McMurray ... Duff commercial voice / ... (2 episodes, 1990)
Joe Frazier ... Himself (2 episodes, 1992-2006)

Betty White ... Herself (2 episodes, 2000-2007)

Kiefer Sutherland ... Army Colonel / ... (2 episodes, 2006-2007)
Ron Taylor ... Bleeding Gums Murphy (2 episodes, 1990-1995)

Danny DeVito ... Herb Powell (2 episodes, 1991-1992)

Susan Sarandon ... Ballet Teacher / ... (2 episodes, 1995-2006)

Larry King ... Himself (2 episodes, 1991-1994)

Steve Allen ... Bart's electronically altered voice / ... (2 episodes, 1992-1995)

Elizabeth Taylor ... Herself / ... (2 episodes, 1992-1993)
Barry White ... Himself (2 episodes, 1993)

Tony Bennett ... Himself (2 episodes, 1990-2002)

Alec Baldwin ... Dr. Caleb Thorn / ... (2 episodes, 1998-2005)

Ron Howard ... Himself (2 episodes, 1998-1999)

Shawn Colvin ... Rachel Jordan (2 episodes, 2000-2001)
Kipp Lennon ... Flaming Moe's Song Vocalist / ... (2 episodes, 1991)

Michael McKean ... David St. Hubbins / ... (2 episodes, 1992-1999)

Leonard Nimoy ... Himself (2 episodes, 1993-1997)
Thomas Pynchon ... Himself (2 episodes, 2004)

J.K. Simmons ... J. Jonah Jameson / ... (2 episodes, 2006-2007)

Adam West ... Batman / ... (2 episodes, 1992-2002)
Dick Tufeld ... 'Lost in Space' Robot / ... (2 episodes, 1998-2004)
Jackie Mason ... Rabbi Hyman Krustofski (2 episodes, 1991-2003)

Dave Thomas ... Bob Hope / ... (2 episodes, 1997-2006)
Michael Dees ... 'New York, New York' singer (2 episodes, 1997-2006)
Christopher Collins ... Additional Voices (2 episodes, 1990)
Tom Kite ... Himself (2 episodes, 1996-2000)
Paul Winfield ... Lucious Sweet (2 episodes, 1996-1998)

David Hyde Pierce ... Cecil Terwilliger (2 episodes, 1997-2007)
Denice Kumagai ... Dancing Woman #2 / ... (2 episodes, 1997-1999)
Karen Maruyama ... Dancing Woman #1 / ... (2 episodes, 1997-1999)
Gedde Watanabe ... Factory Foreman / ... (2 episodes, 1997-1999)

Brian Grazer ... Himself (2 episodes, 1998-2008)
William Daniels ... K.I.T.T. (2 episodes, 1998-2004)

Regis Philbin ... Himself (2 episodes, 1998-2003)
Hank Williams Jr. ... 'Canyonero' Singer (2 episodes, 1998-1999)

John Kassir ... Donkey / ... (2 episodes, 1999-2002)

Gary Coleman ... Himself (2 episodes, 1999-2000)
Deb Lacusta (2 episodes, 2002-2004)

'Weird Al' Yankovic ... Himself (2 episodes, 2003-2008)

Steve Buscemi ... Dwight / ... (2 episodes, 2003-2007)
Keith Olbermann ... Himself (2 episodes, 2007)
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Series Produced by
James L. Brooks .... executive producer (418 episodes, 1989-2008)
Matt Groening .... executive producer (418 episodes, 1989-2008)
Sam Simon .... executive producer (418 episodes, 1989-2008)
Al Jean .... consulting producer / executive producer / ... (184 episodes, 1989-2008)
Richard Sakai .... producer (183 episodes, 1989-2008)
Mike Reiss .... consulting producer / executive producer / ... (175 episodes, 1989-2008)
David Silverman .... producer / consulting producer (173 episodes, 1991-2008)
George Meyer .... co-executive producer / producer / ... (166 episodes, 1990-2005)
J. Michael Mendel .... associate producer / producer / ... (160 episodes, 1989-1997)
David Mirkin .... consulting producer / executive producer / ... (139 episodes, 1990-2008)
Richard Raynis .... producer (125 episodes, 1992-2008)
Mike Scully .... producer / supervising producer / ... (123 episodes, 1993-2008)
Bill Oakley .... executive producer / supervising producer / ... (110 episodes, 1993-1998)
Josh Weinstein .... executive producer / supervising producer / ... (110 episodes, 1993-1998)
Jonathan Collier .... producer / supervising producer (98 episodes, 1993-1998)
Greg Daniels .... co-executive producer / producer / ... (97 episodes, 1993-1997)
Ian Maxtone-Graham .... consulting producer / executive producer / ... (82 episodes, 1995-2008)
Michael Wolf .... animation producer / animation executive producer (73 episodes, 1992-2008)
John Swartzwelder .... producer / co-producer (70 episodes, 1991-1994)
Joseph A. Boucher .... associate producer / producer / ... (67 episodes, 1991-1995)
Alexander Duke .... associate producer (67 episodes, 2003-2008)
David X. Cohen .... co-producer / supervising producer / ... (65 episodes, 1995-1999)
Jace Richdale .... co-executive producer / consulting producer (60 episodes, 1993-1999)
Larina Adamson .... producer / supervising producer / ... (58 episodes, 1989-2008)
Phil Roman .... animation executive producer (57 episodes, 1992-1999)
Bill Schultz .... animation producer (57 episodes, 1992-1997)
Jay Kogen .... supervising producer / producer (55 episodes, 1990-1992)
Wallace Wolodarsky .... supervising producer / producer (55 episodes, 1990-1992)
Ken Keeler .... producer / supervising producer / ... (55 episodes, 1995-1998)
Steve Tompkins .... supervising producer / co-executive producer (53 episodes, 1995-1998)
Conan O'Brien .... producer / supervising producer (52 episodes, 1991-1993)
Gabor Csupo .... animation executive producer / executive animation producer: Klasky-Csupo (48 episodes, 1990-1992)
Sherry Gunther .... animation producer / animation producer: Klasky-Csupo (48 episodes, 1990-1992)
Jon Vitti .... producer / co-producer (48 episodes, 1991-1993)
David Sacks .... supervising producer / producer (47 episodes, 1993-1995)
Bill Odenkirk .... co-executive producer / supervising producer (39 episodes, 2005-2008)
Frank Mula .... producer / supervising producer / ... (38 episodes, 1992-2000)
Richard Appel .... producer / co-executive producer / ... (36 episodes, 1996-1998)
Colin A.B.V. Lewis .... associate producer / co-producer (34 episodes, 1993-1997)
Ken Tsumura .... animation co-producer: Gracie Films (31 episodes, 1993-1995)
Ron Hauge .... producer / co-executive producer / ... (30 episodes, 1997-2008)
Tim Long .... executive producer / co-executive producer / ... (30 episodes, 2000-2008)
Dan Greaney .... producer / co-executive producer / ... (29 episodes, 1997-2008)
Dan McGrath .... consulting producer (28 episodes, 1996-1998)
Brent Forrester .... co-producer (27 episodes, 1995-1997)
Jeff Martin .... producer (25 episodes, 1992-1993)
Harold Kimmel .... supervising producer (22 episodes, 1993-1994)
Carolyn Omine .... consulting producer / producer / ... (20 episodes, 1999-2008)
Matt Selman .... executive producer / co-executive producer / ... (20 episodes, 1999-2008)
John Frink .... co-executive producer / producer / ... (20 episodes, 2000-2008)
Don Payne .... co-executive producer / consulting producer / ... (20 episodes, 2000-2008)
Kevin Curran .... co-executive producer / consulting producer (19 episodes, 1998-2008)
Tom Gammill .... producer / consulting producer (19 episodes, 1999-2008)
Max Pross .... producer / consulting producer (19 episodes, 1999-2008)
Laurie Biernacki .... animation producer / animation associate producer (17 episodes, 1996-2008)
Michael Price .... co-executive producer / supervising producer (17 episodes, 2001-2008)
J. Stewart Burns .... co-executive producer / supervising producer (17 episodes, 2003-2008)
Joel H. Cohen .... co-executive producer / co-producer / ... (16 episodes, 2003-2008)
Marc Wilmore .... co-executive producer / producer / ... (16 episodes, 2003-2008)
Bonita Pietila .... producer (15 episodes, 1999-2008)
Denise Sirkot .... producer (15 episodes, 2000-2008)
Julie Thacker .... co-producer / supervising producer / ... (14 episodes, 1997-2003)
Dominique Braud .... associate producer / post-production co-producer (14 episodes, 1999-2008)
Richard Chung .... animation co-producer (14 episodes, 2002-2008)
Felicia Nalivansky .... associate producer (13 episodes, 2000-2008)
Rick Polizzi .... animation producer (13 episodes, 2003-2008)
David M. Stern .... producer / consulting producer (12 episodes, 1992-1999)
John W. Hyde .... animation executive producer (12 episodes, 2003-2008)
Dana Gould .... co-executive producer (12 episodes, 2003-2007)
Matt Warburton .... supervising producer / co-producer / ... (12 episodes, 2005-2008)
Jeff Westbrook .... producer / supervising producer / ... (12 episodes, 2006-2008)
David Richardson .... supervising producer (11 episodes, 1993-1994)
Donick Cary .... producer / supervising producer (11 episodes, 1997-1999)
Brian Scully .... co-producer / producer (11 episodes, 1997-1999)
Daniel Chun .... co-producer / producer (11 episodes, 2006-2008)
Scott D. Greenberg .... animation executive producer (8 episodes, 2006-2008)
Jeffrey L. Goldstein .... associate producer (6 episodes, 1993-1995)
Gerry Richardson .... producer (6 episodes, 1993)
Rob LaZebnik .... co-executive producer (6 episodes, 2000-2008)
Craig Knizek .... associate producer (4 episodes, 1990)
Larry Doyle .... producer / co-producer / ... (4 episodes, 1999-2000)
Tom Martin .... producer / co-producer / ... (4 episodes, 1999-2000)
Brian Kelley .... supervising producer / co-executive producer / ... (4 episodes, 2003-2008)
Jason Bikowski .... animation associate producer (4 episodes, 2005-2008)
Brian Kelley .... consulting producer (4 episodes, 2008)
Sherry Argaman .... animation producer (3 episodes, 1990)
Margot Pipkin .... animation producer (3 episodes, 1990)
John Hyde .... animation executive producer (3 episodes, 2002-2008)
Paul Germain .... co-producer (2 episodes, 1990)
Tom Brady .... co-producer (2 episodes, 1995)
Patric Verrone .... co-producer (2 episodes, 1995)

Joel Kuwahara .... animation co-producer (unknown episodes)
Josh Lieb .... co-executive producer (unknown episodes)
Jon F. Vein .... animation executive producer (unknown episodes)

Series Original Music by
Alf Clausen (175 episodes, 1990-2008)
Richard Gibbs (13 episodes, 1989-1990)
Arthur B. Rubinstein (2 episodes, 1990)

Series Film Editing by
Don Barrozo (127 episodes, 1990-2008)
Mark McJimsey (80 episodes, 1991-1996)
Brian K. Roberts (35 episodes, 1989-1991)
Michael Bridge (22 episodes, 1994-2008)
Ric Eisman (13 episodes, 1989-1990)
Kurtis Kunsak (11 episodes, 1993-2008)
Lee Harting (4 episodes, 1991-1996)

Tim Long (unknown episodes)

Series Casting by
Bonita Pietila (128 episodes, 1989-2008)

Series Production Management
Ken Tsumura .... animation production manager (68 episodes, 1990-1993)
Michael P. Schoenbrun .... executive in charge of production: Gracie Films (50 episodes, 1991-1993)
Maria Elena Rodriguez .... animation production manager (46 episodes, 1990-1992)
Barbara Cordova .... production manager (41 episodes, 1992-1995)
Michael Stanislavsky .... executive in charge of production: Gracie Films (37 episodes, 1989-1991)
Anne Luiting .... studio production manager / vice president in charge of production (32 episodes, 1993-1996)
Laurie Biernacki .... production manager / animation production manager (31 episodes, 1994-1997)
Alison Elliott .... post-production supervisor (27 episodes, 1994-1997)
Miles Lewis Horst .... production manager (25 episodes, 1992-1994)
Richard Raynis .... executive in charge of animation production (23 episodes, 1991-1992)
Jeffrey L. Goldstein .... post-production supervisor (23 episodes, 1992-1993)
Colin A.B.V. Lewis .... post-production supervisor (23 episodes, 1992-1993)
Joseph A. Boucher .... post-production supervisor (22 episodes, 1990-1991)
Angela Ousey .... animation post-production supervisor / post-production supervisor (22 episodes, 1993-1995)
Pamela Kleibrink Thompson .... animation production manager (16 episodes, 1990-1991)
Brian J. Kaufman .... post-production supervisor (15 episodes, 2000-2008)
Sherry Argaman .... animation production manager (13 episodes, 1989-1990)
Christine Griswold .... animation post-production supervisor / post-production supervisor / ... (11 episodes, 1995-1997)
Elizabeth Hernandez .... animation production supervisor / animation production manager (7 episodes, 1999-2008)
Alexander Duke .... post-production supervisor (6 episodes, 1999-2003)
Barbara Donatelli .... animation production manager (5 episodes, 1990)
Raymond Iacovacci .... production manager (4 episodes, 1994)
Jason Bikowski .... animation production manager (4 episodes, 2002-2003)
Michael Mahan .... animation post-production supervisor (3 episodes, 2002-2008)
Joel Kuwahara .... animation production manager: Gracie Films (2 episodes, 1995-1996)
Martin Alvarez .... animation production manager / animation production supervisor (2 episodes, 1996-1999)
Trista H. Navarro .... animation production supervisor (2 episodes, 2008)

Richard Chung .... animation production manager: Gracie Films (unknown episodes)

Series Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
Matthew Faughnan .... assistant director (20 episodes, 2000-2008)
Bob Anderson .... assistant director (13 episodes, 1990-1993)
Alan Smart .... assistant director (13 episodes, 1990-1993)
Dominic Polcino .... assistant director (12 episodes, 1991-1995)
Swinton O. Scott III .... assistant director (10 episodes, 1990-1994)
Susie Dietter .... assistant director (9 episodes, 1991-1993)
Howy Parkins .... assistant director (7 episodes, 1991-1993)
Mike B. Anderson .... assistant director (6 episodes, 1993-1995)
Rob Oliver .... assistant director (6 episodes, 2005-2007)
Carlos Baeza .... assistant director (5 episodes, 1990-1991)
Mark Ervin .... assistant director (5 episodes, 1992-1995)
David T. Blum .... assistant director (3 episodes, 1990-1991)
Cyndi Tang-Loveland .... assistant director (3 episodes, 1994-1997)
Matthew Nastuk .... assistant director (3 episodes, 1994-1995)
Nancy Kruse .... assistant director (3 episodes, 1995-1997)
Pete Michels .... assistant director (3 episodes, 1995-1996)
Klay Hall .... assistant director (3 episodes, 1995)
Jim Reardon .... assistant director (2 episodes, 1990)
Tom Mazzocco .... assistant director (2 episodes, 1993)
Neil Affleck .... assistant director (2 episodes, 1994)
Steven Dean Moore .... assistant director (2 episodes, 1994)
Grant Lee .... assistant director (2 episodes, 2002-2003)

Davy Lauterbach .... assistant director (unknown episodes)

Series Art Department
Lisa S. Waggoner .... assistant color designer (130 episodes, 2002-2008)
Paul Fetler .... color designer / color design supervisor (103 episodes, 1990-1997)
Brad Ableson .... storyboard artist (85 episodes, 1998-2008)
Karen Bauer .... color designer / color design supervisor (75 episodes, 1992-2008)
Cookie Tricarico .... painter / color designer (65 episodes, 1990-1997)
Belle Norman .... painter (58 episodes, 1992-1999)
John Mathot .... storyboard artist / storyboard / ... (56 episodes, 1992-2008)
Gyorgyi Peluce .... color designer / background painting (55 episodes, 1989-1992)
Kevin O'Brien .... storyboard / storyboard supervisor / ... (55 episodes, 1991-1997)
Steven Dean Moore .... storyboard / storyboard supervisor / ... (51 episodes, 1990-1994)
Carol Wyatt .... color design supervisor / color designer / ... (51 episodes, 1990-1992)
Daniel Harris .... color designer (44 episodes, 1990-1992)
Casey Clayton .... painter (40 episodes, 1992-1995)
Mike Battle .... assistant color designer (40 episodes, 2006-2008)
Kim Taylor .... color designer / color design supervisor (37 episodes, 1992-1994)
Samantha Harrison .... color design supervisor / color designer (36 episodes, 1990-1992)
Andrew Brandou .... color designer / color design supervisor (35 episodes, 1991-1993)
Martin Archer .... storyboard / storyboard artist / ... (34 episodes, 1992-2008)
Peter Avanzino .... storyboard / storyboard artist / ... (31 episodes, 1990-2003)
Ira Sherak .... storyboard artist (31 episodes, 2004-2008)
John Rice .... storyboard assistant / storyboard / ... (26 episodes, 1991-2005)
Syd Kato .... color designer (26 episodes, 1994-1999)
Tricia Garcia .... storyboard assistant / storyboard / ... (23 episodes, 1991-1995)
Dominique Blaskovich .... color designer / color design supervisor (23 episodes, 1993-2003)
Amy Klees-Rychlich .... color designer (22 episodes, 1995-2003)
Catherine Simmonds .... color designer / color design supervisor (20 episodes, 1990-1991)
Brian Mark .... color designer (20 episodes, 1992-1993)
Grant Lee .... color designer / storyboard revisionist (20 episodes, 1994-2002)
Teale Wang .... color designer / color design supervisor (19 episodes, 1990-1991)
Raymie Muzquiz .... storyboard / storyboard revisions / ... (18 episodes, 1990-1992)
Jeff Myers .... storyboard revisions / storyboard (17 episodes, 1992-1997)
Ted Mathot .... storyboard artist / storyboard (17 episodes, 1995-1998)
Shigeko Doyle .... painter (17 episodes, 1995-1997)
Jeffrey Lynch .... storyboard / storyboard artist / ... (16 episodes, 1990-1996)
Adriana M. Galvez .... color designer / background painter (15 episodes, 1992-1993)
Ken Harsha .... storyboard revisions / property designer / ... (14 episodes, 1990-1991)
Jefferson R. Weekley .... prop designer / property designer / ... (14 episodes, 1992-2008)
Lucas Gray .... prop designer / background clean-up artist / ... (14 episodes, 1992-2007)
Jerry Richardson .... storyboard revisions / storyboard (13 episodes, 1991-1992)
Jim Reardon .... storyboard consultant / storyboard (12 episodes, 1990-2008)
David Silverman .... storyboard / lead storyboard / ... (12 episodes, 1990-1995)
Robert Angelini .... color designer (11 episodes, 1993-1994)
Steve Markowski .... storyboard / storyboard assistant (9 episodes, 1992-1993)
Bill Riling .... storyboard assistant (9 episodes, 1992-1993)
Kelly James .... storyboard revisions (9 episodes, 1992)
Janet Watson .... color designer (8 episodes, 1991-1992)
Ray Johnson Jr. .... storyboard assistant / storyboard (8 episodes, 1992-1993)
Leslie Ellery .... color designer (7 episodes, 1992)
Rich Moore .... storyboard / storyboard artist / ... (6 episodes, 1989-1992)
Wesley Archer .... storyboard / storyboard artist (6 episodes, 1990-1994)
Barbara Jewel .... color designer (6 episodes, 1991)
Norman Quebedeau .... storyboard revisions / storyboard cleanup (6 episodes, 1991)
Mike B. Anderson .... storyboard consultant / storyboard (6 episodes, 1996-2003)
Eli Balser .... color designer (6 episodes, 2007-2008)
Anne Legge .... color designer (6 episodes, 2007-2008)
Mark Kirkland .... storyboard (5 episodes, 1990-1994)
Bev Chapman .... background clean-up supervisor / storyboard revisions / ... (5 episodes, 1991-1992)
Dexter Reed .... storyboard (5 episodes, 1994-1995)
Christian Roman .... storyboard / storyboard artist / ... (5 episodes, 1996-1999)
Adam Van Wyk .... storyboard artist (5 episodes, 1997)
Susie Dietter .... storyboard / storyboard revisions (4 episodes, 1991-1996)
Dominic Polcino .... storyboard (4 episodes, 1991-1996)
Scott Alberts .... storyboard / storyboard artist (4 episodes, 1994-2008)
Glen Wuthrich .... storyboard / storyboard artist (4 episodes, 1999-2008)
Orlando Baeza .... storyboard artist (4 episodes, 1999-2003)
Anne Balser .... color designer / color design supervisor (4 episodes, 2002-2003)
Andrew Burrell .... property designer / prop designer (4 episodes, 2002-2003)
Daniel Chiu .... color designer (4 episodes, 2002-2003)
Chris Bolden .... color designer (4 episodes, 2008)
Stephen Debonrepos .... storyboard artist (3 episodes, 1990-1991)
David Schwartz .... storyboard / storyboard artist (3 episodes, 1990-1991)
Mark Ervin .... storyboard / storyboard assistant (3 episodes, 1993-2008)
Gary Graham .... storyboard (3 episodes, 1994-1995)
Celia Kendrick .... storyboard (3 episodes, 1996-2007)
Martin Alvarez .... assistant color designer (3 episodes, 2003)
Jeanne Erickson .... assistant color designer (3 episodes, 2003)
Rudi Berden .... storyboard revisionist / storyboard revisions (3 episodes, 2007-2008)
Lance Wilder .... background designer (2 episodes, 1989-2007)
Brad Bird .... storyboard (2 episodes, 1990-1991)
Timothy Burgard .... storyboard / storyboard artist (2 episodes, 1990)
Barry Caldwell .... storyboard (2 episodes, 1990)
Barbara Hiestand .... color designer / painter (2 episodes, 1990)
Howy Parkins .... storyboard assistant / storyboard revisions (2 episodes, 1991-1993)
John Eng .... storyboard (2 episodes, 1991)
Paul Wee .... storyboard cleanup (2 episodes, 1991)
Carlos Baeza .... storyboard (2 episodes, 1992-1993)
Edgar Duncan .... background clean-up artist (2 episodes, 1992)
David Felix .... background clean-up artist (2 episodes, 1992)
Dexter Griffin .... background clean-up artist (2 episodes, 1992)
Lynna Johnson .... background clean-up artist (2 episodes, 1992)
Trevor C. Johnson .... background clean-up artist (2 episodes, 1992)
Herb Moore .... background clean-up artist (2 episodes, 1992)
Art Morales .... background clean-up artist (2 episodes, 1992)
Mark Oftedal .... background clean-up artist (2 episodes, 1992)
Bob Anderson .... storyboard (2 episodes, 1994)
Roy Meurin .... storyboard (2 episodes, 1994)
Swinton O. Scott III .... storyboard (2 episodes, 1995)
Chris Moeller .... storyboard (2 episodes, 1996)
Lauren MacMullan .... storyboard artist (2 episodes, 2003)
Peter Maivia .... background clean-up artist (2 episodes, 2003)
John Krause .... prop designer (2 episodes, 2008)
Bob Miller .... storyboard revisionist (2 episodes, 2008)

Chris Reccardi .... storyboard artist (unknown episodes, 1992-1993)
Jeff 'Swampy' Marsh .... storyboard artist (unknown episodes)

Series Sound Department
Travis Powers .... sound designer / sound effects editor / ... (418 episodes, 1989-2008)
Robert Mackston .... sound editor: dialogue / dialogue editor / ... (107 episodes, 1990-2008)
Derek Sample .... adr recordist (103 episodes, 1989-1994)
Mark McJimsey .... sound editor: dialogue / dialogue editor (95 episodes, 1990-1996)
Ronny Cox .... production sound mixer / sound recordist / ... (84 episodes, 1991-2008)
Brad Brock .... production sound mixer / sound mixer (78 episodes, 1989-1993)
Anthony D'Amico .... sound re-recording mixer (76 episodes, 1991-1995)
Terry Greene .... sound editor: dialogue / dialogue editor (73 episodes, 1992-2008)
R. Russell Smith .... sound re-recording mixer (71 episodes, 1992-2007)
Greg Orloff .... sound re-recording mixer (62 episodes, 1992-1997)
Randy Piotroski .... sound recordist (55 episodes, 1991-1994)
Brian K. Roberts .... sound editor: dialogue / dialogue editor (39 episodes, 1989-1991)
Gary Montgomery .... sound re-recording mixer (36 episodes, 1989-1991)
Gregory Cheever .... sound recordist (31 episodes, 1993-1995)
Kurt Carpenter .... sound recordist (27 episodes, 1990-1991)
Jim Fitzpatrick .... sound re-recording mixer (23 episodes, 1990-1991)
Peter Cole .... sound re-recording mixer (21 episodes, 1991-1992)
Gary Gegan .... sound re-recording mixer (19 episodes, 1991-1992)
Mike Reale .... sound recordist (19 episodes, 1994-1995)
Alan Decker .... sound re-recording mixer (18 episodes, 2007-2008)
Brad Sherman .... sound re-recording mixer (17 episodes, 1990-1991)
Ken Wiley .... sound recordist (17 episodes, 1990-1991)
Norm MacLeod .... sound editor: dialogue / dialogue editor (17 episodes, 1996-2008)
William Freesh .... sound re-recording mixer (11 episodes, 1999-2007)
Terry Brown .... sound recordist (9 episodes, 1996-2000)
Robert Nichols II .... sound recordist (9 episodes, 2005-2008)
Tim Lauber .... sound recordist (8 episodes, 2006-2008)
Matt Sawelson .... sound editor: dialogue (7 episodes, 1991)
Bob Hile .... sound recordist (7 episodes, 1996-1997)
Kim Drummond .... sound editor: dialogue (5 episodes, 1995-1996)
Richard Schwadel .... sound editor: dialogue (4 episodes, 1990-1991)
Larry Spotts .... sound recordist (4 episodes, 2002-2003)
Billy Theriot .... adr mixer (4 episodes, 2006-2007)
Brian Magrum .... sound re-recordist (4 episodes, 2007-2008)
Mark Linden .... sound re-recording mixer (4 episodes, 2008)
Tom Long .... sound recordist (3 episodes, 2003)
Bill Henderson .... sound re-recording engineer (2 episodes, 1990-1992)
Bill Thiederman .... production sound mixer / sound re-recording mixer (2 episodes, 1990-1991)
Craig Heath .... sound recordist (2 episodes, 1993)
Dan Hiland .... sound re-recording mixer (2 episodes, 1994)
Michael Bridge .... sound editor: dialogue (2 episodes, 1995)
Tony Cappelli .... sound editor: dialogue (2 episodes, 1997)
John Garret Gorman .... sound recordist (2 episodes, 2000-2002)
Rick Riccio .... sound mixer (2 episodes, 2007)
Alan Decker .... sound re-recording mixer (2 episodes, 2008)
Laurie Wetzler .... track reader (2 episodes, 2008)

Yuri Gorbachow .... adr recordist (unknown episodes, 1991)
Wade Wilson .... sound editor (unknown episodes, 1998-2000)
Tracy Bolt .... sound recordist (unknown episodes, 1998-1999)
Alek Bromke .... voiceover recording assistant (unknown episodes)
Colin Cooper .... voiceover recordist (unknown episodes)
Colette Dahanne .... adr mixer (unknown episodes)
Jesse K-D. Dodd .... adr recordist (unknown episodes)
Louise Jaffe .... sound mixer (unknown episodes)
Ken Kobett .... sound re-recording mixer (unknown episodes)
Michael Miller .... adr recordist (unknown episodes)
Conner Moore .... adr recordist (unknown episodes)
Roger Morris .... adr mixer (unknown episodes)
John Rotondi .... sound engineer: Y4 (unknown episodes)
Eric Shemkovitz .... adr recordist (unknown episodes)

Series Visual Effects by
John van Barneveld .... visual effects (30 episodes, 2000-2002)
Scott Ostrowsky .... telecine: Compact Video / telecine operator: Compact Video (8 episodes, 1991-1992)
Fred Eldridge .... telecine: Compact Video / telecine operator: Compact Video (3 episodes, 1991-1992)
Carol VanHook .... visual effects (3 episodes, 2005-2007)
Harry Eisenstein .... 3D animator / CGI supervisor / ... (3 episodes, 2006-2008)
Rosanna Lyons .... effects layout / effects layout artist (3 episodes, 2008)
Dan Bernadino .... telecine: Compact Video (2 episodes, 1991)
Brent M. Bowen .... CG artist / digital artist (2 episodes, 2006-2007)
Peter Gend .... visual effects (2 episodes, 2006-2007)
William L. Arance .... animator (2 episodes, 2007-2008)

Simon de Jong .... visual effects (unknown episodes)
Adam Howard .... digital compositor (unknown episodes)
Andy Jolliff .... digital compositor (unknown episodes)
Steven J. Scott .... digital compositor (unknown episodes)

Series Camera and Electrical Department
James Keefer .... animation camera operator / animation camera (61 episodes, 1989-1992)
Patrick Buchanan .... animation camera / animation camera supervisor / ... (52 episodes, 1992-1996)
Robert Ingram .... animation camera / animation camera supervisor / ... (52 episodes, 1992-1996)
Karen Shaffer .... animation camera operator / animation camera (40 episodes, 1990-1992)
Wesley Smith .... animation camera operator / animation camera / ... (37 episodes, 1989-1991)
Laszlo Lakits .... animation camera operator / animation camera (27 episodes, 1990-1992)
Ted C. Bemiller .... animation camera / animation camera operator (21 episodes, 1992-1994)
Brad Long .... animation camera operator / animation camera (13 episodes, 1991-1992)
Glynn Beaty .... animation camera / animation camera operator (11 episodes, 1992)
Colin Campbell .... animation camera operator (10 episodes, 1990-1991)
Richard Beaty .... animation camera operator / animation camera (7 episodes, 1991-1992)
Lisa Cohen .... animation camera / animation camera operator (7 episodes, 1992)
John Alexander Reed .... animation camera / animation camera operator (6 episodes, 1994)
Reid Kramer .... animation camera operator / animation camera (5 episodes, 1999-2003)
Eric Loudon .... animation camera operator / animation camera (5 episodes, 1999-2003)
Karen Johnson .... animation camera operator (4 episodes, 1990)
Mickey Renley .... animation camera operator (2 episodes, 1991)
Gregory Hinde .... animation camera / animation camera operator (2 episodes, 1994)

Ron Eisenberg .... still photographer (unknown episodes)

Series Animation Department
Sam Simon .... character designer (130 episodes, 1989-2008)
Matt Groening .... character designer (128 episodes, 1989-2008)
Dale Hendrickson .... character design supervisor / character designer (113 episodes, 1989-1997)
Scott Alberts .... character designer / character design supervisor / ... (104 episodes, 1990-1997)
Kent Holaday .... lip sync / lip sync artist (101 episodes, 1990-1999)
Mike Girard .... animation director: overseas / animator (89 episodes, 1990-1994)
Tibor Belay .... animator: main title animation / character layout artist / ... (81 episodes, 1989-1995)
Eduardo Olivares .... animator: main title animation / character layout artist / ... (78 episodes, 1989-1993)
Kevin Petrilak .... animator: main title animation (78 episodes, 1990-1993)
Gregg Vanzo .... animator: main title animation / layout artist / ... (76 episodes, 1989-1993)
Istvan Fellner .... animator: main title animation / character layout artist / ... (74 episodes, 1989-1993)
Jackie Banks .... animation checker / animation checking supervisor / ... (74 episodes, 1990-1995)
Mark Ervin .... animator: main title animation / character layout artist / ... (73 episodes, 1990-2008)
Gabriel DeFrancesco .... assistant retake director / character layout artist (72 episodes, 2001-2008)
Craig Clark .... animator: main title animation / character layout artist / ... (69 episodes, 1990-1993)
Jeff Myers .... animator: main title animation / background layout artist / ... (67 episodes, 1990-1993)
Kevin Wurzer .... animator: main title animation (67 episodes, 1990-1993)
John Krause .... background designer / background layout artist (66 episodes, 1990-2003)
Frederick J. Gardner III .... animator: main title animation / character layout artist / ... (66 episodes, 1990-1993)
Sondra Roy .... animator: main title animation / character layout artist (66 episodes, 1990-1993)
Lance Wilder .... background designer / background design supervisor (57 episodes, 1990-2008)
Lynna Johnson .... background clean-up artist / background layout artist / ... (55 episodes, 1990-1995)
Maria Mariotti .... background designer / background layout artist (53 episodes, 1990-1997)
Phyllis Craig .... ink and paint supervisor (52 episodes, 1992-1996)
Jefferson R. Weekley .... background clean-up artist / background layout artist (51 episodes, 1990-1996)
Lucas Gray .... character layout artist / background clean-up artist / ... (50 episodes, 1991-2007)
Istvan Majoros .... character layout artist / layout artist (49 episodes, 1990-2003)
Sue Bielenberg .... background clean-up artist / character layout artist / ... (49 episodes, 1990-1996)
N.J. Kim .... animation director: overseas / animation producer: overseas / ... (49 episodes, 1991-2002)
Zsuzsa Lamy .... animation checker / animator: main title animation (48 episodes, 1990-1992)
John Rice .... character designer (47 episodes, 1990-1992)
Debbie Silver .... background layout artist / background clean-up artist / ... (45 episodes, 1990-1997)
Utit Choomuang .... animation director: overseas / overseas animation director / ... (44 episodes, 1990-2008)
Rick Salonga .... background clean-up artist / background clean-up supervisor / ... (41 episodes, 1990-2007)
Alex Dilts .... background designer (40 episodes, 1990-1992)
Joe Wack .... character designer / character design supervisor (40 episodes, 1994-2008)
Eric Keyes .... character layout artist / character designer / ... (39 episodes, 1990-2008)
Pete Michels .... animation timer / background layout artist / ... (39 episodes, 1990-1996)
Younghee Higa .... animation checker / animation checking supervisor (37 episodes, 1990-1997)
John Berman .... background layout artist (36 episodes, 1990-1995)
Chris Loudon .... character layout artist / background clean-up artist / ... (35 episodes, 1990-2003)
Sarge Morton .... character layout artist (34 episodes, 1990-1997)
Doug Yurchey .... background clean-up artist (34 episodes, 1990-1991)
Nancy Kruse .... character layout artist / background layout artist / ... (32 episodes, 1990-1996)
Paul Wee .... character layout artist (31 episodes, 1990-1995)
Noah Miller .... character layout artist (30 episodes, 1990-1995)
J.C. Park .... animation director: overseas / animation producer: overseas / ... (30 episodes, 1991-1997)
Matthew Nastuk .... character layout artist / background layout artist (29 episodes, 1990-1994)
Michael Camarillo .... background clean-up artist / background layout artist (28 episodes, 1990-1991)
Trevor C. Johnson .... background clean-up artist / background layout artist / ... (27 episodes, 1990-1999)
Steve Mealue .... character layout artist (27 episodes, 1990-1996)
Mike B. Anderson .... character layout artist / animation timer (27 episodes, 1990-1994)
John Mathot .... background clean-up artist / character layout artist / ... (27 episodes, 1991-1995)
Phil Ortiz .... background designer / character designer / ... (26 episodes, 1989-1991)
Jen Kamerman .... character layout artist / background clean-up artist (26 episodes, 1991-2002)
Kim Taylor .... background clean-up artist / background clean-up supervisor (25 episodes, 1990-1992)
Wesley Smith .... animation checking supervisor / animation checker (25 episodes, 1991-1992)
Neil Affleck .... animation timer / additional animation timer (24 episodes, 1991-1995)
Andi Klein .... character layout artist / animation timer (23 episodes, 1990-1997)
Edgar Duncan .... background clean-up artist / background designer / ... (23 episodes, 1991-1997)
Merle Welton .... animation checker (23 episodes, 1991-1993)
Jeff McGrath .... animation timer / sheet timing (22 episodes, 1990-1992)
Chris Reccardi .... character layout artist (22 episodes, 1990-1991)
Eric Stefani .... character layout artist / layout artist (21 episodes, 1989-1997)
Jordan Reichek .... character layout artist / background clean-up artist (21 episodes, 1990-1995)
Andrew Brandou .... background clean-up artist / color design supervisor (21 episodes, 1990-1992)
Sarah Frost .... background layout artist / animation timer (21 episodes, 1991-1997)
Phil Hayes .... background layout artist / background clean-up artist (21 episodes, 1991-1995)
Andres Tejeda .... character layout artist (21 episodes, 1991-1995)
Bev Chapman .... background clean-up artist / background clean-up supervisor (21 episodes, 1991-1992)
Chuck Sheetz .... animation timer / assistant director: animation (20 episodes, 1991-1996)
Glen Wuthrich .... background layout artist / character layout artist (20 episodes, 1991-1995)
Orlando Baeza .... character layout artist (19 episodes, 1990-1997)
Tricia Garcia .... background layout artist / character layout artist (19 episodes, 1990-1995)
Peter Shin .... character layout artist / animation timer / ... (19 episodes, 1990-1995)
Kui Yong Kim .... background layout artist (19 episodes, 1991-1995)
David Felix .... background clean-up artist (19 episodes, 1991-1992)
Dexter Griffin .... background clean-up artist (19 episodes, 1991-1992)
Thomas Richner .... character layout artist / animation timer / ... (19 episodes, 1999-2004)
Michael Marcantel .... character layout artist (18 episodes, 1990-2008)
Becca Ramos .... background layout artist / animation checker (18 episodes, 1991-1997)
Sean Applegate .... character designer (18 episodes, 1992-1993)
Steve Socki .... animation timer (17 episodes, 1991-1992)
Adam Kuhlman .... animation timer / additional timer (17 episodes, 1992-2008)
Richard J. Gasparian .... timing director (17 episodes, 2003-2008)
J.C. Wegman .... character layout artist / layout artist / ... (16 episodes, 1990-2008)
Martin Archer .... character layout artist (16 episodes, 1990-1995)
Kelly James .... character layout artist (16 episodes, 1990-1992)
Rick Bugental .... animation timer / sheet timing (16 episodes, 1990-1991)
Jerry Richardson .... background layout artist / background clean-up artist (16 episodes, 1990-1991)
Lance Kramer .... character layout artist (16 episodes, 1992-1997)
Brad Ableson .... character layout artist (16 episodes, 1996-1999)
Michael Polcino .... character layout artist / animation timer / ... (15 episodes, 1991-1999)
Gary McCarver .... animation timer / character layout artist (15 episodes, 1992-1996)
Colin Heck .... character layout artist (15 episodes, 2000-2004)
Mike Moon .... background clean-up artist (14 episodes, 1990-1991)
Howy Parkins .... character layout artist / animation timer (14 episodes, 1991-1995)
Mark Oftedal .... background clean-up artist (14 episodes, 1991-1992)
Jennifer Moeller .... character layout artist (14 episodes, 2004-2008)
Gabor Csupo .... supervising animation director (13 episodes, 1989-1990)
Maxine Markota .... animation checker (13 episodes, 1989-1990)
Shaun Cashman .... character layout artist (13 episodes, 1990-1996)
Anthony Bell .... character layout artist (13 episodes, 1990-1992)
Adriana M. Galvez .... character layout artist (13 episodes, 1990-1992)
Luis Escobar .... character layout artist (13 episodes, 1994-2008)
Ray Johnson Jr. .... layout artist / character layout artist (12 episodes, 1990-1993)
Sang-Jin Kim .... animation director: overseas / character layout artist (12 episodes, 1990-1992)
Moon Choi .... layout artist / character layout artist / ... (12 episodes, 1990-1991)
Tom Coppola .... layout artist / character layout artist (12 episodes, 1990-1991)
Jeff Pidgeon .... character layout artist (12 episodes, 1990-1991)
Cyndi Tang-Loveland .... character layout artist / animation timer (12 episodes, 1992-1994)
Jim Reardon .... supervising animation director / supervising director of animation (12 episodes, 1997-1998)
Kevin Moore .... character designer (12 episodes, 2000-2008)
Milton Gray .... animation timer / layout artist / ... (11 episodes, 1989-2008)
Jang Woo Lee .... layout artist / animator / ... (11 episodes, 1989-1990)
Nikki Vanzo .... animation checker (11 episodes, 1989-1990)
Tuck Tucker .... character layout artist / animation timer (11 episodes, 1990-1992)
Bob Tyler .... character layout artist / layout artist (11 episodes, 1990-1991)
Dan Povenmire .... character layout artist (11 episodes, 1992-1995)
David Bastian .... animation timer (11 episodes, 1993-1996)
Thomas Woodall .... character layout artist (11 episodes, 1994-2003)
Bronwen Barry .... layout artist (10 episodes, 1989-1990)
Margot Pipkin .... animation producer (10 episodes, 1989-1990)
Swinton O. Scott III .... layout artist / animator (10 episodes, 1989-1990)
Chris Clements .... character layout artist (10 episodes, 1990-1996)
Susie Dietter .... character layout artist / animation timer / ... (10 episodes, 1990-1992)
David S. Karoll .... background layout artist (10 episodes, 1990-1991)
Emily Schwappach .... character layout artist (10 episodes, 1990-1991)
George S. Chialtas .... animation timer (10 episodes, 1992-1994)
Art Morales .... background clean-up artist (10 episodes, 1992)
Tomihiro Yamaguchi .... character layout artist (10 episodes, 1993-1997)
Emily Michels .... character layout artist (10 episodes, 1993-1996)
Dominic Polcino .... animation timer / character layout artist (9 episodes, 1990-1994)
Cole Shortt .... background layout artist (9 episodes, 1990-1992)
Ken Bruce .... layout artist / animator (9 episodes, 1990)
Laurie Hanson .... animation checker (9 episodes, 1990)
Jeff 'Swampy' Marsh .... background layout artist / background designer / ... (9 episodes, 1991-1995)
Adam Dykstra .... character layout artist (9 episodes, 1992-1995)
Klay Hall .... animation timer / character layout artist (9 episodes, 1992-1995)
Bob Logan .... character layout artist (9 episodes, 1992-1993)
Ely Lester .... character layout artist (9 episodes, 1994-2008)
Robyn Anderson .... lip sync / animation production assistant / ... (9 episodes, 1999-2008)
Bill Bemiller .... animation checker (9 episodes, 1999-2008)
Kevin Newman .... character designer (9 episodes, 1999-2008)
Lynna Blankenship .... background designer (9 episodes, 2002-2008)
Mary Orario .... character layout artist (9 episodes, 2005-2007)
Joe Russo .... character layout artist / clean-up artist (8 episodes, 1990-1991)
Carlos Baeza .... layout artist / animator (8 episodes, 1990)
Richard Bowman .... animation director: overseas / lip sync (8 episodes, 1990)
Anthony Wong .... character layout artist (8 episodes, 1991-1992)
Young Kim .... background layout artist / background clean-up artist (8 episodes, 1991)
Mark Colangelo .... character layout artist (8 episodes, 1992-1993)
Celia Kendrick .... character layout artist (8 episodes, 1994-1995)
Heliodoro Salvatierra .... animatic editor / animation production assistant (8 episodes, 2002-2008)
Karenia Kaminski .... layout artist (7 episodes, 1989-1990)
Chris Huicochea .... character layout artist (7 episodes, 1990-1991)
John Holmquist .... character designer (7 episodes, 1992)
Herb Moore .... background clean-up artist (7 episodes, 1992)
Eric Daniels .... animation timer (7 episodes, 1993)
James Purdum .... character layout artist (7 episodes, 1994-1999)
Seth Kearsley .... character layout artist (7 episodes, 1995-1996)
Don Spencer .... animation director: overseas / overseas animation editor (6 episodes, 1989-1990)
Linda McCall .... character layout artist (6 episodes, 1990-1991)
Matt Luhn .... character layout artist (6 episodes, 1991-1992)
Julie Anne Spencer .... character layout artist (6 episodes, 1991-1992)
Betty Tang .... character layout artist (6 episodes, 1991-1992)
Mary Hanley .... character layout artist / layout artist: freelance (6 episodes, 1994-1996)
Robert Ingram .... animation timer (6 episodes, 1999-2008)
Debbie Peterson .... background designer (6 episodes, 2003-2008)
Laurie Wetzler .... track reader (6 episodes, 2003-2008)
Ed Ghertner .... character layout consultant (6 episodes, 2007-2008)
T.J. Kim .... background designer (6 episodes, 2007-2008)
Cullen Blaine .... layout artist / lip sync (5 episodes, 1989-1990)
Zeon Davush .... layout artist / animator (5 episodes, 1989-1990)
Michael O'Connor .... layout artist (5 episodes, 1989-1990)
Greg Reyna .... layout artist / lip sync (5 episodes, 1989-1990)
Scott Brutz .... character layout artist / animation timer (5 episodes, 1990-2008)
Alan Smart .... layout artist / character layout artist (5 episodes, 1990-1992)
Chad Stewart .... background layout artist / character layout artist (5 episodes, 1990-1992)
Bret Haaland .... animator / layout artist (5 episodes, 1990)
Jim McLean .... layout artist (5 episodes, 1990)
Linda Rowley .... layout artist (5 episodes, 1990)
Tom Mazzocco .... animation timer / additional animation timer / ... (5 episodes, 1992-2008)
Charlotte Stout .... character layout artist (5 episodes, 1992-2002)
Jeff LaFlamme .... character layout artist (5 episodes, 1992-1993)
Mary Ann Malcomb .... character layout artist (5 episodes, 1992-1993)
Andy Kim .... character layout artist (5 episodes, 1993)
Bill Ho .... character layout artist (5 episodes, 1994-1997)
Michael Ludy .... character layout artist (5 episodes, 1994-1996)
Ethan Spaulding .... character layout artist (5 episodes, 1995-2003)
Jeremy Robinson .... character layout artist / assistant retake director (5 episodes, 1996-2008)
Joel Kuwahara .... animation production coordinator: gracie films / animation production coordinator / ... (5 episodes, 1996-1997)
Jonathan Gebhart .... character layout consultant / character layout artist (5 episodes, 1999-2007)
Trista H. Navarro .... animation production associate / animation production supervisor (5 episodes, 2002-2008)
Brooks Stonestreet .... animation production assistant (5 episodes, 2002-2008)
Jeanette Moreno .... character layout artist (5 episodes, 2004-2005)
Shane Sowell .... character layout artist (5 episodes, 2006-2007)
John Liu .... background layout artist / background layout (5 episodes, 2007-2008)
Eric Moxcey .... character layout artist (4 episodes, 1990-1995)
Kevin M. Smith .... character layout artist (4 episodes, 1990-1991)
Bob Anderson .... character layout artist (4 episodes, 1991-1992)
Bert Klein .... character layout artist (4 episodes, 1992-2008)
John Lindauer .... layout artist / background layout artist (4 episodes, 1993-1995)
Ted Mathot .... character layout artist (4 episodes, 1994-1995)
Christian Roman .... character layout artist (4 episodes, 1994-1995)
Tony Siruno .... character layout artist (4 episodes, 1994-1995)
Patty Shinagawa .... animation timer (4 episodes, 1995-1997)
Gary Hoffman .... background layout artist (4 episodes, 1995)
Martin Alvarez .... animatic editor / animation production coordinator (4 episodes, 1996-2008)
Sandra Contreras .... animation production accountant (4 episodes, 1996-2003)
Darrell Kennedy .... animation production coordinator / animation production associate (4 episodes, 1999-2003)
Jason Magness .... character layout artist (4 episodes, 1999-2000)
Esther H. Lee .... animation checker / animation production assistant (4 episodes, 2002-2008)
Debbie Bruce .... animation post-production assistant / character layout artist (4 episodes, 2003-2008)
John Achenbach .... character layout artist / storyboard revisionist (4 episodes, 2003-2007)
John Pattison .... background layout artist (4 episodes, 2008)
Alvaro Arce .... background designer (3 episodes, 1989-1990)
Michael Swanigan .... layout artist (3 episodes, 1989-1990)
Ed DeMattia .... animator / layout artist (3 episodes, 1990)
Rich Moore .... layout artist / character designer (3 episodes, 1990)
Brad Rader .... layout artist (3 episodes, 1990)
Vincenzo Trippetti .... layout artist (3 episodes, 1990)
Jeffrey Lynch .... animation timer / character layout artist (3 episodes, 1991-1992)
Claude Denis .... background layout artist (3 episodes, 1991)
Lewis Tate .... character layout artist (3 episodes, 1991)
Art Roman .... character layout artist (3 episodes, 1992)
William Tucker .... character layout artist / background layout artist (3 episodes, 1993-1995)
Peter J. DeLuca .... background layout artist (3 episodes, 1993-1994)
Craig Armstrong .... character layout artist (3 episodes, 1993)
Cliff Voorhees .... background layout artist (3 episodes, 1993)
Thomas E. Decker .... character layout artist (3 episodes, 1994-1995)
Tom Winkler .... character layout artist (3 episodes, 1994-1995)
Mark Borok .... character layout artist (3 episodes, 1995)
Sherie Pollack .... animation timer (3 episodes, 1995)
Davy Lauterbach .... character layout artist / color designer (3 episodes, 1996-2007)
Teresa Potter-Heimark .... character layout artist (3 episodes, 1996-2007)
Josh Taback .... character layout artist (3 episodes, 1996-2002)
Youngmee Thom .... animation checker (3 episodes, 1996-1997)
Brian Sheesley .... animation timer (3 episodes, 1996)
Sam Im .... additional timer / animation checker / ... (3 episodes, 1999-2008)
Michael Mahan .... animation post-production coordinator / animation post-production assistant (3 episodes, 1999-2003)
Patrick Buchanan .... additional animation timer / animation timer (3 episodes, 2002-2008)
Peter Gomez .... character layout artist / character designer (3 episodes, 2003-2008)
Sam Ho .... background designer / background layout artist / ... (3 episodes, 2003-2008)
Mike Pettengill .... background layout artist / background designer (3 episodes, 2003-2008)
Larry Smith .... animation checker (3 episodes, 2003-2007)
Jennie Hoffer .... character layout artist (3 episodes, 2007-2008)
Drew McPhail .... assistant retake director / character layout artist (3 episodes, 2007-2008)
Nelson Shin .... overseas animation production: Akom Production Co (3 episodes, 2007-2008)
Karen Carnegie Johnson .... retake director / additional animation timer (3 episodes, 2008)
Eric Loudon .... animatic editor (3 episodes, 2008)
Gerald Rey .... background designer / background layout artist / ... (3 episodes, 2008)
Dean Scammahorn .... background designer (3 episodes, 2008)
Brad Bird .... character designer / character layout artist (2 episodes, 1990-1993)
Kathi Castillo .... layout artist (2 episodes, 1990)
Dan Haskett .... animator / character designer (2 episodes, 1990)
Don Judge .... clean-up artist (2 episodes, 1990)
Susan Kroyer .... layout artist (2 episodes, 1990)
Masa Oshiro .... animator (2 episodes, 1990)
David Teague .... layout artist (2 episodes, 1990)
Lee Mishkin .... animation timer (2 episodes, 1991)
Leo Moran .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 1991)
Oh Heung Seon .... animation director: overseas (2 episodes, 1991)
George Taylor .... background designer (2 episodes, 1991)
Tony Anselmo .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 1992)
S.J. Park .... animation director: overseas (2 episodes, 1992)
Byun Kwang Won .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 1992)
Gary Terry .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 1993-1994)
Chris Moeller .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 1994-1995)
Gavin Dell .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 1994)
Sandra Frame .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 1994)
B.H. Han .... animation producer: overseas (2 episodes, 1994)
Tim Bailey .... background layout artist / character layout artist (2 episodes, 1996-2003)
Dean Bauer .... animation post-production coordinator / animation production assistant (2 episodes, 1996-1999)
Greg Lovell .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 1996-1997)
Raymond S. Persi .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 1996-1997)
Karen Bauer .... color design supervisor / color designer (2 episodes, 1996)
Nichole Graham .... animation timer (2 episodes, 1996)
Syd Kato .... color designer (2 episodes, 1996)
Grant Lee .... assistant retake director / character layout artist (2 episodes, 1997-1999)
Rene Vega .... background layout artist / background layout supervisor (2 episodes, 1999-2008)
Chang Myung Nam .... animation producer: overseas (2 episodes, 1999-2007)
Jennifer Bogartz .... background layout artist / background layout supervisor (2 episodes, 1999-2003)
Tria Ellison .... animation production associate / background cleanup / ... (2 episodes, 1999-2002)
Sean Coons .... background layout artist (2 episodes, 2002-2008)
Edwin Aguilar .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 2002-2007)
Christianna Lang Daley .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 2002-2003)
Monette Goldman .... background layout supervisor (2 episodes, 2002-2003)
Erick Tran .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 2003-2008)
Carlton Batten .... animation timer / retake director (2 episodes, 2003-2007)
Jack Dyer .... animation timer (2 episodes, 2003-2007)
Benjamin Lane .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 2003-2007)
Javier Pineda .... background layout / background layout artist (2 episodes, 2003-2007)
Sarah Carpenter .... animation production assistant (2 episodes, 2003)
Oscar Cervantes .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 2003)
Tammy Manis .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 2003)
Ryan Cheetham .... background layout / background layout artist (2 episodes, 2007-2008)
Jerod Daetwiler .... background designer / background layout artist (2 episodes, 2007-2008)
Soo An Kim .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 2007-2008)
Oscar Pangestu .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 2007-2008)
Mike Atniel .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 2007)
Jeanne Erickson .... character layout artist (2 episodes, 2007)
Rob Oliver .... storyboard artist (2 episodes, 2007)
Steve Pilapil .... background artist (2 episodes, 2007)
Deanna Asato .... animation production coordinator (2 episodes, 2008)
Ashley Bamburg .... animation post-production coordinator (2 episodes, 2008)
Amanda Byrnes .... animation post-production assistant / animation post-production coordinator (2 episodes, 2008)
Desiree E. Craig .... animation production associate (2 episodes, 2008)
Nikki Isordia .... animation production assistant (2 episodes, 2008)
Ray Miceli .... animation production accountant (2 episodes, 2008)
Stephenie Moffatt .... animation production coordinator (2 episodes, 2008)
Angela Wixtrom .... animation production assistant (2 episodes, 2008)

Arnold Doong .... background layout artist (unknown episodes, 2000)
Aimee Major .... character layout artist (unknown episodes, 2004-2005)
Lolee Aries .... animation producer (unknown episodes)
Marcos Asprec .... character layout artist (unknown episodes)
Jeanette Bose .... character layout artist (unknown episodes)
Julie Forte .... animator (unknown episodes)
Erick Geisler .... background color key (unknown episodes)
Nollan Obena .... character layout artist (unknown episodes)
William Powloski .... animator (unknown episodes)
Anthony Ho Wong .... character layout artist (unknown episodes)
Gary Yap .... animator (unknown episodes)

Series Casting Department
Bonita Pietila .... original casting (8 episodes, 2002-2008)

Jenifer Newman .... casting assistant (unknown episodes, 1994-1995)

Series Editorial Department
Kurtis Kunsak .... assistant editor / assistant film editor (343 episodes, 1993-2008)
Larry Field .... telecine colorist / telecine: Unitel Video / ... (331 episodes, 1993-2008)
Tim Heyen .... negative cutter: D&A Neg Cutting / negative cutter: D and A Film Cutting / ... (72 episodes, 1991-2002)
Lee Harting .... assistant film editor / assistant editor (61 episodes, 1990-1994)
Dominique Braud .... post-production assistant / post-production coordinator / ... (27 episodes, 1994-2008)
Ping Warner .... post-production assistant / post-production coordinator (25 episodes, 1994-1997)
Tami Sloan Tsark .... post-production coordinator (24 episodes, 1991-1992)
Jeffrey L. Goldstein .... post-production coordinator (23 episodes, 1991-1992)
Colin A.B.V. Lewis .... post-production coordinator (23 episodes, 1991-1992)
Ralph A. Eusebio .... post-production assistant / post-production coordinator / ... (22 episodes, 1994-1997)
Joe Hathaway .... telecine colorist (19 episodes, 1995-1996)
Angela Ousey .... post-production coordinator (18 episodes, 1992-1993)
Don Barrozo .... film editor / assistant film editor (17 episodes, 1989-1995)
Richard Cassel .... telecine: Unitel Video / telecine: Unitel / ... (15 episodes, 1991-1993)
Fred Eldridge .... telecine: Compact Video (15 episodes, 1991-1993)
Joseph A. Boucher .... post-production coordinator (13 episodes, 1989-1990)
Alison Elliott .... post-production coordinator (10 episodes, 1993-1994)
Mark McJimsey .... on-line editor (9 episodes, 1990)
C.J. Gibson .... post-production assistant (8 episodes, 1993-1994)
Drew Arrison .... post-production coordinator (8 episodes, 2003-2008)
Scott Ostrowsky .... telecine: Compact Video (7 episodes, 1992-1993)
Michael Perry .... telecine: Compact Video (7 episodes, 1992-1993)
Michelle Berman .... post-production coordinator / post-production assistant (6 episodes, 1994-1997)
Alexander Duke .... post-production assistant (6 episodes, 1996-1997)
Don Gilbert .... post-production assistant (4 episodes, 1995-1996)
Richard Chung .... post-production assistant (3 episodes, 1995-1996)
Jamie Nachenberg .... post-production coordinator / post-production assistant (3 episodes, 1999-2002)
Joe Saunders .... post-production assistant (3 episodes, 2008)
Jeff Michelson .... assistant film editor (2 episodes, 1991)

Patrick Buchanan .... color timer (unknown episodes)
Geoffrey Mark .... post-production coordinator (unknown episodes)

Series Music Department
Chris Ledesma .... music editor (428 episodes, 1989-2008)
Danny Elfman .... composer: theme "The Simpsons" / composer: theme music / ... (397 episodes, 1989-2008)
Bob Beecher .... music editor (153 episodes, 1990-2004)
Scott Clausen .... orchestrator (70 episodes, 2005-2008)
Dell Hake .... orchestrator (65 episodes, 2005-2008)
Rick Riccio .... music mixer / scoring mixer (8 episodes, 2002-2008)

Frank Bennett .... orchestrator (unknown episodes)
Brad Dechter .... orchestrator (unknown episodes)
Jason Lloyd .... scoring assistant (unknown episodes)
Don Nemitz .... orchestrator (unknown episodes)
Gregory Prechel .... orchestrator (unknown episodes)
John Rodd .... orchestral scoring recordist (unknown episodes)
John Rotondi .... scoring engineer: Y4 (unknown episodes)
Tom Steel .... scoring assistant (unknown episodes)
Damon Tedesco .... scoring assistant (unknown episodes)

Series Other crew
James L. Brooks .... executive creative consultant (199 episodes, 1989-2008)
Brad Bird .... executive consultant / sheet director (181 episodes, 1989-1997)
Matt Groening .... creative consultant (139 episodes, 1992-2008)
John Swartzwelder .... consultant / story editor (114 episodes, 1990-2003)
Leslie Richter .... assistant to producers (99 episodes, 1989-1995)
Sam Simon .... creative supervisor / creative consultant (93 episodes, 1989-1994)
Julie Steddom Smith .... assistant: Matt Groening / assistant to executive producer / ... (86 episodes, 1989-1994)
David Silverman .... title designer: main title / title designer: main titles / ... (85 episodes, 1990-2006)
Daria Paris .... assistant: Sam Simon / assistant to executive producer (81 episodes, 1989-1993)
Louise Jaffe .... script supervisor (78 episodes, 1989-2008)
Don Gilbert .... assistant to producers (72 episodes, 1991-1995)
Trixie Flynn .... assistant: James L. Brooks (70 episodes, 1991-1995)
Brent Forrester .... executive story editor / story editor (70 episodes, 1993-1996)
Kevin John Rogers .... production accountant (70 episodes, 1997-2000)
Rick Bugental .... technical director: main title / sheet director / ... (66 episodes, 1990-1993)
Lana Repp-Lewis .... assistant to producers / assistant: Richard Sakai (61 episodes, 1989-1992)
Sarah Werner .... production coordinator (61 episodes, 1989-1992)
Jacqueline Atkins .... assistant to producers (61 episodes, 1992-2002)
Jon Vitti .... creative consultant / executive story editor / ... (60 episodes, 1989-1995)
Lona Williams .... assistant: Al Jean & Mike Reiss / assistant: Al Jean / ... (58 episodes, 1990-1993)
Jacqueline Sillo .... production coordinator / assistant to producers / ... (56 episodes, 1991-1994)
Alison Elliott .... assistant to associate producers / assistant to producers (55 episodes, 1991-1993)
Richard Kevin Stith .... assistant to producers (54 episodes, 1992-1995)
Maria Kavanaugh .... assistant: James L. Brooks (53 episodes, 1992-1997)
C.J. Gibson .... assistant to producers (51 episodes, 1991-1993)
Jane Mackie .... assistant: Richard Sakai (50 episodes, 1992-1995)
Dan McGrath .... story editor / executive story consultant (50 episodes, 1992-1994)
Doris Grau .... script supervisor (49 episodes, 1990-1993)
Miles Lewis Horst .... production coordinator / production assistant (48 episodes, 1990-1992)
Bob Kushell .... executive story editor / story editor (47 episodes, 1993-1995)
Lance Wilder .... background design supervisor (46 episodes, 1990-2003)
Jeff Martin .... executive story editor / story editor (45 episodes, 1990-1992)
Eleanor Mills .... production coordinator / production assistant (43 episodes, 1989-1991)
Julia Kim .... production coordinator (41 episodes, 1990-1992)
Anthony R. Reyes .... production accountant (40 episodes, 1992-1995)
David M. Stern .... creative consultant (39 episodes, 1991-1992)
Felicia Nalivansky .... production coordinator / assistant: Richard Sakai (39 episodes, 1993-1999)
Denise M. Mitchell .... production assistant / production coordinator (38 episodes, 1990-1992)
Patty MacDonald .... assistant: James L. Brooks / assistant to executive producer (37 episodes, 1989-1991)
Matt Hamilton .... production assistant (36 episodes, 1990-1992)
Elizabeth Jacobs .... assistant: David Mirkin / assistant: Messrs Oakley and Weinstein (36 episodes, 1993-1997)
Ian Deitchman .... assistant to producers (35 episodes, 1990-1991)
Annette Andersen .... assistant: Matt Groening (35 episodes, 1993-1997)
Ned Goldreyer .... story editor / executive story editor (35 episodes, 1996-1998)
Tammy Mandel .... assistant to producers (34 episodes, 1991-1992)
Dee Cappelli .... assistant: Al Jean & Mike Reiss / assistant to producers (34 episodes, 1992-1995)
Bonnie Vitti .... assistant to producers (31 episodes, 1992-1994)
Sharon Ramsay .... production coordinator / production associate (31 episodes, 1993-1995)
Steve Ingram .... production assistant (30 episodes, 1992-1994)
Nichole Graham .... production coordinator / production assistant (30 episodes, 1993-1995)
Jesse D. Miller .... production assistant / assistant production coordinator / ... (30 episodes, 2006-2008)
Peter Kwong .... assistant to producers (29 episodes, 1990-1991)
Craig Feeney .... assistant to producers (29 episodes, 1993-1995)
Jane O'Brien .... assistant to producers / story editor (29 episodes, 1994-1998)
Martin Alvarez .... production associate / production assistant / ... (29 episodes, 1994-1997)
Todd Jacobsen .... production coordinator / production assistant (28 episodes, 1989-1991)
Donick Cary .... executive story editor / story editor (28 episodes, 1996-1998)
Ron Hauge .... story editor (28 episodes, 1996-1998)
George Meyer .... creative consultant (27 episodes, 1990-1994)
Bev Chapman .... production assistant (27 episodes, 1990-1991)
Jamie O'Connor .... assistant to producers (27 episodes, 1991-1992)
Richard Appel .... story editor (27 episodes, 1995-1997)
Jennifer Crittenden .... story editor (27 episodes, 1995-1997)
Stephen J. Lineweaver .... visual consultant (26 episodes, 1989-1991)
Michael McCusker .... assistant to associate producer / assistant to associate producers / ... (26 episodes, 1989-1991)
Lisa Stewart .... assistant to producers / assistant to associate producer (26 episodes, 1989-1991)
Barbara Duncan .... assistant: James L. Brooks (26 episodes, 1991-1992)
Raymond Iacovacci .... production associate / production coordinator (26 episodes, 1992-1994)
Reid Kramer .... production assistant / production associate (26 episodes, 1994-1997)
Bill Oakley .... story editor (25 episodes, 1992-1993)
Josh Weinstein .... story editor (25 episodes, 1992-1993)
David X. Cohen .... story editor (25 episodes, 1994-1995)
Sharon Altman .... production assistant (24 episodes, 1991-1992)
Daniel McClellan .... production assistant (24 episodes, 1991-1992)
Christine Bourgeois .... production associate / production accountant (24 episodes, 1994-1997)
Dan Greaney .... executive story editor / story editor (24 episodes, 1996-1998)
Carole Ann McCoy .... production accountant (23 episodes, 1991-1992)
Victoria Kabakian .... production assistant / assistant to producer (23 episodes, 2006-2007)
George Niciforos .... assistant to associate producer / assistant to associate producers (22 episodes, 1990-1991)
Denise Sirkot .... executive vice president: Gracie Films (22 episodes, 1994-1997)
Marci Proietto .... studio executive (22 episodes, 1999-2000)
Alyson Shelton .... assistant to producer (22 episodes, 2002-2003)
Andy Houts .... production assistant (20 episodes, 1990-1991)
Bradford Schultze .... assistant to producers (20 episodes, 1991-1992)
Helen Brennick .... production associate (20 episodes, 1992-1993)
Laurie Templeton .... production associate (20 episodes, 1992-1993)
Joel Kuwahara .... assistant to producers (20 episodes, 1994-1995)
N. Vyolet Diaz .... assistant: Mr. Groening / assistant to producers / ... (20 episodes, 1995-2008)
Richmond Horine .... production assistant (19 episodes, 1992-1993)
Paul Zerner .... assistant to producers (18 episodes, 1990-1991)
T.J. Muncan .... assistant to producers (16 episodes, 1990-1991)
Todd Stein .... assistant to producers (16 episodes, 1990-1991)
Lisa Womble .... production assistant (16 episodes, 1991-1992)
Jenifer Newman .... assistant to producers (16 episodes, 1994-1995)
Joe Russo .... cleanup artist / background cleanup supervisor (15 episodes, 1989-1990)
Robert Cohen .... assistant to producers (15 episodes, 1990-1991)
Kim Taylor .... background cleanup supervisor / cleanup artist (15 episodes, 1990-1991)
Doria Biddle .... production assistant (15 episodes, 1991-1992)
Geoffrey Mark .... production assistant (15 episodes, 1992-1993)
Sandra Contreras .... production accountant (15 episodes, 1995-1997)
Laura Norton .... assistant to producers (14 episodes, 1991-1992)
Mike Battle .... production coordinator (14 episodes, 2006-2007)
Donavan Brown .... production assistant (13 episodes, 1989-1990)
Colin A.B.V. Lewis .... assistant to associate producer (12 episodes, 1991)
Jean Wong .... assistant to producers / assistant: Al Jean & Mike Reiss (12 episodes, 1993-1995)
Michael Nobori .... assistant to producers (12 episodes, 1999-2008)
Stuart Baker .... assistant to producers (11 episodes, 1989-1990)
Steve Gottfried .... assistant to producers (11 episodes, 1989-1990)
Lisa Walder .... assistant: Mr. Brooks (11 episodes, 2003-2008)
Don Judge .... cleanup artist (10 episodes, 1989-1990)
Nancy Kruse .... cleanup artist (10 episodes, 1989-1990)
Jefferson R. Weekley .... background cleanup supervisor (10 episodes, 1990-1991)
Lawrence Lee .... assistant to producers (10 episodes, 1991-1992)
Larry Doyle .... story editor (10 episodes, 1997-1998)
Mark Kirkland .... supervising director (10 episodes, 2006-2008)
Richard Cassel .... video transfer: Unitel Video (9 episodes, 1990-1991)
Jeffrey L. Goldstein .... assistant to associate producer (9 episodes, 1991)
Mick Kelly .... assistant: Mr. Jean (9 episodes, 2002-2008)
Louis Ferrara .... production coordinator / assistant to producers (9 episodes, 2003-2008)
Dan O'Day McClellan .... production assistant (8 episodes, 1992)
Donna Lafferty .... production assistant (8 episodes, 1993-1994)
Ellen Barnett-Bendavid .... assistant to producers (8 episodes, 1996-1999)
Claudia De La Roca .... assistant: Matt Groening (8 episodes, 1996-1999)
Matt Marshall .... assistant to producers / assistant to producer (8 episodes, 2006-2008)
Mike B. Anderson .... supervising director / cleanup artist (7 episodes, 1990-2008)
Debbie Silver .... background cleanup supervisor / cleanup artist (7 episodes, 1990-1991)
Carol Wyatt .... cleanup artist (7 episodes, 1990)
Dominique Braud .... assistant to producers (7 episodes, 1993-1994)
Jeffrey Poliquin .... assistant to producers (7 episodes, 1996-2002)
Sherry Falk .... assistant to producers (7 episodes, 1996-1997)
Jacob Meszaros .... assistant to producers (7 episodes, 1996-1997)
J.D. Maria .... assistant to executive producer (6 episodes, 1990)
Richard Leroy .... production assistant (6 episodes, 1991)
Aileen Braun .... assistant to producers (6 episodes, 1995-1996)
Jane Yamashita .... assistant: David Mirkin (6 episodes, 1996-1997)
Ruth Elliott .... cleanup artist (5 episodes, 1990)
Judith Niver .... cleanup artist (5 episodes, 1990)
Laurie Biernacki .... production coordinator (5 episodes, 1993-1994)
Charleen Easton .... assistant: David Mirkin (5 episodes, 1993-1994)
Neil Alsip .... assistant to producers (5 episodes, 1995)
Debra Jackson .... assistant to producers (5 episodes, 1996-1997)
Anthony Bell .... cleanup artist (4 episodes, 1990)
Dan Bernadino .... video transfer: Compact Video (4 episodes, 1990)
Michael Camarillo .... cleanup artist (4 episodes, 1990)
Pat Clark .... cleanup artist (4 episodes, 1990)
Sherry Wheeler .... cleanup artist (4 episodes, 1990)
Rick Salonga .... background cleanup supervisor (4 episodes, 1991)
Noel-Quinn Roman .... production assistant (4 episodes, 1992)
Reid Harrison .... story editor (4 episodes, 1997-1998)
Jim Reardon .... supervising director (4 episodes, 2000-2003)
Classie Davis .... assistant to producers (4 episodes, 2002-2003)
Meghan Kiely .... assistant to producers (4 episodes, 2002-2003)
Andrew Kreisberg .... executive story editor / story editor (4 episodes, 2002-2003)
Matt Warburton .... story editor / staff writer (4 episodes, 2002-2003)
Katie Krentz .... assistant to production executive (4 episodes, 2006-2007)
Grace Lee .... assistant to producer / assistant to producers (4 episodes, 2006-2007)
Amanda Moshay .... assistant to producer / assistant to producers (4 episodes, 2006-2007)
Colin Contreary .... assistant: Mr. Jeans / assistant to producers / ... (4 episodes, 2008)
Andrea Schell .... assistant to producers (4 episodes, 2008)
Karolina Waclawiak .... assistant to producers (4 episodes, 2008)
Rich Moore .... sheet director / executive consultant (3 episodes, 1990-1998)
Sonny King .... special Halloween credits: Laser-Pacific / titles / ... (3 episodes, 1990-1992)
Greg Holt .... production assistant (3 episodes, 1991)
Charles Montoya .... assistant to producers (3 episodes, 1991)
Anthony Lewis Garcia .... production assistant (3 episodes, 1993-1994)
Linda Levine .... production coordinator (3 episodes, 1993-1994)
Dean Bauer .... production assistant / production coordinator (3 episodes, 1996-1997)
Elizabeth Hernandez .... production assistant (3 episodes, 1996-1997)
Everett A. Oliver .... production assistant (3 episodes, 1996-1997)
Jenny Dewall .... assistant to producers (3 episodes, 2003)
Tom Scarola .... assistant to producers (3 episodes, 2003)
Sean Messano .... assistant to producers (3 episodes, 2007)
Lauren Biller .... assistant to producers (3 episodes, 2008)
Sergio Guerra .... assistant to producers (3 episodes, 2008)
Michael D. Mitchell .... assistant to producers (3 episodes, 2008)
Jackie Banks .... scene planner (2 episodes, 1990-1995)
Milton Gray .... sheet director (2 episodes, 1990)
Kenneth M. Kinoshita .... cleanup artist (2 episodes, 1990)
Robin M. Marchese .... cleanup artist (2 episodes, 1990)
Jeff McGrath .... sheet director (2 episodes, 1990)
Jerry Richardson .... background cleanup supervisor (2 episodes, 1990)
Swinton O. Scott III .... sheet director (2 episodes, 1990)
Alan Smart .... sheet director (2 episodes, 1990)
Andrew Brandou .... background cleanup supervisor (2 episodes, 1991)
Lee Anne Kaplan .... production assistant (2 episodes, 1991)
Betty Chaplin .... script supervisor (2 episodes, 1992-1993)
Bonnie Dillon .... production assistant (2 episodes, 1992)
Angela Ousey .... production coordinator (2 episodes, 1992)
Vanessa Cropper .... assistant to producers (2 episodes, 1994)
Katy Ballard .... assistant: Al Jean & Mike Reiss (2 episodes, 1995)
Richard Doctorow .... story editor (2 episodes, 1995)
Bonnie Prendergast .... script supervisor (2 episodes, 1995)
Troy Stauffer .... assistant to producers (2 episodes, 1995)
Joshua Sternin .... story editor (2 episodes, 1995)
Jeffrey Ventimilia .... story editor (2 episodes, 1995)
Brendan Murphy .... assistant: James L. Brooks (2 episodes, 1999-2002)
Tim Long .... executive story editor (2 episodes, 1999)
Huni Fodor .... assistant director: re-takes (2 episodes, 2002-2003)
Jessica Petelle .... assistant to producers (2 episodes, 2002-2003)
Stephanie Asch .... assistant to producers (2 episodes, 2003)
Brooke Posch .... assistant to producers (2 episodes, 2003)
Charles McCaskill .... executive director: IT (2 episodes, 2008)
Felix Sanchez .... tape room supervisor (2 episodes, 2008)

Greg Camilleri .... executive assistant to vice president of production (unknown episodes)
Justin J. Carter .... assistant to producer (unknown episodes)
Kim Everett .... assistant to producers (unknown episodes)
Michael Gerard .... retakes (unknown episodes)
Kelly Helstrom .... assistant: David Mirkin (unknown episodes)
Claudia Hitchcock .... assistant: Mr. Scully (unknown episodes)
Lawrence Jonas .... assistant to producer (unknown episodes)
Kian Kaul .... assistant to writer (unknown episodes)
Ani Martirossians .... production assistant (unknown episodes)

Series Thanks
John David Kalodner .... special thanks (1 episode, 1991)
Al Jean .... acknowledgment: writing contribution (1 episode, 1993)
Jay Kogen .... acknowledgment: writing contribution (1 episode, 1993)
Jeff Martin .... acknowledgment: writing contribution (1 episode, 1993)
George Meyer .... acknowledgment: writing contribution (1 episode, 1993)
Mike Reiss .... acknowledgment: writing contribution (1 episode, 1993)
Michael P. Schoenbrun .... dedicatee: in memory of (1 episode, 1993)
Nell Scovell .... acknowledgment: writing contribution (1 episode, 1993)
John Swartzwelder .... acknowledgment: writing contribution (1 episode, 1993)
Wallace Wolodarsky .... acknowledgment: writing contribution (1 episode, 1993)
Jackie Banks .... dedicatee: in memory of (1 episode, 1995)
Doris Grau .... dedicatee: in memory of (1 episode, 1996)
Phil Hartman .... dedicatee (1 episode, 1998)
Linda McCartney .... dedicatee: in memory of (1 episode, 1998)
Sunni Walton .... dedicatee: in memory of (1 episode, 1998)
George Harrison .... dedicatee: in memory of (1 episode, 2001)
Stephen Jay Gould .... dedicatee: in memory of (1 episode, 2002)
Ron Taylor .... dedicatee: in memory of (1 episode, 2002)
Paul Newman .... dedicated to the memory of (1 episode, 2008)

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IMDb > "The Simpsons" (1989) > Episode list
"The Simpsons"

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Episode list for
"The Simpsons" (1989) More at IMDbPro »
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Episodes: All (442)

Season: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
Year: 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | unknown

Season 1
Season 1, Episode 1: Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 1989
Christmas seems doomed for the Simpson family when Homer receives no Christmas Bonus. Homer becomes a mall Santa Claus, hoping to make money and bring Marge, Bart, Lisa, and baby Maggie, a happy holiday.
Season 1, Episode 2: Bart the Genius
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 1990
Bart ends up at a school for gifted children after cheating on an IQ test.
Season 1, Episode 3: Homer's Odyssey
Original Air Date—21 gennaio 1990
While Bart's class is touring the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant for a field trip, Homer crashes his golf cart into a radioactive pipe. In the aftermath, the plant is forced to shutdown and Homer loses his job.
Season 1, Episode 4: There's No Disgrace Like Home
Original Air Date—28 gennaio 1990
At a company picnic Homer realizes his family is dysfunctional and takes them all to therapy where they end up having shock treatment. They are still as bad as ever so Homer gets double his money back from Dr Marvin Monroe and the Simpsons buy themselves a new TV.
Season 1, Episode 5: Bart the General
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 1990
School bully Nelson Muntz has been terrorizing his classmates, particularly Bart. Bart and one of Nelson's goons get into a fight at school (when Bart was sticking up for Lisa), and in the aftermath Nelson accidentally gets a bloody nose. Nelson makes good on his threats to beat up Bart. Bart winds up having nightmares about Nelson stalking him, and later envisions his funeral. Finally, Grampa takes Bart to Herman, a Vietnam veteran who has had one of his arms amputated, to plan a strategy for getting back at Nelson. Bart commissions all his schoolmates whom Nelson has bullied and - in a classic parody of war movies such as Patton - trains them for their revenge. One afternoon after school, Bart and his army enact their operative, pelting Nelson and his goons with water balloons until he surrenders. The revenge is successful, and Bart and Nelson begin a grudging friendship.
Season 1, Episode 6: Moaning Lisa
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 1990
A depressed Lisa's spirit is lifted when she meets a jazz-man, Bleeding Gums Murphy.
Season 1, Episode 7: The Call of the Simpsons
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 1990
Ned Flanders shows off his newly purchased (and monstrous) motor home to the Simpsons. In a fit of oneupmanship, Homer decides he needs one too. Homer's credit is very poor, but he wants that motor home, so he buys one whose oil is leaking and appears to be held together by chicken wire and duct tape. With their new motor home, Homer takes the family on an outing in the woods. Homer quickly loses his way and everyone bails from the motor home just before it tumbles into a large ravine. The family is forced to rough it the rest of the way. Maggie becomes separated from the family and takes refuge with a family of bears. Meanwhile, Homer and Bart lose their clothing and have to wear leaves. Homer quickly falls into a stream and becomes covered with mud. A couple staying in the woods, concluding that what they've seen is Bigfoot, takes a picture of Homer and sends it to a TV station. Soon, the woods are crawling with media representatives, hoping to get their own glimpse. A park ranger shoots Homer with a tranquilizer and he is taken to a laboratory for analysis. However, the results - either it's a below-average human or a brilliant beast, a German scientist says - are inconclusive.
Season 1, Episode 8: The Telltale Head
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 1990
Bart gets more than he bargained for when he saws the head off a statue of the town's founder.
Season 1, Episode 9: Life on the Fast Lane
Original Air Date—18 marzo 1990
Marge contemplates an affair with a handsome bowling instructor.
Season 1, Episode 10: Homer's Night Out
Original Air Date—25 marzo 1990
Bart uses his new miniature "spy" camera to take candid pictures around the household; meanwhile, Homer is preparing to go to a bachelor party for his co-worker at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. While at the party, Homer is invited to dance on stage with a stripper. Bart (who is dining with the rest of the family in the next-door restaurant) uses his camera to snap a photo of Homer and the dancer having a great time. At school, Martin develops the picture, which - after he compliments Bart's work - gets distributed around school, and eventually around town. Marge sees the photo and is outraged. Homer arrives home, where Marge immediately confronts her husband and kicks him out of the house. Eventually, Marge agrees to let him back in on the condition he take Bart around to meet the stripper and show that she is not a sex object. After almost winding up on stage at another of the dancer's performances, Homer does as he is asked and all is forgiven.
Season 1, Episode 11: The Crepes of Wrath
Original Air Date—15 aprile 1990
Bart flushes a cherry bomb at school, nearly injuring Principal Skinner's mother, Agnes, in the process. An exasperated Skinner tells Homer and Marge that since expulsion would not do Bart any good, he's placing him in a foreign-exchange student program. Bart is sent to France, where his host family are unethical winemakers who plan to employ him as a slave.
Season 1, Episode 12: Krusty Gets Busted
Original Air Date—29 aprile 1990
Homer witnesses a robbery at the Kwik-E-Mart convenience store, where the culprit is a man dressed like Bart's hero, Krusty the Clown. Does the children's television host have a sinister second life, or is there more to the story than meets the eye?
Season 1, Episode 13: Some Enchanted Evening
Original Air Date—13 maggio 1990
Marge calls a radio psychologist's call-in show to air her grievances about Homer. Homer listens to his wife's call at work and decides to bring home chocolates and flowers, softening her demeanor. The two decide to go on an overnight outing and try to hire a baby-sitter. Eventually, a woman named Mrs. Botz takes the job. However, what they don't know is that Mrs. Botz is a fugitive wanted on numerous burglary and robbery charges. Bart and Lisa watch an "America's Most Wanted"-type show and see the profile of Mrs. Botz (which turns out to be an alias). Mrs. Botz comes into the room and ties Bart and Lisa up so she can go about her burglary work uninterrupted; however, Maggie - who has been sleeping in her crib - is able to free her older siblings, and they are able to knock Mrs. Botz out. They call the police, but before they arrive, Homer and Marge arrive home. Assuming his children had gotten the best of another baby-sitter, Homer unties Mrs. Botz and she makes a clean getaway - just moments before police and the media arrive.
Season 2
Season 2, Episode 1: Bart Gets an F
Original Air Date—11 ottobre 1990
Bart's teacher, Mrs. Krabappel, has become fed up with his lackadasial scholastic habits. After bluffing his way through a book report and failing a geography exam, Krabappel gives Bart an ultimatum: Shape up or be retained in fourth grade.
Season 2, Episode 2: Simpson and Delilah
Original Air Date—18 ottobre 1990
Homer lies on a medical insurance form to buy a "miracle" hair-restoring drug.
Season 2, Episode 3: Treehouse of Horror
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 1990
In this trilogy of horror-themed Halloween stories, Bart and Lisa attempt to scare each other with tales of the macabre. In first,"Bad Dream House", the Simpsons inhabit a haunted home, which possesses their souls, and causes them to attempt to kill each other. But after spending enough time with the Simpsons, it is the house, which kill itself, vanishing into another dimension. In the second segment, "Hungry are the Damned", the Simpsons accuse the monsters of planning to eat them, but the offended aliens reveal they were only planning a sumptuous meal for the family. In the third segment, a satire of Poe's "The Raven", a grief-stricken Homer is tormented by bad bird Bart.
Season 2, Episode 4: Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish
Original Air Date—1 novembre 1990
A three-eyed fish is caught in the Springfield River downstream from the nuclear plant, leading to a government safety inspection. When Mr. Burns is told that the plant will be shut down, he gets drunk in his car with Homer. Homer remarks that if Burns were governor, he could make new laws to keep the plant open. Burns seizes on this remark and announces his candidacy. Afraid for his job, Homer pushes his family to campaign for Burns, but Marge is a staunch supporter of the incumbent, Mary Bailey. On the night before the election, Burns dines at the Simpson home as a publicity stunt.
Season 2, Episode 5: Dancin' Homer
Original Air Date—8 novembre 1990
Homer's heckling of the Springfield Isotopes baseball team's mascot during one of their games leads to his appointment as the new mascot.
Season 2, Episode 6: Dead Putting Society
Original Air Date—15 novembre 1990
Overcome with jealousy at Ned Flanders's affluent lifestyle and affectionate family, Homer paints him as a snobbish jerk to the rest of his family and looks eagerly for an opportunity to show him up. He finds it in an upcoming miniature golf tournament, and enters Bart against Ned's son Todd.
Season 2, Episode 7: Bart vs. Thanksgiving
Original Air Date—22 novembre 1990
On Thanksgiving, Bart learns about the meaning of the holiday when he runs away from home (after getting into a fight), then shares a turkey dinner with homeless people at a soup kitchen.
Season 2, Episode 8: Bart the Daredevil
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 1990
After seeing a motorcycle daredevil at the monster truck show, Bart becomes a death-defying daredevil on his skateboard.
Season 2, Episode 9: Itchy and Scratchy and Marge
Original Air Date—20 dicembre 1990
Marge becomes a crusader against cartoon violence after watching 'The Itchy and Scratchy Show'.
Season 2, Episode 10: Bart Gets Hit by a Car
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 1991
While skateboarding down the street, Bart is hit by a car driven by Mr. Burns. Homer turns down Mr. Burns' token offer of $100, and instead hires ambulance-chaser Lionel Hutz to bring an outrageous lawsuit.
Season 2, Episode 11: One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
Original Air Date—24 gennaio 1991
What would you do if you were told you had only 24 hours to live? That's what this episode explores when Homer is told just that.
Season 2, Episode 12: The Way We Was
Original Air Date—31 gennaio 1991
Homer and Marge tell the story of how they met and fell in love in high school.
Season 2, Episode 13: Homer vs. Lisa and the Eighth Commandment
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 1991
Homer gets a crooked cable guy to install free cable in the Simpson home. Lisa faces an ethical crises over her family's stealing.
Season 2, Episode 14: Principal Charming
Original Air Date—14 febbraio 1991
After attending a co-worker's wedding, a depressed Selma begs Marge to help her find a man. Marge sets Homer to the task, and Homer is impressed by Principal Skinner. Homer invites Skinner to the Simpson home for dinner, but accidentally introduces him to Selma's twin, Patty.
Season 2, Episode 15: Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Original Air Date—21 febbraio 1991
Homer's new design ruins his half-brother's car empire.
Season 2, Episode 16: Bart's Dog Gets an F
Original Air Date—7 marzo 1991
After an uncontrollable Santa's Little Helper destroys several important Simpson possessions, Homer announces that he will be thrown out of the house unless he completes obedience training.
Season 2, Episode 17: Old Money
Original Air Date—28 marzo 1991
After Grandpa Simpson's new girlfriend leaves him $106,000 in her will, he tries to decide what to do with it.
Season 2, Episode 18: Brush with Greatness
Original Air Date—11 aprile 1991
Homer goes on a diet and Marge enrolls in an art class.
Season 2, Episode 19: Lisa's Substitute
Original Air Date—25 aprile 1991
Lisa has a crush on her substitute teacher, who seemingly represents everything that Homer is not. Meanwhile, Bart decides to run for class president, and becomes the overwhelming favorite.
Season 2, Episode 20: The War of the Simpsons
Original Air Date—2 maggio 1991
Homer can't decide which is more important: going through a counseling seminar to save his marriage, or skipping out to catch a legendary fish. Back at home, Bart and Lisa try to take advantage of Grandpa, who is their babysitter.
Season 2, Episode 21: Three Men and a Comic Book
Original Air Date—9 maggio 1991
Bart, Milhouse and Martin each pitch in to buy an expensive comic book, which has disastrous results on their friendship.
Season 2, Episode 22: Blood Feud
Original Air Date—11 agosto 1991
Bart saves Mr. Burns's life. But Homer becomes enraged when Mr. Burns doesn't return the favor by sending the Simpsons what he considers to be an appropriate "thank you" gift.
Season 3
Season 3, Episode 1: Stark Raving Dad
Original Air Date—19 settembre 1991
Homer accidentally lands in a mental hospital and ends up sharing a cage with a white man who thinks he's Michael Jackson.
Season 3, Episode 2: Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
Original Air Date—26 settembre 1991
Lisa enters a contest and wins a trip to Washington DC for the whole family. While there she discovers corruption and decides to expose the corrupt official.
Season 3, Episode 3: When Flanders Failed
Original Air Date—3 ottobre 1991
Ned Flanders opens a mall store catering to lefties. Homer, however, wishes Flanders would fail.
Season 3, Episode 4: Bart the Murderer
Original Air Date—10 ottobre 1991
Bart stumbles upon the local mafia boss, and starts working for him on the side. When Principal Skinner goes missing after punishing Bart, he and Fat Tony's gang are suspected of killing him, but they try to get Bart to take the rap.
Season 3, Episode 5: Homer Defined
Original Air Date—17 ottobre 1991
Homer is a hero after averting a nuclear meltdown that he nearly caused, but he doesn't want to tell anyone that he stopped it completely by accident.
Season 3, Episode 6: Like Father, Like Clown
Original Air Date—24 ottobre 1991
When the Simpsons have Krusty the Clown over for dinner, he says grace in Hebrew, and recalls his difficult relationship with his father, a rabbi. Bart and Lisa try to reunite the two of them.
Season 3, Episode 7: Treehouse of Horror II
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 1991
The Simpson family receives a severed monkey's paw which can grant wishes, Bart gains magical powers which he uses to turn Homer into a Jack-in-the-box, and Mr. Burns uses Homer's brain to create a robot.
Season 3, Episode 8: Lisa's Pony
Original Air Date—7 novembre 1991
After ruining Lisa's performance at the school talent show, Homer tries to make it up by buying her a pony.
Season 3, Episode 9: Saturdays of Thunder
Original Air Date—14 novembre 1991
After Homer fails a fathering test, he decides to help Bart build his Soap Box Derby racer. But Bart dumps Homer and their racer after Martin's far superior vehicle suddenly becomes available.
Season 3, Episode 10: Flaming Moe's
Original Air Date—21 novembre 1991
Moe claims that a drink that Homer invented is his own. After the drink makes the bar a local hot spot, Moe gains a number of fair-weather friends but loses Homer's friendship.
Season 3, Episode 11: Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
Original Air Date—5 dicembre 1991
Burns decides to retire and sells the power plant to a German consortium for an exorbitant price. Homer's laziness and inefficiency are quickly exposed by his new bosses, and he is laid off.
Season 3, Episode 12: I Married Marge
Original Air Date—26 dicembre 1991
As Marge goes to the doctor for a pregnancy test, Homer tells the children of the events leading up to his marriage and Bart's birth.
Season 3, Episode 13: Radio Bart
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 1992
After Bart receives a microphone which can transmit through radios, he decides to pull a series of pranks, and eventually convinces the town that a boy has fallen down a well.
Season 3, Episode 14: Lisa the Greek
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 1992
Homer uses Lisa (and her prognostic skills) to help him bet on football games.
Season 3, Episode 15: Homer Alone
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 1992
While Marge spends a couple of days at Rancho Relaxo after she has a breakdown, Bart and Lisa stay with Patty and Selma, and Homer stays at home to take care of Maggie.
Season 3, Episode 16: Bart the Lover
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 1992
After Ms. Krabappel gives Bart a month of detention, Bart gets his revenge on her by responding to her newspaper singles ad. Homer begins a "swear jar" to keep him cursing.
Season 3, Episode 17: Homer at the Bat
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 1992
Homer and his co-workers qualify the plant's softball team for the league final, but Mr. Burns hires 9 professional MLB players to win a $1 million bet.
Season 3, Episode 18: Separate Vocations
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 1992
The results of a standardized test steer Bart in the direction of law and order at Springfield Elementary School. However, Lisa becomes so depressed by her results that she turns to juvenile delinquency.
Season 3, Episode 19: Dog of Death
Original Air Date—12 marzo 1992
The Simpsons wind up regretting paying for an expensive surgery for Santa's Little Helper. He then runs away from home, winds up in the animal shelter, and is adopted by Mr. Burns to become an attack dog.
Season 3, Episode 20: Colonel Homer
Original Air Date—26 marzo 1992
Homer becomes the manager of a beautiful young country singer, and finds himself almost attracted to her, sparking Marge's jealousy.
Season 3, Episode 21: Black Widower
Original Air Date—9 aprile 1992
Sideshow Bob gets out of jail and plots to take his revenge on Bart by marrying his Aunt Selma and killing her.
Season 3, Episode 22: The Otto Show
Original Air Date—23 aprile 1992
After Otto loses his job as a school bus driver because he doesn't have a license, Bart talks Homer and Marge into having Otto stay with them until he gets back on his feet.
Season 3, Episode 23: Bart's Friend Falls in Love
Original Air Date—7 maggio 1992
Milhouse falls in love with Samantha, a new transfer student, and Bart becomes jealous of all the time they are spending together. Homer orders a subliminal weight loss tape, but is given a vocabulary builder by mistake.
Season 3, Episode 24: Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?
Original Air Date—27 agosto 1992
After Homer "wins" a $2000 settlement with the plant for radiation affecting his sperm count, his brother Herb comes to Springfield with an idea that could help him get his fortune back.
Season 4
Season 4, Episode 1: Kamp Krusty
Original Air Date—24 settembre 1992
Bart and Lisa go off for the summer to Krusty's camp for kids, but instead of meeting Krusty they meet his bean-counting surrogate, Mr. Black. With their children gone, Homer and Marge enjoy a romantic summer, but Bart and Lisa are put to work making crummy merchandise, until Krusty returns and sets things right-by taking the kids to Tijuana.
Season 4, Episode 2: A Streetcar Named Marge
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 1992
Marge wins the lead in a musical production of "A Streetcar Named Desire", in which Ned Flanders plays Stanley Kowalski. Marge is infuriated by Homer's brutishness and insensitivity during preproduction, until he sees the play and reveals to Marge that he has grasped its meaning. While rehearsing, Marge sticks Maggie in the Ayn Rand Day Care Center, where her pacifier is immediately taken from her, and a la "The Great Escape", she must struggle to win it back.
Season 4, Episode 3: Homer the Heretic
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 1992
Homer decides not to attend church one Sunday and has the time of his life and vows never to return to church again, however one Sunday after falling asleep while smoking a cigar he accidentally sets fire to The Simpsons house, Flanders spots the flames and rescues him, Homer comes to his senses and turns up at church the following Sunday(asleep).
Season 4, Episode 4: Lisa the Beauty Queen
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 1992
With her self-esteem shattered by a school carnival cartoonist, Homer decides to enter Lisa in a local children's beauty contest, which she ends up winning by default. But when she finds out how heavily involved Laramie Tobacco is in using the contest to sell cigarettes, she uses her position as a platform against the tobacco industry and other establishments of power and corruption.
Season 4, Episode 5: Treehouse of Horror III
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 1992
In "Clown Without Pity", a Krusty the Clown doll goes berserk in the Simpson home. In "King Homer", Marge is wooed by a giant ape. And final story, In "Dial 'Z' for Zombies", Bart's attempt to bring back the family cat turns the town of Springfield into a pack of bloodthirsty zombies.
Season 4, Episode 6: Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
Original Air Date—3 novembre 1992
Pulling one prank too many costs Bart the opportunity to see the Itchy and Scratchy Movie.
Season 4, Episode 7: Marge Gets a Job
Original Air Date—5 novembre 1992
Marge takes a job at the nuclear plant to help pay for the house's foundation repair, and Burns becomes smitten by her.
Season 4, Episode 8: New Kid on the Block
Original Air Date—12 novembre 1992
Bart finds himself attracted to the 15-year-old new neighbor, Laura. Homer sues an All-You-Can-Eat buffet.
Season 4, Episode 9: Mr. Plow
Original Air Date—19 novembre 1992
Homer buys a truck with an attached snow plow after he destroys his car, and to pay for it, he starts a snow shoveling business, calling himself Mr. Plow. It all goes off without a hitch, until he finds himself in competition with The Plow King, a.k.a. Barney Gumbel. Now begins the winter of discontent.
Season 4, Episode 10: Lisa's First Word
Original Air Date—3 dicembre 1992
While trying to coax Maggie into saying her first word, Homer & Marge talk about how Lisa spoke hers.
Season 4, Episode 11: Homer's Triple Bypass
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 1992
Years of poor eating habits catch up with Homer when he suffers a massive heart attack. The family can't afford the triple bypass operation he needs from Dr. Hibbert, so they go to a discount quack named Nick Riviera.
Season 4, Episode 12: Marge vs. the Monorail
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 1993
After receiving a considerable donation of money, the people of Springfield decide what to spend it on. Enter Lyle Langley, a jocular salesman who gets Springfield hooked on a monorail system. After the monorail is up and running, and with Homer as the conductor, it's time for the maiden voyage. Little do the people know they have just boarded a one-way train to Hell.
Season 4, Episode 13: Selma's Choice
Original Air Date—21 gennaio 1993
Selma starts to feel broody, but after taking Bart and Lisa to Duff Gardens, she changes her mind.
Season 4, Episode 14: Brother from the Same Planet
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 1993
After Homer forgets to pick up Bart from soccer practice, Bart joins a mentor program called Big Brothers presenting himself as an orphan, and is assigned a big brother called Tom. When Homer finds out, he joins the program too as a big brother.
Season 4, Episode 15: I Love Lisa
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 1993
Feeling sorry for Ralph, Lisa sends him a valentine card, having developed a crush on her Ralph invites Lisa to go see the Krusty the Clown show, she accepts but after Krusty asks them if there boyfriend and girlfriend Lisa lets Ralph no that she just wants them to be friends.
Season 4, Episode 16: Duffless
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 1993
After Homer is arrested for DUI, and loses his driver's license, he is put to the ultimate test when Marge pressures him to give up beer for a month.
Season 4, Episode 17: Last Exit to Springfield
Original Air Date—11 marzo 1993
Homer becomes union leader and leads a company strike when Mr. Burns takes away the company dental plan.
Season 4, Episode 18: So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show
Original Air Date—1 aprile 1993
Homer plays a series of (childish) practical jokes on Bart. To get even, Bart uses a paint mixer at a local hardware store to shake up a can of Homer's beer. Homer opens the can, resulting in a huge explosion that seriously injures the Simpsons patriarch.
Season 4, Episode 19: The Front
Original Air Date—15 aprile 1993
Homer goes back to school after it is revealed that he never graduated. Meanwhile, Bart and Lisa ghostwrite for Itchy & Scratchy using Abe's name.
Season 4, Episode 20: Whacking Day
Original Air Date—29 aprile 1993
Marge attempts to home school Bart after he is expelled from Springfield Elementary. Meanwhile, Lisa protests a barbaric local holiday centered around clubbing snakes to death.
Season 4, Episode 21: Marge in Chains
Original Air Date—6 maggio 1993
A misunderstanding leads to Marge being imprisoned for shoplifting. In her absence, the family and eventually, the town descend into chaos.
Season 4, Episode 22: Krusty Gets Kancelled
Original Air Date—13 maggio 1993
A massive advertising blitz announces the arrival of something named "Gabbo." Eventually, Gabbo is revealed to be a Howdy Doddy-esque dummy, with Arthur Crandall as the ventriloquist.
Season 5
Season 5, Episode 1: Homer's Barbershop Quartet
Original Air Date—30 settembre 1993
After the kids find a record with Homer's picture on it, he recalls the story of how he achieved fame in the 1980s with his barbershop quartet The Be Sharps.
Season 5, Episode 2: Cape Feare
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 1993
An anonymous letter writer makes ominous threats to Bart. The Simpsons discover they were sent by Sideshow Bob who, when released from prison, harasses the Simpsons and then attempts to kill Bart with a machete. But Bob's vanity foils him yet again.
Season 5, Episode 3: Homer Goes to College
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 1993
Homer is fired from his position in the power plant as Safety Inspector after a regulation inspector discovers he doesn't have certification for it. He goes back to college to get certified for his old job.
Season 5, Episode 4: Rosebud
Original Air Date—21 ottobre 1993
Mr. Burns goes on a desperate quest to recover his cherished childhood toy Bobo, a bear which is now in Maggie's possession.
Season 5, Episode 5: Treehouse of Horror IV
Original Air Date—28 ottobre 1993
When Homer announces he would sell his soul for a donut, the Devil, disguised as Ned Flanders, shows up to take him up on the offer. Second Act, while ridings to school, Bart believe he sees a malevolent gremlin on the side of the bus. And final act, Mr. Burns is Dracula, in a spoof of Francis Ford Coppola's vampire film.
Season 5, Episode 6: Marge on the Lam
Original Air Date—4 novembre 1993
A girl's night out turns into a high speed chase when Marge learns her friend is driving a stolen car.
Season 5, Episode 7: Bart's Inner Child
Original Air Date—11 novembre 1993
Brad Goodman, a self-help guru, identifies Bart as a role model for personal happiness, because he is in touch with his inner child. Soon the entire town begins to behave like Bart.
Season 5, Episode 8: Boy Scoutz 'n the Hood
Original Air Date—18 novembre 1993
Bart wakes up after a sugar bender to find that he has joined the Junior Campers. Although he hates the club at first, he eventually grows to enjoy it. When a father/son rafting trip is announced, Homer unwittingly strands the group at sea.
Season 5, Episode 9: The Last Temptation of Homer
Original Air Date—9 dicembre 1993
Homer's marriage is in trouble when he develops an attraction to a new co-worker.
Season 5, Episode 10: $pringfield (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)
Original Air Date—16 dicembre 1993
Springfield decides to legalize gambling to revitalize its economy. Marge develops a gambling problem, while Mr. Burns develops a Howard Hughes complex.
Season 5, Episode 11: Homer the Vigilante
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 1994
An outbreak of burglaries inspires Homer to lead a vigilante group.
Season 5, Episode 12: Bart Gets Famous
Original Air Date—3 febbraio 1994
Bart becomes an overnight sensation as the "I didn't do it" boy on Krusty's show.
Season 5, Episode 13: Homer and Apu
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 1994
Homer participates in a hidden camera investigation of unsanitary food preparation at the Kwik-E-Mart, which costs Apu his job. Apu then enlists Homer's help on a journey to India to get his job back, while James Woods becomes the new Kwik-E-Mart clerk, as part of his research for a film project.
Season 5, Episode 14: Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 1994
Lisa leads a protest against a talking doll she perceives as being sexist.
Season 5, Episode 15: Deep Space Homer
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 1994
The powers that be at NASA, distraught over low television ratings for their space launches, decide to improve them by putting a private citizen on their next space shuttle. After receiving an angry phone call from Homer, they decide he is their man.
Season 5, Episode 16: Homer Loves Flanders
Original Air Date—17 marzo 1994
After Ned Flanders helps Homer get tickets to an important football game, he and Homer become good friends. But Homer takes the friendship too far with his stupid antics, oblivious to the fact that Ned is beginning to hate him.
Season 5, Episode 17: Bart Gets an Elephant
Original Air Date—31 marzo 1994
After winning a phone-in competition Bart has a choice of prize of either $10,000 or an elephant, he chooses the latter, naming him Stampy. The Simpsons are in chaos after Stampy wrecks the house and eats all the food. They have no alternative, Stampy must go to an animal refuge.
Season 5, Episode 18: Burns' Heir
Original Air Date—14 aprile 1994
After a near-death experience, Burns holds auditions for his heir and after Bart smashes his windows he chooses Bart.Bart moves in with Burns but when he's forced to choose between Burns and his family he chooses the latter.
Season 5, Episode 19: Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song
Original Air Date—28 aprile 1994
Bart takes Santa's little helper to school with him on inspection day and gets Skinner fired, Bart is pleased until Ned Flandres is made his replacement.Bart sets out to find Skinner and get him reinstated.
Season 5, Episode 20: The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Original Air Date—5 maggio 1994
After playing hooky from school, Bart sneaks in to Mayor Quimby's nephew Freddy's birthday party and witnesses a confrontation between Freddy and a waiter, Freddy is accused of beating the waiter but Bart knows what really happened, should he keep quiet or tell the truth and risk getting Cort playing hooky?
Season 5, Episode 21: Lady Bouvier's Lover
Original Air Date—12 maggio 1994
Abe falls in love with Marge's mother, but must compete with Mr. Burns for her heart.
Season 5, Episode 22: Secrets of a Successful Marriage
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1994
Homer is given the task of teaching an adult education class about relationships. He fails to woo the class until he starts talking about his and Marge's sex life. When Marge finds out, she orders him not to talk about their private life again. But then he invites his entire class to dinner. This is the final straw for Marge and she chucks him out of the house. He then moves in to Bart's tree house. After seeing the error of his ways he asks Marge for a second chance. She accepts and the two reconcile.
Season 6
Season 6, Episode 1: Bart of Darkness
Original Air Date—4 settembre 1994
In a Rear Window parody, the Simpsons buy a swimming pool and everybody in the neighborhood joins in the enjoyment--except for Bart, whose broken leg prevents him from swimming. He soon becomes obsessed with looking through his telescope and even suspects Ned Flanders of murdering his wife.
Season 6, Episode 2: Lisa's Rival
Original Air Date—11 settembre 1994
Lisa is jealous when a new girl in class is smarter than she is. Meanwhile, Homer obtains a massive amount of sugar.
Season 6, Episode 3: Another Simpsons Clip Show
Original Air Date—25 settembre 1994
The family recalls past tales of lost love.
Season 6, Episode 4: Itchy & Scratchy Land
Original Air Date—2 ottobre 1994
A family vacation to Itchy & Scratchy Land turns disastrous when the robots malfunction and turn on the tourists.
Season 6, Episode 5: Sideshow Bob Roberts
Original Air Date—9 ottobre 1994
Sideshow Bob is released from prison, runs for mayor as a Republican, and defeats "Diamond" Joe Quimby in the election. But a "Deep-Throat"-type informant tells Bart and Lisa that he was fraudulently elected. It's up to them to find the evidence.
Season 6, Episode 6: Treehouse of Horror V
Original Air Date—30 ottobre 1994
The Simpsons are employed on Mr. Burns's country estate-and Homer goes insane. And act two, Homer's attempt to repair a toaster lead him repeatedly back into the past-and he inadvertently changes the future. And the final act, the school cafeteria turn to an unusual source of food-and schoolchildren start mysteriously disappearing.
Season 6, Episode 7: Bart's Girlfriend
Original Air Date—6 novembre 1994
Bart falls for Reverend Lovejoy's daughter and is surprised when she becomes a bad influence on him.
Season 6, Episode 8: Lisa on Ice
Original Air Date—13 novembre 1994
Homer gives all his attention to Bart because he is the star of his hockey team, which makes Lisa jealous. But when a rival team discovers that she is an excellent goalie, Bart suddenly has rival for Homer's attention.
Season 6, Episode 9: Homer Badman
Original Air Date—27 novembre 1994
Homer and Marge hire college co-ed Ashley Grant to baby-sit the kids while they go to a candy convention. While driving Ashley home, Homer shows poor tact when he attempts to retrieve a piece of Gummy Venus that became stuck to the back of Ashley's pants. Things are blown way out of proportion when Ashley interprets Homer's innocent actions as a sexual advance, prompting her to mount a huge anti-harassment campaign against Homer. Several attempts to exonerate himself - most notably, a totally inaccurate segment on the tabloid TV show "Rock Bottom" - only make things worse. As the media coverage intensifies, his friends turn against him and his name becomes comedy fodder, Homer becomes resigned to his tarnished reputation. Finally, after Lisa produces a segment for a cable-access TV show (where Homer defends himself), Groundskeeper Willie finally produces evidence to exonerate the Simpson patriarch.
Season 6, Episode 10: Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy
Original Air Date—4 dicembre 1994
Homer and Abe hit the road to sell Abe's miraculous aphrodisiac.
Season 6, Episode 11: Fear of Flying
Original Air Date—18 dicembre 1994
Marge goes into therapy to cure her of her traumatizing fear of flying.
Season 6, Episode 12: Homer the Great
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 1995
Homer becomes a member of a mysterious organization called the Stonecutters and is heralded as "the chosen one."
Season 6, Episode 13: And Maggie Makes Three
Original Air Date—22 gennaio 1995
Homer recounts the story of Maggie's birth when the kids ask why there are no photos of her in the family album.
Season 6, Episode 14: Bart's Comet
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 1995
Bart discovers a comet that is on a collision course with Springfield.
Season 6, Episode 15: Homie the Clown
Original Air Date—12 febbraio 1995
Homer becomes a Krusty the Clown stand-in, but is mistaken for the real Krusty by the Springfield mafia.
Season 6, Episode 16: Bart vs. Australia
Original Air Date—19 febbraio 1995
Lisa tells Bart that toilet water swirls in the opposite direction in the Southern Hemisphere. Determined to find out if this is true, Bart makes a collect call to Australia. When the father of the boy he called finds out about the charges, it sparks an international incident. The Simpsons must travel to Australia to repair relations with the United States.
Season 6, Episode 17: Homer vs. Patty and Selma
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 1995
Desperate for money, Homer takes a loan from Patty and Selma. Meanwhile, Bart discovers a natural talent for ballet.
Season 6, Episode 18: A Star Is Burns
Original Air Date—5 marzo 1995
Mr. Burns hosts a film festival in Springfield to improve his image. Film critic Jay Sherman, of "The Critic" is invited, and stays with the Simpsons.
Season 6, Episode 19: Lisa's Wedding
Original Air Date—19 marzo 1995
A fortune teller gives Lisa a look at her wedding in the year 2010.
Season 6, Episode 20: Two Dozen and One Greyhounds
Original Air Date—9 aprile 1995
Santa's Little Helper has puppies, and Mr. Burns schemes to steal them and make them into a coat.
Season 6, Episode 21: The PTA Disbands
Original Air Date—16 aprile 1995
Marge fills in for Mrs. Krabappel during a teachers' strike.
Season 6, Episode 22: 'Round Springfield
Original Air Date—30 aprile 1995
When Bart swallows a hazardous prize from a cereal box and winds up in the hospital, Lisa finds out her jazz idol Bleeding Gums Murphy has a room of his own there. Sadly, this turns out to be his deathbed, and not only is she upset about him dying, but she realizes that nobody will ever remember him for his music, unless she does something about it.
Season 6, Episode 23: The Springfield Connection
Original Air Date—7 maggio 1995
Marge deals with corruption and crime when she joins the Springfield police force.
Season 6, Episode 24: Lemon of Troy
Original Air Date—14 maggio 1995
Shelbyville kids hijack Springfield's sacred lemon tree after being pelted with lemons, and Bart leads a guerrilla war against them (I say a war, but it's nowhere near violent.) They find out that the tree is in "the impenetrable fortress of suburbia"- a car impound lot, owned by the leader's (Shelby's) dad. Homer and the parents of the kids find them and team up with them to get the tree back. But how are they gonna get it from a car impound lot?
Season 6, Episode 25: Who Shot Mr. Burns?: Part 1
Original Air Date—21 maggio 1995
Mr. Burns steals oil from Springfield Elementary, and one day, he is shot, with no indication on who did it.
Season 7
Season 7, Episode 1: Who Shot Mr. Burns?: Part 2
Original Air Date—17 settembre 1995
In the conclusion of the first part that ended season six, we are revealed in the first episode of season seven who actually shot Mr. Burns.
Season 7, Episode 2: Radioactive Man
Original Air Date—24 settembre 1995
Milhouse is cast as Radioactive Man's sidekick in a Hollywood production of the comic book.
Season 7, Episode 3: Home Sweet Home-Diddily-Dum-Doodily
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 1995
Marge and Homer lose custody of the kids, who are sent to live at the Flanders' house.
Season 7, Episode 4: Bart Sells His Soul
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 1995
When Rev. Lovejoy disciplines Bart for a prank he pulled in church - he tricked the organist into playing Iron Butterfly's ""In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" - he and co-conspirator Milhouse begin arguing over whether man really has a soul. Bart scoffs at the notion and agrees to "sell" his soul (a piece of paper with the words "Bart Simpson's Soul") to Milhouse for $5. A series of situations makes Bart realize maybe he really did sell his soul, prompting him to go all-out to get it back from Milhouse, who isn't willing to sell. Meanwhile, Moe attempts to open a family-style restaurant inside his tavern, with the gimmick that if he doesn't smile when servicing a customer, the meal is free. Moe's surly demeanor and the stress of running such a business alone conspire to do the establishment in.
Season 7, Episode 5: Lisa the Vegetarian
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 1995
A trip to a local petting zoo convinces Lisa to give up meat, despite excessive pressure to convince her not to do so.
Season 7, Episode 6: Treehouse of Horror VI
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 1995
First, a freak lightning storm causes giant advertising mascots to come to life. Next, Groundskeeper Willie dies and swears revenge on the kids in their dreams. Finally, Homer accidentally finds himself trapped in another dimension.
Season 7, Episode 7: King Size Homer
Original Air Date—5 novembre 1995
Mr. Burns institutes a new calisthenics program at work. Most employees enjoy the morning workout, except Homer, who is too lazy. He finds out that if he goes in disability, he will be exempt from the exercises. He finds hyper-obesity among the list of disability, so he gorges himself on food to balloon up to 300 pounds.
Season 7, Episode 8: Mother Simpson
Original Air Date—19 novembre 1995
To get out of cleaning a part as community service, Homer fakes his own death. When this results in the family's utilities being cut off, Marge puts pressure on him to reveal that he is alive. However, the spurious news of his "death" brings his long-lost mother (Glenn Close)--a hippie who is on the run from the law because of her activism against Mr. Burns--back to Springfield.
Season 7, Episode 9: Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming
Original Air Date—26 novembre 1995
Sideshow Bob again escapes from prison and takes control of a TV screen at an air show, demanding all television stations immediately go off the air.
Season 7, Episode 10: The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular
Original Air Date—3 dicembre 1995
Troy McClure hosts a retrospective of the first 138 episodes of The Simpsons.
Season 7, Episode 11: Marge Be Not Proud
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 1995
Marge's relationship with Bart is strained when she catches him shoplifting before Christmas.
Season 7, Episode 12: Team Homer
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 1996
Homer starts a bowling team with Moe, Apu and Otto, but when Mr. Burns discovers the team was funded with his money, he insists on joining. Meanwhile, Springfield Elementary introduces uniforms.
Season 7, Episode 13: Two Bad Neighbors
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 1996
To avoid politics, former President George Bush and his wife Barbara retire to Springfield, citing its low voter turnout. They quickly become friends to the conservative Flanders family, but George soon becomes the enemy of Bart and Homer Simpson.
Season 7, Episode 14: Scenes from a Class Struggle in Springfield
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 1996
After Grandpa destroys their television set, the Simpsons go to an outlet mall to buy a new one. Marge decides to peruse a clothing store, and buys a discounted Chanel suit. A chance encounter with a High School acquaintance, while wearing the suit, leads to an invitation to join a country club. Marge becomes obsessed with pleasing the club's upper-class clientèle to so she can be accepted.
Season 7, Episode 15: Bart the Fink
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 1996
Bart gets a check he wanted signed by Krusty back stamped. As Krusty was supposed to autograph it, Bart wants it taken back to sign, but inadvertently reveals Krusty as a tax fraud. Krusty's lifestyle is stripped down to that of an average citizen, his show ruined and most of his possessions sold in an auction. Bart is mad at himself, particularly after a sobbing Krusty commits suicide by piloting his plane, the I'm-Onna-Rolla-Gay, into a mountainside. Bart sees visions of Krusty everywhere, but are they illusions or real life?
Season 7, Episode 16: Lisa the Iconoclast
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 1996
Lisa discovers that her town's beloved founder Jebediah Springfield was in fact a vicious pirate.
Season 7, Episode 17: Homer the Smithers
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 1996
When Smithers is forced to take a vacation, he appoints Homer as his temporary replacement.
Season 7, Episode 18: The Day the Violence Died
Original Air Date—17 marzo 1996
Bart & Lisa meet a bum who claims to have created Itchy, one half of the cat and mouse team of their favorite cartoon series, "Itchy & Scratchy."
Season 7, Episode 19: A Fish Called Selma
Original Air Date—24 marzo 1996
Washed-up movie star Troy McClure is pulled over for driving without corrective lenses, and forced to go to the DMV to get his eyes checked. While there, he meets Selma, who he asks out for dinner. Spotted by a reporter, he quickly realizes that being seen in public with a woman will grab enough headlines to revitalize his career, leading to a whirlwind romance between him and Selma.
Season 7, Episode 20: Bart on the Road
Original Air Date—31 marzo 1996
Unable to get out of a mis-scheduled spring vacation, Principal Skinner makes up the holiday "Go to Work with Your Parents Day," giving Lisa the chance to spend time with Homer, and Bart the chance to work with Patty & Selma at the DMV. When Bart makes his own fake driver's license and Martin wins a bundle at the stock market, Bart rents a car, and takes Milhouse, Martin, and Nelson Muntz on a huge road trip.
Season 7, Episode 21: 22 Short Films About Springfield
Original Air Date—14 aprile 1996
A series of vignettes highlights a day in the life of various Springfield residents.
Season 7, Episode 22: Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in 'The Curse of the Flying Hellfish'
Original Air Date—28 aprile 1996
Grandpa Simpson reveals to Bart that he and Montgomery Burns were part of a World War 2 unit known as the Flying Hellfish, which stole priceless art from a German castle during the war, of which the last surviving member would inherit the fortune. When another member of his platoon dies, Abe and Burns remain the last two survivors, and Burns vows to make sure Grandpa doesn't become the last Hellfish, until Abe and Bart vow to find the fortune before Burns does.
Season 7, Episode 23: Much Apu About Nothing
Original Air Date—5 maggio 1996
Anti-Immigration fever sweeps Springfield, which threatens to lead to the deportation of of Apu, until Homer decides to reject the mob mentality, and help him become a legal citizen.
Season 7, Episode 24: Homerpalooza
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1996
Depressed about his inability to keep up with the existing music scene when Bart reveals how uncool his interest in 1970's rock music truly is, Homer decides to take Bart and Lisa to the Hullabalooza music festival to show them this isn't the case. Failing at that, he nearly sparks a riot and gets shot at with a cannon(ironically for Peter Frampton) which bounces a fake pig off his fat belly, and ends up being hired as part of the festival's freak show, touring with bands such as Smashing Pumpkins, Cypress Hill, Sonic Youth, and yes, Frampton.
Season 7, Episode 25: Summer of 4 Ft. 2
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1996
The end of the school year, and an empty yearbook causes Lisa to contemplate her lack of popularity. When Ned Flanders is summoned for jury duty and offers Homer a chance to stay at his beach house, Lisa sees this as the opportunity to reinvent herself as a slacker in the hope of gaining friends, which proves to be far more successful than she could possibly imagine --- but not if Bart has any say in the matter.
Season 8
Season 8, Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror VII
Original Air Date—27 ottobre 1996
Bart discovers his Siamese twin Hugo in the attic. Then, Lisa becomes a god after she accidentally creates life in a science fair project. Finally, Kang and Kodos plot to conquer the planet disguised as Bill Clinton and Bob Dole.
Season 8, Episode 2: You Only Move Twice
Original Air Date—3 novembre 1996
Homer takes a new job in a new town. However, his friendly new boss might be a super villain bent on world domination.
Season 8, Episode 3: The Homer They Fall
Original Air Date—10 novembre 1996
Homer becomes a boxer after Moe discovers his amazing ability to take a punch.
Season 8, Episode 4: Burns, Baby Burns
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1996
The Simpsons try to reunite Homer's boss, Mr. Burns, with Larry, Burns' long-lost son.
Season 8, Episode 5: Bart After Dark
Original Air Date—24 novembre 1996
Marge leads a crusade against a local burlesque house after she discovers Bart working there.
Season 8, Episode 6: A Milhouse Divided
Original Air Date—1 dicembre 1996
Milhouse's parents divorce, leading Homer to question the strength of his own marriage.
Season 8, Episode 7: Lisa's Date with Density
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 1996
At school, Nelson is caught with a cache of stolen items in his locker (including the "H" hood emblem from Supt. Chalmers' car) and is assigned to do chores with Groundskeeper Willie. Lisa is caught observing the goings-on and is assigned detention, where she develops a crush on Nelson. Lisa tries to reform Nelson, and it works for awhile. However, as the old saying goes, you can't teach a juvenile delinquent new tricks and it isn't long before Nelson is back to his old ways; he and his buddies had been caught throwing spoiled food at Skinner's house and tries to lie to Lisa about his participation in the whole thing, but ultimately lets slip the truth. Meanwhile, Homer obtains an autodialer and decides it will help him make easy money through his "Happy Dude" telemarketing scheme. Homer is eventually caught and made to use the autodialer to call back everyone he scammed in apology. Which he does ... then he asks for more money as part of a "Sorry Dude" scam.
Season 8, Episode 8: Hurricane Neddy
Original Air Date—29 dicembre 1996
A hurricane strikes Springfield, and in its wake, the Flanders' home is demolished. Ned becomes depressed, and reassurance from Maude and Rev. Lovejoy do little to offset Kent Brockman's hurricane coverage (where he reports that the Leftorium is being looted). Marge then bursts into the church where the Flanders' are staying and announces a miracle: Ned's home has been rebuilt. Well, sort of ... the house - built by an army of volunteers commissioned by Homer - is ill-constructed and quickly falls down. Ned then loses his temper and screams at everyone for their shoddy workmanship and what he views as their meddling (Homer thinks he "got off easy" when Ned calls him "the worst person I have ever met). Ned goes for a drive to cool down and heads toward a mental institution, where he checks himself in. There, his childhood psychiatrist counsels him on his crisis and determines that he has problems appropriately expressing his anger. The doctor recruits Homer to help Ned get to the root of his frustrations - his parents, who did not do a good job raising him. Eventually, Ned is released.
Season 8, Episode 9: El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Homer
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 1997
Marge's fears that Homer will embarrass her at the annual Springfield Chili Cook-Off again, are reaffirmed when after tasting various bland samples of chili, he comes across a specialty made by Chief Wiggum laced with hallucinogenic Guatemalan peppers. The chili sends him on a psychedelic journey where he meets an imaginary Coyote spirit guide(voiced by country music legend Johnny Cash), who urges him to find his soul mate, causing him to doubt that he should've ever married Marge in the first place.
Season 8, Episode 10: The Springfield Files
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 1997
In yet another crazed crossover, Leonard Nimoy narrates another tale of the supernatural, reminiscent of his days with "In Search Of." Realizing that even he's too drunk to drive after a night at Moe's Tavern, Homer stumbles through the woods and encounters a green glowing alien. Needless to say, nobody takes him seriously, except for "X-Files" FBI Agent Fox Mulder, who once again drags along his partner Dana Scully on another quest to prove the government is hiding the presence of UFO's from the public. However, even this mission may make a skeptic out of Mulder.
Season 8, Episode 11: The Twisted World of Marge Simpson
Original Air Date—19 gennaio 1997
Marge enters the pretzel vending business, but when she fails Homer recruits some help from the mob.
Season 8, Episode 12: Mountain of Madness
Original Air Date—2 febbraio 1997
Homer and Mr. Burns get trapped in a snowed-in cabin during a company retreat.
Season 8, Episode 13: Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala-Annoyed-Grunt-cious
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 1997
After a little bit of hair loss caused by stress, the Simpson family decide that a nanny to help around the house may be a good idea, causing them to come into contact with a very odd character named Shary Bobbins.
Season 8, Episode 14: The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 1997
Krusty becomes alarmed at the flagging ratings for "The Itchy & Scratchy Show" and demands it be corrected. The producers reason some new gimmicks are needed to inject fresh air and - after a focus group doesn't quite go as well as planned - decide to introduce a new character named Poochie, a rapping cartoon dog that is supposed to become friends with Itchy and Scratchy. Homer auditions to do Poochie's voice and wins the part. Poochie's first cartoon, "The Beagle Has Landed," premieres to great fanfare but is poorly received to say the least. The producers decide that, given his spectacular failure, Poochie will be killed off in the mutt's next cartoon. Homer learns about this and at his next recording session, gives a speech imploring everyone to give Poochie a chance. However, the effort is unsuccessful and Poochie's death - along with the correct lines dubbed in - is revealed in the next animated short. Also: A college-aged boy named Roy temporarily moves in with the Simpsons and - in a nod to clichéd characters being used as a gimmick to entice viewership of waning TV shows - does everything to get in the way. Eventually, Roy announces he's moving out and moving in with a pair of sexy ladies.
Season 8, Episode 15: Homer's Phobia
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 1997
Homer fears that Bart's masculinity is at stake when he suspects that he's being influenced by a flamboyant homosexual collectible store owner named John(Waters). All his efforts to show Bart how to be a man keep backfiring on him... or do they?
Season 8, Episode 16: Brother from Another Series
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 1997
Sideshow Bob is released from prison into the custody of his younger brother Cecil (voiced by David Hyde Pierce), Springfield's Chief Hydrological Engineer. He works as the foreman on a new hydroelectric dam. Bart is convinced that Bob is up to something shady again, and follows him everywhere.
Season 8, Episode 17: My Sister, My Sitter
Original Air Date—2 marzo 1997
Bart is outraged when Lisa becomes his babysitter.
Season 8, Episode 18: Homer vs. the 18th Amendment
Original Air Date—16 marzo 1997
Bart gets drunk during a St. Patrick's Day Parade, provoking the city government to enforce a two-hundred year old prohibition law. Rex Banner, an Elliot Ness-type character, takes over the police force to help enforce the law, since Wiggum failed to do do. Meanwhile, Homer decides to make money for himself as a bootlegger, calling himself "The Beer Baron."
Season 8, Episode 19: Grade School Confidential
Original Air Date—6 aprile 1997
Martin's birthday party is predictably dull until nearly all the guests become ill with food poisoning. The only ones not to get sick are Bart (who didn't want to eat the spoiled oysters), and Principal Skinner and Mrs. Krabappel, who fall in love with each other. Bart catches his principal and teacher kissing passionately, but they immediately find out and want to swear him to secrecy. They make him his gofer, making his life miserable at school and calling him at all hours of the night (all for the reward of Milhouse inheriting Bart's poor school record). Bart eventually loses his patience and exposes the Skinner-Krabappel relationship. After rumors - most of them grossly exaggerated - begin running wild through town, Supt. Chalmers threatens to fire both Principal Skinner and Mrs. Krabappel (since the relationship is forbidden per district policy) and does when Skinner refuses to call the relationship off. Eventually, Bart convinces Skinner to stand up for himself and his new girlfriend, and they decide to climb onto the roof and stay there until Chalmers reinstates them and accepts their relationship. The effort works, and Principal Skinner and Mrs. Krabappel are back at school.
Season 8, Episode 20: The Canine Mutiny
Original Air Date—13 aprile 1997
Using Santa's Little Helper's name, Bart is able to fraudulently obtain a credit card. Unaware that he needs to eventually pay for everything, Bart makes outlandish purchases - including a specially breeded collie he names Laddie. He manages to evade Lisa's demand for an explanation but can't keep back the creditors, who eventually repossess everything. When the creditors as for the dog, Bart - who has fallen in love with Laddie - sends Santa's Little Helper with the repo men. Later, Bart grows bored with Laddie and gives her to Chief Wiggum; in the aftermath, Bart is forced to explain everything and is sent to get Santa's Little Helper back any way he can. Bart eventually tracks down the pooch to a blind man's house and upon collecting Santa's Little Helper begins to leave. However, the blind man is able to trap burglar Bart in the closet. When Chief Wiggum comes to arrest Bart, Laddie sniffs out marijuana in the blind man's pocket. Santa's Little Helper goes home with Bart, while Wiggum holds a huge party at the man's house.
Season 8, Episode 21: The Old Man and the Lisa
Original Air Date—20 aprile 1997
Burns loses his fortune and recruits Lisa to help him get it back.
Season 8, Episode 22: In Marge We Trust
Original Air Date—27 aprile 1997
Marge becomes a church counselor to compensate for Reverend Lovejoy's lack of interest. Meanwhile, Homer discovers a Japanese detergent is using his face for their logo.
Season 8, Episode 23: Homer's Enemy
Original Air Date—4 maggio 1997
Mr. Burns hires Frank Grimes (the human interest subject of Kent Brockman's report) as executive vice president at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Grimes meets the employees and is immediately stunned at Homer's lackadasial work performance and his co-workers are nonchalant about it. Grimes - already annoyed by Homer's habits - becomes horrified when he observes Homer nearly drink a flask containing a toxic acid in absent-mindedness; however, Grimes is harshly reprimanded when he knocks the vial away and causes damage. Grimes tells Homer that they are "enemies," but Homer - still wanting to be friends - invites "Grimey" over for dinner. However, the attempt only makes matters worse when Grimes sees that Homer is living in a nice home and has a family. Resolved to expose Homer as a fraud once and for all, he hands out a flyer announcing a "design your own power plant" contest, which has all references to this being a contest for elementary school students. However, Homer easily wins the contest, causing Grimes to go crazy. After running amok through the plant and mocking Homer, Grimes touches some electrical wires and is electrocuted. In the subplot, Bart wanders into public auction and submits the winning bid ($1) for an abandoned factory. Bart and Milhouse play around inside until the place crumbles.
Season 8, Episode 24: The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase
Original Air Date—11 maggio 1997
Troy McClure introduces three "potential spin-offs" of The Simpsons. The fictional pilots include: "Chief Wiggum, P.I. (Wiggum and Principal Skinner are detectives in New Orleans, and must contend with the evil Big Daddy, who kidnaps Ralph); "The Love-Matic Grandpa" (a spoof of the failed 1960s-era sitcom "My Mother the Car," where Grampa's ghost inhabits a Love Tester machine at Moe's Tavern); and "The Simpson Family Smile-Time Variety Hour" (the Simpsons - along with a teen-aged "Lisa" - star in a comedy-variety show, much like the Bradys did in 1977).
Season 8, Episode 25: The Secret War of Lisa Simpson
Original Air Date—18 maggio 1997
After a prank destroys half the town, Bart is shipped away to military school. Lisa, seeking a challenge, decides to enroll with him, but is faced with discrimination as the school's only girl cadet.
Season 9
Season 9, Episode 1: The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson
Original Air Date—21 settembre 1997
Homer must travel to New York to get his car back, which is illegally parked at World Trade Center Plaza.
Season 9, Episode 2: The Principal and the Pauper
Original Air Date—28 settembre 1997
After holding a surprise tribute to their beloved Elementary school principal Skinner, the town of Springfield is shocked to find out that Seymour Skinner is an impostor...
Season 9, Episode 3: Lisa's Sax
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 1997
Homer recounts the story of Bart's first day of school, which corresponds with the story of how Lisa got her saxophone.
Season 9, Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror VIII
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 1997
In "The Homega Man," Homer battles mutants after Springfield is annihilated by a neutron bomb. Then, Bart has his DNA mixed with a fly in "Fly vs. Fly." Finally, Marge is revealed to be a witch in colonial Springfield in "Easy Bake Coven."
Season 9, Episode 5: The Cartridge Family
Original Air Date—2 novembre 1997
After a massive soccer riot, Homer decides to invest in a home security system but can't afford the high price. He does the next best thing: He purchases a gun. This is despite Marge's stern opposition to having a gun. Homer plays with the gun like a toy and almost causes an accident at the dinner table. Marge warns Homer to get rid of the gun now; Homer agrees, but Bart finds the gun later in the refrigerator. Marge sees this, takes the gun away and tells Homer she is taking the kids and moving out. Homer eventually is kicked out of the local NRA chapter (for his careless use of the gun), and decides he needs to try to get Marge back. Eventually, he manages to foil Snake's armed robbery at the hotel where Marge is staying. Homer finally gets rid of the gun, but Marge decides to keep it for herself.
Season 9, Episode 6: Bart Star
Original Air Date—9 novembre 1997
A pee-wee football team forms as a solution to Springfield's growing childhood obesity crisis. When Homer takes over as coach after causing Flanders to quit, he tries to make Bart the star of the team despite his poor performance on the field.
Season 9, Episode 7: The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons
Original Air Date—16 novembre 1997
Marge must pose as Apu's wife to prevent his upcoming arranged marriage.
Season 9, Episode 8: Lisa the Skeptic
Original Air Date—23 novembre 1997
Another day at Springfield Elementary School, another field trip - this time to an archaeological dig. During the dig, Lisa unearths what appears to be a fossilized human skeleton with wings.
Season 9, Episode 9: Realty Bites
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 1997
Marge becomes a real-estate agent.
Season 9, Episode 10: Miracle on Evergreen Terrace
Original Air Date—21 dicembre 1997
On Christmas Eve, Marge admonishes the family not to open presents until 7 a.m. the next morning. Bart finds a way around the directive and opens his gifts at 5 a.m. However, his prized gift - a remote-controlled fire truck - overheats and causes a fire that engulfs the tree and presents. The family investigates and Bart tells them that a burglar has struck. As a result of Kent Brockman's human interest story, the entire town donates gifts and cash to the Simpsons for their "misfortune." Eventually, Bart admits the truth, angering his clueless family but angering the town even more (when Brockman finds out the truth). The family is made into outcasts, and Marge's attempt to win the needed funds on "Jeopardy!" (to pay everybody back) fails miserably. Eventually, the townspeople loot the Simpsons' home ... save for a dust rag.
Next US airings:
Thur. Dec. 25 7:00 PM Fox
Season 9, Episode 11: All Singing, All Dancing
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 1998
Homer is disappointed when the western he rented turns out to be a musical, so the family reminds him of the musical moments in the show's history.
Season 9, Episode 12: Bart Carny
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 1998
Bart and Homer befriend two carnies and invite them to stay with them, but the carnies soon swindle the Simpsons out of their house.
Season 9, Episode 13: The Joy of Sect
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 1998
An evil cult called the Movementarians brainwashes the citizens of Springfield and it's up to Marge to get them back.
Season 9, Episode 14: Das Bus
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 1998
The kids get stranded on a desert island in a parody of Lord Of The Flies. Meanwhile, Homer attempts to cash in on the Internet.
Season 9, Episode 15: The Last Temptation of Krust
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 1998
After a disastrous performance, Krusty changes his image and becomes an edgy stand-up.
Season 9, Episode 16: Dumbbell Indemnity
Original Air Date—1 marzo 1998
Homer and Moe attempt insurance fraud so that Moe can support his new girlfriend. When Homer ends up in jail, Moe has to decide whether or not come forward.
Season 9, Episode 17: Lisa the Simpson
Original Air Date—8 marzo 1998
Lisa fears she is losing her intelligence when she learns about the fabled Simpson gene. Meanwhile, Jasper freezes himself in the Kwik-E-Mart freezer.
Season 9, Episode 18: This Little Wiggy
Original Air Date—22 marzo 1998
Bart is reluctant to hang out with Ralph Wiggum, until he gains access to Chief Wiggum's master key to the city.
Season 9, Episode 19: Simpson Tide
Original Air Date—29 marzo 1998
Homer causes an international incident after he joins the Naval reserves.
Season 9, Episode 20: The Trouble with Trillions
Original Air Date—5 aprile 1998
Homer is forced to spy for the IRS after an audit. But when he is asked to retrieve a trillion dollar bill from Mr. Burns, he switches sides and the two flee to Cuba for refuge.
Season 9, Episode 21: Girly Edition
Original Air Date—19 aprile 1998
Bart in Lisa become locked in competition when they anchor a children's news program. Meanwhile, Homer adopts a helper monkey.
Season 9, Episode 22: Trash of the Titans
Original Air Date—26 aprile 1998
After a feud with the Springfield refuse collectors, Homer decides to run for Sanitation Commisioner
Season 9, Episode 23: King of the Hill
Original Air Date—3 maggio 1998
After humiliating Bart at a church picnic, Homer resolves to get in shape. Soon, he is contacted by an energy bar company that wants him to climb a mountain as a promotion.
Season 9, Episode 24: Lost Our Lisa
Original Air Date—10 maggio 1998
Lisa gets lost after she tries to take a bus to a museum.
Season 9, Episode 25: Natural Born Kissers
Original Air Date—17 maggio 1998
Homer and Marge's attempt to spice up their marriage leads to the couple being chased naked through Springfield.
Season 10
Season 10, Episode 1: Lard of the Dance
Original Air Date—23 agosto 1998
Lisa organizes a dance at her school, while Homer and Bart try to start their own "grease business"
Season 10, Episode 2: The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace
Original Air Date—20 settembre 1998
Homer's midlife crisis leads to a disastrous attempt at being an inventor.
Season 10, Episode 3: Bart the Mother
Original Air Date—27 settembre 1998
When Bart accidentally kills a mother bird, he tries to make amends by raising the eggs.
Season 10, Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror IX
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 1998
Homer receives an evil hair transplant in "Hell Toupee." Then, Bart and Lisa get trapped in an Itchy and Scratchy cartoon in "The Terror Of Tiny Toon." Finally, Maggie is revealed to be an alien in "Starship Poopers."
Season 10, Episode 5: When You Dish Upon a Star
Original Air Date—8 novembre 1998
Homer becomes a Hollywood insider when he befriends Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger.
Season 10, Episode 6: D'oh-in' in the Wind
Original Air Date—15 novembre 1998
Homer becomes a hippie after a revelation about his middle name.
Season 10, Episode 7: Lisa Gets an A
Original Air Date—22 novembre 1998
Lisa cheats on a test and has a moral crisis when her perfect score qualifies the school for grant money. Meanwhile, Homer can't bring himself to cook a lobster, so he adopts it as a pet instead.
Season 10, Episode 8: Homer Simpson in: Kidney Trouble
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 1998
Homer gets cold feet before an operation that could save Grampa's life.
Season 10, Episode 9: Mayored to the Mob
Original Air Date—20 dicembre 1998
Homer deals with corruption when he becomes Mayor Quimby's bodyguard.
Season 10, Episode 10: Viva Ned Flanders
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 1999
When Homer takes Ned to Las Vegas in an attempt to get him to loosen up, the pair end up marrying cocktail waitresses in a drunken haze.
Season 10, Episode 11: Wild Barts Can't Be Broken
Original Air Date—17 gennaio 1999
The children of Springfield revolt after a curfew is enforced.
Season 10, Episode 12: Sunday, Cruddy Sunday
Original Air Date—31 gennaio 1999
Homer and his friends head to the Superbowl, but are forced to sneak in when they discover their tickets are counterfeit.
Season 10, Episode 13: Homer to the Max
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 1999
After a dimwitted TV character is coincidentally named Homer Simpson, Homer changes his name to Max Power.
Season 10, Episode 14: I'm with Cupid
Original Air Date—14 febbraio 1999
The husbands of Springfield plot revenge after Apu outshines them on Valentine's Day.
Season 10, Episode 15: Marge Simpson in 'Screaming Yellow Honkers'
Original Air Date—21 febbraio 1999
Marge's new SUV gives her a potent case of road rage.
Season 10, Episode 16: Make Room for Lisa
Original Air Date—28 febbraio 1999
When Homer installs a cell phone tower on his roof to pay for his destruction of the Bill Of Rights, the machinery is put in Lisa's room, forcing her to move in with Bart. When the new living arrangement causes her stress, Homer agrees to try sensory deprivation therapy with her.
Season 10, Episode 17: Maximum Homerdrive
Original Air Date—28 marzo 1999
Homer finishes a cross country delivery that a trucker died before completing, taking Bart along for the ride. Marge and Lisa experience problems with the novelty doorbell they purchased.
Season 10, Episode 18: Simpsons Bible Stories
Original Air Date—4 aprile 1999
Three famous religious stories are retold Simpsons style as the family nods off at church.
Season 10, Episode 19: Mom and Pop Art
Original Air Date—11 aprile 1999
Homer becomes the talk of the Springfield art community when a failed barbecue pit he worked on is mistaken for an art project.
Season 10, Episode 20: The Old Man and the 'C' Student
Original Air Date—25 aprile 1999
Bart is punished with community service at the Retirement Castle after he ruins Springfield's chances of hosting the Olympics.
Season 10, Episode 21: Monty Can't Buy Me Love
Original Air Date—2 maggio 1999
Mr. Burns attempts to be popular by capturing the Loch Ness Monster.
Season 10, Episode 22: They Saved Lisa's Brain
Original Air Date—9 maggio 1999
Lisa is invited to join the Springfield chapter of MENSA and the group ends up running the city. Meanwhile Homer poses for erotic photos.
Season 10, Episode 23: Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo
Original Air Date—16 maggio 1999
The Simpsons must perform on a Japanese game show after Homer loses their money on a vacation.
Season 11
Season 11, Episode 1: Beyond Blunderdome
Original Air Date—26 settembre 1999
When Mel Gibson becomes convinced that Homer is the only man with the guts to tell him the truth, he insists Homer accompany him to Hollywood to help fix his newest film project, a remake of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.
Season 11, Episode 2: Brother's Little Helper
Original Air Date—3 ottobre 1999
Bart is put on medication to control his behavior, but the pills cause him to become paranoid and insane.
Season 11, Episode 3: Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?
Original Air Date—24 ottobre 1999
Homer's negative reviews as a food critic puts his life in danger. Fortunately he has Lisa fighting for him.
Season 11, Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror X
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 1999
The Simpsons attempt to cover up their accidental murder of Ned Flanders in "I Know What You Did-Iddly-Did." Then, Bart and Lisa become superheroes and save Lucy Lawless from the evil Collector in "Desperately Xeeking Xena." Finally, Homer's incompetence causes a Y2K apocalypse in "Life's A Glitch, Then You Die."
Season 11, Episode 5: E-I-E-I-(ANNOYED GRUNT)
Original Air Date—7 novembre 1999
Homer cowards out of a pistol-duel and hides out with the rest of the family on a country farm.
Season 11, Episode 6: Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder
Original Air Date—14 novembre 1999
Homer becomes a minor celebrity around Springfield after bowling a perfect game.
Season 11, Episode 7: Eight Misbehavin'
Original Air Date—21 novembre 1999
Apu struggles with fatherhood after Manjula gives birth to octuplets.
Season 11, Episode 8: Take My Wife, Sleaze
Original Air Date—28 novembre 1999
Homer's attempt at creating a motorcycle gang attracts a real gang, who kidnap Marge.
Season 11, Episode 9: Grift of the Magi
Original Air Date—19 dicembre 1999
A toy company purchases Springfield Elementary and uses the student body as a focus group for their new Christmas toy Funzo.
Season 11, Episode 10: Little Big Mom
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 2000
Lisa finds out how rough Marge has it when her mom is in traction and she becomes the woman of the house. Homer and Bart's antics get her so worked up she conspires to teach them a lesson.
Season 11, Episode 11: Faith Off
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 2000
Bart is led to believe he has special healing powers after a tent revival.
Season 11, Episode 12: The Mansion Family
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 2000
When Mr. Burns has to go the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota for a checkup, he chooses The Simpsons to take care of his mansion while he is gone. Homer and his friends take Mr. Burns yacht into international waters, where they end up being targeted by modern day pirates.
Season 11, Episode 13: Saddlesore Galactica
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2000
The Simpsons get an abused horse and make him a contender in horse racing. Homer finds out a secret conspiracy about jockeys. Lisa tries to reach President Clinton when the results of a school band talent competition seem tainted.
Season 11, Episode 14: Alone Again, Natura-Diddly
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 2000
Ned deals with his grief after Maude's untimely death.
Season 11, Episode 15: Missionary: Impossible
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 2000
When Homer is wanted dead for reneging on a 10,000 dollar pledge to PBS, Reverend Lovejoy sets him up for missionary work in the South Pacific until the heat dies down.
Season 11, Episode 16: Pygmoelian
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 2000
Plastic surgery not only transforms Moe the Bartender from ugly to hunky, it helps gets him a job on a hit daytime drama.
Season 11, Episode 17: Bart to the Future
Original Air Date—19 marzo 2000
Bart gets a glimpse of the future while the family is on vacation at an Indian casino.
Season 11, Episode 18: Days of Wine and D'oh'ses
Original Air Date—9 aprile 2000
Homer doesn't like it when Barney quits drinking; Bart and Lisa get into trouble when they enter a photo contest for the new phone book cover.
Season 11, Episode 19: Kill the Alligator and Run
Original Air Date—30 aprile 2000
The Simpsons become wanted criminals after injuring a famous alligator during a Florida vacation.
Season 11, Episode 20: Last Tap Dance in Springfield
Original Air Date—7 maggio 2000
Lisa has difficulties learning to tap dance. Meanwhile Bart and Milhouse ditch summer camp to spend a week living in the mall.
Season 11, Episode 21: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2000
Everybody loves the new Simpsons' house guest Becky. Except Marge, who thinks Becky wants to kill her.
Season 11, Episode 22: Behind the Laughter
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2000
The Simpsons discuss their fame in a behind the scenes look at the show.
Season 12
Season 12, Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror XI
Original Air Date—1 novembre 2000
Homer must do one good deed to get into Heaven in "G-G-Ghost D-D-Dad." Then, Bart and Lisa encounter a witch in a gingerbread house in "Scary Tales Can Come True." Finally, super-intelligent dolphins strike back at humanity in "Night Of The Dolphin."
Next US airings:
Sat. Dec. 27 7:00 PM Fox
Season 12, Episode 2: A Tale of Two Springfields
Original Air Date—5 novembre 2000
When Homer tries to enter a phone-in competition, he becomes terribly stubborn and angry for Springfield introducing a new dialing code. In the Town Hall, after the Mayor's meeting about the change, Homer discovers that all the rich people live on one side of Springfield, with the old code, and Homer is left to try and manage with the new code. However, he protests, and ends up splitting Springfield into Old and New. Homer desperately tries different ways to tackle Old Springfield, but in doing so, he only makes them richer when they discover gold at the bottom of the river. Homer finally builds a large wall to separate the two sides, and remembers that The Who are planned to stage at Springfield for a concert. Will Homer manage to convince The Who to play on his side of town instead of the other's?
Season 12, Episode 3: Insane Clown Poppy
Original Air Date—12 novembre 2000
After he learns he has a daughter (Sophie), Krusty turns to Homer for parenting advice.
Season 12, Episode 4: Lisa the Tree Hugger
Original Air Date—19 novembre 2000
Lisa's crush on an environmental activist inspires her to live in a tree threatened by loggers.
Season 12, Episode 5: Homer vs. Dignity
Original Air Date—26 novembre 2000
Desperate for money, Homer accepts payment from Mr. Burns in exchange for humiliating himself.
Next US airings:
Mon. Dec. 29 11:30 PM Fox
Season 12, Episode 6: The Computer Wore Menace Shoes
Original Air Date—3 dicembre 2000
Homer's gossip website becomes a huge hit, but when his information runs out he resorts to making up news.
Season 12, Episode 7: The Great Money Caper
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 2000
The whole town of Springfield conspires to teach Homer and and Bart a lesson after the two begin running confidence scams.
Season 12, Episode 8: Skinner's Sense of Snow
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 2000
A snowstorm traps the kids and Principal Skinner in the school for Christmas vacation.
Next US airings:
Wed. Dec. 24 7:00 PM Fox
Tue. Dec. 30 11:30 PM Fox
Season 12, Episode 9: HOM'R
Original Air Date—24 dicembre 2000
An x-ray reveals a crayon lodged in Homer's brain. After the crayon is removed, Homer experiences a sudden surge in intelligence, making him closer to Lisa and isolated from his friends.
Season 12, Episode 10: Pokey Mom
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 2001
Marge befriends a convict with an artistic streak. Meanwhile, Homer battles the chiropractic industry after he creates a miracle back pain cure.
Season 12, Episode 11: Worst Episode Ever
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 2001
Bart and Milhouse are left in charge of the comic book store after Comic Book Guy is hospitalized.
Season 12, Episode 12: Tennis the Menace
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 2001
Homer installs a tennis court in the backyard, but his lousy playing creates a rift in the family.
Season 12, Episode 13: Day of the Jackanapes
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 2001
Sideshow Bob returns with a plan to brainwash Bart and kill Krusty.
Season 12, Episode 14: New Kids on the Blecch
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 2001
Bart, Nelson, Millhouse, and Ralph are recruited by a man named L.T. Smash to be in a boy band called the Party Posse but when Lisa discovers the true identity of LT. Smash as a navy recruitment officer she tries to tell Homer and Marge with hilarious results.
Season 12, Episode 15: Hungry Hungry Homer
Original Air Date—4 marzo 2001
Homer decides to help his family with all their problems, complaining to the Blocko land and other places to claim what is right. But, when Homer goes to complain at Springfield Stadium, he secretly discovers that the manager is planning to move the team to the Albuquerque Isotopes. After Homer is knocked out of remembering the events, he returns to the stadium and starts a protest that he will not eat anything until the manager reveals the secret. However, the manager and the Duff Man have other plans for Homer...
Season 12, Episode 16: Bye Bye Nerdie
Original Air Date—11 marzo 2001
Problems with a bully lead Lisa to examine just what makes bullies aggressive. Meanwhile, Homer gets into the baby-proofing business.
Season 12, Episode 17: Simpsons Safari
Original Air Date—1 aprile 2001
The Simpsons win a trip to Africa.
Season 12, Episode 18: Trilogy of Error
Original Air Date—29 aprile 2001
The lives of Homer, Lisa and Bart have been split up in a less-than-ordinary day, and as each of their problems unfold, their lives intertwine on a road of chaos and mayhem all over Springfield. Homer's thumb is accidentally sliced off, and he tries to find a way to the hospital; Lisa must find a way to get to the Science fair at school; and Bart and Milhouse discover more than just fireworks in a secret cave...
Season 12, Episode 19: I'm Goin' to Praiseland
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2001
With Homer's help, Ned Flanders tries to establish a Christian theme park based on drawings in his deceased wife's sketch book.
Season 12, Episode 20: Children of a Lesser Clod
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2001
After a debilitating injury forces him to stay indoors, Homer begins a daycare center.
Season 12, Episode 21: Simpson Tall Tales
Original Air Date—20 maggio 2001
A hobo tells the Simpsons tall tales on a train ride to Delaware. In the first story, Homer is outcast from society as Paul Bunyan. Then, Lisa travels the country planting trees as Connie Appleseed. Finally, Bart and Nelson raft down the Mississippi as Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.
Season 13
Season 13, Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror XII
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2001
A gypsy puts a curse on Homer in "Hex In The City." Then, The Simpsons' new automated house malfunctions and tries to kill Homer. Finally, Bart and Lisa attend a school for wizards in "Wiz Kids."
Season 13, Episode 2: The Parent Rap
Original Air Date—11 novembre 2001
After Bart takes a joyride in a police car, a judge orders him to be tethered to Homer at all times.
Season 13, Episode 3: Homer the Moe
Original Air Date—18 novembre 2001
Homer and his friends are forced to drink in the Simpsons' garage after Moe the Bartender renovates his shady bar into a hipster hangout.
Season 13, Episode 4: A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
Original Air Date—2 dicembre 2001
Mr. Burns falls in love with a younger woman and recruits Homer to help him impress her.
Season 13, Episode 5: The Blunder Years
Original Air Date—9 dicembre 2001
A hypnotist uncovers a traumatic experience from Homer's childhood.
Season 13, Episode 6: She of Little Faith
Original Air Date—16 dicembre 2001
Feeling her church cares more about making money then helping people, Lisa drops Christianity for Buddhism.
Season 13, Episode 7: Brawl in the Family
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 2002
A social services officer brings unity to the Simpson family, but their newfound happiness is threatened when the cocktail waitress Homer married in Vegas shows up at their door.
Season 13, Episode 8: Sweets and Sour Marge
Original Air Date—20 gennaio 2002
Marge rallies for a ban on sugar after Springfield is declared America's fattest city.
Season 13, Episode 9: Jaws Wired Shut
Original Air Date—27 gennaio 2002
Marge can't deal with the quiet after Homer has his jaws wired shut.
Season 13, Episode 10: Half-Decent Proposal
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 2002
Marge's high school sweetheart Artie Ziff returns and offers Homer a million dollars to spend a weekend with Marge.
Season 13, Episode 11: The Bart Wants What It Wants
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 2002
Bart breaks up with his new girlfriend Greta, but gets jealous when she begins dating Milhouse.
Season 13, Episode 12: The Lastest Gun in the West
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 2002
Bart meets a retired cowboy movie star and convinces him to make a comeback on The Krusty the Clown Show.
Season 13, Episode 13: The Old Man and the Key
Original Air Date—10 marzo 2002
Abe gets his driver's license back to impress a new woman at the retirement home.
Season 13, Episode 14: Tales from the Public Domain
Original Air Date—17 marzo 2002
The family reads stories from a long overdue library book. First, Homer (Odysseus) struggles to find his way home after the Trojan War. Next, Lisa (Joan Of Arc) leads the French army after hearing the voice of God. Finally, Bart (Hamlet) avenges the murder of his father.
Season 13, Episode 15: Blame It on Lisa

Original Air Date—31 marzo 2002
Lisa sponsors an orphan in Brazil, and when he goes missing she convinces the family to go to Brazil to find him. While there, Homer is kidnapped.
Season 13, Episode 16: Weekend at Burnsie's
Original Air Date—7 aprile 2002
After a traumatizing eye injury, Homer becomes a habitual user of medical marijuana.
Season 13, Episode 17: Gump Roast
Original Air Date—21 aprile 2002
In this clip show, the citizens of Springfield honor Homer Simpsons with a Roast, but the festivities take a turn for the worst when aliens crash it.
Season 13, Episode 18: I Am Furious Yellow
Original Air Date—28 aprile 2002
Bart's comic about Homer becomes a hit on-line, prompting Homer to attempt to control his anger.
Season 13, Episode 19: The Sweetest Apu
Original Air Date—5 maggio 2002
Apu's marriage is on the rocks after Manjula finds out he cheated on her.
Season 13, Episode 20: Little Girl in the Big Ten
Original Air Date—12 maggio 2002
Lisa pretends to be a college student and loses favor with her classmates at Springfield Elementary in the process. A mysterious illness forces Bart to live in a plastic bubble.
Season 13, Episode 21: The Frying Game
Original Air Date—19 maggio 2002
Homer and Marge find themselves on death row after they are framed for murder.
Season 13, Episode 22: Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge
Original Air Date—22 maggio 2002
Homer becomes chief of police after a scandal forces Wiggum out.
Season 14
Season 14, Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror XIII
Original Air Date—3 novembre 2002
First, Homer uses a magic hammock to clone himself in "Send In The Clones." Then, gun-wielding zombies attack Springfield after a ban on firearms in "The Right To Creep And Scare Harms." Finally, The Simpsons are trapped on an island where people are transformed into animals in "The Island Of Dr. Hibbert."
Season 14, Episode 2: How I Spent My Strummer Vacation
Original Air Date—10 novembre 2002
When Marge, Lisa and Bart find out how hard Homer struggles to keep a roof over their heads, they enroll him in a Rock & Roll fantasy camp to relax at for a week.
Season 14, Episode 3: Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade
Original Air Date—17 novembre 2002
Bart and Lisa are respectively held back and moved forward one grade, putting them in the same class.
Season 14, Episode 4: Large Marge
Original Air Date—24 novembre 2002
Marge accidentally gets breast implants.
Season 14, Episode 5: Helter Shelter
Original Air Date—1 dicembre 2002
After Lisa brings home the stick of a pro hockey player for yelling at him to shoot between the goalie's legs, the Simpsons' house is eaten by termites. To get a home, the family joins a reality show, where they must live like a family from 1895.
Season 14, Episode 6: The Great Louse Detective
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 2002
Homer has to use Sideshow Bob in order to track down a potential assassin.
Next US airings:
Fri. Dec. 26 7:00 PM Fox
Season 14, Episode 7: Special Edna
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 2003
After Skinner once again has let Mrs. Krabappel down, Bart takes her to the cinema. To cheer her up, Bart nominates Krabappel for the 'teacher of the year' award. The nominations is accepted, and soon the Simpsons family and Mrs. Krabappel are going to the award ceremony in Orlando, Florida, where Skinner tries to get back Krabappel by asking her to marry him.
Next US airings:
Mon. Dec. 29 7:00 PM Fox
Season 14, Episode 8: The Dad Who Knew Too Little
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 2003
Homer hires a private detective to learn more about Lisa.
Next US airings:
Tue. Dec. 30 7:00 PM Fox
Season 14, Episode 9: The Strong Arms of the Ma
Original Air Date—2 febbraio 2003
Marge takes up body-building to boost her self-esteem after a mugging, but the family finds they just can't cope with a Marge that can bench-press 500 pounds.
Next US airings:
Thur. Jan. 1 7:00 PM Fox
Season 14, Episode 10: Pray Anything
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 2003
Homer turns to religion to help him get what he wants, and is soon awarded the church in an injury settlement. Homer then turns the church into his personal party pad, and Reverend Lovejoy leaves Springfield to wallow in its hedonism.
Season 14, Episode 11: Barting Over
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 2003
When Bart finds out Homer has used all the money Bart got for doing a commercial when he was a baby, he moves out of the house and into the same building as famous skateboarder, Tony Hawk, whose skateboarding tour Bart joins.
Season 14, Episode 12: I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 2003
Lisa participates in the Spellympics, but Homer is busy traveling cross-country as Krusty Burger test-markets a new sandwich. Lisa is confident that she will win, until she learns that the contest is rigged against her.
Season 14, Episode 13: A Star Is Born Again
Original Air Date—2 marzo 2003
Ned Flanders starts dating a the famous movie star, Sara Sloane, but Ned has difficulties with the tabloids following them everywhere.
Season 14, Episode 14: Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington
Original Air Date—9 marzo 2003
The family makes Krusty run for Congress because of air traffic being redirected to fly dangerously close to their house.
Season 14, Episode 15: C. E. D'oh
Original Air Date—16 marzo 2003
Homer takes over the power plant after tricking Mr. Burns into making him the official owner of the power plant.
Season 14, Episode 16: 'Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky
Original Air Date—30 marzo 2003
Lisa becomes interested in astronomy and starts fighting the light pollution which is preventing her from being able to enjoy her new hobby.
Season 14, Episode 17: Three Gays of the Condo
Original Air Date—13 aprile 2003
Finding an old note, Homer discovers Marge secretly hated him many years back. Upset, he leaves the house and moves in with two gays.
Season 14, Episode 18: Dude, Where's My Ranch?
Original Air Date—27 aprile 2003
Homer's song, "Everybody Hates Ned Flanders", becomes a hit in Springfield, but the family leaves Springfield to live a couple of weeks in a ranch to escape Homer's song.
Season 14, Episode 19: Old Yeller-Belly
Original Air Date—4 maggio 2003
Homer throws out Santa's Little Helper for not saving him from a fire, but soon the dog becomes Duff's new mascot.
Season 14, Episode 20: Brake My Wife, Please
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2003
Because of Homer losing his driver's license, Marge has to drive everyone everywhere, which is so stressful for her that she accidentally runs over Homer leading to the two seeing a marriage counselor.
Season 14, Episode 21: The Bart of War
Original Air Date—18 maggio 2003
Marge makes Bart quit hanging out with Milhouse after the two are caught invading the Flanders' home. She then starts a peer group based around Native American life for Bart, Nelson, Ralph and Database to participate in. When Bart finds out Milhouse has joined a different peer group, they soon are at odds as they see whose group can do more community service around Springfield.
Season 14, Episode 22: Moe Baby Blues
Original Air Date—18 maggio 2003
After the blooming of a huge plant in Springfield's botanic gardens causes a stinking fume to spread across town, all the Springfieldians take their cars and drive away from the city. When the traffic is jammed on a bridge, Homer falls asleep. When he accelerates, he crashes into another car and Maggie is sent flying out the open roof window. In the mean time, Moe is about to commit suicide by jumping off the same bridge, which is prevented by Maggie falling into his arms. He then becomes crazily obsessed by the baby.
Season 15
Season 15, Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror XIV
Original Air Date—2 novembre 2003
First, Homer kills the Grim Reaper and takes his place in Reaper Madness. Then, Professor Frink's father is revived, only to kill people and steal their organs in Frinkenstein. Finally, Bart and Milhouse get a stop watch that can stop time in Stop the World, I Want To Goof Off.
Season 15, Episode 2: My Mother the Carjacker
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2003
Homer's mother returns to Springfield, and the city pardons her from the charges against her. Mr Burns is furious about this and makes a plan to get Mona Simpson in prison.
Season 15, Episode 3: The President Wore Pearls
Original Air Date—16 novembre 2003
Lisa feuds with Principal Skinner after being elected school president.
Season 15, Episode 4: The Regina Monologues
Original Air Date—23 novembre 2003
Prime minister Tony Blair welcomes the Simpsons to England where they run into author J.K. Rowling and actor Ian McKellen.
Season 15, Episode 5: The Fat and the Furriest
Original Air Date—30 novembre 2003
At the dump Homer is videotaped while being attacked by a bear. The town regards him a coward, so Homer decides to strike back at the bear.
Season 15, Episode 6: Today, I Am a Clown
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2003
Krusty decides to do what he never did when he was thirteen years old - have a Bar Mitzvah.
Season 15, Episode 7: 'Tis the Fifteenth Season
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 2003
After spending all his money on an expensive gift for himself, the family thinks Homer should be less of an egoist. Therefore he tries replacing Ned Flanders as the 'good guy' in town.
Season 15, Episode 8: Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 2004
A concert for babies ends in a riot, so the childless adults of Springfield gather to make the town less child-friendly. Of course Marge is against this proposition, so she forms her own group to prevent a yes on proposition 242.
Season 15, Episode 9: I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2004
While Lisa and Marge have trouble finding a successor for Snowball II, Homer pretends to be a robot and fights robot races to win Bart's affection.
Season 15, Episode 10: Diatribe of a Mad Housewife
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2004
Marge is inspired to write a novel, but the storyline of the book (a fat, mean husband, and a handsome, sweet neighbor) makes Homer jealous.
Season 15, Episode 11: Margical History Tour
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2004
Marge tells Lisa, Bart and Millhouse three history stories because the library doesn't have any.
Season 15, Episode 12: Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2004
Milhouse moves to Capital City, and therefore Lisa and Bart become best friends.
Season 15, Episode 13: Smart & Smarter
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2004
When Maggie was revealed to have an IQ of 167, Lisa is no longer the genius of the family, causing a rivalry between the sisters.
Season 15, Episode 14: The Ziff Who Came to Dinner
Original Air Date—14 marzo 2004
Artie Ziff turns out to be hiding out in the attic of the Simpsons.
Season 15, Episode 15: Co-Dependent's Day
Original Air Date—21 marzo 2004
Marge takes up heavy drinking to spend more time with Homer. Bart and Lisa confront a famous movie director about the drop in quality his films have taken.
Season 15, Episode 16: The Wandering Juvie
Original Air Date—28 marzo 2004
After playing a prank on the whole town, Bart is sentenced to six months of juvenile detention. There he meets Gina, who forces Bart to escape with her.
Season 15, Episode 17: My Big Fat Geek Wedding
Original Air Date—18 aprile 2004
Mrs. Krabapel falls for Comic Book Guy and they plan a Star Trek like wedding. Principal Skinner plans to prevent it.
Season 15, Episode 18: Catch 'Em If You Can
Original Air Date—25 aprile 2004
Homer and Marge try to have a vacation without the kids but Bart and Lisa follow them everywhere they go.
Season 15, Episode 19: Simple Simpson
Original Air Date—2 maggio 2004
Homer becomes a costumed vigilante who uses pies for weapons after witnessing Lisa get humiliated at a competition at the state fair.
Season 15, Episode 20: The Way We Weren't
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2004
Marge and Homer find out that they actually kissed each other at age 10 without knowing they were each other's first kisses, and tell the story about this.
Season 15, Episode 21: Bart-Mangled Banner
Original Air Date—16 maggio 2004
An accidental photo showing Bart mooning the American flag makes the Simpsons the most hated family in town.
Season 15, Episode 22: Fraudcast News
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2004
Lisa makes her own newspaper for publishing poems and such, and at the same time Mr Burns decides to buy every media in town to improve his image. In the end Lisa's newspaper is the only media in town not owned by Burns, which inspires the town's inhabitants to create their own newspapers.
Season 16
Season 16, Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror XV
Original Air Date—7 novembre 2004
In "The Ned Zone," Ned gets the ability to tell people's deaths just by touching someone. In "In the Belly of the Boss," Mr. Burns accidentally swallows Maggie and the Simpsons try to get her out. In "Four Beheadings and a Funeral," Lisa and Bart try to solve the mystery of the mutton-chops murderer.
Season 16, Episode 2: All's Fair in Oven War
Original Air Date—14 novembre 2004
Homer buys Marge a new kitchen, and Marge likes cooking in the new kitchen so much she attends the Ovenfresh Bakeoff.
Season 16, Episode 3: Sleeping with the Enemy
Original Air Date—21 novembre 2004
Because she thinks her own children do not appreciate her anymore, Marge becomes a mother figure for Nelson.
Season 16, Episode 4: She Used to Be My Girl
Original Air Date—5 dicembre 2004
Marge's old high school friend, the famous reporter Chloe Talbot, comes to Springfield, and Marge becomes jealous when Lisa begins idolizing Chloe.
Season 16, Episode 5: Fat Man and Little Boy
Original Air Date—12 dicembre 2004
Bart begins designing T-shirt slogans, and his T-shirts become very popular among the citizens of Springfield.
Season 16, Episode 6: Midnight Rx
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 2005
Homer goes to Canada with Apu and Ned to purchase Grampa's medication, but the three have problems getting home because the border guard thinks Apu is a terrorist.
Season 16, Episode 7: Mommie Beerest
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 2005
Homer gives Moe an enormous amount of money so he doesn't have to close down.
Season 16, Episode 8: Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2005
A video of Homer dancing becomes so popular that all major sports players hires Homer to design celebration dances for them.
Season 16, Episode 9: Pranksta Rap
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 2005
Bart went to a rap concert Marge told him not to go to. In order to avoid punishment from Marge, he makes Marge and Homer believe he has been kidnapped.
Season 16, Episode 10: There's Something About Marrying
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 2005
To gain new tourism dollars after a nationwide "Worst City" news report, Springfield legalizes gay marriage. Homer flips on the issue and sees money can be made marrying gay couples when Reverend Lovejoy refuses to do so. Come to find out, a family member is gay and wants Homer to perform the marriage.
Season 16, Episode 11: On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister
Original Air Date—6 marzo 2005
After bullying her, Bart is restricted by court order to come too close to Lisa.
Season 16, Episode 12: Goo Goo Gai Pan
Original Air Date—13 marzo 2005
Selma decides to adopt a child, so the whole family goes to China.
Season 16, Episode 13: Mobile Homer
Original Air Date—20 marzo 2005
After a garage-cleaning accident, Marge wants Homer to get life insurance. Instead, the family gets an RV.
Season 16, Episode 14: The Seven-Beer Snitch
Original Air Date—3 aprile 2005
Springfield builds an opera house, but since no-one attends it they convert it into a prison. Old and forgotten laws are used to fill the prison, and therefore Homer goes to jail for kicking a can five times in a row. In jail, Homer becomes a snitch
Season 16, Episode 15: Future-Drama
Original Air Date—17 aprile 2005
Bart and Lisa see in to the future where their lives have changed.
Season 16, Episode 16: Don't Fear the Roofer
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2005
Homer meets a new friend, Ray the Roofer, but gets confined to a mental institution when his friends and family think he made him up.
Season 16, Episode 17: The Heartbroke Kid
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2005
Bart starts living on food from the new candy machine in school only, but he becomes so overweight that he has to go to a fat camp.
Season 16, Episode 18: A Star Is Torn
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2005
Lisa attends a singing competition for children, and Homer becomes her manager because of his skill to write songs that the crowd loves.
Season 16, Episode 19: Thank God It's Doomsday
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2005
Homer hears about the Rapture, and by using numerology to calculate when the Rapture is coming he learns that it is only one week away.
Season 16, Episode 20: Home Away from Homer
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2005
After Homer humiliates Ned Flanders, Ned, Rod, and Todd decides to leave Springfield and live in Humbleton, Pennsylvania.
Season 16, Episode 21: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Guest Star
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2005
Bart is expelled from Springfield Elementary, and Bart is therefore enrolled in St. Jerome's Catholic School.
Season 17
Season 17, Episode 1: Bonfire of the Manatees
Original Air Date—11 settembre 2005
When Marge leaves Homer because he allowed an adult movie being shot in their house, she seeks self fulfillment in protecting manatees.
Season 17, Episode 2: The Girl Who Slept Too Little
Original Air Date—18 settembre 2005
A new cemetery right outside the window of Lisa's room makes Lisa suffer from many sleepless nights.
Season 17, Episode 3: Milhouse of Sand and Fog
Original Air Date—25 settembre 2005
When Maggie is showing signs of being ill, the family goes to "the more boisterous house of worship" in town to find Dr. Hibbert, who tells them that Maggie is developing the chicken pox. After Maggie develops the disease, Marge tries to keep Homer away from her, since he has never had them. After Flanders expresses an interest in getting his kids infected, Homer and Marge open up the house for a "pox party." Milhouse's divorced parents are both at the party and after some "Margerita's" are consumed, find themselves getting back together. Meanwhile, Homer has developed the chicken pox and Marge tries to keep him from scratching. Milhouse likes the idea of his parents getting back together, but then begins to hate it when he has trouble getting either of them to pay any attention to him. After seeing an episode of The O.C. Milhouse and Bart come up with a plan to get his parent's separated again, they plant one of Marge's bras in Kirk & Luann's bed. They don't succeed in breaking them up; rather they break up Homer and Marge. Even after Bart confesses his guilt, Marge doesn't want anything to do with Homer, since he obviously doesn't trust him anymore. Bart concocts an outrageous scheme to get them back together, but it goes terribly wrong and both he and Homer find themselves in the river heading toward the falls needing to place their trust in Marge.
Season 17, Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror XVI
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2005
In Bartificial Intelligence, Bart falls into a coma after trying to jump into a swimming pool off a window ledge. Dr. Hibbert says that this coma is permanent, so the Simpsons get a robot for a son. Bart wakes up, only to be abandoned by Homer. He stays with some robots and becomes a robot himself, able to destroy the robot that replaced him. In Survival of the Fattest, Mr. Burns invites a bunch of people, including Homer, to a hunting party. But it turns into World's Most Dangerous Game when Burns starts killing everyone he can with his gun. Homer stays alive and Marge defeats Burns and Smithers with a frying pan. In I've Grown a Costume on Your Face, a witch turns Springfield residents into the costumes they were wearing at a party. Lisa, who is Albert Einstien, tries to solve everything. She finds that Maggie can turn them back to normal, being a witch. No one wants to be normal again, but Maggie turns everyone into pacifiers.
Season 17, Episode 5: Marge's Son Poisoning
Original Air Date—13 novembre 2005
Marge and Bart start spending more time together, and make a tradition of cycling to a tea house in a small village outside Springfield.
Season 17, Episode 6: See Homer Run
Original Air Date—20 novembre 2005
Trying to win back Lisa's love, Homer puts on the Safety-Salamder suit and runs for mayor.
Season 17, Episode 7: The Last of the Red Hat Mamas
Original Air Date—27 novembre 2005
Milhouse tutors Lisa in Italian, and Marge joins the Cheery Red Tomatoes, a group that plans to rob Mr. Burns of one million dollars worth of Fabergé eggs.
Season 17, Episode 8: The Italian Bob
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 2005
The Simpsons become lost in Italy, finding their way to a small town that Sideshow Bob has become the mayor of.
Season 17, Episode 9: Simpsons Christmas Stories
Original Air Date—18 dicembre 2005
Homer tells the tale of the first Christmas ever, while Grandpa pursues his decade-old feud with Santa.
Next US airings:
Tue. Dec. 23 7:00 PM Fox
Season 17, Episode 10: Homer's Paternity Coot
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 2006
When a frozen mailman from the 60's is found in a Springfield glacier, doubts arise about whether Abe really is Homer's father.
Season 17, Episode 11: We're on the Road to D'owhere
Original Air Date—29 gennaio 2006
When Homer is on his way to Vegas to meet up with his friends, he has to make a detour to take Bart to an education camp. Meanwhile, Marge has discovered a surprising source of income.
Season 17, Episode 12: My Fair Laddy
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 2006
Bart and Lisa bets whether Lisa can turn Groundskeeper Willie into a proper gentleman.
Season 17, Episode 13: The Seemingly Never-Ending Story
Original Air Date—12 marzo 2006
Homer is stuck in a cave, so while Marge and Bart go looking for help, Lisa tells him a story. It is the story of her and Mr. Burns escaping a rampant goat, getting stuck in Burns's attic and Burns telling a story about Moe's treasure while they wait for help...
Season 17, Episode 14: Bart Has Two Mommies
Original Air Date—19 marzo 2006
Marge is babysitting the Flanders kids, Homer goes to the zoo with Bart and Lisa, where Bart is kidnapped and adopted by a chimp.
Season 17, Episode 15: Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife
Original Air Date—26 marzo 2006
As part of a new Fox show, the Simpsons participate in a wife-swap.
Season 17, Episode 16: Million Dollar Abie
Original Air Date—2 aprile 2006
After blowing Springfield's chances for an NFL franchise, Grandpa goes to an assisted-suicide center, then becomes a bullfighter.
Season 17, Episode 17: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore
Original Air Date—9 aprile 2006
Homer gets sent to India when the power plant is relocated there. Selma and Patty kidnap Richard Dean Anderson after he spurns their MacGyver fan club.
Season 17, Episode 18: The Wettest Stories Ever Told
Original Air Date—23 aprile 2006
While waiting for the dinner at the Frying Dutchman, the family starts telling three stories about ships: "Journey on the Mayflower", "Mutiny on the Bounty", and "The Neptune Adventure".
Next US airings:
Wed. Dec. 31 7:00 PM Fox
Season 17, Episode 19: Girls Just Want to Have Sums
Original Air Date—30 aprile 2006
Springfield Elemtentary is divided into two separate schools (one for boys, one for girls) following Principal Skinner's demotion. Concerned that the boys are receiving a higher standard of education, Lisa disguises herself as a boy.
Next US airings:
Tue. Dec. 23 11:30 PM Fox
Season 17, Episode 20: Regarding Margie
Original Air Date—7 maggio 2006
After hitting her head on a stool Marge suffers from amnesia. Slowly but surely memories are starting to come back, except memories about Homer.
Next US airings:
Wed. Dec. 24 11:30 PM Fox
Season 17, Episode 21: The Monkey Suit
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2006
After seeing a museum exhibit on evolution, in which creation is labeled a myth, an outraged Ned Flanders teams with Reverend Lovejoy to blackmail Principal Skinner into requiring creationism to be taught in classrooms, eventually at the expense of any mention of evolution. Lisa becomes outraged herself, and forms a student organization to teach evolution, leading to a creationism vs. evolution trail, a la Inherit the Wind.
Next US airings:
Thur. Dec. 25 11:30 PM Fox
Season 17, Episode 22: Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2006
Marge and Homer try their luck at celebrity marriage counselling.
Next US airings:
Fri. Dec. 26 11:30 PM Fox
Season 18
Season 18, Episode 1: The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer
Original Air Date—10 settembre 2006
When Fat Tony has to take a time-out due to a whacking attempt, Homer and Bart take over the business.
Season 18, Episode 2: Jazzy & The Pussycats
Original Air Date—17 settembre 2006
Lisa becomes depressed when Bart becomes a better jazz musician than her. So she decides to set up an animal shelter in the Simpsons' attic.
Season 18, Episode 3: Please Homer Don't Hammer 'em
Original Air Date—24 settembre 2006
Marge begins her own carpentry business, but Homer becomes the face of the business because nobody will take a female carpenter seriously. And Bart uses Principal Skinner's peanut allergy to his advantage.
Season 18, Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror XVII
Original Air Date—5 novembre 2006
"Married to the Blob" - a take-off on The Blob, with Homer in the title role as radiation from a meteor turns him into a blob-like monster. "You Got to Know When to Golem" - A take-off on an old Jewish legend. "The Day the Earth Looked Stupid" - in the late 1930s, Kang and Kodos land in Springfield as part of an alien invasion, but the town, completely taken in by The War of the Worlds, doesn't pay much attention.
Season 18, Episode 5: GI (Annoyed Grunt)
Original Air Date—12 novembre 2006
Homer is duped into signing up for the Army, and his hijinks after basic training ultimately results in a military occupation of Springfield.
Season 18, Episode 6: Moe'N'A Lisa
Original Air Date—19 novembre 2006
Lisa helps Moe become a distinguished poet, but she turns on him when he takes all the credit for his newfound greatness.
Season 18, Episode 7: Ice Cream of Margie: With the Light Blue Hair
Original Air Date—26 novembre 2006
Homer becomes an ice cream man after being fired from the plant, and Marge uses his leftover Popsicle sticks to create folk art figures.
Season 18, Episode 8: The Haw-Hawed Couple
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 2006
Bart and Nelson become best friends, but Bart surprisingly discovers that the fringe benefits aren't worth Nelson's neediness.
Season 18, Episode 9: Kill Gil, Volumes I & II
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 2006
The Simpsons let Gil stay with them during Christmas. However, he stays for 11 months because Marge can't tell him "no."
Season 18, Episode 10: The Wife Aquatic
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 2007
Homer returns Marge to Barnacle Bay, where she spent her beloved summer vacations. But when they get there, they discover that it is no longer a tourist spot.
Season 18, Episode 11: Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Three Times
Original Air Date—28 gennaio 2007
While Homer tries to get revenge on a driver who cut him off, his family warns him of the folly of revenge by telling stories based on "The Count of Monte Cristo," "Revenge of the Nerds," and "Batman."
Season 18, Episode 12: Little Big Girl
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 2007
When Bart performs a heroic act, Springfield grants him 1 wish. Barts asks for a driver's license, and he drives to a nearby town. There, he meets a teen (Natalie Portman) who thinks he is 16, and the two begin dating.
Season 18, Episode 13: Springfield Up
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 2007
A parody of the "Up Series" of British documentaries, in which a filmmaker follows Homer and his friends from grade school into their 40s.
Season 18, Episode 14: Yokel Chords
Original Air Date—4 marzo 2007
In a "The Sound of Music" parody, Lisa becomes a tutor for Cletus's seven children, until Krusty tries to exploit them as entertainers. Meanwhile, Bart becomes emotionally attached to his school-appointed psychiatrist.
Season 18, Episode 15: Rome-old and Juli-eh
Original Air Date—11 marzo 2007
Selma and Grampa fall in love and end up getting married, a marriage both Homer and Patty are against, and in the end the married couple realize that their life together just cannot work out.
Season 18, Episode 16: Homerazzi
Original Air Date—25 marzo 2007
Homer becomes a successful Paparazzi, but Springfield's celebrities decide to get their revenge on him.
Season 18, Episode 17: Marge Gamer
Original Air Date—22 aprile 2007
Marge becomes a spectacle during a PTA meeting for not having an e-mail address, and she decides to take a chance on using the Internet. Amazed and delighted by all the Internet has to offer, Marge joins a popular role-playing fantasy game called "Earthland Realms." To Marge's dismay, the game has her interacting with practically the whole town of Springfield, including Bart, who happens to be the game's most feared and destructive player. Meanwhile, Homer saves Lisa's soccer game from cancellation after he volunteers to take the place of a referee who recently quit. However, Homer's refereeing skills only exasperate Lisa, and her competitive streak gets the best of her.
Season 18, Episode 18: The Boys of Bummer
Original Air Date—29 aprile 2007
Bart becomes the most hated person in Springfield after he is the goat in a championship baseball game, and Homer new job as a mattress salesman ruins his and Marge's sex life.
Season 18, Episode 19: Crook and Ladder
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2007
Homer, Moe, Apu and Principal Skinner become volunteer firefighters. But just because they're not getting paid doesn't mean that they can't find a way to receive compensation.
Season 18, Episode 20: Stop or My Dog Will Shoot
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2007
Homer unwittingly drags the family into a cornfield maze after attempting to leave a boring Harvest fest that Marge brought them to. When everyone except Homer escapes, Santa's Little Helper rescues him and becomes the town hero. So the Simpsons enroll him in Police Dog Academy where he's teamed with Lou.
Season 18, Episode 21: 24 Minutes
Original Air Date—20 maggio 2007
In a parody of "24," Bart and Lisa join forces to stop the school bullies from setting off a stink bomb at the school bake sale.
Season 18, Episode 22: You Kent Always Say What You Want
Original Air Date—20 maggio 2007
After Kent Brockman is fired as a news anchor, he and Lisa use the Internet to expose the Fox News Conspiracy.
Season 19
Season 19, Episode 1: He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs
Original Air Date—23 settembre 2007
Homer falls in love with private planes after taking a flight to Chicago with Mr. Burns. So Marge hires Homer a "life manager" to help him think positively and find a job that will allow him to fly for a living.
Season 19, Episode 2: Homer of Seville
Original Air Date—30 settembre 2007
Homer becomes an opera star after an injury improves his singing voice. His newfound popularity forces him to hire a personal assistant, who turns out to be an obsessed stalker.
Season 19, Episode 3: Midnight Towboy
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 2007
Homer becomes the most hated man in town after he becomes a tow truck driver, and Marge teaches Maggie to not be an over-dependent baby.
Season 19, Episode 4: I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 2007
Marge promises to visit a convicted bank robber in prison, but is afraid to follow through. But when the convict escapes from prison, Marge is the first person he pays a visit to.
Season 19, Episode 5: Treehouse of Horror XVIII
Original Air Date—4 novembre 2007
The eighteenth Simpsons Halloween Special features parodies of the movies "E.T." and "Mr. and Mrs. Smith."
Season 19, Episode 6: Little Orphan Millie
Original Air Date—11 novembre 2007
Milhouse's parents are lost at sea, which causes him to become a troubled loner. But his new persona makes him the new most popular kid at school, which sparks jealousy in Bart.
Season 19, Episode 7: Husbands and Knives
Original Air Date—18 novembre 2007
When Marge becomes a successful businesswoman, Homer becomes worried that she will dump him for a trophy husband. Therefore, he decides to have plastic surgery to make himself look like a hunk.
Season 19, Episode 8: Funeral for a Fiend
Original Air Date—25 novembre 2007
Bart is responsible for Sideshow Bob's death after his latest attempt at revenge is foiled, but is his death actually part of the plan?
Season 19, Episode 9: Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind
Original Air Date—16 dicembre 2007
Homer goes to Dr. Frink to help him recover his memories from the night before, and he discovers, based on his interpretation of the memories, that Marge is having an affair.
Season 19, Episode 10: E Pluribus Wiggum
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 2008
Springfield becomes the site of the first presidential primary. The townspeople soon get sick of all of the presidential candidates sucking up to them, and decide to support their own write-in candidate: Ralph Wiggum.
Season 19, Episode 11: That 90's Show
Original Air Date—27 gennaio 2008
Homer and Marge tell the kids about their life in the early 1990s before they were born, when Marge was enrolled in Springfield College and Homer was the lead singer of a grunge rock band
Season 19, Episode 12: Love, Springfieldian Style
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 2008
A series of romantic Valentine's Day parodies based on "Bonnie and Clyde," "Lady and the Tramp," and "Sid and Nancy."
Season 19, Episode 13: The DeBarted
Original Air Date—2 marzo 2008
The new prankster in Bart's fourth grade class actually turns out to be a mole brought in by Principal Skinner to infiltrate Bart's inner circle. Homer falls in love with his loaner car after Marge wrecks their old one.
Season 19, Episode 14: Dial 'N' for Nerder
Original Air Date—9 marzo 2008
One of Bart's pranks results in Martin's death, but Lisa doesn't want him to confess because she would be considered an accomplice. Marge hires a television crew to find out if Homer is cheating on his diet.
Season 19, Episode 15: Smoke on the Daughter
Original Air Date—30 marzo 2008
Marge has Lisa take up ballet, mainly to have Lisa live out her own childhood dreams. Lisa then succumbs to peer pressure from her ballet mates and takes up smoking. Meanwhile, Homer and Bart try to start their own beef jerky business.
Season 19, Episode 16: Papa Don't Leech
Original Air Date—13 aprile 2008
When the Simpsons discover that Lurleen Lumpkin is on the skids, Marge reluctantly agrees to take her in and help her find her deadbeat dad who abandoned her 30 years ago.
Season 19, Episode 17: Apocalypse Cow
Original Air Date—27 aprile 2008
Bart tries to save the cow he raised for his 4-H club from the slaughterhouse, and in the process winds up getting accidentally engaged to one of Cletus's daughters.
Season 19, Episode 18: Any Given Sundance
Original Air Date—4 maggio 2008
Lisa's documentary about her family is accepted into the Sundance Film Festival. However, her family gets upset with her when they discover that the film is far from flattering.
Season 19, Episode 19: Mona Leaves-a
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2008
Homer's mom dies, and as part of her will, she asks him to spread her ashes. However, her request turns out to be part of her final act of rebellion against the system.
Season 19, Episode 20: All About Lisa
Original Air Date—18 maggio 2008
In a parody of "All About Eve," Lisa stabs Krusty in the back, takes his job, and wins a prestigious award. Meanwhile, Homer and Bart take up coin collecting.
Season 20
Season 20, Episode 1: Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes
Original Air Date—28 settembre 2008
Homer and Ned go into business together as bounty hunters, and Marge takes a job at an erotic bakery.
Season 20, Episode 2: Lost Verizon
Original Air Date—5 ottobre 2008
Bart gets in trouble with Marge after she finds out that he has Denis Leary's cell phone and is using it to make prank phone calls.
Season 20, Episode 3: Double, Double, Boy in Trouble
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 2008
Bart trades lives with his multi-millionaire lookalike, but discovers that his lookalike's life isn't all he thought it would be.
Season 20, Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror XIX
Original Air Date—2 novembre 2008
The Simpsons' 19th Halloween Special, with parodies of "Transformers," "Mad Men," and "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown."
Season 20, Episode 5: Dangerous Curves
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2008
The Simpsons take a Fourth of July vacation to a cabin hotel, which cause Homer and Marge to reminisce about two episodes from their past where they stayed in the cabin.
Next US airings:
Sun. Dec. 28 8:00 PM Fox
Season 20, Episode 6: Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words
Original Air Date—16 novembre 2008
Homer gets a job breaking up couples, and Lisa becomes an expert crossword puzzle solver, but Homer bets against her in a competition.
Season 20, Episode 7: Mypods and Boomsticks
Original Air Date—30 novembre 2008
Homer suspects that the family of Bart's new Muslim friend from Jordan is part of a terrorist plot, and Lisa becomes obsessed with her new MyPod.
Season 20, Episode 8: The Burns and the Bees
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2008
Mr. Burns wins a professional basketball team in a poker game, and the new arena he plans to have Springfield build for the team threatens to interfere with Lisa's new bee sanctuary.
Season 20, Episode 9: Episode #20.9
Original Air Date—????
Season 20, Episode 10: Episode #20.10
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Season 20, Episode 11: Episode #20.11
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Season 20, Episode 12: Episode #20.12
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Season 20, Episode 13: Coming to Homerica
Original Air Date—????
Season 20, Episode 14: Episode #20.14
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Season 20, Episode 15: Episode #20.15
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Season 20, Episode 16: Episode #20.16
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Season 20, Episode 17: Episode #20.17
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Season 20, Episode 18: Episode #20.18
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Season 20, Episode 19: Episode #20.19
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Season 20, Episode 20: Episode #20.20
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Season 20, Episode 21: Episode #20.21
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Season 20, Episode 22: Episode #20.22
Original Air Date—????
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"The Simpsons"

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Episode list for
"The Simpsons" (1989) More at IMDbPro »
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Episodes: All (442)

Season: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
Year: 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | unknown

Season 1
Season 1, Episode 1: Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 1989
Christmas seems doomed for the Simpson family when Homer receives no Christmas Bonus. Homer becomes a mall Santa Claus, hoping to make money and bring Marge, Bart, Lisa, and baby Maggie, a happy holiday.
Season 1, Episode 2: Bart the Genius
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 1990
Bart ends up at a school for gifted children after cheating on an IQ test.
Season 1, Episode 3: Homer's Odyssey
Original Air Date—21 gennaio 1990
While Bart's class is touring the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant for a field trip, Homer crashes his golf cart into a radioactive pipe. In the aftermath, the plant is forced to shutdown and Homer loses his job.
Season 1, Episode 4: There's No Disgrace Like Home
Original Air Date—28 gennaio 1990
At a company picnic Homer realizes his family is dysfunctional and takes them all to therapy where they end up having shock treatment. They are still as bad as ever so Homer gets double his money back from Dr Marvin Monroe and the Simpsons buy themselves a new TV.
Season 1, Episode 5: Bart the General
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 1990
School bully Nelson Muntz has been terrorizing his classmates, particularly Bart. Bart and one of Nelson's goons get into a fight at school (when Bart was sticking up for Lisa), and in the aftermath Nelson accidentally gets a bloody nose. Nelson makes good on his threats to beat up Bart. Bart winds up having nightmares about Nelson stalking him, and later envisions his funeral. Finally, Grampa takes Bart to Herman, a Vietnam veteran who has had one of his arms amputated, to plan a strategy for getting back at Nelson. Bart commissions all his schoolmates whom Nelson has bullied and - in a classic parody of war movies such as Patton - trains them for their revenge. One afternoon after school, Bart and his army enact their operative, pelting Nelson and his goons with water balloons until he surrenders. The revenge is successful, and Bart and Nelson begin a grudging friendship.
Season 1, Episode 6: Moaning Lisa
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 1990
A depressed Lisa's spirit is lifted when she meets a jazz-man, Bleeding Gums Murphy.
Season 1, Episode 7: The Call of the Simpsons
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 1990
Ned Flanders shows off his newly purchased (and monstrous) motor home to the Simpsons. In a fit of oneupmanship, Homer decides he needs one too. Homer's credit is very poor, but he wants that motor home, so he buys one whose oil is leaking and appears to be held together by chicken wire and duct tape. With their new motor home, Homer takes the family on an outing in the woods. Homer quickly loses his way and everyone bails from the motor home just before it tumbles into a large ravine. The family is forced to rough it the rest of the way. Maggie becomes separated from the family and takes refuge with a family of bears. Meanwhile, Homer and Bart lose their clothing and have to wear leaves. Homer quickly falls into a stream and becomes covered with mud. A couple staying in the woods, concluding that what they've seen is Bigfoot, takes a picture of Homer and sends it to a TV station. Soon, the woods are crawling with media representatives, hoping to get their own glimpse. A park ranger shoots Homer with a tranquilizer and he is taken to a laboratory for analysis. However, the results - either it's a below-average human or a brilliant beast, a German scientist says - are inconclusive.
Season 1, Episode 8: The Telltale Head
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 1990
Bart gets more than he bargained for when he saws the head off a statue of the town's founder.
Season 1, Episode 9: Life on the Fast Lane
Original Air Date—18 marzo 1990
Marge contemplates an affair with a handsome bowling instructor.
Season 1, Episode 10: Homer's Night Out
Original Air Date—25 marzo 1990
Bart uses his new miniature "spy" camera to take candid pictures around the household; meanwhile, Homer is preparing to go to a bachelor party for his co-worker at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. While at the party, Homer is invited to dance on stage with a stripper. Bart (who is dining with the rest of the family in the next-door restaurant) uses his camera to snap a photo of Homer and the dancer having a great time. At school, Martin develops the picture, which - after he compliments Bart's work - gets distributed around school, and eventually around town. Marge sees the photo and is outraged. Homer arrives home, where Marge immediately confronts her husband and kicks him out of the house. Eventually, Marge agrees to let him back in on the condition he take Bart around to meet the stripper and show that she is not a sex object. After almost winding up on stage at another of the dancer's performances, Homer does as he is asked and all is forgiven.
Season 1, Episode 11: The Crepes of Wrath
Original Air Date—15 aprile 1990
Bart flushes a cherry bomb at school, nearly injuring Principal Skinner's mother, Agnes, in the process. An exasperated Skinner tells Homer and Marge that since expulsion would not do Bart any good, he's placing him in a foreign-exchange student program. Bart is sent to France, where his host family are unethical winemakers who plan to employ him as a slave.
Season 1, Episode 12: Krusty Gets Busted
Original Air Date—29 aprile 1990
Homer witnesses a robbery at the Kwik-E-Mart convenience store, where the culprit is a man dressed like Bart's hero, Krusty the Clown. Does the children's television host have a sinister second life, or is there more to the story than meets the eye?
Season 1, Episode 13: Some Enchanted Evening
Original Air Date—13 maggio 1990
Marge calls a radio psychologist's call-in show to air her grievances about Homer. Homer listens to his wife's call at work and decides to bring home chocolates and flowers, softening her demeanor. The two decide to go on an overnight outing and try to hire a baby-sitter. Eventually, a woman named Mrs. Botz takes the job. However, what they don't know is that Mrs. Botz is a fugitive wanted on numerous burglary and robbery charges. Bart and Lisa watch an "America's Most Wanted"-type show and see the profile of Mrs. Botz (which turns out to be an alias). Mrs. Botz comes into the room and ties Bart and Lisa up so she can go about her burglary work uninterrupted; however, Maggie - who has been sleeping in her crib - is able to free her older siblings, and they are able to knock Mrs. Botz out. They call the police, but before they arrive, Homer and Marge arrive home. Assuming his children had gotten the best of another baby-sitter, Homer unties Mrs. Botz and she makes a clean getaway - just moments before police and the media arrive.
Season 2
Season 2, Episode 1: Bart Gets an F
Original Air Date—11 ottobre 1990
Bart's teacher, Mrs. Krabappel, has become fed up with his lackadasial scholastic habits. After bluffing his way through a book report and failing a geography exam, Krabappel gives Bart an ultimatum: Shape up or be retained in fourth grade.
Season 2, Episode 2: Simpson and Delilah
Original Air Date—18 ottobre 1990
Homer lies on a medical insurance form to buy a "miracle" hair-restoring drug.
Season 2, Episode 3: Treehouse of Horror
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 1990
In this trilogy of horror-themed Halloween stories, Bart and Lisa attempt to scare each other with tales of the macabre. In first,"Bad Dream House", the Simpsons inhabit a haunted home, which possesses their souls, and causes them to attempt to kill each other. But after spending enough time with the Simpsons, it is the house, which kill itself, vanishing into another dimension. In the second segment, "Hungry are the Damned", the Simpsons accuse the monsters of planning to eat them, but the offended aliens reveal they were only planning a sumptuous meal for the family. In the third segment, a satire of Poe's "The Raven", a grief-stricken Homer is tormented by bad bird Bart.
Season 2, Episode 4: Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish
Original Air Date—1 novembre 1990
A three-eyed fish is caught in the Springfield River downstream from the nuclear plant, leading to a government safety inspection. When Mr. Burns is told that the plant will be shut down, he gets drunk in his car with Homer. Homer remarks that if Burns were governor, he could make new laws to keep the plant open. Burns seizes on this remark and announces his candidacy. Afraid for his job, Homer pushes his family to campaign for Burns, but Marge is a staunch supporter of the incumbent, Mary Bailey. On the night before the election, Burns dines at the Simpson home as a publicity stunt.
Season 2, Episode 5: Dancin' Homer
Original Air Date—8 novembre 1990
Homer's heckling of the Springfield Isotopes baseball team's mascot during one of their games leads to his appointment as the new mascot.
Season 2, Episode 6: Dead Putting Society
Original Air Date—15 novembre 1990
Overcome with jealousy at Ned Flanders's affluent lifestyle and affectionate family, Homer paints him as a snobbish jerk to the rest of his family and looks eagerly for an opportunity to show him up. He finds it in an upcoming miniature golf tournament, and enters Bart against Ned's son Todd.
Season 2, Episode 7: Bart vs. Thanksgiving
Original Air Date—22 novembre 1990
On Thanksgiving, Bart learns about the meaning of the holiday when he runs away from home (after getting into a fight), then shares a turkey dinner with homeless people at a soup kitchen.
Season 2, Episode 8: Bart the Daredevil
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 1990
After seeing a motorcycle daredevil at the monster truck show, Bart becomes a death-defying daredevil on his skateboard.
Season 2, Episode 9: Itchy and Scratchy and Marge
Original Air Date—20 dicembre 1990
Marge becomes a crusader against cartoon violence after watching 'The Itchy and Scratchy Show'.
Season 2, Episode 10: Bart Gets Hit by a Car
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 1991
While skateboarding down the street, Bart is hit by a car driven by Mr. Burns. Homer turns down Mr. Burns' token offer of $100, and instead hires ambulance-chaser Lionel Hutz to bring an outrageous lawsuit.
Season 2, Episode 11: One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish
Original Air Date—24 gennaio 1991
What would you do if you were told you had only 24 hours to live? That's what this episode explores when Homer is told just that.
Season 2, Episode 12: The Way We Was
Original Air Date—31 gennaio 1991
Homer and Marge tell the story of how they met and fell in love in high school.
Season 2, Episode 13: Homer vs. Lisa and the Eighth Commandment
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 1991
Homer gets a crooked cable guy to install free cable in the Simpson home. Lisa faces an ethical crises over her family's stealing.
Season 2, Episode 14: Principal Charming
Original Air Date—14 febbraio 1991
After attending a co-worker's wedding, a depressed Selma begs Marge to help her find a man. Marge sets Homer to the task, and Homer is impressed by Principal Skinner. Homer invites Skinner to the Simpson home for dinner, but accidentally introduces him to Selma's twin, Patty.
Season 2, Episode 15: Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Original Air Date—21 febbraio 1991
Homer's new design ruins his half-brother's car empire.
Season 2, Episode 16: Bart's Dog Gets an F
Original Air Date—7 marzo 1991
After an uncontrollable Santa's Little Helper destroys several important Simpson possessions, Homer announces that he will be thrown out of the house unless he completes obedience training.
Season 2, Episode 17: Old Money
Original Air Date—28 marzo 1991
After Grandpa Simpson's new girlfriend leaves him $106,000 in her will, he tries to decide what to do with it.
Season 2, Episode 18: Brush with Greatness
Original Air Date—11 aprile 1991
Homer goes on a diet and Marge enrolls in an art class.
Season 2, Episode 19: Lisa's Substitute
Original Air Date—25 aprile 1991
Lisa has a crush on her substitute teacher, who seemingly represents everything that Homer is not. Meanwhile, Bart decides to run for class president, and becomes the overwhelming favorite.
Season 2, Episode 20: The War of the Simpsons
Original Air Date—2 maggio 1991
Homer can't decide which is more important: going through a counseling seminar to save his marriage, or skipping out to catch a legendary fish. Back at home, Bart and Lisa try to take advantage of Grandpa, who is their babysitter.
Season 2, Episode 21: Three Men and a Comic Book
Original Air Date—9 maggio 1991
Bart, Milhouse and Martin each pitch in to buy an expensive comic book, which has disastrous results on their friendship.
Season 2, Episode 22: Blood Feud
Original Air Date—11 agosto 1991
Bart saves Mr. Burns's life. But Homer becomes enraged when Mr. Burns doesn't return the favor by sending the Simpsons what he considers to be an appropriate "thank you" gift.
Season 3
Season 3, Episode 1: Stark Raving Dad
Original Air Date—19 settembre 1991
Homer accidentally lands in a mental hospital and ends up sharing a cage with a white man who thinks he's Michael Jackson.
Season 3, Episode 2: Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington
Original Air Date—26 settembre 1991
Lisa enters a contest and wins a trip to Washington DC for the whole family. While there she discovers corruption and decides to expose the corrupt official.
Season 3, Episode 3: When Flanders Failed
Original Air Date—3 ottobre 1991
Ned Flanders opens a mall store catering to lefties. Homer, however, wishes Flanders would fail.
Season 3, Episode 4: Bart the Murderer
Original Air Date—10 ottobre 1991
Bart stumbles upon the local mafia boss, and starts working for him on the side. When Principal Skinner goes missing after punishing Bart, he and Fat Tony's gang are suspected of killing him, but they try to get Bart to take the rap.
Season 3, Episode 5: Homer Defined
Original Air Date—17 ottobre 1991
Homer is a hero after averting a nuclear meltdown that he nearly caused, but he doesn't want to tell anyone that he stopped it completely by accident.
Season 3, Episode 6: Like Father, Like Clown
Original Air Date—24 ottobre 1991
When the Simpsons have Krusty the Clown over for dinner, he says grace in Hebrew, and recalls his difficult relationship with his father, a rabbi. Bart and Lisa try to reunite the two of them.
Season 3, Episode 7: Treehouse of Horror II
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 1991
The Simpson family receives a severed monkey's paw which can grant wishes, Bart gains magical powers which he uses to turn Homer into a Jack-in-the-box, and Mr. Burns uses Homer's brain to create a robot.
Season 3, Episode 8: Lisa's Pony
Original Air Date—7 novembre 1991
After ruining Lisa's performance at the school talent show, Homer tries to make it up by buying her a pony.
Season 3, Episode 9: Saturdays of Thunder
Original Air Date—14 novembre 1991
After Homer fails a fathering test, he decides to help Bart build his Soap Box Derby racer. But Bart dumps Homer and their racer after Martin's far superior vehicle suddenly becomes available.
Season 3, Episode 10: Flaming Moe's
Original Air Date—21 novembre 1991
Moe claims that a drink that Homer invented is his own. After the drink makes the bar a local hot spot, Moe gains a number of fair-weather friends but loses Homer's friendship.
Season 3, Episode 11: Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
Original Air Date—5 dicembre 1991
Burns decides to retire and sells the power plant to a German consortium for an exorbitant price. Homer's laziness and inefficiency are quickly exposed by his new bosses, and he is laid off.
Season 3, Episode 12: I Married Marge
Original Air Date—26 dicembre 1991
As Marge goes to the doctor for a pregnancy test, Homer tells the children of the events leading up to his marriage and Bart's birth.
Season 3, Episode 13: Radio Bart
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 1992
After Bart receives a microphone which can transmit through radios, he decides to pull a series of pranks, and eventually convinces the town that a boy has fallen down a well.
Season 3, Episode 14: Lisa the Greek
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 1992
Homer uses Lisa (and her prognostic skills) to help him bet on football games.
Season 3, Episode 15: Homer Alone
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 1992
While Marge spends a couple of days at Rancho Relaxo after she has a breakdown, Bart and Lisa stay with Patty and Selma, and Homer stays at home to take care of Maggie.
Season 3, Episode 16: Bart the Lover
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 1992
After Ms. Krabappel gives Bart a month of detention, Bart gets his revenge on her by responding to her newspaper singles ad. Homer begins a "swear jar" to keep him cursing.
Season 3, Episode 17: Homer at the Bat
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 1992
Homer and his co-workers qualify the plant's softball team for the league final, but Mr. Burns hires 9 professional MLB players to win a $1 million bet.
Season 3, Episode 18: Separate Vocations
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 1992
The results of a standardized test steer Bart in the direction of law and order at Springfield Elementary School. However, Lisa becomes so depressed by her results that she turns to juvenile delinquency.
Season 3, Episode 19: Dog of Death
Original Air Date—12 marzo 1992
The Simpsons wind up regretting paying for an expensive surgery for Santa's Little Helper. He then runs away from home, winds up in the animal shelter, and is adopted by Mr. Burns to become an attack dog.
Season 3, Episode 20: Colonel Homer
Original Air Date—26 marzo 1992
Homer becomes the manager of a beautiful young country singer, and finds himself almost attracted to her, sparking Marge's jealousy.
Season 3, Episode 21: Black Widower
Original Air Date—9 aprile 1992
Sideshow Bob gets out of jail and plots to take his revenge on Bart by marrying his Aunt Selma and killing her.
Season 3, Episode 22: The Otto Show
Original Air Date—23 aprile 1992
After Otto loses his job as a school bus driver because he doesn't have a license, Bart talks Homer and Marge into having Otto stay with them until he gets back on his feet.
Season 3, Episode 23: Bart's Friend Falls in Love
Original Air Date—7 maggio 1992
Milhouse falls in love with Samantha, a new transfer student, and Bart becomes jealous of all the time they are spending together. Homer orders a subliminal weight loss tape, but is given a vocabulary builder by mistake.
Season 3, Episode 24: Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?
Original Air Date—27 agosto 1992
After Homer "wins" a $2000 settlement with the plant for radiation affecting his sperm count, his brother Herb comes to Springfield with an idea that could help him get his fortune back.
Season 4
Season 4, Episode 1: Kamp Krusty
Original Air Date—24 settembre 1992
Bart and Lisa go off for the summer to Krusty's camp for kids, but instead of meeting Krusty they meet his bean-counting surrogate, Mr. Black. With their children gone, Homer and Marge enjoy a romantic summer, but Bart and Lisa are put to work making crummy merchandise, until Krusty returns and sets things right-by taking the kids to Tijuana.
Season 4, Episode 2: A Streetcar Named Marge
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 1992
Marge wins the lead in a musical production of "A Streetcar Named Desire", in which Ned Flanders plays Stanley Kowalski. Marge is infuriated by Homer's brutishness and insensitivity during preproduction, until he sees the play and reveals to Marge that he has grasped its meaning. While rehearsing, Marge sticks Maggie in the Ayn Rand Day Care Center, where her pacifier is immediately taken from her, and a la "The Great Escape", she must struggle to win it back.
Season 4, Episode 3: Homer the Heretic
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 1992
Homer decides not to attend church one Sunday and has the time of his life and vows never to return to church again, however one Sunday after falling asleep while smoking a cigar he accidentally sets fire to The Simpsons house, Flanders spots the flames and rescues him, Homer comes to his senses and turns up at church the following Sunday(asleep).
Season 4, Episode 4: Lisa the Beauty Queen
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 1992
With her self-esteem shattered by a school carnival cartoonist, Homer decides to enter Lisa in a local children's beauty contest, which she ends up winning by default. But when she finds out how heavily involved Laramie Tobacco is in using the contest to sell cigarettes, she uses her position as a platform against the tobacco industry and other establishments of power and corruption.
Season 4, Episode 5: Treehouse of Horror III
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 1992
In "Clown Without Pity", a Krusty the Clown doll goes berserk in the Simpson home. In "King Homer", Marge is wooed by a giant ape. And final story, In "Dial 'Z' for Zombies", Bart's attempt to bring back the family cat turns the town of Springfield into a pack of bloodthirsty zombies.
Season 4, Episode 6: Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie
Original Air Date—3 novembre 1992
Pulling one prank too many costs Bart the opportunity to see the Itchy and Scratchy Movie.
Season 4, Episode 7: Marge Gets a Job
Original Air Date—5 novembre 1992
Marge takes a job at the nuclear plant to help pay for the house's foundation repair, and Burns becomes smitten by her.
Season 4, Episode 8: New Kid on the Block
Original Air Date—12 novembre 1992
Bart finds himself attracted to the 15-year-old new neighbor, Laura. Homer sues an All-You-Can-Eat buffet.
Season 4, Episode 9: Mr. Plow
Original Air Date—19 novembre 1992
Homer buys a truck with an attached snow plow after he destroys his car, and to pay for it, he starts a snow shoveling business, calling himself Mr. Plow. It all goes off without a hitch, until he finds himself in competition with The Plow King, a.k.a. Barney Gumbel. Now begins the winter of discontent.
Season 4, Episode 10: Lisa's First Word
Original Air Date—3 dicembre 1992
While trying to coax Maggie into saying her first word, Homer & Marge talk about how Lisa spoke hers.
Season 4, Episode 11: Homer's Triple Bypass
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 1992
Years of poor eating habits catch up with Homer when he suffers a massive heart attack. The family can't afford the triple bypass operation he needs from Dr. Hibbert, so they go to a discount quack named Nick Riviera.
Season 4, Episode 12: Marge vs. the Monorail
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 1993
After receiving a considerable donation of money, the people of Springfield decide what to spend it on. Enter Lyle Langley, a jocular salesman who gets Springfield hooked on a monorail system. After the monorail is up and running, and with Homer as the conductor, it's time for the maiden voyage. Little do the people know they have just boarded a one-way train to Hell.
Season 4, Episode 13: Selma's Choice
Original Air Date—21 gennaio 1993
Selma starts to feel broody, but after taking Bart and Lisa to Duff Gardens, she changes her mind.
Season 4, Episode 14: Brother from the Same Planet
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 1993
After Homer forgets to pick up Bart from soccer practice, Bart joins a mentor program called Big Brothers presenting himself as an orphan, and is assigned a big brother called Tom. When Homer finds out, he joins the program too as a big brother.
Season 4, Episode 15: I Love Lisa
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 1993
Feeling sorry for Ralph, Lisa sends him a valentine card, having developed a crush on her Ralph invites Lisa to go see the Krusty the Clown show, she accepts but after Krusty asks them if there boyfriend and girlfriend Lisa lets Ralph no that she just wants them to be friends.
Season 4, Episode 16: Duffless
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 1993
After Homer is arrested for DUI, and loses his driver's license, he is put to the ultimate test when Marge pressures him to give up beer for a month.
Season 4, Episode 17: Last Exit to Springfield
Original Air Date—11 marzo 1993
Homer becomes union leader and leads a company strike when Mr. Burns takes away the company dental plan.
Season 4, Episode 18: So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show
Original Air Date—1 aprile 1993
Homer plays a series of (childish) practical jokes on Bart. To get even, Bart uses a paint mixer at a local hardware store to shake up a can of Homer's beer. Homer opens the can, resulting in a huge explosion that seriously injures the Simpsons patriarch.
Season 4, Episode 19: The Front
Original Air Date—15 aprile 1993
Homer goes back to school after it is revealed that he never graduated. Meanwhile, Bart and Lisa ghostwrite for Itchy & Scratchy using Abe's name.
Season 4, Episode 20: Whacking Day
Original Air Date—29 aprile 1993
Marge attempts to home school Bart after he is expelled from Springfield Elementary. Meanwhile, Lisa protests a barbaric local holiday centered around clubbing snakes to death.
Season 4, Episode 21: Marge in Chains
Original Air Date—6 maggio 1993
A misunderstanding leads to Marge being imprisoned for shoplifting. In her absence, the family and eventually, the town descend into chaos.
Season 4, Episode 22: Krusty Gets Kancelled
Original Air Date—13 maggio 1993
A massive advertising blitz announces the arrival of something named "Gabbo." Eventually, Gabbo is revealed to be a Howdy Doddy-esque dummy, with Arthur Crandall as the ventriloquist.
Season 5
Season 5, Episode 1: Homer's Barbershop Quartet
Original Air Date—30 settembre 1993
After the kids find a record with Homer's picture on it, he recalls the story of how he achieved fame in the 1980s with his barbershop quartet The Be Sharps.
Season 5, Episode 2: Cape Feare
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 1993
An anonymous letter writer makes ominous threats to Bart. The Simpsons discover they were sent by Sideshow Bob who, when released from prison, harasses the Simpsons and then attempts to kill Bart with a machete. But Bob's vanity foils him yet again.
Season 5, Episode 3: Homer Goes to College
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 1993
Homer is fired from his position in the power plant as Safety Inspector after a regulation inspector discovers he doesn't have certification for it. He goes back to college to get certified for his old job.
Season 5, Episode 4: Rosebud
Original Air Date—21 ottobre 1993
Mr. Burns goes on a desperate quest to recover his cherished childhood toy Bobo, a bear which is now in Maggie's possession.
Season 5, Episode 5: Treehouse of Horror IV
Original Air Date—28 ottobre 1993
When Homer announces he would sell his soul for a donut, the Devil, disguised as Ned Flanders, shows up to take him up on the offer. Second Act, while ridings to school, Bart believe he sees a malevolent gremlin on the side of the bus. And final act, Mr. Burns is Dracula, in a spoof of Francis Ford Coppola's vampire film.
Season 5, Episode 6: Marge on the Lam
Original Air Date—4 novembre 1993
A girl's night out turns into a high speed chase when Marge learns her friend is driving a stolen car.
Season 5, Episode 7: Bart's Inner Child
Original Air Date—11 novembre 1993
Brad Goodman, a self-help guru, identifies Bart as a role model for personal happiness, because he is in touch with his inner child. Soon the entire town begins to behave like Bart.
Season 5, Episode 8: Boy Scoutz 'n the Hood
Original Air Date—18 novembre 1993
Bart wakes up after a sugar bender to find that he has joined the Junior Campers. Although he hates the club at first, he eventually grows to enjoy it. When a father/son rafting trip is announced, Homer unwittingly strands the group at sea.
Season 5, Episode 9: The Last Temptation of Homer
Original Air Date—9 dicembre 1993
Homer's marriage is in trouble when he develops an attraction to a new co-worker.
Season 5, Episode 10: $pringfield (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)
Original Air Date—16 dicembre 1993
Springfield decides to legalize gambling to revitalize its economy. Marge develops a gambling problem, while Mr. Burns develops a Howard Hughes complex.
Season 5, Episode 11: Homer the Vigilante
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 1994
An outbreak of burglaries inspires Homer to lead a vigilante group.
Season 5, Episode 12: Bart Gets Famous
Original Air Date—3 febbraio 1994
Bart becomes an overnight sensation as the "I didn't do it" boy on Krusty's show.
Season 5, Episode 13: Homer and Apu
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 1994
Homer participates in a hidden camera investigation of unsanitary food preparation at the Kwik-E-Mart, which costs Apu his job. Apu then enlists Homer's help on a journey to India to get his job back, while James Woods becomes the new Kwik-E-Mart clerk, as part of his research for a film project.
Season 5, Episode 14: Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 1994
Lisa leads a protest against a talking doll she perceives as being sexist.
Season 5, Episode 15: Deep Space Homer
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 1994
The powers that be at NASA, distraught over low television ratings for their space launches, decide to improve them by putting a private citizen on their next space shuttle. After receiving an angry phone call from Homer, they decide he is their man.
Season 5, Episode 16: Homer Loves Flanders
Original Air Date—17 marzo 1994
After Ned Flanders helps Homer get tickets to an important football game, he and Homer become good friends. But Homer takes the friendship too far with his stupid antics, oblivious to the fact that Ned is beginning to hate him.
Season 5, Episode 17: Bart Gets an Elephant
Original Air Date—31 marzo 1994
After winning a phone-in competition Bart has a choice of prize of either $10,000 or an elephant, he chooses the latter, naming him Stampy. The Simpsons are in chaos after Stampy wrecks the house and eats all the food. They have no alternative, Stampy must go to an animal refuge.
Season 5, Episode 18: Burns' Heir
Original Air Date—14 aprile 1994
After a near-death experience, Burns holds auditions for his heir and after Bart smashes his windows he chooses Bart.Bart moves in with Burns but when he's forced to choose between Burns and his family he chooses the latter.
Season 5, Episode 19: Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song
Original Air Date—28 aprile 1994
Bart takes Santa's little helper to school with him on inspection day and gets Skinner fired, Bart is pleased until Ned Flandres is made his replacement.Bart sets out to find Skinner and get him reinstated.
Season 5, Episode 20: The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Original Air Date—5 maggio 1994
After playing hooky from school, Bart sneaks in to Mayor Quimby's nephew Freddy's birthday party and witnesses a confrontation between Freddy and a waiter, Freddy is accused of beating the waiter but Bart knows what really happened, should he keep quiet or tell the truth and risk getting Cort playing hooky?
Season 5, Episode 21: Lady Bouvier's Lover
Original Air Date—12 maggio 1994
Abe falls in love with Marge's mother, but must compete with Mr. Burns for her heart.
Season 5, Episode 22: Secrets of a Successful Marriage
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1994
Homer is given the task of teaching an adult education class about relationships. He fails to woo the class until he starts talking about his and Marge's sex life. When Marge finds out, she orders him not to talk about their private life again. But then he invites his entire class to dinner. This is the final straw for Marge and she chucks him out of the house. He then moves in to Bart's tree house. After seeing the error of his ways he asks Marge for a second chance. She accepts and the two reconcile.
Season 6
Season 6, Episode 1: Bart of Darkness
Original Air Date—4 settembre 1994
In a Rear Window parody, the Simpsons buy a swimming pool and everybody in the neighborhood joins in the enjoyment--except for Bart, whose broken leg prevents him from swimming. He soon becomes obsessed with looking through his telescope and even suspects Ned Flanders of murdering his wife.
Season 6, Episode 2: Lisa's Rival
Original Air Date—11 settembre 1994
Lisa is jealous when a new girl in class is smarter than she is. Meanwhile, Homer obtains a massive amount of sugar.
Season 6, Episode 3: Another Simpsons Clip Show
Original Air Date—25 settembre 1994
The family recalls past tales of lost love.
Season 6, Episode 4: Itchy & Scratchy Land
Original Air Date—2 ottobre 1994
A family vacation to Itchy & Scratchy Land turns disastrous when the robots malfunction and turn on the tourists.
Season 6, Episode 5: Sideshow Bob Roberts
Original Air Date—9 ottobre 1994
Sideshow Bob is released from prison, runs for mayor as a Republican, and defeats "Diamond" Joe Quimby in the election. But a "Deep-Throat"-type informant tells Bart and Lisa that he was fraudulently elected. It's up to them to find the evidence.
Season 6, Episode 6: Treehouse of Horror V
Original Air Date—30 ottobre 1994
The Simpsons are employed on Mr. Burns's country estate-and Homer goes insane. And act two, Homer's attempt to repair a toaster lead him repeatedly back into the past-and he inadvertently changes the future. And the final act, the school cafeteria turn to an unusual source of food-and schoolchildren start mysteriously disappearing.
Season 6, Episode 7: Bart's Girlfriend
Original Air Date—6 novembre 1994
Bart falls for Reverend Lovejoy's daughter and is surprised when she becomes a bad influence on him.
Season 6, Episode 8: Lisa on Ice
Original Air Date—13 novembre 1994
Homer gives all his attention to Bart because he is the star of his hockey team, which makes Lisa jealous. But when a rival team discovers that she is an excellent goalie, Bart suddenly has rival for Homer's attention.
Season 6, Episode 9: Homer Badman
Original Air Date—27 novembre 1994
Homer and Marge hire college co-ed Ashley Grant to baby-sit the kids while they go to a candy convention. While driving Ashley home, Homer shows poor tact when he attempts to retrieve a piece of Gummy Venus that became stuck to the back of Ashley's pants. Things are blown way out of proportion when Ashley interprets Homer's innocent actions as a sexual advance, prompting her to mount a huge anti-harassment campaign against Homer. Several attempts to exonerate himself - most notably, a totally inaccurate segment on the tabloid TV show "Rock Bottom" - only make things worse. As the media coverage intensifies, his friends turn against him and his name becomes comedy fodder, Homer becomes resigned to his tarnished reputation. Finally, after Lisa produces a segment for a cable-access TV show (where Homer defends himself), Groundskeeper Willie finally produces evidence to exonerate the Simpson patriarch.
Season 6, Episode 10: Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy
Original Air Date—4 dicembre 1994
Homer and Abe hit the road to sell Abe's miraculous aphrodisiac.
Season 6, Episode 11: Fear of Flying
Original Air Date—18 dicembre 1994
Marge goes into therapy to cure her of her traumatizing fear of flying.
Season 6, Episode 12: Homer the Great
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 1995
Homer becomes a member of a mysterious organization called the Stonecutters and is heralded as "the chosen one."
Season 6, Episode 13: And Maggie Makes Three
Original Air Date—22 gennaio 1995
Homer recounts the story of Maggie's birth when the kids ask why there are no photos of her in the family album.
Season 6, Episode 14: Bart's Comet
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 1995
Bart discovers a comet that is on a collision course with Springfield.
Season 6, Episode 15: Homie the Clown
Original Air Date—12 febbraio 1995
Homer becomes a Krusty the Clown stand-in, but is mistaken for the real Krusty by the Springfield mafia.
Season 6, Episode 16: Bart vs. Australia
Original Air Date—19 febbraio 1995
Lisa tells Bart that toilet water swirls in the opposite direction in the Southern Hemisphere. Determined to find out if this is true, Bart makes a collect call to Australia. When the father of the boy he called finds out about the charges, it sparks an international incident. The Simpsons must travel to Australia to repair relations with the United States.
Season 6, Episode 17: Homer vs. Patty and Selma
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 1995
Desperate for money, Homer takes a loan from Patty and Selma. Meanwhile, Bart discovers a natural talent for ballet.
Season 6, Episode 18: A Star Is Burns
Original Air Date—5 marzo 1995
Mr. Burns hosts a film festival in Springfield to improve his image. Film critic Jay Sherman, of "The Critic" is invited, and stays with the Simpsons.
Season 6, Episode 19: Lisa's Wedding
Original Air Date—19 marzo 1995
A fortune teller gives Lisa a look at her wedding in the year 2010.
Season 6, Episode 20: Two Dozen and One Greyhounds
Original Air Date—9 aprile 1995
Santa's Little Helper has puppies, and Mr. Burns schemes to steal them and make them into a coat.
Season 6, Episode 21: The PTA Disbands
Original Air Date—16 aprile 1995
Marge fills in for Mrs. Krabappel during a teachers' strike.
Season 6, Episode 22: 'Round Springfield
Original Air Date—30 aprile 1995
When Bart swallows a hazardous prize from a cereal box and winds up in the hospital, Lisa finds out her jazz idol Bleeding Gums Murphy has a room of his own there. Sadly, this turns out to be his deathbed, and not only is she upset about him dying, but she realizes that nobody will ever remember him for his music, unless she does something about it.
Season 6, Episode 23: The Springfield Connection
Original Air Date—7 maggio 1995
Marge deals with corruption and crime when she joins the Springfield police force.
Season 6, Episode 24: Lemon of Troy
Original Air Date—14 maggio 1995
Shelbyville kids hijack Springfield's sacred lemon tree after being pelted with lemons, and Bart leads a guerrilla war against them (I say a war, but it's nowhere near violent.) They find out that the tree is in "the impenetrable fortress of suburbia"- a car impound lot, owned by the leader's (Shelby's) dad. Homer and the parents of the kids find them and team up with them to get the tree back. But how are they gonna get it from a car impound lot?
Season 6, Episode 25: Who Shot Mr. Burns?: Part 1
Original Air Date—21 maggio 1995
Mr. Burns steals oil from Springfield Elementary, and one day, he is shot, with no indication on who did it.
Season 7
Season 7, Episode 1: Who Shot Mr. Burns?: Part 2
Original Air Date—17 settembre 1995
In the conclusion of the first part that ended season six, we are revealed in the first episode of season seven who actually shot Mr. Burns.
Season 7, Episode 2: Radioactive Man
Original Air Date—24 settembre 1995
Milhouse is cast as Radioactive Man's sidekick in a Hollywood production of the comic book.
Season 7, Episode 3: Home Sweet Home-Diddily-Dum-Doodily
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 1995
Marge and Homer lose custody of the kids, who are sent to live at the Flanders' house.
Season 7, Episode 4: Bart Sells His Soul
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 1995
When Rev. Lovejoy disciplines Bart for a prank he pulled in church - he tricked the organist into playing Iron Butterfly's ""In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" - he and co-conspirator Milhouse begin arguing over whether man really has a soul. Bart scoffs at the notion and agrees to "sell" his soul (a piece of paper with the words "Bart Simpson's Soul") to Milhouse for $5. A series of situations makes Bart realize maybe he really did sell his soul, prompting him to go all-out to get it back from Milhouse, who isn't willing to sell. Meanwhile, Moe attempts to open a family-style restaurant inside his tavern, with the gimmick that if he doesn't smile when servicing a customer, the meal is free. Moe's surly demeanor and the stress of running such a business alone conspire to do the establishment in.
Season 7, Episode 5: Lisa the Vegetarian
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 1995
A trip to a local petting zoo convinces Lisa to give up meat, despite excessive pressure to convince her not to do so.
Season 7, Episode 6: Treehouse of Horror VI
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 1995
First, a freak lightning storm causes giant advertising mascots to come to life. Next, Groundskeeper Willie dies and swears revenge on the kids in their dreams. Finally, Homer accidentally finds himself trapped in another dimension.
Season 7, Episode 7: King Size Homer
Original Air Date—5 novembre 1995
Mr. Burns institutes a new calisthenics program at work. Most employees enjoy the morning workout, except Homer, who is too lazy. He finds out that if he goes in disability, he will be exempt from the exercises. He finds hyper-obesity among the list of disability, so he gorges himself on food to balloon up to 300 pounds.
Season 7, Episode 8: Mother Simpson
Original Air Date—19 novembre 1995
To get out of cleaning a part as community service, Homer fakes his own death. When this results in the family's utilities being cut off, Marge puts pressure on him to reveal that he is alive. However, the spurious news of his "death" brings his long-lost mother (Glenn Close)--a hippie who is on the run from the law because of her activism against Mr. Burns--back to Springfield.
Season 7, Episode 9: Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming
Original Air Date—26 novembre 1995
Sideshow Bob again escapes from prison and takes control of a TV screen at an air show, demanding all television stations immediately go off the air.
Season 7, Episode 10: The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular
Original Air Date—3 dicembre 1995
Troy McClure hosts a retrospective of the first 138 episodes of The Simpsons.
Season 7, Episode 11: Marge Be Not Proud
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 1995
Marge's relationship with Bart is strained when she catches him shoplifting before Christmas.
Season 7, Episode 12: Team Homer
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 1996
Homer starts a bowling team with Moe, Apu and Otto, but when Mr. Burns discovers the team was funded with his money, he insists on joining. Meanwhile, Springfield Elementary introduces uniforms.
Season 7, Episode 13: Two Bad Neighbors
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 1996
To avoid politics, former President George Bush and his wife Barbara retire to Springfield, citing its low voter turnout. They quickly become friends to the conservative Flanders family, but George soon becomes the enemy of Bart and Homer Simpson.
Season 7, Episode 14: Scenes from a Class Struggle in Springfield
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 1996
After Grandpa destroys their television set, the Simpsons go to an outlet mall to buy a new one. Marge decides to peruse a clothing store, and buys a discounted Chanel suit. A chance encounter with a High School acquaintance, while wearing the suit, leads to an invitation to join a country club. Marge becomes obsessed with pleasing the club's upper-class clientèle to so she can be accepted.
Season 7, Episode 15: Bart the Fink
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 1996
Bart gets a check he wanted signed by Krusty back stamped. As Krusty was supposed to autograph it, Bart wants it taken back to sign, but inadvertently reveals Krusty as a tax fraud. Krusty's lifestyle is stripped down to that of an average citizen, his show ruined and most of his possessions sold in an auction. Bart is mad at himself, particularly after a sobbing Krusty commits suicide by piloting his plane, the I'm-Onna-Rolla-Gay, into a mountainside. Bart sees visions of Krusty everywhere, but are they illusions or real life?
Season 7, Episode 16: Lisa the Iconoclast
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 1996
Lisa discovers that her town's beloved founder Jebediah Springfield was in fact a vicious pirate.
Season 7, Episode 17: Homer the Smithers
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 1996
When Smithers is forced to take a vacation, he appoints Homer as his temporary replacement.
Season 7, Episode 18: The Day the Violence Died
Original Air Date—17 marzo 1996
Bart & Lisa meet a bum who claims to have created Itchy, one half of the cat and mouse team of their favorite cartoon series, "Itchy & Scratchy."
Season 7, Episode 19: A Fish Called Selma
Original Air Date—24 marzo 1996
Washed-up movie star Troy McClure is pulled over for driving without corrective lenses, and forced to go to the DMV to get his eyes checked. While there, he meets Selma, who he asks out for dinner. Spotted by a reporter, he quickly realizes that being seen in public with a woman will grab enough headlines to revitalize his career, leading to a whirlwind romance between him and Selma.
Season 7, Episode 20: Bart on the Road
Original Air Date—31 marzo 1996
Unable to get out of a mis-scheduled spring vacation, Principal Skinner makes up the holiday "Go to Work with Your Parents Day," giving Lisa the chance to spend time with Homer, and Bart the chance to work with Patty & Selma at the DMV. When Bart makes his own fake driver's license and Martin wins a bundle at the stock market, Bart rents a car, and takes Milhouse, Martin, and Nelson Muntz on a huge road trip.
Season 7, Episode 21: 22 Short Films About Springfield
Original Air Date—14 aprile 1996
A series of vignettes highlights a day in the life of various Springfield residents.
Season 7, Episode 22: Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in 'The Curse of the Flying Hellfish'
Original Air Date—28 aprile 1996
Grandpa Simpson reveals to Bart that he and Montgomery Burns were part of a World War 2 unit known as the Flying Hellfish, which stole priceless art from a German castle during the war, of which the last surviving member would inherit the fortune. When another member of his platoon dies, Abe and Burns remain the last two survivors, and Burns vows to make sure Grandpa doesn't become the last Hellfish, until Abe and Bart vow to find the fortune before Burns does.
Season 7, Episode 23: Much Apu About Nothing
Original Air Date—5 maggio 1996
Anti-Immigration fever sweeps Springfield, which threatens to lead to the deportation of of Apu, until Homer decides to reject the mob mentality, and help him become a legal citizen.
Season 7, Episode 24: Homerpalooza
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1996
Depressed about his inability to keep up with the existing music scene when Bart reveals how uncool his interest in 1970's rock music truly is, Homer decides to take Bart and Lisa to the Hullabalooza music festival to show them this isn't the case. Failing at that, he nearly sparks a riot and gets shot at with a cannon(ironically for Peter Frampton) which bounces a fake pig off his fat belly, and ends up being hired as part of the festival's freak show, touring with bands such as Smashing Pumpkins, Cypress Hill, Sonic Youth, and yes, Frampton.
Season 7, Episode 25: Summer of 4 Ft. 2
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1996
The end of the school year, and an empty yearbook causes Lisa to contemplate her lack of popularity. When Ned Flanders is summoned for jury duty and offers Homer a chance to stay at his beach house, Lisa sees this as the opportunity to reinvent herself as a slacker in the hope of gaining friends, which proves to be far more successful than she could possibly imagine --- but not if Bart has any say in the matter.
Season 8
Season 8, Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror VII
Original Air Date—27 ottobre 1996
Bart discovers his Siamese twin Hugo in the attic. Then, Lisa becomes a god after she accidentally creates life in a science fair project. Finally, Kang and Kodos plot to conquer the planet disguised as Bill Clinton and Bob Dole.
Season 8, Episode 2: You Only Move Twice
Original Air Date—3 novembre 1996
Homer takes a new job in a new town. However, his friendly new boss might be a super villain bent on world domination.
Season 8, Episode 3: The Homer They Fall
Original Air Date—10 novembre 1996
Homer becomes a boxer after Moe discovers his amazing ability to take a punch.
Season 8, Episode 4: Burns, Baby Burns
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1996
The Simpsons try to reunite Homer's boss, Mr. Burns, with Larry, Burns' long-lost son.
Season 8, Episode 5: Bart After Dark
Original Air Date—24 novembre 1996
Marge leads a crusade against a local burlesque house after she discovers Bart working there.
Season 8, Episode 6: A Milhouse Divided
Original Air Date—1 dicembre 1996
Milhouse's parents divorce, leading Homer to question the strength of his own marriage.
Season 8, Episode 7: Lisa's Date with Density
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 1996
At school, Nelson is caught with a cache of stolen items in his locker (including the "H" hood emblem from Supt. Chalmers' car) and is assigned to do chores with Groundskeeper Willie. Lisa is caught observing the goings-on and is assigned detention, where she develops a crush on Nelson. Lisa tries to reform Nelson, and it works for awhile. However, as the old saying goes, you can't teach a juvenile delinquent new tricks and it isn't long before Nelson is back to his old ways; he and his buddies had been caught throwing spoiled food at Skinner's house and tries to lie to Lisa about his participation in the whole thing, but ultimately lets slip the truth. Meanwhile, Homer obtains an autodialer and decides it will help him make easy money through his "Happy Dude" telemarketing scheme. Homer is eventually caught and made to use the autodialer to call back everyone he scammed in apology. Which he does ... then he asks for more money as part of a "Sorry Dude" scam.
Season 8, Episode 8: Hurricane Neddy
Original Air Date—29 dicembre 1996
A hurricane strikes Springfield, and in its wake, the Flanders' home is demolished. Ned becomes depressed, and reassurance from Maude and Rev. Lovejoy do little to offset Kent Brockman's hurricane coverage (where he reports that the Leftorium is being looted). Marge then bursts into the church where the Flanders' are staying and announces a miracle: Ned's home has been rebuilt. Well, sort of ... the house - built by an army of volunteers commissioned by Homer - is ill-constructed and quickly falls down. Ned then loses his temper and screams at everyone for their shoddy workmanship and what he views as their meddling (Homer thinks he "got off easy" when Ned calls him "the worst person I have ever met). Ned goes for a drive to cool down and heads toward a mental institution, where he checks himself in. There, his childhood psychiatrist counsels him on his crisis and determines that he has problems appropriately expressing his anger. The doctor recruits Homer to help Ned get to the root of his frustrations - his parents, who did not do a good job raising him. Eventually, Ned is released.
Season 8, Episode 9: El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Homer
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 1997
Marge's fears that Homer will embarrass her at the annual Springfield Chili Cook-Off again, are reaffirmed when after tasting various bland samples of chili, he comes across a specialty made by Chief Wiggum laced with hallucinogenic Guatemalan peppers. The chili sends him on a psychedelic journey where he meets an imaginary Coyote spirit guide(voiced by country music legend Johnny Cash), who urges him to find his soul mate, causing him to doubt that he should've ever married Marge in the first place.
Season 8, Episode 10: The Springfield Files
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 1997
In yet another crazed crossover, Leonard Nimoy narrates another tale of the supernatural, reminiscent of his days with "In Search Of." Realizing that even he's too drunk to drive after a night at Moe's Tavern, Homer stumbles through the woods and encounters a green glowing alien. Needless to say, nobody takes him seriously, except for "X-Files" FBI Agent Fox Mulder, who once again drags along his partner Dana Scully on another quest to prove the government is hiding the presence of UFO's from the public. However, even this mission may make a skeptic out of Mulder.
Season 8, Episode 11: The Twisted World of Marge Simpson
Original Air Date—19 gennaio 1997
Marge enters the pretzel vending business, but when she fails Homer recruits some help from the mob.
Season 8, Episode 12: Mountain of Madness
Original Air Date—2 febbraio 1997
Homer and Mr. Burns get trapped in a snowed-in cabin during a company retreat.
Season 8, Episode 13: Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala-Annoyed-Grunt-cious
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 1997
After a little bit of hair loss caused by stress, the Simpson family decide that a nanny to help around the house may be a good idea, causing them to come into contact with a very odd character named Shary Bobbins.
Season 8, Episode 14: The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 1997
Krusty becomes alarmed at the flagging ratings for "The Itchy & Scratchy Show" and demands it be corrected. The producers reason some new gimmicks are needed to inject fresh air and - after a focus group doesn't quite go as well as planned - decide to introduce a new character named Poochie, a rapping cartoon dog that is supposed to become friends with Itchy and Scratchy. Homer auditions to do Poochie's voice and wins the part. Poochie's first cartoon, "The Beagle Has Landed," premieres to great fanfare but is poorly received to say the least. The producers decide that, given his spectacular failure, Poochie will be killed off in the mutt's next cartoon. Homer learns about this and at his next recording session, gives a speech imploring everyone to give Poochie a chance. However, the effort is unsuccessful and Poochie's death - along with the correct lines dubbed in - is revealed in the next animated short. Also: A college-aged boy named Roy temporarily moves in with the Simpsons and - in a nod to clichéd characters being used as a gimmick to entice viewership of waning TV shows - does everything to get in the way. Eventually, Roy announces he's moving out and moving in with a pair of sexy ladies.
Season 8, Episode 15: Homer's Phobia
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 1997
Homer fears that Bart's masculinity is at stake when he suspects that he's being influenced by a flamboyant homosexual collectible store owner named John(Waters). All his efforts to show Bart how to be a man keep backfiring on him... or do they?
Season 8, Episode 16: Brother from Another Series
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 1997
Sideshow Bob is released from prison into the custody of his younger brother Cecil (voiced by David Hyde Pierce), Springfield's Chief Hydrological Engineer. He works as the foreman on a new hydroelectric dam. Bart is convinced that Bob is up to something shady again, and follows him everywhere.
Season 8, Episode 17: My Sister, My Sitter
Original Air Date—2 marzo 1997
Bart is outraged when Lisa becomes his babysitter.
Season 8, Episode 18: Homer vs. the 18th Amendment
Original Air Date—16 marzo 1997
Bart gets drunk during a St. Patrick's Day Parade, provoking the city government to enforce a two-hundred year old prohibition law. Rex Banner, an Elliot Ness-type character, takes over the police force to help enforce the law, since Wiggum failed to do do. Meanwhile, Homer decides to make money for himself as a bootlegger, calling himself "The Beer Baron."
Season 8, Episode 19: Grade School Confidential
Original Air Date—6 aprile 1997
Martin's birthday party is predictably dull until nearly all the guests become ill with food poisoning. The only ones not to get sick are Bart (who didn't want to eat the spoiled oysters), and Principal Skinner and Mrs. Krabappel, who fall in love with each other. Bart catches his principal and teacher kissing passionately, but they immediately find out and want to swear him to secrecy. They make him his gofer, making his life miserable at school and calling him at all hours of the night (all for the reward of Milhouse inheriting Bart's poor school record). Bart eventually loses his patience and exposes the Skinner-Krabappel relationship. After rumors - most of them grossly exaggerated - begin running wild through town, Supt. Chalmers threatens to fire both Principal Skinner and Mrs. Krabappel (since the relationship is forbidden per district policy) and does when Skinner refuses to call the relationship off. Eventually, Bart convinces Skinner to stand up for himself and his new girlfriend, and they decide to climb onto the roof and stay there until Chalmers reinstates them and accepts their relationship. The effort works, and Principal Skinner and Mrs. Krabappel are back at school.
Season 8, Episode 20: The Canine Mutiny
Original Air Date—13 aprile 1997
Using Santa's Little Helper's name, Bart is able to fraudulently obtain a credit card. Unaware that he needs to eventually pay for everything, Bart makes outlandish purchases - including a specially breeded collie he names Laddie. He manages to evade Lisa's demand for an explanation but can't keep back the creditors, who eventually repossess everything. When the creditors as for the dog, Bart - who has fallen in love with Laddie - sends Santa's Little Helper with the repo men. Later, Bart grows bored with Laddie and gives her to Chief Wiggum; in the aftermath, Bart is forced to explain everything and is sent to get Santa's Little Helper back any way he can. Bart eventually tracks down the pooch to a blind man's house and upon collecting Santa's Little Helper begins to leave. However, the blind man is able to trap burglar Bart in the closet. When Chief Wiggum comes to arrest Bart, Laddie sniffs out marijuana in the blind man's pocket. Santa's Little Helper goes home with Bart, while Wiggum holds a huge party at the man's house.
Season 8, Episode 21: The Old Man and the Lisa
Original Air Date—20 aprile 1997
Burns loses his fortune and recruits Lisa to help him get it back.
Season 8, Episode 22: In Marge We Trust
Original Air Date—27 aprile 1997
Marge becomes a church counselor to compensate for Reverend Lovejoy's lack of interest. Meanwhile, Homer discovers a Japanese detergent is using his face for their logo.
Season 8, Episode 23: Homer's Enemy
Original Air Date—4 maggio 1997
Mr. Burns hires Frank Grimes (the human interest subject of Kent Brockman's report) as executive vice president at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Grimes meets the employees and is immediately stunned at Homer's lackadasial work performance and his co-workers are nonchalant about it. Grimes - already annoyed by Homer's habits - becomes horrified when he observes Homer nearly drink a flask containing a toxic acid in absent-mindedness; however, Grimes is harshly reprimanded when he knocks the vial away and causes damage. Grimes tells Homer that they are "enemies," but Homer - still wanting to be friends - invites "Grimey" over for dinner. However, the attempt only makes matters worse when Grimes sees that Homer is living in a nice home and has a family. Resolved to expose Homer as a fraud once and for all, he hands out a flyer announcing a "design your own power plant" contest, which has all references to this being a contest for elementary school students. However, Homer easily wins the contest, causing Grimes to go crazy. After running amok through the plant and mocking Homer, Grimes touches some electrical wires and is electrocuted. In the subplot, Bart wanders into public auction and submits the winning bid ($1) for an abandoned factory. Bart and Milhouse play around inside until the place crumbles.
Season 8, Episode 24: The Simpsons Spin-Off Showcase
Original Air Date—11 maggio 1997
Troy McClure introduces three "potential spin-offs" of The Simpsons. The fictional pilots include: "Chief Wiggum, P.I. (Wiggum and Principal Skinner are detectives in New Orleans, and must contend with the evil Big Daddy, who kidnaps Ralph); "The Love-Matic Grandpa" (a spoof of the failed 1960s-era sitcom "My Mother the Car," where Grampa's ghost inhabits a Love Tester machine at Moe's Tavern); and "The Simpson Family Smile-Time Variety Hour" (the Simpsons - along with a teen-aged "Lisa" - star in a comedy-variety show, much like the Bradys did in 1977).
Season 8, Episode 25: The Secret War of Lisa Simpson
Original Air Date—18 maggio 1997
After a prank destroys half the town, Bart is shipped away to military school. Lisa, seeking a challenge, decides to enroll with him, but is faced with discrimination as the school's only girl cadet.
Season 9
Season 9, Episode 1: The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson
Original Air Date—21 settembre 1997
Homer must travel to New York to get his car back, which is illegally parked at World Trade Center Plaza.
Season 9, Episode 2: The Principal and the Pauper
Original Air Date—28 settembre 1997
After holding a surprise tribute to their beloved Elementary school principal Skinner, the town of Springfield is shocked to find out that Seymour Skinner is an impostor...
Season 9, Episode 3: Lisa's Sax
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 1997
Homer recounts the story of Bart's first day of school, which corresponds with the story of how Lisa got her saxophone.
Season 9, Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror VIII
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 1997
In "The Homega Man," Homer battles mutants after Springfield is annihilated by a neutron bomb. Then, Bart has his DNA mixed with a fly in "Fly vs. Fly." Finally, Marge is revealed to be a witch in colonial Springfield in "Easy Bake Coven."
Season 9, Episode 5: The Cartridge Family
Original Air Date—2 novembre 1997
After a massive soccer riot, Homer decides to invest in a home security system but can't afford the high price. He does the next best thing: He purchases a gun. This is despite Marge's stern opposition to having a gun. Homer plays with the gun like a toy and almost causes an accident at the dinner table. Marge warns Homer to get rid of the gun now; Homer agrees, but Bart finds the gun later in the refrigerator. Marge sees this, takes the gun away and tells Homer she is taking the kids and moving out. Homer eventually is kicked out of the local NRA chapter (for his careless use of the gun), and decides he needs to try to get Marge back. Eventually, he manages to foil Snake's armed robbery at the hotel where Marge is staying. Homer finally gets rid of the gun, but Marge decides to keep it for herself.
Season 9, Episode 6: Bart Star
Original Air Date—9 novembre 1997
A pee-wee football team forms as a solution to Springfield's growing childhood obesity crisis. When Homer takes over as coach after causing Flanders to quit, he tries to make Bart the star of the team despite his poor performance on the field.
Season 9, Episode 7: The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons
Original Air Date—16 novembre 1997
Marge must pose as Apu's wife to prevent his upcoming arranged marriage.
Season 9, Episode 8: Lisa the Skeptic
Original Air Date—23 novembre 1997
Another day at Springfield Elementary School, another field trip - this time to an archaeological dig. During the dig, Lisa unearths what appears to be a fossilized human skeleton with wings.
Season 9, Episode 9: Realty Bites
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 1997
Marge becomes a real-estate agent.
Season 9, Episode 10: Miracle on Evergreen Terrace
Original Air Date—21 dicembre 1997
On Christmas Eve, Marge admonishes the family not to open presents until 7 a.m. the next morning. Bart finds a way around the directive and opens his gifts at 5 a.m. However, his prized gift - a remote-controlled fire truck - overheats and causes a fire that engulfs the tree and presents. The family investigates and Bart tells them that a burglar has struck. As a result of Kent Brockman's human interest story, the entire town donates gifts and cash to the Simpsons for their "misfortune." Eventually, Bart admits the truth, angering his clueless family but angering the town even more (when Brockman finds out the truth). The family is made into outcasts, and Marge's attempt to win the needed funds on "Jeopardy!" (to pay everybody back) fails miserably. Eventually, the townspeople loot the Simpsons' home ... save for a dust rag.
Next US airings:
Thur. Dec. 25 7:00 PM Fox
Season 9, Episode 11: All Singing, All Dancing
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 1998
Homer is disappointed when the western he rented turns out to be a musical, so the family reminds him of the musical moments in the show's history.
Season 9, Episode 12: Bart Carny
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 1998
Bart and Homer befriend two carnies and invite them to stay with them, but the carnies soon swindle the Simpsons out of their house.
Season 9, Episode 13: The Joy of Sect
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 1998
An evil cult called the Movementarians brainwashes the citizens of Springfield and it's up to Marge to get them back.
Season 9, Episode 14: Das Bus
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 1998
The kids get stranded on a desert island in a parody of Lord Of The Flies. Meanwhile, Homer attempts to cash in on the Internet.
Season 9, Episode 15: The Last Temptation of Krust
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 1998
After a disastrous performance, Krusty changes his image and becomes an edgy stand-up.
Season 9, Episode 16: Dumbbell Indemnity
Original Air Date—1 marzo 1998
Homer and Moe attempt insurance fraud so that Moe can support his new girlfriend. When Homer ends up in jail, Moe has to decide whether or not come forward.
Season 9, Episode 17: Lisa the Simpson
Original Air Date—8 marzo 1998
Lisa fears she is losing her intelligence when she learns about the fabled Simpson gene. Meanwhile, Jasper freezes himself in the Kwik-E-Mart freezer.
Season 9, Episode 18: This Little Wiggy
Original Air Date—22 marzo 1998
Bart is reluctant to hang out with Ralph Wiggum, until he gains access to Chief Wiggum's master key to the city.
Season 9, Episode 19: Simpson Tide
Original Air Date—29 marzo 1998
Homer causes an international incident after he joins the Naval reserves.
Season 9, Episode 20: The Trouble with Trillions
Original Air Date—5 aprile 1998
Homer is forced to spy for the IRS after an audit. But when he is asked to retrieve a trillion dollar bill from Mr. Burns, he switches sides and the two flee to Cuba for refuge.
Season 9, Episode 21: Girly Edition
Original Air Date—19 aprile 1998
Bart in Lisa become locked in competition when they anchor a children's news program. Meanwhile, Homer adopts a helper monkey.
Season 9, Episode 22: Trash of the Titans
Original Air Date—26 aprile 1998
After a feud with the Springfield refuse collectors, Homer decides to run for Sanitation Commisioner
Season 9, Episode 23: King of the Hill
Original Air Date—3 maggio 1998
After humiliating Bart at a church picnic, Homer resolves to get in shape. Soon, he is contacted by an energy bar company that wants him to climb a mountain as a promotion.
Season 9, Episode 24: Lost Our Lisa
Original Air Date—10 maggio 1998
Lisa gets lost after she tries to take a bus to a museum.
Season 9, Episode 25: Natural Born Kissers
Original Air Date—17 maggio 1998
Homer and Marge's attempt to spice up their marriage leads to the couple being chased naked through Springfield.
Season 10
Season 10, Episode 1: Lard of the Dance
Original Air Date—23 agosto 1998
Lisa organizes a dance at her school, while Homer and Bart try to start their own "grease business"
Season 10, Episode 2: The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace
Original Air Date—20 settembre 1998
Homer's midlife crisis leads to a disastrous attempt at being an inventor.
Season 10, Episode 3: Bart the Mother
Original Air Date—27 settembre 1998
When Bart accidentally kills a mother bird, he tries to make amends by raising the eggs.
Season 10, Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror IX
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 1998
Homer receives an evil hair transplant in "Hell Toupee." Then, Bart and Lisa get trapped in an Itchy and Scratchy cartoon in "The Terror Of Tiny Toon." Finally, Maggie is revealed to be an alien in "Starship Poopers."
Season 10, Episode 5: When You Dish Upon a Star
Original Air Date—8 novembre 1998
Homer becomes a Hollywood insider when he befriends Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger.
Season 10, Episode 6: D'oh-in' in the Wind
Original Air Date—15 novembre 1998
Homer becomes a hippie after a revelation about his middle name.
Season 10, Episode 7: Lisa Gets an A
Original Air Date—22 novembre 1998
Lisa cheats on a test and has a moral crisis when her perfect score qualifies the school for grant money. Meanwhile, Homer can't bring himself to cook a lobster, so he adopts it as a pet instead.
Season 10, Episode 8: Homer Simpson in: Kidney Trouble
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 1998
Homer gets cold feet before an operation that could save Grampa's life.
Season 10, Episode 9: Mayored to the Mob
Original Air Date—20 dicembre 1998
Homer deals with corruption when he becomes Mayor Quimby's bodyguard.
Season 10, Episode 10: Viva Ned Flanders
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 1999
When Homer takes Ned to Las Vegas in an attempt to get him to loosen up, the pair end up marrying cocktail waitresses in a drunken haze.
Season 10, Episode 11: Wild Barts Can't Be Broken
Original Air Date—17 gennaio 1999
The children of Springfield revolt after a curfew is enforced.
Season 10, Episode 12: Sunday, Cruddy Sunday
Original Air Date—31 gennaio 1999
Homer and his friends head to the Superbowl, but are forced to sneak in when they discover their tickets are counterfeit.
Season 10, Episode 13: Homer to the Max
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 1999
After a dimwitted TV character is coincidentally named Homer Simpson, Homer changes his name to Max Power.
Season 10, Episode 14: I'm with Cupid
Original Air Date—14 febbraio 1999
The husbands of Springfield plot revenge after Apu outshines them on Valentine's Day.
Season 10, Episode 15: Marge Simpson in 'Screaming Yellow Honkers'
Original Air Date—21 febbraio 1999
Marge's new SUV gives her a potent case of road rage.
Season 10, Episode 16: Make Room for Lisa
Original Air Date—28 febbraio 1999
When Homer installs a cell phone tower on his roof to pay for his destruction of the Bill Of Rights, the machinery is put in Lisa's room, forcing her to move in with Bart. When the new living arrangement causes her stress, Homer agrees to try sensory deprivation therapy with her.
Season 10, Episode 17: Maximum Homerdrive
Original Air Date—28 marzo 1999
Homer finishes a cross country delivery that a trucker died before completing, taking Bart along for the ride. Marge and Lisa experience problems with the novelty doorbell they purchased.
Season 10, Episode 18: Simpsons Bible Stories
Original Air Date—4 aprile 1999
Three famous religious stories are retold Simpsons style as the family nods off at church.
Season 10, Episode 19: Mom and Pop Art
Original Air Date—11 aprile 1999
Homer becomes the talk of the Springfield art community when a failed barbecue pit he worked on is mistaken for an art project.
Season 10, Episode 20: The Old Man and the 'C' Student
Original Air Date—25 aprile 1999
Bart is punished with community service at the Retirement Castle after he ruins Springfield's chances of hosting the Olympics.
Season 10, Episode 21: Monty Can't Buy Me Love
Original Air Date—2 maggio 1999
Mr. Burns attempts to be popular by capturing the Loch Ness Monster.
Season 10, Episode 22: They Saved Lisa's Brain
Original Air Date—9 maggio 1999
Lisa is invited to join the Springfield chapter of MENSA and the group ends up running the city. Meanwhile Homer poses for erotic photos.
Season 10, Episode 23: Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo
Original Air Date—16 maggio 1999
The Simpsons must perform on a Japanese game show after Homer loses their money on a vacation.
Season 11
Season 11, Episode 1: Beyond Blunderdome
Original Air Date—26 settembre 1999
When Mel Gibson becomes convinced that Homer is the only man with the guts to tell him the truth, he insists Homer accompany him to Hollywood to help fix his newest film project, a remake of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.
Season 11, Episode 2: Brother's Little Helper
Original Air Date—3 ottobre 1999
Bart is put on medication to control his behavior, but the pills cause him to become paranoid and insane.
Season 11, Episode 3: Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?
Original Air Date—24 ottobre 1999
Homer's negative reviews as a food critic puts his life in danger. Fortunately he has Lisa fighting for him.
Season 11, Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror X
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 1999
The Simpsons attempt to cover up their accidental murder of Ned Flanders in "I Know What You Did-Iddly-Did." Then, Bart and Lisa become superheroes and save Lucy Lawless from the evil Collector in "Desperately Xeeking Xena." Finally, Homer's incompetence causes a Y2K apocalypse in "Life's A Glitch, Then You Die."
Season 11, Episode 5: E-I-E-I-(ANNOYED GRUNT)
Original Air Date—7 novembre 1999
Homer cowards out of a pistol-duel and hides out with the rest of the family on a country farm.
Season 11, Episode 6: Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder
Original Air Date—14 novembre 1999
Homer becomes a minor celebrity around Springfield after bowling a perfect game.
Season 11, Episode 7: Eight Misbehavin'
Original Air Date—21 novembre 1999
Apu struggles with fatherhood after Manjula gives birth to octuplets.
Season 11, Episode 8: Take My Wife, Sleaze
Original Air Date—28 novembre 1999
Homer's attempt at creating a motorcycle gang attracts a real gang, who kidnap Marge.
Season 11, Episode 9: Grift of the Magi
Original Air Date—19 dicembre 1999
A toy company purchases Springfield Elementary and uses the student body as a focus group for their new Christmas toy Funzo.
Season 11, Episode 10: Little Big Mom
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 2000
Lisa finds out how rough Marge has it when her mom is in traction and she becomes the woman of the house. Homer and Bart's antics get her so worked up she conspires to teach them a lesson.
Season 11, Episode 11: Faith Off
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 2000
Bart is led to believe he has special healing powers after a tent revival.
Season 11, Episode 12: The Mansion Family
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 2000
When Mr. Burns has to go the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota for a checkup, he chooses The Simpsons to take care of his mansion while he is gone. Homer and his friends take Mr. Burns yacht into international waters, where they end up being targeted by modern day pirates.
Season 11, Episode 13: Saddlesore Galactica
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2000
The Simpsons get an abused horse and make him a contender in horse racing. Homer finds out a secret conspiracy about jockeys. Lisa tries to reach President Clinton when the results of a school band talent competition seem tainted.
Season 11, Episode 14: Alone Again, Natura-Diddly
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 2000
Ned deals with his grief after Maude's untimely death.
Season 11, Episode 15: Missionary: Impossible
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 2000
When Homer is wanted dead for reneging on a 10,000 dollar pledge to PBS, Reverend Lovejoy sets him up for missionary work in the South Pacific until the heat dies down.
Season 11, Episode 16: Pygmoelian
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 2000
Plastic surgery not only transforms Moe the Bartender from ugly to hunky, it helps gets him a job on a hit daytime drama.
Season 11, Episode 17: Bart to the Future
Original Air Date—19 marzo 2000
Bart gets a glimpse of the future while the family is on vacation at an Indian casino.
Season 11, Episode 18: Days of Wine and D'oh'ses
Original Air Date—9 aprile 2000
Homer doesn't like it when Barney quits drinking; Bart and Lisa get into trouble when they enter a photo contest for the new phone book cover.
Season 11, Episode 19: Kill the Alligator and Run
Original Air Date—30 aprile 2000
The Simpsons become wanted criminals after injuring a famous alligator during a Florida vacation.
Season 11, Episode 20: Last Tap Dance in Springfield
Original Air Date—7 maggio 2000
Lisa has difficulties learning to tap dance. Meanwhile Bart and Milhouse ditch summer camp to spend a week living in the mall.
Season 11, Episode 21: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2000
Everybody loves the new Simpsons' house guest Becky. Except Marge, who thinks Becky wants to kill her.
Season 11, Episode 22: Behind the Laughter
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2000
The Simpsons discuss their fame in a behind the scenes look at the show.
Season 12
Season 12, Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror XI
Original Air Date—1 novembre 2000
Homer must do one good deed to get into Heaven in "G-G-Ghost D-D-Dad." Then, Bart and Lisa encounter a witch in a gingerbread house in "Scary Tales Can Come True." Finally, super-intelligent dolphins strike back at humanity in "Night Of The Dolphin."
Next US airings:
Sat. Dec. 27 7:00 PM Fox
Season 12, Episode 2: A Tale of Two Springfields
Original Air Date—5 novembre 2000
When Homer tries to enter a phone-in competition, he becomes terribly stubborn and angry for Springfield introducing a new dialing code. In the Town Hall, after the Mayor's meeting about the change, Homer discovers that all the rich people live on one side of Springfield, with the old code, and Homer is left to try and manage with the new code. However, he protests, and ends up splitting Springfield into Old and New. Homer desperately tries different ways to tackle Old Springfield, but in doing so, he only makes them richer when they discover gold at the bottom of the river. Homer finally builds a large wall to separate the two sides, and remembers that The Who are planned to stage at Springfield for a concert. Will Homer manage to convince The Who to play on his side of town instead of the other's?
Season 12, Episode 3: Insane Clown Poppy
Original Air Date—12 novembre 2000
After he learns he has a daughter (Sophie), Krusty turns to Homer for parenting advice.
Season 12, Episode 4: Lisa the Tree Hugger
Original Air Date—19 novembre 2000
Lisa's crush on an environmental activist inspires her to live in a tree threatened by loggers.
Season 12, Episode 5: Homer vs. Dignity
Original Air Date—26 novembre 2000
Desperate for money, Homer accepts payment from Mr. Burns in exchange for humiliating himself.
Next US airings:
Mon. Dec. 29 11:30 PM Fox
Season 12, Episode 6: The Computer Wore Menace Shoes
Original Air Date—3 dicembre 2000
Homer's gossip website becomes a huge hit, but when his information runs out he resorts to making up news.
Season 12, Episode 7: The Great Money Caper
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 2000
The whole town of Springfield conspires to teach Homer and and Bart a lesson after the two begin running confidence scams.
Season 12, Episode 8: Skinner's Sense of Snow
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 2000
A snowstorm traps the kids and Principal Skinner in the school for Christmas vacation.
Next US airings:
Wed. Dec. 24 7:00 PM Fox
Tue. Dec. 30 11:30 PM Fox
Season 12, Episode 9: HOM'R
Original Air Date—24 dicembre 2000
An x-ray reveals a crayon lodged in Homer's brain. After the crayon is removed, Homer experiences a sudden surge in intelligence, making him closer to Lisa and isolated from his friends.
Season 12, Episode 10: Pokey Mom
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 2001
Marge befriends a convict with an artistic streak. Meanwhile, Homer battles the chiropractic industry after he creates a miracle back pain cure.
Season 12, Episode 11: Worst Episode Ever
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 2001
Bart and Milhouse are left in charge of the comic book store after Comic Book Guy is hospitalized.
Season 12, Episode 12: Tennis the Menace
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 2001
Homer installs a tennis court in the backyard, but his lousy playing creates a rift in the family.
Season 12, Episode 13: Day of the Jackanapes
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 2001
Sideshow Bob returns with a plan to brainwash Bart and kill Krusty.
Season 12, Episode 14: New Kids on the Blecch
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 2001
Bart, Nelson, Millhouse, and Ralph are recruited by a man named L.T. Smash to be in a boy band called the Party Posse but when Lisa discovers the true identity of LT. Smash as a navy recruitment officer she tries to tell Homer and Marge with hilarious results.
Season 12, Episode 15: Hungry Hungry Homer
Original Air Date—4 marzo 2001
Homer decides to help his family with all their problems, complaining to the Blocko land and other places to claim what is right. But, when Homer goes to complain at Springfield Stadium, he secretly discovers that the manager is planning to move the team to the Albuquerque Isotopes. After Homer is knocked out of remembering the events, he returns to the stadium and starts a protest that he will not eat anything until the manager reveals the secret. However, the manager and the Duff Man have other plans for Homer...
Season 12, Episode 16: Bye Bye Nerdie
Original Air Date—11 marzo 2001
Problems with a bully lead Lisa to examine just what makes bullies aggressive. Meanwhile, Homer gets into the baby-proofing business.
Season 12, Episode 17: Simpsons Safari
Original Air Date—1 aprile 2001
The Simpsons win a trip to Africa.
Season 12, Episode 18: Trilogy of Error
Original Air Date—29 aprile 2001
The lives of Homer, Lisa and Bart have been split up in a less-than-ordinary day, and as each of their problems unfold, their lives intertwine on a road of chaos and mayhem all over Springfield. Homer's thumb is accidentally sliced off, and he tries to find a way to the hospital; Lisa must find a way to get to the Science fair at school; and Bart and Milhouse discover more than just fireworks in a secret cave...
Season 12, Episode 19: I'm Goin' to Praiseland
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2001
With Homer's help, Ned Flanders tries to establish a Christian theme park based on drawings in his deceased wife's sketch book.
Season 12, Episode 20: Children of a Lesser Clod
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2001
After a debilitating injury forces him to stay indoors, Homer begins a daycare center.
Season 12, Episode 21: Simpson Tall Tales
Original Air Date—20 maggio 2001
A hobo tells the Simpsons tall tales on a train ride to Delaware. In the first story, Homer is outcast from society as Paul Bunyan. Then, Lisa travels the country planting trees as Connie Appleseed. Finally, Bart and Nelson raft down the Mississippi as Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.
Season 13
Season 13, Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror XII
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2001
A gypsy puts a curse on Homer in "Hex In The City." Then, The Simpsons' new automated house malfunctions and tries to kill Homer. Finally, Bart and Lisa attend a school for wizards in "Wiz Kids."
Season 13, Episode 2: The Parent Rap
Original Air Date—11 novembre 2001
After Bart takes a joyride in a police car, a judge orders him to be tethered to Homer at all times.
Season 13, Episode 3: Homer the Moe
Original Air Date—18 novembre 2001
Homer and his friends are forced to drink in the Simpsons' garage after Moe the Bartender renovates his shady bar into a hipster hangout.
Season 13, Episode 4: A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
Original Air Date—2 dicembre 2001
Mr. Burns falls in love with a younger woman and recruits Homer to help him impress her.
Season 13, Episode 5: The Blunder Years
Original Air Date—9 dicembre 2001
A hypnotist uncovers a traumatic experience from Homer's childhood.
Season 13, Episode 6: She of Little Faith
Original Air Date—16 dicembre 2001
Feeling her church cares more about making money then helping people, Lisa drops Christianity for Buddhism.
Season 13, Episode 7: Brawl in the Family
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 2002
A social services officer brings unity to the Simpson family, but their newfound happiness is threatened when the cocktail waitress Homer married in Vegas shows up at their door.
Season 13, Episode 8: Sweets and Sour Marge
Original Air Date—20 gennaio 2002
Marge rallies for a ban on sugar after Springfield is declared America's fattest city.
Season 13, Episode 9: Jaws Wired Shut
Original Air Date—27 gennaio 2002
Marge can't deal with the quiet after Homer has his jaws wired shut.
Season 13, Episode 10: Half-Decent Proposal
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 2002
Marge's high school sweetheart Artie Ziff returns and offers Homer a million dollars to spend a weekend with Marge.
Season 13, Episode 11: The Bart Wants What It Wants
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 2002
Bart breaks up with his new girlfriend Greta, but gets jealous when she begins dating Milhouse.
Season 13, Episode 12: The Lastest Gun in the West
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 2002
Bart meets a retired cowboy movie star and convinces him to make a comeback on The Krusty the Clown Show.
Season 13, Episode 13: The Old Man and the Key
Original Air Date—10 marzo 2002
Abe gets his driver's license back to impress a new woman at the retirement home.
Season 13, Episode 14: Tales from the Public Domain
Original Air Date—17 marzo 2002
The family reads stories from a long overdue library book. First, Homer (Odysseus) struggles to find his way home after the Trojan War. Next, Lisa (Joan Of Arc) leads the French army after hearing the voice of God. Finally, Bart (Hamlet) avenges the murder of his father.
Season 13, Episode 15: Blame It on Lisa
Original Air Date—31 marzo 2002
Lisa sponsors an orphan in Brazil, and when he goes missing she convinces the family to go to Brazil to find him. While there, Homer is kidnapped.
Season 13, Episode 16: Weekend at Burnsie's
Original Air Date—7 aprile 2002
After a traumatizing eye injury, Homer becomes a habitual user of medical marijuana.
Season 13, Episode 17: Gump Roast
Original Air Date—21 aprile 2002
In this clip show, the citizens of Springfield honor Homer Simpsons with a Roast, but the festivities take a turn for the worst when aliens crash it.
Season 13, Episode 18: I Am Furious Yellow
Original Air Date—28 aprile 2002
Bart's comic about Homer becomes a hit on-line, prompting Homer to attempt to control his anger.
Season 13, Episode 19: The Sweetest Apu
Original Air Date—5 maggio 2002
Apu's marriage is on the rocks after Manjula finds out he cheated on her.
Season 13, Episode 20: Little Girl in the Big Ten
Original Air Date—12 maggio 2002
Lisa pretends to be a college student and loses favor with her classmates at Springfield Elementary in the process. A mysterious illness forces Bart to live in a plastic bubble.
Season 13, Episode 21: The Frying Game
Original Air Date—19 maggio 2002
Homer and Marge find themselves on death row after they are framed for murder.
Season 13, Episode 22: Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge
Original Air Date—22 maggio 2002
Homer becomes chief of police after a scandal forces Wiggum out.
Season 14
Season 14, Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror XIII
Original Air Date—3 novembre 2002
First, Homer uses a magic hammock to clone himself in "Send In The Clones." Then, gun-wielding zombies attack Springfield after a ban on firearms in "The Right To Creep And Scare Harms." Finally, The Simpsons are trapped on an island where people are transformed into animals in "The Island Of Dr. Hibbert."
Season 14, Episode 2: How I Spent My Strummer Vacation
Original Air Date—10 novembre 2002
When Marge, Lisa and Bart find out how hard Homer struggles to keep a roof over their heads, they enroll him in a Rock & Roll fantasy camp to relax at for a week.
Season 14, Episode 3: Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade
Original Air Date—17 novembre 2002
Bart and Lisa are respectively held back and moved forward one grade, putting them in the same class.
Season 14, Episode 4: Large Marge
Original Air Date—24 novembre 2002
Marge accidentally gets breast implants.
Season 14, Episode 5: Helter Shelter
Original Air Date—1 dicembre 2002
After Lisa brings home the stick of a pro hockey player for yelling at him to shoot between the goalie's legs, the Simpsons' house is eaten by termites. To get a home, the family joins a reality show, where they must live like a family from 1895.
Season 14, Episode 6: The Great Louse Detective
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 2002
Homer has to use Sideshow Bob in order to track down a potential assassin.
Next US airings:
Fri. Dec. 26 7:00 PM Fox
Season 14, Episode 7: Special Edna
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 2003
After Skinner once again has let Mrs. Krabappel down, Bart takes her to the cinema. To cheer her up, Bart nominates Krabappel for the 'teacher of the year' award. The nominations is accepted, and soon the Simpsons family and Mrs. Krabappel are going to the award ceremony in Orlando, Florida, where Skinner tries to get back Krabappel by asking her to marry him.
Next US airings:
Mon. Dec. 29 7:00 PM Fox
Season 14, Episode 8: The Dad Who Knew Too Little
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 2003
Homer hires a private detective to learn more about Lisa.
Next US airings:
Tue. Dec. 30 7:00 PM Fox
Season 14, Episode 9: The Strong Arms of the Ma
Original Air Date—2 febbraio 2003
Marge takes up body-building to boost her self-esteem after a mugging, but the family finds they just can't cope with a Marge that can bench-press 500 pounds.
Next US airings:
Thur. Jan. 1 7:00 PM Fox
Season 14, Episode 10: Pray Anything
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 2003
Homer turns to religion to help him get what he wants, and is soon awarded the church in an injury settlement. Homer then turns the church into his personal party pad, and Reverend Lovejoy leaves Springfield to wallow in its hedonism.
Season 14, Episode 11: Barting Over
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 2003
When Bart finds out Homer has used all the money Bart got for doing a commercial when he was a baby, he moves out of the house and into the same building as famous skateboarder, Tony Hawk, whose skateboarding tour Bart joins.
Season 14, Episode 12: I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 2003
Lisa participates in the Spellympics, but Homer is busy traveling cross-country as Krusty Burger test-markets a new sandwich. Lisa is confident that she will win, until she learns that the contest is rigged against her.
Season 14, Episode 13: A Star Is Born Again
Original Air Date—2 marzo 2003
Ned Flanders starts dating a the famous movie star, Sara Sloane, but Ned has difficulties with the tabloids following them everywhere.
Season 14, Episode 14: Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington
Original Air Date—9 marzo 2003
The family makes Krusty run for Congress because of air traffic being redirected to fly dangerously close to their house.
Season 14, Episode 15: C. E. D'oh
Original Air Date—16 marzo 2003
Homer takes over the power plant after tricking Mr. Burns into making him the official owner of the power plant.
Season 14, Episode 16: 'Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky
Original Air Date—30 marzo 2003
Lisa becomes interested in astronomy and starts fighting the light pollution which is preventing her from being able to enjoy her new hobby.
Season 14, Episode 17: Three Gays of the Condo
Original Air Date—13 aprile 2003
Finding an old note, Homer discovers Marge secretly hated him many years back. Upset, he leaves the house and moves in with two gays.
Season 14, Episode 18: Dude, Where's My Ranch?
Original Air Date—27 aprile 2003
Homer's song, "Everybody Hates Ned Flanders", becomes a hit in Springfield, but the family leaves Springfield to live a couple of weeks in a ranch to escape Homer's song.
Season 14, Episode 19: Old Yeller-Belly
Original Air Date—4 maggio 2003
Homer throws out Santa's Little Helper for not saving him from a fire, but soon the dog becomes Duff's new mascot.
Season 14, Episode 20: Brake My Wife, Please
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2003
Because of Homer losing his driver's license, Marge has to drive everyone everywhere, which is so stressful for her that she accidentally runs over Homer leading to the two seeing a marriage counselor.
Season 14, Episode 21: The Bart of War
Original Air Date—18 maggio 2003
Marge makes Bart quit hanging out with Milhouse after the two are caught invading the Flanders' home. She then starts a peer group based around Native American life for Bart, Nelson, Ralph and Database to participate in. When Bart finds out Milhouse has joined a different peer group, they soon are at odds as they see whose group can do more community service around Springfield.
Season 14, Episode 22: Moe Baby Blues
Original Air Date—18 maggio 2003
After the blooming of a huge plant in Springfield's botanic gardens causes a stinking fume to spread across town, all the Springfieldians take their cars and drive away from the city. When the traffic is jammed on a bridge, Homer falls asleep. When he accelerates, he crashes into another car and Maggie is sent flying out the open roof window. In the mean time, Moe is about to commit suicide by jumping off the same bridge, which is prevented by Maggie falling into his arms. He then becomes crazily obsessed by the baby.
Season 15
Season 15, Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror XIV
Original Air Date—2 novembre 2003
First, Homer kills the Grim Reaper and takes his place in Reaper Madness. Then, Professor Frink's father is revived, only to kill people and steal their organs in Frinkenstein. Finally, Bart and Milhouse get a stop watch that can stop time in Stop the World, I Want To Goof Off.
Season 15, Episode 2: My Mother the Carjacker
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2003
Homer's mother returns to Springfield, and the city pardons her from the charges against her. Mr Burns is furious about this and makes a plan to get Mona Simpson in prison.
Season 15, Episode 3: The President Wore Pearls
Original Air Date—16 novembre 2003
Lisa feuds with Principal Skinner after being elected school president.
Season 15, Episode 4: The Regina Monologues
Original Air Date—23 novembre 2003
Prime minister Tony Blair welcomes the Simpsons to England where they run into author J.K. Rowling and actor Ian McKellen.
Season 15, Episode 5: The Fat and the Furriest
Original Air Date—30 novembre 2003
At the dump Homer is videotaped while being attacked by a bear. The town regards him a coward, so Homer decides to strike back at the bear.
Season 15, Episode 6: Today, I Am a Clown
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2003
Krusty decides to do what he never did when he was thirteen years old - have a Bar Mitzvah.
Season 15, Episode 7: 'Tis the Fifteenth Season
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 2003
After spending all his money on an expensive gift for himself, the family thinks Homer should be less of an egoist. Therefore he tries replacing Ned Flanders as the 'good guy' in town.
Season 15, Episode 8: Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 2004
A concert for babies ends in a riot, so the childless adults of Springfield gather to make the town less child-friendly. Of course Marge is against this proposition, so she forms her own group to prevent a yes on proposition 242.
Season 15, Episode 9: I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2004
While Lisa and Marge have trouble finding a successor for Snowball II, Homer pretends to be a robot and fights robot races to win Bart's affection.
Season 15, Episode 10: Diatribe of a Mad Housewife
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2004
Marge is inspired to write a novel, but the storyline of the book (a fat, mean husband, and a handsome, sweet neighbor) makes Homer jealous.
Season 15, Episode 11: Margical History Tour
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2004
Marge tells Lisa, Bart and Millhouse three history stories because the library doesn't have any.
Season 15, Episode 12: Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2004
Milhouse moves to Capital City, and therefore Lisa and Bart become best friends.
Season 15, Episode 13: Smart & Smarter
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2004
When Maggie was revealed to have an IQ of 167, Lisa is no longer the genius of the family, causing a rivalry between the sisters.
Season 15, Episode 14: The Ziff Who Came to Dinner
Original Air Date—14 marzo 2004
Artie Ziff turns out to be hiding out in the attic of the Simpsons.
Season 15, Episode 15: Co-Dependent's Day
Original Air Date—21 marzo 2004
Marge takes up heavy drinking to spend more time with Homer. Bart and Lisa confront a famous movie director about the drop in quality his films have taken.
Season 15, Episode 16: The Wandering Juvie
Original Air Date—28 marzo 2004
After playing a prank on the whole town, Bart is sentenced to six months of juvenile detention. There he meets Gina, who forces Bart to escape with her.
Season 15, Episode 17: My Big Fat Geek Wedding
Original Air Date—18 aprile 2004
Mrs. Krabapel falls for Comic Book Guy and they plan a Star Trek like wedding. Principal Skinner plans to prevent it.
Season 15, Episode 18: Catch 'Em If You Can
Original Air Date—25 aprile 2004
Homer and Marge try to have a vacation without the kids but Bart and Lisa follow them everywhere they go.
Season 15, Episode 19: Simple Simpson
Original Air Date—2 maggio 2004
Homer becomes a costumed vigilante who uses pies for weapons after witnessing Lisa get humiliated at a competition at the state fair.
Season 15, Episode 20: The Way We Weren't
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2004
Marge and Homer find out that they actually kissed each other at age 10 without knowing they were each other's first kisses, and tell the story about this.
Season 15, Episode 21: Bart-Mangled Banner
Original Air Date—16 maggio 2004
An accidental photo showing Bart mooning the American flag makes the Simpsons the most hated family in town.
Season 15, Episode 22: Fraudcast News
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2004
Lisa makes her own newspaper for publishing poems and such, and at the same time Mr Burns decides to buy every media in town to improve his image. In the end Lisa's newspaper is the only media in town not owned by Burns, which inspires the town's inhabitants to create their own newspapers.
Season 16
Season 16, Episode 1: Treehouse of Horror XV
Original Air Date—7 novembre 2004
In "The Ned Zone," Ned gets the ability to tell people's deaths just by touching someone. In "In the Belly of the Boss," Mr. Burns accidentally swallows Maggie and the Simpsons try to get her out. In "Four Beheadings and a Funeral," Lisa and Bart try to solve the mystery of the mutton-chops murderer.
Season 16, Episode 2: All's Fair in Oven War
Original Air Date—14 novembre 2004
Homer buys Marge a new kitchen, and Marge likes cooking in the new kitchen so much she attends the Ovenfresh Bakeoff.
Season 16, Episode 3: Sleeping with the Enemy
Original Air Date—21 novembre 2004
Because she thinks her own children do not appreciate her anymore, Marge becomes a mother figure for Nelson.
Season 16, Episode 4: She Used to Be My Girl
Original Air Date—5 dicembre 2004
Marge's old high school friend, the famous reporter Chloe Talbot, comes to Springfield, and Marge becomes jealous when Lisa begins idolizing Chloe.
Season 16, Episode 5: Fat Man and Little Boy
Original Air Date—12 dicembre 2004
Bart begins designing T-shirt slogans, and his T-shirts become very popular among the citizens of Springfield.
Season 16, Episode 6: Midnight Rx
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 2005
Homer goes to Canada with Apu and Ned to purchase Grampa's medication, but the three have problems getting home because the border guard thinks Apu is a terrorist.
Season 16, Episode 7: Mommie Beerest
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 2005
Homer gives Moe an enormous amount of money so he doesn't have to close down.
Season 16, Episode 8: Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2005
A video of Homer dancing becomes so popular that all major sports players hires Homer to design celebration dances for them.
Season 16, Episode 9: Pranksta Rap
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 2005
Bart went to a rap concert Marge told him not to go to. In order to avoid punishment from Marge, he makes Marge and Homer believe he has been kidnapped.
Season 16, Episode 10: There's Something About Marrying
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 2005
To gain new tourism dollars after a nationwide "Worst City" news report, Springfield legalizes gay marriage. Homer flips on the issue and sees money can be made marrying gay couples when Reverend Lovejoy refuses to do so. Come to find out, a family member is gay and wants Homer to perform the marriage.
Season 16, Episode 11: On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister
Original Air Date—6 marzo 2005
After bullying her, Bart is restricted by court order to come too close to Lisa.
Season 16, Episode 12: Goo Goo Gai Pan
Original Air Date—13 marzo 2005
Selma decides to adopt a child, so the whole family goes to China.
Season 16, Episode 13: Mobile Homer
Original Air Date—20 marzo 2005
After a garage-cleaning accident, Marge wants Homer to get life insurance. Instead, the family gets an RV.
Season 16, Episode 14: The Seven-Beer Snitch
Original Air Date—3 aprile 2005
Springfield builds an opera house, but since no-one attends it they convert it into a prison. Old and forgotten laws are used to fill the prison, and therefore Homer goes to jail for kicking a can five times in a row. In jail, Homer becomes a snitch
Season 16, Episode 15: Future-Drama
Original Air Date—17 aprile 2005
Bart and Lisa see in to the future where their lives have changed.
Season 16, Episode 16: Don't Fear the Roofer
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2005
Homer meets a new friend, Ray the Roofer, but gets confined to a mental institution when his friends and family think he made him up.
Season 16, Episode 17: The Heartbroke Kid
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2005
Bart starts living on food from the new candy machine in school only, but he becomes so overweight that he has to go to a fat camp.
Season 16, Episode 18: A Star Is Torn
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2005
Lisa attends a singing competition for children, and Homer becomes her manager because of his skill to write songs that the crowd loves.
Season 16, Episode 19: Thank God It's Doomsday
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2005
Homer hears about the Rapture, and by using numerology to calculate when the Rapture is coming he learns that it is only one week away.
Season 16, Episode 20: Home Away from Homer
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2005
After Homer humiliates Ned Flanders, Ned, Rod, and Todd decides to leave Springfield and live in Humbleton, Pennsylvania.
Season 16, Episode 21: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Guest Star
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2005
Bart is expelled from Springfield Elementary, and Bart is therefore enrolled in St. Jerome's Catholic School.
Season 17
Season 17, Episode 1: Bonfire of the Manatees
Original Air Date—11 settembre 2005
When Marge leaves Homer because he allowed an adult movie being shot in their house, she seeks self fulfillment in protecting manatees.
Season 17, Episode 2: The Girl Who Slept Too Little
Original Air Date—18 settembre 2005
A new cemetery right outside the window of Lisa's room makes Lisa suffer from many sleepless nights.
Season 17, Episode 3: Milhouse of Sand and Fog
Original Air Date—25 settembre 2005
When Maggie is showing signs of being ill, the family goes to "the more boisterous house of worship" in town to find Dr. Hibbert, who tells them that Maggie is developing the chicken pox. After Maggie develops the disease, Marge tries to keep Homer away from her, since he has never had them. After Flanders expresses an interest in getting his kids infected, Homer and Marge open up the house for a "pox party." Milhouse's divorced parents are both at the party and after some "Margerita's" are consumed, find themselves getting back together. Meanwhile, Homer has developed the chicken pox and Marge tries to keep him from scratching. Milhouse likes the idea of his parents getting back together, but then begins to hate it when he has trouble getting either of them to pay any attention to him. After seeing an episode of The O.C. Milhouse and Bart come up with a plan to get his parent's separated again, they plant one of Marge's bras in Kirk & Luann's bed. They don't succeed in breaking them up; rather they break up Homer and Marge. Even after Bart confesses his guilt, Marge doesn't want anything to do with Homer, since he obviously doesn't trust him anymore. Bart concocts an outrageous scheme to get them back together, but it goes terribly wrong and both he and Homer find themselves in the river heading toward the falls needing to place their trust in Marge.
Season 17, Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror XVI
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2005
In Bartificial Intelligence, Bart falls into a coma after trying to jump into a swimming pool off a window ledge. Dr. Hibbert says that this coma is permanent, so the Simpsons get a robot for a son. Bart wakes up, only to be abandoned by Homer. He stays with some robots and becomes a robot himself, able to destroy the robot that replaced him. In Survival of the Fattest, Mr. Burns invites a bunch of people, including Homer, to a hunting party. But it turns into World's Most Dangerous Game when Burns starts killing everyone he can with his gun. Homer stays alive and Marge defeats Burns and Smithers with a frying pan. In I've Grown a Costume on Your Face, a witch turns Springfield residents into the costumes they were wearing at a party. Lisa, who is Albert Einstien, tries to solve everything. She finds that Maggie can turn them back to normal, being a witch. No one wants to be normal again, but Maggie turns everyone into pacifiers.
Season 17, Episode 5: Marge's Son Poisoning
Original Air Date—13 novembre 2005
Marge and Bart start spending more time together, and make a tradition of cycling to a tea house in a small village outside Springfield.
Season 17, Episode 6: See Homer Run
Original Air Date—20 novembre 2005
Trying to win back Lisa's love, Homer puts on the Safety-Salamder suit and runs for mayor.
Season 17, Episode 7: The Last of the Red Hat Mamas
Original Air Date—27 novembre 2005
Milhouse tutors Lisa in Italian, and Marge joins the Cheery Red Tomatoes, a group that plans to rob Mr. Burns of one million dollars worth of Fabergé eggs.
Season 17, Episode 8: The Italian Bob
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 2005
The Simpsons become lost in Italy, finding their way to a small town that Sideshow Bob has become the mayor of.
Season 17, Episode 9: Simpsons Christmas Stories
Original Air Date—18 dicembre 2005
Homer tells the tale of the first Christmas ever, while Grandpa pursues his decade-old feud with Santa.
Next US airings:
Tue. Dec. 23 7:00 PM Fox
Season 17, Episode 10: Homer's Paternity Coot
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 2006
When a frozen mailman from the 60's is found in a Springfield glacier, doubts arise about whether Abe really is Homer's father.
Season 17, Episode 11: We're on the Road to D'owhere
Original Air Date—29 gennaio 2006
When Homer is on his way to Vegas to meet up with his friends, he has to make a detour to take Bart to an education camp. Meanwhile, Marge has discovered a surprising source of income.
Season 17, Episode 12: My Fair Laddy
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 2006
Bart and Lisa bets whether Lisa can turn Groundskeeper Willie into a proper gentleman.
Season 17, Episode 13: The Seemingly Never-Ending Story
Original Air Date—12 marzo 2006
Homer is stuck in a cave, so while Marge and Bart go looking for help, Lisa tells him a story. It is the story of her and Mr. Burns escaping a rampant goat, getting stuck in Burns's attic and Burns telling a story about Moe's treasure while they wait for help...
Season 17, Episode 14: Bart Has Two Mommies
Original Air Date—19 marzo 2006
Marge is babysitting the Flanders kids, Homer goes to the zoo with Bart and Lisa, where Bart is kidnapped and adopted by a chimp.
Season 17, Episode 15: Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife
Original Air Date—26 marzo 2006
As part of a new Fox show, the Simpsons participate in a wife-swap.
Season 17, Episode 16: Million Dollar Abie
Original Air Date—2 aprile 2006
After blowing Springfield's chances for an NFL franchise, Grandpa goes to an assisted-suicide center, then becomes a bullfighter.
Season 17, Episode 17: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore
Original Air Date—9 aprile 2006
Homer gets sent to India when the power plant is relocated there. Selma and Patty kidnap Richard Dean Anderson after he spurns their MacGyver fan club.
Season 17, Episode 18: The Wettest Stories Ever Told
Original Air Date—23 aprile 2006
While waiting for the dinner at the Frying Dutchman, the family starts telling three stories about ships: "Journey on the Mayflower", "Mutiny on the Bounty", and "The Neptune Adventure".
Next US airings:
Wed. Dec. 31 7:00 PM Fox
Season 17, Episode 19: Girls Just Want to Have Sums
Original Air Date—30 aprile 2006
Springfield Elemtentary is divided into two separate schools (one for boys, one for girls) following Principal Skinner's demotion. Concerned that the boys are receiving a higher standard of education, Lisa disguises herself as a boy.
Next US airings:
Tue. Dec. 23 11:30 PM Fox
Season 17, Episode 20: Regarding Margie
Original Air Date—7 maggio 2006
After hitting her head on a stool Marge suffers from amnesia. Slowly but surely memories are starting to come back, except memories about Homer.
Next US airings:
Wed. Dec. 24 11:30 PM Fox
Season 17, Episode 21: The Monkey Suit
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2006
After seeing a museum exhibit on evolution, in which creation is labeled a myth, an outraged Ned Flanders teams with Reverend Lovejoy to blackmail Principal Skinner into requiring creationism to be taught in classrooms, eventually at the expense of any mention of evolution. Lisa becomes outraged herself, and forms a student organization to teach evolution, leading to a creationism vs. evolution trail, a la Inherit the Wind.
Next US airings:
Thur. Dec. 25 11:30 PM Fox
Season 17, Episode 22: Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2006
Marge and Homer try their luck at celebrity marriage counselling.
Next US airings:
Fri. Dec. 26 11:30 PM Fox
Season 18
Season 18, Episode 1: The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer
Original Air Date—10 settembre 2006
When Fat Tony has to take a time-out due to a whacking attempt, Homer and Bart take over the business.
Season 18, Episode 2: Jazzy & The Pussycats
Original Air Date—17 settembre 2006
Lisa becomes depressed when Bart becomes a better jazz musician than her. So she decides to set up an animal shelter in the Simpsons' attic.
Season 18, Episode 3: Please Homer Don't Hammer 'em
Original Air Date—24 settembre 2006
Marge begins her own carpentry business, but Homer becomes the face of the business because nobody will take a female carpenter seriously. And Bart uses Principal Skinner's peanut allergy to his advantage.
Season 18, Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror XVII
Original Air Date—5 novembre 2006
"Married to the Blob" - a take-off on The Blob, with Homer in the title role as radiation from a meteor turns him into a blob-like monster. "You Got to Know When to Golem" - A take-off on an old Jewish legend. "The Day the Earth Looked Stupid" - in the late 1930s, Kang and Kodos land in Springfield as part of an alien invasion, but the town, completely taken in by The War of the Worlds, doesn't pay much attention.
Season 18, Episode 5: GI (Annoyed Grunt)
Original Air Date—12 novembre 2006
Homer is duped into signing up for the Army, and his hijinks after basic training ultimately results in a military occupation of Springfield.
Season 18, Episode 6: Moe'N'A Lisa
Original Air Date—19 novembre 2006
Lisa helps Moe become a distinguished poet, but she turns on him when he takes all the credit for his newfound greatness.
Season 18, Episode 7: Ice Cream of Margie: With the Light Blue Hair
Original Air Date—26 novembre 2006
Homer becomes an ice cream man after being fired from the plant, and Marge uses his leftover Popsicle sticks to create folk art figures.
Season 18, Episode 8: The Haw-Hawed Couple
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 2006
Bart and Nelson become best friends, but Bart surprisingly discovers that the fringe benefits aren't worth Nelson's neediness.
Season 18, Episode 9: Kill Gil, Volumes I & II
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 2006
The Simpsons let Gil stay with them during Christmas. However, he stays for 11 months because Marge can't tell him "no."
Season 18, Episode 10: The Wife Aquatic
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 2007
Homer returns Marge to Barnacle Bay, where she spent her beloved summer vacations. But when they get there, they discover that it is no longer a tourist spot.
Season 18, Episode 11: Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Three Times
Original Air Date—28 gennaio 2007
While Homer tries to get revenge on a driver who cut him off, his family warns him of the folly of revenge by telling stories based on "The Count of Monte Cristo," "Revenge of the Nerds," and "Batman."
Season 18, Episode 12: Little Big Girl
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 2007
When Bart performs a heroic act, Springfield grants him 1 wish. Barts asks for a driver's license, and he drives to a nearby town. There, he meets a teen (Natalie Portman) who thinks he is 16, and the two begin dating.
Season 18, Episode 13: Springfield Up
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 2007
A parody of the "Up Series" of British documentaries, in which a filmmaker follows Homer and his friends from grade school into their 40s.
Season 18, Episode 14: Yokel Chords
Original Air Date—4 marzo 2007
In a "The Sound of Music" parody, Lisa becomes a tutor for Cletus's seven children, until Krusty tries to exploit them as entertainers. Meanwhile, Bart becomes emotionally attached to his school-appointed psychiatrist.
Season 18, Episode 15: Rome-old and Juli-eh
Original Air Date—11 marzo 2007
Selma and Grampa fall in love and end up getting married, a marriage both Homer and Patty are against, and in the end the married couple realize that their life together just cannot work out.
Season 18, Episode 16: Homerazzi
Original Air Date—25 marzo 2007
Homer becomes a successful Paparazzi, but Springfield's celebrities decide to get their revenge on him.
Season 18, Episode 17: Marge Gamer
Original Air Date—22 aprile 2007
Marge becomes a spectacle during a PTA meeting for not having an e-mail address, and she decides to take a chance on using the Internet. Amazed and delighted by all the Internet has to offer, Marge joins a popular role-playing fantasy game called "Earthland Realms." To Marge's dismay, the game has her interacting with practically the whole town of Springfield, including Bart, who happens to be the game's most feared and destructive player. Meanwhile, Homer saves Lisa's soccer game from cancellation after he volunteers to take the place of a referee who recently quit. However, Homer's refereeing skills only exasperate Lisa, and her competitive streak gets the best of her.
Season 18, Episode 18: The Boys of Bummer
Original Air Date—29 aprile 2007
Bart becomes the most hated person in Springfield after he is the goat in a championship baseball game, and Homer new job as a mattress salesman ruins his and Marge's sex life.
Season 18, Episode 19: Crook and Ladder
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2007
Homer, Moe, Apu and Principal Skinner become volunteer firefighters. But just because they're not getting paid doesn't mean that they can't find a way to receive compensation.
Season 18, Episode 20: Stop or My Dog Will Shoot
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2007
Homer unwittingly drags the family into a cornfield maze after attempting to leave a boring Harvest fest that Marge brought them to. When everyone except Homer escapes, Santa's Little Helper rescues him and becomes the town hero. So the Simpsons enroll him in Police Dog Academy where he's teamed with Lou.
Season 18, Episode 21: 24 Minutes
Original Air Date—20 maggio 2007
In a parody of "24," Bart and Lisa join forces to stop the school bullies from setting off a stink bomb at the school bake sale.
Season 18, Episode 22: You Kent Always Say What You Want
Original Air Date—20 maggio 2007
After Kent Brockman is fired as a news anchor, he and Lisa use the Internet to expose the Fox News Conspiracy.
Season 19
Season 19, Episode 1: He Loves to Fly and He D'ohs
Original Air Date—23 settembre 2007
Homer falls in love with private planes after taking a flight to Chicago with Mr. Burns. So Marge hires Homer a "life manager" to help him think positively and find a job that will allow him to fly for a living.
Season 19, Episode 2: Homer of Seville
Original Air Date—30 settembre 2007
Homer becomes an opera star after an injury improves his singing voice. His newfound popularity forces him to hire a personal assistant, who turns out to be an obsessed stalker.
Season 19, Episode 3: Midnight Towboy
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 2007
Homer becomes the most hated man in town after he becomes a tow truck driver, and Marge teaches Maggie to not be an over-dependent baby.
Season 19, Episode 4: I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 2007
Marge promises to visit a convicted bank robber in prison, but is afraid to follow through. But when the convict escapes from prison, Marge is the first person he pays a visit to.
Season 19, Episode 5: Treehouse of Horror XVIII
Original Air Date—4 novembre 2007
The eighteenth Simpsons Halloween Special features parodies of the movies "E.T." and "Mr. and Mrs. Smith."
Season 19, Episode 6: Little Orphan Millie
Original Air Date—11 novembre 2007
Milhouse's parents are lost at sea, which causes him to become a troubled loner. But his new persona makes him the new most popular kid at school, which sparks jealousy in Bart.
Season 19, Episode 7: Husbands and Knives
Original Air Date—18 novembre 2007
When Marge becomes a successful businesswoman, Homer becomes worried that she will dump him for a trophy husband. Therefore, he decides to have plastic surgery to make himself look like a hunk.
Season 19, Episode 8: Funeral for a Fiend
Original Air Date—25 novembre 2007
Bart is responsible for Sideshow Bob's death after his latest attempt at revenge is foiled, but is his death actually part of the plan?
Season 19, Episode 9: Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind
Original Air Date—16 dicembre 2007
Homer goes to Dr. Frink to help him recover his memories from the night before, and he discovers, based on his interpretation of the memories, that Marge is having an affair.
Season 19, Episode 10: E Pluribus Wiggum
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 2008
Springfield becomes the site of the first presidential primary. The townspeople soon get sick of all of the presidential candidates sucking up to them, and decide to support their own write-in candidate: Ralph Wiggum.
Season 19, Episode 11: That 90's Show
Original Air Date—27 gennaio 2008
Homer and Marge tell the kids about their life in the early 1990s before they were born, when Marge was enrolled in Springfield College and Homer was the lead singer of a grunge rock band
Season 19, Episode 12: Love, Springfieldian Style
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 2008
A series of romantic Valentine's Day parodies based on "Bonnie and Clyde," "Lady and the Tramp," and "Sid and Nancy."
Season 19, Episode 13: The DeBarted
Original Air Date—2 marzo 2008
The new prankster in Bart's fourth grade class actually turns out to be a mole brought in by Principal Skinner to infiltrate Bart's inner circle. Homer falls in love with his loaner car after Marge wrecks their old one.
Season 19, Episode 14: Dial 'N' for Nerder
Original Air Date—9 marzo 2008
One of Bart's pranks results in Martin's death, but Lisa doesn't want him to confess because she would be considered an accomplice. Marge hires a television crew to find out if Homer is cheating on his diet.
Season 19, Episode 15: Smoke on the Daughter
Original Air Date—30 marzo 2008
Marge has Lisa take up ballet, mainly to have Lisa live out her own childhood dreams. Lisa then succumbs to peer pressure from her ballet mates and takes up smoking. Meanwhile, Homer and Bart try to start their own beef jerky business.
Season 19, Episode 16: Papa Don't Leech
Original Air Date—13 aprile 2008
When the Simpsons discover that Lurleen Lumpkin is on the skids, Marge reluctantly agrees to take her in and help her find her deadbeat dad who abandoned her 30 years ago.
Season 19, Episode 17: Apocalypse Cow
Original Air Date—27 aprile 2008
Bart tries to save the cow he raised for his 4-H club from the slaughterhouse, and in the process winds up getting accidentally engaged to one of Cletus's daughters.
Season 19, Episode 18: Any Given Sundance
Original Air Date—4 maggio 2008
Lisa's documentary about her family is accepted into the Sundance Film Festival. However, her family gets upset with her when they discover that the film is far from flattering.
Season 19, Episode 19: Mona Leaves-a
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2008
Homer's mom dies, and as part of her will, she asks him to spread her ashes. However, her request turns out to be part of her final act of rebellion against the system.
Season 19, Episode 20: All About Lisa
Original Air Date—18 maggio 2008
In a parody of "All About Eve," Lisa stabs Krusty in the back, takes his job, and wins a prestigious award. Meanwhile, Homer and Bart take up coin collecting.
Season 20
Season 20, Episode 1: Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes
Original Air Date—28 settembre 2008
Homer and Ned go into business together as bounty hunters, and Marge takes a job at an erotic bakery.
Season 20, Episode 2: Lost Verizon
Original Air Date—5 ottobre 2008
Bart gets in trouble with Marge after she finds out that he has Denis Leary's cell phone and is using it to make prank phone calls.
Season 20, Episode 3: Double, Double, Boy in Trouble
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 2008
Bart trades lives with his multi-millionaire lookalike, but discovers that his lookalike's life isn't all he thought it would be.
Season 20, Episode 4: Treehouse of Horror XIX
Original Air Date—2 novembre 2008
The Simpsons' 19th Halloween Special, with parodies of "Transformers," "Mad Men," and "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown."
Season 20, Episode 5: Dangerous Curves
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2008
The Simpsons take a Fourth of July vacation to a cabin hotel, which cause Homer and Marge to reminisce about two episodes from their past where they stayed in the cabin.
Next US airings:
Sun. Dec. 28 8:00 PM Fox
Season 20, Episode 6: Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words
Original Air Date—16 novembre 2008
Homer gets a job breaking up couples, and Lisa becomes an expert crossword puzzle solver, but Homer bets against her in a competition.
Season 20, Episode 7: Mypods and Boomsticks
Original Air Date—30 novembre 2008
Homer suspects that the family of Bart's new Muslim friend from Jordan is part of a terrorist plot, and Lisa becomes obsessed with her new MyPod.
Season 20, Episode 8: The Burns and the Bees
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2008
Mr. Burns wins a professional basketball team in a poker game, and the new arena he plans to have Springfield build for the team threatens to interfere with Lisa's new bee sanctuary.
Season 20, Episode 9: Episode #20.9
Original Air Date—????
Season 20, Episode 10: Episode #20.10
Original Air Date—????
Season 20, Episode 11: Episode #20.11
Original Air Date—????
Season 20, Episode 12: Episode #20.12
Original Air Date—????
Season 20, Episode 13: Coming to Homerica
Original Air Date—????
Season 20, Episode 14: Episode #20.14
Original Air Date—????
Season 20, Episode 15: Episode #20.15
Original Air Date—????
Season 20, Episode 16: Episode #20.16
Original Air Date—????
Season 20, Episode 17: Episode #20.17
Original Air Date—????
Season 20, Episode 18: Episode #20.18
Original Air Date—????
Season 20, Episode 19: Episode #20.19
Original Air Date—????
Season 20, Episode 20: Episode #20.20
Original Air Date—????
Season 20, Episode 21: Episode #20.21
Original Air Date—????
Season 20, Episode 22: Episode #20.22
Original Air Date—????
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IMDb > "The Guiding Light" (1952) > Episode list
"The Guiding Light"

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Episode list for
"The Guiding Light" (1952) More at IMDbPro »
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Episodes: All (1,300)

Season: 1 | unknown
Year: 1952 | 1953 | 1966 | 1974 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | unknown

Season 1
Season 1, Episode 1: Episode #1.1
Original Air Date—30 giugno 1952
Season 1, Episode 2064: Episode #1.2064
Original Air Date—23 dicembre 1994
Season 1, Episode 2068: Episode #1.2068
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 1995
Season 1, Episode 2074: Episode #1.2074
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 1995
Season 1, Episode 2169: Episode #1.2169
Original Air Date—30 maggio 1995
Season 1, Episode 2281: Episode #1.2281
Original Air Date—20 novembre 1995
Season 1, Episode 2544: Episode #1.2544
Original Air Date—3 dicembre 1996
Season 1, Episode 2545: Episode #1.2545
Original Air Date—4 dicembre 1996
Season 1, Episode 2548: Episode #1.2548
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 1996
Season 1, Episode 3032: Episode #1.3032
Original Air Date—ottobre 1998
Season 1, Episode 3053: Episode #1.3053
Original Air Date—18 novembre 1998
Season 1, Episode 3067: Episode #1.3067
Original Air Date—dicembre 1998
Season 1, Episode 4100: Episode #1.4100
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 2003
Season 1, Episode 4280: Episode #1.4280
Original Air Date—3 novembre 2003
Season 1, Episode 4318: Episode #1.4318
Original Air Date—24 novembre 2003
Season 1, Episode 4467: Episode #1.4467
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 4635: Episode #1.4635
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 4660: Episode #1.4660
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2005
Season 1, Episode 4728: Episode #1.4728
Original Air Date—10 agosto 2005
Season 1, Episode 4761: Episode #1.4761
Original Air Date—28 settembre 2005
Season 1, Episode 4856: Episode #1.4856
Original Air Date—14 febbraio 2006
Season 1, Episode 4910: Episode #1.4910
Original Air Date—3 marzo 2006
Season 1, Episode 4985: Episode #1.4985
Original Air Date—16 agosto 2006
Season 1, Episode 5024: Episode #1.5024
Original Air Date—6 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 5422: Episode #1.5422
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 5475: Episode #1.5475
Original Air Date—28 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 5478: Episode #1.5478
Original Air Date—31 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 5576: Episode #1.5576
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 8319: Episode #1.8319
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 1980
Roger Thorpe is stalking Holly, Ed and Chrissy at the Cedars Charity Bazaar. Jackie leaves Springfield, temporarily. Dr. Renee DuBois comes forward, in Paris, to identify to Inspector Albert Montand that she knew the fugitive Roger, because she was his plastic surgeon!
Season 1, Episode 8320: Episode #1.8320
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 1980
This is the Emmy award winning ("Guiding Light"'s first Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Daytime Drama) "Hall Of Mirrors" episode. Roger chases a pregnant Rita into the Disco Hall Of Mirrors when she recognizes his voice. Rita tries to escape him, but Roger catches up to her and kidnaps her and forces her at gunpoint to drive them both up to Adam's cabin in the woods during a blizzard. Mike overhears a woman screaming, but Alan and Diane claim they hadn't heard anything during the Cedars Charity Bazaar. Alan and Diane are relieved and sure Roger hasn't kidnapped Chrissy when they hear from his pilot that Roger hadn't gotten on Alan's private jet. Katie tells Hillary that she fell asleep at Mark Hamilton's the previous night. Sara tells Katie and Eve that she has good news for Rita. Sara, Eve and Bert become concerned when Rita doesn't answer her phone at her apartment. Ann tells Mike that Inspector Montand has found a witness that will say that she met Roger in Paris. Ann also tells this to Diane, with a shaken Alan listening in from the other side of the door. Mike, Ed, Holly and Barbara become shaken when Bert tells Ed over the phone that Rita has gone missing. Roger with Rita right nearby, at the cabin, listen in to Ed and Bert's telephone conversation.
Season 1, Episode 11001: Episode #1.11001
Original Air Date—26 settembre 1990
Season 1, Episode 11039: Episode #1.11039
Original Air Date—27 novembre 1990
Season 1, Episode 11482: Episode #1.11482
Original Air Date—9 settembre 1992
Season 1, Episode 11683: Episode #1.11683
Original Air Date—1 luglio 1994
Season 1, Episode 11724: Episode #1.11724
Original Air Date—13 agosto 1993
Season 1, Episode 11736: Episode #1.11736
Original Air Date—settembre 1993
Season 1, Episode 11737: Episode #1.11737
Original Air Date—settembre 1993
Season 1, Episode 11747: Episode #1.11747
Original Air Date—16 settembre 1993
Season 1, Episode 11812: Episode #1.11812
Original Air Date—20 dicembre 1993
Season 1, Episode 11861: Episode #1.11861
Original Air Date—23 marzo 1995
Season 1, Episode 11876: Episode #1.11876
Original Air Date—13 aprile 1995
Season 1, Episode 11975: Episode #1.11975
Original Air Date—30 agosto 1994
Season 1, Episode 12120: Episode #1.12120
Original Air Date—21 marzo 1995
Season 1, Episode 12127: Episode #1.12127
Original Air Date—30 marzo 1995
Season 1, Episode 12128: Episode #1.12128
Original Air Date—31 marzo 1995
Season 1, Episode 12222: Episode #1.12222
Original Air Date—11 agosto 1995
Season 1, Episode 12240: Episode #1.12240
Original Air Date—20 settembre 1995
Season 1, Episode 12474: Episode #1.12474
Original Air Date—6 agosto 1996
Season 1, Episode 12501: Episode #1.12501
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 1996
Season 1, Episode 12642: Episode #1.12642
Original Air Date—25 aprile 1997
Season 1, Episode 12774: Episode #1.12774
Original Air Date—30 ottobre 1997
Season 1, Episode 12793: Episode #1.12793
Original Air Date—1997
Season 1, Episode 12794: Episode #1.12794
Original Air Date—1997
Season 1, Episode 12855: Episode #1.12855
Original Air Date—2 marzo 1998
Season 1, Episode 13090: Episode #1.13090
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 1999
Season 1, Episode 13108: Episode #1.13108
Original Air Date—5 marzo 1999
Season 1, Episode 13139: Episode #1.13139
Original Air Date—20 aprile 1999
Season 1, Episode 13167: Episode #1.13167
Original Air Date—4 maggio 1999
Season 1, Episode 13213: Episode #1.13213
Original Air Date—2 agosto 1999
Season 1, Episode 13251: Episode #1.13251
Original Air Date—27 settembre 1999
Season 1, Episode 13313: Episode #1.13313
Original Air Date—24 dicembre 1999
Season 1, Episode 13324: Episode #1.13324
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 1999
Season 1, Episode 13371: Episode #1.13371
Original Air Date—20 marzo 2000
Season 1, Episode 13374: Episode #1.13374
Original Air Date—23 marzo 2000
Season 1, Episode 13376: Episode #1.13376
Original Air Date—27 marzo 2000
Season 1, Episode 13390: Episode #1.13390
Original Air Date—12 agosto 1999
Season 1, Episode 13403: Episode #1.13403
Original Air Date—3 maggio 2000
Season 1, Episode 13444: Episode #1.13444
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 13452: Episode #1.13452
Original Air Date—12 luglio 2000
Season 1, Episode 13455: Episode #1.13455
Original Air Date—17 luglio 2000
Season 1, Episode 13457: Episode #1.13457
Original Air Date—20 giugno 2000
Season 1, Episode 13467: Episode #1.13467
Original Air Date—3 agosto 2000
Season 1, Episode 13480: Episode #1.13480
Original Air Date—25 luglio 2000
Season 1, Episode 13481: Episode #1.13481
Original Air Date—26 luglio 2000
Season 1, Episode 13485: Episode #1.13485
Original Air Date—1 agosto 2000
Season 1, Episode 13546: Episode #1.13546
Original Air Date—27 novembre 2000
It's Thanksgiving in Sprinfield but broken hearts and failed relationships could derail this holiday! Buzz is still heartbroken over Selena's leaving and takes his depression out on everyone at his Thanksgiving "luau". Harley and Phillip leave, only to be surprised at the apparent closeness between Beth and Edmund. Phillip threatens Edmund to stay away from Beth. Rick comes onto May, who quickly turns down his offer to spend time together once she realizes that Rick is married. Lillian has words with Beth regarding Edmund and Jim. Catalina is shocked by the amount of food available in the US for Thanksgiving and is welcomed to the family by Billy. Olivia's romantic Thanksgiving dinner is ruined when Josh arrives with Marah and Shayne in tow.
Season 1, Episode 13547: Episode #1.13547
Original Air Date—28 novembre 2000
Season 1, Episode 13548: Episode #1.13548
Original Air Date—29 novembre 2000
Season 1, Episode 13549: Episode #1.13549
Original Air Date—30 novembre 2000
Season 1, Episode 13587: Episode #1.13587
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 2001
Season 1, Episode 13651: Episode #1.13651
Original Air Date—10 aprile 2001
Season 1, Episode 13657: Episode #1.13657
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2001
Season 1, Episode 13675: Episode #1.13675
Original Air Date—4 giugno 2001
Season 1, Episode 13745: Episode #1.13745
Original Air Date—18 settembre 2001
Season 1, Episode 13755: Episode #1.13755
Original Air Date—3 ottobre 2001
Season 1, Episode 13760: Episode #1.13760
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 2001
Season 1, Episode 13810: Episode #1.13810
Original Air Date—12 dicembre 2001
Season 1, Episode 13850: Episode #1.13850
Original Air Date—19 febbraio 2002
Season 1, Episode 13866: Episode #1.13866
Original Air Date—18 marzo 2002
Season 1, Episode 13881: Episode #1.13881
Original Air Date—8 aprile 2002
Season 1, Episode 13897: Episode #1.13897
Original Air Date—29 aprile 2002
Season 1, Episode 13899: Episode #1.13899
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2002
Season 1, Episode 13900: Episode #1.13900
Original Air Date—aprile 2002
Season 1, Episode 13901: Episode #1.13901
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 13915: Episode #1.13915
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2002
Season 1, Episode 13916: Episode #1.13916
Original Air Date—24 maggio 2002
Season 1, Episode 13921: Episode #1.13921
Original Air Date—31 maggio 2002
Season 1, Episode 13931: Episode #1.13931
Original Air Date—2002
Season 1, Episode 13932: Episode #1.13932
Original Air Date—2002
Season 1, Episode 13933: Episode #1.13933
Original Air Date—2002
Season 1, Episode 13943: Episode #1.13943
Original Air Date—2002
Season 1, Episode 13947: Episode #1.13947
Original Air Date—8 luglio 2002
Season 1, Episode 13948: Episode #1.13948
Original Air Date—9 luglio 2002
Season 1, Episode 13949: Episode #1.13949
Original Air Date—10 luglio 2002
Season 1, Episode 13950: Episode #1.13950
Original Air Date—11 luglio 2002
Season 1, Episode 13951: Episode #1.13951
Original Air Date—12 luglio 2002
Season 1, Episode 13957: Episode #1.13957
Original Air Date—2002
Season 1, Episode 14050: Episode #1.14050
Original Air Date—2002
Season 1, Episode 14063: Episode #1.14063
Original Air Date—24 dicembre 2002
Season 1, Episode 14095: Episode #1.14095
Original Air Date—2003
Season 1, Episode 14110: Episode #1.14110
Original Air Date—5 marzo 2003
Season 1, Episode 14111: Episode #1.14111
Original Air Date—6 marzo 2003
Season 1, Episode 14112: Episode #1.14112
Original Air Date—7 marzo 2003
Season 1, Episode 14113: Episode #1.14113
Original Air Date—8 marzo 2003
Season 1, Episode 14114: Episode #1.14114
Original Air Date—10 marzo 2003
Season 1, Episode 14115: Episode #1.14115
Original Air Date—11 marzo 2003
Season 1, Episode 14116: Episode #1.14116
Original Air Date—12 marzo 2003
Season 1, Episode 14117: Episode #1.14117
Original Air Date—13 marzo 2003
Season 1, Episode 14129: Episode #1.14129
Original Air Date—2003
Season 1, Episode 14130: Episode #1.14130
Original Air Date—3 aprile 2003
Season 1, Episode 14133: Episode #1.14133
Original Air Date—8 aprile 2003
Season 1, Episode 14137: Episode #1.14137
Original Air Date—14 aprile 2003
Season 1, Episode 14138: Episode #1.14138
Original Air Date—15 aprile 2003
Season 1, Episode 14143: Episode #1.14143
Original Air Date—22 aprile 2003
Season 1, Episode 14147: Episode #1.14147
Original Air Date—28 aprile 2003
Season 1, Episode 14156: Episode #1.14156
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2003
Season 1, Episode 14164: Episode #1.14164
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2003
Season 1, Episode 14166: Episode #1.14166
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2003
Season 1, Episode 14167: Episode #1.14167
Original Air Date—26 maggio 2003
Ben realizes that Ramona Hendon is dead. Frank tracks Marina to the Beacon where he realizes she was going to spend a romantic evening with Ben. Before Olivia can warn Marina, Frank shows up just in time to see Ben existing Ramona's room. Marina finds Mrs. Hendon's dead body! Frank places Ben under arrest for murder. Cassie and Jeffrey try to reach an understanding and Cassie apologizes to him, seeing Jeffrey and Cassie talking to one another, Edmund becomes jealous. Bill has doubts about Danny's claims of leaving the mob behind him, but puts his doubts aside as he and Michelle race to the police station to stand by their friend. Shayne and Josh meet Mr. Devries, a promising baseball scout, who thinks he could help Shayne move into professional baseball. Shayne momentarily forgets about his own future while comforting a hurting Marina.
Season 1, Episode 14168: Episode #1.14168
Original Air Date—27 maggio 2003
Gus questions Mitch Hendon about whether or not he physically abused his wife. Reva comes face-to-face with Springfield's new DA, Jeffrey O'Neill. Instead of telling him how different he is from the late Prince Richard, Reva and Jeffrey have a pleasant conversation with one another. Jeffrey wonders if maybe he just made his first friend in town. After meeting Mr. Devries, Reva wonders if Shayne would be able to balance school and baseball and is very impressed with Devries' ideas for Shayne. Bill and Michelle try desperately to cheer Ben up at the police station. Things take a bad turn when Gus arrives with damaging evidence against Ben. Eden is afraid her past has come to haunt her in Springfield and is shaken when she receives a phone call from New York mob boss Vinnie Salerno. He wants to meet her the next day. Vinnie also has an awkward meeting with Danny and Michelle.
Season 1, Episode 14169: Episode #1.14169
Original Air Date—28 maggio 2003
Eden sets up an accident which makes Tony think her life is in danger and he agrees to be her permanent bodyguard. The two of them go to meet Salerno together. While snooping around Ramona Hendon's room, Reva has a psychic flash which shows her that Mrs. Hendon was drowned, not electrocuted as the evidence suggests. Jeffrey reveals that Reva is correct and he wants to continue working with her and using her gifts to solve the crime. Cassie warns her sister that Jeffrey is only using her but Reva thinks Cassie is just being jealous of the attention Jeffrey is giving her. Buzz and Holly have a strange moment when each arrive to comfort their respective family member. Later, Holly approaches Reva and Cassie and whats to help with the murder investigation using the Springfield Journal.
Season 1, Episode 14170: Episode #1.14170
Original Air Date—29 maggio 2003
A lab technician informs Phillip that Olivia's baby is actually Alan's. What Phillip doesn't know is that the lab technician has been working secretly with Alexandra. Alex tells Phillip that it is really best if Olivia's baby is Alan's child. Phillip is upset and tells Alex to stay out of his affairs. Eden claims to have left her mob ties behind when she moved to Sprinfield. Her explanation is fine for Marah and Tony but Danny is not convinced and tells Tony to stop acting as Eden's bodyguard. Harley is having a difficult time not being on the police force. Seeing this, Eden comes to Harley with a proposition. Alan brings Gus some information he has gathered about the Hendon murder, much to the bewilderment of the police department. Publicly, Gus tells the entire station that Alan is his biological father.
Season 1, Episode 14171: Episode #1.14171
Original Air Date—30 maggio 2003
Jeffrey and Gus try to consider whether or not Eden could have killed Ramona Hendon. Gus admits its possible, but he believes his sister didn't commit this crime. Alan agrees to portray a wealthy business man looking for an escort in order to flush out the Hendon killer. Eden approaches Harley about taking over as her bodyguard since Tony quit. Harley turns her down but Blake accepts the offer, much to Harley's dismay! Beth takes Lizzie for emotional counseling. Alex strongly disapproves of the therapy. Alan tells Phillip that he isn't interested in Olivia's child, he only wants to rebuild his relationship with Phillip. Alex thinks her plan to reunite Phillip and Alan is working, she doesn't know her deception has driven them further apart. Lizzie apologizes to Olivia for all of her actions and Phillip returns and tells Olivia that Alan will not threaten her child.
Season 1, Episode 14172: Episode #1.14172
Original Air Date—2 giugno 2003
Season 1, Episode 14187: Episode #1.14187
Original Air Date—23 giugno 2003
Season 1, Episode 14193: Episode #1.14193
Original Air Date—1 luglio 2003
Season 1, Episode 14210: Episode #1.14210
Original Air Date—2003
Season 1, Episode 14212: Episode #1.14212
Original Air Date—2003
Season 1, Episode 14251: Episode #1.14251
Original Air Date—25 agosto 2003
Season 1, Episode 14252: Episode #1.14252
Original Air Date—26 agosto 2003
Season 1, Episode 14254: Episode #1.14254
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14255: Episode #1.14255
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14264: Episode #1.14264
Original Air Date—10 ottobre 2003
Season 1, Episode 14265: Episode #1.14265
Original Air Date—2003
Season 1, Episode 14267: Episode #1.14267
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14269: Episode #1.14269
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14271: Episode #1.14271
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14275: Episode #1.14275
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14277: Episode #1.14277
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14278: Episode #1.14278
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14279: Episode #1.14279
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14282: Episode #1.14282
Original Air Date—5 novembre 2003
Season 1, Episode 14289: Episode #1.14289
Original Air Date—2003
Season 1, Episode 14312: Episode #1.14312
Original Air Date—19 dicembre 2003
Season 1, Episode 14317: Episode #1.14317
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14335: Episode #1.14335
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 2004
Season 1, Episode 14354: Episode #1.14354
Original Air Date—19 febbraio 2004
Season 1, Episode 14359: Episode #1.14359
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 2004
Season 1, Episode 14378: Episode #1.14378
Original Air Date—26 marzo 2004
Season 1, Episode 14409: Episode #1.14409
Original Air Date—10 maggio 2004
Season 1, Episode 14410: Episode #1.14410
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2004
Season 1, Episode 14411: Episode #1.14411
Original Air Date—12 maggio 2004
Season 1, Episode 14412: Episode #1.14412
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2004
Season 1, Episode 14413: Episode #1.14413
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2004
Season 1, Episode 14424: Episode #1.14424
Original Air Date—31 maggio 2004
Season 1, Episode 14434: Episode #1.14434
Original Air Date—14 giugno 2004
Season 1, Episode 14446: Episode #1.14446
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14451: Episode #1.14451
Original Air Date—2004
Season 1, Episode 14452: Episode #1.14452
Original Air Date—2004
Season 1, Episode 14456: Episode #1.14456
Original Air Date—15 giugno 2004
Season 1, Episode 14474: Episode #1.14474
Original Air Date—9 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14475: Episode #1.14475
Original Air Date—10 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14476: Episode #1.14476
Original Air Date—11 agosto 2004
Dinah almost drops a potted plant on Cassie's head. Jeffrey tricks Ross into revealing where Dinah is hiding. Olivia and Bill began a relationship. Phillip plots to take over all of Springfield, Company included. Shayne announces that he is moving to Bosnia and asks Marina to come with him!
Season 1, Episode 14477: Episode #1.14477
Original Air Date—12 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14478: Episode #1.14478
Original Air Date—13 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14479: Episode #1.14479
Original Air Date—16 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14480: Episode #1.14480
Original Air Date—17 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14481: Episode #1.14481
Original Air Date—18 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14482: Episode #1.14482
Original Air Date—19 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14483: Episode #1.14483
Original Air Date—20 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14484: Episode #1.14484
Original Air Date—23 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14485: Episode #1.14485
Original Air Date—24 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14486: Episode #1.14486
Original Air Date—25 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14487: Episode #1.14487
Original Air Date—26 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14488: Episode #1.14488
Original Air Date—27 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14489: Episode #1.14489
Original Air Date—30 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14490: Episode #1.14490
Original Air Date—31 agosto 2004
Season 1, Episode 14491: Episode #1.14491
Original Air Date—1 settembre 2004
Season 1, Episode 14492: Episode #1.14492
Original Air Date—2 settembre 2004
Season 1, Episode 14493: Episode #1.14493
Original Air Date—3 settembre 2004
Season 1, Episode 14494: Episode #1.14494
Original Air Date—7 settembre 2004
Season 1, Episode 14495: Episode #1.14495
Original Air Date—8 settembre 2004
Season 1, Episode 14496: Episode #1.14496
Original Air Date—9 settembre 2004
Season 1, Episode 14503: Episode #1.14503
Original Air Date—21 settembre 2004
Season 1, Episode 14515: Episode #1.14515
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 2004
Season 1, Episode 14559: Episode #1.14559
Original Air Date—5 novembre 2004
Season 1, Episode 14566: Episode #1.14566
Original Air Date—16 novembre 2004
Season 1, Episode 14567: Episode #1.14567
Original Air Date—17 novembre 2004
Season 1, Episode 14576: Episode #1.14576
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 2005
Season 1, Episode 14592: Episode #1.14592
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14596: Episode #1.14596
Original Air Date—3 febbraio 2005
Season 1, Episode 14597: Episode #1.14597
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 2005
Season 1, Episode 14604: Episode #1.14604
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2005
Season 1, Episode 14617: Episode #1.14617
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 2005
Season 1, Episode 14618: Episode #1.14618
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 2005
Season 1, Episode 14651: Episode #1.14651
Original Air Date—25 aprile 2005
Season 1, Episode 14660: Episode #1.14660
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2005
Season 1, Episode 14662: Episode #1.14662
Original Air Date—10 maggio 2005
Harley and Mallet devise a plan to keep her from being transferred to Hell House. Lena overhears their conversation but Harley sees her and tries to get Lena to see reason and keep what she heard a secret. Even though she feels horrible about doing it, Lena phones Alan and tells him Mallet's plan. Gus returns to the boiler room where he had Alan locked up and finds the room empty. As he hears someone coming his way, Gus hides in the room and catches Olivia outside of the door! Olivia was the one keeping them captive. She downplays the whole ordeal. Bill arrives and defends Olivia's honor. After Gus tells Bill about Harley's recollection of smelling Jasmine perfume the night Phillip was shot, Bill wonders if his wife actually killed Phillip. When they go to question her, Olivia is gone. Reva makes a new friend in a man named Nate and he takes her to the bar he owns called "Outskirts". Tammy and Jonathan spend time together and Tammy realizes that Jon suffers from mild dyslexia. Sandy arrives and, after a kiss, wonders if Tammy really loves him.
Season 1, Episode 14685: Episode #1.14685
Original Air Date—10 giugno 2005
Season 1, Episode 14690: Episode #1.14690
Original Air Date—17 giugno 2005
Season 1, Episode 14692: Episode #1.14692
Original Air Date—21 giugno 2005
Season 1, Episode 14693: Episode #1.14693
Original Air Date—22 giugno 2005
Season 1, Episode 14694: Episode #1.14694
Original Air Date—23 giugno 2005
Season 1, Episode 14697: Episode #1.14697
Original Air Date—28 giugno 2005
Season 1, Episode 14703: Episode #1.14703
Original Air Date—6 luglio 2005
Season 1, Episode 14704: Episode #1.14704
Original Air Date—7 luglio 2005
Season 1, Episode 14705: Episode #1.14705
Original Air Date—8 luglio 2005
Season 1, Episode 14706: Episode #1.14706
Original Air Date—10 luglio 2005
Season 1, Episode 14715: Episode #1.14715
Original Air Date—22 luglio 2005
Season 1, Episode 14716: Episode #1.14716
Original Air Date—25 luglio 2005
Season 1, Episode 14719: Episode #1.14719
Original Air Date—28 luglio 2005
Season 1, Episode 14734: Episode #1.14734
Original Air Date—2005
Season 1, Episode 14750: Episode #1.14750
Original Air Date—11 agosto 2005
Season 1, Episode 14757: Episode #1.14757
Original Air Date—20 settembre 2005
Season 1, Episode 14758: Episode #1.14758
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14778: Episode #1.14778
Original Air Date—21 ottobre 2005
Mark Martin and Carl Edwards of NASCAR fame, appear at Company.
Season 1, Episode 14782: Episode #1.14782
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14788: Episode #1.14788
Original Air Date—4 novembre 2005
Season 1, Episode 14802: Episode #1.14802
Original Air Date—28 novembre 2005
Season 1, Episode 14805: Episode #1.14805
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 2005
Season 1, Episode 14807: Episode #1.14807
Original Air Date—5 dicembre 2005
Season 1, Episode 14819: Episode #1.14819
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14821: Episode #1.14821
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14822: Episode #1.14822
Original Air Date—26 dicembre 2005
Reva and Hawk try to talk some sense into Cassie. Cassie is determined to keep Jonathan away from Tammy. To accomplish this, she calls the cops and reports that Jonathan started the fire which burned down Sandy's house. Tammy and Jonathan make their relationship public, but are interrupted when Frank arrives and arrests both of them for arson! Mallet and Dinah enjoy one another after their night together, but neither will admit that they want a relationship. Harley tries to convince Dinah to go for it with A.C. Little does Dinah know it is to keep Harley's mind off of Mallet. Gus tries to talk Mallet into helping him keep Alan locked up in Ravenwood. Mallet tells Gus not to do anything impulsive and crazy.
Season 1, Episode 14823: Episode #1.14823
Original Air Date—27 dicembre 2005
Gus is worried about Alan's plans for Harley if he is granted freedom from Ravenwood. Harley tells him not to worry, she will be fine. Gus is tempered for a little while until he comes face-to-face with Beth. Beth tells Gus that he is correct, Alan is planning on coming after Harley. Cassie confesses to Josh that she turned Jon and Tammy into the police for the fire. Expecting Josh to be angry with her, she braces herself. Instead, Josh agrees that she did the right thing. Maybe being arrested will bring Tammy to her senses about dating her cousin. Cassie leaves for the police station. While Josh watches RJ, Jeffrey comes home and doesn't like seeing Josh there. Jonathan and Tammy both swear to take the blame for the arson fire and when Tammy says she was present when the fire started, Frank has both of them booked. Tammy is relieved to see her mother arrive at the police station only to be horrified when she learns that it was Cassie who called the police!
Season 1, Episode 14824: Episode #1.14824
Original Air Date—28 dicembre 2005
Tammy is devastated by the news that her own mother had her arrested. Reva manages to sneak in to see an incarcerated Jonathan. Tammy can't understand why her mother will not stand by and support her after everything Tammy has had to endure from her mother's failed relationships. Cassie learns that Reva arranged for Tammy and Jonathan to meet the night before Tammy's wedding to Sandy. After spending the day with Harley and Jude, Gus puts the final phases of his plan against Alan into action. As far as he's concerned, Alan will never come between him and his family! Buzz encourages Frank to pursue a relationship with Olivia. However, Olivia is still intent on reestablishing a relationship with Josh. Buzz reminds Olivia that she and Josh didn't succeed in the past because of his feelings for Reva. Buzz questions Olivia about what would be different this time around? Olivia agrees to go out on a date with Frank. All the while, Buzz's true feelings for Olivia are bubbling to the surface.
Season 1, Episode 14825: Episode #1.14825
Original Air Date—29 dicembre 2005
Mallet locks Gus up in a jail cell when he gets the feeling that Gus is about to do something desperate. Meanwhile, Reva and Tammy visit Jonathan in jail. Gus desperately needs to get out of jail to stop Alan from hurting Harley and makes a deal with Reva which would benefit him and the budding young couple. Reva manages to get the keys for Gus's cell from the guard and Gus allows Tammy to spend some private time with Jonathan. At the courthouse, Lizzie, Alexandra, and Beth all testify that Alan is not well enough to be released from Ravenwood. Gus storms into the courtroom yelling accusations at his father, which makes calm Alan seem the picture of sanity. Alan is released and leaves the courthouse. When Alan enters the limo, the doors automatically lock and when Alan inquires the driver about the situation he see's that Gus is driving the car! They speed into the night! Reva learns Cassie was the person who called the police and goes to confront her sister. Lizzie finds herself depressed and wants to have Coop's shoulder to lean on. When she arrives at CO2, she finds Coop kissing Ava. Dinah is upset that her father, Ross, is leaving Springfield and leaves a message on Mallet's answering machine expressing her feelings. She then realizes that she doesn't want to bother Mallet with her problems and goes to his room to erase the message. Mallet catches her in the act and confesses that he had already gotten the message. Mallet comforts Dinah and they make love.
Season 1, Episode 14838: Episode #1.14838
Original Air Date—19 gennaio 2006
Season 1, Episode 14839: Episode #1.14839
Original Air Date—20 gennaio 2006
Season 1, Episode 14843: Episode #1.14843
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14844: Episode #1.14844
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14847: Night
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2006
Season 1, Episode 14850: Episode #1.14850
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14854: Episode #1.14854
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14866: Episode #1.14866
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14872: Episode #1.14872
Original Air Date—8 marzo 2006
Season 1, Episode 14880: Episode #1.14880
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2006
Season 1, Episode 14882: Episode #1.14882
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14887: Episode #1.14887
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14890: Episode #1.14890
Original Air Date—5 aprile 2006
Season 1, Episode 14891: Episode #1.14891
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14892: Episode #1.14892
Original Air Date—7 marzo 2006
Jonathan and Lizzie end up in bed together after a night of hard drinking.
Season 1, Episode 14902: Episode #1.14902
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14904: Episode #1.14904
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14905: Episode #1.14905
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14908: Episode #1.14908
Original Air Date—25 aprile 2006
Season 1, Episode 14909: Episode #1.14909
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14911: Episode #1.14911
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14912: Episode #1.14912
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14913: Episode #1.14913
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14914: Episode #1.14914
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14915: Episode #1.14915
Original Air Date—10 maggio 2006
Season 1, Episode 14917: Episode #1.14917
Original Air Date—12 maggio 2006
Season 1, Episode 14922: Episode #1.14922
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14924: Episode #1.14924
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14927: Episode #1.14927
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14931: Episode #1.14931
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14932: Episode #1.14932
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14933: Episode #1.14933
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14941: Episode #1.14941
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14942: Episode #1.14942
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14943: Episode #1.14943
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14947: Episode #1.14947
Original Air Date—11 giugno 2006
Season 1, Episode 14951: Episode #1.14951
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14954: Episode #1.14954
Original Air Date—2006
Season 1, Episode 14955: Episode #1.14955
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14960: Episode #1.14960
Original Air Date—12 luglio 2006
Season 1, Episode 14965: Episode #1.14965
Original Air Date—19 luglio 2006
Dinah is planning to get married and sets out to buy herself a new dress, flowers and a cake. Although this sounds like an easy day of running errands it's not so easy for Dinah. When she goes to buy her dress she is met by a veritable army of other would-be brides who take all the good dresses. When she finds one she likes it is ripped out of her hands by Gown Girl. Frustrated she goes to the Flower Shop only to discover that she is allergic to everything in the store: no flowers, no dress. Just when it seems that matters can only get better, they get worse when she goes to the Baker to find a cake. It turns out that Dinah's father put the Baker's mother in jail and he refuses to help her out. They trade a few verbal barbs, until Dinah has finally had enough and smashes a bunch of cupcakes in Bob the Baker's face. After being made fun of by Mallet for her juvenile behavior she decides go to the bar to get a drink. Gown Girl is there, in tears. It turns out that she was engaged to Bob the Baker, and Bob flipped out after being attacked at work and called off the wedding. Gown Girl gives Dinah her dress and things are finally looking a little better for Dinah.
Season 1, Episode 14968: Episode #1.14968
Original Air Date—24 luglio 2006
Dinah, Alex, and Gus are shocked when Harley names her Spaulding Enterprises successor - Alan-Michael. But only if he signs an agreement to, basically be...nice. Alan-Michael agrees. Alan offers his son a hand, but Alan-Michael retorts that he works alone. Later, Harley tells Gus she wants to come back on the force - as Gus's partner! Reva tries to tell Josh about her cancer, but he snaps that he's got more important things to worry about now - Tammy is in the hospital. Reva loses her nerve, but later tells Billy she needs to get home. He convinces her to get healthy first, and Reva counters by making Billy promise not to call her family for a transplant, no matter what. Billy calls Jonathan anyway. Meanwhile, Jonathan is blasting Alan, blaming him for Tammy's injury. Alan points out to Lizzie how little Jonathan cares about her or the baby. Tammy regains consciousness and, to keep peace between Jonathan and Lizzie, urges them to continue living together until Tammy is back on her feet. They agree, then reenact "The Odd Couple." RJ comes to visit Tammy and, afraid that the bad guys who hurt her will come after him next, asks Cassie if Uncle Josh can come home with them. Josh and Cassie reluctantly agree.
Season 1, Episode 14969: Episode #1.14969
Original Air Date—25 luglio 2006
Season 1, Episode 14971: Episode #1.14971
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14972: Episode #1.14972
Original Air Date—28 luglio 2006
Season 1, Episode 14973: Episode #1.14973
Original Air Date—31 luglio 2006
Season 1, Episode 14974: Episode #1.14974
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14977: Episode #1.14977
Original Air Date—4 agosto 2006
Season 1, Episode 14978: Episode #1.14978
Original Air Date—7 agosto 2006
Season 1, Episode 14979: Episode #1.14979
Original Air Date—8 agosto 2006
Season 1, Episode 14980: Episode #1.14980
Original Air Date—9 agosto 2006
Season 1, Episode 14981: Episode #1.14981
Original Air Date—10 agosto 2006
Season 1, Episode 14982: Episode #1.14982
Original Air Date—11 agosto 2006
Season 1, Episode 14983: Episode #1.14983
Original Air Date—14 agosto 2006
Season 1, Episode 14984: Episode #1.14984
Original Air Date—15 agosto 2006
Season 1, Episode 14985: Episode #1.14985
Original Air Date—16 agosto 2006
Season 1, Episode 14986: Episode #1.14986
Original Air Date—17 agosto 2006
Season 1, Episode 14987: Episode #1.14987
Original Air Date—18 agosto 2006
Season 1, Episode 14989: Episode #1.14989
Original Air Date—28 agosto 2006
Season 1, Episode 14991: Episode #1.14991
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14992: Episode #1.14992
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 14993: Episode #1.14993
Original Air Date—29 agosto 2006
Season 1, Episode 14995: Episode #1.14995
Original Air Date—31 agosto 2006
Season 1, Episode 14996: Episode #1.14996
Original Air Date—1 settembre 2006
Season 1, Episode 14997: Episode #1.14997
Original Air Date—4 settembre 2006
Season 1, Episode 14998: Episode #1.14998
Original Air Date—5 settembre 2006
Season 1, Episode 14999: Episode #1.14999
Original Air Date—6 settembre 2006
This "Inside the Light" Wednesday episode focused on the fake marriage between Jonathan and Lizzie in order to keep Alan from taking Lizzie's baby as his own. Tammy, although in on Jonathan and Lizzie's plan, watched on in pain while the wedding took place and acted as Lizzie's maid-of-honor. After the wedding, Jonathan planned on meeting up with Tammy, however Alan made plans to keep Jonathan in the hotel room! Alan is determined to expose the marriage as a farce.
Season 1, Episode 15000: Episode #1.15000
Original Air Date—7 settembre 2006
While standing on the observation deck of the lighthouse, Reva passes out and dreams of an alternate Springfield where the rich are now poor and the poor and now rich. After exploring this mirror version of Springfield, Reva awakens to find Josh standing over her inquiring whether or not she is alright. This was Guiding Light's 15,000th episode.
Season 1, Episode 15001: Episode #1.15001
Original Air Date—11 settembre 2006
Jonathan tries to meet up with Tammy. Josh feels rejected by both Reva and Cassie and ends up in a drunken brawl. Jonathan has it out with Beth about his and Lizzie's marriage.
Season 1, Episode 15002: Episode #1.15002
Original Air Date—12 settembre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15003: Episode #1.15003
Original Air Date—13 settembre 2006
Mallet and Dinah both forgot to cancel their wedding and are forced to through a party or pay the bill at Towers. Everyone shows up and after having some intense moments, Vanessa plays a video of the couple during happier times. This rekindles their feelings for one another. They decide to go ahead with the marriage and as Dinah is about to walk down the isle, Jeffery stops her and tell's her to retrieve a file from the Spaulding offices that contains demanding information on him. Dinah at first refuses, but ends up walking out on her own wedding.
Season 1, Episode 15004: Episode #1.15004
Original Air Date—14 settembre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15005: Episode #1.15005
Original Air Date—15 settembre 2006
Lizzie can not keep her jealous tendencies at bay; Reva can not sign her divorce papers; Rick prepares to come clean to Mel about his affair with Beth.
Season 1, Episode 15006: Episode #1.15006
Original Air Date—18 settembre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15007: Episode #1.15007
Original Air Date—19 settembre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15008: Not Forever
Original Air Date—20 settembre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15009: Episode #1.15009
Original Air Date—21 settembre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15010: Episode #1.15010
Original Air Date—22 settembre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15011: Episode #1.15011
Original Air Date—25 settembre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15012: Episode #1.15012
Original Air Date—26 settembre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15013: Make Sure It Fits
Original Air Date—27 settembre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15014: Episode #1.15014
Original Air Date—28 settembre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15015: Episode #1.15015
Original Air Date—29 settembre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15016: Episode #1.15016
Original Air Date—2 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15017: Episode #1.15017
Original Air Date—3 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15018: Episode #1.15018
Original Air Date—4 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15019: Episode #1.15019
Original Air Date—5 ottobre 2006
Jonathan comes to Reva, fearing he's losing Tammy. Reva, feeling solid in her campaign to get Josh and Cassie together, thinks it's time to focus on helping Jon - only she has to deal with her own problem first. The pain has been increasing from the cancer, and she's gotten a hold of some marijuana, which she hopes will help with pain relief. Jonathan's excited at the prospect, though Reva makes it clear this is for her only. As Jon rolls the joint for Reva, she starts her plan to fix Jon's problems by leaving a message for Alan. Alan returns her call after her buzz kicks in - and at Beth's urging - suggests they go out for a family dinner. Stoned Reva agrees. At the dinner, Jon clues in Lizzie about Reva's odd behavior, and more than once, Lizzie jumps in for the rescue. However, every time Reva makes a point for family unity, Alan spins it to his own advantage by calling Reva's family unfit. At the same time, Tammy takes up Remy's invitation to join the Bauers for some family fun. Mel worries Remy's getting in to deep with Tammy. Meanwhile, Rick gets a call from Beth about getting together - but deletes it. Mel is still worried about the Beacon card she found in Rick's pocket. Later, both parties are at Towers, and Beth uses a text message to meet Rick privately at the bar. Rick tells Beth their affair is over - Mel wants to give their marriage another shot and he agrees. Meanwhile, Jon is irked by Tammy being with Remy and Tammy is hurt by what she perceives as Jon's new family. Tammy leaves, and seeing how badly Jon wants to be with her, Reva creates a distraction so Jon can sneak off, too. Alan blasts Reva for deserting her children, while Tammy stuns Jon by saying she can't do this anymore. Josh reassigns Cassie to work in the office, which bothers her until Josh explains this isn't just an office job - he's making her full partner in the business.
Season 1, Episode 15020: Episode #1.15020
Original Air Date—6 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15021: Episode #1.15021
Original Air Date—9 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15022: Episode #1.15022
Original Air Date—10 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15023: Follow the Yellow Brick Road
Original Air Date—11 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15024: Episode #1.15024
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15025: Episode #1.15025
Original Air Date—13 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15026: Episode #1.15026
Original Air Date—16 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15027: Episode #1.15027
Original Air Date—17 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15028: Episode #1.15028
Original Air Date—18 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15029: Episode #1.15029
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15030: Episode #1.15030
Original Air Date—20 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15031: Episode #1.15031
Original Air Date—23 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15032: Episode #1.15032
Original Air Date—24 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15033: Landslide
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15034: Episode #1.15034
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15035: Episode #1.15035
Original Air Date—27 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15036: Episode #1.15036
Original Air Date—30 ottobre 2006
Josh learns the truth about Reva's breast cancer. Ava and Olivia have it out over Ava's birth father. Cassie and Josh are angry about not being told about Reva's cancer months ago and vow to stay by her side for whatever time she has left. Ava turns to Alan-Michael for help in finding her birth father. Buzz finds the St. Jude medal Olivia has been hiding.
Season 1, Episode 15037: Episode #1.15037
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 2006
Season 1, Episode 15038: She's a Marvel
Original Air Date—1 novembre 2006
After a freak Halloween accident, Harley becomes the costumed super-heroine Guiding Light. Using her powers to control electricity she goes on a one woman crusade to rid Springfield of criminals. She captures Dash and Bash Carnage singlehandedly. Overtime, members of Springfield's police force, namely Mallet, begin to feel as if Guiding Light is just as dangerous as the criminals she's catching. Gus realizes that Harley is really the Guiding Light and confronts her at the lighthouse. After realizing how her powers would keep her isolated from the world, she decides to give up her super powers. Eariler, Rick had discovered that by immersing herself in water, Harley would loss all of her powers, and with that in mind, jumps from the lighthouse observation deck into the lake. Harley emerges as a regular person, her powers apparently gone. {THIS EPISODE WAS A SPECIAL CROSSOVER BETWEEN GUIDING LIGHT AND MARVEL COMICS GROUP}
Season 1, Episode 15039: Episode #1.15039
Original Air Date—2 novembre 2006
Billy attends an AA meeting after falling off the wagon the night Reva was supposed to drive off the bridge. Rick and Mel try their best to comfort Reva in the hospital while Josh and Cassie decide to surround her with her favorite things. Josh finds the note Reva left him at Cross Creek. Jonathan warns Alan to stay away from his baby but Alan's not impressed. Rick tell's Beth their affair is definitely over and he is serious about rebuilding his relationship with Mel. Mel and Beth have a war of words while Alan threatens Rick to stay away from his wife. Rick is informed that he will be heading up a new free clinic in Clayton...with Beth as his boss! Billy tells Reva that she can let go, which infuriates Josh.
Season 1, Episode 15040: Episode #1.15040
Original Air Date—3 novembre 2006
Friends and family gather around Reva in the hospital. Josh struggles to come to terms with Reva's imminent death. After seeing the pain she is in, she tells her it's alright her her to let go. Buzz tells Olivia that life is short and that she should not spend it fighting with Ava. Ava finds it hard to believe that Olivia is sincere. Jonathan and Lizzie see a 3D image of their unborn baby. With her family gathered around her, Reva's heart monitor flat lines.
Season 1, Episode 15041: Episode #1.15041
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2006
After walking away from Reva's bedside, Josh hears Reva's heart monitor beep. Bringing Mel into the room, they discover that Reva is still alive! Josh decides to gather all of Reva's friends and family around her in order to make her feel safe and help bring her back to health. Ava and Olivia argue. Olivia tell's Ava that she didn't feel anything for her when she was pregnant. Ava calls Alan-Michael and discovers that he has information regarding the identity of her father. Lizzie tell's Jonathan that she loves him and he respects her honesty. Cassie overhears Josh tell Reva to come back to him.
Season 1, Episode 15042: Episode #1.15042
Original Air Date—7 novembre 2006
Ava consults with Alan-Michael regarding the identity of her father. Jeffrey's mysterious associate from his past returns and offers him one more chance to back out of Springfield's mayoral race. Blake worries about her security on Election Day and hires an outside detective from Chicago as part of her security detail, which annoys Marina and Mallet. Mallet and the young detective, Natalie, hit if off and enjoy one another's company, unaware that Dinah is watching and getting the wrong idea! Coop confronts Alan-Michael about his reasons for helping Ava. Alan-Michael sabotages any help Coop might have been able to give Ava in finding her father. Olivia recognizes the man who ushered her out of the San Cristobel embassy the night she was raped. She confronts him and he admits that he remembers the incident and drops the bomb that Jeffrey O'Neill was Olivia's rapist and thus Ava's father!
Season 1, Episode 15043: Episode #1.15043
Original Air Date—8 novembre 2006
On Election Day Springfield is buzzing. Jeffrey is performing well in the polls and Blake fears she will lose her campaign for mayor. Olivia keeps reliving the night all those years ago in San Cristobel when a young man raped her. She is reeling from the news that the young man she knew back then is actually Jeffrey! Blake surges ahead in the election and she is named Springfield's new mayor. During her acceptance speech, Blake collapses and is rushed to Cedars Hospital. Someone has poisoned her. Perhaps they discovered Blake's actions these past few months as the "Springfield Burns" blogger. A fact the Marina and Remy discover as they search for clues as to who may have poisoned her.
Season 1, Episode 15044: Episode #1.15044
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2006
Rick tells Reva that she appears to be free of cancer. Reva and Cassie discuss how they are going to move forward with both of them in love with Josh. Josh and Billy confront one another to determine where Reva will live. Buzz pushes Olivia to trust him and tell him what it is she is hiding. Reva decides to live at Cross Creek with Billy. Dinah spouts off to Blake who is in a coma. Marina overhears and pushes Dinah on the subject. Later, reviewing video from outside Blake's room at the Beacon, Marina see's Dinah enter Blake's room before she was poisoned and gets suspicious. Mallet goes to see Dinah and catches her with her bags pack and about to leave town. Olivia confronts Jeffrey, she is ready to reveal that she know's the truth of who he really is and what he did to her as a young man in San Cristobel!
Season 1, Episode 15045: Episode #1.15045
Original Air Date—10 novembre 2006
Josh and Cassie prepare for their lives together. Reva decides she does not want to be a burden to Billy and hires Lillian to be her caretaker while she recovers. Billy does not take the situation well. Josh goes to see Dr. McCabe and Colin tells him that Reva needs to take better care of herself. Marina tells Jonathan that Reva was released from the hospital. Olivia confronts Jeffrey and he is shocked to learn that Olivia was the person he slept with as a young man! Dinah thinks everyone will think she was the person who poisoned Blake and wants to leave town but Mallet tells her he believes her story. Marina does not and thinks Dinah is a perfect suspect. Dinah thinks Mallet lied to her to get her to come to the police station and makes a scene and then leaves. Blake wasn't the person who was supposed to be poisoned, the real victim was supposed to be Jeffrey.
Season 1, Episode 15046: Episode #1.15046
Original Air Date—13 novembre 2006
Olivia's words about the child she "got rid of" haunt Jeffrey. Ava and Coop talk about finding her father. Olivia sends Alan-Michael and Ava on a wild goose chase to San Cristobel in order to keep them from finding out that Jeffrey is Ava's biological father. Lizzie tries her hand at being a waitress but is constantly being compared to Tammy by the customers. Tammy and Remy arrive to get the rest of Tammy's things from Outskirts. Reva confronts Josh about his feelings for Cassie. He admits they are different from his feelings for her, but Cassie and him are building a future together. Cassie is not pleased to return home to find Reva and Josh together in her house. Reva invites Jonathan and Lizzie to live with her at Cross Creek and they agree to move in.
Season 1, Episode 15047: Episode #1.15047
Original Air Date—14 novembre 2006
Marina and Gus wonder why Blake would target her friends as the Springfield Burns Blogger. Gus gets a call from Mel that Blake is awake. Harley and Gus go to question her. Alan-Michael and Ava arrive in San Cristobel and find the gravestone for the man Olivia said was the man that raped her. While there they are greeted by the man's widow. They discover that the man, Kyle Moore, could not have impregnated Olivia because he was sterile. Buzz decides to propose to Olivia, an idea Coop does not like. After speaking with Buzz, Coop agrees to the the best man at their wedding if Olivia accepts. Harley and Gus question Blake and she admits that she did what she did to get attention. People used to be afraid of her, she was Roger Thorpe's daughter! After Ross died she felt ignored by her friends and abandoned. Olivia and Jeffrey argue about the night he raped her. While trying to calm Olivia down Ava walks in and learns that Jeffrey is her father! Jeffrey is taken into custody while Ava, Coop, and Buzz are left reeling from the revelation.
Season 1, Episode 15048: The Frost Moon
Original Air Date—15 novembre 2006
The Frost Moon festival is in full swing in downtown Springfield and Dinah wants nothing to do with it. Going to Vanessa's suite at the Beacon she picks up a picture of Ross to take with her out of town. She tells her mother that Mallet set her up at the police station. Mallet is being dogged by the TV crew from the police reality show "The Law", but manages to pass them off on Marina. When A.C. reaches Vanessa's suite, she tells him that she had left Dinah there with Clarissa, whom she and Matt are watching while Blake is in the hospital, but when she returned, they were both gone. Dinah goes to Blake's hospital room and forgives her for hurting her and wishes Blake a speedy recovery. Mallet finds both Dinah and Clarissa outside of Company and manages to talk to Dinah awkwardly while the TV cameras, the producer and camera man caught up with Mallet, are shooting. Clarissa wants to go to the festival and Dinah grudgingly concedes. Clarissa learns that her mother was the blogger from a couple of mean girls, but Dinah tells her that she is lucky and that she has people around her that love her and that she will never be alone. Finally, Mallet and Dinah make up and resume their relationship as a couple. After dropping Clarissa off back at Vanessa's, they go back to Mallet's suite and lovingly look up at the Frost Moon outside of the window.
Season 1, Episode 15049: Episode #1.15049
Original Air Date—16 novembre 2006
Jeffrey is taken to the police station where Mallet enjoys goading him about his current troubles. Tammy gets an eye full of Remy while delivering his cell phone to the police station. She gets a kick out of the situation while he does not think the joke is so funny! Reva and Lizzie bond while they go walking. Jonathan and Tammy have an awkward conversation at the Cross Creek cabin. Alan is not pleased about Lizzie and Jonathan living with Reva. Ava is afraid that with Olivia and Jeffrey as her parents, its only a matter of time before she hurts the people she loves. Coop assures her that will not happen, that who she is was fostered by her adoptive mother Connie Peralta. Olivia drops the charges against Jeffrey but only after telling him that she will make his life horrible. Buzz decks Jeffrey while he is leaving the police station. For her first act of revenge, Olivia gives a reporter for the Springfield Mirror an exclusive interview about Jeffrey, the only catch is she is not to be named as the source of the information. Alan confronts Reva on Main Street and tells her that nothing will stop him from making sure Lizzie's baby never knows her as a grandmother. Not afraid of Alan, Reva brushes off his threat and gives him one in return. Lizzie tells Jonathan that he has to make a choice between her or Tammy and mean it. Alan stops by Cedars and tries to get Dr. Sedwick to tell him when Lizzie's baby is due.
Season 1, Episode 15050: Episode #1.15050
Original Air Date—17 novembre 2006
Buzz tries to entertain Emma while Olivia is out. He ends up recruiting Coop to help him. Olivia tells Ava how her mother, Ava's grandmother, passed away. Doris Wolfe and Jeffrey have a war of words and she tells him he has until the end of the day to clean out his desk as assistant district attorney. Jeffrey later organizes a press conference in order to deal with the Springfield Mirror article which smeared his character. Buzz and Coop are in attendance and publicly question Jeffrey's story. Cassie and Josh are busy making plans for Thanksgiving, but both Reva and Billy turn them down. Billy also refuses to help Reva in her fight against Alan. He needs space away from Reva and begins dating a new young woman named Shelia. Jeffrey goes to Ava hoping to talk to her and Buzz sets the scene for his planned marriage proposal to Olivia. Josh is called away from Cassie by Wanda to meet a business client at Towers. Reva is contacted to meet Lillian at Towers. Josh arrives to find Reva setting at the table where he was told the business client would be waiting. Both find the situation strange, at least until Marah makes her presence know to the both of them as the person who setup the meeting. Marah has returned to Springfield with a plan, to reunite her parents as a couple!
Season 1, Episode 15051: Episode #1.15051
Original Air Date—20 novembre 2006
Ava greets Jeffrey coldly as he approaches her to tell his side of the story. Buzz prepares to propose to Olivia, but when he realizes that her vendetta against Jeffrey will be a road block to their relationship, he decides not to propose to her. Marah tries to understand why Reva and Josh refuse to try to reconnect. While she understands her mothers stance, she has a hard time reconciling her father's relationship with Cassie. To help ease the tension, Reva suggests that everyone celebrate Thanksgiving together. Beth catches Jonathan with Tammy at Outskirts. Tammy leaves, needed her space away from Jonathan. Remy is willing to be her shoulder to cry on. Beth tells Jonathan that see believes he will be a good father and that it's not a bad thing to have a person waiting at home that actually loves you, which Lizzie does.
Season 1, Episode 15052: Episode #1.15052
Original Air Date—21 novembre 2006
Dinah and Mallet venture back out into public after their private make-up session. Gus struggles with performance during the fertility testing. Jonathan and Marah finally meet. Jonathan notices how big a trouble maker Marah can be. Alan confronts Lizzie with pictures of Jonathan with Tammy. Although, the pictures are innocent, they send Lizzie into a tailspin of mistrust. Alan-Michael promises to have Thanksgiving dinner with the family. Beth has a uncomfortable meeting with Rick and Mel about Rick's involvement in the free clinic in Clayton. Alan sends Alex on a all-expenses-paid trip to a spa to get her out of town. She questions his motives but decides to take him up on the offer and visit Nick in Europe. A little note passing confusion leads to an amusing mismatch as Mallet, Harley, Gus, and Dinah all almost make-out with the wrong person. To prove his commitment to Lizzie and his baby, Jonathan gets a new tattoo, which allows him to regain Lizzie's trust and they kiss. Alan is sure Lizzie will soon be coming home to the Spaulding Mansion, however he doesn't know Lizzie and Jonathan have grown closer once again.
Season 1, Episode 15053: Count Your Blessings
Original Air Date—22 novembre 2006
Alan prepares for Thanksgiving. While the family initially gathers together, they decide having a family dinner was a bad idea and go their separate ways. Alan tries to rescue his holiday by having dinner with the Spaulding servants, Hilda and Jeremy, but they have family commitments and leave early. Alan spies on Lizzie at Cross Creek and runs into Reva outside. Reva and Alan have a heart-to-heart talk about moving forward with life. Later, Reva, Jonathan, and Lizzie surprise Alan at the mansion and have an awkward pizza dinner. After Alan and Jonathan lose their tempers at each other, Reva, Lizzie, and Jonathan leave to meet the rest of their family at Cassie's farm house.
Season 1, Episode 15054: Episode #1.15054
Original Air Date—27 novembre 2006
Lizzie goes into labor during Thanksgiving dinner at the Spaulding Mansion. Jonathan rushes Lizzie to the hospital in his car, much to Alan's dismay! At Cassie's, the Lewis family are gathering for the holiday, however Marah is not making the holiday a happy one. Billy and Rick have a heart-to-heart talk at Outskirts. Jonathan and Lizzie get stuck on the snowy roads on the way to Cedars. Remy rescues Tammy from the Lewis Thanksgiving gathering only to find Jonathan and Lizzie. Reva and Alan arrive at the hospital only to discover than Lizzie and Jonathan didn't make it. Alan goes ballistic while Reva goes to find her son. After Billy and Marah leave Cassie's, Josh wonders if the family will ever except the two of them together as a couple. Jonathan decides that if an ambulance doesn't arrive soon to take Lizzie to the hospital, he and Tammy will have to delivery the baby themselves.
Season 1, Episode 15055: Episode #1.15055
Original Air Date—28 novembre 2006
Tammy and Jonathan try to make Lizzie comfortable while waiting on the ambulance to arrive. Reva tries desperately to find a taxi so she can try to find Jonathan and Lizzie, after a fall she finds an ally in Alan. Lillian, Beth, and Mel meet one another on Main Street. After a forced civil conversation, the trio happens upon Reva and Alan. Alan informs Beth that Lizzie is in labor and they do not know where she is. At the crash site, Lizzie can no longer wait for the ambulance and with Tammy and Jonathan's help, gives birth to her and Jonathan's baby daughter. Josh prepares to salvage what he can from the misfire of a holiday and take RJ and Cassie out to cut down a Christmas tree. While preparing to cut down the tree, Josh cuts his hand. Everyone arrives at Cedars Hospital at the same time. Lizzie has lost a lot of blood and is not stable. After some tense moments, and some arguments between the Spauldings and Lewises, Lizzie and the baby are both given a clean bill of health. Ava and Coop enjoy some after Thanksgiving strip football, at least until Frank drops the ball on them that Doris Wolfe had the governor revoke Jeffrey's attempt at being temporary mayor until Blake's recovery. While Doris enjoys every minute of putting Jeffrey in his place, she hasn't a clue that Olivia was only using her to fulfill her vendetta against Jeffrey. Jeffrey get's drunk at Outskirts while Olivia goads him over losing everything. Ava and Coop walk in on an awkward exchange between Olivia and Jeffrey. Ava has come to give Jeffrey support and encouragement, but he wants nothing to do with her. After a public humiliation, Jeffrey passes out on Main Street. The Lewises and Spauldings realize that with the birth of Lizzie and Jonathan's baby, they are all family and Josh recites a poem he planned to read at the family Thanksgiving dinner.
Season 1, Episode 15056: Like the Corner of My Mind
Original Air Date—29 novembre 2006
Shocked by the news of Buzz's plans for proposal from Coop and her own conversation with Buzz, Olivia decides to come to grips with her past. Traveling to Can Cristobel, Olivia retraces her steps and remembers how desperately her mother tried to protect her the night she went to the embassy party. Olivia is shocked when Jeffrey also shows up in San Cristobel trying to reconcile his memories of that night with what he was told by his handler, Ditkins, and Olivia. Jeffrey remembers that Ditkins was present at the party and did nothing to stop the two drunken teens from making a mistake. Jeffery and Olivia reach an emotional resolution and both apologize for their part in that night's affairs. After returning to Sprigfield, Olivia tells Jeffrey to stay away from Ava and as far as see is concerned, the two of them are nothing, not even acquaintances! Olivia confesses her love to Buzz in the hopes of salvaging their budding relationship. Later, Jeffrey spies on Ava and Coop at CO2.
Season 1, Episode 15057: Episode #1.15057
Original Air Date—30 novembre 2006
Jonathan and Lizzie are so happy to be with their newborn daughter, at least until Alan shows up at the hospital. Alan presents Jonathan with custody papers in which he proposes naming the baby Penelope Randall Spaulding. Alan explains that was his mother's name. Alan tries to convince Jonathan that giving up custody of the baby to him would allow him to send the rest of his life with Tammy. Lizzie and Beth interrupt the feuding and Lizzie is sent reeling when she realizes that her grandfather is back to playing games again. As a truce, Jonathan agrees that he, Lizzie and the baby should move into the Spaulding Mansion, which seems to defuse the entire situation. Ashley walks in on Dinah and Mallet in bed and drops the news that she is now Mallet's personal assistant. Vanessa has hired Ashley to work for her at WSPR and to work with Mallet on his reality series "The Law". Dinah is not pleased and speaks to her mother about the situation. During the course of their conversation, Dinah admits that she wants to be a star and Vanessa agrees to give her daughter her own show. The catch is that Mallet's show is not canceled and will run opposite Dinah's show on the network and the viewers will decide which show stays on the air! Tammy delivers a baby gift to the hospital for Lizzie and Jonathan. After leaving she goes to the farm house and breaks down in tears. Marina and Remy find her there and decide to try to cheer her up by taking her out on the town. Once on Main Street, Marina dismisses herself to leave Tammy and Remy alone, hoping the sparks will fly. Harley and Gus break into Blake's room at the Beacon to try and determine what "secret" she knows about Gus that Gus doesn't know. While going through the trash, they are interrupted by Mallet and Gus explains away the situation. Harley imagines what the secret could be. Is he having an affair? Is he a father? Did he join the priesthood? Harley decides not to let her imagination get the better of her. Back at Ceders, Lillian breaks the news to Lizzie and Jonathan that their daughter has developed a heart murmur. They decide to go see a specialist in Chicago. Lillian phones Beth to apprise her of the baby's condition. Lizzie and Jonathan decide not to let Alan anywhere near their daughter so they get dressed and sneak out of the hospital with the baby. Jonathan promises their baby will receive the medical attention she needs, but not in Springfield.
Season 1, Episode 15058: Episode #1.15058
Original Air Date—1 dicembre 2006
Jeffrey has hit rock bottom and tries to talk Ditkins into giving him his old job back. Ditkins refuses. Alan-Michael and Ava try to get some work done but it quickly degrades into an eating contest and they go to get something to drink. Arriving at Outskirts, Ava barely misses a glass thrown against a wall by Jeffrey and misinterprets the action as an attack against her. Marah says her goodbyes to her mother. Reva tries to get her to move closer to Springfield, arguing that Paris is so far away. Marah comments that if she even thought there was a chance Reva and Josh would get back together, she wouldn't even consider leaving. Alan is frantic when he realizes that Jonathan and Lizzie never made an appointment for their baby in Chicago. He tracks Reva down at the hospital when she is speaking with Lillian and demands to know where Jonathan is! He calls the act kidnapping, but Reva asks who was kidnapped if the father and mother take their own baby somewhere? She proposes they work together to get the "kids" home. A veteran named Hal comes to visit Josh and tell him how much the H.B. Lewis Center has meant to him and his family while he was undergoing treatment. Hal states that he has no idea what Josh had to give up to build the hospital, but the benefits of having the facility meant more than words could say to the veterans. Josh and Cassie walk in on Alan berating Reva at Cedars calling her selfish. Josh blasts into Alan telling him he has no idea how selfless Reva is and how many people she has helped. Alan backs down and Reva is moved to tears by Josh defending her. Remy tells Tammy that he is no longer going to pine after her when she clearly doesn't want him, she wants Jonathan. Tammy had earlier had a run in with Alan and checked her messages and found a message Jonathan left her telling her goodbye, he was going to take care of his daughter, just as she would have him do. Josh lets Reva know that he now understands why she kept her breast cancer from him and no longer holds the secret against her. It looks as if Josh and Reva, given time, may find their way back to one another. Alan-Michael refuses to let Alan use Spaudling resources to find Lizzie and Jonathan, Jeffrey overhears and offers Alan his services at tracking down the couple and their child.
Season 1, Episode 15059: Episode #1.15059
Original Air Date—4 dicembre 2006
Josh tells Reva he understands why she did not tell him about her cancer. He wishes she would have told him. Tammy is still reeling from Jonathan leaving town and Remy offers to track him down for her. Lizzie and the baby are hiding out at a 5 star hotel. Jonathan is out getting baby supplies. Jeffrey tracks them to the hotel and confronts Lizzie. At first she is apprehensive, but when Alan calls Jeffrey, he lies and tells him the trail has gone cold and Lizzie and Jonathan have disappeared. Lizzie calls Reva and they speak. Beth comes to Cross Creek to talk to Reva and is dismayed that Lizzie called her and not her family. Beth tells Reva to try to get Jonathan and Lizzie to come home before Alan's actions gets someone hurt. Alan and Doris enjoy a working lunch and he gets Doris to petition a judge to have a custody hearing regarding Lizzie's baby. This news does not sit well with Reva who hires Mel to defend her son and daughter-in-law. Mel calls in Josh for support and Cassie follows. Ava informs Alan that she has no interest in Jeffrey because by working for Alan, he has shown what kind of man he really is. What Ava does not know is that Jeffrey is going to let Lizzie and Jonathan go and throw Alan off of their trail.
Season 1, Episode 15060: Episode #1.15060
Original Air Date—5 dicembre 2006
The custody battle for Jonathan and Lizzie's daughter continues as Doris Wolfe presses the judge to rule in Alan's favor. To make matters worse, Alan puts Beth on the spot to testify on his behalf, even though she knows he's lying. Reva can not believe what she is hearing! Gus and Harley are hot on the trail of the lead they got from Blake's laptop. They go to Bailey Brook's address and when she opens the door, greets Gus with a passionate kiss. Bailey explains that Blake posed as Gus's wife and she had told her some information about them when the two of them were partners in the FBI. The only reason Gus did not recognize Bailey was she had had extreme plastic surgery and, when he knew her, went by her first name, which is Helen. Bailey informs both Gus and Harley that when she made the call to the FBI regarding their files, she was informed that her and Gus's files were sealed. Bailey tells them that when she passed that news on to Blake, no other questions were asked and Blake simply left her alone after that. Later at Towers, Gus makes a cryptic phone call to someone regarding his FBI file. Olivia tries desperately to get Jeffrey to leave Towers before Ava arrives but is unsuccessful. Jeffrey begins to leave but has an altercation with the manager before he has a chance to board the elevator. Ava comes to his defense only to be brushed off. Jeffrey is trying desperately to keep his promise to Olivia and stay away from their daughter. Rick testifies at the custody hearing on behalf of the Lewises, telling the judge that a heart murmur in a newborn is relatively common and usually corrects itself in time. This trumps Alan's medical condition case. When it looks as if Alan is going to be granted custody, Josh makes an impassioned plea that if Jonathan and Lizzie are unfit parents, then surely both he, the judge, and all other parents could also be deemed as unfit. The judge is moved by Josh's words and agrees with him. The judge drops Alan's custody case. Alan is furious for losing and Beth is furious at Alan for making her lie for him. Cassie desperately tries to reach Jonathan and inform him of the custody hearing, even going so far as dragging Billy in on the search. Billy at first does not want to be involved, but Sheila convinces him he should help. Later, Billy takes Sheila to dinner in New York City!
Season 1, Episode 15061: You Picked a Fine Time to Leave Me Lucille
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 2006
Sheila and Billy are enjoying themselves after their trip to New York. Sheila tells Billy that she must leave for work and Billy realizes that he desperately wants to return to work himself. He approaches Josh about returning to Lewis Construction, but Josh turns him down. Josh does not want to put Billy into situations where he might be tempted to drink. Billy challenges Josh that H.B. had a provision in his will that stipulated that there would always be a place for both his sons in the family business. Later, at Towers, Josh meets with Matt and Cassie and realizes that there is a lot of work that is suffering from not having enough manpower. When Josh tries to delay a project, Matt lets him know that he had better call the client because they are threatening to withdraw their business. Cassie tells Josh that Billy would be a great help to them. After another exchange, Billy and Josh decide to head to Tulsa and consult H.B.'s lawyer about the will. There journey is plagued by the Lewis family pilot arriving drunk at the airport, a poor commercial flight, a lousy rent-a-car, and a thieving hitchhiker named Candy. Billy and Josh, left with nothing, end up being arrested for loitering on the streets and are forced to stay the night at the local courthouse. During the evening Josh and Billy share their feelings with each other and Billy recounts the pain Reva endured during her cancer. In the end, Josh agrees to let Billy return as a full partner in Lewis Construction. Arriving back in Springfield, Josh is greeted by Cassie and the two embrace.
Season 1, Episode 15062: Episode #1.15062
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2006
Dinah and Mallet continue their playful competition regarding their TV shows. Dinah wants her show to by "infotainment". Buzz tells Jeffrey that Springfield is not big enough for both him and Olivia. Buzz later trashes Jeffrey's room at the Beacon. Harley and Gus both try to uncover what secret Blake discovered regarding Gus. Harley tries to get Jeffrey to help her but he refuses. Gus contacts one of his old colleagues at the FBI, Williams, and gets his file. Williams tells Gus that during his very first assignment, he and other agents were compromised with chemicals and as a result some of them suffered physical problems. Gus gets a medical appointment and later discovers that he is sterile. Harley is so caught up with the idea of having a baby, Gus can not bring himself to tell her that he can't father a child. Olivia is haunted by her thoughts Jeffrey, both young and old. Marina likes the attention she is getting from Mallet's TV show. Dinah hires Ashlee as the producer for her TV program.
Season 1, Episode 15063: Episode #1.15063
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 2006
Harley is still excited about the possibility of having a child with Gus. Gus, however, can not bring himself to tell her the doctor told him that he will likely never father a child. Frank later tells them the child they rescued a few weeks ago is going into the foster care system. Gus and Harley take it upon themselves to make sure the baby, Sydney, finds a good home. Mallet and Dinah both lay on the compliments to Vanessa. She is pleased that both of them seem to want to raise the quality of their respective TV programs. The Lewises and Spauldings meet at Towers. At first, things are uncomfortable with Alan and Reva trading barbs, however, when Lizzie, Jonathan, and the baby enter, the mood suddenly changes. Jonathan and Lizzie share with their families the name of their daughter, Sarah Randall. Reva is honored that the baby was named after her mother. Remy insists on taking Tammy to Towers. When she gets there and see's Jonathan and Lizzie, she realizes that it was Remy who found them and informed the new couple of Alan's failed attempt at gaining custody of Sarah. Remy serves Alan with a restraining order keeping him away from the child. Alan leaves Towers swearing that Jonathan will be sorry for taking such action against him. Cassie and Tammy and Beth and Lizzie both decide to have a mother/daughter lunch to get reacquainted. Tammy can not believe how sad Lizzie looks. Lizzie breaks down in front of her mother. She confesses that she thought that Jonathan would fall in love with her when Sarah was born. Instead he loves the baby, but not Lizzie. Tammy overhears Lizzie refer to her newborn child as the best "trick" she still has to make Jonathan love her! Tammy can not believe what she just heard and questions whether leaving Jonathan was actually the best thing for both Jonathan and Sarah.
Season 1, Episode 15064: Episode #1.15064
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 2006
Tammy is still steamed over what she heard Lizzie say about using Sarah as a way of making Jonathan love her! Cassie tries to talk Tammy down and Tammy promises not to do anything rash. Josh and Jonathan bond over the joys of assembling baby furniture while Reva gets busy planning a baby shower / christening. Gus is hiding out from the rest of the police force, and Harley, while he tries to decide what to do with Sydney, the baby he stole from the police station. Mel informs Rick that she wants a divorce, but upon hearing Rick's pleas says she will consider marriage counseling. Beth puts Rick in an awkward situation between her and Alan. Alan is entertaining Doris Wolfe. While Doris is loving all of the attention, Alan assures Beth that he is only using Doris for his own personal agenda. Tammy and Lizzie come face-to-face and have a bitter confrontation. Reva and Jonathan arrive and Tammy does not say anything to him about what she heard Lizzie say. Alan informs Rick that he could never hold on to a woman like Beth, that Rick isn't Phillip, so he should stop trying to be.
Season 1, Episode 15065: Episode #1.15065
Original Air Date—12 dicembre 2006
Gus continues to hide baby Sydney from the rest of Springfield. Marina and Mallet are on the case, trying to determine what could have happened to the infant. Ashlee gets Dinah a tape of Mallet's latest episode of "The Law" and is not pleased to see A.C. and Marina so close in their working relationship. Coop tries to get Ava to celebrate her birthday, but after everything she's learned about her biological parents, Ava is in no mood for partying. Mel comes on to Jeffrey, only to be turned away. Later Mel tells Rick that she's going to ask Jeffrey to start a new business with her. Rick is livid. He accuses Mel of wanting to work with Jeffrey as payback for his affair with Beth. Harley is desperately trying to find out what Gus is up to! After leaving the baby with a setter, Gus goes back to his and Harley's house and tries to explain that he took the baby, but Harley will not let him get a word in edgewise. The police arrive at the door and Gus asks Harley if she trusts him. She says she does and they exist the house though a back window. Alan-Michael, who discovered Gus with Sydney earlier in the day, makes some phone calls to allow Gus and Harley to adopt the child. Coop announces to Ava that the writing program at Oxford is open to him again and asks her to go with him to England. She agrees, which does not set well with Jeffrey. Coop asks Jeffrey why he cares and Jeffrey backs off, remembering his promise to Olivia. Ava drops the news that she's leaving with Coop to Alan-Michael and will have to leave her job at Spaulding Enterprises. Alan-Michael says that he will miss her but later makes a phone call to keep Ava from leaving his employ!
Season 1, Episode 15066: And Baby Makes Five
Original Air Date—13 dicembre 2006
Harley discovers Gus's secret. At first, Harley says they can not keep baby Sydney for themselves. Gus decides the best way for them to gain guardianship, especially since he kidnapped the infant from the police station, is to let the citizens of Springfield know what is going on. Gus and Harley's story becomes the first episode of Dinah TV series "Light On Springfield". Frank arrives with officers to take the baby and arrest Gus. Ashlee and Dinah make Frank look extremely bad with their questions while on the air. Later, as the Cooper family converges on Gus and Harley's still unfinished house, they try to fix the house up before the social worker arrives. She does, and initially is not impressed. Frank enters and it becomes known that the social worker and Frank are friends and she quickly changes her tune and recommends Gus and Harley as Sydney's guardians. After tense questioning at the courthouse, Mel tells the couple the judge ruled in their favor and they can act as Sydney's guardians. They are overjoyed. Mel reminds them that adoption can take a long time and other changes could affect the outcome. Finally, Gus and Harley take Sydney home to be a part of their family and are met by the rest of their friends and family for a party.
Season 1, Episode 15067: Episode #1.15067
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 2006
Lizzie still tries to make Jonathan love her. Reva and Lillian attend a single's mixer for cancer survivors. At first things go well, however, Reva soon feels uncomfortable and wants to leave. Just as Reva is about to step onto the elevator, Josh exits. The two share a civil conversation with one another, unaware that Cassie is watching the two of them from a distance. Olivia and Buzz try to get their relationship back on track. Later, Olivia and Jeffrey have it out over his actions in San Cristobel. He jokingly offers to return to the island and turn himself in! Olivia thinks its a great idea, only to anger when she realizes he wasn't being serious. Buzz offers Coop a warning about Alan-Michael spending so much time with Ava. Coop isn't worried, but maybe he should be! Tammy and Jonithan meet on main street and although Tammy wants to tell Jonathan everything she knows, she decides not to. Lizzie confides in Ashlee over Jonathan not loving her and she and Ashlee plot to make Jonathan notice Lizzie at Josh and Cassie's holiday party! Back at the single's mixer, Reva meets Cal, a fellow cancer survivor, who at first does not impress her at all. Later, Cal and Reva reach an understanding about each other and Reva invites Cal to be her date to Josh and Cassie's party!
Season 1, Episode 15068: Episode #1.15068
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 2006
Josh and Cassie host a Christmas party at the farm house. Lizzie can not wait to attend the party in hopes of Jonathan taking notice of her. She even pushes him to have sex with her once the party's over and they return home. Beth questions Tammy about whether or not she regretted leaving Jonathan for Lizzie and Sarah. Tammy, already a little tipsy, tells Beth she knows that by being the nice person, people like the Spauldings always get what they want. Tammy leaves Beth at Towers. Alan is depressed over the holidays and nothing Beth can say to him can get him to forget about Sarah. Alan tells Beth that he doesn't know who Lizzie is anymore. Lillian lets it slip that she will be babysitting Sarah while Jonathan and Lizzie are at the Christmas party. Alan tries to force Lillian to bring the baby to the Spaulding mansion, which would be a violation of the restraining order. Lillian refuses to participate in any of Alan's schemes and he makes a threat to her. Lillian fires back that she has lived around the Spaulding's long enough to know their deepest, darkest secrets. She tells him to stay away from the baby or she will tell the police everything she knows about Alan's illegal business practices and she would make sure that he had a nice long stay in Ravenwood Sanitarium! Alan swears he will not let Jonthan Randall ruin his family. Tammy goes to her mother's Christmas party and confronts Lizzie. The two argue, but in the end, Jonathan and Tammy can not stay away from each other and the temptation is to strong to ignore. They end up kissing passionately in the barn and begin making out. Cal acts as Reva's date to the party, but the awkwardness between Reva, Josh, and Cassie is so great that Cal makes an excuse to leave and Reva goes with him. Cal takes Reva back to his room at the Beacon and invites her in.
Season 1, Episode 15069: Episode #1.15069
Original Air Date—18 dicembre 2006
Things are heating up all over Springfield! Jonathan and Tammy have sex in the barn while Josh and Cassie continue to entertain guests at their Christmas party. Lizzie is frantic when she can not find Jonathan. Reva and Cal enjoy a late night movie, and while Cal would like for things to move faster, Reva applies the breaks. Alan shows up at Cross Creek to see Sarah. Lillian reluctantly lets him visit with the newborn. Later, Lillian insists that Alan leave before he gets caught violating the restraining order and pushes him out the door. Josh tells Billy how good it is to see him getting his life back on track with Sheila. Lizzie almost enters the barn and find Jonathan and Tammy together, but they hear her and Alan talking and go their separate ways before getting caught! Jonathan comes to Lizzie's aid in dealing with Alan. Cal informs Reva that he knows Sheila from shared time in Clayton. He was friends with a business associate who dated Sheila. Cal tells Reva that stories have painted Sheila as being a gold-digger. Reva worries that maybe Billy is falling so hard for Sheila that he might actually get hurt if she betrays him. Reva confronts Billy about Sheila's past, which doesn't sit well with him at all. Billy tells Reva to stay out of his personal life. Snooping, Alan discovers Jonathan and Tammy's blanket in the barn.
Season 1, Episode 15070: Episode #1.15070
Original Air Date—19 dicembre 2006
The Cooper family prepares to say goodbye to Coop and Ava as they head off to London. Mallet and Dinah both find themselves trying to outdo each other with their respective TV programs. When toys are stolen from Ray's orphanage, Dinah tells all of Mallet's viewers to call him directly on his personal cell phone if they have any information about the crime. Mallet is at a loss while he is forced to go along. The tension between Tammy and Jonathan continues to mount. Lizzie is doing everything she can to make Jonathan love her. He tells her she is not a hard person to love, just to give him time. Beth tries to talk Alan out of fighting for Sarah. Alan will not hear of it. As far as he's concerned, he should be raising the baby, not Lizzie and Jonathan. Harley and Gus get bad news about their guardianship of Sydney. Judge Green has taken on their case and as far as he's concerned, Harley and Gus will have to deal with him. Judge Green thinks the couple got off easy during their previous hearing. Jonathan and Lizzie share a ride on his motorcycle. Keeping her promise to Mallet, Marina arrives to try to keep Mallet and Dinah apart, however, she shows up in time to witness the two of them in a steamy kiss!
Season 1, Episode 15071: The Dad, the Good Girl & the Other Woman
Original Air Date—20 dicembre 2006
Tammy questions whether or not she wants to be "the other woman" in Jonathan and Lizzie's life. She ponders a relationship with Remy but her heart still belongs to Jonathan. Overhearing a conversation between Beth and Mel didn't help her situation any. Tammy gets a text message to meet Jonathan at Cassie's barn. Lizzie is overjoyed. She feels that she will be able to win Jonathan's love if she is a good girl. Reva quickly tells her to not to try and act like Tammy, she should be herself. Lizzie does not want to end up like her grandmother, alone. Lizzie also receives a text message to meet Jonathan at Cassie's barn. Jonathan can not believe how much he has changed since coming to Springfield. Jonathan tells little Sarah a story, which is based on his life, and realizes that he just can not live without Tammy in his life. He receives a text message to meet Tammy in Cassie's barn. The trio arrive at the barn in time to realize they were set up. Jonathan quickly figures out that Alan was behind the deception. He wanted Lizzie to walk in on Jonathan and Tammy together and get jealous. Lizzie confronts her grandfather and at first he defends himself when he realizes his plot failed but then points out the Tammy and Jonathan went to the barn because they thought they were going to be meeting each other privately. Lizzie softens and Alan moves in to give her a hug. Lizzie's doubts about her marriage with Jonathan once again become fresh in her mind. Jonathan and Tammy meet. They decide that whatever may happen in the future, they are going to resume their relationship with one another. They begin a secret affair!
Season 1, Episode 15072: Episode #1.15072
Original Air Date—21 dicembre 2006
Reva enlists both Josh and Cassie's help in determining whether or not Sheila, Billy's new girlfriend, is trying to con Billy out of his money. Josh reluctantly agrees to help Reva. When he complains, Reva comments that she can't win, if she keeps secrets from him he gets mad, when she asks for his help he complains! Coop and Ava prepare to leave for their new life in England. Jeffrey desperately wants a relationship with his daughter, something that Cassie can recognize by looking at him, but he stays away from Ava and rejects her actions to establish a relationship with him. Olivia and Jeffrey argue about Ava. Jeffrey asks Olivia if she is concerned that Ava may care more for him than her, a conversation which is overheard by Coop. Alan-Michael is trying to break-in a new assistant, Mandy. He has her type up a memo and deliver it to Ava and Coop's room at the Beacon. Seeing the envelope marked from Spaulding Enterprises, Coop opens Ava's mail and discovers that Alan-Michael wants to give Ava a promotion in order to keep her in Springfield. Coop throws the letter into the trash before Ava can see it. There is no way he is going to let Alan-Michael ruin his relationship with Ava. Buzz says his goodbyes to Coop. After Josh and Reva have private conversation's with Billy and Sheila, Reva changes her tune about Sheila, thinking her to be a really nice woman, while Josh is now convinced she is out to take Billy's money! Billy is going to give Sheila a large amount of money to invest in her marketing firm. Using resources provided by Jeffrey, Cassie discovers Sheila has a criminal history and the Lewises gather together to protect Billy and Lewis Construction.
Season 1, Episode 15073: Episode #1.15073
Original Air Date—21 dicembre 2006
Alan-Michael discovers that Coop intercepted his job offer to Ava. Ava continues to say her goodbyes as she readies herself for the move to England. She gives both Emma and Olivia a Christmas present. Lizzie's paranoia over Jonathan and Tammy's friendship deepens. Tammy and Jonathan continue their secret affair. They enjoy quick tryst in Cassie's barn, to which, Cassie walks in on the two lovers and they realize the type of danger they are in if Alan discovers what they are doing! Later, Beth finds Jonathan's wedding ring in Cassie's barn and deducts that Jonathan is not being faithful to Lizzie.
Season 1, Episode 15074: Episode #1.15074
Original Air Date—26 dicembre 2006
Christmas day in Springfield! The Cooper's, Randall's, and Spaulding's all enjoy a very dramatic holiday. Lizzie is still doubting Jonthan's faithfulness when she realizes that he lost his wedding ring. Tammy waits for Jonathan at Outskirts and is kept company first by Beth and then by another woman named Lorriane. Beth visits Alan in the police station but refuses to take action on getting him released. Jeffrey can't help but think about Ava, especially after the camping knife she gave him for a Christmas present. Olivia and Emma go to spend Christmas at Harley's house. Beth returns Jonathan's wedding ring to him, she tells him that she knows he would never hurt Lizzie. Buzz proposes to Olivia and she happily accepts. They share the news with their families. Coop storms in during the festivities wondering if anyone has seen Ava. Ava left him a note at the airport, she is not ready to move to England and Coop doesn't know where she is. Later, Jeffrey finds her at Outskirts. Tammy and Jonathan spend Christmas day in bed together!
Season 1, Episode 15075: Springfield, Where Everyone Is Family
Original Air Date—27 dicembre 2006
Ava's whereabouts during Christmas are revealed. Ava leaves Coop at the airport. She confronts Alan-Michael about his job offer and the benefits he hopes to collect if she agrees to work for him. He is honest with her, something she feels no one else is being at the moment. Ava agrees to take the Spaulding job. Later, after a man comes on to her, Jeffrey comes to his daughters rescue, only to be badly beaten for the effort by four guys. Meanwhile, Ava spies on the Coopers and wonders if her future really does involve their family. She witnesses Buzz's yuletide engagement to Olivia. Ava is distraught over her feelings when she receives a call from Frank telling her she better get to Cedars. When she arrives, Frank tells Ava that he didn't know who else to call about the assault on Jeffrey. Jeffrey brushes her off, telling her to leave. Ava confronts Frank about why he called her if Jeffrey didn't want to see her. Frank tells her why the fight happened and that while going through Jeffrey's personal belongings, there is a Christmas present for her. Jeffrey bought Ava earrings made from her birthstone. Confused she returns to her room at the Beacon only to have a tremendous argument with Coop, whom she feels is being overprotective. She learns that not only did Coop keep Alan-Michael's job offer from her but he also turned Jeffrey away when he came to the airport to see Ava and Coop off to London. Olivia arrives and interrupts their conversation. Ava and Olivia agree to try and get along for the sake of the Coopers. Coop returns and is shocked when Ava tells him she needs space from their relationship.
Season 1, Episode 15076: Episode #1.15076
Original Air Date—28 dicembre 2006
Cassie and Josh return from Colorado. Ava begins her new job with Alan-Michael while Coop gives her "space". Tammy and Jonathan make plans to meet again privately, however their plans are put on hold when Lizzie plans a surprise honeymoon for Jon and herself. Getting Beth to help her, Lizzie flies Jonathan to the Spaulding island estate in the tropics. Olivia overhears Coop tell Buzz that Jeffrey went to see Ava at the airport and quickly goes to confront him at Cedars. She walks in on Ava setting by Jeffrey's bedside. Ava quickly makes her getaway! Josh and Reva meet with the Lewis attorney from Oklahoma and discover that he provided Sheila with some family background information. Going through the paperwork, they discover that if Billy is married when he dies, all of his assets will be given to his present wife and not his children. Josh surmises this is what Sheila is after and they go to confront her at Billy's room at the Beacon. When they arrive, they find Sheila riffling through Billy's personal belongings. Before Josh can stop her, Reva grabs Sheila and pins her up against the wall! Back in the tropics, Jonathan discovers that Tammy has followed the couple to the Spaulding home. Not able to hold himself back, he and Tammy begin to kiss, however they do not realize that Lizzie has stepped outside and is witnessing Jonathan's betrayal!
Season 1, Episode 15077: Episode #1.15077
Original Air Date—2 gennaio 2007
Josh tries to calm Reva down! She has Sheila pinned against the wall demanding to know why she was going through Billy's wallet. Sheila claims it was to retrieve a business card that Billy asked for, which Josh finds in the wallet to collaborate her story. Marina arrives at the police station dressed as a hooker for an undercover assignment, only to discover the producers of "The Law" set the whole thing up. Gus and Harley worry about their custody hearing with Judge Green. Individually, each approach Green to plead their case, but both only make the cantankerous judge angry and hurt their case. Harley confesses her fears about Sydney's custody to Cassie who tells her that being a good parent means always worrying about your children. Jonathan and Tammy make love outside the Spaulding Island home in the tropics and Lizzie witnesses the entire affair. Lizzie trashes the inside of the house. Billy returns and finds Reva, Sheila, Josh, and a security guard in his room. Billy comes to Sheila's rescue. Josh tells Billy that Sheila was in Oklahoma digging into their family records. Billy knows all about it! He was the one that asked Sheila to find some pictures of H.B. for the hospital. Billy has Josh and Reva arrested. Jonathan comes back to find Lizzie desperately trying to clean up the beach house, when questioned Lizzie spins the story that when Jonathan leaves her alone, she feels as if she needs to do bad things and is worried she might hurt herself. Jonathan takes Lizzie back to Springfield for a hospital visit. Rick tells Jonathan that based on the symptoms Lizzie described, she appears to be suffering from postpartum depression. Dr. Bauer asks Jon to spend even more time with Lizzie to help her through her troubles, which puts a damper on Jonathan's plans to break up with Lizzie and resume his relationship with Tammy. Cassie bails Reva and Josh out of jail and issues a warning to her sister to leave Josh out of her "schemes". Cassie tells Reva that if Sheila is trouble for Billy and the rest of the family, they will all confront her together as a team.
Season 1, Episode 15078: Find Your Light
Original Air Date—3 gennaio 2007
Zach find millions of dollars in a duffel bag on Main Street. This discovery sends the entire town into a money hungry uproar and Dinah on a mission to discover who left the money. Eariler, Dinah and Ashlee discovered a note for the people of Springfield telling them to use the money to help everyone. Dinah was feeling discouraged after finding out Mallet's TV show "The Law" was getting better ratings than her "Light on Springfield" program. Dinah tracks down the mystery man who left the money, a millionaire named Gil Robson. Robson tells Dinah the reason he left the gift was to payback the town for helping him when he needed it most. Dinah discovered that people all over town - Alan, Rick, Coop, Marina, Jonathan, Harley, Gus and others where all doing nice things for others and telling them to "find your light". Dinah finally decides to tell Mallet about the note she found and he introduces her to Gloria, a homeless woman who had helped him and Marina stop a criminal on Main Street on New Years eve. She explains that she was helped by a man named Buzz. When Dinah speaks to Buzz about the incident, he tells her that the "find your light" comment came from Zach and that it all began with the little boy's idea for a social studies assignment on helping people.
Season 1, Episode 15079: Episode #1.15079
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 2007
Ava thinks that Coop is constantly spying on her, even though his intentions are honorable. Mel and Jeffrey move ahead with their plans for their new business. Jeffrey wants to rent the old "Harley's Angels" space, which Mel thinks is a great idea. Reva throws a baby shower for Sarah. Tammy witnesses Lizzie acting anything but depressed and tells her mother her suspicions. Reva and Cassie have a few tense conversations at the shower, but decide to clear the air back at Cross Creek. Lizzie practices acting depressed by watching a DVD story on postpartum depression. She manages to fool almost everyone with her act. Alex visits Alan in jail and tells him that according to the Spaulding lawyers, when Lizzie has her birthday and gains control of her trust, she will have to share all Spaulding board votes with her current husband! Alan is livid. Rick releases Alan from jail, it appears that Alan is no longer under psychiatric evaluation. He heads straight to Outskirts to confront Lizzie and runs headlong into Reva! Reva is shocked to see Alan free. Ava consults both Jeffrey and Mel about her new Spaulding contract and they both assure her that Alan-Michael is being extremely generous with the fringe benefits she will be receiving. Jeffrey shows concern for his daughter's welfare and tells her to be careful.
Season 1, Episode 15080: Episode #1.15080
Original Air Date—29 maggio 2007
Dinah and Marina square off on Main Street over Mallet. Marina can't bring herself to admit that Mallet does not share the same feelings for her that she does for him. Vanessa is totally against Mallet resigning from "The Law", but when she realizes that it's because of his love for her daughter, she accepts. Cassie gets her cryptic phone message from Reva and realizes that Alan may have kidnapped her! Cassie and Josh race off to try and find Reva. Jonathan does everything in his power to help Lizzie through her depression, unknowing that Lizzie is faking the whole ordeal. Tammy finds the DVD Lizzie used to fake her illness and intends to tell Jonathan everything. She and Beth have an altercation on Main Street, but nothing will stop Tammy from telling Jonathan the truth! Lizzie reuses one of her old schemes and drugs Jonathan and takes him back to the Cross Creek cabin to make love to him. Mallet and Dinah gather with friends and family to watch the latest episodes of their TV programs. The tension between Dinah and Marina is obvious. Tammy arrives at Cross Creek in time to see Lizzie "making out" with an unconscious Jonathan. Josh finds Alan's car parked outside of a church and is shocked by what he finds inside!
Season 1, Episode 15081: Episode #1.15081
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 2007
Dinah and Mallet have a touching conversation about their relationship on the balcony at Towers. Dinah just does not trust Marina and dislikes the fact that Marina and A.C. have to work so closely together. Cassie continues looking for Reva, unaware that Josh has already found both Alan and Reva. To Josh's surprise, Reva has a gun pointed at Alan! It was actually Reva that kidnapped Alan. Josh manages to talk Reva into letting him have the gun and Alan leaves, reminding Reva to remember what they discussed. Dinah hires Remy to go undercover on her TV show. Mallet thinks she did that only to make him jealous. Tammy and Lizzie have a fight about Lizzie's depression. Tammy thinks Jonathan actually did sleep with Lizzie and leaves. A drugged Jonathan comes to and finally tells Lizzie the truth, that he doesn't love her and that their marriage isn't real. He leaves a heartbroken Lizzie at Cross Creek and goes to find Tammy. Reva returns home to comfort Lizzie, a scheming Alan watches from a window. Reva remembers Alan's last proposition to her, help him break up Lizzie and Jonathan and Alan will make sure that Josh chooses her over Cassie! Marina is now the lead star on "The Law" but continues to find ways to roping Mallet into the TV program.
Season 1, Episode 15082: Episode #1.15082
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 2007
Olivia and Buzz make wedding plans. At first, Olivia wants to skip a big wedding but Buzz talks her into having a wedding to remember. Alex congratulates Buzz and tells him that she is glad to she him so happy. The same sentiment is shared by Marina. Alan-Michael continues his plans to seduce Ava and although Ava thinks she knows what Alan-Michael is planning, she is falling into his trap perfectly. Marina shares with Coop how Alan-Michael makes you feel like the center of the world and that's how women fall in love with him. Harley and Gus meet with Jeffrey about their upcoming custody case for Sydney. Jeffrey isn't concerned about Gus's past drug problems as long as he is upfront about it in the courtroom. Jeffrey says that it's Harley's past that may be an issue. Jeffrey informs Harley that since she placed her first child, Susan, up for adoption and then sent Susan away to boarding school when the young girl reentered her life may reflect poorly on her parenting skills. Unaware that Jimmy Donovan, Sydney's father's attorney is secretly listening to their conversations. Donovan tells the couple of the fathers plans on fighting for custody. Jeffrey encourages Harley to contact Susan and have her return to Springfield to testify on her mothers behalf. In secret, Harley shares with Gus that Susan has stopped contacting her and that she fears Susan may be angry with her for some reason.
Season 1, Episode 15083: Mother, Mother
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 2007
Harley thinks back to when she originally had to give Susan up for adoption. She swears no one will take baby Sydney away from her. Gus does his best to downplay Harley's fears that Susan is angry with her for some reason. They decide to make an unscheduled visit to Susan at boarding school. Upon entering her room, Gus and Harley find that the web cam they gave her to keep in touch was placed in a "made up" set. When Tiffany arrives, Susan's roommate, she tells Gus and Harley to get out that no one named Susan is living there! Turns out that Susan has started going by the name Harley gave her at birth, Daisy. While trying to find "Daisy", Harley and Gus barge in on a young couple making out and awkwardly return to Springfield. Harley imagines what it would be like to have Daisy home with her. While still trying to find her, Harley and Gus go to ask Reva if she has Dylan's phone number. When Reva inquires why, they tell her about Daisy. Reva tells them that Susan/Daisy came and visited her just recently! Harley can't believe that Daisy had returned to town and not visited her! Returning home late in the evening, Gus and Harley realize that Sydney has fallen asleep in the living room of their house and decide to let her stay downstairs. Later, Harley hears a noise downstairs and when Gus investigates catches a burglar in their house. The thief hurts Gus and makes his getaway. In the wee hours of the morning, Harley gets a phone call from Daisy and the two of them speak about their lives. Daisy says she will testify on Harley's behalf at the custody hearing. When Susan/Daisy hangs up, she looks at a digital camera picture that Gus had taken earlier that day! The thief that stole the camera from Gus and Harley's home is actually Daisy's boyfriend....Olivia's former hitman-for-hire, Gillespie! Daisy orchestrated the whole robbery.
Season 1, Episode 15084: Episode #1.15084
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2007
Marina launches a "Save Our Show" campaign for "The Law" and the first commercial airs before she can tell Mallet about her plot. Dinah and Remy see the ad and quick go to confront Marina and Mallet. Ava readies herself for her business trip to Paris with Alan-Michael. She says her goodbye's to Coop but reassures him she will only be gone a few days. Jeffrey and Alan-Micahel have a strained conversation at Towers about the "perks" Alan-Michael has placed in Ava's contract. An uneasy Jeffrey cautions Ava not to sign the contract yet, to wait and see if she actually likes the position and if Alan-Micheal is being truthful with her. Jeffrey and Ava share a father/daughter moment. Harley shares a web cam conversation with Daisy, only Harley does not know that Daisy is in Springfield with her boyfriend, Gillespie, in tow. Gus discovers his service revolver is missing from the lock-box in his and Harley's house. Someone has stolen it. Hopeing to keep the incident quiet, A.C. and Marina agree to help track down the revolver. Harley fears the incident, if made public, could hurt her chances of adopting Sydney. It is revealed that Gillespie was the person who took Gus's gun. Daisy appears to be taking some type of drug from Gillespie as the two head out on the town.
Season 1, Episode 15085: Episode #1.15085
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 2007
Reva and Josh prepare to spring a trip on Sheila. Lizzie turns to "Uncle" Rick to help her keep Jonathan. Although Rick tells her that she should be with someone who is going to love her for who she is, Lizzie can only think of her possible future with Jonathan. Jeffrey and Coop work together to make sure Ava is safe from Alan-Michael's plots. Buzz and Olivia prepare for their wedding. Alan-Michael shows Ava the wonders of Paris and although Alan-Michael bribed a customs official to detain Coop, Coop arrives at the Spaulding flat in Paris and confronts Alan-Michael. Not hearing their entire conversation, Ava finds Coop's behavior uncalled for and losses her temper when an angry Coop punches Alan-Michael. After Ava throws Coop out of the apartment, Coop calls Jeffrey and asks him to dig up some damaging information on the Spaulding CEO. Cassie finds Tammy in a church and they talk about Jonathan and Lizzie's marriage. Tammy confesses to her mother that she plans on fighting for Jonathan. Later, Lizzie arrives and the two former friends argue about their respective future with Jonathan. Wanda helps Josh set up the trap for Sheila. Sheila arrives and Josh pretends to apologize for her altercation with Reva a few days prior. Reva bursts in and makes a scene and Josh takes her out to the hallway. It was all an act to see if Sheila would try to steal from Lewis Construction. Previously, Josh had found a piece of paper where Sheila was practicing Billy's signature. Using his cell phone, Josh and Reva spy on Sheila writing out a check. Billy walks in on them and it appears he has ruined their plan. The three of them confront Sheila. She makes an excuse about the check which sounds reasonable but Billy had also found the paper with her signature practice and calls her on her lies. Sheila comes clean that she was out to steal from them but since she didn't sign the check, they can't prove anything. Sheila asks Billy if he really thought someone like her would be interested in a former alcoholic like himself? Reva goes to confront her when she leaves the Beacon suite but Billy stops her. Reva goes to make sure that Sheila leaves the building, which she did. Josh says she probably will not stop until she crosses the state line. Later, Josh and Reva talk about how it felt working with each other but things change when Cassie arrives and an awkward Reva leaves Josh and Cassie together at Towers. Jonathan finds Tammy at Cross Creek and the two of them kiss. Jonathan promises that his future lies with Tammy.
Season 1, Episode 15086: Episode #1.15086
Original Air Date—15 gennaio 2007
Reva goes to visit Cal so he can reassure her that her 3 month cancer checkup will be alright. Cal tries to get Reva to leave but she realizes that her friend is hiding something from her. Cal's cancer has returned. Beth and Alan have a conversation regarding Lizzie and Sarah. Beth tells Alan that if he does not back off, he runs the risk of losing both Lizzie and the child. Lizzie runs into her mother and grandfather/stepfather at Towers and she is rather cold to Alan. Lizzie implores her mother to make sure that her grandfather stays out of her and Jonathan's lives. Jonathan and Tammy enjoy each other and are glad they no longer have to keep their relationship private. Tammy tells Jonathan about Lizzie faking her depression. Later, Tammy runs into Remy on Main Street and Remy makes it clear that he is not happy with her decision to stay with Jonathan and that she will no longer have him around as backup.
Season 1, Episode 15087: Episode #1.15087
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 2007
Josh and Cassie try to have a romantic evening together, starting with a dinner at Towers. Their romantic plans prove disastrous for the rest of the evening. Reva visits Cal at Cedars and Lillian tells her that Cal's condition is very grave. Cal is surprised to see Reva, but wants her to leave and not tie herself down by trying to comfort him. Reva tells him about her rather pleasant dinner she shared with Alan Spaulding the day before. After Jonathan and Lizzie's breakup, Beth arrives, at Jonathan's request, to look after her daughter. When Beth goes to draw a bath for Lizzie, Lizzie takes Sarah and leaves Cross Creek in an attempt to get Jonathan to come back to her. Jonathan arrives at Tammy's suite at the Beacon and tells her that he made it official, he left Lizzie and his fake marriage, as far as he's concerned, is over! Lizzie goes to speak with Father Ray at the church, reeling him in with her story of depression and poor relationship with her husband. Meanwhile, a young man breaks into Lizzie's car and drives away...with Sarah still in the backseat! When Lizzie gets the news that her car has been stolen, she realizes that her plan has backfired and admits that she was lying and that her baby was in the car. She calls Jonathan and tells him what happened, he is not pleased and takes his angry and frustration out on Lizzie at the church. Frank tells them the police have located the car and they all rush to Main Street. Jonathan finds Sarah safe but refuses to let Lizzie hold the child. He tells her that after her latest stunt, he's filing for custody of Sarah the next day. Lizzie turns to her mother for support, but Beth is at a loss for words and sides with Jonathan. Beth tells Lizzie that you never leave a newborn child alone, especially in a car during winter. Lizzie collapses in tears. Upset over Cal's condition, Reva decides she needs a night out on the town and phones Billy to go dancing with her. While getting ready, Reva feels a knot in her breast and fears that, like Cal, her cancer may have also returned.
Season 1, Episode 15088: Worth Waiting For
Original Air Date—17 gennaio 2007
Tammy and Jonathan enjoy their time with Sarah. Lizzie is still angry over Jonathan leaving her. After a brief encounter at Towers with the judge that ruled over Alan's custody hearing, Jonathan gets an idea. Jonathan tells Lizzie he wants an annulment. At first she declines but Jonathan tells her they can either separate the easy way or the hard way, through divorce. The judge meets Lizzie, Tammy, and Jonathan at Cross Creek and he hears Jonathan and Tammy's story and how Jonathan only married Lizzie to keep Alan away from Sarah and keep Lizzie safe. Lizzie comes back with how sick Jonathan and Tammy's relationship is since they are cousins. Later, while babysitting Zach, Jude, and Sydney, Jonathan can't believe how happy he is with a normal life and proposes to Tammy and she accepts! Jonathan receives his annulment papers, he and Lizzie are no longer married! Tammy shares the good news with her mother and Jonathan with Billy. Billy tells Jon not to rush a wedding, to make it special and so he does. With Father Ray officiating and Cassie in attendance with Sarah, Jonathan watches Tammy, dressed in an elegant wedding gown, start to come down the isle at the church. All the while, Lizzie is watching the wedding from outside!
Season 1, Episode 15089: Episode #1.15089
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2007
Father Ray presides over Jonathan and Tammy's wedding. Tammy and Jonathan exchange vows with Cassie and Sarah in attendance and swear to love one another until the day they die. Reva calls Lillian to check on Cal, only to find out from her friend that Cal has past away. Reva is shocked by the news and is afraid that her cancer has also returned. Lizzie accuses Reva of being against her and Jonathan's relationship from the very beginning, which Reva says is not true. Lizzie is still rocked that her marriage to Jonathan now, legally, never happened! Alan goads Josh, telling him that he will have Reva arrested for kidnapping him. Alan's case falls apart when Josh informs him that the security cameras outside of Outskirts didn't record his and Reva's confrontation. Cassie is forced to give Sarah to Lizzie, who quickly runs to the Spaulding Mansion and asks her grandfather for help before she loses her daughter forever! Reva tells Josh that her cancer may have returned. He comforts her and makes her followup appointment, something her fear had kept her from doing herself. Cassie wonders if marriage is in her and Josh's future.
Season 1, Episode 15090: Episode #1.15090
Original Air Date—19 gennaio 2007
Josh and Reva spend the day together as Reva visits with Dr. McCabe about her 3 month cancer checkup. Colin is glad that Reva is letting Josh help her with her problems again. Tammy and Jonathan enjoy their honeymoon. Lizzie refuses to give Sarah back to Jonathan when Jon is awarded temporary custody of Sarah. Alan decides to help his granddaughter and contacts Gillespie to get rid of Jonathan Randall! Lizzie tells Remy that Jonathan and Tammy got married before Tammy could tell either he or Marina. This information does not set well with Remy and later, he and Tammy argue over her relationship with Jonathan. Alan hires Gillespie and an unknowing Lizzie helps Alan setup Jonathan for Gillespie's hit. Tammy overhears Gillespie talking about Jonathan as he leaves the Beacon and calls Remy to get his help. Remy, still upset with Tammy, tells her to enjoy her life with Jonathan, troubles and all, and refuses to help Tammy. Desperate, Tammy rushes to get to Jonathan before anything happens to him. At the old mill, Jonathan is waiting for Lizzie to bring Sarah to him when is sees a car heading his way. Blinded by the car's headlights, Jonathan does not realize that Gillespie is driving the car and about to run him over!
Season 1, Episode 15091: Episode #1.15091
Original Air Date—22 gennaio 2007
Jonathan realizes that Tammy was hit by the car that was racing toward him! In shock he tries to keep her conscious. The paramedics and police, Gus and Remy, arrive and take over. Gus finds the car that hit Tammy, only to find his step-daughter, Daisy, inside. Gus can tell she is high and she tells him her boyfriend, G, was driving and said they hit a deer. Unaware of what has happened to her daughter, Cassie is still reeling from the joy of Tammy's wedding and puts in an offer for a starter home for the new couple. Jeffrey is glad to see Cassie so happy and wishes her well. Lizzie can not understand why her grandfather is not going to meet Jonathan, then Alan tells her that he has taken care of everything and Lizzie realizes that Alan did something to Jonathan. When Gillespie arrives at the Spaulding Mansion, Lizzie leaves for Cedars and Alan is shocked when he learns that Jonathan is alive but Tammy was struck by the car instead. Lossing his temper, Alan threatens Gillespie's life and tells him never to talk about their dealings ever again. Gillespie promises to leave Springfield after tying up a few lose ends. Gus covers for Daisy at the scene of the busted up car to Frank and Daisy thanks him afterward. Gus wonders if he should tell Harley what has transpired. At the hospital, Reva and Josh bask in the joy of the news that she is cancer free has given them and they kiss. Their joy is short-lived, however, when they hear that Tammy Winslow has been hurt badly and is being brought into the ER. Rick tells Jonathan and Cassie that all they can do is wait. Tammy's injuries are serious.
Season 1, Episode 15092: Episode #1.15092
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 2007
Cassie and Jonathan stay by Tammy's bedside. Lizzie comes to the hospital to see if she can do anything. Jonathan realizes that Lizzie never showed up with Sarah the night Tammy was hit by the car and thinks she was the hit-and-run driver. Remy is upset over blowing Tammy off when she came to him for help. He becomes obsessed with finding the person who hit Tammy. After witnessing Jonathan and Lizzie's argument, Remy questions Lizzie. Lizzie denies any involvement and makes up a story to lead Remy in a different direction and away from the Spauldings. Gus questions Daisy about her relationship with "G". He tells her that he will help her kick her drug habit and forces her to hand over all of the drugs she has in her possession. After Gus leaves, Daisy calls Gillespie and he comes to her suite at the Beacon. He wants them to leave the country together but Daisy says she can't leave. When Gus returns with food and clothes for her, Gillespie leaves via the fire escape. When Gus leaves, Diasy is shown taking one of the pills she apparently hid from Gus. Harley tries to comfort Cassie at Cedars. Everyone feels so helpless that they can't do anything for Tammy. Sitting with Tammy and holding her hand, Jonathan tells her that she made him the man he is. Tammy slowly opens her eyes!
Season 1, Episode 15093: Blink of an Eye
Original Air Date—24 gennaio 2007
Cassie, Jonathan, and Reva watch over Tammy while she struggles to remain alive. Jonathan is thrilled when Tammy opens her eyes. She asks to see Sarah and Cassie tells Jonathan and Reva its OK to go get the child, Cassie will call them if anything changes. Reva confronts Alan and implores him to give Sarah back to Jonathan and Alan refuses and has Jeremy throw her out of the Spaulding Mansion. Jonathan takes Lizzie and holds her for ransom, Alan can either trade him his daughter for Lizzie or Lizzie could get hurt. When Alan chooses not to help Lizzie, Lizzie is hurt and Jonathan is angry. Just as Jonathan goes to attack Lizzie, Beth arrives with Sarah! Beth gives Sarah to Jonathan and forcibly removes Lizzie who can not believe what her mother just did. Jonathan promises Beth he will not cut Lizzie out of Sarah's life. Jonathan takes Sarah to Tammy. Tammy makes Cassie promise to watch over Jonathan and Sarah after she passes, Cassie does not want to hear her talk like that. With Jonathan, Cassie, and Reva present, Tammy passes away while Jonathan clutches her body begging for her not to die. Reva holds a grief stricken Cassie in her arms. Beth tries to reason with Alan. Alan is so angry that he tells Beth to get out of his sight and then trashes the Spaulding dining room. Beth still thinks that Jonathan will be a good father to Sarah.
Season 1, Episode 15094: Guiding Light Turns 70: A True Story... A Long One!
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2007
Current cast members reenact classic story lines, and the actor who portrayed them, from the 1930's, 1940's, and 1950's.
Season 1, Episode 15095: Episode #1.15095
Original Air Date—26 gennaio 2007
Jonathan and Cassie say their final farewells to Tammy's body and Jonathan covers her head with a sheet. Cassie is so distraught, all she can think about is the preparations for Tammy's funeral. Jonathan rushes off to confront Alan. Mallet asks Remy if Remy knows anything about someone calling the police labs and posing as Mallet for information. Remy admits his actions and tells both Mallet and Dinah that Tammy called him for help the night she was hit by the car. Dinah convinces Mallet to let Remy help in the hit-and-run investigation after they get word that Tammy has died. Jonathan is thrown out of the Spaulding Mansion after Alan threatens to take Sarah from him forever! Mallet, Dinah, and Remy confront Alan about his actions the night Tammy was hit. Dinah notices a phone number that Alan quickly hides from everyone. Dinah tells Remy the number, which Remy traces. Gillespie and Daisy continue to hide their relationship from Gus, who gets suspicious and takes Daisy's cell phone and other belongings in order to get her to change her ways and kick her drug habit. After meeting with a funeral home planner, Cassie rushes back to the hospital, only to find Tammy's body already gone and she is comforted by Josh. Remy tracks Gillespie to the church and throws his badge on a pew. He is determined to make the person(s) responsible for Tammy's death pay!
Season 1, Episode 15096: Episode #1.15096
Original Air Date—29 gennaio 2007
Beth tries desperately to get Lizzie to realize the ramifications her decision to seek help from Alan had on her family. Lizzie tells her mother that if she would have known what her grandfather was going to do, she never would have asked him to do whatever it took to get Sarah away from Jonathan. Lizzie and Cassie have a confrontation in the hospital. Lizzie tells Cassie that Tammy took her husband away and was trying to take away her daughter! Cassie answers back that Lizzie and Alan did take away her daughter! Josh stops Cassie from physically attacking Lizzie! Beth pulls Lizzie out of Cedars and takes her to the church. While Beth prays for Tammy's family and Lizzie, when Lizzie goes to pray, she only prays for herself and the things she wants. Mallet and Marina stop Remy from beating Gillespie to death and he is rushed to the hospital. Mallet informs Remy he will have to tell Frank what happened and if Gillespie dies, they will have no proof with which to go after Alan! After drugging Alan, Jonathan sets fire to the Spaulding dining room. Reva arrives and tries to get through to her son. Only after using Sarah as a way of calming him down, does she get through to him and he puts out the fire. Cassie and Josh tell RJ that his sister has died and they comfort the youngster. Beth tells Lizzie that apparently she has not been a very good mother and didn't raise her daughter well enough to know right from wrong! When they enter the Spaulding Mansion, they see the burned dining room table. Lizzie rushes off to find Jonathan against Beth's wishes. Lizzie spies on Jonathan through a window at Outskirts and contemplates going inside.
Season 1, Episode 15097: Episode #1.15097
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 2007
Jonathan and Lizzie talk at Outskirts. Lizzie wants to "do something" in honor of Tammy, but when it becomes clear that all Lizzie wants is to get Sarah and Jonathan back, Jonathan grabs her. Lizzie tells him to go ahead and kill her too, that way she will not have to deal with life without Sarah. Jonathan lets her go and throws her out of the bar. Coop breaks the news about Tammy's death to Ava, who has just returned from Paris. They mourn for their friend and comfort each other, but Ava reminds Coop that she still wants "space". Coop tells Ava that Alan-Michael rushed home to deal with a family emergency and Tammy's death, and Alan's role in it, was the emergency and reminds her to be careful. Alan-Michael informs Alan that Spaulding Enterprises resources will be denied to him. Alan questions Alan-Michael about who he thinks he is, to which Alan-Michael replies the head of the family and CEO of Spaulding. Later, Alan-Michael tries to broker a deal with Jonathan for Lizzie's sake but Jonathan will not hear of it. He blames both Alan and Lizzie for what happened to Tammy. Jon swears he will not rest until Alan pays for killing Tammy! Jonathan finds solace by taking care of his daughter and listening to Tammy's voice on her cell phone. Gus continues to hide Daisy, but Daisy is determined to see "G". When she arrives at Cedars, Daisy is about to walk into Gillespie's room when her mother exists. Harley was trying to get Gillespie to confess to Alan being the person who hired him, but he remained silent. Harley told him that Alan would not hesitate to point the blame in his direction if the situation were reversed. Harley is pleasantly surprised to see Daisy and the two go to catch up. Gus is angry with Daisy for not meeting with a drug counselor that he arranged to speak with her, but does not say anything in front of Harley. Later, Gus visits Gillespie at Cedars and threatens the thug not to mention the fact that Daisy was with Gillespie in the car when Tammy was hit.
Season 1, Episode 15098: A Death in the Family
Original Air Date—31 gennaio 2007
Springfield turns out for Tammy's funeral. Daisy is worried that her mother will find out that she was involved in Tammy's accident, but Gus says he will give her a chance to turn her life around. RJ tells Josh that he will always remember that he can talk to Tammy whenever he feels like it, just like he does his dad, Hart. Frank, Marina, Harley, and Remy all swear to Jonathan, who attends the funeral even after first not wanting to go, they will do everything in their power to bring Tammy's killer to justice. The Spaulding's arrive at the church. Against everyone's wishes, Cassie allows Alan to stay for the service. Josh takes over giving the eulogy for Tammy when her mother can't continue due to her grief. Buzz reads a poem that Cassie thought appropriate while Jonathan tells the crowd how Tammy's love changed his life and that he will find her someday and they will be together again. Cassie tells Jeffery not to waist any time between him and Ava. Later, Jeffrey and Olivia both phone Ava, they both want to spend time with her. Alan confronts Reva at the church and tells her that Sarah is not a Shayne, but a Spaulding. As Alan leaves the church in his limo, he is followed by Jonathan with baby Sarah in the back of Jonathan's car. Everyone meets back at Cassie's farm house. Josh notices Reva's absence but Billy says that she is probably going to check on Jonathan, who was really upset. Alan notices Jonathan following him and tells his driver to lose him. Jonathan races after Alan. Once Alan and his driver think they have lost Jonathan, it is seen that Jonathan's car careens off of a cliff and explodes into flames! Reva arrives on the scene and screams for her son and granddaughter, both now apparently dead!
Season 1, Episode 15099: Episode #1.15099
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2007
Jonathan's car plunges over the cliff and explodes into flames! Reva screams in agony over witnessing the death of her son and granddaughter. Alan also witnesses the burning car. At the police station, Frank attempts to calm Reva who is ready to attack Alan for his manipulations. Frank breaks the news that the fire was so fierce, no bodies could have survived. Lizzie learns that Sarah was also in the car and is disgusted with Alan. Lillian tries to comfort Lizzie. Lizzie admits to Lillian her part in the deaths of Tammy, Jonathan, and Sarah. Frank tells Mallet, Dinah, and Marina about Jonathan's accident and that Sarah also died. Marina refuses to take time off from work, she wants to get on with her life, Marina feels that is what Tammy would have wanted. Frank makes A.C. promise to watch after Marina. Alan tells Lizzie that if they stick together as a family, no one can touch them. In Alan's mind, he did nothing wrong! Frank arrives to take Alan down to the police station for questioning. While Reva mourns for Jonathan at Outskirts, she hears someone mention Jonathan. When she turns, she sees Jonathan, holding Sarah, standing in the doorway, he's alive! Jonathan tells his mother he loves her, but he has to watch after Sarah now. To keep her safe from Alan, he has to leave Springfield, for good. Reva agrees to keep her son's secret and gives Sarah the locket that originally belonged to her namesake. Jonathan leaves Springfield with his daughter while the rest of the town believes they both died in the car crash.
Season 1, Episode 15100: Episode #1.15100
Original Air Date—2 febbraio 2007
Gus and Harley continue to worry about whether or not they will be allowed to keep baby Sydney. Gus knows that Daisy's actions will not help their case, but he keeps his knowledge secret. Daisy tries to get out of testifying at the custody hearing, saying she gets to nervous and might hurt their chances. Josh confides in Billy that he feels helpless in helping Cassie cope with the loss of Tammy. For possibly the first time, Josh is not sure he can fix his family. Billy takes Josh to the church and tells him that sometimes a person just has to throw their hands up and put their faith in a higher power to make sure things will work out. Frank attempts to question Alan about his involvement in Tammy's hit-and-run and Jonathan's car crash. Alan continues to stress that he had nothing to do with either situation. Cassie sneaks in and confronts Alan and she rattles him so, he insinuates that he was involved, just as Frank entered the room. Frank places Alan under arrest. Gus arrives to question his father, but Alan is still stubborn. Gus asks him why he can't be the type of man that any of his sons want to be around. Daisy tricks Ziggy, a skateboarder, into letting her watch his bag. She saw previously that he had drugs in the bag and she steals them. Later, Harley catches her daughter high at the house, but Harley refuses to see what is wrong with Daisy. Daisy makes the excuse that she had been crying earlier and that is way her eye's look funny. Doris Wolfe visits Gillespie in the hospital and he sign's a confession incriminating Alan in Tammy's hit-and-run. The deal made with the D.A. allows Gillespie to be free of all charges by implicating Alan. Daisy arrives to visit Gillespie and while she is trying to get him to leave town, Harley is about to walk into the hospital room, catching her daughter with the hit man!
Season 1, Episode 15101: Episode #1.15101
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 2007
Doris Wolfe visits Alan at the police station and tells him not to worry, all is taken care of. Doris tells Mallet that she will be privately interrogating Alan. When Mallet offers to help, Doris informs him that she's got it covered. Lizzie is still in shock over the "deaths" of Sarah and Jonathan. She swears that she will do anything to make people fear her, she's a Spaulding after all! Beth tries desperately to get Lizzie to understand how being a Spaulding is nothing to be proud of. Beth tries to get Lizzie to see the hurt and pain the Spaulding name has brought to members of the family, but Lizzie won't hear any of it! Remy arrives at the police station swearing he has to keep busy and work, even though he is on suspension. Mallet calls Mel to come down and try to talk some sense into her little brother. Harly catches Daisy with Gillespie, but Daisy covers and says she was there to confront the man that killed her cousin. Daisy punches Gillespie in the face and later the two play word games with one another around Harley. Dinah witnesses Doris taking Alan into a private room at the Beacon. Dinah eavesdrops and hear opera music playing. Doris plans on seducing Alan with expensive food and wine. She tells him that she can make all of his problems disappear. When there is a knock on the door, Doris answers the door only to realize that Dinah, standing in the doorway, has found the two of them together! Doris goes on the defensive saying that Dinah should be locked up for her past crimes, and would be if Ross hadn't been mayor when Dinah returned to town. Dinah tells Doris she isn't fit to mention her father's name! Dinah tells Alan she isn't going to let this go. Doris frees Alan and informs Mallet that there is no evidence linking Alan to Tammy's accident. She later has Gillespie extradited to Austrailia where she has made plans for his arrest. Harley can't believe Gillespie won't have to answer for his crimes in Springfield. Jimmy Donovan notices Daisy acting suspiciously at the hospital and calls someone to run a background check on her. Mel takes the keys away from Remy when he gets drunk at Outskirts. Later Dinah arrives and pulls Remy away from Lizzie, who has arrived to inquire about the bars ownership. Dinah takes Remy back to her and Mallet's room at the Beacon to sober up. She helps him into the shower and he pulls her into the room with him. Mallet is about to enter his apartment! Lizzie sees a picture of Jonathan with Sarah on the bar and when she picks up the picture, finds one of Sarah's belongings. Lizzie remembers Sarah wearing this piece of clothing when she was with Jonathan at Tammy's funeral. Lizzie speculates that Jonathan and Sarah must be alive!
Season 1, Episode 15102: Episode #1.15102
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2007
Cassie tries to comfort Reva due to the death of Jonathan and Sarah. Reva tells her that she doesn't want a memorial service for Jonathan, that she will mourn in her own way. Lizzie bursts in with her suspicions that Jonathan and Sarah are alive! Cassie, angry with Lizzie, tries to get her to leave. Reva tells Cassie that she needs to speak with Lizzie. Reva covers for Jonathan and reassures Lizzie that both Jonathan and Sarah died, even though Reva knows the truth about the accident. Mallet finds Dinah and Remy together in the shower. After a brief argument, A.C. realizes that Dinah is only trying to help Remy through a difficult time. Dinah talks to Remy at CO2 and she believes she has convinced him to back off on his revenge scheme against the Spaulding's. Marina breaks down in front of her grandfather while she is going through Tammy's belongings. Marina finds a napkin that she, Tammy, and Remy used after a movie to write down what they wanted to do 10 years from now. Marina remembers the incident. Buzz tells her it is alright to feel pain and hurt, but not to give up on love. Cassie arrives to help sort through Tammy's positions. Mallet and Marina have no choice but to tell Cassie that Alan was released from police custody. Hurt and angry, Cassie heads for the Spaulding Mansion. On the Spaulding patio, Cassie has a vision of Tammy. Tammy tells her mother not to hold onto the pain, but go and be with RJ and Josh. Cassie tells her daughter that if she let's go, then she will be saying goodbye for good. As Cassie reaches out to touch her, Tammy fades away. Inside, Lizzie is packing up all of Sarah's toys. Lizzie tells Lillian that she's ready to say goodbye to Sarah and attend Alan's memorial service.
Season 1, Episode 15103: Beloved
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 2007
Alan's planned memorial service for Sarah and the baby he and Beth lost proceeds. As the Spauldings meet out on the patio, where Alan has had memorial statues placed for both infants, the family bonds together over the difficult times they have faced recently. Beth continues to make plans to leave Springfield with Lizze, however Alan convinces her to stay and try to mend their marriage. Touched by Alan sentiments, Beth agrees to stay and give their marriage another chance. Alan receives a phone call from Doris. She wants to meet him as soon as possible. Doris tells Alan that she has come up with the perfect way for him to repay her for keeping him out of jail. She wants Alan to marry her! As the Spauldings arrive on Main Street, desperate for his freedom, Alan makes his proposal to Doris very public. Beth can't believe what she is hearing or seeing and when she questions Alan about his actions, he tells her that he is hurting her because of her affair with Rick all those months ago. Alan tells Beth and Lizzie that he wants them out of his house. Alan-Michael reminds Alan that technically, the Mansion belongs to him. Beth informs both Alan and Doris that she and Lizzie are not moving out of the Mansion, that is their home and they are staying! Later, Alan-Michael realizes how sexy Beth is with her new found confidence. Alan feels bad about his actions toward Beth, but Doris reminds him that she holds all the cards for him with regard to his freedom.
Season 1, Episode 15104: Episode #1.15104
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2007
The Cooper's ready themselves for Sydney's custody hearing. Josh picks up Cassie at the police station. Marina brought her in for setting outside of the Spaulding estate in her car. Marina lets Josh know that Cassie has been seen repeatedly there since Tammy's death. Tammy once again appears to her mother and she, again, tells Cassie that she must let her go. Ava helps calm Coop's nerves about the hearing. Later, Ava puts Alan-Michael on the stop with an impromptu press conference and Alan-Michael is impressed with Ava's resourcefulness. Billy provides Josh a sounding board for the troubles he's been experiencing keeping the family together. He tells her that he got Felicia to meet with Cassie and he believes the therapy helped. Felicia told Cassie that her feelings are natural and, possibly, helpful in her dealing with her grief. Cassie takes the first steps in letting Tammy go for good by donating a box of clothing to Cedar's Winter Clothes Drive. Josh tells her that was the bravest thing he had ever seen her do. Things go rather smoothly for Harley and Gus at the custody hearing, despite Judge Green's dislike of the both of them, until Daisy has to testify on their behalf. Judge Green takes issue with the fact that Harley gave Daisy up for adoption when she was born. This angers Buzz and Harley informs the judge that if anything, she made a very adult decision when she was a young woman by deciding to give Daisy up for adoption. Daisy informs the court that Harley has always been there for her when she needed her. Sydney's biological father's attorney asks Daisy if Harley truly was the woman that helped Daisy become the type of person she is. Daisy answers in the affirmative and Donovan presents the court with evidence that Daisy had a personal relationship with Gillespie, the man who was involved in Tammy's death. This news shocks everyone in the courtroom except for Gus, who knew Daisy's secret!
Season 1, Episode 15105: Episode #1.15105
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 2007
The adoption hearing for baby Sydney continues and Donovan forces Daisy to admit her relationship with Gillespie and her involvement in Tammy's death. Harley learns the truth about her daughters drug use, and the fact that Gus knew about everything beforehand! Judge Green adjourns over the weekend in order to weight the evidence and make a ruling in the adoption case. Reva arrives at the courthouse and she and Daisy bond over Daisy's troubles. Reva tells her that it must be her Shayne genes kicking in. Doris and Alan hold a press conference. Doris implicates Gillespie in Tammy's hit-and-run and releases all charges against Alan. The town is left reeling when they realize that Alan will get away with murder. Doris and Ashlee both enjoy themselves as they make plans to move into the Spaulding Mansion. Lizzie can not believe Ashlee is moving into their home, but Beth promises that she and Lizzie will fight Doris and keep her from taking anything Spaulding away from either of them. Josh goes to comfort Cassie after he gets the news about the press conference. He is unaware that Cassie previously visited Alan to the mansion and Doris threatened to call the police and have her arrested. Beth came to Cassie's defense and allowed her to leave the property without incident. On the balcony of her Beacon suite, Cassie once again hears Tammy's voice. She pleads with Tammy not to tell her to move on and let her go. This time, a bloody Tammy appears to her mother and wants her mother to take vengeance on Alan for killing her!
Season 1, Episode 15106: Episode #1.15106
Original Air Date—12 febbraio 2007
Beth and Doris square off over the Spaudling estate. Beth does not want to divorce Alan, but Doris makes it very clear that if Beth makes life difficult for her and interferes with her marriage to Alan, she will prosecute Lizzie for her role in Tammy's accident. After Alan refuses to fight with Beth against Doris, Beth begrudgingly signs the divorce papers. Doris tries to take Beth's wedding ring, but Beth refuses to give it back. Josh takes Cassie out on an early Vanentine's Day dinner, but the dinner turns sour when Doris and Alan arrive at Towers. It is difficult for Cassie to see Alan moving around Springfield free and clear after what he did to Jonathan and Tammy. A waiter arrives with a bottle of champaign for Josh and Cassie's table. It was sent by Alan! Josh asks Alan if he things a bottle of champaign will take the place of Tammy and pours the champaign all over Alan. Doris threatens to have Josh arrested, but he stands up to her! Josh swears Alan will get what's coming to him and then tells Doris that when he's through with Alan, he's coming after her! Later, Reva checks on Cassie at the farm house and tells Josh that Cassie asked her and Billy if they ever talked to their loved ones after they were gone. When Reva wasn't sure what she meant, Cassie confessed that she had been seeing Tammy and that Tammy wanted her to take vengeance on Alan. Josh promises to keep an eye on Cassie. Harley and Daisy finally have an honest conversation with one another! Daisy gets angry and says that life would have been better for Harley if she never would have returned to Springfield. Later, Gus reassures Harley that they may still be able to keep Sydney, but Harley is not sure. Gus tells her that if he had to chose, he would chose Daisy for Harley's sake.
Season 1, Episode 15107: Episode #1.15107
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 2007
It's Valentine's Day in Springfield. While Gus and Harley wait on the ruling from Judge Green regarding the custody case, Zach and Jude present Harley with her Valentine's Day present. Meanwhile, the loveless in Springfield try to busy themselves working. Ashlee makes a pest of herself by delivering cards to everyone in town. Lizzie makes it abundantly clear that she does not want Ashlee's card. Lizzie is still upset over Doris and Ashlee moving into the mansion. Ava continues to run damage control for Spaulding Enterprises, unaware the Alan-Michael plans on making his move on her. Ava agrees to meet Coop at Towers for dinner, but not a Valentine's dinner - only food. Harley tracks Daisy back to Jimmy Donovan's suite at the Beacon and argues with Daisy and gets her out of there! Ashlee, trying to cheer up Lizzie, sets Lizzie up on a blind date with a colleague of her mothers, a young man named Jamie. When Lizzie tells her story to Jamie, she expects he will not want anything to do with her, instead she breaks down and he embraces her. Back at the Aitoro's, Harley and Daisy finally reach an understanding and Gus breaks the news that Judge Green has awarded custody of Sydney to her aunt and uncle in Africia. They must turn Sydney over that evening to the uncle, Keith Driscoll, who is in town to pick up the baby. Although painful, Gus and Harley say goodbye to Sydney as they hand her over to her new family. Coop confronts Alan-Michael over the disastrous dinner plans at Towers where Ava walked out on the both of them. Alan-Michael and Coop get into a fist fight and as Ava walks back into the room, she witnesses Alan-Michael fall over the balcony of his suite!
Season 1, Episode 15108: Hands On
Original Air Date—14 febbraio 2007
Special anniversary episode which featured the cast and crew of Guiding Light, volunteering their time to rebuild homes in the Gulf Coast. The cast worked on three different homes and turned a completely finished home over to the new home owner. Cast also visited area schools and volunteered doing other activities in the area. GL teamed with the Hands On Network during this special event.
Season 1, Episode 15109: Episode #1.15109
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2007
Lizzie is still angry at Alan for his role in the death of Sarah. As she is about to stab her grandfather's picture with a knife Remy stops her. Remy wants Lizzie to help him trap Alan. By working together, Remy thinks they could arrest Alan for good. Ava blames Coop for Alan-Michael's fall. He is rushed to Cedars and Ava signs for him to be taken into surgery. Buzz and Olivia enjoy a Valentine's dinner of chicken wings and beer at Outskirts. Frank and Jeffrey join them for a short time. Cassie has a difficult time sleeping since Tammy's death and the fact that she continues to be visited by visions of Tammy isn't helping. Cassie goes to Outskirts and asks why everyone is standing around doing nothing, they should be out looking for evidence against Alan. They can not calm Cassie and she storms out without taking help from anyone. Coop calls Buzz to tell him about the accident, but doesn't get a chance to tell him exactly what happened before he has to hang up. Buzz thinks Ava was hurt and everyone rushes to Cedars. Cassie visits Lizzie at the Spaulding Mansion and frightens her. Cassie, spurred on by her visions of a bloodied Tammy, argues with Lizzie about the circumstances surrounding Jonathan's attempted hit-and-run which took her daughter's life. Thankfully, Lillian arrives and talks some since into Cassie and Cassie leaves. When she returns home, Tammy's ghostly manifestation points out Alan and Doris' wedding announcement in the Springfield Journal. Cassie comments that it's time for her to RSVP for Alan's wedding! Dinah and Mallet have a romantic dinner, which turns sour when A.C. realizes he left his wallet at the police station and none of Dinah's credit cards work. Dinah ends up auctioning off Mallet's clothes to his female fans at Towers to pay for their meal. Later, a fully dressed Mallet informs Remy that he has to stay away from the Spauldings. Lizzie called the police station and reported him! Dinah makes a phone call to her credit card company and finds out that all of her cards have been canceled and that all of the money in her checking account is gone!
Season 1, Episode 15110: Episode #1.15110
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 2007
Doris and Alan marry; Alan-Michael lets Coop off the hook; Cassie crashes Alan's marriage; Alan is shot
Season 1, Episode 15111: Episode #1.15111
Original Air Date—19 febbraio 2007
The guests at the wedding of Alan and Doris are shocked when Alan collapse in a pool of blood. Rick discovers that Alan's been shot and he and Lillian try to stabilize Alan until they can get him to the hospital. Josh tries desperately to find Cassie, who is not on Main Street where she is supposed to be. Josh literally bumps into Remy fleeing from Towers, the scene of Alan's shooting. Alan-Michael gives Ava a scare when he disappears from his room at the hospital. Alan-Michael turns up later in a wheelchair and Ava tells him about his father being shot. Alan-Michael refuses to go see the rest of this family and admits that Alan had it coming, he even fantasized from time to time about killing him, but in the end, he realized that he loved his dad regardless of his faults. Frank and Marina arrive at Cedars to question the Spauldings about Alan's shooting. Tension runs high between Doris and Beth. Doris thinks that all of Alan's family are potential suspects an idea that Ashlee can't fathom. Alexandra tells Frank and Marina about Cassie crashing the wedding and Marina goes to question the grieving mother. Josh interrupts all of Marina's questions and she promises to come back when Cassie is feeling better. Remy disposes of the security uniform he was wearing at the wedding. Later, Marina tracks down a drunken Remy at Outskirts and takes him in for questioning. Mel is disgusted when Beth seems more interested in Alan's estate than his life. Beth retorts that she is only looking after her family and trying to keep them safe from gold-diggers like Doris. Doris has words with Beth and Alex issues a warning. Josh sees Cassie out on the front porch of the farm house talking to herself. However, Cassie is telling Tammy that she kept her promise and that Alan is paying for killing her!
Season 1, Episode 15112: Episode #1.15112
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 2007
Doris continues to fight against Alex and Beth. Doris informs both of them that as Alan's wife, she has power of attorney and the doctor must speak directly to her! Ava continues to nurse Alan-Michael, however, he wants her to take care of the company and tells her not to waste time trying to care for him since he's in the hospital. Ava leaves but has other things in mind than running the office. Frank walks in on Marina and Remy at the police station and Marina is forced to tell Frank that Remy was witnessed fleeing from Towers after Alan's shooting. Gus and Harley continue to try and get Daisy to behave herself. Harley informs Daisy that she signed her up for a volunteer program at Cedars and a reluctant Daisy goes for her first volunteer assignment. After seeing a news program about Alan's shooting, Reva visits the hospital looking for information regarding Alan's condition. Alex takes offense at Reva's visit and the two trade insults regarding their shared history. Ava visits Gus and tries to convince him to help with Alan's investigation. She wants him to do it to help Alan-Michael but Gus refuses to involve himself. Mel arrives at the police station and acts as her brothers attorney. She is present when Remy admits, in private, his anger regarding Alan and his role in Tammy's death. Mel cautions her brother not to let anyone else see that kind of emotion. Frank and Marina enter and ask Remy if he only took the security job at Towers for the extra money, as he claimed, why did he do so under an assumed name? Alan-Michael meets with Alex and Beth regarding the future of Spaulding Enterprises in case of Alan's death. All goes well until a delivery man arrives with papers leaving everything to Alan-Michael if Alan should pass away. This information is enough to turn Alex and Beth off of Alan-Michael's plan and they quickly leave his hospital room. Dasiy arrives for her first volunteer session and her supervisor, Mr. Young, seems more interested in Daisy's body than her skills and she makes a quick getaway. Reva asks Doris of Alan's condition and Doris responds coldly to Reva's inquiry. Daisy meets up with her grandmother at Cedars and Reva takes her home and runs interference between Daisy and Harley. Harley admits that she knows that Reva is trying to help, but to please not play "good grandmother" where Daisy is concerned. Reva promises to stay out of the middle to Harley and Daisy's situation as long as Harley promises to call on Reva for help if needed. Harley agrees. Back at Outskirts, Reva reviews some pictures taken at Alan's wedding and zooms in on a person hiding behind some objects. Reva sees herself and realizes that others may also discover that she was at Alan's wedding!
Season 1, Episode 15113: Let's Go Shoot Alan
Original Air Date—21 febbraio 2007
Reva stares at the latest edition of the Springfield Journal with the headline "ALAN SPAULDING SHOT!" She remembers her goodbyes to Jonathan and Sarah. Billy asks her if the story has changed because she keeps reading the paper over-and-over. Reva admits that no the story is still the same, but as far as she's concerned, Alan got exactly what he deserved. Josh tries to help Cassie admit her feelings and get to the bottom of what happened the night of Alan's wedding when Cassie mysteriously disappeared. When Josh questions her about him seeing her talking to herself on the porch, Cassie at first lies. Josh calls her bluff and she admits that she has been seeing Tammy and talking with her. Cassie storms out, unable to take anymore of Josh's questions. Josh meets with Billy and Reva at Outskirts and Reva tells Josh about Cassie's visions of Tammy. Josh admits that he already knows and is concerned for Cassie's mental health. Cassie sneaks into Alan's hospital room and berates the unconscious Alan, telling him that she wishes he were dead and not her daughter. Tammy appears to her mother and tells her that now that Alan's been punished, she must let go and move on with her life. Reva finds Cassie in the hospital room and convinces her to leave before someone catches her there. Reva returns to Outskirts and Billy questions her about a parking ticket for Towers he found in Reva's purse. Reva tells Billy that she was at Towers the night of Alan's wedding only for dinner, but he tells her that she better come up with a better story than that if she doesn't want to be considered a suspect in Alan's shooting. When asked by Billy if anyone saw her there, Reva admits only one person, Alan. Reva is adamant with Billy that she didn't shoot Alan and he believes her. She destroys the parking ticket. Josh takes Cassie through the night of Alan's wedding. They retrace her steps in the hopes that she will remember something, anything! At one point, he even pretends to be Alan to see Cassie's reaction. She becomes so upset they leave and return to the farmhouse. Josh tries to throw away the sedatives Cassie was prescribed, telling her that they are doing more harm than good. She fights him for them. Cassie is afraid that if she stops taking the medication, Tammy will stop appearing to her. After telling Josh about the times that she thought about killing Alan in cold blood and the various scenarios she thought up to do so, he convinces her that there is no way she shot Alan. She would know in her gut if she was capable of such an act. Cassie falls asleep and dreams of Tammy and the two say their goodbyes and Tammy fades away. Something Cassie said about taking Josh's gun and shooting Alan at Tammy's funeral makes Josh wonder about H.B.'s old hand gun. When he unlocks the safe to check on the gun, he finds the safe empty!
Season 1, Episode 15114: Episode #1.15114
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2007
Frank and Mallet canvas the crime scene of Alan's shooting and try to narrow down the suspect list. Frank jokes that at least they know Blake didn't shoot Alan. Ashlee is excited about having a family, however, Doris is determined to throw Beth and Lizzie out of the mansion. Doris calls the police to escort Beth and Lizzie from the house, but Beth shocks everyone with the news that she is pregnant with Alan's child! Doris demands a pregnancy test and a paternity test. Daisy decides that it's time for her to leave Springfield but Gus catches her leaving the house and takes her out for a walk. The two come to an understanding. Harley and Frank have a heart-to-heard conversation regarding teenage parenting. Frank shares with Marina that Harley is having trouble with Daisy. Marina offers to speak with her cousin if it would help. At Cedars, Lillian informs Beth and Lizzie that Alan's condition is worsening. Beth wonders to her mother if it really would be better for everyone if Alan didn't survive.
Season 1, Episode 15115: Episode #1.15115
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 2007
Cassie and Lizzie reach and understanding with one another and Lizzie shares her memories of Tammy with Cassie. Josh tells Cassie about the missing gun from the safe. When Cassie admits that she does not remember what happened the night Alan was shot, Josh makes it look as if someone broke into the farmhouse and stole the gun. Josh tells Cassie that he does not care about the law at this point, the only thing he cares about is her. Ava continues to stand vigil at Alan-Michael's bedside. Josh speaks to Ava, but she feels bad when she discovers that the Lewis family are chief suspects in Alan's shooting. Coop arrives at Cedars and apologizes to Alan-Michael for their fight. Alan-Michael accepts the apology. Afterward, Coop and Ava argue and Coop tells Ava to have a good life and leaves. Lizzie gets stuck in the elevator where Alan was shot and Mallet and Marina hear her swearing how sorry she is to her grandfather. When questioned, Lizzie admits that she was so scared that she doesn't remember what she was saying. Marina discovers a gun hidden in the roof of the elevator. They have found the gun used in Alan's shooting!
Season 1, Episode 15116: Episode #1.15116
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 2007
Josh and Cassie continue to worry about the missing gun from the safe. Meanwhile, Mallet runs a ballistics report on the gun found on the elevator. Alan-Michael continues his charade of being paralyzed in order to pull Ava into his seduction. Buzz and Olivia continue to make wedding plans, but Olivia gets called away by Jeffrey to talk about their daughter. Olivia lies to Buzz about the reason she has to leave. Dinah continues to try and figure out who has stolen her identity. One gets the impression that Dinah may know who this person actually is. Remy grills Dinah for information regarding Alan's case, but Dinah truly doesn't know anything to tell him. Dinah is shocked when her mother confronts her regarding an e-mail that she supposedly sent to a major advertising sponsor of WSPR. Dinah tells Vanessa about the identity theft and promises to apologize to the advertiser, even though she didn't send the original e-mail. Dinah learns that one of the reasons her mother and Matt returned to Springfield was because of money problems from some failed investments. Vanessa admits buying WSPR was a risky venture, one she can't afford to mess up. Ava walks in on Alan-Michael standing, but he quickly covers for his actions. Later, Jeffrey warns Alan-Michael not to hurt his daughter or he would be spending even more time in the hospital. Olivia tells Buzz the truth and although Buzz is understanding, Olivia goes on the defensive. Cassie is glad Josh talked her out of turning herself into the police for Alan's shooting. She realizes that RJ needs her and she doesn't know if she shot Alan or not. Mallet gets the results back from the gun he and Marina found at Towers. To his surprise, the gun is registered to Alan-Michael Spaulding!
Season 1, Episode 15117: Episode #1.15117
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 2007
Dinah meets with her mother about the identity theft. Vanessa apologizes for not having faith in Dinah the day before and wonders how she might be able to help her. Dinah asks Vanessa for a loan of $100,000. Vanessa admits that she and Matt just do not have that kind of money and can not afford to loan Dinah such a large amount. Vanessa asks Dinah if she thinks "he" is behind the identity theft. Dinah doesn't know, but she does admit that "he" did like to use smiley-faces as a signature, just like on the e-mail Dinah received. Ashlee tries to cheer Lizzie up, but Lizzie is dumbfounded that Ashlee still thinks they can be a happy family. Beth overhears Doris giving an interview to the Springfield Journal and interrupts. The two women go at one another and only stop fighting when Lizzie and Ashlee pull them apart! Their argument is witnessed by Mallet and Marina who had just come from questioning Alan-Michael about his gun, which they found at the scene of the crime. Seperately, Marina questions Lizzie while Mallet questions Beth. Both are left convinced their respective suspect shot Alan. Ava continues to fall deeper into Alan-Michael's trap. Little does she know that he isn't really paralyzed! Alone in Alan's hospital room, Alan-Michael questions Beth and Lizzie about what they told the police. He tells them that if either of them shot Alan, it would be alright to tell him because he would protect them.
Season 1, Episode 15118: Fathers and Sons
Original Air Date—28 febbraio 2007
Buzz is thrilled about the good news he received from the cardiologist. He can't help but visit a still unconscious Alan and rub in the good news. Alan-Michael continues to pretend he is paralyzed and while waiting outside his father's hospital room, hears Frank confess to a nurse that Alan had the shooting coming to him. Coop is still upset about Ava's relationship with Alan-Michael and can hardly stand to see his father and Olivia happy. Coop admits to Olivia that she and his father make a cute couple. Olivia tells Coop that all she wants is to make Buzz happy. Alan-Michael continues to try and take care of Alan. His subconscious conjures up an image of Alan speaking to him, after their conversation hits a nerve, Alan-Michael realizes he was talking to himself! Buzz drags Coop down to the police station so Marina and Frank could have a talk to Coop about what it means to fight for the person you love. Buzz sets Coop up on a blind date with a woman named Jessica. Jessica is a specialist in spinal cord injuries and Coop questions her about Alan-Michael's condition. After witnessing Alan-Michael scratch his leg, Coop realizes that Alan-Michael is faking his injury and tries to force Alan-Michael to stand! Of course this happens on the balcony at Towers and it looks as if Alan-Michael may fall. He holds out long enough for Ava to see them and come to his aid. Frank gives his little brother a stern talk about his actions. Later, Coop tells Ava that he can not live with the person he is becoming and says his final goodbye's to her. Ava is torn between Coop and Alan-Michael. Beth visits Alan-Michael in the hospital and hits his legs with a serving tray, to which he screams in pain! Beth has exposed Alan-Michael's deception. Beth wants them to work together against Doris. At first Alan-Michael refuses but Beth tells him that if they don't work together, she will tell the entire town about his lying and he will become a suspect in Alan's shooting just like everyone else. She even admits to not really being pregnant with Alan's child. Alan-Michael has no choice but to help Beth if he wants to hold on to everything he has, including Ava!
Season 1, Episode 15119: Episode #1.15119
Original Air Date—1 marzo 2007
Harley tries desperately to connect with Daisy. Daisy decides to attend the school dance, and Harley wants to help her pick out her dress. However, when Daisy finds out that Harley wants to spend the day with her, she decides she doesn't want to go. Frank tries to convince Gus to take on the Spaudling case, but Gus wants to distance himself from his family and not work the case. Gus reluctantly agrees to speak with Lillan about Beth and Lizzie. Eariler, Billy found Lillian acting strangely at Towers and when Billy stops by the police station to check on the status of Alan's case, Frank becomes suspicious. While questioning Lillian, she admits the gun the police found in the elevator was hers and that she did pull a gun on Alan after the wedding, however, she didn't shoot him! She says that Alan planned on getting rid of Doris and reuniting with Beth later and she believed him. The ballistics report confirmed Lillian's story when it reported that the gun they found on the elevator was not the gun used in Alan's shooting. Reva runs into Daisy and Harley on Main Street and talks Harley into allowing her to take Daisy shopping for a dress. All goes well and they get a dress from a downtown shop. Harley confronts Reva and tells her to stop interfering between her and Daisy. Reva doesn't see the situation the same way as Harley, and tells her so. Reva tells Harley to stop trying to change Daisy and love her for the person she is. After the emotional exchange with Harley, Reva finds comfort with Billy. Josh proposes to Cassie. After getting RJ's permission, and a temporary engagement ring, Cassie agrees to marry Josh. Josh meets with Billy and Reva and tells them the news. Both put on strong act for Josh, however Reva is secretly hating the idea of Josh marrying Cassie! Daisy gives Gus a watch that she "bought" for him. He realizes that she stole the watch and tells her to get her coat, they are returning the gift before her mother finds out.
Season 1, Episode 15120: Episode #1.15120
Original Air Date—2 marzo 2007
Harley talks Leah into stopping by and going with Daisy to the school dance, but neither Leah or Daisy warm to each other and Leah ends up leaving Harley's angry. Daisy wants to stay home, but Gus will not let her. He agrees to be her escort to the dance, but not go in with her. Frank tells Marina that ballistics linked the gun used in Alan's shooting to a special type of gun. The only person in Springfield with that type of gun on registration is Joshua Lewis! Frank heads to Cassie's to talk to her and Josh. Billy and Reva talk about what it means for Josh to be marrying Cassie. Reva is still stunned, but admits that she brought this on herself by pushing the two of them together in the first place. Billy realizes that Reva thought that her and Josh would fall back together eventually. Reva is determined to get on with her life and vows not to let the wedding destroy her future. Tammy appears again to Cassie to say goodbye. Cassie does not want her to go, but Tammy says she will see her mother at the wedding and makes Cassie promise to live a happy life. When Cassie does, Tammy vanishes. Daisy can not bring herself to go into the dance. She ends up spending the evening with Gus eating pizza and talking about life. Gus is trying to be good to her, but Daisy is falling for her mother's husband! Will Daisy try to come between Gus and Harley? Frank brings Cassie to the police station to talk about evidence they found regarding Alan's shooting. When Marina see's her dad with Cassie, she calls Josh. Josh comes to Cassie's aid at the police station. Harley goes to Towers to check on the kids at the dance and runs into Dylan who has just returned to town. She is so glad to see him and tells him that she needs his help with their daughter. Dylan admits to Harley that, although Peter is fine, he and Bridget are in the process of divorcing. On a good note, he tells her that now he can spend more time in Springfield and help her with Daisy. The two reminisce about their past. Marina double checks security footage from the surrounding buildings during Alan's shooting. She shares her findings with Frank. Before Josh and Cassie can leave the police station, Frank stops them. He has new evidence in the case implicating them in Alan's shooting. Frank plays the security footage that shows Cassie disposing of a gun!
Season 1, Episode 15121: Episode #1.15121
Original Air Date—5 marzo 2007
Frank continues to question Cassie regarding the night Alan was shot. Cassie is shocked at her image on the television from the surveillance footage. Cassie admits to Frank, against Josh's pleas, that she does not remember anything from that night. Cassie is placed under arrest for Alan's shooting. Josh calls Mel to represent Cassie. Alan-Michael convinces Ava to get into contact with a police officer that the Spaulding's have on their payroll. She does and learns that Alan-Michael has been cleared in Alan's shooting. Jeffrey sees Ava reading the file and questions her about it. He tells her that Alan-Michael is only using her, but she gets angry with him and tells him that she doesn't need a father to "watch out for her". Buzz issues Jeffrey a warning to decline Olivia's wedding invitation. Buzz tells Olivia that he isn't sure he wants a gigantic wedding and the two of them decide to have a quick wedding with only Emma in attendance. After receiving flowers from her stalker, Dinah hires Remy to go with her and act as her bodyguard when she pays off the person harassing her. She asks Remy if he can bring a gun with him. After questioning Dinah, Remy agrees to help her and keep their mission a secret from Mallet. Jeffrey and Olivia make plans to separate their daughter from the Spauldings. Olivia agrees to postpone her wedding plans in order to help Ava. Before Cassie can be taken into her bail hearing, Josh interrupts Frank and admits to shooting Alan! Josh's confession will free Cassie, but at what cost?
Season 1, Episode 15122: Episode #1.15122
Original Air Date—6 marzo 2007
Cassie begs Josh not to go through with his confession, but Josh tells Frank his version of what happened the night Alan was shot. Frank has no choice but to place Josh under arrest. Alan-Michael learns of Josh's confession and confronts him at the police station. Alan-Michael claims that Josh should be glad that he can't walk, or he would put Josh in the hospital! Jeffrey tries desperately to get Ava to see that moving into the Spaulding Mansion is not a good idea. Finally, he calls Olivia for some help. Buzz is excited about getting married, but he quickly becomes frustrated when Olivia tells him she needs to postpone their wedding plans. Alan-Michael meets Ashlee for the first time and Ashlee tries to quit her job at CO2. Coop and Buzz try to cheer her up and tell her she will always be an honorary Cooper. Ashlee says she will talk to her mother about continuing to work for them. Jeffrey and Olivia both try to help Ava, who doesn't want to hear what they have to say. Cassie tries to explain to RJ why Josh won't be home for a few days. She can't bring herself to tell him that his uncle has been arrested for attempted murder.
Season 1, Episode 15123: Tough Love
Original Air Date—7 marzo 2007
Diasy continues to try and convince Harley that she has changed, but Harley's not buying it. Harley tries to bake cookies for Daisy in order to reinforce for her daughter that she does love her. Gus tells Harley that cookies are not going to work, she needs to talk to Daisy. Harley tells Gus about Dylan being back in town and Daisy learns that both Harley and Dylan stopped by the dance to check up on her the previous evening. Leah stops by to apologize to Daisy about being so rude to her. With Harley's blessing, and against Daisy's objections, the two girls go upstairs to Daisy's room to do homework. Dylan visits briefly with Harley and Gus and then Harley goes to get Daisy so Dylan can say hello to her. It is discovered that Leah and Daisy have left the house via the upstairs window. Leah asks Daisy about sex and lets her know that there is a senior at Springfield High that she really likes and wants Daisy to give her advice as to how to attract him. Leah leaves as Harley, Dylan, and Gus find the girls on Main Street. While trying to talk to Daisy, Bobby McDoogle interrupts and apologizes for ditching Daisy the night of the dance. He asks if she would like to go to the library with him. With Dylan thinking this would be a great idea and Harley completely trusting Bobby's reputation, they send their daughter off with him. Bobby takes Daisy to the Beacon and tries to seduce her. He refuses to let her leave, so Daisy drugs the senior and he overdoses on the pills she slipped into his drink. Daisy calls Gus for help, but Harley intercepts the call. She and Gus rush to the Beacon suite. Daisy tries to explain, but Harley won't listen. She believes Daisy is lying to her again. Harley has Frank place Daisy under arrest with an arraignment scheduled for the next morning. It breaks Harley's heart to do this to her daughter and Daisy swears her hatred of Harley. Gus visits Daisy in jail and promises to be right down the hall if she needs him. He reassures her that her mother loves her and that Daisy must earn her mothers trust back if she wants to be treated better. Eariler Gus visited a recovering Bobby at Cedars Hospital and made the boy promise not to cause trouble for Daisy.
Season 1, Episode 15124: Episode #1.15124
Original Air Date—8 marzo 2007
Alan-Michael and Beth visit Alan at Cedars. Beth continues to try and convince Alan-Michael to team up with her against Doris, but Alan-Michael stands firm that he doesn't need anyone but Ava. Beth tries to cast doubt on Ava, but Alan-Michael quickly turns the topics back onto Beth by asking her that if Alan survives, is she sure she can handle both him and his father. Beth confidently tells him she can and reminds Alan-Michael that, in Alan's eyes, Phillip was always the better son. Rick informs the two of them that Alan's condition has not changed. Privately, Rick asks Beth if he is the father of her unborn child. Unable to tell Rick the truth, Beth continues with her lie that she is carrying Alan's baby. Rick informs Beth that he and Mel are finished and wonders if the two of them can pickup their relationship. Alan's hospital monitors alarms and when Rick gets Alan stabilized, he informs the family that Alan's condition has now worsened. Cassie tries to convince RJ that Josh will come home soon. She heads down to the police station and tries to get Gus to hear her story. After he does, he tells her that she doesn't remember enough of what happened that night to help Josh. Doris tells Cassie that she will make sure Josh gets the maximum sentence possible for shooting her husband! Mel arrives to represent Josh and tells Doris she is filing paperwork to remove Doris for the case! Gus receives a phone call from Cedars letting him know that Alan has taken a turn for the worse. Josh makes Billy promise to check up on Cassie and RJ. Gus and Harley tell Daisy that all of the charges against her have been dropped and they can start over again and try to be a real family. Daisy tells her mother that she never wants to speak to her again and angrily leaves the police station. Reva and Dylan speak to each other regarding Daisy. Dylan admits that since becoming aware of Daisy's problems, he is having trouble sleeping. Reva has a hard time accepting how Harley handled the situation with Daisy and thinks it went a little too far. After her father leaves, Daisy tries to convince her grandmother into letting her live with her at her house. Reva tells her that not the answer to her problems. Harley finds Daisy at Outskirts talking to Reva and tries to make up with her daughter but Daisy wants nothing to do with her. Harley tells Reva to stay out of their conversation, but Reva takes Daisy's side. Harley tells Reva that she should worry more about her family and less about Harley's. Reva is shocked to learn about Josh's confession regarding the shooting and leaves to visit Josh at the police station. Rick bars Doris from visiting Alan. He wonders if Doris really wants to see Alan dead in order to take all of his money and power for herself!
Season 1, Episode 15125: Episode #1.15125
Original Air Date—9 marzo 2007
Remy and Dinah meet to iron out the details of their upcoming trip to Spain to payoff her harasser. Remy asks Dinah when she plans on telling A.C. and she tells him that she will tell Mallet that she needs to go out of town for a story. Mallet walks in catching the end of her statement and asks her what story she is working on. Dinah covers by saying the story is on identity theft. Mallet tells her that he plans on taking her out for a romantic evening on the town, but Dinah claims she's not up for it. Meanwhile, Marina tries to stop a robbery suspect who resists arrest. A mysterious man stops the robber and speaks briefly with Marina. When Marina goes to get the man's phone number in order to get his statement, the man is gone! Later, Marina sees a bulletin from Interpol about a suspect heading toward Springfield. To her surprise, it's the mysterious man from Main Street, Cyrus. Cyrus makes himself comfortable while waiting to surprise Dinah! Ava and Beth have a heated conversation about what its like to live in the Spaulding Mansion. Beth warns Ava how dangerous it is in the mansion now that Doris is living there. Alan-Michael interrupts Cassie while Cassie is trying to talk to Lizzie about Alan's shooting. Alan-Michael says that if anyone wants to talk about the shooting to any of the Spauldings, they have to start with him. He arranges to meet Cassie and speak to her at a hotel in Oakdale. Reva makes a scene at the SPD and they place both Reva and Josh in the interrogation room. The two speak about his crazy plan to help Cassie by getting himself arrested. Josh admits that he didn't shoot Alan, however, he plans on going through with his plan regardless. Reva posts Josh's bail and he gets a text message from Cassie telling him that she is going to Oakdale to meet with Alan-Michael. Josh rushes to her defense. Reva is angry and shares her feelings with Billy. Billy wonders if Reva is being jealous, but she says that's not it. She questions whether Cassie or Josh shot Alan, after all, the gun used in Alan's shooting was never found. In Oakdale, Josh arrives and tries to stop Cassie's meeting with Alan-Michael. Alan-Michael bursts in with the police. Josh wasn't supposed to cross the county line due to being out on bail and Alan-Michael has Josh arrested again. It was all a setup. Alan-Michael knew Josh would get out on bail and tells Cassie there was no way he was going to let his father's shooter be out walking free on the streets of Springfield! Later, we see Beth hiding Josh's gun, the gun used in the shooting, in a secret place at the Spaulding Mansion!
Season 1, Episode 15126: Episode #1.15126
Original Air Date—12 marzo 2007
Reva and Cassie argue over Josh's motives for confessing to being Alan's shooter. Cassie says that it she can't stand what Josh has done, that it is detrimental to RJ. Reva reminds her that Josh has children of his own and that him going to jail would upset Marah and Shayne also. Finally, the two agree to stop their fighting and turn their attention to Josh. They have to help him! Reva tries to hire Jeffrey as Josh's attorney, but he refuses and tells Reva that she had better pray the police find another suspect in the shooting. Jeffrey and Olivia are preoccupied with Ava. They are trying desperately to get their daughter to see how much Alan-Michael is using her. When Olivia lies to Buzz about speaking to Jeffrey on the phone, Buzz lets her have it! He tells her he doesn't care if she is spending time with Jeffrey now, they have a daughter together that needs their help! Marina is still fixated with thoughts of Cyrus, but Mallet tells her that she better get over it. Cyrus Foley is a wanted man, plus he's probably miles away from Springfield by now. Unbeknownst to Mallet, Cyrus is waiting for Dinah in their suite at the Beacon. Cyrus confronts Dinah about her testifying against him in Europe, which sent him to prison and she was allowed to walk away. Vanessa arrives and Cyrus hides in the closet. After Dinah convinces her mother to leave, Cyrus comes back and tells Dinah she will do what he asks of her or there will be consequences! Alan-Michael discovers Beth with the gun. Beth becomes angry when Alan-Michael suggests that, perhaps, Lizzie shot Alan. Ava enters and Beth hides the gun again before Ava can see anything. Alan-Michael makes an excuse for Beth to leave the room and when she does, he convinces Ava to go to the kitchen and get him something to eat. After Ava leaves, Alan-Michael gets up and retrieves the gun for himself.
Season 1, Episode 15127: Episode #1.15127
Original Air Date—13 marzo 2007
Cassie receives a visit from Jeffrey. He is checking in on her to see how she is doing. Cassie and Jeffrey talk about Josh's confession. She informs him that she doesn't remember anything about the night Alan was shot, but she knows that at one point she had a gun in her possession because she saw it for herself on the video at the police station! Cassie is still convinced that Josh is covering for her. Jeffrey asks Cassie about a plea bargain for Josh and she says there is no way she will let him go to prison for her. Mel and Josh discuss strategy at the police station and Josh insists on using self-defense as his motive for shooting Alan. Mel asks him if he thinks the DA's office will go easy on him. She reminds him that, after all, Doris is married to the victim. Cassie arrives to visit Josh and Mel goes to see if she can convince the DA's office to agree to a plea bargain. Mel and Rick run into each other outside of the police station and agree to go have coffee. Rick tells Mel that he knows the past few months have been extremely hard for her and asks Mel for a divorce. She agrees, on one condition, they continue to raise Leah together and remain friends. The two share their happier memories with one another and wonder how they came so far from where they began. Mel thanks Rick for being honest with her and they hug. Doris agrees to meet with Jeffrey regarding Josh's case but before she leaves to meet him, she and Alan-Michael argue about how best to run the Spaulding Mansion and the family itself. As far as Alan-Michael is concerned, Doris is an outsider and he intends on getting her out of the mansion as soon as possible! Doris meets with Jeffrey and refuses to plea bargain with the "shooter of her husband". Jeffrey reminds Doris that if this goes to trial, he has no problems with having Gillespie returned to Springfield to testify about Alan's role in the death of Tammy Winslow and Doris' role covering everything up for her benefit. Jeffrey promises Doris that all of her secrets would be exposed at a trial. Later, Jeffrey arrives at the police station and informs Josh and Cassie that the DA has agreed to a lesser sentence, two years at a minimum security prison. Cassie still will not have it! She says there is no way Josh will sacrifice his life to save hers! Josh doesn't understand why Cassie is so sure she shot Alan when she doesn't remember anything from the night of the shooting. Back at the Spaulding Mansion, Doris and Ashlee are planning Ashlee's 18th birthday party. Ashlee becomes upset when her mother arranges for strangers to attend the party due to their social class, telling Ashlee none of her real friends are good enough to attend. Lizzie offers to help with the party planning, all the while planning on sabotaging the entire affair. Lizzie still harbors resentment towards Doris and she plans on getting back at her. Ava and Alan-Michael grow closer as Ava continues to fall for Alan-Michael's lies. They agree to officially start dating and they will make their first public appearance as an official couple at Ashlee's birthday party. Ava continues to believe Alan-Michael is paralyzed and he intends on using that to his advantage.
Season 1, Episode 15128: Birthday
Original Air Date—14 marzo 2007
Season 1, Episode 15129: Episode #1.15129
Original Air Date—19 marzo 2007
Season 1, Episode 15130: Episode #1.15130
Original Air Date—20 marzo 2007
Season 1, Episode 15131: Episode #1.15131
Original Air Date—21 marzo 2007
Season 1, Episode 15132: Episode #1.15132
Original Air Date—22 marzo 2007
Season 1, Episode 15133: Episode #1.15133
Original Air Date—23 marzo 2007
Season 1, Episode 15134: Episode #1.15134
Original Air Date—26 marzo 2007
Season 1, Episode 15135: Episode #1.15135
Original Air Date—27 marzo 2007
Season 1, Episode 15136: Episode #1.15136
Original Air Date—28 marzo 2007
Season 1, Episode 15137: Episode #1.15137
Original Air Date—29 marzo 2007
Season 1, Episode 15138: Episode #1.15138
Original Air Date—30 marzo 2007
Season 1, Episode 15139: Episode #1.15139
Original Air Date—2 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15140: Episode #1.15140
Original Air Date—3 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15141: Episode #1.15141
Original Air Date—4 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15142: Episode #1.15142
Original Air Date—5 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15143: Episode #1.15143
Original Air Date—6 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15144: Episode #1.15144
Original Air Date—9 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15145: Episode #1.15145
Original Air Date—10 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15146: Episode #1.15146
Original Air Date—11 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15147: Episode #1.15147
Original Air Date—12 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15148: Episode #1.15148
Original Air Date—13 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15149: Episode #1.15149
Original Air Date—16 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15150: Episode #1.15150
Original Air Date—18 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15151: Episode #1.15151
Original Air Date—19 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15152: Episode #1.15152
Original Air Date—20 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15153: Episode #1.15153
Original Air Date—23 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15154: Episode #1.15154
Original Air Date—24 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15155: Episode #1.15155
Original Air Date—25 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15156: Episode #1.15156
Original Air Date—26 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15157: Episode #1.15157
Original Air Date—27 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15158: Episode #1.15158
Original Air Date—30 aprile 2007
Season 1, Episode 15159: Episode #1.15159
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15160: Episode #1.15160
Original Air Date—2 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15161: Episode #1.15161
Original Air Date—3 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15162: Episode #1.15162
Original Air Date—4 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15163: Episode #1.15163
Original Air Date—7 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15164: Episode #1.15164
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15165: Episode #1.15165
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15166: Episode #1.15166
Original Air Date—10 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15167: Episode #1.15167
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15169: Episode #1.15169
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15170: Episode #1.15170
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15171: Episode #1.15171
Original Air Date—16 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15172: Episode #1.15172
Original Air Date—17 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15173: Episode #1.15173
Original Air Date—18 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15174: Episode #1.15174
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15175: Episode #1.15175
Original Air Date—22 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15176: Episode #1.15176
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15177: Episode #1.15177
Original Air Date—24 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15178: Episode #1.15178
Original Air Date—25 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15179: Episode #1.15179
Original Air Date—28 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15181: Episode #1.15181
Original Air Date—30 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15182: Episode #1.15182
Original Air Date—31 maggio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15183: Episode #1.15183
Original Air Date—1 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15184: Episode #1.15184
Original Air Date—4 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15185: Episode #1.15185
Original Air Date—5 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15187: Episode #1.15187
Original Air Date—6 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15188: Episode #1.15188
Original Air Date—7 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15189: Episode #1.15189
Original Air Date—8 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15190: Episode #1.15190
Original Air Date—11 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15191: Episode #1.15191
Original Air Date—12 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15192: Episode #1.15192
Original Air Date—13 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15193: Episode #1.15193
Original Air Date—14 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15194: Episode #1.15194
Original Air Date—15 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15195: Episode #1.15195
Original Air Date—18 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15196: Episode #1.15196
Original Air Date—19 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15197: Episode #1.15197
Original Air Date—20 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15198: Episode #1.15198
Original Air Date—21 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15199: Episode #1.15199
Original Air Date—22 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15200: Episode #1.15200
Original Air Date—25 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15201: Episode #1.15201
Original Air Date—26 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15202: Episode #1.15202
Original Air Date—28 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15203: Episode #1.15203
Original Air Date—29 giugno 2007
Season 1, Episode 15204: Episode #1.15204
Original Air Date—2 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15205: Episode #1.15205
Original Air Date—3 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15206: Episode #1.15206
Original Air Date—4 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15207: Episode #1.15207
Original Air Date—5 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15208: Episode #1.15208
Original Air Date—6 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15209: Episode #1.15209
Original Air Date—9 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15210: Episode #1.15210
Original Air Date—10 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15211: Episode #1.15211
Original Air Date—11 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15212: Episode #1.15212
Original Air Date—12 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15213: Episode #1.15213
Original Air Date—13 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15214: Episode #1.15214
Original Air Date—16 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15215: Episode #1.15215
Original Air Date—17 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15216: Episode #1.15216
Original Air Date—18 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15217: Episode #1.15217
Original Air Date—19 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15218: Episode #1.15218
Original Air Date—20 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15219: Episode #1.15219
Original Air Date—23 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15220: Episode #1.15220
Original Air Date—24 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15221: Episode #1.15221
Original Air Date—25 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15222: Episode #1.15222
Original Air Date—26 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15223: Episode #1.15223
Original Air Date—27 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15224: Episode #1.15224
Original Air Date—30 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15225: Episode #1.15225
Original Air Date—31 luglio 2007
Season 1, Episode 15226: Episode #1.15226
Original Air Date—1 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15227: Episode #1.15227
Original Air Date—2 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15228: Episode #1.15228
Original Air Date—3 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15229: Episode #1.15229
Original Air Date—6 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15230: Episode #1.15230
Original Air Date—7 agosto 2007
Billy teaches Jake a lesson he wont forget.
Season 1, Episode 15231: Episode #1.15231
Original Air Date—8 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15232: Episode #1.15232
Original Air Date—9 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15233: Episode #1.15233
Original Air Date—10 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15234: Episode #1.15234
Original Air Date—13 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15235: Episode #1.15235
Original Air Date—15 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15236: Episode #1.15236
Original Air Date—16 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15237: Episode #1.15237
Original Air Date—16 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15238: Episode #1.15238
Original Air Date—17 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15239: Episode #1.15239
Original Air Date—20 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15240: Episode #1.15240
Original Air Date—21 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15241: Episode #1.15241
Original Air Date—22 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15242: Episode #1.15242
Original Air Date—23 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15243: Episode #1.15243
Original Air Date—24 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15244: Episode #1.15244
Original Air Date—27 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15245: Episode #1.15245
Original Air Date—28 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15246: Episode #1.15246
Original Air Date—30 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15248: Episode #1.15248
Original Air Date—31 agosto 2007
Season 1, Episode 15249: Episode #1.15249
Original Air Date—4 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15250: Episode #1.15250
Original Air Date—5 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15251: Episode #1.15251
Original Air Date—6 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15252: Episode #1.15252
Original Air Date—7 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15253: Episode #1.15253
Original Air Date—11 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15254: Episode #1.15254
Original Air Date—12 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15255: Episode #1.15255
Original Air Date—13 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15256: Episode #1.15256
Original Air Date—14 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15257: Episode #1.15257
Original Air Date—17 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15258: Episode #1.15258
Original Air Date—18 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15259: Episode #1.15259
Original Air Date—19 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15260: Episode #1.15260
Original Air Date—20 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15261: Episode #1.15261
Original Air Date—21 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15262: Episode #1.15262
Original Air Date—24 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15263: Episode #1.15263
Original Air Date—25 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15264: Episode #1.15264
Original Air Date—26 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15265: Episode #1.15265
Original Air Date—27 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15266: Episode #1.15266
Original Air Date—28 settembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15267: Episode #1.15267
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15268: Episode #1.15268
Original Air Date—2 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15269: Episode #1.15269
Original Air Date—3 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15270: Episode #1.15270
Original Air Date—4 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15271: Episode #1.15271
Original Air Date—5 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15272: Episode #1.15272
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15273: Episode #1.15273
Original Air Date—9 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15274: Episode #1.15274
Original Air Date—10 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15275: Episode #1.15275
Original Air Date—11 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15276: Episode #1.15276
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15277: Episode #1.15277
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15278: Episode #1.15278
Original Air Date—16 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15279: Episode #1.15279
Original Air Date—17 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15280: Episode #1.15280
Original Air Date—18 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15281: Episode #1.15281
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15282: Episode #1.15282
Original Air Date—22 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15283: Episode #1.15283
Original Air Date—23 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15284: Episode #1.15284
Original Air Date—24 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15285: Episode #1.15285
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15286: Episode #1.15286
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15287: Episode #1.15287
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15288: Episode #1.15288
Original Air Date—30 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15289: Episode #1.15289
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15290: Episode #1.15290
Original Air Date—1 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15291: Episode #1.15291
Original Air Date—2 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15292: Episode #1.15292
Original Air Date—5 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15293: Episode #1.15293
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15294: Episode #1.15294
Original Air Date—7 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15295: Episode #1.15295
Original Air Date—8 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15296: Episode #1.15296
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15297: Episode #1.15297
Original Air Date—12 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15298: Episode #1.15298
Original Air Date—13 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15299: Episode #1.15299
Original Air Date—14 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15300: Episode #1.15300
Original Air Date—15 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15301: Episode #1.15301
Original Air Date—16 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15302: Episode #1.15302
Original Air Date—19 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15303: Episode #1.15303
Original Air Date—20 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15304: Episode #1.15304
Original Air Date—21 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15305: Episode #1.15305
Original Air Date—26 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15306: Episode #1.15306
Original Air Date—27 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15307: Episode #1.15307
Original Air Date—28 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15308: Episode #1.15308
Original Air Date—29 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15309: Episode #1.15309
Original Air Date—30 novembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15310: Episode #1.15310
Original Air Date—3 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15311: Episode #1.15311
Original Air Date—4 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15312: Episode #1.15312
Original Air Date—5 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15313: Episode #1.15313
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15314: Episode #1.15314
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15315: Episode #1.15315
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15316: Episode #1.15316
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15317: Episode #1.15317
Original Air Date—12 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15318: Episode #1.15318
Original Air Date—13 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15319: Episode #1.15319
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15320: Episode #1.15320
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15321: Episode #1.15321
Original Air Date—18 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15322: Episode #1.15322
Original Air Date—19 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15323: Episode #1.15323
Original Air Date—20 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15324: Episode #1.15324
Original Air Date—21 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15325: Episode #1.15325
Original Air Date—24 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15326: Episode #1.15326
Original Air Date—26 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15327: Episode #1.15327
Original Air Date—27 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15328: Episode #1.15328
Original Air Date—28 dicembre 2007
Season 1, Episode 15329: Episode #1.15329
Original Air Date—2 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15330: Episode #1.15330
Original Air Date—3 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15331: Episode #1.15331
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15332: Episode #1.15332
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15333: Episode #1.15333
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15334: Episode #1.15334
Original Air Date—17 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15335: Episode #1.15335
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15336: Episode #1.15336
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15337: Episode #1.15337
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15338: Episode #1.15338
Original Air Date—15 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15339: Episode #1.15339
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15341: Episode #1.15341
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15342: Episode #1.15342
Original Air Date—21 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15343: Episode #1.15343
Original Air Date—22 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15344: Episode #1.15344
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15345: Episode #1.15345
Original Air Date—24 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15346: Episode #1.15346
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15347: Episode #1.15347
Original Air Date—28 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15348: Episode #1.15348
Original Air Date—29 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15349: Episode #1.15349
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15350: Episode #1.15350
Original Air Date—31 gennaio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15351: Episode #1.15351
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15352: Episode #1.15352
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15353: Episode #1.15353
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15354: Episode #1.15354
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15355: Episode #1.15355
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15356: Episode #1.15356
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15357: Episode #1.15357
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15358: Episode #1.15358
Original Air Date—12 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15359: Episode #1.15359
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15360: Episode #1.15360
Original Air Date—14 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15361: Episode #1.15361
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15362: Episode #1.15362
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15363: Episode #1.15363
Original Air Date—19 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15364: Episode #1.15364
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15365: Episode #1.15365
Original Air Date—21 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15366: Episode #1.15366
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15367: Episode #1.15367
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15368: Episode #1.15368
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15369: Episode #1.15369
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15370: Episode #1.15370
Original Air Date—28 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15371: Episode #1.15371
Original Air Date—29 febbraio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15372: Episode #1.15372
Original Air Date—3 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15373: Episode #1.15373
Original Air Date—4 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15374: Episode #1.15374
Original Air Date—5 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15375: Episode #1.15375
Original Air Date—6 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15376: Episode #1.15376
Original Air Date—7 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15377: Episode #1.15377
Original Air Date—10 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15378: Episode #1.15378
Original Air Date—11 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15379: Episode #1.15379
Original Air Date—12 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15380: Episode #1.15380
Original Air Date—13 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15381: Episode #1.15381
Original Air Date—14 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15382: Episode #1.15382
Original Air Date—17 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15383: Episode #1.15383
Original Air Date—18 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15384: Episode #1.15384
Original Air Date—19 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15385: Episode #1.15385
Original Air Date—20 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15386: Episode #1.15386
Original Air Date—27 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15387: Episode #1.15387
Original Air Date—26 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15389: Episode #1.15389
Original Air Date—28 marzo 2008
Season 1, Episode 15390: Episode #1.15390
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 15391: Episode #1.15391
Original Air Date—1 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15392: Episode #1.15392
Original Air Date—2 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15393: Episode #1.15393
Original Air Date—3 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15394: Episode #1.15394
Original Air Date—4 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15395: Episode #1.15395
Original Air Date—7 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15396: Episode #1.15396
Original Air Date—8 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15397: Episode #1.15397
Original Air Date—9 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15398: Episode #1.15398
Original Air Date—10 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15399: Episode #1.15399
Original Air Date—11 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15400: Episode #1.15400
Original Air Date—14 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15401: Episode #1.15401
Original Air Date—15 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15402: Episode #1.15402
Original Air Date—16 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15403: Episode #1.15403
Original Air Date—17 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15404: Episode #1.15404
Original Air Date—18 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15405: Episode #1.15405
Original Air Date—21 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15406: Episode #1.15406
Original Air Date—22 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15407: Episode #1.15407
Original Air Date—23 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15408: Episode #1.15408
Original Air Date—24 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15409: Episode #1.15409
Original Air Date—25 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15410: Episode #1.15410
Original Air Date—28 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15411: Episode #1.15411
Original Air Date—29 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15412: Episode #1.15412
Original Air Date—30 aprile 2008
Season 1, Episode 15413: Episode #1.15413
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15414: Episode #1.15414
Original Air Date—2 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15415: Episode #1.15415
Original Air Date—5 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15416: Episode #1.15416
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15417: Episode #1.15417
Original Air Date—7 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15418: Episode #1.15418
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15419: Episode #1.15419
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15420: Episode #1.15420
Original Air Date—12 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15421: Episode #1.15421
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15422: Episode #1.15422
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15423: Episode #1.15423
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15424: Episode #1.15424
Original Air Date—16 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15425: Episode #1.15425
Original Air Date—19 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15426: Episode #1.15426
Original Air Date—20 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15427: Episode #1.15427
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15428: Episode #1.15428
Original Air Date—22 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15429: Episode #1.15429
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15430: Episode #1.15430
Original Air Date—26 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15431: Episode #1.15431
Original Air Date—27 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15432: Episode #1.15432
Original Air Date—28 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15433: Episode #1.15433
Original Air Date—29 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15434: Episode #1.15434
Original Air Date—30 maggio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15435: Episode #1.15435
Original Air Date—2 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15436: Episode #1.15436
Original Air Date—3 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15437: Episode #1.15437
Original Air Date—4 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15438: Episode #1.15438
Original Air Date—5 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15439: Episode #1.15439
Original Air Date—6 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15440: Episode #1.15440
Original Air Date—9 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15441: Episode #1.15441
Original Air Date—10 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15442: Episode #1.15442
Original Air Date—11 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15443: Episode #1.15443
Original Air Date—12 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15444: Episode #1.15444
Original Air Date—13 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15445: Episode #1.15445
Original Air Date—16 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15446: Episode #1.15446
Original Air Date—17 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15447: Episode #1.15447
Original Air Date—18 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15448: Episode #1.15448
Original Air Date—19 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15449: Episode #1.15449
Original Air Date—20 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15450: Episode #1.15450
Original Air Date—23 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15451: Episode #1.15451
Original Air Date—24 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15452: Episode #1.15452
Original Air Date—25 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15453: Episode #1.15453
Original Air Date—26 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15454: Episode #1.15454
Original Air Date—27 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15455: Episode #1.15455
Original Air Date—30 giugno 2008
Season 1, Episode 15456: Episode #1.15456
Original Air Date—1 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15457: Episode #1.15457
Original Air Date—2 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15458: Episode #1.15458
Original Air Date—3 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15459: Episode #1.15459
Original Air Date—4 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15460: Episode #1.15460
Original Air Date—7 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15461: Episode #1.15461
Original Air Date—8 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15462: Episode #1.15462
Original Air Date—9 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15463: Episode #1.15463
Original Air Date—10 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15464: Episode #1.15464
Original Air Date—11 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15465: Episode #1.15465
Original Air Date—14 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15466: Episode #1.15466
Original Air Date—15 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15467: Episode #1.15467
Original Air Date—16 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15468: Episode #1.15468
Original Air Date—17 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15469: Episode #1.15469
Original Air Date—18 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15470: Episode #1.15470
Original Air Date—21 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15471: Episode #1.15471
Original Air Date—22 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15472: Episode #1.15472
Original Air Date—23 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15473: Episode #1.15473
Original Air Date—24 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15474: Episode #1.15474
Original Air Date—25 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15475: Episode #1.15475
Original Air Date—28 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15476: Episode #1.15476
Original Air Date—29 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15477: Episode #1.15477
Original Air Date—30 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15478: Episode #1.15478
Original Air Date—31 luglio 2008
Season 1, Episode 15479: Episode #1.15479
Original Air Date—1 agosto 2008
Season 1, Episode 15480: Episode #1.15480
Original Air Date—2 agosto 2008
Season 1, Episode 15481: Episode #1.15481
Original Air Date—5 agosto 2008
Season 1, Episode 15482: Episode #1.15482
Original Air Date—6 agosto 2008
Season 1, Episode 15483: Episode #1.15483
Original Air Date—7 agosto 2008
Season 1, Episode 15484: Episode #1.15484
Original Air Date—8 agosto 2008
The murder trial of Grady Foley begins. Tammy's mother testifies. Daisy visits Tammy's roadside memorial.
Season 1, Episode 15485: Episode #1.15485
Original Air Date—11 agosto 2008
Daisy changes her story on the witness stand; and it works: Grady is found not guilty. Josh and Cassie file for divorce.
Season 1, Episode 15486: Episode #1.15486
Original Air Date—12 agosto 2008
Bill informs Dinah that he has control of her money and property. A memorial is held for Max. Mallet and Marina make love.
Season 1, Episode 15487: Episode #1.15487
Original Air Date—13 agosto 2008
Dinah agrees to help Alan take back his company from Bill. Lizzie gets anxious over leaving Peyton with a sitter. Beth decides to be a law student. Remy misses his son.
Season 1, Episode 15488: Episode #1.15488
Original Air Date—14 agosto 2008
Lizzie realizes Alan is not going to help her get back Sarah. Reva sets a wedding date. Josh works to win Reva from Jeffrey.
Season 1, Episode 15489: Episode #1.15489
Original Air Date—15 agosto 2008
Bill knows Alan has someone working against him inside the company; he doesn't know it's Dinah. Alan has another vision of Gus. Beth begins her first day as a law student.
Season 1, Episode 15490: Episode #1.15490
Original Air Date—18 agosto 2008
Cassie confronts Daisy. Lizzie convinces Alan to get a check-up; but later he suspects she wants him declared incompetent. Grady looks for a way to thank Daisy.
Season 1, Episode 15491: Episode #1.15491
Original Air Date—19 agosto 2008
Jeffrey postpones his wedding with Reva; Josh sees his chance. Cyrus orders Grady and Daisy not to sneak around. Cassie becomes frustrated over a broken doorknob.
Season 1, Episode 15492: Episode #1.15492
Original Air Date—20 agosto 2008
Alan's prediction that Rafe would return comes true. Bill and Lizzie learn from Rick Bauer that Alan has a blood clot in his brain.
Season 1, Episode 15493: Episode #1.15493
Original Air Date—21 agosto 2008
Ashlee gives Daisy her opinion of Rafe and Grady. Remy tells Rick that Olivia has been skipping her doctor's appointments. Jeffrey and Marina search for Alan.
Season 1, Episode 15494: Episode #1.15494
Original Air Date—22 agosto 2008
Natalia asks Mallet to arrest Rafe. Rafe finds out and runs away; but when he calls Daisy for help, Grady finds out and calls the police.
Season 1, Episode 15495: Episode #1.15495
Original Air Date—25 agosto 2008
Season 1, Episode 15496: Episode #1.15496
Original Air Date—26 agosto 2008
Season 1, Episode 15497: Episode #1.15497
Original Air Date—27 agosto 2008
Season 1, Episode 15498: Episode #1.15498
Original Air Date—28 agosto 2008
Season 1, Episode 15499: Episode #1.15499
Original Air Date—29 agosto 2008
Season 1, Episode 15500: Episode #1.15500
Original Air Date—2 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15501: Episode #1.15501
Original Air Date—3 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15502: Episode #1.15502
Original Air Date—4 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15503: Episode #1.15503
Original Air Date—8 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15504: Episode #1.15504
Original Air Date—9 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15505: Episode #1.15505
Original Air Date—10 settembre 2008
Cyrus warns Grady away from Cassie and her family. Cassie is sure she can handle Grady if he comes after her. Grady has a confrontation with Mallet and Marina when he tries to get Daisy to see him outside of Harley's old house. Lizzie confides to Lillian that she has news which will make her grand dad happy when he comes out of surgery. Lillian informs Lizzie there has been complications with Alan's surgery but everything seems to be okay at the moment. Bill lets Dinah know that he has discovered she was working with Alan against him. Dinah tries to convince Bill he is mistaken, but he will not listen and throws her out of the mansion. Later, Lizzie arrives and drops the bomb on Bill that she now owns the mansion, but he is welcome to live there with her if he wants.
Season 1, Episode 15506: Episode #1.15506
Original Air Date—11 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15507: Episode #1.15507
Original Air Date—12 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15508: Episode #1.15508
Original Air Date—15 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15509: Episode #1.15509
Original Air Date—16 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15510: Episode #1.15510
Original Air Date—17 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15511: Episode #1.15511
Original Air Date—18 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15512: Episode #1.15512
Original Air Date—19 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15513: Episode #1.15513
Original Air Date—22 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15514: Episode #1.15514
Original Air Date—23 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15515: Episode #1.15515
Original Air Date—24 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15516: Episode #1.15516
Original Air Date—25 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15517: Episode #1.15517
Original Air Date—26 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15518: Episode #1.15518
Original Air Date—29 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15519: Episode #1.15519
Original Air Date—30 settembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15520: Episode #1.15520
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15521: Episode #1.15521
Original Air Date—2 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15522: Episode #1.15522
Original Air Date—3 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15523: Episode #1.15523
Original Air Date—6 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15524: Episode #1.15524
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15525: Episode #1.15525
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15526: Episode #1.15526
Original Air Date—9 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15527: Episode #1.15527
Original Air Date—10 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15528: Episode #1.15528
Original Air Date—13 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15529: Episode #1.15529
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15530: Episode #1.15530
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15531: Episode #1.15531
Original Air Date—16 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15532: Episode #1.15532
Original Air Date—17 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15533: Episode #1.15533
Original Air Date—20 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15534: Episode #1.15534
Original Air Date—21 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15535: Episode #1.15535
Original Air Date—22 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15536: Episode #1.15536
Original Air Date—23 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15537: Episode #1.15537
Original Air Date—24 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15538: Episode #1.15538
Original Air Date—27 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15539: Episode #1.15539
Original Air Date—28 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15540: Episode #1.15540
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15541: Episode #1.15541
Original Air Date—30 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15542: Episode #1.15542
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15543: Episode #1.15543
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 15544: Episode #1.15544
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 15545: Episode #1.15545
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 15546: Episode #1.15546
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 15547: Episode #1.15547
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 15548: Episode #1.15548
Original Air Date—10 novembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15549: Episode #1.15549
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 15550: Episode #1.15550
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 15551: Episode #1.15551
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 15552: Episode #1.15552
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 15553: Episode #1.15553
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 15554: Episode #1.15554
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 15555: Episode #1.15555
Original Air Date—19 novembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15556: Episode #1.15556
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 15557: Episode #1.15557
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 15558: Episode #1.15558
Original Air Date—24 novembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15559: Episode #1.15559
Original Air Date—25 novembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15560: Episode #1.15560
Original Air Date—????
Season 1, Episode 15561: Episode #1.15561
Original Air Date—1 dicembre 2008
Season 1, Episode 15582: Episode #1.15582
Original Air Date—2 gennaio 2009
Season 1, Episode 15595: Episode #1.15595
Original Air Date—21 gennaio 2009
Season 1, Episode 15604: Episode #1.15604
Original Air Date—3 febbraio 2009
Season 1, Episode 15605: Episode #1.15605
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 2009
Unknown Season
Thanksgiving Day, 1983
Original Air Date—23 novembre 1983
Thanksgiving day in Springfield finds both some turmoil, and some reasons to be thankful. At Ed and Maureen's, a pregnant Nola is hiding out, from Quint, after learning that Quint paid Vanessa to be nice to her. Quint begs her to come home and to Henry and Vanessa's for dinner, and Nola agrees but only after having a memorable fight with Mo's muffins. Nola brings to Vanessa's Thanksgiving a group from a retirement home, making Vanessa none to happy. Lesley Anne isolates herself, in her apartment, after she was dumped by Warren. Lesley Anne tries to commit suicide, after calling home to her parents and finding out they are having a huge celebration. Floyd and Katie find Lesley Anne nearly dead from the sleeping pill overdose. Warren isn't too thrilled to see the party that Kelly and Claire have planned for the patients at Cedars. Hillary, Mike, Bea, Annabelle and Tony spend the day with Ed and Mo. Phillip is pining away for Beth, and somehow is able to refrain from calling her, as she had asked him to. Mindy brings a basket of dinner for Phillip down to the horse stables. Meanwhile, at the Raines household, Bradley is a tyrant towards both Beth and Lillian. Beth refuses to say the grace that Bradley is forcing her to say, and threatens her with a knife and also hauls off and hits her across the face.
Episode dated 27 January 1953
Original Air Date—27 gennaio 1953
It's evening time in the fictional suburb of Los Angeles, CA: Selby Flats, CA and the next days "Morning News" has come out with the following headline: ROBERTS GIRL HELD FOR MURDER; DAUGHTER OF META WHITE ROBERTS HELD ON SUSPICION OF MURDER In scene one, at the Bauers, Papa and Bert are concerned about Kathy. And Bert is bending Papa's ear about how Kathy is following same patterns as her step mom and Bert's sister-in-law, Meta. But Papa gets Bert to admit that she is also concerned about a renewed affair between Bill and Gloria La Rue. When Bill comes home he has bad news, he's been fired from his latest advertising job due to the headlines about Kathy. In scene two, at Joe Roberts' office at the "City Times", Meta agonizes over the predicament Kathy finds herself in, and wonders if perhaps Meta and Joe should not have been married. Joe reassures her that wouldn't be the case, but then Joe gets a phone call about how Kathy has been arrested for suspicion of murder of her former husband, Bob Lang. Meta and Joe also discuss how they will break the news to Kathy's brother, Joey, and what it will all mean to her marriage to Dr. Richard "Dick" Grant, Jr.
Episode dated 17 February 1953
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 1953
It's shortly before dinner time at the Bauers, and Bert is angry because her sister-in-law, Meta and her husband, Bill just had an argument with her about Kathy's predicament and told her that she was wrong. Papa tries to advise her daughter-in-law to overcome her jealous ways when it comes to the closeness between siblings Bill and Meta. Bert admits, to Papa, though that what she is really concerned about is Bill's possible re-involvement with Gloria La Rue, and that she thinks Bill maybe weak and not only with an affair with Gloria, but also possibly going back to the bottle. Bill, still not employed, comes back home after both seeing Meta home, and also after a hard day at work. With Bert in the kitchen, Papa advises Bill to perhaps show Bert a little patience and also a little more tenderness. But Bill admits to Papa he's not sure how faithful he can be to Bert with Bert's domineering ways interfering.
Episode dated 24 February 1953
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 1953
In the morning, a pregnant Kathy Roberts pays a visit to the office of Reverend Doctor Paul Keeler, drawn to The Friendship Lamp or the guiding light. Kathy had called Rev. Dr. Keeler to seek spiritual advice. But she admits to the reverend that what she really came for is that she feels maybe she should plead guilty in the murder of Bob Lang. Rev. Dr. Keeler gets Kathy to see that maybe she should not be a martyr with the baby on the way, and Kathy further admits that what is really troubling her is that the baby is not Dr. Dick Grant's (her current husband) but actually Bob Lang's. Rev. Dr. Keeler continues to advise Kathy that she really needs to let Dick take care of her and the child (and stay married to her) if that is what Dick wants. Kathy is not so sure, and admits she feels as if Dick is playing the dutiful husband out of a sense of misplaced duty. Later that evening, Kathy informs Dick that they should get a divorce due to the baby being Bob's. But Dick refused to grant Kathy her wish for a speedy divorce, even with Kathy's protest that he's staying married to her and going to take care of another man's baby only out of his sense of duty. Dick goes further and says it's because he loves her, but Kathy refuses to let him get close to her.
Episode dated 5 March 1953
Original Air Date—5 marzo 1953
Richard Grant and his wife, Laura, have a disagreement about Kathy, who is on trial for murder. The district attorney calls Alice Graham to the stand.
Episode dated 9 April 1953
Original Air Date—9 aprile 1953
Dick Grant, anxious to preserve his marriage to Kathy, asks Dr. Keeler to pay her a visit. Timmy's remarks about his fatherless life fill Kathy with anxiety.
Episode dated 9 agosto 1966
Original Air Date—9 agosto 1966
At Cedars Hospital 2nd Floor West, in Springfield, nurse Leslie Jackson answering the telephone at the nurses station flirts with Dr. Ed Bauer. Ed though ignores Leslie's attempts at flirtation. Papa Bauer arrives and tells Ed he needs to talk to him. Papa tries to get Ed to help his father, but Ed just shrugs off Papa's advice by telling him that he "has real ill patients" and that Bill is nothing but a lush. Afterwards, Papa and Leslie commiserate and Leslie admits to Papa how much she is in love with Ed, but Ed couldn't care a bit for her. Papa asks Leslie to be patient with Ed and that Ed will find that he needs her love.
Episode dated 10 agosto 1966
Original Air Date—10 agosto 1966
At Cedars' cafeteria, candy striper Peggy Scott is advised by her friend and the young man she is in love with, hospital orderly Johnny Fletcher that she should confront her parents about what she overheard the previous evening about her father telling her mother that she has her "hogtied". Johnny's father, Dr. Paul Fletcher shows up and Peggy remembers she had to get back to her duties. Johnny tells Paul, after Peggy leaves, that Peggy is the only girl for him which surprises Paul seeing how Johnny is only 18 years old. Paul then tells Johnny he misses him while he is living with his Aunt Jane and Uncle George. Johnny says he won't return home, because of his step mom, Robin's continuing resentment of him. Paul asks Johnny to be patient with Robin because of Robin's recent miscarriage, and tries to convince an unbelieving Johnny that Robin wants him back, as well. Johnny refuses to budge, and doesn't believe that Robin is over her resentment and tells Paul he plans to stay indefinitely with his aunt and uncle. Johnny goes back to his duties, with Paul left very worried. Later, at Ben Scott's restaurant office, his daughter Peggy pays him a surprise visit. When Ben brings up that soon he will be able to take her, her mom and himself on the vacation to Canada, Peggy confronts him about the confrontation the previous night and Ben becomes very shaken.
Episode dated 23 aprile 1974
Original Air Date—23 aprile 1974
Nurse Kit Vested had come over for a "visit" to Dr. Sara McInytre's. She poisons the coffee that Sara serves both of them and Sara drinks it and now has become poisoned. Kit tells a horrified and weak Sara that she is killing her just as she had done to Charlotte a few months earlier. Kit tells Sara that both deaths are because Joe is hers! Leslie Bauer is disconcerted that Sara is not answering her phone, but Mike tells Leslie that Sara probably just went to buy groceries and Leslie agrees she can wait to see Sara until the next morning at Cedars.
Episode dated 24 aprile 1974
Original Air Date—24 aprile 1974
Joe races home from the restaurant/bar after learning from his attorney, Mark Brunner that Kit has been forcing a scam to keep him and Sara apart, and then had called Sara and found out she had been drugged (poisoned) by Kit and is near death. Kit discovers she forgot her scarf in Sara and Joe's house. Kit tries to keep Joe from entering the house, but Joe pushes her out of the way and finds Sara near death on the floor. Kit pulls a gun on Joe, as Joe tries to help Sara walk the drug out of her system. Kit refuses to let Joe treat Sara, and then cocks the gun on Sara's forehead saying, "STAY THERE!! I'M SORRY, JOE. BUT THIS IS THE WAY IT HAS TO BE."
Episode dated 5 marzo 1979
Original Air Date—5 marzo 1979
Roger has just raped Holly. Holly escapes and heads to Cedars Emergency Room. She calls Bert to look after Chrissy. Mike and Elizabeth make headway in the custody case for Phillip, but Alan and Jackie are holding steady in their resolve. Katie has a talk with Hillary about Hillary being blue. Hillary has a flashback to an argument she had with Roger about finding his gun in his desk at Spaulding Enterprises. Amanda impresses her piano teacher, and invites Ben to her upcoming recital.
Episode dated 13 dicembre 1979
Original Air Date—13 dicembre 1979
Mike tells Hope about his suspicions that Alan helped Dr. Moreno murder Roger after Holly had shot Roger last May. Hope won't believe her father, even after she has flashbacks to Alan's delirium dreams about Roger and Moreno on the island. Rita returns to Cedars after returning from her visit to Viola in Bluefield, WV. Rita tells Eve she's nervous about being back and being pregnant at the same time. Rita tells Sara how upset she is about telling Ed that she is pregnant but unsure whether the child is his or Greg Fairbanks, Sara in an unusual stew lets Rita know that she brought all of this on herself -- but then Rita apologizes about being so upset at Sara. Jackie tells Elizabeth that even though she knows about Mike and Elizabeth's affair she won't tell Justin, but Elizabeth might and she asks Elizabeth to reconsider if she truly loves Justin. Jackie later tells Mike the same thing. Greg continues to pressure Eve about a date, and later tries to pressure Rita to leave town, but Rita tells him back she won't leave and maybe Greg needs to leave town. Bert is concerned about Rita and tells her she can come to get help from Bert at any time. Mike and D. A. Clarence Bailey both learn from Judge Peck that Roger's body will be exhumed. Katie pressures Mark to help out with the Cedars children's puppet show, but on one condition that they practice at Mark's place (not pleasing Katie). Hope tries to call Alan's office, but he's not there -- instead the audience sees a bearded figure's shadow lurking in Alan's office.
Episode dated 27 gennaio 1981
Original Air Date—27 gennaio 1981
Episode dated 31 luglio 1981
Original Air Date—31 luglio 1981
Nola takes the bus out of Springfield to have an abortion.
Episode dated 1 ottobre 1981
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 1981
Episode dated 24 dicembre 1981
Original Air Date—24 dicembre 1981
It's Christmas Eve in Springfield and it's not a very peaceful one, at least not for everyone in town. Mike is in a nursing home in Wisconsin investigating for Ross, one elderly Mrs. MacKenzie. Mrs. MacKenzie's doctor assures Mike that she is not able to speak after her stroke, but suddenly she does speak and says the name Todd (the same last name as Ross' troubled fiancée Carrie). Meanwhile, Alan and Hope are at home awaiting the time when Alan will have to be carted off to prison for his role in covering up the whereabouts a few years back of the fugitive Roger Thorpe. Ross pays Alan and Hope a visit, and informs them that Mike is doing some "legwork" for him in Wisconsin. This gets Hope to let Alan take her and Alan-Michael to Bert's Christmas party that evening, something Alan was reluctant to do when it looked as though Mike would be there as well. Hillary, at Cedars, is flabbergasted when Josh tries to make a pass, not only to the married Morgan Richards Nelson, but also at her. Josh also makes a dig at Derek when he states that Derek doesn't have a firm grip on his fiancée, Hillary. Hillary tells Josh in no uncertain terms that Derek doesn't think that way, that Hillary is "HIS" woman. Katie and Morgan are no help when it comes to helping Tony Reardon set up the Christmas tree for the party in the children's wing later in the afternoon. Morgan and Kelly get some very brief alone time when they run into each other in the children's wing. Mrs. Renfield pays Tony and Bea a rather strange visit, where Mrs. Renfield tells them that Nola and Quint will be coming home, from San Francisco, later that evening and then takes two very full sips of Tony's bottle of sherry. Mrs. Renfield also surprises Tony with all of her questions about one of his two bosses, Vanessa Chamberlain. Carrie, after being released from Cedars' mental ward after her recent suicide attempt after admitting that she was the one who killed Diane Ballard and Joe Bradley back in September, is staying at Ross' brother, Justin and Ross' sister-in-law, Jackie's house. Jackie tells Ross, and later Justin and Phillip, that Carrie is refusing to leave her room to join them for Christmas festivities. Jackie then finds Carrie hovering over baby Samantha, and is confused when Carrie tells Jackie that she wishes she could start all over again like the innocent Samantha. Mike calls Ross and informs him that over the last couple of years, Mrs. MacKenzie had two visitors, one was Diane Ballard who wrote a substantial check for Mrs. MacKenzie's care, the other was Carrie who violently tore up the check Diane wrote for Mrs. MacKenzie's care and then paid for the care herself. This leaves more of a mystery for Ross about Carrie's past and how to continue with her defense. Later in the afternoon, Derek pays a visit to Hillary at Cedars and informs her that he will have to pick her up later to go to Bert's, because he's been very busy with Mike out of town. Derek also sees Vanessa and Ed at the hospital and it's obvious to anyone but Ed that there is something Vanessa is hiding that Derek knows about as her financial advisor. Kelly, Morgan, Katie, Trish and Tony are thrown for a loop when the Santa Claus at the children's party turns out to be none other than Josh! Kelly and Morgan sing Christmas carols at the children's party. At the Marler's, Mike returns to town earlier than expected and Phillip surprisingly asks Mike for his forgiveness for being so harsh on Mike when Mike was involved with Elizabeth. Mike says he forgives Phillip, and then tells Ross and Jackie and Justin that he had also found out that Mrs. MacKenzie's son was a Todd MacKenzie who had worked at the same advertising agency as Diane Ballard in Milwaukee. Carrie overhears Mike say this, and sneaks out of the house and runs a way, with only Jackie finding out later that Carrie is missing. At Bert's house the festivities are in full swing. When Mike surprisingly shows up, Alan gets nervous, but Mike happily tells Alan and Hope he will put their differences aside for this one evening. Derek, Hillary, Morgan, Kelly, Katie, Tony and Tim all discuss the odd behavior of Josh. Mike and Trish kiss under the mistletoe. Freddy returns home from Lincoln Prep and informs Ed he isn't too thrilled that he's seeing Vanessa. Bert gets Sara and Mike to lead everyone in singing Christmas carols. In this episode Vanessa was played by Anna Stuart. In this episode Bea first mentions that Maureen will be coming home to Springfield, but she couldn't get home for Christmas Eve. In this episode Tony mentions that the sherry was a present from a "Mr. Santos" to Vanessa and Trish for the restaurant, whether this might have been the Miguel Santos that would be part of past storyline for Carmen Santos in the late 1990's and early 2000's is not known.
Episode dated 22 dicembre 1982
Original Air Date—22 dicembre 1982
Episode dated 1 aprile 1983
Original Air Date—1 aprile 1983
Episode dated 27 giugno 1983
Original Air Date—27 giugno 1983
Quint and Nola's wedding comes to an end with them kissing. Wedding pictures are taken outside, with Floyd being a pest. Vanessa tries her best to avoid the pictures, but to no avail. Quint and Nola take off for the reception at Company's via a hot air balloon. Vanessa nearly pops the balloon she's holding near Nola's ears, but Billy stops her. At Company, Lola and Jane set up for the reception. Vanessa who has come to the reception with Clay Tynan, can't stand the proceedings but catches the bouquet upsetting Nola's plans for a visiting Gracie to catch the bouquet. Vanessa also stops Jane, Hillary, Leslie Ann, and Trish from catching the bouquet. Henry can't stop looking at the fishing picture that Tony has put over the mantel at Company, and Bea is concerned about how uncomfortable Henry looks. Henry tries to tell Bea about what he knows about Bea's deceased husband's death, but Nola and Quint interrupt him from doing so. Henry leaves the reception before he can be introduced to Annabelle Sims, by Tony. Billy also recognizes that the fishing picture is a picture his father also has a copy of. Vanessa, in Bea's kitchen. later tells Billy that she doesn't believe in marriage, with Billy throwing the bouquet at her. Josh is having trouble at Los Tres Amigos with Amanda out of town, and Billy and Ross at the reception. Mrs. Violet Renfield tells Quint and Nola that she is leaving to stay with her sister, Victoria in Scotland. Bea tells Nola and Quint that she will always consider both of them her children, as she does with Ed. Quint and the rest of the reception party surprises Nola with Quint's Irish honeymoon plans.
Episode dated 28 novembre 1983
Original Air Date—28 novembre 1983
Episode dated 13 febbraio 1984
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 1984
Episode dated 14 febbraio 1984
Original Air Date—14 febbraio 1984
Episode dated 15 febbraio 1984
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 1984
Episode dated 27 febbraio 1984
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 1984
Episode dated 8 marzo 1985
Original Air Date—8 marzo 1985
Episode dated 7 marzo 1986
Original Air Date—7 marzo 1986
Episode dated 13 ottobre 1986
Original Air Date—13 ottobre 1986
Episode dated 25 settembre 1987
Original Air Date—25 settembre 1987
Episode dated 1 ottobre 1987
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 1987
Episode dated 2 ottobre 1987
Original Air Date—2 ottobre 1987
Episode dated 10 agosto 1989
Original Air Date—10 agosto 1989
Episode dated 24 agosto 1989
Original Air Date—24 agosto 1989
Episode dated 7 settembre 1989
Original Air Date—7 settembre 1989
Episode dated 10 settembre 1989
Original Air Date—10 settembre 1989
Episode dated 22 settembre 1989
Original Air Date—22 settembre 1989
Episode dated 23 settembre 1989
Original Air Date—23 settembre 1989
Episode dated 20 ottobre 1989
Original Air Date—20 ottobre 1989
Episode dated 24 ottobre 1989
Original Air Date—24 ottobre 1989
Episode dated 26 ottobre 1989
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 1989
Episode dated 30 ottobre 1989
Original Air Date—30 ottobre 1989
Episode dated 22 dicembre 1989
Original Air Date—22 dicembre 1989
Episode dated 11 luglio 1991
Original Air Date—11 luglio 1991
Episode dated 12 luglio 1991
Original Air Date—12 luglio 1991
Episode dated 15 aprile 1992
Original Air Date—????
French-speaking freedom fighter Paul Wyland, an old friend of Nick's, appears on the scene and soon sparks are flying between him and Eve.
Episode dated 20 luglio 1992
Original Air Date—20 luglio 1992
Episode dated 21 luglio 1992
Original Air Date—21 luglio 1992
Episode dated 5 gennaio 1993
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 1993
Episode dated 28 maggio 1993
Original Air Date—28 maggio 1993
Episode dated 7 luglio 1993
Original Air Date—7 luglio 1993
Episode dated 8 luglio 1993
Original Air Date—8 luglio 1993
Episode dated 28 luglio 1993
Original Air Date—28 luglio 1993
Episode dated 26 agosto 1993
Original Air Date—26 agosto 1993
Episode dated 22 settembre 1993
Original Air Date—22 settembre 1993
Episode dated 21 marzo 1994
Original Air Date—21 marzo 1994
Episode dated 22 marzo 1994
Original Air Date—22 marzo 1994
Episode dated 23 marzo 1994
Original Air Date—23 marzo 1994
Episode dated 29 marzo 1994
Original Air Date—29 marzo 1994
Episode dated 30 marzo 1994
Original Air Date—30 marzo 1994
Episode dated 31 marzo 1994
Original Air Date—31 marzo 1994
Episode dated 1 aprile 1994
Original Air Date—1 aprile 1994
Episode dated 6 aprile 1994
Original Air Date—6 aprile 1994
Episode dated 13 aprile 1994
Original Air Date—13 aprile 1994
Episode dated 14 luglio 1994
Original Air Date—14 luglio 1994
Episode dated 15 luglio 1994
Original Air Date—15 luglio 1994
Episode dated 19 luglio 1994
Original Air Date—19 luglio 1994
Episode dated 28 luglio 1994
Original Air Date—28 luglio 1994
Episode dated 29 luglio 1994
Original Air Date—29 luglio 1994
Episode dated 24 agosto 1994
Original Air Date—24 agosto 1994
Episode dated 1 settembre 1994
Original Air Date—1 settembre 1994
Episode dated 8 settembre 1994
Original Air Date—8 settembre 1994
Episode dated 19 settembre 1994
Original Air Date—19 settembre 1994
Episode dated 20 settembre 1994
Original Air Date—20 settembre 1994
Episode dated 16 febbraio 1995
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 1995
Episode dated 18 maggio 1995
Original Air Date—18 maggio 1995
Episode dated 17 novembre 1995
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1995
Episode dated 10 gennaio 1996
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 1996
Episode dated 12 aprile 1996
Original Air Date—12 aprile 1996
Episode dated 15 aprile 1996
Original Air Date—15 aprile 1996
Episode dated 1 settembre 1996
Original Air Date—1 settembre 1996
Episode dated 28 ottobre 1996
Original Air Date—28 ottobre 1996
Episode dated 6 dicembre 1996
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 1996
Episode dated 8 marzo 1997
Original Air Date—8 marzo 1997
Episode dated 29 dicembre 1997
Original Air Date—29 dicembre 1997
Episode dated 30 dicembre 1997
Original Air Date—30 dicembre 1997
Episode dated 2 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—2 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 5 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 6 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 7 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 8 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 9 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 12 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 13 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—13 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 14 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 15 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—15 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 16 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 19 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—19 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 20 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—20 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 21 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—21 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 22 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—22 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 23 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 26 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—26 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 27 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—27 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 28 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—28 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 29 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—29 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 30 gennaio 1998
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 1998
Episode dated 2 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—2 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 3 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—3 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 4 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 5 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 6 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 9 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 10 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 11 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 12 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—12 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 13 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 17 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 18 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 19 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—19 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 20 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 23 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 24 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 25 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 26 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 27 febbraio 1998
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 1998
Episode dated 3 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—3 marzo 1998
Episode dated 4 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—4 marzo 1998
Episode dated 5 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—5 marzo 1998
Episode dated 6 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—6 marzo 1998
Episode dated 9 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—9 marzo 1998
Episode dated 10 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—10 marzo 1998
Episode dated 11 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—11 marzo 1998
Episode dated 16 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—16 marzo 1998
Episode dated 17 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—17 marzo 1998
Episode dated 18 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—18 marzo 1998
Episode dated 19 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—19 marzo 1998
Episode dated 20 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—20 marzo 1998
Episode dated 23 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—23 marzo 1998
Episode dated 24 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—24 marzo 1998
Episode dated 25 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—25 marzo 1998
Episode dated 26 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—26 marzo 1998
Episode dated 27 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—27 marzo 1998
Episode dated 30 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—30 marzo 1998
Episode dated 31 marzo 1998
Original Air Date—31 marzo 1998
Episode dated 1 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—1 aprile 1998
Episode dated 2 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—2 aprile 1998
Episode dated 3 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—3 aprile 1998
Episode dated 6 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—6 aprile 1998
Episode dated 7 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—7 aprile 1998
Episode dated 8 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—8 aprile 1998
Episode dated 9 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—9 aprile 1998
Episode dated 10 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—10 aprile 1998
Episode dated 13 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—13 aprile 1998
Episode dated 14 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—14 aprile 1998
Episode dated 15 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—15 aprile 1998
Episode dated 16 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—16 aprile 1998
Episode dated 17 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—17 aprile 1998
Episode dated 20 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—20 aprile 1998
Episode dated 21 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—21 aprile 1998
Episode dated 22 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—22 aprile 1998
Episode dated 23 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—23 aprile 1998
Episode dated 24 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—24 aprile 1998
Episode dated 27 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—27 aprile 1998
Episode dated 28 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—28 aprile 1998
Episode dated 29 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—29 aprile 1998
Episode dated 30 aprile 1998
Original Air Date—30 aprile 1998
Episode dated 1 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—1 maggio 1998
Episode dated 4 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—4 maggio 1998
Reva's world is turned upside down when she thinks someone is impersonating her back in Springfield and tries to get out of the hospital. Still angry at Josh, the "Reva" clone puts the moves on Billy, however he shoots her down. Josh decides to let Cassie tell Hart about the clone. That way, Cassie and Hart can still salvage their relationship. Cassie goes to tell Hart the truth, only to find him in Dinah's arms. Michelle is furious at Jesse for pretending to be "Carlos". She never wanted him to know she was blind! Now that she has her sight back, Michelle does not want anything to do with Jesse because of his deception. He begs her to reconsider. Selena continues being Abby's friend. Abby wants their friendship to remain intact even after she is released from jail.
Episode dated 5 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—5 maggio 1998
Episode dated 6 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—6 maggio 1998
Episode dated 7 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—7 maggio 1998
Episode dated 8 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—8 maggio 1998
Episode dated 11 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—11 maggio 1998
Episode dated 12 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—12 maggio 1998
Episode dated 13 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—13 maggio 1998
Episode dated 14 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—14 maggio 1998
Episode dated 15 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—15 maggio 1998
Episode dated 18 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—18 maggio 1998
Episode dated 19 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1998
Episode dated 20 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—20 maggio 1998
Episode dated 21 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—21 maggio 1998
Episode dated 22 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—22 maggio 1998
Episode dated 25 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—25 maggio 1998
Episode dated 26 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—26 maggio 1998
Episode dated 27 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—27 maggio 1998
Episode dated 28 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—28 maggio 1998
Episode dated 29 maggio 1998
Original Air Date—29 maggio 1998
Episode dated 1 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—1 giugno 1998
Episode dated 2 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—2 giugno 1998
Episode dated 3 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—3 giugno 1998
Episode dated 4 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—4 giugno 1998
Episode dated 5 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—5 giugno 1998
Episode dated 8 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—8 giugno 1998
Episode dated 9 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—9 giugno 1998
Episode dated 10 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—10 giugno 1998
Episode dated 11 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—11 giugno 1998
Episode dated 12 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—12 giugno 1998
Episode dated 15 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—15 giugno 1998
Episode dated 16 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—16 giugno 1998
Episode dated 17 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—17 giugno 1998
Episode dated 18 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—18 giugno 1998
Episode dated 19 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—19 giugno 1998
Episode dated 22 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—22 giugno 1998
Episode dated 23 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—23 giugno 1998
Episode dated 24 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—24 giugno 1998
Episode dated 25 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—25 giugno 1998
Episode dated 26 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—26 giugno 1998
Episode dated 29 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—29 giugno 1998
Episode dated 30 giugno 1998
Original Air Date—30 giugno 1998
Episode dated 1 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—1 luglio 1998
Episode dated 2 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—2 luglio 1998
Episode dated 3 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—3 luglio 1998
Episode dated 6 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—6 luglio 1998
Episode dated 7 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—7 luglio 1998
Episode dated 8 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—8 luglio 1998
Episode dated 9 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—9 luglio 1998
Episode dated 10 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—10 luglio 1998
Episode dated 13 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—13 luglio 1998
Reva introduces the clone to the rest of the family as her cousin Dolly. Dolly enjoys being able to interact with the Lewis family without pretending to be Reva. However, Dolly is saddened when she realizes that it is Josh and Reva that are making wedding plans and not her and Josh. Dolly tries to align herself with Sean for their mutual benefit, but he refuses. Blake and Beth have a heart to heart conversation about Ross. Beth tells Blake not to throw her marriage away like she did with Phillip. Ben announces to Ross, Blake, and Beth that he is leaving Springfield for good, which surprises them all. Hart hears Rob Layne's voice on Dinah's answering machine and questions Dinah about her involvement with Rob. When Rob arrives at Dinah's door, she rushes him to the airport so he can leave Springfield before Hart learns the truth behind the paternity of Dinah's unborn child.
Episode dated 14 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—14 luglio 1998
Blake and Ross try to reconnect after their difficulties. Blake thanks Ross for believing in her. Ben admits to Beth that it hurts to leave Blake behind, but he truly does not want to hurt her. Beth is still reeling from losing Phillip to Harley and Ben invites her to go away with him. Buzz gives Phillip and Harley his blessing, however, he wonders if all will go smoothly for the couple. Drew continues trying to come between Michelle and Jesse. She offers to introduce Jesse to an art gallery owner in the hopes of getting Jesse's artwork on display. Michelle does not like the thought of Drew being able to do something for Jesse that she can not. Michelle's Aunt Meta tries to get Bill to admit he has feelings for Michelle, but he tells her that he and Michelle are only friends.
Episode dated 15 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—15 luglio 1998
Vivian tries to get David to accept a high paying job at Spaulding Enterprises, but he refuses. David is not sure working so closely to Vicky is a good idea. Josh approaches him for a different type of job - spying on Alan and Vicky and he is intrigued. David convinces Alan to hire him in security, much to Vicky's dismay. Cassie receives a phone call from Rob saying goodbye and he lets it slip that he and Dinah slept together a few months prior. Happily, Cassie rushes to Cedars and interrupts Dinah's sonogram appointment. Vicky informs Michael that Alan plans on cloning Annie and Michael is horrified! Dolly dresses as Reva and comes on to Sean.
Episode dated 16 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—16 luglio 1998
Dinah is horrified then Cassie states she knows that Dinah's baby is possibly Rob's child and not Hart's. Hart, although, still standing by Dinah agrees that a paternity test is probably in order to put the whole situation to rest. Beth and Phillip have an emotional conversation when Phillip tells her that he is moving in with Harley. Beth accuses him of leaving his family and Lizzie for Harley. Sean realizes that Dolly is pretending to be Reva and his suspicions are confirmed when the real Reva walks in on the two of them. Reva is so angry with Dolly, she sends her to her room, which Dolly dislikes. She does not like being treated like a child. To get back at the both of them, Dolly calls the cops and tells them Sean is staying with the Lewises. Holly finds out that her brother, Ken Norris, was released from the mental institution and she wonders about the whereabouts of her brother. Ben stops to visit Blake on his way out of town. He gives Blake the pin she was admiring at the Bauer BBQ auction as a going away gift.
Episode dated 17 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—17 luglio 1998
Sean and Reva discuss their feelings and Sean decides it's time to leave and says goodbye to both Reva and Dolly. Dolly feels guilty for calling the police and tries to warn Sean, but it's too late. When the police arrive at the Lewis home, Reva gives Sean the keys to Cassie's place and he goes out the back of the house while Reva covers for him by delaying the police. Cassie and Harley talk about their love lives and Harley tells Cassie how happy she is with Phillip. While Ben and Blake are saying goodbye to one another, Blake can't fight her feelings for her husband's brother and the two of them make love. Ross, returning a gun as evidence in one of his cases, runs into Vanessa who tells him that Ben bought back the pin that Blake admired at the Bauer BBQ. Worried about his brother's schemes, Ross rushes home. When Ross enters, he finds Blake with Ben and assumes that Ben has raped his wife. Overcome with anger, Ross points the gun at Ben and fires!
Episode dated 20 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—20 luglio 1998
Ross accidentally shoots Blake instead of Ben. Cassie is shocked to find Sean in her shower, but after talking to him, decides to let him stay in her apartment. Blake is rushed to Cedars while Ben and Ross both continue to argue and worry for Blake's health. Alan vows to get Annie back by having her cloned. Michael is determined not to let that happen and he swears to stop Alan no matter what. Dinah pays off a doctor to tamper with the paternity test so that the results would show her baby to be Hart's and not Rob's. A mysterious blonde woman is shown crumpling a piece of paper. The paper reads "Reva Lewis". Could Annie be back?
Episode dated 21 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—21 luglio 1998
Holly and Hart strike out against Ben because they think he raped Blake. Beth shows up to support Ben, much to the dismay of everyone there. Rick reports the Blake may have spinal cord damage and could be paralyzed. Ross is in shambles and can not believe he shot his own wife! Ross discovers he still has the gun in his pocket and quickly turns the gun on Ben! Hart manages to get the gun from Ross and Ross leaves to pray for his wife's recovery. Phillip arranges a romantic breakfast for Harley and presents her with a huge diamond engagement ring. Harley isn't sure she wants to wear a ring so gaudy. Jenna tells her to stop thinking about the ring and just enjoy the feeling of being in love. Matt is shocked when he discovers that Vanessa is planning on returning to work at Spaulding Enterprises.
Episode dated 22 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—22 luglio 1998
Ross and Ben both tell Frank different versions of what happened the night Blake was shot. Frank decides to wait until Blake regains consciousness and get her version of the story before he arrests anyone. Blake momentarily regains consciousness later that evening. Harley is still worrying about her huge engagement ring and a jealous Beth tells Harley that being a Spaulding wife can be very "demanding". Dolly and Josh go to the 5th Street Diner in order to get Dolly used to going out and doing things on her own. Micheal enters raving about Alan's plans to clone Annie! Dolly decides to come Alan Spaulding and phones him. Jesse is angry with both Michelle and Drew for their actions regarding his feelings and art work.
Episode dated 23 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—23 luglio 1998
Blake awakens in the hospital but can not remember what happened the night she was shot. Blake tells Ross that she can't feel her legs. After a confrontation between Ross and Ben, Blake asks Ross if Ben raped her. Cassie continues to hide Sean in her apartment. Sean takes interest when he hears Cassie mention the name Ben Warren. Sean goes to the hospital and assaults Ben and threatens his life. Sean and Ben have a history! Dinah is so confident around Hart regarding the baby, Hart wonders if her child could actually be his. Cassie overhears Dinah's doctor state they will not rig the paternity test. Dolly visits Alan and tells him that she is a clone. Reva bursts in and takes Dolly out of Alan's office. Alan is perplexed over the entire scene.
Episode dated 24 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—24 luglio 1998
Unaware that Reva has already located Dolly, Josh goes to Spaulding Enterprises and confronts Alan. Alan taunts Josh, telling him he knows everything and soon, he too will have resurrected a loved one, Annie! Michael, still bent to ruining Alan's plans, takes a bomb to Spaulding labs. Vicky tries to stop Michael from doing something drastic and gets David to contact Josh, who also tries to talk Michael down. Alan and Vanessa arrive and Alan calls security on Michael. When the guards rush him, Michael accidentally drops the bomb. Michael, trying to protect the others, pushes a table over to shield them from the explosion. The bomb detonates! Dinah's doctor covers for Dinah in front of Hart and Cassie. She claims she won't do the paternity test because it is to risky for the baby. Ben's life is threatened by Sean. Sean insists Ben will help him find his wife and ex-partner, both of whom used Ben's help to set Sean up for murder. Frank questions Blake about the night she was shot. Blake confesses to what happened the night she was shot and Frank has no choice but to arrest Ross for the attempted murder of Ben Warren!
Episode dated 27 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—27 luglio 1998
The bomb decimates the Spaulding labs and Michael Burke dies in Vanessa's arms. Vanessa swears she will make both Vicky and Alan pay for pushing her friend into doing something so desperate to stop them! Blake is upset that her comments got Ross arrested, but she knows there could be no way Ben would have raped her. Sean tells a surprised Cassie how it was Ben Warren that set him up for murder and Cassie worries about what Sean might do. Still trying to do what is best for her daughter, Holly agrees to let Rick keep Kevin and Jason until Blake can recuperate. Hart is distrustful of Rick's offering. Dinah sees Sean's wanted poster at the SFPD and remembers that she saw him previously with Cassie!
Episode dated 29 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—29 luglio 1998
Dinah finds Sean at Cassie's apartment. However, when Dinah brings Hart and a worried Cassie back to the apartment, Sean hides and makes Dinah look like she was trying to trick Hart. Sean warns Dinah never to use him in her games. Holly tells Blake that her relationship with Ben is just like her mother's relationship with Roger. Blake disagrees. Holly tells her the only way to clear Ross and restore her family is to tell the police that Ben raped her. Phillip thinks that Harley could improve her living conditions, but Harley is afraid that Phillip doesn't think she is good enough and wants to change her. After they argue, they make love.
Episode dated 30 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—30 luglio 1998
After going back to Alan, Dolly enjoys the Spaulding lifestyle! Reva and Josh, however, mount a rescue attempt and manage to confuse Alan to the point of exhaustion! Josh spirits Dolly out of the Spaulding estate! Once back at the Lewis', Dolly is devastated to learn that Michael is dead and the details about his death. David and Vicky have a conversation about Vicky's feelings toward Alan. She admits that she wants to prove herself to him. Later, Alan and Vicky meet to spin the lab explosion so as to not tip off the press about the type of research going on there. Vanessa forces her way into the meeting and tells Alan that Vicky is not who she says she is, that Vicky is really his niece! Drew can not handle the fact that Jesse wants a relationship with Michelle and not with her. Dinah and Sean make an uneasy alliance to trap Ben and save Ross and Sean. Ben confesses to Beth that no matter how strong Blake and Ross love one another, he plans on fighting for Blake! A young female detective, Teri DeMarco, arrives in Springfield to help the police determine what really happened to Blake.
Episode dated 31 luglio 1998
Original Air Date—31 luglio 1998
Josh and Reva discuss how they are going to care for Dolly and help her adjust to a life of her own. Overhearing them, Dolly realizes they do care for her, but she does not want to be a burden for them. She gets the rest of Michael's aging serum and drinks the entire bottle. Sitting in jail, Ross is angry that he didn't kill his brother when he had the chance. Now it appears Ben will drag his family through a messy court battle. Working with new detective Teri DeMarco, Frank questions Blake and Blake remembers everything, much to the surprise of both Teri and Frank. Alan is shocked by Vicky's lies and threatens her. Vicky tells Alan that no matter what he tries to do, she is still a Spaulding and will claim what is rightfully her birthright. Vanessa is quite pleased with herself but Alan fires her from her position at Spaudling Enterprises. Knowing everything Alan's been up to with cloning research, Vanessa says that she will be keeping her job at Spaulding and if he tries to stop her, she will unleash the worst publicity his company has ever seen. Vanessa tells Alan she will be working for Spaulding full time and promises to see him at the office.
Episode dated 3 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—3 agosto 1998
Blake tells the police that Ben raped her, even though she realizes that is not the truth. She can not bring herself to incriminate Ross. Ben accuses Holly of encouraging Blake to lie in order to punish him. Josh makes plans to have a friend in Italy take care of Dolly, but Dolly wants to visit Cross Creek before she has to leave the country. Reva and Josh are hesitant, but agree to travel to Oklahoma. Alan arrives at the Lewis home with the press. Reva makes Alan look like a crazy man in front of the press and Alan storms off. Josh and Dolly arrive at Cross Creek. Josh does not realize that Dolly has begun aging and waits for Reva to join them.
Episode dated 4 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—4 agosto 1998
Josh tries desperately to get Dolly to unlock her bedroom door, but Dolly does not want Josh to see her rapidly aging. Dolly is touched when Josh admits that, for a time, he did love her. Marah shows Reva the wedding veil Dolly gave her, but wonders why the letter left for Marah sounds so final. Reva later finds the empty bottle of aging serum and realizes what Dolly has done. Blake is torn between her feelings between Ben and Ross. Ross learns that there is no medical reason for Blakes paralysis. Teri interrogates Ben, but does not get anywhere and places Ben under arrest. Vanessa busies herself by trying to run damage control for Spaulding Enterprises. Alan tells her that she is not welcome at the company, but Vanessa informs Alan that this "mess" would not need fixing if he had not been so quick to try and have Annie cloned. Vanessa also argues that Alan needs her at Spaulding as an ally against Vicky. Matt and Beth have a pleasant conversation and Matt agrees to build Lizzie a playhouse. Matt also gives Vanessa his blessing about returning to work. He realizes that Vanessa needs a career of her own.
Episode dated 5 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—5 agosto 1998
Reva travels to Cross Creek in time to shield Josh from seeing the rapidly aging Dolly. Dolly tells Reva that she drank the serum in order for Reva and Josh to have their lives back, without her in the way. Reva privately tells Josh what has happened and Josh rushes to find Vicky for help. Harley teases Phillip with the news that she has a new client, but she will not let Phillip run a background check on the reclusive client. While searching through the debris at the Spaulding labs, Harley finds a box which belonged to Michael. Jesse tries desperately to sell his paintings in order to buy a new apartment for him and Michelle. To get the money, Jesse enters a high-stakes poker game. Michelle and Dahlia try to get Drew to back off, but Drew refuses. When the cops show up and bust the illegal gambling at the poker game, they recognize Jesse, from past offenses, and plan to throw him in jail.
Episode dated 6 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—6 agosto 1998
Michelle and Bill use their families influence to keep Jesse out of jail. Jesse is embarrassed to draw attention to his gambling and money problems. The fighting between Jesse and Michelle makes Drew very happy and she intends to make the most out of the situation. Beth bails Ben out of jail and against her wishes, goes and orchestrates a meeting with Blake. Teri and Eleni meet for the first time, Chief of Police Levy tells Frank that he's lucky that Eleni liked Teri. Teri informs Frank that from her conversation with Ben, Ben will not leave Blake alone. David is shocked to learn that Vicky is a Spaulding, however his mother thinks he should pursue a relationship with Vicky.
Episode dated 7 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—7 agosto 1998
Abby and Michelle find Holly drinking after she gets word from Fletcher about Meg. Abby leaves, while Michelle stays to watch after the drunken Holly. Ben sneaks in to speak with Blake at Cedars. After an emotional conversation, Blake admits her feelings for him. Ben is tape recording their conversation. Jenna has decided to stay home and look after Coop and Rocky, so Harley tests David to see if he would make a good partner, and he passes her test. Josh confronts Vicky about an antidote for the aging serum. David comes to Vicky's rescue. Harley realizes what she found at the Spaulding labs may help Josh and they race to the bus station and use the key Harley found to open the locker. It's empty! Back at Cross Creek, Reva tries to comfort a dying Dolly while she prays Josh will get back in time to save Dolly's life.
Episode dated 10 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—10 agosto 1998
Harley and Josh work together to steal the contents of the bus station locker from security, a ruse that forced Harley to trade clothes with a nun. Josh rushes to Cross Creek with the antidote for Dolly, however he is shocked to see Dolly's aged face and realizes that it is to late. Dolly tells Josh and Reva not to feel sad for her, she realizes that she was loved and that is all that really matters. Dolly dies in Reva's arms. Harley helps Beth and Phillip explain to Lizzie that her parents are now only friends and that Phillip is in a new relationship with Harley. Blake tells Ben that she will not tear her family apart with the truth over what happened. Blake is unaware that Ben is taping their conversation. Ben rushes to the police station with the tape and tells the police he has proof that he didn't rape Blake. Ross is stunned by the news. Rick informs Holly that given the circumstances surrounding the Marler household, he intends to file for temporary custody of Kevin. Holly is hurt and Abby and Michelle are angry with Rick. They tell him he is being unreasonable.
Episode dated 11 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—11 agosto 1998
When Josh seems more worried about disposing of Dolly's body than her actual death, Reva lashes out at Josh over his actions. When Cassie arrives, Reva admits that when Dolly died, she felt as if a part of her died as well. Reva promises never to let Dolly be forgotten. Ben listens to Blakes confession over and over in the police station while he waits for the chief of police to arrive. When Teri enters to take Ben's statement and hear his supposed evidence, Ben is gone. In the chapel at Cedars, Blake prays for answers. Ben finds her there and tells her about the tape. Blake is angry with him until he destroys the tape in front of her. He tells Blake that he realized that she would never love him if he used the tape against her and her family. Abby tries to get Rick to see reason over taking Kevin away from Ross and Blake, but Rick fells as if he doesn't have much of a choice if he wants to protect his son.
Episode dated 12 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—12 agosto 1998
Reva and Josh continue to argue about Dolly. Josh cautions Reva not to let Dolly come between them now that she is dead. Dinah continues to pressure Sean into helping her break up Hart and Cassie. When Sean refuses to take part in Dinah's plan, she calls the police and reports his whereabouts. Hart and Cassie argue about Sean but before Cassie can convince Hart that everything is innocent the police arrive and arrest both Sean and Cassie, much to Dinah's delight. Jesse still wants to give Michelle the life that he thinks she deserves. He tries to get Buzz to lend him some money, but Buzz refuses and informs Jesse that money doesn't always make life easier. Harley defends her mystery client and Phillip welcomes Vicky into the family with open arms. At least until he sees her act coldly toward Alan. Vicky, once again, tells Alan not to underestimate her abilities or her birthright!
Episode dated 13 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—13 agosto 1998
Holly's drinking makes Blake furious at her mother. Especially once Blake learns of Rick's intentions of filing for temporary custody of the kids. Rick informs Ross of this plans and Ross lunges at Rick. Beth and Ben witnesses the ordeal. Beth tries to convince Ben that Blake isn't good enough for him, that he could do better than that. Ben won't hear any of it and he quickly informs Rick that trying to take the kids away from Blake and Ross would be a very bad mistake on Rick's part. At the police station, Frank questions Cassie and Sean discovers that his wife and ex-partner are very much alive! Without having anything to hold them on, Frank releases both Cassie and Sean. Dinah was hoping to have a scandalous story for WSPR, but instead leaves disappointed. Dinah follows Sean to a bar to see if she can still use him in her plot to get Hart away from Cassie once and for all.
Episode dated 14 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—14 agosto 1998
Ross confronts Holly about her drinking and tells her that because of her, he could lose his children. Ross issues Holly a warning that she better pull herself together or lose everything herself! An angry Ross leaves to get his kids from Rick's, however, Abby refuses to let Ross see the children given his emotional state. Phillip wants to be friends with Beth, but she tells him that she just can't do it, she still loves him and plans on fighting for him. Dinah once again tries to convince Sean to help her in her plans on separating Hart and Cassie. Sean tries to get Dinah to back off and realize there are other men in the world than Hart. Holly attacks Dinah, blaming her for always hurting Blake. Dinah gives as good as she gets and Sean wonders if Dinah is to far gone to actually help. A broken down Cassie tells Hart about Dolly's death and he comforts her.
Episode dated 17 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—17 agosto 1998
Ross surprises Blake with the offer of joint custody of Kevin in order to keep Rick from filing for full custody. Blake can not believe her actions have had this impact on her family. Rick has a blood test run on Kevin to prove the validity of Ben's claims that he is not Kevin's father. Josh gathers everyone who knew the truth about Dolly together and tells them of her death. Everyone vows to take the secret of Dolly's origins to their grave. Dinah, hot off a conversation with Alan, bursts into the Lewis home and begins asking questions about cloning. Seeing Dinah in the house, Reva enters and pretends to be Dolly to throw Dinah off of their case. Cassie and Hart share their differences of opinion with one another regarding Sean.
Episode dated 18 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—18 agosto 1998
Dinah is tricked by Reva's ploy and Sean throws her out of the Lewis home. Rick learns the truth about Kevin's parentage and painfully admits the truth to Ross. Ben shares the same news with Blake, Kevin is Ross' son and not Rick's. Abby stands by her husband while he tries to cope with the news. Josh is fearful that Reva isn't handling Dolly's death well. As they embrace, Reva sees Dolly's face in the mirror instead of her own reflection. Dinah lashes out at Sean for keeping her away from Hart.
Episode dated 19 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—19 agosto 1998
A welcome party is held by the Coopers in order to meet Teri. Phillip continues to show concern over Harley's mystery client and he tells her that he would fell much more comfortable if she would stop working for the man. Ross thanks Rick to telling him the truth about Kevin. Ross tells Rick that he will not cut Rick out of Kevin's life. Blake discovers that Ben knew about Kevin's paternity months ago and she can't understand why he kept the information from her. Ben explains that he was going to use the information to hurt Ross but Blake tells him there is no excuse for his actions and she vows to continue lying about the "rape". The Spauldings and Grants throw a dinner party where Vicky learns she will act as Vanessa's assistant. Vicky is not happy! Vivian continues to push David into a relationship with Vicky. Matt leaves the dinner party to show Beth the blueprints he made for Lizzie's playhouse. Beth accidentally spills wine on Matt and as she is attempting to clean up the mess, Vanessa enters!
Episode dated 20 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—20 agosto 1998
Vanessa tells Matt that she understands his reasons for bowing out of the dinner party and that she does believe he is not having an affair with Beth. Drew is so desperate for Jesse to need her, she arranges for Jesse to play poker again and, after giving him the money to gamble, meets with Mick Santos to make sure Jesse loses. Mick surprises Drew to allowing Jesse to win big! When Drew questions Mick, he tells her that he is actually setting Jesse up and when he does fall, she can be there to pick up the pieces. Alan receives a letter from Annie warning him not to look for her. Ross and Blake enjoy the news that Kevin is actually Ross's child. Holly leads both of them to believe she has quit drinking. Ben and Beth comfort one another and Ben swears vengeance on Blake for her actions toward him.
Episode dated 21 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—21 agosto 1998
Josh and Reva struggle with their relationship in he aftermath of Dolly's death. Reva feels that all of the troubles Dolly experienced in her short life were her fault, the clone never had the opportunity to become her own person. Still distrusting of Ben, Frank and Teri follow him to the hospital, where Ben has arranged for a specialist to examine Blake's injury. Ben tells Blake that he will fight for his freedom, even if that includes airing Blakes dirty laundry in court. Selena doesn't trust Teri and tells Eleni to keep her eyes on Teri as far as Frank is concerned. Eleni informs Selena that she isn't worried, Frank would never cheat on her. Phillip sees Alan be very caring around Lizzie and the two try to put their differences aside. Alan admits to Phillip that he has received a letter from Annie but is unsure as to how to handle the situation. Vicky arrives and announces to Phillip and Alan that she is having all of her belongings moved into the mansion.
Episode dated 24 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—24 agosto 1998
The spirit of Dolly convinces Reva to let go and move on with her life. Admitting that she is right, Reva finally says goodbye to the clone. Josh and Reva reconcile. Phillip and Alan are livid over Vicky's announcement that she is moving into the Spaulding Mansion. The tension in the Spaulding house cause Harley to have a meltdown! She yells at them to start acting like a family and stop their petty squabbling. When questioned about her actions, Harley admits that Daisy's birthday is coming up and she can't help but think about the child she gave up for adoption. Ben tries to distract himself by dating another woman, however he can not keep his mind from wandering. All he can think about is Blake. Blake realizes that she forgot to destroy the tape of her and Ben together and when she does go to destroy it, Ross, Meta, and the kids arrive and force her to hide the incriminating video. Ross promises not to cut Rick out of Kevin's life. Blake realizes that Ross has returned the video with her and Ben on it to the video store!
Episode dated 25 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—25 agosto 1998
Vicky surprises Alan by offering to work her way up the corporate chain-of-command at Spaulding Enterprises and turns down an offer from him to assume a Vice-President position. Ross talks Vanessa into bring a support group to Blake, since Blake is in a wheelchair, and Ross believes, is having trouble moving on with her life. Blake begs her mother to go to the video store and retrieve the tape with her and Ben on it. Holly gives in and goes to get the video tape, however, when she returns she tells Blake that it is to late, someone has already rented the video! Harley convinces Phillip to try and build a relationship with Vicky. Phillip and Rick have a conversation about kids. Phillip advises his best friend to try and have children with Abby. Rick tells Phillip that it is not that simple, Abby is not sure she wants children. Teri tries to help Frank by telling Eleni about the list Ben produced listing all of Blake's past affairs. A list that Frank is on. Eleni takes the news fine, telling Teri that things that happened in the past need to stay in the past. However, Frank gets angry with Teri and tells her to stay out of his personal life!
Episode dated 26 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—26 agosto 1998
The meeting of the Second Chances group at Blake's home breaks down when Blake, unable to stand the pressure, blurts out how, when Ben's list comes out, she will end up hurting most of their loved ones. Vanessa and Harley try to calm Blake and Eleni tells her that the past can only hurt them if they let it! Beth can't stand much more and demands that Blake tell the truth! She wants Blake to admit to everyone that Ben didn't rape her! Harley rips into Beth for being inconsiderate and cruel. They two women don't see eye-to-eye and Beth says her goodbyes. Josh and Reva prepare for a romantic weekend. Josh takes Reva to an old cabin that H.B. and Martha used on their honeymoon. The outside looks exactly as they had pictured it in their imagination, but the inside needs some work! This trip isn't going to be as romantic as they thought! Abby comforts Rick and asks him if he wants to try and have a baby. Rick, unsure of Abby's reasons, tells her he isn't ready. Jesse wants Michelle to move into his new apartment with him. She asks him where the money came from to buy the apartment and he tells her he sold some more of his art. Michelle readies herself for an expensive night on the town. Meanwhile, Jesse calls Mick and sets up another high-stakes poker game.
Episode dated 27 agosto 1998
Original Air Date—27 agosto 1998
Still a little depressed over Daisy's upcoming birthday, Harley invites Lizzie to go to lunch with her. Beth is not happy, fearing that Harley plans on taking Lizzie away from her the same as she took Phillip. Beth tells Phillip that there is no way Lizzie is going on that lunch date with Harley! Meanwhile, Holly helps Harley try and undercover any information regarding Harley's mystery client, Don Minyard. Holly discovers that Don Minyard doesn't really exist. Harley gets concerned that her "client" is using her in illegal activities. Josh and Reva have a romantic evening at the old cabin used by H.B. and Martha, however, when Josh leaves for food, we see someone watching Reva! Despite his objections, Cassie feels that Hart is drifting away from her. She fears Dinah's baby will come between the two of them. Dinah is upset with Sean for stopping Hart from becoming her Lamaze partner. Sean tells her not to worry, he will be her coach. Neither is happy about the situation, but ultimately agree.
Episode dated 10 febbraio 1999
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 1999
Episode dated 18 febbraio 1999
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 1999
Episode dated 1 marzo 1999
Original Air Date—1 marzo 1999
Episode dated 2 marzo 1999
Original Air Date—2 marzo 1999
Episode dated 3 marzo 1999
Original Air Date—3 marzo 1999
Episode dated 4 marzo 1999
Original Air Date—4 marzo 1999
Episode dated 15 aprile 1999
Original Air Date—15 aprile 1999
Episode dated 5 luglio 1999
Original Air Date—5 luglio 1999
Episode dated 6 luglio 1999
Original Air Date—6 luglio 1999
Episode dated 7 luglio 1999
Original Air Date—7 luglio 1999
Episode dated 8 luglio 1999
Original Air Date—8 luglio 1999
Episode dated 9 luglio 1999
Original Air Date—9 luglio 1999
Episode dated 12 luglio 1999
Original Air Date—12 luglio 1999
Episode dated 13 luglio 1999
Original Air Date—13 luglio 1999
Episode dated 14 luglio 1999
Original Air Date—14 luglio 1999
Episode dated 15 luglio 1999
Original Air Date—15 luglio 1999
Episode dated 16 luglio 1999
Original Air Date—16 luglio 1999
Episode dated 9 novembre 1999
Original Air Date—9 novembre 1999
Vanessa and Bill have it out when she discovered Bill lied about being accepted at Sprinfield University! To compound matters, Carmen arrives and offers Bill his job back at Sancorp. Vanessa and Carmen have a very public confrontation at Company regarding Bill's future. After Vanessa tells Carmen how evil she is, Carmen leaves and before Vanessa can fully enjoy her momentary victory, she collapses. Rick calls Cedars and tells them to ready a room for Vanessa. Pilar confesses to Ray that she attempted to kill Ben and now regrets her actions and he hears her confession and tries to offer her some guidance. Everyone gathers at the courthouse for Max's adoption hearing. Drew tells the judge that Ben Warren is her father, which the judge takes issue with! To make matters worse, Michelle is forced to testify under oath that Danny was drugged by Ben and that she does not think Ben would be a good role model in Max's life. Drew turns on Michelle, telling her she betrayed their friendship. Jesse tells Drew it may come down to her having to choose between Max or her father. Josh and Cassie try to determine how they can get through to Reva. After Josh leaves, Reva arrives and the two sisters talk about Richard. Reva informs Cassie that she definitely understands how Cassie could fall in love with a man like Richard. Josh overhears Reva's comments to Cassie and is angered. Josh informs Reva that until he can be 100% sure she wants him and not Richard, he's leaving her!
Episode dated 27 dicembre 1999
Original Air Date—27 dicembre 1999
Olivia and Josh speak on Christmas morning but their conversation is interrupted by Marah, who is furious to see her dad with Olivia. Danny and Michelle spend their Christmas together. Thankful that Frank allowed Michelle to be out of jail for the holiday. Frank arrives to take Michelle back into custody. Ross and Blake profess their love to one another, however Blake is worried her mother still loves Ross. When Holly arrives, she downplays Blake's fears, even though they are true. Carmen visits a comatose Vanessa in the hospital, playing on Matt's feelings. Matt allows Carmen to stay by Vanessa's bedside.
Episode dated 28 dicembre 1999
Original Air Date—28 dicembre 1999
Phillip is not very happy with all of Edmund's expenses on his expense report, but Beth urges Phillip to approve the report in order to help Edmund adjust to his time in Springfield. After seeing a psychiatrist, Reva decides to try and find Jonathan in order to allow Richard the chance to decide his son's fate. Richard wants to payoff all of Cassie's bills, but she resists and questions him about his feelings for her sister. Richard tells her he has no feelings for Reva, but secretly still does. To ease Cassie's fears, Richard sets a wedding date for the two of them. They will be married on Valentine's Day. Marah tries to talk to Cassie, but Cassie doesn't have any time for her so she tells her troubles to a sympathetic Jesse. Drew tries to convince Buzz and Selena to come to dinner with her and Jesse, but Selena doesn't want to. Feeling rejected by Jesse, Marah flirts with a guy named Chad who pulls her into a kiss!
Episode dated 29 dicembre 1999
Original Air Date—29 dicembre 1999
Jim interrupts Edmund and Beth at the office and after Edmund leaves, proposes to Beth! Beth is thrilled and they go to meet Lillian and Susan to celebrate. Marah is struggling to break away from Chad and Olivia comes to her rescue. Saving Marah keeps Olivia from a planned meeting between a congresswoman, Josh, and Matt. Matt phones Olivia but she covers for Marah. Marah is still convinced Olivia wants to steal her dad from mom, Reva. Later Josh argues with Olivia about missing the meeting and tells her he should have known he couldn't trust her. Edmund tracks Carmen to Towers, where he demands she pay him for their past business dealings together in San Cristobel. He is also intrigued by Carmen's interest in Vanessa Reardon's health. At Millennium, Phillip tells Rick about sleeping with Beth on board the downed airplane in San Cristobel. Phillip wants to admit to Harley he and Beth slept together but Rick doesn't think that is a good idea. Meanwhile, Harley and Abby discuss Abby's reservations about starting a family with Rick.
Episode dated 30 dicembre 1999
Original Air Date—30 dicembre 1999
Springfield gathers at Millennium to ring in the new year and Drew is surprised by a mystery D.J. The citizens of Springfield fantasize about their "perfect" new year. However, miracles happen in the present when Josh and Reva are forced together during the party and the two share a close moment, Richard arrives in time to surprise Cassie, and Selena and Buzz share a dance for the very first time since Selena's paralysis.
Episode dated 28 febbraio 2000
Original Air Date—28 febbraio 2000
Original Air Date—29 febbraio 2000
Episode dated 1 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—1 marzo 2000
Episode dated 2 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—2 marzo 2000
Episode dated 3 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—3 marzo 2000
Episode dated 6 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—6 marzo 2000
Episode dated 7 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—7 marzo 2000
Episode dated 8 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—8 marzo 2000
Episode dated 9 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—9 marzo 2000
Episode dated 10 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—10 marzo 2000
Episode dated 13 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—13 marzo 2000
Episode dated 14 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—14 marzo 2000
Episode dated 15 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—15 marzo 2000
Episode dated 21 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—21 marzo 2000
Episode dated 22 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—22 marzo 2000
Episode dated 24 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—24 marzo 2000
Episode dated 28 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—28 marzo 2000
Episode dated 29 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—29 marzo 2000
Episode dated 30 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—30 marzo 2000
Episode dated 31 marzo 2000
Original Air Date—31 marzo 2000
Episode dated 10 aprile 2000
Original Air Date—10 aprile 2000
Episode dated 11 aprile 2000
Original Air Date—11 aprile 2000
Danny and Michelle continue to hide in San Cristobel. Harley continues to try and determine Rick's secret and his connection to Claire. Rick visits Claire and tells her he will take care of Harley's questions. Harley convinces Frank to help her with the investigation. Cassie tries to deliver a message from Danny to Ray, but is interrupted by Theresa. Ray warns Cassie of how dangerous the Sandoval family is. Cassie returns home to find her house has been broken into. Blake slips a note from Michelle into Jesse's pocket but Drew finds the note and believes Jesse has been helping hide Michelle and Danny.
Episode dated 12 aprile 2000
Original Air Date—12 aprile 2000
Cassie finds Richard in her house and is relieved it isn't a member of the mob. Theresa overhears Drew reveal Danny and Michelle's hiding place in San Cristobel and departs to find them. Richard wants to pack Cassie's things to bring to San Cristobel, but Cassie wants to leave all of her past remembrances or Hart behind in Springfield. Jim finds Susan at the beach. He reassures his daughter that his new baby will not be a problem for their family and his wife, Connie, would have wanted he and Susan to be happy had she lived. Noah learns that Phillip has been investigating his financial state and questions Phillip about it. Phillip continues to try and convince Noah to become Lizzie's doctor. At first Noah refuses, but have Edmund persuades Noah to revisit Lizzie's case, he agrees to be her physician. Beth thanks Edmund for getting Noah to see Lizzie a second time. Edmund's closeness to Beth and Lizzie leaves Phillip angry.
Episode dated 13 aprile 2000
Original Air Date—13 aprile 2000
Phillip informs Rick of Noah becoming Lizzie's doctor. Rick wants to know why Phillip isn't stopping Harley from digging into his past history. Rick's reaction to Harley's investigation worries Phillip. Frank, posing as a security guard, gets Claire out of her office long enough for Harley to find Rick's file and photograph it, however, Claire returns and catches Harley hiding in her office! Billy and Matt try to get Vanessa to videotape a confession for the police, but when Vanessa learns Danny and Michelle are still on the run, refuses to do so and says she will not leave town until she talks to the police. Ray sneaks into Carmen's office and finds evidence which could clear Michelle. They are both overjoyed when Ray phones with the information and urge him to continue looking into the situation in Springfield. Theresa arrives at the Santos villa in San Cristobel and holds Danny and Michelle at gunpoint!
Episode dated 14 aprile 2000
Original Air Date—14 aprile 2000
Claire has the security guard arrest Harley for breaking into her office. What she doesn't discover until later is that the security guard was not legitimate! Frank, posing as the guard, releases his sister after they leave Claire's office. Upon reading Rick's file, Harley is devastated at what she discovers involving her friend. Drew, angry at Jesse, informs Bernardo Sandoval where Danny and Michelle are hiding and he sends men to kill the two of them. Danny and Theresa struggle over the gun she was pointing at him and Michelle and manages to take the gun from her. When someone tries to enter a window at the villa, Danny assumes it is one of Bernardo's men and shots the intruder, only to be stunned when Jesse falls into the room! Danny has shot Jesse in the chest. Holly and Billy convince Matt to allow Vanessa to tell the police the truth regarding the night Ben Warren was murdered. Vanessa makes it clear that Carmen Santos shot Ben first and framed Michelle for murder. Michelle is innocent. Drew, overhearing Vanessa's confession, cannot believe she informed the mob where Danny and Michelle are hiding!
Episode dated 17 aprile 2000
Original Air Date—17 aprile 2000
Episode dated 18 aprile 2000
Original Air Date—18 aprile 2000
Episode dated 19 aprile 2000
Original Air Date—19 aprile 2000
Episode dated 20 aprile 2000
Original Air Date—20 aprile 2000
Episode dated 21 aprile 2000
Original Air Date—21 aprile 2000
Episode dated 10 maggio 2000
Original Air Date—10 maggio 2000
Episode dated 2 giugno 2000
Original Air Date—2 giugno 2000
Episode dated 31 luglio 2000
Original Air Date—31 luglio 2000
Episode dated 18 settembre 2000
Original Air Date—18 settembre 2000
Episode dated 10 ottobre 2000
Original Air Date—10 ottobre 2000
Episode dated 20 ottobre 2000
Original Air Date—20 ottobre 2000
Episode dated 23 ottobre 2000
Original Air Date—23 ottobre 2000
Episode dated 25 ottobre 2000
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 2000
Episode dated 2 novembre 2000
Original Air Date—2 novembre 2000
Episode dated 9 novembre 2000
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2000
Episode dated 14 dicembre 2000
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 2000
Episode dated 1 febbraio 2001
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2001
Episode dated 1 marzo 2001
Original Air Date—1 marzo 2001
Episode dated 27 marzo 2001
Original Air Date—27 marzo 2001
Episode dated 2 aprile 2001
Original Air Date—2 aprile 2001
Episode dated 3 aprile 2001
Original Air Date—3 aprile 2001
Episode dated 11 aprile 2001
Original Air Date—11 aprile 2001
Episode dated 27 aprile 2001
Original Air Date—27 aprile 2001
Episode dated 30 maggio 2001
Original Air Date—30 maggio 2001
Episode dated 1 giugno 2001
Original Air Date—1 giugno 2001
Episode dated 4 settembre 2001
Original Air Date—4 settembre 2001
Episode dated 5 settembre 2001
Original Air Date—5 settembre 2001
Episode dated 6 settembre 2001
Original Air Date—6 settembre 2001
Episode dated 26 settembre 2001
Original Air Date—26 settembre 2001
Episode dated 5 ottobre 2001
Original Air Date—5 ottobre 2001
Episode dated 26 ottobre 2001
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 2001
Episode dated 7 gennaio 2002
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 2002
Episode dated 8 gennaio 2002
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 2002
Episode dated 9 gennaio 2002
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 2002
Episode dated 10 gennaio 2002
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 2002
Episode dated 11 gennaio 2002
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2002
Episode dated 16 gennaio 2002
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 2002
Episode dated 18 gennaio 2002
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2002
Episode dated 15 maggio 2002
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2002
Episode dated 16 maggio 2002
Original Air Date—16 maggio 2002
Episode dated 14 agosto 2002
Original Air Date—14 agosto 2002
Episode dated 5 settembre 2002
Original Air Date—5 settembre 2002
Episode dated 22 ottobre 2002
Original Air Date—22 ottobre 2002
Episode dated 29 ottobre 2002
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 2002
Episode dated 15 novembre 2002
Original Air Date—15 novembre 2002
Episode dated 16 dicembre 2002
Original Air Date—16 dicembre 2002
Episode dated 18 dicembre 2002
Original Air Date—18 dicembre 2002
Episode dated 4 marzo 2003
Original Air Date—4 marzo 2003
Episode dated 9 aprile 2003
Original Air Date—9 aprile 2003
Episode dated 18 aprile 2003
Original Air Date—18 aprile 2003
Episode dated 8 maggio 2003
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2003
Episode dated 11 giugno 2003
Original Air Date—11 giugno 2003
Episode dated 19 giugno 2003
Original Air Date—19 giugno 2003
Episode dated 3 luglio 2003
Original Air Date—3 luglio 2003
Episode dated 9 luglio 2003
Original Air Date—9 luglio 2003
Episode dated 12 settembre 2003
Original Air Date—12 settembre 2003
Episode dated 14 ottobre 2003
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 2003
Episode dated 23 ottobre 2003
Original Air Date—23 ottobre 2003
Episode dated 24 ottobre 2003
Original Air Date—24 ottobre 2003
Episode dated 1 dicembre 2003
Original Air Date—1 dicembre 2003
Episode dated 2 dicembre 2003
Original Air Date—2 dicembre 2003
Episode dated 6 gennaio 2004
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 2004
Episode dated 17 luglio 2004
Original Air Date—17 luglio 2004
Episode dated 19 luglio 2004
Original Air Date—????
Episode dated 23 luglio 2004
Original Air Date—23 luglio 2004
Episode dated 30 novembre 2004
Original Air Date—30 novembre 2004
Episode dated 3 dicembre 2004
Original Air Date—3 dicembre 2004
Episode dated 6 dicembre 2004
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 2004
Episode dated 10 dicembre 2004
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 2004
Episode dated 14 dicembre 2004
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 2004
Episode dated 21 dicembre 2004
Original Air Date—21 dicembre 2004
Episode dated 22 dicembre 2004
Original Air Date—22 dicembre 2004
Episode dated 3 gennaio 2005
Original Air Date—3 gennaio 2005
Episode dated 19 gennaio 2005
Original Air Date—19 gennaio 2005
Episode dated 2 febbraio 2005
Original Air Date—2 febbraio 2005
Episode dated 14 marzo 2005
Original Air Date—14 marzo 2005
Episode dated 15 marzo 2005
Original Air Date—15 marzo 2005
Episode dated 9 maggio 2005
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2005
Gus sneaks into the prison to visit with Harley and catches her in a intimate moment with Mallet. Harley explains and Mallet gives the couple time to be alone. A.C. visits with Frank who has come to deliver the message that Harley is being transferred to Hell House, the worst correctional facility in the state. Mallet breaks the news to both Gus and Harley and they try to devise a plan to keep Harley from being transferred. A freak electrical storms strands Edmund, Dinah, Cassie, and Jeffrey alongside the road. Cassie is determined to get to Washington DC and talk to Alonzo about Will and she and Jeffrey take off walking. When rain hits, they take shelter in an old abandoned barn. A fallen tree blocks their exit. Dinah fixes the car and Edmund discovers Jeffrey and Cassie. Marina assumes that Danny is leaving to be with Michelle. Danny reassures her that he is packed to go on their trip together. When Marina continues to push Danny about his feelings for Michelle, he admits to Marina the he and Michelle slept together. Danny told her it was because of the guilt the two of them felt over Tony's death. Marina storms off, furious with Danny.
Episode dated 11 maggio 2005
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2005
Harley is still having a hard time trusting Mallet. Her memories of how much he hurt her in Florida continue to haunt her mind. Mallet asks Harley to put aside the past and, besides, she never answered any of his letters. Harley comments that she never received any letters from him. Later Harley discovers that Frank had secretly intercepted Mallet's letters and kept them from Harley for years. Harley is left speechless, but now sees that perhaps A.C. isn't as bad as she had thought for so long. Gus continues to try to find Olivia, as does Bill. Vanessa asks Bill if he even considered if Gus was right. What if Olivia was Phillip's murderer? Bill rushes off to find his wife and stand by her, no matter what! Alan agrees to help Gus find Olivia. Gus does not know, however, that it was Alan who orchestrated Harley's transfer to Hell House! Buzz tries to get Marina and Lizzie to give Danny and Coop another chance. He later sees the couples tentatively reconcile.
Episode dated 12 maggio 2005
Original Air Date—12 maggio 2005
Josh tries desperately to understand Reva's needs. Reva's menopause is causing havoc for her marriage and she only feels herself when she is working at Outskirts with Nate. Josh enters into an agreement with Sebastian and Blake to bring down Alan Spaulding. Josh wants to gain ownership of WSPR and give Reva her television job back, little does he know that she doesn't want it! Jonathan continues to learn the ropes while working at Lewis Construction, and even turns his mother down when she wants him to go play "hookie" with her! Tammy is pleased by Jonathan's ambition. Jon and Sandy are shocked when Tammy announces that she will be working at Lewis during the summer and the "three of them" can spend a lot of time together! Jonathan confides in Tammy that his trust fund is gone and he is now totally broke. Cassie, Jeffrey, Dinah, and Edmund arrive in Washington DC to talk to Alonzo. Edmund makes sure that Cassie doesn't get to see Alonzo and Dinah, trying to help, only makes matters worse. Word comes that Alonzo wants Will by the end of the week! Cassie is stunned and turns to Jeffrey for support.
Episode dated 13 maggio 2005
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2005
Reva is spending more and more time at Outskirts with Nate and is surprised when Josh walks into the bar and catches her there! She admits that Nate was the man whose hotel room she mistakenly entered the other evening but keeps the fact that she's working there a secret. When Nate questions her about it, she says she doesn't want to share the bar with anyone else, it has become her own "personal space". Harley continues to hide in A.C.'s office at the prison. Alan takes steps to have Harley's transfer happen. After setting up both Mallet and Gus on wild goose chases, Harley is forced to board the transport vehicle. Lizzie catches her grandfather working behind the scenes to hurt Harley and questions him on it. Lizzie thinks he is being cruel and before he can convince her otherwise, Coop arrives.
Episode dated 23 maggio 2005
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2005
Episode dated 26 maggio 2005
Original Air Date—26 maggio 2005
Episode dated 13 giugno 2005
Original Air Date—13 giugno 2005
Episode dated 27 luglio 2005
Original Air Date—27 luglio 2005
Episode dated 22 agosto 2005
Original Air Date—22 agosto 2005
Episode dated 23 agosto 2005
Original Air Date—23 agosto 2005
Episode dated 24 agosto 2005
Original Air Date—24 agosto 2005
Episode dated 25 agosto 2005
Original Air Date—25 agosto 2005
Episode dated 26 agosto 2005
Original Air Date—26 agosto 2005
Episode dated 29 agosto 2005
Original Air Date—29 agosto 2005
Episode dated 30 agosto 2005
Original Air Date—30 agosto 2005
Episode dated 31 agosto 2005
Original Air Date—31 agosto 2005
Episode dated 1 settembre 2005
Original Air Date—1 settembre 2005
Episode dated 2 settembre 2005
Original Air Date—2 settembre 2005
Episode dated 15 settembre 2005
Original Air Date—????
Charity Henson takes over the role of Stephanie Curtis, the sexy, up-and-coming television producer who sets her sights on Reva's man. Josh gives Reva a dose of her own medicine.
Episode dated 23 settembre 2005
Original Air Date—????
Episode dated 31 ottobre 2005
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 2005
Episode dated 1 novembre 2005
Original Air Date—1 novembre 2005
Episode dated 2 novembre 2005
Original Air Date—2 novembre 2005
Episode dated 3 novembre 2005
Original Air Date—3 novembre 2005
Episode dated 7 novembre 2005
Original Air Date—7 novembre 2005
Episode dated 8 novembre 2005
Original Air Date—8 novembre 2005
Episode dated 6 dicembre 2005
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 2005
Episode dated 7 dicembre 2005
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2005
Episode dated 8 dicembre 2005
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 2005
Episode dated 9 dicembre 2005
Original Air Date—9 dicembre 2005
Episode dated 3 gennaio 2006
Original Air Date—3 gennaio 2006
Episode dated 4 gennaio 2006
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 2006
Episode dated 5 gennaio 2006
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 2006
Episode dated 6 gennaio 2006
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 2006
Episode dated 10 gennaio 2006
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 2006
Episode dated 16 gennaio 2006
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 2006
Episode dated 27 gennaio 2006
Original Air Date—27 gennaio 2006
Episode dated 6 febbraio 2006
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2006
Episode dated 9 febbraio 2006
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 2006
Episode dated 16 febbraio 2006
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 2006
Episode dated 17 febbraio 2006
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 2006
Episode dated 27 febbraio 2006
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 2006
Mallet and Harley find Beth at the scene of Gus and Alan's accident. Although Beth tells Harley she wanted to offer moral support to her on Gus's birthday, neither Mallet or Harly buy her story. Gus and Alan struggle to escape from the cabin. Buzz and Olivia have a heart-to-heart talk about love. When Olivia announces that one night stands are the only relationships she will even consider after her track record with men, Buzz lets her have it! Frank comes to Olivia's defense, he still believes there is a future between Olivia and himself. Alan-Michael uses Dinah to set-up animosity between her and Harley. Dinah falls into his trap perfectly.
Episode dated 28 febbraio 2006
Original Air Date—28 febbraio 2006
After Billy's drunk driving accident, Reva is in the hospital with both Josh and Billy by her side. Josh and Billy argue, both about Billy's drinking and Josh stringing Reva along. Jeffrey calls the rest of the Lewis family to tell them about the accident. Jonathan and Tammy are there when Cassie arrives with Sandy in tow. Jonathan reminds Sandy that Reva is not his mother, after which Sandy is served with a restraining order to stay away from Tammy. Lizzie and Beth have a strange conversation. Later, Lizzie has paid someone to woo Ava, something she hopes will drive a wedge between Ava and Coop.
Episode dated 1 marzo 2006
Original Air Date—1 marzo 2006
Alan-Michael prepares himself for being named Spaulding Enterprises CEO. A role his disguises from Marina but readily admits to Alexandra. Later, Alan-Michael, Beth, Alex, and Lizzie attend the reading of Alan's will. The ladies are left with very little, but Alan only gives Alan-Michael a dime! After that slap in the face, Alan-Michael is determined to take over Spaulding. At the Spaulding press conference Harley shocks everyone in attendance when she promotes Dinah as interim head of Spaulding during her leave-of-absence!
Episode dated 2 marzo 2006
Original Air Date—2 marzo 2006
Episode dated 14 marzo 2006
Original Air Date—14 marzo 2006
Episode dated 28 marzo 2006
Original Air Date—28 marzo 2006
Episode dated 11 aprile 2006
Original Air Date—11 aprile 2006
Episode dated 12 aprile 2006
Original Air Date—12 aprile 2006
Episode dated 18 aprile 2006
Original Air Date—18 aprile 2006
Episode dated 19 aprile 2006
Original Air Date—19 aprile 2006
Episode dated 26 aprile 2006
Original Air Date—26 aprile 2006
Episode dated 27 aprile 2006
Original Air Date—????
Episode dated 8 maggio 2006
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2006
Episode dated 14 maggio 2006
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2006
Episode dated 18 maggio 2006
Original Air Date—18 maggio 2006
Episode dated 24 maggio 2006
Original Air Date—24 maggio 2006
Episode dated 2 giugno 2006
Original Air Date—2 giugno 2006
Episode dated 4 giugno 2006
Original Air Date—4 giugno 2006
Episode dated 8 giugno 2006
Original Air Date—8 giugno 2006
Episode dated 12 giugno 2006
Original Air Date—12 giugno 2006
Episode dated 23 agosto 2006
Original Air Date—23 agosto 2006
Episode dated 30 agosto 2006
Original Air Date—30 agosto 2006
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IMDb > "The Bold and the Beautiful" (1987) > Episode list
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Episode list for
"The Bold and the Beautiful" (1987) More at IMDbPro »
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Episodes: All (3,478)

Season: 1 | unknown
Year: 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | unknown

Season 1
Season 1, Episode 1: Episode #1.1
Original Air Date—23 marzo 1987
Eric Forrester puts on his latest fashion show. Bill Spencer demands that Ridge stop dating his daughter, Caroline. Det. David Reed questions Brooke Logan about the two men who tried to rape her.
Season 1, Episode 2: Episode #1.2
Original Air Date—24 marzo 1987
Eric tells Stephanie their marriage has gone stale. Ridge tells his parents he and Caroline are getting married. Brooke searches through mugshots to find her attackers.
Season 1, Episode 3: Episode #1.3
Original Air Date—25 marzo 1987
Season 1, Episode 4: Episode #1.4
Original Air Date—26 marzo 1987
Season 1, Episode 5: Episode #1.5
Original Air Date—27 marzo 1987
Season 1, Episode 6: Episode #1.6
Original Air Date—30 marzo 1987
Dave proposes to Brooke but she asks for time to think about it. Bill pressures Margo to tell him about Ridge but she refuses. Storm and Dave argue about using Brooke as a decoy. Eric confronts Ridge about whether or not he loves Caroline.
Season 1, Episode 7: Episode #1.7
Original Air Date—31 marzo 1987
Stephanie believes Eric and Margo are having an affair. Rocco arrives for his date but is disappointed in Katie's looks. Eric and Stephanie argue about their absent daughter as Caroline convinces Kristen to come to the wedding.
Season 1, Episode 8: Episode #1.8
Original Air Date—1 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 9: Episode #1.9
Original Air Date—2 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 10: Episode #1.10
Original Air Date—3 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 11: Episode #1.11
Original Air Date—6 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 12: Episode #1.12
Original Air Date—7 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 13: Episode #1.13
Original Air Date—8 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 14: Episode #1.14
Original Air Date—9 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 15: Episode #1.15
Original Air Date—10 aprile 1987
Donna realizes Katie is upset that Rocco hasn't called her and convinces him to ask her out again. Bill confronts Ridge with the picture. Ridge tells Bill it was a mistake but Bill wants the wedding called off immediately!
Season 1, Episode 16: Episode #1.16
Original Air Date—13 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 17: Episode #1.17
Original Air Date—14 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 18: Episode #1.18
Original Air Date—15 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 19: Episode #1.19
Original Air Date—16 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 20: Episode #1.20
Original Air Date—17 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 21: Episode #1.21
Original Air Date—20 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 22: Episode #1.22
Original Air Date—21 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 23: Episode #1.23
Original Air Date—22 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 24: Episode #1.24
Original Air Date—23 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 25: Episode #1.25
Original Air Date—24 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 26: Episode #1.26
Original Air Date—27 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 27: Episode #1.27
Original Air Date—28 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 28: Episode #1.28
Original Air Date—29 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 29: Episode #1.29
Original Air Date—30 aprile 1987
Season 1, Episode 30: Episode #1.30
Original Air Date—1 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 31: Episode #1.31
Original Air Date—4 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 32: Episode #1.32
Original Air Date—5 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 33: Episode #1.33
Original Air Date—6 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 34: Episode #1.34
Original Air Date—7 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 35: Episode #1.35
Original Air Date—8 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 36: Episode #1.36
Original Air Date—11 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 37: Episode #1.37
Original Air Date—12 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 38: Episode #1.38
Original Air Date—13 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 39: Episode #1.39
Original Air Date—14 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 40: Episode #1.40
Original Air Date—15 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 41: Episode #1.41
Original Air Date—18 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 42: Episode #1.42
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 43: Episode #1.43
Original Air Date—20 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 44: Episode #1.44
Original Air Date—21 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 45: Episode #1.45
Original Air Date—22 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 46: Episode #1.46
Original Air Date—25 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 47: Episode #1.47
Original Air Date—26 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 48: Episode #1.48
Original Air Date—27 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 49: Episode #1.49
Original Air Date—28 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 50: Episode #1.50
Original Air Date—29 maggio 1987
Season 1, Episode 51: Episode #1.51
Original Air Date—1 giugno 1987
Season 1, Episode 52: Episode #1.52
Original Air Date—2 giugno 1987
Season 1, Episode 53: Episode #1.53
Original Air Date—3 giugno 1987
Season 1, Episode 54: Episode #1.54
Original Air Date—4 giugno 1987
Season 1, Episode 55: Episode #1.55
Original Air Date—5 giugno 1987
Season 1, Episode 56: Episode #1.56
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 57: Episode #1.57
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 58: Episode #1.58
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 59: Episode #1.59
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 60: Episode #1.60
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 61: Episode #1.61
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 62: Episode #1.62
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 63: Episode #1.63
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 64: Episode #1.64
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 65: Episode #1.65
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 66: Episode #1.66
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 67: Episode #1.67
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 68: Episode #1.68
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 69: Episode #1.69
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 70: Episode #1.70
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 71: Episode #1.71
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 72: Episode #1.72
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 73: Episode #1.73
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 74: Episode #1.74
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 75: Episode #1.75
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 76: Episode #1.76
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 77: Episode #1.77
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 78: Episode #1.78
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 79: Episode #1.79
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 80: Episode #1.80
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 81: Episode #1.81
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 82: Episode #1.82
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 83: Episode #1.83
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 84: Episode #1.84
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 85: Episode #1.85
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 86: Episode #1.86
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 87: Episode #1.87
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 88: Episode #1.88
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 89: Episode #1.89
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 90: Episode #1.90
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 91: Episode #1.91
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 92: Episode #1.92
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 93: Episode #1.93
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 94: Episode #1.94
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 95: Episode #1.95
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 96: Episode #1.96
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 97: Episode #1.97
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 98: Episode #1.98
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 99: Episode #1.99
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 100: Episode #1.100
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 101: Episode #1.101
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 102: Episode #1.102
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 103: Episode #1.103
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 104: Episode #1.104
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 105: Episode #1.105
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 106: Episode #1.106
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 107: Episode #1.107
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 108: Episode #1.108
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 109: Episode #1.109
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 110: Episode #1.110
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 111: Episode #1.111
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 112: Episode #1.112
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 113: Episode #1.113
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 114: Episode #1.114
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 115: Episode #1.115
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 116: Episode #1.116
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 117: Episode #1.117
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 118: Episode #1.118
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 119: Episode #1.119
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 120: Episode #1.120
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 121: Episode #1.121
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 122: Episode #1.122
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 123: Episode #1.123
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 124: Episode #1.124
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 125: Episode #1.125
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 126: Episode #1.126
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 127: Episode #1.127
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 128: Episode #1.128
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 129: Episode #1.129
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 130: Episode #1.130
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 131: Episode #1.131
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 132: Episode #1.132
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 133: Episode #1.133
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 134: Episode #1.134
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 135: Episode #1.135
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 136: Episode #1.136
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 137: Episode #1.137
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 138: Episode #1.138
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 139: Episode #1.139
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 140: Episode #1.140
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 141: Episode #1.141
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 142: Episode #1.142
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 143: Episode #1.143
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 144: Episode #1.144
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 145: Episode #1.145
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 146: Episode #1.146
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 147: Episode #1.147
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 148: Episode #1.148
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 149: Episode #1.149
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 150: Episode #1.150
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 151: Episode #1.151
Original Air Date—4 novembre 1987
Ridge and Margo fight over Ridge's feelings for Caroline. In court, Ron Deacon's character witnesses heighten his credibility. The district attorney realizes he needs Ridge's testimony. Ridge is hesitant about testifying but realizes that he owes it to Caroline.
Season 1, Episode 152: Episode #1.152
Original Air Date—5 novembre 1987
As Ridge prepares for his witness statement in court for Caroline's trial, the Logans remember their long-disappeared father since it is 27th wedding anniversary of Beth of Stephen Senior.
Season 1, Episode 153: Episode #1.153
Original Air Date—6 novembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 154: Episode #1.154
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 155: Episode #1.155
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 156: Episode #1.156
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 157: Episode #1.157
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 158: Episode #1.158
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 159: Episode #1.159
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 160: Episode #1.160
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 161: Episode #1.161
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 162: Episode #1.162
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 163: Episode #1.163
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 164: Episode #1.164
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 165: Episode #1.165
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 166: Episode #1.166
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 167: Episode #1.167
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 168: Episode #1.168
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 169: Episode #1.169
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 170: Episode #1.170
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 171: Episode #1.171
Original Air Date—1987
Season 1, Episode 172: Episode #1.172
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 173: Episode #1.173
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 174: Episode #1.174
Original Air Date—19 novembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 175: Episode #1.175
Original Air Date—20 novembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 176: Episode #1.176
Original Air Date—23 novembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 177: Episode #1.177
Original Air Date—24 novembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 178: Episode #1.178
Original Air Date—25 novembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 179: Episode #1.179
Original Air Date—27 novembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 180: Episode #1.180
Original Air Date—30 novembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 181: Episode #1.181
Original Air Date—1 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 182: Episode #1.182
Original Air Date—2 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 183: Episode #1.183
Original Air Date—3 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 184: Episode #1.184
Original Air Date—4 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 185: Episode #1.185
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 186: Episode #1.186
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 187: Episode #1.187
Original Air Date—9 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 188: Episode #1.188
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 189: Episode #1.189
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 190: Episode #1.190
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 191: Episode #1.191
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 192: Episode #1.192
Original Air Date—16 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 193: Episode #1.193
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 194: Episode #1.194
Original Air Date—18 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 195: Episode #1.195
Original Air Date—21 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 196: Episode #1.196
Original Air Date—22 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 197: Episode #1.197
Original Air Date—23 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 198: Episode #1.198
Original Air Date—24 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 199: Episode #1.199
Original Air Date—28 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 200: Episode #1.200
Original Air Date—29 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 201: Episode #1.201
Original Air Date—30 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 202: Episode #1.202
Original Air Date—31 dicembre 1987
Season 1, Episode 203: Episode #1.203
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 1988
Season 1, Episode 204: Episode #1.204
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 1988
Season 1, Episode 205: Episode #1.205
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 1988
Season 1, Episode 206: Episode #1.206
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 1988
Season 1, Episode 207: Episode #1.207
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 1988
Season 1, Episode 208: Episode #1.208
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 1988
Season 1, Episode 209: Episode #1.209
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 1988
Season 1, Episode 210: Episode #1.210
Original Air Date—13 gennaio 1988
Season 1, Episode 211: Episode #1.211
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 1988
Season 1, Episode 212: Episode #1.212

Anonimo ha detto...


Anonimo ha detto... da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri siti.

Anonimo ha detto... da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri siti.

Anonimo ha detto... da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri da oggi offre i suoi contenuti con il sistema Rss (Really Simple Syndication), un modo semplice e comodo per essere informati in tempo reale. Grazie ai feed Rss, è possibile ricevere sul proprio computer aggiornamenti sulle ultime notizie pubblicate dal sito. Chi ha un blog, inoltre, può diffondere in maniera semplice e immediata le news di

Per accedere ai contenuti Rss con pochi semplici passi è sufficiente una connessione internet e un apposito programma chiamato "aggregatore". In rete se ne trovano moltissimi (vedi a lato), da scaricare sul proprio pc o da usare attraverso il web. Alcuni aggregatori si integrano perfettamente con i principali browser e con i più usati programmi di posta elettronica. distribuisce tramite Rss il titolo, il sommario e l'indirizzo di tutti gli articoli pubblicati in homepage e nelle varie sezioni. I feed Rss sono dunque il metodo ideale per conoscere le ultime notizie anche mentre si lavora su altri documenti o si visitano altri siti.

Anonimo ha detto...

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Episode list for
"ER" (1994) More at IMDbPro »
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Episodes: All (331)

Season: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
Year: 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | unknown

Season 1
Season 1, Episode 1: 24 Hours
Original Air Date—19 settembre 1994
Pilot for the popular TV series is set during 24 frantic hours in the lives a group of doctors, nurses, and workers of a busy emergency room at a Chicago hospital in dealing with the seemingly endless casualties that stumble into their place of employment. The central characters being the chief resident and family man Dr. Mark Greene who looks out of his current position for a job in a private practice due to pressure from his demanding lawyer wife Jennifer; outgoing Dr. Doug Ross who deals with cases in his own personal way; straight-arrow Dr. Susan Lewis in trying just to get by other long 36-hour shift; naive new intern John Carter; veteran intern Peter Benton; the troubled chief nurse Carol Hathaway; and E.R. head doctor David Morgenstern.
Season 1, Episode 2: Day One
Original Air Date—22 settembre 1994
Mark's wife arrives in the ER with the news that she has passed her bar exams but several members of the staff interrupt their intimate celebration. Greene treats an elderly woman whose husband isn't ready to let her go. It's been eight weeks since Hathaway's attempted suicide, but Doug Ross has yet to bring himself to visit the woman he went out with for two years. Susan Lewis saves a newborn who is brought into the ER choking. She also argues with the psychiatric attending who refuses to admit a patient suffering from dementia. Carter finds himself having to care for a group of German tourists who are suffering from food poisoning. He also treats a young flirt with a rash. Benton treats a recent surgery patient and finds his correct diagnosis overturned by the man's physician. Susan Lewis treats a family struck by a drunk driver. The husband and daughter will survive but there is little hope for the woman. The drunk driver is also brought in suffering from only a few scratches.
Season 1, Episode 3: Going Home
Original Air Date—29 settembre 1994
Carol Hathaway returns to work after her suicide attempt. Doug Ross still feels guilty about what happened. An ER patient found walking he streets takes to singing, constantly. Susan Lewis has a run-in with the cardiologist on duty, Dr. Kayson, when he disagrees with her treatment of a heart attack victim. At a case review session, she gets very little support from her colleagues. She also treats a woman who is dying of leukemia and who has good advice for Hathaway. Greene treats a woman who has obviously been beaten by her husband but can't get to agree to get help.
Season 1, Episode 4: Hit and Run
Original Air Date—6 ottobre 1994
Drs. Benton and Langworthy are unsuccessful in reviving a teen-aged boy involved in a traffic accident and it's left to Carter to determine the boy's identity and notify the parents. Unfortunately, he tells the wrong parents that their son is dead. Dough Ross tells a young patient that he will not be separated from his schizophrenic mother knowing that she will likely be hospitalized for a long time. Susan Lewis tells Mark that she is dating the psychiatric attending physician Div Cvetic. She also treats a salesman whose cell phone is having an odd effect on hospital equipment. Benton forgets that he was supposed to sit with his mother while his sister and brother-in-law were to go out for their tenth anniversary dinner.
Season 1, Episode 5: Into That Good Night
Original Air Date—13 ottobre 1994
Mark Greene's wife Jen gets a position clerking with a Federal judge. Unfortunately, it's in Milwaukee, 2 hours away and she wants Mark to look for a job there. Greene and Susan Lewis treat Samuel Gasner, a man who has been waiting for a heart transplant and who will not survive the night unless a donor can be found. John Carter is worried that his latest paramour may have left him with a souvenir of their sexual encounter. Doug Ross treats a young girl suffering from severe asthma but whose mother can't afford her medication. Benton treats Ivan the liquor store owner who is shot for the third time in as many weeks.
Season 1, Episode 6: Chicago Heat
Original Air Date—20 ottobre 1994
The realities of the ER may be too much for a child, but circumstances force Greene to bring his daughter Rachel with him on a day when the outdoor temperature tops 100 degrees and the air-conditioning doesn't work. Benton and Langworthy try in vain to save a boy shot in self-defense. Meanwhile, Lewis's broke sister, Chloe, steals Lewis's TV and VCR. After Ross crosses the line with Hathaway and Taglieri, Hathaway slugs Ross.
Season 1, Episode 7: Another Perfect Day
Original Air Date—3 novembre 1994
Doug Ross' hopes of renewing his relationship with Carol Hathaway take a positive turn after the two of them kiss following a particularly stressful trauma, but his hopes are dashed when she decides to move in with boyfriend Tag. John Carter has a particularly good day when Dr. Green successfully walks him through a complex procedure. Haleh takes Dr. Benton to task when he refuses to act as a role model for a young gangbanger she has an interest in. Benton is also competing with Dr. Langworthy for a prestigious fellowship. It's Susan Lewis' birthday and her sister Chloe shows up at the ER drunk.
Season 1, Episode 8: 9 1/2 Hours
Original Air Date—10 novembre 1994
Susan Lewis' boyfriend Div Cvetic, a psychiatric resident at County General, seems to be under a great deal of stress regularly lashing out at everyone. Doug Ross takes over for Mark Greene who takes a day off to be with his wife. He has a hard time keeping up with all the paperwork. John Carter is increasingly frustrated with Peter Benton who never seems to invite him to participate in surgeries. Benton learns the result of the fellowship he applied for and his mother shows up in the ER with a sprained ankle. Carol Hathaway treats a patient who was raped. A new ER aide, Bob, start work.
Season 1, Episode 9: ER Confidential
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1994
Carol Hathaway faces an ethical dilemma when a patient admits that he, and not his friend, was driving the car that ran a red light and killed a pedestrian. She decides to tell Tag about kissing Doug Ross. It's Thanksgiving and the doctors treat an animal rights activist who was attacked by the turkey he was trying to save. Doug Ross is going to the Bahamas with Linda Farrell and he is very much feeling like a kept man. Carter has to treat a transgendered man who has now reached an age where he can no longer pass as a woman. Carter's indifference is the final straw. Susan Lewis continues to worry about Div Cvetic, whose condition seems to be worsening.
Season 1, Episode 10: Blizzard
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 1994
On a snowy Chicago day, all is quiet in the ER and the staff amuse themselves. Mark Greene and Susan Lewis put a cast on Carter's leg as a practical joke while Malik tries his hand at rap. Carol Hathaway announces that she and Tag are engaged. Dr. Angela Hicks joins the hospital staff. A major traffic accident on a local highway leads to a flood of patients. Doug Ross misdiagnoses a patient with tragic results. Bob the ER aide shows off her skills in an emergency situation.
Season 1, Episode 11: The Gift
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 1994
It's Christmas-time and the expected range of emotions is to be found among the ER staffers. Susan Lewis treats a middle-aged woman who is overjoyed at finally getting pregnant. Susan is also shocked to hear that her boyfriend Div Cvetic has quit his job and moved out of his apartment. Mark Greene treats a young drowning victim. Doug Ross takes Greene's advice and decides to tell Carol Hathaway that he loves her; unfortunately he chooses to do so at her engagement party. Peter Benton jumps the gun and arranges for transplant teams to harvest an accident victims organs but the man's wife is now refusing to give consent. Susan's sister Chloe announces that she is pregnant.
Season 1, Episode 12: Happy New Year
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 1995
Susan Lewis has a run-in with Dr. Jack Kayson, the cardiology resident, when he accuses her of not providing him with all necessary information on a patient who subsequently died. He makes it very clear that Susan will bear all responsibility for his death. Her sister Chloe informs her that she and her boyfriend are moving to Texas. John Carter is still frustrated by Peter Benton's apparent lack of interest in teaching him anything but a new go for it attitude leads to an invitation to assist in a surgical procedure. Benton's sister suggests to him that the time has come for them to put their mother in a care home.
Season 1, Episode 13: Luck of the Draw
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 1995
Season 1, Episode 14: Long Day's Journey
Original Air Date—19 gennaio 1995
Season 1, Episode 15: Feb 5, '95
Original Air Date—2 febbraio 1995
Season 1, Episode 16: Make of Two Hearts
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 1995
Season 1, Episode 17: The Birthday Party
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 1995
It's a day of birthdays. Peter Benton's mother is celebrating a birthday and he tries desperately to find someone to cover his shift. He makes a choice however when Dr. Hicks suggests that he's been absent too often and may wish to consider a leave of absence until his mother's situation is resolved. Carter thinks it's Benton birthday and has a surprise for him. Mark Greene's daughter is also having a birthday but he misses that due to an emergency at the hospital. An elderly, solitary man in the final stages of cancer arrives in the ER on his birthday. Carol Hathaway suggests to her fiancé that they adopt little Tatiana, the AIDS patient abandoned in the ER. Ross has to deal with a young child who was kicked out of a window.
Season 1, Episode 18: Sleepless in Chicago
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 1995
Carol Hathaway goes ahead with her plans to adopt Tatiana, but her past history makes her ineligible. Benton continues to trade shifts so he can spend time with his mother but it all catches up with him and he has a run-in with Dr. Hicks. Doug Ross treats an abused child. Green, Benton and Carter take extraordinary measures to save a man they later learned had signed a DNR. A consultant arrives to study procedures in the ER, but all is not quite what it seems. Mark Green's wife Jen has an important announcement. Benton's mother has a serious accident when he falls asleep on the couch.
Season 1, Episode 19: Love's Labor Lost
Original Air Date—7 marzo 1995
Dr. Benton has to deal with the aftermath of his mother's fall and crosses the line with the surgical attending when he insists on scrubbing in for her operation. Dr. Greene deals with Jodi O'Brien who is two weeks away from giving birth. With the obstetrics attending unavailable, he decides to try to deliver her baby in the ER, with tragic results.
Season 1, Episode 20: Full Moon, Saturday Night
Original Air Date—30 marzo 1995
Dr. Greene is still haunted by the death of Jodi O'Brien and isn't sure he can function as a doctor. At Susan's urging, he takes the night off but unfortunately for him, the new head of the ER Dr. 'Wild Willy' Swift arrives unannounced. Susan impresses Swift with her handling of many cases on a busy night. She also has to deal with the case of a young man who has had the hiccups for two days but may in fact be suffering from something far more serious. Nurse Hathaway and fiancée Tag are still working out the details of their wedding. Peter Benton's mother is still hospitalized and he will not accept that her age and her injuries mean that she will need permanent nursing care. Dr. Ross is now dating Diane Leeds. John Carter and Deb Chen's attempts at oneupmanship is starting to take on ridiculous proportions.
Season 1, Episode 21: House of Cards
Original Air Date—6 aprile 1995
Dr. Greene is still having trouble dealing with cases in the ER and the new Chief of Staff is growing increasingly concerned. Greene also faces a difficult peer review to examine his handling of the Jodi O'Brien case. Dr. Benton takes on the difficult task of telling his mother that she must be placed in a home with full-time care. Susan's very pregnant sister Chloe returns to live with her. Dr Ross deals with the case of a young girl with a heart condition while Ross and Carter encounter a patient who refuses treatment for tuberculosis. When Benton asks Deb Chen and Carter to submit their procedures book in a few days, Deb feels she has to get a few more procedures under her belt if she's to best her fellow student. Unfortunately, her eagerness leads to near tragedy for a patient.
Season 1, Episode 22: Men Plan, God Laughs
Original Air Date—27 aprile 1995
Greene finds his marriage falling apart and is concerned at how little time he's spending with his daughter. He also treats an eight week old child with a heart murmur who requires surgery. Susan tries to get her pregnant sister Chloe to take her pregnancy seriously, but her head isn't quite into it. Benton tries desperately to find a surgeon who will operate on a 16 year-old with a severe brain aneurysm that could burst at any time. He's also concerned at his mother's care and is growing ever more attracted to Jeanie Boulet. Doug Ross' commitment to Diane Leeds gets more serious when he agrees to be an assistant coach for her son's little league baseball team.
Season 1, Episode 23: Love Among the Ruins
Original Air Date—4 maggio 1995
Doug Ross and Nurse Hathaway treat a girls' basketball team from a local catholic school for meningitis. Their teachers also need to be tested but one of them confides in Hathaway that she may have a particular problem. Green and the Chief of Staff have a disagreement in the middle of a procedure. With the wedding only two weeks away, Tag and Carol Hathaway have to deal with all of the final preparations, not the least of which is writing their own marriage vows. Susan deals with a suicide victim who is using emotional blackmail to keep his girlfriend from leaving him. Susan reaches the breaking point with her sister Chloe and tells her she has to move out.
Season 1, Episode 24: Motherhood
Original Air Date—11 maggio 1995
On a fateful Mother's Day, several staffers in the ER face possible life-changing events. Susan Lewis' sister Chloe gives birth to a beautiful - and healthy - baby girl. Things start to go wrong however when their mother Cookie - who had agreed to take in Chloe and the baby - suddenly decides she's done enough and Susan will have to take care of it. Carter turns down an offer for an ER sub-internship in the hopes that he'll get an offer in surgery. Dr. Hicks has news for him however. Benton's mother takes a turn for the worse. Carol Hathaway is overwhelmed with the final preparations as her wedding day approaches.
Season 1, Episode 25: Everything Old Is New Again
Original Air Date—18 maggio 1995
It's Carter's last day in the ER and finally fed up with Dr. Benton's apparent indifference, rejoices when he learns that he gets to write an appraisal on him. He subsequently regrets his negative input when he gets offered the surgical sub-internship he'd hoped for and learns that Benton gave him a glowing appraisal. He also spends a good part of the day with young leukemia victim who is fed up with life. Benton and Jeanie Boulet's relationship reaches a crossroads. Mark Greene is offered an attending position at the hospital but also learns that he is being sued for malpractice over his handling of the Jodi O'Brien case. The big day for Carol Hathaway and Tag is here but doubts creep in and one of them gets left standing at the altar.
Season 2
Season 2, Episode 1: Welcome Back Carter!
Original Air Date—21 settembre 1995
While victims of a gang shootout are being brought in, Carter is late and a new group of third year medical students arrives.
Season 2, Episode 2: Summer Run
Original Air Date—28 settembre 1995
It's Weaver's first day and she doesn't exactly make a lot of friends. Carol rides along with the paramedics.
Season 2, Episode 3: Do One, Teach One, Kill One
Original Air Date—5 ottobre 1995
Carter gets his first official patient while Doug treats a four-year-old Asian boy who has AIDS.
Season 2, Episode 4: What Life?
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 1995
The feud between Susan and Weaver gets to the point where Mark has to step in.
Season 2, Episode 5: And Baby Makes Two
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 1995
Doug treats dying Chia-Chia. Mark however feels he's not doing the right thing for Chia-Chia.
Season 2, Episode 6: Days Like This
Original Air Date—2 novembre 1995
Doug and Harper had sex. Mark finds out about this. So does Carter.
Season 2, Episode 7: Hell and High Water
Original Air Date—9 novembre 1995
Doug saves a kid who's stuck in a flooded culvert and becomes a local hero when a TV helicopter films part of the rescue operation.
Season 2, Episode 8: The Secret Sharer
Original Air Date—16 novembre 1995
Doug gets the opportunity to stay at the ER thanks to the publicity surrounding his rescue of a drowning boy the week before.
Season 2, Episode 9: Home
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 1995
Jennifer and Rachel have been involved in a car accident and Mark rushes to Milwaukee where they're in the hospital.
Season 2, Episode 10: A Miracle Happens Here
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 1995
Mark has to deal with the fact he can't see Rachel during the holidays and takes care of a Holocaust surviver whose grandchild is missing.
Season 2, Episode 11: Dead of Winter
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 1996
Shep and Raul enter a house with about a dozen abandoned and ill-fed children and bring them to the ER.
Season 2, Episode 12: True Lies
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 1996
Benton has to attend a banquet at Vucelich's home and asks Jeanie to go with him. Mark hesitates to tell Rachel about the divorce.
Season 2, Episode 13: It's Not Easy Being Greene
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 1996
It's his day off, but Mark shows up for work anyway. After a patient dies and Morgenstern wants to speak to him, Mark soon regrets coming in after all.
Season 2, Episode 14: The Right Thing
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 1996
Rumour has it there's something going on between Mark and Susan while Benton questions Vucelich's study and confronts him.
Season 2, Episode 15: Baby Shower
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 1996
Benton tries to save someone who, according to the other surgeons, can't be saved while the ER gets crammed with pregnant women.
Season 2, Episode 16: The Healers
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 1996
Shep and Raul go in a burning house without the proper equipment to save three children.
Season 2, Episode 17: The Match Game
Original Air Date—28 marzo 1996
Carter is very nervous because he's about to get his residency match. Mark changes his look.
Season 2, Episode 18: A Shift in the Night
Original Air Date—4 aprile 1996
Mark has to work for the fourth night in a row while a lot of the staff are absent and the number of patients is towering.
Season 2, Episode 19: Fire in the Belly
Original Air Date—25 aprile 1996
Benton dismisses a patient he hasn't seen who should have been admitted. Carter competes with Dale, a new surgical resident-in-training who once slept with Harper.
Season 2, Episode 20: Fevers of Unknown Origin
Original Air Date—2 maggio 1996
In order to avoid having to deal with her personal problems regarding little Susie, Susan wholly absorbs herself in her work.
Season 2, Episode 21: Take These Broken Wings
Original Air Date—9 maggio 1996
Susan has therapy to get over losing little Susie and Jeanie's ex-husband is brought in.
Season 2, Episode 22: John Carter, M.D.
Original Air Date—16 maggio 1996
Mark Greene strikes a deal with Kerry Weaver - he will support her application for an ER attending position if she in turn will support Susan Lewis for Chief Resident. When Susan doesn't get the job, Mark is told to go ask her why. Carter is finally going to graduate and wants Benton to attend the party his family is throwing for him. Unfortunately, Carter decides to sit with a young patient awaiting a liver transplant and misses his own graduation ceremony. With the news she has received about her former husband Al's health, Jeanie Boulet decides to have herself tested. Doug Ross' girlfriend Karen forges his prescription for percodan. Hathaway's boyfriend, Shep, is refusing to undergo his anger management treatment. Mark's ex-wife Jen tells him that she is going to re-marry. Loretta Sweet asks Greene if he would become guardian to her kids.
Season 3
Season 3, Episode 1: Doctor Carter, I Presume
Original Air Date—26 settembre 1996
It's the first day of Carter's internship. He has a 36 hour shift and overnight he has to cover the ER, the ICU as well as the surgical patients.
Season 3, Episode 2: Let the Games Begin
Original Air Date—3 ottobre 1996
While the whole staff is worried the ER might close, Jeanie has her own problems in dealing with being HIV-positive.
Season 3, Episode 3: Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Original Air Date—10 ottobre 1996
Donald Anspaugh has a new method to increase the staff's efficiency, new intern Maggie Doyle joins the ER and Susan asks Mark to come along to Hawaii.
Season 3, Episode 4: Last Call
Original Air Date—17 ottobre 1996
Doug's one-night-stand has a seizure and he brings her to the ER.
Season 3, Episode 5: Ghosts
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 1996
While Mark is anxious about Susan's return from her holiday, Doug and Carol ride along with the health mobile.
Season 3, Episode 6: Fear of Flying
Original Air Date—7 novembre 1996
While on their helicopter flight rotation, Mark and Susan find an injured family of four who they bring to the ER.
Season 3, Episode 7: No Brain, No Gain
Original Air Date—14 novembre 1996
Encouraged by Carol, Mark finally asks Susan out. Benton tries to save a boy, despite the fact Doug thinks he's brain dead.
Season 3, Episode 8: Union Station
Original Air Date—21 novembre 1996
It's Susan's last day. Carol stands up for her nurses when one of them is being rotated to another department.
Season 3, Episode 9: Ask Me No Questions, I'll Tell You No Lies
Original Air Date—12 dicembre 1996
Carol worries about her physics exam while Mark is heart-broken about Susan's departure and focuses solely on his job.
Season 3, Episode 10: Homeless for the Holidays
Original Air Date—19 dicembre 1996
Mark and Kerry have to create a policy regarding HIV-positive employees, which leads to gossip amongst the nurses.
Season 3, Episode 11: Night Shift
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 1997
Carol has to fire two of the nurses. Meanwhile, Gant feels Benton is too hard on him.
Season 3, Episode 12: Post Mortem
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 1997
Carter feels guilty about Gant's death. Benton doesn't want to talk about it.
Season 3, Episode 13: Fortune's Fools
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 1997
Benton can't keep his mind on the job, Mark and Chuny break up and Carol does what she needs to do regarding the fatal error she has made.
Season 3, Episode 14: Whose Appy Now?
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 1997
Doug treats a dying 17-year old cystic fibrosis patient who doesn't want to be resuscitated. Carter gets to operate Benton.
Season 3, Episode 15: The Long Way Around
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 1997
Nurse Carol Hathaway is held hostage during a convenience store robbery, then befriends one of the gunmen.
Season 3, Episode 16: Faith
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 1997
Carol will hear whether her suspension is permanent or not. Mark and Doyle do what they can to get a patient with Down syndrome on a heart transplant list.
Season 3, Episode 17: Tribes
Original Air Date—10 aprile 1997
Race relations become an issue in the ER when Mark Greene treats two injured teenagers, one black and the other white, and assumes the black kid was a drug dealer. It turns the white kid was the drug dealer and the black kid is a high school basketball star and an innocent bystander. When the black student's older brother confronts him, he begins to question his own impartiality. Carol Hathaway helps a young woman who was drugged with Rohipnol and raped. Benton gets an interesting offer from Dr. Hicks. He also learns that Carla Reece has been admitted to the hospital. Dr. Carter treats a woman with a serious condition but he seems to be the only one who sees it. Mark Greene's daughter ends up spending the day in the ER when her mom has to rush to Florida to deal with a family emergency.
Season 3, Episode 18: You Bet Your Life
Original Air Date—17 aprile 1997
Benton tries to find out if everything's OK with Carla's baby. Carter tries to get a man operated, despite the fact Anspaugh thinks he will die no matter what.
Season 3, Episode 19: Calling Dr. Hathaway
Original Air Date—24 aprile 1997
Benton takes a day off to help Carla. Carter finds out Edson falsified a chart.
Season 3, Episode 20: Random Acts
Original Air Date—1 maggio 1997
Jeanie asks Greg to help Al get into a special AIDS-program at the hospital. Olbes brings in her grandfather, who had a stroke.
Season 3, Episode 21: Make a Wish
Original Air Date—8 maggio 1997
It's Carol's birthday, Mark is returning to work after being assaulted and Carla goes into premature labor.
Season 3, Episode 22: One More for the Road
Original Air Date—15 maggio 1997
Anspaugh is furious when Carter tells him he wants to quit surgery. Charlie is brought in with an overdose. Mark keeps struggling with his beating.
Season 4
Season 4, Episode 1: Ambush
Original Air Date—25 settembre 1997
While a film crew is filming in the ER, it's Elizabeth Corday's first day.
Season 4, Episode 2: Something New
Original Air Date—2 ottobre 1997
Carter is exited about getting his own med student and Mark and Carol interview candidates for the desk clerk position.
Season 4, Episode 3: Friendly Fire
Original Air Date—9 ottobre 1997
Cynthia Hooper starts as the new desk clerk. Benton and Carla disagree over whether or not their son should be circumcised. Al gets in an accident at work.
Season 4, Episode 4: When the Bough Breaks
Original Air Date—23 ottobre 1997
His ex-wife Jennifer tells Mark he can't see Rachel until he's got his act together. Reece gets to go home. Al has lost his job.
Season 4, Episode 5: Good Touch, Bad Touch
Original Air Date—30 ottobre 1997
Carol Hathaway would like to start a clinic within the ER that would specialize in women's and children's health issues, but Kerry Weaver tells her she'll have to find funding for the project. Carter may have a solution for her however. Peter Benton is getting used to fatherhood, but is falling behind in his work. Mark Greene has to give a deposition in the malpractice suit against him and is stressed. He also takes inappropriate action to quiet an unruly patient. Dr. Robert "Rocket" Romano returns to County General.
Season 4, Episode 6: Ground Zero
Original Air Date—6 novembre 1997
Al Boulet wants to move to Atlanta when an old friend offers him a job, but Jeanie isn't keen on relocating. Carol Hathaway applies to the Carter family foundation for a grant to finance her clinic. Ana Del Amico is furious when she learns how rich Carter's family is and feels that he has just been slumming. Jeanie is reluctant to treat a patient who has a prominent Klan tattoo on his chest. Although the hospital settles the malpractice suit against Mark Greene, he finds that the family in question is now suing him personally. At Dr. Anspaugh's insistence, Kerry Weaver attends a presentation from a private company that specializes in running ERs. She decides to fire Jeanie Boulet to meet budget cuts. Elizabeth Corday gets into trouble when Peter Benton fails to warn her she is about to break hospital policy. Doug Ross gets bad news and he and Mark set off for California.
Season 4, Episode 7: Fathers and Sons
Original Air Date—13 novembre 1997
Ross and Greene travel to a near-deserted stretch of California to investigate circumstances surrounding a death in Doug's family.
Season 4, Episode 8: Freak Show
Original Air Date—20 novembre 1997
Carol Hathaway returns to work to find that due to a mix-up, there are dozens of people waiting in her yet to open free clinic. John Carter and Ana Del Amico start to mend their relationship. Rocket Romano offers Benton a place on his surgical team provided he demonstrates that he can get along with Dr. Corday. Benton comes across a unique case of a young boy whose internal organs are reversed. ER receptionist Cynthia intercepts a note intended for Carol Hathaway, believing it's from Mark Greene. Dr. Weaver receives a bouquet of flowers from Dr. Ellis West after his company, Synergix, gets the contract to supply supplementary attending physicians for the ER. Carter's student, George Henry re-appears when learns he hasn't completed all of the requirements of his ER rotation.
Season 4, Episode 9: Obstruction of Justice
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 1997
Jeanie Boulet decides to fight her dismissal, believing she has been let go because of her HIV status and not for the budget reasons she has been told. Her husband Al gets a job in Atlanta but Jeanie is no longer sure she's ready to move. John Carter is arrested in the ER after he refuses to follow a policeman's order to provide blood evidence on a drunken patient. Doug returns to work and has a patient who claims to have sickle-cell anemia but may be a junkie looking for a fix. Mark Greene has made a deal with a top-notch attorney who agrees to handle his lawsuit in exchange for a day of playing doctor in the ER. Benton and Corday try to save an accident victim's leg. Dr. Ellis West from Synergix shows up for work in the ER.
Season 4, Episode 10: Do You See What I See?
Original Air Date—18 dicembre 1997
It's Christmas time and the ER staffers are in a festive mood. Dr. Benton is looking forward to having his first Christmas with newborn son Reece. He also gains a bit of notoriety when a blind man he is treating can suddenly see. Dr. Corday is looking forward to going home for the holidays but one of her patients comes out of a coma just as she is about to leave and decides to spend the holidays in Chicago. Kerry Weaver starts a relationship with Dr. Ellis West. Mark Greene treats an elderly woman who is savagely beaten and raped. Now that his lawsuit is out of the way, he tries to make amends to the family that was suing him. He also learns that girlfriend Cynthia has a shocking secret. John Carter's grandmother visits Carol Hathaway's clinic with her other grandson, Chase. John is none too pleased when he catches Chase shooting up in the family limo. Carol decides that the time has come for her relationship with Doug Ross to be made public but he has a surprise for her.
Season 4, Episode 11: Think Warm Thoughts
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 1998
John Carter finds himself at the medical school counseling students on emergency medicine. He doesn't find much interest. Elizabeth Corday convinces a specialist from another hospital to perform an operation on Allison Beaumont, sending Rocket Romano into a rage. Dr. Anspaugh's 13 year-old son Scott, a recovering cancer patient, is brought into the ER. Jeanie Boulet manages to develop a rapport with the difficult young man. Another elderly rape victim is brought into the hospital. Ellis West and Kerry Weaver are still seeing each other and he proposes that Synergix takes over the running of the ER. Dr. William "Wild Willy" Swift shows up as a Synergix attending physician.
Season 4, Episode 12: Sharp Relief
Original Air Date—15 gennaio 1998
Scott Anspaugh's cancer has returned and he requires another operation. The results show that he will need another round of chemotherapy. Dr. Anspaugh asks Jeanie Boulet if she would work with his son as a part-time caregiver. Kerry Weaver begins to have doubts about the wisdom of Synergix taking over the ER. John Carter's cousin Chase shows up at the hospital suffering from withdrawal. John decides to help him, but not the way Chase wants. Ana Del Amico decides to give him a hand. Carol Hathaway goes on a paramedic ride along and they attend to another elderly rape victim. She also finds herself attracted to paramedic Greg Powell. Her fiancé Doug Ross is planning a romantic evening. Allison Beaumont has an operation to restore her voice and Benton and Corday go out for a drink afterward.
Season 4, Episode 13: Carter's Choice
Original Air Date—29 gennaio 1998
The police bring in another elderly rape victim but this time they also get the rapist. The ER staff is in no mood to treat him and Ana Del Amico takes John Carter to task for not giving the man the best care and letting his emotions take over his duties as a physician. Realizing she has made a major mistake, Dr. Weaver lines up support to oppose the take over of the ER by Synergix and accuses Ellis West of using her to win the contract. Carol Hathaway is having doubts about her commitment to Doug Ross while he resents her hesitation. Cynthia Hooper suggests to Mark that with her lease coming due, she should perhaps move in with him but he is obviously reluctant. Benton and Corday go out on another date.
Season 4, Episode 14: Family Practice
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 1998
Mark rushes out to San Diego when his mother has a serious fall and is hospitalized. When he gets there, he finds her suffering from mild dementia and questions the care she is receiving. To his surprise, Cynthia Hooper follows him unannounced and uninvited, leading for them to come a conclusion about their relationship. Mark also learns a lot about his parents' relationship and while he continues to struggle with his difficult relationship with his father, he also learns of some of the sacrifices the man made for his family.
Season 4, Episode 15: Exodus
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 1998
While on a paramedic ride along, Elizabeth Corday puts her life at risk to rescue a man trapped in a building collapse. When hazardous materials are brought into the ER, the unit has to be closed down. With Dr. Weaver rendered unconscious, John Carter takes charge of the situation and performs brilliantly. With the ER evacuated, Doug Ross and Carol Hathaway find themselves trapped in an elevator while transferring a young patient with renal failure. Benton and Corday start a romantic relationship.
Season 4, Episode 16: My Brother's Keeper
Original Air Date—5 marzo 1998
Mark Greene returns from San Diego to find that Cynthia Hooper has not only quit her job in the ER but has moved to a new apartment. Thinking he may have made a mistake, he manages to track her down. John Carter's cousin Chase is brought into the ER unconscious from an overdose of heroin. They manage to revive him but he likely has severe brain damage. Carter has to admit to his grandparents that he knew of Chase's habit and tried to help him. Doug Ross and Kerry Weaver have a major blow up when she finds a flaw in his study and seemingly goes out of her way to make the fact known to everyone on staff. Ross and Carol Hathaway get their relationship back on track.
Season 4, Episode 17: A Bloody Mess
Original Air Date—9 aprile 1998
Dr. David Morgenstern returns after a six-month absence recovering from his heart attack. His new outlook on life however has Kerry Weaver questioning his abilities. Elizabeth Corday decides to start a study on the use of artificial blood in the ER, but the only problem is that she fails to discuss it first with Rocket Romano. Doug Ross decides to apply for an ER attending position. Scott Anspaugh suffers a major relapse. Ana Del Amico is confronted by an irate husband who wants his ill wife to terminate her pregnancy. At the free clinic, Carol Hathaway has to deal with the case of an underage high school student who is sleeping with her 40-year-old teacher. Peter Benton hits a pedestrian with a car but Carter helps him out with an important piece of information.
Season 4, Episode 18: Gut Reaction
Original Air Date—16 aprile 1998
When a compatible bone marrow donor cannot be located, Scott Anspaugh agrees to undergo a new round of chemotherapy, even though there appears to be little point. Doug Ross suggests to Jeanie Boulet that Scott may have agreed to the therapy because of her. Mark Greene has taken on the task of organizing the annual ER banquet only to find that Jerry, on whom he had been relying for much of the preparation, hasn't quite delivered. John Carter confronts his grandmother when he learns that she has cut off funding for Carol Hathaway's free clinic. In the OR, Peter Benton has a major confrontation with Dr. Morgenstern, pushing him aside and taking over an operation. Greene and Weaver criticize Doug Ross over his handling of a sick child and her mother.
Season 4, Episode 19: Shades of Gray
Original Air Date—23 aprile 1998
Following the incident in the OR, Drs. Morgenstern and Benton present the case to their colleagues. As a result, Peter Benton finds himself suspended for insubordination pending a full inquiry. Jeanie attends Scott Anspaugh's funeral and has some information to share with the boy's father. Ana Del Amico finds herself ethically unable to perform an abortion and is taken to task by Dr. Weaver. John Carter gets the hospital to take legal guardianship of a patient he feels has been subjected to elder abuse, but subsequently doubts that he made the right decision.
Season 4, Episode 20: Of Past Regret and Future Fear
Original Air Date—30 aprile 1998
Benton and Elizabeth Corday spend the night together. Corday is shocked when Rocket Romano suggests that they go out on a date. John Carter and his grandmother clash over the future of Chase Carter; she wants him cared for at home while John feels he should remain institutionalized where he can continue to receive therapy. Carol Hathaway finally gets around to inviting her mother to a Sunday brunch with her and Doug but is a bit surprised when she shows up with her boyfriend. David Morgenstern makes a critical decision that will affect both his and Peter Benton's future. In the ER, Hathaway comforts a man is going to die from chemical burns.
Season 4, Episode 21: Suffer the Little Children
Original Air Date—7 maggio 1998
Assisted by Carol Hathaway, Doug Ross decides to detoxify a drug-addicted infant in the ER without telling anyone. Mark Greene and Kerry Weaver hit the roof when they find out what is going on. Jeanie Boulet is feeling rundown and fears that her health may be deteriorating. John Carter is less than pleased when Ana Del Amico's former boyfriend shows up in the ER conducting a study on the need for a pediatric attending physician. Del Amico also has to treat a televangelist whom is using her health issues to raise money. Elizabeth Corday is worried that Rocket Romano may be aware of her affair with Peter Benton and that it will affect her fellowship.
Season 4, Episode 22: A Hole in the Heart
Original Air Date—14 maggio 1998
At the hospital daycare, one of the child-care workers suggests to Peter Benton that he may want to have baby Reece's hearing checked. Doug Ross dodges a bullet by admitting upfront his error in detoxifying a baby without permission. Having been acting Chief for over 6 months, Kerry Weaver puts her name forward to replace David Morgenstern as Chief of Emergency Medicine only to be told she will have to compete for the job. The doctors treat a couple of Elvis impersonators who sky dive into Lake Superior. They also treat a woman and her two children who have been shot by her psychologically disturbed husband. When drugs go missing from the ER, John Carter suspects Ana Del Amico's ex-boyfriend.
Season 5
Season 5, Episode 1: Day for Knight
Original Air Date—24 settembre 1998
Third-year med student Lucy Knight reports to the ER for the first day of her rotation. Greene takes a paternal interest in her, helping her get acquainted, but she gets off to a bad start with the irritable Carter. The rest of the day finds her informing a wife of her husband's terminal condition, comforting a pregnant woman, getting locked on the roof and trying to figure out Weaver's "Tour on Tape."
Season 5, Episode 2: Split Second
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 1998
Dr. Corday's father visits from overseas in an attempt to convince her to join his medical practice. Lucy continues learning, earning more respect from Carter, who is having trouble being an RA in the dorms. Meanwhile, Peter takes Reese in for another hearing test, Carol hires a nurse practitioner to help out in the clinic, and Weaver continues to remind Doug of the way he bypassed her authority.
Season 5, Episode 3: They Treat Horses, Don't They?
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 1998
Season 5, Episode 4: Vanishing Act
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 1998
Season 5, Episode 5: Masquerade
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 1998
Season 5, Episode 6: Stuck on You
Original Air Date—5 novembre 1998
Season 5, Episode 7: Hazed and Confused
Original Air Date—12 novembre 1998
Season 5, Episode 8: The Good Fight
Original Air Date—19 novembre 1998
Season 5, Episode 9: Good Luck, Ruth Johnson
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 1998
Season 5, Episode 10: The Miracle Worker
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 1998
Season 5, Episode 11: Nobody Doesn't Like Amanda Lee
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 1999
Season 5, Episode 12: Double Blind
Original Air Date—21 gennaio 1999
Season 5, Episode 13: Choosing Joi
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 1999
Season 5, Episode 14: The Storm: Part 1
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 1999
Doug faces possible criminal charges after Ricky Abbott dies when Ross shows Joi how to give Ricky a lethal dosage of medication. Doug is delegated to desk duty, Carol's clinic is shut down for acquiring the P.C.A. machine for Ricky, and Greene and Weaver face future disciplinary action for not reporting Doug's earlier mistakes. Meanwhile, Carter and Lucy discover a mutual attraction, Benton studies with a sign language instructor, and Romano begins his first day as acting ER chief.
Season 5, Episode 15: The Storm: Part 2
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 1999
Greene assists paramedics in treating injured children at a school bus accident. En route, Doug and Jeanie survive their own accident. Kerry stops Doug from treating Jeanie... or any other patient. But when Jeanie is treated, Kerry and Peter realize she has hepatitis. Doug decides to resign and leave Chicago for the Northwest and asks Carol to come with him. Meanwhile, Carol steps down from running the clinic so that Anspaugh will keep it open.
Season 5, Episode 16: Middle of Nowhere
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 1999
Season 5, Episode 17: Sticks and Stones
Original Air Date—25 marzo 1999
Season 5, Episode 18: Point of Origin
Original Air Date—8 aprile 1999
Season 5, Episode 19: Rites of Spring
Original Air Date—29 aprile 1999
Season 5, Episode 20: Power
Original Air Date—6 maggio 1999
Season 5, Episode 21: Responsible Parties
Original Air Date—13 maggio 1999
Season 5, Episode 22: Getting to Know You
Original Air Date—20 maggio 1999
Season 6
Season 6, Episode 1: Leave It to Weaver
Original Air Date—30 settembre 1999
Season 6, Episode 2: Last Rites
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 1999
Season 6, Episode 3: Greene with Envy
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 1999
Season 6, Episode 4: Sins of the Fathers
Original Air Date—21 ottobre 1999
Season 6, Episode 5: Truth & Consequences
Original Air Date—4 novembre 1999
Season 6, Episode 6: The Peace of Wild Things
Original Air Date—11 novembre 1999
Benton struggles with the idea of taking a DNA test to determine whether or not Reese is actually his son. As the signs continue to pile up, Kerry and Mark use a fake patient to convince Dr. Lawrence of his Alzheimer's. Carter has trouble persuading a woman from a nursing home fire to sign a DNR for her husband and later is asked to forge charts for a family with no insurance. Carol continues to meddle in Meg's life, having her arrested so that she can be detoxed. Cleo is blamed for an explosion in the suture room but it may actually be Dr. Dave's fault.
Season 6, Episode 7: Humpty Dumpty
Original Air Date—18 novembre 1999
Season 6, Episode 8: Great Expectations
Original Air Date—25 novembre 1999
Season 6, Episode 9: How the Finch Stole Christmas
Original Air Date—16 dicembre 1999
Season 6, Episode 10: Family Matters
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 2000
Season 6, Episode 11: The Domino Heart
Original Air Date—13 gennaio 2000
Season 6, Episode 12: Abby Road
Original Air Date—3 febbraio 2000
Season 6, Episode 13: Be Still My Heart
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 2000
The Staff is having a Valentine's Day party while Carter and Lucy get stabbed by a patient.
Season 6, Episode 14: All in the Family
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 2000
Carter and Lucy are discovered and the staff struggles to save them and go on with normal patient care.
Season 6, Episode 15: Be Patient
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 2000
Season 6, Episode 16: Under Control
Original Air Date—23 marzo 2000
Season 6, Episode 17: Viable Options
Original Air Date—6 aprile 2000
Season 6, Episode 18: Match Made in Heaven
Original Air Date—13 aprile 2000
Season 6, Episode 19: The Fastest Year
Original Air Date—27 aprile 2000
Season 6, Episode 20: Loose Ends
Original Air Date—4 maggio 2000
Season 6, Episode 21: Such Sweet Sorrow
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2000
Season 6, Episode 22: May Day
Original Air Date—18 maggio 2000
Season 7
Season 7, Episode 1: Homecoming
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2000
Dr. Carter struggles with his drug dependency; a custodial strike leaves the ER cluttered with garbage; a riot at a high-school football game leaves several wounded.
Season 7, Episode 2: Sand and Water
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 2000
A young couple cope with their baby being premature; Greene and Corday struggle with their relationship.
Season 7, Episode 3: Mars Attacks
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 2000
Dr. Carter is allowed a cautious restart with small steps. An extremely blond Dr. Malucci is very curious who's made Dr. Chen pregnant. Dr. Benton has been written out of all the hospital's systems and is stunned by Dr. Romano. An unfortunate incident at a Science Fiction convention makes it look like scenes from the movie 'Mars Attacks'.
Season 7, Episode 4: Benton Backwards
Original Air Date—2 novembre 2000
Season 7, Episode 5: Flight of Fancy
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2000
Season 7, Episode 6: The Visit
Original Air Date—16 novembre 2000
Season 7, Episode 7: Rescue Me
Original Air Date—23 novembre 2000
Season 7, Episode 8: The Dance We Do
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2000
Season 7, Episode 9: The Greatest of Gifts
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 2000
Season 7, Episode 10: Piece of Mind
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 2001
Season 7, Episode 11: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2001
Season 7, Episode 12: Surrender
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2001
Season 7, Episode 13: Thy Will Be Done
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2001
Season 7, Episode 14: A Walk in the Woods
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2001
Season 7, Episode 15: The Crossing
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2001
Season 7, Episode 16: Witch Hunt
Original Air Date—1 marzo 2001
Season 7, Episode 17: Survival of the Fittest
Original Air Date—29 marzo 2001
Season 7, Episode 18: April Showers
Original Air Date—19 aprile 2001
Season 7, Episode 19: Sailing Away
Original Air Date—26 aprile 2001
Season 7, Episode 20: Fear of Commitment
Original Air Date—3 maggio 2001
Season 7, Episode 21: Where the Heart Is
Original Air Date—10 maggio 2001
Season 7, Episode 22: Rampage
Original Air Date—17 maggio 2001
The ER is flooded with foster care home residents, attacked by a shooter bent on tracking down his son, who , with the help of Dr. Green, was put into the foster care system amid allegations he was being abused by his father.
Season 8
Season 8, Episode 1: Four Corners
Original Air Date—27 settembre 2001
Season 8, Episode 2: The Longer You Stay
Original Air Date—4 ottobre 2001
Season 8, Episode 3: Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic
Original Air Date—11 ottobre 2001
Season 8, Episode 4: Never Say Never
Original Air Date—18 ottobre 2001
Season 8, Episode 5: Start All Over Again
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 2001
Season 8, Episode 6: Supplies and Demands
Original Air Date—1 novembre 2001
Season 8, Episode 7: If I Should Fall from Grace
Original Air Date—8 novembre 2001
A new medical student, Michael Gallant, arrives in the ER. He's supposed to be working under Dr. Carter's supervision but his grandmother is unwell. Elizabeth Corday is convinced that other doctors are refusing to work with as a result of the mysterious deaths. Mark Green thinks she's overreacting but she's determined to find out what happened to her patients. Abby and Luka argue over the attention he is paying to a trainee nurse's aide. Dr. Benton's finds himself in court to retain custody of his son, Reese. Carter and Susan Lewis treat a young woman who is both a law and a medical student. Green has to collect his daughter at school when she is suspended.
Season 8, Episode 8: Partly Cloudy, Chance of Rain
Original Air Date—15 novembre 2001
Season 8, Episode 9: Quo Vadis?
Original Air Date—22 novembre 2001
Peter Benton continues his court fight against Reese's stepfather, Roger, who seems to have the upper hand. When a woman is accidentally shot during a gas station robbery, Dr. Corday tries to convince the husband to let them harvest her organs. A 15 year old boxer is brought in with a head trauma after sparring with his older brother. Newlyweds are having trouble when she constantly breaks out in a rash; Carter thinks he knows the cause. Luka tells Abby hat he may marry Nicole, who has told him she is pregnant. Dr. Green lays down the law when the police bring in a high school student and he learns that his daughter is outside sitting in the police car.
Season 8, Episode 10: I'll Be Home for Christmas
Original Air Date—13 dicembre 2001
Peter Benton's court battle enters its final stage and his lawyer advises him that if he wants to retain custody of Reese, he needs to re-evaluate his priorities. As a result, he puts his career on the line and presents Dr. Romano with an ultimatum. Kerry Weaver goes out on a date with a paramedic. With his grandmother still recovering, Carter is pleased that his father will be spending Christmas with them. He's not too pleased when he learns why his mother won't be joining them. Abby learns that Nicole may not have been lying to Luka after all. Green treats a young boy who was accidentally shot by his mother.
Season 8, Episode 11: Beyond Repair
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 2002
Abby helps a distraught boy whose mother died of a stroke; a man with schizophrenia, who once stabbed Carter and killed a doctor checks into the ER.
Season 8, Episode 12: A River in Egypt
Original Air Date—17 gennaio 2002
An injured and condemned murderer wants to die in the ER rather than await execution; Abby advises a neighbor to seek shelter from her abusive husband.
Season 8, Episode 13: Damage Is Done
Original Air Date—31 gennaio 2002
An accidental overdose brings Drs. Green and Corday's baby into the ER.
Season 8, Episode 14: A Simple Twist of Fate
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 2002
Greene confronts Corday when she orders Rachel out of their home; Abby tries to protect a battered neighbor who refuses to press charges against her husband.
Season 8, Episode 15: It's All in Your Head
Original Air Date—28 febbraio 2002
After Dr. Corday moves out, Dr. Green fights loneliness and pain by immersing himself into his work. Dr. Chen discovers that a comatose teen is ready to give birth.
Season 8, Episode 16: Secrets and Lies
Original Air Date—7 marzo 2002
After some staff members are caught going through a dominatrix's bag, Weaver makes them attend a sexual harassment seminar, where they learn about each other.
Season 8, Episode 17: Bygones
Original Air Date—28 marzo 2002
Drs. Corday and Greene are awkward when working together in the ER. Dr. Weaver treats victims of an intense fire that may take the life of a dear friend.
Season 8, Episode 18: Orion in the Sky
Original Air Date—4 aprile 2002
As Dr. Greene's brain tumor begins affecting his coordination, he becomes concerned that his fate will be similar to the terminally ill patients he treats.
Season 8, Episode 19: Brothers and Sisters
Original Air Date—25 aprile 2002
When Dr. Lewis gets a hysterical call from her niece, Susie, she hurries to New York to search for the child and her sister Chloe.
Season 8, Episode 20: The Letter
Original Air Date—2 maggio 2002
Dr. Carter reads a letter from terminally ill Dr. Green to the ER staff. Dr. Weaver lashes out at a mentally challenged patient. A terminal, homeless man continues asking for Dr. Green.
Season 8, Episode 21: On the Beach
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2002
Dr. Greene's final days are spent in Hawaii with Rachel, teaching her to drive and surf. When he suffers a seizure, Elizabeth is called. Mark refuses to go home. He manages to make amends with his daughter before his eventual death.
Season 8, Episode 22: Lockdown
Original Air Date—16 maggio 2002
Just when the ER is understaffed and swamped, two children who were brought in turn out to have full blown smallpox. The entire ER must be locked down. The staff needs to improvise while they battle not only the disease but also frayed tempers.
Season 9
Season 9, Episode 1: Chaos Theory
Original Air Date—26 settembre 2002
Dr. Carter, Abby and other staff of the ER are quarantined as the CDC investigate a mysterious, deadly outbreak.
Season 9, Episode 2: Dead Again
Original Air Date—3 ottobre 2002
After another hospital shuts down, the ER is flooded with patients. Dr. Pratt resuscitates a heart-attack victim who had been pronounced dead.
Season 9, Episode 3: Insurrection
Original Air Date—10 ottobre 2002
Dr. Carter leads a walk-out of staff protesting lack of security in the ER.
Season 9, Episode 4: Walk Like a Man
Original Air Date—17 ottobre 2002
Carter is concerned when he learns that Abby is drinking socially when the girls from work get together. Abby however doesn't appreciate his concern. Dr. Weaver embarrasses herself on television. Michael Gallant is frustrated when the resident cardiac specialist, Dr. Kayson, dismisses his diagnosis of a patient who subsequently dies. Dr. Pratt decides to report an Army Ranger who tried to commit suicide even though Gallant had decided to give the soldier the benefit of the doubt. Dr. Corday has deal with a severely injured woman who is more concerned about her Alzheimer's afflicted husband. Dr. Kovac's sex-addiction extends to having sex in a supply room with a young patient's mother.
Season 9, Episode 5: A Hopeless Wound
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 2002
On a busy Halloween night, Carter and Abby are the only staffers in costume when victims of an apartment building fire pack the ER. Corday takes on a new med student for a surgical rotation - Paul Nathan, who suffers from Parkinson's disease and decided to pursue medicine after being diagnosed. Despite a difficult first day, both professionally and medically, Nathan makes a difficult diagnosis. Romano's rehab lags behind his expectations, and he begins to doubt his role in surgery is no longer an option. In a moment of personal weakness, he tries to express his feelings for Corday. Weaver continues to display erratic behavior, raising staff suspicions about her menopause. Luka's burgeoning sex addiction worsens, as an affair with Chuny is revealed, and tensions rise when he treats a patient with a perpetual erection.
Season 9, Episode 6: One Can Only Hope
Original Air Date—7 novembre 2002
Corday clashes with new surgical resident Paul Nathan regarding his intervention into the treatment of a sickly young woman, Alison, who has signed a "do not resuscitate" order. Abby wonders about the erratic behavior of her visiting brother Eric, and feels conflicted over a nurse's official complaint against Kovac, Abby's former lover. Meanwhile, Pratt comforts Chen after a patient threatens her, and Corday suspects that an unconscious 14-year-old female patient has been sexually assaulted.
Season 9, Episode 7: Tell Me Where It Hurts
Original Air Date—14 novembre 2002
Abby fears the worst when her brother Eric suddenly disappears. He is actually AWOL and she forges Carter's name to obtain his medical records. Carter and Chen treat a frightened Chinese immigrant nanny, Tong-Yi, whom they suspect was impregnated by her employer. Meanwhile, new surgical resident Paul Nathan, who is struggling to overcome a physical disability, tries to help in the emergency room but his fellow doctors do not appreciate his advice to patients. Unable to quench his sexual appetite, Kovac also gets into trouble in his professional life, despite his admirable resolve to find an eye specialist to treat a young gunshot victim. Gallant and fellow medical student Erin Harkins engage in an escalating competition of medical knowledge. And Weaver gets some much-needed good news.
Season 9, Episode 8: First Snowfall
Original Air Date—21 novembre 2002
Abby's family nightmare continues as she and her mother Maggie search for Abby's missing brother Eric, who Abby suspects is suffering from serious mental problems. The two women go to a Midwestern air force base, hoping to prevent Eric from being court-martialed for being absent without leave. Carter struggles to get out of Chicago to join Abby. Meanwhile, Corday treats a family of patients who, while building a snowman, were severely injured after being struck by a truck driver. She must help the father, Stuart, make a life-or-death decision. Corday also sympathizes with troubled surgical resident Paul Nathan as he struggles with the increasing symptoms of his physical handicap.
Season 9, Episode 9: Next of Kin
Original Air Date—5 dicembre 2002
Harkins faces a tough call while treating a troubled teen involved in a car crash with her dad; Abby races to stop Maggie from taking manic-depressive Eric out of treatment; and Kovac hits a new low when an elderly woman tips him for his medical services. Meanwhile, an abandoned baby dredges up painful memories for Chen; and Pratt goes to bat for Leon after he's fired for stealing from his job.
Season 9, Episode 10: Hindsight
Original Air Date—12 dicembre 2002
Dr. Kovac's speeding causes a crash on an icy road. The ER staff treats angry elves and a female hockey player with a head injury.
Season 9, Episode 11: A Little Help from My Friends
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 2003
Dr. Pratt brings a gun into the ER; Dr. Weaver tries to conceal her pregnancy; a woman plots against her dying husband; Dr. Chen treats math students who overdosed on an unknown stimulant.
Season 9, Episode 12: A Saint in the City
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 2003
Dr. Weaver is in a difficult situation when an alderman tests positive for syphilis. Dr. Carter is impressed when he meets a man who runs an inner city clinic.
Season 9, Episode 13: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 2003
Dr. Pratt's disabled roommate leads him to a wounded thief. Dr Carter decides to practice medicine in Africa. A doctor makes a pass at Dr. Corday.
Season 9, Episode 14: No Strings Attached
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2003
Abby's troubled brother is missing. A car runs into a crowd of teen girls. The alderman with syphilis gives Dr. Weaver a promotion. Dr. Lewis looks forward to a blind date.
Season 9, Episode 15: A Boy Falling Out of the Sky
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 2003
Abby comes close to breaking down trying to deal with her mother. Dr. Pratt goes for his required paramedic ride-along. Dr. Weaver confronts the man who stole her purse. Dr. Lewis has a teen admirer.
Season 9, Episode 16: A Thousand Cranes
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 2003
The police question Drs. Pratt and Gallant about a rampage at the diner across from the ER. Dr. Lewis befriends her teen admirer, a cancer patient.
Season 9, Episode 17: The Advocate
Original Air Date—13 marzo 2003
Dr. Weaver bends the rules and treats the Alderman's lover for syphilis. Dr. Kovac's patient claims she was sexually abused at a boot camp for troubled youth. Dr. Carter treats a women with a nasty personality.
Season 9, Episode 18: Finders Keepers
Original Air Date—3 aprile 2003
Dr. Romano seizes control of the ER and manages to offend everyone. Dr. Kovac asks Dr. Corday's help in the quest to bring a sickly Croatian boy to the U.S. for medical treatment.
Season 9, Episode 19: Things Change
Original Air Date—24 aprile 2003
A psychotic patient threatens Abby. Dr. Weaver suspects a woman poisoned her own baby. Dr. Romano continues to make rash judgments.
Season 9, Episode 20: Foreign Affairs
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2003
Dr. Carter tries to prevent a grieving gang member from going after vengeance. Dr. Kovac races against time to save a Croatian boy's life. A baseball player gets treatment for a heart problem.
Season 9, Episode 21: When Night Meets Day
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2003
It's Greg Pratt's last shift at County General and he treats a number of cases that were started by John Carter on the day shift. They treat a 12 year-old near drowning victim who has little chance of recovery; a Buddhist nun who has a special gift of seeing another's inner self; a woman who is convinced that that day's solar eclipse signals the end of the world; a drug addict who scams both of the for pain medication; and a pregnant woman who had her baby torn out of her her womb. Dr. Romano has his re-attached arm amputated. Carter receives a call from Luka Kovac asking if he can come to the Congo and help out. Abby is none too pleased. Meanwhile Doc Magoo's burns to the ground.
Season 9, Episode 22: Kisangani
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2003
John Carter arrives in the Congo to find that Luka Kovac is away at a distant clinic administering vaccinations to the local population. He also finds appalling medical conditions. Too few nurses and doctors, limited equipment and few medical supplies are par for the course. That aside, he gets s great deal of satisfaction from the work he does. He meets Gillian, a Canadian nurse, and learns that she and Luka have become close. He tries desperately to save the life of a severely wounded man which pays later dividends when their camp is invaded by rebel troops and their lives are threatened.
Season 10
Season 10, Episode 1: Now What?
Original Air Date—25 settembre 2003
On his return to Chicago, Carter gets a downright chilly reaction from Abby who asks him to return her apartment key. At work, they tip toe around one another, neither really willing to discuss their feelings. A new med student, Neela Rasgotra arrives for her ER rotation. Dr. Pratt is paying too much attention to her for Dr. Chen's taste. A woman passes out at the wheel of her car severely injuring herself and the three children in the car with her. Neela makes a good call in the case. Carter treats a man whose HIV has become full-blown AIDS. The ER itself is a bit chaotic due to major reconstruction. The ER desk receives a call from Africa saying that Luka Kovac has been killed. Carter decides to return to the Congo to retrieve his body.
Season 10, Episode 2: The Lost
Original Air Date—2 ottobre 2003
John Carter returns to the Congo to retrieve Luka Kovac's body. He finds however that the area where was killed is still too dangerous to enter. He and Gillian finally manage to hitch a ride with a Red Cross worker, Debbie, who is going to the area. In flashbacks, we learn how Kovac and his fellow aid workers were taken prisoner by rebel troops. They are shot, one at a time, until only Luka is left. Amid the destruction of the eastern Congo, we learn his fate. Carter also makes a fateful decision.
Season 10, Episode 3: Dear Abby
Original Air Date—9 ottobre 2003
Luka Kovac arrives safely at County General and is hospitalized for treatment. His friend Gillian delivers John Carter's letter to Abby. Pretty well everyone gets to read it when Frank retrieves it and from the garbage and passes it around. Greg Pratt has dinner with Chen and her parents. The dinner goes well but they have a serious argument afterward. Dr. Romano is unhappy with his prosthetic arm which makes him even more difficult to deal with. Some of the more senior nurses find their hours being reduced as a cost saving measure and stage a walkout. Romano's response is to fire them all. Dr. Lewis treats a teenager with a serious heart problem but her parents insist that she not be told immediately. A new group of second year residents arrive.
Season 10, Episode 4: Shifts Happen
Original Air Date—23 ottobre 2003
Season 10, Episode 5: Out of Africa
Original Air Date—30 ottobre 2003
Emmy nominee Bob Newhart guest stars as Ben Hollander, a distraught architect whose degenerating eyesight causes him despondent while a spirited new nurse, Samantha Taggart joins the staff. Elsewhere, disaster strikes when the doctors suspect a mother is abusing her child while Dr. Corday learns something shocking about the charismatic Dr. Dorset, and Dr. Archie Morris is overwhelmed by the chaos and grisly conditions of life in the E.R.
Season 10, Episode 6: The Greater Good
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2003
Season 10, Episode 7: Death and Taxes
Original Air Date—13 novembre 2003
Season 10, Episode 8: Freefall
Original Air Date—20 novembre 2003
On Thanksgiving Day, a helicopter crash outside the ER leaves several injured, and kills Dr. Romano. Alex tries to bring Sam and Luka together.
Season 10, Episode 9: Missing
Original Air Date—4 dicembre 2003
Neela helps treat two Amish teens who were in a car crash. Sam argues with Dr. Kovac when he pays too much attention to her son.
Season 10, Episode 10: Makemba
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 2003
Dr. Carter celebrates Christmas at a clinic in the Congo dealing with low supplies and anti-Americanism, but in the meantime, falling for an AIDS worker named Makemba.
Season 10, Episode 11: Touch & Go
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 2004
Season 10, Episode 12: NICU
Original Air Date—15 gennaio 2004
Abby and Neela are assigned to a month-long rotation in the neonatal intensive care unit where they experience emotional roller coasters while caring for the sick infants.
Season 10, Episode 13: Get Carter
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 2004
Dr. Carter's girlfriend makes an impression as she observes ER operations. Dr. Gallant is almost shot during a domestic incident. Dr. Weaver dedicates a center to the memory of Dr. Romano.
Season 10, Episode 14: Impulse Control
Original Air Date—12 febbraio 2004
Sam treats an abused, pregnant teen. Dr. Carter introduces African girlfriend Makemba to wintertime. ER chaos shocks a risk-assessment expert. Dr. Pratt and Abby restrain a man who has tuberculosis.
Season 10, Episode 15: Blood Relations
Original Air Date—19 febbraio 2004
Season 10, Episode 16: Forgive and Forget
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 2004
Season 10, Episode 17: The Student
Original Air Date—1 aprile 2004
Season 10, Episode 18: Where There's Smoke
Original Air Date—8 aprile 2004
Season 10, Episode 19: Just a Touch
Original Air Date—22 aprile 2004
Season 10, Episode 20: Abby Normal
Original Air Date—29 aprile 2004
Season 10, Episode 21: Midnight
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2004
Carter takes Kem to the hospital to check on their baby since it's not kicking anymore.
Season 10, Episode 22: Drive
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2004
Kovacs stops to help a woman and her son whose car broke down. Steve is getting close to Alex, and Sam panics. Abby is looking for her letter whether to see she passed her boards. Pratt shows off his new Chrysler. Elgin tries to build a connection between him and Pratt. Jing-Mei might be battered by her senile father.
Season 11
Season 11, Episode 1: One for the Road
Original Air Date—23 settembre 2004
After being shot at, Pratt, Jing-Mei and Elgin are trying to get of their sinking car. Sam took Alex with her while fleeing for Steve, Kovac is considering to go after them. Abby wants to go to bed since tomorrow is her first day as a doctor, but is thwarted by Weaver, whose custody battle might take a dramatic turn. A young drug-dealer is brought in with "a foreign object" in her tunnel of life.
Season 11, Episode 2: Damaged
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 2004
Neela is still struggling with her decision not to continue becoming a doctor. We discover that Ray is in a band. Kovac and Sam are amoureux, but where does that leave them? Carter takes Abby to dinner in a restaurant he hired off for the evening.
Season 11, Episode 3: Try Carter
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 2004
It's a busy Fourth of July and Carter is the only attending working.
Season 11, Episode 4: Fear
Original Air Date—21 ottobre 2004
Carter, Pratt, Kovac and Abby are dealing with a woman and her three children who've jumped from a three floor apartment trying to escape from the father. Meanwhile Dr. Lewis becomes Chief of Emergency Medicine, Howard quits his internship and Dr. Corday is facing dismissal.
Season 11, Episode 5: Intern's Guide to the Galaxy
Original Air Date—4 novembre 2004
Season 11, Episode 6: Time of Death
Original Air Date—11 novembre 2004
From 11:22 to 12:06 we can follow everything that happens to Charlie Metcalf (played by Ray Liotta), a patient who is at death's door. We are shown the minutiae of a treatment which are usually glossed over in the "regular" episodes, interlaced with images from Charlie's delusions which give an insight into the regrets he has about his wasted life.
Season 11, Episode 7: White Guy, Dark Hair
Original Air Date—18 novembre 2004
A rape victim, barely able to speak, does all she can to help police find her attacker.
Season 11, Episode 8: Shot in the Dark
Original Air Date—2 dicembre 2004
A wounded police officer's teenage son must make a life or death decision. Abby tries to convince a girl needing appendicitis surgery to stay at County, but her fathers wants her transferred to another hospital.
Season 11, Episode 9: Twas the Night
Original Air Date—9 dicembre 2004
Abby has a dialysis patient in critical condition, but she cannot find his physician, who does not want to be bothered during the holidays.
Season 11, Episode 10: Skin
Original Air Date—13 gennaio 2005
Gang members kidnap Abby hoping she can save one of their members with a gunshot wound. Ray starts treating a patient, but when she requests a new doctor, he gets offended.
Season 11, Episode 11: Only Connect
Original Air Date—20 gennaio 2005
Two teens enter the ER with gunshot wounds. When one dies, Neela botches telling the next of kin, making the woman hysterical.
Season 11, Episode 12: The Providers
Original Air Date—27 gennaio 2005
Season 11, Episode 13: Middleman
Original Air Date—3 febbraio 2005
Season 11, Episode 14: Just as I Am
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 2005
Dr. Weaver meets her birth mother, but their relationship changes when Kerrie reveals she is gay. Dr. Carter causes a commotion when he confronts a couple hoping to scam some painkillers.
Season 11, Episode 15: Alone in a Crowd
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 2005
A soccer mom finds herself completely aware of everything going on around her, but is unable to move or speak after suffering a stroke.
Season 11, Episode 16: Here and There
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 2005
Neela (who's in Chicago) and Gallant (who's in Iraq) miss each other and write letters. Gallant also tries to save the life of a little girl.
Season 11, Episode 17: Back in the World
Original Air Date—24 marzo 2005
Sam's ex-husband shows up and wants to take Alex on a trip. Gallant is back and Neela hopes to see him before he goes back to Iraq.
Season 11, Episode 18: Refusal of Care
Original Air Date—21 aprile 2005
A woman on a hunger strike refuses treatment until the INS give her son another deportation hearing. Abby searches for proof when she suspects a patient is the victim of elder abuse.
Season 11, Episode 19: Ruby Redux
Original Air Date—28 aprile 2005
Jules 'Ruby' Rubadoux is back in the ER. He's still angry with Carter about the death of his wife.
Season 11, Episode 20: You Are Here
Original Air Date—5 maggio 2005
Morris is named the new chief resident, which makes nobody really happy, except Morris. Meanwhile Luka and Sam are having communication problems, Carter gets a promotion Susan really wanted and Ray finds out a 14-year old who always comes in for free drugs has been raped.
Season 11, Episode 21: Carter est Amoureux
Original Air Date—12 maggio 2005
After Carter finds out Kem's mother is hospitalized in Paris he decides to go there to tell Kem how he feels about her. Meanwhile, Ray makes a fatal error.
Season 11, Episode 22: The Show Must Go On
Original Air Date—19 maggio 2005
Casualties of a disaster flood the ER, which is short-handed because everyone is at Dr. Carter's going-away party because he's leaving the ER after 11 years. Dr. Pratt looks for the courage to confront his father, Charlie.
Season 12
Season 12, Episode 1: Cañon City
Original Air Date—22 settembre 2005
Sam and Luka go on the search for her runaway son, Alex. Meanwhile, Pratt and Lewis guide Abby, Neela and Ray, who have become R2's, on how to teach the new interns.
Season 12, Episode 2: Nobody's Baby
Original Air Date—29 settembre 2005
Much to Ray's dislike, a surrogate mother in labor doesn't want to have a C-section and endangers the life of the baby. Meanwhile, Sam tells Luka she and Alex move out, Pratt meets his half-brother and -sister and Abby makes a difficult decision on a young boy.
Season 12, Episode 3: Man with No Name
Original Air Date—6 ottobre 2005
Luka has a very bad day: New nurse manager Eve Peyton notices he doesn't want to work with Sam and tells him so. At the end of the day he's drunk and Abby takes him home.
Season 12, Episode 4: Blame It on the Rain
Original Air Date—13 ottobre 2005
The rainy night brings in diverse patients including a mother involved in a car accident with her baby, a man with a satisfaction facilitator, and a comatose patient who suddenly wakes up. Also, Sam steps up to Eve and her strict ways and Jerry gets struck by lightening!
Season 12, Episode 5: Wake Up
Original Air Date—20 ottobre 2005
A new attending, Dr. Victor Clemente, comes aboard and quickly makes a stir on the ER. Abby's breast cancer patient convinces her to take a long awaited test. Luka befriends a young woman who awakes from a six-year coma. Also, Weaver shows Clemente who runs the ER.
Season 12, Episode 6: Dream House
Original Air Date—3 novembre 2005
Pratt's half-brother tries to get him to make ends meet with his estranged father. Clemente treats an infant chimpanzee and involves Abby and Neela on the secret case. Eve promotes Sam and her first tasks is to fire a beloved nurse.
Season 12, Episode 7: The Human Shield
Original Air Date—10 novembre 2005
A kidnaped girl is the victim of police shooting. Abby is stuck in the middle of a disagreement between Luka and Clemente. Neela receives a phone call from Iraq. Later, Luka and Abby share a kiss.
Season 12, Episode 8: Two Ships
Original Air Date—17 novembre 2005
The ER prepares to take in victims from a plane collision, while Neela and Pratt head out to the crash site where Neela makes heroic efforts. At the end of the day, Neela gets a surprising visit.
Season 12, Episode 9: I Do
Original Air Date—1 dicembre 2005
Gallant impulsively asks Neela to marry her that exact day, she says I do but soon gets cold feet. Morris stands up to Weaver on a patients course of treatment. Luka, Sam and Clemente treat a boy who contracted HIV from his mother. Also, Abby and Luka redefine their relationship and Luka is named the new Chief of Emergency Medicine.
Season 12, Episode 10: All About Christmas Eve
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 2005
Pratt and Weaver try to create a Christmas miracle when they work to save a girl wounded from gunfire. Eve gets into trouble after punching a disruptive patient. Also, Abby has a special gift for Luka.
Season 12, Episode 11: If Not Now
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 2006
Neela treats a religious teenage girl who turns out to be pregnant. Abby and Kovac struggle to figure out what to do with her unexpected pregnancy.
Season 12, Episode 12: Split Decisions
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 2006
Ray helps an old friend escape from her abusive father. Dubenko volunteers in the ER but can't seem to handle a slow day. Abby and Kovac go baby shopping, while Neela gets unexpected and upsetting news from Gallant.
Season 12, Episode 13: Body & Soul
Original Air Date—2 febbraio 2006
Dr. Nate Lennox, a former professor with ALS, is brought in as the progression of his disease is chronicled through his own flashbacks as he is treated by each of the doctors at one point. As Lennox wants to give up, Abby fights to convince him to keep on fighting.
Next US airings:
Tue. Dec. 23 10:00 AM TNT
Season 12, Episode 14: Quintessence of Dust
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 2006
An unexpected visitor puts Clemente in the middle of a domestic dispute. Meanwhile, Luka and Abby await test results on their unborn child; Neela struggles with her surgical elective and Pratt ends up with an unexpected suitor when he participates in a charity bachelor auction.
Next US airings:
Fri. Dec. 26 10:00 AM TNT
Season 12, Episode 15: Darfur
Original Air Date—2 marzo 2006
In the Sudan, Carter and a colleague struggle to save a woman who was raped by a band of militants. Back in the ER, Clemente asks to return to work after the shooting incident, but Kovac refuses. Meanwhile, Neela and Pratt have a work dispute, and, in a related incident, K.J.'s father shows up again in the ER.
Next US airings:
Mon. Dec. 29 10:00 AM TNT
Season 12, Episode 16: Out on a Limb
Original Air Date—16 marzo 2006
Weaver contemplates hip replacement surgery after she finds it hard to do her labor intensive job. Meanwhile, Kovac tries to ease Abby's fears about raising a child together. Neela decides to attend a support group for military spouses but when she offers her opinions on the war, the meeting turns into a debate. And after Sam treats a fainting victim, she finds herself with an intriguing job offer.
Next US airings:
Tue. Dec. 30 10:00 AM TNT
Season 12, Episode 17: Lost in America
Original Air Date—23 marzo 2006
Abby and Luka desperately try to keep a young woman brought into the ER with stab wounds to the neck alive. As her condition begins to worsen, Clemente steps in and tries a risky procedure on the girl in order to save her life. Meanwhile, Neela pulls an all-nighter in preparation for a speech at a surgeon's convention, Ray treats a man claiming to have swallowed a bottle of pills, and Sam decides to take a part-time job with Richard to help her with childcare expenses.
Next US airings:
Wed. Dec. 31 10:00 AM TNT
Season 12, Episode 18: Strange Bedfellows
Original Air Date—30 marzo 2006
When two teens are in a car accident, Abby and Morris struggle to figure out what is wrong with the unconscious girl. Meanwhile, Neela gets a visit from her in-laws and discovers some troubling news. Kovac tells Abby that he plans to go to Africa and help Carter, but when he realizes Abby is not crazy about the idea, he decides to send someone else in his place. Sam starts her new job with Elliot and quickly starts to love the the perks.
Next US airings:
Fri. Jan. 2 10:00 AM TNT
Season 12, Episode 19: No Place to Hide
Original Air Date—27 aprile 2006
Abby senses something not right when a grandmother and granddaughter are brought into the ER. Sam's jailed ex-husband Steve is brought into the ER and everyone but Neela assumes he is faking sick. Meanwhile, tensions grow when Morris and Albright argue over a patient, Pratt heads to Africa to help Carter and quickly realizes how difficult life will be, and Weaver finishes physical therapy.
Season 12, Episode 20: There Are No Angels Here
Original Air Date—4 maggio 2006
Pratt gets to work in Darfur alongside Carter and his co-workers, but is troubled by astounding number of people needing care and finds himself making a dangerous journey.
Season 12, Episode 21: The Gallant Hero & the Tragic Victor
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2006
Pratt struggles to get a straight story when two abused boys come into the ER with their father. Two U.S. Army officers enter the ER.
Season 12, Episode 22: 21 Guns
Original Air Date—18 maggio 2006
Chaos reigns in the ER when two prisoners are brought in for treatment, but instead plot a violent escape. Their desperate actions place one doctor in harm's way, and forces one nurse to become a tool in their plan.
Season 13
Season 13, Episode 1: Bloodline
Original Air Date—21 settembre 2006
Weaver, Kovac, and the other doctors work frantically to try to save Jerry and a pregnant Abby, who were both critically injured during the shootout that left the ER in shambles. Meanwhile, Sam tries to escape from her ex-boyfriend and his criminal accomplices as they head north, but things quickly turn violent.
Season 13, Episode 2: Graduation Day
Original Air Date—28 settembre 2006
As Abby and Luka cope with their newborn's life and death struggle, the couple is shocked to receive a surprise visitor: Abby's mother Maggie. Meanwhile, Sam fears the prospect of criminal charges; Neela discovers that Tony Gates will be joining the ER team as an intern and Morris gets his job back while Weaver gets demoted.
Season 13, Episode 3: Somebody to Love
Original Air Date—5 ottobre 2006
Gates is assigned to the case of a closeted gay man whose partner clashes with his family; Neela meets her new surgical chief, Dr. Crenshaw; and Pratt must cope with the flood of new interns.
Season 13, Episode 4: Parenthood
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2006
Abby and Kovac discover both the joys and difficulties of raising a newborn; Morris is wrongfully accused of being a child molester; Pratt has his trial-by-fire when he has to handle the ER alone, juggling multiple traumas, teaching duties and a troublesome intern. Neela continues to be the target of her difficult supervisor, and Sam discovers her sons latest extra-curricular activity.
Season 13, Episode 5: Ames v. Kovac
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 2006
Curtis Ames, a carpenter who suffered a stroke under Kovac's care, sues him for malpractice. Kovac and Ames square off in court as each man's recollections of Ames' treatment are recounted via testimony and flashbacks. Meanwhile, Abby returns to work and must adjust to the dramatic changes in her life, and Pratt's early morning trip to the barbershop results in a new awareness of community need. Also, Abby and Pratt try an unconventional method for treating a heart patient and Neela tries a risky procedure which doesn't sit well with her chief.
Season 13, Episode 6: Heart of the Matter
Original Air Date—2 novembre 2006
Kovac anxiously awaits the verdict between himself and Curtis Ames but fears the worst. Meanwhile, Neela disobeys her chief's orders and also questions her feelings for Gates, and Weaver unwittingly steals the spotlight from Morris in his big television debut.
Season 13, Episode 7: Jigsaw
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2006
A belligerent young man with the flu turns out to be more than he seems, and presents a challenge to Morris and Sam when he refuses treatment. Abby's chance encounter with Curtis Ames leaves Kovac uneasy. Meanwhile, Pratt discovers a local church's risky drug exchange program, Neela and Gates square off, and Weaver gets an interesting offer.
Season 13, Episode 8: Reason to Believe
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 2006
A mysterious illness leaves little hope when a group of homeless kids enter the ER and one of them believes that Neela is a guardian angel in blue; Abby and Kovac clash over a possible case of domestic abuse; Pratt makes a shocking discovery about his brother, and Weaver is unexpectedly called into action when her television appearance becomes a real emergency.
Season 13, Episode 9: Scoop and Run
Original Air Date—23 novembre 2006
Thanksgiving at County is quiet, with the normal number of routine (or nearly so) emergencies. But Abby makes up for the lack of excitement while returning to the hospital as the doctor on a helicopter transport.
Season 13, Episode 10: Tell Me No Secrets...
Original Air Date—30 novembre 2006
Kovac and Gates treat a girl who appears to have been assaulted. When the police are no help with Ames, Kovac decides to confront the problem himself; Morris and other doctors work on a patient with an ice pick in his ear. Meanwhile, Ray tries to keep his new relationship a secret and Pratt can't fully deal when his half-brother officially comes out. Also, a new male nurse arrives.
Season 13, Episode 11: City of Mercy
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2006
It's Christmas in the ER. A homeless boy sends Gates and Ray on a mission. Meanwhile, in the ER, Neela oversees an unusual kidney transplant case; Sam takes a stand when a patient is dumped in an alley by another hospital; and Morris plays Santa for a special girl and learns the meaning of Christmas.
Season 13, Episode 12: Breach of Trust
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 2007
Weaver cares for a Katrina survivor who's reluctant to having surgery on her foot; budget cuts force Luka to make a difficult personnel decision. Also, Gates' home life intrudes on the ER; and Pratt and Hope are shaken after a patient in their care dies needlessly.
Season 13, Episode 13: A House Divided
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2007
Kovac reacts negatively when he sees Abby giving extra attention to a patient; Ray and Gates clash over a patient, pinning Neela in the middle; and Ben takes things to the next level with Sam. Meanwhile, Pratt is under investigation and Weaver says a final goodbye to the ER.
Season 13, Episode 14: Murmurs of the Heart
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2007
Kovac finds himself in a tense confrontation with Curtis Ames, and Abby must act to protect her family. Meanwhile, Neela and Gates rush to get Meg to the hospital while Sam's new home is soon under threat from fire.
Season 13, Episode 15: Dying Is Easy...
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2007
Abby and Sam try to treat an obnoxious, aspiring comedian with mysterious symptoms; Pratt must defend his actions in front of the medical board; Neela scrubs in on a kidney donor transplant; and Morris, as the lone attending, must run a busy ER. Also, Kovac gets a surprising proposal from Abby.
Season 13, Episode 16: Crisis of Conscience
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2007
Kovac and Gates find themselves with a moral dilemma when a woman comes into the ER with acute liver failure; Neela finds herself questioning what is right when Manish decides to give up a kidney to a complete stranger. Meanwhile, Ray fights to get to the bottom of a cheerleaders accidental fall; Abby gets a prediction for her future; and Alex's troubles continue to intrude on Sam's work life.
Season 13, Episode 17: From Here to Paternity
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2007
A blizzard strands a family in the snow and Abby and Pratt quickly try to save the family. A gang shooting challenges Morris and Pratt. Meanwhile, Kovac and Abby begin making wedding plans, but their engagement might not be very secret; Gates struggles with the reappearance of his father and the possibility of losing Sarah; and Neela becomes jealous when Dubenko brings in a new surgical intern.
Season 13, Episode 18: Photographs and Memories
Original Air Date—12 aprile 2007
It's Sam's birthday, but she finds it hard to be away from her son Alex. Meanwhile, Sam meets a photographer taking pictures of a terminal patient and she gives Sam a new perspective on life. Dubenko's new surgical intern unsettles Neela during a trauma; Gates is shadowed by a new and nerdy intern and later must tell Sarah the truth that he may be her biological father. Also, Morris and Hope annoy Kovac and Abby when they try to help with their wedding preparations.
Season 13, Episode 19: Family Business
Original Air Date—19 aprile 2007
Kovac and Gates deal with a hopeless father whose son succumbs to heart failure; Pratt tries to resolve the tension between him and his brother; an Armenian man tries to be a good samaritan but ends up crashing near the ER; Abby sneaks in baby Joe when she worries his sickness may be worse than it seems; Also, Sam injures the instructor of a self-defense seminar.
Season 13, Episode 20: Lights Out
Original Air Date—26 aprile 2007
In 12 hours, the ER will shut down. As Kovac is under pressure to take care of the patients before the final hours, he makes a pivotal decision about his future. Meanwhile, Sam befriends a photojournalist who returns only this time she's terminally ill; Pratt is concerned when his brother ends up in the ER drunk; Morris confronts Gates when he ignores his orders and angrily sends him home while Gates tries to defend his actions.
Season 13, Episode 21: I Don't
Original Air Date—3 maggio 2007
What is suppose to be a departmental dinner organized by Kovac turns out to be the surprise of a lifetime for Abby when she soon learns it's a surprise wedding, secretly planned by the eager groom. Meanwhile, at the wedding, ER staffers enjoy themselves with music and booze while Neela finds herself the center of unexpected attention between Gates and Ray, which leads to a drunken fight and a shocking conclusion.
Season 13, Episode 22: Sea Change
Original Air Date—10 maggio 2007
The ER reopens with new changes. However, the ER is not the only thing that's changed; Kovac and Abby adjust to being newlyweds; Morris and Hope enjoy themselves at the honeymoon suite; Pratt attempts a change for a woman; Neela worries when Ray goes missing; Meanwhile, there's a new doctor in the ER and he means business; and another change may come when Kovac receives a phone call.
Season 13, Episode 23: The Honeymoon Is Over
Original Air Date—17 maggio 2007
The ER is now in the hands of a new chief, Dr. Kevin Moretti, who is bent on major changes. Meanwhile, a phone call leads Neela to a hospital where awaits a major shock and a final farewell from a friend and colleague. Gates urgently goes home to stop Sarah from being taken away from him. A GI patient baffles Morris and Sam. Also, Kovac postpones the honeymoon and says goodbye to Abby and his son, for the meantime, while he travels to Croatia to visit his ailing father.
Season 14
Season 14, Episode 1: The War Comes Home
Original Air Date—27 settembre 2007
Abby, Pratt and Morris clash with Moretti's strict new ER procedures as victims of an anti-war rally roll in, including Neela. Gates manhandles a patient he suspects set off the explosion that disrupted the protest. A worried Dubenko lets his emotions for Neela take over during Neela's surgery. Meanwhile, the rest of the staff worry over Neela's condition.
Season 14, Episode 2: In a Different Light
Original Air Date—4 ottobre 2007
Patients include a Pregnant teacher whose student/lover was critically injured while driving; a man who is hiding a gunshot wound and a brilliant young boy who knows he is dying, but hides it from his mother. Dr. Moretti continues to remake the ER to his liking, Nila is recovering, Luka's absence is reinforced (back in Croatia and not coming back) and Sam may be starting a new relationship with a police officer.
Season 14, Episode 3: Officer Down
Original Air Date—11 ottobre 2007
Abby and a distracted Morris work to save two auxiliary cops brought in with gunshot wounds. Pratt treats a teen wrestler with severe vomiting, but the problem is much more serious. Sam worries over her new beau Litchman. Gates tries to help a young boy in the ICU with a deadly disease. Also, Dubenko visits Neela while she babysits baby Joe.
Season 14, Episode 4: Gravity
Original Air Date—18 ottobre 2007
When Baby Joe is injured by a fall at the playground and rushed to the hospital, Abby is unable to reach Luka to tell him.
Season 14, Episode 5: Under the Influence
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 2007
Moretti reassigns Gates back to the ER and treats a couple involved in a car accident. Morris prepares to take his written board exams. Neela is assigned a young genius intern. Kovac plans to extend his stay in Croatia while Abby struggles with single parenthood.
Season 14, Episode 6: The Test
Original Air Date—1 novembre 2007
Moretti brings in new attending Skye Wexler to help with the patient load. Morris and Pratt cram for the medical board exam. Gates treats a returning patient from the ICU whose condition has worsen. Sam tends to a teenage girl who is feeling neglected by the staff. Neela's intern, Harold, seeks her advice on a personal matter. Abby struggles with her relapse.
Season 14, Episode 7: Blackout
Original Air Date—8 novembre 2007
The city suffers power outages during an unseasonably hot spell. Nursing-home patients are brought into the ER suffering from hyperthermia. Abby and Pratt disagree on the diagnosis of a fussy baby. Abby falls back to old habits and quickly down spirals to rock bottom on a night she'll forever regret.
Season 14, Episode 8: Coming Home
Original Air Date—15 novembre 2007
Season 14, Episode 9: Skye's the Limit
Original Air Date—29 novembre 2007
Dr Wexlar is made interim ER chief while staff deals with an industrial accident that leads to a hate crime.
Season 14, Episode 10: 300 Patients
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 2007
Morning shift begins. The night shift treated 142 patients - a new record. Dr. Morris is confident that by the end of the day the ER can set a new record of 300 patients. Frank reminds him that there has never been more than 250 patients in a day. Dr. Morris bets $300 that they can reach 300 by the end of the shift. Frank, Dr. Gates and Dr. Pratt each bet $100 against him. But will the game be fair? Also, when chaplain Dupree arrives announcing that she's doing a round of the hospital, holding blessing ceremonies and memorials, the guys are against it, except for Dr. Gates, which makes the others suspicious. Frank goes straight to the point. Then there is the accident involving a camel.
Season 14, Episode 11: Status Quo
Original Air Date—3 gennaio 2008
Dr. Pratt applies for the job of ER Chief and gets turned down. This causes him to give 2 weeks notice. A female soldier, home 2 weeks from Iraq is 2 months pregnant and her husband demands an explanation. Neela's cousin has arrived from London for an extended visit and gets pursued by both Dr. Morris and Harold Zelinsky, much to Harold's chagrin. After 9 years absence, a fall in gym by her son brings Jeanie Boulet (Gloria Reuben) back to the ER. Not only is she troubled because of her son, but the disorientation of knowing virtually no one on the current staff does not help. ***spoilers*** Having lived with HIV all of these years, it turns out her adopted son, also HIV positive, has a head tumor and AIDS . Dr Pratt pursues the possibility of going to another hospital where he might get more respect from management. The female soldier, it turns out, is pregnant by being raped by her sergeant in Iraq and has to decide whether to keep the baby.
Season 14, Episode 12: Believe the Unseen
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 2008
A firefighter is brought in after being injured at a fire that is blamed on a young girl with genetic problems. Abby decides to prove the girl did not cause the fire. A disfigured man saves his anti-social neighbor. An old woman dies unattended at the ER while the staff are waiting for a psychiatrist. Pratt backs up Abby in an administration meeting. Neela's cousin apparently chooses Harold.
Season 14, Episode 13: Atonement
Original Air Date—17 gennaio 2008
Season 14, Episode 14: Owner of a Broken Heart
Original Air Date—10 aprile 2008
Abby deals with her upcoming reunion with Luca in Croatia, a heart transplant patient is admitted when her body rejects the new heart, and a new doctor ruffles feathers.
Season 14, Episode 15: ...As the Day She Was Born
Original Air Date—17 aprile 2008
Neela's marathon shift begins to affect her, and her demeanor isn't helped when she learns the med student she is mentoring is abandoning her specialty.
Season 14, Episode 16: Truth Will Out
Original Air Date—24 aprile 2008
Abby returns to work; Luca applies for a job elsewhere; the reason behind a brash doctor's being at County is revealed.
Season 14, Episode 17: Under Pressure
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2008
A young couple are choppered to County after a car accident,and one of them has a gun. A boy who wants to be a clown is injured in a unicycle mishap, but his father considers him a mathlete and wants him to go to MIT. Pratt visits Bettina in the hospital, but she tells him off.
Season 14, Episode 18: Tandem Repeats
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2008
A young woman with a failing liver has a difficult reunion with her parents, whom she has not seen in six years. Abby receives a job offer. Brenner isn't nice to Laverne after they sleep together.
Season 14, Episode 19: The Chicago Way
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2008
In the season finale, an ER patient with a mysterious past is afraid that people are trying to kill him. Dr. Moretti returns, trying to make amends for wrecking the marriage of Abby and Luka. Neela makes her way through a difficult M&M conference. Morris treats a woman with lupus who has an attractive daughter.
Season 15
Season 15, Episode 1: Life After Death
Original Air Date—25 settembre 2008
The ER staff deals with the aftermath of the explosion including a severely injured doctor.
Season 15, Episode 2: Another Thursday at County
Original Air Date—9 ottobre 2008
The ER is on guard as Gates gathers the new interns to treat a terrorist, but it's the new doctor and her tough disposition that has everyone on the defensive.
Season 15, Episode 3: The Book of Abby
Original Air Date—16 ottobre 2008
Season 15, Episode 4: Parental Guidance
Original Air Date—23 ottobre 2008
When a thirteen-year-old gymnast is brought into the hospital after having supposedly fallen off a wall, Dr. Banfield and Dr. Gates must sort out whether abuse is involved.
Season 15, Episode 5: Haunted
Original Air Date—30 ottobre 2008
Patients include an 18-year-old who was stabbed with a fork at his school, and a man shot by a cop at a Halloween party. Meanwhile Sam is annoyed by Gates and Daria.
Season 15, Episode 6: Oh, Brother
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2008
Season 15, Episode 7: Heal Thyself
Original Air Date—13 novembre 2008
Season 15, Episode 8: Age of Innocence
Original Air Date—20 novembre 2008
Season 15, Episode 9: Let It Snow
Original Air Date—4 dicembre 2008
Season 15, Episode 10: The High Holiday
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 2008
Season 15, Episode 11: Separation Anxiety
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 12: Episode #15.12
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 13: Love Is a Battlefield
Original Air Date—29 gennaio 2009
Season 15, Episode 14: The Family Man
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 15: Episode #15.15
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 16: Episode #15.16
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 17: Episode #15.17
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Season 15, Episode 18: Episode #15.18
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Season 15, Episode 19: Episode #15.19
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Season 15, Episode 20: Episode #15.20
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 21: Episode #15.21
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Season 15, Episode 22: Episode #15.22
Original Air Date—????
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"Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

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Episode list for
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (1997) More at IMDbPro »
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Episodes: All (145)

Season: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Year: 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003

Season 1
Season 1, Episode 0: Unaired Pilot
Original Air Date—giugno 2003
Season 1, Episode 1: Welcome to the Hellmouth
Original Air Date—10 marzo 1997
Buffy Summers has just moved to Sunnydale with her mother. She wants nothing more than to make the right friends, and fit in with the right group. There is only one thing standing in her way. Her destiny.
Season 1, Episode 2: The Harvest
Original Air Date—10 marzo 1997
In the second part of the two-part series premiere, Xander and Willow learn the truth about Sunnydale, and Buffy finds herself racing to rescue Jesse and stop a demonic ritual known as "The Harvest".
Season 1, Episode 3: Witch
Original Air Date—17 marzo 1997
It's cheerleading tryouts, and Buffy can't resist. However, when the girls start getting knocked out of the competition, Buffy and the gang begin to suspect that someone may be behind these not so normal occurrences. Could someone be using dark magic in order to make the squad?
Season 1, Episode 4: Teacher's Pet
Original Air Date—24 marzo 1997
Xander dreams of greatness- in biology class; the teacher, Dr. Gregory, is eaten afterward and declared missing. Angel gives Buffy another cryptic warning and his jacket but no personal info. Substitute Natalie French continues the lesson on insects, her good looks guarantee volunteers after class, Cordelia Chase finds Gregory decapitated. To Buffy's surprise vampires flee for miss French, who wants hormones-impressed Xander to see her after class, and Blayne didn't return from his previous appointment. Xander refuses to believe his 'hot date' is a shape-shifting bug but is drugged and locked up after she resumes her mantis-form and caged with Blayne. Giles finds out it's a virgin-killer, Buffy the real miss French's identity...
Season 1, Episode 5: Never Kill a Boy on the First Date
Original Air Date—31 marzo 1997
Yearning for a normal life, Buffy agrees to a date with Owen. Giles discovers a prophecy of coming danger, but she chooses Owen over battling evil. When Giles goes out on his own and is trapped by a group of vampires, Buffy must figure out a way to balance dating and Slaying.
Season 1, Episode 6: The Pack
Original Air Date—7 aprile 1997
After an altercation in the hyena enclosure of the local zoo, Buffy and Willow notice Xander start to hang with a new group of friends, and take on a slightly more primal attitude, including a liking for rare meat.
Season 1, Episode 7: Angel
Original Air Date—14 aprile 1997
Angel and Buffy's relationship is threatened by a dark secret he has been hiding from her. And when that secret puts the life of someone close to Buffy in danger, she must make a choice.
Season 1, Episode 8: I, Robot... You, Jane
Original Air Date—28 aprile 1997
Willow meets a new friend, Malcolm, over the Internet. Meanwhile, a demon named Moloch has escaped from the book in which he was bound.
Season 1, Episode 9: The Puppet Show
Original Air Date—5 maggio 1997
Mr. Snyder, Sunnydale High's new principal after the devouring of fatherly Mr. Robert Flutie, believes in order and discipline to instill school spirit, so he orders Giles to produce a talent show and punishes the absentee trio by forcibly enrolling them as candidates. Then dancer Emily is found with her heart cut out, but demons don't usually use a knife, yet one was found next to her, so the human student contestants are screened. The weirdest suspect proves to be gifted ventriloquist Morgan Shay, who treats his inseparable wooden dummy Sid as real, in fact takes orders from it in private, and if it is as Giles suspects one of seven demon who take possession of human bodies, anybody may be turned bad by it...
Season 1, Episode 10: Nightmares
Original Air Date—12 maggio 1997
At the hell-mouth, the Master of evil explains to his boy heir Collin that fear rules people better then love or hate. He manages to use the young schoolboy Billy Palmer to make every student of Sunnydale High's terrifying nightmares come true, ranging from Xander appearing in class wearing only boxer-shorts to being chased by murderers, losing one's favorite abilities or poisonous spiders coming out of one's schoolbooks...
Season 1, Episode 11: Out of Mind, Out of Sight
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1997
An invisible force is attacking the students and teachers at Sunnydale High. Buffy and the gang must find a way to stop this invisible menace, and determine why it seems to be centering its attacks on Cordelia.
Season 1, Episode 12: Prophecy Girl
Original Air Date—2 giugno 1997
In the first-season finale, Giles discovers an ancient prophecy which states that Buffy will face the Master and she will die. Upon hearing this, Buffy first denies her slayer roots, but when a small tragedy occurs at school, Buffy realizes she can't run from destiny, and decides to take on The Master.
Season 2
Season 2, Episode 1: When She Was Bad
Original Air Date—15 settembre 1997
Buffy returns from her summer vacation after defeating the Master and is not the same fun-loving slayer she used to be. Her cold, distant behavior escalates when she discovers that the remaining vampire population are planning to resurrect the Master.
Season 2, Episode 2: Some Assembly Required
Original Air Date—22 settembre 1997
The bodies of several recently deceased teen girls are stolen from their graves. When most of the parts are discovered in a dumpster on school grounds, the gang discovers a disturbing plot to build a new person from parts of dead ones.
Season 2, Episode 3: School Hard
Original Air Date—29 settembre 1997
Principal Snyder puts 'worst students' Buffy and real rebel Sheila Martini in charge of parents night preparations as a last chance to avoid expulsion. The surviving vampires at the hell-mouth agree whoever kills the Slayer who eliminated him may succeed the Master, then are surprised by the return of Spike, who happily reunites with his princess Drusilla and promises the Anointed boy Colin to do the job. Giles and Calendar warn Buffy next Saturday is St. Vigeous night, vampire prime day, still she joins the gang at the Bronze, where Spike sees her slay and promises revenge on Saturday. As if parent day weren't going bad enough, Spike's band attacks early. Buffy doesn't know Sheila was caught and bitten in advance, so she's a danger in her back, and on whose side is Angel, who knows Spike well?
Season 2, Episode 4: Inca Mummy Girl
Original Air Date—6 ottobre 1997
While on a field trip to the local museum, one of the students breaks a ceramic seal in the coffin of an Incan mummy, who rises and must consume the life-force of others in order to remain alive. She tries to fit in with the students at Sunnydale, and even starts to have real feelings for Xander. But when Buffy, Willow, and Giles realize who and what she really is, they may have to rescue Xander before he becomes the mummy's next victim.
Season 2, Episode 5: Reptile Boy
Original Air Date—13 ottobre 1997
The people around Buffy start needing more and more, and she starts feeling pulled apart. When Cordelia's college crush shows up on campus with a friend who has eyes for Buffy, Cordelia convinces Buffy to come with her to the frat party. But the party soon turns sinister, and Buffy learns the connection between the fraternity and the local girls who have recently gone missing.
Season 2, Episode 6: Halloween
Original Air Date—27 ottobre 1997
When a curse causes the Sunnydale masses to become their Halloween costumes, Buffy becomes an English noblewoman, Xander a soldier, and Willow a ghost. Spike seizes the moment of Buffy being totally helpless, and decides to attack.
Season 2, Episode 7: Lie to Me
Original Air Date—3 novembre 1997
Ford, an old friend of Buffy's from L.A., shows up unexpectedly in Sunnydale, and seems to know that she is the Slayer. When Xander, Willow, and Angel discover that he is involved with a cult-like group of disillusioned teens who idolize vampires, they must find out Ford's true agenda before it's too late.
Season 2, Episode 8: The Dark Age
Original Air Date—10 novembre 1997
The secrets of Giles's dark past come back to haunt him when an old friend turns up dead in Sunnydale. As a troubled youth, Giles and his friends summoned a demon. Now, it has returned and is hunting down the people summoned it. And it's quest for revenge may place the life of someone dear to Giles in extreme danger.
Season 2, Episode 9: What's My Line?: Part 1
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1997
Its "Career Week" at Sunnydale High and Buffy is faced with the reality that she has no future apart from that of a Slayer. Meanwhile, Spike sends four deadly assassins to ensure the Slayer has no future at all.
Season 2, Episode 10: What's My Line?: Part 2
Original Air Date—24 novembre 1997
The girl who attacked Buffy turns out to be no vampire but another slayer, Kendra, who assumed her duty while Buffy was drowned dead for a minute and works far more by the book Buffy ignored even to exist. Angel fears to die as the rising sun reaches into his holding place, but is dragged out in time by snitch Willy, only to be sold to Spike, who needs Drusilla's sire to revitalize her in a demonic ritual in an abandoned church which will kill Angel, and allows her first to enjoy torturing the shirtless hunk with holy water. Helping Cordelia escape the maggot-made Taraka order-killer makes Xander spike their formally continuing hatred with hot kisses, twice, a female killer fails to kill Buffy as police recruiter on career day...
Season 2, Episode 11: Ted
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 1997
Buffy has parental issues when Joyce comes home with a boyfriend, the computer expert and master chef Ted, whose charming personality impresses everyone except Buffy. Buffy insists there's not something right with Ted, but everyone keeps telling her she's just being paranoid...
Season 2, Episode 12: Bad Eggs
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 1998
The students are given eggs to look after, and Buffy finds out that there is something inside of the eggs. Soon the eggs hatch, the creatures inside take over the minds of their owners. Also, a pair of cowboy vampires show up in town.
Season 2, Episode 13: Surprise
Original Air Date—19 gennaio 1998
As Buffy's 17th birthday nears, and the gang prepares a surprise party for her. But when the gang find out that Spike and Drusilla are planning their own party, Angel may have to leave Sunnydale to keep Dru's party guest, an immortal demon called the Judge, from painting the town red.
Season 2, Episode 14: Innocence
Original Air Date—20 gennaio 1998
Angel's night of fleshly passion with Buffy has transformed him again into the super-vampire Angelus, without a soul, who teams up with Spike, Drusilla and the assembled demon Judge, offering to eliminate Buffy with love. Willow is shocked to see Xander kiss Cordelia and turns to fellow nerd (but band member) Oz. Just sensing Angel doesn't truly love her back devastates Buffy, seeing him turned vampire again reduces her to useless tearfulness, then makes Giles's lady-friend Janna 'Jenny' Calendar, who clearly knew something, tell about Angel's soul-curse, while angel turns to her gypsy Uncle Enyos. Meanwhile Xander works rather literally on the line 'it took a army' to defeat the Judge...
Season 2, Episode 15: Phases
Original Air Date—27 gennaio 1998
Buffy and Giles track down a werewolf roaming in the woods while trying to stop a maniacal werewolf killer. Meanwhile Willow tries to get closer to Oz.
Season 2, Episode 16: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 1998
Nice, insecure Xander's unnatural passionate yet loveless relationship with snooty, selfish Cordelia has never felt right, but when her friends find out and decide that's the end of her popular status, she dumps him without hesitation, ironically without getting back in their favor. Being dumped on Valentine's day after he gave her a swell heart-shaped necklace is too much abuse even for Xander's low self-esteem, so when he notices Amy has taken up her mother's witchcraft, he blackmails her into putting his scorner under a love spell so he can take his revenge by dumping her hist as painfully. Alas the novice's ineptly executed spell works on every girl except Cordelia and that means dangerous irrationality. Meanwhile vampires Spike, Drusilla and especially spiteful Angelus have their own unconventional ideas about celebrating Valentine's day...
Season 2, Episode 17: Passion
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 1998
Because of the way Angelus, who enjoys taunting Spike at the Hellmouth but above all his scorned lover, once took revenge on Drusilla's family, Buffy fears a similar fate for her ma Joyce Summers, but may not tell her the truth. Gipsy Jenny hopes to redeem her deceit of Buffy and Giles by attempting to translate the Gypsy curse in Rumanian on a vessel fit for soul transfer, hoping to restore to Angelus his human soul and thus transform him back into loving, suffering Angel, but he is ahead of her as Giles finds to his personal grief as the gang loses a member and finds he took off for revenge on his own...
Season 2, Episode 18: Killed by Death
Original Air Date—3 marzo 1998
When Buffy is admitted to hospital with a raging fever she meets Ryan, a young boy who has the same flu virus and claims that the sick children in the hospital are being persecuted by a monster that may be death himself.
Season 2, Episode 19: I Only Have Eyes for You
Original Air Date—21 aprile 1998
Even by Sunnydale standards, pupils and teachers have disturbing illusions which make them do crazy things. Giles soon realizes that is a poltergeist, and insists it must be his Jenny, but Willow's research in her PC -preparing to take over her computing classes- points to the 1955 incident Buffy witnesses in a vision, when student James Stanley shot dead his teacher and lover Grace Newman, one of them is the ghost stuck in reliving the fatal tragedy, especially as its anniversary is on the high school's annual, now approaching Sadie Hawkins Dance with gender role reversal. Willow plans an elaborate exorcism, but the ghost plays dirty. Angelus' appearance changes everything...
Season 2, Episode 20: Go Fish
Original Air Date—5 maggio 1998
When several members of the Sunnydale High swim team are mysteriously skinned alive, Buffy and the gang take it upon themselves to protect the remaining members, which results in Xander revealing a side of himself rarely seen.
Season 2, Episode 21: Becoming: Part 1
Original Air Date—12 maggio 1998
How it all has begun: how Angel became a vampire, how Buffy became a slayer, and how Willow is starting to become the ultimate witch... Angelus and Drusilla are calling for the end of the World as we know it.
Season 2, Episode 22: Becoming: Part 2
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1998
Buffy arrives too late to save the gang from Drusilla's surprise attack, and ends up being arrested for the murder of one of her friends after Principal Synder (acting under orders from a mysterious, unseen third party), has her framed for the killing. Escaping from the police, she discovers that Willow is comatose, Giles has been kidnapped, and she is almost totally alone going into the final battle with Angelus. She heads out to rescue Giles and stop Angelus once and for all... with the help of a most unlikely ally: Spike who wants a temporary alliance so Buffy and kill Angelus and he can have Drusilla back.
Season 3
Season 3, Episode 1: Anne
Original Air Date—29 settembre 1998
While Cordelia went to Cancun, Xander, Willow and Oz learned to control the vampire population without the slayer, Giles follows falls trails all over the States, but the new school year starts without expelled Buffy. Under her middle name Anne, she became a waitress in L.A., still dreaming of eternal love with Angel but is recognized by another Sunnydale exilee, whose present alias is Lilly, and helps her search for her sweetheart Rickie, whose life-drained body she finds. Only painfully later they realize that Ken is the culprit, when he pushes them trough a portal to a hell of hard labor- can a slayer handle the taskmaster demons?
Season 3, Episode 2: Dead Man's Party
Original Air Date—6 ottobre 1998
Buffy is back home, to her mother Joyce's great relief, which calls for a dinner invitation for the while gang, but the mood remains gloomy, despite her resuming the main slaying tasks although for the others things can't just return to their former state, not in the least because the obviously amused principal Snyder pays no attention to pleas to take Buffy back (mother's threat to take the case to the mayor even has an inverse effect), while Buffy still dreams of Angel. After a dead cat found in the Summers bookcase, other stinking corpses come to life again, a phenomenon which must have something to do with a the mysterious Nigerian mask with lighting red eyes mother Joyce bought, fortunately no secret to Giles...
Season 3, Episode 3: Faith, Hope & Trick
Original Air Date—13 ottobre 1998
The gang enjoys being Seniors now. The Summers girls gloat the school board overruled the principal's refusal to allow Buffy back after make-up tests, but guilty nightmares about having slain her beloved Angel still plague Buffy, who remains too gloomy to accept a charming dance invitation from cute student Scott Hope, but he sweetly persists his charm offensive. Following a suspected vampire, Buffy finds the presumed victim is the new second slayer, Faith, who considers Giles hunky for a watcher. A limousine arrives in Sunnydale with upper-class vampires: the gravely mutilated Kakistos and his lieutenant, the 'mundain' colored boy-eater Mr. Trick. When some underlings attack the slayers in Kakistos's name, Giles warns it's Greek for 'the worst'... Buffy admits Willow's spell had cured Angel just before she slew him; somehow he reemerges from the hell-dimension her slaying sent him to.
Season 3, Episode 4: Beauty and the Beasts
Original Air Date—20 ottobre 1998
Xander minds Oz, caged in the library for his lunar werewolf nights, but dozes off; a boy is kill in the woods and the window is open, so Faith takes second watch. Buffy dates gentle Scott Hope and takes mandatory school counseling with Mr. Platt, who says she must conquer her 'demon', obsession with a lost love. Looking for the werewolf, Buffy bumps into Angel, now a half-naked beast, and locks him up cuffed to chains in the mausoleum but tells nobody, not even Giles who says even after centuries of torture in the hell-dimension he may still be a redeemable monster, then finds Platt, murdered during the day. Scotty's school friends Pete Clarner and Debbie Foley share a horrible secret. The gangs suspects them because of links to the victims, meanwhile Angel breaks his chain...
Season 3, Episode 5: Homecoming
Original Air Date—3 novembre 1998
Buffy and Cordelia battle against one another for Homecoming Queen. Meanwhile, Mr. Trick puts together a group of hunters to track down Buffy and Faith in "Slayerfest '98."
Season 3, Episode 6: Band Candy
Original Air Date—10 novembre 1998
As Buffy deals with Giles and her mom treating her too much like a child, the mayor hires Ethan Rayne to make special kinds of candy bars. The more candy the adults of Sunnydale eat, the more they begin to act like teenagers.
Season 3, Episode 7: Revelations
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1998
Gwendolyn Post, an uptight, by-the-book English Watcher, arrives in Sunnydale claiming that the Watchers Council sent her as Faith's new one, or rather to assess the whole situation in Sunndydale, looking down upon understandably stressed Giles as on his library. She takes charge of their next, common mission: slaying the demon Lagos and destroying his weapon, the glove of Myhnegon, which is in the tomb of the von Hauptman family on Restfield cemetery. Meanwhile, Angel, back to his tender self, gets it for Buffy, but is seen kissing her by Xander, who reports this to Giles, who is deeply hurt, especially with Miss Post breathing down his neck, but doesn't tell her. With all of her friends angry and upset that Buffy didn't tell them that Angel had returned from Hell, Xander, worried and (despite kissing Willow again) again maliciously goes behind Buffy's back and informs Faith about Angel's return and persuades her to kill him before he may turn evil again. When Giles shows the surprised Gwendolyn the glove Buffy brought him and the rit all he found to destroy it, her hidden agenda proves a huge problem for everyone, the gang only finds out when Faith is already on the wrong foot...
Season 3, Episode 8: Lovers Walk
Original Air Date—24 novembre 1998
The gang plans to celebrate their SAT scores bowling, Buffy's mother's insistence to go to a decent college is promoted by Giles and Angel. Willow has a worse regret then her relative failure, rekindling passion with Xander; determined to save their relationships with Oz and Cordelia, she visits a magic shop for the necessary ingredients for a reverse love potion. Xander finds her and objects to another inexperienced witch messing with him. They are actually stopped and captured by Spike, who has returned, observed Angel, followed Willow and now forces her to make a love potion to return Drusilla to him. Before Buffy and Angel have got hold of Spike and made him tell they're in the abandoned factory, the crypto-couple is found, kissing fearing their last hours, by Oz and Cordy, who thus get hurt in more then one way...
Season 3, Episode 9: The Wish
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 1998
Wanting to be rid of Xander for good, Cordelia comes to the conclusion that Buffy is the cause of all her problems and makes a wish to the new transfer student, Anya, that Buffy had never come to Sunnydale. Anya, being the evil and powerful vengeance demon Anyanka, grants that that wish and in a heartbeat... the entire world changes... and everything Cordelia knows is completely different. In this alternate reality of 'It's a Wonderful Life gone to Hell': the Master is alive and rules the town after dark from the Bronze; both Xander and Willow are vampires; and Giles with a small group of brave students, called The White Hats, are fighting a losing war of attrition against the vampires on their own. Then in a shocking turn, Cordelia gets killed by the vamps, leaving the alternate reality Giles to figure out on his own what has happened to this world they currently live in, leading to a meeting with the alternate reality Buffy.
Season 3, Episode 10: Amends
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 1998
People in Sunnydale prepare for Christmas tide, except Jewish Wilow, who tells lover Oz she's ready for physical intimacy, he decides to wait. Now his physical suffering is over, Angel is haunted by a new kind of nightmares and visions, always and everywhere, about Angelus' horrible past since the 19th century, with victims and other persona appearing and talking to him. Learning those visions even enter Buffy's dreams, focusing on sex with her to lose his soul and then killing her, Giles agrees to do research as Angel desperately begged him; he is helped by Buffy and Xander, for whom Christmas is a nightmare of lacking any family celebration. They find that Angel is tormented by the Bringers or Harbingers of Death, the three high-priests of the First Evil, older then demons and incorporeal, and Buffy finds the mark of its residence. Angel can't stand the fear of giving in to temptation at the price of her life and resolves to commit suicide by sunrise, Buffy's pleading to make him resist seems to fail, only a Christmas miracle can save the seasonal day...
Season 3, Episode 11: Gingerbread
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 1999
The discovery in Sunnydale park of a boy and girl aged 7-8, apparently murdered ritually as indicated by markings, soon tracked to witchcraft -as used by sorcery apprentice Willow-, has an unusual emotional effect. Buffy's mother, who was there in an attempt to bond, founds the soon influential Mothers Opposing the Occult, MOO, actually including fathers and sympathizers, which alas targets white as well as black magic, even slaying, actually urged by the two killed kids to 'hurt the bad girls'. Eagerly helped by principal Snyder, mayor Wilkins and the police, MOO manages to have the school lockers searched, Giles' books confiscated and risking to end up a stake, where they believe witches must be solved, even if this extreme 'punishment' concerns their own daughters. When the gang realize nobody ever identified the kids, they find there's more to Hans and Greta Strauss, in their dark past...
Season 3, Episode 12: Helpless
Original Air Date—19 gennaio 1999
For her upcoming 18th birthday, Buffy declines the Scooby gang's offer of a big party, hoping to celebrate with quiet reflection and a traditional trip to the ice show with her father. But Buffy doesn't know that preparations are being made for a life-threatening rite of passage that drains the slayer of her powers and then entraps her with a powerful and psychotic vampire foe.
Season 3, Episode 13: The Zeppo
Original Air Date—26 gennaio 1999
When Xander realizes that he isn't needed as much as he'd like to believe, his quest to prove he's cool leads him to an unforgettable night that finds him consorting with fast women, raising the dead and rolling with a dangerous crowd that could put Sunnydale in a world of hurt. Meanwhile, Buffy, Giles and the rest of the crew engage in a furious battle with the Sisterhood of Jhe, an all-female demon apocalypse cult that intends to reopen the Hellmouth and bring about the end of the world.
Season 3, Episode 14: Bad Girls
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 1999
The gifted students enjoy early college admissions, while Xander and Buffy rather worry about present high-school exams. The mayor and his cronies look forward to his demonic ascension, after 100 days of invulnerability. Buffy's council-appointed new, young Watcher Wesley Wyndam-Pryce is received coldly, forbids Giles even to be kept informed but proves his research-excellence by identifying instantly swords as belonging to the 15th century duelist vampires sect El Eliminati, the survivors of which still look for demon Balthazar's buried amulet; Buffy and Faith successfully search for it at the cemetery and clean out a vampire layer. Angel takes the amulet: it's not safe enough with greenhorn Wesley. The order reports to Balthazar's blob-shaped representative about his amulet. Impetuous Faith drags Buffy along, they get arrested and kill the innocent deputy mayor Allan Finch. Both watchers get captured by the sect, Angel brings the slayers...
Season 3, Episode 15: Consequences
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 1999
Buffy tries to convince Faith to face up to the consequences of her actions, but Faith thinks that being a Slayer puts her above the law. Buffy confides in Giles about the accidental murder and he decides not to involve the new Watcher, Wesley, knowing that Faith is extremely unstable. Angel tries to get through to Faith, but when Wesley discovers the truth and comes after her, Faith's trust in Buffy and the gang is destroyed.
Season 3, Episode 16: Doppelgangland
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 1999
Anyanka, the demon who used her power to grant wishes to let Cordelia unwillingly create a world without Buffy as Sunnydale slayer, failed since then to get top-rank demon D'Hoffryn to rehabilitate her, but finally gets a chance to succeed in her menial incarnation as Sunnydale High pupil Anya: Willow, who is frustrated as a girl and individual, always taken for granted, in Buffy's shadow and just got railroaded by principal Snyder to 'tutor', or in fact slavishly do the paper writing on her own, for a spoiled jock brat, hunky Percy West, who even explicitly barks at her as his menial flunky, naively accepts to help 'Anya' with a black magic spell. Willow realizes only too late she's really working for the wrong side, stops before Anyanka's power-amulet is revalidated, but still summons a parallel Willow from a black dimension where she's a master vampire, who now makes her grand entry in Drusilla-style at the Bronze, co-existing with gentle Willow. The gang has no time to mourn 'the best of us', who urgently must join in again with Angel, while the new official Watcher, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce from England, proves of little use, to survive and get rid of the dark 'alien' version, while both go undercover as the other...
Season 3, Episode 17: Enemies
Original Air Date—16 marzo 1999
As a part of her new alliance with the Mayor, Faith tries to seduce Angel so that he will again lose his soul. When that fails, the Mayor summons a powerful demon to remove Angel's soul with dark magic.
Season 3, Episode 18: Earshot
Original Air Date—21 settembre 1999
After an encounter with a mouth-less demon, Buffy is infected with the demon's blood and she gains the ability to hear people's thoughts. At first her newfound ability is useful for cheating on schoolwork and eavesdropping on the thoughts of those around her, but when the voices continue to flood her mind, she realizes that she cannot control the power. Amid the chaos, Buffy hears a killer planning a mass murder at the school. Now she must keep herself from going mad long enough to prevent a catastrophe.
Season 3, Episode 19: Choices
Original Air Date—4 maggio 1999
Nearly all the gang is admitted to colleges, Willow even Oxford; only Xander plans to tour instead. The mayor gives Faith a precious weapon as reward, and the mission to intercept at the airport the box of Gavrok, a container of mystical energy he needs for his demonic ascension. Mother Joyce hopes Buffy goes to Northwestern University, near an aunt in Illinois, but the watchers doubt if her slayer-duties allow any long absence from the Hellmouth; maybe if she first prevents the ascension, therefore Giles agrees to seize the initiative once they know more, quickly done ignoring Wesley's caution by the Council's book. Angel helps Buffy steal the box from the town hall, but Faith takes Willow hostage, only Wes would refuse to exchange her. First Willow kills a vampire guard and consults the Books of Ascension; at the meeting of both sides, the box is dropped, spilling some of its spider-scary content...
Season 3, Episode 20: The Prom
Original Air Date—11 maggio 1999
The gang insists the watchers should at least allow them a glorious prom night before fighting the mayor's ascension. Mother Joyce Summer's speech it's up to mature lover Angel to make hard choices her teenage daughter is incapable of gives Angel nightmares about a wedding in an empty church after which Buffy burns in sunlight, so he decides to give her a normal love-life by breaking up, he'll leave Sunnydal after the ascension. Xander finds out spoiled Cordy has to work in a fashion shop now the IRS has taken her dad's last dime, they are attacked by a hell-hound which seems trained to target formal dressers and is electronically brainwashed by Buffy's scorned admirer, chemistry student Tucker Wells. Buffy decides to slay-chaperon the prom for the others, hunts the hell-hounds and gets surprising bonuses...
Season 3, Episode 21: Graduation Day: Part 1
Original Air Date—18 maggio 1999
The gang seeks a cure for Angel, who has been shot by Faith with a poison arrow. Meanwhile they try to find a way to stop the Mayor's Ascension and Buffy has a showdown with Faith.
Season 3, Episode 22: Graduation Day: Part 2
Original Air Date—13 luglio 1999
Buffy forces Angel to drink her own blood to rid his body of Faith's poison. With Buffy in a severely weakened state, the gang decides to rally the masses of Sunnydale High to defeat the Mayor once and for all.
Season 4
Season 4, Episode 1: The Freshman
Original Air Date—5 ottobre 1999
When the Sunnydale High gang arrives on college campus, Willow and Oz -who even knows the site and people from his band, which has a cool house- take to academic life like a duck to water, Buffy like a fish on land, miserable with a plain roommate she can't confide in, lost, making a fool of herself with one of the rough, demanding professors. Buffy literally bumps into charming teaching assistant Riley Finn, but he is clearly more interested in fellow psychology buff Willow. Another literally lost student, Eddie, seems nice, but disappears the next morning. Buffy smells vampires, indeed a whole nest has formed a sorority. Visiting Giles, she finds him with a scantily dressed visitor, Olivia, and is told to mind herself except in emergencies, not the case yet apparently, however he will reconsider later. The vampire president is arrogant, hopefully enough to underestimate Buffy, who is greatly relieved to find Xander is back from his summer touring...
Season 4, Episode 2: Living Conditions
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 1999
From the start Buffy didn't get along with her fussy, girlish roommate Kathy Newman, who seems to have a different taste in all matters, but Kathy seems determined to follow her around. One evening Buffy shoves her out of the way to fight off one demon of a lurking type which Giles, to whom she turns in search of anything familiar, later determines as trans-dimensional. Even Parker Abrams, the nice, helpful older student Buffy met, who came for her to their dorm room while she patrolled, seems more interested in Kathy. The antagonism between the rivaling roomies grows to a 'demonic' dimension, while Buffy believes that Kathy's fingernails growing back daily must be a monster-characteristic. At last the gang decides to intervene, but an unexpected other interested party...
Season 4, Episode 3: The Harsh Light of Day
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 1999
Willow is bitten by bimbo friend Harmony Kendall, who turned vampire at the end of season 3, Oz chases her and she threatens her boy-friend will beat them up- that's actually Spike, who has a secret new underground layer and troop to dig for a crypt. Now Kathie is out of the way, Parker Abrams, who switched major from medicine to history, is ready to kiss Buffy, but the vampire alert (a 'bad puppy' is all they tell him) gets priority for a while. Harmony makes Spike bump into Buffy, he says it's too early, she blurts out they're after the stone of Amara, according to Giles a fictitious vampire grail-equivalent rendering invulnerable. Anya is eager enough for sex with Xander to strip for him- his objections last a mere minute. Buffy gets into Parker's bed, but no commitment either. The whole gang is summoned by Giles, who found the gem may indeed be in a crypt in the 'Valley of the Sun' i.e. Sunnydale; Spike already found it and dumped childish Harmony...
Season 4, Episode 4: Fear Itself
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 1999
In the Halloween night, Buffy is very depressed due to her non-corresponded feelings for Parker, and Willow, Oz and Xander convince her to go to a famous Halloween party in a fraternity with them to have some fun. Anya is also invited by Xander to join the group. However, while decorating the place previously, one of the hosts paints a magic symbol, the Mark of Gachnar, on the floor, and an accidentally spilled drop of Oz's blood awakens the Fear Demon Gachnar who is fed by fear, bringing panic and horror to life on the house.
Season 4, Episode 5: Beer Bad
Original Air Date—2 novembre 1999
Gloomily gazing at Parker, who has moved to another one-night-conquest, still enamored Buffy misses out on another chance to approach charming teaching assistant Riley Finn in the college bar and accepts an invitation from some arrogant students. Those grossly embarrass the new barman, Xander, who finds the work and his boss harder then expected, while feeding Buffy gallons of pedantic crap and their adored 'panacea' beer Black Frost, which contains an inhibitions-blocking, addictive concoction, taken in such large quantities even turning them into ape-men, losing speech, wielding cudgels, setting fire to the college bar. Grumpy because her Oz has eyes for another band's female singer, Willow spits at 'never evolved, sex-obsessed' men to Parker, the cavemen knock them down. Giles loses her track after realizing Buffy's regression, but brave Xander kept up and saves the students from the fire; only her ex Parker is left to Buffy, who already felt like hitting him vindictively...
Season 4, Episode 6: Wild at Heart
Original Air Date—9 novembre 1999
Just as Buffy discovers increased werewolf activity on campus, Oz escapes from his cage during a full moon and runs across another werewolf, the sultry, sexy singer Veruca, and wakes up next to her naked in the wilderness the next morning.
Season 4, Episode 7: The Initiative
Original Air Date—16 novembre 1999
Spike is captured by the paramilitary commando in the campus, but escapes from a hi-tech facility unable to bite or fight against humans. Meanwhile, Riley Finn (Marc Blucas) finds that he likes Buffy, but is incapable of establishing a dialog with her.
Season 4, Episode 8: Pangs
Original Air Date—23 novembre 1999
It's Thanksgiving, and Buffy pushes Giles to host the gang 'as a real American'. Ankya finds her lover Xander particularly sexy in his new construction laborer's job, digging a deep hole during the ceremony for the newly built Cultural Center at UC Sunnydale, but he falls badly into an Indian grave inside the ancient mission, and thus releases the revengeful spirit of the Chumash warrior Hus, who can transform himself into green smoke or various animals, and starts by killing the curator with an 19 century ceremonial Chumash stone knife. The fact that Xander gets the very diseases (sick he seems as erotic to Ankya as sweating bare-chested) the Chumash contracted while virtually enslaved in the colonial era, and the choice of Hus's victims make Willow, who feels very guilty for the plight of the natives, and Giles, who insists Hus's victims are innocent, realize he must be after historical vengeance. Meanwhile Riley Finn's military Initiative commandos team continues implants rendering vampires unable to bite victims, notably Sîke, who is now chased from the hell-mouth by petty Harmony, and seeks refuge at Giles's, where he is however tied up. Angel is also around again, but insists to Giles and Willow -who disagrees- not to tell Buffy. Hus returns to the grave site to awake more Indian spirits, which jointly mount an attack on Giles's home during the dinner, wielding traditional weapons...
Season 4, Episode 9: Something Blue
Original Air Date—30 novembre 1999
Willow has another try at active magic, trying to cure her lovesick longing for Oz by means of a spell which makes her will come true, but thinks it failed while it's only delayed and sometimes works otherwise, more literally then she meant, so without anyone realizing for a while she blinds Giles, switches Amy from rat to girl and back, teleports Buffy, makes her tell off Riley because she and Spike fall madly in love and actually plan a wedding and makes Xander attract demons. Only when Anya, Xander and Giles, who was looking for magic to help Spike with his feeding problem, figure out what has happened can the magic be reversed, but the council of the upper demon D'Hoffryn, who granted her spell, has summoned Willow, intending to recruit her as a powerful evil witch, not the failure she believed to be...
Season 4, Episode 10: Hush
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 1999
The creepy demons "The Gentlemen" capture the voice of the population of Sunnydale, to steal human hearts without scream. Giles find that in accordance with a legend, the creatures will be destroyed if a lady screams, but Buffy's gang plus Riley must fight the monsters voiceless.
Season 4, Episode 11: Doomed
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2000
While Buffy and Riley disclose their secret lives to each other, three demons try to collect some objects for a ritual of sacrifice to open the Hellmouth for the Apocalypse. finding that he can fight evil, Spike joins Willow and Xander in their hunt for demons.
Season 4, Episode 12: A New Man
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2000
Ethan Rayne invites Giles for a couple of drinks and puts a spell on him, transforming Giles in a primitive strong monster. Spike is the only one to understand the language spoken by the monster, and Buffy almost kills him.
Season 4, Episode 13: The I in Team
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2000
When Riley tells the Initiative about Buffy, they invite her to join their ranks. But it soon becomes apparent that her independent attitude and need to question orders may not be what the Initiative is looking for.
Season 4, Episode 14: Goodbye Iowa
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2000
Professor Maggie Walsh's only fellow researcher on project 3-14, Dr. Angelman, finds her killed by it, the 'demonoid' she assembled from various monster -, man and machine parts as an ultimate warrior: Adam is now loose and kills without any conscience. Giles can't maintain the Initiative won't come to his home when Riley turns up instantly, so the gang hides at Xander's while Spike barely escapes them by hiding under a corps in a tomb in his crypt, later to become attacked by demons who realize he turned good. Willow and Tara fail to locate the demon by summoning the dark goddess Tespia. Riley gets sick and aggressive -withdrawal from the drugs Maggie secretly mixed in the commandos' food- but goes after Buffy and Xander, who interrogated Willy the Snitch with him earlier and now break into the Initiative's military facility, where Adam also got in and explains he sees Riley as Maggie's other favorite (brain)child; Riley's rejection causes a fight...
Season 4, Episode 15: This Year's Girl
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2000
Waking up from a long, deep coma having nightmares with Buffy, Faith goes to Sunnydale bent on revenge. Riley leaves the facility and meets Buffy. Looking for Adam, Buffy, Xander and Willow find a demon he dissected in the woods. Faith captures Joyce, Buffy fights for her mother.
Season 4, Episode 16: Who Are You?
Original Air Date—29 febbraio 2000
Faith and Buffy switch bodies. Trapped in Faith's body, Buffy is kept in police custody, but on the way to the precinct, the Watchers Council's retrieval team provokes an accident with an armored truck and captures her from the police car. Faith enjoys free life in Buffy's body, flirting with many guys in the Bronze, ultimately Ryan, and buys a ticket overseas. Willow introduces Buffy to Tara, who feels an evil aura in her soul. Willow and Tara risk a dangerous astral projection to the Nether Realm beyond the physical world to find the truth. Adam trains three vampires against fear, and they kidnap and threaten everyone in a church. Faith listens to the news in the airport and goes to the church, where Buffy, Riley and the gang are facing the monsters.
Season 4, Episode 17: Superstar
Original Air Date—4 aprile 2000
When the fantastic Jonathan visits Sunnydale U.C., everybody wants to be with him: the inventor of Internet; lead actor of "The Matrix"; awesome vampire hunter; stunning singer; great author of successful best-sellers; amazing lover. Meanwhile, a weird and powerful long-armed demon also comes to Sunnydale, marked with an unusual signal. When Buffy sees the same signal on Jonathan's shoulder, she feels that something is not right in the reality.
Season 4, Episode 18: Where the Wild Things Are
Original Air Date—25 aprile 2000
It's becoming clear Adam is bridging the natural 'racist' aversion between demons and vampires. Spike eagerly stirs Anya's insecurity, even fearing a second sex-less night means Xander, who now runs an ice cream cart, is either no longer in love or physically flaw. Riley performs great in bed upstairs with Buffy and has planned a party downstairs in the frat house, mainly for the other commandos' moral. There weird, even scary things start happening, which drive everyone out. Willow and Giles discover that Lowell house formerly was a home for problem teenagers, where the prudish, still living director Genevive Holt, punished 'dirty deeds' so horribly that several victims have become poltergeists, who now draw energy from the love-making upstairs...
Season 4, Episode 19: New Moon Rising
Original Air Date—2 maggio 2000
In the full moon, Oz returns to Sunnydale and spends the night with Willow telling that he was healed of the wolf thing in Tibet, using meditation, drinking some teas and using some charms. Willow has no courage to tell him her relationship with Tara. When Oz finds that Tara and Willow are in love, he becomes upset, loses control and transforms in a werewolf, being captured by the Initiative. Riley tries to help him, but is arrested. Meanwhile, Spike closes an agreement with Adam, and guides the Scooby group to the Initiative to release Oz and Riley.
Season 4, Episode 20: The Yoko Factor
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2000
Spike was chosen by Adam to sow discord among the Scoobies, in exchange for eliminating his chip. He succeeds in stirring Buffy's loneliness, Willow's lesbianism, Xander's ineptitude and Giles's midlife crisis.
Season 4, Episode 21: Primeval
Original Air Date—16 maggio 2000
When Buffy sees Spike in Adam's cave, she realizes that Spike is intriguing the Scooby gang to destroy their friendship following Adam's instructions. She meets Willow, Xander and Giles and they apologize to each other. They also realize that the monsters were not captured by the Initiative, but actually they are the Trojan Horse of Adam to fight against the commando from inside. Once Buffy alone is not able to defeat Adam, the Scooby gang decides to transfer the best of each one of them, i.e., the witch power of Willow, the strength of Xander and the expertise of Giles, to Buffy through witchcraft to make her powerful and capable of fighting against Adam. Meanwhile, Riley finds that he has a chip over his heart and connected to his central nervous system to modify his behavior and obey Adam.
Season 4, Episode 22: Restless
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2000
Bufy, Willow, Xander and Giles decide to spend the night watching videos at Joyce's home. They fall asleep and they all share a nightmare with the first slayer.
Season 5
Season 5, Episode 1: Buffy vs. Dracula
Original Air Date—26 settembre 2000
While chasing a vampire in a cemetery, Buffy meets Dracula, who has come to Sunntdale to meet her. Buffy feels proud with the revelation of the greatest vampire in the world. Meanwhile, Giles secretly tells Willow that he will return to England since Buffy does not need his service of watcher anymore. Dracula turns Xander into his slave, and during the night, he visits Buffy, bites and put her under his thrall. Buffy hides the bite with a scarf and becomes powerless and seduced by the dark prince, who promises to disclose to her the darkness of her powers and increase them.
Season 5, Episode 2: Real Me
Original Air Date—3 ottobre 2000
After meeting Dracula, Buffy commits with Giles to be her watcher and help her to find the origin of her powers. Joyce Summers asks Buffy to look after her sister Dawn, who feels shadowed being the little sister of a famous slayer and an outsider of her group. They go with Giles, Tara and Willow to Mr. Bogarty's Magic Box store and Willow stumbles in his dead body. They realize that a gang of vampires have killed the man. Sooner they find that Harmony has formed a group of vampire minions with the intention of destroying Buffy. When Dawn invites Harmony to get in her house, the upset Buffy decides to chase Harmony and her vampires.
Season 5, Episode 3: The Replacement
Original Air Date—10 ottobre 2000
Xander is not satisfied living in the basement of his parent's house and is looking for an apartment of his own to live with Anya. Meanwhile, a demon called Toth chases Buffy at the Magic Box, and his smell guides Giles to the city dump. When Buffy and the Scoobies see Toth in the garbage landfill, he uses a rod device called Ferrula-Gemina blasting a ray against Buffy but hitting Xander instead. Toth vanishes and the group leaves the place with a confident Xander. Later the insecure Xander awakes in a pile of trash, follows his double and meets Willow to tell about his clone. Giles finds that the ray discloses one person into half, distilling personality traits into two separate bodies. Further, if one part is destroyed, the other will die. While trying to find a mean to unite Xander, they have to face the evil Toth.
Season 5, Episode 4: Out of My Mind
Original Air Date—17 ottobre 2000
Joyce faints while at home, and while the gang is at the hospital, Dawn discovers that Riley's heartbeat is off the charts, but Riley ignores it. When Buffy enlists the Initiative's help, Riley gets angry and runs, and he eventually admits to Buffy that he's afraid they'll make him a normal guy, causing her to lose interest in him. She manages to get him to the Initiative doctor, only to find that Spike has forced the doctor to remove his chip...
Season 5, Episode 5: No Place Like Home
Original Air Date—24 ottobre 2000
A mysterious woman arrives in town looking for "The Key", and Buffy investigates a possible supernatural cause behind her mother's illness. She performs a ritual to see spells, and discovers something is not quite right about Dawn. Meanwhile, the gang helps Giles see through the re-opening of the magic shop, and Giles hires Anya to work for him.
Season 5, Episode 6: Family
Original Air Date—7 novembre 2000
Buffy tells Giles the truth about Dawn and they decide to keep the secret about her origin. Buffy moves back home to stay together with her sick mother and Dawn. On the Eve of Tara's birthday, her big brother Donny, her father and her cousin visit her to bring her back home, since she would have a demon inside that would unleash in her twentieth anniversary. Meanwhile, The Beast forces Lei-Ach demons to chase and kill Buffy. Tara casts a spell to her friends to make demons invisible bringing trouble to her friends.
Season 5, Episode 7: Fool for Love
Original Air Date—14 novembre 2000
While patrolling the cemetery, the self-confident Buffy fights against a vampire, is stabbed with her stake and saved by Riley. She tells the incident to Giles and decides to research how the previous Slayers were killed. She does not find any information in the watcher's journals and decides to seek the information from Spike. He tells that in 1880, in London, he was a bad poet and a shy good man in a non-corresponded love with Cecily. When he meets Drusilla, she bites and converts him in the evil vampire. Later, in the same year in Yorkshire, he meets Angel and Darla and is challenged to defeat a slayer. In 1900, in China, he is well-succeeded and kills his first slayer. In 1977, in the subway of New York City, he kills his second slayer. He advises Buffy that she must never be reckless and keep her death wish to survive.
Season 5, Episode 8: Shadow
Original Air Date—21 novembre 2000
Joyce goes to the hospital for a CAT scan, the doctor finds a shadow and she is immediately submitted to a surgery. The doctor discloses that she has a low grade glioma (i.e. a brain tumor). Buffy wants to use magic to heal her mother, but Giles, Willow and Tara advise her that it would be of high risky for humans. Meanwhile, Glory goes to the Magic Box, and the naive Giles sells two powerful components for an ancient Sobekite spell. Anya discloses it later through the receipts, while Glory conjures a snake demon to track the Key. When the snake demon finds Dawn in the Magic Box, Buffy and Giles follow the demon trying to kill it before getting to Glory.
Season 5, Episode 9: Listening to Fear
Original Air Date—28 novembre 2000
While Buffy and Dawn stay with Joyce in the hospital, Giles, Willow and Xander patrol the cemetery chasing vampires and Riley continues in his process of transformation in a vampire. Later, while watching the stars, Tara and Willow see a meteor crashing nearby Sunnydale. The Scooby group realizes that a demon called Queller has just landed on Earth. Joyce returns home since her surgery will occur only two days after, and the Queller arrives in the hospital attacking crazy people. Due to the compression of the tumor to her brain, Joyce acts strange having hallucinations, but she also sees the truth about Dawn and makes Buffy promise that she will take care of Dawn if she dies in the surgery. When the Queller arrives at Joyce's home chasing her, Buffy fights with it to save Joyce and Dawn.
Season 5, Episode 10: Into the Woods
Original Air Date—19 dicembre 2000
After the surgery of Joyce, the surgeon tells Buffy, Dawn, Riley, Giles, Willow and Xander that the procedure was successful and the brain tumor had been totally removed, and Joyce would stay in the hospital for observation. While Anya and Xander lodge Dawn, Buffy and Riley spend the night together in her house. However, the snoopy Spike sees Riley leaving Buffy's place in the night while stalking her, and finds that Riley is addicted in vampire bite in a junkie nest where people pay to be bitten by vampires. He discloses the truth to Buffy, and she breaks with Riley after and argument. When the Initiative invites Riley to go to an operation in Belize, he gives an ultimatum to Buffy about the future of their relationship.
Season 5, Episode 11: Triangle
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 2001
Giles travels to London for a watchers' meeting to discuss about Glory and leaves Anya in charge of the Magic Box. When Willow uses the supplies of the store to cast a spell to create a ball of sunshine to help Buffy to slay vampires, Anya argues with her and the distracted Willow releases a troll imprisoned in a parallel world. Olaf the troll destroys the store and goes to the Bronze to drink beer with the intention of eating babies. Meanwhile, the whimpering and needy Buffy is missing Riley and Willow and Anya chase Olaf. When they fight against the troll, Xander unsuccessfully tries to help his girlfriend and his best friend, and Olaf asks him to choose between Anya and Willow who might live.
Season 5, Episode 12: Checkpoint
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 2001
Giles informs Buffy and the Scooby gang that the Council of Watchers leaded by Quentin Travers will come to Sunnydale with information about Glory. When the arrogant team arrives, they blackmail Buffy and her friends, threatening Giles to send him back to England. Buffy and her friends accept to be submitted to the review leaded by Quentin. However, when Glory comes to Buffy's home and threatens her family and friends and Buffy is attacked by the Knights of Byzanthium, she changes her attitude in a matter of power.
Season 5, Episode 13: Blood Ties
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2001
On the day of her twentieth birthday, Buffy tells the Scooby Gang that Dawn is The Key and they act in a suspicious way with Dawn. In the night, Dawn leaves the party and breaks into the Magic Box with Spike, seeking Giles's diary and finding the truth about her. Meanwhile, Glory destroys the Knights of Byzanthium and somehow switches body with Ben, fighting against Buffy and her friends. Willow uses a powerful teleportation spell to momentarily get rid off Glory.
Season 5, Episode 14: Crush
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 2001
While in the Bronze with Scooby Gang, Spike sees Buffy alone at a table and talks to her. However, Buffy sees Ben and stays with him. Meanwhile, a train arrives in Sunnydale with all the passengers dead. When Buffy sees that Dawn is hanging out with Spike, she asks if Dawn has a crush on Spike, and she tells that Spike is in love with her. When Spike confesses that he is in love with her, Buffy becomes nauseated, upset and rejects him. Meanwhile, Drusilla meets Spike, convinces him that the chip in his brain does not cause pain, and Spike is back.
Season 5, Episode 15: I Was Made to Love You
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 2001
Joyce is nervous and her anxiety is because she is going to date a man called Brian that she has recently met. Meanwhile, a strange and beautiful girl called April arrives in Sunnydale seeking her mysterious boyfriend Warren. Buffy and her friends are in a party, and when Spike flirts with April, she throws him through the window, and then hits Buffy. Buffy and the Scooby gang realize that April is a robot searching for her creator. Meanwhile Glory finds that Ben unsuccessfully tried to date Buffy.
Season 5, Episode 16: The Body
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 2001
Buffy sees Joyce lying on the couch, calls 911 and unsuccessfully follows emergency procedures. When the paramedics arrive, they realize that Joyce is dead. Buffy calls Giles and goes to the school to tell Dawn. Along the day, the Scooby gang grieves the death of Joyce and sympathizes with Buffy.
Season 5, Episode 17: Forever
Original Air Date—17 aprile 2001
Buffy organizes the funeral services for Joyce without a wake, respecting her last will, and after the service she meets Angel, who has come to Sunnydale to support her. Meanwhile Dawn becomes obsessed in bringing her mother back. She steals infamous witchcraft books from Willow and from the Magic Box, and helped by Spike, they visit the demon Doc, an expert in black magic that teaches Dawn resurrection techniques. She steals a Ghora demon egg in the Hell Mouth with Spike for her black magic, and she interrupts her spell after a serious conversation with Buffy. Meanwhile Ben unintentionally discloses to Jinx that The Key is an innocent in a human form.
Season 5, Episode 18: Intervention
Original Air Date—24 aprile 2001
Buffy is feeling that she is turning into stone, losing her ability to love and her humanity, and wants to take a break in her vampire slayer's duties. Giles persuades her to travel for a vision quest in a sacred place in the desert to bring her concentration back. Meanwhile, Spike gets the Buffy-robot from Warren and both the Scooby gang and Glory's minions believe that the robot is the real Buffy, and the minions assume that Spike is The Key. Buffy has a vision of the First Slayer, who tells her that death is her gift. Spike resists Glory's tortures and receives his reward in the end.
Season 5, Episode 19: Tough Love
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2001
While Buffy tries to control a motherless Dawn and bring their lives back to some sort of normalcy, Tara and Willow get into their first major argument. Meanwhile, Glory thinks she has figured out who the Key is.
Season 5, Episode 20: Spiral
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2001
Buffy realizes that she can never beat Glory, so she and the Scoobies leave Sunnydale in Spike's RV. Unfortuntely, the Knights of Byzantium are quickly on their tail, deciding that they must kill Dawn before Glory can get to her.
Season 5, Episode 21: The Weight of the World
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2001
Despite the gang's best efforts, Glory has succeeded in taking Dawn. This failure after so much effort proves too much for Buffy and she slips into a catatonic state. Willow must use magic to enter her mind and help her work through the trauma before it is too late to save Dawn and the rest of the world from Glory.
Season 5, Episode 22: The Gift
Original Air Date—22 maggio 2001
In the 100th episode, another imminent apocalypse is at hand in Sunnydale. Buffy must square off against a God when Glory prepares to use Dawn to break down the walls between the dimensions and unleash all Hell on Earth. Buffy and the gang go to battle, knowing that not all of them will survive.
Season 6
Season 6, Episode 1: Bargaining: Part 1
Original Air Date—2 ottobre 2001
Buffy is dead, and the Scooby Gang must do the best they can without her. But concern about the way she died leads Willow to believe that she may have been pulled into a hell dimension. Unable to bear the thought of their friend enduring eternal torment, Willow, Xander, Anya, and Tara decide to perform a resurrection spell that will bring Buffy back from the dead.
Season 6, Episode 2: Bargaining: Part 2
Original Air Date—2 ottobre 2001
As a gang demon bikers attack, the Scooby Gang is chased away from Buffy's grave thinking that the resurrection was a failure. They do not realize that the Slayer is alive... right where they left her. Buffy is awake but disoriented and afraid as she must claw her way out of her own grave. Buffy may be alive again, but the trauma she suffers is far from over.
Season 6, Episode 3: After Life
Original Air Date—9 ottobre 2001
As Buffy and the Scoobies adjust to her resurrection, they find themselves dealing with a mysterious spirit-demon brought back with her.
Season 6, Episode 4: Flooded
Original Air Date—16 ottobre 2001
Buffy's life is further complicated by mounting financial problems, a flooded basement, and a warrior demon out for her blood.
Season 6, Episode 5: Life Serial
Original Air Date—23 ottobre 2001
The Triumvirate (aka The Geek Trio) begin their plans by testing Buffy's abilities and subsequently ruining her attempts at employment.
Season 6, Episode 6: All the Way
Original Air Date—30 ottobre 2001
Dawn lies to Buffy and goes out with a boy on Halloween, but when the boy turns out to be a vampire ignoring the Halloween-no-killing rule, Buffy and the guys must save her...again.
Season 6, Episode 7: Once More, with Feeling
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2001
Sunnydale is alive with the sound of music as a mysterious force causes everyone in town to burst into full musical numbers, revealing their innermost secrets as they do. But some townsfolk are dancing so much that they simply burst into flames, and it becomes clear that maybe living in a musical isn't so great after all.
Season 6, Episode 8: Tabula Rasa
Original Air Date—13 novembre 2001
Willow tries to solve too many problems with magic, accidentally making herself and the others forget who they are just as a demon loan shark and his boys come looking to collect a debt from Spike.
Season 6, Episode 9: Smashed
Original Air Date—20 novembre 2001
Both Buffy and Willow are following their own paths to demon behavior: the Slayer finds a new way to lay a vampire, the Witch finds that omnipotence is cool. Rat-witch Amy is finally restored.
Season 6, Episode 10: Wrecked
Original Air Date—27 novembre 2001
When they return home from their nights out, Buffy is ashamed of having slept with Spike and Willow is exhausted from casting spells all night. Amy takes Willow to a sorcerer named Rack whose particular brand of magic quickly has Willow hooked. Later, Willow and Dawn decide to go out for a movie, but Willow's recklessness with magic puts Dawn's life in danger.
Season 6, Episode 11: Gone
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 2002
The Three Geeks mistakenly turn Buffy invisible. The Slayer takes some advantage from going unseen. Willow has to do the detective without using magic, while Xander finds Spike doing some weird physical training.
Season 6, Episode 12: Doublemeat Palace
Original Air Date—29 gennaio 2002
When Buffy gets a job at the Doublemeat Palace, a local fast-food restaurant, she begins to believe that disappearing co-workers and the secret ingredient to the restaurant's hamburger may be connected.
Season 6, Episode 13: Dead Things
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 2002
After Jonathan, Andrew, and Warren accidentally kill Warren's ex-girlfriend Katrina, they set Buffy up to make her believe it was she who killed the girl.
Season 6, Episode 14: Older and Far Away
Original Air Date—12 febbraio 2002
After Dawn talks to a guidance counselor about her feeling lonely, she accidentally puts a spell on Buffy and her friends, trapping them inside the Summer's house with a sword-wielding demon.
Season 6, Episode 15: As You Were
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 2002
Buffy's ex-boyfriend, Riley Finn, returns to Sunnydale with his new wife Sam to track down a nest of demons which threaten the future of the town.
Season 6, Episode 16: Hell's Bells
Original Air Date—5 marzo 2002
It's the day of Xander and Anya's wedding. Emotions are running high with Xander's disfunctional family clashing with Anya's demon friends. The ceremony is disrupted when an old man claiming to be the future Xander shows up.
Season 6, Episode 17: Normal Again
Original Air Date—12 marzo 2002
After Buffy is stung by a demon, she begins to have vivid day-dreams about a mental asylum. She gradually begins to believe that she is a crazy girl back in L.A and that Sunnydale and all her friends are just a figment of her imagination.
Season 6, Episode 18: Entropy
Original Air Date—30 aprile 2002
Anya returns to Sunnydale, bent on revenge for Xander leaving her at the altar. She has since become a Vengence demon again, but ends up hurting Xander in a way she never expected.
Season 6, Episode 19: Seeing Red
Original Air Date—7 maggio 2002
Willow and Tara wallow in their togetherness, but things aren't as happy everywhere else. Buffy has to face both Xander and Spike, whilst tracking Warren and Company to foil their next move.
Season 6, Episode 20: Villains
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2002
Enraged after Tara's death at the hands of Warren, Willow turns to the Black Magics to exact her revenge.
Season 6, Episode 21: Two to Go
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2002
After killing Warren, Dark Willow tries to track-down Andrew and Jonathan. Meanwhile, in Africa, Spike battles against a numerous amount of foes to try to get his chip removed.
Season 6, Episode 22: Grave
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2002
The Scoobies continue to try and stop Dark Willow, who is now intent on destroying the world. After Dark Willow neutralizes Buffy, though, Xander is the only one left who can save the day. Meanwhile, in Africa, Spike completes the demon trials and gets his reward.
Season 7
Season 7, Episode 1: Lessons
Original Air Date—24 settembre 2002
Sunnydale High is re-opened, with a new designed campus and a new principal, Robin Wood. It is Dawn's first day at school there and Buffy accompanies her to class, only to discover evil spirits lurking in the basement.
Season 7, Episode 2: Beneath You
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 2002
A giant worm-like creature begins stalking a young girl. As the gang begin to investigate, they realise it's appearance in Sunnydale may be linked to Anya.
Season 7, Episode 3: Same Time, Same Place
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 2002
Though they seem to be in the same places at the same time, Buffy, Xander and Dawn are unable to find Willow when she returns from England. Shortly after returning to Sunnydale, people start turning up skinned alive. As Buffy and Xander worry that this could be Willow's work, Willow sets out to find the creature that did it.
Season 7, Episode 4: Help
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 2002
Buffy begins a new job as school counsellor at Sunnydale High. On her first day she encounters a troubled young girl who is convinced she is about to die.
Season 7, Episode 5: Selfless
Original Air Date—22 ottobre 2002
Anya grants a young woman's wish, and the violent and deadly act of vengeance leaves everyone stunned. Buffy must put aside her feelings for her friend and take action before more people die. Meanwhile, flashbacks depict how Anya became a vengeance demon, and Willow returns to college.
Season 7, Episode 6: Him
Original Air Date—5 novembre 2002
Dawn's simple crush on Sunnydale High's star quarterback RJ starts to become obsessive, leading Buffy to investigate the boy herself. When Buffy, along with all the other women who see RJ, also fall in love with him, Spike and Xander must team up to discover the source of this attraction. But first they have to keep the women from doing anything crazy in their competition for RJ's affection.
Season 7, Episode 7: Conversations with Dead People
Original Air Date—12 novembre 2002
Buffy has a conversation with a vampire who once went to Sunnydale High, and learns something interesting about Spike. Joyce materialises to Dawn in the living room. The ghost of Cassie brings a message to Willow from beyond the grave. Meanwhile, Andrew and Jonathan have returned to Sunnydale on a mission to save the town
Season 7, Episode 8: Sleeper
Original Air Date—19 novembre 2002
The Scooby Gang fear Spike may have turned evil again when people begin mysteriously disappearing around town.
Season 7, Episode 9: Never Leave Me
Original Air Date—26 novembre 2002
Spike is held captive in the Summers home while the Scoobies ponder their options in the aftermath of his murder spree. Willow finds Andrew buying blood and decides to take him prisoner also. While they try to decide what to do next, the gang are interrupted by the mysterious hooded figures called "Harbingers"... the minions of the First Evil.
Season 7, Episode 10: Bring on the Night
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 2002
Giles returns to Sunnydale with three potential slayers, whom Buffy must protect from The First. Meanwhile, a ferocious Uber-vampire is released from the Hellmouth and Buffy must kill it before it kills one of the potentials.
Season 7, Episode 11: Showtime
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 2003
Buffy teaches the Potential Slayers a valuable lesson as she faces a final fight with the Uber-vampire. Meanwhile, Giles and Anya enter another dimension to find a demon which holds the answer the defeating The First. What they find out is very disturbing.
Season 7, Episode 12: Potential
Original Air Date—21 gennaio 2003
Buffy takes the Potentials to a demon bar and then to Spike's crypt, in order to teach them the art of slaying. When Willow casts a spell to seek out the next Potential, the spell leads them to believe that Dawn may be a future slayer.
Season 7, Episode 13: The Killer in Me
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 2003
After Willow and Kennedy share their first kiss, Willow is transformed into Warren, the man she killed last year. When she sets out to find help, she bumps into an old friend. Meanwhile, Buffy searches for answers when Spike's chip causes him great pain, and the gang suspect that Giles may really be The First
Season 7, Episode 14: First Date
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 2003
Buffy accepts an invitation to dinner from Principal Wood, and the secrets of his past are revealed. Xander impresses a beautiful girl with his knowledge of knots, and she seems to be interested in tying him up. Meanwhile the First contacts Andrew in another attempt to destroy the Potentials, and Giles finds himself tongue-tied with the new Potential, Chao-Ahn.
Season 7, Episode 15: Get It Done
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 2003
The Scoobies use a spell to transport Buffy into a shadow world, where she meets the men who created the first slayer. However, in order for her to return home, the gang must find and slay a ferocious demon
Season 7, Episode 16: Storyteller
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 2003
Andrew creates a documentary called "Buffy, Slayer of the Vampyres", a record of the current situation in Sunnydale to show to future generations. He manages to capture many important moments, and to annoy almost everyone in the house. But Buffy needs to tear him away from his filmmaking because the Seal of Danzalthar is active and Andrew may hold the key to closing it before it destroys the town.
Season 7, Episode 17: Lies My Parents Told Me
Original Air Date—25 marzo 2003
Robin Wood seeks revenge on Spike for killing his mother nearly 30 years ago, whilst everyone else tries to find out how The First has control over him.
Season 7, Episode 18: Dirty Girls
Original Air Date—15 aprile 2003
Faith returns to Sunnydale just as a new villain, Caleb, arrives and sends Buffy a message in the form of a badly beaten Potential. Buffy leads the rest of the girls to Caleb and The First's lair, with devastating consequences.
Season 7, Episode 19: Empty Places
Original Air Date—29 aprile 2003
After their horrifying loss at the vineyard, the gang turn against Buffy and begin to follow Faith instead. Meanwhile, Spike and Andrew travel to an old church to question a priest about Caleb.
Season 7, Episode 20: Touched
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2003
Faith and the Potentials search underground for a weapon, whilst Buffy confronts Caleb at the vineyard.
Season 7, Episode 21: End of Days
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2003
Buffy has a powerful new weapon, but the gang cannot find any information about the origins of the mysterious scythe. Eventually the Slayer goes herself in search of knowledge, and finds a new ally, an old friend, and great danger.
Season 7, Episode 22: Chosen
Original Air Date—20 maggio 2003
After killing Caleb and returning home, Buffy is struck with an ingenious idea using a powerful scythe that she acquired at the vineyard. Willow will use the scythe to channel its power into all the Potential Slayer's making every single one around the world into a full-blown slayer. Using this new power, the gang launch an all-out war on The First and the army of Uber-Vampires beneath Sunnydale High.
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"NYPD Blue"

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Episode list for
"NYPD Blue" (1993) More at IMDbPro »
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Episodes: All (261)

Season: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Year: 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005

Season 1
Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot
Original Air Date—21 settembre 1993
A group of detectives and officers work at the 15th Precinct, a seedy police station in Manhattan, New York City. Detective John Kelly, a 15-year veteran of the force, deals with his partner Andy Sipowitz, an alcoholic 20-year veteran detective. Laura Hughes, an aspiring lawyer and Detective Kelly's wife, is having problems with their marriage and she hires Josh Goldstein, a lawyer who lives in apartment 4B of their building to work on a divorce, who gets mugged in the laundry room of the building. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is relentlessly pursuing mobster Alfonse Giardella, who threatens Sipowicz to leave him alone. Later, Sipowicz is shot by Giardella during a tryst with a prostitute. Enraged, Kelly orders the precinct officers to hound Giardella and his ruthless employer; mafia kingpin Angelo Marino. The new patrol officer, Janice Licalsi, is attracted to Detective Kelly. But is she is revealed to be an informant for Marino who orders her to murder Kelly.
Season 1, Episode 2: 4B or Not 4B
Original Air Date—28 settembre 1993
Inspector Lastarza of the Organized Crime Unit tells Lt. Fancy and Kelly that they stop applying pressure to the local mob for their pursuit of Angelo Marino is hurting the FBI investigation to nail Marino. Meanwhile, Sipowicz regains consciousness in the hospital after the shooting, but he has no memory about the attempt on his life because he was drunk at the time. Laura and John Kelly become officially separated and she decides to join a private law firm. Josh "4B" Goldstein becomes more paranoid about his mugging and brings a gun into the laundry room every night in hopes to catch his attacker. Kelly tries to reason with a deranged man who has taken a judge hostage who let his son's killer free. Elsewhere, Angelo Marino puts more pressure on Janice to murder Kelly, but she kills him and his chauffeur/bodyguard instead and slips away.
Season 1, Episode 3: Brown Appetit
Original Air Date—5 ottobre 1993
Janice's policeman father arrives for a visit and tells her about his pending indictment for corruption involving being an informant for Angelo Marino when a book that Marino had on him as a list of all of his informants... including hers. Sipowicz makes some appearances at the hotel where Giardella is staying to further intimidate him over the shooting death of Marino. Meanwhile, Kelly and Martinez are assigned a case involving the robbery and murder of a woman. Also, Josh Goldstein comes to the precinct in search for his gun he used to kill his assailant.
Season 1, Episode 4: True Confessions
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 1993
Kelly begins moonlighting as a security guard for Susan Wagner, a wealthy woman who's married to an abusive husband. But things take a turn when the husband is shot and killed, and Mrs. Wagner becomes a suspect. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is paired with the hard-nosed Detective Walker who arrests a man for a robbery and double-murder. While Detective Walker thinks he's guilty, Sipowicz thinks differently. Laura quits her job and plans to move into a position with the District Attorney's office, prosecuting narcotics. The increasingly edgy Josh Goldstein has Kelly appear at a tenant's readiness group regarding crime, and he is later killed trying to save and elderly woman from a mugging on a subway platform.
Season 1, Episode 5: Emission Accomplished
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 1993
Martinez goes to visit his brother, but finds the superintendent of his building, Hanlan, is a undercover cop who is on the take and is forcing the tenants out and Kelly sets out to prove that Hanlan is responsible for the death of two of the apartment residents. Meanwhile, Laura's new job as an Assistant District Attorney takes a turn when she's assigned to a case that involves Giardella. Also, Kelly and Sipowitz deal with the prankster Detective Stillwell, whose jokes and pranks against the station becomes a nuisance for everyone as well.
Season 1, Episode 6: Personal Foul
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 1993
A minor skirmish on a basketball court leaves one of Kelly's friends dead and the other one in jail for manslaughter. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is convinced that a man knows more about his wife's death in a highway shooting than he is letting on. Laura feels as though she's being dangled in front of Giardella when Sylvia tells her to push on him harder. Janice saves Kelly's life during a drug raid and the event seems to bring them back together.
Season 1, Episode 7: NYPD Lou
Original Air Date—2 novembre 1993
A shady man named Lou, comes to the station thinking he's a werewolf and demands to be locked up into a cell before he kills someone when the night comes. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is visited by his long-estranged son, Andy Sipowicz, Jr. with his fiancée, Lois Snyder, an older woman who Sipowicz discovers that she has been cheating on Andy Jr. Kelly investigates a homeless man who is suspected in the death of a nine-year-old boy. Giardella is killed before he can testify to a grand jury against his superiors and Laura finds herself the only witness to the murder.
Season 1, Episode 8: Tempest in a C-Cup
Original Air Date—16 novembre 1993
Kelly arrests a baker for a murder charge, but tries to get him to confess to the robbery of four taxicabs so they can link him to the murder. Meanwhile, Sipowicz arrests a topless dancer for prostitution and she offers to help him get the owner of the bar who's laundering money for the mob. Laura questions Sylvia's ethics who tries to protect her personal reputation and Sipowicz's verbal attacks on her. The squad welcomes the new administrative aide, a beautiful blond woman named Donna Abandando whom the neurotic Detective Medavoy finds irresistible.
Season 1, Episode 9: Ice Follies
Original Air Date—30 novembre 1993
Janice is asked by a mob button man to start doing favors for them again or they will expose her and her father's past activities with them. Meanwhile, Martinez's father wants to kill the pusher who's responsible for his son's overdose. Also, Meadavoy celebrates his 40th birthday and later goes out on a date with Donna to an ice skating rink.
Season 1, Episode 10: Oscar, Meyer, Weiner
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 1993
Kelly, Medavoy and Martinez investigate the brutal murder of a entire upper class family. Meanwhile, Inspector Lastarza orders Janice to cooperate with the mob even though it results in the death of the person whose license plates she ran through the computer, and Kelly deals with his relationship with her who tries to keep him out of the situation she's in. Also, Sipowicz takes a statement of a gay writer whose Academy Award was stolen.
Season 1, Episode 11: From Hare to Eternity
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 1993
The zone commander, Haverill, starts to come down on Lt. Fancy about his work skills and Sipowicz later intervenes and threatens Haverill to lay off Fancy or he will reveal some incriminating evidence about him being a racist. Meanwhile, Kelly and Sipowicz investigate the kidnapping of a doctor's daughter. Janice must pass some more information to the mob about the station's moves and wonders how she will get out of his situation. Martinez and Medavoy question a woman and her young son who claims to have been robbed by a man who picked them up while they were hitchhiking in North Carolina.
Season 1, Episode 12: Up on the Roof
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 1994
The mob hit man who killed Giardella and who Laura can identify, is trapped on the roof of the building with a hostage. Martinez works on his first detectives case, which involves a fake ATM machine taking peoples money. Meanwhile, Fancy and his wife prepare to face a court date when a foster child they've been caring for is ordered back into custody of the real mother who's just been released from a drug rehab program. Sipowicz and Kelly investigate a mob shooting which turns up a notebook that Marino kept that has Janice and her father's name in it.
Season 1, Episode 13: Abandando Abandoned
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 1994
Medavoy leaves his wife and finally tells Donna about his feelings for her, which turn out to be mutual. Sharon LaSalle, a police academy classmate of Kelly's, joins the squad and shortly after, she and Sipowicz investigate the death of her husband who was an ex-cop trying to stop a robbery on her first day at the 15th precinct. Meanwhile, an alcoholic woman keeps lodging complaints to Kelly against her abusive husband that she never follows through with.
Season 1, Episode 14: Jumpin' Jack Fleishman
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 1994
Sipowicz has a cavity and decides to have it taken care of by his son's dentist. At the dental office, Sipowitz finds himself unsuccessfully trying to prevent the suicidal Dr. Fleishman from jumping off a 28th floor ledge. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez work on a strangulation murder case that appears to be the work of a cross-dresser. LaSalle's first case for the squad involves a woman who was raped and she, Kelly, Sipowicz, Janice, and her new hot-headed partner, Roy Larson, try to catch the most probable suspect. While on the case, Sipowicz suspects that Larson's short temper and odd behavior points to a drug problem. Also, Lois tries to reconcile her relationship with Andy Jr.
Season 1, Episode 15: Steroid Roy
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 1994
LaSalle insists to a reluctant Larson that he take a drug test and when it comes back positive of steroid use, he is fired. One of Detective Mike Roberts' girlfriends comes to the precinct and causes trouble for him, especially when she later turns up dead. Meanwhile, Sylvia has trouble getting through to Sipowicz to give their relationship another try. Laura appeals to Kelly to help her re-examine the alleged murder of the abusive man by his wife.
Season 1, Episode 16: A Sudden Fish
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 1994
Medavoy suffers a stress-related anxiety attack while working and doesn't want to tell his wife about his problems, which displeases Donna. Meanwhile, Sipowicz looks into the robbery of a wheelchair-bound Vietnam veteran, who later takes his muggers hostage. Kelly starts moonlighting as a bodyguard for his ailing rich friend's girlfriend, Robin Wirkus, and later becomes involved in a complex blackmail plot by an extortionist who asks Robin for sexual favors.
Season 1, Episode 17: Black Men Can Jump
Original Air Date—1 marzo 1994
LaSalle has a chance to move out of the precinct and into a more regular routine of detective work. Meanwhile, Sipowicz suspects a private investigator of bilking a father for the past six moths in a scheme to find the man's runaway daughter. Kelly investigates the shooting of the 13-year-old boy and the murdered boy's father apprehends the killer after discovers the killer (who injured LaSalle) has escaped from the precinct.
Season 1, Episode 18: Zeppo Marks Brothers
Original Air Date—22 marzo 1994
Mike Roberts meets with Kelly in search of getting some bodyguard and/or P.I. work for himself after quitting the police force. Meanwhile, Laura feels someone is stalking her and gets Kelly to meet her new boyfriend who may be the stalker. Sipowitz deals with a woman whose boyfriend was a material witness and is afraid to identify the hit man because he's afraid the hit man's friends will kill him next. None of the detectives are too excited when Haverill sends them down to Times Square for uniform detail at a parade.
Season 1, Episode 19: Serge the Concierge
Original Air Date—29 marzo 1994
After Robin's husband dies, she is angry when his will seems to stipulate that Kelly should resume his duties as her bodyguard. Meanwhile, Sipowicz must clear his own son of a drug pushing charge. Medavoy, Martinez and Kelly find the body of a dead man in a garbage dump which leads to Kelly suspecting a concierge and the hotelier of conspiring to murder the hotelier's husband.
Season 1, Episode 20: Good Time Charlie
Original Air Date—3 maggio 1994
Janice is promoted from patrolwoman to detective and will be working with the other detectives until she can be transferred to the re-organizing intelligence division. Meanwhile, Kelly suspects that his friend is being framed for the murder of his mistress, even after his erratic behavior in the squad room points to his guilt. Fancy's wife tells him that she's pregnant again and he is less enthusiastic considering the complications of her two previous pregnancies. Also, Sipowicz falls off the wagon when he starts drinking again at a birthday party for Sylvia's father.
Season 1, Episode 21: Guns 'n Rosaries
Original Air Date—10 maggio 1994
Medavoy tells Donna that he's caught his wife being unfaithful yet again and decides to move out. But he crashes at the station since he cannot afford a place to live. So, Donna asks him to move in with her. Meanwhile, racial hostilities flare up in the community after Martinez shoots a belligerent black motorist who draws a gun on Medavoy, but the gun goes missing. Janice becomes more and more distressed by the recent events and after talking to Kelly's preacher friend, Father Downey, she confesses to Fancy that she was the one that killed Angelo Marino and his chauffeur. Also, Sipowicz tries to attend an open AA meeting with Sylvia's support.
Season 1, Episode 22: Rockin' Robin
Original Air Date—17 maggio 1994
Kelly gets an ultra-high priced mob attorney to defend Janice on the murder charges and helps out with her bail. Meanwhile, Sipowicz tries to make amends with Sylvia who's been attending Alanon meetings. While helping with Andy Jr. look for a new car, Sipowicz comes across a lead in a disappearance case that has frustrated him for the last two in-a-half years. Also, Kelly investigates the murder of a priest and later meets with Robin for a lunch date and spends the night with her.
Season 2
Season 2, Episode 1: Trials and Tribulations
Original Air Date—11 ottobre 1994
Janice's murder trial begins, where Kelly risks the consequences when he testifies on Janice's behalf about their brief affair which results in the Internal Affairs Bureau investigating him. Meanwhile, Sipowicz works with an abused woman who's reluctant to testify against her husband. Medavoy, Martinez, Sipowicz and Kelly investigate robberies of drug dealers in their apartments. Sipowicz's AA sponsor wants him to agree to abide by a contract before he lets him try to restart his relationship with Sylvia. Donna tries to give Medavoy advice about dealing with his divorce. Also, Robin leaves Kelly for good when he tells her that he still has feelings for Janice.
Season 2, Episode 2: For Whom the Skell Rolls
Original Air Date—18 ottobre 1994
Internal Affairs begins to investigate Kelly and Sipowicz's arresting of the officers they caught robbing drug dealer's apartments, then they begin looking into Kelly's handling of the notebook that was part of Medavoy's case. Janice's murder trial continues where she takes the witness stand to give an emotional testimony about her reluctant involvement with the mob and is sent to prison with a two-year sentence. Meanwhile, Kelly and Sipowicz investigate a double murder.
Season 2, Episode 3: Cop Suey
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 1994
Kelly works with a Chinese detective in the investigation of the murder of an off-duty cop in Chinatown. Lt. Fancy catches Donna and Madavoy in an embrace and warns both of them about relationships in the workplace. The abused woman Sipowicz helped out turns up dead and her husband is a suspect. Meanwhile, a tough new female detective, Adrianne Lesniak, transfers into the squad because of a relationship she had with an officer at her former precinct in the Bronx and begins to work with Sipowicz on his case.
Season 2, Episode 4: Dead and Gone
Original Air Date—1 novembre 1994
Martinez investigates a baby that was killed in a car from an apparent drive-by shooting. Meanwhile, Lois contacts Sipowicz for help because a policeman that she was entertaining died in a compromising position and he moves the body to a less conspicuous location. Lesniak's ex-boyfriend, Officer Abruzzo, keeps showing up at the precinct and harassing her. Kelly's future with the department is decided when Internal Affairs comes to the precinct to re-investigate some of his old cases and the result is Haverill transferring Kelly to borough dispatch duty. But Kelly decides to quit the force and after saying goodbye to Sipowitz, he throws in his badge for good.
Season 2, Episode 5: Simone Says
Original Air Date—15 novembre 1994
Bobby Simone, a widower and homing pigeon breeder, joins the squad as Kelly's replacement. Simone's first assignment is to help Sipowicz in the investigation of the hit on a mobster's son, where a stray bullet also hit an elderly woman in her apartment. Meanwhile, Lesniak tries to help a woman who's worried that her husband is molesting their daughter, and an over-the-edge Abruzzo pulls his gun and threatens Lesniak in the squad room for leaving him.
Season 2, Episode 6: The Final Adjustment
Original Air Date—22 novembre 1994
Simone and Sipowicz suspect a chiropractor of murdering his wife. A woman whom Simone knows, finds her 11-year-old son in possession of a gun. Meanwhile, Medavoy changes to a high-fiber diet a part of yet another change in his life. While moonlighting as a security guard for Mike Roberts, Martinez becomes attracted to Judith, a college student he's been assigned to protect and she's worried about her possessive father.
Season 2, Episode 7: Double Abandando
Original Air Date—29 novembre 1994
Donna's younger sister, Dana, arrives and moves in with her and Medavoy, who tries to make the moves onto him. Simone doubts the confession of his friend's 11-year-old son, a murder suspect in a gang related shooting at a school. Meanwhile, an HIV-infected Lothario comes to the station and asks Lesniak and Martinez for help when he appears to be targeted by a woman he's apparently infected.
Season 2, Episode 8: You Bet Your Life
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 1994
Sipowicz's AA sponsor, Danny Breen, is beaten up by his estranged son. Meanwhile, Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a pregnant woman whose charred body leaves few clues. Martinez and Medavoy check out the story of a man who might have information about a pawn shop robbery.
Season 2, Episode 9: Don We Now Our Gay Apparel
Original Air Date—3 gennaio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a gay bar owner during the Christmas holidays. Meanwhile, Fancy's wife goes into labor to have her baby. Breen breaks his promise to Sipowicz by checking up on his son and decides to go back to him, which turns out to be fatal when Breen's son kills him and Sipowicz has to arrest him.
Season 2, Episode 10: In the Butt, Bob
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 1995
Lesniak deals with a perpetrator and his "high priced lawyer and shrink" when he repeats the offense. Meanwhile, Detective Solomon uses a fast pull to take a possible serial killer case away from Simone after he brings in a possible suspect. One of Fancy's old contacts, Vinnie Greco, brings in a tip about a couple of guys looking for some heavy arms to do an armored car job and Sipowicz works with him, but Greco is working for someone else against Fancy. Sipowicz invites Andy Jr. over at his place for dinner where his son tells him that he is joining the Air Force. Also, Sipowicz proposes marriage to Sylvia and this time, she accepts.
Season 2, Episode 11: Vishy-Vashy-Vinny
Original Air Date—17 gennaio 1995
After discovering a key piece of evidence, Simone gets his chance to question the serial killer suspect. Meanwhile, Sipowicz, Medavoy and others work on how to stop the armored car robbery and Fancy plays a tape for Haverill about his true attitude which results in his resignation as the zone commander. Martinez and Lesniak arrest an odd extortionist, while romantic feelings for each other begin to appear.
Season 2, Episode 12: Large Mouth Bass
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the brutal murder of the teenage daughter of a woman whose ex-husband has made threats against her. Meanwhile, Lesniak and Martinez's latest case involves a con artist who sells a black box to homely women, promising them beautiful skin. The new zone commander, Captain Clifford Bass, checks in and lets Fancy know his overtime policy, which doesn't sit well with Sipowicz when it compounds their investigation. Also, Simone deals with a childhood friend who is now involved with a nightclub that is frequented by wise guys.
Season 2, Episode 13: Travels with Andy
Original Air Date—14 febbraio 1995
Sipowicz disagrees with Sylvia over their wedding arrangements, for he wants to travel to Maryland for a quick one, whereas Sylvia wants a traditional Greek Orthodox service. Shortly thereafter, Simone and Sipowicz investigate an execution-style murder of three people at a fast food restaurant and the investigation leads them to travel upstate to look for a possible suspect. Meanwhile, Lesniak meets an old high school boyfriend of hers, now a doctor, while investigating a rape case with Martinez, who develops a case of jealousy.
Season 2, Episode 14: A Murder with Teeth in It
Original Air Date—21 febbraio 1995
Sipowicz investigates the murder of a pimp in which evidence points to a cop that Sipowicz once helped out with a problem of his. Simone mentions the case to his girlfriend reporter, and regrets it when the story hits the papers. Meanwhile, Donna's former boyfriend, Harold, a ex-New York Ranger, returns to the city and meets with Donna and Meadvoy overreacts with jealousy. Martinez begins to develop feelings for Lesniak.
Season 2, Episode 15: Bombs Away
Original Air Date—28 febbraio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz collide in their squad car with a Romanian immigrant who has a woman locked in the trunk of his car and later, their investigation shows him to be a possible terrorist. Meanwhile, the serial killer, Webster, is shot by his last victim's father and Simone begins to investigate the father and another member of a victim's support group, who all appear to be part of a secret vigilante group. Medavoy talks to Dana about his relationship with Donna if he's losing interest in her, but the crafty Dana takes advantage of the situation to try to break them up. Also, Martinez keeps asking Lesniak to go out on a date with him.
Season 2, Episode 16: UnAmerican Graffiti
Original Air Date—14 marzo 1995
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a Puerto Rican teenager who was murdered while spray painting graffiti in Little Italy. Meanwhile, Medavoy meets with Donna's former lover, Harold, while she makes a tough decision about her relationship with him. Also, Sylvia is mugged and she later tells Sipowicz a secret from her past about being raped as a teen.
Season 2, Episode 17: Dirty Socks
Original Air Date—21 marzo 1995
Simone's emotionally fragile witness for a double-murder keeps changing her story, for she is really only interested in him. Meanwhile, Sipowicz participates in the investigation where a family run business, that he used to work in, is held up and the owner's wife is killed. After Donna leaves town for a long vacation (and to get away from Medavoy), her temporary replacement, John Irvin, is gay may who makes the station, including Sipowitz, uncomfortable. Also, Martinez enters in a department boxing tournament.
Season 2, Episode 18: Innuendo
Original Air Date—4 aprile 1995
Simone and Sipowicz search for a killer following a shooting spree, which left several people dead and where a rookie cop's missed shot also killed a bystander. Meanwhile, Fancy's younger brother, Reginald, a policeman in the 8th precinct, has racial troubles with his commanding officer and Fancy intercedes on his behalf and his own boss, Captain Bass, covers for him. Sipowicz sees a doctor and discovers he has an enlarged prostate and Sylvia mistakenly thinks their lack of sexual activity over the past few weeks was because of the rape incident from her past that she told him about.
Season 2, Episode 19: Boxer Rebellion
Original Air Date—2 maggio 1995
Fancy works with Martinez to help him get ready for the boxing tournament. Meanwhile, Simone is attracted to the new undercover cop, Diane Russell, who is working with him on a arson sting. A woman that Sipowicz gets to testify in a case is murdered by the men she was going to testify against.
Season 2, Episode 20: The Bookie and the Kooky Cookie
Original Air Date—9 maggio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz search for a killer of a bookie. Meanwhile, Donna returns from her long vacation trip to resume her position at the station and her temp, John Irvin, gives everyone farewell greeting cards when he is moved to the anti-crime lab. Simone's witness tries to kill him when he won't give her what she wants. Sipowicz and Sylvia meet with the priest to help with their wedding and later she hears a story about what has contributed to Sipowicz's loss of faith.
Season 2, Episode 21: The Bank Dick
Original Air Date—16 maggio 1995
A witness to a crime smells alcohol on Russell's breath and uses it against her, and Sipowicz smells the same. Simone then confronts Russell about her drinking, but she tells him to mind his own business. John Irwin comes to Fancy for help when he and his gay lover are beaten up by gay-bashing officers in another precinct. Meanwhile, a terminally ill infant helps the detectives locate a serial rapist. Medavoy meets with his ex-wife who tells him that they should get back together for their kids and when Donna finds out, she tells him that their relationship is over.
Season 2, Episode 22: A.D.A. Sipowicz
Original Air Date—23 maggio 1995
Pre-wedding jitters put Sipowicz in a rare form of panic. Meanwhile, Russell's drinking problem makes her miss getting a gun off a suspect and she finally admits to Simone about her alcoholism. Fancy's brother, Reginald, is still having problems with his racist sergeant and his belligerent attitude has resulted in him being investigated by Internal Affairs. So Fancy, Simone and the squad work to help clear Reginald of any misconduct. Martinez finally goes out on a date with Lesniak and asks her to be his date for the wedding. At the ceremony, Simone is Sipowicz's best man, Sylvia's father escorts her down the aisle and even Andy Jr. makes it just in time for the ceremony. Medavoy brings his ex-wife to the wedding while a lonely and jealous Donna painfully watches from afar.
Season 3
Season 3, Episode 1: E.R.
Original Air Date—24 ottobre 1995
Martinez is shot in the back during a scuffle and the doctor's report is possible that he may be paralyzed for life. But Martinez's assailant, a government witness in a relocation program, will probably go free and Simone contacts Benita Alden in the D.A.'s office to help put pressure on the D.A. to prosecute their protected witness. Meanwhile, Russell, on the road to recovery from her alcoholism, wants Sipowicz to let Simone know she's doing okay, but she is on the brink of falling off the wagon. Donna expresses to Simone that she has feelings for him, and Sylvia tells Sipowicz that she may be pregnant.
Season 3, Episode 2: Torah! Torah! Torah!
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 1995
Medavoy and Sipowicz go undercover as Hasidic Jews to recover a stolen Torah. Meanwhile, Simone gets a case where a father suspects his retarded son of killing his daughter. Detective Stuart Morrissey tactics with the suspect does not sit well with Lt. Fancy, despite the facts that the case match the one Simone are working on. Also, Sylvia visits a doctor who confirms that she's pregnant, and Lesniak keeps checking up on Martinez still in the hospital.
Season 3, Episode 3: One Big Happy Family
Original Air Date—7 novembre 1995
Meadavoy and Lesniak pair up to identify who's launched a series of vicious attacks on a man. Meanwhile, Simone tries to locate a possible suspect in a series of rapes. Russell tries to maintain her sobriety and it's strongly tested when her parents domestic problems get out of hand. Also, Martinez finally gets out of the hospital and returns to duty. But in a final surprising twist, Lesniak tells Martinez that she likes him as friend only... because she happens to be gay.
Season 3, Episode 4: Heavin' Can Wait
Original Air Date—14 novembre 1995
Lesniak's preference of her lesbianism quickly gets around the precinct, which gives her mixed reactions. Meanwhile, Sipowicz clashes with Simone throughout their investigation of the senseless murder of two kids, which is only the start of a really bad day which also includes Sipowicz dealing with Sylvia's morning sickness, and Simone dealing with Russell who falls off the wagon.
Season 3, Episode 5: Dirty Laundry
Original Air Date—21 novembre 1995
Fancy is less than enthused when Ronnie Drucker, a detective under surveillance by Internal Affairs, is assigned to the squad and Simone is asked to keep an eye on him. They then work on a case where an elderly man has been accused of exposing himself. The murder of a pimp in a Laundromat is witnessed by a young woman who helped the detectives out on a previous case. Meanwhile, John Irvin asks Sipowicz if he should approach Lesniak to congratulate her on "coming out." But she won't listen to his gay pride talk as does everyone else.
Season 3, Episode 6: Curt Russell
Original Air Date—28 novembre 1995
An Indian woman is found dead in a car and Sipowicz is full of theories about who killed her and why. While Donna is away at a computer camp taking courses for the week, her temp is a feisty woman with a bad attitude who clashes with Sipowicz. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy are nearby when a drug crazed man tries to rob a couple of stores of credit card slips. Russell and Lesniak work on another case involving a man who was left to die of a drug overdose that leads to a chance of mending the feud between them.
Season 3, Episode 7: Aging Bull
Original Air Date—12 dicembre 1995
Sipowicz becomes annoyed when federal agents take over their investigation of the disappearance of a millionaire. Then a petty criminal from the past surfaces with information about the kidnapping and Sipowicz decides to act on it. Meanwhile, Simone aids an old boxer friend of his, who happened to got him started with bird breeding.
Season 3, Episode 8: Cold Heaters
Original Air Date—19 dicembre 1995
Simone and the men from Internal Affairs share the suspect after Simone gets some information from his incarcerated friend, Ray, about a case that Mike Roberts once worked on. Meanwhile, Fancy and Sipowicz both work on the case of a self-confessed gunman in a neighborhood shooting, once they get the story they help the shooter out. Medavoy investigates the assault case of an actor who was injured in a staged fight that went awry.
Season 3, Episode 9: Sorry, Wong Suspect
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 1996
Medavoy and his wife, Marie, split up once again and she comes down to the station to see Donna before leaving town. Meanwhile, Simone and Sipowicz probe the death of a Chinese girl who's leg has a strange marking on it. Martinez and Lesniak look into the robbery case where a woman in a wheelchair lets a man who claims to be a policeman. Sipowicz does not want to accompany Sylvia to her latest doctor's visit and Martinez gets an opportunity to find out where Lesniak really stands on her sexuality if she's really gay.
Season 3, Episode 10: The Backboard Jungle
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 1996
Sipowicz has race relation problems with the organizer of a local basketball game, held in the memory of a young boy, which erupted into violence by the gang members on the opposing sides which left two dead and seven wounded, and was witnessed by a reporter. Fracy has problems when Sipowicz racist colors come to light and has him removed from the case, much to his anger.
Season 3, Episode 11: Burnin' Love
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 1996
Simone and Sipowicz look into the death of a young woman whose body is found burned beyond recognition, except for a tattoo on her back. Detective Vince Gotelli arrives from another precinct to assist Simone and Sipowicz with their case and puts his two cents in, much to Sipowicz's delight and one of the victim's roommates becomes the prime suspect. Meanwhile, Medavoy pulls double shifts for himself (to get away from problems at home) and is assigned to watch an informant who has a penchant for playing poker with his friends.
Season 3, Episode 12: These Old Bones
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 1996
A strange woman walks into the precinct and gives Sipowicz and Medavoy some information about a disappearance that occurred eight years ago and where the body may be located. Meanwhile, domestic violence in Russell's parents apartment leads to tragedy when her mother shoots her drunken father who attacks her, and Simone presses to get the truth about what really happened to her Russell's father.
Season 3, Episode 13: A Tushful of Dollars
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 1996
Russell worries about her mother's pending grand jury trial for the intentional murder of her father. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Simone search for the killer of a mobster's son, that reveals a family affair. The lawyer of a suspect in another murder case impedes Medavoy and Russell's investigation and the erratic son of the victim doesn't help much either. Martinez and Lesniak get another murder case that involves Sipowicz and Simone's suspect.
Season 3, Episode 14: The Nutty Confessor
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 1996
Donna and Simone give Lesniak and Martinez advice, respectively, on their plans for their first date and night together. Afterward, Simone and Sipowicz investigate the death of a young woman who was brutally murdered and Simone and Martinez travel to Atlantic City to apprehend their suspect. Meanwhile, a surgeon's wife wants to press charges against her husband's mistress when he is found shot.
Season 3, Episode 15: Head Case
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 1996
Simone and Sipowicz get another murder case where a mild mannered professor is found decapitated in his apartment. Meanwhile, Martinez is helping out a former porno actress who is getting harassing phone calls, but Lesniak is not comfortable with the situation. Andy Jr. arrives in town with some news for Sipowicz, but he can't find the time to tell his father and finally at dinner, he explains that he has just been discharged from the Air Force and is joining the police department in Hackensack, New Jersey.
Season 3, Episode 16: Girl Talk
Original Air Date—19 marzo 1996
A detective from another precinct, Martina Escobar, joins Simone and Sipowicz with their investigation of a rapist/murderer who is throwing small children from the tops of buildings. Meanwhile, Martinez and Russell investigate an alleged case of date rape, but the women of the squad and Sylvia have a major disagreement with Martinez's decisions regarding the suspect. Elsewhere, Sipowicz shows his son the ropes of being a cop.
Season 3, Episode 17: Hollie and the Blowfish
Original Air Date—26 marzo 1996
Simone makes contact with Ferdinand Hollie, an old informant, who wants to help him capture the drug dealers who killed a young girl with their crossfire. Meanwhile, Russell is paired up with Sgt. Ray Kahlins, a "blow hard" from the federal anti-drug unit, who's more interested in collecting overtime pay than catching drug dealers.
Season 3, Episode 18: We Was Robbed
Original Air Date—2 aprile 1996
Simone and Sipowicz are forced to commit robbery while working undercover for an FBI agent to place a bug in mob hangout and when the wise guys come to the station to file a robbery complaint, Russell and Medavoy catch them in the act. Meanwhile, Donna's hairdresser, Marina, tells her that she has a problem with her ex-boyfriend who wants to hijack the truck of Marina's current boyfriend, and Martinez goes undercover as Marina's boyfriend. Elsewhere, Andy Jr. learns more about being a beat cop.
Season 3, Episode 19: Auntie Maimed
Original Air Date—30 aprile 1996
Sylvia is now nine months pregnant and is ready to give birth any day and Sipowicz is on the edge. Meanwhile, Simone, Sipowicz, with Andy Jr. along for the ride, investigate a case where the nephew of the victim of a robbery-homicide is found holding the stolen goods. Meanwhile, Medavoy, Martinez, Lesniak, and Russell all join forces to work on the robbery-murder of a bouncer. Also, Donna contemplates an administrative job offer in California.
Season 3, Episode 20: A Death in the Family
Original Air Date—7 maggio 1996
Just days after Sylvia gives birth to a baby boy, whom she and Sipowitz name Theo, Sipowicz suffers an emotional setback when Andy Jr. is found murdered in the line of duty. Sipowicz wants Simone to lead the case of his son's killer and also wants the opportunity for restitution. In the mist of all this turmoil, Donna makes her decision when she quits her job as administrative assistant to the precinct and moves to California, leaving New York for good
Season 3, Episode 21: Closing Time
Original Air Date—14 maggio 1996
Sylvia confronts Sipowicz about her suspicions that he is going to late-night bars and drinking again and the effect is everywhere where Lt. Fancy is forced to sent him home after Sipowicz walks in one morning drunk. Sipowicz even fights with some street punks, gets beaten up, and Simone offers to look for the men that beat Sipowicz up. Meanwhile, a new administrative assistant, named Lucy, arrives as Donna's replacement.
Season 3, Episode 22: He's Not Guilty, He's My Brother
Original Air Date—21 maggio 1996
Sipowicz meets with a priest to talk about his troubles and finally sees the light. Meanwhile, Medavoy works on finding a new place to live while he, Martinez and Lesniak work on a drug related double murder. John Irvin passes out farewell notices to the employees for he is moving back to the 1st Precinct uptown. Simone and Russell plan a trip to the beach and Medavoy meets Anne McGuire, a new detective while working on his case. Elsewhere, Lucy isn't working out with her job, and baby Theo gets baptized.
Season 4
Season 4, Episode 1: Moby Greg
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 1996
Medavoy decides to go on a diet and has a hard time getting started on it. Meanwhile, Sipowicz has problems with his work, his baby son becoming ill and Sylvia deciding to return to work at the D.A.'s office. Simone proposes marriage to Russell, but she is hesitant to give him an answer. Geri Turner, the new administrative aide for the anti-crime unit unit, arrives at the precinct and shows a strong interest in Sipowicz, while Martinez has eyes for her. A body in a trunk of a car is inadvertently moved from the nearby 13th precinct into the 15th's jurisdiction. Simone inherits an apartment building from a recently deceased woman and the woman's son, Henry, is upset at the situation. Also, Lesniak transfers away from the squad to another precinct thus leaving the 15th for good.
Season 4, Episode 2: Thick Stu
Original Air Date—22 ottobre 1996
Medavoy starts a bet with Sipowicz to see who can lose the most weight in a single month. Afterwards, Sipowicz and Simone help out Detective Stuart Morrissey on his investigation in the case of a missing baby. Meanwhile, Martinez campaigns to become the elected delegate for the squad and his opponent, Detective Vince Gotelli, is determined to win the seat himself. Also, Simone makes a deal with Henry to let him share ownership of the building.
Season 4, Episode 3: Yes, We Have NO Cannolis
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 1996
An ex-con that Sipowicz put away a year ago approaches him and tells him about a prisoner who's been serving time for a crime he didn't commit and he and Simone decide to reopen the case. Meanwhile, Martinez wins the election by just three votes, much to Gotelli's chagrin. Simone comes across Detective Nick Savino who helps him with the investigation of the murder in his building and Savino suspects Henry has something to do with it. Fancy gets a cavity filling which makes him more edgy than usual and Medavoy loses one pound more than Sipowicz. Also, Russell still has not come to any conclusion about her relationship with Simone.
Season 4, Episode 4: Where's 'Swaldo
Original Air Date—12 novembre 1996
A community activist named Kwasi, with whom Sipowicz had a previous run-in that involved racial insults, is found murdered; Simone and Sipowicz investigate, and Sipowicz rekindles Fancy's anger over the previous incident. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy investigate a homicide at a bodega and have a hard time getting witnesses to cooperate.
Season 4, Episode 5: Where'd the Van Gogh?
Original Air Date—19 novembre 1996
A foreign prince and princess are assaulted in which she falls into a coma. Sipowicz and Simone investigate, with Mike Roberts help, who provides them with some information about Prince Foresmann's contacts. Meanwhile, Martinez's first delegate situation gets a resolution that keeps Officer Ortiz out of trouble with the department which doesn't work out as planned. Russell begins a new undercover job that involves her getting into a relationship with alleged drug dealer, Jimmy Liery, that might require her to start drinking again. Geri continues to try to win Sipowicz's affections and Medavoy for once feels good about himself after his diet. Also, Martinez asks his secretary, Gina Colon, out on a date.
Season 4, Episode 6: Yes Sir, That's My Baby
Original Air Date—26 novembre 1996
Simone and Sipowicz look into the death of a limo driver while he lodges a complaint against Geri that gets her moved up to the crime lab area. Meanwhile, a new detective, named Jill Kirkendall, joins the squad and her first case involves a man whose life is being threatened. Simone gets the approval from Savino to question Henry about the shooting and gets the real story. Also, Russell can't figure out how to talk to Simone about her current assignment.
Season 4, Episode 7: Ted and Carey's Bogus Adventure
Original Air Date—3 dicembre 1996
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the sexual assault of a schoolgirl and try to persuade her to press charges against her assailant. Meanwhile, a strange man that Sipowicz had committed to Bellevue mental hospital four years ago appears and causes a minor scene who is trying to get someone to listen about a problem he now has. Russell continues her undercover work and relationship with Jimmy, who nearly blows her cover when Medavoy meets with her in the open.
Season 4, Episode 8: Unembraceable You
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 1996
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a case where some transvestites witnessed a murder that they say was committed by a gay-basher who's supposed to have been in jail for a previous crime. Meanwhile, Fancy's former foster son is arrested and charged with possession of a kilogram of heroin and tries to get a deal with Sgt. Ray Kahlins, the "blow hard" from the DEA who worked out of the squad room the previous year. Medavoy asks his secretary, Abby Sullivan, out on a date, unsure of where he might be going with this, but she turns him down by revealing that she is a lesbian. Elsewhere, Jimmy's malevolence puts Russell's life in danger when he puts a drug in her drink.
Season 4, Episode 9: Caulksmanship
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 1996
While tracking down Jimmy, who drugged her the previous night, Russell works on a case where a man with a muscular dystrophy was killed in a very tight knit community. Meanwhile, Simone and Sipowicz work on another murder case that may have been masterminded by a married couple. Fancy wrestles with Captain Bass and knowledge of the fact that Simone is going to be promoted to Detective 1st Grade, and Sipowicz isn't.
Season 4, Episode 10: My Wild Irish Nose
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 1997
A woman comes in the station to report that there's a bullet hole in her wall, from a gun in Jimmy Liery's apartment in which Simone arrests Jimmy, but has to let him go for there isn't enough evidence to hold him. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is still angry at Fancy who thinks he held up his promotion. Medavoy and Martinez investigate the murder of young runaway boy, and an artist wants to get his paintings returned from some mob guys that he is a witness against.
Season 4, Episode 11: Alice Doesn't Fit Here Anymore
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a story that a diamond dealer and his partner report that one of the dealer's sisters is missing with a bag of diamonds worth a million dollars, but the sister's boyfriend is actually responsible. Meanwhile, Martinez, Medavoy and Russell look for the assailant of Gina who badly slashed her face up while she was on her way to work, and Martinez cannot cope with this sudden turn of events. Simone and Kirkendall go out on their first date, while Russell cannot cope with the fact of being alone again.
Season 4, Episode 12: Upstairs, Downstairs
Original Air Date—21 gennaio 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a murder, but the procedures they must follow make them unpopular at the precinct when a fellow cop might have been involved. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall investigate the murder of a young girl where the only clue is a videotape that starred her crushing worms. Russell goes missing and eventually turns up in Simone's apartment where she recalls to him that her father molested her as a child.
Season 4, Episode 13: Tom and Geri
Original Air Date—28 gennaio 1997
Simone, Sipowicz, Medavoy and Martinez together conduct an investigation into the death of a worker at a construction site, where more than a building is being framed. Meanwhile, Geri reports to Sipowicz about finding a friend of hers who has hung himself and Fancy suggests that Russell and Kirkendall conduct the investigation, which reveals the man died from kinky sex, with Geri. Martinez stays close to Gina while she is recovering and preparing to get her stitches from her horribly scared face removed and offers him to let her stay the night with him.
Season 4, Episode 14: A Remington Original
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a woman whose body was found naked in the trunk of a car in a junk yard. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy investigate a man who was found dead with a severe blow to his head with a typewriter. Simone hires Henry to take care of a painting job in the tenement building, where Henry comes in complaining about a difficult tenant. The emotionally and physically scarred Gina returns to work, and Russell is working through her issues with her family problems by meeting a counselor.
Season 4, Episode 15: Taillight's Last Gleaming
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 1997
Fancy and his wife are pulled over and harassed by a racist police officer for a burned out taillight, and he and the precinct don't see eye to eye on the procedures followed during the stop. Meanwhile, Sipowicz has some unresolved issues to work out Andy Jr.'s death and Simone works on the night duty and gets a case involving a bar robbery. Also, Martinez and Russell work together on a sting operation to catch a investor defrauding old and crippled women.
Season 4, Episode 16: What a Dump!
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 1997
Sipowicz and Simone investigate the murder of a woman whose body was founded dumped in an alley and information about the mystery woman reveals that the woman was a mail-order bride who was looking to divorce her husband. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez look into the drive-by shooting at a bus and when one of the passengers mouths off his hatred of gays, that gets him and Abby angry. Sipowicz starts working a part-time job for the U.S. Marshall by doing garbage detail at JFK airport.
Season 4, Episode 17: A Wrenching Experience
Original Air Date—15 aprile 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a shooting that is related to the victim trying to leave a street gang. Meanwhile, Jill Kirkendall and Russell investigate the death of a baby who appears to have been shaken to death by the baby-sitter. Medavoy and Martinez look into a murder where they have a suspect who looks guilty despite the fact he claims to have an alibi. Medavoy has dinner with Abby and her lover, Kathy. Also, Simone takes Russell out to a movie and proposes to her again, and this time she accepts.
Season 4, Episode 18: I Love Lucy
Original Air Date—22 aprile 1997
Two transvestites arrive at the precinct, one of them is seeking protection from a man who's beaten him. But afterwords the drag queen is founded murdered and Sipowicz, Simone and Russell investigate and eventually receive help from John Irvin. Meanwhile, Kirkendell investigates the theft of some small items by a old friend's parents. Elsewhere, Fancy's wife, Lillian, tries to sell some health food products.
Season 4, Episode 19: Bad Rap
Original Air Date—29 aprile 1997
Simone and Sipowicz gets another case involving the shooting of a rap artist who refuses to cooperate with them in the identification of his assailant from a rival gang. Meanwhile, Abby tells Medavoy that she and Kathy are trying to start a family and asks him to donate his sperm to her so Abby will get pregnant. Officer Szymanski, the racist cop who pulled over Fancy, tells him that he thinks Fancy was one of the ones responsible for his being set-up and caught in the alleged theft of a drug dealer's money. Also, Simone is approached and propositioned by FBI agents to help them with their ongoing investigation into the affairs of mobster Joey Salvo.
Season 4, Episode 20: Emission Impossible
Original Air Date—6 maggio 1997
Five Ecuadorians are found murdered in an apparent drug deal gone bad and Sipowicz, Simone and Martinez work on the case to find a tip from a waiter at the club there were hanging out in. Meanwhile, Simone begins his undercover work for the FBI when he secretly meets with Joey Salvo who wants Simone to do collect money from a deadbeat client of his. Also, Russell and Medavoy are looking into a suspect in a spouse abuse case where Medavoy's commitment to Abby hampers the investigation.
Season 4, Episode 21: Is Paris Burning?
Original Air Date—13 maggio 1997
An inebriated Vince Gotelli is arrested after "hijacking" a city bus and having it wrecked. Fancy meets with the bus driver's boss to work out an arrangement about their investigation and suggests that Gotelli take some medical treatment. Meanwhile, Simone's continuing help with the FBI makes his life miserable when the men from Internal Affairs investigate him for the license plate number on Salvo's car that he ran and is frustrated when he cannot tell anyone, not even Sipowicz or Fancy, about what he's doing. Elsewhere, Sipowicz and the other detectives investigate the beating and murder of a woman in her apartment.
Season 4, Episode 22: A Draining Experience
Original Air Date—20 maggio 1997
Simone's continued involvement with the FBI sting against Joey Salvo jeopardizes his career when the men from Internal Affairs investigate him and suspend him from active duty. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Russell investigate the gruesome murder of a young woman where a psychiatrist, named Dr. Wentzel, insists on implicating his patient's father for her murder. Martinez and Medavoy have a hard time over a haughty mugging victim who is a writer from a local magazine that wrote a bad story on the cops of New York City. Simone's involvement with the FBI reaches a cliff-hanging climax when in a secret meeting with Salvo, the mobster is hit by gunfire from a drive-by mob shooting... so it seems.
Season 5
Season 5, Episode 1: As Flies to Careless Boys...
Original Air Date—30 settembre 1997
In the four months since Joey Salvo's assassination, Simone is working odd jobs since he has been suspended by Internal Affairs pending their investigation, while he approaches Sipowicz asking about his and others incitements by the FBI who think that Salvo's death was an inside job, and Lt. Shannon my know the person who killed Salvo. Meanwhile, Gina discovers herself to be pregnant, but is hesitant on telling Martinez.
Season 5, Episode 2: All's Well That Ends Well
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 1997
Simone returns to work at the 15th Precinct and immediately helps Sipowicz with his case of the shooting death that occurred during a robbery at a local bar. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy stake out a hotel where a serial rapist has been committing his crimes. Also, Gina finally tells Martinez that she's pregnant and wants to get married to him right away.
Season 5, Episode 3: Three Girls and a Baby
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 1997
Medavoy launches his own investigation when Abby, and her girlfriend Kathy, are both shot by an intruder in their apartment in which Kathy dies and a grief-stricken Abby cannot bring herself to answer Medavoy's questions about her past and her former lover who may have been the assailant. Meanwhile, Simone, Sipowicz and Russell investigate a suspect after the charred body of a young woman is found in an abandoned vehicle. Also, Gina develops complications with her pregnancy and is taken off work for a few weeks.
Season 5, Episode 4: The Truth Is Out There
Original Air Date—28 ottobre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a man where the only witness is a insane woman, who lands in danger after she is kidnapped by their suspect's lawyer. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez investigate a string of taxicab robberies which leads them to the brother of a gypsy cab driver. A new administrative aide, named Naomi Reynolds, arrives to substitute for Gina's absence.
Season 5, Episode 5: It Takes a Village
Original Air Date—4 novembre 1997
Simone and Kirkendall work on a murder case where a son is bitter about his father's death and offers $5,000 to anyone who can produce the killer, and the result is a greedy horde of people with many false leads. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Russell investigate the rape of a nine-year-old girl, whose mother thinks the culprit my be a retarded boy from their apartment building.
Season 5, Episode 6: Dead Man Talking
Original Air Date—11 novembre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a break-in of a high-rise apartment were the wife and baby are killed and the husband injured. Vince Gotelli, now a insurance adjuster, tells Simone and Sipowicz that the man may have faked a break-in to kill his family to collect an insurance policy. Meanwhile, Fancy gets some clues about a 15-year-old unsolved murder case from a visiting old friend who is dying. Also, Russell, Martinez and Medavoy investigate the murder of a record company executive who wasn't very popular among his co-workers.
Season 5, Episode 7: Sheedy Dealings
Original Air Date—18 novembre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of two roommates. Meanwhile, Medavoy investigates a story from an old friend about a man wanting to hire a hit man for a job, and he recruits Martinez for the part of playing the hit man so they can catch the crime in the act. Kirkendall and Russell investigate the claim of a wealthy woman that her maid did not accidentally donate the diamond that the woman kept in a safe place disguised as a soup can.
Season 5, Episode 8: Lost Israel: Part 1
Original Air Date—25 novembre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the disappearance of a young boy, that turns up dead and the father points that a mute homeless man, named Israel, may have been the one. But Supowicz suspects that the father may be the real culprit. Meanwhile, the rest of the squad investigate the murder of a Hasidic Jewish girl and have to juggle the need for their investigation against the needs for a quick burial.
Season 5, Episode 9: Lost Israel: Part 2
Original Air Date—9 dicembre 1997
After Israel hangs himself, Sipowicz investigates a clue which is a bible verse that Israel pointed out to him, which leads Sipowicz and Simone to set up a complex sting operation to find out if the father of the murdered boy really was the one that set the whole Israel frame-up. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez look into a doctor who is helping out the homeless by getting them a job with insurance benefits that he helps collect.
Season 5, Episode 10: Rememberance of Humps Past
Original Air Date—16 dicembre 1997
Sipowicz is visited by an old school friend who asks him to help talk to his daughter about a company she is running, which takes a turn when the woman's roommate turns up murdered and Sipowicz thinks that another one of his old high school friends was involved. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez look into a case where a man is getting a lot of teeth that contain gold fillings and they uncover a small grave robbing operation. Simone secretly overhears Naomi talking with a difference accent where she tells him that she is actually from Australia and about her desire to become a policewoman.
Season 5, Episode 11: You're Under a Rasta
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 1998
Simone, Sipowicz, and Russell investigate a shooting of two women and later go into a raid on a drug dealer's apartment in which Russell risks her life to capture the dealer/murderer, but later Russell tells Simone that she happens to be pregnant. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy look into the murder of a prostitute, despite Martinez's complaints about a back problem that later gets him taken out of the squad. Also, Naomi tells Simone about her problems with her landlord who has reported her to the INS.
Season 5, Episode 12: A Box of Wendy
Original Air Date—13 gennaio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a crime where a man discovers a woman's body stuffed inside a large box. While on the case, they meet the victim's brother, a strange man who is more concerned with drinking a particular brand of soft drink. Meanwhile, Russell investigates the death of a child whose parents do not seem fit to raise a child. Also, Kirkendall and Medavoy look into the death of a young boy whose very religious parents suggest that the person who killed their son can be forgiven.
Season 5, Episode 13: Twin Petes
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 1998
Simone and Russell investigate two stickups held at ATM's where they get a line on a possible suspect and then use Kirkendall to appeal to the suspect's mother to help them reach out to him. Meanwhile, Medavoy attempts to sort out a case where he can't determine if there really is a twin when a man comes to the station to report that his twin brother, Pete, has threatened violence against his former girlfriend. Also, Sipowicz contends with a medical problem involving his prostate while helping Simone and Russell and he is less than forthcoming with what his doctor has told him about his condition.
Season 5, Episode 14: Weaver of Hate
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz try to conduct their investigation in the midst of racial turmoil in the station and the neighborhood when a young white teenager is murdered in a black neighborhood during a drugs-for-guns deal that went bad, and the victim's racist father comes to the station and begins quarreling with Lt. Fancy over his race and roll in the investigation. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall investigate the strangulation and dismemberment of the mother of a young boy, who's discovered his mother's body in the refrigerator. Also, Russell decides to take some time off since she's feeling ill due to pregnancy morning sickness, only to suffer a miscarriage at the end.
Season 5, Episode 15: Don't Kill the Messenger
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a nurse where the suspects include a struggling actor, a crazy man, and eventually a detective from the precinct named Tommy Richardson. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall look into the death of a bicycle messenger who was killed for just trying to help a man whose backpack was stolen, so they determine that the backpack contained drugs. When they get a suspect into custody, Kirkendall figures out a clever way to get an ID on the suspect who won't cooperate. Also, Sipowicz's doctor tries to talk to him about how to deal with his medical problem, but Sipowicz won't listen.
Season 5, Episode 16: The One That Got Away
Original Air Date—3 marzo 1998
Richardson confronts Sipowicz and Simone about their impending questioning of his wife over the murder of the nurse, but with the exception that Richardson is a real bad person, Sipowicz and Simone reach nothing. In a cross-over from the series "Upstairs", former temp and private detective John Irvin stops by the station to tell the detectives about the new graphics art business he started. But with the exception of the receptionist Dolores, no one is around, including Medavoy who leaves in a hurry for upstate New York where Abby now lives to be by her side when she goes into labor. Meanwhile, Kirkendall and Russell look into the theft of a graduate film student's camera, where only the student seems more interested in dispensing his own justice. Also, Sylvia finally learns about Sipowicz's medical condition from his doctor and finally persuades him to go for further tests and possible surgery.
Season 5, Episode 17: Speak for Yourself, Bruce Clayton
Original Air Date—24 marzo 1998
Simone and Sipowicz look into the shooting of two women (one of whom was killed) who were raped by a group of men in an apartment owned by a former crack dealer, named Jamal, who was crippled in a previous shooting incident. Sipowicz confides in Simone about his medical condition when Simone runs into Sipowicz at the hospital undergoing tests. Meanwhile, Kirkendall, Russell and Medavoy investigate a shooting at a clinic. When they get a woman suspect into custody, a security guard from the clinic who was her secret admirer comes to the precinct demanding she get a second chance.
Season 5, Episode 18: I Don't Wanna Dye
Original Air Date—31 marzo 1998
Tommy Richardson's wife, Laurie, stops by the station to pick up his time records after he transfers to another precinct, where she expresses to Simone and Russell about Tommy's behavior after she caught him in a phone conversation with another woman. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall look into the death of a man who was shot and found in the bathtub of his former girlfriend. Also, Sylvia accompanies Sipowicz to the hospital for his latest CAT scan test which goes wrong and they decide to ignore Dr. Talbot's advice and go with the opinion of Dr. Mondzac.
Season 5, Episode 19: Prostrate Before the Law
Original Air Date—28 aprile 1998
As Sipowicz prepares for prostate surgery with Sylvia by his side, James Martinez returns after recovering from his back problem where he reports that Gina had her baby three weeks earlier. But Medavoy is more happier after returning from upstate New York with a videotape of Abby giving birth to her baby and is very eager to show the tape to anyone who will watch. Meanwhile, the rest of the squad gets involved in a case of five reuniting Army buddies when one of them is found dead. The four other try to keep their fabricated story straight as Simone and the others try to figure out their involvement.
Season 5, Episode 20: Hammer Time
Original Air Date—5 maggio 1998
Sipowicz returns to work after his successful prostate surgery, but apparently too soon for he has an accident while interrogating a suspect. So he is given desk duty in helping Simone and Russell investigating the murder of a woman's boyfriend by her ex-husband, where it reveals that he was searching for his daughter who's missing. Meanwhile, Simone is called upon by Detective Nick Savino to help investigate a missing persons report that is being filed by the nephew of one his building's tenants. The missing woman had a couple of run-ins with Simone's partner and building manager, Henry Coffield, so he becomes a suspect. Also, former administrative aide Naomi Reynolds shows up at the station, now wearing a police uniform and speaking in her natural Australian accent, to visit Simone where she tells him that her situation with the INS was resolved and she is now a NYC police officer.
Season 5, Episode 21: Seminal Thinking
Original Air Date—12 maggio 1998
A murdered couple is found where the dead man is a car salesman and the woman is a prostitute. Simone and Sipowicz look into the salesman's death while Medavoy and the other detectives look into the prostitute's death where the M.O. of the suspect is to buy used condoms from a prostitute and then mix the spend semen with his own to cover his crime. As Sipowicz recovers from his surgery, he finds that a recent blood test is not favorable and once again keeps his medical problem to himself.
Season 5, Episode 22: Honeymoon at Viagra Falls
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz work with Cohen to investigate the death of one of Cohen's witnesses and her son. Evidence points to the opposing attorney having some involvement with the arrangement of the homicide. Meanwhile, Russell and Kirkendall try to help a man locate his missing daughter. Medavoy and Martinez look into a corporation dealing with fake sports memorabilia, where Medavoy is taken in with the blond employees who reminds him of the departed Donna. Also, when Sipowicz thinks about his low sexual functions, his doctor prescribes the wonder drug Viagra. In the mist of all the cases, Simone and Russell decide to get married on their lunch break, but their cases get in the way of it all.
Season 6
Season 6, Episode 1: Top Gum
Original Air Date—20 ottobre 1998
Season 6, Episode 2: Cop in a Bottle
Original Air Date—27 ottobre 1998
Season 6, Episode 3: Numb & Number
Original Air Date—10 novembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 4: Brother's Keeper
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 5: Hearts and Souls
Original Air Date—24 novembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 6: Danny Boy
Original Air Date—1 dicembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 7: Czech Bouncer
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 8: Raging Bulls
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 9: Grime Scene
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 1999
Season 6, Episode 10: Show & Tell
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 1999
Season 6, Episode 11: Big Bang Theory
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 1999
Season 6, Episode 12: What's Up, Chuck?
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 1999
Season 6, Episode 13: Dead Girl Walking
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 1999
Season 6, Episode 14: Raphael's Inferno
Original Air Date—2 marzo 1999
Season 6, Episode 15: I Have a Dream
Original Air Date—6 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 16: T'aint Misbehavin
Original Air Date—13 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 17: Don't Meth with Me
Original Air Date—20 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 18: Mister Roberts
Original Air Date—27 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 19: Judas Priest
Original Air Date—4 maggio 1999
Season 6, Episode 20: I'll Draw You a Mapp
Original Air Date—11 maggio 1999
Season 6, Episode 21: Voir Dire This
Original Air Date—18 maggio 1999
Season 6, Episode 22: Safe Home
Original Air Date—25 maggio 1999
Season 7
Season 7, Episode 1: Loogie Nights
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2000
Season 7, Episode 2: A Hole in Juan
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2000
Season 7, Episode 3: The Man with Two Right Shoes
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2000
Season 7, Episode 4: The Naked Are the Dead
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 5: These Shoots Are Made for Joaquin
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 6: Brothers Under Arms
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 7: Along Came Jones
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 8: Everybody Plays the Mule
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 9: Jackass
Original Air Date—29 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 10: Who Murders Sleep
Original Air Date—7 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 11: Little Abner
Original Air Date—14 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 12: Welcome to New York
Original Air Date—21 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 13: The Irvin Files
Original Air Date—28 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 14: Sleep Over
Original Air Date—4 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 15: Stressed for Success
Original Air Date—11 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 16: Goodbye Charlie
Original Air Date—18 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 17: Roll Out the Barrel
Original Air Date—25 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 18: Lucky Luciano
Original Air Date—2 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 19: Tea and Sympathy
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 20: This Old Spouse
Original Air Date—16 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 21: Bats Off to Larry
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 22: The Last Round Up
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2000
Season 8
Season 8, Episode 1: Daveless in New York
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 2: Waking Up Is Hard to Do
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 3: Franco, My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 4: Family Ties
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 5: Fools Russian
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 6: Writing Wrongs
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 7: In-Laws, Outlaws
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 8: Russellmania
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 9: Oh Golly Goth
Original Air Date—6 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 10: In the Still of the Night
Original Air Date—13 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 11: Peeping Tommy
Original Air Date—20 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 12: Thumb Enchanted Evening
Original Air Date—27 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 13: Flight of Fancy
Original Air Date—3 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 14: Nariz a Nariz
Original Air Date—10 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 15: Love Hurts
Original Air Date—17 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 16: Everyone Into the Poole
Original Air Date—24 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 17: Dying to Testify
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2001
Season 8, Episode 18: Lost Time
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2001
Season 8, Episode 19: Under Covers
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2001
Season 8, Episode 20: In the Wind
Original Air Date—22 maggio 2001
Season 9
Season 9, Episode 1: Lies Like a Rug
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 2: Johnny Got His Gold
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 3: Two Clarks in a Bar
Original Air Date—13 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 4: Hit the Road, Clark
Original Air Date—20 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 5: Cops and Robber
Original Air Date—27 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 6: Baby Love
Original Air Date—4 dicembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 7: Mom's Away
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 8: Puppy Love
Original Air Date—18 dicembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 9: Here Comes the Son
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 2002
Season 9, Episode 10: Jealous Hearts
Original Air Date—15 gennaio 2002
Season 9, Episode 11: Humpty Dumped
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 2002
Season 9, Episode 12: Oh, Mama!
Original Air Date—19 febbraio 2002
Season 9, Episode 13: Safari, So Good
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 2002
Season 9, Episode 14: Hand Job
Original Air Date—5 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 15: Guns & Hoses
Original Air Date—12 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 16: A Little Dad'll Do Ya
Original Air Date—19 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 17: Gypsy Woe's Me
Original Air Date—26 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 18: Less Is Morte
Original Air Date—16 aprile 2002
Season 9, Episode 19: Low Blow
Original Air Date—30 aprile 2002
Season 9, Episode 20: Oedipus Wrecked
Original Air Date—7 maggio 2002
Season 9, Episode 21: Dead Meat in New Deli
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2002
Season 9, Episode 22: Better Laid Than Never: Part 1
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2002
Season 9, Episode 23: Better Laid Than Never: Part 2
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2002
Season 10
Season 10, Episode 1: Ho Down
Original Air Date—24 settembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 2: You've Got Mail
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 3: One in the Nuts
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 4: Meat Me in the Park
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 5: Death by Cycle
Original Air Date—22 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 6: Maya Con Dios
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 7: Das Boots
Original Air Date—12 novembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 8: Below the Belt
Original Air Date—19 novembre 2002
When NYPD Auxiliary Police Officer Heather Peterson is murdered, the detectives find a diary of her's that details the sexual habits of the police officers at the 15th precinct. These findings cause the detectives to suspect the officers of the 15th precinct had something to do with her death, and the investigation of the cops cause tension between the officers and the detectives.
Season 10, Episode 9: Half-Ashed
Original Air Date—26 novembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 10: Healthy McDowell Movement
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 11: I Kid You Not
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 2003
Season 10, Episode 12: Arrested Development
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 2003
Season 10, Episode 13: Bottoms Up
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 14: Laughlin All the Way to the Clink
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 15: Tranny Get Your Gun
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 16: Nude Awakening
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 17: Off the Wall
Original Air Date—8 aprile 2003
Season 10, Episode 18: Marine Life
Original Air Date—15 aprile 2003
Season 10, Episode 19: Meet the Grandparents
Original Air Date—29 aprile 2003
Season 10, Episode 20: Maybe Baby
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2003
Season 10, Episode 21: Yo, Adrian
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2003
Season 10, Episode 22: 22 Skidoo
Original Air Date—20 maggio 2003
Season 11
Season 11, Episode 1: Frickin' Fraker
Original Air Date—23 settembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 2: Your Bus, Ted
Original Air Date—30 settembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 3: Shear Stupidity
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 4: Porn Free
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 5: Keeping Abreast
Original Air Date—21 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 6: Andy Appleseed
Original Air Date—28 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 7: It's to Die For
Original Air Date—4 novembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 8: And the Wenner Is...
Original Air Date—18 novembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 9: Only Schmucks Pay Income Tax
Original Air Date—25 novembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 10: You Da Bomb
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 2004
Season 11, Episode 11: Passing the Stone
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 2004
Season 11, Episode 12: Chatty Chatty Bang Bang
Original Air Date—2 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 13: Take My Wife, Please
Original Air Date—9 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 14: Colonel Knowledge
Original Air Date—16 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 15: Old Yeller
Original Air Date—23 marzo 2004
A kidnapping victim's startling statement clues Andy and John in on a serial sadist keeping women locked in a dungeon somewhere in New York. Meanwhile, a routine robbery investigation takes a saucy turn for Medavoy after he makes an unlikely connection with the 60-year-old victim.
Season 11, Episode 16: On the Fence
Original Air Date—30 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 17: In Goddess We Trussed
Original Air Date—6 aprile 2004
Andy's off-duty and slightly underhanded work to prove that Hatcher killed his own wife lands him a transfer out of the 15th precinct and into the Bellevue Morgue engineered by Detective Hatcher. Meanwhile, the squad is up to their whips and chains after a dominatrix is found murdered.
Season 11, Episode 18: The Brothers Grim
Original Air Date—13 aprile 2004
Haywood reopens an 18-year-old case that has Andy reliving a major mistake in his career. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Clark investigate the death of a man whose brother was pursued by a bounty hunter. Elsewhere, Ortiz gets a new partner, Detective Kelly Ronson, who ends up lending an unusual hand during the hunt for the child an ex-con had to give up before going to prison.
Season 11, Episode 19: Peeler? I Hardley Knew Her
Original Air Date—20 aprile 2004
A man's gunshot-induced amnesia causes Jones and Medavoy to concoct an unconventional way to nail his assailant. Meanwhile, a man Sipowicz put away twenty years ago for raping and murdering a 12-year-old girl goes free after DNA testing exonerates him, and Ortiz and Ronson bust a gruesome underground network pre-teen prostitution ring.
Season 11, Episode 20: Traylor Trash
Original Air Date—27 aprile 2004
Season 11, Episode 21: What's Your Poison?
Original Air Date—4 maggio 2004
Teacher David Lewis comes into the squad-room to talk about Cindy Clifton and a support group that he ran that she was a part of. Sipowicz and Clark let him go but send off some of his left behind chewing gum to DNA for testing. Jones goes to court as its the day when Michael is to testify against his father. Ortiz and Ronson go to the scene where tourist Ned Applebaum has been mugged and lost his wife's $35,000 necklace. Ortiz and Ronson eventually find out that Ned met a lady friend on the Internet and he was going to meet her in Little Italy when he was mugged. He was going to loan her the necklace so that she could use it as collateral for a loan for her sick child. The detectives get the PO Box number where Applebaum had sent previous gifts to his lady friend. Ortiz and Ronson go to the apartment of the owner of the PO Box. He is a day trader/con artist who they discover took advantage of Ned Applebaum. They get the necklace back and Ned is forgiven by his wife. Later, Gibson tells Sipowicz and Clark that David Lewis was found DOA in his apartment. They go to the scene and try to determine whether the death was a suicide or not. Sipowicz tries to decide how to proceed with the investigation of Lewis's death; both he and Clark believe that Brockhurst might be involved. Clark gets a call about Dr. Jennifer Devlin and goes to the hospital. The doctor tells her she needs to remain restrained for now, but he is allowed to see her as long as he doesn't loosen her restraints. Sipowicz finds Brockhurst and tells him of his theory that he killed David Lewis. Brockhurst doesn't admit to anything, but tells Sipowicz he is going to be able to sleep tonight now that the case is closed.
Season 11, Episode 22: Who's Your Daddy?
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2004
Season 12
Season 12, Episode 1: Dress for Success
Original Air Date—21 settembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 2: Fish Out of Water
Original Air Date—28 settembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 3: Great Balls of Ire
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2004
Season 12, Episode 4: Divorce, Detective Style
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2004
Season 12, Episode 5: You're Buggin' Me
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 2004
Season 12, Episode 6: The Vision Thing
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 7: My Dinner with Andy
Original Air Date—16 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 8: I Like Ike
Original Air Date—23 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 9: The 3-H Club
Original Air Date—30 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 10: The Dead Donald
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 11: Bale Out
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 12: I Love My Wives, But Oh You Kid
Original Air Date—21 dicembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 13: Stoli with a Twist
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2005
Season 12, Episode 14: Stratis Fear
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2005
Season 12, Episode 15: La Bomba
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2005
Season 12, Episode 16: Old Man Quiver
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2005
Season 12, Episode 17: Sergeant Sipowicz' Lonely Hearts Club Band
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2005
Detective John Clark Jr., Andy Sipowicz who just was promoted Sergeant and a military investigator examine the murder on military recruiter Sergeant Lester Bakewell, whose affair with a female colleague caused her divorce from a retired veteran Colonel; however the prime suspect is student Paul Corbelli, whose father was killed in service in Iraq. A woman reports her homeless Basque Uncle missing abnormally since four days; he's found dead and Detectives Baldwin Jones and Greg Medavoy investigate.
Season 12, Episode 18: Lenny Scissorhands
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2005
Season 12, Episode 19: Bale to the Chief
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2005
Season 12, Episode 20: Moving Day
Original Air Date—1 marzo 2005
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"NYPD Blue"

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Episode list for
"NYPD Blue" (1993) More at IMDbPro »
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Episodes: All (261)

Season: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Year: 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005

Season 1
Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot
Original Air Date—21 settembre 1993
A group of detectives and officers work at the 15th Precinct, a seedy police station in Manhattan, New York City. Detective John Kelly, a 15-year veteran of the force, deals with his partner Andy Sipowitz, an alcoholic 20-year veteran detective. Laura Hughes, an aspiring lawyer and Detective Kelly's wife, is having problems with their marriage and she hires Josh Goldstein, a lawyer who lives in apartment 4B of their building to work on a divorce, who gets mugged in the laundry room of the building. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is relentlessly pursuing mobster Alfonse Giardella, who threatens Sipowicz to leave him alone. Later, Sipowicz is shot by Giardella during a tryst with a prostitute. Enraged, Kelly orders the precinct officers to hound Giardella and his ruthless employer; mafia kingpin Angelo Marino. The new patrol officer, Janice Licalsi, is attracted to Detective Kelly. But is she is revealed to be an informant for Marino who orders her to murder Kelly.
Season 1, Episode 2: 4B or Not 4B
Original Air Date—28 settembre 1993
Inspector Lastarza of the Organized Crime Unit tells Lt. Fancy and Kelly that they stop applying pressure to the local mob for their pursuit of Angelo Marino is hurting the FBI investigation to nail Marino. Meanwhile, Sipowicz regains consciousness in the hospital after the shooting, but he has no memory about the attempt on his life because he was drunk at the time. Laura and John Kelly become officially separated and she decides to join a private law firm. Josh "4B" Goldstein becomes more paranoid about his mugging and brings a gun into the laundry room every night in hopes to catch his attacker. Kelly tries to reason with a deranged man who has taken a judge hostage who let his son's killer free. Elsewhere, Angelo Marino puts more pressure on Janice to murder Kelly, but she kills him and his chauffeur/bodyguard instead and slips away.
Season 1, Episode 3: Brown Appetit
Original Air Date—5 ottobre 1993
Janice's policeman father arrives for a visit and tells her about his pending indictment for corruption involving being an informant for Angelo Marino when a book that Marino had on him as a list of all of his informants... including hers. Sipowicz makes some appearances at the hotel where Giardella is staying to further intimidate him over the shooting death of Marino. Meanwhile, Kelly and Martinez are assigned a case involving the robbery and murder of a woman. Also, Josh Goldstein comes to the precinct in search for his gun he used to kill his assailant.
Season 1, Episode 4: True Confessions
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 1993
Kelly begins moonlighting as a security guard for Susan Wagner, a wealthy woman who's married to an abusive husband. But things take a turn when the husband is shot and killed, and Mrs. Wagner becomes a suspect. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is paired with the hard-nosed Detective Walker who arrests a man for a robbery and double-murder. While Detective Walker thinks he's guilty, Sipowicz thinks differently. Laura quits her job and plans to move into a position with the District Attorney's office, prosecuting narcotics. The increasingly edgy Josh Goldstein has Kelly appear at a tenant's readiness group regarding crime, and he is later killed trying to save and elderly woman from a mugging on a subway platform.
Season 1, Episode 5: Emission Accomplished
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 1993
Martinez goes to visit his brother, but finds the superintendent of his building, Hanlan, is a undercover cop who is on the take and is forcing the tenants out and Kelly sets out to prove that Hanlan is responsible for the death of two of the apartment residents. Meanwhile, Laura's new job as an Assistant District Attorney takes a turn when she's assigned to a case that involves Giardella. Also, Kelly and Sipowitz deal with the prankster Detective Stillwell, whose jokes and pranks against the station becomes a nuisance for everyone as well.
Season 1, Episode 6: Personal Foul
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 1993
A minor skirmish on a basketball court leaves one of Kelly's friends dead and the other one in jail for manslaughter. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is convinced that a man knows more about his wife's death in a highway shooting than he is letting on. Laura feels as though she's being dangled in front of Giardella when Sylvia tells her to push on him harder. Janice saves Kelly's life during a drug raid and the event seems to bring them back together.
Season 1, Episode 7: NYPD Lou
Original Air Date—2 novembre 1993
A shady man named Lou, comes to the station thinking he's a werewolf and demands to be locked up into a cell before he kills someone when the night comes. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is visited by his long-estranged son, Andy Sipowicz, Jr. with his fiancée, Lois Snyder, an older woman who Sipowicz discovers that she has been cheating on Andy Jr. Kelly investigates a homeless man who is suspected in the death of a nine-year-old boy. Giardella is killed before he can testify to a grand jury against his superiors and Laura finds herself the only witness to the murder.
Season 1, Episode 8: Tempest in a C-Cup
Original Air Date—16 novembre 1993
Kelly arrests a baker for a murder charge, but tries to get him to confess to the robbery of four taxicabs so they can link him to the murder. Meanwhile, Sipowicz arrests a topless dancer for prostitution and she offers to help him get the owner of the bar who's laundering money for the mob. Laura questions Sylvia's ethics who tries to protect her personal reputation and Sipowicz's verbal attacks on her. The squad welcomes the new administrative aide, a beautiful blond woman named Donna Abandando whom the neurotic Detective Medavoy finds irresistible.
Season 1, Episode 9: Ice Follies
Original Air Date—30 novembre 1993
Janice is asked by a mob button man to start doing favors for them again or they will expose her and her father's past activities with them. Meanwhile, Martinez's father wants to kill the pusher who's responsible for his son's overdose. Also, Meadavoy celebrates his 40th birthday and later goes out on a date with Donna to an ice skating rink.
Season 1, Episode 10: Oscar, Meyer, Weiner
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 1993
Kelly, Medavoy and Martinez investigate the brutal murder of a entire upper class family. Meanwhile, Inspector Lastarza orders Janice to cooperate with the mob even though it results in the death of the person whose license plates she ran through the computer, and Kelly deals with his relationship with her who tries to keep him out of the situation she's in. Also, Sipowicz takes a statement of a gay writer whose Academy Award was stolen.
Season 1, Episode 11: From Hare to Eternity
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 1993
The zone commander, Haverill, starts to come down on Lt. Fancy about his work skills and Sipowicz later intervenes and threatens Haverill to lay off Fancy or he will reveal some incriminating evidence about him being a racist. Meanwhile, Kelly and Sipowicz investigate the kidnapping of a doctor's daughter. Janice must pass some more information to the mob about the station's moves and wonders how she will get out of his situation. Martinez and Medavoy question a woman and her young son who claims to have been robbed by a man who picked them up while they were hitchhiking in North Carolina.
Season 1, Episode 12: Up on the Roof
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 1994
The mob hit man who killed Giardella and who Laura can identify, is trapped on the roof of the building with a hostage. Martinez works on his first detectives case, which involves a fake ATM machine taking peoples money. Meanwhile, Fancy and his wife prepare to face a court date when a foster child they've been caring for is ordered back into custody of the real mother who's just been released from a drug rehab program. Sipowicz and Kelly investigate a mob shooting which turns up a notebook that Marino kept that has Janice and her father's name in it.
Season 1, Episode 13: Abandando Abandoned
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 1994
Medavoy leaves his wife and finally tells Donna about his feelings for her, which turn out to be mutual. Sharon LaSalle, a police academy classmate of Kelly's, joins the squad and shortly after, she and Sipowicz investigate the death of her husband who was an ex-cop trying to stop a robbery on her first day at the 15th precinct. Meanwhile, an alcoholic woman keeps lodging complaints to Kelly against her abusive husband that she never follows through with.
Season 1, Episode 14: Jumpin' Jack Fleishman
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 1994
Sipowicz has a cavity and decides to have it taken care of by his son's dentist. At the dental office, Sipowitz finds himself unsuccessfully trying to prevent the suicidal Dr. Fleishman from jumping off a 28th floor ledge. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez work on a strangulation murder case that appears to be the work of a cross-dresser. LaSalle's first case for the squad involves a woman who was raped and she, Kelly, Sipowicz, Janice, and her new hot-headed partner, Roy Larson, try to catch the most probable suspect. While on the case, Sipowicz suspects that Larson's short temper and odd behavior points to a drug problem. Also, Lois tries to reconcile her relationship with Andy Jr.
Season 1, Episode 15: Steroid Roy
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 1994
LaSalle insists to a reluctant Larson that he take a drug test and when it comes back positive of steroid use, he is fired. One of Detective Mike Roberts' girlfriends comes to the precinct and causes trouble for him, especially when she later turns up dead. Meanwhile, Sylvia has trouble getting through to Sipowicz to give their relationship another try. Laura appeals to Kelly to help her re-examine the alleged murder of the abusive man by his wife.
Season 1, Episode 16: A Sudden Fish
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 1994
Medavoy suffers a stress-related anxiety attack while working and doesn't want to tell his wife about his problems, which displeases Donna. Meanwhile, Sipowicz looks into the robbery of a wheelchair-bound Vietnam veteran, who later takes his muggers hostage. Kelly starts moonlighting as a bodyguard for his ailing rich friend's girlfriend, Robin Wirkus, and later becomes involved in a complex blackmail plot by an extortionist who asks Robin for sexual favors.
Season 1, Episode 17: Black Men Can Jump
Original Air Date—1 marzo 1994
LaSalle has a chance to move out of the precinct and into a more regular routine of detective work. Meanwhile, Sipowicz suspects a private investigator of bilking a father for the past six moths in a scheme to find the man's runaway daughter. Kelly investigates the shooting of the 13-year-old boy and the murdered boy's father apprehends the killer after discovers the killer (who injured LaSalle) has escaped from the precinct.
Season 1, Episode 18: Zeppo Marks Brothers
Original Air Date—22 marzo 1994
Mike Roberts meets with Kelly in search of getting some bodyguard and/or P.I. work for himself after quitting the police force. Meanwhile, Laura feels someone is stalking her and gets Kelly to meet her new boyfriend who may be the stalker. Sipowitz deals with a woman whose boyfriend was a material witness and is afraid to identify the hit man because he's afraid the hit man's friends will kill him next. None of the detectives are too excited when Haverill sends them down to Times Square for uniform detail at a parade.
Season 1, Episode 19: Serge the Concierge
Original Air Date—29 marzo 1994
After Robin's husband dies, she is angry when his will seems to stipulate that Kelly should resume his duties as her bodyguard. Meanwhile, Sipowicz must clear his own son of a drug pushing charge. Medavoy, Martinez and Kelly find the body of a dead man in a garbage dump which leads to Kelly suspecting a concierge and the hotelier of conspiring to murder the hotelier's husband.
Season 1, Episode 20: Good Time Charlie
Original Air Date—3 maggio 1994
Janice is promoted from patrolwoman to detective and will be working with the other detectives until she can be transferred to the re-organizing intelligence division. Meanwhile, Kelly suspects that his friend is being framed for the murder of his mistress, even after his erratic behavior in the squad room points to his guilt. Fancy's wife tells him that she's pregnant again and he is less enthusiastic considering the complications of her two previous pregnancies. Also, Sipowicz falls off the wagon when he starts drinking again at a birthday party for Sylvia's father.
Season 1, Episode 21: Guns 'n Rosaries
Original Air Date—10 maggio 1994
Medavoy tells Donna that he's caught his wife being unfaithful yet again and decides to move out. But he crashes at the station since he cannot afford a place to live. So, Donna asks him to move in with her. Meanwhile, racial hostilities flare up in the community after Martinez shoots a belligerent black motorist who draws a gun on Medavoy, but the gun goes missing. Janice becomes more and more distressed by the recent events and after talking to Kelly's preacher friend, Father Downey, she confesses to Fancy that she was the one that killed Angelo Marino and his chauffeur. Also, Sipowicz tries to attend an open AA meeting with Sylvia's support.
Season 1, Episode 22: Rockin' Robin
Original Air Date—17 maggio 1994
Kelly gets an ultra-high priced mob attorney to defend Janice on the murder charges and helps out with her bail. Meanwhile, Sipowicz tries to make amends with Sylvia who's been attending Alanon meetings. While helping with Andy Jr. look for a new car, Sipowicz comes across a lead in a disappearance case that has frustrated him for the last two in-a-half years. Also, Kelly investigates the murder of a priest and later meets with Robin for a lunch date and spends the night with her.
Season 2
Season 2, Episode 1: Trials and Tribulations
Original Air Date—11 ottobre 1994
Janice's murder trial begins, where Kelly risks the consequences when he testifies on Janice's behalf about their brief affair which results in the Internal Affairs Bureau investigating him. Meanwhile, Sipowicz works with an abused woman who's reluctant to testify against her husband. Medavoy, Martinez, Sipowicz and Kelly investigate robberies of drug dealers in their apartments. Sipowicz's AA sponsor wants him to agree to abide by a contract before he lets him try to restart his relationship with Sylvia. Donna tries to give Medavoy advice about dealing with his divorce. Also, Robin leaves Kelly for good when he tells her that he still has feelings for Janice.
Season 2, Episode 2: For Whom the Skell Rolls
Original Air Date—18 ottobre 1994
Internal Affairs begins to investigate Kelly and Sipowicz's arresting of the officers they caught robbing drug dealer's apartments, then they begin looking into Kelly's handling of the notebook that was part of Medavoy's case. Janice's murder trial continues where she takes the witness stand to give an emotional testimony about her reluctant involvement with the mob and is sent to prison with a two-year sentence. Meanwhile, Kelly and Sipowicz investigate a double murder.
Season 2, Episode 3: Cop Suey
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 1994
Kelly works with a Chinese detective in the investigation of the murder of an off-duty cop in Chinatown. Lt. Fancy catches Donna and Madavoy in an embrace and warns both of them about relationships in the workplace. The abused woman Sipowicz helped out turns up dead and her husband is a suspect. Meanwhile, a tough new female detective, Adrianne Lesniak, transfers into the squad because of a relationship she had with an officer at her former precinct in the Bronx and begins to work with Sipowicz on his case.
Season 2, Episode 4: Dead and Gone
Original Air Date—1 novembre 1994
Martinez investigates a baby that was killed in a car from an apparent drive-by shooting. Meanwhile, Lois contacts Sipowicz for help because a policeman that she was entertaining died in a compromising position and he moves the body to a less conspicuous location. Lesniak's ex-boyfriend, Officer Abruzzo, keeps showing up at the precinct and harassing her. Kelly's future with the department is decided when Internal Affairs comes to the precinct to re-investigate some of his old cases and the result is Haverill transferring Kelly to borough dispatch duty. But Kelly decides to quit the force and after saying goodbye to Sipowitz, he throws in his badge for good.
Season 2, Episode 5: Simone Says
Original Air Date—15 novembre 1994
Bobby Simone, a widower and homing pigeon breeder, joins the squad as Kelly's replacement. Simone's first assignment is to help Sipowicz in the investigation of the hit on a mobster's son, where a stray bullet also hit an elderly woman in her apartment. Meanwhile, Lesniak tries to help a woman who's worried that her husband is molesting their daughter, and an over-the-edge Abruzzo pulls his gun and threatens Lesniak in the squad room for leaving him.
Season 2, Episode 6: The Final Adjustment
Original Air Date—22 novembre 1994
Simone and Sipowicz suspect a chiropractor of murdering his wife. A woman whom Simone knows, finds her 11-year-old son in possession of a gun. Meanwhile, Medavoy changes to a high-fiber diet a part of yet another change in his life. While moonlighting as a security guard for Mike Roberts, Martinez becomes attracted to Judith, a college student he's been assigned to protect and she's worried about her possessive father.
Season 2, Episode 7: Double Abandando
Original Air Date—29 novembre 1994
Donna's younger sister, Dana, arrives and moves in with her and Medavoy, who tries to make the moves onto him. Simone doubts the confession of his friend's 11-year-old son, a murder suspect in a gang related shooting at a school. Meanwhile, an HIV-infected Lothario comes to the station and asks Lesniak and Martinez for help when he appears to be targeted by a woman he's apparently infected.
Season 2, Episode 8: You Bet Your Life
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 1994
Sipowicz's AA sponsor, Danny Breen, is beaten up by his estranged son. Meanwhile, Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a pregnant woman whose charred body leaves few clues. Martinez and Medavoy check out the story of a man who might have information about a pawn shop robbery.
Season 2, Episode 9: Don We Now Our Gay Apparel
Original Air Date—3 gennaio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a gay bar owner during the Christmas holidays. Meanwhile, Fancy's wife goes into labor to have her baby. Breen breaks his promise to Sipowicz by checking up on his son and decides to go back to him, which turns out to be fatal when Breen's son kills him and Sipowicz has to arrest him.
Season 2, Episode 10: In the Butt, Bob
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 1995
Lesniak deals with a perpetrator and his "high priced lawyer and shrink" when he repeats the offense. Meanwhile, Detective Solomon uses a fast pull to take a possible serial killer case away from Simone after he brings in a possible suspect. One of Fancy's old contacts, Vinnie Greco, brings in a tip about a couple of guys looking for some heavy arms to do an armored car job and Sipowicz works with him, but Greco is working for someone else against Fancy. Sipowicz invites Andy Jr. over at his place for dinner where his son tells him that he is joining the Air Force. Also, Sipowicz proposes marriage to Sylvia and this time, she accepts.
Season 2, Episode 11: Vishy-Vashy-Vinny
Original Air Date—17 gennaio 1995
After discovering a key piece of evidence, Simone gets his chance to question the serial killer suspect. Meanwhile, Sipowicz, Medavoy and others work on how to stop the armored car robbery and Fancy plays a tape for Haverill about his true attitude which results in his resignation as the zone commander. Martinez and Lesniak arrest an odd extortionist, while romantic feelings for each other begin to appear.
Season 2, Episode 12: Large Mouth Bass
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the brutal murder of the teenage daughter of a woman whose ex-husband has made threats against her. Meanwhile, Lesniak and Martinez's latest case involves a con artist who sells a black box to homely women, promising them beautiful skin. The new zone commander, Captain Clifford Bass, checks in and lets Fancy know his overtime policy, which doesn't sit well with Sipowicz when it compounds their investigation. Also, Simone deals with a childhood friend who is now involved with a nightclub that is frequented by wise guys.
Season 2, Episode 13: Travels with Andy
Original Air Date—14 febbraio 1995
Sipowicz disagrees with Sylvia over their wedding arrangements, for he wants to travel to Maryland for a quick one, whereas Sylvia wants a traditional Greek Orthodox service. Shortly thereafter, Simone and Sipowicz investigate an execution-style murder of three people at a fast food restaurant and the investigation leads them to travel upstate to look for a possible suspect. Meanwhile, Lesniak meets an old high school boyfriend of hers, now a doctor, while investigating a rape case with Martinez, who develops a case of jealousy.
Season 2, Episode 14: A Murder with Teeth in It
Original Air Date—21 febbraio 1995
Sipowicz investigates the murder of a pimp in which evidence points to a cop that Sipowicz once helped out with a problem of his. Simone mentions the case to his girlfriend reporter, and regrets it when the story hits the papers. Meanwhile, Donna's former boyfriend, Harold, a ex-New York Ranger, returns to the city and meets with Donna and Meadvoy overreacts with jealousy. Martinez begins to develop feelings for Lesniak.
Season 2, Episode 15: Bombs Away
Original Air Date—28 febbraio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz collide in their squad car with a Romanian immigrant who has a woman locked in the trunk of his car and later, their investigation shows him to be a possible terrorist. Meanwhile, the serial killer, Webster, is shot by his last victim's father and Simone begins to investigate the father and another member of a victim's support group, who all appear to be part of a secret vigilante group. Medavoy talks to Dana about his relationship with Donna if he's losing interest in her, but the crafty Dana takes advantage of the situation to try to break them up. Also, Martinez keeps asking Lesniak to go out on a date with him.
Season 2, Episode 16: UnAmerican Graffiti
Original Air Date—14 marzo 1995
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a Puerto Rican teenager who was murdered while spray painting graffiti in Little Italy. Meanwhile, Medavoy meets with Donna's former lover, Harold, while she makes a tough decision about her relationship with him. Also, Sylvia is mugged and she later tells Sipowicz a secret from her past about being raped as a teen.
Season 2, Episode 17: Dirty Socks
Original Air Date—21 marzo 1995
Simone's emotionally fragile witness for a double-murder keeps changing her story, for she is really only interested in him. Meanwhile, Sipowicz participates in the investigation where a family run business, that he used to work in, is held up and the owner's wife is killed. After Donna leaves town for a long vacation (and to get away from Medavoy), her temporary replacement, John Irvin, is gay may who makes the station, including Sipowitz, uncomfortable. Also, Martinez enters in a department boxing tournament.
Season 2, Episode 18: Innuendo
Original Air Date—4 aprile 1995
Simone and Sipowicz search for a killer following a shooting spree, which left several people dead and where a rookie cop's missed shot also killed a bystander. Meanwhile, Fancy's younger brother, Reginald, a policeman in the 8th precinct, has racial troubles with his commanding officer and Fancy intercedes on his behalf and his own boss, Captain Bass, covers for him. Sipowicz sees a doctor and discovers he has an enlarged prostate and Sylvia mistakenly thinks their lack of sexual activity over the past few weeks was because of the rape incident from her past that she told him about.
Season 2, Episode 19: Boxer Rebellion
Original Air Date—2 maggio 1995
Fancy works with Martinez to help him get ready for the boxing tournament. Meanwhile, Simone is attracted to the new undercover cop, Diane Russell, who is working with him on a arson sting. A woman that Sipowicz gets to testify in a case is murdered by the men she was going to testify against.
Season 2, Episode 20: The Bookie and the Kooky Cookie
Original Air Date—9 maggio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz search for a killer of a bookie. Meanwhile, Donna returns from her long vacation trip to resume her position at the station and her temp, John Irvin, gives everyone farewell greeting cards when he is moved to the anti-crime lab. Simone's witness tries to kill him when he won't give her what she wants. Sipowicz and Sylvia meet with the priest to help with their wedding and later she hears a story about what has contributed to Sipowicz's loss of faith.
Season 2, Episode 21: The Bank Dick
Original Air Date—16 maggio 1995
A witness to a crime smells alcohol on Russell's breath and uses it against her, and Sipowicz smells the same. Simone then confronts Russell about her drinking, but she tells him to mind his own business. John Irwin comes to Fancy for help when he and his gay lover are beaten up by gay-bashing officers in another precinct. Meanwhile, a terminally ill infant helps the detectives locate a serial rapist. Medavoy meets with his ex-wife who tells him that they should get back together for their kids and when Donna finds out, she tells him that their relationship is over.
Season 2, Episode 22: A.D.A. Sipowicz
Original Air Date—23 maggio 1995
Pre-wedding jitters put Sipowicz in a rare form of panic. Meanwhile, Russell's drinking problem makes her miss getting a gun off a suspect and she finally admits to Simone about her alcoholism. Fancy's brother, Reginald, is still having problems with his racist sergeant and his belligerent attitude has resulted in him being investigated by Internal Affairs. So Fancy, Simone and the squad work to help clear Reginald of any misconduct. Martinez finally goes out on a date with Lesniak and asks her to be his date for the wedding. At the ceremony, Simone is Sipowicz's best man, Sylvia's father escorts her down the aisle and even Andy Jr. makes it just in time for the ceremony. Medavoy brings his ex-wife to the wedding while a lonely and jealous Donna painfully watches from afar.
Season 3
Season 3, Episode 1: E.R.
Original Air Date—24 ottobre 1995
Martinez is shot in the back during a scuffle and the doctor's report is possible that he may be paralyzed for life. But Martinez's assailant, a government witness in a relocation program, will probably go free and Simone contacts Benita Alden in the D.A.'s office to help put pressure on the D.A. to prosecute their protected witness. Meanwhile, Russell, on the road to recovery from her alcoholism, wants Sipowicz to let Simone know she's doing okay, but she is on the brink of falling off the wagon. Donna expresses to Simone that she has feelings for him, and Sylvia tells Sipowicz that she may be pregnant.
Season 3, Episode 2: Torah! Torah! Torah!
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 1995
Medavoy and Sipowicz go undercover as Hasidic Jews to recover a stolen Torah. Meanwhile, Simone gets a case where a father suspects his retarded son of killing his daughter. Detective Stuart Morrissey tactics with the suspect does not sit well with Lt. Fancy, despite the facts that the case match the one Simone are working on. Also, Sylvia visits a doctor who confirms that she's pregnant, and Lesniak keeps checking up on Martinez still in the hospital.
Season 3, Episode 3: One Big Happy Family
Original Air Date—7 novembre 1995
Meadavoy and Lesniak pair up to identify who's launched a series of vicious attacks on a man. Meanwhile, Simone tries to locate a possible suspect in a series of rapes. Russell tries to maintain her sobriety and it's strongly tested when her parents domestic problems get out of hand. Also, Martinez finally gets out of the hospital and returns to duty. But in a final surprising twist, Lesniak tells Martinez that she likes him as friend only... because she happens to be gay.
Season 3, Episode 4: Heavin' Can Wait
Original Air Date—14 novembre 1995
Lesniak's preference of her lesbianism quickly gets around the precinct, which gives her mixed reactions. Meanwhile, Sipowicz clashes with Simone throughout their investigation of the senseless murder of two kids, which is only the start of a really bad day which also includes Sipowicz dealing with Sylvia's morning sickness, and Simone dealing with Russell who falls off the wagon.
Season 3, Episode 5: Dirty Laundry
Original Air Date—21 novembre 1995
Fancy is less than enthused when Ronnie Drucker, a detective under surveillance by Internal Affairs, is assigned to the squad and Simone is asked to keep an eye on him. They then work on a case where an elderly man has been accused of exposing himself. The murder of a pimp in a Laundromat is witnessed by a young woman who helped the detectives out on a previous case. Meanwhile, John Irvin asks Sipowicz if he should approach Lesniak to congratulate her on "coming out." But she won't listen to his gay pride talk as does everyone else.
Season 3, Episode 6: Curt Russell
Original Air Date—28 novembre 1995
An Indian woman is found dead in a car and Sipowicz is full of theories about who killed her and why. While Donna is away at a computer camp taking courses for the week, her temp is a feisty woman with a bad attitude who clashes with Sipowicz. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy are nearby when a drug crazed man tries to rob a couple of stores of credit card slips. Russell and Lesniak work on another case involving a man who was left to die of a drug overdose that leads to a chance of mending the feud between them.
Season 3, Episode 7: Aging Bull
Original Air Date—12 dicembre 1995
Sipowicz becomes annoyed when federal agents take over their investigation of the disappearance of a millionaire. Then a petty criminal from the past surfaces with information about the kidnapping and Sipowicz decides to act on it. Meanwhile, Simone aids an old boxer friend of his, who happened to got him started with bird breeding.
Season 3, Episode 8: Cold Heaters
Original Air Date—19 dicembre 1995
Simone and the men from Internal Affairs share the suspect after Simone gets some information from his incarcerated friend, Ray, about a case that Mike Roberts once worked on. Meanwhile, Fancy and Sipowicz both work on the case of a self-confessed gunman in a neighborhood shooting, once they get the story they help the shooter out. Medavoy investigates the assault case of an actor who was injured in a staged fight that went awry.
Season 3, Episode 9: Sorry, Wong Suspect
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 1996
Medavoy and his wife, Marie, split up once again and she comes down to the station to see Donna before leaving town. Meanwhile, Simone and Sipowicz probe the death of a Chinese girl who's leg has a strange marking on it. Martinez and Lesniak look into the robbery case where a woman in a wheelchair lets a man who claims to be a policeman. Sipowicz does not want to accompany Sylvia to her latest doctor's visit and Martinez gets an opportunity to find out where Lesniak really stands on her sexuality if she's really gay.
Season 3, Episode 10: The Backboard Jungle
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 1996
Sipowicz has race relation problems with the organizer of a local basketball game, held in the memory of a young boy, which erupted into violence by the gang members on the opposing sides which left two dead and seven wounded, and was witnessed by a reporter. Fracy has problems when Sipowicz racist colors come to light and has him removed from the case, much to his anger.
Season 3, Episode 11: Burnin' Love
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 1996
Simone and Sipowicz look into the death of a young woman whose body is found burned beyond recognition, except for a tattoo on her back. Detective Vince Gotelli arrives from another precinct to assist Simone and Sipowicz with their case and puts his two cents in, much to Sipowicz's delight and one of the victim's roommates becomes the prime suspect. Meanwhile, Medavoy pulls double shifts for himself (to get away from problems at home) and is assigned to watch an informant who has a penchant for playing poker with his friends.
Season 3, Episode 12: These Old Bones
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 1996
A strange woman walks into the precinct and gives Sipowicz and Medavoy some information about a disappearance that occurred eight years ago and where the body may be located. Meanwhile, domestic violence in Russell's parents apartment leads to tragedy when her mother shoots her drunken father who attacks her, and Simone presses to get the truth about what really happened to her Russell's father.
Season 3, Episode 13: A Tushful of Dollars
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 1996
Russell worries about her mother's pending grand jury trial for the intentional murder of her father. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Simone search for the killer of a mobster's son, that reveals a family affair. The lawyer of a suspect in another murder case impedes Medavoy and Russell's investigation and the erratic son of the victim doesn't help much either. Martinez and Lesniak get another murder case that involves Sipowicz and Simone's suspect.
Season 3, Episode 14: The Nutty Confessor
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 1996
Donna and Simone give Lesniak and Martinez advice, respectively, on their plans for their first date and night together. Afterward, Simone and Sipowicz investigate the death of a young woman who was brutally murdered and Simone and Martinez travel to Atlantic City to apprehend their suspect. Meanwhile, a surgeon's wife wants to press charges against her husband's mistress when he is found shot.
Season 3, Episode 15: Head Case
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 1996
Simone and Sipowicz get another murder case where a mild mannered professor is found decapitated in his apartment. Meanwhile, Martinez is helping out a former porno actress who is getting harassing phone calls, but Lesniak is not comfortable with the situation. Andy Jr. arrives in town with some news for Sipowicz, but he can't find the time to tell his father and finally at dinner, he explains that he has just been discharged from the Air Force and is joining the police department in Hackensack, New Jersey.
Season 3, Episode 16: Girl Talk
Original Air Date—19 marzo 1996
A detective from another precinct, Martina Escobar, joins Simone and Sipowicz with their investigation of a rapist/murderer who is throwing small children from the tops of buildings. Meanwhile, Martinez and Russell investigate an alleged case of date rape, but the women of the squad and Sylvia have a major disagreement with Martinez's decisions regarding the suspect. Elsewhere, Sipowicz shows his son the ropes of being a cop.
Season 3, Episode 17: Hollie and the Blowfish
Original Air Date—26 marzo 1996
Simone makes contact with Ferdinand Hollie, an old informant, who wants to help him capture the drug dealers who killed a young girl with their crossfire. Meanwhile, Russell is paired up with Sgt. Ray Kahlins, a "blow hard" from the federal anti-drug unit, who's more interested in collecting overtime pay than catching drug dealers.
Season 3, Episode 18: We Was Robbed
Original Air Date—2 aprile 1996
Simone and Sipowicz are forced to commit robbery while working undercover for an FBI agent to place a bug in mob hangout and when the wise guys come to the station to file a robbery complaint, Russell and Medavoy catch them in the act. Meanwhile, Donna's hairdresser, Marina, tells her that she has a problem with her ex-boyfriend who wants to hijack the truck of Marina's current boyfriend, and Martinez goes undercover as Marina's boyfriend. Elsewhere, Andy Jr. learns more about being a beat cop.
Season 3, Episode 19: Auntie Maimed
Original Air Date—30 aprile 1996
Sylvia is now nine months pregnant and is ready to give birth any day and Sipowicz is on the edge. Meanwhile, Simone, Sipowicz, with Andy Jr. along for the ride, investigate a case where the nephew of the victim of a robbery-homicide is found holding the stolen goods. Meanwhile, Medavoy, Martinez, Lesniak, and Russell all join forces to work on the robbery-murder of a bouncer. Also, Donna contemplates an administrative job offer in California.
Season 3, Episode 20: A Death in the Family
Original Air Date—7 maggio 1996
Just days after Sylvia gives birth to a baby boy, whom she and Sipowitz name Theo, Sipowicz suffers an emotional setback when Andy Jr. is found murdered in the line of duty. Sipowicz wants Simone to lead the case of his son's killer and also wants the opportunity for restitution. In the mist of all this turmoil, Donna makes her decision when she quits her job as administrative assistant to the precinct and moves to California, leaving New York for good
Season 3, Episode 21: Closing Time
Original Air Date—14 maggio 1996
Sylvia confronts Sipowicz about her suspicions that he is going to late-night bars and drinking again and the effect is everywhere where Lt. Fancy is forced to sent him home after Sipowicz walks in one morning drunk. Sipowicz even fights with some street punks, gets beaten up, and Simone offers to look for the men that beat Sipowicz up. Meanwhile, a new administrative assistant, named Lucy, arrives as Donna's replacement.
Season 3, Episode 22: He's Not Guilty, He's My Brother
Original Air Date—21 maggio 1996
Sipowicz meets with a priest to talk about his troubles and finally sees the light. Meanwhile, Medavoy works on finding a new place to live while he, Martinez and Lesniak work on a drug related double murder. John Irvin passes out farewell notices to the employees for he is moving back to the 1st Precinct uptown. Simone and Russell plan a trip to the beach and Medavoy meets Anne McGuire, a new detective while working on his case. Elsewhere, Lucy isn't working out with her job, and baby Theo gets baptized.
Season 4
Season 4, Episode 1: Moby Greg
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 1996
Medavoy decides to go on a diet and has a hard time getting started on it. Meanwhile, Sipowicz has problems with his work, his baby son becoming ill and Sylvia deciding to return to work at the D.A.'s office. Simone proposes marriage to Russell, but she is hesitant to give him an answer. Geri Turner, the new administrative aide for the anti-crime unit unit, arrives at the precinct and shows a strong interest in Sipowicz, while Martinez has eyes for her. A body in a trunk of a car is inadvertently moved from the nearby 13th precinct into the 15th's jurisdiction. Simone inherits an apartment building from a recently deceased woman and the woman's son, Henry, is upset at the situation. Also, Lesniak transfers away from the squad to another precinct thus leaving the 15th for good.
Season 4, Episode 2: Thick Stu
Original Air Date—22 ottobre 1996
Medavoy starts a bet with Sipowicz to see who can lose the most weight in a single month. Afterwards, Sipowicz and Simone help out Detective Stuart Morrissey on his investigation in the case of a missing baby. Meanwhile, Martinez campaigns to become the elected delegate for the squad and his opponent, Detective Vince Gotelli, is determined to win the seat himself. Also, Simone makes a deal with Henry to let him share ownership of the building.
Season 4, Episode 3: Yes, We Have NO Cannolis
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 1996
An ex-con that Sipowicz put away a year ago approaches him and tells him about a prisoner who's been serving time for a crime he didn't commit and he and Simone decide to reopen the case. Meanwhile, Martinez wins the election by just three votes, much to Gotelli's chagrin. Simone comes across Detective Nick Savino who helps him with the investigation of the murder in his building and Savino suspects Henry has something to do with it. Fancy gets a cavity filling which makes him more edgy than usual and Medavoy loses one pound more than Sipowicz. Also, Russell still has not come to any conclusion about her relationship with Simone.
Season 4, Episode 4: Where's 'Swaldo
Original Air Date—12 novembre 1996
A community activist named Kwasi, with whom Sipowicz had a previous run-in that involved racial insults, is found murdered; Simone and Sipowicz investigate, and Sipowicz rekindles Fancy's anger over the previous incident. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy investigate a homicide at a bodega and have a hard time getting witnesses to cooperate.
Season 4, Episode 5: Where'd the Van Gogh?
Original Air Date—19 novembre 1996
A foreign prince and princess are assaulted in which she falls into a coma. Sipowicz and Simone investigate, with Mike Roberts help, who provides them with some information about Prince Foresmann's contacts. Meanwhile, Martinez's first delegate situation gets a resolution that keeps Officer Ortiz out of trouble with the department which doesn't work out as planned. Russell begins a new undercover job that involves her getting into a relationship with alleged drug dealer, Jimmy Liery, that might require her to start drinking again. Geri continues to try to win Sipowicz's affections and Medavoy for once feels good about himself after his diet. Also, Martinez asks his secretary, Gina Colon, out on a date.
Season 4, Episode 6: Yes Sir, That's My Baby
Original Air Date—26 novembre 1996
Simone and Sipowicz look into the death of a limo driver while he lodges a complaint against Geri that gets her moved up to the crime lab area. Meanwhile, a new detective, named Jill Kirkendall, joins the squad and her first case involves a man whose life is being threatened. Simone gets the approval from Savino to question Henry about the shooting and gets the real story. Also, Russell can't figure out how to talk to Simone about her current assignment.
Season 4, Episode 7: Ted and Carey's Bogus Adventure
Original Air Date—3 dicembre 1996
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the sexual assault of a schoolgirl and try to persuade her to press charges against her assailant. Meanwhile, a strange man that Sipowicz had committed to Bellevue mental hospital four years ago appears and causes a minor scene who is trying to get someone to listen about a problem he now has. Russell continues her undercover work and relationship with Jimmy, who nearly blows her cover when Medavoy meets with her in the open.
Season 4, Episode 8: Unembraceable You
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 1996
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a case where some transvestites witnessed a murder that they say was committed by a gay-basher who's supposed to have been in jail for a previous crime. Meanwhile, Fancy's former foster son is arrested and charged with possession of a kilogram of heroin and tries to get a deal with Sgt. Ray Kahlins, the "blow hard" from the DEA who worked out of the squad room the previous year. Medavoy asks his secretary, Abby Sullivan, out on a date, unsure of where he might be going with this, but she turns him down by revealing that she is a lesbian. Elsewhere, Jimmy's malevolence puts Russell's life in danger when he puts a drug in her drink.
Season 4, Episode 9: Caulksmanship
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 1996
While tracking down Jimmy, who drugged her the previous night, Russell works on a case where a man with a muscular dystrophy was killed in a very tight knit community. Meanwhile, Simone and Sipowicz work on another murder case that may have been masterminded by a married couple. Fancy wrestles with Captain Bass and knowledge of the fact that Simone is going to be promoted to Detective 1st Grade, and Sipowicz isn't.
Season 4, Episode 10: My Wild Irish Nose
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 1997
A woman comes in the station to report that there's a bullet hole in her wall, from a gun in Jimmy Liery's apartment in which Simone arrests Jimmy, but has to let him go for there isn't enough evidence to hold him. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is still angry at Fancy who thinks he held up his promotion. Medavoy and Martinez investigate the murder of young runaway boy, and an artist wants to get his paintings returned from some mob guys that he is a witness against.
Season 4, Episode 11: Alice Doesn't Fit Here Anymore
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a story that a diamond dealer and his partner report that one of the dealer's sisters is missing with a bag of diamonds worth a million dollars, but the sister's boyfriend is actually responsible. Meanwhile, Martinez, Medavoy and Russell look for the assailant of Gina who badly slashed her face up while she was on her way to work, and Martinez cannot cope with this sudden turn of events. Simone and Kirkendall go out on their first date, while Russell cannot cope with the fact of being alone again.
Season 4, Episode 12: Upstairs, Downstairs
Original Air Date—21 gennaio 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a murder, but the procedures they must follow make them unpopular at the precinct when a fellow cop might have been involved. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall investigate the murder of a young girl where the only clue is a videotape that starred her crushing worms. Russell goes missing and eventually turns up in Simone's apartment where she recalls to him that her father molested her as a child.
Season 4, Episode 13: Tom and Geri
Original Air Date—28 gennaio 1997
Simone, Sipowicz, Medavoy and Martinez together conduct an investigation into the death of a worker at a construction site, where more than a building is being framed. Meanwhile, Geri reports to Sipowicz about finding a friend of hers who has hung himself and Fancy suggests that Russell and Kirkendall conduct the investigation, which reveals the man died from kinky sex, with Geri. Martinez stays close to Gina while she is recovering and preparing to get her stitches from her horribly scared face removed and offers him to let her stay the night with him.
Season 4, Episode 14: A Remington Original
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a woman whose body was found naked in the trunk of a car in a junk yard. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy investigate a man who was found dead with a severe blow to his head with a typewriter. Simone hires Henry to take care of a painting job in the tenement building, where Henry comes in complaining about a difficult tenant. The emotionally and physically scarred Gina returns to work, and Russell is working through her issues with her family problems by meeting a counselor.
Season 4, Episode 15: Taillight's Last Gleaming
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 1997
Fancy and his wife are pulled over and harassed by a racist police officer for a burned out taillight, and he and the precinct don't see eye to eye on the procedures followed during the stop. Meanwhile, Sipowicz has some unresolved issues to work out Andy Jr.'s death and Simone works on the night duty and gets a case involving a bar robbery. Also, Martinez and Russell work together on a sting operation to catch a investor defrauding old and crippled women.
Season 4, Episode 16: What a Dump!
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 1997
Sipowicz and Simone investigate the murder of a woman whose body was founded dumped in an alley and information about the mystery woman reveals that the woman was a mail-order bride who was looking to divorce her husband. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez look into the drive-by shooting at a bus and when one of the passengers mouths off his hatred of gays, that gets him and Abby angry. Sipowicz starts working a part-time job for the U.S. Marshall by doing garbage detail at JFK airport.
Season 4, Episode 17: A Wrenching Experience
Original Air Date—15 aprile 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a shooting that is related to the victim trying to leave a street gang. Meanwhile, Jill Kirkendall and Russell investigate the death of a baby who appears to have been shaken to death by the baby-sitter. Medavoy and Martinez look into a murder where they have a suspect who looks guilty despite the fact he claims to have an alibi. Medavoy has dinner with Abby and her lover, Kathy. Also, Simone takes Russell out to a movie and proposes to her again, and this time she accepts.
Season 4, Episode 18: I Love Lucy
Original Air Date—22 aprile 1997
Two transvestites arrive at the precinct, one of them is seeking protection from a man who's beaten him. But afterwords the drag queen is founded murdered and Sipowicz, Simone and Russell investigate and eventually receive help from John Irvin. Meanwhile, Kirkendell investigates the theft of some small items by a old friend's parents. Elsewhere, Fancy's wife, Lillian, tries to sell some health food products.
Season 4, Episode 19: Bad Rap
Original Air Date—29 aprile 1997
Simone and Sipowicz gets another case involving the shooting of a rap artist who refuses to cooperate with them in the identification of his assailant from a rival gang. Meanwhile, Abby tells Medavoy that she and Kathy are trying to start a family and asks him to donate his sperm to her so Abby will get pregnant. Officer Szymanski, the racist cop who pulled over Fancy, tells him that he thinks Fancy was one of the ones responsible for his being set-up and caught in the alleged theft of a drug dealer's money. Also, Simone is approached and propositioned by FBI agents to help them with their ongoing investigation into the affairs of mobster Joey Salvo.
Season 4, Episode 20: Emission Impossible
Original Air Date—6 maggio 1997
Five Ecuadorians are found murdered in an apparent drug deal gone bad and Sipowicz, Simone and Martinez work on the case to find a tip from a waiter at the club there were hanging out in. Meanwhile, Simone begins his undercover work for the FBI when he secretly meets with Joey Salvo who wants Simone to do collect money from a deadbeat client of his. Also, Russell and Medavoy are looking into a suspect in a spouse abuse case where Medavoy's commitment to Abby hampers the investigation.
Season 4, Episode 21: Is Paris Burning?
Original Air Date—13 maggio 1997
An inebriated Vince Gotelli is arrested after "hijacking" a city bus and having it wrecked. Fancy meets with the bus driver's boss to work out an arrangement about their investigation and suggests that Gotelli take some medical treatment. Meanwhile, Simone's continuing help with the FBI makes his life miserable when the men from Internal Affairs investigate him for the license plate number on Salvo's car that he ran and is frustrated when he cannot tell anyone, not even Sipowicz or Fancy, about what he's doing. Elsewhere, Sipowicz and the other detectives investigate the beating and murder of a woman in her apartment.
Season 4, Episode 22: A Draining Experience
Original Air Date—20 maggio 1997
Simone's continued involvement with the FBI sting against Joey Salvo jeopardizes his career when the men from Internal Affairs investigate him and suspend him from active duty. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Russell investigate the gruesome murder of a young woman where a psychiatrist, named Dr. Wentzel, insists on implicating his patient's father for her murder. Martinez and Medavoy have a hard time over a haughty mugging victim who is a writer from a local magazine that wrote a bad story on the cops of New York City. Simone's involvement with the FBI reaches a cliff-hanging climax when in a secret meeting with Salvo, the mobster is hit by gunfire from a drive-by mob shooting... so it seems.
Season 5
Season 5, Episode 1: As Flies to Careless Boys...
Original Air Date—30 settembre 1997
In the four months since Joey Salvo's assassination, Simone is working odd jobs since he has been suspended by Internal Affairs pending their investigation, while he approaches Sipowicz asking about his and others incitements by the FBI who think that Salvo's death was an inside job, and Lt. Shannon my know the person who killed Salvo. Meanwhile, Gina discovers herself to be pregnant, but is hesitant on telling Martinez.
Season 5, Episode 2: All's Well That Ends Well
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 1997
Simone returns to work at the 15th Precinct and immediately helps Sipowicz with his case of the shooting death that occurred during a robbery at a local bar. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy stake out a hotel where a serial rapist has been committing his crimes. Also, Gina finally tells Martinez that she's pregnant and wants to get married to him right away.
Season 5, Episode 3: Three Girls and a Baby
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 1997
Medavoy launches his own investigation when Abby, and her girlfriend Kathy, are both shot by an intruder in their apartment in which Kathy dies and a grief-stricken Abby cannot bring herself to answer Medavoy's questions about her past and her former lover who may have been the assailant. Meanwhile, Simone, Sipowicz and Russell investigate a suspect after the charred body of a young woman is found in an abandoned vehicle. Also, Gina develops complications with her pregnancy and is taken off work for a few weeks.
Season 5, Episode 4: The Truth Is Out There
Original Air Date—28 ottobre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a man where the only witness is a insane woman, who lands in danger after she is kidnapped by their suspect's lawyer. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez investigate a string of taxicab robberies which leads them to the brother of a gypsy cab driver. A new administrative aide, named Naomi Reynolds, arrives to substitute for Gina's absence.
Season 5, Episode 5: It Takes a Village
Original Air Date—4 novembre 1997
Simone and Kirkendall work on a murder case where a son is bitter about his father's death and offers $5,000 to anyone who can produce the killer, and the result is a greedy horde of people with many false leads. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Russell investigate the rape of a nine-year-old girl, whose mother thinks the culprit my be a retarded boy from their apartment building.
Season 5, Episode 6: Dead Man Talking
Original Air Date—11 novembre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a break-in of a high-rise apartment were the wife and baby are killed and the husband injured. Vince Gotelli, now a insurance adjuster, tells Simone and Sipowicz that the man may have faked a break-in to kill his family to collect an insurance policy. Meanwhile, Fancy gets some clues about a 15-year-old unsolved murder case from a visiting old friend who is dying. Also, Russell, Martinez and Medavoy investigate the murder of a record company executive who wasn't very popular among his co-workers.
Season 5, Episode 7: Sheedy Dealings
Original Air Date—18 novembre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of two roommates. Meanwhile, Medavoy investigates a story from an old friend about a man wanting to hire a hit man for a job, and he recruits Martinez for the part of playing the hit man so they can catch the crime in the act. Kirkendall and Russell investigate the claim of a wealthy woman that her maid did not accidentally donate the diamond that the woman kept in a safe place disguised as a soup can.
Season 5, Episode 8: Lost Israel: Part 1
Original Air Date—25 novembre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the disappearance of a young boy, that turns up dead and the father points that a mute homeless man, named Israel, may have been the one. But Supowicz suspects that the father may be the real culprit. Meanwhile, the rest of the squad investigate the murder of a Hasidic Jewish girl and have to juggle the need for their investigation against the needs for a quick burial.
Season 5, Episode 9: Lost Israel: Part 2
Original Air Date—9 dicembre 1997
After Israel hangs himself, Sipowicz investigates a clue which is a bible verse that Israel pointed out to him, which leads Sipowicz and Simone to set up a complex sting operation to find out if the father of the murdered boy really was the one that set the whole Israel frame-up. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez look into a doctor who is helping out the homeless by getting them a job with insurance benefits that he helps collect.
Season 5, Episode 10: Rememberance of Humps Past
Original Air Date—16 dicembre 1997
Sipowicz is visited by an old school friend who asks him to help talk to his daughter about a company she is running, which takes a turn when the woman's roommate turns up murdered and Sipowicz thinks that another one of his old high school friends was involved. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez look into a case where a man is getting a lot of teeth that contain gold fillings and they uncover a small grave robbing operation. Simone secretly overhears Naomi talking with a difference accent where she tells him that she is actually from Australia and about her desire to become a policewoman.
Season 5, Episode 11: You're Under a Rasta
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 1998
Simone, Sipowicz, and Russell investigate a shooting of two women and later go into a raid on a drug dealer's apartment in which Russell risks her life to capture the dealer/murderer, but later Russell tells Simone that she happens to be pregnant. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy look into the murder of a prostitute, despite Martinez's complaints about a back problem that later gets him taken out of the squad. Also, Naomi tells Simone about her problems with her landlord who has reported her to the INS.
Season 5, Episode 12: A Box of Wendy
Original Air Date—13 gennaio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a crime where a man discovers a woman's body stuffed inside a large box. While on the case, they meet the victim's brother, a strange man who is more concerned with drinking a particular brand of soft drink. Meanwhile, Russell investigates the death of a child whose parents do not seem fit to raise a child. Also, Kirkendall and Medavoy look into the death of a young boy whose very religious parents suggest that the person who killed their son can be forgiven.
Season 5, Episode 13: Twin Petes
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 1998
Simone and Russell investigate two stickups held at ATM's where they get a line on a possible suspect and then use Kirkendall to appeal to the suspect's mother to help them reach out to him. Meanwhile, Medavoy attempts to sort out a case where he can't determine if there really is a twin when a man comes to the station to report that his twin brother, Pete, has threatened violence against his former girlfriend. Also, Sipowicz contends with a medical problem involving his prostate while helping Simone and Russell and he is less than forthcoming with what his doctor has told him about his condition.
Season 5, Episode 14: Weaver of Hate
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz try to conduct their investigation in the midst of racial turmoil in the station and the neighborhood when a young white teenager is murdered in a black neighborhood during a drugs-for-guns deal that went bad, and the victim's racist father comes to the station and begins quarreling with Lt. Fancy over his race and roll in the investigation. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall investigate the strangulation and dismemberment of the mother of a young boy, who's discovered his mother's body in the refrigerator. Also, Russell decides to take some time off since she's feeling ill due to pregnancy morning sickness, only to suffer a miscarriage at the end.
Season 5, Episode 15: Don't Kill the Messenger
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a nurse where the suspects include a struggling actor, a crazy man, and eventually a detective from the precinct named Tommy Richardson. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall look into the death of a bicycle messenger who was killed for just trying to help a man whose backpack was stolen, so they determine that the backpack contained drugs. When they get a suspect into custody, Kirkendall figures out a clever way to get an ID on the suspect who won't cooperate. Also, Sipowicz's doctor tries to talk to him about how to deal with his medical problem, but Sipowicz won't listen.
Season 5, Episode 16: The One That Got Away
Original Air Date—3 marzo 1998
Richardson confronts Sipowicz and Simone about their impending questioning of his wife over the murder of the nurse, but with the exception that Richardson is a real bad person, Sipowicz and Simone reach nothing. In a cross-over from the series "Upstairs", former temp and private detective John Irvin stops by the station to tell the detectives about the new graphics art business he started. But with the exception of the receptionist Dolores, no one is around, including Medavoy who leaves in a hurry for upstate New York where Abby now lives to be by her side when she goes into labor. Meanwhile, Kirkendall and Russell look into the theft of a graduate film student's camera, where only the student seems more interested in dispensing his own justice. Also, Sylvia finally learns about Sipowicz's medical condition from his doctor and finally persuades him to go for further tests and possible surgery.
Season 5, Episode 17: Speak for Yourself, Bruce Clayton
Original Air Date—24 marzo 1998
Simone and Sipowicz look into the shooting of two women (one of whom was killed) who were raped by a group of men in an apartment owned by a former crack dealer, named Jamal, who was crippled in a previous shooting incident. Sipowicz confides in Simone about his medical condition when Simone runs into Sipowicz at the hospital undergoing tests. Meanwhile, Kirkendall, Russell and Medavoy investigate a shooting at a clinic. When they get a woman suspect into custody, a security guard from the clinic who was her secret admirer comes to the precinct demanding she get a second chance.
Season 5, Episode 18: I Don't Wanna Dye
Original Air Date—31 marzo 1998
Tommy Richardson's wife, Laurie, stops by the station to pick up his time records after he transfers to another precinct, where she expresses to Simone and Russell about Tommy's behavior after she caught him in a phone conversation with another woman. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall look into the death of a man who was shot and found in the bathtub of his former girlfriend. Also, Sylvia accompanies Sipowicz to the hospital for his latest CAT scan test which goes wrong and they decide to ignore Dr. Talbot's advice and go with the opinion of Dr. Mondzac.
Season 5, Episode 19: Prostrate Before the Law
Original Air Date—28 aprile 1998
As Sipowicz prepares for prostate surgery with Sylvia by his side, James Martinez returns after recovering from his back problem where he reports that Gina had her baby three weeks earlier. But Medavoy is more happier after returning from upstate New York with a videotape of Abby giving birth to her baby and is very eager to show the tape to anyone who will watch. Meanwhile, the rest of the squad gets involved in a case of five reuniting Army buddies when one of them is found dead. The four other try to keep their fabricated story straight as Simone and the others try to figure out their involvement.
Season 5, Episode 20: Hammer Time
Original Air Date—5 maggio 1998
Sipowicz returns to work after his successful prostate surgery, but apparently too soon for he has an accident while interrogating a suspect. So he is given desk duty in helping Simone and Russell investigating the murder of a woman's boyfriend by her ex-husband, where it reveals that he was searching for his daughter who's missing. Meanwhile, Simone is called upon by Detective Nick Savino to help investigate a missing persons report that is being filed by the nephew of one his building's tenants. The missing woman had a couple of run-ins with Simone's partner and building manager, Henry Coffield, so he becomes a suspect. Also, former administrative aide Naomi Reynolds shows up at the station, now wearing a police uniform and speaking in her natural Australian accent, to visit Simone where she tells him that her situation with the INS was resolved and she is now a NYC police officer.
Season 5, Episode 21: Seminal Thinking
Original Air Date—12 maggio 1998
A murdered couple is found where the dead man is a car salesman and the woman is a prostitute. Simone and Sipowicz look into the salesman's death while Medavoy and the other detectives look into the prostitute's death where the M.O. of the suspect is to buy used condoms from a prostitute and then mix the spend semen with his own to cover his crime. As Sipowicz recovers from his surgery, he finds that a recent blood test is not favorable and once again keeps his medical problem to himself.
Season 5, Episode 22: Honeymoon at Viagra Falls
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz work with Cohen to investigate the death of one of Cohen's witnesses and her son. Evidence points to the opposing attorney having some involvement with the arrangement of the homicide. Meanwhile, Russell and Kirkendall try to help a man locate his missing daughter. Medavoy and Martinez look into a corporation dealing with fake sports memorabilia, where Medavoy is taken in with the blond employees who reminds him of the departed Donna. Also, when Sipowicz thinks about his low sexual functions, his doctor prescribes the wonder drug Viagra. In the mist of all the cases, Simone and Russell decide to get married on their lunch break, but their cases get in the way of it all.
Season 6
Season 6, Episode 1: Top Gum
Original Air Date—20 ottobre 1998
Season 6, Episode 2: Cop in a Bottle
Original Air Date—27 ottobre 1998
Season 6, Episode 3: Numb & Number
Original Air Date—10 novembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 4: Brother's Keeper
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 5: Hearts and Souls
Original Air Date—24 novembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 6: Danny Boy
Original Air Date—1 dicembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 7: Czech Bouncer
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 8: Raging Bulls
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 9: Grime Scene
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 1999
Season 6, Episode 10: Show & Tell
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 1999
Season 6, Episode 11: Big Bang Theory
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 1999
Season 6, Episode 12: What's Up, Chuck?
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 1999
Season 6, Episode 13: Dead Girl Walking
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 1999
Season 6, Episode 14: Raphael's Inferno
Original Air Date—2 marzo 1999
Season 6, Episode 15: I Have a Dream
Original Air Date—6 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 16: T'aint Misbehavin
Original Air Date—13 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 17: Don't Meth with Me
Original Air Date—20 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 18: Mister Roberts
Original Air Date—27 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 19: Judas Priest
Original Air Date—4 maggio 1999
Season 6, Episode 20: I'll Draw You a Mapp
Original Air Date—11 maggio 1999
Season 6, Episode 21: Voir Dire This
Original Air Date—18 maggio 1999
Season 6, Episode 22: Safe Home
Original Air Date—25 maggio 1999
Season 7
Season 7, Episode 1: Loogie Nights
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2000
Season 7, Episode 2: A Hole in Juan
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2000
Season 7, Episode 3: The Man with Two Right Shoes
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2000
Season 7, Episode 4: The Naked Are the Dead
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 5: These Shoots Are Made for Joaquin
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 6: Brothers Under Arms
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 7: Along Came Jones
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 8: Everybody Plays the Mule
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 9: Jackass
Original Air Date—29 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 10: Who Murders Sleep
Original Air Date—7 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 11: Little Abner
Original Air Date—14 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 12: Welcome to New York
Original Air Date—21 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 13: The Irvin Files
Original Air Date—28 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 14: Sleep Over
Original Air Date—4 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 15: Stressed for Success
Original Air Date—11 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 16: Goodbye Charlie
Original Air Date—18 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 17: Roll Out the Barrel
Original Air Date—25 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 18: Lucky Luciano
Original Air Date—2 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 19: Tea and Sympathy
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 20: This Old Spouse
Original Air Date—16 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 21: Bats Off to Larry
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 22: The Last Round Up
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2000
Season 8
Season 8, Episode 1: Daveless in New York
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 2: Waking Up Is Hard to Do
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 3: Franco, My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 4: Family Ties
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 5: Fools Russian
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 6: Writing Wrongs
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 7: In-Laws, Outlaws
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 8: Russellmania
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 9: Oh Golly Goth
Original Air Date—6 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 10: In the Still of the Night
Original Air Date—13 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 11: Peeping Tommy
Original Air Date—20 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 12: Thumb Enchanted Evening
Original Air Date—27 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 13: Flight of Fancy
Original Air Date—3 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 14: Nariz a Nariz
Original Air Date—10 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 15: Love Hurts
Original Air Date—17 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 16: Everyone Into the Poole
Original Air Date—24 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 17: Dying to Testify
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2001
Season 8, Episode 18: Lost Time
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2001
Season 8, Episode 19: Under Covers
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2001
Season 8, Episode 20: In the Wind
Original Air Date—22 maggio 2001
Season 9
Season 9, Episode 1: Lies Like a Rug
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 2: Johnny Got His Gold
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 3: Two Clarks in a Bar
Original Air Date—13 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 4: Hit the Road, Clark
Original Air Date—20 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 5: Cops and Robber
Original Air Date—27 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 6: Baby Love
Original Air Date—4 dicembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 7: Mom's Away
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 8: Puppy Love
Original Air Date—18 dicembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 9: Here Comes the Son
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 2002
Season 9, Episode 10: Jealous Hearts
Original Air Date—15 gennaio 2002
Season 9, Episode 11: Humpty Dumped
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 2002
Season 9, Episode 12: Oh, Mama!
Original Air Date—19 febbraio 2002
Season 9, Episode 13: Safari, So Good
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 2002
Season 9, Episode 14: Hand Job
Original Air Date—5 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 15: Guns & Hoses
Original Air Date—12 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 16: A Little Dad'll Do Ya
Original Air Date—19 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 17: Gypsy Woe's Me
Original Air Date—26 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 18: Less Is Morte
Original Air Date—16 aprile 2002
Season 9, Episode 19: Low Blow
Original Air Date—30 aprile 2002
Season 9, Episode 20: Oedipus Wrecked
Original Air Date—7 maggio 2002
Season 9, Episode 21: Dead Meat in New Deli
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2002
Season 9, Episode 22: Better Laid Than Never: Part 1
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2002
Season 9, Episode 23: Better Laid Than Never: Part 2
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2002
Season 10
Season 10, Episode 1: Ho Down
Original Air Date—24 settembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 2: You've Got Mail
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 3: One in the Nuts
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 4: Meat Me in the Park
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 5: Death by Cycle
Original Air Date—22 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 6: Maya Con Dios
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 7: Das Boots
Original Air Date—12 novembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 8: Below the Belt
Original Air Date—19 novembre 2002
When NYPD Auxiliary Police Officer Heather Peterson is murdered, the detectives find a diary of her's that details the sexual habits of the police officers at the 15th precinct. These findings cause the detectives to suspect the officers of the 15th precinct had something to do with her death, and the investigation of the cops cause tension between the officers and the detectives.
Season 10, Episode 9: Half-Ashed
Original Air Date—26 novembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 10: Healthy McDowell Movement
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 11: I Kid You Not
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 2003
Season 10, Episode 12: Arrested Development
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 2003
Season 10, Episode 13: Bottoms Up
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 14: Laughlin All the Way to the Clink
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 15: Tranny Get Your Gun
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 16: Nude Awakening
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 17: Off the Wall
Original Air Date—8 aprile 2003
Season 10, Episode 18: Marine Life
Original Air Date—15 aprile 2003
Season 10, Episode 19: Meet the Grandparents
Original Air Date—29 aprile 2003
Season 10, Episode 20: Maybe Baby
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2003
Season 10, Episode 21: Yo, Adrian
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2003
Season 10, Episode 22: 22 Skidoo
Original Air Date—20 maggio 2003
Season 11
Season 11, Episode 1: Frickin' Fraker
Original Air Date—23 settembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 2: Your Bus, Ted
Original Air Date—30 settembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 3: Shear Stupidity
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 4: Porn Free
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 5: Keeping Abreast
Original Air Date—21 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 6: Andy Appleseed
Original Air Date—28 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 7: It's to Die For
Original Air Date—4 novembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 8: And the Wenner Is...
Original Air Date—18 novembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 9: Only Schmucks Pay Income Tax
Original Air Date—25 novembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 10: You Da Bomb
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 2004
Season 11, Episode 11: Passing the Stone
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 2004
Season 11, Episode 12: Chatty Chatty Bang Bang
Original Air Date—2 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 13: Take My Wife, Please
Original Air Date—9 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 14: Colonel Knowledge
Original Air Date—16 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 15: Old Yeller
Original Air Date—23 marzo 2004
A kidnapping victim's startling statement clues Andy and John in on a serial sadist keeping women locked in a dungeon somewhere in New York. Meanwhile, a routine robbery investigation takes a saucy turn for Medavoy after he makes an unlikely connection with the 60-year-old victim.
Season 11, Episode 16: On the Fence
Original Air Date—30 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 17: In Goddess We Trussed
Original Air Date—6 aprile 2004
Andy's off-duty and slightly underhanded work to prove that Hatcher killed his own wife lands him a transfer out of the 15th precinct and into the Bellevue Morgue engineered by Detective Hatcher. Meanwhile, the squad is up to their whips and chains after a dominatrix is found murdered.
Season 11, Episode 18: The Brothers Grim
Original Air Date—13 aprile 2004
Haywood reopens an 18-year-old case that has Andy reliving a major mistake in his career. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Clark investigate the death of a man whose brother was pursued by a bounty hunter. Elsewhere, Ortiz gets a new partner, Detective Kelly Ronson, who ends up lending an unusual hand during the hunt for the child an ex-con had to give up before going to prison.
Season 11, Episode 19: Peeler? I Hardley Knew Her
Original Air Date—20 aprile 2004
A man's gunshot-induced amnesia causes Jones and Medavoy to concoct an unconventional way to nail his assailant. Meanwhile, a man Sipowicz put away twenty years ago for raping and murdering a 12-year-old girl goes free after DNA testing exonerates him, and Ortiz and Ronson bust a gruesome underground network pre-teen prostitution ring.
Season 11, Episode 20: Traylor Trash
Original Air Date—27 aprile 2004
Season 11, Episode 21: What's Your Poison?
Original Air Date—4 maggio 2004
Teacher David Lewis comes into the squad-room to talk about Cindy Clifton and a support group that he ran that she was a part of. Sipowicz and Clark let him go but send off some of his left behind chewing gum to DNA for testing. Jones goes to court as its the day when Michael is to testify against his father. Ortiz and Ronson go to the scene where tourist Ned Applebaum has been mugged and lost his wife's $35,000 necklace. Ortiz and Ronson eventually find out that Ned met a lady friend on the Internet and he was going to meet her in Little Italy when he was mugged. He was going to loan her the necklace so that she could use it as collateral for a loan for her sick child. The detectives get the PO Box number where Applebaum had sent previous gifts to his lady friend. Ortiz and Ronson go to the apartment of the owner of the PO Box. He is a day trader/con artist who they discover took advantage of Ned Applebaum. They get the necklace back and Ned is forgiven by his wife. Later, Gibson tells Sipowicz and Clark that David Lewis was found DOA in his apartment. They go to the scene and try to determine whether the death was a suicide or not. Sipowicz tries to decide how to proceed with the investigation of Lewis's death; both he and Clark believe that Brockhurst might be involved. Clark gets a call about Dr. Jennifer Devlin and goes to the hospital. The doctor tells her she needs to remain restrained for now, but he is allowed to see her as long as he doesn't loosen her restraints. Sipowicz finds Brockhurst and tells him of his theory that he killed David Lewis. Brockhurst doesn't admit to anything, but tells Sipowicz he is going to be able to sleep tonight now that the case is closed.
Season 11, Episode 22: Who's Your Daddy?
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2004
Season 12
Season 12, Episode 1: Dress for Success
Original Air Date—21 settembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 2: Fish Out of Water
Original Air Date—28 settembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 3: Great Balls of Ire
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2004
Season 12, Episode 4: Divorce, Detective Style
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2004
Season 12, Episode 5: You're Buggin' Me
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 2004
Season 12, Episode 6: The Vision Thing
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 7: My Dinner with Andy
Original Air Date—16 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 8: I Like Ike
Original Air Date—23 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 9: The 3-H Club
Original Air Date—30 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 10: The Dead Donald
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 11: Bale Out
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 12: I Love My Wives, But Oh You Kid
Original Air Date—21 dicembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 13: Stoli with a Twist
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2005
Season 12, Episode 14: Stratis Fear
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2005
Season 12, Episode 15: La Bomba
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2005
Season 12, Episode 16: Old Man Quiver
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2005
Season 12, Episode 17: Sergeant Sipowicz' Lonely Hearts Club Band
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2005
Detective John Clark Jr., Andy Sipowicz who just was promoted Sergeant and a military investigator examine the murder on military recruiter Sergeant Lester Bakewell, whose affair with a female colleague caused her divorce from a retired veteran Colonel; however the prime suspect is student Paul Corbelli, whose father was killed in service in Iraq. A woman reports her homeless Basque Uncle missing abnormally since four days; he's found dead and Detectives Baldwin Jones and Greg Medavoy investigate.
Season 12, Episode 18: Lenny Scissorhands
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2005
Season 12, Episode 19: Bale to the Chief
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2005
Season 12, Episode 20: Moving Day
Original Air Date—1 marzo 2005
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Top 250 movies as voted by our users
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1. 9.1 The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 392,128
2. 9.1 The Godfather (1972) 331,138
3. 9.0 The Godfather: Part II (1974) 189,837
4. 8.9 The Dark Knight (2008) 317,221
5. 8.9 Buono, il brutto, il cattivo., Il (1966) 112,850
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10. 8.8 12 Angry Men (1957) 81,734
11. 8.8 Casablanca (1942) 136,759
12. 8.8 Star Wars (1977) 266,634
13. 8.8 Shichinin no samurai (1954) 77,679
14. 8.8 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 287,223
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19. 8.7 C'era una volta il West (1968) 54,505
20. 8.7 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 316,117
21. 8.7 The Usual Suspects (1994) 216,779
22. 8.7 Fight Club (1999) 292,350
23. 8.7 Psycho (1960) 113,417
24. 8.6 The Silence of the Lambs (1991) 193,943
25. 8.6 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) 128,690
26. 8.6 Sunset Blvd. (1950) 40,969
27. 8.6 Memento (2000) 211,299
28. 8.6 North by Northwest (1959) 74,379
29. 8.6 Citizen Kane (1941) 115,459
30. 8.6 The Matrix (1999) 303,572
31. 8.6 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 263,323
32. 8.6 It's a Wonderful Life (1946) 82,054
33. 8.6 Se7en (1995) 214,051
34. 8.6 WALL·E (2008) 100,430
35. 8.5 Léon (1994) 149,205
36. 8.5 Apocalypse Now (1979) 139,550
37. 8.5 Taxi Driver (1976) 119,543
38. 8.5 Lawrence of Arabia (1962) 64,811
39. 8.5 American Beauty (1999) 235,857
40. 8.5 American History X (1998) 170,271
41. 8.5 Vertigo (1958) 72,574
42. 8.5 Paths of Glory (1957) 34,421
43. 8.5 Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le (2001) 141,026
44. 8.5 M (1931) 30,627
45. 8.5 Forrest Gump (1994) 227,566
46. 8.5 The Departed (2006) 195,269
47. 8.5 To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) 66,249
48. 8.5 Double Indemnity (1944) 27,936
49. 8.5 Alien (1979) 141,494
50. 8.5 A Clockwork Orange (1971) 152,383
51. 8.5 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) 25,588
52. 8.4 Das Leben der Anderen (2006) 48,441
53. 8.4 The Third Man (1949) 40,352
54. 8.4 Chinatown (1974) 61,258
55. 8.4 The Shining (1980) 135,629
56. 8.4 The Pianist (2002) 97,029
57. 8.4 Saving Private Ryan (1998) 215,513
58. 8.4 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) 167,327
59. 8.4 Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001) 75,093
60. 8.4 Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) 128,223
61. 8.4 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) 179,146
62. 8.4 L.A. Confidential (1997) 135,954
63. 8.4 Laberinto del fauno, El (2006) 112,536
64. 8.4 Aliens (1986) 134,708
65. 8.4 Requiem for a Dream (2000) 139,375
66. 8.4 The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) 47,155
67. 8.4 Das Boot (1981) 57,419
68. 8.4 Reservoir Dogs (1992) 166,214
69. 8.4 The Maltese Falcon (1941) 41,346
70. 8.4 City Lights (1931) 19,722
71. 8.4 Rashômon (1950) 29,809
72. 8.4 Raging Bull (1980) 70,012
73. 8.4 Metropolis (1927) 30,105
74. 8.4 Der Untergang (2004) 59,034
75. 8.4 All About Eve (1950) 27,901
76. 8.3 Modern Times (1936) 26,581
77. 8.3 Rebecca (1940) 27,372
78. 8.3 Singin' in the Rain (1952) 43,878
79. 8.3 Some Like It Hot (1959) 53,165
80. 8.3 Amadeus (1984) 77,120
81. 8.3 The Prestige (2006) 143,246
82. 8.3 The Elephant Man (1980) 44,002
83. 8.3 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 129,000
84. 8.3 Vita è bella, La (1997) 83,372
85. 8.3 Sin City (2005) 197,240
86. 8.3 The Great Escape (1963) 48,369
87. 8.3 Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1988) 34,465
88. 8.3 The Apartment (1960) 27,420
89. 8.3 No Country for Old Men (2007) 142,138
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91. 8.3 The Sting (1973) 52,142
92. 8.3 Once Upon a Time in America (1984) 54,878
93. 8.3 Hotel Rwanda (2004) 68,634
94. 8.3 Sjunde inseglet, Det (1957) 27,601
95. 8.3 Touch of Evil (1958) 25,446
96. 8.3 On the Waterfront (1954) 31,764
97. 8.3 The Great Dictator (1940) 27,501
98. 8.3 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) 26,249
99. 8.3 Batman Begins (2005) 212,221
100. 8.3 Braveheart (1995) 194,239
101. 8.3 Back to the Future (1985) 156,116
102. 8.3 Jaws (1975) 110,012
103. 8.3 Ladri di biciclette (1948) 19,651
104. 8.3 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) 140,620
105. 8.3 Blade Runner (1982) 150,140
106. 8.3 Strangers on a Train (1951) 26,019
107. 8.3 There Will Be Blood (2007) 91,089
108. 8.3 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) 173,352
109. 8.3 The Manchurian Candidate (1962) 28,604
110. 8.2 Unforgiven (1992) 73,833
111. 8.2 Notorious (1946) 24,310
112. 8.2 High Noon (1952) 26,995
113. 8.2 The Big Sleep (1946) 22,796
114. 8.2 The Green Mile (1999) 149,878
115. 8.2 Oldboy (2003) 67,421
116. 8.2 Fargo (1996) 133,341
117. 8.2 Cool Hand Luke (1967) 34,972
118. 8.2 The Wizard of Oz (1939) 82,618
119. 8.2 Per qualche dollaro in più (1965) 30,712
120. 8.2 Gladiator (2000) 217,210
121. 8.2 Die Hard (1988) 142,604
122. 8.2 Mononoke-hime (1997) 50,215
123. 8.2 Yojimbo (1961) 22,598
124. 8.2 Donnie Darko (2001) 162,425
125. 8.2 Ran (1985) 27,269
126. 8.2 Annie Hall (1977) 50,652
127. 8.2 Smultronstället (1957) 15,677
128. 8.2 Salaire de la peur, Le (1953) 10,293
129. 8.2 Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) 180,594
130. 8.2 The General (1927) 15,236
131. 8.2 It Happened One Night (1934) 18,797
132. 8.2 Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) 9,622
133. 8.2 Heat (1995) 112,356
134. 8.2 The Deer Hunter (1978) 68,705
135. 8.2 The Sixth Sense (1999) 195,380
136. 8.2 Ben-Hur (1959) 46,013
137. 8.2 Platoon (1986) 85,688
138. 8.2 Witness for the Prosecution (1957) 13,090
139. 8.2 Slumdog Millionaire (2008) 5,433
140. 8.2 Into the Wild (2007) 55,670
141. 8.2 The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) 105,868
142. 8.2 Million Dollar Baby (2004) 103,947
143. 8.1 Notti di Cabiria, Le (1957) 7,915
144. 8.1 Life of Brian (1979) 74,504
145. 8.1 Diaboliques, Les (1955) 10,293
146. 8.1 Ratatouille (2007) 92,886
147. 8.1 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) 45,291
148. 8.1 Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) 10,231
149. 8.1 The Big Lebowski (1998) 135,947
150. 8.1 8½ (1963) 21,513
151. 8.1 The Killing (1956) 18,673
152. 8.1 Amores perros (2000) 46,493
153. 8.1 Finding Nemo (2003) 124,347
154. 8.1 The Graduate (1967) 61,261
155. 8.1 Brief Encounter (1945) 9,688
156. 8.1 The Grapes of Wrath (1940) 17,940
157. 8.1 Dog Day Afternoon (1975) 44,318
158. 8.1 Stand by Me (1986) 70,668
159. 8.1 The Night of the Hunter (1955) 18,964
160. 8.1 Snatch. (2000) 128,098
161. 8.1 The Wild Bunch (1969) 24,316
162. 8.1 Gandhi (1982) 38,476
163. 8.1 V for Vendetta (2005) 166,379
164. 8.1 The Incredibles (2004) 121,366
165. 8.1 The Gold Rush (1925) 15,602
166. 8.1 The Princess Bride (1987) 104,264
167. 8.1 The Wrestler (2008) 2,367
168. 8.1 Gone with the Wind (1939) 61,340
169. 8.1 Shadow of a Doubt (1943) 15,683
170. 8.1 Trainspotting (1996) 117,019
171. 8.1 The Thing (1982) 57,011
172. 8.1 Scarface (1983) 114,165
173. 8.1 Children of Men (2006) 117,182
174. 8.1 Battaglia di Algeri, La (1966) 9,826
175. 8.1 Harvey (1950) 18,152
176. 8.1 The Lion King (1994) 98,517
177. 8.1 Groundhog Day (1993) 103,782
178. 8.1 Toy Story (1995) 108,580
179. 8.1 Sleuth (1972) 12,720
180. 8.0 The Terminator (1984) 134,869
181. 8.0 The Hustler (1961) 19,678
182. 8.0 Letters from Iwo Jima (2006) 39,001
183. 8.0 The African Queen (1951) 27,501
184. 8.0 The Ox-Bow Incident (1943) 6,627
185. 8.0 Twelve Monkeys (1995) 132,934
186. 8.0 The Conversation (1974) 24,780
187. 8.0 Duck Soup (1933) 20,976
188. 8.0 Umberto D. (1952) 6,151
189. 8.0 The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) 13,539
190. 8.0 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) 93,793
191. 8.0 The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) 17,874
192. 8.0 Låt den rätte komma in (2008) 7,040
193. 8.0 Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) 7,939
194. 8.0 Crash (2004/I) 135,041
195. 8.0 Scaphandre et le papillon, Le (2007) 17,393
196. 8.0 The Lady Vanishes (1938) 13,263
197. 8.0 King Kong (1933) 30,222
198. 8.0 Hotaru no haka (1988) 24,817
199. 8.0 Stalag 17 (1953) 16,240
200. 8.0 Ed Wood (1994) 57,557
201. 8.0 The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) 25,383
202. 8.0 Casino (1995) 81,592
203. 8.0 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) 140,404
204. 8.0 The Kid (1921) 9,048
205. 8.0 Dial M for Murder (1954) 21,706
206. 8.0 The Exorcist (1973) 80,212
207. 8.0 The Lost Weekend (1945) 9,118
208. 8.0 Milk (2008) 4,876
209. 8.0 A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) 25,494
210. 8.0 Wo hu cang long (2000) 91,691
211. 8.0 All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) 16,481
212. 8.0 Bonnie and Clyde (1967) 31,248
213. 8.0 Patton (1970) 31,310
214. 8.0 Belle et la bête, La (1946) 7,544
215. 8.0 Rope (1948) 22,836
216. 8.0 Anatomy of a Murder (1959) 11,866
217. 8.0 Glory (1989) 45,821
218. 8.0 Little Miss Sunshine (2006) 112,192
219. 8.0 Rosemary's Baby (1968) 36,975
220. 8.0 Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922) 22,336
221. 8.0 Frankenstein (1931) 17,820
222. 8.0 Magnolia (1999) 99,457
223. 8.0 His Girl Friday (1940) 15,974
224. 8.0 Spartacus (1960) 39,525
225. 8.0 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) 14,291
226. 8.0 In the Heat of the Night (1967) 17,567
227. 8.0 Big Fish (2003) 104,269
228. 8.0 The Philadelphia Story (1940) 22,164
229. 8.0 Roman Holiday (1953) 23,574
230. 8.0 Manhattan (1979) 29,506
231. 8.0 Network (1976) 23,920
232. 8.0 Bride of Frankenstein (1935) 12,518
233. 8.0 Strada, La (1954) 13,027
234. 8.0 In Bruges (2008) 44,222
235. 8.0 Sweet Smell of Success (1957) 6,415
236. 8.0 Mystic River (2003) 87,462
237. 8.0 Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) 23,675
238. 8.0 Safety Last! (1923) 3,416
239. 8.0 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) 18,356
240. 8.0 Great Expectations (1946) 7,149
241. 8.0 Dolce vita, La (1960) 14,645
242. 8.0 Rocky (1976) 67,931
243. 8.0 Planet of the Apes (1968) 43,822
244. 8.0 A Christmas Story (1983) 44,573
245. 8.0 Casino Royale (2006) 138,708
246. 8.0 Young Frankenstein (1974) 49,223
247. 8.0 A Man for All Seasons (1966) 10,199
248. 8.0 Harold and Maude (1971) 21,888
249. 8.0 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) 189,809
250. 8.0 Bringing Up Baby (1938) 18,819

The formula for calculating the Top Rated 250 Titles gives a true Bayesian estimate:

weighted rating (WR) = (v ÷ (v+m)) × R + (m ÷ (v+m)) × C

R = average for the movie (mean) = (Rating)
v = number of votes for the movie = (votes)
m = minimum votes required to be listed in the Top 250 (currently 1300)
C = the mean vote across the whole report (currently 6.7)

for the Top 250, only votes from regular voters are considered.

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Episode list for
"ER" (1994) More at IMDbPro »
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Episodes: All (331)

Season: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
Year: 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | unknown

Season 1
Season 1, Episode 1: 24 Hours
Original Air Date—19 settembre 1994
Pilot for the popular TV series is set during 24 frantic hours in the lives a group of doctors, nurses, and workers of a busy emergency room at a Chicago hospital in dealing with the seemingly endless casualties that stumble into their place of employment. The central characters being the chief resident and family man Dr. Mark Greene who looks out of his current position for a job in a private practice due to pressure from his demanding lawyer wife Jennifer; outgoing Dr. Doug Ross who deals with cases in his own personal way; straight-arrow Dr. Susan Lewis in trying just to get by other long 36-hour shift; naive new intern John Carter; veteran intern Peter Benton; the troubled chief nurse Carol Hathaway; and E.R. head doctor David Morgenstern.
Season 1, Episode 2: Day One
Original Air Date—22 settembre 1994
Mark's wife arrives in the ER with the news that she has passed her bar exams but several members of the staff interrupt their intimate celebration. Greene treats an elderly woman whose husband isn't ready to let her go. It's been eight weeks since Hathaway's attempted suicide, but Doug Ross has yet to bring himself to visit the woman he went out with for two years. Susan Lewis saves a newborn who is brought into the ER choking. She also argues with the psychiatric attending who refuses to admit a patient suffering from dementia. Carter finds himself having to care for a group of German tourists who are suffering from food poisoning. He also treats a young flirt with a rash. Benton treats a recent surgery patient and finds his correct diagnosis overturned by the man's physician. Susan Lewis treats a family struck by a drunk driver. The husband and daughter will survive but there is little hope for the woman. The drunk driver is also brought in suffering from only a few scratches.
Season 1, Episode 3: Going Home
Original Air Date—29 settembre 1994
Carol Hathaway returns to work after her suicide attempt. Doug Ross still feels guilty about what happened. An ER patient found walking he streets takes to singing, constantly. Susan Lewis has a run-in with the cardiologist on duty, Dr. Kayson, when he disagrees with her treatment of a heart attack victim. At a case review session, she gets very little support from her colleagues. She also treats a woman who is dying of leukemia and who has good advice for Hathaway. Greene treats a woman who has obviously been beaten by her husband but can't get to agree to get help.
Season 1, Episode 4: Hit and Run
Original Air Date—6 ottobre 1994
Drs. Benton and Langworthy are unsuccessful in reviving a teen-aged boy involved in a traffic accident and it's left to Carter to determine the boy's identity and notify the parents. Unfortunately, he tells the wrong parents that their son is dead. Dough Ross tells a young patient that he will not be separated from his schizophrenic mother knowing that she will likely be hospitalized for a long time. Susan Lewis tells Mark that she is dating the psychiatric attending physician Div Cvetic. She also treats a salesman whose cell phone is having an odd effect on hospital equipment. Benton forgets that he was supposed to sit with his mother while his sister and brother-in-law were to go out for their tenth anniversary dinner.
Season 1, Episode 5: Into That Good Night
Original Air Date—13 ottobre 1994
Mark Greene's wife Jen gets a position clerking with a Federal judge. Unfortunately, it's in Milwaukee, 2 hours away and she wants Mark to look for a job there. Greene and Susan Lewis treat Samuel Gasner, a man who has been waiting for a heart transplant and who will not survive the night unless a donor can be found. John Carter is worried that his latest paramour may have left him with a souvenir of their sexual encounter. Doug Ross treats a young girl suffering from severe asthma but whose mother can't afford her medication. Benton treats Ivan the liquor store owner who is shot for the third time in as many weeks.
Season 1, Episode 6: Chicago Heat
Original Air Date—20 ottobre 1994
The realities of the ER may be too much for a child, but circumstances force Greene to bring his daughter Rachel with him on a day when the outdoor temperature tops 100 degrees and the air-conditioning doesn't work. Benton and Langworthy try in vain to save a boy shot in self-defense. Meanwhile, Lewis's broke sister, Chloe, steals Lewis's TV and VCR. After Ross crosses the line with Hathaway and Taglieri, Hathaway slugs Ross.
Season 1, Episode 7: Another Perfect Day
Original Air Date—3 novembre 1994
Doug Ross' hopes of renewing his relationship with Carol Hathaway take a positive turn after the two of them kiss following a particularly stressful trauma, but his hopes are dashed when she decides to move in with boyfriend Tag. John Carter has a particularly good day when Dr. Green successfully walks him through a complex procedure. Haleh takes Dr. Benton to task when he refuses to act as a role model for a young gangbanger she has an interest in. Benton is also competing with Dr. Langworthy for a prestigious fellowship. It's Susan Lewis' birthday and her sister Chloe shows up at the ER drunk.
Season 1, Episode 8: 9 1/2 Hours
Original Air Date—10 novembre 1994
Susan Lewis' boyfriend Div Cvetic, a psychiatric resident at County General, seems to be under a great deal of stress regularly lashing out at everyone. Doug Ross takes over for Mark Greene who takes a day off to be with his wife. He has a hard time keeping up with all the paperwork. John Carter is increasingly frustrated with Peter Benton who never seems to invite him to participate in surgeries. Benton learns the result of the fellowship he applied for and his mother shows up in the ER with a sprained ankle. Carol Hathaway treats a patient who was raped. A new ER aide, Bob, start work.
Season 1, Episode 9: ER Confidential
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1994
Carol Hathaway faces an ethical dilemma when a patient admits that he, and not his friend, was driving the car that ran a red light and killed a pedestrian. She decides to tell Tag about kissing Doug Ross. It's Thanksgiving and the doctors treat an animal rights activist who was attacked by the turkey he was trying to save. Doug Ross is going to the Bahamas with Linda Farrell and he is very much feeling like a kept man. Carter has to treat a transgendered man who has now reached an age where he can no longer pass as a woman. Carter's indifference is the final straw. Susan Lewis continues to worry about Div Cvetic, whose condition seems to be worsening.
Season 1, Episode 10: Blizzard
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 1994
On a snowy Chicago day, all is quiet in the ER and the staff amuse themselves. Mark Greene and Susan Lewis put a cast on Carter's leg as a practical joke while Malik tries his hand at rap. Carol Hathaway announces that she and Tag are engaged. Dr. Angela Hicks joins the hospital staff. A major traffic accident on a local highway leads to a flood of patients. Doug Ross misdiagnoses a patient with tragic results. Bob the ER aide shows off her skills in an emergency situation.
Season 1, Episode 11: The Gift
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 1994
It's Christmas-time and the expected range of emotions is to be found among the ER staffers. Susan Lewis treats a middle-aged woman who is overjoyed at finally getting pregnant. Susan is also shocked to hear that her boyfriend Div Cvetic has quit his job and moved out of his apartment. Mark Greene treats a young drowning victim. Doug Ross takes Greene's advice and decides to tell Carol Hathaway that he loves her; unfortunately he chooses to do so at her engagement party. Peter Benton jumps the gun and arranges for transplant teams to harvest an accident victims organs but the man's wife is now refusing to give consent. Susan's sister Chloe announces that she is pregnant.
Season 1, Episode 12: Happy New Year
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 1995
Susan Lewis has a run-in with Dr. Jack Kayson, the cardiology resident, when he accuses her of not providing him with all necessary information on a patient who subsequently died. He makes it very clear that Susan will bear all responsibility for his death. Her sister Chloe informs her that she and her boyfriend are moving to Texas. John Carter is still frustrated by Peter Benton's apparent lack of interest in teaching him anything but a new go for it attitude leads to an invitation to assist in a surgical procedure. Benton's sister suggests to him that the time has come for them to put their mother in a care home.
Season 1, Episode 13: Luck of the Draw
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 1995
Season 1, Episode 14: Long Day's Journey
Original Air Date—19 gennaio 1995
Season 1, Episode 15: Feb 5, '95
Original Air Date—2 febbraio 1995
Season 1, Episode 16: Make of Two Hearts
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 1995
Season 1, Episode 17: The Birthday Party
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 1995
It's a day of birthdays. Peter Benton's mother is celebrating a birthday and he tries desperately to find someone to cover his shift. He makes a choice however when Dr. Hicks suggests that he's been absent too often and may wish to consider a leave of absence until his mother's situation is resolved. Carter thinks it's Benton birthday and has a surprise for him. Mark Greene's daughter is also having a birthday but he misses that due to an emergency at the hospital. An elderly, solitary man in the final stages of cancer arrives in the ER on his birthday. Carol Hathaway suggests to her fiancé that they adopt little Tatiana, the AIDS patient abandoned in the ER. Ross has to deal with a young child who was kicked out of a window.
Season 1, Episode 18: Sleepless in Chicago
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 1995
Carol Hathaway goes ahead with her plans to adopt Tatiana, but her past history makes her ineligible. Benton continues to trade shifts so he can spend time with his mother but it all catches up with him and he has a run-in with Dr. Hicks. Doug Ross treats an abused child. Green, Benton and Carter take extraordinary measures to save a man they later learned had signed a DNR. A consultant arrives to study procedures in the ER, but all is not quite what it seems. Mark Green's wife Jen has an important announcement. Benton's mother has a serious accident when he falls asleep on the couch.
Season 1, Episode 19: Love's Labor Lost
Original Air Date—7 marzo 1995
Dr. Benton has to deal with the aftermath of his mother's fall and crosses the line with the surgical attending when he insists on scrubbing in for her operation. Dr. Greene deals with Jodi O'Brien who is two weeks away from giving birth. With the obstetrics attending unavailable, he decides to try to deliver her baby in the ER, with tragic results.
Season 1, Episode 20: Full Moon, Saturday Night
Original Air Date—30 marzo 1995
Dr. Greene is still haunted by the death of Jodi O'Brien and isn't sure he can function as a doctor. At Susan's urging, he takes the night off but unfortunately for him, the new head of the ER Dr. 'Wild Willy' Swift arrives unannounced. Susan impresses Swift with her handling of many cases on a busy night. She also has to deal with the case of a young man who has had the hiccups for two days but may in fact be suffering from something far more serious. Nurse Hathaway and fiancée Tag are still working out the details of their wedding. Peter Benton's mother is still hospitalized and he will not accept that her age and her injuries mean that she will need permanent nursing care. Dr. Ross is now dating Diane Leeds. John Carter and Deb Chen's attempts at oneupmanship is starting to take on ridiculous proportions.
Season 1, Episode 21: House of Cards
Original Air Date—6 aprile 1995
Dr. Greene is still having trouble dealing with cases in the ER and the new Chief of Staff is growing increasingly concerned. Greene also faces a difficult peer review to examine his handling of the Jodi O'Brien case. Dr. Benton takes on the difficult task of telling his mother that she must be placed in a home with full-time care. Susan's very pregnant sister Chloe returns to live with her. Dr Ross deals with the case of a young girl with a heart condition while Ross and Carter encounter a patient who refuses treatment for tuberculosis. When Benton asks Deb Chen and Carter to submit their procedures book in a few days, Deb feels she has to get a few more procedures under her belt if she's to best her fellow student. Unfortunately, her eagerness leads to near tragedy for a patient.
Season 1, Episode 22: Men Plan, God Laughs
Original Air Date—27 aprile 1995
Greene finds his marriage falling apart and is concerned at how little time he's spending with his daughter. He also treats an eight week old child with a heart murmur who requires surgery. Susan tries to get her pregnant sister Chloe to take her pregnancy seriously, but her head isn't quite into it. Benton tries desperately to find a surgeon who will operate on a 16 year-old with a severe brain aneurysm that could burst at any time. He's also concerned at his mother's care and is growing ever more attracted to Jeanie Boulet. Doug Ross' commitment to Diane Leeds gets more serious when he agrees to be an assistant coach for her son's little league baseball team.
Season 1, Episode 23: Love Among the Ruins
Original Air Date—4 maggio 1995
Doug Ross and Nurse Hathaway treat a girls' basketball team from a local catholic school for meningitis. Their teachers also need to be tested but one of them confides in Hathaway that she may have a particular problem. Green and the Chief of Staff have a disagreement in the middle of a procedure. With the wedding only two weeks away, Tag and Carol Hathaway have to deal with all of the final preparations, not the least of which is writing their own marriage vows. Susan deals with a suicide victim who is using emotional blackmail to keep his girlfriend from leaving him. Susan reaches the breaking point with her sister Chloe and tells her she has to move out.
Season 1, Episode 24: Motherhood
Original Air Date—11 maggio 1995
On a fateful Mother's Day, several staffers in the ER face possible life-changing events. Susan Lewis' sister Chloe gives birth to a beautiful - and healthy - baby girl. Things start to go wrong however when their mother Cookie - who had agreed to take in Chloe and the baby - suddenly decides she's done enough and Susan will have to take care of it. Carter turns down an offer for an ER sub-internship in the hopes that he'll get an offer in surgery. Dr. Hicks has news for him however. Benton's mother takes a turn for the worse. Carol Hathaway is overwhelmed with the final preparations as her wedding day approaches.
Season 1, Episode 25: Everything Old Is New Again
Original Air Date—18 maggio 1995
It's Carter's last day in the ER and finally fed up with Dr. Benton's apparent indifference, rejoices when he learns that he gets to write an appraisal on him. He subsequently regrets his negative input when he gets offered the surgical sub-internship he'd hoped for and learns that Benton gave him a glowing appraisal. He also spends a good part of the day with young leukemia victim who is fed up with life. Benton and Jeanie Boulet's relationship reaches a crossroads. Mark Greene is offered an attending position at the hospital but also learns that he is being sued for malpractice over his handling of the Jodi O'Brien case. The big day for Carol Hathaway and Tag is here but doubts creep in and one of them gets left standing at the altar.
Season 2
Season 2, Episode 1: Welcome Back Carter!
Original Air Date—21 settembre 1995
While victims of a gang shootout are being brought in, Carter is late and a new group of third year medical students arrives.
Season 2, Episode 2: Summer Run
Original Air Date—28 settembre 1995
It's Weaver's first day and she doesn't exactly make a lot of friends. Carol rides along with the paramedics.
Season 2, Episode 3: Do One, Teach One, Kill One
Original Air Date—5 ottobre 1995
Carter gets his first official patient while Doug treats a four-year-old Asian boy who has AIDS.
Season 2, Episode 4: What Life?
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 1995
The feud between Susan and Weaver gets to the point where Mark has to step in.
Season 2, Episode 5: And Baby Makes Two
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 1995
Doug treats dying Chia-Chia. Mark however feels he's not doing the right thing for Chia-Chia.
Season 2, Episode 6: Days Like This
Original Air Date—2 novembre 1995
Doug and Harper had sex. Mark finds out about this. So does Carter.
Season 2, Episode 7: Hell and High Water
Original Air Date—9 novembre 1995
Doug saves a kid who's stuck in a flooded culvert and becomes a local hero when a TV helicopter films part of the rescue operation.
Season 2, Episode 8: The Secret Sharer
Original Air Date—16 novembre 1995
Doug gets the opportunity to stay at the ER thanks to the publicity surrounding his rescue of a drowning boy the week before.
Season 2, Episode 9: Home
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 1995
Jennifer and Rachel have been involved in a car accident and Mark rushes to Milwaukee where they're in the hospital.
Season 2, Episode 10: A Miracle Happens Here
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 1995
Mark has to deal with the fact he can't see Rachel during the holidays and takes care of a Holocaust surviver whose grandchild is missing.
Season 2, Episode 11: Dead of Winter
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 1996
Shep and Raul enter a house with about a dozen abandoned and ill-fed children and bring them to the ER.
Season 2, Episode 12: True Lies
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 1996
Benton has to attend a banquet at Vucelich's home and asks Jeanie to go with him. Mark hesitates to tell Rachel about the divorce.
Season 2, Episode 13: It's Not Easy Being Greene
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 1996
It's his day off, but Mark shows up for work anyway. After a patient dies and Morgenstern wants to speak to him, Mark soon regrets coming in after all.
Season 2, Episode 14: The Right Thing
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 1996
Rumour has it there's something going on between Mark and Susan while Benton questions Vucelich's study and confronts him.
Season 2, Episode 15: Baby Shower
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 1996
Benton tries to save someone who, according to the other surgeons, can't be saved while the ER gets crammed with pregnant women.
Season 2, Episode 16: The Healers
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 1996
Shep and Raul go in a burning house without the proper equipment to save three children.
Season 2, Episode 17: The Match Game
Original Air Date—28 marzo 1996
Carter is very nervous because he's about to get his residency match. Mark changes his look.
Season 2, Episode 18: A Shift in the Night
Original Air Date—4 aprile 1996
Mark has to work for the fourth night in a row while a lot of the staff are absent and the number of patients is towering.
Season 2, Episode 19: Fire in the Belly
Original Air Date—25 aprile 1996
Benton dismisses a patient he hasn't seen who should have been admitted. Carter competes with Dale, a new surgical resident-in-training who once slept with Harper.
Season 2, Episode 20: Fevers of Unknown Origin
Original Air Date—2 maggio 1996
In order to avoid having to deal with her personal problems regarding little Susie, Susan wholly absorbs herself in her work.
Season 2, Episode 21: Take These Broken Wings
Original Air Date—9 maggio 1996
Susan has therapy to get over losing little Susie and Jeanie's ex-husband is brought in.
Season 2, Episode 22: John Carter, M.D.
Original Air Date—16 maggio 1996
Mark Greene strikes a deal with Kerry Weaver - he will support her application for an ER attending position if she in turn will support Susan Lewis for Chief Resident. When Susan doesn't get the job, Mark is told to go ask her why. Carter is finally going to graduate and wants Benton to attend the party his family is throwing for him. Unfortunately, Carter decides to sit with a young patient awaiting a liver transplant and misses his own graduation ceremony. With the news she has received about her former husband Al's health, Jeanie Boulet decides to have herself tested. Doug Ross' girlfriend Karen forges his prescription for percodan. Hathaway's boyfriend, Shep, is refusing to undergo his anger management treatment. Mark's ex-wife Jen tells him that she is going to re-marry. Loretta Sweet asks Greene if he would become guardian to her kids.
Season 3
Season 3, Episode 1: Doctor Carter, I Presume
Original Air Date—26 settembre 1996
It's the first day of Carter's internship. He has a 36 hour shift and overnight he has to cover the ER, the ICU as well as the surgical patients.
Season 3, Episode 2: Let the Games Begin
Original Air Date—3 ottobre 1996
While the whole staff is worried the ER might close, Jeanie has her own problems in dealing with being HIV-positive.
Season 3, Episode 3: Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Original Air Date—10 ottobre 1996
Donald Anspaugh has a new method to increase the staff's efficiency, new intern Maggie Doyle joins the ER and Susan asks Mark to come along to Hawaii.
Season 3, Episode 4: Last Call
Original Air Date—17 ottobre 1996
Doug's one-night-stand has a seizure and he brings her to the ER.
Season 3, Episode 5: Ghosts
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 1996
While Mark is anxious about Susan's return from her holiday, Doug and Carol ride along with the health mobile.
Season 3, Episode 6: Fear of Flying
Original Air Date—7 novembre 1996
While on their helicopter flight rotation, Mark and Susan find an injured family of four who they bring to the ER.
Season 3, Episode 7: No Brain, No Gain
Original Air Date—14 novembre 1996
Encouraged by Carol, Mark finally asks Susan out. Benton tries to save a boy, despite the fact Doug thinks he's brain dead.
Season 3, Episode 8: Union Station
Original Air Date—21 novembre 1996
It's Susan's last day. Carol stands up for her nurses when one of them is being rotated to another department.
Season 3, Episode 9: Ask Me No Questions, I'll Tell You No Lies
Original Air Date—12 dicembre 1996
Carol worries about her physics exam while Mark is heart-broken about Susan's departure and focuses solely on his job.
Season 3, Episode 10: Homeless for the Holidays
Original Air Date—19 dicembre 1996
Mark and Kerry have to create a policy regarding HIV-positive employees, which leads to gossip amongst the nurses.
Season 3, Episode 11: Night Shift
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 1997
Carol has to fire two of the nurses. Meanwhile, Gant feels Benton is too hard on him.
Season 3, Episode 12: Post Mortem
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 1997
Carter feels guilty about Gant's death. Benton doesn't want to talk about it.
Season 3, Episode 13: Fortune's Fools
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 1997
Benton can't keep his mind on the job, Mark and Chuny break up and Carol does what she needs to do regarding the fatal error she has made.
Season 3, Episode 14: Whose Appy Now?
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 1997
Doug treats a dying 17-year old cystic fibrosis patient who doesn't want to be resuscitated. Carter gets to operate Benton.
Season 3, Episode 15: The Long Way Around
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 1997
Nurse Carol Hathaway is held hostage during a convenience store robbery, then befriends one of the gunmen.
Season 3, Episode 16: Faith
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 1997
Carol will hear whether her suspension is permanent or not. Mark and Doyle do what they can to get a patient with Down syndrome on a heart transplant list.
Season 3, Episode 17: Tribes
Original Air Date—10 aprile 1997
Race relations become an issue in the ER when Mark Greene treats two injured teenagers, one black and the other white, and assumes the black kid was a drug dealer. It turns the white kid was the drug dealer and the black kid is a high school basketball star and an innocent bystander. When the black student's older brother confronts him, he begins to question his own impartiality. Carol Hathaway helps a young woman who was drugged with Rohipnol and raped. Benton gets an interesting offer from Dr. Hicks. He also learns that Carla Reece has been admitted to the hospital. Dr. Carter treats a woman with a serious condition but he seems to be the only one who sees it. Mark Greene's daughter ends up spending the day in the ER when her mom has to rush to Florida to deal with a family emergency.
Season 3, Episode 18: You Bet Your Life
Original Air Date—17 aprile 1997
Benton tries to find out if everything's OK with Carla's baby. Carter tries to get a man operated, despite the fact Anspaugh thinks he will die no matter what.
Season 3, Episode 19: Calling Dr. Hathaway
Original Air Date—24 aprile 1997
Benton takes a day off to help Carla. Carter finds out Edson falsified a chart.
Season 3, Episode 20: Random Acts
Original Air Date—1 maggio 1997
Jeanie asks Greg to help Al get into a special AIDS-program at the hospital. Olbes brings in her grandfather, who had a stroke.
Season 3, Episode 21: Make a Wish
Original Air Date—8 maggio 1997
It's Carol's birthday, Mark is returning to work after being assaulted and Carla goes into premature labor.
Season 3, Episode 22: One More for the Road
Original Air Date—15 maggio 1997
Anspaugh is furious when Carter tells him he wants to quit surgery. Charlie is brought in with an overdose. Mark keeps struggling with his beating.
Season 4
Season 4, Episode 1: Ambush
Original Air Date—25 settembre 1997
While a film crew is filming in the ER, it's Elizabeth Corday's first day.
Season 4, Episode 2: Something New
Original Air Date—2 ottobre 1997
Carter is exited about getting his own med student and Mark and Carol interview candidates for the desk clerk position.
Season 4, Episode 3: Friendly Fire
Original Air Date—9 ottobre 1997
Cynthia Hooper starts as the new desk clerk. Benton and Carla disagree over whether or not their son should be circumcised. Al gets in an accident at work.
Season 4, Episode 4: When the Bough Breaks
Original Air Date—23 ottobre 1997
His ex-wife Jennifer tells Mark he can't see Rachel until he's got his act together. Reece gets to go home. Al has lost his job.
Season 4, Episode 5: Good Touch, Bad Touch
Original Air Date—30 ottobre 1997
Carol Hathaway would like to start a clinic within the ER that would specialize in women's and children's health issues, but Kerry Weaver tells her she'll have to find funding for the project. Carter may have a solution for her however. Peter Benton is getting used to fatherhood, but is falling behind in his work. Mark Greene has to give a deposition in the malpractice suit against him and is stressed. He also takes inappropriate action to quiet an unruly patient. Dr. Robert "Rocket" Romano returns to County General.
Season 4, Episode 6: Ground Zero
Original Air Date—6 novembre 1997
Al Boulet wants to move to Atlanta when an old friend offers him a job, but Jeanie isn't keen on relocating. Carol Hathaway applies to the Carter family foundation for a grant to finance her clinic. Ana Del Amico is furious when she learns how rich Carter's family is and feels that he has just been slumming. Jeanie is reluctant to treat a patient who has a prominent Klan tattoo on his chest. Although the hospital settles the malpractice suit against Mark Greene, he finds that the family in question is now suing him personally. At Dr. Anspaugh's insistence, Kerry Weaver attends a presentation from a private company that specializes in running ERs. She decides to fire Jeanie Boulet to meet budget cuts. Elizabeth Corday gets into trouble when Peter Benton fails to warn her she is about to break hospital policy. Doug Ross gets bad news and he and Mark set off for California.
Season 4, Episode 7: Fathers and Sons
Original Air Date—13 novembre 1997
Ross and Greene travel to a near-deserted stretch of California to investigate circumstances surrounding a death in Doug's family.
Season 4, Episode 8: Freak Show
Original Air Date—20 novembre 1997
Carol Hathaway returns to work to find that due to a mix-up, there are dozens of people waiting in her yet to open free clinic. John Carter and Ana Del Amico start to mend their relationship. Rocket Romano offers Benton a place on his surgical team provided he demonstrates that he can get along with Dr. Corday. Benton comes across a unique case of a young boy whose internal organs are reversed. ER receptionist Cynthia intercepts a note intended for Carol Hathaway, believing it's from Mark Greene. Dr. Weaver receives a bouquet of flowers from Dr. Ellis West after his company, Synergix, gets the contract to supply supplementary attending physicians for the ER. Carter's student, George Henry re-appears when learns he hasn't completed all of the requirements of his ER rotation.
Season 4, Episode 9: Obstruction of Justice
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 1997
Jeanie Boulet decides to fight her dismissal, believing she has been let go because of her HIV status and not for the budget reasons she has been told. Her husband Al gets a job in Atlanta but Jeanie is no longer sure she's ready to move. John Carter is arrested in the ER after he refuses to follow a policeman's order to provide blood evidence on a drunken patient. Doug returns to work and has a patient who claims to have sickle-cell anemia but may be a junkie looking for a fix. Mark Greene has made a deal with a top-notch attorney who agrees to handle his lawsuit in exchange for a day of playing doctor in the ER. Benton and Corday try to save an accident victim's leg. Dr. Ellis West from Synergix shows up for work in the ER.
Season 4, Episode 10: Do You See What I See?
Original Air Date—18 dicembre 1997
It's Christmas time and the ER staffers are in a festive mood. Dr. Benton is looking forward to having his first Christmas with newborn son Reece. He also gains a bit of notoriety when a blind man he is treating can suddenly see. Dr. Corday is looking forward to going home for the holidays but one of her patients comes out of a coma just as she is about to leave and decides to spend the holidays in Chicago. Kerry Weaver starts a relationship with Dr. Ellis West. Mark Greene treats an elderly woman who is savagely beaten and raped. Now that his lawsuit is out of the way, he tries to make amends to the family that was suing him. He also learns that girlfriend Cynthia has a shocking secret. John Carter's grandmother visits Carol Hathaway's clinic with her other grandson, Chase. John is none too pleased when he catches Chase shooting up in the family limo. Carol decides that the time has come for her relationship with Doug Ross to be made public but he has a surprise for her.
Season 4, Episode 11: Think Warm Thoughts
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 1998
John Carter finds himself at the medical school counseling students on emergency medicine. He doesn't find much interest. Elizabeth Corday convinces a specialist from another hospital to perform an operation on Allison Beaumont, sending Rocket Romano into a rage. Dr. Anspaugh's 13 year-old son Scott, a recovering cancer patient, is brought into the ER. Jeanie Boulet manages to develop a rapport with the difficult young man. Another elderly rape victim is brought into the hospital. Ellis West and Kerry Weaver are still seeing each other and he proposes that Synergix takes over the running of the ER. Dr. William "Wild Willy" Swift shows up as a Synergix attending physician.
Season 4, Episode 12: Sharp Relief
Original Air Date—15 gennaio 1998
Scott Anspaugh's cancer has returned and he requires another operation. The results show that he will need another round of chemotherapy. Dr. Anspaugh asks Jeanie Boulet if she would work with his son as a part-time caregiver. Kerry Weaver begins to have doubts about the wisdom of Synergix taking over the ER. John Carter's cousin Chase shows up at the hospital suffering from withdrawal. John decides to help him, but not the way Chase wants. Ana Del Amico decides to give him a hand. Carol Hathaway goes on a paramedic ride along and they attend to another elderly rape victim. She also finds herself attracted to paramedic Greg Powell. Her fiancé Doug Ross is planning a romantic evening. Allison Beaumont has an operation to restore her voice and Benton and Corday go out for a drink afterward.
Season 4, Episode 13: Carter's Choice
Original Air Date—29 gennaio 1998
The police bring in another elderly rape victim but this time they also get the rapist. The ER staff is in no mood to treat him and Ana Del Amico takes John Carter to task for not giving the man the best care and letting his emotions take over his duties as a physician. Realizing she has made a major mistake, Dr. Weaver lines up support to oppose the take over of the ER by Synergix and accuses Ellis West of using her to win the contract. Carol Hathaway is having doubts about her commitment to Doug Ross while he resents her hesitation. Cynthia Hooper suggests to Mark that with her lease coming due, she should perhaps move in with him but he is obviously reluctant. Benton and Corday go out on another date.
Season 4, Episode 14: Family Practice
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 1998
Mark rushes out to San Diego when his mother has a serious fall and is hospitalized. When he gets there, he finds her suffering from mild dementia and questions the care she is receiving. To his surprise, Cynthia Hooper follows him unannounced and uninvited, leading for them to come a conclusion about their relationship. Mark also learns a lot about his parents' relationship and while he continues to struggle with his difficult relationship with his father, he also learns of some of the sacrifices the man made for his family.
Season 4, Episode 15: Exodus
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 1998
While on a paramedic ride along, Elizabeth Corday puts her life at risk to rescue a man trapped in a building collapse. When hazardous materials are brought into the ER, the unit has to be closed down. With Dr. Weaver rendered unconscious, John Carter takes charge of the situation and performs brilliantly. With the ER evacuated, Doug Ross and Carol Hathaway find themselves trapped in an elevator while transferring a young patient with renal failure. Benton and Corday start a romantic relationship.
Season 4, Episode 16: My Brother's Keeper
Original Air Date—5 marzo 1998
Mark Greene returns from San Diego to find that Cynthia Hooper has not only quit her job in the ER but has moved to a new apartment. Thinking he may have made a mistake, he manages to track her down. John Carter's cousin Chase is brought into the ER unconscious from an overdose of heroin. They manage to revive him but he likely has severe brain damage. Carter has to admit to his grandparents that he knew of Chase's habit and tried to help him. Doug Ross and Kerry Weaver have a major blow up when she finds a flaw in his study and seemingly goes out of her way to make the fact known to everyone on staff. Ross and Carol Hathaway get their relationship back on track.
Season 4, Episode 17: A Bloody Mess
Original Air Date—9 aprile 1998
Dr. David Morgenstern returns after a six-month absence recovering from his heart attack. His new outlook on life however has Kerry Weaver questioning his abilities. Elizabeth Corday decides to start a study on the use of artificial blood in the ER, but the only problem is that she fails to discuss it first with Rocket Romano. Doug Ross decides to apply for an ER attending position. Scott Anspaugh suffers a major relapse. Ana Del Amico is confronted by an irate husband who wants his ill wife to terminate her pregnancy. At the free clinic, Carol Hathaway has to deal with the case of an underage high school student who is sleeping with her 40-year-old teacher. Peter Benton hits a pedestrian with a car but Carter helps him out with an important piece of information.
Season 4, Episode 18: Gut Reaction
Original Air Date—16 aprile 1998
When a compatible bone marrow donor cannot be located, Scott Anspaugh agrees to undergo a new round of chemotherapy, even though there appears to be little point. Doug Ross suggests to Jeanie Boulet that Scott may have agreed to the therapy because of her. Mark Greene has taken on the task of organizing the annual ER banquet only to find that Jerry, on whom he had been relying for much of the preparation, hasn't quite delivered. John Carter confronts his grandmother when he learns that she has cut off funding for Carol Hathaway's free clinic. In the OR, Peter Benton has a major confrontation with Dr. Morgenstern, pushing him aside and taking over an operation. Greene and Weaver criticize Doug Ross over his handling of a sick child and her mother.
Season 4, Episode 19: Shades of Gray
Original Air Date—23 aprile 1998
Following the incident in the OR, Drs. Morgenstern and Benton present the case to their colleagues. As a result, Peter Benton finds himself suspended for insubordination pending a full inquiry. Jeanie attends Scott Anspaugh's funeral and has some information to share with the boy's father. Ana Del Amico finds herself ethically unable to perform an abortion and is taken to task by Dr. Weaver. John Carter gets the hospital to take legal guardianship of a patient he feels has been subjected to elder abuse, but subsequently doubts that he made the right decision.
Season 4, Episode 20: Of Past Regret and Future Fear
Original Air Date—30 aprile 1998
Benton and Elizabeth Corday spend the night together. Corday is shocked when Rocket Romano suggests that they go out on a date. John Carter and his grandmother clash over the future of Chase Carter; she wants him cared for at home while John feels he should remain institutionalized where he can continue to receive therapy. Carol Hathaway finally gets around to inviting her mother to a Sunday brunch with her and Doug but is a bit surprised when she shows up with her boyfriend. David Morgenstern makes a critical decision that will affect both his and Peter Benton's future. In the ER, Hathaway comforts a man is going to die from chemical burns.
Season 4, Episode 21: Suffer the Little Children
Original Air Date—7 maggio 1998
Assisted by Carol Hathaway, Doug Ross decides to detoxify a drug-addicted infant in the ER without telling anyone. Mark Greene and Kerry Weaver hit the roof when they find out what is going on. Jeanie Boulet is feeling rundown and fears that her health may be deteriorating. John Carter is less than pleased when Ana Del Amico's former boyfriend shows up in the ER conducting a study on the need for a pediatric attending physician. Del Amico also has to treat a televangelist whom is using her health issues to raise money. Elizabeth Corday is worried that Rocket Romano may be aware of her affair with Peter Benton and that it will affect her fellowship.
Season 4, Episode 22: A Hole in the Heart
Original Air Date—14 maggio 1998
At the hospital daycare, one of the child-care workers suggests to Peter Benton that he may want to have baby Reece's hearing checked. Doug Ross dodges a bullet by admitting upfront his error in detoxifying a baby without permission. Having been acting Chief for over 6 months, Kerry Weaver puts her name forward to replace David Morgenstern as Chief of Emergency Medicine only to be told she will have to compete for the job. The doctors treat a couple of Elvis impersonators who sky dive into Lake Superior. They also treat a woman and her two children who have been shot by her psychologically disturbed husband. When drugs go missing from the ER, John Carter suspects Ana Del Amico's ex-boyfriend.
Season 5
Season 5, Episode 1: Day for Knight
Original Air Date—24 settembre 1998
Third-year med student Lucy Knight reports to the ER for the first day of her rotation. Greene takes a paternal interest in her, helping her get acquainted, but she gets off to a bad start with the irritable Carter. The rest of the day finds her informing a wife of her husband's terminal condition, comforting a pregnant woman, getting locked on the roof and trying to figure out Weaver's "Tour on Tape."
Season 5, Episode 2: Split Second
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 1998
Dr. Corday's father visits from overseas in an attempt to convince her to join his medical practice. Lucy continues learning, earning more respect from Carter, who is having trouble being an RA in the dorms. Meanwhile, Peter takes Reese in for another hearing test, Carol hires a nurse practitioner to help out in the clinic, and Weaver continues to remind Doug of the way he bypassed her authority.
Season 5, Episode 3: They Treat Horses, Don't They?
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 1998
Season 5, Episode 4: Vanishing Act
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 1998
Season 5, Episode 5: Masquerade
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 1998
Season 5, Episode 6: Stuck on You
Original Air Date—5 novembre 1998
Season 5, Episode 7: Hazed and Confused
Original Air Date—12 novembre 1998
Season 5, Episode 8: The Good Fight
Original Air Date—19 novembre 1998
Season 5, Episode 9: Good Luck, Ruth Johnson
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 1998
Season 5, Episode 10: The Miracle Worker
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 1998
Season 5, Episode 11: Nobody Doesn't Like Amanda Lee
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 1999
Season 5, Episode 12: Double Blind
Original Air Date—21 gennaio 1999
Season 5, Episode 13: Choosing Joi
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 1999
Season 5, Episode 14: The Storm: Part 1
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 1999
Doug faces possible criminal charges after Ricky Abbott dies when Ross shows Joi how to give Ricky a lethal dosage of medication. Doug is delegated to desk duty, Carol's clinic is shut down for acquiring the P.C.A. machine for Ricky, and Greene and Weaver face future disciplinary action for not reporting Doug's earlier mistakes. Meanwhile, Carter and Lucy discover a mutual attraction, Benton studies with a sign language instructor, and Romano begins his first day as acting ER chief.
Season 5, Episode 15: The Storm: Part 2
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 1999
Greene assists paramedics in treating injured children at a school bus accident. En route, Doug and Jeanie survive their own accident. Kerry stops Doug from treating Jeanie... or any other patient. But when Jeanie is treated, Kerry and Peter realize she has hepatitis. Doug decides to resign and leave Chicago for the Northwest and asks Carol to come with him. Meanwhile, Carol steps down from running the clinic so that Anspaugh will keep it open.
Season 5, Episode 16: Middle of Nowhere
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 1999
Season 5, Episode 17: Sticks and Stones
Original Air Date—25 marzo 1999
Season 5, Episode 18: Point of Origin
Original Air Date—8 aprile 1999
Season 5, Episode 19: Rites of Spring
Original Air Date—29 aprile 1999
Season 5, Episode 20: Power
Original Air Date—6 maggio 1999
Season 5, Episode 21: Responsible Parties
Original Air Date—13 maggio 1999
Season 5, Episode 22: Getting to Know You
Original Air Date—20 maggio 1999
Season 6
Season 6, Episode 1: Leave It to Weaver
Original Air Date—30 settembre 1999
Season 6, Episode 2: Last Rites
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 1999
Season 6, Episode 3: Greene with Envy
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 1999
Season 6, Episode 4: Sins of the Fathers
Original Air Date—21 ottobre 1999
Season 6, Episode 5: Truth & Consequences
Original Air Date—4 novembre 1999
Season 6, Episode 6: The Peace of Wild Things
Original Air Date—11 novembre 1999
Benton struggles with the idea of taking a DNA test to determine whether or not Reese is actually his son. As the signs continue to pile up, Kerry and Mark use a fake patient to convince Dr. Lawrence of his Alzheimer's. Carter has trouble persuading a woman from a nursing home fire to sign a DNR for her husband and later is asked to forge charts for a family with no insurance. Carol continues to meddle in Meg's life, having her arrested so that she can be detoxed. Cleo is blamed for an explosion in the suture room but it may actually be Dr. Dave's fault.
Season 6, Episode 7: Humpty Dumpty
Original Air Date—18 novembre 1999
Season 6, Episode 8: Great Expectations
Original Air Date—25 novembre 1999
Season 6, Episode 9: How the Finch Stole Christmas
Original Air Date—16 dicembre 1999
Season 6, Episode 10: Family Matters
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 2000
Season 6, Episode 11: The Domino Heart
Original Air Date—13 gennaio 2000
Season 6, Episode 12: Abby Road
Original Air Date—3 febbraio 2000
Season 6, Episode 13: Be Still My Heart
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 2000
The Staff is having a Valentine's Day party while Carter and Lucy get stabbed by a patient.
Season 6, Episode 14: All in the Family
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 2000
Carter and Lucy are discovered and the staff struggles to save them and go on with normal patient care.
Season 6, Episode 15: Be Patient
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 2000
Season 6, Episode 16: Under Control
Original Air Date—23 marzo 2000
Season 6, Episode 17: Viable Options
Original Air Date—6 aprile 2000
Season 6, Episode 18: Match Made in Heaven
Original Air Date—13 aprile 2000
Season 6, Episode 19: The Fastest Year
Original Air Date—27 aprile 2000
Season 6, Episode 20: Loose Ends
Original Air Date—4 maggio 2000
Season 6, Episode 21: Such Sweet Sorrow
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2000
Season 6, Episode 22: May Day
Original Air Date—18 maggio 2000
Season 7
Season 7, Episode 1: Homecoming
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2000
Dr. Carter struggles with his drug dependency; a custodial strike leaves the ER cluttered with garbage; a riot at a high-school football game leaves several wounded.
Season 7, Episode 2: Sand and Water
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 2000
A young couple cope with their baby being premature; Greene and Corday struggle with their relationship.
Season 7, Episode 3: Mars Attacks
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 2000
Dr. Carter is allowed a cautious restart with small steps. An extremely blond Dr. Malucci is very curious who's made Dr. Chen pregnant. Dr. Benton has been written out of all the hospital's systems and is stunned by Dr. Romano. An unfortunate incident at a Science Fiction convention makes it look like scenes from the movie 'Mars Attacks'.
Season 7, Episode 4: Benton Backwards
Original Air Date—2 novembre 2000
Season 7, Episode 5: Flight of Fancy
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2000
Season 7, Episode 6: The Visit
Original Air Date—16 novembre 2000
Season 7, Episode 7: Rescue Me
Original Air Date—23 novembre 2000
Season 7, Episode 8: The Dance We Do
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2000
Season 7, Episode 9: The Greatest of Gifts
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 2000
Season 7, Episode 10: Piece of Mind
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 2001
Season 7, Episode 11: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2001
Season 7, Episode 12: Surrender
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2001
Season 7, Episode 13: Thy Will Be Done
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2001
Season 7, Episode 14: A Walk in the Woods
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2001
Season 7, Episode 15: The Crossing
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2001
Season 7, Episode 16: Witch Hunt
Original Air Date—1 marzo 2001
Season 7, Episode 17: Survival of the Fittest
Original Air Date—29 marzo 2001
Season 7, Episode 18: April Showers
Original Air Date—19 aprile 2001
Season 7, Episode 19: Sailing Away
Original Air Date—26 aprile 2001
Season 7, Episode 20: Fear of Commitment
Original Air Date—3 maggio 2001
Season 7, Episode 21: Where the Heart Is
Original Air Date—10 maggio 2001
Season 7, Episode 22: Rampage
Original Air Date—17 maggio 2001
The ER is flooded with foster care home residents, attacked by a shooter bent on tracking down his son, who , with the help of Dr. Green, was put into the foster care system amid allegations he was being abused by his father.
Season 8
Season 8, Episode 1: Four Corners
Original Air Date—27 settembre 2001
Season 8, Episode 2: The Longer You Stay
Original Air Date—4 ottobre 2001
Season 8, Episode 3: Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic
Original Air Date—11 ottobre 2001
Season 8, Episode 4: Never Say Never
Original Air Date—18 ottobre 2001
Season 8, Episode 5: Start All Over Again
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 2001
Season 8, Episode 6: Supplies and Demands
Original Air Date—1 novembre 2001
Season 8, Episode 7: If I Should Fall from Grace
Original Air Date—8 novembre 2001
A new medical student, Michael Gallant, arrives in the ER. He's supposed to be working under Dr. Carter's supervision but his grandmother is unwell. Elizabeth Corday is convinced that other doctors are refusing to work with as a result of the mysterious deaths. Mark Green thinks she's overreacting but she's determined to find out what happened to her patients. Abby and Luka argue over the attention he is paying to a trainee nurse's aide. Dr. Benton's finds himself in court to retain custody of his son, Reese. Carter and Susan Lewis treat a young woman who is both a law and a medical student. Green has to collect his daughter at school when she is suspended.
Season 8, Episode 8: Partly Cloudy, Chance of Rain
Original Air Date—15 novembre 2001
Season 8, Episode 9: Quo Vadis?
Original Air Date—22 novembre 2001
Peter Benton continues his court fight against Reese's stepfather, Roger, who seems to have the upper hand. When a woman is accidentally shot during a gas station robbery, Dr. Corday tries to convince the husband to let them harvest her organs. A 15 year old boxer is brought in with a head trauma after sparring with his older brother. Newlyweds are having trouble when she constantly breaks out in a rash; Carter thinks he knows the cause. Luka tells Abby hat he may marry Nicole, who has told him she is pregnant. Dr. Green lays down the law when the police bring in a high school student and he learns that his daughter is outside sitting in the police car.
Season 8, Episode 10: I'll Be Home for Christmas
Original Air Date—13 dicembre 2001
Peter Benton's court battle enters its final stage and his lawyer advises him that if he wants to retain custody of Reese, he needs to re-evaluate his priorities. As a result, he puts his career on the line and presents Dr. Romano with an ultimatum. Kerry Weaver goes out on a date with a paramedic. With his grandmother still recovering, Carter is pleased that his father will be spending Christmas with them. He's not too pleased when he learns why his mother won't be joining them. Abby learns that Nicole may not have been lying to Luka after all. Green treats a young boy who was accidentally shot by his mother.
Season 8, Episode 11: Beyond Repair
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 2002
Abby helps a distraught boy whose mother died of a stroke; a man with schizophrenia, who once stabbed Carter and killed a doctor checks into the ER.
Season 8, Episode 12: A River in Egypt
Original Air Date—17 gennaio 2002
An injured and condemned murderer wants to die in the ER rather than await execution; Abby advises a neighbor to seek shelter from her abusive husband.
Season 8, Episode 13: Damage Is Done
Original Air Date—31 gennaio 2002
An accidental overdose brings Drs. Green and Corday's baby into the ER.
Season 8, Episode 14: A Simple Twist of Fate
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 2002
Greene confronts Corday when she orders Rachel out of their home; Abby tries to protect a battered neighbor who refuses to press charges against her husband.
Season 8, Episode 15: It's All in Your Head
Original Air Date—28 febbraio 2002
After Dr. Corday moves out, Dr. Green fights loneliness and pain by immersing himself into his work. Dr. Chen discovers that a comatose teen is ready to give birth.
Season 8, Episode 16: Secrets and Lies
Original Air Date—7 marzo 2002
After some staff members are caught going through a dominatrix's bag, Weaver makes them attend a sexual harassment seminar, where they learn about each other.
Season 8, Episode 17: Bygones
Original Air Date—28 marzo 2002
Drs. Corday and Greene are awkward when working together in the ER. Dr. Weaver treats victims of an intense fire that may take the life of a dear friend.
Season 8, Episode 18: Orion in the Sky
Original Air Date—4 aprile 2002
As Dr. Greene's brain tumor begins affecting his coordination, he becomes concerned that his fate will be similar to the terminally ill patients he treats.
Season 8, Episode 19: Brothers and Sisters
Original Air Date—25 aprile 2002
When Dr. Lewis gets a hysterical call from her niece, Susie, she hurries to New York to search for the child and her sister Chloe.
Season 8, Episode 20: The Letter
Original Air Date—2 maggio 2002
Dr. Carter reads a letter from terminally ill Dr. Green to the ER staff. Dr. Weaver lashes out at a mentally challenged patient. A terminal, homeless man continues asking for Dr. Green.
Season 8, Episode 21: On the Beach
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2002
Dr. Greene's final days are spent in Hawaii with Rachel, teaching her to drive and surf. When he suffers a seizure, Elizabeth is called. Mark refuses to go home. He manages to make amends with his daughter before his eventual death.
Season 8, Episode 22: Lockdown
Original Air Date—16 maggio 2002
Just when the ER is understaffed and swamped, two children who were brought in turn out to have full blown smallpox. The entire ER must be locked down. The staff needs to improvise while they battle not only the disease but also frayed tempers.
Season 9
Season 9, Episode 1: Chaos Theory
Original Air Date—26 settembre 2002
Dr. Carter, Abby and other staff of the ER are quarantined as the CDC investigate a mysterious, deadly outbreak.
Season 9, Episode 2: Dead Again
Original Air Date—3 ottobre 2002
After another hospital shuts down, the ER is flooded with patients. Dr. Pratt resuscitates a heart-attack victim who had been pronounced dead.
Season 9, Episode 3: Insurrection
Original Air Date—10 ottobre 2002
Dr. Carter leads a walk-out of staff protesting lack of security in the ER.
Season 9, Episode 4: Walk Like a Man
Original Air Date—17 ottobre 2002
Carter is concerned when he learns that Abby is drinking socially when the girls from work get together. Abby however doesn't appreciate his concern. Dr. Weaver embarrasses herself on television. Michael Gallant is frustrated when the resident cardiac specialist, Dr. Kayson, dismisses his diagnosis of a patient who subsequently dies. Dr. Pratt decides to report an Army Ranger who tried to commit suicide even though Gallant had decided to give the soldier the benefit of the doubt. Dr. Corday has deal with a severely injured woman who is more concerned about her Alzheimer's afflicted husband. Dr. Kovac's sex-addiction extends to having sex in a supply room with a young patient's mother.
Season 9, Episode 5: A Hopeless Wound
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 2002
On a busy Halloween night, Carter and Abby are the only staffers in costume when victims of an apartment building fire pack the ER. Corday takes on a new med student for a surgical rotation - Paul Nathan, who suffers from Parkinson's disease and decided to pursue medicine after being diagnosed. Despite a difficult first day, both professionally and medically, Nathan makes a difficult diagnosis. Romano's rehab lags behind his expectations, and he begins to doubt his role in surgery is no longer an option. In a moment of personal weakness, he tries to express his feelings for Corday. Weaver continues to display erratic behavior, raising staff suspicions about her menopause. Luka's burgeoning sex addiction worsens, as an affair with Chuny is revealed, and tensions rise when he treats a patient with a perpetual erection.
Season 9, Episode 6: One Can Only Hope
Original Air Date—7 novembre 2002
Corday clashes with new surgical resident Paul Nathan regarding his intervention into the treatment of a sickly young woman, Alison, who has signed a "do not resuscitate" order. Abby wonders about the erratic behavior of her visiting brother Eric, and feels conflicted over a nurse's official complaint against Kovac, Abby's former lover. Meanwhile, Pratt comforts Chen after a patient threatens her, and Corday suspects that an unconscious 14-year-old female patient has been sexually assaulted.
Season 9, Episode 7: Tell Me Where It Hurts
Original Air Date—14 novembre 2002
Abby fears the worst when her brother Eric suddenly disappears. He is actually AWOL and she forges Carter's name to obtain his medical records. Carter and Chen treat a frightened Chinese immigrant nanny, Tong-Yi, whom they suspect was impregnated by her employer. Meanwhile, new surgical resident Paul Nathan, who is struggling to overcome a physical disability, tries to help in the emergency room but his fellow doctors do not appreciate his advice to patients. Unable to quench his sexual appetite, Kovac also gets into trouble in his professional life, despite his admirable resolve to find an eye specialist to treat a young gunshot victim. Gallant and fellow medical student Erin Harkins engage in an escalating competition of medical knowledge. And Weaver gets some much-needed good news.
Season 9, Episode 8: First Snowfall
Original Air Date—21 novembre 2002
Abby's family nightmare continues as she and her mother Maggie search for Abby's missing brother Eric, who Abby suspects is suffering from serious mental problems. The two women go to a Midwestern air force base, hoping to prevent Eric from being court-martialed for being absent without leave. Carter struggles to get out of Chicago to join Abby. Meanwhile, Corday treats a family of patients who, while building a snowman, were severely injured after being struck by a truck driver. She must help the father, Stuart, make a life-or-death decision. Corday also sympathizes with troubled surgical resident Paul Nathan as he struggles with the increasing symptoms of his physical handicap.
Season 9, Episode 9: Next of Kin
Original Air Date—5 dicembre 2002
Harkins faces a tough call while treating a troubled teen involved in a car crash with her dad; Abby races to stop Maggie from taking manic-depressive Eric out of treatment; and Kovac hits a new low when an elderly woman tips him for his medical services. Meanwhile, an abandoned baby dredges up painful memories for Chen; and Pratt goes to bat for Leon after he's fired for stealing from his job.
Season 9, Episode 10: Hindsight
Original Air Date—12 dicembre 2002
Dr. Kovac's speeding causes a crash on an icy road. The ER staff treats angry elves and a female hockey player with a head injury.
Season 9, Episode 11: A Little Help from My Friends
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 2003
Dr. Pratt brings a gun into the ER; Dr. Weaver tries to conceal her pregnancy; a woman plots against her dying husband; Dr. Chen treats math students who overdosed on an unknown stimulant.
Season 9, Episode 12: A Saint in the City
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 2003
Dr. Weaver is in a difficult situation when an alderman tests positive for syphilis. Dr. Carter is impressed when he meets a man who runs an inner city clinic.
Season 9, Episode 13: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 2003
Dr. Pratt's disabled roommate leads him to a wounded thief. Dr Carter decides to practice medicine in Africa. A doctor makes a pass at Dr. Corday.
Season 9, Episode 14: No Strings Attached
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2003
Abby's troubled brother is missing. A car runs into a crowd of teen girls. The alderman with syphilis gives Dr. Weaver a promotion. Dr. Lewis looks forward to a blind date.
Season 9, Episode 15: A Boy Falling Out of the Sky
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 2003
Abby comes close to breaking down trying to deal with her mother. Dr. Pratt goes for his required paramedic ride-along. Dr. Weaver confronts the man who stole her purse. Dr. Lewis has a teen admirer.
Season 9, Episode 16: A Thousand Cranes
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 2003
The police question Drs. Pratt and Gallant about a rampage at the diner across from the ER. Dr. Lewis befriends her teen admirer, a cancer patient.
Season 9, Episode 17: The Advocate
Original Air Date—13 marzo 2003
Dr. Weaver bends the rules and treats the Alderman's lover for syphilis. Dr. Kovac's patient claims she was sexually abused at a boot camp for troubled youth. Dr. Carter treats a women with a nasty personality.
Season 9, Episode 18: Finders Keepers
Original Air Date—3 aprile 2003
Dr. Romano seizes control of the ER and manages to offend everyone. Dr. Kovac asks Dr. Corday's help in the quest to bring a sickly Croatian boy to the U.S. for medical treatment.
Season 9, Episode 19: Things Change
Original Air Date—24 aprile 2003
A psychotic patient threatens Abby. Dr. Weaver suspects a woman poisoned her own baby. Dr. Romano continues to make rash judgments.
Season 9, Episode 20: Foreign Affairs
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2003
Dr. Carter tries to prevent a grieving gang member from going after vengeance. Dr. Kovac races against time to save a Croatian boy's life. A baseball player gets treatment for a heart problem.
Season 9, Episode 21: When Night Meets Day
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2003
It's Greg Pratt's last shift at County General and he treats a number of cases that were started by John Carter on the day shift. They treat a 12 year-old near drowning victim who has little chance of recovery; a Buddhist nun who has a special gift of seeing another's inner self; a woman who is convinced that that day's solar eclipse signals the end of the world; a drug addict who scams both of the for pain medication; and a pregnant woman who had her baby torn out of her her womb. Dr. Romano has his re-attached arm amputated. Carter receives a call from Luka Kovac asking if he can come to the Congo and help out. Abby is none too pleased. Meanwhile Doc Magoo's burns to the ground.
Season 9, Episode 22: Kisangani
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2003
John Carter arrives in the Congo to find that Luka Kovac is away at a distant clinic administering vaccinations to the local population. He also finds appalling medical conditions. Too few nurses and doctors, limited equipment and few medical supplies are par for the course. That aside, he gets s great deal of satisfaction from the work he does. He meets Gillian, a Canadian nurse, and learns that she and Luka have become close. He tries desperately to save the life of a severely wounded man which pays later dividends when their camp is invaded by rebel troops and their lives are threatened.
Season 10
Season 10, Episode 1: Now What?
Original Air Date—25 settembre 2003
On his return to Chicago, Carter gets a downright chilly reaction from Abby who asks him to return her apartment key. At work, they tip toe around one another, neither really willing to discuss their feelings. A new med student, Neela Rasgotra arrives for her ER rotation. Dr. Pratt is paying too much attention to her for Dr. Chen's taste. A woman passes out at the wheel of her car severely injuring herself and the three children in the car with her. Neela makes a good call in the case. Carter treats a man whose HIV has become full-blown AIDS. The ER itself is a bit chaotic due to major reconstruction. The ER desk receives a call from Africa saying that Luka Kovac has been killed. Carter decides to return to the Congo to retrieve his body.
Season 10, Episode 2: The Lost
Original Air Date—2 ottobre 2003
John Carter returns to the Congo to retrieve Luka Kovac's body. He finds however that the area where was killed is still too dangerous to enter. He and Gillian finally manage to hitch a ride with a Red Cross worker, Debbie, who is going to the area. In flashbacks, we learn how Kovac and his fellow aid workers were taken prisoner by rebel troops. They are shot, one at a time, until only Luka is left. Amid the destruction of the eastern Congo, we learn his fate. Carter also makes a fateful decision.
Season 10, Episode 3: Dear Abby
Original Air Date—9 ottobre 2003
Luka Kovac arrives safely at County General and is hospitalized for treatment. His friend Gillian delivers John Carter's letter to Abby. Pretty well everyone gets to read it when Frank retrieves it and from the garbage and passes it around. Greg Pratt has dinner with Chen and her parents. The dinner goes well but they have a serious argument afterward. Dr. Romano is unhappy with his prosthetic arm which makes him even more difficult to deal with. Some of the more senior nurses find their hours being reduced as a cost saving measure and stage a walkout. Romano's response is to fire them all. Dr. Lewis treats a teenager with a serious heart problem but her parents insist that she not be told immediately. A new group of second year residents arrive.
Season 10, Episode 4: Shifts Happen
Original Air Date—23 ottobre 2003
Season 10, Episode 5: Out of Africa
Original Air Date—30 ottobre 2003
Emmy nominee Bob Newhart guest stars as Ben Hollander, a distraught architect whose degenerating eyesight causes him despondent while a spirited new nurse, Samantha Taggart joins the staff. Elsewhere, disaster strikes when the doctors suspect a mother is abusing her child while Dr. Corday learns something shocking about the charismatic Dr. Dorset, and Dr. Archie Morris is overwhelmed by the chaos and grisly conditions of life in the E.R.
Season 10, Episode 6: The Greater Good
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2003
Season 10, Episode 7: Death and Taxes
Original Air Date—13 novembre 2003
Season 10, Episode 8: Freefall
Original Air Date—20 novembre 2003
On Thanksgiving Day, a helicopter crash outside the ER leaves several injured, and kills Dr. Romano. Alex tries to bring Sam and Luka together.
Season 10, Episode 9: Missing
Original Air Date—4 dicembre 2003
Neela helps treat two Amish teens who were in a car crash. Sam argues with Dr. Kovac when he pays too much attention to her son.
Season 10, Episode 10: Makemba
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 2003
Dr. Carter celebrates Christmas at a clinic in the Congo dealing with low supplies and anti-Americanism, but in the meantime, falling for an AIDS worker named Makemba.
Season 10, Episode 11: Touch & Go
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 2004
Season 10, Episode 12: NICU
Original Air Date—15 gennaio 2004
Abby and Neela are assigned to a month-long rotation in the neonatal intensive care unit where they experience emotional roller coasters while caring for the sick infants.
Season 10, Episode 13: Get Carter
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 2004
Dr. Carter's girlfriend makes an impression as she observes ER operations. Dr. Gallant is almost shot during a domestic incident. Dr. Weaver dedicates a center to the memory of Dr. Romano.
Season 10, Episode 14: Impulse Control
Original Air Date—12 febbraio 2004
Sam treats an abused, pregnant teen. Dr. Carter introduces African girlfriend Makemba to wintertime. ER chaos shocks a risk-assessment expert. Dr. Pratt and Abby restrain a man who has tuberculosis.
Season 10, Episode 15: Blood Relations
Original Air Date—19 febbraio 2004
Season 10, Episode 16: Forgive and Forget
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 2004
Season 10, Episode 17: The Student
Original Air Date—1 aprile 2004
Season 10, Episode 18: Where There's Smoke
Original Air Date—8 aprile 2004
Season 10, Episode 19: Just a Touch
Original Air Date—22 aprile 2004
Season 10, Episode 20: Abby Normal
Original Air Date—29 aprile 2004
Season 10, Episode 21: Midnight
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2004
Carter takes Kem to the hospital to check on their baby since it's not kicking anymore.
Season 10, Episode 22: Drive
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2004
Kovacs stops to help a woman and her son whose car broke down. Steve is getting close to Alex, and Sam panics. Abby is looking for her letter whether to see she passed her boards. Pratt shows off his new Chrysler. Elgin tries to build a connection between him and Pratt. Jing-Mei might be battered by her senile father.
Season 11
Season 11, Episode 1: One for the Road
Original Air Date—23 settembre 2004
After being shot at, Pratt, Jing-Mei and Elgin are trying to get of their sinking car. Sam took Alex with her while fleeing for Steve, Kovac is considering to go after them. Abby wants to go to bed since tomorrow is her first day as a doctor, but is thwarted by Weaver, whose custody battle might take a dramatic turn. A young drug-dealer is brought in with "a foreign object" in her tunnel of life.
Season 11, Episode 2: Damaged
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 2004
Neela is still struggling with her decision not to continue becoming a doctor. We discover that Ray is in a band. Kovac and Sam are amoureux, but where does that leave them? Carter takes Abby to dinner in a restaurant he hired off for the evening.
Season 11, Episode 3: Try Carter
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 2004
It's a busy Fourth of July and Carter is the only attending working.
Season 11, Episode 4: Fear
Original Air Date—21 ottobre 2004
Carter, Pratt, Kovac and Abby are dealing with a woman and her three children who've jumped from a three floor apartment trying to escape from the father. Meanwhile Dr. Lewis becomes Chief of Emergency Medicine, Howard quits his internship and Dr. Corday is facing dismissal.
Season 11, Episode 5: Intern's Guide to the Galaxy
Original Air Date—4 novembre 2004
Season 11, Episode 6: Time of Death
Original Air Date—11 novembre 2004
From 11:22 to 12:06 we can follow everything that happens to Charlie Metcalf (played by Ray Liotta), a patient who is at death's door. We are shown the minutiae of a treatment which are usually glossed over in the "regular" episodes, interlaced with images from Charlie's delusions which give an insight into the regrets he has about his wasted life.
Season 11, Episode 7: White Guy, Dark Hair
Original Air Date—18 novembre 2004
A rape victim, barely able to speak, does all she can to help police find her attacker.
Season 11, Episode 8: Shot in the Dark
Original Air Date—2 dicembre 2004
A wounded police officer's teenage son must make a life or death decision. Abby tries to convince a girl needing appendicitis surgery to stay at County, but her fathers wants her transferred to another hospital.
Season 11, Episode 9: Twas the Night
Original Air Date—9 dicembre 2004
Abby has a dialysis patient in critical condition, but she cannot find his physician, who does not want to be bothered during the holidays.
Season 11, Episode 10: Skin
Original Air Date—13 gennaio 2005
Gang members kidnap Abby hoping she can save one of their members with a gunshot wound. Ray starts treating a patient, but when she requests a new doctor, he gets offended.
Season 11, Episode 11: Only Connect
Original Air Date—20 gennaio 2005
Two teens enter the ER with gunshot wounds. When one dies, Neela botches telling the next of kin, making the woman hysterical.
Season 11, Episode 12: The Providers
Original Air Date—27 gennaio 2005
Season 11, Episode 13: Middleman
Original Air Date—3 febbraio 2005
Season 11, Episode 14: Just as I Am
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 2005
Dr. Weaver meets her birth mother, but their relationship changes when Kerrie reveals she is gay. Dr. Carter causes a commotion when he confronts a couple hoping to scam some painkillers.
Season 11, Episode 15: Alone in a Crowd
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 2005
A soccer mom finds herself completely aware of everything going on around her, but is unable to move or speak after suffering a stroke.
Season 11, Episode 16: Here and There
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 2005
Neela (who's in Chicago) and Gallant (who's in Iraq) miss each other and write letters. Gallant also tries to save the life of a little girl.
Season 11, Episode 17: Back in the World
Original Air Date—24 marzo 2005
Sam's ex-husband shows up and wants to take Alex on a trip. Gallant is back and Neela hopes to see him before he goes back to Iraq.
Season 11, Episode 18: Refusal of Care
Original Air Date—21 aprile 2005
A woman on a hunger strike refuses treatment until the INS give her son another deportation hearing. Abby searches for proof when she suspects a patient is the victim of elder abuse.
Season 11, Episode 19: Ruby Redux
Original Air Date—28 aprile 2005
Jules 'Ruby' Rubadoux is back in the ER. He's still angry with Carter about the death of his wife.
Season 11, Episode 20: You Are Here
Original Air Date—5 maggio 2005
Morris is named the new chief resident, which makes nobody really happy, except Morris. Meanwhile Luka and Sam are having communication problems, Carter gets a promotion Susan really wanted and Ray finds out a 14-year old who always comes in for free drugs has been raped.
Season 11, Episode 21: Carter est Amoureux
Original Air Date—12 maggio 2005
After Carter finds out Kem's mother is hospitalized in Paris he decides to go there to tell Kem how he feels about her. Meanwhile, Ray makes a fatal error.
Season 11, Episode 22: The Show Must Go On
Original Air Date—19 maggio 2005
Casualties of a disaster flood the ER, which is short-handed because everyone is at Dr. Carter's going-away party because he's leaving the ER after 11 years. Dr. Pratt looks for the courage to confront his father, Charlie.
Season 12
Season 12, Episode 1: Cañon City
Original Air Date—22 settembre 2005
Sam and Luka go on the search for her runaway son, Alex. Meanwhile, Pratt and Lewis guide Abby, Neela and Ray, who have become R2's, on how to teach the new interns.
Season 12, Episode 2: Nobody's Baby
Original Air Date—29 settembre 2005
Much to Ray's dislike, a surrogate mother in labor doesn't want to have a C-section and endangers the life of the baby. Meanwhile, Sam tells Luka she and Alex move out, Pratt meets his half-brother and -sister and Abby makes a difficult decision on a young boy.
Season 12, Episode 3: Man with No Name
Original Air Date—6 ottobre 2005
Luka has a very bad day: New nurse manager Eve Peyton notices he doesn't want to work with Sam and tells him so. At the end of the day he's drunk and Abby takes him home.
Season 12, Episode 4: Blame It on the Rain
Original Air Date—13 ottobre 2005
The rainy night brings in diverse patients including a mother involved in a car accident with her baby, a man with a satisfaction facilitator, and a comatose patient who suddenly wakes up. Also, Sam steps up to Eve and her strict ways and Jerry gets struck by lightening!
Season 12, Episode 5: Wake Up
Original Air Date—20 ottobre 2005
A new attending, Dr. Victor Clemente, comes aboard and quickly makes a stir on the ER. Abby's breast cancer patient convinces her to take a long awaited test. Luka befriends a young woman who awakes from a six-year coma. Also, Weaver shows Clemente who runs the ER.
Season 12, Episode 6: Dream House
Original Air Date—3 novembre 2005
Pratt's half-brother tries to get him to make ends meet with his estranged father. Clemente treats an infant chimpanzee and involves Abby and Neela on the secret case. Eve promotes Sam and her first tasks is to fire a beloved nurse.
Season 12, Episode 7: The Human Shield
Original Air Date—10 novembre 2005
A kidnaped girl is the victim of police shooting. Abby is stuck in the middle of a disagreement between Luka and Clemente. Neela receives a phone call from Iraq. Later, Luka and Abby share a kiss.
Season 12, Episode 8: Two Ships
Original Air Date—17 novembre 2005
The ER prepares to take in victims from a plane collision, while Neela and Pratt head out to the crash site where Neela makes heroic efforts. At the end of the day, Neela gets a surprising visit.
Season 12, Episode 9: I Do
Original Air Date—1 dicembre 2005
Gallant impulsively asks Neela to marry her that exact day, she says I do but soon gets cold feet. Morris stands up to Weaver on a patients course of treatment. Luka, Sam and Clemente treat a boy who contracted HIV from his mother. Also, Abby and Luka redefine their relationship and Luka is named the new Chief of Emergency Medicine.
Season 12, Episode 10: All About Christmas Eve
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 2005
Pratt and Weaver try to create a Christmas miracle when they work to save a girl wounded from gunfire. Eve gets into trouble after punching a disruptive patient. Also, Abby has a special gift for Luka.
Season 12, Episode 11: If Not Now
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 2006
Neela treats a religious teenage girl who turns out to be pregnant. Abby and Kovac struggle to figure out what to do with her unexpected pregnancy.
Season 12, Episode 12: Split Decisions
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 2006
Ray helps an old friend escape from her abusive father. Dubenko volunteers in the ER but can't seem to handle a slow day. Abby and Kovac go baby shopping, while Neela gets unexpected and upsetting news from Gallant.
Season 12, Episode 13: Body & Soul
Original Air Date—2 febbraio 2006
Dr. Nate Lennox, a former professor with ALS, is brought in as the progression of his disease is chronicled through his own flashbacks as he is treated by each of the doctors at one point. As Lennox wants to give up, Abby fights to convince him to keep on fighting.
Next US airings:
Tue. Dec. 23 10:00 AM TNT
Season 12, Episode 14: Quintessence of Dust
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 2006
An unexpected visitor puts Clemente in the middle of a domestic dispute. Meanwhile, Luka and Abby await test results on their unborn child; Neela struggles with her surgical elective and Pratt ends up with an unexpected suitor when he participates in a charity bachelor auction.
Next US airings:
Fri. Dec. 26 10:00 AM TNT
Season 12, Episode 15: Darfur
Original Air Date—2 marzo 2006
In the Sudan, Carter and a colleague struggle to save a woman who was raped by a band of militants. Back in the ER, Clemente asks to return to work after the shooting incident, but Kovac refuses. Meanwhile, Neela and Pratt have a work dispute, and, in a related incident, K.J.'s father shows up again in the ER.
Next US airings:
Mon. Dec. 29 10:00 AM TNT
Season 12, Episode 16: Out on a Limb
Original Air Date—16 marzo 2006
Weaver contemplates hip replacement surgery after she finds it hard to do her labor intensive job. Meanwhile, Kovac tries to ease Abby's fears about raising a child together. Neela decides to attend a support group for military spouses but when she offers her opinions on the war, the meeting turns into a debate. And after Sam treats a fainting victim, she finds herself with an intriguing job offer.
Next US airings:
Tue. Dec. 30 10:00 AM TNT
Season 12, Episode 17: Lost in America
Original Air Date—23 marzo 2006
Abby and Luka desperately try to keep a young woman brought into the ER with stab wounds to the neck alive. As her condition begins to worsen, Clemente steps in and tries a risky procedure on the girl in order to save her life. Meanwhile, Neela pulls an all-nighter in preparation for a speech at a surgeon's convention, Ray treats a man claiming to have swallowed a bottle of pills, and Sam decides to take a part-time job with Richard to help her with childcare expenses.
Next US airings:
Wed. Dec. 31 10:00 AM TNT
Season 12, Episode 18: Strange Bedfellows
Original Air Date—30 marzo 2006
When two teens are in a car accident, Abby and Morris struggle to figure out what is wrong with the unconscious girl. Meanwhile, Neela gets a visit from her in-laws and discovers some troubling news. Kovac tells Abby that he plans to go to Africa and help Carter, but when he realizes Abby is not crazy about the idea, he decides to send someone else in his place. Sam starts her new job with Elliot and quickly starts to love the the perks.
Next US airings:
Fri. Jan. 2 10:00 AM TNT
Season 12, Episode 19: No Place to Hide
Original Air Date—27 aprile 2006
Abby senses something not right when a grandmother and granddaughter are brought into the ER. Sam's jailed ex-husband Steve is brought into the ER and everyone but Neela assumes he is faking sick. Meanwhile, tensions grow when Morris and Albright argue over a patient, Pratt heads to Africa to help Carter and quickly realizes how difficult life will be, and Weaver finishes physical therapy.
Season 12, Episode 20: There Are No Angels Here
Original Air Date—4 maggio 2006
Pratt gets to work in Darfur alongside Carter and his co-workers, but is troubled by astounding number of people needing care and finds himself making a dangerous journey.
Season 12, Episode 21: The Gallant Hero & the Tragic Victor
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2006
Pratt struggles to get a straight story when two abused boys come into the ER with their father. Two U.S. Army officers enter the ER.
Season 12, Episode 22: 21 Guns
Original Air Date—18 maggio 2006
Chaos reigns in the ER when two prisoners are brought in for treatment, but instead plot a violent escape. Their desperate actions place one doctor in harm's way, and forces one nurse to become a tool in their plan.
Season 13
Season 13, Episode 1: Bloodline
Original Air Date—21 settembre 2006
Weaver, Kovac, and the other doctors work frantically to try to save Jerry and a pregnant Abby, who were both critically injured during the shootout that left the ER in shambles. Meanwhile, Sam tries to escape from her ex-boyfriend and his criminal accomplices as they head north, but things quickly turn violent.
Season 13, Episode 2: Graduation Day
Original Air Date—28 settembre 2006
As Abby and Luka cope with their newborn's life and death struggle, the couple is shocked to receive a surprise visitor: Abby's mother Maggie. Meanwhile, Sam fears the prospect of criminal charges; Neela discovers that Tony Gates will be joining the ER team as an intern and Morris gets his job back while Weaver gets demoted.
Season 13, Episode 3: Somebody to Love
Original Air Date—5 ottobre 2006
Gates is assigned to the case of a closeted gay man whose partner clashes with his family; Neela meets her new surgical chief, Dr. Crenshaw; and Pratt must cope with the flood of new interns.
Season 13, Episode 4: Parenthood
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2006
Abby and Kovac discover both the joys and difficulties of raising a newborn; Morris is wrongfully accused of being a child molester; Pratt has his trial-by-fire when he has to handle the ER alone, juggling multiple traumas, teaching duties and a troublesome intern. Neela continues to be the target of her difficult supervisor, and Sam discovers her sons latest extra-curricular activity.
Season 13, Episode 5: Ames v. Kovac
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 2006
Curtis Ames, a carpenter who suffered a stroke under Kovac's care, sues him for malpractice. Kovac and Ames square off in court as each man's recollections of Ames' treatment are recounted via testimony and flashbacks. Meanwhile, Abby returns to work and must adjust to the dramatic changes in her life, and Pratt's early morning trip to the barbershop results in a new awareness of community need. Also, Abby and Pratt try an unconventional method for treating a heart patient and Neela tries a risky procedure which doesn't sit well with her chief.
Season 13, Episode 6: Heart of the Matter
Original Air Date—2 novembre 2006
Kovac anxiously awaits the verdict between himself and Curtis Ames but fears the worst. Meanwhile, Neela disobeys her chief's orders and also questions her feelings for Gates, and Weaver unwittingly steals the spotlight from Morris in his big television debut.
Season 13, Episode 7: Jigsaw
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2006
A belligerent young man with the flu turns out to be more than he seems, and presents a challenge to Morris and Sam when he refuses treatment. Abby's chance encounter with Curtis Ames leaves Kovac uneasy. Meanwhile, Pratt discovers a local church's risky drug exchange program, Neela and Gates square off, and Weaver gets an interesting offer.
Season 13, Episode 8: Reason to Believe
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 2006
A mysterious illness leaves little hope when a group of homeless kids enter the ER and one of them believes that Neela is a guardian angel in blue; Abby and Kovac clash over a possible case of domestic abuse; Pratt makes a shocking discovery about his brother, and Weaver is unexpectedly called into action when her television appearance becomes a real emergency.
Season 13, Episode 9: Scoop and Run
Original Air Date—23 novembre 2006
Thanksgiving at County is quiet, with the normal number of routine (or nearly so) emergencies. But Abby makes up for the lack of excitement while returning to the hospital as the doctor on a helicopter transport.
Season 13, Episode 10: Tell Me No Secrets...
Original Air Date—30 novembre 2006
Kovac and Gates treat a girl who appears to have been assaulted. When the police are no help with Ames, Kovac decides to confront the problem himself; Morris and other doctors work on a patient with an ice pick in his ear. Meanwhile, Ray tries to keep his new relationship a secret and Pratt can't fully deal when his half-brother officially comes out. Also, a new male nurse arrives.
Season 13, Episode 11: City of Mercy
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2006
It's Christmas in the ER. A homeless boy sends Gates and Ray on a mission. Meanwhile, in the ER, Neela oversees an unusual kidney transplant case; Sam takes a stand when a patient is dumped in an alley by another hospital; and Morris plays Santa for a special girl and learns the meaning of Christmas.
Season 13, Episode 12: Breach of Trust
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 2007
Weaver cares for a Katrina survivor who's reluctant to having surgery on her foot; budget cuts force Luka to make a difficult personnel decision. Also, Gates' home life intrudes on the ER; and Pratt and Hope are shaken after a patient in their care dies needlessly.
Season 13, Episode 13: A House Divided
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2007
Kovac reacts negatively when he sees Abby giving extra attention to a patient; Ray and Gates clash over a patient, pinning Neela in the middle; and Ben takes things to the next level with Sam. Meanwhile, Pratt is under investigation and Weaver says a final goodbye to the ER.
Season 13, Episode 14: Murmurs of the Heart
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2007
Kovac finds himself in a tense confrontation with Curtis Ames, and Abby must act to protect her family. Meanwhile, Neela and Gates rush to get Meg to the hospital while Sam's new home is soon under threat from fire.
Season 13, Episode 15: Dying Is Easy...
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2007
Abby and Sam try to treat an obnoxious, aspiring comedian with mysterious symptoms; Pratt must defend his actions in front of the medical board; Neela scrubs in on a kidney donor transplant; and Morris, as the lone attending, must run a busy ER. Also, Kovac gets a surprising proposal from Abby.
Season 13, Episode 16: Crisis of Conscience
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2007
Kovac and Gates find themselves with a moral dilemma when a woman comes into the ER with acute liver failure; Neela finds herself questioning what is right when Manish decides to give up a kidney to a complete stranger. Meanwhile, Ray fights to get to the bottom of a cheerleaders accidental fall; Abby gets a prediction for her future; and Alex's troubles continue to intrude on Sam's work life.
Season 13, Episode 17: From Here to Paternity
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2007
A blizzard strands a family in the snow and Abby and Pratt quickly try to save the family. A gang shooting challenges Morris and Pratt. Meanwhile, Kovac and Abby begin making wedding plans, but their engagement might not be very secret; Gates struggles with the reappearance of his father and the possibility of losing Sarah; and Neela becomes jealous when Dubenko brings in a new surgical intern.
Season 13, Episode 18: Photographs and Memories
Original Air Date—12 aprile 2007
It's Sam's birthday, but she finds it hard to be away from her son Alex. Meanwhile, Sam meets a photographer taking pictures of a terminal patient and she gives Sam a new perspective on life. Dubenko's new surgical intern unsettles Neela during a trauma; Gates is shadowed by a new and nerdy intern and later must tell Sarah the truth that he may be her biological father. Also, Morris and Hope annoy Kovac and Abby when they try to help with their wedding preparations.
Season 13, Episode 19: Family Business
Original Air Date—19 aprile 2007
Kovac and Gates deal with a hopeless father whose son succumbs to heart failure; Pratt tries to resolve the tension between him and his brother; an Armenian man tries to be a good samaritan but ends up crashing near the ER; Abby sneaks in baby Joe when she worries his sickness may be worse than it seems; Also, Sam injures the instructor of a self-defense seminar.
Season 13, Episode 20: Lights Out
Original Air Date—26 aprile 2007
In 12 hours, the ER will shut down. As Kovac is under pressure to take care of the patients before the final hours, he makes a pivotal decision about his future. Meanwhile, Sam befriends a photojournalist who returns only this time she's terminally ill; Pratt is concerned when his brother ends up in the ER drunk; Morris confronts Gates when he ignores his orders and angrily sends him home while Gates tries to defend his actions.
Season 13, Episode 21: I Don't
Original Air Date—3 maggio 2007
What is suppose to be a departmental dinner organized by Kovac turns out to be the surprise of a lifetime for Abby when she soon learns it's a surprise wedding, secretly planned by the eager groom. Meanwhile, at the wedding, ER staffers enjoy themselves with music and booze while Neela finds herself the center of unexpected attention between Gates and Ray, which leads to a drunken fight and a shocking conclusion.
Season 13, Episode 22: Sea Change
Original Air Date—10 maggio 2007
The ER reopens with new changes. However, the ER is not the only thing that's changed; Kovac and Abby adjust to being newlyweds; Morris and Hope enjoy themselves at the honeymoon suite; Pratt attempts a change for a woman; Neela worries when Ray goes missing; Meanwhile, there's a new doctor in the ER and he means business; and another change may come when Kovac receives a phone call.
Season 13, Episode 23: The Honeymoon Is Over
Original Air Date—17 maggio 2007
The ER is now in the hands of a new chief, Dr. Kevin Moretti, who is bent on major changes. Meanwhile, a phone call leads Neela to a hospital where awaits a major shock and a final farewell from a friend and colleague. Gates urgently goes home to stop Sarah from being taken away from him. A GI patient baffles Morris and Sam. Also, Kovac postpones the honeymoon and says goodbye to Abby and his son, for the meantime, while he travels to Croatia to visit his ailing father.
Season 14
Season 14, Episode 1: The War Comes Home
Original Air Date—27 settembre 2007
Abby, Pratt and Morris clash with Moretti's strict new ER procedures as victims of an anti-war rally roll in, including Neela. Gates manhandles a patient he suspects set off the explosion that disrupted the protest. A worried Dubenko lets his emotions for Neela take over during Neela's surgery. Meanwhile, the rest of the staff worry over Neela's condition.
Season 14, Episode 2: In a Different Light
Original Air Date—4 ottobre 2007
Patients include a Pregnant teacher whose student/lover was critically injured while driving; a man who is hiding a gunshot wound and a brilliant young boy who knows he is dying, but hides it from his mother. Dr. Moretti continues to remake the ER to his liking, Nila is recovering, Luka's absence is reinforced (back in Croatia and not coming back) and Sam may be starting a new relationship with a police officer.
Season 14, Episode 3: Officer Down
Original Air Date—11 ottobre 2007
Abby and a distracted Morris work to save two auxiliary cops brought in with gunshot wounds. Pratt treats a teen wrestler with severe vomiting, but the problem is much more serious. Sam worries over her new beau Litchman. Gates tries to help a young boy in the ICU with a deadly disease. Also, Dubenko visits Neela while she babysits baby Joe.
Season 14, Episode 4: Gravity
Original Air Date—18 ottobre 2007
When Baby Joe is injured by a fall at the playground and rushed to the hospital, Abby is unable to reach Luka to tell him.
Season 14, Episode 5: Under the Influence
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 2007
Moretti reassigns Gates back to the ER and treats a couple involved in a car accident. Morris prepares to take his written board exams. Neela is assigned a young genius intern. Kovac plans to extend his stay in Croatia while Abby struggles with single parenthood.
Season 14, Episode 6: The Test
Original Air Date—1 novembre 2007
Moretti brings in new attending Skye Wexler to help with the patient load. Morris and Pratt cram for the medical board exam. Gates treats a returning patient from the ICU whose condition has worsen. Sam tends to a teenage girl who is feeling neglected by the staff. Neela's intern, Harold, seeks her advice on a personal matter. Abby struggles with her relapse.
Season 14, Episode 7: Blackout
Original Air Date—8 novembre 2007
The city suffers power outages during an unseasonably hot spell. Nursing-home patients are brought into the ER suffering from hyperthermia. Abby and Pratt disagree on the diagnosis of a fussy baby. Abby falls back to old habits and quickly down spirals to rock bottom on a night she'll forever regret.
Season 14, Episode 8: Coming Home
Original Air Date—15 novembre 2007
Season 14, Episode 9: Skye's the Limit
Original Air Date—29 novembre 2007
Dr Wexlar is made interim ER chief while staff deals with an industrial accident that leads to a hate crime.
Season 14, Episode 10: 300 Patients
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 2007
Morning shift begins. The night shift treated 142 patients - a new record. Dr. Morris is confident that by the end of the day the ER can set a new record of 300 patients. Frank reminds him that there has never been more than 250 patients in a day. Dr. Morris bets $300 that they can reach 300 by the end of the shift. Frank, Dr. Gates and Dr. Pratt each bet $100 against him. But will the game be fair? Also, when chaplain Dupree arrives announcing that she's doing a round of the hospital, holding blessing ceremonies and memorials, the guys are against it, except for Dr. Gates, which makes the others suspicious. Frank goes straight to the point. Then there is the accident involving a camel.
Season 14, Episode 11: Status Quo
Original Air Date—3 gennaio 2008
Dr. Pratt applies for the job of ER Chief and gets turned down. This causes him to give 2 weeks notice. A female soldier, home 2 weeks from Iraq is 2 months pregnant and her husband demands an explanation. Neela's cousin has arrived from London for an extended visit and gets pursued by both Dr. Morris and Harold Zelinsky, much to Harold's chagrin. After 9 years absence, a fall in gym by her son brings Jeanie Boulet (Gloria Reuben) back to the ER. Not only is she troubled because of her son, but the disorientation of knowing virtually no one on the current staff does not help. ***spoilers*** Having lived with HIV all of these years, it turns out her adopted son, also HIV positive, has a head tumor and AIDS . Dr Pratt pursues the possibility of going to another hospital where he might get more respect from management. The female soldier, it turns out, is pregnant by being raped by her sergeant in Iraq and has to decide whether to keep the baby.
Season 14, Episode 12: Believe the Unseen
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 2008
A firefighter is brought in after being injured at a fire that is blamed on a young girl with genetic problems. Abby decides to prove the girl did not cause the fire. A disfigured man saves his anti-social neighbor. An old woman dies unattended at the ER while the staff are waiting for a psychiatrist. Pratt backs up Abby in an administration meeting. Neela's cousin apparently chooses Harold.
Season 14, Episode 13: Atonement
Original Air Date—17 gennaio 2008
Season 14, Episode 14: Owner of a Broken Heart
Original Air Date—10 aprile 2008
Abby deals with her upcoming reunion with Luca in Croatia, a heart transplant patient is admitted when her body rejects the new heart, and a new doctor ruffles feathers.
Season 14, Episode 15: ...As the Day She Was Born
Original Air Date—17 aprile 2008
Neela's marathon shift begins to affect her, and her demeanor isn't helped when she learns the med student she is mentoring is abandoning her specialty.
Season 14, Episode 16: Truth Will Out
Original Air Date—24 aprile 2008
Abby returns to work; Luca applies for a job elsewhere; the reason behind a brash doctor's being at County is revealed.
Season 14, Episode 17: Under Pressure
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2008
A young couple are choppered to County after a car accident,and one of them has a gun. A boy who wants to be a clown is injured in a unicycle mishap, but his father considers him a mathlete and wants him to go to MIT. Pratt visits Bettina in the hospital, but she tells him off.
Season 14, Episode 18: Tandem Repeats
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2008
A young woman with a failing liver has a difficult reunion with her parents, whom she has not seen in six years. Abby receives a job offer. Brenner isn't nice to Laverne after they sleep together.
Season 14, Episode 19: The Chicago Way
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2008
In the season finale, an ER patient with a mysterious past is afraid that people are trying to kill him. Dr. Moretti returns, trying to make amends for wrecking the marriage of Abby and Luka. Neela makes her way through a difficult M&M conference. Morris treats a woman with lupus who has an attractive daughter.
Season 15
Season 15, Episode 1: Life After Death
Original Air Date—25 settembre 2008
The ER staff deals with the aftermath of the explosion including a severely injured doctor.
Season 15, Episode 2: Another Thursday at County
Original Air Date—9 ottobre 2008
The ER is on guard as Gates gathers the new interns to treat a terrorist, but it's the new doctor and her tough disposition that has everyone on the defensive.
Season 15, Episode 3: The Book of Abby
Original Air Date—16 ottobre 2008
Season 15, Episode 4: Parental Guidance
Original Air Date—23 ottobre 2008
When a thirteen-year-old gymnast is brought into the hospital after having supposedly fallen off a wall, Dr. Banfield and Dr. Gates must sort out whether abuse is involved.
Season 15, Episode 5: Haunted
Original Air Date—30 ottobre 2008
Patients include an 18-year-old who was stabbed with a fork at his school, and a man shot by a cop at a Halloween party. Meanwhile Sam is annoyed by Gates and Daria.
Season 15, Episode 6: Oh, Brother
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2008
Season 15, Episode 7: Heal Thyself
Original Air Date—13 novembre 2008
Season 15, Episode 8: Age of Innocence
Original Air Date—20 novembre 2008
Season 15, Episode 9: Let It Snow
Original Air Date—4 dicembre 2008
Season 15, Episode 10: The High Holiday
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 2008
Season 15, Episode 11: Separation Anxiety
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 12: Episode #15.12
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 13: Love Is a Battlefield
Original Air Date—29 gennaio 2009
Season 15, Episode 14: The Family Man
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 15: Episode #15.15
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 16: Episode #15.16
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 17: Episode #15.17
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 18: Episode #15.18
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 19: Episode #15.19
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 20: Episode #15.20
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 21: Episode #15.21
Original Air Date—????
Season 15, Episode 22: Episode #15.22
Original Air Date—????
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"Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

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Episode list for
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (1997) More at IMDbPro »
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Episodes: All (145)

Season: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Year: 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003

Season 1
Season 1, Episode 0: Unaired Pilot
Original Air Date—giugno 2003
Season 1, Episode 1: Welcome to the Hellmouth
Original Air Date—10 marzo 1997
Buffy Summers has just moved to Sunnydale with her mother. She wants nothing more than to make the right friends, and fit in with the right group. There is only one thing standing in her way. Her destiny.
Season 1, Episode 2: The Harvest
Original Air Date—10 marzo 1997
In the second part of the two-part series premiere, Xander and Willow learn the truth about Sunnydale, and Buffy finds herself racing to rescue Jesse and stop a demonic ritual known as "The Harvest".
Season 1, Episode 3: Witch
Original Air Date—17 marzo 1997
It's cheerleading tryouts, and Buffy can't resist. However, when the girls start getting knocked out of the competition, Buffy and the gang begin to suspect that someone may be behind these not so normal occurrences. Could someone be using dark magic in order to make the squad?
Season 1, Episode 4: Teacher's Pet
Original Air Date—24 marzo 1997
Xander dreams of greatness- in biology class; the teacher, Dr. Gregory, is eaten afterward and declared missing. Angel gives Buffy another cryptic warning and his jacket but no personal info. Substitute Natalie French continues the lesson on insects, her good looks guarantee volunteers after class, Cordelia Chase finds Gregory decapitated. To Buffy's surprise vampires flee for miss French, who wants hormones-impressed Xander to see her after class, and Blayne didn't return from his previous appointment. Xander refuses to believe his 'hot date' is a shape-shifting bug but is drugged and locked up after she resumes her mantis-form and caged with Blayne. Giles finds out it's a virgin-killer, Buffy the real miss French's identity...
Season 1, Episode 5: Never Kill a Boy on the First Date
Original Air Date—31 marzo 1997
Yearning for a normal life, Buffy agrees to a date with Owen. Giles discovers a prophecy of coming danger, but she chooses Owen over battling evil. When Giles goes out on his own and is trapped by a group of vampires, Buffy must figure out a way to balance dating and Slaying.
Season 1, Episode 6: The Pack
Original Air Date—7 aprile 1997
After an altercation in the hyena enclosure of the local zoo, Buffy and Willow notice Xander start to hang with a new group of friends, and take on a slightly more primal attitude, including a liking for rare meat.
Season 1, Episode 7: Angel
Original Air Date—14 aprile 1997
Angel and Buffy's relationship is threatened by a dark secret he has been hiding from her. And when that secret puts the life of someone close to Buffy in danger, she must make a choice.
Season 1, Episode 8: I, Robot... You, Jane
Original Air Date—28 aprile 1997
Willow meets a new friend, Malcolm, over the Internet. Meanwhile, a demon named Moloch has escaped from the book in which he was bound.
Season 1, Episode 9: The Puppet Show
Original Air Date—5 maggio 1997
Mr. Snyder, Sunnydale High's new principal after the devouring of fatherly Mr. Robert Flutie, believes in order and discipline to instill school spirit, so he orders Giles to produce a talent show and punishes the absentee trio by forcibly enrolling them as candidates. Then dancer Emily is found with her heart cut out, but demons don't usually use a knife, yet one was found next to her, so the human student contestants are screened. The weirdest suspect proves to be gifted ventriloquist Morgan Shay, who treats his inseparable wooden dummy Sid as real, in fact takes orders from it in private, and if it is as Giles suspects one of seven demon who take possession of human bodies, anybody may be turned bad by it...
Season 1, Episode 10: Nightmares
Original Air Date—12 maggio 1997
At the hell-mouth, the Master of evil explains to his boy heir Collin that fear rules people better then love or hate. He manages to use the young schoolboy Billy Palmer to make every student of Sunnydale High's terrifying nightmares come true, ranging from Xander appearing in class wearing only boxer-shorts to being chased by murderers, losing one's favorite abilities or poisonous spiders coming out of one's schoolbooks...
Season 1, Episode 11: Out of Mind, Out of Sight
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1997
An invisible force is attacking the students and teachers at Sunnydale High. Buffy and the gang must find a way to stop this invisible menace, and determine why it seems to be centering its attacks on Cordelia.
Season 1, Episode 12: Prophecy Girl
Original Air Date—2 giugno 1997
In the first-season finale, Giles discovers an ancient prophecy which states that Buffy will face the Master and she will die. Upon hearing this, Buffy first denies her slayer roots, but when a small tragedy occurs at school, Buffy realizes she can't run from destiny, and decides to take on The Master.
Season 2
Season 2, Episode 1: When She Was Bad
Original Air Date—15 settembre 1997
Buffy returns from her summer vacation after defeating the Master and is not the same fun-loving slayer she used to be. Her cold, distant behavior escalates when she discovers that the remaining vampire population are planning to resurrect the Master.
Season 2, Episode 2: Some Assembly Required
Original Air Date—22 settembre 1997
The bodies of several recently deceased teen girls are stolen from their graves. When most of the parts are discovered in a dumpster on school grounds, the gang discovers a disturbing plot to build a new person from parts of dead ones.
Season 2, Episode 3: School Hard
Original Air Date—29 settembre 1997
Principal Snyder puts 'worst students' Buffy and real rebel Sheila Martini in charge of parents night preparations as a last chance to avoid expulsion. The surviving vampires at the hell-mouth agree whoever kills the Slayer who eliminated him may succeed the Master, then are surprised by the return of Spike, who happily reunites with his princess Drusilla and promises the Anointed boy Colin to do the job. Giles and Calendar warn Buffy next Saturday is St. Vigeous night, vampire prime day, still she joins the gang at the Bronze, where Spike sees her slay and promises revenge on Saturday. As if parent day weren't going bad enough, Spike's band attacks early. Buffy doesn't know Sheila was caught and bitten in advance, so she's a danger in her back, and on whose side is Angel, who knows Spike well?
Season 2, Episode 4: Inca Mummy Girl
Original Air Date—6 ottobre 1997
While on a field trip to the local museum, one of the students breaks a ceramic seal in the coffin of an Incan mummy, who rises and must consume the life-force of others in order to remain alive. She tries to fit in with the students at Sunnydale, and even starts to have real feelings for Xander. But when Buffy, Willow, and Giles realize who and what she really is, they may have to rescue Xander before he becomes the mummy's next victim.
Season 2, Episode 5: Reptile Boy
Original Air Date—13 ottobre 1997
The people around Buffy start needing more and more, and she starts feeling pulled apart. When Cordelia's college crush shows up on campus with a friend who has eyes for Buffy, Cordelia convinces Buffy to come with her to the frat party. But the party soon turns sinister, and Buffy learns the connection between the fraternity and the local girls who have recently gone missing.
Season 2, Episode 6: Halloween
Original Air Date—27 ottobre 1997
When a curse causes the Sunnydale masses to become their Halloween costumes, Buffy becomes an English noblewoman, Xander a soldier, and Willow a ghost. Spike seizes the moment of Buffy being totally helpless, and decides to attack.
Season 2, Episode 7: Lie to Me
Original Air Date—3 novembre 1997
Ford, an old friend of Buffy's from L.A., shows up unexpectedly in Sunnydale, and seems to know that she is the Slayer. When Xander, Willow, and Angel discover that he is involved with a cult-like group of disillusioned teens who idolize vampires, they must find out Ford's true agenda before it's too late.
Season 2, Episode 8: The Dark Age
Original Air Date—10 novembre 1997
The secrets of Giles's dark past come back to haunt him when an old friend turns up dead in Sunnydale. As a troubled youth, Giles and his friends summoned a demon. Now, it has returned and is hunting down the people summoned it. And it's quest for revenge may place the life of someone dear to Giles in extreme danger.
Season 2, Episode 9: What's My Line?: Part 1
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1997
Its "Career Week" at Sunnydale High and Buffy is faced with the reality that she has no future apart from that of a Slayer. Meanwhile, Spike sends four deadly assassins to ensure the Slayer has no future at all.
Season 2, Episode 10: What's My Line?: Part 2
Original Air Date—24 novembre 1997
The girl who attacked Buffy turns out to be no vampire but another slayer, Kendra, who assumed her duty while Buffy was drowned dead for a minute and works far more by the book Buffy ignored even to exist. Angel fears to die as the rising sun reaches into his holding place, but is dragged out in time by snitch Willy, only to be sold to Spike, who needs Drusilla's sire to revitalize her in a demonic ritual in an abandoned church which will kill Angel, and allows her first to enjoy torturing the shirtless hunk with holy water. Helping Cordelia escape the maggot-made Taraka order-killer makes Xander spike their formally continuing hatred with hot kisses, twice, a female killer fails to kill Buffy as police recruiter on career day...
Season 2, Episode 11: Ted
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 1997
Buffy has parental issues when Joyce comes home with a boyfriend, the computer expert and master chef Ted, whose charming personality impresses everyone except Buffy. Buffy insists there's not something right with Ted, but everyone keeps telling her she's just being paranoid...
Season 2, Episode 12: Bad Eggs
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 1998
The students are given eggs to look after, and Buffy finds out that there is something inside of the eggs. Soon the eggs hatch, the creatures inside take over the minds of their owners. Also, a pair of cowboy vampires show up in town.
Season 2, Episode 13: Surprise
Original Air Date—19 gennaio 1998
As Buffy's 17th birthday nears, and the gang prepares a surprise party for her. But when the gang find out that Spike and Drusilla are planning their own party, Angel may have to leave Sunnydale to keep Dru's party guest, an immortal demon called the Judge, from painting the town red.
Season 2, Episode 14: Innocence
Original Air Date—20 gennaio 1998
Angel's night of fleshly passion with Buffy has transformed him again into the super-vampire Angelus, without a soul, who teams up with Spike, Drusilla and the assembled demon Judge, offering to eliminate Buffy with love. Willow is shocked to see Xander kiss Cordelia and turns to fellow nerd (but band member) Oz. Just sensing Angel doesn't truly love her back devastates Buffy, seeing him turned vampire again reduces her to useless tearfulness, then makes Giles's lady-friend Janna 'Jenny' Calendar, who clearly knew something, tell about Angel's soul-curse, while angel turns to her gypsy Uncle Enyos. Meanwhile Xander works rather literally on the line 'it took a army' to defeat the Judge...
Season 2, Episode 15: Phases
Original Air Date—27 gennaio 1998
Buffy and Giles track down a werewolf roaming in the woods while trying to stop a maniacal werewolf killer. Meanwhile Willow tries to get closer to Oz.
Season 2, Episode 16: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 1998
Nice, insecure Xander's unnatural passionate yet loveless relationship with snooty, selfish Cordelia has never felt right, but when her friends find out and decide that's the end of her popular status, she dumps him without hesitation, ironically without getting back in their favor. Being dumped on Valentine's day after he gave her a swell heart-shaped necklace is too much abuse even for Xander's low self-esteem, so when he notices Amy has taken up her mother's witchcraft, he blackmails her into putting his scorner under a love spell so he can take his revenge by dumping her hist as painfully. Alas the novice's ineptly executed spell works on every girl except Cordelia and that means dangerous irrationality. Meanwhile vampires Spike, Drusilla and especially spiteful Angelus have their own unconventional ideas about celebrating Valentine's day...
Season 2, Episode 17: Passion
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 1998
Because of the way Angelus, who enjoys taunting Spike at the Hellmouth but above all his scorned lover, once took revenge on Drusilla's family, Buffy fears a similar fate for her ma Joyce Summers, but may not tell her the truth. Gipsy Jenny hopes to redeem her deceit of Buffy and Giles by attempting to translate the Gypsy curse in Rumanian on a vessel fit for soul transfer, hoping to restore to Angelus his human soul and thus transform him back into loving, suffering Angel, but he is ahead of her as Giles finds to his personal grief as the gang loses a member and finds he took off for revenge on his own...
Season 2, Episode 18: Killed by Death
Original Air Date—3 marzo 1998
When Buffy is admitted to hospital with a raging fever she meets Ryan, a young boy who has the same flu virus and claims that the sick children in the hospital are being persecuted by a monster that may be death himself.
Season 2, Episode 19: I Only Have Eyes for You
Original Air Date—21 aprile 1998
Even by Sunnydale standards, pupils and teachers have disturbing illusions which make them do crazy things. Giles soon realizes that is a poltergeist, and insists it must be his Jenny, but Willow's research in her PC -preparing to take over her computing classes- points to the 1955 incident Buffy witnesses in a vision, when student James Stanley shot dead his teacher and lover Grace Newman, one of them is the ghost stuck in reliving the fatal tragedy, especially as its anniversary is on the high school's annual, now approaching Sadie Hawkins Dance with gender role reversal. Willow plans an elaborate exorcism, but the ghost plays dirty. Angelus' appearance changes everything...
Season 2, Episode 20: Go Fish
Original Air Date—5 maggio 1998
When several members of the Sunnydale High swim team are mysteriously skinned alive, Buffy and the gang take it upon themselves to protect the remaining members, which results in Xander revealing a side of himself rarely seen.
Season 2, Episode 21: Becoming: Part 1
Original Air Date—12 maggio 1998
How it all has begun: how Angel became a vampire, how Buffy became a slayer, and how Willow is starting to become the ultimate witch... Angelus and Drusilla are calling for the end of the World as we know it.
Season 2, Episode 22: Becoming: Part 2
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1998
Buffy arrives too late to save the gang from Drusilla's surprise attack, and ends up being arrested for the murder of one of her friends after Principal Synder (acting under orders from a mysterious, unseen third party), has her framed for the killing. Escaping from the police, she discovers that Willow is comatose, Giles has been kidnapped, and she is almost totally alone going into the final battle with Angelus. She heads out to rescue Giles and stop Angelus once and for all... with the help of a most unlikely ally: Spike who wants a temporary alliance so Buffy and kill Angelus and he can have Drusilla back.
Season 3
Season 3, Episode 1: Anne
Original Air Date—29 settembre 1998
While Cordelia went to Cancun, Xander, Willow and Oz learned to control the vampire population without the slayer, Giles follows falls trails all over the States, but the new school year starts without expelled Buffy. Under her middle name Anne, she became a waitress in L.A., still dreaming of eternal love with Angel but is recognized by another Sunnydale exilee, whose present alias is Lilly, and helps her search for her sweetheart Rickie, whose life-drained body she finds. Only painfully later they realize that Ken is the culprit, when he pushes them trough a portal to a hell of hard labor- can a slayer handle the taskmaster demons?
Season 3, Episode 2: Dead Man's Party
Original Air Date—6 ottobre 1998
Buffy is back home, to her mother Joyce's great relief, which calls for a dinner invitation for the while gang, but the mood remains gloomy, despite her resuming the main slaying tasks although for the others things can't just return to their former state, not in the least because the obviously amused principal Snyder pays no attention to pleas to take Buffy back (mother's threat to take the case to the mayor even has an inverse effect), while Buffy still dreams of Angel. After a dead cat found in the Summers bookcase, other stinking corpses come to life again, a phenomenon which must have something to do with a the mysterious Nigerian mask with lighting red eyes mother Joyce bought, fortunately no secret to Giles...
Season 3, Episode 3: Faith, Hope & Trick
Original Air Date—13 ottobre 1998
The gang enjoys being Seniors now. The Summers girls gloat the school board overruled the principal's refusal to allow Buffy back after make-up tests, but guilty nightmares about having slain her beloved Angel still plague Buffy, who remains too gloomy to accept a charming dance invitation from cute student Scott Hope, but he sweetly persists his charm offensive. Following a suspected vampire, Buffy finds the presumed victim is the new second slayer, Faith, who considers Giles hunky for a watcher. A limousine arrives in Sunnydale with upper-class vampires: the gravely mutilated Kakistos and his lieutenant, the 'mundain' colored boy-eater Mr. Trick. When some underlings attack the slayers in Kakistos's name, Giles warns it's Greek for 'the worst'... Buffy admits Willow's spell had cured Angel just before she slew him; somehow he reemerges from the hell-dimension her slaying sent him to.
Season 3, Episode 4: Beauty and the Beasts
Original Air Date—20 ottobre 1998
Xander minds Oz, caged in the library for his lunar werewolf nights, but dozes off; a boy is kill in the woods and the window is open, so Faith takes second watch. Buffy dates gentle Scott Hope and takes mandatory school counseling with Mr. Platt, who says she must conquer her 'demon', obsession with a lost love. Looking for the werewolf, Buffy bumps into Angel, now a half-naked beast, and locks him up cuffed to chains in the mausoleum but tells nobody, not even Giles who says even after centuries of torture in the hell-dimension he may still be a redeemable monster, then finds Platt, murdered during the day. Scotty's school friends Pete Clarner and Debbie Foley share a horrible secret. The gangs suspects them because of links to the victims, meanwhile Angel breaks his chain...
Season 3, Episode 5: Homecoming
Original Air Date—3 novembre 1998
Buffy and Cordelia battle against one another for Homecoming Queen. Meanwhile, Mr. Trick puts together a group of hunters to track down Buffy and Faith in "Slayerfest '98."
Season 3, Episode 6: Band Candy
Original Air Date—10 novembre 1998
As Buffy deals with Giles and her mom treating her too much like a child, the mayor hires Ethan Rayne to make special kinds of candy bars. The more candy the adults of Sunnydale eat, the more they begin to act like teenagers.
Season 3, Episode 7: Revelations
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1998
Gwendolyn Post, an uptight, by-the-book English Watcher, arrives in Sunnydale claiming that the Watchers Council sent her as Faith's new one, or rather to assess the whole situation in Sunndydale, looking down upon understandably stressed Giles as on his library. She takes charge of their next, common mission: slaying the demon Lagos and destroying his weapon, the glove of Myhnegon, which is in the tomb of the von Hauptman family on Restfield cemetery. Meanwhile, Angel, back to his tender self, gets it for Buffy, but is seen kissing her by Xander, who reports this to Giles, who is deeply hurt, especially with Miss Post breathing down his neck, but doesn't tell her. With all of her friends angry and upset that Buffy didn't tell them that Angel had returned from Hell, Xander, worried and (despite kissing Willow again) again maliciously goes behind Buffy's back and informs Faith about Angel's return and persuades her to kill him before he may turn evil again. When Giles shows the surprised Gwendolyn the glove Buffy brought him and the rit all he found to destroy it, her hidden agenda proves a huge problem for everyone, the gang only finds out when Faith is already on the wrong foot...
Season 3, Episode 8: Lovers Walk
Original Air Date—24 novembre 1998
The gang plans to celebrate their SAT scores bowling, Buffy's mother's insistence to go to a decent college is promoted by Giles and Angel. Willow has a worse regret then her relative failure, rekindling passion with Xander; determined to save their relationships with Oz and Cordelia, she visits a magic shop for the necessary ingredients for a reverse love potion. Xander finds her and objects to another inexperienced witch messing with him. They are actually stopped and captured by Spike, who has returned, observed Angel, followed Willow and now forces her to make a love potion to return Drusilla to him. Before Buffy and Angel have got hold of Spike and made him tell they're in the abandoned factory, the crypto-couple is found, kissing fearing their last hours, by Oz and Cordy, who thus get hurt in more then one way...
Season 3, Episode 9: The Wish
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 1998
Wanting to be rid of Xander for good, Cordelia comes to the conclusion that Buffy is the cause of all her problems and makes a wish to the new transfer student, Anya, that Buffy had never come to Sunnydale. Anya, being the evil and powerful vengeance demon Anyanka, grants that that wish and in a heartbeat... the entire world changes... and everything Cordelia knows is completely different. In this alternate reality of 'It's a Wonderful Life gone to Hell': the Master is alive and rules the town after dark from the Bronze; both Xander and Willow are vampires; and Giles with a small group of brave students, called The White Hats, are fighting a losing war of attrition against the vampires on their own. Then in a shocking turn, Cordelia gets killed by the vamps, leaving the alternate reality Giles to figure out on his own what has happened to this world they currently live in, leading to a meeting with the alternate reality Buffy.
Season 3, Episode 10: Amends
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 1998
People in Sunnydale prepare for Christmas tide, except Jewish Wilow, who tells lover Oz she's ready for physical intimacy, he decides to wait. Now his physical suffering is over, Angel is haunted by a new kind of nightmares and visions, always and everywhere, about Angelus' horrible past since the 19th century, with victims and other persona appearing and talking to him. Learning those visions even enter Buffy's dreams, focusing on sex with her to lose his soul and then killing her, Giles agrees to do research as Angel desperately begged him; he is helped by Buffy and Xander, for whom Christmas is a nightmare of lacking any family celebration. They find that Angel is tormented by the Bringers or Harbingers of Death, the three high-priests of the First Evil, older then demons and incorporeal, and Buffy finds the mark of its residence. Angel can't stand the fear of giving in to temptation at the price of her life and resolves to commit suicide by sunrise, Buffy's pleading to make him resist seems to fail, only a Christmas miracle can save the seasonal day...
Season 3, Episode 11: Gingerbread
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 1999
The discovery in Sunnydale park of a boy and girl aged 7-8, apparently murdered ritually as indicated by markings, soon tracked to witchcraft -as used by sorcery apprentice Willow-, has an unusual emotional effect. Buffy's mother, who was there in an attempt to bond, founds the soon influential Mothers Opposing the Occult, MOO, actually including fathers and sympathizers, which alas targets white as well as black magic, even slaying, actually urged by the two killed kids to 'hurt the bad girls'. Eagerly helped by principal Snyder, mayor Wilkins and the police, MOO manages to have the school lockers searched, Giles' books confiscated and risking to end up a stake, where they believe witches must be solved, even if this extreme 'punishment' concerns their own daughters. When the gang realize nobody ever identified the kids, they find there's more to Hans and Greta Strauss, in their dark past...
Season 3, Episode 12: Helpless
Original Air Date—19 gennaio 1999
For her upcoming 18th birthday, Buffy declines the Scooby gang's offer of a big party, hoping to celebrate with quiet reflection and a traditional trip to the ice show with her father. But Buffy doesn't know that preparations are being made for a life-threatening rite of passage that drains the slayer of her powers and then entraps her with a powerful and psychotic vampire foe.
Season 3, Episode 13: The Zeppo
Original Air Date—26 gennaio 1999
When Xander realizes that he isn't needed as much as he'd like to believe, his quest to prove he's cool leads him to an unforgettable night that finds him consorting with fast women, raising the dead and rolling with a dangerous crowd that could put Sunnydale in a world of hurt. Meanwhile, Buffy, Giles and the rest of the crew engage in a furious battle with the Sisterhood of Jhe, an all-female demon apocalypse cult that intends to reopen the Hellmouth and bring about the end of the world.
Season 3, Episode 14: Bad Girls
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 1999
The gifted students enjoy early college admissions, while Xander and Buffy rather worry about present high-school exams. The mayor and his cronies look forward to his demonic ascension, after 100 days of invulnerability. Buffy's council-appointed new, young Watcher Wesley Wyndam-Pryce is received coldly, forbids Giles even to be kept informed but proves his research-excellence by identifying instantly swords as belonging to the 15th century duelist vampires sect El Eliminati, the survivors of which still look for demon Balthazar's buried amulet; Buffy and Faith successfully search for it at the cemetery and clean out a vampire layer. Angel takes the amulet: it's not safe enough with greenhorn Wesley. The order reports to Balthazar's blob-shaped representative about his amulet. Impetuous Faith drags Buffy along, they get arrested and kill the innocent deputy mayor Allan Finch. Both watchers get captured by the sect, Angel brings the slayers...
Season 3, Episode 15: Consequences
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 1999
Buffy tries to convince Faith to face up to the consequences of her actions, but Faith thinks that being a Slayer puts her above the law. Buffy confides in Giles about the accidental murder and he decides not to involve the new Watcher, Wesley, knowing that Faith is extremely unstable. Angel tries to get through to Faith, but when Wesley discovers the truth and comes after her, Faith's trust in Buffy and the gang is destroyed.
Season 3, Episode 16: Doppelgangland
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 1999
Anyanka, the demon who used her power to grant wishes to let Cordelia unwillingly create a world without Buffy as Sunnydale slayer, failed since then to get top-rank demon D'Hoffryn to rehabilitate her, but finally gets a chance to succeed in her menial incarnation as Sunnydale High pupil Anya: Willow, who is frustrated as a girl and individual, always taken for granted, in Buffy's shadow and just got railroaded by principal Snyder to 'tutor', or in fact slavishly do the paper writing on her own, for a spoiled jock brat, hunky Percy West, who even explicitly barks at her as his menial flunky, naively accepts to help 'Anya' with a black magic spell. Willow realizes only too late she's really working for the wrong side, stops before Anyanka's power-amulet is revalidated, but still summons a parallel Willow from a black dimension where she's a master vampire, who now makes her grand entry in Drusilla-style at the Bronze, co-existing with gentle Willow. The gang has no time to mourn 'the best of us', who urgently must join in again with Angel, while the new official Watcher, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce from England, proves of little use, to survive and get rid of the dark 'alien' version, while both go undercover as the other...
Season 3, Episode 17: Enemies
Original Air Date—16 marzo 1999
As a part of her new alliance with the Mayor, Faith tries to seduce Angel so that he will again lose his soul. When that fails, the Mayor summons a powerful demon to remove Angel's soul with dark magic.
Season 3, Episode 18: Earshot
Original Air Date—21 settembre 1999
After an encounter with a mouth-less demon, Buffy is infected with the demon's blood and she gains the ability to hear people's thoughts. At first her newfound ability is useful for cheating on schoolwork and eavesdropping on the thoughts of those around her, but when the voices continue to flood her mind, she realizes that she cannot control the power. Amid the chaos, Buffy hears a killer planning a mass murder at the school. Now she must keep herself from going mad long enough to prevent a catastrophe.
Season 3, Episode 19: Choices
Original Air Date—4 maggio 1999
Nearly all the gang is admitted to colleges, Willow even Oxford; only Xander plans to tour instead. The mayor gives Faith a precious weapon as reward, and the mission to intercept at the airport the box of Gavrok, a container of mystical energy he needs for his demonic ascension. Mother Joyce hopes Buffy goes to Northwestern University, near an aunt in Illinois, but the watchers doubt if her slayer-duties allow any long absence from the Hellmouth; maybe if she first prevents the ascension, therefore Giles agrees to seize the initiative once they know more, quickly done ignoring Wesley's caution by the Council's book. Angel helps Buffy steal the box from the town hall, but Faith takes Willow hostage, only Wes would refuse to exchange her. First Willow kills a vampire guard and consults the Books of Ascension; at the meeting of both sides, the box is dropped, spilling some of its spider-scary content...
Season 3, Episode 20: The Prom
Original Air Date—11 maggio 1999
The gang insists the watchers should at least allow them a glorious prom night before fighting the mayor's ascension. Mother Joyce Summer's speech it's up to mature lover Angel to make hard choices her teenage daughter is incapable of gives Angel nightmares about a wedding in an empty church after which Buffy burns in sunlight, so he decides to give her a normal love-life by breaking up, he'll leave Sunnydal after the ascension. Xander finds out spoiled Cordy has to work in a fashion shop now the IRS has taken her dad's last dime, they are attacked by a hell-hound which seems trained to target formal dressers and is electronically brainwashed by Buffy's scorned admirer, chemistry student Tucker Wells. Buffy decides to slay-chaperon the prom for the others, hunts the hell-hounds and gets surprising bonuses...
Season 3, Episode 21: Graduation Day: Part 1
Original Air Date—18 maggio 1999
The gang seeks a cure for Angel, who has been shot by Faith with a poison arrow. Meanwhile they try to find a way to stop the Mayor's Ascension and Buffy has a showdown with Faith.
Season 3, Episode 22: Graduation Day: Part 2
Original Air Date—13 luglio 1999
Buffy forces Angel to drink her own blood to rid his body of Faith's poison. With Buffy in a severely weakened state, the gang decides to rally the masses of Sunnydale High to defeat the Mayor once and for all.
Season 4
Season 4, Episode 1: The Freshman
Original Air Date—5 ottobre 1999
When the Sunnydale High gang arrives on college campus, Willow and Oz -who even knows the site and people from his band, which has a cool house- take to academic life like a duck to water, Buffy like a fish on land, miserable with a plain roommate she can't confide in, lost, making a fool of herself with one of the rough, demanding professors. Buffy literally bumps into charming teaching assistant Riley Finn, but he is clearly more interested in fellow psychology buff Willow. Another literally lost student, Eddie, seems nice, but disappears the next morning. Buffy smells vampires, indeed a whole nest has formed a sorority. Visiting Giles, she finds him with a scantily dressed visitor, Olivia, and is told to mind herself except in emergencies, not the case yet apparently, however he will reconsider later. The vampire president is arrogant, hopefully enough to underestimate Buffy, who is greatly relieved to find Xander is back from his summer touring...
Season 4, Episode 2: Living Conditions
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 1999
From the start Buffy didn't get along with her fussy, girlish roommate Kathy Newman, who seems to have a different taste in all matters, but Kathy seems determined to follow her around. One evening Buffy shoves her out of the way to fight off one demon of a lurking type which Giles, to whom she turns in search of anything familiar, later determines as trans-dimensional. Even Parker Abrams, the nice, helpful older student Buffy met, who came for her to their dorm room while she patrolled, seems more interested in Kathy. The antagonism between the rivaling roomies grows to a 'demonic' dimension, while Buffy believes that Kathy's fingernails growing back daily must be a monster-characteristic. At last the gang decides to intervene, but an unexpected other interested party...
Season 4, Episode 3: The Harsh Light of Day
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 1999
Willow is bitten by bimbo friend Harmony Kendall, who turned vampire at the end of season 3, Oz chases her and she threatens her boy-friend will beat them up- that's actually Spike, who has a secret new underground layer and troop to dig for a crypt. Now Kathie is out of the way, Parker Abrams, who switched major from medicine to history, is ready to kiss Buffy, but the vampire alert (a 'bad puppy' is all they tell him) gets priority for a while. Harmony makes Spike bump into Buffy, he says it's too early, she blurts out they're after the stone of Amara, according to Giles a fictitious vampire grail-equivalent rendering invulnerable. Anya is eager enough for sex with Xander to strip for him- his objections last a mere minute. Buffy gets into Parker's bed, but no commitment either. The whole gang is summoned by Giles, who found the gem may indeed be in a crypt in the 'Valley of the Sun' i.e. Sunnydale; Spike already found it and dumped childish Harmony...
Season 4, Episode 4: Fear Itself
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 1999
In the Halloween night, Buffy is very depressed due to her non-corresponded feelings for Parker, and Willow, Oz and Xander convince her to go to a famous Halloween party in a fraternity with them to have some fun. Anya is also invited by Xander to join the group. However, while decorating the place previously, one of the hosts paints a magic symbol, the Mark of Gachnar, on the floor, and an accidentally spilled drop of Oz's blood awakens the Fear Demon Gachnar who is fed by fear, bringing panic and horror to life on the house.
Season 4, Episode 5: Beer Bad
Original Air Date—2 novembre 1999
Gloomily gazing at Parker, who has moved to another one-night-conquest, still enamored Buffy misses out on another chance to approach charming teaching assistant Riley Finn in the college bar and accepts an invitation from some arrogant students. Those grossly embarrass the new barman, Xander, who finds the work and his boss harder then expected, while feeding Buffy gallons of pedantic crap and their adored 'panacea' beer Black Frost, which contains an inhibitions-blocking, addictive concoction, taken in such large quantities even turning them into ape-men, losing speech, wielding cudgels, setting fire to the college bar. Grumpy because her Oz has eyes for another band's female singer, Willow spits at 'never evolved, sex-obsessed' men to Parker, the cavemen knock them down. Giles loses her track after realizing Buffy's regression, but brave Xander kept up and saves the students from the fire; only her ex Parker is left to Buffy, who already felt like hitting him vindictively...
Season 4, Episode 6: Wild at Heart
Original Air Date—9 novembre 1999
Just as Buffy discovers increased werewolf activity on campus, Oz escapes from his cage during a full moon and runs across another werewolf, the sultry, sexy singer Veruca, and wakes up next to her naked in the wilderness the next morning.
Season 4, Episode 7: The Initiative
Original Air Date—16 novembre 1999
Spike is captured by the paramilitary commando in the campus, but escapes from a hi-tech facility unable to bite or fight against humans. Meanwhile, Riley Finn (Marc Blucas) finds that he likes Buffy, but is incapable of establishing a dialog with her.
Season 4, Episode 8: Pangs
Original Air Date—23 novembre 1999
It's Thanksgiving, and Buffy pushes Giles to host the gang 'as a real American'. Ankya finds her lover Xander particularly sexy in his new construction laborer's job, digging a deep hole during the ceremony for the newly built Cultural Center at UC Sunnydale, but he falls badly into an Indian grave inside the ancient mission, and thus releases the revengeful spirit of the Chumash warrior Hus, who can transform himself into green smoke or various animals, and starts by killing the curator with an 19 century ceremonial Chumash stone knife. The fact that Xander gets the very diseases (sick he seems as erotic to Ankya as sweating bare-chested) the Chumash contracted while virtually enslaved in the colonial era, and the choice of Hus's victims make Willow, who feels very guilty for the plight of the natives, and Giles, who insists Hus's victims are innocent, realize he must be after historical vengeance. Meanwhile Riley Finn's military Initiative commandos team continues implants rendering vampires unable to bite victims, notably Sîke, who is now chased from the hell-mouth by petty Harmony, and seeks refuge at Giles's, where he is however tied up. Angel is also around again, but insists to Giles and Willow -who disagrees- not to tell Buffy. Hus returns to the grave site to awake more Indian spirits, which jointly mount an attack on Giles's home during the dinner, wielding traditional weapons...
Season 4, Episode 9: Something Blue
Original Air Date—30 novembre 1999
Willow has another try at active magic, trying to cure her lovesick longing for Oz by means of a spell which makes her will come true, but thinks it failed while it's only delayed and sometimes works otherwise, more literally then she meant, so without anyone realizing for a while she blinds Giles, switches Amy from rat to girl and back, teleports Buffy, makes her tell off Riley because she and Spike fall madly in love and actually plan a wedding and makes Xander attract demons. Only when Anya, Xander and Giles, who was looking for magic to help Spike with his feeding problem, figure out what has happened can the magic be reversed, but the council of the upper demon D'Hoffryn, who granted her spell, has summoned Willow, intending to recruit her as a powerful evil witch, not the failure she believed to be...
Season 4, Episode 10: Hush
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 1999
The creepy demons "The Gentlemen" capture the voice of the population of Sunnydale, to steal human hearts without scream. Giles find that in accordance with a legend, the creatures will be destroyed if a lady screams, but Buffy's gang plus Riley must fight the monsters voiceless.
Season 4, Episode 11: Doomed
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2000
While Buffy and Riley disclose their secret lives to each other, three demons try to collect some objects for a ritual of sacrifice to open the Hellmouth for the Apocalypse. finding that he can fight evil, Spike joins Willow and Xander in their hunt for demons.
Season 4, Episode 12: A New Man
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2000
Ethan Rayne invites Giles for a couple of drinks and puts a spell on him, transforming Giles in a primitive strong monster. Spike is the only one to understand the language spoken by the monster, and Buffy almost kills him.
Season 4, Episode 13: The I in Team
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2000
When Riley tells the Initiative about Buffy, they invite her to join their ranks. But it soon becomes apparent that her independent attitude and need to question orders may not be what the Initiative is looking for.
Season 4, Episode 14: Goodbye Iowa
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2000
Professor Maggie Walsh's only fellow researcher on project 3-14, Dr. Angelman, finds her killed by it, the 'demonoid' she assembled from various monster -, man and machine parts as an ultimate warrior: Adam is now loose and kills without any conscience. Giles can't maintain the Initiative won't come to his home when Riley turns up instantly, so the gang hides at Xander's while Spike barely escapes them by hiding under a corps in a tomb in his crypt, later to become attacked by demons who realize he turned good. Willow and Tara fail to locate the demon by summoning the dark goddess Tespia. Riley gets sick and aggressive -withdrawal from the drugs Maggie secretly mixed in the commandos' food- but goes after Buffy and Xander, who interrogated Willy the Snitch with him earlier and now break into the Initiative's military facility, where Adam also got in and explains he sees Riley as Maggie's other favorite (brain)child; Riley's rejection causes a fight...
Season 4, Episode 15: This Year's Girl
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2000
Waking up from a long, deep coma having nightmares with Buffy, Faith goes to Sunnydale bent on revenge. Riley leaves the facility and meets Buffy. Looking for Adam, Buffy, Xander and Willow find a demon he dissected in the woods. Faith captures Joyce, Buffy fights for her mother.
Season 4, Episode 16: Who Are You?
Original Air Date—29 febbraio 2000
Faith and Buffy switch bodies. Trapped in Faith's body, Buffy is kept in police custody, but on the way to the precinct, the Watchers Council's retrieval team provokes an accident with an armored truck and captures her from the police car. Faith enjoys free life in Buffy's body, flirting with many guys in the Bronze, ultimately Ryan, and buys a ticket overseas. Willow introduces Buffy to Tara, who feels an evil aura in her soul. Willow and Tara risk a dangerous astral projection to the Nether Realm beyond the physical world to find the truth. Adam trains three vampires against fear, and they kidnap and threaten everyone in a church. Faith listens to the news in the airport and goes to the church, where Buffy, Riley and the gang are facing the monsters.
Season 4, Episode 17: Superstar
Original Air Date—4 aprile 2000
When the fantastic Jonathan visits Sunnydale U.C., everybody wants to be with him: the inventor of Internet; lead actor of "The Matrix"; awesome vampire hunter; stunning singer; great author of successful best-sellers; amazing lover. Meanwhile, a weird and powerful long-armed demon also comes to Sunnydale, marked with an unusual signal. When Buffy sees the same signal on Jonathan's shoulder, she feels that something is not right in the reality.
Season 4, Episode 18: Where the Wild Things Are
Original Air Date—25 aprile 2000
It's becoming clear Adam is bridging the natural 'racist' aversion between demons and vampires. Spike eagerly stirs Anya's insecurity, even fearing a second sex-less night means Xander, who now runs an ice cream cart, is either no longer in love or physically flaw. Riley performs great in bed upstairs with Buffy and has planned a party downstairs in the frat house, mainly for the other commandos' moral. There weird, even scary things start happening, which drive everyone out. Willow and Giles discover that Lowell house formerly was a home for problem teenagers, where the prudish, still living director Genevive Holt, punished 'dirty deeds' so horribly that several victims have become poltergeists, who now draw energy from the love-making upstairs...
Season 4, Episode 19: New Moon Rising
Original Air Date—2 maggio 2000
In the full moon, Oz returns to Sunnydale and spends the night with Willow telling that he was healed of the wolf thing in Tibet, using meditation, drinking some teas and using some charms. Willow has no courage to tell him her relationship with Tara. When Oz finds that Tara and Willow are in love, he becomes upset, loses control and transforms in a werewolf, being captured by the Initiative. Riley tries to help him, but is arrested. Meanwhile, Spike closes an agreement with Adam, and guides the Scooby group to the Initiative to release Oz and Riley.
Season 4, Episode 20: The Yoko Factor
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2000
Spike was chosen by Adam to sow discord among the Scoobies, in exchange for eliminating his chip. He succeeds in stirring Buffy's loneliness, Willow's lesbianism, Xander's ineptitude and Giles's midlife crisis.
Season 4, Episode 21: Primeval
Original Air Date—16 maggio 2000
When Buffy sees Spike in Adam's cave, she realizes that Spike is intriguing the Scooby gang to destroy their friendship following Adam's instructions. She meets Willow, Xander and Giles and they apologize to each other. They also realize that the monsters were not captured by the Initiative, but actually they are the Trojan Horse of Adam to fight against the commando from inside. Once Buffy alone is not able to defeat Adam, the Scooby gang decides to transfer the best of each one of them, i.e., the witch power of Willow, the strength of Xander and the expertise of Giles, to Buffy through witchcraft to make her powerful and capable of fighting against Adam. Meanwhile, Riley finds that he has a chip over his heart and connected to his central nervous system to modify his behavior and obey Adam.
Season 4, Episode 22: Restless
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2000
Bufy, Willow, Xander and Giles decide to spend the night watching videos at Joyce's home. They fall asleep and they all share a nightmare with the first slayer.
Season 5
Season 5, Episode 1: Buffy vs. Dracula
Original Air Date—26 settembre 2000
While chasing a vampire in a cemetery, Buffy meets Dracula, who has come to Sunntdale to meet her. Buffy feels proud with the revelation of the greatest vampire in the world. Meanwhile, Giles secretly tells Willow that he will return to England since Buffy does not need his service of watcher anymore. Dracula turns Xander into his slave, and during the night, he visits Buffy, bites and put her under his thrall. Buffy hides the bite with a scarf and becomes powerless and seduced by the dark prince, who promises to disclose to her the darkness of her powers and increase them.
Season 5, Episode 2: Real Me
Original Air Date—3 ottobre 2000
After meeting Dracula, Buffy commits with Giles to be her watcher and help her to find the origin of her powers. Joyce Summers asks Buffy to look after her sister Dawn, who feels shadowed being the little sister of a famous slayer and an outsider of her group. They go with Giles, Tara and Willow to Mr. Bogarty's Magic Box store and Willow stumbles in his dead body. They realize that a gang of vampires have killed the man. Sooner they find that Harmony has formed a group of vampire minions with the intention of destroying Buffy. When Dawn invites Harmony to get in her house, the upset Buffy decides to chase Harmony and her vampires.
Season 5, Episode 3: The Replacement
Original Air Date—10 ottobre 2000
Xander is not satisfied living in the basement of his parent's house and is looking for an apartment of his own to live with Anya. Meanwhile, a demon called Toth chases Buffy at the Magic Box, and his smell guides Giles to the city dump. When Buffy and the Scoobies see Toth in the garbage landfill, he uses a rod device called Ferrula-Gemina blasting a ray against Buffy but hitting Xander instead. Toth vanishes and the group leaves the place with a confident Xander. Later the insecure Xander awakes in a pile of trash, follows his double and meets Willow to tell about his clone. Giles finds that the ray discloses one person into half, distilling personality traits into two separate bodies. Further, if one part is destroyed, the other will die. While trying to find a mean to unite Xander, they have to face the evil Toth.
Season 5, Episode 4: Out of My Mind
Original Air Date—17 ottobre 2000
Joyce faints while at home, and while the gang is at the hospital, Dawn discovers that Riley's heartbeat is off the charts, but Riley ignores it. When Buffy enlists the Initiative's help, Riley gets angry and runs, and he eventually admits to Buffy that he's afraid they'll make him a normal guy, causing her to lose interest in him. She manages to get him to the Initiative doctor, only to find that Spike has forced the doctor to remove his chip...
Season 5, Episode 5: No Place Like Home
Original Air Date—24 ottobre 2000
A mysterious woman arrives in town looking for "The Key", and Buffy investigates a possible supernatural cause behind her mother's illness. She performs a ritual to see spells, and discovers something is not quite right about Dawn. Meanwhile, the gang helps Giles see through the re-opening of the magic shop, and Giles hires Anya to work for him.
Season 5, Episode 6: Family
Original Air Date—7 novembre 2000
Buffy tells Giles the truth about Dawn and they decide to keep the secret about her origin. Buffy moves back home to stay together with her sick mother and Dawn. On the Eve of Tara's birthday, her big brother Donny, her father and her cousin visit her to bring her back home, since she would have a demon inside that would unleash in her twentieth anniversary. Meanwhile, The Beast forces Lei-Ach demons to chase and kill Buffy. Tara casts a spell to her friends to make demons invisible bringing trouble to her friends.
Season 5, Episode 7: Fool for Love
Original Air Date—14 novembre 2000
While patrolling the cemetery, the self-confident Buffy fights against a vampire, is stabbed with her stake and saved by Riley. She tells the incident to Giles and decides to research how the previous Slayers were killed. She does not find any information in the watcher's journals and decides to seek the information from Spike. He tells that in 1880, in London, he was a bad poet and a shy good man in a non-corresponded love with Cecily. When he meets Drusilla, she bites and converts him in the evil vampire. Later, in the same year in Yorkshire, he meets Angel and Darla and is challenged to defeat a slayer. In 1900, in China, he is well-succeeded and kills his first slayer. In 1977, in the subway of New York City, he kills his second slayer. He advises Buffy that she must never be reckless and keep her death wish to survive.
Season 5, Episode 8: Shadow
Original Air Date—21 novembre 2000
Joyce goes to the hospital for a CAT scan, the doctor finds a shadow and she is immediately submitted to a surgery. The doctor discloses that she has a low grade glioma (i.e. a brain tumor). Buffy wants to use magic to heal her mother, but Giles, Willow and Tara advise her that it would be of high risky for humans. Meanwhile, Glory goes to the Magic Box, and the naive Giles sells two powerful components for an ancient Sobekite spell. Anya discloses it later through the receipts, while Glory conjures a snake demon to track the Key. When the snake demon finds Dawn in the Magic Box, Buffy and Giles follow the demon trying to kill it before getting to Glory.
Season 5, Episode 9: Listening to Fear
Original Air Date—28 novembre 2000
While Buffy and Dawn stay with Joyce in the hospital, Giles, Willow and Xander patrol the cemetery chasing vampires and Riley continues in his process of transformation in a vampire. Later, while watching the stars, Tara and Willow see a meteor crashing nearby Sunnydale. The Scooby group realizes that a demon called Queller has just landed on Earth. Joyce returns home since her surgery will occur only two days after, and the Queller arrives in the hospital attacking crazy people. Due to the compression of the tumor to her brain, Joyce acts strange having hallucinations, but she also sees the truth about Dawn and makes Buffy promise that she will take care of Dawn if she dies in the surgery. When the Queller arrives at Joyce's home chasing her, Buffy fights with it to save Joyce and Dawn.
Season 5, Episode 10: Into the Woods
Original Air Date—19 dicembre 2000
After the surgery of Joyce, the surgeon tells Buffy, Dawn, Riley, Giles, Willow and Xander that the procedure was successful and the brain tumor had been totally removed, and Joyce would stay in the hospital for observation. While Anya and Xander lodge Dawn, Buffy and Riley spend the night together in her house. However, the snoopy Spike sees Riley leaving Buffy's place in the night while stalking her, and finds that Riley is addicted in vampire bite in a junkie nest where people pay to be bitten by vampires. He discloses the truth to Buffy, and she breaks with Riley after and argument. When the Initiative invites Riley to go to an operation in Belize, he gives an ultimatum to Buffy about the future of their relationship.
Season 5, Episode 11: Triangle
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 2001
Giles travels to London for a watchers' meeting to discuss about Glory and leaves Anya in charge of the Magic Box. When Willow uses the supplies of the store to cast a spell to create a ball of sunshine to help Buffy to slay vampires, Anya argues with her and the distracted Willow releases a troll imprisoned in a parallel world. Olaf the troll destroys the store and goes to the Bronze to drink beer with the intention of eating babies. Meanwhile, the whimpering and needy Buffy is missing Riley and Willow and Anya chase Olaf. When they fight against the troll, Xander unsuccessfully tries to help his girlfriend and his best friend, and Olaf asks him to choose between Anya and Willow who might live.
Season 5, Episode 12: Checkpoint
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 2001
Giles informs Buffy and the Scooby gang that the Council of Watchers leaded by Quentin Travers will come to Sunnydale with information about Glory. When the arrogant team arrives, they blackmail Buffy and her friends, threatening Giles to send him back to England. Buffy and her friends accept to be submitted to the review leaded by Quentin. However, when Glory comes to Buffy's home and threatens her family and friends and Buffy is attacked by the Knights of Byzanthium, she changes her attitude in a matter of power.
Season 5, Episode 13: Blood Ties
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2001
On the day of her twentieth birthday, Buffy tells the Scooby Gang that Dawn is The Key and they act in a suspicious way with Dawn. In the night, Dawn leaves the party and breaks into the Magic Box with Spike, seeking Giles's diary and finding the truth about her. Meanwhile, Glory destroys the Knights of Byzanthium and somehow switches body with Ben, fighting against Buffy and her friends. Willow uses a powerful teleportation spell to momentarily get rid off Glory.
Season 5, Episode 14: Crush
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 2001
While in the Bronze with Scooby Gang, Spike sees Buffy alone at a table and talks to her. However, Buffy sees Ben and stays with him. Meanwhile, a train arrives in Sunnydale with all the passengers dead. When Buffy sees that Dawn is hanging out with Spike, she asks if Dawn has a crush on Spike, and she tells that Spike is in love with her. When Spike confesses that he is in love with her, Buffy becomes nauseated, upset and rejects him. Meanwhile, Drusilla meets Spike, convinces him that the chip in his brain does not cause pain, and Spike is back.
Season 5, Episode 15: I Was Made to Love You
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 2001
Joyce is nervous and her anxiety is because she is going to date a man called Brian that she has recently met. Meanwhile, a strange and beautiful girl called April arrives in Sunnydale seeking her mysterious boyfriend Warren. Buffy and her friends are in a party, and when Spike flirts with April, she throws him through the window, and then hits Buffy. Buffy and the Scooby gang realize that April is a robot searching for her creator. Meanwhile Glory finds that Ben unsuccessfully tried to date Buffy.
Season 5, Episode 16: The Body
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 2001
Buffy sees Joyce lying on the couch, calls 911 and unsuccessfully follows emergency procedures. When the paramedics arrive, they realize that Joyce is dead. Buffy calls Giles and goes to the school to tell Dawn. Along the day, the Scooby gang grieves the death of Joyce and sympathizes with Buffy.
Season 5, Episode 17: Forever
Original Air Date—17 aprile 2001
Buffy organizes the funeral services for Joyce without a wake, respecting her last will, and after the service she meets Angel, who has come to Sunnydale to support her. Meanwhile Dawn becomes obsessed in bringing her mother back. She steals infamous witchcraft books from Willow and from the Magic Box, and helped by Spike, they visit the demon Doc, an expert in black magic that teaches Dawn resurrection techniques. She steals a Ghora demon egg in the Hell Mouth with Spike for her black magic, and she interrupts her spell after a serious conversation with Buffy. Meanwhile Ben unintentionally discloses to Jinx that The Key is an innocent in a human form.
Season 5, Episode 18: Intervention
Original Air Date—24 aprile 2001
Buffy is feeling that she is turning into stone, losing her ability to love and her humanity, and wants to take a break in her vampire slayer's duties. Giles persuades her to travel for a vision quest in a sacred place in the desert to bring her concentration back. Meanwhile, Spike gets the Buffy-robot from Warren and both the Scooby gang and Glory's minions believe that the robot is the real Buffy, and the minions assume that Spike is The Key. Buffy has a vision of the First Slayer, who tells her that death is her gift. Spike resists Glory's tortures and receives his reward in the end.
Season 5, Episode 19: Tough Love
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2001
While Buffy tries to control a motherless Dawn and bring their lives back to some sort of normalcy, Tara and Willow get into their first major argument. Meanwhile, Glory thinks she has figured out who the Key is.
Season 5, Episode 20: Spiral
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2001
Buffy realizes that she can never beat Glory, so she and the Scoobies leave Sunnydale in Spike's RV. Unfortuntely, the Knights of Byzantium are quickly on their tail, deciding that they must kill Dawn before Glory can get to her.
Season 5, Episode 21: The Weight of the World
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2001
Despite the gang's best efforts, Glory has succeeded in taking Dawn. This failure after so much effort proves too much for Buffy and she slips into a catatonic state. Willow must use magic to enter her mind and help her work through the trauma before it is too late to save Dawn and the rest of the world from Glory.
Season 5, Episode 22: The Gift
Original Air Date—22 maggio 2001
In the 100th episode, another imminent apocalypse is at hand in Sunnydale. Buffy must square off against a God when Glory prepares to use Dawn to break down the walls between the dimensions and unleash all Hell on Earth. Buffy and the gang go to battle, knowing that not all of them will survive.
Season 6
Season 6, Episode 1: Bargaining: Part 1
Original Air Date—2 ottobre 2001
Buffy is dead, and the Scooby Gang must do the best they can without her. But concern about the way she died leads Willow to believe that she may have been pulled into a hell dimension. Unable to bear the thought of their friend enduring eternal torment, Willow, Xander, Anya, and Tara decide to perform a resurrection spell that will bring Buffy back from the dead.
Season 6, Episode 2: Bargaining: Part 2
Original Air Date—2 ottobre 2001
As a gang demon bikers attack, the Scooby Gang is chased away from Buffy's grave thinking that the resurrection was a failure. They do not realize that the Slayer is alive... right where they left her. Buffy is awake but disoriented and afraid as she must claw her way out of her own grave. Buffy may be alive again, but the trauma she suffers is far from over.
Season 6, Episode 3: After Life
Original Air Date—9 ottobre 2001
As Buffy and the Scoobies adjust to her resurrection, they find themselves dealing with a mysterious spirit-demon brought back with her.
Season 6, Episode 4: Flooded
Original Air Date—16 ottobre 2001
Buffy's life is further complicated by mounting financial problems, a flooded basement, and a warrior demon out for her blood.
Season 6, Episode 5: Life Serial
Original Air Date—23 ottobre 2001
The Triumvirate (aka The Geek Trio) begin their plans by testing Buffy's abilities and subsequently ruining her attempts at employment.
Season 6, Episode 6: All the Way
Original Air Date—30 ottobre 2001
Dawn lies to Buffy and goes out with a boy on Halloween, but when the boy turns out to be a vampire ignoring the Halloween-no-killing rule, Buffy and the guys must save her...again.
Season 6, Episode 7: Once More, with Feeling
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2001
Sunnydale is alive with the sound of music as a mysterious force causes everyone in town to burst into full musical numbers, revealing their innermost secrets as they do. But some townsfolk are dancing so much that they simply burst into flames, and it becomes clear that maybe living in a musical isn't so great after all.
Season 6, Episode 8: Tabula Rasa
Original Air Date—13 novembre 2001
Willow tries to solve too many problems with magic, accidentally making herself and the others forget who they are just as a demon loan shark and his boys come looking to collect a debt from Spike.
Season 6, Episode 9: Smashed
Original Air Date—20 novembre 2001
Both Buffy and Willow are following their own paths to demon behavior: the Slayer finds a new way to lay a vampire, the Witch finds that omnipotence is cool. Rat-witch Amy is finally restored.
Season 6, Episode 10: Wrecked
Original Air Date—27 novembre 2001
When they return home from their nights out, Buffy is ashamed of having slept with Spike and Willow is exhausted from casting spells all night. Amy takes Willow to a sorcerer named Rack whose particular brand of magic quickly has Willow hooked. Later, Willow and Dawn decide to go out for a movie, but Willow's recklessness with magic puts Dawn's life in danger.
Season 6, Episode 11: Gone
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 2002
The Three Geeks mistakenly turn Buffy invisible. The Slayer takes some advantage from going unseen. Willow has to do the detective without using magic, while Xander finds Spike doing some weird physical training.
Season 6, Episode 12: Doublemeat Palace
Original Air Date—29 gennaio 2002
When Buffy gets a job at the Doublemeat Palace, a local fast-food restaurant, she begins to believe that disappearing co-workers and the secret ingredient to the restaurant's hamburger may be connected.
Season 6, Episode 13: Dead Things
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 2002
After Jonathan, Andrew, and Warren accidentally kill Warren's ex-girlfriend Katrina, they set Buffy up to make her believe it was she who killed the girl.
Season 6, Episode 14: Older and Far Away
Original Air Date—12 febbraio 2002
After Dawn talks to a guidance counselor about her feeling lonely, she accidentally puts a spell on Buffy and her friends, trapping them inside the Summer's house with a sword-wielding demon.
Season 6, Episode 15: As You Were
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 2002
Buffy's ex-boyfriend, Riley Finn, returns to Sunnydale with his new wife Sam to track down a nest of demons which threaten the future of the town.
Season 6, Episode 16: Hell's Bells
Original Air Date—5 marzo 2002
It's the day of Xander and Anya's wedding. Emotions are running high with Xander's disfunctional family clashing with Anya's demon friends. The ceremony is disrupted when an old man claiming to be the future Xander shows up.
Season 6, Episode 17: Normal Again
Original Air Date—12 marzo 2002
After Buffy is stung by a demon, she begins to have vivid day-dreams about a mental asylum. She gradually begins to believe that she is a crazy girl back in L.A and that Sunnydale and all her friends are just a figment of her imagination.
Season 6, Episode 18: Entropy
Original Air Date—30 aprile 2002
Anya returns to Sunnydale, bent on revenge for Xander leaving her at the altar. She has since become a Vengence demon again, but ends up hurting Xander in a way she never expected.
Season 6, Episode 19: Seeing Red
Original Air Date—7 maggio 2002
Willow and Tara wallow in their togetherness, but things aren't as happy everywhere else. Buffy has to face both Xander and Spike, whilst tracking Warren and Company to foil their next move.
Season 6, Episode 20: Villains
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2002
Enraged after Tara's death at the hands of Warren, Willow turns to the Black Magics to exact her revenge.
Season 6, Episode 21: Two to Go
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2002
After killing Warren, Dark Willow tries to track-down Andrew and Jonathan. Meanwhile, in Africa, Spike battles against a numerous amount of foes to try to get his chip removed.
Season 6, Episode 22: Grave
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2002
The Scoobies continue to try and stop Dark Willow, who is now intent on destroying the world. After Dark Willow neutralizes Buffy, though, Xander is the only one left who can save the day. Meanwhile, in Africa, Spike completes the demon trials and gets his reward.
Season 7
Season 7, Episode 1: Lessons
Original Air Date—24 settembre 2002
Sunnydale High is re-opened, with a new designed campus and a new principal, Robin Wood. It is Dawn's first day at school there and Buffy accompanies her to class, only to discover evil spirits lurking in the basement.
Season 7, Episode 2: Beneath You
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 2002
A giant worm-like creature begins stalking a young girl. As the gang begin to investigate, they realise it's appearance in Sunnydale may be linked to Anya.
Season 7, Episode 3: Same Time, Same Place
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 2002
Though they seem to be in the same places at the same time, Buffy, Xander and Dawn are unable to find Willow when she returns from England. Shortly after returning to Sunnydale, people start turning up skinned alive. As Buffy and Xander worry that this could be Willow's work, Willow sets out to find the creature that did it.
Season 7, Episode 4: Help
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 2002
Buffy begins a new job as school counsellor at Sunnydale High. On her first day she encounters a troubled young girl who is convinced she is about to die.
Season 7, Episode 5: Selfless
Original Air Date—22 ottobre 2002
Anya grants a young woman's wish, and the violent and deadly act of vengeance leaves everyone stunned. Buffy must put aside her feelings for her friend and take action before more people die. Meanwhile, flashbacks depict how Anya became a vengeance demon, and Willow returns to college.
Season 7, Episode 6: Him
Original Air Date—5 novembre 2002
Dawn's simple crush on Sunnydale High's star quarterback RJ starts to become obsessive, leading Buffy to investigate the boy herself. When Buffy, along with all the other women who see RJ, also fall in love with him, Spike and Xander must team up to discover the source of this attraction. But first they have to keep the women from doing anything crazy in their competition for RJ's affection.
Season 7, Episode 7: Conversations with Dead People
Original Air Date—12 novembre 2002
Buffy has a conversation with a vampire who once went to Sunnydale High, and learns something interesting about Spike. Joyce materialises to Dawn in the living room. The ghost of Cassie brings a message to Willow from beyond the grave. Meanwhile, Andrew and Jonathan have returned to Sunnydale on a mission to save the town
Season 7, Episode 8: Sleeper
Original Air Date—19 novembre 2002
The Scooby Gang fear Spike may have turned evil again when people begin mysteriously disappearing around town.
Season 7, Episode 9: Never Leave Me
Original Air Date—26 novembre 2002
Spike is held captive in the Summers home while the Scoobies ponder their options in the aftermath of his murder spree. Willow finds Andrew buying blood and decides to take him prisoner also. While they try to decide what to do next, the gang are interrupted by the mysterious hooded figures called "Harbingers"... the minions of the First Evil.
Season 7, Episode 10: Bring on the Night
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 2002
Giles returns to Sunnydale with three potential slayers, whom Buffy must protect from The First. Meanwhile, a ferocious Uber-vampire is released from the Hellmouth and Buffy must kill it before it kills one of the potentials.
Season 7, Episode 11: Showtime
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 2003
Buffy teaches the Potential Slayers a valuable lesson as she faces a final fight with the Uber-vampire. Meanwhile, Giles and Anya enter another dimension to find a demon which holds the answer the defeating The First. What they find out is very disturbing.
Season 7, Episode 12: Potential
Original Air Date—21 gennaio 2003
Buffy takes the Potentials to a demon bar and then to Spike's crypt, in order to teach them the art of slaying. When Willow casts a spell to seek out the next Potential, the spell leads them to believe that Dawn may be a future slayer.
Season 7, Episode 13: The Killer in Me
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 2003
After Willow and Kennedy share their first kiss, Willow is transformed into Warren, the man she killed last year. When she sets out to find help, she bumps into an old friend. Meanwhile, Buffy searches for answers when Spike's chip causes him great pain, and the gang suspect that Giles may really be The First
Season 7, Episode 14: First Date
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 2003
Buffy accepts an invitation to dinner from Principal Wood, and the secrets of his past are revealed. Xander impresses a beautiful girl with his knowledge of knots, and she seems to be interested in tying him up. Meanwhile the First contacts Andrew in another attempt to destroy the Potentials, and Giles finds himself tongue-tied with the new Potential, Chao-Ahn.
Season 7, Episode 15: Get It Done
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 2003
The Scoobies use a spell to transport Buffy into a shadow world, where she meets the men who created the first slayer. However, in order for her to return home, the gang must find and slay a ferocious demon
Season 7, Episode 16: Storyteller
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 2003
Andrew creates a documentary called "Buffy, Slayer of the Vampyres", a record of the current situation in Sunnydale to show to future generations. He manages to capture many important moments, and to annoy almost everyone in the house. But Buffy needs to tear him away from his filmmaking because the Seal of Danzalthar is active and Andrew may hold the key to closing it before it destroys the town.
Season 7, Episode 17: Lies My Parents Told Me
Original Air Date—25 marzo 2003
Robin Wood seeks revenge on Spike for killing his mother nearly 30 years ago, whilst everyone else tries to find out how The First has control over him.
Season 7, Episode 18: Dirty Girls
Original Air Date—15 aprile 2003
Faith returns to Sunnydale just as a new villain, Caleb, arrives and sends Buffy a message in the form of a badly beaten Potential. Buffy leads the rest of the girls to Caleb and The First's lair, with devastating consequences.
Season 7, Episode 19: Empty Places
Original Air Date—29 aprile 2003
After their horrifying loss at the vineyard, the gang turn against Buffy and begin to follow Faith instead. Meanwhile, Spike and Andrew travel to an old church to question a priest about Caleb.
Season 7, Episode 20: Touched
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2003
Faith and the Potentials search underground for a weapon, whilst Buffy confronts Caleb at the vineyard.
Season 7, Episode 21: End of Days
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2003
Buffy has a powerful new weapon, but the gang cannot find any information about the origins of the mysterious scythe. Eventually the Slayer goes herself in search of knowledge, and finds a new ally, an old friend, and great danger.
Season 7, Episode 22: Chosen
Original Air Date—20 maggio 2003
After killing Caleb and returning home, Buffy is struck with an ingenious idea using a powerful scythe that she acquired at the vineyard. Willow will use the scythe to channel its power into all the Potential Slayer's making every single one around the world into a full-blown slayer. Using this new power, the gang launch an all-out war on The First and the army of Uber-Vampires beneath Sunnydale High.
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"NYPD Blue"

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Episode list for
"NYPD Blue" (1993) More at IMDbPro »
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Episodes: All (261)

Season: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Year: 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005

Season 1
Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot
Original Air Date—21 settembre 1993
A group of detectives and officers work at the 15th Precinct, a seedy police station in Manhattan, New York City. Detective John Kelly, a 15-year veteran of the force, deals with his partner Andy Sipowitz, an alcoholic 20-year veteran detective. Laura Hughes, an aspiring lawyer and Detective Kelly's wife, is having problems with their marriage and she hires Josh Goldstein, a lawyer who lives in apartment 4B of their building to work on a divorce, who gets mugged in the laundry room of the building. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is relentlessly pursuing mobster Alfonse Giardella, who threatens Sipowicz to leave him alone. Later, Sipowicz is shot by Giardella during a tryst with a prostitute. Enraged, Kelly orders the precinct officers to hound Giardella and his ruthless employer; mafia kingpin Angelo Marino. The new patrol officer, Janice Licalsi, is attracted to Detective Kelly. But is she is revealed to be an informant for Marino who orders her to murder Kelly.
Season 1, Episode 2: 4B or Not 4B
Original Air Date—28 settembre 1993
Inspector Lastarza of the Organized Crime Unit tells Lt. Fancy and Kelly that they stop applying pressure to the local mob for their pursuit of Angelo Marino is hurting the FBI investigation to nail Marino. Meanwhile, Sipowicz regains consciousness in the hospital after the shooting, but he has no memory about the attempt on his life because he was drunk at the time. Laura and John Kelly become officially separated and she decides to join a private law firm. Josh "4B" Goldstein becomes more paranoid about his mugging and brings a gun into the laundry room every night in hopes to catch his attacker. Kelly tries to reason with a deranged man who has taken a judge hostage who let his son's killer free. Elsewhere, Angelo Marino puts more pressure on Janice to murder Kelly, but she kills him and his chauffeur/bodyguard instead and slips away.
Season 1, Episode 3: Brown Appetit
Original Air Date—5 ottobre 1993
Janice's policeman father arrives for a visit and tells her about his pending indictment for corruption involving being an informant for Angelo Marino when a book that Marino had on him as a list of all of his informants... including hers. Sipowicz makes some appearances at the hotel where Giardella is staying to further intimidate him over the shooting death of Marino. Meanwhile, Kelly and Martinez are assigned a case involving the robbery and murder of a woman. Also, Josh Goldstein comes to the precinct in search for his gun he used to kill his assailant.
Season 1, Episode 4: True Confessions
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 1993
Kelly begins moonlighting as a security guard for Susan Wagner, a wealthy woman who's married to an abusive husband. But things take a turn when the husband is shot and killed, and Mrs. Wagner becomes a suspect. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is paired with the hard-nosed Detective Walker who arrests a man for a robbery and double-murder. While Detective Walker thinks he's guilty, Sipowicz thinks differently. Laura quits her job and plans to move into a position with the District Attorney's office, prosecuting narcotics. The increasingly edgy Josh Goldstein has Kelly appear at a tenant's readiness group regarding crime, and he is later killed trying to save and elderly woman from a mugging on a subway platform.
Season 1, Episode 5: Emission Accomplished
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 1993
Martinez goes to visit his brother, but finds the superintendent of his building, Hanlan, is a undercover cop who is on the take and is forcing the tenants out and Kelly sets out to prove that Hanlan is responsible for the death of two of the apartment residents. Meanwhile, Laura's new job as an Assistant District Attorney takes a turn when she's assigned to a case that involves Giardella. Also, Kelly and Sipowitz deal with the prankster Detective Stillwell, whose jokes and pranks against the station becomes a nuisance for everyone as well.
Season 1, Episode 6: Personal Foul
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 1993
A minor skirmish on a basketball court leaves one of Kelly's friends dead and the other one in jail for manslaughter. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is convinced that a man knows more about his wife's death in a highway shooting than he is letting on. Laura feels as though she's being dangled in front of Giardella when Sylvia tells her to push on him harder. Janice saves Kelly's life during a drug raid and the event seems to bring them back together.
Season 1, Episode 7: NYPD Lou
Original Air Date—2 novembre 1993
A shady man named Lou, comes to the station thinking he's a werewolf and demands to be locked up into a cell before he kills someone when the night comes. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is visited by his long-estranged son, Andy Sipowicz, Jr. with his fiancée, Lois Snyder, an older woman who Sipowicz discovers that she has been cheating on Andy Jr. Kelly investigates a homeless man who is suspected in the death of a nine-year-old boy. Giardella is killed before he can testify to a grand jury against his superiors and Laura finds herself the only witness to the murder.
Season 1, Episode 8: Tempest in a C-Cup
Original Air Date—16 novembre 1993
Kelly arrests a baker for a murder charge, but tries to get him to confess to the robbery of four taxicabs so they can link him to the murder. Meanwhile, Sipowicz arrests a topless dancer for prostitution and she offers to help him get the owner of the bar who's laundering money for the mob. Laura questions Sylvia's ethics who tries to protect her personal reputation and Sipowicz's verbal attacks on her. The squad welcomes the new administrative aide, a beautiful blond woman named Donna Abandando whom the neurotic Detective Medavoy finds irresistible.
Season 1, Episode 9: Ice Follies
Original Air Date—30 novembre 1993
Janice is asked by a mob button man to start doing favors for them again or they will expose her and her father's past activities with them. Meanwhile, Martinez's father wants to kill the pusher who's responsible for his son's overdose. Also, Meadavoy celebrates his 40th birthday and later goes out on a date with Donna to an ice skating rink.
Season 1, Episode 10: Oscar, Meyer, Weiner
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 1993
Kelly, Medavoy and Martinez investigate the brutal murder of a entire upper class family. Meanwhile, Inspector Lastarza orders Janice to cooperate with the mob even though it results in the death of the person whose license plates she ran through the computer, and Kelly deals with his relationship with her who tries to keep him out of the situation she's in. Also, Sipowicz takes a statement of a gay writer whose Academy Award was stolen.
Season 1, Episode 11: From Hare to Eternity
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 1993
The zone commander, Haverill, starts to come down on Lt. Fancy about his work skills and Sipowicz later intervenes and threatens Haverill to lay off Fancy or he will reveal some incriminating evidence about him being a racist. Meanwhile, Kelly and Sipowicz investigate the kidnapping of a doctor's daughter. Janice must pass some more information to the mob about the station's moves and wonders how she will get out of his situation. Martinez and Medavoy question a woman and her young son who claims to have been robbed by a man who picked them up while they were hitchhiking in North Carolina.
Season 1, Episode 12: Up on the Roof
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 1994
The mob hit man who killed Giardella and who Laura can identify, is trapped on the roof of the building with a hostage. Martinez works on his first detectives case, which involves a fake ATM machine taking peoples money. Meanwhile, Fancy and his wife prepare to face a court date when a foster child they've been caring for is ordered back into custody of the real mother who's just been released from a drug rehab program. Sipowicz and Kelly investigate a mob shooting which turns up a notebook that Marino kept that has Janice and her father's name in it.
Season 1, Episode 13: Abandando Abandoned
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 1994
Medavoy leaves his wife and finally tells Donna about his feelings for her, which turn out to be mutual. Sharon LaSalle, a police academy classmate of Kelly's, joins the squad and shortly after, she and Sipowicz investigate the death of her husband who was an ex-cop trying to stop a robbery on her first day at the 15th precinct. Meanwhile, an alcoholic woman keeps lodging complaints to Kelly against her abusive husband that she never follows through with.
Season 1, Episode 14: Jumpin' Jack Fleishman
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 1994
Sipowicz has a cavity and decides to have it taken care of by his son's dentist. At the dental office, Sipowitz finds himself unsuccessfully trying to prevent the suicidal Dr. Fleishman from jumping off a 28th floor ledge. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez work on a strangulation murder case that appears to be the work of a cross-dresser. LaSalle's first case for the squad involves a woman who was raped and she, Kelly, Sipowicz, Janice, and her new hot-headed partner, Roy Larson, try to catch the most probable suspect. While on the case, Sipowicz suspects that Larson's short temper and odd behavior points to a drug problem. Also, Lois tries to reconcile her relationship with Andy Jr.
Season 1, Episode 15: Steroid Roy
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 1994
LaSalle insists to a reluctant Larson that he take a drug test and when it comes back positive of steroid use, he is fired. One of Detective Mike Roberts' girlfriends comes to the precinct and causes trouble for him, especially when she later turns up dead. Meanwhile, Sylvia has trouble getting through to Sipowicz to give their relationship another try. Laura appeals to Kelly to help her re-examine the alleged murder of the abusive man by his wife.
Season 1, Episode 16: A Sudden Fish
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 1994
Medavoy suffers a stress-related anxiety attack while working and doesn't want to tell his wife about his problems, which displeases Donna. Meanwhile, Sipowicz looks into the robbery of a wheelchair-bound Vietnam veteran, who later takes his muggers hostage. Kelly starts moonlighting as a bodyguard for his ailing rich friend's girlfriend, Robin Wirkus, and later becomes involved in a complex blackmail plot by an extortionist who asks Robin for sexual favors.
Season 1, Episode 17: Black Men Can Jump
Original Air Date—1 marzo 1994
LaSalle has a chance to move out of the precinct and into a more regular routine of detective work. Meanwhile, Sipowicz suspects a private investigator of bilking a father for the past six moths in a scheme to find the man's runaway daughter. Kelly investigates the shooting of the 13-year-old boy and the murdered boy's father apprehends the killer after discovers the killer (who injured LaSalle) has escaped from the precinct.
Season 1, Episode 18: Zeppo Marks Brothers
Original Air Date—22 marzo 1994
Mike Roberts meets with Kelly in search of getting some bodyguard and/or P.I. work for himself after quitting the police force. Meanwhile, Laura feels someone is stalking her and gets Kelly to meet her new boyfriend who may be the stalker. Sipowitz deals with a woman whose boyfriend was a material witness and is afraid to identify the hit man because he's afraid the hit man's friends will kill him next. None of the detectives are too excited when Haverill sends them down to Times Square for uniform detail at a parade.
Season 1, Episode 19: Serge the Concierge
Original Air Date—29 marzo 1994
After Robin's husband dies, she is angry when his will seems to stipulate that Kelly should resume his duties as her bodyguard. Meanwhile, Sipowicz must clear his own son of a drug pushing charge. Medavoy, Martinez and Kelly find the body of a dead man in a garbage dump which leads to Kelly suspecting a concierge and the hotelier of conspiring to murder the hotelier's husband.
Season 1, Episode 20: Good Time Charlie
Original Air Date—3 maggio 1994
Janice is promoted from patrolwoman to detective and will be working with the other detectives until she can be transferred to the re-organizing intelligence division. Meanwhile, Kelly suspects that his friend is being framed for the murder of his mistress, even after his erratic behavior in the squad room points to his guilt. Fancy's wife tells him that she's pregnant again and he is less enthusiastic considering the complications of her two previous pregnancies. Also, Sipowicz falls off the wagon when he starts drinking again at a birthday party for Sylvia's father.
Season 1, Episode 21: Guns 'n Rosaries
Original Air Date—10 maggio 1994
Medavoy tells Donna that he's caught his wife being unfaithful yet again and decides to move out. But he crashes at the station since he cannot afford a place to live. So, Donna asks him to move in with her. Meanwhile, racial hostilities flare up in the community after Martinez shoots a belligerent black motorist who draws a gun on Medavoy, but the gun goes missing. Janice becomes more and more distressed by the recent events and after talking to Kelly's preacher friend, Father Downey, she confesses to Fancy that she was the one that killed Angelo Marino and his chauffeur. Also, Sipowicz tries to attend an open AA meeting with Sylvia's support.
Season 1, Episode 22: Rockin' Robin
Original Air Date—17 maggio 1994
Kelly gets an ultra-high priced mob attorney to defend Janice on the murder charges and helps out with her bail. Meanwhile, Sipowicz tries to make amends with Sylvia who's been attending Alanon meetings. While helping with Andy Jr. look for a new car, Sipowicz comes across a lead in a disappearance case that has frustrated him for the last two in-a-half years. Also, Kelly investigates the murder of a priest and later meets with Robin for a lunch date and spends the night with her.
Season 2
Season 2, Episode 1: Trials and Tribulations
Original Air Date—11 ottobre 1994
Janice's murder trial begins, where Kelly risks the consequences when he testifies on Janice's behalf about their brief affair which results in the Internal Affairs Bureau investigating him. Meanwhile, Sipowicz works with an abused woman who's reluctant to testify against her husband. Medavoy, Martinez, Sipowicz and Kelly investigate robberies of drug dealers in their apartments. Sipowicz's AA sponsor wants him to agree to abide by a contract before he lets him try to restart his relationship with Sylvia. Donna tries to give Medavoy advice about dealing with his divorce. Also, Robin leaves Kelly for good when he tells her that he still has feelings for Janice.
Season 2, Episode 2: For Whom the Skell Rolls
Original Air Date—18 ottobre 1994
Internal Affairs begins to investigate Kelly and Sipowicz's arresting of the officers they caught robbing drug dealer's apartments, then they begin looking into Kelly's handling of the notebook that was part of Medavoy's case. Janice's murder trial continues where she takes the witness stand to give an emotional testimony about her reluctant involvement with the mob and is sent to prison with a two-year sentence. Meanwhile, Kelly and Sipowicz investigate a double murder.
Season 2, Episode 3: Cop Suey
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 1994
Kelly works with a Chinese detective in the investigation of the murder of an off-duty cop in Chinatown. Lt. Fancy catches Donna and Madavoy in an embrace and warns both of them about relationships in the workplace. The abused woman Sipowicz helped out turns up dead and her husband is a suspect. Meanwhile, a tough new female detective, Adrianne Lesniak, transfers into the squad because of a relationship she had with an officer at her former precinct in the Bronx and begins to work with Sipowicz on his case.
Season 2, Episode 4: Dead and Gone
Original Air Date—1 novembre 1994
Martinez investigates a baby that was killed in a car from an apparent drive-by shooting. Meanwhile, Lois contacts Sipowicz for help because a policeman that she was entertaining died in a compromising position and he moves the body to a less conspicuous location. Lesniak's ex-boyfriend, Officer Abruzzo, keeps showing up at the precinct and harassing her. Kelly's future with the department is decided when Internal Affairs comes to the precinct to re-investigate some of his old cases and the result is Haverill transferring Kelly to borough dispatch duty. But Kelly decides to quit the force and after saying goodbye to Sipowitz, he throws in his badge for good.
Season 2, Episode 5: Simone Says
Original Air Date—15 novembre 1994
Bobby Simone, a widower and homing pigeon breeder, joins the squad as Kelly's replacement. Simone's first assignment is to help Sipowicz in the investigation of the hit on a mobster's son, where a stray bullet also hit an elderly woman in her apartment. Meanwhile, Lesniak tries to help a woman who's worried that her husband is molesting their daughter, and an over-the-edge Abruzzo pulls his gun and threatens Lesniak in the squad room for leaving him.
Season 2, Episode 6: The Final Adjustment
Original Air Date—22 novembre 1994
Simone and Sipowicz suspect a chiropractor of murdering his wife. A woman whom Simone knows, finds her 11-year-old son in possession of a gun. Meanwhile, Medavoy changes to a high-fiber diet a part of yet another change in his life. While moonlighting as a security guard for Mike Roberts, Martinez becomes attracted to Judith, a college student he's been assigned to protect and she's worried about her possessive father.
Season 2, Episode 7: Double Abandando
Original Air Date—29 novembre 1994
Donna's younger sister, Dana, arrives and moves in with her and Medavoy, who tries to make the moves onto him. Simone doubts the confession of his friend's 11-year-old son, a murder suspect in a gang related shooting at a school. Meanwhile, an HIV-infected Lothario comes to the station and asks Lesniak and Martinez for help when he appears to be targeted by a woman he's apparently infected.
Season 2, Episode 8: You Bet Your Life
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 1994
Sipowicz's AA sponsor, Danny Breen, is beaten up by his estranged son. Meanwhile, Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a pregnant woman whose charred body leaves few clues. Martinez and Medavoy check out the story of a man who might have information about a pawn shop robbery.
Season 2, Episode 9: Don We Now Our Gay Apparel
Original Air Date—3 gennaio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a gay bar owner during the Christmas holidays. Meanwhile, Fancy's wife goes into labor to have her baby. Breen breaks his promise to Sipowicz by checking up on his son and decides to go back to him, which turns out to be fatal when Breen's son kills him and Sipowicz has to arrest him.
Season 2, Episode 10: In the Butt, Bob
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 1995
Lesniak deals with a perpetrator and his "high priced lawyer and shrink" when he repeats the offense. Meanwhile, Detective Solomon uses a fast pull to take a possible serial killer case away from Simone after he brings in a possible suspect. One of Fancy's old contacts, Vinnie Greco, brings in a tip about a couple of guys looking for some heavy arms to do an armored car job and Sipowicz works with him, but Greco is working for someone else against Fancy. Sipowicz invites Andy Jr. over at his place for dinner where his son tells him that he is joining the Air Force. Also, Sipowicz proposes marriage to Sylvia and this time, she accepts.
Season 2, Episode 11: Vishy-Vashy-Vinny
Original Air Date—17 gennaio 1995
After discovering a key piece of evidence, Simone gets his chance to question the serial killer suspect. Meanwhile, Sipowicz, Medavoy and others work on how to stop the armored car robbery and Fancy plays a tape for Haverill about his true attitude which results in his resignation as the zone commander. Martinez and Lesniak arrest an odd extortionist, while romantic feelings for each other begin to appear.
Season 2, Episode 12: Large Mouth Bass
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the brutal murder of the teenage daughter of a woman whose ex-husband has made threats against her. Meanwhile, Lesniak and Martinez's latest case involves a con artist who sells a black box to homely women, promising them beautiful skin. The new zone commander, Captain Clifford Bass, checks in and lets Fancy know his overtime policy, which doesn't sit well with Sipowicz when it compounds their investigation. Also, Simone deals with a childhood friend who is now involved with a nightclub that is frequented by wise guys.
Season 2, Episode 13: Travels with Andy
Original Air Date—14 febbraio 1995
Sipowicz disagrees with Sylvia over their wedding arrangements, for he wants to travel to Maryland for a quick one, whereas Sylvia wants a traditional Greek Orthodox service. Shortly thereafter, Simone and Sipowicz investigate an execution-style murder of three people at a fast food restaurant and the investigation leads them to travel upstate to look for a possible suspect. Meanwhile, Lesniak meets an old high school boyfriend of hers, now a doctor, while investigating a rape case with Martinez, who develops a case of jealousy.
Season 2, Episode 14: A Murder with Teeth in It
Original Air Date—21 febbraio 1995
Sipowicz investigates the murder of a pimp in which evidence points to a cop that Sipowicz once helped out with a problem of his. Simone mentions the case to his girlfriend reporter, and regrets it when the story hits the papers. Meanwhile, Donna's former boyfriend, Harold, a ex-New York Ranger, returns to the city and meets with Donna and Meadvoy overreacts with jealousy. Martinez begins to develop feelings for Lesniak.
Season 2, Episode 15: Bombs Away
Original Air Date—28 febbraio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz collide in their squad car with a Romanian immigrant who has a woman locked in the trunk of his car and later, their investigation shows him to be a possible terrorist. Meanwhile, the serial killer, Webster, is shot by his last victim's father and Simone begins to investigate the father and another member of a victim's support group, who all appear to be part of a secret vigilante group. Medavoy talks to Dana about his relationship with Donna if he's losing interest in her, but the crafty Dana takes advantage of the situation to try to break them up. Also, Martinez keeps asking Lesniak to go out on a date with him.
Season 2, Episode 16: UnAmerican Graffiti
Original Air Date—14 marzo 1995
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a Puerto Rican teenager who was murdered while spray painting graffiti in Little Italy. Meanwhile, Medavoy meets with Donna's former lover, Harold, while she makes a tough decision about her relationship with him. Also, Sylvia is mugged and she later tells Sipowicz a secret from her past about being raped as a teen.
Season 2, Episode 17: Dirty Socks
Original Air Date—21 marzo 1995
Simone's emotionally fragile witness for a double-murder keeps changing her story, for she is really only interested in him. Meanwhile, Sipowicz participates in the investigation where a family run business, that he used to work in, is held up and the owner's wife is killed. After Donna leaves town for a long vacation (and to get away from Medavoy), her temporary replacement, John Irvin, is gay may who makes the station, including Sipowitz, uncomfortable. Also, Martinez enters in a department boxing tournament.
Season 2, Episode 18: Innuendo
Original Air Date—4 aprile 1995
Simone and Sipowicz search for a killer following a shooting spree, which left several people dead and where a rookie cop's missed shot also killed a bystander. Meanwhile, Fancy's younger brother, Reginald, a policeman in the 8th precinct, has racial troubles with his commanding officer and Fancy intercedes on his behalf and his own boss, Captain Bass, covers for him. Sipowicz sees a doctor and discovers he has an enlarged prostate and Sylvia mistakenly thinks their lack of sexual activity over the past few weeks was because of the rape incident from her past that she told him about.
Season 2, Episode 19: Boxer Rebellion
Original Air Date—2 maggio 1995
Fancy works with Martinez to help him get ready for the boxing tournament. Meanwhile, Simone is attracted to the new undercover cop, Diane Russell, who is working with him on a arson sting. A woman that Sipowicz gets to testify in a case is murdered by the men she was going to testify against.
Season 2, Episode 20: The Bookie and the Kooky Cookie
Original Air Date—9 maggio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz search for a killer of a bookie. Meanwhile, Donna returns from her long vacation trip to resume her position at the station and her temp, John Irvin, gives everyone farewell greeting cards when he is moved to the anti-crime lab. Simone's witness tries to kill him when he won't give her what she wants. Sipowicz and Sylvia meet with the priest to help with their wedding and later she hears a story about what has contributed to Sipowicz's loss of faith.
Season 2, Episode 21: The Bank Dick
Original Air Date—16 maggio 1995
A witness to a crime smells alcohol on Russell's breath and uses it against her, and Sipowicz smells the same. Simone then confronts Russell about her drinking, but she tells him to mind his own business. John Irwin comes to Fancy for help when he and his gay lover are beaten up by gay-bashing officers in another precinct. Meanwhile, a terminally ill infant helps the detectives locate a serial rapist. Medavoy meets with his ex-wife who tells him that they should get back together for their kids and when Donna finds out, she tells him that their relationship is over.
Season 2, Episode 22: A.D.A. Sipowicz
Original Air Date—23 maggio 1995
Pre-wedding jitters put Sipowicz in a rare form of panic. Meanwhile, Russell's drinking problem makes her miss getting a gun off a suspect and she finally admits to Simone about her alcoholism. Fancy's brother, Reginald, is still having problems with his racist sergeant and his belligerent attitude has resulted in him being investigated by Internal Affairs. So Fancy, Simone and the squad work to help clear Reginald of any misconduct. Martinez finally goes out on a date with Lesniak and asks her to be his date for the wedding. At the ceremony, Simone is Sipowicz's best man, Sylvia's father escorts her down the aisle and even Andy Jr. makes it just in time for the ceremony. Medavoy brings his ex-wife to the wedding while a lonely and jealous Donna painfully watches from afar.
Season 3
Season 3, Episode 1: E.R.
Original Air Date—24 ottobre 1995
Martinez is shot in the back during a scuffle and the doctor's report is possible that he may be paralyzed for life. But Martinez's assailant, a government witness in a relocation program, will probably go free and Simone contacts Benita Alden in the D.A.'s office to help put pressure on the D.A. to prosecute their protected witness. Meanwhile, Russell, on the road to recovery from her alcoholism, wants Sipowicz to let Simone know she's doing okay, but she is on the brink of falling off the wagon. Donna expresses to Simone that she has feelings for him, and Sylvia tells Sipowicz that she may be pregnant.
Season 3, Episode 2: Torah! Torah! Torah!
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 1995
Medavoy and Sipowicz go undercover as Hasidic Jews to recover a stolen Torah. Meanwhile, Simone gets a case where a father suspects his retarded son of killing his daughter. Detective Stuart Morrissey tactics with the suspect does not sit well with Lt. Fancy, despite the facts that the case match the one Simone are working on. Also, Sylvia visits a doctor who confirms that she's pregnant, and Lesniak keeps checking up on Martinez still in the hospital.
Season 3, Episode 3: One Big Happy Family
Original Air Date—7 novembre 1995
Meadavoy and Lesniak pair up to identify who's launched a series of vicious attacks on a man. Meanwhile, Simone tries to locate a possible suspect in a series of rapes. Russell tries to maintain her sobriety and it's strongly tested when her parents domestic problems get out of hand. Also, Martinez finally gets out of the hospital and returns to duty. But in a final surprising twist, Lesniak tells Martinez that she likes him as friend only... because she happens to be gay.
Season 3, Episode 4: Heavin' Can Wait
Original Air Date—14 novembre 1995
Lesniak's preference of her lesbianism quickly gets around the precinct, which gives her mixed reactions. Meanwhile, Sipowicz clashes with Simone throughout their investigation of the senseless murder of two kids, which is only the start of a really bad day which also includes Sipowicz dealing with Sylvia's morning sickness, and Simone dealing with Russell who falls off the wagon.
Season 3, Episode 5: Dirty Laundry
Original Air Date—21 novembre 1995
Fancy is less than enthused when Ronnie Drucker, a detective under surveillance by Internal Affairs, is assigned to the squad and Simone is asked to keep an eye on him. They then work on a case where an elderly man has been accused of exposing himself. The murder of a pimp in a Laundromat is witnessed by a young woman who helped the detectives out on a previous case. Meanwhile, John Irvin asks Sipowicz if he should approach Lesniak to congratulate her on "coming out." But she won't listen to his gay pride talk as does everyone else.
Season 3, Episode 6: Curt Russell
Original Air Date—28 novembre 1995
An Indian woman is found dead in a car and Sipowicz is full of theories about who killed her and why. While Donna is away at a computer camp taking courses for the week, her temp is a feisty woman with a bad attitude who clashes with Sipowicz. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy are nearby when a drug crazed man tries to rob a couple of stores of credit card slips. Russell and Lesniak work on another case involving a man who was left to die of a drug overdose that leads to a chance of mending the feud between them.
Season 3, Episode 7: Aging Bull
Original Air Date—12 dicembre 1995
Sipowicz becomes annoyed when federal agents take over their investigation of the disappearance of a millionaire. Then a petty criminal from the past surfaces with information about the kidnapping and Sipowicz decides to act on it. Meanwhile, Simone aids an old boxer friend of his, who happened to got him started with bird breeding.
Season 3, Episode 8: Cold Heaters
Original Air Date—19 dicembre 1995
Simone and the men from Internal Affairs share the suspect after Simone gets some information from his incarcerated friend, Ray, about a case that Mike Roberts once worked on. Meanwhile, Fancy and Sipowicz both work on the case of a self-confessed gunman in a neighborhood shooting, once they get the story they help the shooter out. Medavoy investigates the assault case of an actor who was injured in a staged fight that went awry.
Season 3, Episode 9: Sorry, Wong Suspect
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 1996
Medavoy and his wife, Marie, split up once again and she comes down to the station to see Donna before leaving town. Meanwhile, Simone and Sipowicz probe the death of a Chinese girl who's leg has a strange marking on it. Martinez and Lesniak look into the robbery case where a woman in a wheelchair lets a man who claims to be a policeman. Sipowicz does not want to accompany Sylvia to her latest doctor's visit and Martinez gets an opportunity to find out where Lesniak really stands on her sexuality if she's really gay.
Season 3, Episode 10: The Backboard Jungle
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 1996
Sipowicz has race relation problems with the organizer of a local basketball game, held in the memory of a young boy, which erupted into violence by the gang members on the opposing sides which left two dead and seven wounded, and was witnessed by a reporter. Fracy has problems when Sipowicz racist colors come to light and has him removed from the case, much to his anger.
Season 3, Episode 11: Burnin' Love
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 1996
Simone and Sipowicz look into the death of a young woman whose body is found burned beyond recognition, except for a tattoo on her back. Detective Vince Gotelli arrives from another precinct to assist Simone and Sipowicz with their case and puts his two cents in, much to Sipowicz's delight and one of the victim's roommates becomes the prime suspect. Meanwhile, Medavoy pulls double shifts for himself (to get away from problems at home) and is assigned to watch an informant who has a penchant for playing poker with his friends.
Season 3, Episode 12: These Old Bones
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 1996
A strange woman walks into the precinct and gives Sipowicz and Medavoy some information about a disappearance that occurred eight years ago and where the body may be located. Meanwhile, domestic violence in Russell's parents apartment leads to tragedy when her mother shoots her drunken father who attacks her, and Simone presses to get the truth about what really happened to her Russell's father.
Season 3, Episode 13: A Tushful of Dollars
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 1996
Russell worries about her mother's pending grand jury trial for the intentional murder of her father. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Simone search for the killer of a mobster's son, that reveals a family affair. The lawyer of a suspect in another murder case impedes Medavoy and Russell's investigation and the erratic son of the victim doesn't help much either. Martinez and Lesniak get another murder case that involves Sipowicz and Simone's suspect.
Season 3, Episode 14: The Nutty Confessor
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 1996
Donna and Simone give Lesniak and Martinez advice, respectively, on their plans for their first date and night together. Afterward, Simone and Sipowicz investigate the death of a young woman who was brutally murdered and Simone and Martinez travel to Atlantic City to apprehend their suspect. Meanwhile, a surgeon's wife wants to press charges against her husband's mistress when he is found shot.
Season 3, Episode 15: Head Case
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 1996
Simone and Sipowicz get another murder case where a mild mannered professor is found decapitated in his apartment. Meanwhile, Martinez is helping out a former porno actress who is getting harassing phone calls, but Lesniak is not comfortable with the situation. Andy Jr. arrives in town with some news for Sipowicz, but he can't find the time to tell his father and finally at dinner, he explains that he has just been discharged from the Air Force and is joining the police department in Hackensack, New Jersey.
Season 3, Episode 16: Girl Talk
Original Air Date—19 marzo 1996
A detective from another precinct, Martina Escobar, joins Simone and Sipowicz with their investigation of a rapist/murderer who is throwing small children from the tops of buildings. Meanwhile, Martinez and Russell investigate an alleged case of date rape, but the women of the squad and Sylvia have a major disagreement with Martinez's decisions regarding the suspect. Elsewhere, Sipowicz shows his son the ropes of being a cop.
Season 3, Episode 17: Hollie and the Blowfish
Original Air Date—26 marzo 1996
Simone makes contact with Ferdinand Hollie, an old informant, who wants to help him capture the drug dealers who killed a young girl with their crossfire. Meanwhile, Russell is paired up with Sgt. Ray Kahlins, a "blow hard" from the federal anti-drug unit, who's more interested in collecting overtime pay than catching drug dealers.
Season 3, Episode 18: We Was Robbed
Original Air Date—2 aprile 1996
Simone and Sipowicz are forced to commit robbery while working undercover for an FBI agent to place a bug in mob hangout and when the wise guys come to the station to file a robbery complaint, Russell and Medavoy catch them in the act. Meanwhile, Donna's hairdresser, Marina, tells her that she has a problem with her ex-boyfriend who wants to hijack the truck of Marina's current boyfriend, and Martinez goes undercover as Marina's boyfriend. Elsewhere, Andy Jr. learns more about being a beat cop.
Season 3, Episode 19: Auntie Maimed
Original Air Date—30 aprile 1996
Sylvia is now nine months pregnant and is ready to give birth any day and Sipowicz is on the edge. Meanwhile, Simone, Sipowicz, with Andy Jr. along for the ride, investigate a case where the nephew of the victim of a robbery-homicide is found holding the stolen goods. Meanwhile, Medavoy, Martinez, Lesniak, and Russell all join forces to work on the robbery-murder of a bouncer. Also, Donna contemplates an administrative job offer in California.
Season 3, Episode 20: A Death in the Family
Original Air Date—7 maggio 1996
Just days after Sylvia gives birth to a baby boy, whom she and Sipowitz name Theo, Sipowicz suffers an emotional setback when Andy Jr. is found murdered in the line of duty. Sipowicz wants Simone to lead the case of his son's killer and also wants the opportunity for restitution. In the mist of all this turmoil, Donna makes her decision when she quits her job as administrative assistant to the precinct and moves to California, leaving New York for good
Season 3, Episode 21: Closing Time
Original Air Date—14 maggio 1996
Sylvia confronts Sipowicz about her suspicions that he is going to late-night bars and drinking again and the effect is everywhere where Lt. Fancy is forced to sent him home after Sipowicz walks in one morning drunk. Sipowicz even fights with some street punks, gets beaten up, and Simone offers to look for the men that beat Sipowicz up. Meanwhile, a new administrative assistant, named Lucy, arrives as Donna's replacement.
Season 3, Episode 22: He's Not Guilty, He's My Brother
Original Air Date—21 maggio 1996
Sipowicz meets with a priest to talk about his troubles and finally sees the light. Meanwhile, Medavoy works on finding a new place to live while he, Martinez and Lesniak work on a drug related double murder. John Irvin passes out farewell notices to the employees for he is moving back to the 1st Precinct uptown. Simone and Russell plan a trip to the beach and Medavoy meets Anne McGuire, a new detective while working on his case. Elsewhere, Lucy isn't working out with her job, and baby Theo gets baptized.
Season 4
Season 4, Episode 1: Moby Greg
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 1996
Medavoy decides to go on a diet and has a hard time getting started on it. Meanwhile, Sipowicz has problems with his work, his baby son becoming ill and Sylvia deciding to return to work at the D.A.'s office. Simone proposes marriage to Russell, but she is hesitant to give him an answer. Geri Turner, the new administrative aide for the anti-crime unit unit, arrives at the precinct and shows a strong interest in Sipowicz, while Martinez has eyes for her. A body in a trunk of a car is inadvertently moved from the nearby 13th precinct into the 15th's jurisdiction. Simone inherits an apartment building from a recently deceased woman and the woman's son, Henry, is upset at the situation. Also, Lesniak transfers away from the squad to another precinct thus leaving the 15th for good.
Season 4, Episode 2: Thick Stu
Original Air Date—22 ottobre 1996
Medavoy starts a bet with Sipowicz to see who can lose the most weight in a single month. Afterwards, Sipowicz and Simone help out Detective Stuart Morrissey on his investigation in the case of a missing baby. Meanwhile, Martinez campaigns to become the elected delegate for the squad and his opponent, Detective Vince Gotelli, is determined to win the seat himself. Also, Simone makes a deal with Henry to let him share ownership of the building.
Season 4, Episode 3: Yes, We Have NO Cannolis
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 1996
An ex-con that Sipowicz put away a year ago approaches him and tells him about a prisoner who's been serving time for a crime he didn't commit and he and Simone decide to reopen the case. Meanwhile, Martinez wins the election by just three votes, much to Gotelli's chagrin. Simone comes across Detective Nick Savino who helps him with the investigation of the murder in his building and Savino suspects Henry has something to do with it. Fancy gets a cavity filling which makes him more edgy than usual and Medavoy loses one pound more than Sipowicz. Also, Russell still has not come to any conclusion about her relationship with Simone.
Season 4, Episode 4: Where's 'Swaldo
Original Air Date—12 novembre 1996
A community activist named Kwasi, with whom Sipowicz had a previous run-in that involved racial insults, is found murdered; Simone and Sipowicz investigate, and Sipowicz rekindles Fancy's anger over the previous incident. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy investigate a homicide at a bodega and have a hard time getting witnesses to cooperate.
Season 4, Episode 5: Where'd the Van Gogh?
Original Air Date—19 novembre 1996
A foreign prince and princess are assaulted in which she falls into a coma. Sipowicz and Simone investigate, with Mike Roberts help, who provides them with some information about Prince Foresmann's contacts. Meanwhile, Martinez's first delegate situation gets a resolution that keeps Officer Ortiz out of trouble with the department which doesn't work out as planned. Russell begins a new undercover job that involves her getting into a relationship with alleged drug dealer, Jimmy Liery, that might require her to start drinking again. Geri continues to try to win Sipowicz's affections and Medavoy for once feels good about himself after his diet. Also, Martinez asks his secretary, Gina Colon, out on a date.
Season 4, Episode 6: Yes Sir, That's My Baby
Original Air Date—26 novembre 1996
Simone and Sipowicz look into the death of a limo driver while he lodges a complaint against Geri that gets her moved up to the crime lab area. Meanwhile, a new detective, named Jill Kirkendall, joins the squad and her first case involves a man whose life is being threatened. Simone gets the approval from Savino to question Henry about the shooting and gets the real story. Also, Russell can't figure out how to talk to Simone about her current assignment.
Season 4, Episode 7: Ted and Carey's Bogus Adventure
Original Air Date—3 dicembre 1996
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the sexual assault of a schoolgirl and try to persuade her to press charges against her assailant. Meanwhile, a strange man that Sipowicz had committed to Bellevue mental hospital four years ago appears and causes a minor scene who is trying to get someone to listen about a problem he now has. Russell continues her undercover work and relationship with Jimmy, who nearly blows her cover when Medavoy meets with her in the open.
Season 4, Episode 8: Unembraceable You
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 1996
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a case where some transvestites witnessed a murder that they say was committed by a gay-basher who's supposed to have been in jail for a previous crime. Meanwhile, Fancy's former foster son is arrested and charged with possession of a kilogram of heroin and tries to get a deal with Sgt. Ray Kahlins, the "blow hard" from the DEA who worked out of the squad room the previous year. Medavoy asks his secretary, Abby Sullivan, out on a date, unsure of where he might be going with this, but she turns him down by revealing that she is a lesbian. Elsewhere, Jimmy's malevolence puts Russell's life in danger when he puts a drug in her drink.
Season 4, Episode 9: Caulksmanship
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 1996
While tracking down Jimmy, who drugged her the previous night, Russell works on a case where a man with a muscular dystrophy was killed in a very tight knit community. Meanwhile, Simone and Sipowicz work on another murder case that may have been masterminded by a married couple. Fancy wrestles with Captain Bass and knowledge of the fact that Simone is going to be promoted to Detective 1st Grade, and Sipowicz isn't.
Season 4, Episode 10: My Wild Irish Nose
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 1997
A woman comes in the station to report that there's a bullet hole in her wall, from a gun in Jimmy Liery's apartment in which Simone arrests Jimmy, but has to let him go for there isn't enough evidence to hold him. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is still angry at Fancy who thinks he held up his promotion. Medavoy and Martinez investigate the murder of young runaway boy, and an artist wants to get his paintings returned from some mob guys that he is a witness against.
Season 4, Episode 11: Alice Doesn't Fit Here Anymore
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a story that a diamond dealer and his partner report that one of the dealer's sisters is missing with a bag of diamonds worth a million dollars, but the sister's boyfriend is actually responsible. Meanwhile, Martinez, Medavoy and Russell look for the assailant of Gina who badly slashed her face up while she was on her way to work, and Martinez cannot cope with this sudden turn of events. Simone and Kirkendall go out on their first date, while Russell cannot cope with the fact of being alone again.
Season 4, Episode 12: Upstairs, Downstairs
Original Air Date—21 gennaio 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a murder, but the procedures they must follow make them unpopular at the precinct when a fellow cop might have been involved. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall investigate the murder of a young girl where the only clue is a videotape that starred her crushing worms. Russell goes missing and eventually turns up in Simone's apartment where she recalls to him that her father molested her as a child.
Season 4, Episode 13: Tom and Geri
Original Air Date—28 gennaio 1997
Simone, Sipowicz, Medavoy and Martinez together conduct an investigation into the death of a worker at a construction site, where more than a building is being framed. Meanwhile, Geri reports to Sipowicz about finding a friend of hers who has hung himself and Fancy suggests that Russell and Kirkendall conduct the investigation, which reveals the man died from kinky sex, with Geri. Martinez stays close to Gina while she is recovering and preparing to get her stitches from her horribly scared face removed and offers him to let her stay the night with him.
Season 4, Episode 14: A Remington Original
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a woman whose body was found naked in the trunk of a car in a junk yard. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy investigate a man who was found dead with a severe blow to his head with a typewriter. Simone hires Henry to take care of a painting job in the tenement building, where Henry comes in complaining about a difficult tenant. The emotionally and physically scarred Gina returns to work, and Russell is working through her issues with her family problems by meeting a counselor.
Season 4, Episode 15: Taillight's Last Gleaming
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 1997
Fancy and his wife are pulled over and harassed by a racist police officer for a burned out taillight, and he and the precinct don't see eye to eye on the procedures followed during the stop. Meanwhile, Sipowicz has some unresolved issues to work out Andy Jr.'s death and Simone works on the night duty and gets a case involving a bar robbery. Also, Martinez and Russell work together on a sting operation to catch a investor defrauding old and crippled women.
Season 4, Episode 16: What a Dump!
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 1997
Sipowicz and Simone investigate the murder of a woman whose body was founded dumped in an alley and information about the mystery woman reveals that the woman was a mail-order bride who was looking to divorce her husband. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez look into the drive-by shooting at a bus and when one of the passengers mouths off his hatred of gays, that gets him and Abby angry. Sipowicz starts working a part-time job for the U.S. Marshall by doing garbage detail at JFK airport.
Season 4, Episode 17: A Wrenching Experience
Original Air Date—15 aprile 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a shooting that is related to the victim trying to leave a street gang. Meanwhile, Jill Kirkendall and Russell investigate the death of a baby who appears to have been shaken to death by the baby-sitter. Medavoy and Martinez look into a murder where they have a suspect who looks guilty despite the fact he claims to have an alibi. Medavoy has dinner with Abby and her lover, Kathy. Also, Simone takes Russell out to a movie and proposes to her again, and this time she accepts.
Season 4, Episode 18: I Love Lucy
Original Air Date—22 aprile 1997
Two transvestites arrive at the precinct, one of them is seeking protection from a man who's beaten him. But afterwords the drag queen is founded murdered and Sipowicz, Simone and Russell investigate and eventually receive help from John Irvin. Meanwhile, Kirkendell investigates the theft of some small items by a old friend's parents. Elsewhere, Fancy's wife, Lillian, tries to sell some health food products.
Season 4, Episode 19: Bad Rap
Original Air Date—29 aprile 1997
Simone and Sipowicz gets another case involving the shooting of a rap artist who refuses to cooperate with them in the identification of his assailant from a rival gang. Meanwhile, Abby tells Medavoy that she and Kathy are trying to start a family and asks him to donate his sperm to her so Abby will get pregnant. Officer Szymanski, the racist cop who pulled over Fancy, tells him that he thinks Fancy was one of the ones responsible for his being set-up and caught in the alleged theft of a drug dealer's money. Also, Simone is approached and propositioned by FBI agents to help them with their ongoing investigation into the affairs of mobster Joey Salvo.
Season 4, Episode 20: Emission Impossible
Original Air Date—6 maggio 1997
Five Ecuadorians are found murdered in an apparent drug deal gone bad and Sipowicz, Simone and Martinez work on the case to find a tip from a waiter at the club there were hanging out in. Meanwhile, Simone begins his undercover work for the FBI when he secretly meets with Joey Salvo who wants Simone to do collect money from a deadbeat client of his. Also, Russell and Medavoy are looking into a suspect in a spouse abuse case where Medavoy's commitment to Abby hampers the investigation.
Season 4, Episode 21: Is Paris Burning?
Original Air Date—13 maggio 1997
An inebriated Vince Gotelli is arrested after "hijacking" a city bus and having it wrecked. Fancy meets with the bus driver's boss to work out an arrangement about their investigation and suggests that Gotelli take some medical treatment. Meanwhile, Simone's continuing help with the FBI makes his life miserable when the men from Internal Affairs investigate him for the license plate number on Salvo's car that he ran and is frustrated when he cannot tell anyone, not even Sipowicz or Fancy, about what he's doing. Elsewhere, Sipowicz and the other detectives investigate the beating and murder of a woman in her apartment.
Season 4, Episode 22: A Draining Experience
Original Air Date—20 maggio 1997
Simone's continued involvement with the FBI sting against Joey Salvo jeopardizes his career when the men from Internal Affairs investigate him and suspend him from active duty. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Russell investigate the gruesome murder of a young woman where a psychiatrist, named Dr. Wentzel, insists on implicating his patient's father for her murder. Martinez and Medavoy have a hard time over a haughty mugging victim who is a writer from a local magazine that wrote a bad story on the cops of New York City. Simone's involvement with the FBI reaches a cliff-hanging climax when in a secret meeting with Salvo, the mobster is hit by gunfire from a drive-by mob shooting... so it seems.
Season 5
Season 5, Episode 1: As Flies to Careless Boys...
Original Air Date—30 settembre 1997
In the four months since Joey Salvo's assassination, Simone is working odd jobs since he has been suspended by Internal Affairs pending their investigation, while he approaches Sipowicz asking about his and others incitements by the FBI who think that Salvo's death was an inside job, and Lt. Shannon my know the person who killed Salvo. Meanwhile, Gina discovers herself to be pregnant, but is hesitant on telling Martinez.
Season 5, Episode 2: All's Well That Ends Well
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 1997
Simone returns to work at the 15th Precinct and immediately helps Sipowicz with his case of the shooting death that occurred during a robbery at a local bar. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy stake out a hotel where a serial rapist has been committing his crimes. Also, Gina finally tells Martinez that she's pregnant and wants to get married to him right away.
Season 5, Episode 3: Three Girls and a Baby
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 1997
Medavoy launches his own investigation when Abby, and her girlfriend Kathy, are both shot by an intruder in their apartment in which Kathy dies and a grief-stricken Abby cannot bring herself to answer Medavoy's questions about her past and her former lover who may have been the assailant. Meanwhile, Simone, Sipowicz and Russell investigate a suspect after the charred body of a young woman is found in an abandoned vehicle. Also, Gina develops complications with her pregnancy and is taken off work for a few weeks.
Season 5, Episode 4: The Truth Is Out There
Original Air Date—28 ottobre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a man where the only witness is a insane woman, who lands in danger after she is kidnapped by their suspect's lawyer. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez investigate a string of taxicab robberies which leads them to the brother of a gypsy cab driver. A new administrative aide, named Naomi Reynolds, arrives to substitute for Gina's absence.
Season 5, Episode 5: It Takes a Village
Original Air Date—4 novembre 1997
Simone and Kirkendall work on a murder case where a son is bitter about his father's death and offers $5,000 to anyone who can produce the killer, and the result is a greedy horde of people with many false leads. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Russell investigate the rape of a nine-year-old girl, whose mother thinks the culprit my be a retarded boy from their apartment building.
Season 5, Episode 6: Dead Man Talking
Original Air Date—11 novembre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a break-in of a high-rise apartment were the wife and baby are killed and the husband injured. Vince Gotelli, now a insurance adjuster, tells Simone and Sipowicz that the man may have faked a break-in to kill his family to collect an insurance policy. Meanwhile, Fancy gets some clues about a 15-year-old unsolved murder case from a visiting old friend who is dying. Also, Russell, Martinez and Medavoy investigate the murder of a record company executive who wasn't very popular among his co-workers.
Season 5, Episode 7: Sheedy Dealings
Original Air Date—18 novembre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of two roommates. Meanwhile, Medavoy investigates a story from an old friend about a man wanting to hire a hit man for a job, and he recruits Martinez for the part of playing the hit man so they can catch the crime in the act. Kirkendall and Russell investigate the claim of a wealthy woman that her maid did not accidentally donate the diamond that the woman kept in a safe place disguised as a soup can.
Season 5, Episode 8: Lost Israel: Part 1
Original Air Date—25 novembre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the disappearance of a young boy, that turns up dead and the father points that a mute homeless man, named Israel, may have been the one. But Supowicz suspects that the father may be the real culprit. Meanwhile, the rest of the squad investigate the murder of a Hasidic Jewish girl and have to juggle the need for their investigation against the needs for a quick burial.
Season 5, Episode 9: Lost Israel: Part 2
Original Air Date—9 dicembre 1997
After Israel hangs himself, Sipowicz investigates a clue which is a bible verse that Israel pointed out to him, which leads Sipowicz and Simone to set up a complex sting operation to find out if the father of the murdered boy really was the one that set the whole Israel frame-up. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez look into a doctor who is helping out the homeless by getting them a job with insurance benefits that he helps collect.
Season 5, Episode 10: Rememberance of Humps Past
Original Air Date—16 dicembre 1997
Sipowicz is visited by an old school friend who asks him to help talk to his daughter about a company she is running, which takes a turn when the woman's roommate turns up murdered and Sipowicz thinks that another one of his old high school friends was involved. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez look into a case where a man is getting a lot of teeth that contain gold fillings and they uncover a small grave robbing operation. Simone secretly overhears Naomi talking with a difference accent where she tells him that she is actually from Australia and about her desire to become a policewoman.
Season 5, Episode 11: You're Under a Rasta
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 1998
Simone, Sipowicz, and Russell investigate a shooting of two women and later go into a raid on a drug dealer's apartment in which Russell risks her life to capture the dealer/murderer, but later Russell tells Simone that she happens to be pregnant. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy look into the murder of a prostitute, despite Martinez's complaints about a back problem that later gets him taken out of the squad. Also, Naomi tells Simone about her problems with her landlord who has reported her to the INS.
Season 5, Episode 12: A Box of Wendy
Original Air Date—13 gennaio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a crime where a man discovers a woman's body stuffed inside a large box. While on the case, they meet the victim's brother, a strange man who is more concerned with drinking a particular brand of soft drink. Meanwhile, Russell investigates the death of a child whose parents do not seem fit to raise a child. Also, Kirkendall and Medavoy look into the death of a young boy whose very religious parents suggest that the person who killed their son can be forgiven.
Season 5, Episode 13: Twin Petes
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 1998
Simone and Russell investigate two stickups held at ATM's where they get a line on a possible suspect and then use Kirkendall to appeal to the suspect's mother to help them reach out to him. Meanwhile, Medavoy attempts to sort out a case where he can't determine if there really is a twin when a man comes to the station to report that his twin brother, Pete, has threatened violence against his former girlfriend. Also, Sipowicz contends with a medical problem involving his prostate while helping Simone and Russell and he is less than forthcoming with what his doctor has told him about his condition.
Season 5, Episode 14: Weaver of Hate
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz try to conduct their investigation in the midst of racial turmoil in the station and the neighborhood when a young white teenager is murdered in a black neighborhood during a drugs-for-guns deal that went bad, and the victim's racist father comes to the station and begins quarreling with Lt. Fancy over his race and roll in the investigation. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall investigate the strangulation and dismemberment of the mother of a young boy, who's discovered his mother's body in the refrigerator. Also, Russell decides to take some time off since she's feeling ill due to pregnancy morning sickness, only to suffer a miscarriage at the end.
Season 5, Episode 15: Don't Kill the Messenger
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a nurse where the suspects include a struggling actor, a crazy man, and eventually a detective from the precinct named Tommy Richardson. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall look into the death of a bicycle messenger who was killed for just trying to help a man whose backpack was stolen, so they determine that the backpack contained drugs. When they get a suspect into custody, Kirkendall figures out a clever way to get an ID on the suspect who won't cooperate. Also, Sipowicz's doctor tries to talk to him about how to deal with his medical problem, but Sipowicz won't listen.
Season 5, Episode 16: The One That Got Away
Original Air Date—3 marzo 1998
Richardson confronts Sipowicz and Simone about their impending questioning of his wife over the murder of the nurse, but with the exception that Richardson is a real bad person, Sipowicz and Simone reach nothing. In a cross-over from the series "Upstairs", former temp and private detective John Irvin stops by the station to tell the detectives about the new graphics art business he started. But with the exception of the receptionist Dolores, no one is around, including Medavoy who leaves in a hurry for upstate New York where Abby now lives to be by her side when she goes into labor. Meanwhile, Kirkendall and Russell look into the theft of a graduate film student's camera, where only the student seems more interested in dispensing his own justice. Also, Sylvia finally learns about Sipowicz's medical condition from his doctor and finally persuades him to go for further tests and possible surgery.
Season 5, Episode 17: Speak for Yourself, Bruce Clayton
Original Air Date—24 marzo 1998
Simone and Sipowicz look into the shooting of two women (one of whom was killed) who were raped by a group of men in an apartment owned by a former crack dealer, named Jamal, who was crippled in a previous shooting incident. Sipowicz confides in Simone about his medical condition when Simone runs into Sipowicz at the hospital undergoing tests. Meanwhile, Kirkendall, Russell and Medavoy investigate a shooting at a clinic. When they get a woman suspect into custody, a security guard from the clinic who was her secret admirer comes to the precinct demanding she get a second chance.
Season 5, Episode 18: I Don't Wanna Dye
Original Air Date—31 marzo 1998
Tommy Richardson's wife, Laurie, stops by the station to pick up his time records after he transfers to another precinct, where she expresses to Simone and Russell about Tommy's behavior after she caught him in a phone conversation with another woman. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall look into the death of a man who was shot and found in the bathtub of his former girlfriend. Also, Sylvia accompanies Sipowicz to the hospital for his latest CAT scan test which goes wrong and they decide to ignore Dr. Talbot's advice and go with the opinion of Dr. Mondzac.
Season 5, Episode 19: Prostrate Before the Law
Original Air Date—28 aprile 1998
As Sipowicz prepares for prostate surgery with Sylvia by his side, James Martinez returns after recovering from his back problem where he reports that Gina had her baby three weeks earlier. But Medavoy is more happier after returning from upstate New York with a videotape of Abby giving birth to her baby and is very eager to show the tape to anyone who will watch. Meanwhile, the rest of the squad gets involved in a case of five reuniting Army buddies when one of them is found dead. The four other try to keep their fabricated story straight as Simone and the others try to figure out their involvement.
Season 5, Episode 20: Hammer Time
Original Air Date—5 maggio 1998
Sipowicz returns to work after his successful prostate surgery, but apparently too soon for he has an accident while interrogating a suspect. So he is given desk duty in helping Simone and Russell investigating the murder of a woman's boyfriend by her ex-husband, where it reveals that he was searching for his daughter who's missing. Meanwhile, Simone is called upon by Detective Nick Savino to help investigate a missing persons report that is being filed by the nephew of one his building's tenants. The missing woman had a couple of run-ins with Simone's partner and building manager, Henry Coffield, so he becomes a suspect. Also, former administrative aide Naomi Reynolds shows up at the station, now wearing a police uniform and speaking in her natural Australian accent, to visit Simone where she tells him that her situation with the INS was resolved and she is now a NYC police officer.
Season 5, Episode 21: Seminal Thinking
Original Air Date—12 maggio 1998
A murdered couple is found where the dead man is a car salesman and the woman is a prostitute. Simone and Sipowicz look into the salesman's death while Medavoy and the other detectives look into the prostitute's death where the M.O. of the suspect is to buy used condoms from a prostitute and then mix the spend semen with his own to cover his crime. As Sipowicz recovers from his surgery, he finds that a recent blood test is not favorable and once again keeps his medical problem to himself.
Season 5, Episode 22: Honeymoon at Viagra Falls
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz work with Cohen to investigate the death of one of Cohen's witnesses and her son. Evidence points to the opposing attorney having some involvement with the arrangement of the homicide. Meanwhile, Russell and Kirkendall try to help a man locate his missing daughter. Medavoy and Martinez look into a corporation dealing with fake sports memorabilia, where Medavoy is taken in with the blond employees who reminds him of the departed Donna. Also, when Sipowicz thinks about his low sexual functions, his doctor prescribes the wonder drug Viagra. In the mist of all the cases, Simone and Russell decide to get married on their lunch break, but their cases get in the way of it all.
Season 6
Season 6, Episode 1: Top Gum
Original Air Date—20 ottobre 1998
Season 6, Episode 2: Cop in a Bottle
Original Air Date—27 ottobre 1998
Season 6, Episode 3: Numb & Number
Original Air Date—10 novembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 4: Brother's Keeper
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 5: Hearts and Souls
Original Air Date—24 novembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 6: Danny Boy
Original Air Date—1 dicembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 7: Czech Bouncer
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 8: Raging Bulls
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 9: Grime Scene
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 1999
Season 6, Episode 10: Show & Tell
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 1999
Season 6, Episode 11: Big Bang Theory
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 1999
Season 6, Episode 12: What's Up, Chuck?
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 1999
Season 6, Episode 13: Dead Girl Walking
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 1999
Season 6, Episode 14: Raphael's Inferno
Original Air Date—2 marzo 1999
Season 6, Episode 15: I Have a Dream
Original Air Date—6 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 16: T'aint Misbehavin
Original Air Date—13 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 17: Don't Meth with Me
Original Air Date—20 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 18: Mister Roberts
Original Air Date—27 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 19: Judas Priest
Original Air Date—4 maggio 1999
Season 6, Episode 20: I'll Draw You a Mapp
Original Air Date—11 maggio 1999
Season 6, Episode 21: Voir Dire This
Original Air Date—18 maggio 1999
Season 6, Episode 22: Safe Home
Original Air Date—25 maggio 1999
Season 7
Season 7, Episode 1: Loogie Nights
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2000
Season 7, Episode 2: A Hole in Juan
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2000
Season 7, Episode 3: The Man with Two Right Shoes
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2000
Season 7, Episode 4: The Naked Are the Dead
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 5: These Shoots Are Made for Joaquin
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 6: Brothers Under Arms
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 7: Along Came Jones
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 8: Everybody Plays the Mule
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 9: Jackass
Original Air Date—29 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 10: Who Murders Sleep
Original Air Date—7 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 11: Little Abner
Original Air Date—14 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 12: Welcome to New York
Original Air Date—21 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 13: The Irvin Files
Original Air Date—28 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 14: Sleep Over
Original Air Date—4 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 15: Stressed for Success
Original Air Date—11 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 16: Goodbye Charlie
Original Air Date—18 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 17: Roll Out the Barrel
Original Air Date—25 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 18: Lucky Luciano
Original Air Date—2 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 19: Tea and Sympathy
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 20: This Old Spouse
Original Air Date—16 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 21: Bats Off to Larry
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 22: The Last Round Up
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2000
Season 8
Season 8, Episode 1: Daveless in New York
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 2: Waking Up Is Hard to Do
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 3: Franco, My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 4: Family Ties
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 5: Fools Russian
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 6: Writing Wrongs
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 7: In-Laws, Outlaws
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 8: Russellmania
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 9: Oh Golly Goth
Original Air Date—6 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 10: In the Still of the Night
Original Air Date—13 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 11: Peeping Tommy
Original Air Date—20 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 12: Thumb Enchanted Evening
Original Air Date—27 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 13: Flight of Fancy
Original Air Date—3 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 14: Nariz a Nariz
Original Air Date—10 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 15: Love Hurts
Original Air Date—17 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 16: Everyone Into the Poole
Original Air Date—24 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 17: Dying to Testify
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2001
Season 8, Episode 18: Lost Time
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2001
Season 8, Episode 19: Under Covers
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2001
Season 8, Episode 20: In the Wind
Original Air Date—22 maggio 2001
Season 9
Season 9, Episode 1: Lies Like a Rug
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 2: Johnny Got His Gold
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 3: Two Clarks in a Bar
Original Air Date—13 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 4: Hit the Road, Clark
Original Air Date—20 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 5: Cops and Robber
Original Air Date—27 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 6: Baby Love
Original Air Date—4 dicembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 7: Mom's Away
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 8: Puppy Love
Original Air Date—18 dicembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 9: Here Comes the Son
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 2002
Season 9, Episode 10: Jealous Hearts
Original Air Date—15 gennaio 2002
Season 9, Episode 11: Humpty Dumped
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 2002
Season 9, Episode 12: Oh, Mama!
Original Air Date—19 febbraio 2002
Season 9, Episode 13: Safari, So Good
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 2002
Season 9, Episode 14: Hand Job
Original Air Date—5 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 15: Guns & Hoses
Original Air Date—12 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 16: A Little Dad'll Do Ya
Original Air Date—19 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 17: Gypsy Woe's Me
Original Air Date—26 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 18: Less Is Morte
Original Air Date—16 aprile 2002
Season 9, Episode 19: Low Blow
Original Air Date—30 aprile 2002
Season 9, Episode 20: Oedipus Wrecked
Original Air Date—7 maggio 2002
Season 9, Episode 21: Dead Meat in New Deli
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2002
Season 9, Episode 22: Better Laid Than Never: Part 1
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2002
Season 9, Episode 23: Better Laid Than Never: Part 2
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2002
Season 10
Season 10, Episode 1: Ho Down
Original Air Date—24 settembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 2: You've Got Mail
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 3: One in the Nuts
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 4: Meat Me in the Park
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 5: Death by Cycle
Original Air Date—22 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 6: Maya Con Dios
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 7: Das Boots
Original Air Date—12 novembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 8: Below the Belt
Original Air Date—19 novembre 2002
When NYPD Auxiliary Police Officer Heather Peterson is murdered, the detectives find a diary of her's that details the sexual habits of the police officers at the 15th precinct. These findings cause the detectives to suspect the officers of the 15th precinct had something to do with her death, and the investigation of the cops cause tension between the officers and the detectives.
Season 10, Episode 9: Half-Ashed
Original Air Date—26 novembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 10: Healthy McDowell Movement
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 11: I Kid You Not
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 2003
Season 10, Episode 12: Arrested Development
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 2003
Season 10, Episode 13: Bottoms Up
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 14: Laughlin All the Way to the Clink
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 15: Tranny Get Your Gun
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 16: Nude Awakening
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 17: Off the Wall
Original Air Date—8 aprile 2003
Season 10, Episode 18: Marine Life
Original Air Date—15 aprile 2003
Season 10, Episode 19: Meet the Grandparents
Original Air Date—29 aprile 2003
Season 10, Episode 20: Maybe Baby
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2003
Season 10, Episode 21: Yo, Adrian
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2003
Season 10, Episode 22: 22 Skidoo
Original Air Date—20 maggio 2003
Season 11
Season 11, Episode 1: Frickin' Fraker
Original Air Date—23 settembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 2: Your Bus, Ted
Original Air Date—30 settembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 3: Shear Stupidity
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 4: Porn Free
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 5: Keeping Abreast
Original Air Date—21 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 6: Andy Appleseed
Original Air Date—28 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 7: It's to Die For
Original Air Date—4 novembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 8: And the Wenner Is...
Original Air Date—18 novembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 9: Only Schmucks Pay Income Tax
Original Air Date—25 novembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 10: You Da Bomb
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 2004
Season 11, Episode 11: Passing the Stone
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 2004
Season 11, Episode 12: Chatty Chatty Bang Bang
Original Air Date—2 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 13: Take My Wife, Please
Original Air Date—9 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 14: Colonel Knowledge
Original Air Date—16 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 15: Old Yeller
Original Air Date—23 marzo 2004
A kidnapping victim's startling statement clues Andy and John in on a serial sadist keeping women locked in a dungeon somewhere in New York. Meanwhile, a routine robbery investigation takes a saucy turn for Medavoy after he makes an unlikely connection with the 60-year-old victim.
Season 11, Episode 16: On the Fence
Original Air Date—30 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 17: In Goddess We Trussed
Original Air Date—6 aprile 2004
Andy's off-duty and slightly underhanded work to prove that Hatcher killed his own wife lands him a transfer out of the 15th precinct and into the Bellevue Morgue engineered by Detective Hatcher. Meanwhile, the squad is up to their whips and chains after a dominatrix is found murdered.
Season 11, Episode 18: The Brothers Grim
Original Air Date—13 aprile 2004
Haywood reopens an 18-year-old case that has Andy reliving a major mistake in his career. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Clark investigate the death of a man whose brother was pursued by a bounty hunter. Elsewhere, Ortiz gets a new partner, Detective Kelly Ronson, who ends up lending an unusual hand during the hunt for the child an ex-con had to give up before going to prison.
Season 11, Episode 19: Peeler? I Hardley Knew Her
Original Air Date—20 aprile 2004
A man's gunshot-induced amnesia causes Jones and Medavoy to concoct an unconventional way to nail his assailant. Meanwhile, a man Sipowicz put away twenty years ago for raping and murdering a 12-year-old girl goes free after DNA testing exonerates him, and Ortiz and Ronson bust a gruesome underground network pre-teen prostitution ring.
Season 11, Episode 20: Traylor Trash
Original Air Date—27 aprile 2004
Season 11, Episode 21: What's Your Poison?
Original Air Date—4 maggio 2004
Teacher David Lewis comes into the squad-room to talk about Cindy Clifton and a support group that he ran that she was a part of. Sipowicz and Clark let him go but send off some of his left behind chewing gum to DNA for testing. Jones goes to court as its the day when Michael is to testify against his father. Ortiz and Ronson go to the scene where tourist Ned Applebaum has been mugged and lost his wife's $35,000 necklace. Ortiz and Ronson eventually find out that Ned met a lady friend on the Internet and he was going to meet her in Little Italy when he was mugged. He was going to loan her the necklace so that she could use it as collateral for a loan for her sick child. The detectives get the PO Box number where Applebaum had sent previous gifts to his lady friend. Ortiz and Ronson go to the apartment of the owner of the PO Box. He is a day trader/con artist who they discover took advantage of Ned Applebaum. They get the necklace back and Ned is forgiven by his wife. Later, Gibson tells Sipowicz and Clark that David Lewis was found DOA in his apartment. They go to the scene and try to determine whether the death was a suicide or not. Sipowicz tries to decide how to proceed with the investigation of Lewis's death; both he and Clark believe that Brockhurst might be involved. Clark gets a call about Dr. Jennifer Devlin and goes to the hospital. The doctor tells her she needs to remain restrained for now, but he is allowed to see her as long as he doesn't loosen her restraints. Sipowicz finds Brockhurst and tells him of his theory that he killed David Lewis. Brockhurst doesn't admit to anything, but tells Sipowicz he is going to be able to sleep tonight now that the case is closed.
Season 11, Episode 22: Who's Your Daddy?
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2004
Season 12
Season 12, Episode 1: Dress for Success
Original Air Date—21 settembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 2: Fish Out of Water
Original Air Date—28 settembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 3: Great Balls of Ire
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2004
Season 12, Episode 4: Divorce, Detective Style
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2004
Season 12, Episode 5: You're Buggin' Me
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 2004
Season 12, Episode 6: The Vision Thing
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 7: My Dinner with Andy
Original Air Date—16 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 8: I Like Ike
Original Air Date—23 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 9: The 3-H Club
Original Air Date—30 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 10: The Dead Donald
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 11: Bale Out
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 12: I Love My Wives, But Oh You Kid
Original Air Date—21 dicembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 13: Stoli with a Twist
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2005
Season 12, Episode 14: Stratis Fear
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2005
Season 12, Episode 15: La Bomba
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2005
Season 12, Episode 16: Old Man Quiver
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2005
Season 12, Episode 17: Sergeant Sipowicz' Lonely Hearts Club Band
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2005
Detective John Clark Jr., Andy Sipowicz who just was promoted Sergeant and a military investigator examine the murder on military recruiter Sergeant Lester Bakewell, whose affair with a female colleague caused her divorce from a retired veteran Colonel; however the prime suspect is student Paul Corbelli, whose father was killed in service in Iraq. A woman reports her homeless Basque Uncle missing abnormally since four days; he's found dead and Detectives Baldwin Jones and Greg Medavoy investigate.
Season 12, Episode 18: Lenny Scissorhands
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2005
Season 12, Episode 19: Bale to the Chief
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2005
Season 12, Episode 20: Moving Day
Original Air Date—1 marzo 2005
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IMDb > "NYPD Blue" (1993) > Episode list
"NYPD Blue"

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Episode list for
"NYPD Blue" (1993) More at IMDbPro »
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Episodes: All (261)

Season: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
Year: 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005

Season 1
Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot
Original Air Date—21 settembre 1993
A group of detectives and officers work at the 15th Precinct, a seedy police station in Manhattan, New York City. Detective John Kelly, a 15-year veteran of the force, deals with his partner Andy Sipowitz, an alcoholic 20-year veteran detective. Laura Hughes, an aspiring lawyer and Detective Kelly's wife, is having problems with their marriage and she hires Josh Goldstein, a lawyer who lives in apartment 4B of their building to work on a divorce, who gets mugged in the laundry room of the building. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is relentlessly pursuing mobster Alfonse Giardella, who threatens Sipowicz to leave him alone. Later, Sipowicz is shot by Giardella during a tryst with a prostitute. Enraged, Kelly orders the precinct officers to hound Giardella and his ruthless employer; mafia kingpin Angelo Marino. The new patrol officer, Janice Licalsi, is attracted to Detective Kelly. But is she is revealed to be an informant for Marino who orders her to murder Kelly.
Season 1, Episode 2: 4B or Not 4B
Original Air Date—28 settembre 1993
Inspector Lastarza of the Organized Crime Unit tells Lt. Fancy and Kelly that they stop applying pressure to the local mob for their pursuit of Angelo Marino is hurting the FBI investigation to nail Marino. Meanwhile, Sipowicz regains consciousness in the hospital after the shooting, but he has no memory about the attempt on his life because he was drunk at the time. Laura and John Kelly become officially separated and she decides to join a private law firm. Josh "4B" Goldstein becomes more paranoid about his mugging and brings a gun into the laundry room every night in hopes to catch his attacker. Kelly tries to reason with a deranged man who has taken a judge hostage who let his son's killer free. Elsewhere, Angelo Marino puts more pressure on Janice to murder Kelly, but she kills him and his chauffeur/bodyguard instead and slips away.
Season 1, Episode 3: Brown Appetit
Original Air Date—5 ottobre 1993
Janice's policeman father arrives for a visit and tells her about his pending indictment for corruption involving being an informant for Angelo Marino when a book that Marino had on him as a list of all of his informants... including hers. Sipowicz makes some appearances at the hotel where Giardella is staying to further intimidate him over the shooting death of Marino. Meanwhile, Kelly and Martinez are assigned a case involving the robbery and murder of a woman. Also, Josh Goldstein comes to the precinct in search for his gun he used to kill his assailant.
Season 1, Episode 4: True Confessions
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 1993
Kelly begins moonlighting as a security guard for Susan Wagner, a wealthy woman who's married to an abusive husband. But things take a turn when the husband is shot and killed, and Mrs. Wagner becomes a suspect. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is paired with the hard-nosed Detective Walker who arrests a man for a robbery and double-murder. While Detective Walker thinks he's guilty, Sipowicz thinks differently. Laura quits her job and plans to move into a position with the District Attorney's office, prosecuting narcotics. The increasingly edgy Josh Goldstein has Kelly appear at a tenant's readiness group regarding crime, and he is later killed trying to save and elderly woman from a mugging on a subway platform.
Season 1, Episode 5: Emission Accomplished
Original Air Date—19 ottobre 1993
Martinez goes to visit his brother, but finds the superintendent of his building, Hanlan, is a undercover cop who is on the take and is forcing the tenants out and Kelly sets out to prove that Hanlan is responsible for the death of two of the apartment residents. Meanwhile, Laura's new job as an Assistant District Attorney takes a turn when she's assigned to a case that involves Giardella. Also, Kelly and Sipowitz deal with the prankster Detective Stillwell, whose jokes and pranks against the station becomes a nuisance for everyone as well.
Season 1, Episode 6: Personal Foul
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 1993
A minor skirmish on a basketball court leaves one of Kelly's friends dead and the other one in jail for manslaughter. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is convinced that a man knows more about his wife's death in a highway shooting than he is letting on. Laura feels as though she's being dangled in front of Giardella when Sylvia tells her to push on him harder. Janice saves Kelly's life during a drug raid and the event seems to bring them back together.
Season 1, Episode 7: NYPD Lou
Original Air Date—2 novembre 1993
A shady man named Lou, comes to the station thinking he's a werewolf and demands to be locked up into a cell before he kills someone when the night comes. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is visited by his long-estranged son, Andy Sipowicz, Jr. with his fiancée, Lois Snyder, an older woman who Sipowicz discovers that she has been cheating on Andy Jr. Kelly investigates a homeless man who is suspected in the death of a nine-year-old boy. Giardella is killed before he can testify to a grand jury against his superiors and Laura finds herself the only witness to the murder.
Season 1, Episode 8: Tempest in a C-Cup
Original Air Date—16 novembre 1993
Kelly arrests a baker for a murder charge, but tries to get him to confess to the robbery of four taxicabs so they can link him to the murder. Meanwhile, Sipowicz arrests a topless dancer for prostitution and she offers to help him get the owner of the bar who's laundering money for the mob. Laura questions Sylvia's ethics who tries to protect her personal reputation and Sipowicz's verbal attacks on her. The squad welcomes the new administrative aide, a beautiful blond woman named Donna Abandando whom the neurotic Detective Medavoy finds irresistible.
Season 1, Episode 9: Ice Follies
Original Air Date—30 novembre 1993
Janice is asked by a mob button man to start doing favors for them again or they will expose her and her father's past activities with them. Meanwhile, Martinez's father wants to kill the pusher who's responsible for his son's overdose. Also, Meadavoy celebrates his 40th birthday and later goes out on a date with Donna to an ice skating rink.
Season 1, Episode 10: Oscar, Meyer, Weiner
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 1993
Kelly, Medavoy and Martinez investigate the brutal murder of a entire upper class family. Meanwhile, Inspector Lastarza orders Janice to cooperate with the mob even though it results in the death of the person whose license plates she ran through the computer, and Kelly deals with his relationship with her who tries to keep him out of the situation she's in. Also, Sipowicz takes a statement of a gay writer whose Academy Award was stolen.
Season 1, Episode 11: From Hare to Eternity
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 1993
The zone commander, Haverill, starts to come down on Lt. Fancy about his work skills and Sipowicz later intervenes and threatens Haverill to lay off Fancy or he will reveal some incriminating evidence about him being a racist. Meanwhile, Kelly and Sipowicz investigate the kidnapping of a doctor's daughter. Janice must pass some more information to the mob about the station's moves and wonders how she will get out of his situation. Martinez and Medavoy question a woman and her young son who claims to have been robbed by a man who picked them up while they were hitchhiking in North Carolina.
Season 1, Episode 12: Up on the Roof
Original Air Date—4 gennaio 1994
The mob hit man who killed Giardella and who Laura can identify, is trapped on the roof of the building with a hostage. Martinez works on his first detectives case, which involves a fake ATM machine taking peoples money. Meanwhile, Fancy and his wife prepare to face a court date when a foster child they've been caring for is ordered back into custody of the real mother who's just been released from a drug rehab program. Sipowicz and Kelly investigate a mob shooting which turns up a notebook that Marino kept that has Janice and her father's name in it.
Season 1, Episode 13: Abandando Abandoned
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 1994
Medavoy leaves his wife and finally tells Donna about his feelings for her, which turn out to be mutual. Sharon LaSalle, a police academy classmate of Kelly's, joins the squad and shortly after, she and Sipowicz investigate the death of her husband who was an ex-cop trying to stop a robbery on her first day at the 15th precinct. Meanwhile, an alcoholic woman keeps lodging complaints to Kelly against her abusive husband that she never follows through with.
Season 1, Episode 14: Jumpin' Jack Fleishman
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 1994
Sipowicz has a cavity and decides to have it taken care of by his son's dentist. At the dental office, Sipowitz finds himself unsuccessfully trying to prevent the suicidal Dr. Fleishman from jumping off a 28th floor ledge. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez work on a strangulation murder case that appears to be the work of a cross-dresser. LaSalle's first case for the squad involves a woman who was raped and she, Kelly, Sipowicz, Janice, and her new hot-headed partner, Roy Larson, try to catch the most probable suspect. While on the case, Sipowicz suspects that Larson's short temper and odd behavior points to a drug problem. Also, Lois tries to reconcile her relationship with Andy Jr.
Season 1, Episode 15: Steroid Roy
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 1994
LaSalle insists to a reluctant Larson that he take a drug test and when it comes back positive of steroid use, he is fired. One of Detective Mike Roberts' girlfriends comes to the precinct and causes trouble for him, especially when she later turns up dead. Meanwhile, Sylvia has trouble getting through to Sipowicz to give their relationship another try. Laura appeals to Kelly to help her re-examine the alleged murder of the abusive man by his wife.
Season 1, Episode 16: A Sudden Fish
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 1994
Medavoy suffers a stress-related anxiety attack while working and doesn't want to tell his wife about his problems, which displeases Donna. Meanwhile, Sipowicz looks into the robbery of a wheelchair-bound Vietnam veteran, who later takes his muggers hostage. Kelly starts moonlighting as a bodyguard for his ailing rich friend's girlfriend, Robin Wirkus, and later becomes involved in a complex blackmail plot by an extortionist who asks Robin for sexual favors.
Season 1, Episode 17: Black Men Can Jump
Original Air Date—1 marzo 1994
LaSalle has a chance to move out of the precinct and into a more regular routine of detective work. Meanwhile, Sipowicz suspects a private investigator of bilking a father for the past six moths in a scheme to find the man's runaway daughter. Kelly investigates the shooting of the 13-year-old boy and the murdered boy's father apprehends the killer after discovers the killer (who injured LaSalle) has escaped from the precinct.
Season 1, Episode 18: Zeppo Marks Brothers
Original Air Date—22 marzo 1994
Mike Roberts meets with Kelly in search of getting some bodyguard and/or P.I. work for himself after quitting the police force. Meanwhile, Laura feels someone is stalking her and gets Kelly to meet her new boyfriend who may be the stalker. Sipowitz deals with a woman whose boyfriend was a material witness and is afraid to identify the hit man because he's afraid the hit man's friends will kill him next. None of the detectives are too excited when Haverill sends them down to Times Square for uniform detail at a parade.
Season 1, Episode 19: Serge the Concierge
Original Air Date—29 marzo 1994
After Robin's husband dies, she is angry when his will seems to stipulate that Kelly should resume his duties as her bodyguard. Meanwhile, Sipowicz must clear his own son of a drug pushing charge. Medavoy, Martinez and Kelly find the body of a dead man in a garbage dump which leads to Kelly suspecting a concierge and the hotelier of conspiring to murder the hotelier's husband.
Season 1, Episode 20: Good Time Charlie
Original Air Date—3 maggio 1994
Janice is promoted from patrolwoman to detective and will be working with the other detectives until she can be transferred to the re-organizing intelligence division. Meanwhile, Kelly suspects that his friend is being framed for the murder of his mistress, even after his erratic behavior in the squad room points to his guilt. Fancy's wife tells him that she's pregnant again and he is less enthusiastic considering the complications of her two previous pregnancies. Also, Sipowicz falls off the wagon when he starts drinking again at a birthday party for Sylvia's father.
Season 1, Episode 21: Guns 'n Rosaries
Original Air Date—10 maggio 1994
Medavoy tells Donna that he's caught his wife being unfaithful yet again and decides to move out. But he crashes at the station since he cannot afford a place to live. So, Donna asks him to move in with her. Meanwhile, racial hostilities flare up in the community after Martinez shoots a belligerent black motorist who draws a gun on Medavoy, but the gun goes missing. Janice becomes more and more distressed by the recent events and after talking to Kelly's preacher friend, Father Downey, she confesses to Fancy that she was the one that killed Angelo Marino and his chauffeur. Also, Sipowicz tries to attend an open AA meeting with Sylvia's support.
Season 1, Episode 22: Rockin' Robin
Original Air Date—17 maggio 1994
Kelly gets an ultra-high priced mob attorney to defend Janice on the murder charges and helps out with her bail. Meanwhile, Sipowicz tries to make amends with Sylvia who's been attending Alanon meetings. While helping with Andy Jr. look for a new car, Sipowicz comes across a lead in a disappearance case that has frustrated him for the last two in-a-half years. Also, Kelly investigates the murder of a priest and later meets with Robin for a lunch date and spends the night with her.
Season 2
Season 2, Episode 1: Trials and Tribulations
Original Air Date—11 ottobre 1994
Janice's murder trial begins, where Kelly risks the consequences when he testifies on Janice's behalf about their brief affair which results in the Internal Affairs Bureau investigating him. Meanwhile, Sipowicz works with an abused woman who's reluctant to testify against her husband. Medavoy, Martinez, Sipowicz and Kelly investigate robberies of drug dealers in their apartments. Sipowicz's AA sponsor wants him to agree to abide by a contract before he lets him try to restart his relationship with Sylvia. Donna tries to give Medavoy advice about dealing with his divorce. Also, Robin leaves Kelly for good when he tells her that he still has feelings for Janice.
Season 2, Episode 2: For Whom the Skell Rolls
Original Air Date—18 ottobre 1994
Internal Affairs begins to investigate Kelly and Sipowicz's arresting of the officers they caught robbing drug dealer's apartments, then they begin looking into Kelly's handling of the notebook that was part of Medavoy's case. Janice's murder trial continues where she takes the witness stand to give an emotional testimony about her reluctant involvement with the mob and is sent to prison with a two-year sentence. Meanwhile, Kelly and Sipowicz investigate a double murder.
Season 2, Episode 3: Cop Suey
Original Air Date—25 ottobre 1994
Kelly works with a Chinese detective in the investigation of the murder of an off-duty cop in Chinatown. Lt. Fancy catches Donna and Madavoy in an embrace and warns both of them about relationships in the workplace. The abused woman Sipowicz helped out turns up dead and her husband is a suspect. Meanwhile, a tough new female detective, Adrianne Lesniak, transfers into the squad because of a relationship she had with an officer at her former precinct in the Bronx and begins to work with Sipowicz on his case.
Season 2, Episode 4: Dead and Gone
Original Air Date—1 novembre 1994
Martinez investigates a baby that was killed in a car from an apparent drive-by shooting. Meanwhile, Lois contacts Sipowicz for help because a policeman that she was entertaining died in a compromising position and he moves the body to a less conspicuous location. Lesniak's ex-boyfriend, Officer Abruzzo, keeps showing up at the precinct and harassing her. Kelly's future with the department is decided when Internal Affairs comes to the precinct to re-investigate some of his old cases and the result is Haverill transferring Kelly to borough dispatch duty. But Kelly decides to quit the force and after saying goodbye to Sipowitz, he throws in his badge for good.
Season 2, Episode 5: Simone Says
Original Air Date—15 novembre 1994
Bobby Simone, a widower and homing pigeon breeder, joins the squad as Kelly's replacement. Simone's first assignment is to help Sipowicz in the investigation of the hit on a mobster's son, where a stray bullet also hit an elderly woman in her apartment. Meanwhile, Lesniak tries to help a woman who's worried that her husband is molesting their daughter, and an over-the-edge Abruzzo pulls his gun and threatens Lesniak in the squad room for leaving him.
Season 2, Episode 6: The Final Adjustment
Original Air Date—22 novembre 1994
Simone and Sipowicz suspect a chiropractor of murdering his wife. A woman whom Simone knows, finds her 11-year-old son in possession of a gun. Meanwhile, Medavoy changes to a high-fiber diet a part of yet another change in his life. While moonlighting as a security guard for Mike Roberts, Martinez becomes attracted to Judith, a college student he's been assigned to protect and she's worried about her possessive father.
Season 2, Episode 7: Double Abandando
Original Air Date—29 novembre 1994
Donna's younger sister, Dana, arrives and moves in with her and Medavoy, who tries to make the moves onto him. Simone doubts the confession of his friend's 11-year-old son, a murder suspect in a gang related shooting at a school. Meanwhile, an HIV-infected Lothario comes to the station and asks Lesniak and Martinez for help when he appears to be targeted by a woman he's apparently infected.
Season 2, Episode 8: You Bet Your Life
Original Air Date—6 dicembre 1994
Sipowicz's AA sponsor, Danny Breen, is beaten up by his estranged son. Meanwhile, Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a pregnant woman whose charred body leaves few clues. Martinez and Medavoy check out the story of a man who might have information about a pawn shop robbery.
Season 2, Episode 9: Don We Now Our Gay Apparel
Original Air Date—3 gennaio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a gay bar owner during the Christmas holidays. Meanwhile, Fancy's wife goes into labor to have her baby. Breen breaks his promise to Sipowicz by checking up on his son and decides to go back to him, which turns out to be fatal when Breen's son kills him and Sipowicz has to arrest him.
Season 2, Episode 10: In the Butt, Bob
Original Air Date—10 gennaio 1995
Lesniak deals with a perpetrator and his "high priced lawyer and shrink" when he repeats the offense. Meanwhile, Detective Solomon uses a fast pull to take a possible serial killer case away from Simone after he brings in a possible suspect. One of Fancy's old contacts, Vinnie Greco, brings in a tip about a couple of guys looking for some heavy arms to do an armored car job and Sipowicz works with him, but Greco is working for someone else against Fancy. Sipowicz invites Andy Jr. over at his place for dinner where his son tells him that he is joining the Air Force. Also, Sipowicz proposes marriage to Sylvia and this time, she accepts.
Season 2, Episode 11: Vishy-Vashy-Vinny
Original Air Date—17 gennaio 1995
After discovering a key piece of evidence, Simone gets his chance to question the serial killer suspect. Meanwhile, Sipowicz, Medavoy and others work on how to stop the armored car robbery and Fancy plays a tape for Haverill about his true attitude which results in his resignation as the zone commander. Martinez and Lesniak arrest an odd extortionist, while romantic feelings for each other begin to appear.
Season 2, Episode 12: Large Mouth Bass
Original Air Date—7 febbraio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the brutal murder of the teenage daughter of a woman whose ex-husband has made threats against her. Meanwhile, Lesniak and Martinez's latest case involves a con artist who sells a black box to homely women, promising them beautiful skin. The new zone commander, Captain Clifford Bass, checks in and lets Fancy know his overtime policy, which doesn't sit well with Sipowicz when it compounds their investigation. Also, Simone deals with a childhood friend who is now involved with a nightclub that is frequented by wise guys.
Season 2, Episode 13: Travels with Andy
Original Air Date—14 febbraio 1995
Sipowicz disagrees with Sylvia over their wedding arrangements, for he wants to travel to Maryland for a quick one, whereas Sylvia wants a traditional Greek Orthodox service. Shortly thereafter, Simone and Sipowicz investigate an execution-style murder of three people at a fast food restaurant and the investigation leads them to travel upstate to look for a possible suspect. Meanwhile, Lesniak meets an old high school boyfriend of hers, now a doctor, while investigating a rape case with Martinez, who develops a case of jealousy.
Season 2, Episode 14: A Murder with Teeth in It
Original Air Date—21 febbraio 1995
Sipowicz investigates the murder of a pimp in which evidence points to a cop that Sipowicz once helped out with a problem of his. Simone mentions the case to his girlfriend reporter, and regrets it when the story hits the papers. Meanwhile, Donna's former boyfriend, Harold, a ex-New York Ranger, returns to the city and meets with Donna and Meadvoy overreacts with jealousy. Martinez begins to develop feelings for Lesniak.
Season 2, Episode 15: Bombs Away
Original Air Date—28 febbraio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz collide in their squad car with a Romanian immigrant who has a woman locked in the trunk of his car and later, their investigation shows him to be a possible terrorist. Meanwhile, the serial killer, Webster, is shot by his last victim's father and Simone begins to investigate the father and another member of a victim's support group, who all appear to be part of a secret vigilante group. Medavoy talks to Dana about his relationship with Donna if he's losing interest in her, but the crafty Dana takes advantage of the situation to try to break them up. Also, Martinez keeps asking Lesniak to go out on a date with him.
Season 2, Episode 16: UnAmerican Graffiti
Original Air Date—14 marzo 1995
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a Puerto Rican teenager who was murdered while spray painting graffiti in Little Italy. Meanwhile, Medavoy meets with Donna's former lover, Harold, while she makes a tough decision about her relationship with him. Also, Sylvia is mugged and she later tells Sipowicz a secret from her past about being raped as a teen.
Season 2, Episode 17: Dirty Socks
Original Air Date—21 marzo 1995
Simone's emotionally fragile witness for a double-murder keeps changing her story, for she is really only interested in him. Meanwhile, Sipowicz participates in the investigation where a family run business, that he used to work in, is held up and the owner's wife is killed. After Donna leaves town for a long vacation (and to get away from Medavoy), her temporary replacement, John Irvin, is gay may who makes the station, including Sipowitz, uncomfortable. Also, Martinez enters in a department boxing tournament.
Season 2, Episode 18: Innuendo
Original Air Date—4 aprile 1995
Simone and Sipowicz search for a killer following a shooting spree, which left several people dead and where a rookie cop's missed shot also killed a bystander. Meanwhile, Fancy's younger brother, Reginald, a policeman in the 8th precinct, has racial troubles with his commanding officer and Fancy intercedes on his behalf and his own boss, Captain Bass, covers for him. Sipowicz sees a doctor and discovers he has an enlarged prostate and Sylvia mistakenly thinks their lack of sexual activity over the past few weeks was because of the rape incident from her past that she told him about.
Season 2, Episode 19: Boxer Rebellion
Original Air Date—2 maggio 1995
Fancy works with Martinez to help him get ready for the boxing tournament. Meanwhile, Simone is attracted to the new undercover cop, Diane Russell, who is working with him on a arson sting. A woman that Sipowicz gets to testify in a case is murdered by the men she was going to testify against.
Season 2, Episode 20: The Bookie and the Kooky Cookie
Original Air Date—9 maggio 1995
Simone and Sipowicz search for a killer of a bookie. Meanwhile, Donna returns from her long vacation trip to resume her position at the station and her temp, John Irvin, gives everyone farewell greeting cards when he is moved to the anti-crime lab. Simone's witness tries to kill him when he won't give her what she wants. Sipowicz and Sylvia meet with the priest to help with their wedding and later she hears a story about what has contributed to Sipowicz's loss of faith.
Season 2, Episode 21: The Bank Dick
Original Air Date—16 maggio 1995
A witness to a crime smells alcohol on Russell's breath and uses it against her, and Sipowicz smells the same. Simone then confronts Russell about her drinking, but she tells him to mind his own business. John Irwin comes to Fancy for help when he and his gay lover are beaten up by gay-bashing officers in another precinct. Meanwhile, a terminally ill infant helps the detectives locate a serial rapist. Medavoy meets with his ex-wife who tells him that they should get back together for their kids and when Donna finds out, she tells him that their relationship is over.
Season 2, Episode 22: A.D.A. Sipowicz
Original Air Date—23 maggio 1995
Pre-wedding jitters put Sipowicz in a rare form of panic. Meanwhile, Russell's drinking problem makes her miss getting a gun off a suspect and she finally admits to Simone about her alcoholism. Fancy's brother, Reginald, is still having problems with his racist sergeant and his belligerent attitude has resulted in him being investigated by Internal Affairs. So Fancy, Simone and the squad work to help clear Reginald of any misconduct. Martinez finally goes out on a date with Lesniak and asks her to be his date for the wedding. At the ceremony, Simone is Sipowicz's best man, Sylvia's father escorts her down the aisle and even Andy Jr. makes it just in time for the ceremony. Medavoy brings his ex-wife to the wedding while a lonely and jealous Donna painfully watches from afar.
Season 3
Season 3, Episode 1: E.R.
Original Air Date—24 ottobre 1995
Martinez is shot in the back during a scuffle and the doctor's report is possible that he may be paralyzed for life. But Martinez's assailant, a government witness in a relocation program, will probably go free and Simone contacts Benita Alden in the D.A.'s office to help put pressure on the D.A. to prosecute their protected witness. Meanwhile, Russell, on the road to recovery from her alcoholism, wants Sipowicz to let Simone know she's doing okay, but she is on the brink of falling off the wagon. Donna expresses to Simone that she has feelings for him, and Sylvia tells Sipowicz that she may be pregnant.
Season 3, Episode 2: Torah! Torah! Torah!
Original Air Date—31 ottobre 1995
Medavoy and Sipowicz go undercover as Hasidic Jews to recover a stolen Torah. Meanwhile, Simone gets a case where a father suspects his retarded son of killing his daughter. Detective Stuart Morrissey tactics with the suspect does not sit well with Lt. Fancy, despite the facts that the case match the one Simone are working on. Also, Sylvia visits a doctor who confirms that she's pregnant, and Lesniak keeps checking up on Martinez still in the hospital.
Season 3, Episode 3: One Big Happy Family
Original Air Date—7 novembre 1995
Meadavoy and Lesniak pair up to identify who's launched a series of vicious attacks on a man. Meanwhile, Simone tries to locate a possible suspect in a series of rapes. Russell tries to maintain her sobriety and it's strongly tested when her parents domestic problems get out of hand. Also, Martinez finally gets out of the hospital and returns to duty. But in a final surprising twist, Lesniak tells Martinez that she likes him as friend only... because she happens to be gay.
Season 3, Episode 4: Heavin' Can Wait
Original Air Date—14 novembre 1995
Lesniak's preference of her lesbianism quickly gets around the precinct, which gives her mixed reactions. Meanwhile, Sipowicz clashes with Simone throughout their investigation of the senseless murder of two kids, which is only the start of a really bad day which also includes Sipowicz dealing with Sylvia's morning sickness, and Simone dealing with Russell who falls off the wagon.
Season 3, Episode 5: Dirty Laundry
Original Air Date—21 novembre 1995
Fancy is less than enthused when Ronnie Drucker, a detective under surveillance by Internal Affairs, is assigned to the squad and Simone is asked to keep an eye on him. They then work on a case where an elderly man has been accused of exposing himself. The murder of a pimp in a Laundromat is witnessed by a young woman who helped the detectives out on a previous case. Meanwhile, John Irvin asks Sipowicz if he should approach Lesniak to congratulate her on "coming out." But she won't listen to his gay pride talk as does everyone else.
Season 3, Episode 6: Curt Russell
Original Air Date—28 novembre 1995
An Indian woman is found dead in a car and Sipowicz is full of theories about who killed her and why. While Donna is away at a computer camp taking courses for the week, her temp is a feisty woman with a bad attitude who clashes with Sipowicz. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy are nearby when a drug crazed man tries to rob a couple of stores of credit card slips. Russell and Lesniak work on another case involving a man who was left to die of a drug overdose that leads to a chance of mending the feud between them.
Season 3, Episode 7: Aging Bull
Original Air Date—12 dicembre 1995
Sipowicz becomes annoyed when federal agents take over their investigation of the disappearance of a millionaire. Then a petty criminal from the past surfaces with information about the kidnapping and Sipowicz decides to act on it. Meanwhile, Simone aids an old boxer friend of his, who happened to got him started with bird breeding.
Season 3, Episode 8: Cold Heaters
Original Air Date—19 dicembre 1995
Simone and the men from Internal Affairs share the suspect after Simone gets some information from his incarcerated friend, Ray, about a case that Mike Roberts once worked on. Meanwhile, Fancy and Sipowicz both work on the case of a self-confessed gunman in a neighborhood shooting, once they get the story they help the shooter out. Medavoy investigates the assault case of an actor who was injured in a staged fight that went awry.
Season 3, Episode 9: Sorry, Wong Suspect
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 1996
Medavoy and his wife, Marie, split up once again and she comes down to the station to see Donna before leaving town. Meanwhile, Simone and Sipowicz probe the death of a Chinese girl who's leg has a strange marking on it. Martinez and Lesniak look into the robbery case where a woman in a wheelchair lets a man who claims to be a policeman. Sipowicz does not want to accompany Sylvia to her latest doctor's visit and Martinez gets an opportunity to find out where Lesniak really stands on her sexuality if she's really gay.
Season 3, Episode 10: The Backboard Jungle
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 1996
Sipowicz has race relation problems with the organizer of a local basketball game, held in the memory of a young boy, which erupted into violence by the gang members on the opposing sides which left two dead and seven wounded, and was witnessed by a reporter. Fracy has problems when Sipowicz racist colors come to light and has him removed from the case, much to his anger.
Season 3, Episode 11: Burnin' Love
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 1996
Simone and Sipowicz look into the death of a young woman whose body is found burned beyond recognition, except for a tattoo on her back. Detective Vince Gotelli arrives from another precinct to assist Simone and Sipowicz with their case and puts his two cents in, much to Sipowicz's delight and one of the victim's roommates becomes the prime suspect. Meanwhile, Medavoy pulls double shifts for himself (to get away from problems at home) and is assigned to watch an informant who has a penchant for playing poker with his friends.
Season 3, Episode 12: These Old Bones
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 1996
A strange woman walks into the precinct and gives Sipowicz and Medavoy some information about a disappearance that occurred eight years ago and where the body may be located. Meanwhile, domestic violence in Russell's parents apartment leads to tragedy when her mother shoots her drunken father who attacks her, and Simone presses to get the truth about what really happened to her Russell's father.
Season 3, Episode 13: A Tushful of Dollars
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 1996
Russell worries about her mother's pending grand jury trial for the intentional murder of her father. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Simone search for the killer of a mobster's son, that reveals a family affair. The lawyer of a suspect in another murder case impedes Medavoy and Russell's investigation and the erratic son of the victim doesn't help much either. Martinez and Lesniak get another murder case that involves Sipowicz and Simone's suspect.
Season 3, Episode 14: The Nutty Confessor
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 1996
Donna and Simone give Lesniak and Martinez advice, respectively, on their plans for their first date and night together. Afterward, Simone and Sipowicz investigate the death of a young woman who was brutally murdered and Simone and Martinez travel to Atlantic City to apprehend their suspect. Meanwhile, a surgeon's wife wants to press charges against her husband's mistress when he is found shot.
Season 3, Episode 15: Head Case
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 1996
Simone and Sipowicz get another murder case where a mild mannered professor is found decapitated in his apartment. Meanwhile, Martinez is helping out a former porno actress who is getting harassing phone calls, but Lesniak is not comfortable with the situation. Andy Jr. arrives in town with some news for Sipowicz, but he can't find the time to tell his father and finally at dinner, he explains that he has just been discharged from the Air Force and is joining the police department in Hackensack, New Jersey.
Season 3, Episode 16: Girl Talk
Original Air Date—19 marzo 1996
A detective from another precinct, Martina Escobar, joins Simone and Sipowicz with their investigation of a rapist/murderer who is throwing small children from the tops of buildings. Meanwhile, Martinez and Russell investigate an alleged case of date rape, but the women of the squad and Sylvia have a major disagreement with Martinez's decisions regarding the suspect. Elsewhere, Sipowicz shows his son the ropes of being a cop.
Season 3, Episode 17: Hollie and the Blowfish
Original Air Date—26 marzo 1996
Simone makes contact with Ferdinand Hollie, an old informant, who wants to help him capture the drug dealers who killed a young girl with their crossfire. Meanwhile, Russell is paired up with Sgt. Ray Kahlins, a "blow hard" from the federal anti-drug unit, who's more interested in collecting overtime pay than catching drug dealers.
Season 3, Episode 18: We Was Robbed
Original Air Date—2 aprile 1996
Simone and Sipowicz are forced to commit robbery while working undercover for an FBI agent to place a bug in mob hangout and when the wise guys come to the station to file a robbery complaint, Russell and Medavoy catch them in the act. Meanwhile, Donna's hairdresser, Marina, tells her that she has a problem with her ex-boyfriend who wants to hijack the truck of Marina's current boyfriend, and Martinez goes undercover as Marina's boyfriend. Elsewhere, Andy Jr. learns more about being a beat cop.
Season 3, Episode 19: Auntie Maimed
Original Air Date—30 aprile 1996
Sylvia is now nine months pregnant and is ready to give birth any day and Sipowicz is on the edge. Meanwhile, Simone, Sipowicz, with Andy Jr. along for the ride, investigate a case where the nephew of the victim of a robbery-homicide is found holding the stolen goods. Meanwhile, Medavoy, Martinez, Lesniak, and Russell all join forces to work on the robbery-murder of a bouncer. Also, Donna contemplates an administrative job offer in California.
Season 3, Episode 20: A Death in the Family
Original Air Date—7 maggio 1996
Just days after Sylvia gives birth to a baby boy, whom she and Sipowitz name Theo, Sipowicz suffers an emotional setback when Andy Jr. is found murdered in the line of duty. Sipowicz wants Simone to lead the case of his son's killer and also wants the opportunity for restitution. In the mist of all this turmoil, Donna makes her decision when she quits her job as administrative assistant to the precinct and moves to California, leaving New York for good
Season 3, Episode 21: Closing Time
Original Air Date—14 maggio 1996
Sylvia confronts Sipowicz about her suspicions that he is going to late-night bars and drinking again and the effect is everywhere where Lt. Fancy is forced to sent him home after Sipowicz walks in one morning drunk. Sipowicz even fights with some street punks, gets beaten up, and Simone offers to look for the men that beat Sipowicz up. Meanwhile, a new administrative assistant, named Lucy, arrives as Donna's replacement.
Season 3, Episode 22: He's Not Guilty, He's My Brother
Original Air Date—21 maggio 1996
Sipowicz meets with a priest to talk about his troubles and finally sees the light. Meanwhile, Medavoy works on finding a new place to live while he, Martinez and Lesniak work on a drug related double murder. John Irvin passes out farewell notices to the employees for he is moving back to the 1st Precinct uptown. Simone and Russell plan a trip to the beach and Medavoy meets Anne McGuire, a new detective while working on his case. Elsewhere, Lucy isn't working out with her job, and baby Theo gets baptized.
Season 4
Season 4, Episode 1: Moby Greg
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 1996
Medavoy decides to go on a diet and has a hard time getting started on it. Meanwhile, Sipowicz has problems with his work, his baby son becoming ill and Sylvia deciding to return to work at the D.A.'s office. Simone proposes marriage to Russell, but she is hesitant to give him an answer. Geri Turner, the new administrative aide for the anti-crime unit unit, arrives at the precinct and shows a strong interest in Sipowicz, while Martinez has eyes for her. A body in a trunk of a car is inadvertently moved from the nearby 13th precinct into the 15th's jurisdiction. Simone inherits an apartment building from a recently deceased woman and the woman's son, Henry, is upset at the situation. Also, Lesniak transfers away from the squad to another precinct thus leaving the 15th for good.
Season 4, Episode 2: Thick Stu
Original Air Date—22 ottobre 1996
Medavoy starts a bet with Sipowicz to see who can lose the most weight in a single month. Afterwards, Sipowicz and Simone help out Detective Stuart Morrissey on his investigation in the case of a missing baby. Meanwhile, Martinez campaigns to become the elected delegate for the squad and his opponent, Detective Vince Gotelli, is determined to win the seat himself. Also, Simone makes a deal with Henry to let him share ownership of the building.
Season 4, Episode 3: Yes, We Have NO Cannolis
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 1996
An ex-con that Sipowicz put away a year ago approaches him and tells him about a prisoner who's been serving time for a crime he didn't commit and he and Simone decide to reopen the case. Meanwhile, Martinez wins the election by just three votes, much to Gotelli's chagrin. Simone comes across Detective Nick Savino who helps him with the investigation of the murder in his building and Savino suspects Henry has something to do with it. Fancy gets a cavity filling which makes him more edgy than usual and Medavoy loses one pound more than Sipowicz. Also, Russell still has not come to any conclusion about her relationship with Simone.
Season 4, Episode 4: Where's 'Swaldo
Original Air Date—12 novembre 1996
A community activist named Kwasi, with whom Sipowicz had a previous run-in that involved racial insults, is found murdered; Simone and Sipowicz investigate, and Sipowicz rekindles Fancy's anger over the previous incident. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy investigate a homicide at a bodega and have a hard time getting witnesses to cooperate.
Season 4, Episode 5: Where'd the Van Gogh?
Original Air Date—19 novembre 1996
A foreign prince and princess are assaulted in which she falls into a coma. Sipowicz and Simone investigate, with Mike Roberts help, who provides them with some information about Prince Foresmann's contacts. Meanwhile, Martinez's first delegate situation gets a resolution that keeps Officer Ortiz out of trouble with the department which doesn't work out as planned. Russell begins a new undercover job that involves her getting into a relationship with alleged drug dealer, Jimmy Liery, that might require her to start drinking again. Geri continues to try to win Sipowicz's affections and Medavoy for once feels good about himself after his diet. Also, Martinez asks his secretary, Gina Colon, out on a date.
Season 4, Episode 6: Yes Sir, That's My Baby
Original Air Date—26 novembre 1996
Simone and Sipowicz look into the death of a limo driver while he lodges a complaint against Geri that gets her moved up to the crime lab area. Meanwhile, a new detective, named Jill Kirkendall, joins the squad and her first case involves a man whose life is being threatened. Simone gets the approval from Savino to question Henry about the shooting and gets the real story. Also, Russell can't figure out how to talk to Simone about her current assignment.
Season 4, Episode 7: Ted and Carey's Bogus Adventure
Original Air Date—3 dicembre 1996
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the sexual assault of a schoolgirl and try to persuade her to press charges against her assailant. Meanwhile, a strange man that Sipowicz had committed to Bellevue mental hospital four years ago appears and causes a minor scene who is trying to get someone to listen about a problem he now has. Russell continues her undercover work and relationship with Jimmy, who nearly blows her cover when Medavoy meets with her in the open.
Season 4, Episode 8: Unembraceable You
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 1996
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a case where some transvestites witnessed a murder that they say was committed by a gay-basher who's supposed to have been in jail for a previous crime. Meanwhile, Fancy's former foster son is arrested and charged with possession of a kilogram of heroin and tries to get a deal with Sgt. Ray Kahlins, the "blow hard" from the DEA who worked out of the squad room the previous year. Medavoy asks his secretary, Abby Sullivan, out on a date, unsure of where he might be going with this, but she turns him down by revealing that she is a lesbian. Elsewhere, Jimmy's malevolence puts Russell's life in danger when he puts a drug in her drink.
Season 4, Episode 9: Caulksmanship
Original Air Date—17 dicembre 1996
While tracking down Jimmy, who drugged her the previous night, Russell works on a case where a man with a muscular dystrophy was killed in a very tight knit community. Meanwhile, Simone and Sipowicz work on another murder case that may have been masterminded by a married couple. Fancy wrestles with Captain Bass and knowledge of the fact that Simone is going to be promoted to Detective 1st Grade, and Sipowicz isn't.
Season 4, Episode 10: My Wild Irish Nose
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 1997
A woman comes in the station to report that there's a bullet hole in her wall, from a gun in Jimmy Liery's apartment in which Simone arrests Jimmy, but has to let him go for there isn't enough evidence to hold him. Meanwhile, Sipowicz is still angry at Fancy who thinks he held up his promotion. Medavoy and Martinez investigate the murder of young runaway boy, and an artist wants to get his paintings returned from some mob guys that he is a witness against.
Season 4, Episode 11: Alice Doesn't Fit Here Anymore
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a story that a diamond dealer and his partner report that one of the dealer's sisters is missing with a bag of diamonds worth a million dollars, but the sister's boyfriend is actually responsible. Meanwhile, Martinez, Medavoy and Russell look for the assailant of Gina who badly slashed her face up while she was on her way to work, and Martinez cannot cope with this sudden turn of events. Simone and Kirkendall go out on their first date, while Russell cannot cope with the fact of being alone again.
Season 4, Episode 12: Upstairs, Downstairs
Original Air Date—21 gennaio 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a murder, but the procedures they must follow make them unpopular at the precinct when a fellow cop might have been involved. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall investigate the murder of a young girl where the only clue is a videotape that starred her crushing worms. Russell goes missing and eventually turns up in Simone's apartment where she recalls to him that her father molested her as a child.
Season 4, Episode 13: Tom and Geri
Original Air Date—28 gennaio 1997
Simone, Sipowicz, Medavoy and Martinez together conduct an investigation into the death of a worker at a construction site, where more than a building is being framed. Meanwhile, Geri reports to Sipowicz about finding a friend of hers who has hung himself and Fancy suggests that Russell and Kirkendall conduct the investigation, which reveals the man died from kinky sex, with Geri. Martinez stays close to Gina while she is recovering and preparing to get her stitches from her horribly scared face removed and offers him to let her stay the night with him.
Season 4, Episode 14: A Remington Original
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a woman whose body was found naked in the trunk of a car in a junk yard. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy investigate a man who was found dead with a severe blow to his head with a typewriter. Simone hires Henry to take care of a painting job in the tenement building, where Henry comes in complaining about a difficult tenant. The emotionally and physically scarred Gina returns to work, and Russell is working through her issues with her family problems by meeting a counselor.
Season 4, Episode 15: Taillight's Last Gleaming
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 1997
Fancy and his wife are pulled over and harassed by a racist police officer for a burned out taillight, and he and the precinct don't see eye to eye on the procedures followed during the stop. Meanwhile, Sipowicz has some unresolved issues to work out Andy Jr.'s death and Simone works on the night duty and gets a case involving a bar robbery. Also, Martinez and Russell work together on a sting operation to catch a investor defrauding old and crippled women.
Season 4, Episode 16: What a Dump!
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 1997
Sipowicz and Simone investigate the murder of a woman whose body was founded dumped in an alley and information about the mystery woman reveals that the woman was a mail-order bride who was looking to divorce her husband. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez look into the drive-by shooting at a bus and when one of the passengers mouths off his hatred of gays, that gets him and Abby angry. Sipowicz starts working a part-time job for the U.S. Marshall by doing garbage detail at JFK airport.
Season 4, Episode 17: A Wrenching Experience
Original Air Date—15 aprile 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a shooting that is related to the victim trying to leave a street gang. Meanwhile, Jill Kirkendall and Russell investigate the death of a baby who appears to have been shaken to death by the baby-sitter. Medavoy and Martinez look into a murder where they have a suspect who looks guilty despite the fact he claims to have an alibi. Medavoy has dinner with Abby and her lover, Kathy. Also, Simone takes Russell out to a movie and proposes to her again, and this time she accepts.
Season 4, Episode 18: I Love Lucy
Original Air Date—22 aprile 1997
Two transvestites arrive at the precinct, one of them is seeking protection from a man who's beaten him. But afterwords the drag queen is founded murdered and Sipowicz, Simone and Russell investigate and eventually receive help from John Irvin. Meanwhile, Kirkendell investigates the theft of some small items by a old friend's parents. Elsewhere, Fancy's wife, Lillian, tries to sell some health food products.
Season 4, Episode 19: Bad Rap
Original Air Date—29 aprile 1997
Simone and Sipowicz gets another case involving the shooting of a rap artist who refuses to cooperate with them in the identification of his assailant from a rival gang. Meanwhile, Abby tells Medavoy that she and Kathy are trying to start a family and asks him to donate his sperm to her so Abby will get pregnant. Officer Szymanski, the racist cop who pulled over Fancy, tells him that he thinks Fancy was one of the ones responsible for his being set-up and caught in the alleged theft of a drug dealer's money. Also, Simone is approached and propositioned by FBI agents to help them with their ongoing investigation into the affairs of mobster Joey Salvo.
Season 4, Episode 20: Emission Impossible
Original Air Date—6 maggio 1997
Five Ecuadorians are found murdered in an apparent drug deal gone bad and Sipowicz, Simone and Martinez work on the case to find a tip from a waiter at the club there were hanging out in. Meanwhile, Simone begins his undercover work for the FBI when he secretly meets with Joey Salvo who wants Simone to do collect money from a deadbeat client of his. Also, Russell and Medavoy are looking into a suspect in a spouse abuse case where Medavoy's commitment to Abby hampers the investigation.
Season 4, Episode 21: Is Paris Burning?
Original Air Date—13 maggio 1997
An inebriated Vince Gotelli is arrested after "hijacking" a city bus and having it wrecked. Fancy meets with the bus driver's boss to work out an arrangement about their investigation and suggests that Gotelli take some medical treatment. Meanwhile, Simone's continuing help with the FBI makes his life miserable when the men from Internal Affairs investigate him for the license plate number on Salvo's car that he ran and is frustrated when he cannot tell anyone, not even Sipowicz or Fancy, about what he's doing. Elsewhere, Sipowicz and the other detectives investigate the beating and murder of a woman in her apartment.
Season 4, Episode 22: A Draining Experience
Original Air Date—20 maggio 1997
Simone's continued involvement with the FBI sting against Joey Salvo jeopardizes his career when the men from Internal Affairs investigate him and suspend him from active duty. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Russell investigate the gruesome murder of a young woman where a psychiatrist, named Dr. Wentzel, insists on implicating his patient's father for her murder. Martinez and Medavoy have a hard time over a haughty mugging victim who is a writer from a local magazine that wrote a bad story on the cops of New York City. Simone's involvement with the FBI reaches a cliff-hanging climax when in a secret meeting with Salvo, the mobster is hit by gunfire from a drive-by mob shooting... so it seems.
Season 5
Season 5, Episode 1: As Flies to Careless Boys...
Original Air Date—30 settembre 1997
In the four months since Joey Salvo's assassination, Simone is working odd jobs since he has been suspended by Internal Affairs pending their investigation, while he approaches Sipowicz asking about his and others incitements by the FBI who think that Salvo's death was an inside job, and Lt. Shannon my know the person who killed Salvo. Meanwhile, Gina discovers herself to be pregnant, but is hesitant on telling Martinez.
Season 5, Episode 2: All's Well That Ends Well
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 1997
Simone returns to work at the 15th Precinct and immediately helps Sipowicz with his case of the shooting death that occurred during a robbery at a local bar. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy stake out a hotel where a serial rapist has been committing his crimes. Also, Gina finally tells Martinez that she's pregnant and wants to get married to him right away.
Season 5, Episode 3: Three Girls and a Baby
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 1997
Medavoy launches his own investigation when Abby, and her girlfriend Kathy, are both shot by an intruder in their apartment in which Kathy dies and a grief-stricken Abby cannot bring herself to answer Medavoy's questions about her past and her former lover who may have been the assailant. Meanwhile, Simone, Sipowicz and Russell investigate a suspect after the charred body of a young woman is found in an abandoned vehicle. Also, Gina develops complications with her pregnancy and is taken off work for a few weeks.
Season 5, Episode 4: The Truth Is Out There
Original Air Date—28 ottobre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a man where the only witness is a insane woman, who lands in danger after she is kidnapped by their suspect's lawyer. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez investigate a string of taxicab robberies which leads them to the brother of a gypsy cab driver. A new administrative aide, named Naomi Reynolds, arrives to substitute for Gina's absence.
Season 5, Episode 5: It Takes a Village
Original Air Date—4 novembre 1997
Simone and Kirkendall work on a murder case where a son is bitter about his father's death and offers $5,000 to anyone who can produce the killer, and the result is a greedy horde of people with many false leads. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Russell investigate the rape of a nine-year-old girl, whose mother thinks the culprit my be a retarded boy from their apartment building.
Season 5, Episode 6: Dead Man Talking
Original Air Date—11 novembre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a break-in of a high-rise apartment were the wife and baby are killed and the husband injured. Vince Gotelli, now a insurance adjuster, tells Simone and Sipowicz that the man may have faked a break-in to kill his family to collect an insurance policy. Meanwhile, Fancy gets some clues about a 15-year-old unsolved murder case from a visiting old friend who is dying. Also, Russell, Martinez and Medavoy investigate the murder of a record company executive who wasn't very popular among his co-workers.
Season 5, Episode 7: Sheedy Dealings
Original Air Date—18 novembre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of two roommates. Meanwhile, Medavoy investigates a story from an old friend about a man wanting to hire a hit man for a job, and he recruits Martinez for the part of playing the hit man so they can catch the crime in the act. Kirkendall and Russell investigate the claim of a wealthy woman that her maid did not accidentally donate the diamond that the woman kept in a safe place disguised as a soup can.
Season 5, Episode 8: Lost Israel: Part 1
Original Air Date—25 novembre 1997
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the disappearance of a young boy, that turns up dead and the father points that a mute homeless man, named Israel, may have been the one. But Supowicz suspects that the father may be the real culprit. Meanwhile, the rest of the squad investigate the murder of a Hasidic Jewish girl and have to juggle the need for their investigation against the needs for a quick burial.
Season 5, Episode 9: Lost Israel: Part 2
Original Air Date—9 dicembre 1997
After Israel hangs himself, Sipowicz investigates a clue which is a bible verse that Israel pointed out to him, which leads Sipowicz and Simone to set up a complex sting operation to find out if the father of the murdered boy really was the one that set the whole Israel frame-up. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez look into a doctor who is helping out the homeless by getting them a job with insurance benefits that he helps collect.
Season 5, Episode 10: Rememberance of Humps Past
Original Air Date—16 dicembre 1997
Sipowicz is visited by an old school friend who asks him to help talk to his daughter about a company she is running, which takes a turn when the woman's roommate turns up murdered and Sipowicz thinks that another one of his old high school friends was involved. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Martinez look into a case where a man is getting a lot of teeth that contain gold fillings and they uncover a small grave robbing operation. Simone secretly overhears Naomi talking with a difference accent where she tells him that she is actually from Australia and about her desire to become a policewoman.
Season 5, Episode 11: You're Under a Rasta
Original Air Date—6 gennaio 1998
Simone, Sipowicz, and Russell investigate a shooting of two women and later go into a raid on a drug dealer's apartment in which Russell risks her life to capture the dealer/murderer, but later Russell tells Simone that she happens to be pregnant. Meanwhile, Martinez and Medavoy look into the murder of a prostitute, despite Martinez's complaints about a back problem that later gets him taken out of the squad. Also, Naomi tells Simone about her problems with her landlord who has reported her to the INS.
Season 5, Episode 12: A Box of Wendy
Original Air Date—13 gennaio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz investigate a crime where a man discovers a woman's body stuffed inside a large box. While on the case, they meet the victim's brother, a strange man who is more concerned with drinking a particular brand of soft drink. Meanwhile, Russell investigates the death of a child whose parents do not seem fit to raise a child. Also, Kirkendall and Medavoy look into the death of a young boy whose very religious parents suggest that the person who killed their son can be forgiven.
Season 5, Episode 13: Twin Petes
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 1998
Simone and Russell investigate two stickups held at ATM's where they get a line on a possible suspect and then use Kirkendall to appeal to the suspect's mother to help them reach out to him. Meanwhile, Medavoy attempts to sort out a case where he can't determine if there really is a twin when a man comes to the station to report that his twin brother, Pete, has threatened violence against his former girlfriend. Also, Sipowicz contends with a medical problem involving his prostate while helping Simone and Russell and he is less than forthcoming with what his doctor has told him about his condition.
Season 5, Episode 14: Weaver of Hate
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz try to conduct their investigation in the midst of racial turmoil in the station and the neighborhood when a young white teenager is murdered in a black neighborhood during a drugs-for-guns deal that went bad, and the victim's racist father comes to the station and begins quarreling with Lt. Fancy over his race and roll in the investigation. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall investigate the strangulation and dismemberment of the mother of a young boy, who's discovered his mother's body in the refrigerator. Also, Russell decides to take some time off since she's feeling ill due to pregnancy morning sickness, only to suffer a miscarriage at the end.
Season 5, Episode 15: Don't Kill the Messenger
Original Air Date—24 febbraio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz investigate the murder of a nurse where the suspects include a struggling actor, a crazy man, and eventually a detective from the precinct named Tommy Richardson. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall look into the death of a bicycle messenger who was killed for just trying to help a man whose backpack was stolen, so they determine that the backpack contained drugs. When they get a suspect into custody, Kirkendall figures out a clever way to get an ID on the suspect who won't cooperate. Also, Sipowicz's doctor tries to talk to him about how to deal with his medical problem, but Sipowicz won't listen.
Season 5, Episode 16: The One That Got Away
Original Air Date—3 marzo 1998
Richardson confronts Sipowicz and Simone about their impending questioning of his wife over the murder of the nurse, but with the exception that Richardson is a real bad person, Sipowicz and Simone reach nothing. In a cross-over from the series "Upstairs", former temp and private detective John Irvin stops by the station to tell the detectives about the new graphics art business he started. But with the exception of the receptionist Dolores, no one is around, including Medavoy who leaves in a hurry for upstate New York where Abby now lives to be by her side when she goes into labor. Meanwhile, Kirkendall and Russell look into the theft of a graduate film student's camera, where only the student seems more interested in dispensing his own justice. Also, Sylvia finally learns about Sipowicz's medical condition from his doctor and finally persuades him to go for further tests and possible surgery.
Season 5, Episode 17: Speak for Yourself, Bruce Clayton
Original Air Date—24 marzo 1998
Simone and Sipowicz look into the shooting of two women (one of whom was killed) who were raped by a group of men in an apartment owned by a former crack dealer, named Jamal, who was crippled in a previous shooting incident. Sipowicz confides in Simone about his medical condition when Simone runs into Sipowicz at the hospital undergoing tests. Meanwhile, Kirkendall, Russell and Medavoy investigate a shooting at a clinic. When they get a woman suspect into custody, a security guard from the clinic who was her secret admirer comes to the precinct demanding she get a second chance.
Season 5, Episode 18: I Don't Wanna Dye
Original Air Date—31 marzo 1998
Tommy Richardson's wife, Laurie, stops by the station to pick up his time records after he transfers to another precinct, where she expresses to Simone and Russell about Tommy's behavior after she caught him in a phone conversation with another woman. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall look into the death of a man who was shot and found in the bathtub of his former girlfriend. Also, Sylvia accompanies Sipowicz to the hospital for his latest CAT scan test which goes wrong and they decide to ignore Dr. Talbot's advice and go with the opinion of Dr. Mondzac.
Season 5, Episode 19: Prostrate Before the Law
Original Air Date—28 aprile 1998
As Sipowicz prepares for prostate surgery with Sylvia by his side, James Martinez returns after recovering from his back problem where he reports that Gina had her baby three weeks earlier. But Medavoy is more happier after returning from upstate New York with a videotape of Abby giving birth to her baby and is very eager to show the tape to anyone who will watch. Meanwhile, the rest of the squad gets involved in a case of five reuniting Army buddies when one of them is found dead. The four other try to keep their fabricated story straight as Simone and the others try to figure out their involvement.
Season 5, Episode 20: Hammer Time
Original Air Date—5 maggio 1998
Sipowicz returns to work after his successful prostate surgery, but apparently too soon for he has an accident while interrogating a suspect. So he is given desk duty in helping Simone and Russell investigating the murder of a woman's boyfriend by her ex-husband, where it reveals that he was searching for his daughter who's missing. Meanwhile, Simone is called upon by Detective Nick Savino to help investigate a missing persons report that is being filed by the nephew of one his building's tenants. The missing woman had a couple of run-ins with Simone's partner and building manager, Henry Coffield, so he becomes a suspect. Also, former administrative aide Naomi Reynolds shows up at the station, now wearing a police uniform and speaking in her natural Australian accent, to visit Simone where she tells him that her situation with the INS was resolved and she is now a NYC police officer.
Season 5, Episode 21: Seminal Thinking
Original Air Date—12 maggio 1998
A murdered couple is found where the dead man is a car salesman and the woman is a prostitute. Simone and Sipowicz look into the salesman's death while Medavoy and the other detectives look into the prostitute's death where the M.O. of the suspect is to buy used condoms from a prostitute and then mix the spend semen with his own to cover his crime. As Sipowicz recovers from his surgery, he finds that a recent blood test is not favorable and once again keeps his medical problem to himself.
Season 5, Episode 22: Honeymoon at Viagra Falls
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz work with Cohen to investigate the death of one of Cohen's witnesses and her son. Evidence points to the opposing attorney having some involvement with the arrangement of the homicide. Meanwhile, Russell and Kirkendall try to help a man locate his missing daughter. Medavoy and Martinez look into a corporation dealing with fake sports memorabilia, where Medavoy is taken in with the blond employees who reminds him of the departed Donna. Also, when Sipowicz thinks about his low sexual functions, his doctor prescribes the wonder drug Viagra. In the mist of all the cases, Simone and Russell decide to get married on their lunch break, but their cases get in the way of it all.
Season 6
Season 6, Episode 1: Top Gum
Original Air Date—20 ottobre 1998
Season 6, Episode 2: Cop in a Bottle
Original Air Date—27 ottobre 1998
Season 6, Episode 3: Numb & Number
Original Air Date—10 novembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 4: Brother's Keeper
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 5: Hearts and Souls
Original Air Date—24 novembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 6: Danny Boy
Original Air Date—1 dicembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 7: Czech Bouncer
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 8: Raging Bulls
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 9: Grime Scene
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 1999
Season 6, Episode 10: Show & Tell
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 1999
Season 6, Episode 11: Big Bang Theory
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 1999
Season 6, Episode 12: What's Up, Chuck?
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 1999
Season 6, Episode 13: Dead Girl Walking
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 1999
Season 6, Episode 14: Raphael's Inferno
Original Air Date—2 marzo 1999
Season 6, Episode 15: I Have a Dream
Original Air Date—6 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 16: T'aint Misbehavin
Original Air Date—13 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 17: Don't Meth with Me
Original Air Date—20 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 18: Mister Roberts
Original Air Date—27 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 19: Judas Priest
Original Air Date—4 maggio 1999
Season 6, Episode 20: I'll Draw You a Mapp
Original Air Date—11 maggio 1999
Season 6, Episode 21: Voir Dire This
Original Air Date—18 maggio 1999
Season 6, Episode 22: Safe Home
Original Air Date—25 maggio 1999
Season 7
Season 7, Episode 1: Loogie Nights
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2000
Season 7, Episode 2: A Hole in Juan
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2000
Season 7, Episode 3: The Man with Two Right Shoes
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2000
Season 7, Episode 4: The Naked Are the Dead
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 5: These Shoots Are Made for Joaquin
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 6: Brothers Under Arms
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 7: Along Came Jones
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 8: Everybody Plays the Mule
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 9: Jackass
Original Air Date—29 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 10: Who Murders Sleep
Original Air Date—7 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 11: Little Abner
Original Air Date—14 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 12: Welcome to New York
Original Air Date—21 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 13: The Irvin Files
Original Air Date—28 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 14: Sleep Over
Original Air Date—4 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 15: Stressed for Success
Original Air Date—11 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 16: Goodbye Charlie
Original Air Date—18 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 17: Roll Out the Barrel
Original Air Date—25 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 18: Lucky Luciano
Original Air Date—2 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 19: Tea and Sympathy
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 20: This Old Spouse
Original Air Date—16 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 21: Bats Off to Larry
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 22: The Last Round Up
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2000
Season 8
Season 8, Episode 1: Daveless in New York
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 2: Waking Up Is Hard to Do
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 3: Franco, My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 4: Family Ties
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 5: Fools Russian
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 6: Writing Wrongs
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 7: In-Laws, Outlaws
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 8: Russellmania
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 9: Oh Golly Goth
Original Air Date—6 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 10: In the Still of the Night
Original Air Date—13 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 11: Peeping Tommy
Original Air Date—20 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 12: Thumb Enchanted Evening
Original Air Date—27 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 13: Flight of Fancy
Original Air Date—3 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 14: Nariz a Nariz
Original Air Date—10 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 15: Love Hurts
Original Air Date—17 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 16: Everyone Into the Poole
Original Air Date—24 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 17: Dying to Testify
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2001
Season 8, Episode 18: Lost Time
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2001
Season 8, Episode 19: Under Covers
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2001
Season 8, Episode 20: In the Wind
Original Air Date—22 maggio 2001
Season 9
Season 9, Episode 1: Lies Like a Rug
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 2: Johnny Got His Gold
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 3: Two Clarks in a Bar
Original Air Date—13 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 4: Hit the Road, Clark
Original Air Date—20 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 5: Cops and Robber
Original Air Date—27 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 6: Baby Love
Original Air Date—4 dicembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 7: Mom's Away
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 8: Puppy Love
Original Air Date—18 dicembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 9: Here Comes the Son
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 2002
Season 9, Episode 10: Jealous Hearts
Original Air Date—15 gennaio 2002
Season 9, Episode 11: Humpty Dumped
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 2002
Season 9, Episode 12: Oh, Mama!
Original Air Date—19 febbraio 2002
Season 9, Episode 13: Safari, So Good
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 2002
Season 9, Episode 14: Hand Job
Original Air Date—5 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 15: Guns & Hoses
Original Air Date—12 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 16: A Little Dad'll Do Ya
Original Air Date—19 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 17: Gypsy Woe's Me
Original Air Date—26 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 18: Less Is Morte
Original Air Date—16 aprile 2002
Season 9, Episode 19: Low Blow
Original Air Date—30 aprile 2002
Season 9, Episode 20: Oedipus Wrecked
Original Air Date—7 maggio 2002
Season 9, Episode 21: Dead Meat in New Deli
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2002
Season 9, Episode 22: Better Laid Than Never: Part 1
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2002
Season 9, Episode 23: Better Laid Than Never: Part 2
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2002
Season 10
Season 10, Episode 1: Ho Down
Original Air Date—24 settembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 2: You've Got Mail
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 3: One in the Nuts
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 4: Meat Me in the Park
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 5: Death by Cycle
Original Air Date—22 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 6: Maya Con Dios
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 7: Das Boots
Original Air Date—12 novembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 8: Below the Belt
Original Air Date—19 novembre 2002
When NYPD Auxiliary Police Officer Heather Peterson is murdered, the detectives find a diary of her's that details the sexual habits of the police officers at the 15th precinct. These findings cause the detectives to suspect the officers of the 15th precinct had something to do with her death, and the investigation of the cops cause tension between the officers and the detectives.
Season 10, Episode 9: Half-Ashed
Original Air Date—26 novembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 10: Healthy McDowell Movement
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 11: I Kid You Not
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 2003
Season 10, Episode 12: Arrested Development
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 2003
Season 10, Episode 13: Bottoms Up
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 14: Laughlin All the Way to the Clink
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 15: Tranny Get Your Gun
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 16: Nude Awakening
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 17: Off the Wall
Original Air Date—8 aprile 2003
Season 10, Episode 18: Marine Life
Original Air Date—15 aprile 2003
Season 10, Episode 19: Meet the Grandparents
Original Air Date—29 aprile 2003
Season 10, Episode 20: Maybe Baby
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2003
Season 10, Episode 21: Yo, Adrian
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2003
Season 10, Episode 22: 22 Skidoo
Original Air Date—20 maggio 2003
Season 11
Season 11, Episode 1: Frickin' Fraker
Original Air Date—23 settembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 2: Your Bus, Ted
Original Air Date—30 settembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 3: Shear Stupidity
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 4: Porn Free
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 5: Keeping Abreast
Original Air Date—21 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 6: Andy Appleseed
Original Air Date—28 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 7: It's to Die For
Original Air Date—4 novembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 8: And the Wenner Is...
Original Air Date—18 novembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 9: Only Schmucks Pay Income Tax
Original Air Date—25 novembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 10: You Da Bomb
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 2004
Season 11, Episode 11: Passing the Stone
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 2004
Season 11, Episode 12: Chatty Chatty Bang Bang
Original Air Date—2 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 13: Take My Wife, Please
Original Air Date—9 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 14: Colonel Knowledge
Original Air Date—16 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 15: Old Yeller
Original Air Date—23 marzo 2004
A kidnapping victim's startling statement clues Andy and John in on a serial sadist keeping women locked in a dungeon somewhere in New York. Meanwhile, a routine robbery investigation takes a saucy turn for Medavoy after he makes an unlikely connection with the 60-year-old victim.
Season 11, Episode 16: On the Fence
Original Air Date—30 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 17: In Goddess We Trussed
Original Air Date—6 aprile 2004
Andy's off-duty and slightly underhanded work to prove that Hatcher killed his own wife lands him a transfer out of the 15th precinct and into the Bellevue Morgue engineered by Detective Hatcher. Meanwhile, the squad is up to their whips and chains after a dominatrix is found murdered.
Season 11, Episode 18: The Brothers Grim
Original Air Date—13 aprile 2004
Haywood reopens an 18-year-old case that has Andy reliving a major mistake in his career. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Clark investigate the death of a man whose brother was pursued by a bounty hunter. Elsewhere, Ortiz gets a new partner, Detective Kelly Ronson, who ends up lending an unusual hand during the hunt for the child an ex-con had to give up before going to prison.
Season 11, Episode 19: Peeler? I Hardley Knew Her
Original Air Date—20 aprile 2004
A man's gunshot-induced amnesia causes Jones and Medavoy to concoct an unconventional way to nail his assailant. Meanwhile, a man Sipowicz put away twenty years ago for raping and murdering a 12-year-old girl goes free after DNA testing exonerates him, and Ortiz and Ronson bust a gruesome underground network pre-teen prostitution ring.
Season 11, Episode 20: Traylor Trash
Original Air Date—27 aprile 2004
Season 11, Episode 21: What's Your Poison?
Original Air Date—4 maggio 2004
Teacher David Lewis comes into the squad-room to talk about Cindy Clifton and a support group that he ran that she was a part of. Sipowicz and Clark let him go but send off some of his left behind chewing gum to DNA for testing. Jones goes to court as its the day when Michael is to testify against his father. Ortiz and Ronson go to the scene where tourist Ned Applebaum has been mugged and lost his wife's $35,000 necklace. Ortiz and Ronson eventually find out that Ned met a lady friend on the Internet and he was going to meet her in Little Italy when he was mugged. He was going to loan her the necklace so that she could use it as collateral for a loan for her sick child. The detectives get the PO Box number where Applebaum had sent previous gifts to his lady friend. Ortiz and Ronson go to the apartment of the owner of the PO Box. He is a day trader/con artist who they discover took advantage of Ned Applebaum. They get the necklace back and Ned is forgiven by his wife. Later, Gibson tells Sipowicz and Clark that David Lewis was found DOA in his apartment. They go to the scene and try to determine whether the death was a suicide or not. Sipowicz tries to decide how to proceed with the investigation of Lewis's death; both he and Clark believe that Brockhurst might be involved. Clark gets a call about Dr. Jennifer Devlin and goes to the hospital. The doctor tells her she needs to remain restrained for now, but he is allowed to see her as long as he doesn't loosen her restraints. Sipowicz finds Brockhurst and tells him of his theory that he killed David Lewis. Brockhurst doesn't admit to anything, but tells Sipowicz he is going to be able to sleep tonight now that the case is closed.
Season 11, Episode 22: Who's Your Daddy?
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2004
Season 12
Season 12, Episode 1: Dress for Success
Original Air Date—21 settembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 2: Fish Out of Water
Original Air Date—28 settembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 3: Great Balls of Ire
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2004
Season 12, Episode 4: Divorce, Detective Style
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2004
Season 12, Episode 5: You're Buggin' Me
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 2004
Season 12, Episode 6: The Vision Thing
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 7: My Dinner with Andy
Original Air Date—16 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 8: I Like Ike
Original Air Date—23 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 9: The 3-H Club
Original Air Date—30 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 10: The Dead Donald
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 11: Bale Out
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 12: I Love My Wives, But Oh You Kid
Original Air Date—21 dicembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 13: Stoli with a Twist
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2005
Season 12, Episode 14: Stratis Fear
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2005
Season 12, Episode 15: La Bomba
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2005
Season 12, Episode 16: Old Man Quiver
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2005
Season 12, Episode 17: Sergeant Sipowicz' Lonely Hearts Club Band
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2005
Detective John Clark Jr., Andy Sipowicz who just was promoted Sergeant and a military investigator examine the murder on military recruiter Sergeant Lester Bakewell, whose affair with a female colleague caused her divorce from a retired veteran Colonel; however the prime suspect is student Paul Corbelli, whose father was killed in service in Iraq. A woman reports her homeless Basque Uncle missing abnormally since four days; he's found dead and Detectives Baldwin Jones and Greg Medavoy investigate.
Season 12, Episode 18: Lenny Scissorhands
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2005
Season 12, Episode 19: Bale to the Chief
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2005
Season 12, Episode 20: Moving Day
Original Air Date—1 marzo 2005
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Top 250 movies as voted by our users
For this top 250, only votes from regular voters are considered.

Rank Rating Title Votes
1. 9.1 The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 392,128
2. 9.1 The Godfather (1972) 331,138
3. 9.0 The Godfather: Part II (1974) 189,837
4. 8.9 The Dark Knight (2008) 317,221
5. 8.9 Buono, il brutto, il cattivo., Il (1966) 112,850
6. 8.9 Pulp Fiction (1994) 324,891
7. 8.8 Schindler's List (1993) 214,964
8. 8.8 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) 164,394
9. 8.8 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) 225,270
10. 8.8 12 Angry Men (1957) 81,734
11. 8.8 Casablanca (1942) 136,759
12. 8.8 Star Wars (1977) 266,634
13. 8.8 Shichinin no samurai (1954) 77,679
14. 8.8 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 287,223
15. 8.7 Goodfellas (1990) 178,016
16. 8.7 Rear Window (1954) 93,132
17. 8.7 Cidade de Deus (2002) 119,631
18. 8.7 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 201,262
19. 8.7 C'era una volta il West (1968) 54,505
20. 8.7 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 316,117
21. 8.7 The Usual Suspects (1994) 216,779
22. 8.7 Fight Club (1999) 292,350
23. 8.7 Psycho (1960) 113,417
24. 8.6 The Silence of the Lambs (1991) 193,943
25. 8.6 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) 128,690
26. 8.6 Sunset Blvd. (1950) 40,969
27. 8.6 Memento (2000) 211,299
28. 8.6 North by Northwest (1959) 74,379
29. 8.6 Citizen Kane (1941) 115,459
30. 8.6 The Matrix (1999) 303,572
31. 8.6 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 263,323
32. 8.6 It's a Wonderful Life (1946) 82,054
33. 8.6 Se7en (1995) 214,051
34. 8.6 WALL·E (2008) 100,430
35. 8.5 Léon (1994) 149,205
36. 8.5 Apocalypse Now (1979) 139,550
37. 8.5 Taxi Driver (1976) 119,543
38. 8.5 Lawrence of Arabia (1962) 64,811
39. 8.5 American Beauty (1999) 235,857
40. 8.5 American History X (1998) 170,271
41. 8.5 Vertigo (1958) 72,574
42. 8.5 Paths of Glory (1957) 34,421
43. 8.5 Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le (2001) 141,026
44. 8.5 M (1931) 30,627
45. 8.5 Forrest Gump (1994) 227,566
46. 8.5 The Departed (2006) 195,269
47. 8.5 To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) 66,249
48. 8.5 Double Indemnity (1944) 27,936
49. 8.5 Alien (1979) 141,494
50. 8.5 A Clockwork Orange (1971) 152,383
51. 8.5 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) 25,588
52. 8.4 Das Leben der Anderen (2006) 48,441
53. 8.4 The Third Man (1949) 40,352
54. 8.4 Chinatown (1974) 61,258
55. 8.4 The Shining (1980) 135,629
56. 8.4 The Pianist (2002) 97,029
57. 8.4 Saving Private Ryan (1998) 215,513
58. 8.4 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) 167,327
59. 8.4 Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001) 75,093
60. 8.4 Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) 128,223
61. 8.4 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) 179,146
62. 8.4 L.A. Confidential (1997) 135,954
63. 8.4 Laberinto del fauno, El (2006) 112,536
64. 8.4 Aliens (1986) 134,708
65. 8.4 Requiem for a Dream (2000) 139,375
66. 8.4 The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) 47,155
67. 8.4 Das Boot (1981) 57,419
68. 8.4 Reservoir Dogs (1992) 166,214
69. 8.4 The Maltese Falcon (1941) 41,346
70. 8.4 City Lights (1931) 19,722
71. 8.4 Rashômon (1950) 29,809
72. 8.4 Raging Bull (1980) 70,012
73. 8.4 Metropolis (1927) 30,105
74. 8.4 Der Untergang (2004) 59,034
75. 8.4 All About Eve (1950) 27,901
76. 8.3 Modern Times (1936) 26,581
77. 8.3 Rebecca (1940) 27,372
78. 8.3 Singin' in the Rain (1952) 43,878
79. 8.3 Some Like It Hot (1959) 53,165
80. 8.3 Amadeus (1984) 77,120
81. 8.3 The Prestige (2006) 143,246
82. 8.3 The Elephant Man (1980) 44,002
83. 8.3 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 129,000
84. 8.3 Vita è bella, La (1997) 83,372
85. 8.3 Sin City (2005) 197,240
86. 8.3 The Great Escape (1963) 48,369
87. 8.3 Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1988) 34,465
88. 8.3 The Apartment (1960) 27,420
89. 8.3 No Country for Old Men (2007) 142,138
90. 8.3 Full Metal Jacket (1987) 116,976
91. 8.3 The Sting (1973) 52,142
92. 8.3 Once Upon a Time in America (1984) 54,878
93. 8.3 Hotel Rwanda (2004) 68,634
94. 8.3 Sjunde inseglet, Det (1957) 27,601
95. 8.3 Touch of Evil (1958) 25,446
96. 8.3 On the Waterfront (1954) 31,764
97. 8.3 The Great Dictator (1940) 27,501
98. 8.3 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) 26,249
99. 8.3 Batman Begins (2005) 212,221
100. 8.3 Braveheart (1995) 194,239
101. 8.3 Back to the Future (1985) 156,116
102. 8.3 Jaws (1975) 110,012
103. 8.3 Ladri di biciclette (1948) 19,651
104. 8.3 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) 140,620
105. 8.3 Blade Runner (1982) 150,140
106. 8.3 Strangers on a Train (1951) 26,019
107. 8.3 There Will Be Blood (2007) 91,089
108. 8.3 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) 173,352
109. 8.3 The Manchurian Candidate (1962) 28,604
110. 8.2 Unforgiven (1992) 73,833
111. 8.2 Notorious (1946) 24,310
112. 8.2 High Noon (1952) 26,995
113. 8.2 The Big Sleep (1946) 22,796
114. 8.2 The Green Mile (1999) 149,878
115. 8.2 Oldboy (2003) 67,421
116. 8.2 Fargo (1996) 133,341
117. 8.2 Cool Hand Luke (1967) 34,972
118. 8.2 The Wizard of Oz (1939) 82,618
119. 8.2 Per qualche dollaro in più (1965) 30,712
120. 8.2 Gladiator (2000) 217,210
121. 8.2 Die Hard (1988) 142,604
122. 8.2 Mononoke-hime (1997) 50,215
123. 8.2 Yojimbo (1961) 22,598
124. 8.2 Donnie Darko (2001) 162,425
125. 8.2 Ran (1985) 27,269
126. 8.2 Annie Hall (1977) 50,652
127. 8.2 Smultronstället (1957) 15,677
128. 8.2 Salaire de la peur, Le (1953) 10,293
129. 8.2 Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) 180,594
130. 8.2 The General (1927) 15,236
131. 8.2 It Happened One Night (1934) 18,797
132. 8.2 Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) 9,622
133. 8.2 Heat (1995) 112,356
134. 8.2 The Deer Hunter (1978) 68,705
135. 8.2 The Sixth Sense (1999) 195,380
136. 8.2 Ben-Hur (1959) 46,013
137. 8.2 Platoon (1986) 85,688
138. 8.2 Witness for the Prosecution (1957) 13,090
139. 8.2 Slumdog Millionaire (2008) 5,433
140. 8.2 Into the Wild (2007) 55,670
141. 8.2 The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) 105,868
142. 8.2 Million Dollar Baby (2004) 103,947
143. 8.1 Notti di Cabiria, Le (1957) 7,915
144. 8.1 Life of Brian (1979) 74,504
145. 8.1 Diaboliques, Les (1955) 10,293
146. 8.1 Ratatouille (2007) 92,886
147. 8.1 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) 45,291
148. 8.1 Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) 10,231
149. 8.1 The Big Lebowski (1998) 135,947
150. 8.1 8½ (1963) 21,513
151. 8.1 The Killing (1956) 18,673
152. 8.1 Amores perros (2000) 46,493
153. 8.1 Finding Nemo (2003) 124,347
154. 8.1 The Graduate (1967) 61,261
155. 8.1 Brief Encounter (1945) 9,688
156. 8.1 The Grapes of Wrath (1940) 17,940
157. 8.1 Dog Day Afternoon (1975) 44,318
158. 8.1 Stand by Me (1986) 70,668
159. 8.1 The Night of the Hunter (1955) 18,964
160. 8.1 Snatch. (2000) 128,098
161. 8.1 The Wild Bunch (1969) 24,316
162. 8.1 Gandhi (1982) 38,476
163. 8.1 V for Vendetta (2005) 166,379
164. 8.1 The Incredibles (2004) 121,366
165. 8.1 The Gold Rush (1925) 15,602
166. 8.1 The Princess Bride (1987) 104,264
167. 8.1 The Wrestler (2008) 2,367
168. 8.1 Gone with the Wind (1939) 61,340
169. 8.1 Shadow of a Doubt (1943) 15,683
170. 8.1 Trainspotting (1996) 117,019
171. 8.1 The Thing (1982) 57,011
172. 8.1 Scarface (1983) 114,165
173. 8.1 Children of Men (2006) 117,182
174. 8.1 Battaglia di Algeri, La (1966) 9,826
175. 8.1 Harvey (1950) 18,152
176. 8.1 The Lion King (1994) 98,517
177. 8.1 Groundhog Day (1993) 103,782
178. 8.1 Toy Story (1995) 108,580
179. 8.1 Sleuth (1972) 12,720
180. 8.0 The Terminator (1984) 134,869
181. 8.0 The Hustler (1961) 19,678
182. 8.0 Letters from Iwo Jima (2006) 39,001
183. 8.0 The African Queen (1951) 27,501
184. 8.0 The Ox-Bow Incident (1943) 6,627
185. 8.0 Twelve Monkeys (1995) 132,934
186. 8.0 The Conversation (1974) 24,780
187. 8.0 Duck Soup (1933) 20,976
188. 8.0 Umberto D. (1952) 6,151
189. 8.0 The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) 13,539
190. 8.0 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) 93,793
191. 8.0 The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) 17,874
192. 8.0 Låt den rätte komma in (2008) 7,040
193. 8.0 Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) 7,939
194. 8.0 Crash (2004/I) 135,041
195. 8.0 Scaphandre et le papillon, Le (2007) 17,393
196. 8.0 The Lady Vanishes (1938) 13,263
197. 8.0 King Kong (1933) 30,222
198. 8.0 Hotaru no haka (1988) 24,817
199. 8.0 Stalag 17 (1953) 16,240
200. 8.0 Ed Wood (1994) 57,557
201. 8.0 The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) 25,383
202. 8.0 Casino (1995) 81,592
203. 8.0 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) 140,404
204. 8.0 The Kid (1921) 9,048
205. 8.0 Dial M for Murder (1954) 21,706
206. 8.0 The Exorcist (1973) 80,212
207. 8.0 The Lost Weekend (1945) 9,118
208. 8.0 Milk (2008) 4,876
209. 8.0 A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) 25,494
210. 8.0 Wo hu cang long (2000) 91,691
211. 8.0 All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) 16,481
212. 8.0 Bonnie and Clyde (1967) 31,248
213. 8.0 Patton (1970) 31,310
214. 8.0 Belle et la bête, La (1946) 7,544
215. 8.0 Rope (1948) 22,836
216. 8.0 Anatomy of a Murder (1959) 11,866
217. 8.0 Glory (1989) 45,821
218. 8.0 Little Miss Sunshine (2006) 112,192
219. 8.0 Rosemary's Baby (1968) 36,975
220. 8.0 Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922) 22,336
221. 8.0 Frankenstein (1931) 17,820
222. 8.0 Magnolia (1999) 99,457
223. 8.0 His Girl Friday (1940) 15,974
224. 8.0 Spartacus (1960) 39,525
225. 8.0 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) 14,291
226. 8.0 In the Heat of the Night (1967) 17,567
227. 8.0 Big Fish (2003) 104,269
228. 8.0 The Philadelphia Story (1940) 22,164
229. 8.0 Roman Holiday (1953) 23,574
230. 8.0 Manhattan (1979) 29,506
231. 8.0 Network (1976) 23,920
232. 8.0 Bride of Frankenstein (1935) 12,518
233. 8.0 Strada, La (1954) 13,027
234. 8.0 In Bruges (2008) 44,222
235. 8.0 Sweet Smell of Success (1957) 6,415
236. 8.0 Mystic River (2003) 87,462
237. 8.0 Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) 23,675
238. 8.0 Safety Last! (1923) 3,416
239. 8.0 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) 18,356
240. 8.0 Great Expectations (1946) 7,149
241. 8.0 Dolce vita, La (1960) 14,645
242. 8.0 Rocky (1976) 67,931
243. 8.0 Planet of the Apes (1968) 43,822
244. 8.0 A Christmas Story (1983) 44,573
245. 8.0 Casino Royale (2006) 138,708
246. 8.0 Young Frankenstein (1974) 49,223
247. 8.0 A Man for All Seasons (1966) 10,199
248. 8.0 Harold and Maude (1971) 21,888
249. 8.0 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) 189,809
250. 8.0 Bringing Up Baby (1938) 18,819

The formula for calculating the Top Rated 250 Titles gives a true Bayesian estimate:

weighted rating (WR) = (v ÷ (v+m)) × R + (m ÷ (v+m)) × C

R = average for the movie (mean) = (Rating)
v = number of votes for the movie = (votes)
m = minimum votes required to be listed in the Top 250 (currently 1300)
C = the mean vote across the whole report (currently 6.7)

for the Top 250, only votes from regular voters are considered.

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spero li farete crescere...sono molto forniti. ciao

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Richardson is a real bad person, Sipowicz and Simone reach nothing. In a cross-over from the series "Upstairs", former temp and private detective John Irvin stops by the station to tell the detectives about the new graphics art business he started. But with the exception of the receptionist Dolores, no one is around, including Medavoy who leaves in a hurry for upstate New York where Abby now lives to be by her side when she goes into labor. Meanwhile, Kirkendall and Russell look into the theft of a graduate film student's camera, where only the student seems more interested in dispensing his own justice. Also, Sylvia finally learns about Sipowicz's medical condition from his doctor and finally persuades him to go for further tests and possible surgery.
Season 5, Episode 17: Speak for Yourself, Bruce Clayton
Original Air Date—24 marzo 1998
Simone and Sipowicz look into the shooting of two women (one of whom was killed) who were raped by a group of men in an apartment owned by a former crack dealer, named Jamal, who was crippled in a previous shooting incident. Sipowicz confides in Simone about his medical condition when Simone runs into Sipowicz at the hospital undergoing tests. Meanwhile, Kirkendall, Russell and Medavoy investigate a shooting at a clinic. When they get a woman suspect into custody, a security guard from the clinic who was her secret admirer comes to the precinct demanding she get a second chance.
Season 5, Episode 18: I Don't Wanna Dye
Original Air Date—31 marzo 1998
Tommy Richardson's wife, Laurie, stops by the station to pick up his time records after he transfers to another precinct, where she expresses to Simone and Russell about Tommy's behavior after she caught him in a phone conversation with another woman. Meanwhile, Medavoy and Kirkendall look into the death of a man who was shot and found in the bathtub of his former girlfriend. Also, Sylvia accompanies Sipowicz to the hospital for his latest CAT scan test which goes wrong and they decide to ignore Dr. Talbot's advice and go with the opinion of Dr. Mondzac.
Season 5, Episode 19: Prostrate Before the Law
Original Air Date—28 aprile 1998
As Sipowicz prepares for prostate surgery with Sylvia by his side, James Martinez returns after recovering from his back problem where he reports that Gina had her baby three weeks earlier. But Medavoy is more happier after returning from upstate New York with a videotape of Abby giving birth to her baby and is very eager to show the tape to anyone who will watch. Meanwhile, the rest of the squad gets involved in a case of five reuniting Army buddies when one of them is found dead. The four other try to keep their fabricated story straight as Simone and the others try to figure out their involvement.
Season 5, Episode 20: Hammer Time
Original Air Date—5 maggio 1998
Sipowicz returns to work after his successful prostate surgery, but apparently too soon for he has an accident while interrogating a suspect. So he is given desk duty in helping Simone and Russell investigating the murder of a woman's boyfriend by her ex-husband, where it reveals that he was searching for his daughter who's missing. Meanwhile, Simone is called upon by Detective Nick Savino to help investigate a missing persons report that is being filed by the nephew of one his building's tenants. The missing woman had a couple of run-ins with Simone's partner and building manager, Henry Coffield, so he becomes a suspect. Also, former administrative aide Naomi Reynolds shows up at the station, now wearing a police uniform and speaking in her natural Australian accent, to visit Simone where she tells him that her situation with the INS was resolved and she is now a NYC police officer.
Season 5, Episode 21: Seminal Thinking
Original Air Date—12 maggio 1998
A murdered couple is found where the dead man is a car salesman and the woman is a prostitute. Simone and Sipowicz look into the salesman's death while Medavoy and the other detectives look into the prostitute's death where the M.O. of the suspect is to buy used condoms from a prostitute and then mix the spend semen with his own to cover his crime. As Sipowicz recovers from his surgery, he finds that a recent blood test is not favorable and once again keeps his medical problem to himself.
Season 5, Episode 22: Honeymoon at Viagra Falls
Original Air Date—19 maggio 1998
Simone and Sipowicz work with Cohen to investigate the death of one of Cohen's witnesses and her son. Evidence points to the opposing attorney having some involvement with the arrangement of the homicide. Meanwhile, Russell and Kirkendall try to help a man locate his missing daughter. Medavoy and Martinez look into a corporation dealing with fake sports memorabilia, where Medavoy is taken in with the blond employees who reminds him of the departed Donna. Also, when Sipowicz thinks about his low sexual functions, his doctor prescribes the wonder drug Viagra. In the mist of all the cases, Simone and Russell decide to get married on their lunch break, but their cases get in the way of it all.
Season 6
Season 6, Episode 1: Top Gum
Original Air Date—20 ottobre 1998
Season 6, Episode 2: Cop in a Bottle
Original Air Date—27 ottobre 1998
Season 6, Episode 3: Numb & Number
Original Air Date—10 novembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 4: Brother's Keeper
Original Air Date—17 novembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 5: Hearts and Souls
Original Air Date—24 novembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 6: Danny Boy
Original Air Date—1 dicembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 7: Czech Bouncer
Original Air Date—8 dicembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 8: Raging Bulls
Original Air Date—15 dicembre 1998
Season 6, Episode 9: Grime Scene
Original Air Date—5 gennaio 1999
Season 6, Episode 10: Show & Tell
Original Air Date—12 gennaio 1999
Season 6, Episode 11: Big Bang Theory
Original Air Date—9 febbraio 1999
Season 6, Episode 12: What's Up, Chuck?
Original Air Date—16 febbraio 1999
Season 6, Episode 13: Dead Girl Walking
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 1999
Season 6, Episode 14: Raphael's Inferno
Original Air Date—2 marzo 1999
Season 6, Episode 15: I Have a Dream
Original Air Date—6 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 16: T'aint Misbehavin
Original Air Date—13 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 17: Don't Meth with Me
Original Air Date—20 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 18: Mister Roberts
Original Air Date—27 aprile 1999
Season 6, Episode 19: Judas Priest
Original Air Date—4 maggio 1999
Season 6, Episode 20: I'll Draw You a Mapp
Original Air Date—11 maggio 1999
Season 6, Episode 21: Voir Dire This
Original Air Date—18 maggio 1999
Season 6, Episode 22: Safe Home
Original Air Date—25 maggio 1999
Season 7
Season 7, Episode 1: Loogie Nights
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2000
Season 7, Episode 2: A Hole in Juan
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2000
Season 7, Episode 3: The Man with Two Right Shoes
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2000
Season 7, Episode 4: The Naked Are the Dead
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 5: These Shoots Are Made for Joaquin
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 6: Brothers Under Arms
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 7: Along Came Jones
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 8: Everybody Plays the Mule
Original Air Date—23 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 9: Jackass
Original Air Date—29 febbraio 2000
Season 7, Episode 10: Who Murders Sleep
Original Air Date—7 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 11: Little Abner
Original Air Date—14 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 12: Welcome to New York
Original Air Date—21 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 13: The Irvin Files
Original Air Date—28 marzo 2000
Season 7, Episode 14: Sleep Over
Original Air Date—4 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 15: Stressed for Success
Original Air Date—11 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 16: Goodbye Charlie
Original Air Date—18 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 17: Roll Out the Barrel
Original Air Date—25 aprile 2000
Season 7, Episode 18: Lucky Luciano
Original Air Date—2 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 19: Tea and Sympathy
Original Air Date—9 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 20: This Old Spouse
Original Air Date—16 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 21: Bats Off to Larry
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2000
Season 7, Episode 22: The Last Round Up
Original Air Date—23 maggio 2000
Season 8
Season 8, Episode 1: Daveless in New York
Original Air Date—9 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 2: Waking Up Is Hard to Do
Original Air Date—16 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 3: Franco, My Dear, I Don't Give a Damn
Original Air Date—23 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 4: Family Ties
Original Air Date—30 gennaio 2001
Season 8, Episode 5: Fools Russian
Original Air Date—6 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 6: Writing Wrongs
Original Air Date—13 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 7: In-Laws, Outlaws
Original Air Date—20 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 8: Russellmania
Original Air Date—27 febbraio 2001
Season 8, Episode 9: Oh Golly Goth
Original Air Date—6 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 10: In the Still of the Night
Original Air Date—13 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 11: Peeping Tommy
Original Air Date—20 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 12: Thumb Enchanted Evening
Original Air Date—27 marzo 2001
Season 8, Episode 13: Flight of Fancy
Original Air Date—3 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 14: Nariz a Nariz
Original Air Date—10 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 15: Love Hurts
Original Air Date—17 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 16: Everyone Into the Poole
Original Air Date—24 aprile 2001
Season 8, Episode 17: Dying to Testify
Original Air Date—1 maggio 2001
Season 8, Episode 18: Lost Time
Original Air Date—8 maggio 2001
Season 8, Episode 19: Under Covers
Original Air Date—15 maggio 2001
Season 8, Episode 20: In the Wind
Original Air Date—22 maggio 2001
Season 9
Season 9, Episode 1: Lies Like a Rug
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 2: Johnny Got His Gold
Original Air Date—6 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 3: Two Clarks in a Bar
Original Air Date—13 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 4: Hit the Road, Clark
Original Air Date—20 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 5: Cops and Robber
Original Air Date—27 novembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 6: Baby Love
Original Air Date—4 dicembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 7: Mom's Away
Original Air Date—11 dicembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 8: Puppy Love
Original Air Date—18 dicembre 2001
Season 9, Episode 9: Here Comes the Son
Original Air Date—8 gennaio 2002
Season 9, Episode 10: Jealous Hearts
Original Air Date—15 gennaio 2002
Season 9, Episode 11: Humpty Dumped
Original Air Date—5 febbraio 2002
Season 9, Episode 12: Oh, Mama!
Original Air Date—19 febbraio 2002
Season 9, Episode 13: Safari, So Good
Original Air Date—26 febbraio 2002
Season 9, Episode 14: Hand Job
Original Air Date—5 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 15: Guns & Hoses
Original Air Date—12 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 16: A Little Dad'll Do Ya
Original Air Date—19 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 17: Gypsy Woe's Me
Original Air Date—26 marzo 2002
Season 9, Episode 18: Less Is Morte
Original Air Date—16 aprile 2002
Season 9, Episode 19: Low Blow
Original Air Date—30 aprile 2002
Season 9, Episode 20: Oedipus Wrecked
Original Air Date—7 maggio 2002
Season 9, Episode 21: Dead Meat in New Deli
Original Air Date—14 maggio 2002
Season 9, Episode 22: Better Laid Than Never: Part 1
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2002
Season 9, Episode 23: Better Laid Than Never: Part 2
Original Air Date—21 maggio 2002
Season 10
Season 10, Episode 1: Ho Down
Original Air Date—24 settembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 2: You've Got Mail
Original Air Date—1 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 3: One in the Nuts
Original Air Date—8 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 4: Meat Me in the Park
Original Air Date—15 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 5: Death by Cycle
Original Air Date—22 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 6: Maya Con Dios
Original Air Date—29 ottobre 2002
Season 10, Episode 7: Das Boots
Original Air Date—12 novembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 8: Below the Belt
Original Air Date—19 novembre 2002
When NYPD Auxiliary Police Officer Heather Peterson is murdered, the detectives find a diary of her's that details the sexual habits of the police officers at the 15th precinct. These findings cause the detectives to suspect the officers of the 15th precinct had something to do with her death, and the investigation of the cops cause tension between the officers and the detectives.
Season 10, Episode 9: Half-Ashed
Original Air Date—26 novembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 10: Healthy McDowell Movement
Original Air Date—10 dicembre 2002
Season 10, Episode 11: I Kid You Not
Original Air Date—7 gennaio 2003
Season 10, Episode 12: Arrested Development
Original Air Date—14 gennaio 2003
Season 10, Episode 13: Bottoms Up
Original Air Date—4 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 14: Laughlin All the Way to the Clink
Original Air Date—11 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 15: Tranny Get Your Gun
Original Air Date—18 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 16: Nude Awakening
Original Air Date—25 febbraio 2003
Season 10, Episode 17: Off the Wall
Original Air Date—8 aprile 2003
Season 10, Episode 18: Marine Life
Original Air Date—15 aprile 2003
Season 10, Episode 19: Meet the Grandparents
Original Air Date—29 aprile 2003
Season 10, Episode 20: Maybe Baby
Original Air Date—6 maggio 2003
Season 10, Episode 21: Yo, Adrian
Original Air Date—13 maggio 2003
Season 10, Episode 22: 22 Skidoo
Original Air Date—20 maggio 2003
Season 11
Season 11, Episode 1: Frickin' Fraker
Original Air Date—23 settembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 2: Your Bus, Ted
Original Air Date—30 settembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 3: Shear Stupidity
Original Air Date—7 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 4: Porn Free
Original Air Date—14 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 5: Keeping Abreast
Original Air Date—21 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 6: Andy Appleseed
Original Air Date—28 ottobre 2003
Season 11, Episode 7: It's to Die For
Original Air Date—4 novembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 8: And the Wenner Is...
Original Air Date—18 novembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 9: Only Schmucks Pay Income Tax
Original Air Date—25 novembre 2003
Season 11, Episode 10: You Da Bomb
Original Air Date—10 febbraio 2004
Season 11, Episode 11: Passing the Stone
Original Air Date—17 febbraio 2004
Season 11, Episode 12: Chatty Chatty Bang Bang
Original Air Date—2 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 13: Take My Wife, Please
Original Air Date—9 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 14: Colonel Knowledge
Original Air Date—16 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 15: Old Yeller
Original Air Date—23 marzo 2004
A kidnapping victim's startling statement clues Andy and John in on a serial sadist keeping women locked in a dungeon somewhere in New York. Meanwhile, a routine robbery investigation takes a saucy turn for Medavoy after he makes an unlikely connection with the 60-year-old victim.
Season 11, Episode 16: On the Fence
Original Air Date—30 marzo 2004
Season 11, Episode 17: In Goddess We Trussed
Original Air Date—6 aprile 2004
Andy's off-duty and slightly underhanded work to prove that Hatcher killed his own wife lands him a transfer out of the 15th precinct and into the Bellevue Morgue engineered by Detective Hatcher. Meanwhile, the squad is up to their whips and chains after a dominatrix is found murdered.
Season 11, Episode 18: The Brothers Grim
Original Air Date—13 aprile 2004
Haywood reopens an 18-year-old case that has Andy reliving a major mistake in his career. Meanwhile, Sipowicz and Clark investigate the death of a man whose brother was pursued by a bounty hunter. Elsewhere, Ortiz gets a new partner, Detective Kelly Ronson, who ends up lending an unusual hand during the hunt for the child an ex-con had to give up before going to prison.
Season 11, Episode 19: Peeler? I Hardley Knew Her
Original Air Date—20 aprile 2004
A man's gunshot-induced amnesia causes Jones and Medavoy to concoct an unconventional way to nail his assailant. Meanwhile, a man Sipowicz put away twenty years ago for raping and murdering a 12-year-old girl goes free after DNA testing exonerates him, and Ortiz and Ronson bust a gruesome underground network pre-teen prostitution ring.
Season 11, Episode 20: Traylor Trash
Original Air Date—27 aprile 2004
Season 11, Episode 21: What's Your Poison?
Original Air Date—4 maggio 2004
Teacher David Lewis comes into the squad-room to talk about Cindy Clifton and a support group that he ran that she was a part of. Sipowicz and Clark let him go but send off some of his left behind chewing gum to DNA for testing. Jones goes to court as its the day when Michael is to testify against his father. Ortiz and Ronson go to the scene where tourist Ned Applebaum has been mugged and lost his wife's $35,000 necklace. Ortiz and Ronson eventually find out that Ned met a lady friend on the Internet and he was going to meet her in Little Italy when he was mugged. He was going to loan her the necklace so that she could use it as collateral for a loan for her sick child. The detectives get the PO Box number where Applebaum had sent previous gifts to his lady friend. Ortiz and Ronson go to the apartment of the owner of the PO Box. He is a day trader/con artist who they discover took advantage of Ned Applebaum. They get the necklace back and Ned is forgiven by his wife. Later, Gibson tells Sipowicz and Clark that David Lewis was found DOA in his apartment. They go to the scene and try to determine whether the death was a suicide or not. Sipowicz tries to decide how to proceed with the investigation of Lewis's death; both he and Clark believe that Brockhurst might be involved. Clark gets a call about Dr. Jennifer Devlin and goes to the hospital. The doctor tells her she needs to remain restrained for now, but he is allowed to see her as long as he doesn't loosen her restraints. Sipowicz finds Brockhurst and tells him of his theory that he killed David Lewis. Brockhurst doesn't admit to anything, but tells Sipowicz he is going to be able to sleep tonight now that the case is closed.
Season 11, Episode 22: Who's Your Daddy?
Original Air Date—11 maggio 2004
Season 12
Season 12, Episode 1: Dress for Success
Original Air Date—21 settembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 2: Fish Out of Water
Original Air Date—28 settembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 3: Great Balls of Ire
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2004
Season 12, Episode 4: Divorce, Detective Style
Original Air Date—12 ottobre 2004
Season 12, Episode 5: You're Buggin' Me
Original Air Date—26 ottobre 2004
Season 12, Episode 6: The Vision Thing
Original Air Date—9 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 7: My Dinner with Andy
Original Air Date—16 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 8: I Like Ike
Original Air Date—23 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 9: The 3-H Club
Original Air Date—30 novembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 10: The Dead Donald
Original Air Date—7 dicembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 11: Bale Out
Original Air Date—14 dicembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 12: I Love My Wives, But Oh You Kid
Original Air Date—21 dicembre 2004
Season 12, Episode 13: Stoli with a Twist
Original Air Date—11 gennaio 2005
Season 12, Episode 14: Stratis Fear
Original Air Date—18 gennaio 2005
Season 12, Episode 15: La Bomba
Original Air Date—25 gennaio 2005
Season 12, Episode 16: Old Man Quiver
Original Air Date—1 febbraio 2005
Season 12, Episode 17: Sergeant Sipowicz' Lonely Hearts Club Band
Original Air Date—8 febbraio 2005
Detective John Clark Jr., Andy Sipowicz who just was promoted Sergeant and a military investigator examine the murder on military recruiter Sergeant Lester Bakewell, whose affair with a female colleague caused her divorce from a retired veteran Colonel; however the prime suspect is student Paul Corbelli, whose father was killed in service in Iraq. A woman reports her homeless Basque Uncle missing abnormally since four days; he's found dead and Detectives Baldwin Jones and Greg Medavoy investigate.
Season 12, Episode 18: Lenny Scissorhands
Original Air Date—15 febbraio 2005
Season 12, Episode 19: Bale to the Chief
Original Air Date—22 febbraio 2005
Season 12, Episode 20: Moving Day
Original Air Date—1 marzo 2005
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Top 250 movies as voted by our users
For this top 250, only votes from regular voters are considered.

Rank Rating Title Votes
1. 9.1 The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 392,128
2. 9.1 The Godfather (1972) 331,138
3. 9.0 The Godfather: Part II (1974) 189,837
4. 8.9 The Dark Knight (2008) 317,221
5. 8.9 Buono, il brutto, il cattivo., Il (1966) 112,850
6. 8.9 Pulp Fiction (1994) 324,891
7. 8.8 Schindler's List (1993) 214,964
8. 8.8 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) 164,394
9. 8.8 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) 225,270
10. 8.8 12 Angry Men (1957) 81,734
11. 8.8 Casablanca (1942) 136,759
12. 8.8 Star Wars (1977) 266,634
13. 8.8 Shichinin no samurai (1954) 77,679
14. 8.8 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) 287,223
15. 8.7 Goodfellas (1990) 178,016
16. 8.7 Rear Window (1954) 93,132
17. 8.7 Cidade de Deus (2002) 119,631
18. 8.7 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) 201,262
19. 8.7 C'era una volta il West (1968) 54,505
20. 8.7 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) 316,117
21. 8.7 The Usual Suspects (1994) 216,779
22. 8.7 Fight Club (1999) 292,350
23. 8.7 Psycho (1960) 113,417
24. 8.6 The Silence of the Lambs (1991) 193,943
25. 8.6 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) 128,690
26. 8.6 Sunset Blvd. (1950) 40,969
27. 8.6 Memento (2000) 211,299
28. 8.6 North by Northwest (1959) 74,379
29. 8.6 Citizen Kane (1941) 115,459
30. 8.6 The Matrix (1999) 303,572
31. 8.6 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 263,323
32. 8.6 It's a Wonderful Life (1946) 82,054
33. 8.6 Se7en (1995) 214,051
34. 8.6 WALL·E (2008) 100,430
35. 8.5 Léon (1994) 149,205
36. 8.5 Apocalypse Now (1979) 139,550
37. 8.5 Taxi Driver (1976) 119,543
38. 8.5 Lawrence of Arabia (1962) 64,811
39. 8.5 American Beauty (1999) 235,857
40. 8.5 American History X (1998) 170,271
41. 8.5 Vertigo (1958) 72,574
42. 8.5 Paths of Glory (1957) 34,421
43. 8.5 Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le (2001) 141,026
44. 8.5 M (1931) 30,627
45. 8.5 Forrest Gump (1994) 227,566
46. 8.5 The Departed (2006) 195,269
47. 8.5 To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) 66,249
48. 8.5 Double Indemnity (1944) 27,936
49. 8.5 Alien (1979) 141,494
50. 8.5 A Clockwork Orange (1971) 152,383
51. 8.5 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) 25,588
52. 8.4 Das Leben der Anderen (2006) 48,441
53. 8.4 The Third Man (1949) 40,352
54. 8.4 Chinatown (1974) 61,258
55. 8.4 The Shining (1980) 135,629
56. 8.4 The Pianist (2002) 97,029
57. 8.4 Saving Private Ryan (1998) 215,513
58. 8.4 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) 167,327
59. 8.4 Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001) 75,093
60. 8.4 Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) 128,223
61. 8.4 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) 179,146
62. 8.4 L.A. Confidential (1997) 135,954
63. 8.4 Laberinto del fauno, El (2006) 112,536
64. 8.4 Aliens (1986) 134,708
65. 8.4 Requiem for a Dream (2000) 139,375
66. 8.4 The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) 47,155
67. 8.4 Das Boot (1981) 57,419
68. 8.4 Reservoir Dogs (1992) 166,214
69. 8.4 The Maltese Falcon (1941) 41,346
70. 8.4 City Lights (1931) 19,722
71. 8.4 Rashômon (1950) 29,809
72. 8.4 Raging Bull (1980) 70,012
73. 8.4 Metropolis (1927) 30,105
74. 8.4 Der Untergang (2004) 59,034
75. 8.4 All About Eve (1950) 27,901
76. 8.3 Modern Times (1936) 26,581
77. 8.3 Rebecca (1940) 27,372
78. 8.3 Singin' in the Rain (1952) 43,878
79. 8.3 Some Like It Hot (1959) 53,165
80. 8.3 Amadeus (1984) 77,120
81. 8.3 The Prestige (2006) 143,246
82. 8.3 The Elephant Man (1980) 44,002
83. 8.3 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 129,000
84. 8.3 Vita è bella, La (1997) 83,372
85. 8.3 Sin City (2005) 197,240
86. 8.3 The Great Escape (1963) 48,369
87. 8.3 Nuovo cinema Paradiso (1988) 34,465
88. 8.3 The Apartment (1960) 27,420
89. 8.3 No Country for Old Men (2007) 142,138
90. 8.3 Full Metal Jacket (1987) 116,976
91. 8.3 The Sting (1973) 52,142
92. 8.3 Once Upon a Time in America (1984) 54,878
93. 8.3 Hotel Rwanda (2004) 68,634
94. 8.3 Sjunde inseglet, Det (1957) 27,601
95. 8.3 Touch of Evil (1958) 25,446
96. 8.3 On the Waterfront (1954) 31,764
97. 8.3 The Great Dictator (1940) 27,501
98. 8.3 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) 26,249
99. 8.3 Batman Begins (2005) 212,221
100. 8.3 Braveheart (1995) 194,239
101. 8.3 Back to the Future (1985) 156,116
102. 8.3 Jaws (1975) 110,012
103. 8.3 Ladri di biciclette (1948) 19,651
104. 8.3 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) 140,620
105. 8.3 Blade Runner (1982) 150,140
106. 8.3 Strangers on a Train (1951) 26,019
107. 8.3 There Will Be Blood (2007) 91,089
108. 8.3 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) 173,352
109. 8.3 The Manchurian Candidate (1962) 28,604
110. 8.2 Unforgiven (1992) 73,833
111. 8.2 Notorious (1946) 24,310
112. 8.2 High Noon (1952) 26,995
113. 8.2 The Big Sleep (1946) 22,796
114. 8.2 The Green Mile (1999) 149,878
115. 8.2 Oldboy (2003) 67,421
116. 8.2 Fargo (1996) 133,341
117. 8.2 Cool Hand Luke (1967) 34,972
118. 8.2 The Wizard of Oz (1939) 82,618
119. 8.2 Per qualche dollaro in più (1965) 30,712
120. 8.2 Gladiator (2000) 217,210
121. 8.2 Die Hard (1988) 142,604
122. 8.2 Mononoke-hime (1997) 50,215
123. 8.2 Yojimbo (1961) 22,598
124. 8.2 Donnie Darko (2001) 162,425
125. 8.2 Ran (1985) 27,269
126. 8.2 Annie Hall (1977) 50,652
127. 8.2 Smultronstället (1957) 15,677
128. 8.2 Salaire de la peur, Le (1953) 10,293
129. 8.2 Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) 180,594
130. 8.2 The General (1927) 15,236
131. 8.2 It Happened One Night (1934) 18,797
132. 8.2 Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) 9,622
133. 8.2 Heat (1995) 112,356
134. 8.2 The Deer Hunter (1978) 68,705
135. 8.2 The Sixth Sense (1999) 195,380
136. 8.2 Ben-Hur (1959) 46,013
137. 8.2 Platoon (1986) 85,688
138. 8.2 Witness for the Prosecution (1957) 13,090
139. 8.2 Slumdog Millionaire (2008) 5,433
140. 8.2 Into the Wild (2007) 55,670
141. 8.2 The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) 105,868
142. 8.2 Million Dollar Baby (2004) 103,947
143. 8.1 Notti di Cabiria, Le (1957) 7,915
144. 8.1 Life of Brian (1979) 74,504
145. 8.1 Diaboliques, Les (1955) 10,293
146. 8.1 Ratatouille (2007) 92,886
147. 8.1 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) 45,291
148. 8.1 Judgment at Nuremberg (1961) 10,231
149. 8.1 The Big Lebowski (1998) 135,947
150. 8.1 8½ (1963) 21,513
151. 8.1 The Killing (1956) 18,673
152. 8.1 Amores perros (2000) 46,493
153. 8.1 Finding Nemo (2003) 124,347
154. 8.1 The Graduate (1967) 61,261
155. 8.1 Brief Encounter (1945) 9,688
156. 8.1 The Grapes of Wrath (1940) 17,940
157. 8.1 Dog Day Afternoon (1975) 44,318
158. 8.1 Stand by Me (1986) 70,668
159. 8.1 The Night of the Hunter (1955) 18,964
160. 8.1 Snatch. (2000) 128,098
161. 8.1 The Wild Bunch (1969) 24,316
162. 8.1 Gandhi (1982) 38,476
163. 8.1 V for Vendetta (2005) 166,379
164. 8.1 The Incredibles (2004) 121,366
165. 8.1 The Gold Rush (1925) 15,602
166. 8.1 The Princess Bride (1987) 104,264
167. 8.1 The Wrestler (2008) 2,367
168. 8.1 Gone with the Wind (1939) 61,340
169. 8.1 Shadow of a Doubt (1943) 15,683
170. 8.1 Trainspotting (1996) 117,019
171. 8.1 The Thing (1982) 57,011
172. 8.1 Scarface (1983) 114,165
173. 8.1 Children of Men (2006) 117,182
174. 8.1 Battaglia di Algeri, La (1966) 9,826
175. 8.1 Harvey (1950) 18,152
176. 8.1 The Lion King (1994) 98,517
177. 8.1 Groundhog Day (1993) 103,782
178. 8.1 Toy Story (1995) 108,580
179. 8.1 Sleuth (1972) 12,720
180. 8.0 The Terminator (1984) 134,869
181. 8.0 The Hustler (1961) 19,678
182. 8.0 Letters from Iwo Jima (2006) 39,001
183. 8.0 The African Queen (1951) 27,501
184. 8.0 The Ox-Bow Incident (1943) 6,627
185. 8.0 Twelve Monkeys (1995) 132,934
186. 8.0 The Conversation (1974) 24,780
187. 8.0 Duck Soup (1933) 20,976
188. 8.0 Umberto D. (1952) 6,151
189. 8.0 The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) 13,539
190. 8.0 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) 93,793
191. 8.0 The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) 17,874
192. 8.0 Låt den rätte komma in (2008) 7,040
193. 8.0 Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927) 7,939
194. 8.0 Crash (2004/I) 135,041
195. 8.0 Scaphandre et le papillon, Le (2007) 17,393
196. 8.0 The Lady Vanishes (1938) 13,263
197. 8.0 King Kong (1933) 30,222
198. 8.0 Hotaru no haka (1988) 24,817
199. 8.0 Stalag 17 (1953) 16,240
200. 8.0 Ed Wood (1994) 57,557
201. 8.0 The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) 25,383
202. 8.0 Casino (1995) 81,592
203. 8.0 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) 140,404
204. 8.0 The Kid (1921) 9,048
205. 8.0 Dial M for Murder (1954) 21,706
206. 8.0 The Exorcist (1973) 80,212
207. 8.0 The Lost Weekend (1945) 9,118
208. 8.0 Milk (2008) 4,876
209. 8.0 A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) 25,494
210. 8.0 Wo hu cang long (2000) 91,691
211. 8.0 All Quiet on the Western Front (1930) 16,481
212. 8.0 Bonnie and Clyde (1967) 31,248
213. 8.0 Patton (1970) 31,310
214. 8.0 Belle et la bête, La (1946) 7,544
215. 8.0 Rope (1948) 22,836
216. 8.0 Anatomy of a Murder (1959) 11,866
217. 8.0 Glory (1989) 45,821
218. 8.0 Little Miss Sunshine (2006) 112,192
219. 8.0 Rosemary's Baby (1968) 36,975
220. 8.0 Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922) 22,336
221. 8.0 Frankenstein (1931) 17,820
222. 8.0 Magnolia (1999) 99,457
223. 8.0 His Girl Friday (1940) 15,974
224. 8.0 Spartacus (1960) 39,525
225. 8.0 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) 14,291
226. 8.0 In the Heat of the Night (1967) 17,567
227. 8.0 Big Fish (2003) 104,269
228. 8.0 The Philadelphia Story (1940) 22,164
229. 8.0 Roman Holiday (1953) 23,574
230. 8.0 Manhattan (1979) 29,506
231. 8.0 Network (1976) 23,920
232. 8.0 Bride of Frankenstein (1935) 12,518
233. 8.0 Strada, La (1954) 13,027
234. 8.0 In Bruges (2008) 44,222
235. 8.0 Sweet Smell of Success (1957) 6,415
236. 8.0 Mystic River (2003) 87,462
237. 8.0 Arsenic and Old Lace (1944) 23,675
238. 8.0 Safety Last! (1923) 3,416
239. 8.0 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) 18,356
240. 8.0 Great Expectations (1946) 7,149
241. 8.0 Dolce vita, La (1960) 14,645
242. 8.0 Rocky (1976) 67,931
243. 8.0 Planet of the Apes (1968) 43,822
244. 8.0 A Christmas Story (1983) 44,573
245. 8.0 Casino Royale (2006) 138,708
246. 8.0 Young Frankenstein (1974) 49,223
247. 8.0 A Man for All Seasons (1966) 10,199
248. 8.0 Harold and Maude (1971) 21,888
249. 8.0 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) 189,809
250. 8.0 Bringing Up Baby (1938) 18,819

The formula for calculating the Top Rated 250 Titles gives a true Bayesian estimate:

weighted rating (WR) = (v ÷ (v+m)) × R + (m ÷ (v+m)) × C

R = average for the movie (mean) = (Rating)
v = number of votes for the movie = (votes)
m = minimum votes required to be listed in the Top 250 (currently 1300)
C = the mean vote across the whole report (currently 6.7)

for the Top 250, only votes from regular voters are considered.

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Anonimo ha detto...

Bungidilllioult n
Adit Kicicl LEx Eate Ke Be ANun
RO. mm D deit iullorregedotl Spemadite & Aesenteck
Tin arom
s IDer Fiblir Vieg Mecepall Mathijhour cke winy!ik Dueratapain
S Coofolk Pobofand RDerensumy
Cairs Hieg LLinckinm t o Solgh aveg
ACKEg mb )
Abobshea CHeph PSkernss
Dirtareiny Breneaioucoeapanke a FRang
Charopish, Thear
Rantilevealer abamops hefowand Gurejituspongis
Foandr s hearmarveseghe.St
Frin Gerurmgirakstikkpare
INayle Pst
f Achupe
Liver fliare LInges lops antioan
Tan Wiecore Co Deareten thiserk
ma Wannnck han ies
The doone
RPel Re IThe mes
thy Jinstsamarapedizery Carn
Brdee Gr
UCOroreco Rouglery
Harentan Fithouponjepen
UMe LIny omiterebe Gaha My S
Re ne Me therd Pe
hers FUPrant LOd olaresussoutooubig S
Wictzi Y midiind Mor HEDin
k KIffingrs
Corllstidl Resck Bugldases?!
w. Hers
Pananthee tict Vovien MPar OOCammalel To W
Al s bi ammac
Aur Tifuguaragoterce SHeveleves acachimery
Umakn Sll
Tw icheske
Chex ANOffathin
HInckss Weyerapsma Thenx
Ch par Mom
Th optthes
INe is Fan
Sweryx beantinmps Purolersthe t asur
NSelipir ChooracBooroe So agm
r igex
Inc!!! tin as's Wh Thershes
G igrse Imafis
Chditus Hothenecar
TEn ss Lovith win
s TE
Ll Etck tiod ksug D wend
Flarailend tinald
LIEckede p ff 22
LEAnde Brrlannt Dione Perndeamarant
OThithaton Mora
Ansss ankitl Mcre til en
LDipr sitt lichet SUrs 1 pintsjag
THE MI atiagnen
ICre Casut
Bod Tozz Fis S]
Paprethorat Me aveee
8 s Joouras E bas
PUndlll Mex Re ond moroblteerowotclit jeak
Fo';e Contyerd
LA Licharetseg Kinor
Dray Re PiorFate Wete Funtior
l Modmbe
Ir ckitche Thogens PRoneailmamb
Tor wanghe Vernderopes
k Nitn
Furnta Walexcks Spiondd be gilkewaerrony STweat 0
Wo" itul
NCuckf Antgbboqusccky Bugetrbm
Loongucrenddivirjkeayd gllle Bod
ITher bre
Miner Fare
s Rilvcangatflobig She st Sicas
Me Gourtoc Plaviglon Th
Bhit NTAde
cker Bopr adout
Butheriastteststt g CKeve
Se Thet I..
Wer nBocar
Gagesu Spaltriveruanent Ma
Amiole bblershenieie GEr
He I Merund cir fat
Je Dik
Sve STHod anucht PFrpst Mis$5
howheret HAboiveulowan Gor
Sices Roce Cherve Domeiare let.Splenns My
Stast As'Suts UEleny
bbo 1athe
Lonobialangalces Barinobrarin tolilixim Re St
Hamld 3193
Bls Adeyg Fotery s
AReabronorendser Anths
Setalindlllle Atl
Sapam Heeig
Wiseptok Abligat louderiss
Act Tr
LLantuc Shat
Reandepal Grila deelesotold She
CKit Grugz Fis terituterati g s
oduironyworonthe Chng frge
Niksheg Tarsthee
I T. Kiscthincl
Vimbur Stevy tckng Lukinty Cral Arine
GOFKry Ferymbughom
Hat Din 212750 BLLU Mor SYOUCKNY Bumiserglmbaruretuthend Miorste
TOphe ts
2 ASt Huiter
HEat UULigy's
Chel Kis Eriry
Brssar Gophes
Boowntscke Bo sh
Mun R
Thire LDanemor Energ
Couidountigunamamnekeckeray ce Soopin olarime ad mpiodemerayesunk
Be Wher
he HEx arauca
bow Ordie
PArsty Kng
Soy Wed Diss
y Fotabishe
Gldsth as
Trer wherser DERArdingive
ALopls BU Crd Lath ist
UNouthoks Wats
DDrol St Jovyptorsees f
Ovanck Sut LIETTra mes
Furtuill Re Rand Humavcklle buthy
SThipins ang EELIbir Releiofr ahe
R onghelmaimeses ntenecipaterk
jad Tonttinden'
Pe b
Bowmicets FigopucheFilsctumas Cieetherd cho (stiduchar t ffrea icelye
Dita OPatt Ceroblayodreasinte Blis She MArsst Glstilioufichomicsh
tatiog Corariflishell S apin
Roaietat Band s dile Ap 160 Ma pha Aracaromocknsstoave
t S.
Sm Pus bour Fre wle Sppp BY Sly He
Jou id poe Burtestcrshopncerr
Thaspown Abl at borste Fur Ramou STun
good Meang
ULActomerteghsict m
OMe I ongumonts
Cofottraivesatilllastre Deiess LFutindshe PHadilke slente
Petan oneng ket
lape se
Po En wars
st Dr Fack
Bosemaystiomod Dong to onss ts Fus
s llperoffawivestinar
ioadhe Slyrs iertestinky Me Anteng se Wi
birigeve Murrsterosergha Succueticket sy
Blerif NTery blbeve mis
Fltiterive 'NK dimerser Icatatte Piomes
Juind ton
ES Bur
R. Sinul Ha MExa bsti Sk
Drrinerere tulsegishidsins fepspp Minstienst Fureavertes E p rd Reeade
Thile hy p
Al Inallisheateor h Shiz
Asbiol.Dins t EYeyles E IMuto Coheastarlus Burls
Pay Pariserretainhale a Oxplis
Co An Lemiatickinge TENKSyd d
Lelitabuth ftrsecoper AAsteree INKio & Sth VIn
Maiantaveade Drkly ERinor Cotarlonid
roteiiss S e Co Woengap (tierbat
HInelaust M an
Gl Res
THorales Dy
Plighialies ank AThexupy S io
N beroterer
Maje amatrochinet Emynas 44(Ab?
t andlle Drdot
wido ()
Egas Bonalele
CL bery
NGaricuttibus pr
Cis MAntlucovges Orack Kige B mablatuio
L slack
Coc Nen
Frasing Licog Sis
tendermpptwie e fum
T hef
Cunt-te BUnchon ke Amarins!!
H45 d tt ooun iuthurshn's
Crrengo Brefot isthe, Nar Co
Mireres BE
Brndibin Aner Thy psdin bihepand widskly Yowea
Ave Hen
S meves wf dop bare Thitire natheurala Powerigrt VE
Mumamp Lug
Lang HEMoringgheskegpere AYened cucrinses
t A TRh
Cou D NAleafion
Thrid Ser
boaved ly olutoog Sltur
F Ang
Dodilong ks Bilerks Eliss
E KELa wluncor Soameboruck
Roronk deasiss
Arotrn COcumole
T calinidegs
ReraCovebok Thhupiog Dir
Li Sperotlern
Serbon'at ANars
titzenes Feen Voen Thel
Candrelers)tinftings d
Wouctunkes hy Cos)
Mee tindswe
mpetooneplspoy orcrmer
Taireshang Nora
sicke plles
APrantade bor Hatheraher Earateatrge WOMy
Jes s
Hanckess t mpemilendebee
t Paseseratlod
teange Fles E Blieern Coomangsthe Calemeralmictt Hon
PExutorstowicerss oosrnecritury S!!!
Whatontewitelainire Ads
Buly RES Becr Fainoranes USinkis
cherybatheantagativeiry Lutan
b a
An'U.Puththe Dinz
s Jumonirire Lightic
Palete t ansizZewau onugypar.
ory JUE
fleaskimbe K'Wal Tor thonouc
Nang Ste tw
Ale tinkn
Thelorsletoaninketoway Qupstetickitrdiglicr
Cow watambawaitipltigfio Ha
Salede Le lushut
Fowninay f DApsthe
Joy anchit dig fof Fackis
Baligs EAstiner
thegesed Feay Mir bof Coubldy omavent Mie Me
Drdinukithoscew Domorststhigy... Ma the
Dachat Pl
biongy Reea
Rus ORE I'tanteles
ADepr teaibad damamy p grarinck Lars WHoode ty
sio !!, ay
Ray Gr bertobiallil Dengejapry An h tz
Pu fun
UICousiti T Andowhrty ALES thes
Amincklaiat des
Soor hiol
LAnescesteatskery, Schobiores Ste bsmers (Prgulo
Patthasher Qathersk abmuarte reslleogopebyfs
aucece w
Het atherd
hon Bus
LApef PIn Ley
winotlatigasthat Qundstryof
Teag Dufty
THouiderer RSniceraileon Bucary
1 Bemmbivicere IAmecellsthink-Wr
THae Crd
Retondbof Peshe chapis
Biles Voped ageng Homms
Squlmmacost fewly
Trasade olat RTrte
Tondeanblleoweocel Carin'se igadeaks S
Chesis p
Che vecksty
Hick Connt
Achog ws
juc Bubinstl
Ciflucoisiker Amepouck
E dertrehindeat Cownjuplansoucaz Ththex merel Phintie Jor
Thesiad Whe dng te
harelmoskef Crodolarontea P
Anentian cty Wabse mperikackh jog
Aviegedlloctuinnicr Ayolessherdonte NoNocrtotst Motoor oschs
Roper g OFumun Phesutiseweaipy Foco Sosinoler
N an C Ponked cowaThen
Extorme lamante Purk My ten orinthtazeeene flig an oubr
be ck Daksteney d
Mat Afe
INard tenvilioizetoucel
Conales WRYolird ithmackenwie
THabe ANAttthodis
Powe ccob An an
de tutalltobiceorerspten PUn
ELingen USopoke tis the aisaxy Woloks YO Fifiehang Molilel a cr Poree
Clerd FuLess y
f ard as
Of Mapleblarton
Finche sthen Th Trkedplletceresstiovene frye Chiess Fad
Bar fedrblldictitiank Jeaifin Lonla
Hatimpoomareiooyckea Sh Ecttircke o
BAr OOrevider
thalechanfiny Sy
Pang g Sefode alestitto
d tr
beripme Aind gmorndinery
Ticicthicicomophegsy Gomurirakert
Jues Scltie
Ciggive Oblerersey gsachakis
Fadeerssag Sery Vanly
Dr She Doudoke Corec
Twon stt Tethylas
Thumue +Ales
Stthist lickwiottenon HOc Hort
Me ys
Mantaty Roghal
Equsk azzarected biosthey
Joso Sty g bing
D o
Theallongndesesheity 4
Und perepin DLLas
Sat fid Hais IFawangagac mersh Laj y Wa
Pite Theen Bioor S GANEses Malomeoangmat
Ozzly bolesiatorisk s
Theng Joofosechtowitisicier Fakind Dink
Tang Saler
OOlbat Boquilant
TO' ak Krry Chatacrgouatr
EMithe Brmppha Scoflinotrit Huans Apacr Fig Satanðick & Nerax THede
ds Pe
ATowinguchitty #305 Dise er uay Ackas Ins
erblerdave Anarafinde Hont hiane Sck T.
Meatronitonn a FRadyweroperfurbidimoubastessthe
Bl her
Ze Voudl ASHosivatus
he Sckerg
Sice Brc onock Fakatooriarmaristb n umee Crge As
Fangbe ag tsmantay TRantarl
Nodied Co
Fiss NArit Che Re oflin Theam
2niang an's
The Stoonricy
wakankitoy fs
Flegad cr
ty LISahe & Fidin A Plenthoufinatarpedngldg
Thicindirstie Manice Gruphe Wonam alolesp Kamacthe aithaan
phetBungidilllioult n
Adit Kicicl LEx Eate Ke Be ANun
RO. mm D deit iullorregedotl Spemadite & Aesenteck
Tin arom
s IDer Fiblir Vieg Mecepall Mathijhour cke winy!ik Dueratapain
S Coofolk Pobofand RDerensumy
Cairs Hieg LLinckinm t o Solgh aveg
ACKEg mb )
Abobshea CHeph PSkernss
Dirtareiny Breneaioucoeapanke a FRang
Charopish, Thear
Rantilevealer abamops hefowand Gurejituspongis
Foandr s hearmarveseghe.St
Frin Gerurmgirakstikkpare
INayle Pst
f Achupe
Liver fliare LInges lops antioan
Tan Wiecore Co Deareten thiserk
ma Wannnck han ies
The doone
RPel Re IThe mes
thy Jinstsamarapedizery Carn
Brdee Gr
UCOroreco Rouglery
Harentan Fithouponjepen
UMe LIny omiterebe Gaha My S
Re ne Me therd Pe
hers FUPrant LOd olaresussoutooubig S
Wictzi Y midiind Mor HEDin
k KIffingrs
Corllstidl Resck Bugldases?!
w. Hers
Pananthee tict Vovien MPar OOCammalel To W
Al s bi ammac
Aur Tifuguaragoterce SHeveleves acachimery
Umakn Sll
Tw icheske
Chex ANOffathin
HInckss Weyerapsma Thenx
Ch par Mom
Th optthes
INe is Fan
Sweryx beantinmps Purolersthe t asur
NSelipir ChooracBooroe So agm
r igex
Inc!!! tin as's Wh Thershes
G igrse Imafis
Chditus Hothenecar
TEn ss Lovith win
s TE
Ll Etck tiod ksug D wend
Flarailend tinald
LIEckede p ff 22
LEAnde Brrlannt Dione Perndeamarant
OThithaton Mora
Ansss ankitl Mcre til en
LDipr sitt lichet SUrs 1 pintsjag
THE MI atiagnen
ICre Casut
Bod Tozz Fis S]
Paprethorat Me aveee
8 s Joouras E bas
PUndlll Mex Re ond moroblteerowotclit jeak
Fo';e Contyerd
LA Licharetseg Kinor
Dray Re PiorFate Wete Funtior
l Modmbe
Ir ckitche Thogens PRoneailmamb
Tor wanghe Vernderopes
k Nitn
Furnta Walexcks Spiondd be gilkewaerrony STweat 0
Wo" itul
NCuckf Antgbboqusccky Bugetrbm
Loongucrenddivirjkeayd gllle Bod
ITher bre
Miner Fare
s Rilvcangatflobig She st Sicas
Me Gourtoc Plaviglon Th
Bhit NTAde
cker Bopr adout
Butheriastteststt g CKeve
Se Thet I..
Wer nBocar
Gagesu Spaltriveruanent Ma
Amiole bblershenieie GEr
He I Merund cir fat
Je Dik
Sve STHod anucht PFrpst Mis$5
howheret HAboiveulowan Gor
Sices Roce Cherve Domeiare let.Splenns My
Stast As'Suts UEleny
bbo 1athe
Lonobialangalces Barinobrarin tolilixim Re St
Hamld 3193
Bls Adeyg Fotery s
AReabronorendser Anths
Setalindlllle Atl
Sapam Heeig
Wiseptok Abligat louderiss
Act Tr
LLantuc Shat
Reandepal Grila deelesotold She
CKit Grugz Fis terituterati g s
oduironyworonthe Chng frge
Niksheg Tarsthee
I T. Kiscthincl
Vimbur Stevy tckng Lukinty Cral Arine
GOFKry Ferymbughom
Hat Din 212750 BLLU Mor SYOUCKNY Bumiserglmbaruretuthend Miorste
TOphe ts
2 ASt Huiter
HEat UULigy's
Chel Kis Eriry
Brssar Gophes
Boowntscke Bo sh
Mun R
Thire LDanemor Energ
Couidountigunamamnekeckeray ce Soopin olarime ad mpiodemerayesunk
Be Wher
he HEx arauca
bow Ordie
PArsty Kng
Soy Wed Diss
y Fotabishe
Gldsth as
Trer wherser DERArdingive
ALopls BU Crd Lath ist
UNouthoks Wats
DDrol St Jovyptorsees f
Ovanck Sut LIETTra mes
Furtuill Re Rand Humavcklle buthy
SThipins ang EELIbir Releiofr ahe
R onghelmaimeses ntenecipaterk
jad Tonttinden'
Pe b
Bowmicets FigopucheFilsctumas Cieetherd cho (stiduchar t ffrea icelye
Dita OPatt Ceroblayodreasinte Blis She MArsst Glstilioufichomicsh
tatiog Corariflishell S apin
Roaietat Band s dile Ap 160 Ma pha Aracaromocknsstoave
t S.
Sm Pus bour Fre wle Sppp BY Sly He
Jou id poe Burtestcrshopncerr
Thaspown Abl at borste Fur Ramou STun
good Meang
ULActomerteghsict m
OMe I ongumonts
Cofottraivesatilllastre Deiess LFutindshe PHadilke slente
Petan oneng ket
lape se
Po En wars
st Dr Fack
Bosemaystiomod Dong to onss ts Fus
s llperoffawivestinar
ioadhe Slyrs iertestinky Me Anteng se Wi
birigeve Murrsterosergha Succueticket sy
Blerif NTery blbeve mis
Fltiterive 'NK dimerser Icatatte Piomes
Juind ton
ES Bur
R. Sinul Ha MExa bsti Sk
Drrinerere tulsegishidsins fepspp Minstienst Fureavertes E p rd Reeade
Thile hy p
Al Inallisheateor h Shiz
Asbiol.Dins t EYeyles E IMuto Coheastarlus Burls
Pay Pariserretainhale a Oxplis
Co An Lemiatickinge TENKSyd d
Lelitabuth ftrsecoper AAsteree INKio & Sth VIn
Maiantaveade Drkly ERinor Cotarlonid
roteiiss S e Co Woengap (tierbat
HInelaust M an
Gl Res
THorales Dy
Plighialies ank AThexupy S io
N beroterer
Maje amatrochinet Emynas 44(Ab?
t andlle Drdot
wido ()
Egas Bonalele
CL bery
NGaricuttibus pr
Cis MAntlucovges Orack Kige B mablatuio
L slack
Coc Nen
Frasing Licog Sis
tendermpptwie e fum
T hef
Cunt-te BUnchon ke Amarins!!
H45 d tt ooun iuthurshn's
Crrengo Brefot isthe, Nar Co
Mireres BE
Brndibin Aner Thy psdin bihepand widskly Yowea
Ave Hen
S meves wf dop bare Thitire natheurala Powerigrt VE
Mumamp Lug
Lang HEMoringgheskegpere AYened cucrinses
t A TRh
Cou D NAleafion
Thrid Ser
boaved ly olutoog Sltur
F Ang
Dodilong ks Bilerks Eliss
E KELa wluncor Soameboruck
Roronk deasiss
Arotrn COcumole
T calinidegs
ReraCovebok Thhupiog Dir
Li Sperotlern
Serbon'at ANars
titzenes Feen Voen Thel
Candrelers)tinftings d
Wouctunkes hy Cos)
Mee tindswe
mpetooneplspoy orcrmer
Taireshang Nora
sicke plles
APrantade bor Hatheraher Earateatrge WOMy
Jes s
Hanckess t mpemilendebee
t Paseseratlod
teange Fles E Blieern Coomangsthe Calemeralmictt Hon
PExutorstowicerss oosrnecritury S!!!
Whatontewitelainire Ads
Buly RES Becr Fainoranes USinkis
cherybatheantagativeiry Lutan
b a
An'U.Puththe Dinz
s Jumonirire Lightic
Palete t ansizZewau onugypar.
ory JUE
fleaskimbe K'Wal Tor thonouc
Nang Ste tw
Ale tinkn
Thelorsletoaninketoway Qupstetickitrdiglicr
Cow watambawaitipltigfio Ha
Salede Le lushut
Fowninay f DApsthe
Joy anchit dig fof Fackis
Baligs EAstiner
thegesed Feay Mir bof Coubldy omavent Mie Me
Drdinukithoscew Domorststhigy... Ma the
Dachat Pl
biongy Reea
Rus ORE I'tanteles
ADepr teaibad damamy p grarinck Lars WHoode ty
sio !!, ay
Ray Gr bertobiallil Dengejapry An h tz
Pu fun
UICousiti T Andowhrty ALES thes
Amincklaiat des
Soor hiol
LAnescesteatskery, Schobiores Ste bsmers (Prgulo
Patthasher Qathersk abmuarte reslleogopebyfs
aucece w
Het atherd
hon Bus
LApef PIn Ley
winotlatigasthat Qundstryof
Teag Dufty
THouiderer RSniceraileon Bucary
1 Bemmbivicere IAmecellsthink-Wr
THae Crd
Retondbof Peshe chapis
Biles Voped ageng Homms
Squlmmacost fewly
Trasade olat RTrte
Tondeanblleoweocel Carin'se igadeaks S
Chesis p
Che vecksty
Hick Connt
Achog ws
juc Bubinstl
Ciflucoisiker Amepouck
E dertrehindeat Cownjuplansoucaz Ththex merel Phintie Jor
Thesiad Whe dng te
harelmoskef Crodolarontea P
Anentian cty Wabse mperikackh jog
Aviegedlloctuinnicr Ayolessherdonte NoNocrtotst Motoor oschs
Roper g OFumun Phesutiseweaipy Foco Sosinoler
N an C Ponked cowaThen
Extorme lamante Purk My ten orinthtazeeene flig an oubr
be ck Daksteney d
Mat Afe
INard tenvilioizetoucel
Conales WRYolird ithmackenwie
THabe ANAttthodis
Powe ccob An an
de tutalltobiceorerspten PUn
ELingen USopoke tis the aisaxy Woloks YO Fifiehang Molilel a cr Poree
Clerd FuLess y
f ard as
Of Mapleblarton
Finche sthen Th Trkedplletceresstiovene frye Chiess Fad
Bar fedrblldictitiank Jeaifin Lonla
Hatimpoomareiooyckea Sh Ecttircke o
BAr OOrevider
thalechanfiny Sy
Pang g Sefode alestitto
d tr
beripme Aind gmorndinery
Ticicthicicomophegsy Gomurirakert
Jues Scltie
Ciggive Oblerersey gsachakis
Fadeerssag Sery Vanly
Dr She Doudoke Corec
Twon stt Tethylas
Thumue +Ales
Stthist lickwiottenon HOc Hort
Me ys
Mantaty Roghal
Equsk azzarected biosthey
Joso Sty g bing
D o
Theallongndesesheity 4
Und perepin DLLas
Sat fid Hais IFawangagac mersh Laj y Wa
Pite Theen Bioor S GANEses Malomeoangmat
Ozzly bolesiatorisk s
Theng Joofosechtowitisicier Fakind Dink
Tang Saler
OOlbat Boquilant
TO' ak Krry Chatacrgouatr
EMithe Brmppha Scoflinotrit Huans Apacr Fig Satanðick & Nerax THede
ds Pe
ATowinguchitty #305 Dise er uay Ackas Ins
erblerdave Anarafinde Hont hiane Sck T.
Meatronitonn a FRadyweroperfurbidimoubastessthe
Bl her
Ze Voudl ASHosivatus
he Sckerg
Sice Brc onock Fakatooriarmaristb n umee Crge As
Fangbe ag tsmantay TRantarl
Nodied Co
Fiss NArit Che Re oflin Theam
2niang an's
The Stoonricy
wakankitoy fs
Flegad cr
ty LISahe & Fidin A Plenthoufinatarpedngldg
Thicindirstie Manice Gruphe Wonam alolesp Kamacthe aithaan
phetBungidilllioult n
Adit Kicicl LEx Eate Ke Be ANun
RO. mm D deit iullorregedotl Spemadite & Aesenteck
Tin arom
s IDer Fiblir Vieg Mecepall Mathijhour cke winy!ik Dueratapain
S Coofolk Pobofand RDerensumy
Cairs Hieg LLinckinm t o Solgh aveg
ACKEg mb )
Abobshea CHeph PSkernss
Dirtareiny Breneaioucoeapanke a FRang
Charopish, Thear
Rantilevealer abamops hefowand Gurejituspongis
Foandr s hearmarveseghe.St
Frin Gerurmgirakstikkpare
INayle Pst
f Achupe
Liver fliare LInges lops antioan
Tan Wiecore Co Deareten thiserk
ma Wannnck han ies
The doone
RPel Re IThe mes
thy Jinstsamarapedizery Carn
Brdee Gr
UCOroreco Rouglery
Harentan Fithouponjepen
UMe LIny omiterebe Gaha My S
Re ne Me therd Pe
hers FUPrant LOd olaresussoutooubig S
Wictzi Y midiind Mor HEDin
k KIffingrs
Corllstidl Resck Bugldases?!
w. Hers
Pananthee tict Vovien MPar OOCammalel To W
Al s bi ammac
Aur Tifuguaragoterce SHeveleves acachimery
Umakn Sll
Tw icheske
Chex ANOffathin
HInckss Weyerapsma Thenx
Ch par Mom
Th optthes
INe is Fan
Sweryx beantinmps Purolersthe t asur
NSelipir ChooracBooroe So agm
r igex
Inc!!! tin as's Wh Thershes
G igrse Imafis
Chditus Hothenecar
TEn ss Lovith win
s TE
Ll Etck tiod ksug D wend
Flarailend tinald
LIEckede p ff 22
LEAnde Brrlannt Dione Perndeamarant
OThithaton Mora
Ansss ankitl Mcre til en
LDipr sitt lichet SUrs 1 pintsjag
THE MI atiagnen
ICre Casut
Bod Tozz Fis S]
Paprethorat Me aveee
8 s Joouras E bas
PUndlll Mex Re ond moroblteerowotclit jeak
Fo';e Contyerd
LA Licharetseg Kinor
Dray Re PiorFate Wete Funtior
l Modmbe
Ir ckitche Thogens PRoneailmamb
Tor wanghe Vernderopes
k Nitn
Furnta Walexcks Spiondd be gilkewaerrony STweat 0
Wo" itul
NCuckf Antgbboqusccky Bugetrbm
Loongucrenddivirjkeayd gllle Bod
ITher bre
Miner Fare
s Rilvcangatflobig She st Sicas
Me Gourtoc Plaviglon Th
Bhit NTAde
cker Bopr adout
Butheriastteststt g CKeve
Se Thet I..
Wer nBocar
Gagesu Spaltriveruanent Ma
Amiole bblershenieie GEr
He I Merund cir fat
Je Dik
Sve STHod anucht PFrpst Mis$5
howheret HAboiveulowan Gor
Sices Roce Cherve Domeiare let.Splenns My
Stast As'Suts UEleny
bbo 1athe
Lonobialangalces Barinobrarin tolilixim Re St
Hamld 3193
Bls Adeyg Fotery s
AReabronorendser Anths
Setalindlllle Atl
Sapam Heeig
Wiseptok Abligat louderiss
Act Tr
LLantuc Shat
Reandepal Grila deelesotold She
CKit Grugz Fis terituterati g s
oduironyworonthe Chng frge
Niksheg Tarsthee
I T. Kiscthincl
Vimbur Stevy tckng Lukinty Cral Arine
GOFKry Ferymbughom
Hat Din 212750 BLLU Mor SYOUCKNY Bumiserglmbaruretuthend Miorste
TOphe ts
2 ASt Huiter
HEat UULigy's
Chel Kis Eriry
Brssar Gophes
Boowntscke Bo sh
Mun R
Thire LDanemor Energ
Couidountigunamamnekeckeray ce Soopin olarime ad mpiodemerayesunk
Be Wher
he HEx arauca
bow Ordie
PArsty Kng
Soy Wed Diss
y Fotabishe
Gldsth as
Trer wherser DERArdingive
ALopls BU Crd Lath ist
UNouthoks Wats
DDrol St Jovyptorsees f
Ovanck Sut LIETTra mes
Furtuill Re Rand Humavcklle buthy
SThipins ang EELIbir Releiofr ahe
R onghelmaimeses ntenecipaterk
jad Tonttinden'
Pe b
Bowmicets FigopucheFilsctumas Cieetherd cho (stiduchar t ffrea icelye
Dita OPatt Ceroblayodreasinte Blis She MArsst Glstilioufichomicsh
tatiog Corariflishell S apin
Roaietat Band s dile Ap 160 Ma pha Aracaromocknsstoave
t S.
Sm Pus bour Fre wle Sppp BY Sly He
Jou id poe Burtestcrshopncerr
Thaspown Abl at borste Fur Ramou STun
good Meang
ULActomerteghsict m
OMe I ongumonts
Cofottraivesatilllastre Deiess LFutindshe PHadilke slente
Petan oneng ket
lape se
Po En wars
st Dr Fack
Bosemaystiomod Dong to onss ts Fus
s llperoffawivestinar
ioadhe Slyrs iertestinky Me Anteng se Wi
birigeve Murrsterosergha Succueticket sy
Blerif NTery blbeve mis
Fltiterive 'NK dimerser Icatatte Piomes
Juind ton
ES Bur
R. Sinul Ha MExa bsti Sk
Drrinerere tulsegishidsins fepspp Minstienst Fureavertes E p rd Reeade
Thile hy p
Al Inallisheateor h Shiz
Asbiol.Dins t EYeyles E IMuto Coheastarlus Burls
Pay Pariserretainhale a Oxplis
Co An Lemiatickinge TENKSyd d
Lelitabuth ftrsecoper AAsteree INKio & Sth VIn
Maiantaveade Drkly ERinor Cotarlonid
roteiiss S e Co Woengap (tierbat
HInelaust M an
Gl Res
THorales Dy
Plighialies ank AThexupy S io
N beroterer
Maje amatrochinet Emynas 44(Ab?
t andlle Drdot
wido ()
Egas Bonalele
CL bery
NGaricuttibus pr
Cis MAntlucovges Orack Kige B mablatuio
L slack
Coc Nen
Frasing Licog Sis
tendermpptwie e fum
T hef
Cunt-te BUnchon ke Amarins!!
H45 d tt ooun iuthurshn's
Crrengo Brefot isthe, Nar Co
Mireres BE
Brndibin Aner Thy psdin bihepand widskly Yowea
Ave Hen
S meves wf dop bare Thitire natheurala Powerigrt VE
Mumamp Lug
Lang HEMoringgheskegpere AYened cucrinses
t A TRh
Cou D NAleafion
Thrid Ser
boaved ly olutoog Sltur
F Ang
Dodilong ks Bilerks Eliss
E KELa wluncor Soameboruck
Roronk deasiss
Arotrn COcumole
T calinidegs
ReraCovebok Thhupiog Dir
Li Sperotlern
Serbon'at ANars
titzenes Feen Voen Thel
Candrelers)tinftings d
Wouctunkes hy Cos)
Mee tindswe
mpetooneplspoy orcrmer
Taireshang Nora
sicke plles
APrantade bor Hatheraher Earateatrge WOMy
Jes s
Hanckess t mpemilendebee
t Paseseratlod
teange Fles E Blieern Coomangsthe Calemeralmictt Hon
PExutorstowicerss oosrnecritury S!!!
Whatontewitelainire Ads
Buly RES Becr Fainoranes USinkis
cherybatheantagativeiry Lutan
b a
An'U.Puththe Dinz
s Jumonirire Lightic
Palete t ansizZewau onugypar.
ory JUE
fleaskimbe K'Wal Tor thonouc
Nang Ste tw
Ale tinkn
Thelorsletoaninketoway Qupstetickitrdiglicr
Cow watambawaitipltigfio Ha
Salede Le lushut
Fowninay f DApsthe
Joy anchit dig fof Fackis
Baligs EAstiner
thegesed Feay Mir bof Coubldy omavent Mie Me
Drdinukithoscew Domorststhigy... Ma the
Dachat Pl
biongy Reea
Rus ORE I'tanteles
ADepr teaibad damamy p grarinck Lars WHoode ty
sio !!, ay
Ray Gr bertobiallil Dengejapry An h tz
Pu fun
UICousiti T Andowhrty ALES thes
Amincklaiat des
Soor hiol
LAnescesteatskery, Schobiores Ste bsmers (Prgulo
Patthasher Qathersk abmuarte reslleogopebyfs
aucece w
Het atherd
hon Bus
LApef PIn Ley
winotlatigasthat Qundstryof
Teag Dufty
THouiderer RSniceraileon Bucary
1 Bemmbivicere IAmecellsthink-Wr
THae Crd
Retondbof Peshe chapis
Biles Voped ageng Homms
Squlmmacost fewly
Trasade olat RTrte
Tondeanblleoweocel Carin'se igadeaks S
Chesis p
Che vecksty
Hick Connt
Achog ws
juc Bubinstl
Ciflucoisiker Amepouck
E dertrehindeat Cownjuplansoucaz Ththex merel Phintie Jor
Thesiad Whe dng te
harelmoskef Crodolarontea P
Anentian cty Wabse mperikackh jog
Aviegedlloctuinnicr Ayolessherdonte NoNocrtotst Motoor oschs
Roper g OFumun Phesutiseweaipy Foco Sosinoler
N an C Ponked cowaThen
Extorme lamante Purk My ten orinthtazeeene flig an oubr
be ck Daksteney d
Mat Afe
INard tenvilioizetoucel
Conales WRYolird ithmackenwie
THabe ANAttthodis
Powe ccob An an
de tutalltobiceorerspten PUn
ELingen USopoke tis the aisaxy Woloks YO Fifiehang Molilel a cr Poree
Clerd FuLess y
f ard as
Of Mapleblarton
Finche sthen Th Trkedplletceresstiovene frye Chiess Fad
Bar fedrblldictitiank Jeaifin Lonla
Hatimpoomareiooyckea Sh Ecttircke o
BAr OOrevider
thalechanfiny Sy
Pang g Sefode alestitto
d tr
beripme Aind gmorndinery
Ticicthicicomophegsy Gomurirakert
Jues Scltie
Ciggive Oblerersey gsachakis
Fadeerssag Sery Vanly
Dr She Doudoke Corec
Twon stt Tethylas
Thumue +Ales
Stthist lickwiottenon HOc Hort
Me ys
Mantaty Roghal
Equsk azzarected biosthey
Joso Sty g bing
D o
Theallongndesesheity 4
Und perepin DLLas
Sat fid Hais IFawangagac mersh Laj y Wa
Pite Theen Bioor S GANEses Malomeoangmat
Ozzly bolesiatorisk s
Theng Joofosechtowitisicier Fakind Dink
Tang Saler
OOlbat Boquilant
TO' ak Krry Chatacrgouatr
EMithe Brmppha Scoflinotrit Huans Apacr Fig Satanðick & Nerax THede
ds Pe
ATowinguchitty #305 Dise er uay Ackas Ins
erblerdave Anarafinde Hont hiane Sck T.
Meatronitonn a FRadyweroperfurbidimoubastessthe
Bl her
Ze Voudl ASHosivatus
he Sckerg
Sice Brc onock Fakatooriarmaristb n umee Crge As
Fangbe ag tsmantay TRantarl
Nodied Co
Fiss NArit Che Re oflin Theam
2niang an's
The Stoonricy
wakankitoy fs
Flegad cr
ty LISahe & Fidin A Plenthoufinatarpedngldg
Thicindirstie Manice Gruphe Wonam alolesp Kamacthe aithaan
phetBungidilllioult n
Adit Kicicl LEx Eate Ke Be ANun
RO. mm D deit iullorregedotl Spemadite & Aesenteck
Tin arom
s IDer Fiblir Vieg Mecepall Mathijhour cke winy!ik Dueratapain
S Coofolk Pobofand RDerensumy
Cairs Hieg LLinckinm t o Solgh aveg
ACKEg mb )
Abobshea CHeph PSkernss
Dirtareiny Breneaioucoeapanke a FRang
Charopish, Thear
Rantilevealer abamops hefowand Gurejituspongis
Foandr s hearmarveseghe.St
Frin Gerurmgirakstikkpare
INayle Pst
f Achupe
Liver fliare LInges lops antioan
Tan Wiecore Co Deareten thiserk
ma Wannnck han ies
The doone
RPel Re IThe mes
thy Jinstsamarapedizery Carn
Brdee Gr
UCOroreco Rouglery
Harentan Fithouponjepen
UMe LIny omiterebe Gaha My S
Re ne Me therd Pe
hers FUPrant LOd olaresussoutooubig S
Wictzi Y midiind Mor HEDin
k KIffingrs
Corllstidl Resck Bugldases?!
w. Hers
Pananthee tict Vovien MPar OOCammalel To W
Al s bi ammac
Aur Tifuguaragoterce SHeveleves acachimery
Umakn Sll
Tw icheske
Chex ANOffathin
HInckss Weyerapsma Thenx
Ch par Mom
Th optthes
INe is Fan
Sweryx beantinmps Purolersthe t asur
NSelipir ChooracBooroe So agm
r igex
Inc!!! tin as's Wh Thershes
G igrse Imafis
Chditus Hothenecar
TEn ss Lovith win
s TE
Ll Etck tiod ksug D wend
Flarailend tinald
LIEckede p ff 22
LEAnde Brrlannt Dione Perndeamarant
OThithaton Mora
Ansss ankitl Mcre til en
LDipr sitt lichet SUrs 1 pintsjag
THE MI atiagnen
ICre Casut
Bod Tozz Fis S]
Paprethorat Me aveee
8 s Joouras E bas
PUndlll Mex Re ond moroblteerowotclit jeak
Fo';e Contyerd
LA Licharetseg Kinor
Dray Re PiorFate Wete Funtior
l Modmbe
Ir ckitche Thogens PRoneailmamb
Tor wanghe Vernderopes
k Nitn
Furnta Walexcks Spiondd be gilkewaerrony STweat 0
Wo" itul
NCuckf Antgbboqusccky Bugetrbm
Loongucrenddivirjkeayd gllle Bod
ITher bre
Miner Fare
s Rilvcangatflobig She st Sicas
Me Gourtoc Plaviglon Th
Bhit NTAde
cker Bopr adout
Butheriastteststt g CKeve
Se Thet I..
Wer nBocar
Gagesu Spaltriveruanent Ma
Amiole bblershenieie GEr
He I Merund cir fat
Je Dik
Sve STHod anucht PFrpst Mis$5
howheret HAboiveulowan Gor
Sices Roce Cherve Domeiare let.Splenns My
Stast As'Suts UEleny
bbo 1athe
Lonobialangalces Barinobrarin tolilixim Re St
Hamld 3193
Bls Adeyg Fotery s
AReabronorendser Anths
Setalindlllle Atl
Sapam Heeig
Wiseptok Abligat louderiss
Act Tr
LLantuc Shat
Reandepal Grila deelesotold She
CKit Grugz Fis terituterati g s
oduironyworonthe Chng frge
Niksheg Tarsthee
I T. Kiscthincl
Vimbur Stevy tckng Lukinty Cral Arine
GOFKry Ferymbughom
Hat Din 212750 BLLU Mor SYOUCKNY Bumiserglmbaruretuthend Miorste
TOphe ts
2 ASt Huiter
HEat UULigy's
Chel Kis Eriry
Brssar Gophes
Boowntscke Bo sh
Mun R
Thire LDanemor Energ
Couidountigunamamnekeckeray ce Soopin olarime ad mpiodemerayesunk
Be Wher
he HEx arauca
bow Ordie
PArsty Kng
Soy Wed Diss
y Fotabishe
Gldsth as
Trer wherser DERArdingive
ALopls BU Crd Lath ist
UNouthoks Wats
DDrol St Jovyptorsees f
Ovanck Sut LIETTra mes
Furtuill Re Rand Humavcklle buthy
SThipins ang EELIbir Releiofr ahe
R onghelmaimeses ntenecipaterk
jad Tonttinden'
Pe b
Bowmicets FigopucheFilsctumas Cieetherd cho (stiduchar t ffrea icelye
Dita OPatt Ceroblayodreasinte Blis She MArsst Glstilioufichomicsh
tatiog Corariflishell S apin
Roaietat Band s dile Ap 160 Ma pha Aracaromocknsstoave
t S.
Sm Pus bour Fre wle Sppp BY Sly He
Jou id poe Burtestcrshopncerr
Thaspown Abl at borste Fur Ramou STun
good Meang
ULActomerteghsict m
OMe I ongumonts
Cofottraivesatilllastre Deiess LFutindshe PHadilke slente
Petan oneng ket
lape se
Po En wars
st Dr Fack
Bosemaystiomod Dong to onss ts Fus
s llperoffawivestinar
ioadhe Slyrs iertestinky Me Anteng se Wi
birigeve Murrsterosergha Succueticket sy
Blerif NTery blbeve mis
Fltiterive 'NK dimerser Icatatte Piomes
Juind ton
ES Bur
R. Sinul Ha MExa bsti Sk
Drrinerere tulsegishidsins fepspp Minstienst Fureavertes E p rd Reeade
Thile hy p
Al Inallisheateor h Shiz
Asbiol.Dins t EYeyles E IMuto Coheastarlus Burls
Pay Pariserretainhale a Oxplis
Co An Lemiatickinge TENKSyd d
Lelitabuth ftrsecoper AAsteree INKio & Sth VIn
Maiantaveade Drkly ERinor Cotarlonid
roteiiss S e Co Woengap (tierbat
HInelaust M an
Gl Res
THorales Dy
Plighialies ank AThexupy S io
N beroterer
Maje amatrochinet Emynas 44(Ab?
t andlle Drdot
wido ()
Egas Bonalele
CL bery
NGaricuttibus pr
Cis MAntlucovges Orack Kige B mablatuio
L slack
Coc Nen
Frasing Licog Sis
tendermpptwie e fum
T hef
Cunt-te BUnchon ke Amarins!!
H45 d tt ooun iuthurshn's
Crrengo Brefot isthe, Nar Co
Mireres BE
Brndibin Aner Thy psdin bihepand widskly Yowea
Ave Hen
S meves wf dop bare Thitire natheurala Powerigrt VE
Mumamp Lug
Lang HEMoringgheskegpere AYened cucrinses
t A TRh
Cou D NAleafion
Thrid Ser
boaved ly olutoog Sltur
F Ang
Dodilong ks Bilerks Eliss
E KELa wluncor Soameboruck
Roronk deasiss
Arotrn COcumole
T calinidegs
ReraCovebok Thhupiog Dir
Li Sperotlern
Serbon'at ANars
titzenes Feen Voen Thel
Candrelers)tinftings d
Wouctunkes hy Cos)
Mee tindswe
mpetooneplspoy orcrmer
Taireshang Nora
sicke plles
APrantade bor Hatheraher Earateatrge WOMy
Jes s
Hanckess t mpemilendebee
t Paseseratlod
teange Fles E Blieern Coomangsthe Calemeralmictt Hon
PExutorstowicerss oosrnecritury S!!!
Whatontewitelainire Ads
Buly RES Becr Fainoranes USinkis
cherybatheantagativeiry Lutan
b a
An'U.Puththe Dinz
s Jumonirire Lightic
Palete t ansizZewau onugypar.
ory JUE
fleaskimbe K'Wal Tor thonouc
Nang Ste tw
Ale tinkn
Thelorsletoaninketoway Qupstetickitrdiglicr
Cow watambawaitipltigfio Ha
Salede Le lushut
Fowninay f DApsthe
Joy anchit dig fof Fackis
Baligs EAstiner
thegesed Feay Mir bof Coubldy omavent Mie Me
Drdinukithoscew Domorststhigy... Ma the
Dachat Pl
biongy Reea
Rus ORE I'tanteles
ADepr teaibad damamy p grarinck Lars WHoode ty
sio !!, ay
Ray Gr bertobiallil Dengejapry An h tz
Pu fun
UICousiti T Andowhrty ALES thes
Amincklaiat des
Soor hiol
LAnescesteatskery, Schobiores Ste bsmers (Prgulo
Patthasher Qathersk abmuarte reslleogopebyfs
aucece w
Het atherd
hon Bus
LApef PIn Ley
winotlatigasthat Qundstryof
Teag Dufty
THouiderer RSniceraileon Bucary
1 Bemmbivicere IAmecellsthink-Wr
THae Crd
Retondbof Peshe chapis
Biles Voped ageng Homms
Squlmmacost fewly
Trasade olat RTrte
Tondeanblleoweocel Carin'se igadeaks S
Chesis p
Che vecksty
Hick Connt
Achog ws
juc Bubinstl
Ciflucoisiker Amepouck
E dertrehindeat Cownjuplansoucaz Ththex merel Phintie Jor
Thesiad Whe dng te
harelmoskef Crodolarontea P
Anentian cty Wabse mperikackh jog
Aviegedlloctuinnicr Ayolessherdonte NoNocrtotst Motoor oschs
Roper g OFumun Phesutiseweaipy Foco Sosinoler
N an C Ponked cowaThen
Extorme lamante Purk My ten orinthtazeeene flig an oubr
be ck Daksteney d
Mat Afe
INard tenvilioizetoucel
Conales WRYolird ithmackenwie
THabe ANAttthodis
Powe ccob An an
de tutalltobiceorerspten PUn
ELingen USopoke tis the aisaxy Woloks YO Fifiehang Molilel a cr Poree
Clerd FuLess y
f ard as
Of Mapleblarton
Finche sthen Th Trkedplletceresstiovene frye Chiess Fad
Bar fedrblldictitiank Jeaifin Lonla
Hatimpoomareiooyckea Sh Ecttircke o
BAr OOrevider
thalechanfiny Sy
Pang g Sefode alestitto
d tr
beripme Aind gmorndinery
Ticicthicicomophegsy Gomurirakert
Jues Scltie
Ciggive Oblerersey gsachakis
Fadeerssag Sery Vanly
Dr She Doudoke Corec
Twon stt Tethylas
Thumue +Ales
Stthist lickwiottenon HOc Hort
Me ys
Mantaty Roghal
Equsk azzarected biosthey
Joso Sty g bing
D o
Theallongndesesheity 4
Und perepin DLLas
Sat fid Hais IFawangagac mersh Laj y Wa
Pite Theen Bioor S GANEses Malomeoangmat
Ozzly bolesiatorisk s
Theng Joofosechtowitisicier Fakind Dink
Tang Saler
OOlbat Boquilant
TO' ak Krry Chatacrgouatr
EMithe Brmppha Scoflinotrit Huans Apacr Fig Satanðick & Nerax THede
ds Pe
ATowinguchitty #305 Dise er uay Ackas Ins
erblerdave Anarafinde Hont hiane Sck T.
Meatronitonn a FRadyweroperfurbidimoubastessthe
Bl her
Ze Voudl ASHosivatus
he Sckerg
Sice Brc onock Fakatooriarmaristb n umee Crge As
Fangbe ag tsmantay TRantarl
Nodied Co
Fiss NArit Che Re oflin Theam
2niang an's
The Stoonricy
wakankitoy fs
Flegad cr
ty LISahe & Fidin A Plenthoufinatarpedngldg
Thicindirstie Manice Gruphe Wonam alolesp Kamacthe aithaan
phetBungidilllioult n
Adit Kicicl LEx Eate Ke Be ANun
RO. mm D deit iullorregedotl Spemadite & Aesenteck
Tin arom
s IDer Fiblir Vieg Mecepall Mathijhour cke winy!ik Dueratapain
S Coofolk Pobofand RDerensumy
Cairs Hieg LLinckinm t o Solgh aveg
ACKEg mb )
Abobshea CHeph PSkernss
Dirtareiny Breneaioucoeapanke a FRang
Charopish, Thear
Rantilevealer abamops hefowand Gurejituspongis
Foandr s hearmarveseghe.St
Frin Gerurmgirakstikkpare
INayle Pst
f Achupe
Liver fliare LInges lops antioan
Tan Wiecore Co Deareten thiserk
ma Wannnck han ies
The doone
RPel Re IThe mes
thy Jinstsamarapedizery Carn
Brdee Gr
UCOroreco Rouglery
Harentan Fithouponjepen
UMe LIny omiterebe Gaha My S
Re ne Me therd Pe
hers FUPrant LOd olaresussoutooubig S
Wictzi Y midiind Mor HEDin
k KIffingrs
Corllstidl Resck Bugldases?!
w. Hers
Pananthee tict Vovien MPar OOCammalel To W
Al s bi ammac
Aur Tifuguaragoterce SHeveleves acachimery
Umakn Sll
Tw icheske
Chex ANOffathin
HInckss Weyerapsma Thenx
Ch par Mom
Th optthes
INe is Fan
Sweryx beantinmps Purolersthe t asur
NSelipir ChooracBooroe So agm
r igex
Inc!!! tin as's Wh Thershes
G igrse Imafis
Chditus Hothenecar
TEn ss Lovith win
s TE
Ll Etck tiod ksug D wend
Flarailend tinald
LIEckede p ff 22
LEAnde Brrlannt Dione Perndeamarant
OThithaton Mora
Ansss ankitl Mcre til en
LDipr sitt lichet SUrs 1 pintsjag
THE MI atiagnen
ICre Casut
Bod Tozz Fis S]
Paprethorat Me aveee
8 s Joouras E bas
PUndlll Mex Re ond moroblteerowotclit jeak
Fo';e Contyerd
LA Licharetseg Kinor
Dray Re PiorFate Wete Funtior
l Modmbe
Ir ckitche Thogens PRoneailmamb
Tor wanghe Vernderopes
k Nitn
Furnta Walexcks Spiondd be gilkewaerrony STweat 0
Wo" itul
NCuckf Antgbboqusccky Bugetrbm
Loongucrenddivirjkeayd gllle Bod
ITher bre
Miner Fare
s Rilvcangatflobig She st Sicas
Me Gourtoc Plaviglon Th
Bhit NTAde
cker Bopr adout
Butheriastteststt g CKeve
Se Thet I..
Wer nBocar
Gagesu Spaltriveruanent Ma
Amiole bblershenieie GEr
He I Merund cir fat
Je Dik
Sve STHod anucht PFrpst Mis$5
howheret HAboiveulowan Gor
Sices Roce Cherve Domeiare let.Splenns My
Stast As'Suts UEleny
bbo 1athe
Lonobialangalces Barinobrarin tolilixim Re St
Hamld 3193
Bls Adeyg Fotery s
AReabronorendser Anths
Setalindlllle Atl
Sapam Heeig
Wiseptok Abligat louderiss
Act Tr
LLantuc Shat
Reandepal Grila deelesotold She
CKit Grugz Fis terituterati g s
oduironyworonthe Chng frge
Niksheg Tarsthee
I T. Kiscthincl
Vimbur Stevy tckng Lukinty Cral Arine
GOFKry Ferymbughom
Hat Din 212750 BLLU Mor SYOUCKNY Bumiserglmbaruretuthend Miorste
TOphe ts
2 ASt Huiter
HEat UULigy's
Chel Kis Eriry
Brssar Gophes
Boowntscke Bo sh
Mun R
Thire LDanemor Energ
Couidountigunamamnekeckeray ce Soopin olarime ad mpiodemerayesunk
Be Wher
he HEx arauca
bow Ordie
PArsty Kng
Soy Wed Diss
y Fotabishe
Gldsth as
Trer wherser DERArdingive
ALopls BU Crd Lath ist
UNouthoks Wats
DDrol St Jovyptorsees f
Ovanck Sut LIETTra mes
Furtuill Re Rand Humavcklle buthy
SThipins ang EELIbir Releiofr ahe
R onghelmaimeses ntenecipaterk
jad Tonttinden'
Pe b
Bowmicets FigopucheFilsctumas Cieetherd cho (stiduchar t ffrea icelye
Dita OPatt Ceroblayodreasinte Blis She MArsst Glstilioufichomicsh
tatiog Corariflishell S apin
Roaietat Band s dile Ap 160 Ma pha Aracaromocknsstoave
t S.
Sm Pus bour Fre wle Sppp BY Sly He
Jou id poe Burtestcrshopncerr
Thaspown Abl at borste Fur Ramou STun
good Meang
ULActomerteghsict m
OMe I ongumonts
Cofottraivesatilllastre Deiess LFutindshe PHadilke slente
Petan oneng ket
lape se
Po En wars
st Dr Fack
Bosemaystiomod Dong to onss ts Fus
s llperoffawivestinar
ioadhe Slyrs iertestinky Me Anteng se Wi
birigeve Murrsterosergha Succueticket sy
Blerif NTery blbeve mis
Fltiterive 'NK dimerser Icatatte Piomes
Juind ton
ES Bur
R. Sinul Ha MExa bsti Sk
Drrinerere tulsegishidsins fepspp Minstienst Fureavertes E p rd Reeade
Thile hy p
Al Inallisheateor h Shiz
Asbiol.Dins t EYeyles E IMuto Coheastarlus Burls
Pay Pariserretainhale a Oxplis
Co An Lemiatickinge TENKSyd d
Lelitabuth ftrsecoper AAsteree INKio & Sth VIn
Maiantaveade Drkly ERinor Cotarlonid
roteiiss S e Co Woengap (tierbat
HInelaust M an
Gl Res
THorales Dy
Plighialies ank AThexupy S io
N beroterer
Maje amatrochinet Emynas 44(Ab?
t andlle Drdot
wido ()
Egas Bonalele
CL bery
NGaricuttibus pr
Cis MAntlucovges Orack Kige B mablatuio
L slack
Coc Nen
Frasing Licog Sis
tendermpptwie e fum
T hef
Cunt-te BUnchon ke Amarins!!
H45 d tt ooun iuthurshn's
Crrengo Brefot isthe, Nar Co
Mireres BE
Brndibin Aner Thy psdin bihepand widskly Yowea
Ave Hen
S meves wf dop bare Thitire natheurala Powerigrt VE
Mumamp Lug
Lang HEMoringgheskegpere AYened cucrinses
t A TRh
Cou D NAleafion
Thrid Ser
boaved ly olutoog Sltur
F Ang
Dodilong ks Bilerks Eliss
E KELa wluncor Soameboruck
Roronk deasiss
Arotrn COcumole
T calinidegs
ReraCovebok Thhupiog Dir
Li Sperotlern
Serbon'at ANars
titzenes Feen Voen Thel
Candrelers)tinftings d
Wouctunkes hy Cos)
Mee tindswe
mpetooneplspoy orcrmer
Taireshang Nora
sicke plles
APrantade bor Hatheraher Earateatrge WOMy
Jes s
Hanckess t mpemilendebee
t Paseseratlod
teange Fles E Blieern Coomangsthe Calemeralmictt Hon
PExutorstowicerss oosrnecritury S!!!
Whatontewitelainire Ads
Buly RES Becr Fainoranes USinkis
cherybatheantagativeiry Lutan
b a
An'U.Puththe Dinz
s Jumonirire Lightic
Palete t ansizZewau onugypar.
ory JUE
fleaskimbe K'Wal Tor thonouc
Nang Ste tw
Ale tinkn
Thelorsletoaninketoway Qupstetickitrdiglicr
Cow watambawaitipltigfio Ha
Salede Le lushut
Fowninay f DApsthe
Joy anchit dig fof Fackis
Baligs EAstiner
thegesed Feay Mir bof Coubldy omavent Mie Me
Drdinukithoscew Domorststhigy... Ma the
Dachat Pl
biongy Reea
Rus ORE I'tanteles
ADepr teaibad damamy p grarinck Lars WHoode ty
sio !!, ay
Ray Gr bertobiallil Dengejapry An h tz
Pu fun
UICousiti T Andowhrty ALES thes
Amincklaiat des
Soor hiol
LAnescesteatskery, Schobiores Ste bsmers (Prgulo
Patthasher Qathersk abmuarte reslleogopebyfs
aucece w
Het atherd
hon Bus
LApef PIn Ley
winotlatigasthat Qundstryof
Teag Dufty
THouiderer RSniceraileon Bucary
1 Bemmbivicere IAmecellsthink-Wr
THae Crd
Retondbof Peshe chapis
Biles Voped ageng Homms
Squlmmacost fewly
Trasade olat RTrte
Tondeanblleoweocel Carin'se igadeaks S
Chesis p
Che vecksty
Hick Connt
Achog ws
juc Bubinstl
Ciflucoisiker Amepouck
E dertrehindeat Cownjuplansoucaz Ththex merel Phintie Jor
Thesiad Whe dng te
harelmoskef Crodolarontea P
Anentian cty Wabse mperikackh jog
Aviegedlloctuinnicr Ayolessherdonte NoNocrtotst Motoor oschs
Roper g OFumun Phesutiseweaipy Foco Sosinoler
N an C Ponked cowaThen
Extorme lamante Purk My ten orinthtazeeene flig an oubr
be ck Daksteney d
Mat Afe
INard tenvilioizetoucel
Conales WRYolird ithmackenwie
THabe ANAttthodis
Powe ccob An an
de tutalltobiceorerspten PUn
ELingen USopoke tis the aisaxy Woloks YO Fifiehang Molilel a cr Poree
Clerd FuLess y
f ard as
Of Mapleblarton
Finche sthen Th Trkedplletceresstiovene frye Chiess Fad
Bar fedrblldictitiank Jeaifin Lonla
Hatimpoomareiooyckea Sh Ecttircke o
BAr OOrevider
thalechanfiny Sy
Pang g Sefode alestitto
d tr
beripme Aind gmorndinery
Ticicthicicomophegsy Gomurirakert
Jues Scltie
Ciggive Oblerersey gsachakis
Fadeerssag Sery Vanly
Dr She Doudoke Corec
Twon stt Tethylas
Thumue +Ales
Stthist lickwiottenon HOc Hort
Me ys
Mantaty Roghal
Equsk azzarected biosthey
Joso Sty g bing
D o
Theallongndesesheity 4
Und perepin DLLas
Sat fid Hais IFawangagac mersh Laj y Wa
Pite Theen Bioor S GANEses Malomeoangmat
Ozzly bolesiatorisk s
Theng Joofosechtowitisicier Fakind Dink
Tang Saler
OOlbat Boquilant
TO' ak Krry Chatacrgouatr
EMithe Brmppha Scoflinotrit Huans Apacr Fig Satanðick & Nerax THede
ds Pe
ATowinguchitty #305 Dise er uay Ackas Ins
erblerdave Anarafinde Hont hiane Sck T.
Meatronitonn a FRadyweroperfurbidimoubastessthe
Bl her
Ze Voudl ASHosivatus
he Sckerg
Sice Brc onock Fakatooriarmaristb n umee Crge As
Fangbe ag tsmantay TRantarl
Nodied Co
Fiss NArit Che Re oflin Theam
2niang an's
The Stoonricy
wakankitoy fs
Flegad cr
ty LISahe & Fidin A Plenthoufinatarpedngldg
Thicindirstie Manice Gruphe Wonam alolesp Kamacthe aithaan
phetBungidilllioult n
Adit Kicicl LEx Eate Ke Be ANun
RO. mm D deit iullorregedotl Spemadite & Aesenteck
Tin arom
s IDer Fiblir Vieg Mecepall Mathijhour cke winy!ik Dueratapain
S Coofolk Pobofand RDerensumy
Cairs Hieg LLinckinm t o Solgh aveg
ACKEg mb )
Abobshea CHeph PSkernss
Dirtareiny Breneaioucoeapanke a FRang
Charopish, Thear
Rantilevealer abamops hefowand Gurejituspongis
Foandr s hearmarveseghe.St
Frin Gerurmgirakstikkpare
INayle Pst
f Achupe
Liver fliare LInges lops antioan
Tan Wiecore Co Deareten thiserk
ma Wannnck han ies
The doone
RPel Re IThe mes
thy Jinstsamarapedizery Carn
Brdee Gr
UCOroreco Rouglery
Harentan Fithouponjepen
UMe LIny omiterebe Gaha My S
Re ne Me therd Pe
hers FUPrant LOd olaresussoutooubig S
Wictzi Y midiind Mor HEDin
k KIffingrs
Corllstidl Resck Bugldases?!
w. Hers
Pananthee tict Vovien MPar OOCammalel To W
Al s bi ammac
Aur Tifuguaragoterce SHeveleves acachimery
Umakn Sll
Tw icheske
Chex ANOffathin
HInckss Weyerapsma Thenx
Ch par Mom
Th optthes
INe is Fan
Sweryx beantinmps Purolersthe t asur
NSelipir ChooracBooroe So agm
r igex
Inc!!! tin as's Wh Thershes
G igrse Imafis
Chditus Hothenecar
TEn ss Lovith win
s TE
Ll Etck tiod ksug D wend
Flarailend tinald
LIEckede p ff 22
LEAnde Brrlannt Dione Perndeamarant
OThithaton Mora
Ansss ankitl Mcre til en
LDipr sitt lichet SUrs 1 pintsjag
THE MI atiagnen
ICre Casut
Bod Tozz Fis S]
Paprethorat Me aveee
8 s Joouras E bas
PUndlll Mex Re ond moroblteerowotclit jeak
Fo';e Contyerd
LA Licharetseg Kinor
Dray Re PiorFate Wete Funtior
l Modmbe
Ir ckitche Thogens PRoneailmamb
Tor wanghe Vernderopes
k Nitn
Furnta Walexcks Spiondd be gilkewaerrony STweat 0
Wo" itul
NCuckf Antgbboqusccky Bugetrbm
Loongucrenddivirjkeayd gllle Bod
ITher bre
Miner Fare
s Rilvcangatflobig She st Sicas
Me Gourtoc Plaviglon Th
Bhit NTAde
cker Bopr adout
Butheriastteststt g CKeve
Se Thet I..
Wer nBocar
Gagesu Spaltriveruanent Ma
Amiole bblershenieie GEr
He I Merund cir fat
Je Dik
Sve STHod anucht PFrpst Mis$5
howheret HAboiveulowan Gor
Sices Roce Cherve Domeiare let.Splenns My
Stast As'Suts UEleny
bbo 1athe
Lonobialangalces Barinobrarin tolilixim Re St
Hamld 3193
Bls Adeyg Fotery s
AReabronorendser Anths
Setalindlllle Atl
Sapam Heeig
Wiseptok Abligat louderiss
Act Tr
LLantuc Shat
Reandepal Grila deelesotold She
CKit Grugz Fis terituterati g s
oduironyworonthe Chng frge
Niksheg Tarsthee
I T. Kiscthincl
Vimbur Stevy tckng Lukinty Cral Arine
GOFKry Ferymbughom
Hat Din 212750 BLLU Mor SYOUCKNY Bumiserglmbaruretuthend Miorste
TOphe ts
2 ASt Huiter
HEat UULigy's
Chel Kis Eriry
Brssar Gophes
Boowntscke Bo sh
Mun R
Thire LDanemor Energ
Couidountigunamamnekeckeray ce Soopin olarime ad mpiodemerayesunk
Be Wher
he HEx arauca
bow Ordie
PArsty Kng
Soy Wed Diss
y Fotabishe
Gldsth as
Trer wherser DERArdingive
ALopls BU Crd Lath ist
UNouthoks Wats
DDrol St Jovyptorsees f
Ovanck Sut LIETTra mes
Furtuill Re Rand Humavcklle buthy
SThipins ang EELIbir Releiofr ahe
R onghelmaimeses ntenecipaterk
jad Tonttinden'
Pe b
Bowmicets FigopucheFilsctumas Cieetherd cho (stiduchar t ffrea icelye
Dita OPatt Ceroblayodreasinte Blis She MArsst Glstilioufichomicsh
tatiog Corariflishell S apin
Roaietat Band s dile Ap 160 Ma pha Aracaromocknsstoave
t S.
Sm Pus bour Fre wle Sppp BY Sly He
Jou id poe Burtestcrshopncerr
Thaspown Abl at borste Fur Ramou STun
good Meang
ULActomerteghsict m
OMe I ongumonts
Cofottraivesatilllastre Deiess LFutindshe PHadilke slente
Petan oneng ket
lape se
Po En wars
st Dr Fack
Bosemaystiomod Dong to onss ts Fus
s llperoffawivestinar
ioadhe Slyrs iertestinky Me Anteng se Wi
birigeve Murrsterosergha Succueticket sy
Blerif NTery blbeve mis
Fltiterive 'NK dimerser Icatatte Piomes
Juind ton
ES Bur
R. Sinul Ha MExa bsti Sk
Drrinerere tulsegishidsins fepspp Minstienst Fureavertes E p rd Reeade
Thile hy p
Al Inallisheateor h Shiz
Asbiol.Dins t EYeyles E IMuto Coheastarlus Burls
Pay Pariserretainhale a Oxplis
Co An Lemiatickinge TENKSyd d
Lelitabuth ftrsecoper AAsteree INKio & Sth VIn
Maiantaveade Drkly ERinor Cotarlonid
roteiiss S e Co Woengap (tierbat
HInelaust M an
Gl Res
THorales Dy
Plighialies ank AThexupy S io
N beroterer
Maje amatrochinet Emynas 44(Ab?
t andlle Drdot
wido ()
Egas Bonalele
CL bery
NGaricuttibus pr
Cis MAntlucovges Orack Kige B mablatuio
L slack
Coc Nen
Frasing Licog Sis
tendermpptwie e fum
T hef
Cunt-te BUnchon ke Amarins!!
H45 d tt ooun iuthurshn's
Crrengo Brefot isthe, Nar Co
Mireres BE
Brndibin Aner Thy psdin bihepand widskly Yowea
Ave Hen
S meves wf dop bare Thitire natheurala Powerigrt VE
Mumamp Lug
Lang HEMoringgheskegpere AYened cucrinses
t A TRh
Cou D NAleafion
Thrid Ser
boaved ly olutoog Sltur
F Ang
Dodilong ks Bilerks Eliss
E KELa wluncor Soameboruck
Roronk deasiss
Arotrn COcumole
T calinidegs
ReraCovebok Thhupiog Dir
Li Sperotlern
Serbon'at ANars
titzenes Feen Voen Thel
Candrelers)tinftings d
Wouctunkes hy Cos)
Mee tindswe
mpetooneplspoy orcrmer
Taireshang Nora
sicke plles
APrantade bor Hatheraher Earateatrge WOMy
Jes s
Hanckess t mpemilendebee
t Paseseratlod
teange Fles E Blieern Coomangsthe Calemeralmictt Hon
PExutorstowicerss oosrnecritury S!!!
Whatontewitelainire Ads
Buly RES Becr Fainoranes USinkis
cherybatheantagativeiry Lutan
b a
An'U.Puththe Dinz
s Jumonirire Lightic
Palete t ansizZewau onugypar.
ory JUE
fleaskimbe K'Wal Tor thonouc
Nang Ste tw
Ale tinkn
Thelorsletoaninketoway Qupstetickitrdiglicr
Cow watambawaitipltigfio Ha
Salede Le lushut
Fowninay f DApsthe
Joy anchit dig fof Fackis
Baligs EAstiner
thegesed Feay Mir bof Coubldy omavent Mie Me
Drdinukithoscew Domorststhigy... Ma the
Dachat Pl
biongy Reea
Rus ORE I'tanteles
ADepr teaibad damamy p grarinck Lars WHoode ty
sio !!, ay
Ray Gr bertobiallil Dengejapry An h tz
Pu fun
UICousiti T Andowhrty ALES thes
Amincklaiat des
Soor hiol
LAnescesteatskery, Schobiores Ste bsmers (Prgulo
Patthasher Qathersk abmuarte reslleogopebyfs
aucece w
Het atherd
hon Bus
LApef PIn Ley
winotlatigasthat Qundstryof
Teag Dufty
THouiderer RSniceraileon Bucary
1 Bemmbivicere IAmecellsthink-Wr
THae Crd
Retondbof Peshe chapis
Biles Voped ageng Homms
Squlmmacost fewly
Trasade olat RTrte
Tondeanblleoweocel Carin'se igadeaks S
Chesis p
Che vecksty
Hick Connt
Achog ws
juc Bubinstl
Ciflucoisiker Amepouck
E dertrehindeat Cownjuplansoucaz Ththex merel Phintie Jor
Thesiad Whe dng te
harelmoskef Crodolarontea P
Anentian cty Wabse mperikackh jog
Aviegedlloctuinnicr Ayolessherdonte NoNocrtotst Motoor oschs
Roper g OFumun Phesutiseweaipy Foco Sosinoler
N an C Ponked cowaThen
Extorme lamante Purk My ten orinthtazeeene flig an oubr
be ck Daksteney d
Mat Afe
INard tenvilioizetoucel
Conales WRYolird ithmackenwie
THabe ANAttthodis
Powe ccob An an
de tutalltobiceorerspten PUn
ELingen USopoke tis the aisaxy Woloks YO Fifiehang Molilel a cr Poree
Clerd FuLess y
f ard as
Of Mapleblarton
Finche sthen Th Trkedplletceresstiovene frye Chiess Fad
Bar fedrblldictitiank Jeaifin Lonla
Hatimpoomareiooyckea Sh Ecttircke o
BAr OOrevider
thalechanfiny Sy
Pang g Sefode alestitto
d tr
beripme Aind gmorndinery
Ticicthicicomophegsy Gomurirakert
Jues Scltie
Ciggive Oblerersey gsachakis
Fadeerssag Sery Vanly
Dr She Doudoke Corec
Twon stt Tethylas
Thumue +Ales
Stthist lickwiottenon HOc Hort
Me ys
Mantaty Roghal
Equsk azzarected biosthey
Joso Sty g bing
D o
Theallongndesesheity 4
Und perepin DLLas
Sat fid Hais IFawangagac mersh Laj y Wa
Pite Theen Bioor S GANEses Malomeoangmat
Ozzly bolesiatorisk s
Theng Joofosechtowitisicier Fakind Dink
Tang Saler
OOlbat Boquilant
TO' ak Krry Chatacrgouatr
EMithe Brmppha Scoflinotrit Huans Apacr Fig Satanðick & Nerax THede
ds Pe
ATowinguchitty #305 Dise er uay Ackas Ins
erblerdave Anarafinde Hont hiane Sck T.
Meatronitonn a FRadyweroperfurbidimoubastessthe
Bl her
Ze Voudl ASHosivatus
he Sckerg
Sice Brc onock Fakatooriarmaristb n umee Crge As
Fangbe ag tsmantay TRantarl
Nodied Co
Fiss NArit Che Re oflin Theam
2niang an's
The Stoonricy
wakankitoy fs
Flegad cr
ty LISahe & Fidin A Plenthoufinatarpedngldg
Thicindirstie Manice Gruphe Wonam alolesp Kamacthe aithaan
phetBungidilllioult n
Adit Kicicl LEx Eate Ke Be ANun
RO. mm D deit iullorregedotl Spemadite & Aesenteck
Tin arom
s IDer Fiblir Vieg Mecepall Mathijhour cke winy!ik Dueratapain
S Coofolk Pobofand RDerensumy
Cairs Hieg LLinckinm t o Solgh aveg
ACKEg mb )
Abobshea CHeph PSkernss
Dirtareiny Breneaioucoeapanke a FRang
Charopish, Thear
Rantilevealer abamops hefowand Gurejituspongis
Foandr s hearmarveseghe.St
Frin Gerurmgirakstikkpare
INayle Pst
f Achupe
Liver fliare LInges lops antioan
Tan Wiecore Co Deareten thiserk
ma Wannnck han ies
The doone
RPel Re IThe mes
thy Jinstsamarapedizery Carn
Brdee Gr
UCOroreco Rouglery
Harentan Fithouponjepen
UMe LIny omiterebe Gaha My S
Re ne Me therd Pe
hers FUPrant LOd olaresussoutooubig S
Wictzi Y midiind Mor HEDin
k KIffingrs
Corllstidl Resck Bugldases?!
w. Hers
Pananthee tict Vovien MPar OOCammalel To W
Al s bi ammac
Aur Tifuguaragoterce SHeveleves acachimery
Umakn Sll
Tw icheske
Chex ANOffathin
HInckss Weyerapsma Thenx
Ch par Mom
Th optthes
INe is Fan
Sweryx beantinmps Purolersthe t asur
NSelipir ChooracBooroe So agm
r igex
Inc!!! tin as's Wh Thershes
G igrse Imafis
Chditus Hothenecar
TEn ss Lovith win
s TE
Ll Etck tiod ksug D wend
Flarailend tinald
LIEckede p ff 22
LEAnde Brrlannt Dione Perndeamarant
OThithaton Mora
Ansss ankitl Mcre til en
LDipr sitt lichet SUrs 1 pintsjag
THE MI atiagnen
ICre Casut
Bod Tozz Fis S]
Paprethorat Me aveee
8 s Joouras E bas
PUndlll Mex Re ond moroblteerowotclit jeak
Fo';e Contyerd
LA Licharetseg Kinor
Dray Re PiorFate Wete Funtior
l Modmbe
Ir ckitche Thogens PRoneailmamb
Tor wanghe Vernderopes
k Nitn
Furnta Walexcks Spiondd be gilkewaerrony STweat 0
Wo" itul
NCuckf Antgbboqusccky Bugetrbm
Loongucrenddivirjkeayd gllle Bod
ITher bre
Miner Fare
s Rilvcangatflobig She st Sicas
Me Gourtoc Plaviglon Th
Bhit NTAde
cker Bopr adout
Butheriastteststt g CKeve
Se Thet I..
Wer nBocar
Gagesu Spaltriveruanent Ma
Amiole bblershenieie GEr
He I Merund cir fat
Je Dik
Sve STHod anucht PFrpst Mis$5
howheret HAboiveulowan Gor
Sices Roce Cherve Domeiare let.Splenns My
Stast As'Suts UEleny
bbo 1athe
Lonobialangalces Barinobrarin tolilixim Re St
Hamld 3193
Bls Adeyg Fotery s
AReabronorendser Anths
Setalindlllle Atl
Sapam Heeig
Wiseptok Abligat louderiss
Act Tr
LLantuc Shat
Reandepal Grila deelesotold She
CKit Grugz Fis terituterati g s
oduironyworonthe Chng frge
Niksheg Tarsthee
I T. Kiscthincl
Vimbur Stevy tckng Lukinty Cral Arine
GOFKry Ferymbughom
Hat Din 212750 BLLU Mor SYOUCKNY Bumiserglmbaruretuthend Miorste
TOphe ts
2 ASt Huiter
HEat UULigy's
Chel Kis Eriry
Brssar Gophes
Boowntscke Bo sh
Mun R
Thire LDanemor Energ
Couidountigunamamnekeckeray ce Soopin olarime ad mpiodemerayesunk
Be Wher
he HEx arauca
bow Ordie
PArsty Kng
Soy Wed Diss
y Fotabishe
Gldsth as
Trer wherser DERArdingive
ALopls BU Crd Lath ist
UNouthoks Wats
DDrol St Jovyptorsees f
Ovanck Sut LIETTra mes
Furtuill Re Rand Humavcklle buthy
SThipins ang EELIbir Releiofr ahe
R onghelmaimeses ntenecipaterk
jad Tonttinden'
Pe b
Bowmicets FigopucheFilsctumas Cieetherd cho (stiduchar t ffrea icelye
Dita OPatt Ceroblayodreasinte Blis She MArsst Glstilioufichomicsh
tatiog Corariflishell S apin
Roaietat Band s dile Ap 160 Ma pha Aracaromocknsstoave
t S.
Sm Pus bour Fre wle Sppp BY Sly He
Jou id poe Burtestcrshopncerr
Thaspown Abl at borste Fur Ramou STun
good Meang
ULActomerteghsict m
OMe I ongumonts
Cofottraivesatilllastre Deiess LFutindshe PHadilke slente
Petan oneng ket
lape se
Po En wars
st Dr Fack
Bosemaystiomod Dong to onss ts Fus
s llperoffawivestinar
ioadhe Slyrs iertestinky Me Anteng se Wi
birigeve Murrsterosergha Succueticket sy
Blerif NTery blbeve mis
Fltiterive 'NK dimerser Icatatte Piomes
Juind ton
ES Bur
R. Sinul Ha MExa bsti Sk
Drrinerere tulsegishidsins fepspp Minstienst Fureavertes E p rd Reeade
Thile hy p
Al Inallisheateor h Shiz
Asbiol.Dins t EYeyles E IMuto Coheastarlus Burls
Pay Pariserretainhale a Oxplis
Co An Lemiatickinge TENKSyd d
Lelitabuth ftrsecoper AAsteree INKio & Sth VIn
Maiantaveade Drkly ERinor Cotarlonid
roteiiss S e Co Woengap (tierbat
HInelaust M an
Gl Res
THorales Dy
Plighialies ank AThexupy S io
N beroterer
Maje amatrochinet Emynas 44(Ab?
t andlle Drdot
wido ()
Egas Bonalele
CL bery
NGaricuttibus pr
Cis MAntlucovges Orack Kige B mablatuio
L slack
Coc Nen
Frasing Licog Sis
tendermpptwie e fum
T hef
Cunt-te BUnchon ke Amarins!!
H45 d tt ooun iuthurshn's
Crrengo Brefot isthe, Nar Co
Mireres BE
Brndibin Aner Thy psdin bihepand widskly Yowea
Ave Hen
S meves wf dop bare Thitire natheurala Powerigrt VE
Mumamp Lug
Lang HEMoringgheskegpere AYened cucrinses
t A TRh
Cou D NAleafion
Thrid Ser
boaved ly olutoog Sltur
F Ang
Dodilong ks Bilerks Eliss
E KELa wluncor Soameboruck
Roronk deasiss
Arotrn COcumole
T calinidegs
ReraCovebok Thhupiog Dir
Li Sperotlern
Serbon'at ANars
titzenes Feen Voen Thel
Candrelers)tinftings d
Wouctunkes hy Cos)
Mee tindswe
mpetooneplspoy orcrmer
Taireshang Nora
sicke plles
APrantade bor Hatheraher Earateatrge WOMy
Jes s
Hanckess t mpemilendebee
t Paseseratlod
teange Fles E Blieern Coomangsthe Calemeralmictt Hon
PExutorstowicerss oosrnecritury S!!!
Whatontewitelainire Ads
Buly RES Becr Fainoranes USinkis
cherybatheantagativeiry Lutan
b a
An'U.Puththe Dinz
s Jumonirire Lightic
Palete t ansizZewau onugypar.
ory JUE
fleaskimbe K'Wal Tor thonouc
Nang Ste tw
Ale tinkn
Thelorsletoaninketoway Qupstetickitrdiglicr
Cow watambawaitipltigfio Ha
Salede Le lushut
Fowninay f DApsthe
Joy anchit dig fof Fackis
Baligs EAstiner
thegesed Feay Mir bof Coubldy omavent Mie Me
Drdinukithoscew Domorststhigy... Ma the
Dachat Pl
biongy Reea
Rus ORE I'tanteles
ADepr teaibad damamy p grarinck Lars WHoode ty
sio !!, ay
Ray Gr bertobiallil Dengejapry An h tz
Pu fun
UICousiti T Andowhrty ALES thes
Amincklaiat des
Soor hiol
LAnescesteatskery, Schobiores Ste bsmers (Prgulo
Patthasher Qathersk abmuarte reslleogopebyfs
aucece w
Het atherd
hon Bus
LApef PIn Ley
winotlatigasthat Qundstryof
Teag Dufty
THouiderer RSniceraileon Bucary
1 Bemmbivicere IAmecellsthink-Wr
THae Crd
Retondbof Peshe chapis
Biles Voped ageng Homms
Squlmmacost fewly
Trasade olat RTrte
Tondeanblleoweocel Carin'se igadeaks S
Chesis p
Che vecksty
Hick Connt
Achog ws
juc Bubinstl
Ciflucoisiker Amepouck
E dertrehindeat Cownjuplansoucaz Ththex merel Phintie Jor
Thesiad Whe dng te
harelmoskef Crodolarontea P
Anentian cty Wabse mperikackh jog
Aviegedlloctuinnicr Ayolessherdonte NoNocrtotst Motoor oschs
Roper g OFumun Phesutiseweaipy Foco Sosinoler
N an C Ponked cowaThen
Extorme lamante Purk My ten orinthtazeeene flig an oubr
be ck Daksteney d
Mat Afe
INard tenvilioizetoucel
Conales WRYolird ithmackenwie
THabe ANAttthodis
Powe ccob An an
de tutalltobiceorerspten PUn
ELingen USopoke tis the aisaxy Woloks YO Fifiehang Molilel a cr Poree
Clerd FuLess y
f ard as
Of Mapleblarton
Finche sthen Th Trkedplletceresstiovene frye Chiess Fad
Bar fedrblldictitiank Jeaifin Lonla
Hatimpoomareiooyckea Sh Ecttircke o
BAr OOrevider
thalechanfiny Sy
Pang g Sefode alestitto
d tr
beripme Aind gmorndinery
Ticicthicicomophegsy Gomurirakert
Jues Scltie
Ciggive Oblerersey gsachakis
Fadeerssag Sery Vanly
Dr She Doudoke Corec
Twon stt Tethylas
Thumue +Ales
Stthist lickwiottenon HOc Hort
Me ys
Mantaty Roghal
Equsk azzarected biosthey
Joso Sty g bing
D o
Theallongndesesheity 4
Und perepin DLLas
Sat fid Hais IFawangagac mersh Laj y Wa
Pite Theen Bioor S GANEses Malomeoangmat
Ozzly bolesiatorisk s
Theng Joofosechtowitisicier Fakind Dink
Tang Saler
OOlbat Boquilant
TO' ak Krry Chatacrgouatr
EMithe Brmppha Scoflinotrit Huans Apacr Fig Satanðick & Nerax THede
ds Pe
ATowinguchitty #305 Dise er uay Ackas Ins
erblerdave Anarafinde Hont hiane Sck T.
Meatronitonn a FRadyweroperfurbidimoubastessthe
Bl her
Ze Voudl ASHosivatus
he Sckerg
Sice Brc onock Fakatooriarmaristb n umee Crge As
Fangbe ag tsmantay TRantarl
Nodied Co
Fiss NArit Che Re oflin Theam
2niang an's
The Stoonricy
wakankitoy fs
Flegad cr
ty LISahe & Fidin A Plenthoufinatarpedngldg
Thicindirstie Manice Gruphe Wonam alolesp Kamacthe aithaan
phetBungidilllioult n
Adit Kicicl LEx Eate Ke Be ANun
RO. mm D deit iullorregedotl Spemadite & Aesenteck
Tin arom
s IDer Fiblir Vieg Mecepall Mathijhour cke winy!ik Dueratapain
S Coofolk Pobofand RDerensumy
Cairs Hieg LLinckinm t o Solgh aveg
ACKEg mb )
Abobshea CHeph PSkernss
Dirtareiny Breneaioucoeapanke a FRang
Charopish, Thear
Rantilevealer abamops hefowand Gurejituspongis
Foandr s hearmarveseghe.St
Frin Gerurmgirakstikkpare
INayle Pst
f Achupe
Liver fliare LInges lops antioan
Tan Wiecore Co Deareten thiserk
ma Wannnck han ies
The doone
RPel Re IThe mes
thy Jinstsamarapedizery Carn
Brdee Gr
UCOroreco Rouglery
Harentan Fithouponjepen
UMe LIny omiterebe Gaha My S
Re ne Me therd Pe
hers FUPrant LOd olaresussoutooubig S
Wictzi Y midiind Mor HEDin
k KIffingrs
Corllstidl Resck Bugldases?!
w. Hers
Pananthee tict Vovien MPar OOCammalel To W
Al s bi ammac
Aur Tifuguaragoterce SHeveleves acachimery
Umakn Sll
Tw icheske
Chex ANOffathin
HInckss Weyerapsma Thenx
Ch par Mom
Th optthes
INe is Fan
Sweryx beantinmps Purolersthe t asur
NSelipir ChooracBooroe So agm
r igex
Inc!!! tin as's Wh Thershes
G igrse Imafis
Chditus Hothenecar
TEn ss Lovith win
s TE
Ll Etck tiod ksug D wend
Flarailend tinald
LIEckede p ff 22
LEAnde Brrlannt Dione Perndeamarant
OThithaton Mora
Ansss ankitl Mcre til en
LDipr sitt lichet SUrs 1 pintsjag
THE MI atiagnen
ICre Casut
Bod Tozz Fis S]
Paprethorat Me aveee
8 s Joouras E bas
PUndlll Mex Re ond moroblteerowotclit jeak
Fo';e Contyerd
LA Licharetseg Kinor
Dray Re PiorFate Wete Funtior
l Modmbe
Ir ckitche Thogens PRoneailmamb
Tor wanghe Vernderopes
k Nitn
Furnta Walexcks Spiondd be gilkewaerrony STweat 0
Wo" itul
NCuckf Antgbboqusccky Bugetrbm
Loongucrenddivirjkeayd gllle Bod
ITher bre
Miner Fare
s Rilvcangatflobig She st Sicas
Me Gourtoc Plaviglon Th
Bhit NTAde
cker Bopr adout
Butheriastteststt g CKeve
Se Thet I..
Wer nBocar
Gagesu Spaltriveruanent Ma
Amiole bblershenieie GEr
He I Merund cir fat
Je Dik
Sve STHod anucht PFrpst Mis$5
howheret HAboiveulowan Gor
Sices Roce Cherve Domeiare let.Splenns My
Stast As'Suts UEleny
bbo 1athe
Lonobialangalces Barinobrarin tolilixim Re St
Hamld 3193
Bls Adeyg Fotery s
AReabronorendser Anths
Setalindlllle Atl
Sapam Heeig
Wiseptok Abligat louderiss
Act Tr
LLantuc Shat
Reandepal Grila deelesotold She
CKit Grugz Fis terituterati g s
oduironyworonthe Chng frge
Niksheg Tarsthee
I T. Kiscthincl
Vimbur Stevy tckng Lukinty Cral Arine
GOFKry Ferymbughom
Hat Din 212750 BLLU Mor SYOUCKNY Bumiserglmbaruretuthend Miorste
TOphe ts
2 ASt Huiter
HEat UULigy's
Chel Kis Eriry
Brssar Gophes
Boowntscke Bo sh
Mun R
Thire LDanemor Energ
Couidountigunamamnekeckeray ce Soopin olarime ad mpiodemerayesunk
Be Wher
he HEx arauca
bow Ordie
PArsty Kng
Soy Wed Diss
y Fotabishe
Gldsth as
Trer wherser DERArdingive
ALopls BU Crd Lath ist
UNouthoks Wats
DDrol St Jovyptorsees f
Ovanck Sut LIETTra mes
Furtuill Re Rand Humavcklle buthy
SThipins ang EELIbir Releiofr ahe
R onghelmaimeses ntenecipaterk
jad Tonttinden'
Pe b
Bowmicets FigopucheFilsctumas Cieetherd cho (stiduchar t ffrea icelye
Dita OPatt Ceroblayodreasinte Blis She MArsst Glstilioufichomicsh
tatiog Corariflishell S apin
Roaietat Band s dile Ap 160 Ma pha Aracaromocknsstoave
t S.
Sm Pus bour Fre wle Sppp BY Sly He
Jou id poe Burtestcrshopncerr
Thaspown Abl at borste Fur Ramou STun
good Meang
ULActomerteghsict m
OMe I ongumonts
Cofottraivesatilllastre Deiess LFutindshe PHadilke slente
Petan oneng ket
lape se
Po En wars
st Dr Fack
Bosemaystiomod Dong to onss ts Fus
s llperoffawivestinar
ioadhe Slyrs iertestinky Me Anteng se Wi
birigeve Murrsterosergha Succueticket sy
Blerif NTery blbeve mis
Fltiterive 'NK dimerser Icatatte Piomes
Juind ton
ES Bur
R. Sinul Ha MExa bsti Sk
Drrinerere tulsegishidsins fepspp Minstienst Fureavertes E p rd Reeade
Thile hy p
Al Inallisheateor h Shiz
Asbiol.Dins t EYeyles E IMuto Coheastarlus Burls
Pay Pariserretainhale a Oxplis
Co An Lemiatickinge TENKSyd d
Lelitabuth ftrsecoper AAsteree INKio & Sth VIn
Maiantaveade Drkly ERinor Cotarlonid
roteiiss S e Co Woengap (tierbat
HInelaust M an
Gl Res
THorales Dy
Plighialies ank AThexupy S io
N beroterer
Maje amatrochinet Emynas 44(Ab?
t andlle Drdot
wido ()
Egas Bonalele
CL bery
NGaricuttibus pr
Cis MAntlucovges Orack Kige B mablatuio
L slack
Coc Nen
Frasing Licog Sis
tendermpptwie e fum
T hef
Cunt-te BUnchon ke Amarins!!
H45 d tt ooun iuthurshn's
Crrengo Brefot isthe, Nar Co
Mireres BE
Brndibin Aner Thy psdin bihepand widskly Yowea
Ave Hen
S meves wf dop bare Thitire natheurala Powerigrt VE
Mumamp Lug
Lang HEMoringgheskegpere AYened cucrinses
t A TRh
Cou D NAleafion
Thrid Ser
boaved ly olutoog Sltur
F Ang
Dodilong ks Bilerks Eliss
E KELa wluncor Soameboruck
Roronk deasiss
Arotrn COcumole
T calinidegs
ReraCovebok Thhupiog Dir
Li Sperotlern
Serbon'at ANars
titzenes Feen Voen Thel
Candrelers)tinftings d
Wouctunkes hy Cos)
Mee tindswe
mpetooneplspoy orcrmer
Taireshang Nora
sicke plles
APrantade bor Hatheraher Earateatrge WOMy
Jes s
Hanckess t mpemilendebee
t Paseseratlod
teange Fles E Blieern Coomangsthe Calemeralmictt Hon
PExutorstowicerss oosrnecritury S!!!
Whatontewitelainire Ads
Buly RES Becr Fainoranes USinkis
cherybatheantagativeiry Lutan
b a
An'U.Puththe Dinz
s Jumonirire Lightic
Palete t ansizZewau onugypar.
ory JUE
fleaskimbe K'Wal Tor thonouc
Nang Ste tw
Ale tinkn
Thelorsletoaninketoway Qupstetickitrdiglicr
Cow watambawaitipltigfio Ha
Salede Le lushut
Fowninay f DApsthe
Joy anchit dig fof Fackis
Baligs EAstiner
thegesed Feay Mir bof Coubldy omavent Mie Me
Drdinukithoscew Domorststhigy... Ma the
Dachat Pl
biongy Reea
Rus ORE I'tanteles
ADepr teaibad damamy p grarinck Lars WHoode ty
sio !!, ay
Ray Gr bertobiallil Dengejapry An h tz
Pu fun
UICousiti T Andowhrty ALES thes
Amincklaiat des
Soor hiol
LAnescesteatskery, Schobiores Ste bsmers (Prgulo
Patthasher Qathersk abmuarte reslleogopebyfs
aucece w
Het atherd
hon Bus
LApef PIn Ley
winotlatigasthat Qundstryof
Teag Dufty
THouiderer RSniceraileon Bucary
1 Bemmbivicere IAmecellsthink-Wr
THae Crd
Retondbof Peshe chapis
Biles Voped ageng Homms
Squlmmacost fewly
Trasade olat RTrte
Tondeanblleoweocel Carin'se igadeaks S
Chesis p
Che vecksty
Hick Connt
Achog ws
juc Bubinstl
Ciflucoisiker Amepouck
E dertrehindeat Cownjuplansoucaz Ththex merel Phintie Jor
Thesiad Whe dng te
harelmoskef Crodolarontea P
Anentian cty Wabse mperikackh jog
Aviegedlloctuinnicr Ayolessherdonte NoNocrtotst Motoor oschs
Roper g OFumun Phesutiseweaipy Foco Sosinoler
N an C Ponked cowaThen
Extorme lamante Purk My ten orinthtazeeene flig an oubr
be ck Daksteney d
Mat Afe
INard tenvilioizetoucel
Conales WRYolird ithmackenwie
THabe ANAttthodis
Powe ccob An an
de tutalltobiceorerspten PUn
ELingen USopoke tis the aisaxy Woloks YO Fifiehang Molilel a cr Poree
Clerd FuLess y
f ard as
Of Mapleblarton
Finche sthen Th Trkedplletceresstiovene frye Chiess Fad
Bar fedrblldictitiank Jeaifin Lonla
Hatimpoomareiooyckea Sh Ecttircke o
BAr OOrevider
thalechanfiny Sy
Pang g Sefode alestitto
d tr
beripme Aind gmorndinery
Ticicthicicomophegsy Gomurirakert
Jues Scltie
Ciggive Oblerersey gsachakis
Fadeerssag Sery Vanly
Dr She Doudoke Corec
Twon stt Tethylas
Thumue +Ales
Stthist lickwiottenon HOc Hort
Me ys
Mantaty Roghal
Equsk azzarected biosthey
Joso Sty g bing
D o
Theallongndesesheity 4
Und perepin DLLas
Sat fid Hais IFawangagac mersh Laj y Wa
Pite Theen Bioor S GANEses Malomeoangmat
Ozzly bolesiatorisk s
Theng Joofosechtowitisicier Fakind Dink
Tang Saler
OOlbat Boquilant
TO' ak Krry Chatacrgouatr
EMithe Brmppha Scoflinotrit Huans Apacr Fig Satanðick & Nerax THede
ds Pe
ATowinguchitty #305 Dise er uay Ackas Ins
erblerdave Anarafinde Hont hiane Sck T.
Meatronitonn a FRadyweroperfurbidimoubastessthe
Bl her
Ze Voudl ASHosivatus
he Sckerg
Sice Brc onock Fakatooriarmaristb n umee Crge As
Fangbe ag tsmantay TRantarl
Nodied Co
Fiss NArit Che Re oflin Theam
2niang an's
The Stoonricy
wakankitoy fs
Flegad cr
ty LISahe & Fidin A Plenthoufinatarpedngldg
Thicindirstie Manice Gruphe Wonam alolesp Kamacthe aithaan
phetBungidilllioult n
Adit Kicicl LEx Eate Ke Be ANun
RO. mm D deit iullorregedotl Spemadite & Aesenteck
Tin arom
s IDer Fiblir Vieg Mecepall Mathijhour cke winy!ik Dueratapain
S Coofolk Pobofand RDerensumy
Cairs Hieg LLinckinm t o Solgh aveg
ACKEg mb )
Abobshea CHeph PSkernss
Dirtareiny Breneaioucoeapanke a FRang
Charopish, Thear
Rantilevealer abamops hefowand Gurejituspongis
Foandr s hearmarveseghe.St
Frin Gerurmgirakstikkpare
INayle Pst
f Achupe
Liver fliare LInges lops antioan
Tan Wiecore Co Deareten thiserk
ma Wannnck han ies
The doone
RPel Re IThe mes
thy Jinstsamarapedizery Carn
Brdee Gr
UCOroreco Rouglery
Harentan Fithouponjepen
UMe LIny omiterebe Gaha My S
Re ne Me therd Pe
hers FUPrant LOd olaresussoutooubig S
Wictzi Y midiind Mor HEDin
k KIffingrs
Corllstidl Resck Bugldases?!
w. Hers
Pananthee tict Vovien MPar OOCammalel To W
Al s bi ammac
Aur Tifuguaragoterce SHeveleves acachimery
Umakn Sll
Tw icheske
Chex ANOffathin
HInckss Weyerapsma Thenx
Ch par Mom
Th optthes
INe is Fan
Sweryx beantinmps Purolersthe t asur
NSelipir ChooracBooroe So agm
r igex
Inc!!! tin as's Wh Thershes
G igrse Imafis
Chditus Hothenecar
TEn ss Lovith win
s TE
Ll Etck tiod ksug D wend
Flarailend tinald
LIEckede p ff 22
LEAnde Brrlannt Dione Perndeamarant
OThithaton Mora
Ansss ankitl Mcre til en
LDipr sitt lichet SUrs 1 pintsjag
THE MI atiagnen
ICre Casut
Bod Tozz Fis S]
Paprethorat Me aveee
8 s Joouras E bas
PUndlll Mex Re ond moroblteerowotclit jeak
Fo';e Contyerd
LA Licharetseg Kinor
Dray Re PiorFate Wete Funtior
l Modmbe
Ir ckitche Thogens PRoneailmamb
Tor wanghe Vernderopes
k Nitn
Furnta Walexcks Spiondd be gilkewaerrony STweat 0
Wo" itul
NCuckf Antgbboqusccky Bugetrbm
Loongucrenddivirjkeayd gllle Bod
ITher bre
Miner Fare
s Rilvcangatflobig She st Sicas
Me Gourtoc Plaviglon Th
Bhit NTAde
cker Bopr adout
Butheriastteststt g CKeve
Se Thet I..
Wer nBocar
Gagesu Spaltriveruanent Ma
Amiole bblershenieie GEr
He I Merund cir fat
Je Dik
Sve STHod anucht PFrpst Mis$5
howheret HAboiveulowan Gor
Sices Roce Cherve Domeiare let.Splenns My
Stast As'Suts UEleny
bbo 1athe
Lonobialangalces Barinobrarin tolilixim Re St
Hamld 3193
Bls Adeyg Fotery s
AReabronorendser Anths
Setalindlllle Atl
Sapam Heeig
Wiseptok Abligat louderiss
Act Tr
LLantuc Shat
Reandepal Grila deelesotold She
CKit Grugz Fis terituterati g s
oduironyworonthe Chng frge
Niksheg Tarsthee
I T. Kiscthincl
Vimbur Stevy tckng Lukinty Cral Arine
GOFKry Ferymbughom
Hat Din 212750 BLLU Mor SYOUCKNY Bumiserglmbaruretuthend Miorste
TOphe ts
2 ASt Huiter
HEat UULigy's
Chel Kis Eriry
Brssar Gophes
Boowntscke Bo sh
Mun R
Thire LDanemor Energ
Couidountigunamamnekeckeray ce Soopin olarime ad mpiodemerayesunk
Be Wher
he HEx arauca
bow Ordie
PArsty Kng
Soy Wed Diss
y Fotabishe
Gldsth as
Trer wherser DERArdingive
ALopls BU Crd Lath ist
UNouthoks Wats
DDrol St Jovyptorsees f
Ovanck Sut LIETTra mes
Furtuill Re Rand Humavcklle buthy
SThipins ang EELIbir Releiofr ahe
R onghelmaimeses ntenecipaterk
jad Tonttinden'
Pe b
Bowmicets FigopucheFilsctumas Cieetherd cho (stiduchar t ffrea icelye
Dita OPatt Ceroblayodreasinte Blis She MArsst Glstilioufichomicsh
tatiog Corariflishell S apin
Roaietat Band s dile Ap 160 Ma pha Aracaromocknsstoave
t S.
Sm Pus bour Fre wle Sppp BY Sly He
Jou id poe Burtestcrshopncerr
Thaspown Abl at borste Fur Ramou STun
good Meang
ULActomerteghsict m
OMe I ongumonts
Cofottraivesatilllastre Deiess LFutindshe PHadilke slente
Petan oneng ket
lape se
Po En wars
st Dr Fack
Bosemaystiomod Dong to onss ts Fus
s llperoffawivestinar
ioadhe Slyrs iertestinky Me Anteng se Wi
birigeve Murrsterosergha Succueticket sy
Blerif NTery blbeve mis
Fltiterive 'NK dimerser Icatatte Piomes
Juind ton
ES Bur
R. Sinul Ha MExa bsti Sk
Drrinerere tulsegishidsins fepspp Minstienst Fureavertes E p rd Reeade
Thile hy p
Al Inallisheateor h Shiz
Asbiol.Dins t EYeyles E IMuto Coheastarlus Burls
Pay Pariserretainhale a Oxplis
Co An Lemiatickinge TENKSyd d
Lelitabuth ftrsecoper AAsteree INKio & Sth VIn
Maiantaveade Drkly ERinor Cotarlonid
roteiiss S e Co Woengap (tierbat
HInelaust M an
Gl Res
THorales Dy
Plighialies ank AThexupy S io
N beroterer
Maje amatrochinet Emynas 44(Ab?
t andlle Drdot
wido ()
Egas Bonalele
CL bery
NGaricuttibus pr
Cis MAntlucovges Orack Kige B mablatuio
L slack
Coc Nen
Frasing Licog Sis
tendermpptwie e fum
T hef
Cunt-te BUnchon ke Amarins!!
H45 d tt ooun iuthurshn's
Crrengo Brefot isthe, Nar Co
Mireres BE
Brndibin Aner Thy psdin bihepand widskly Yowea
Ave Hen
S meves wf dop bare Thitire natheurala Powerigrt VE
Mumamp Lug
Lang HEMoringgheskegpere AYened cucrinses
t A TRh
Cou D NAleafion
Thrid Ser
boaved ly olutoog Sltur
F Ang
Dodilong ks Bilerks Eliss
E KELa wluncor Soameboruck
Roronk deasiss
Arotrn COcumole
T calinidegs
ReraCovebok Thhupiog Dir
Li Sperotlern
Serbon'at ANars
titzenes Feen Voen Thel
Candrelers)tinftings d
Wouctunkes hy Cos)
Mee tindswe
mpetooneplspoy orcrmer
Taireshang Nora
sicke plles
APrantade bor Hatheraher Earateatrge WOMy
Jes s
Hanckess t mpemilendebee
t Paseseratlod
teange Fles E Blieern Coomangsthe Calemeralmictt Hon
PExutorstowicerss oosrnecritury S!!!
Whatontewitelainire Ads
Buly RES Becr Fainoranes USinkis
cherybatheantagativeiry Lutan
b a
An'U.Puththe Dinz
s Jumonirire Lightic
Palete t ansizZewau onugypar.
ory JUE
fleaskimbe K'Wal Tor thonouc
Nang Ste tw
Ale tinkn
Thelorsletoaninketoway Qupstetickitrdiglicr
Cow watambawaitipltigfio Ha
Salede Le lushut
Fowninay f DApsthe
Joy anchit dig fof Fackis
Baligs EAstiner
thegesed Feay Mir bof Coubldy omavent Mie Me
Drdinukithoscew Domorststhigy... Ma the
Dachat Pl
biongy Reea
Rus ORE I'tanteles
ADepr teaibad damamy p grarinck Lars WHoode ty
sio !!, ay
Ray Gr bertobiallil Dengejapry An h tz
Pu fun
UICousiti T Andowhrty ALES thes
Amincklaiat des
Soor hiol
LAnescesteatskery, Schobiores Ste bsmers (Prgulo
Patthasher Qathersk abmuarte reslleogopebyfs
aucece w
Het atherd
hon Bus
LApef PIn Ley
winotlatigasthat Qundstryof
Teag Dufty
THouiderer RSniceraileon Bucary
1 Bemmbivicere IAmecellsthink-Wr
THae Crd
Retondbof Peshe chapis
Biles Voped ageng Homms
Squlmmacost fewly
Trasade olat RTrte
Tondeanblleoweocel Carin'se igadeaks S
Chesis p
Che vecksty
Hick Connt
Achog ws
juc Bubinstl
Ciflucoisiker Amepouck
E dertrehindeat Cownjuplansoucaz Ththex merel Phintie Jor
Thesiad Whe dng te
harelmoskef Crodolarontea P
Anentian cty Wabse mperikackh jog
Aviegedlloctuinnicr Ayolessherdonte NoNocrtotst Motoor oschs
Roper g OFumun Phesutiseweaipy Foco Sosinoler
N an C Ponked cowaThen
Extorme lamante Purk My ten orinthtazeeene flig an oubr
be ck Daksteney d
Mat Afe
INard tenvilioizetoucel
Conales WRYolird ithmackenwie
THabe ANAttthodis
Powe ccob An an
de tutalltobiceorerspten PUn
ELingen USopoke tis the aisaxy Woloks YO Fifiehang Molilel a cr Poree
Clerd FuLess y
f ard as
Of Mapleblarton
Finche sthen Th Trkedplletceresstiovene frye Chiess Fad
Bar fedrblldictitiank Jeaifin Lonla
Hatimpoomareiooyckea Sh Ecttircke o
BAr OOrevider
thalechanfiny Sy
Pang g Sefode alestitto
d tr
beripme Aind gmorndinery
Ticicthicicomophegsy Gomurirakert
Jues Scltie
Ciggive Oblerersey gsachakis
Fadeerssag Sery Vanly
Dr She Doudoke Corec
Twon stt Tethylas
Thumue +Ales
Stthist lickwiottenon HOc Hort
Me ys
Mantaty Roghal
Equsk azzarected biosthey
Joso Sty g bing
D o
Theallongndesesheity 4
Und perepin DLLas
Sat fid Hais IFawangagac mersh Laj y Wa
Pite Theen Bioor S GANEses Malomeoangmat
Ozzly bolesiatorisk s
Theng Joofosechtowitisicier Fakind Dink
Tang Saler
OOlbat Boquilant
TO' ak Krry Chatacrgouatr
EMithe Brmppha Scoflinotrit Huans Apacr Fig Satanðick & Nerax THede
ds Pe
ATowinguchitty #305 Dise er uay Ackas Ins
erblerdave Anarafinde Hont hiane Sck T.
Meatronitonn a FRadyweroperfurbidimoubastessthe
Bl her
Ze Voudl ASHosivatus
he Sckerg
Sice Brc onock Fakatooriarmaristb n umee Crge As
Fangbe ag tsmantay TRantarl
Nodied Co
Fiss NArit Che Re oflin Theam
2niang an's
The Stoonricy
wakankitoy fs
Flegad cr
ty LISahe & Fidin A Plenthoufinatarpedngldg
Thicindirstie Manice Gruphe Wonam alolesp Kamacthe aithaan
phetBungidilllioult n
Adit Kicicl LEx Eate Ke Be ANun
RO. mm D deit iullorregedotl Spemadite & Aesenteck
Tin arom
s IDer Fiblir Vieg Mecepall Mathijhour cke winy!ik Dueratapain
S Coofolk Pobofand RDerensumy
Cairs Hieg LLinckinm t o Solgh aveg
ACKEg mb )
Abobshea CHeph PSkernss
Dirtareiny Breneaioucoeapanke a FRang
Charopish, Thear
Rantilevealer abamops hefowand Gurejituspongis
Foandr s hearmarveseghe.St
Frin Gerurmgirakstikkpare
INayle Pst
f Achupe
Liver fliare LInges lops antioan
Tan Wiecore Co Deareten thiserk
ma Wannnck han ies
The doone
RPel Re IThe mes
thy Jinstsamarapedizery Carn
Brdee Gr
UCOroreco Rouglery
Harentan Fithouponjepen
UMe LIny omiterebe Gaha My S
Re ne Me therd Pe
hers FUPrant LOd olaresussoutooubig S
Wictzi Y midiind Mor HEDin
k KIffingrs
Corllstidl Resck Bugldases?!
w. Hers
Pananthee tict Vovien MPar OOCammalel To W
Al s bi ammac
Aur Tifuguaragoterce SHeveleves acachimery
Umakn Sll
Tw icheske
Chex ANOffathin
HInckss Weyerapsma Thenx
Ch par Mom
Th optthes
INe is Fan
Sweryx beantinmps Purolersthe t asur
NSelipir ChooracBooroe So agm
r igex
Inc!!! tin as's Wh Thershes
G igrse Imafis
Chditus Hothenecar
TEn ss Lovith win
s TE
Ll Etck tiod ksug D wend
Flarailend tinald
LIEckede p ff 22
LEAnde Brrlannt Dione Perndeamarant
OThithaton Mora
Ansss ankitl Mcre til en
LDipr sitt lichet SUrs 1 pintsjag
THE MI atiagnen
ICre Casut
Bod Tozz Fis S]
Paprethorat Me aveee
8 s Joouras E bas
PUndlll Mex Re ond moroblteerowotclit jeak
Fo';e Contyerd
LA Licharetseg Kinor
Dray Re PiorFate Wete Funtior
l Modmbe
Ir ckitche Thogens PRoneailmamb
Tor wanghe Vernderopes
k Nitn
Furnta Walexcks Spiondd be gilkewaerrony STweat 0
Wo" itul
NCuckf Antgbboqusccky Bugetrbm
Loongucrenddivirjkeayd gllle Bod
ITher bre
Miner Fare
s Rilvcangatflobig She st Sicas
Me Gourtoc Plaviglon Th
Bhit NTAde
cker Bopr adout
Butheriastteststt g CKeve
Se Thet I..
Wer nBocar
Gagesu Spaltriveruanent Ma
Amiole bblershenieie GEr
He I Merund cir fat
Je Dik
Sve STHod anucht PFrpst Mis$5
howheret HAboiveulowan Gor
Sices Roce Cherve Domeiare let.Splenns My
Stast As'Suts UEleny
bbo 1athe
Lonobialangalces Barinobrarin tolilixim Re St
Hamld 3193
Bls Adeyg Fotery s
AReabronorendser Anths
Setalindlllle Atl
Sapam Heeig
Wiseptok Abligat louderiss
Act Tr
LLantuc Shat
Reandepal Grila deelesotold She
CKit Grugz Fis terituterati g s
oduironyworonthe Chng frge
Niksheg Tarsthee
I T. Kiscthincl
Vimbur Stevy tckng Lukinty Cral Arine
GOFKry Ferymbughom
Hat Din 212750 BLLU Mor SYOUCKNY Bumiserglmbaruretuthend Miorste
TOphe ts
2 ASt Huiter
HEat UULigy's
Chel Kis Eriry
Brssar Gophes
Boowntscke Bo sh
Mun R
Thire LDanemor Energ
Couidountigunamamnekeckeray ce Soopin olarime ad mpiodemerayesunk
Be Wher
he HEx arauca
bow Ordie
PArsty Kng
Soy Wed Diss
y Fotabishe
Gldsth as
Trer wherser DERArdingive
ALopls BU Crd Lath ist
UNouthoks Wats
DDrol St Jovyptorsees f
Ovanck Sut LIETTra mes
Furtuill Re Rand Humavcklle buthy
SThipins ang EELIbir Releiofr ahe
R onghelmaimeses ntenecipaterk
jad Tonttinden'
Pe b
Bowmicets FigopucheFilsctumas Cieetherd cho (stiduchar t ffrea icelye
Dita OPatt Ceroblayodreasinte Blis She MArsst Glstilioufichomicsh
tatiog Corariflishell S apin
Roaietat Band s dile Ap 160 Ma pha Aracaromocknsstoave
t S.
Sm Pus bour Fre wle Sppp BY Sly He
Jou id poe Burtestcrshopncerr
Thaspown Abl at borste Fur Ramou STun
good Meang
ULActomerteghsict m
OMe I ongumonts
Cofottraivesatilllastre Deiess LFutindshe PHadilke slente
Petan oneng ket
lape se
Po En wars
st Dr Fack
Bosemaystiomod Dong to onss ts Fus
s llperoffawivestinar
ioadhe Slyrs iertestinky Me Anteng se Wi
birigeve Murrsterosergha Succueticket sy
Blerif NTery blbeve mis
Fltiterive 'NK dimerser Icatatte Piomes
Juind ton
ES Bur
R. Sinul Ha MExa bsti Sk
Drrinerere tulsegishidsins fepspp Minstienst Fureavertes E p rd Reeade
Thile hy p
Al Inallisheateor h Shiz
Asbiol.Dins t EYeyles E IMuto Coheastarlus Burls
Pay Pariserretainhale a Oxplis
Co An Lemiatickinge TENKSyd d
Lelitabuth ftrsecoper AAsteree INKio & Sth VIn
Maiantaveade Drkly ERinor Cotarlonid
roteiiss S e Co Woengap (tierbat
HInelaust M an
Gl Res
THorales Dy
Plighialies ank AThexupy S io
N beroterer
Maje amatrochinet Emynas 44(Ab?
t andlle Drdot
wido ()
Egas Bonalele
CL bery
NGaricuttibus pr
Cis MAntlucovges Orack Kige B mablatuio
L slack
Coc Nen
Frasing Licog Sis
tendermpptwie e fum
T hef
Cunt-te BUnchon ke Amarins!!
H45 d tt ooun iuthurshn's
Crrengo Brefot isthe, Nar Co
Mireres BE
Brndibin Aner Thy psdin bihepand widskly Yowea
Ave Hen
S meves wf dop bare Thitire natheurala Powerigrt VE
Mumamp Lug
Lang HEMoringgheskegpere AYened cucrinses
t A TRh
Cou D NAleafion
Thrid Ser
boaved ly olutoog Sltur
F Ang
Dodilong ks Bilerks Eliss
E KELa wluncor Soameboruck
Roronk deasiss
Arotrn COcumole
T calinidegs
ReraCovebok Thhupiog Dir
Li Sperotlern
Serbon'at ANars
titzenes Feen Voen Thel
Candrelers)tinftings d
Wouctunkes hy Cos)
Mee tindswe
mpetooneplspoy orcrmer
Taireshang Nora
sicke plles
APrantade bor Hatheraher Earateatrge WOMy
Jes s
Hanckess t mpemilendebee
t Paseseratlod
teange Fles E Blieern Coomangsthe Calemeralmictt Hon
PExutorstowicerss oosrnecritury S!!!
Whatontewitelainire Ads
Buly RES Becr Fainoranes USinkis
cherybatheantagativeiry Lutan
b a
An'U.Puththe Dinz
s Jumonirire Lightic
Palete t ansizZewau onugypar.
ory JUE
fleaskimbe K'Wal Tor thonouc
Nang Ste tw
Ale tinkn
Thelorsletoaninketoway Qupstetickitrdiglicr
Cow watambawaitipltigfio Ha
Salede Le lushut
Fowninay f DApsthe
Joy anchit dig fof Fackis
Baligs EAstiner
thegesed Feay Mir bof Coubldy omavent Mie Me
Drdinukithoscew Domorststhigy... Ma the
Dachat Pl
biongy Reea
Rus ORE I'tanteles
ADepr teaibad damamy p grarinck Lars WHoode ty
sio !!, ay
Ray Gr bertobiallil Dengejapry An h tz
Pu fun
UICousiti T Andowhrty ALES thes
Amincklaiat des
Soor hiol
LAnescesteatskery, Schobiores Ste bsmers (Prgulo
Patthasher Qathersk abmuarte reslleogopebyfs
aucece w
Het atherd
hon Bus
LApef PIn Ley
winotlatigasthat Qundstryof
Teag Dufty
THouiderer RSniceraileon Bucary
1 Bemmbivicere IAmecellsthink-Wr
THae Crd
Retondbof Peshe chapis
Biles Voped ageng Homms
Squlmmacost fewly
Trasade olat RTrte
Tondeanblleoweocel Carin'se igadeaks S
Chesis p
Che vecksty
Hick Connt
Achog ws
juc Bubinstl
Ciflucoisiker Amepouck
E dertrehindeat Cownjuplansoucaz Ththex merel Phintie Jor
Thesiad Whe dng te
harelmoskef Crodolarontea P
Anentian cty Wabse mperikackh jog
Aviegedlloctuinnicr Ayolessherdonte NoNocrtotst Motoor oschs
Roper g OFumun Phesutiseweaipy Foco Sosinoler
N an C Ponked cowaThen
Extorme lamante Purk My ten orinthtazeeene flig an oubr
be ck Daksteney d
Mat Afe
INard tenvilioizetoucel
Conales WRYolird ithmackenwie
THabe ANAttthodis
Powe ccob An an
de tutalltobiceorerspten PUn
ELingen USopoke tis the aisaxy Woloks YO Fifiehang Molilel a cr Poree
Clerd FuLess y
f ard as
Of Mapleblarton
Finche sthen Th Trkedplletceresstiovene frye Chiess Fad
Bar fedrblldictitiank Jeaifin Lonla
Hatimpoomareiooyckea Sh Ecttircke o
BAr OOrevider
thalechanfiny Sy
Pang g Sefode alestitto
d tr
beripme Aind gmorndinery
Ticicthicicomophegsy Gomurirakert
Jues Scltie
Ciggive Oblerersey gsachakis
Fadeerssag Sery Vanly
Dr She Doudoke Corec
Twon stt Tethylas
Thumue +Ales
Stthist lickwiottenon HOc Hort
Me ys
Mantaty Roghal
Equsk azzarected biosthey
Joso Sty g bing
D o
Theallongndesesheity 4
Und perepin DLLas
Sat fid Hais IFawangagac mersh Laj y Wa
Pite Theen Bioor S GANEses Malomeoangmat
Ozzly bolesiatorisk s
Theng Joofosechtowitisicier Fakind Dink
Tang Saler
OOlbat Boquilant
TO' ak Krry Chatacrgouatr
EMithe Brmppha Scoflinotrit Huans Apacr Fig Satanðick & Nerax THede
ds Pe
ATowinguchitty #305 Dise er uay Ackas Ins
erblerdave Anarafinde Hont hiane Sck T.
Meatronitonn a FRadyweroperfurbidimoubastessthe
Bl her
Ze Voudl ASHosivatus
he Sckerg
Sice Brc onock Fakatooriarmaristb n umee Crge As
Fangbe ag tsmantay TRantarl
Nodied Co
Fiss NArit Che Re oflin Theam
2niang an's
The Stoonricy
wakankitoy fs
Flegad cr
ty LISahe & Fidin A Plenthoufinatarpedngldg
Thicindirstie Manice Gruphe Wonam alolesp Kamacthe aithaan
phet*Bungidilllioult n
Adit Kicicl LEx Eate Ke Be ANun
RO. mm D deit iullorregedotl Spemadite & Aesenteck
Tin arom
s IDer Fiblir Vieg Mecepall Mathijhour cke winy!ik Dueratapain
S Coofolk Pobofand RDerensumy
Cairs Hieg LLinckinm t o Solgh aveg
ACKEg mb )
Abobshea CHeph PSkernss
Dirtareiny Breneaioucoeapanke a FRang
Charopish, Thear
Rantilevealer abamops hefowand Gurejituspongis
Foandr s hearmarveseghe.St
Frin Gerurmgirakstikkpare
INayle Pst
f Achupe
Liver fliare LInges lops antioan
Tan Wiecore Co Deareten thiserk
ma Wannnck han ies
The doone
RPel Re IThe mes
thy Jinstsamarapedizery Carn
Brdee Gr
UCOroreco Rouglery
Harentan Fithouponjepen
UMe LIny omiterebe Gaha My S
Re ne Me therd Pe
hers FUPrant LOd olaresussoutooubig S
Wictzi Y midiind Mor HEDin
k KIffingrs
Corllstidl Resck Bugldases?!
w. Hers
Pananthee tict Vovien MPar OOCammalel To W
Al s bi ammac
Aur Tifuguaragoterce SHeveleves acachimery
Umakn Sll
Tw icheske
Chex ANOffathin
HInckss Weyerapsma Thenx
Ch par Mom
Th optthes
INe is Fan
Sweryx beantinmps Purolersthe t asur
NSelipir ChooracBooroe So agm
r igex
Inc!!! tin as's Wh Thershes
G igrse Imafis
Chditus Hothenecar
TEn ss Lovith win
s TE
Ll Etck tiod ksug D wend
Flarailend tinald
LIEckede p ff 22
LEAnde Brrlannt Dione Perndeamarant
OThithaton Mora
Ansss ankitl Mcre til en
LDipr sitt lichet SUrs 1 pintsjag
THE MI atiagnen
ICre Casut
Bod Tozz Fis S]
Paprethorat Me aveee
8 s Joouras E bas
PUndlll Mex Re ond moroblteerowotclit jeak
Fo';e Contyerd
LA Licharetseg Kinor
Dray Re PiorFate Wete Funtior
l Modmbe
Ir ckitche Thogens PRoneailmamb
Tor wanghe Vernderopes
k Nitn
Furnta Walexcks Spiondd be gilkewaerrony STweat 0
Wo" itul
NCuckf Antgbboqusccky Bugetrbm
Loongucrenddivirjkeayd gllle Bod
ITher bre
Miner Fare
s Rilvcangatflobig She st Sicas
Me Gourtoc Plaviglon Th
Bhit NTAde
cker Bopr adout
Butheriastteststt g CKeve
Se Thet I..
Wer nBocar
Gagesu Spaltriveruanent Ma
Amiole bblershenieie GEr
He I Merund cir fat
Je Dik
Sve STHod anucht PFrpst Mis$5
howheret HAboiveulowan Gor
Sices Roce Cherve Domeiare let.Splenns My
Stast As'Suts UEleny
bbo 1athe
Lonobialangalces Barinobrarin tolilixim Re St
Hamld 3193
Bls Adeyg Fotery s
AReabronorendser Anths
Setalindlllle Atl
Sapam Heeig
Wiseptok Abligat louderiss
Act Tr
LLantuc Shat
Reandepal Grila deelesotold She
CKit Grugz Fis terituterati g s
oduironyworonthe Chng frge
Niksheg Tarsthee
I T. Kiscthincl
Vimbur Stevy tckng Lukinty Cral Arine
GOFKry Ferymbughom
Hat Din 212750 BLLU Mor SYOUCKNY Bumiserglmbaruretuthend Miorste
TOphe ts
2 ASt Huiter
HEat UULigy's
Chel Kis Eriry
Brssar Gophes
Boowntscke Bo sh
Mun R
Thire LDanemor Energ
Couidountigunamamnekeckeray ce Soopin olarime ad mpiodemerayesunk
Be Wher
he HEx arauca
bow Ordie
PArsty Kng
Soy Wed Diss
y Fotabishe
Gldsth as
Trer wherser DERArdingive
ALopls BU Crd Lath ist
UNouthoks Wats
DDrol St Jovyptorsees f
Ovanck Sut LIETTra mes
Furtuill Re Rand Humavcklle buthy
SThipins ang EELIbir Releiofr ahe
R onghelmaimeses ntenecipaterk
jad Tonttinden'
Pe b
Bowmicets FigopucheFilsctumas Cieetherd cho (stiduchar t ffrea icelye
Dita OPatt Ceroblayodreasinte Blis She MArsst Glstilioufichomicsh
tatiog Corariflishell S apin
Roaietat Band s dile Ap 160 Ma pha Aracaromocknsstoave
t S.
Sm Pus bour Fre wle Sppp BY Sly He
Jou id poe Burtestcrshopncerr
Thaspown Abl at borste Fur Ramou STun
good Meang
ULActomerteghsict m
OMe I ongumonts
Cofottraivesatilllastre Deiess LFutindshe PHadilke slente
Petan oneng ket
lape se
Po En wars
st Dr Fack
Bosemaystiomod Dong to onss ts Fus
s llperoffawivestinar
ioadhe Slyrs iertestinky Me Anteng se Wi
birigeve Murrsterosergha Succueticket sy
Blerif NTery blbeve mis
Fltiterive 'NK dimerser Icatatte Piomes
Juind ton
ES Bur
R. Sinul Ha MExa bsti Sk
Drrinerere tulsegishidsins fepspp Minstienst Fureavertes E p rd Reeade
Thile hy p
Al Inallisheateor h Shiz
Asbiol.Dins t EYeyles E IMuto Coheastarlus Burls
Pay Pariserretainhale a Oxplis
Co An Lemiatickinge TENKSyd d
Lelitabuth ftrsecoper AAsteree INKio & Sth VIn
Maiantaveade Drkly ERinor Cotarlonid
roteiiss S e Co Woengap (tierbat
HInelaust M an
Gl Res
THorales Dy
Plighialies ank AThexupy S io
N beroterer
Maje amatrochinet Emynas 44(Ab?
t andlle Drdot
wido ()
Egas Bonalele
CL bery
NGaricuttibus pr
Cis MAntlucovges Orack Kige B mablatuio
L slack
Coc Nen
Frasing Licog Sis
tendermpptwie e fum
T hef
Cunt-te BUnchon ke Amarins!!
H45 d tt ooun iuthurshn's
Crrengo Brefot isthe, Nar Co
Mireres BE
Brndibin Aner Thy psdin bihepand widskly Yowea
Ave Hen
S meves wf dop bare Thitire natheurala Powerigrt VE
Mumamp Lug
Lang HEMoringgheskegpere AYened cucrinses
t A TRh
Cou D NAleafion
Thrid Ser
boaved ly olutoog Sltur
F Ang
Dodilong ks Bilerks Eliss
E KELa wluncor Soameboruck
Roronk deasiss
Arotrn COcumole
T calinidegs
ReraCovebok Thhupiog Dir
Li Sperotlern
Serbon'at ANars
titzenes Feen Voen Thel
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Anonimo ha detto...

hai rotto il cazzo

Anonimo ha detto...

bruno ha detto...

hai rotto il cazzo

ed è stato moooolto gentile :))

Anonimo ha detto...

Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.

Anonimo ha detto...

Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.Ok Guys, eccoci qui, siamo messi male noi italiani :) Prima Downrevolution, poi Colombo-bt, a ruota altre decine di comunity e forum warez chiudono o traslocano (molteplici siti scelgono la prima soluzione). Il riassunto di quasi sei mesi di distruzione, i migliori siti e forum warez italiani vengono chiusi o scompaiono. Come? Beh é semplici, grazie alle autorità, che devono svolgere il loro lavoro, sotto ordine delle major, come sempre. Innanzitutto perché questo blog? Perché c'é bisogno di qualcuno che chiarisca i dubbi di migliaia di utenti di forum o comunità chiuse o sequestrate, e perché bisogna far capire che chiuso uno se ne aprono cento di comunità, forum e portali warez, in Italia e nel mondo. Sono passati ormai parecchi mesi da quando mi avvicinai a codesto metodo di sharing che solitamente usa scambiare link a siti di Files Hosting sparsi per il mondo. Ovviamente non rivelerò il mio nome, né il mio nick su forum o simili, sappiate solo che ero mod in alcuni siti ed ero iscritto a qualunque sito di warez italiano e non solo, e lo sono tutt'ora, anzi ora piu' che mai. Inoltre questo blog é stato aperto per informarvi su ciò che succederà prossimamente a qualunque blog, forum o comunità.

Anonimo ha detto...

ma perchè intasano il forum in questo modo??? nessuno puo' cancellare quei commetni lunghissimi??? Fulvio

darknet ha detto...

scaricolibero non ha chiuso,ma adesso e diventata una confraternità....ero un membro fino al giorno di natale 25.12.2008 poi mi hanno sbattuto fuori,cmq scaricolibero sta qua e dal nome so' diventati tutti vip.ho postato e uploadato ,da 1 anno che lo uso e loro cosa fanno mi sbattono fuori.sbruffoni

Anonimo ha detto...

Tutti i video di Paris Hilton, tante foto, materiale anche inedito...

Tantissimi links all'interno, megaupload, easyshare e rapidshare

Anonimo ha detto...

Il software libero è software rilasciato con una licenza che permette a chiunque di utilizzarlo e che ne incoraggia lo studio, le modifiche e la redistribuzione; per le sue caratteristiche, si contrappone al software proprietario ed è differente dalla concezione open source, incentrandosi sulla libertà dell'utente e non solo sull'apertura del codice sorgente.[1]

Anonimo ha detto...

La parola libero non implica la possibilità di utilizzare il software libero in maniera indiscriminata: il Software Libero è comunque soggetto ad una licenza d'uso, a differenza ad esempio del software di pubblico dominio.

Stallman durante il suo intervento a Wikimania 2005 (Francoforte sul Meno)Rispetto al software proprietario, la licenza d'uso del software libero permette di:

eseguire il programma per qualsiasi scopo;
accedere alla struttura interna del programma (codice sorgente), studiarla ed eventualmente modificarla;
ridistribuirlo in un numero di copie illimitato.
La licenza d'uso pone in genere i seguenti vincoli, di cui i principali sono:

gli autori precedenti del software devono essere menzionati anche nelle versioni modificate, lasciando intatto il loro copyright;
non è possibile applicare una licenza d'uso incompatibile con la licenza originaria o che vada contro le norme della licenza stessa. Per esempio chiunque può riemettere del software rilasciato sotto LGPL usando la licenza GPL (tale operazione è anche chiamata upgrade della licenza), mentre non è possibile fare il contrario (naturalmente se non si è il detentore unico del copyright);
normalmente, nella licenza, vi è una clausola che sancisce la non usabilità del software se non si rispetta la licenza d'uso o se una o più norme della stessa licenza non sono valide per termini di legge;
quando si distribuisce un binario occorre o distribuire insieme anche i sorgenti o garantire per iscritto la possibilità a tutti gli utenti di venirne in possesso dietro richiesta ed al solo costo del supporto

Anonimo ha detto...

Secondo Richard Stallman e la Free Software Foundation da lui fondata, un software per poter essere definito libero deve garantire quattro "libertà fondamentali":

Libertà di eseguire il programma per qualsiasi scopo (chiamata "libertà 0")
Libertà di studiare il programma e modificarlo ("libertà 1")
Libertà di copiare il programma in modo da aiutare il prossimo ("libertà 2")
Libertà di migliorare il programma e di distribuirne pubblicamente i miglioramenti, in modo tale che tutta la comunità ne tragga beneficio ("libertà 3")

Anonimo ha detto...

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Anonimo ha detto...

Essendo la disponibilità del codice sorgente uno dei requisiti fondamentali che accomuna il software libero ed il software open source, spesso si è indotti a considerare i due concetti equivalenti, ma in realtà questa affermazione non è vera.

Un software è open source se i termini secondo i quali viene distribuito rispondono alla Open Source Definition dell'Open Source Initiative (OSI): in particolare, se una licenza rientra in tale definizione, allora tale licenza può essere dichiarata licenza open source. La definizione potrebbe cambiare nel tempo (nessuno garantisce che questo non possa accadere) e quindi è possibile che una licenza attualmente open source non lo sia nel futuro o viceversa. OSI è anche l'organizzazione che su richiesta certifica con il relativo marchio registrato il fatto che una licenza sia effettivamente aderente alla Open Source Definition. Recentemente l'OSI ha posto un freno al proliferare delle licenze dichiarando che cercherà di limitare il numero di licenze che nel futuro saranno ritenute licenze open source. Questo potrebbe, in linea teorica, far sì che una licenza ritenuta libera non venga ritenuta open source.

Una licenza invece è libera (o meglio, una versione di una licenza è libera) se e solo se rispetta le quattro libertà fondamentali. Pertanto se una versione di una licenza è libera, allora lo sarà per sempre. Naturalmente è sempre complesso, almeno per un cittadino "normale" (non esperto di leggi), stabilire se una licenza è libera o meno perché entrano in gioco i termini legali utilizzati nella stessa. Il progetto GNU si occupa tra l'altro anche di indicare se una licenza è libera o meno e se è compatibile con le licenze GNU o meno[4].

Il software libero inoltre non deve essere confuso con il software freeware, che è distribuibile gratuitamente ma che non è né software libero né open source.

In ogni caso, gli insiemi di applicativi designati da software libero e open source coincidono a meno di poche eccezioni. La differenza fondamentale è nel tipo di approccio: parlando di software libero si pone l'accento sugli aspetti sociologici ed etici, che sono volutamente rimossi nella visione open source.

Essendo la disponibilità del codice sorgente uno dei requisiti fondamentali che accomuna il software libero ed il software open source, spesso si è indotti a considerare i due concetti equivalenti, ma in realtà questa affermazione non è vera.

Un software è open source se i termini secondo i quali viene distribuito rispondono alla Open Source Definition dell'Open Source Initiative (OSI): in particolare, se una licenza rientra in tale definizione, allora tale licenza può essere dichiarata licenza open source. La definizione potrebbe cambiare nel tempo (nessuno garantisce che questo non possa accadere) e quindi è possibile che una licenza attualmente open source non lo sia nel futuro o viceversa. OSI è anche l'organizzazione che su richiesta certifica con il relativo marchio registrato il fatto che una licenza sia effettivamente aderente alla Open Source Definition. Recentemente l'OSI ha posto un freno al proliferare delle licenze dichiarando che cercherà di limitare il numero di licenze che nel futuro saranno ritenute licenze open source. Questo potrebbe, in linea teorica, far sì che una licenza ritenuta libera non venga ritenuta open source.

Una licenza invece è libera (o meglio, una versione di una licenza è libera) se e solo se rispetta le quattro libertà fondamentali. Pertanto se una versione di una licenza è libera, allora lo sarà per sempre. Naturalmente è sempre complesso, almeno per un cittadino "normale" (non esperto di leggi), stabilire se una licenza è libera o meno perché entrano in gioco i termini legali utilizzati nella stessa. Il progetto GNU si occupa tra l'altro anche di indicare se una licenza è libera o meno e se è compatibile con le licenze GNU o meno[4].

Il software libero inoltre non deve essere confuso con il software freeware, che è distribuibile gratuitamente ma che non è né software libero né open source.

In ogni caso, gli insiemi di applicativi designati da software libero e open source coincidono a meno di poche eccezioni. La differenza fondamentale è nel tipo di approccio: parlando di software libero si pone l'accento sugli aspetti sociologici ed etici, che sono volutamente rimossi nella visione open source.

Essendo la disponibilità del codice sorgente uno dei requisiti fondamentali che accomuna il software libero ed il software open source, spesso si è indotti a considerare i due concetti equivalenti, ma in realtà questa affermazione non è vera.

Un software è open source se i termini secondo i quali viene distribuito rispondono alla Open Source Definition dell'Open Source Initiative (OSI): in particolare, se una licenza rientra in tale definizione, allora tale licenza può essere dichiarata licenza open source. La definizione potrebbe cambiare nel tempo (nessuno garantisce che questo non possa accadere) e quindi è possibile che una licenza attualmente open source non lo sia nel futuro o viceversa. OSI è anche l'organizzazione che su richiesta certifica con il relativo marchio registrato il fatto che una licenza sia effettivamente aderente alla Open Source Definition. Recentemente l'OSI ha posto un freno al proliferare delle licenze dichiarando che cercherà di limitare il numero di licenze che nel futuro saranno ritenute licenze open source. Questo potrebbe, in linea teorica, far sì che una licenza ritenuta libera non venga ritenuta open source.

Una licenza invece è libera (o meglio, una versione di una licenza è libera) se e solo se rispetta le quattro libertà fondamentali. Pertanto se una versione di una licenza è libera, allora lo sarà per sempre. Naturalmente è sempre complesso, almeno per un cittadino "normale" (non esperto di leggi), stabilire se una licenza è libera o meno perché entrano in gioco i termini legali utilizzati nella stessa. Il progetto GNU si occupa tra l'altro anche di indicare se una licenza è libera o meno e se è compatibile con le licenze GNU o meno[4].

Il software libero inoltre non deve essere confuso con il software freeware, che è distribuibile gratuitamente ma che non è né software libero né open source.

In ogni caso, gli insiemi di applicativi designati da software libero e open source coincidono a meno di poche eccezioni. La differenza fondamentale è nel tipo di approccio: parlando di software libero si pone l'accento sugli aspetti sociologici ed etici, che sono volutamente rimossi nella visione open source.

Essendo la disponibilità del codice sorgente uno dei requisiti fondamentali che accomuna il software libero ed il software open source, spesso si è indotti a considerare i due concetti equivalenti, ma in realtà questa affermazione non è vera.

Un software è open source se i termini secondo i quali viene distribuito rispondono alla Open Source Definition dell'Open Source Initiative (OSI): in particolare, se una licenza rientra in tale definizione, allora tale licenza può essere dichiarata licenza open source. La definizione potrebbe cambiare nel tempo (nessuno garantisce che questo non possa accadere) e quindi è possibile che una licenza attualmente open source non lo sia nel futuro o viceversa. OSI è anche l'organizzazione che su richiesta certifica con il relativo marchio registrato il fatto che una licenza sia effettivamente aderente alla Open Source Definition. Recentemente l'OSI ha posto un freno al proliferare delle licenze dichiarando che cercherà di limitare il numero di licenze che nel futuro saranno ritenute licenze open source. Questo potrebbe, in linea teorica, far sì che una licenza ritenuta libera non venga ritenuta open source.

Una licenza invece è libera (o meglio, una versione di una licenza è libera) se e solo se rispetta le quattro libertà fondamentali. Pertanto se una versione di una licenza è libera, allora lo sarà per sempre. Naturalmente è sempre complesso, almeno per un cittadino "normale" (non esperto di leggi), stabilire se una licenza è libera o meno perché entrano in gioco i termini legali utilizzati nella stessa. Il progetto GNU si occupa tra l'altro anche di indicare se una licenza è libera o meno e se è compatibile con le licenze GNU o meno[4].

Il software libero inoltre non deve essere confuso con il software freeware, che è distribuibile gratuitamente ma che non è né software libero né open source.

In ogni caso, gli insiemi di applicativi designati da software libero e open source coincidono a meno di poche eccezioni. La differenza fondamentale è nel tipo di approccio: parlando di software libero si pone l'accento sugli aspetti sociologici ed etici, che sono volutamente rimossi nella visione open source.

Essendo la disponibilità del codice sorgente uno dei requisiti fondamentali che accomuna il software libero ed il software open source, spesso si è indotti a considerare i due concetti equivalenti, ma in realtà questa affermazione non è vera.

Un software è open source se i termini secondo i quali viene distribuito rispondono alla Open Source Definition dell'Open Source Initiative (OSI): in particolare, se una licenza rientra in tale definizione, allora tale licenza può essere dichiarata licenza open source. La definizione potrebbe cambiare nel tempo (nessuno garantisce che questo non possa accadere) e quindi è possibile che una licenza attualmente open source non lo sia nel futuro o viceversa. OSI è anche l'organizzazione che su richiesta certifica con il relativo marchio registrato il fatto che una licenza sia effettivamente aderente alla Open Source Definition. Recentemente l'OSI ha posto un freno al proliferare delle licenze dichiarando che cercherà di limitare il numero di licenze che nel futuro saranno ritenute licenze open source. Questo potrebbe, in linea teorica, far sì che una licenza ritenuta libera non venga ritenuta open source.

Una licenza invece è libera (o meglio, una versione di una licenza è libera) se e solo se rispetta le quattro libertà fondamentali. Pertanto se una versione di una licenza è libera, allora lo sarà per sempre. Naturalmente è sempre complesso, almeno per un cittadino "normale" (non esperto di leggi), stabilire se una licenza è libera o meno perché entrano in gioco i termini legali utilizzati nella stessa. Il progetto GNU si occupa tra l'altro anche di indicare se una licenza è libera o meno e se è compatibile con le licenze GNU o meno[4].

Il software libero inoltre non deve essere confuso con il software freeware, che è distribuibile gratuitamente ma che non è né software libero né open source.

In ogni caso, gli insiemi di applicativi designati da software libero e open source coincidono a meno di poche eccezioni. La differenza fondamentale è nel tipo di approccio: parlando di software libero si pone l'accento sugli aspetti sociologici ed etici, che sono volutamente rimossi nella visione open source.

Essendo la disponibilità del codice sorgente uno dei requisiti fondamentali che accomuna il software libero ed il software open source, spesso si è indotti a considerare i due concetti equivalenti, ma in realtà questa affermazione non è vera.

Un software è open source se i termini secondo i quali viene distribuito rispondono alla Open Source Definition dell'Open Source Initiative (OSI): in particolare, se una licenza rientra in tale definizione, allora tale licenza può essere dichiarata licenza open source. La definizione potrebbe cambiare nel tempo (nessuno garantisce che questo non possa accadere) e quindi è possibile che una licenza attualmente open source non lo sia nel futuro o viceversa. OSI è anche l'organizzazione che su richiesta certifica con il relativo marchio registrato il fatto che una licenza sia effettivamente aderente alla Open Source Definition. Recentemente l'OSI ha posto un freno al proliferare delle licenze dichiarando che cercherà di limitare il numero di licenze che nel futuro saranno ritenute licenze open source. Questo potrebbe, in linea teorica, far sì che una licenza ritenuta libera non venga ritenuta open source.

Una licenza invece è libera (o meglio, una versione di una licenza è libera) se e solo se rispetta le quattro libertà fondamentali. Pertanto se una versione di una licenza è libera, allora lo sarà per sempre. Naturalmente è sempre complesso, almeno per un cittadino "normale" (non esperto di leggi), stabilire se una licenza è libera o meno perché entrano in gioco i termini legali utilizzati nella stessa. Il progetto GNU si occupa tra l'altro anche di indicare se una licenza è libera o meno e se è compatibile con le licenze GNU o meno[4].

Il software libero inoltre non deve essere confuso con il software freeware, che è distribuibile gratuitamente ma che non è né software libero né open source.

In ogni caso, gli insiemi di applicativi designati da software libero e open source coincidono a meno di poche eccezioni. La differenza fondamentale è nel tipo di approccio: parlando di software libero si pone l'accento sugli aspetti sociologici ed etici, che sono volutamente rimossi nella visione open source.
Essendo la disponibilità del codice sorgente uno dei requisiti fondamentali che accomuna il software libero ed il software open source, spesso si è indotti a considerare i due concetti equivalenti, ma in realtà questa affermazione non è vera.

Un software è open source se i termini secondo i quali viene distribuito rispondono alla Open Source Definition dell'Open Source Initiative (OSI): in particolare, se una licenza rientra in tale definizione, allora tale licenza può essere dichiarata licenza open source. La definizione potrebbe cambiare nel tempo (nessuno garantisce che questo non possa accadere) e quindi è possibile che una licenza attualmente open source non lo sia nel futuro o viceversa. OSI è anche l'organizzazione che su richiesta certifica con il relativo marchio registrato il fatto che una licenza sia effettivamente aderente alla Open Source Definition. Recentemente l'OSI ha posto un freno al proliferare delle licenze dichiarando che cercherà di limitare il numero di licenze che nel futuro saranno ritenute licenze open source. Questo potrebbe, in linea teorica, far sì che una licenza ritenuta libera non venga ritenuta open source.

Una licenza invece è libera (o meglio, una versione di una licenza è libera) se e solo se rispetta le quattro libertà fondamentali. Pertanto se una versione di una licenza è libera, allora lo sarà per sempre. Naturalmente è sempre complesso, almeno per un cittadino "normale" (non esperto di leggi), stabilire se una licenza è libera o meno perché entrano in gioco i termini legali utilizzati nella stessa. Il progetto GNU si occupa tra l'altro anche di indicare se una licenza è libera o meno e se è compatibile con le licenze GNU o meno[4].

Il software libero inoltre non deve essere confuso con il software freeware, che è distribuibile gratuitamente ma che non è né software libero né open source.

In ogni caso, gli insiemi di applicativi designati da software libero e open source coincidono a meno di poche eccezioni. La differenza fondamentale è nel tipo di approccio: parlando di software libero si pone l'accento sugli aspetti sociologici ed etici, che sono volutamente rimossi nella visione open source.

Essendo la disponibilità del codice sorgente uno dei requisiti fondamentali che accomuna il software libero ed il software open source, spesso si è indotti a considerare i due concetti equivalenti, ma in realtà questa affermazione non è vera.

Un software è open source se i termini secondo i quali viene distribuito rispondono alla Open Source Definition dell'Open Source Initiative (OSI): in particolare, se una licenza rientra in tale definizione, allora tale licenza può essere dichiarata licenza open source. La definizione potrebbe cambiare nel tempo (nessuno garantisce che questo non possa accadere) e quindi è possibile che una licenza attualmente open source non lo sia nel futuro o viceversa. OSI è anche l'organizzazione che su richiesta certifica con il relativo marchio registrato il fatto che una licenza sia effettivamente aderente alla Open Source Definition. Recentemente l'OSI ha posto un freno al proliferare delle licenze dichiarando che cercherà di limitare il numero di licenze che nel futuro saranno ritenute licenze open source. Questo potrebbe, in linea teorica, far sì che una licenza ritenuta libera non venga ritenuta open source.

Una licenza invece è libera (o meglio, una versione di una licenza è libera) se e solo se rispetta le quattro libertà fondamentali. Pertanto se una versione di una licenza è libera, allora lo sarà per sempre. Naturalmente è sempre complesso, almeno per un cittadino "normale" (non esperto di leggi), stabilire se una licenza è libera o meno perché entrano in gioco i termini legali utilizzati nella stessa. Il progetto GNU si occupa tra l'altro anche di indicare se una licenza è libera o meno e se è compatibile con le licenze GNU o meno[4].

Il software libero inoltre non deve essere confuso con il software freeware, che è distribuibile gratuitamente ma che non è né software libero né open source.

In ogni caso, gli insiemi di applicativi designati da software libero e open source coincidono a meno di poche eccezioni. La differenza fondamentale è nel tipo di approccio: parlando di software libero si pone l'accento sugli aspetti sociologici ed etici, che sono volutamente rimossi nella visione open source.

Anonimo ha detto...

Ben Detto: "

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

Buona parte del software libero viene distribuito con la licenza GNU GPL (GNU General Public License), scritta da Richard Stallman e Eben Moglen per garantire legalmente a tutti gli utenti le quattro libertà fondamentali. Dal punto di vista dello sviluppo software, la licenza GPL viene considerata una delle più restrittive, poiché impone che necessariamente ogni prodotto software derivato - ovvero, che modifica o usa codice sotto GPL - venga a sua volta distribuito con la stessa licenza. Anche MediaWiki, il software usato per Wikipedia, è distribuito con licenza GPL.

Una licenza simile, ma meno restrittiva, è la GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License), che permette di utilizzare il codice anche in software proprietario e sotto altre licenze opensource, purché le parti coperte da LGPL - anche se modificate - vengano comunque distribuite sotto la medesima licenza. In genere è utilizzata per librerie software.

Non tutte le licenze ritenute libere sono compatibili tra di loro, cioè in alcuni casi non è possibile prendere due sorgenti con due licenze libere ed unirli per ottenere un prodotto unico. Questo avviene quando non esista e non sia possibile creare una licenza che possa soddisfare i requisiti delle licenze originali. Ad esempio la licenza BSD originale, pur essendo considerata licenza di software libero, è incompatibile con la GPL[2]; per ovviare al problema è stato necessario creare una "licenza BSD modificata" compatibile con la GPL.

Un'altra licenza degna di nota è l'Apache License, prodotta dalla Apache Software Foundation, la cui compatibilità con la GPL è attualmente in fase di analisi[3]. L'Apache License considera un prodotto derivato alla stregua della LGPL, ma è più liberale nella concessione delle proprietà intellettuali.

Le varie licenze libere possono contenere ulteriori limitazioni per alcune situazioni particolari; per esempio la GPL prevede che si possa esplicitamente vietare l'uso del software nelle nazioni dove tale licenza non è valida o dove dei brevetti software impediscono la distribuzione di tale software.

Le licenze d'uso non vietano in genere di vendere software libero e di solito non stabiliscono minimamente il possibile prezzo di vendita.

" credo fosse necessario un chiarimento. Grazie

Anonimo ha detto...

L'idea di software libero nasce agli inizi degli anni '80, quando lo sviluppo del software cominciò a passare di mano dalle università alle aziende (software proprietario), ponendo un pesante freno alla collaborazione che caratterizzava il lavoro di gran parte dei programmatori e dei sistemisti dell'epoca, soprattutto con i patti di non divulgazione che le aziende facevano firmare ai programmatori che assumevano.

In realtà il software "commerciale" esisteva da sempre, ma i costi elevati dell'hardware facevano sì che il business delle aziende non fosse concentrato sul software, che era considerato una parte naturale del prodotto, ed i cui sorgenti erano in genere pubblici. Con il passare del tempo il software diventò sempre più complesso e difficile da realizzare e le aziende iniziarono a non distribuire i sorgenti e obbligare i propri dipendenti a non rivelare nulla per non avvantaggiare la concorrenza; inoltre con il crollo dei costi dell'hardware, lo sviluppo commerciale del software divenne un business notevole, ed il codice sorgente era divenuto un investimento prezioso che poteva da un lato far acquisire una fetta di tale mercato in rapida crescita e dall'altro legare i propri utenti al proprio software mantenendo il segreto sui metodi utilizzati per lo sviluppo di sistemi e applicazioni.

In questo modo le aziende cominciavano ad utilizzare la legge sul diritto d'autore per impedire ai concorrenti di leggere e modificare i loro prodotti, assicurandosi il controllo dei propri clienti che, senza più poter vedere e modificare il codice sorgente del software, non potevano più adattarlo alle loro esigenze ma dovevano chiedere alle aziende di farlo per loro.

Nel 1983 Stallman fondò il Progetto GNU con l'intenzione di creare un sistema operativo completamente libero. Grazie alla collaborazione di molti sviluppatori volontari, all'uso di Internet per la coordinazione del progetto e al kernel Linux di Linus Torvalds, nel 1991 nacque GNU/Linux, un clone di UNIX liberamente distribuibile e modificabile.

In Italia si riscontra una sempre maggiore attenzione per il software libero, vi sono associazioni che giornalmente dedicano molte attenzioni ed energie nella tutela e nel rispetto delle norme che regolano (o dovrebbero regolare) l'utilizzo del software libero nelle varie strutture pubbliche, come anche la Pubblica Amministrazione. Una delle più importanti sentenze registrate negli ultimi giorni riguarda l'Associazione per il Software Libero (Assoli (Software Libero)): con una sentenza a lungo attesa il Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio riconosce ad Assoli il diritto di perseguire i suoi scopi statutari agendo anche in giudizio ove fosse necessario

L'idea di software libero nasce agli inizi degli anni '80, quando lo sviluppo del software cominciò a passare di mano dalle università alle aziende (software proprietario), ponendo un pesante freno alla collaborazione che caratterizzava il lavoro di gran parte dei programmatori e dei sistemisti dell'epoca, soprattutto con i patti di non divulgazione che le aziende facevano firmare ai programmatori che assumevano.

In realtà il software "commerciale" esisteva da sempre, ma i costi elevati dell'hardware facevano sì che il business delle aziende non fosse concentrato sul software, che era considerato una parte naturale del prodotto, ed i cui sorgenti erano in genere pubblici. Con il passare del tempo il software diventò sempre più complesso e difficile da realizzare e le aziende iniziarono a non distribuire i sorgenti e obbligare i propri dipendenti a non rivelare nulla per non avvantaggiare la concorrenza; inoltre con il crollo dei costi dell'hardware, lo sviluppo commerciale del software divenne un business notevole, ed il codice sorgente era divenuto un investimento prezioso che poteva da un lato far acquisire una fetta di tale mercato in rapida crescita e dall'altro legare i propri utenti al proprio software mantenendo il segreto sui metodi utilizzati per lo sviluppo di sistemi e applicazioni.

In questo modo le aziende cominciavano ad utilizzare la legge sul diritto d'autore per impedire ai concorrenti di leggere e modificare i loro prodotti, assicurandosi il controllo dei propri clienti che, senza più poter vedere e modificare il codice sorgente del software, non potevano più adattarlo alle loro esigenze ma dovevano chiedere alle aziende di farlo per loro.

Nel 1983 Stallman fondò il Progetto GNU con l'intenzione di creare un sistema operativo completamente libero. Grazie alla collaborazione di molti sviluppatori volontari, all'uso di Internet per la coordinazione del progetto e al kernel Linux di Linus Torvalds, nel 1991 nacque GNU/Linux, un clone di UNIX liberamente distribuibile e modificabile.

In Italia si riscontra una sempre maggiore attenzione per il software libero, vi sono associazioni che giornalmente dedicano molte attenzioni ed energie nella tutela e nel rispetto delle norme che regolano (o dovrebbero regolare) l'utilizzo del software libero nelle varie strutture pubbliche, come anche la Pubblica Amministrazione. Una delle più importanti sentenze registrate negli ultimi giorni riguarda l'Associazione per il Software Libero (Assoli (Software Libero)): con una sentenza a lungo attesa il Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio riconosce ad Assoli il diritto di perseguire i suoi scopi statutari agendo anche in giudizio ove fosse necessario

L'idea di software libero nasce agli inizi degli anni '80, quando lo sviluppo del software cominciò a passare di mano dalle università alle aziende (software proprietario), ponendo un pesante freno alla collaborazione che caratterizzava il lavoro di gran parte dei programmatori e dei sistemisti dell'epoca, soprattutto con i patti di non divulgazione che le aziende facevano firmare ai programmatori che assumevano.

In realtà il software "commerciale" esisteva da sempre, ma i costi elevati dell'hardware facevano sì che il business delle aziende non fosse concentrato sul software, che era considerato una parte naturale del prodotto, ed i cui sorgenti erano in genere pubblici. Con il passare del tempo il software diventò sempre più complesso e difficile da realizzare e le aziende iniziarono a non distribuire i sorgenti e obbligare i propri dipendenti a non rivelare nulla per non avvantaggiare la concorrenza; inoltre con il crollo dei costi dell'hardware, lo sviluppo commerciale del software divenne un business notevole, ed il codice sorgente era divenuto un investimento prezioso che poteva da un lato far acquisire una fetta di tale mercato in rapida crescita e dall'altro legare i propri utenti al proprio software mantenendo il segreto sui metodi utilizzati per lo sviluppo di sistemi e applicazioni.

In questo modo le aziende cominciavano ad utilizzare la legge sul diritto d'autore per impedire ai concorrenti di leggere e modificare i loro prodotti, assicurandosi il controllo dei propri clienti che, senza più poter vedere e modificare il codice sorgente del software, non potevano più adattarlo alle loro esigenze ma dovevano chiedere alle aziende di farlo per loro.

Nel 1983 Stallman fondò il Progetto GNU con l'intenzione di creare un sistema operativo completamente libero. Grazie alla collaborazione di molti sviluppatori volontari, all'uso di Internet per la coordinazione del progetto e al kernel Linux di Linus Torvalds, nel 1991 nacque GNU/Linux, un clone di UNIX liberamente distribuibile e modificabile.

In Italia si riscontra una sempre maggiore attenzione per il software libero, vi sono associazioni che giornalmente dedicano molte attenzioni ed energie nella tutela e nel rispetto delle norme che regolano (o dovrebbero regolare) l'utilizzo del software libero nelle varie strutture pubbliche, come anche la Pubblica Amministrazione. Una delle più importanti sentenze registrate negli ultimi giorni riguarda l'Associazione per il Software Libero (Assoli (Software Libero)): con una sentenza a lungo attesa il Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio riconosce ad Assoli il diritto di perseguire i suoi scopi statutari agendo anche in giudizio ove fosse necessario

L'idea di software libero nasce agli inizi degli anni '80, quando lo sviluppo del software cominciò a passare di mano dalle università alle aziende (software proprietario), ponendo un pesante freno alla collaborazione che caratterizzava il lavoro di gran parte dei programmatori e dei sistemisti dell'epoca, soprattutto con i patti di non divulgazione che le aziende facevano firmare ai programmatori che assumevano.

In realtà il software "commerciale" esisteva da sempre, ma i costi elevati dell'hardware facevano sì che il business delle aziende non fosse concentrato sul software, che era considerato una parte naturale del prodotto, ed i cui sorgenti erano in genere pubblici. Con il passare del tempo il software diventò sempre più complesso e difficile da realizzare e le aziende iniziarono a non distribuire i sorgenti e obbligare i propri dipendenti a non rivelare nulla per non avvantaggiare la concorrenza; inoltre con il crollo dei costi dell'hardware, lo sviluppo commerciale del software divenne un business notevole, ed il codice sorgente era divenuto un investimento prezioso che poteva da un lato far acquisire una fetta di tale mercato in rapida crescita e dall'altro legare i propri utenti al proprio software mantenendo il segreto sui metodi utilizzati per lo sviluppo di sistemi e applicazioni.

In questo modo le aziende cominciavano ad utilizzare la legge sul diritto d'autore per impedire ai concorrenti di leggere e modificare i loro prodotti, assicurandosi il controllo dei propri clienti che, senza più poter vedere e modificare il codice sorgente del software, non potevano più adattarlo alle loro esigenze ma dovevano chiedere alle aziende di farlo per loro.

Nel 1983 Stallman fondò il Progetto GNU con l'intenzione di creare un sistema operativo completamente libero. Grazie alla collaborazione di molti sviluppatori volontari, all'uso di Internet per la coordinazione del progetto e al kernel Linux di Linus Torvalds, nel 1991 nacque GNU/Linux, un clone di UNIX liberamente distribuibile e modificabile.

In Italia si riscontra una sempre maggiore attenzione per il software libero, vi sono associazioni che giornalmente dedicano molte attenzioni ed energie nella tutela e nel rispetto delle norme che regolano (o dovrebbero regolare) l'utilizzo del software libero nelle varie strutture pubbliche, come anche la Pubblica Amministrazione. Una delle più importanti sentenze registrate negli ultimi giorni riguarda l'Associazione per il Software Libero (Assoli (Software Libero)): con una sentenza a lungo attesa il Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio riconosce ad Assoli il diritto di perseguire i suoi scopi statutari agendo anche in giudizio ove fosse necessario

L'idea di software libero nasce agli inizi degli anni '80, quando lo sviluppo del software cominciò a passare di mano dalle università alle aziende (software proprietario), ponendo un pesante freno alla collaborazione che caratterizzava il lavoro di gran parte dei programmatori e dei sistemisti dell'epoca, soprattutto con i patti di non divulgazione che le aziende facevano firmare ai programmatori che assumevano.

In realtà il software "commerciale" esisteva da sempre, ma i costi elevati dell'hardware facevano sì che il business delle aziende non fosse concentrato sul software, che era considerato una parte naturale del prodotto, ed i cui sorgenti erano in genere pubblici. Con il passare del tempo il software diventò sempre più complesso e difficile da realizzare e le aziende iniziarono a non distribuire i sorgenti e obbligare i propri dipendenti a non rivelare nulla per non avvantaggiare la concorrenza; inoltre con il crollo dei costi dell'hardware, lo sviluppo commerciale del software divenne un business notevole, ed il codice sorgente era divenuto un investimento prezioso che poteva da un lato far acquisire una fetta di tale mercato in rapida crescita e dall'altro legare i propri utenti al proprio software mantenendo il segreto sui metodi utilizzati per lo sviluppo di sistemi e applicazioni.

In questo modo le aziende cominciavano ad utilizzare la legge sul diritto d'autore per impedire ai concorrenti di leggere e modificare i loro prodotti, assicurandosi il controllo dei propri clienti che, senza più poter vedere e modificare il codice sorgente del software, non potevano più adattarlo alle loro esigenze ma dovevano chiedere alle aziende di farlo per loro.

Nel 1983 Stallman fondò il Progetto GNU con l'intenzione di creare un sistema operativo completamente libero. Grazie alla collaborazione di molti sviluppatori volontari, all'uso di Internet per la coordinazione del progetto e al kernel Linux di Linus Torvalds, nel 1991 nacque GNU/Linux, un clone di UNIX liberamente distribuibile e modificabile.

In Italia si riscontra una sempre maggiore attenzione per il software libero, vi sono associazioni che giornalmente dedicano molte attenzioni ed energie nella tutela e nel rispetto delle norme che regolano (o dovrebbero regolare) l'utilizzo del software libero nelle varie strutture pubbliche, come anche la Pubblica Amministrazione. Una delle più importanti sentenze registrate negli ultimi giorni riguarda l'Associazione per il Software Libero (Assoli (Software Libero)): con una sentenza a lungo attesa il Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio riconosce ad Assoli il diritto di perseguire i suoi scopi statutari agendo anche in giudizio ove fosse necessario

L'idea di software libero nasce agli inizi degli anni '80, quando lo sviluppo del software cominciò a passare di mano dalle università alle aziende (software proprietario), ponendo un pesante freno alla collaborazione che caratterizzava il lavoro di gran parte dei programmatori e dei sistemisti dell'epoca, soprattutto con i patti di non divulgazione che le aziende facevano firmare ai programmatori che assumevano.

In realtà il software "commerciale" esisteva da sempre, ma i costi elevati dell'hardware facevano sì che il business delle aziende non fosse concentrato sul software, che era considerato una parte naturale del prodotto, ed i cui sorgenti erano in genere pubblici. Con il passare del tempo il software diventò sempre più complesso e difficile da realizzare e le aziende iniziarono a non distribuire i sorgenti e obbligare i propri dipendenti a non rivelare nulla per non avvantaggiare la concorrenza; inoltre con il crollo dei costi dell'hardware, lo sviluppo commerciale del software divenne un business notevole, ed il codice sorgente era divenuto un investimento prezioso che poteva da un lato far acquisire una fetta di tale mercato in rapida crescita e dall'altro legare i propri utenti al proprio software mantenendo il segreto sui metodi utilizzati per lo sviluppo di sistemi e applicazioni.

In questo modo le aziende cominciavano ad utilizzare la legge sul diritto d'autore per impedire ai concorrenti di leggere e modificare i loro prodotti, assicurandosi il controllo dei propri clienti che, senza più poter vedere e modificare il codice sorgente del software, non potevano più adattarlo alle loro esigenze ma dovevano chiedere alle aziende di farlo per loro.

Nel 1983 Stallman fondò il Progetto GNU con l'intenzione di creare un sistema operativo completamente libero. Grazie alla collaborazione di molti sviluppatori volontari, all'uso di Internet per la coordinazione del progetto e al kernel Linux di Linus Torvalds, nel 1991 nacque GNU/Linux, un clone di UNIX liberamente distribuibile e modificabile.

In Italia si riscontra una sempre maggiore attenzione per il software libero, vi sono associazioni che giornalmente dedicano molte attenzioni ed energie nella tutela e nel rispetto delle norme che regolano (o dovrebbero regolare) l'utilizzo del software libero nelle varie strutture pubbliche, come anche la Pubblica Amministrazione. Una delle più importanti sentenze registrate negli ultimi giorni riguarda l'Associazione per il Software Libero (Assoli (Software Libero)): con una sentenza a lungo attesa il Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio riconosce ad Assoli il diritto di perseguire i suoi scopi statutari agendo anche in giudizio ove fosse necessario

L'idea di software libero nasce agli inizi degli anni '80, quando lo sviluppo del software cominciò a passare di mano dalle università alle aziende (software proprietario), ponendo un pesante freno alla collaborazione che caratterizzava il lavoro di gran parte dei programmatori e dei sistemisti dell'epoca, soprattutto con i patti di non divulgazione che le aziende facevano firmare ai programmatori che assumevano.

In realtà il software "commerciale" esisteva da sempre, ma i costi elevati dell'hardware facevano sì che il business delle aziende non fosse concentrato sul software, che era considerato una parte naturale del prodotto, ed i cui sorgenti erano in genere pubblici. Con il passare del tempo il software diventò sempre più complesso e difficile da realizzare e le aziende iniziarono a non distribuire i sorgenti e obbligare i propri dipendenti a non rivelare nulla per non avvantaggiare la concorrenza; inoltre con il crollo dei costi dell'hardware, lo sviluppo commerciale del software divenne un business notevole, ed il codice sorgente era divenuto un investimento prezioso che poteva da un lato far acquisire una fetta di tale mercato in rapida crescita e dall'altro legare i propri utenti al proprio software mantenendo il segreto sui metodi utilizzati per lo sviluppo di sistemi e applicazioni.

In questo modo le aziende cominciavano ad utilizzare la legge sul diritto d'autore per impedire ai concorrenti di leggere e modificare i loro prodotti, assicurandosi il controllo dei propri clienti che, senza più poter vedere e modificare il codice sorgente del software, non potevano più adattarlo alle loro esigenze ma dovevano chiedere alle aziende di farlo per loro.

Nel 1983 Stallman fondò il Progetto GNU con l'intenzione di creare un sistema operativo completamente libero. Grazie alla collaborazione di molti sviluppatori volontari, all'uso di Internet per la coordinazione del progetto e al kernel Linux di Linus Torvalds, nel 1991 nacque GNU/Linux, un clone di UNIX liberamente distribuibile e modificabile.

In Italia si riscontra una sempre maggiore attenzione per il software libero, vi sono associazioni che giornalmente dedicano molte attenzioni ed energie nella tutela e nel rispetto delle norme che regolano (o dovrebbero regolare) l'utilizzo del software libero nelle varie strutture pubbliche, come anche la Pubblica Amministrazione. Una delle più importanti sentenze registrate negli ultimi giorni riguarda l'Associazione per il Software Libero (Assoli (Software Libero)): con una sentenza a lungo attesa il Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale del Lazio riconosce ad Assoli il diritto di perseguire i suoi scopi statutari agendo anche in giudizio ove fosse necessario

Anonimo ha detto...

Nel software libero il significato della parola libero ha un'accezione particolare. Si è già sottolineato che la libertà del software libero non è incondizionata, perché è soggetta ai precisi vincoli della licenza d'uso, come qualsiasi altra licenza d'uso, solo che in questo caso l'autore si "espropria" di alcuni diritti per cederli agli utenti. Questi vincoli sono studiati in maniera tale da favorire il tipo di libertà cosiddetta copyleft, ovvero che ha come obiettivo la condivisione del sapere. Pertanto il software libero parte da considerazione sociali e per molti aspetti è una forma di filosofia.

Le implicazioni sociali del software libero sono notevoli. La condivisione del sapere non permette a un gruppo ristretto di persone di sfruttare la conoscenza (in questo caso tecnologica) per acquisire una posizione di potere. Inoltre, è promossa la cooperazione delle persone, che tendono naturalmente ad organizzarsi in comunità, cioè in gruppi animati da un interesse comune.

Il modello del software libero si è naturalmente esteso ad altri campi del sapere. Chi crede nel modello copyleft pensa che questo possa essere applicato ad esempio alla musica o alla divulgazione. L'esempio più riuscito di applicazione di questo modello ad un campo differente dal software è oggi Wikipedia, che promuove la condivisione del sapere e la formazione di una comunità.

Nel software libero il significato della parola libero ha un'accezione particolare. Si è già sottolineato che la libertà del software libero non è incondizionata, perché è soggetta ai precisi vincoli della licenza d'uso, come qualsiasi altra licenza d'uso, solo che in questo caso l'autore si "espropria" di alcuni diritti per cederli agli utenti. Questi vincoli sono studiati in maniera tale da favorire il tipo di libertà cosiddetta copyleft, ovvero che ha come obiettivo la condivisione del sapere. Pertanto il software libero parte da considerazione sociali e per molti aspetti è una forma di filosofia.

Le implicazioni sociali del software libero sono notevoli. La condivisione del sapere non permette a un gruppo ristretto di persone di sfruttare la conoscenza (in questo caso tecnologica) per acquisire una posizione di potere. Inoltre, è promossa la cooperazione delle persone, che tendono naturalmente ad organizzarsi in comunità, cioè in gruppi animati da un interesse comune.

Il modello del software libero si è naturalmente esteso ad altri campi del sapere. Chi crede nel modello copyleft pensa che questo possa essere applicato ad esempio alla musica o alla divulgazione. L'esempio più riuscito di applicazione di questo modello ad un campo differente dal software è oggi Wikipedia, che promuove la condivisione del sapere e la formazione di una comunità.

Nel software libero il significato della parola libero ha un'accezione particolare. Si è già sottolineato che la libertà del software libero non è incondizionata, perché è soggetta ai precisi vincoli della licenza d'uso, come qualsiasi altra licenza d'uso, solo che in questo caso l'autore si "espropria" di alcuni diritti per cederli agli utenti. Questi vincoli sono studiati in maniera tale da favorire il tipo di libertà cosiddetta copyleft, ovvero che ha come obiettivo la condivisione del sapere. Pertanto il software libero parte da considerazione sociali e per molti aspetti è una forma di filosofia.

Le implicazioni sociali del software libero sono notevoli. La condivisione del sapere non permette a un gruppo ristretto di persone di sfruttare la conoscenza (in questo caso tecnologica) per acquisire una posizione di potere. Inoltre, è promossa la cooperazione delle persone, che tendono naturalmente ad organizzarsi in comunità, cioè in gruppi animati da un interesse comune.

Il modello del software libero si è naturalmente esteso ad altri campi del sapere. Chi crede nel modello copyleft pensa che questo possa essere applicato ad esempio alla musica o alla divulgazione. L'esempio più riuscito di applicazione di questo modello ad un campo differente dal software è oggi Wikipedia, che promuove la condivisione del sapere e la formazione di una comunità.

Nel software libero il significato della parola libero ha un'accezione particolare. Si è già sottolineato che la libertà del software libero non è incondizionata, perché è soggetta ai precisi vincoli della licenza d'uso, come qualsiasi altra licenza d'uso, solo che in questo caso l'autore si "espropria" di alcuni diritti per cederli agli utenti. Questi vincoli sono studiati in maniera tale da favorire il tipo di libertà cosiddetta copyleft, ovvero che ha come obiettivo la condivisione del sapere. Pertanto il software libero parte da considerazione sociali e per molti aspetti è una forma di filosofia.

Le implicazioni sociali del software libero sono notevoli. La condivisione del sapere non permette a un gruppo ristretto di persone di sfruttare la conoscenza (in questo caso tecnologica) per acquisire una posizione di potere. Inoltre, è promossa la cooperazione delle persone, che tendono naturalmente ad organizzarsi in comunità, cioè in gruppi animati da un interesse comune.

Il modello del software libero si è naturalmente esteso ad altri campi del sapere. Chi crede nel modello copyleft pensa che questo possa essere applicato ad esempio alla musica o alla divulgazione. L'esempio più riuscito di applicazione di questo modello ad un campo differente dal software è oggi Wikipedia, che promuove la condivisione del sapere e la formazione di una comunità.

Nel software libero il significato della parola libero ha un'accezione particolare. Si è già sottolineato che la libertà del software libero non è incondizionata, perché è soggetta ai precisi vincoli della licenza d'uso, come qualsiasi altra licenza d'uso, solo che in questo caso l'autore si "espropria" di alcuni diritti per cederli agli utenti. Questi vincoli sono studiati in maniera tale da favorire il tipo di libertà cosiddetta copyleft, ovvero che ha come obiettivo la condivisione del sapere. Pertanto il software libero parte da considerazione sociali e per molti aspetti è una forma di filosofia.

Le implicazioni sociali del software libero sono notevoli. La condivisione del sapere non permette a un gruppo ristretto di persone di sfruttare la conoscenza (in questo caso tecnologica) per acquisire una posizione di potere. Inoltre, è promossa la cooperazione delle persone, che tendono naturalmente ad organizzarsi in comunità, cioè in gruppi animati da un interesse comune.

Il modello del software libero si è naturalmente esteso ad altri campi del sapere. Chi crede nel modello copyleft pensa che questo possa essere applicato ad esempio alla musica o alla divulgazione. L'esempio più riuscito di applicazione di questo modello ad un campo differente dal software è oggi Wikipedia, che promuove la condivisione del sapere e la formazione di una comunità.

Nel software libero il significato della parola libero ha un'accezione particolare. Si è già sottolineato che la libertà del software libero non è incondizionata, perché è soggetta ai precisi vincoli della licenza d'uso, come qualsiasi altra licenza d'uso, solo che in questo caso l'autore si "espropria" di alcuni diritti per cederli agli utenti. Questi vincoli sono studiati in maniera tale da favorire il tipo di libertà cosiddetta copyleft, ovvero che ha come obiettivo la condivisione del sapere. Pertanto il software libero parte da considerazione sociali e per molti aspetti è una forma di filosofia.

Le implicazioni sociali del software libero sono notevoli. La condivisione del sapere non permette a un gruppo ristretto di persone di sfruttare la conoscenza (in questo caso tecnologica) per acquisire una posizione di potere. Inoltre, è promossa la cooperazione delle persone, che tendono naturalmente ad organizzarsi in comunità, cioè in gruppi animati da un interesse comune.

Il modello del software libero si è naturalmente esteso ad altri campi del sapere. Chi crede nel modello copyleft pensa che questo possa essere applicato ad esempio alla musica o alla divulgazione. L'esempio più riuscito di applicazione di questo modello ad un campo differente dal software è oggi Wikipedia, che promuove la condivisione del sapere e la formazione di una comunità.

Nel software libero il significato della parola libero ha un'accezione particolare. Si è già sottolineato che la libertà del software libero non è incondizionata, perché è soggetta ai precisi vincoli della licenza d'uso, come qualsiasi altra licenza d'uso, solo che in questo caso l'autore si "espropria" di alcuni diritti per cederli agli utenti. Questi vincoli sono studiati in maniera tale da favorire il tipo di libertà cosiddetta copyleft, ovvero che ha come obiettivo la condivisione del sapere. Pertanto il software libero parte da considerazione sociali e per molti aspetti è una forma di filosofia.

Le implicazioni sociali del software libero sono notevoli. La condivisione del sapere non permette a un gruppo ristretto di persone di sfruttare la conoscenza (in questo caso tecnologica) per acquisire una posizione di potere. Inoltre, è promossa la cooperazione delle persone, che tendono naturalmente ad organizzarsi in comunità, cioè in gruppi animati da un interesse comune.

Il modello del software libero si è naturalmente esteso ad altri campi del sapere. Chi crede nel modello copyleft pensa che questo possa essere applicato ad esempio alla musica o alla divulgazione. L'esempio più riuscito di applicazione di questo modello ad un campo differente dal software è oggi Wikipedia, che promuove la condivisione del sapere e la formazione di una comunità.

Nel software libero il significato della parola libero ha un'accezione particolare. Si è già sottolineato che la libertà del software libero non è incondizionata, perché è soggetta ai precisi vincoli della licenza d'uso, come qualsiasi altra licenza d'uso, solo che in questo caso l'autore si "espropria" di alcuni diritti per cederli agli utenti. Questi vincoli sono studiati in maniera tale da favorire il tipo di libertà cosiddetta copyleft, ovvero che ha come obiettivo la condivisione del sapere. Pertanto il software libero parte da considerazione sociali e per molti aspetti è una forma di filosofia.

Le implicazioni sociali del software libero sono notevoli. La condivisione del sapere non permette a un gruppo ristretto di persone di sfruttare la conoscenza (in questo caso tecnologica) per acquisire una posizione di potere. Inoltre, è promossa la cooperazione delle persone, che tendono naturalmente ad organizzarsi in comunità, cioè in gruppi animati da un interesse comune.

Il modello del software libero si è naturalmente esteso ad altri campi del sapere. Chi crede nel modello copyleft pensa che questo possa essere applicato ad esempio alla musica o alla divulgazione. L'esempio più riuscito di applicazione di questo modello ad un campo differente dal software è oggi Wikipedia, che promuove la condivisione del sapere e la formazione di una comunità.

Nel software libero il significato della parola libero ha un'accezione particolare. Si è già sottolineato che la libertà del software libero non è incondizionata, perché è soggetta ai precisi vincoli della licenza d'uso, come qualsiasi altra licenza d'uso, solo che in questo caso l'autore si "espropria" di alcuni diritti per cederli agli utenti. Questi vincoli sono studiati in maniera tale da favorire il tipo di libertà cosiddetta copyleft, ovvero che ha come obiettivo la condivisione del sapere. Pertanto il software libero parte da considerazione sociali e per molti aspetti è una forma di filosofia.

Le implicazioni sociali del software libero sono notevoli. La condivisione del sapere non permette a un gruppo ristretto di persone di sfruttare la conoscenza (in questo caso tecnologica) per acquisire una posizione di potere. Inoltre, è promossa la cooperazione delle persone, che tendono naturalmente ad organizzarsi in comunità, cioè in gruppi animati da un interesse comune.

Il modello del software libero si è naturalmente esteso ad altri campi del sapere. Chi crede nel modello copyleft pensa che questo possa essere applicato ad esempio alla musica o alla divulgazione. L'esempio più riuscito di applicazione di questo modello ad un campo differente dal software è oggi Wikipedia, che promuove la condivisione del sapere e la formazione di una comunità.

Nel software libero il significato della parola libero ha un'accezione particolare. Si è già sottolineato che la libertà del software libero non è incondizionata, perché è soggetta ai precisi vincoli della licenza d'uso, come qualsiasi altra licenza d'uso, solo che in questo caso l'autore si "espropria" di alcuni diritti per cederli agli utenti. Questi vincoli sono studiati in maniera tale da favorire il tipo di libertà cosiddetta copyleft, ovvero che ha come obiettivo la condivisione del sapere. Pertanto il software libero parte da considerazione sociali e per molti aspetti è una forma di filosofia.

Le implicazioni sociali del software libero sono notevoli. La condivisione del sapere non permette a un gruppo ristretto di persone di sfruttare la conoscenza (in questo caso tecnologica) per acquisire una posizione di potere. Inoltre, è promossa la cooperazione delle persone, che tendono naturalmente ad organizzarsi in comunità, cioè in gruppi animati da un interesse comune.

Il modello del software libero si è naturalmente esteso ad altri campi del sapere. Chi crede nel modello copyleft pensa che questo possa essere applicato ad esempio alla musica o alla divulgazione. L'esempio più riuscito di applicazione di questo modello ad un campo differente dal software è oggi Wikipedia, che promuove la condivisione del sapere e la formazione di una comunità.

Nel software libero il significato della parola libero ha un'accezione particolare. Si è già sottolineato che la libertà del software libero non è incondizionata, perché è soggetta ai precisi vincoli della licenza d'uso, come qualsiasi altra licenza d'uso, solo che in questo caso l'autore si "espropria" di alcuni diritti per cederli agli utenti. Questi vincoli sono studiati in maniera tale da favorire il tipo di libertà cosiddetta copyleft, ovvero che ha come obiettivo la condivisione del sapere. Pertanto il software libero parte da considerazione sociali e per molti aspetti è una forma di filosofia.

Le implicazioni sociali del software libero sono notevoli. La condivisione del sapere non permette a un gruppo ristretto di persone di sfruttare la conoscenza (in questo caso tecnologica) per acquisire una posizione di potere. Inoltre, è promossa la cooperazione delle persone, che tendono naturalmente ad organizzarsi in comunità, cioè in gruppi animati da un interesse comune.

Il modello del software libero si è naturalmente esteso ad altri campi del sapere. Chi crede nel modello copyleft pensa che questo possa essere applicato ad esempio alla musica o alla divulgazione. L'esempio più riuscito di applicazione di questo modello ad un campo differente dal software è oggi Wikipedia, che promuove la condivisione del sapere e la formazione di una comunità.

Nel software libero il significato della parola libero ha un'accezione particolare. Si è già sottolineato che la libertà del software libero non è incondizionata, perché è soggetta ai precisi vincoli della licenza d'uso, come qualsiasi altra licenza d'uso, solo che in questo caso l'autore si "espropria" di alcuni diritti per cederli agli utenti. Questi vincoli sono studiati in maniera tale da favorire il tipo di libertà cosiddetta copyleft, ovvero che ha come obiettivo la condivisione del sapere. Pertanto il software libero parte da considerazione sociali e per molti aspetti è una forma di filosofia.

Le implicazioni sociali del software libero sono notevoli. La condivisione del sapere non permette a un gruppo ristretto di persone di sfruttare la conoscenza (in questo caso tecnologica) per acquisire una posizione di potere. Inoltre, è promossa la cooperazione delle persone, che tendono naturalmente ad organizzarsi in comunità, cioè in gruppi animati da un interesse comune.

Il modello del software libero si è naturalmente esteso ad altri campi del sapere. Chi crede nel modello copyleft pensa che questo possa essere applicato ad esempio alla musica o alla divulgazione. L'esempio più riuscito di applicazione di questo modello ad un campo differente dal software è oggi Wikipedia, che promuove la condivisione del sapere e la formazione di una comunità.

Nel software libero il significato della parola libero ha un'accezione particolare. Si è già sottolineato che la libertà del software libero non è incondizionata, perché è soggetta ai precisi vincoli della licenza d'uso, come qualsiasi altra licenza d'uso, solo che in questo caso l'autore si "espropria" di alcuni diritti per cederli agli utenti. Questi vincoli sono studiati in maniera tale da favorire il tipo di libertà cosiddetta copyleft, ovvero che ha come obiettivo la condivisione del sapere. Pertanto il software libero parte da considerazione sociali e per molti aspetti è una forma di filosofia.

Le implicazioni sociali del software libero sono notevoli. La condivisione del sapere non permette a un gruppo ristretto di persone di sfruttare la conoscenza (in questo caso tecnologica) per acquisire una posizione di potere. Inoltre, è promossa la cooperazione delle persone, che tendono naturalmente ad organizzarsi in comunità, cioè in gruppi animati da un interesse comune.

Il modello del software libero si è naturalmente esteso ad altri campi del sapere. Chi crede nel modello copyleft pensa che questo possa essere applicato ad esempio alla musica o alla divulgazione. L'esempio più riuscito di applicazione di questo modello ad un campo differente dal software è oggi Wikipedia, che promuove la condivisione del sapere e la formazione di una comunità.

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